#goblin rp
starres-stuff · 4 months
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Vi will be performing this Friday at @thestillandstrings 4th Annual Expressions of Identity Show!! Join her and all the other talented performers as they celebrate Pride.
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Try Outs! Coming Soon.
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Cross Realm Wrestling,
is on the way;
But before we can have our season, we need a cast. Do you think you have what it takes to be part of the crew?
Not only do we need wrestlers, there's many roles in and around the ringside, not just the 'stars' of the show. Managers, ring staff, side kicks.
For more information, find us on Discord; there you can communicate with the current wrestlers and staff, spitball ideas with your fellow try-out competitors, you could even find the perfect partner for your tag team!
Registration is taking place now! If you want to come by the try-outs and see what it's all about, then stop on by January 14th 7pm EST.
Balmung, Mists, Ward 17, Plot 29, 7 PM!
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hero2222-nsfw · 2 years
Okay, still not able to update the character page, but for now:
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Name: Katlyn
Height: 3'0"
Weight: 45 lbs.
Personality: This mischievous little goblin works at the tavern, serving customers...sometimes in more ways than one. Regardless of her job she's intelligent, curious and loves to cause chaos.
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hiddenwashington · 11 months
@youllalwaysbemyporcelain said : Was that [GONG YOO]? Oh no no, that was just [KIM SHIN], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [GOBLIN]. They are [UNKOWN] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{ooc: atlas, can i drop aang and reserve princess bubblegum?}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. kim shin [gong yoo]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  ** aang is now reopened for applications, please do not unfollow! princess bubblegum is reserved for atlas until 10/23 at 11:29am est
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reveriehq · 2 years
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the following characters and faceclaims have been reserved for 24 hours.
character(s): kim "sunny" sun fc(s): yoo inna
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scealaiscoite · 15 days
⋆˚࿔ prompt sets of three 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
write a piece featuring - in any capacity you can think of - all three things depicted in the given prompt!
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¹⁾ a polka-dot bikini, a throw blanket and a pint glass
²⁾ a sliotar, a flat tire and a thunderstorm
³⁾ a teakettle, a fresh bruise and rosewater
⁴⁾ a chipped enamel bathtub, a blue sweater and basil leaves
⁵⁾ howling gale winds, an inflatable paddling pool and an oil lamp
⁶⁾ a fresh buzzcut, pink bubblegum and rolling tobacco
⁷⁾ gas station bandaids, a cellophane-wrapped bouquet and muddy footprints
⁸⁾ a lipstick print, skinned knees and stained-glass windows
⁹⁾ a busted streetlight, green olives and a teak countertop
¹⁰⁾ gun oil, red lace and an old armchair
¹¹⁾ a fresh tattoo, a sacristy, and guilt
¹²⁾ a corner booth, sweet patchouli and a wallet
¹³⁾ donuts, orange juice and a jail cell
¹⁴⁾ a cold red bull, shaking hands and broken traffic lights
¹⁵⁾ new graves, a busted headlight and silver rings
¹⁶⁾ handcuffs, brightly coloured building blocks and fir trees
¹⁷⁾ a shortwave radio, takeout containers and a bare lightbulb
¹⁸⁾ broken windows, waist-high grasses and lit matches
¹⁹⁾ orange segments, divorce papers and a front porch
²⁰⁾ horror movies, steaming showers and cold bedsheets
²¹⁾ brazilian lemonade, a split lip and daisy chains
²²⁾ a red convertible, a priest’s collar and dogtags
²³⁾ a corner office, parking tickets and greyhound races
²⁴⁾ bitten lips, army fatigues, and coca-cola
²⁵⁾ old wives’ tales, creaky stairs and cherry lipgloss
²⁶⁾ smooth whiskey, greying hair and warm hands
²⁷⁾ hospital food, full moons and a reconciliation
²⁸⁾ exes, candy wrappers and a twin bed
²⁹⁾ a rural motel, a pocket knife and iodine
³⁰⁾ a dirty martini, a dressing gown and blood under fingernails
³¹⁾ slept-in braids, a lamplit office and an explosion
³²⁾ blueberry pancakes, a restraining order and the taste of rum off someone’s lips
³³⁾ farmers’ market peaches, burnt coffee and houseplants
³⁴⁾ a late text, faded jeans and lightning strikes
³⁶⁾ desert air, zinnias and chocolates
³⁷⁾ an old truck, freshly turned earth and a tv dinner
³⁸⁾ wedding rings, wildfire and wrought iron gates
³⁹⁾ a hostage situation, evergreen trees and a pierced tongue
⁴⁰⁾ unripe strawberries, bitter wine and a kitchen table
⁴¹⁾ a head laid down in a lap, green tea and a break news announcement
⁴²⁾ a fire alarm, a flower-patterened apron and an ajar kitchen window
⁴³⁾ a jar of jam, two shots of vodka and a stack of car manuals
⁴⁴⁾ techno music at 4am, knitted jumpers and a broken watch
⁴⁵⁾ a green silk scarf, a pan of burnt food and the trunk of a car
⁴⁶⁾ bound hands, a crescent moon and laughter
⁴⁷⁾ a winter coat, a heatwave and fresh mangos
⁴⁸⁾ a thrift store sofa, a highrise apartment building and creaking floorboards
⁴⁹⁾ missing teeth, a house half covered in ivy and cheap beer
⁵⁰⁾ undeveloped camera film, stomach kisses and cigarette smoke
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thlaylisden · 2 months
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my new DND char, Kludd,a kobold rogue..and hes goblin inspired. certainly not by a certain character, LOL
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spider-lily929 · 1 month
[Message from Mer Osborn]
<Hey Linds, I didn't know if you were still okay with Noah coming to stay or not but I thought I'd give you a heads up that we're heading over, instead of just randomly dropping in with him.>
[That's fine with me! Is he staying the night?]
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alicelufenia · 28 days
I've been struggling to write a rp helper for those who want to recruit Minthara the proper way on their next playthrough, but struggle with being required to raid the grove. There's going the grove civil war route (which at least starts with you doing what Zevlor asks you to do!), but that doesn't necessarily give you a reason to join Minthara to mop them up. But @spiderwarden recently summed up the perfect one-size-fits-all Raid The Grove Tip
Just play a drow. Especially a male drow, but even if you don't it's not going to change why this is the perfect choice.
Think about it; what does a drow tav/durge owe the grove? Zevlor has to tell everyone not to hate crime you, the only one who's properly grateful to you is Kagha, who the game won't even let you properly side with! Seriously why can't you side with Kagha after exposing the shadow druid conspiracy?? That place sucks, and Zevlor COULD have let you escort their caravan as they actually headed out on the road (you could even offer your many supplies you rummaged from crates and barrels for the journey), but instead, he'd rather send you to go assassinate the generals in the goblin army, the same one that captured the Archdruid AND slew or captured half the adventuring party that was accompanying him. What did you have no faith in those guys, but oh, I'm different surely?
And if you offer to take care of Kagha, he feigns a moral quandry (whatever as one oathbreaker paladin to another I can tell him he's full of shit on that one) but agrees we're in a better position to deal with her since she's allowed us to get close. And if you follow through directly with that (who has time to search around for conspiracies when you have a MIND FLAYER TADPOLE to deal with? Why are you even still here??) the druids instantly start slaughtering all the civilians Zevlor was trying to protect! Good thing you tried to help I guess.
At least Nettie has the idea to remind you that they might mistake you for one of them with your tadpole infection, but she also tries to poison you, and with my first drow tav she asked me to hold out my hand, and then SLASHED me with the poisoned thistle with a smile on her face. She did that to a DROW?? The suicidal audacity of that bitch!
And then, just past two bridges is the goblin camp.
Immediately upon approaching these little bastards hop to it like "Drow comin through!" and that's it for customs. They'll scrape and bow and never look you in the eye as they ask if you'd like a foot rub and manicure, m'liege! Finally someone on the surface who knows how to give proper respect to their betters! And they'll immediately tell you about the drow commander. Oh word, another drow? No wonder these goblins know how to act right. Already your day is going about 100000% better than when you first spied the emerald grove. Even after the mind blast the Absolute gives you as you walk in the entrance, that's quickly solved by the artifact that darthiir was clutching like a spider guards her eggs. Normally you'd slice her throat and nick such a clearly valuable and important item first chance you got, but she's been useful enough. Better to keep her close for now.
As the goblins wither at your gaze, you head straight for this "Minthara" everyone has been talking about. And then you do your best impression of someone who isn't about to shit and piss themselves because their drow commander is none other than a honest-to-Lolth BAENRE. She doesn't have to introduce herself for you to recognize that tattoo on her neck; she must be one of those zealots who are always accompanying priestesses and slaughtering heretics in the streets. So what's a paladin of Lolth doing serving this false god of an Absolute?
Ice enters your mind, and you understand why; she's just like you, a tadpole in her brain, but she doesn't seem to know it. And she is thrilled to see you, and immediately offers an alliance. This couldn't be more perfect for you. Already you've been reluctantly willing to take on a half-breed cleric, an abomination from the astral sea who's at least good with a sword and is the only one who knows anything useful about your infection, a vampire boytoy, and even a dark-damned Wizard.
Of course you'll jump at this opportunity to have such a powerful ally as Minthara on your side! No one at the grove ever lifted a finger for you, as far as you're concerned this is the first friendly settlement you've come across, and unlike Zevlor, Minthara is willing to get her hands dirty right along side you. Let the raid begin, commander!
And now you're ready to roll up a drow tav on your next playthrough and see ALL the content the best character in the game has to offer.
I'll even close with a teeny tiney extra tip, to remember me by as you move forward.
You don't actually have to play evil-for-evil's-sake.
You were raised to be pragmatic and ambitious. Unless you're playing the most hardline-rebel-drow-fanboying-over-Drizzt ever, Minthara will be your best and most understanding ally. Beyond that, not a lot of other cartoonishly evil options really work for you unless you decide they do. Last Light inn is valuable as a safe space in the shadow curse, and you'll want to defend Isobel for that alone. Posing as a True Soul to enter Moonrise isn't very morally complicated; Jaheira will even encourage you to do exactly that! And by the time you reach the Gauntlet of Shar, you probably know what your character will do having gotten to know Shadowheart, rather than thinking "do I pick the good or the evil option".
Thanks for reading, and happy raiding everyone!
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maddiebiscuits · 3 months
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A jaunty tune! (client work)
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— @official-buckybarnes
Oh? I never would’ve expected you to be here… Hello.
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l0ngc0ldw1nt3r · 18 days
does anybody else’s husband make weird noises? I need to know if the this is normal or if Eric is secretly a gremlin
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angelgendered · 8 months
Interest Check in a Crystal DC based FFXIV RP/Community Discord?
In my hunger for interaction and wanting to get back into RP in FFXIV, I've come up short on a true 'RP/community finder' style Discord community, for FCs, other groups in and out of game, 1x1 RP, open world RP, and so on. Maybe even would have a section for GPosers to open commissions in if there's demand for it outside of the existing GPose communities. Would be 18+ because there'll be dedicated opt-in channels for NSFW/adult RP and communities because they deserve a place to call home too!
Anyway, I'm doing an 'official' interest check now. If anyone wants to help run it, or wants to give me a hand in orchestrating what is probably a big task, hit me up!
If you're even vaguely interested, a reblog and a like would go a LONG way to helping me out!
(Side note: I have a neglected FFXIV RP sideblog at landshorizon, I'm revamping it right now with new OCs and hoping to launch this just after the revamp! For now I'm posting on my main/multifandom just cause it's easier to keep track of for me.)
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hiddenwashington · 1 year
@devilsmenu said : Was that [YOO IN-NA]? Oh no no, that was just [KIM SUN], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [GOBLIN]. They are [THIRTY FIVE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. kim sun [yoo in-na]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city! 
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korcariiwitch · 9 months
with: @anderwelt (Tae) time: afternoon location: selunite temple from: this thread
“You know your claim would hold credibility if it came from someone with an IQ higher than a kobold.” Velwyn sniped over her shoulder, eyes scanning for where exactly the goblins were infiltrating from. It wasn’t until she heard a strangled war cry behind her did she turn, noting the rapidly in-bound goblin as it was rather blatantly shoved in her direction and by an all too pleased looking Tae.
Relinquishing the concentration on her hex and with just mere milliseconds to spare, Velwyn quickly pulled her rapier from it’s sheath. With the goblin’s propulsion ushering them forward faster than they could react, it impaled itself along her blade, straight through its heart. The goblin briefly struggled as blood pooled along its mouth before going completely limp.
She didn’t need to look at Tae to be able to sense the elf’s vexation at his little stunt failing faster than it was concocted.
“And you apparently can’t finish one pathetic little goblin on your own.” Velwyn sneered, lips upturned into a thin line. She pulled her rapier from the goblin’s freshly minted corpse, observing in bored interest as its body crumpled pathetically to the ground before her focus turned on Tae. Velywn's mind was alight with the ways in which she could mangle Tae’s flesh and how simple it would be to invent some sob story about the goblins overwhelming them — how she simply had so little choice except to leave him behind. Yet despite whatever dark desires danced through her imagination, they were cut short, as the angered howl of an enormous bugbear reverberated off the walls of the temple.
“ENOUGH! SICK OF NOISE!,” The bugbear bellowed, eyes turning dark as rage flooded through its body. It raised its battle axe high above its head with every intent of cleaving through the pair of them, ending their incessant bickering once and for all.
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uebie · 4 months
When you skip a room in the dungeon. You’re allowing monsters to talk forever about nothing.
By Me.
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