#goblin slayers smut
Okay I just had and idea Shikamaru is a sadic god who is bitter after losing 3th Holy Gods war. And y/n is kinda like is a slayer/magical who made it her life's mission to kill all Gremlins and other monster's. One day while coming back from a successful hunt she some what ended up in fight between the God's which she doesn't like one bit she met Shikamaru.
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adaptacy · 6 months
The General Drow's Celebration {1/2}
Pairing: General!Minthara x Durge!AFAB!Reader
{Part 2}
Warnings/Tags: !!NSFW!! MDNI. BG3 Act II Heavy Spoilers. Minthara is, uh, evil. Exhibitionism, minor foodplay, bloodplay sorta (but its not either of yours), straight-up murder (also not either of you), general cultish things. Mention of poison. Part 1 doesn't include the actual smut but it will happen in part 2! Which I'll finish writing... eventually. Some Drow/Undercommon terms are used, I'm not super familiar I just looked shit up, there's a glossary thingy at the end. :)
Word Count: 3.4k
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“Pitiful display. Bold of you to slight me so poorly. Your loyal fleet has been charged on account of your mistakes. Each throat slit. Yours is next.”
“Please, Nightwarden, you do not–”
“Silence,” she cuts back, crossing one of her legs over the other, her stern gaze intimidating even if it wasn’t backed by a history of bloodshed. “Abysmal absence of respect. Treacherous.”
“Shall we admit them to the cells?”
The drow snickers, waving her hand in a quick snap. “A waste that would be. We need the space for more valuable criminals. Slaughter the underling,” she commands, and the executioner raises the blade, but her palm lifts, and the order is paused. “No. Throw them to the shadows. Let them fend against the forsaken.”
“As you command, General,” the man replies, dipping his head and gathering up the chains that bind the betrayer’s wrists, dragging the pleading goblin out of the hall. 
At last, it is empty. The line of criminals, cultists, and true souls sorted through. Another day comes to an end with the drow on the throne, another day bearing the late Ketheric’s title, wielding his power, and fate spins along as it should, weaving her pristine web of influence. 
“General,” you hum, taking the opportunity to sit on the stone arm of her claimed throne, and she turns her head to look at you, a proud, passionate fire behind her eyes.
“Glorious, isn’t it, my love?” Minthara raises her hand and her slender fingers dance on your chin, feigning a gentle touch before she grips it, her thumb pressing into your jaw as she yanks you closer, her fanged grin growing. “Do you wish to taste the power?”
You smile in return, holding her gaze until she eyes your lips, the pride in the red of her eye soon joined by a similarly hued lust. You stay quiet for a few extra moments before finally responding. “I would like nothing more.”
Her tongue runs over her bottom lip before she pulls you closer, the kiss teasingly tender, and she breaks it in an instant. “Drink it in. My power is yours, dark one. Together, we reign.”
 You inch forward, attempting to meet her lips again, but her grip grows more firm, and she forces you to remain stationary. “Nobody else is here,” you whisper, glancing between her lips and her eyes, and her gaze lifts to yours as she smirks.
“Precisely. How shall I lay claim to my property without an audience? You are too exquisite to be concealed,” she whispers, her words catching on your lips, her breath only serving to tease you further. You feel the faint sting of her poison, and it only drives you to deepen your yearning. “Tonight, we will feast. A new age of True Souls shall be celebrated. And I will claim you before our guests. You will be desired by all, but earned only by me. My slayer. My pet. My oloth.”
“He would be proud,” you praise, inching closer to her with your body, though your head remains still. 
“I’m inclined to agree. A shame his sacrifice was a necessity. As is the cycle of hierarchy,” she states, releasing your chin, but pulling her own head away before you have a chance to take advantage of the freedom of movement. “We will coddle a new generation of warriors. Not with affection, but dedication. Swaddle them in viscera and nurse them to victory.”
“We’ll raise a force of blood-bringers,” you agree, and Minthara smirks, huffing out an amused exhale.
“Blood-bringers. A marvelous title for a marvelous army.” The drow presses her palms to the stone arms and pushes herself up, standing before the empty room. “Sine Thelids, we will be.” You feel an uncanny itch in your palms, and you shift uncomfortably. Your tadpole squirms, and Minthara lowers her head, sensing your edge. “Control, my slayer. We will march soon. The world will be ours – all thralls along with it. You will have your vengeance, and I shall have mine. Havoc will come to Orin, but it is the blood-bringers she will fear.” 
“We will claim her life,” you second, standing up as well and joining her side, watching her as she looks over the empty throne room. Many times, she’s been seated off to the side. Only ever gazing at the throne that Ketheric so often sat in. With your help, however, her placement had changed. Rightfully, she had taken his power, his lead, just as you had helped her take his life. Ketheric was the first to fall, but he would not be the last. 
“They shall bow to us. Each and every one. Extinguish their lives, and ignite their influence. We will be almighty,” she purrs, her chin tilting up ever so slightly, red eyes scanning the room one final time before she turns back to you, and holds out her hand. “Come. We must prepare for the banquet.” 
It came as no surprise that Minthara had already planned an outfit for you; she had a plan for the banquet, and she intended to follow it through perfectly. That required your cooperation, even in the slightest of details. You weren’t complaining – it was a fine choice she’d made. Less surprising still was the nature of the clothing. 
A personally tailored leather clasp for a neck piece, attaching to a particularly revealing shirt, cut with a wide triangle down the middle of your torso, leaving little to the imagination. You didn’t mind. Chances are, nothing would be left to the imagination by the end of the gathering, so you were going to take what you could get. 
You clean yourself up of any lingering grime from the day, enjoying a short but relaxing bath before dressing yourself up in the clothes she had prescribed to you. Once you’re sure that you’re ready, you make your way downstairs to the audience hall, where Minthara waits at the bottom of the stairs, her hand offered to you as you approach. 
It would be an understatement to say that suppressing a smile was difficult – pitted against her appearance, your physical display of enjoyment was far out of your control. Minthara was the type to look good in anything, though she usually stuck to her usual dark drow armor and her black, rigid evening clothes. 
Tonight, however, was special. Her outfit reflected that in a way that almost took you by surprise. 
Both of you were well-aware of the possibility of an attack. Not an attack on Moonrise, not an attack on The Absolute, but an attack on Minthara – with Ketheric the unkillable now, against all odds, gone and dead, there was sure to be turmoil between the higher ranking members of the cult. Minthara had been the one to dethrone him, to rob him of his power and his breath, and thus she had claimed his authority. 
Not everyone was so willing to allow such an opportunity to slip out of their grasp. Z’rell had been taken care of even before Ketheric, as she posed the most significant threat. A few others, too – mostly those who had previously disrespected Minthara, made to pay their dues in the light of her new title. 
Tonight, she would feast with potential enemies. Betrayers. She may feast with attempted assassinations, and it was unlikely the night would sail without bloodshed. 
You did not expect a full suit of armor, but you had expected something more protective than the clothing she had decided upon. Her upper arms and shoulders were well-guarded with black leather shells, attaching to an equally thick leather that ran down her sides, though where defense mattered most – her abdomen, the simplest and most lethal place to strike – her purple skin was left revealed to the world. 
Her legs were wrapped comfortably in black pants, and you know immediately that this is not an oversight on her part. Hardly so. It is a test. An offering – an opportunity for her silent enemies, her weakest spot left vulnerable to their hunger for power, a surefire bait. Minthara had not forgotten about her endangerment. She embraced it. Welcomed it. Challenged it.
“It fits,” she states, smirking as you take her hand in your own and step carefully down the final few steps, allowing her to drink in your appearance just as you had soaked in hers. “A good thing. I wish no harm upon our tailor – I have already removed his tongue, but I suspect he may need his fingers to continue his work. A troublesome ordeal seeking out a new tailor would prove,” she chuckles. 
You turn to face her, and she takes your other hand as well, her red eyes judging your expression. “You look nice as well, General,” you praise, not bothering to hide your wandering gaze as you trail over her chest, the bra piece more than familiar to you. You dare to lift a finger, pulling your hand from hers, and snake it under the band over her sternum, pulling it down ever so slightly, your temptation getting the best of you. 
Her slender fingers trace up your wrist, wrapping around and pulling your hand up to her mouth, pressing her lips to the back of it. “We shall be objects of desire tonight. Some may see vulnerability. It is in that liability we find our strength. Neither harm nor pleasure shall be brought upon you unless it is by my hand. That is an assurance.”
“They worship our power. Soon, our bodies alongside it, yes?” You ask, and Minthara smirks again, giving your hand another kiss. 
“Our power. Our lethality. Our bodies. And we will worship one another.” At last, she releases your hand, and it returns to your side, though she still holds the other one. Gently – hardly afraid of losing you, or allowing you opportunity to slip away, for she knows you are hers, and she is yours. It is for that same reason that you don’t tighten your grip around her fingers. There is ample security and assurance without the need for a strong hold. Her gaze shifts to large wooden double doors, where light shines through the crack at the bottom. “Our squadron awaits. Ah,” – Minthara tilts her head – “Our blood-bringers.” 
Providing a controlled nod in response, she leads you into the banquet hall, the table already arranged with the offerings of a feast, and ‘True Souls’ line the longer sides of the table, and at the head there are two empty chairs. Empty, that is, until Minthara guides you towards them, and you take a seat at one while she stands in front of the one beside you, releasing your hand in order to address the group. 
You know everyone stationed at the table, though you aren’t quite familiar with all of them. You know each person’s name, but not everyone’s current rank, or how they served Ketheric during his reign. Those who you do immediately recognize consist of The Warden, who’s standing remains unchanged, the halfling Linsella, who has been granted an increase in authority, with Minthara permitting her reign over verified prisoners and hostages, allowing her to convert said captives as she pleases. Sitting two seats to your left is the skilled spy Marcus, who you recall once yearned to be the right-hand of the late general. As far as you’re aware, he has remained a mere spy, but high in the ranks nonetheless. 
“A waste of precious time it would be, were I to spare words of mourning for Thorm,” Minthara announces, all eyes pinned on her, save for yours. “He served well, but he serves no more. I plan no delegation over the loss. We move forward, as the Absolute commands,” she continues, and the True Souls each dip their heads, murmuring out quiet agreements; ‘In Her name.’
She does well to hide the truth. You have always admired her, both for her prevalence in battle and her combined willingness and capability to achieve further power where she sees possibility. Few manage to look past morals as she does, few are as earnestly eager as she is with their dreams. 
Her faith was crushed, the truth revealed in ways that would desecrate any other’s ambition, had they been in her shoes. Alas, she is Minthara of house Baenre, and she seizes opportunity the moment it presents itself. With one stone in her grasp, and an oblivious, willing army at her disposal, she poses a far larger threat to the other chosen than they may have ever thought possible. 
“You sit in his throne,” A man speaks up, two chairs to your left – Marcus, the spy, “You serve his meals, you command his troops, and yet you disrespect his name wholly.” He speaks with a growl, and dares to rise, making his intentions clear to the room, his target included. 
Minthara pulls her torso back, and she meets his eye, her palms resting flat on the table. No longer hidden beneath the table, a greatclub is grasped tightly in his right hand, his knuckles tinted white from the tension in his hold. “Ketheric disrespected his name to far greater lengths than I would ever have the words to manage. And so creatively, too,” she chuckles, her tone brimming with clear-cut confidence, and although you attempt to reassure yourself, you feel your heart skip a beat, momentarily silently fearing for her safety. You see no daggers, no means of defense on her person, and yet she smiles all the same. 
Marcus scoffs, grimacing, leaning towards the drow, the fire in his eyes fueled entirely by resentment. “Attempt no trickery by mouth – Our General wanted you disposed of, and I intend to carry out his orders as my final judgment by the Absolute.” 
“Pathetic. Loyalty to a dead man serves no greater purpose – only a grave.” Minthara sneers, her next words joined by a tone of stable, smooth mockery, “Do you expect him to rise again? Fulfill his wishes, and his head will roll back onto the neck I severed it from? The Absolute has already judged you well and true. I’m afraid your devotion is tardy. Had you served him so faithfully while his corpse was animate, perhaps he may have led a longer rule. Alas, I shall reward your allegiance, and reunite you with your Bossk.”
Marcus’ scowl pulls wrinkles in his forehead, his arm twitching – the split-second jerk being movement enough to warn Minthara of his next move. He charges, raising his greatclub, eyes pinning a target on her skull. You’re not granted a chance to so much as flinch before Minthara retrieves a dagger from its place in a sheath attached to the bottom of the table, raising her arm as the blade is precisely swiped across the man’s throat, spraying the immediate area in his blood. 
That immediate area being you, Minthara, the two True Souls sitting closest, and part of the prepared meal on the table. 
The spy’s body falls with a final gurgle, and Minthara spins her blade to capture it in a firmer grip, her blood-kin gaze serving a silent order to the stunned audience. “Rath’arg. Do any other false believers wish to challenge me? To take my head would be a grant of my authority. Do strike now, daring lambs, for tonight I am willing to grant mercy and bestow quick deaths upon traitors.”
Her breath is steady – she is not tense, but firm, and the True Souls exchange glances with one another, each and every one remaining silent and submissive. Though her fine attire is splattered with the blood of a betrayer, she remains unphased. True to her mission, allowing no room for distractions, nor for doubt. 
When she is assured, she sets her dagger on the table beside her, and she dips her head. “Very well. Feast, warriors, for we need our strength. In Her name,” she states, her eyes closing for only a moment. 
“In Her name,” the party recites, beginning to indulge themselves in the food less affected by the close death, but Minthara turns instead to you, her own personal repast, free from the intermingling of her underlings. The True souls speak, quietly, amongst one other – discussing the Absolute, the rise of their new General, and similar such topics. 
Her bloodied purple hand is offered to you, and you accept, rising from your seat at her physical request. Few eyes are drawn to you, for the time being – you don’t bother to take count, to truly decipher how many pay attention to your activities. Minthara pulls you closer, her free hand cradling your jaw and wiping Marcus’ blood from your lips, allowing her to kiss you without risking a taste of the coward. For a short moment, the contact is broken, and her nose brushes with yours, gaze intense with a roused lust from the bloodshed. “However intense our reign may become, however great our influence grows, know that at the center of my drive is where you lie. You are mine, as I am yours. We are bound as one – in body, in soul, in power.” There’s a pause in which you make an attempt to reconnect your lips, but she pulls back, her mouth instead moving towards your ear, her tone lowering to a whisper, ensuring only you may receive her message. “Bow as we may to the Absolute, pray as we may to their lies, you are my true quar'valsharess. My deity, and mine alone.”
Knowing how much she risks by admitting that in a room full of the Absolute’s followers, however quiet of an admission it was, is more than enough to make your heart flutter, stomach pleasantly uneased by a disturbance of butterflies. You pivot as a hand on your hip guides you to press your back against the edge of the table, and the dishes behind you are pushed aside, likely much to the dismay of the nearest True Souls. Minthara’s lips trail over your lightly bloodied neck, no longer caring whether or not the blood invades her taste, merely enjoying the flavor of her success on your skin. 
While she delivers no verbal commands or physical guidance, you understand her intentions well enough to assist her in carrying them out. So, you lift yourself onto your ankles and hop just enough to steady yourself on the table, immediately finding that she invades the space between your legs, bringing her hips closer to yours. Her kisses continue to trail down, littering every available space that her selected clothing allows her to access. Hands run along your sides, caressing over the full length twice before they linger on the sliver of skin between the top and bottom pieces of your outfit. When her mouth reaches that section as well, your leather pants are dragged downward, shedding her territory of protection, vulnerable to her touch – to her command. 
When they bunch at your knees, thighs against the wooden table, your only means of defense being your thin, weak layer of underwear, Minthara pauses, standing up straight once more. A hand presses to your chest, pushing you backwards, though your hips remain stationary – you lay back, displayed across the bloodied feast as if you were one with it. All eyes are on you, now, but Minthara’s attention is the only attention that matters to you. Even if you don’t threaten to disobey or refuse, her palm is firm on your chest, forcing you to keep position. 
“True Souls,” she addresses, instantly gaining the room’s undivided interest. “Speak my title.”
“General Minthara,” the audience replies, and her smirk grows, revealing flashes of her hungry teeth. 
Louder, she repeats; “Speak my title.”
“General Minthara!”
Her hand slides up your body, finding purchase around your throat, and she meets your gaze, her prideful smile meant entirely for you. “Tonight, we celebrate two deaths. The death of Late General Thorm, and the death of The Nightwarden. Indulge in the wine and feast as you deem fit – a rebirth occurs this evening. A rebirth of values. A rebirth of power. A rebirth of The Absolute.” Her gaze lifts, meeting the intrigued smiles of her soldiers. “Hear the testament of my reign – straight from the voice of darkness,” Minthara chuckles, eyes drawn once more to you. “Speak my title, dear oloth.” 
With a lustful smile, you oblige; “General Minthara.” 
“General Minthara,” she agrees, leaning over the table to meet your lips, hand tightening around your throat, robbing you of breath in the two ways she knows best. 
(1) Oloth – Darkness (Drow) (2) Sine Thelid – Great Conqueror (Undercommon) (3) Bossk – Lord (Undercommon) (4) Rath’arg – Coward (Drow) (5) Quar’valsharess – Goddess (Drow)
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scriberated · 26 days
4 Fictional Crushes
I was tagged by @myfavouritelunatic, @thrillofhope, @coraleethroughthelookingglass, and @makeshiftdraco (thanks guys!!)
Let's see... Current? Past? Little bit of both?
Jareth, the Goblin King - the Labyrinth
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Definitely my first major fictional crush. What's not to like?!
2. Killian Jones, Captain Hook - Once Upon A Time
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Literally from the damn TRAILER this MFER HAD ME BY THE THROAT. Someday I will import all the old Captain Swan fic I wrote from FF.net (proudly among the first smut fics for the ship).
3. Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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I still love him. Probably my all-time favorite ETL ship.
4. Stephen Bonnet - Outlander
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Look. LOOK. I KNOW, OKAY? I know. He's a bad, bad man. I can't help it. She could fix him. (this one is new and fresh and I can't make eye contact with anyone anymore. i'm ashamed and I accept my shame.
Tagging some friends: @sotwk, @kingslionheart, @aconiteheart, @klynnvakarian, @shady-swan-jones, @stardustspell, @iamstartraveller776, @lady-of-imladris, @ringofthenibelung-blog & anyone who wants to participate!
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youandmedead · 1 year
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Fandoms I write for:
Used - Tiffany x reader
𖤐Scream (1996)
𖤐American Horror Story
𖤐It Chapter One and Two
𖤐Hellboy (2004, 2008, 2019)
𖤐Labyrinth (1986)
How Jareth became the goblin king - Theories
𖤐Legend (1985)
𖤐 Interview with the vampire (1994)
Relax for me - Louis x Reader
𖤐Queen of the damned (2002)
Reunited at last - Lestat x Reader
𖤐Stranger Things
Being in a relationship with Eddie Munson would include…
Being in a relationship with Steve Harrington would include…
𖤐Black Butler
My heart belongs to you - Claude Faustus x Reader
𖤐Demon Slayer
Burned Out - Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader
Miss You - Giyu Tomioka x Reader
𖤐Tokyo Ghoul
𖤐Jujutsu Kaisen
Maybe - Suguru Geto Angst
𖤐My Hero Academia
𖤐Obey Me
Who Would Survive in a British School? Pt .1
What would Leviathan be like with a quiet s/o?
Emotional Barricades - Satan x reader
𖤐Twisted Wonderland
Idia with a s/o like Leviathan
𖤐Tmnt (2007, 2012, 2014/16, 2018, 2023)
Being in a relationship with (2014) Donatello would include…
Random (2014) TMNT headcanons
2012 Raphael x Reader
Mutant Mayhem Headcanons
ℜ𝔢𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔱 ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔬
Requests are closed! I will try and get to them as soon as I possibly can but they may take a while so apologies in advanced - I make no promises towards how fast I get them done/if I actually get around to them so please take that into careful consideration.
I write for these genres:
Fluff | Angst | Crack | Suggestive
I will either write in the form of:
Headcanon | Oneshot
I use they/them pronouns in all of my work so it’s inclusive for all - additionally no specific descriptions of the reader will really be made unless it is descriptions of injuries and the such.
𝔄𝔠𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ℜ𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰
I will not tolerate any hateful behaviour what so ever. Reblogs, comments and likes are greatly appreciated. I do not write smut at the moment, but I may in the future it just depends. Please do not request Oneshots or headcanons that revolve around suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, rape, incest etc.
(Just incase as a warning)I use writing as a way to cope with my depression so majority of my posts may be angst related or something along the lines of that genre
𝔒𝔩𝔡 𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱:
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ageingfangirl2 · 9 months
I now have 3 blogs on Tumblr (had 5 at one point but can't remember names or logins for the life of me)
This blog will be dedicated to anime imagines and fanfictions (both smut and fluff)
Requests Are Open!
Shows I currently watch (rewatch)/write for:
. One Piece (anime or LA)
. Spy X Family
. Ouran High School Host Club
. Full Metal Alchemist
. Black Butler
. Fire Force
. Tokyo Ghoul
. Goblin Slayer
. Vampire Knight
. Seven Deadly Sins
. Haikyuu
. Dance With Devils
. Obey Me!
More To Be Added (so much anime so little time)
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prpfs · 7 months
Annndd here comes the kinky business. 😈
I’m in a bit of rare mood at the moment, looking to dive into some fun and interesting concepts that may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Read the asks and read them well—you’ll be ignored otherwise.
-Be a daily replier (even just a post is chef’s kiss)
-Happy playing a human female role
-MxF only (I’m gonna get to write a beastie for once, bet)
-Enjoys ooc (friendly meme shit, not here’s a dick pic)
-Able to write in gdocs or discord (server or dms, I don’t mind)
-3rd person past tense only
-Mandatory writing sample (I’m not a stingy cunt, I’ll share mine too)
Dumb Info Blurb: Call me Aeon, 30, she/her/whatever, EST. Literate/lazy lit - advanced novella, I will work with what I am given but one liners can kiss the fattest part of my ass. I write through discord or gdocs. Feel free to directly dm me there—it’s AeonsMusings. Applicable canons I can play against your OC to follow in ().
On the hunt for an **Attack on Titan** storyline, seeking *Levi*. (Erwin, Jean, Mike)
**Demon Slayer** seeking *Kyojuro Rengoku*. (Tengen, potentially Giyuu)
**YuGiOh** seeking *fem!Yugi* for genderbent puzzleshipping. (Yami/Atem) Potential for underaged due to canon character ages. Perfectly happy to work with you on your preferences.
**My Hero Academia**, seeking *Hawks*. (Tokoyami, Shinso, Aizawa, Mirio). I’d like to run this in more of a college setting—but ridiculous to ask freshmen in highschool to risk their lives for people on the daily imo. xD
Putting it out there, I am ASS with female canons, barring maybe Hange. Dudes I can write as the day is long though.
I’m open to a wide range of plot potential scenarios, and am a certified trash gremlin for angst, drama, and the usual amount of character torment. I don’t mind senseless fluff or comfort scenes, and I’m happy to accommodate some self indulgence. I am furry friendly. Comfortable with a story to smut ratio anywhere from 90/10 to 50/50.
(None are needed, just for those that want to know) Kinks: ||Monsters, Breeding, Risk of/impreg, milking/lactation, cum, creampies, large & unusual cocks, Omegaverse, innocence, somnophilia, hypnotism, pet play, pheromones, rut/heat, dub con, teasing, dirty talk, mild degradation, passion, romance, cock worship, taboo dynamics, eggs (? I mean why not maybe I don’t know what rocks your goblin).||
like if you're interested and op will get back to you
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scremogirl · 9 months
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Hello everyone! If you didn’t see my intro post in my pins, my name is Sosa/Sos (So-S)
𝐊𝐞𝐲/𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤
✧✩🜚𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐈𝐂 🜸𖤐✰
☾✧꥟ 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ✧✰☀︎︎
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫
JuJutsu Kaisen
One piece
Demon Slayer
Hunter Hunter
Kuroko no Basket
Saiki K
Marvel (Includes spiderverse)
Ocs; such as yanderes etc.
Twisted Wonderland
God of War (This is mostly self indulgent but if you ask I will)
𝐖𝐡𝐨’𝐥𝐥 𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫
(In the order above)
All characters except; Momo, Hiyiori, Toshiro (romantically, I can write platonically like friends), Orohime, Neil, kakakura school squad, child characters (Toshiro and Neil fit this for me), Yami, almost all sterwritter except for a handful (request one or message me and I’ll tell you if I do it or don’t). And sometimes Renji (I can only see him with Rukia sometimes).
All characters (If you request Orochimaru imma kill you)
All characters (Except panda, Mahito, and puppet form mechamaru. If you request any of these ur weird)
All characters
All characters
All characters (except Murichiro, Nezuko, Gyokko, Daki, Uzui (+) wives, Iguro and Mitsuki; THEY ARE MADD FOR EACHOTHER AND NOBODY ELSE)
Phantom Troupe (+) Illumi (No Hisoka)
All characters
All characters
Saiki only
Almost any DC character you can think of I’d probably write for them. (Except joker I will refuse)
Justice League (Cartoon)
Justice League Unlimited(Cartoon)
Same thing as DC. A little less for this one but still.
X-men evolution
X-men anime
Everyone but Tuk and Spider (1st and 2nd movie)
Yours or mine
Almost anyone but Chucky
No Goblins
All characters but Ortho and Grim
⚠︎︎ 𝐍𝐎 𝐆𝐎⚠︎︎
Blood play
BDSM (maybe some light bondage)
Knife play or any weapons
Play 🍇 (maybe dub-con but I’m not sure)
“Daddy” kink (kinda a hypocrite for this but I will write for “Mommy”. Papi/Pa/Papa is all okay for me.)
Not that’s it’s a “No go” for me but I don’t write for things that don’t match me. For example; I will not write for other races or body types. That’s why I prefer to keep all my “y/n’s” either gender neutral, afab, only describing them with black features, or just not describing them at all.
Everything else is pretty much on the table
Lastly, I am in school so I can’t say that my posts will be consistent. But my goal is to try and post an Imagine, Full Fic, and headcanon every week. They all might be on the same day, one on Mon and 2 on Fri, scattered throughout the week. My goal is just to post at least 3 diff works a week. We’ll see cause I might give up 😭. *Update 10/5/23; I realized that I post an Aot fic at least once every week at this point. It’s eqsy for me to write them so it might be a weekly thing. I’m not sure tho let me know what you think*
Prompts and Req are welcomed. All you need to do is tell me how you wanted formatted, headcanon, full fic, imagine or even one shots. Then tell me your idea or prompt. I’m open to making new friends and you don’t even have to req anything, we could just interact. If you are having a hard time finding a post of mine just copy and paste one of the keys provided above into the tags. I also need to figure out how to turn posts into a link. Help plz. THANK U.
- Love, Sosa.
Just as an FWI, this is temporary until I set up a new and improved list. Be a little patient as it it will take a while to do.
Thank you ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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zaruba-needslove · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Saw this post by @gekidasa and I thought I wanna do this thing too. Cos I rarely get sent or tagged with this kinda stuff XD
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 581 (including the ones posted anonymously)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,649,635 as of currently
3. What fandoms do you write for? Saiyuki, Goblin Slayer, Code Geass, Yugioh, Yami no Matsuei, some other niche anime and manga titles, Toku series (Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Ultraman, GARO and one very rare Cybercop fic, a whole bunch of KDramas, JDramas, BBC dramas which includes the Whoniverse and a few original writings. And oh... some game fandom too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
"Wife" - A Beyond Evil fic... based on this ONE scene that seemed to be so gay lol
Unread - A Descendant of the Sun fic set around the moment priot to the main leads reunion after the guy supposed died/went MIA on a mission
Alstromeria - A Detroit: Become Human fic set on a happy end outcome of the game.
Che ricorda - A Vincenzo fic.
Rouge - A fic based on Tomorrow kdrama
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Sometimes. Usually when people ask me stuff in the comments I'll definitely give some replies. Or if there's a very enthusiastic one that I can't help responding. Or just to thank people for the comments.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Unh... this one was a very hard question lol, since I wrote plenty of angsty fic. Heck, my main genre had been angst. Though I guess some of my angstiest fic I've written would be the one I wrote for the Hidarime Tantei Eye jdrama. There's this one Anti Hope AU I did about a scenario where Ainosuke was so in denial about his older brother's death that he actually created a delusion that his brother was still alive.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hehehe. Another hard stuff, one because I wrote more angst than fluff... and another, I'm not sure that I'm the write person to have a proper opinion about this XD. But if talking about my recent works... I might say my TanuKitsune series. Which basically referring to Sleeping Tanuki.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I did used to get some, just because I mainly wrote LuluKallen pairing in the Code Geass fandom. But in terms of flames... I already forgot about it cos that's like so many years ago.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hehe. Nowadays... yes. I wrote quite an amount, openly and anonymously. Mostly from the Geats fandom.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I used to. I wouldn't say any of them came close to being described as 'crazy'. Cos there's one on CCS/YGO and KR/SS multiverse project that revolves around Decade and Gokaiger. In terms of scale, I guess the Gokaiger one was crazy. Like imagine trying to add more inside lore to the one in series since Gokai barely delve too deep when doing all the episodes with the previous teams. Or if you count that tiny crossover I did in some of my Geats fic, yeah that's crazy. Like KR Geats and Team Batista series had NOTHING in common between them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Has it happened before? I don't really remember.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Several times. I've got someone asking me if they could translate my fic into Russian, and several other requests asking to translate my fics into Mandarin. I forgot if there were any other requests for other languages besides those two.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? Kouga/Kaoru is still my all-time fav even if I don't write too much Garo fic. In that case, KeiAce probably fit the bill more now.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Passing the Torch - because it'll require me to rewatch the episodes and the corresponding tribute series that by know I don't think I'll have enough attention span and time to do and think up stuff.
16. What are your writing strengths? To be honest, half the time I'm not sure what's my real strength in anything. But depending on my level of hyper-focusing at a time I can be pretty good at keeping the voice of my characters... and sometimes people say that I could emulate the same writing style as the original writers, which had been one of the sweetest compliments I've ever received.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogues... maybe, because sometimes I have harder time trying to voice out my characters thoughts on something... also I get distracted/derailed easily so half the time the plot just ran off on its own.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I usually avoid it unless I'm proficient in said language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Gensoumaden Saiyuki, I think. Goku/Sanzo
20. Favorite fic you've written? I wrote so many it's hard to pick any favourites tbh But I guess my TanuKitsune series would be some of them. Also Atonement. Just because I love how the plot end up coming together nicely.
Tagging: Not sure if anyone would bother doing this... but feel free if you wanna do this
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therealmofamorus · 2 months
OG Stud Crossover
Goblin Slayer and Female Doomslayer one moment is killing goblins and demons back to back, the next moment they are fucking in the battlefield after every of those vermin have been dealt with. Should Priestess leave or not will depend on her.
Action, Sex, 2koma
Priestess stared in horrified awe of two armored-titan of rage and violence inflicted horrible pain upon the greenskin rapists and the morally challenged fiends who were screaming in mixture of terror and rage at the violent end of their damned life.
Goblin Slayer was strangling a hell knight before he snapped said knight with a little effort and kicked off the head of a nearby red imp like a soccer ball.
The Doomslayer was smashing, ripping and breaking the horde of goblin with stoic aura of ultraviolence and strength that made her look less human but more a force of violence and savagery.
Priestess put her hands in a prayer as she sent a silent prayer to her goddess for having them on the side of good and not evil.
Priestess was sitting on a fallen log, trying very hard not to faint in embarrassment as she witnessed GS and DS fucking in the middle of gore and blood, their armor and weapons were thrown to the side, GS piston in and out of the muscular yet voluptuous battle-hardened woman who was letting dark, guttural moan with GS smacking her ass with his right hand and squeezing her fat bouncy tits with his left right.
Priestess wish she wasn’t here, forced to listen and watch as her mentor/criush having intimate sex with the scary but surprisingly beautiful woman like a savage.
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Ao3 Multiverse of smut
It’s my first ao3 work. I will try to upgrade my writing. Happily listening to critics. Give me your ideas and I will write smut on these fandoms:
Anime: Fullmetal alchemist Attack on titan Kaguya-sama love is war Hunter x Hunter Death note Jojo Naruto Tokyo ghoul The Future Diary No game no life Noragami Fairy tale Soul eater Evangelion The devil is part-timer My hero academia Seven deadly sins Konosuba Nanbaka Silent voice Boruto Saga of Tanya the evil Bungou Stray dogs Magi the labyrinth of magic Himouto! Umaru-chan Pokemon Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid Darling in Franxx The rising of shield hero Black clover Goblin slayer The Promised Neverland Made in abyss Doctore stone Demon slayer Overlord Fire force SAO Ishuzoku reviewers One punch man Re:Zero Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon Spice and Wolf Komi can’t communicate My Dress-Up Darling That time I got reincarnated as slime In another world with a smartphone The Eminence in Shadow Mushoku Tensei Tsukimichi: Moonlight Fantasy
Novels: The ascendance of a bookworm Arifureta: from commonplace to world's strongest SSS-Class Suicide Hunter The beginning after the end Trash of the counts family
Games: Genshin Impact
Tags allowed: ALL! I will write smut with anything you want! Categories allowed: F/M, F/F
P.S. I could forget some fandoms, so you can write your idea with not mentioned fandom and I will reply if I will be able to write it. In order to avoid confusion, the first page is just an announcement, all other will be stories.
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sabababa · 4 years
Goblin Slayer NSFW Alphabet
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Goblin Slayer x Gender Neutral!Reader 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He likes to make sure you’re comfortable afterward, he’ll bring you a washcloth to clean yourself with, give you some comfy clothes if you wish, and cover you up with the blanket. He has this odd thought that after everything is done, you don’t want him to touch you anymore, but you always lie on top of his chest after he’s finished caring for you. He’s started to get used to the affection.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part isn’t physical, but he’s proud of his mind and how much knowledge he’s learned over the years, whether it be from goblin killing or random facts of ice cream making. Your hands are his favorite, he likes how gentle and smooth they are compared to his rough and calloused ones; it shows that you don’t have to put in too much effort fighting for the group and has proven his worth of protecting you from goblins.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He likes to cum on the outside and cover you in his seed; he even likes to rub it around. His goblin slaying mind kicks in and thinks the smell will keep goblins away, warning them that this is Goblin Slayer’s and that they should stay away, but any goblin that learned the smell would die soon anyway.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Goblin Slayer started having dirty thoughts about you way before you established your relationship. In admittance, he got a crush on you the first time you praised him and the dirty thoughts appeared not too long after. He always imagined you dominating and praising him; “Oh, Goblin Slayer, you did such a good job of killing the goblins, I’m so proud of you! Now, how about a little reward?” The thoughts often appeared after a successful quest or late at night when he couldn’t sleep.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s not experienced at all. You were his first, but that didn’t stop him from reading erotic novels he found in libraries while searching for goblin slaying information. He wasn’t amazing the first time, but he eventually found the right spot and got you to cum, with some guidance from you of course, but he’s definitely got it down now.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
It depends on whos topping whom. If he’s topping, he likes to sit on the bed, have you lie on your back, wrap his arms around your waist; raising your lower half, and then thrust into you while wrap your legs around him. If you’re topping, he likes to lie on his back and keep his hands away while you ride him, but most importantly he wants to see your face to see your reaction to everything he does.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He’s isn’t goofy. He’ll laugh along with you if you laugh about something, but he likes to keep the tone calm and sensual, he thinks it makes the pleasure better if you don’t focus on talking and instead focus on the sensations you’re feeling.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He never groomed before you, but now he likes to keep it nice and tidy for you so you can give oral without hairs getting in the way.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’s pretty intense, but he doesn’t like to be rough in fear of hurting you. He likes to roam his hands all over your body and feel the smooth, hot, sweaty skin beneath his palms and feel the muscle twitch at random spots. He practically knows all your sweet spots now and likes to keep you as a panting, moaning mess. He’s very attentive and likes it when you’re vocal about certain spots striking pleasure.
J = Jerk Off (How often, what are they thinking about, …)
He did start jerking off a lot more when he first met you, those dirty thoughts would invade his mind and he couldn’t help himself, but now that you’re together he does it less, usually only does it at night when you’re not there.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He likes it when he’s being praised, but also likes bondage on himself. He likes it even more if he’s bound and can’t stop the sweet, sweet, torturous pleasure of overstimulation. His favorite fantasy is you tying him to a chair and jerking him off to your heart’s content, never stopping when he flinches and grunts from the sensitivity of pleasure that wracks his body, all the while you’re cooing; “You’re such a good boy, Goblin Slayer.” He also found out that he had a scent kink after getting a whiff of you after a bath. He didn’t know if it was because he was so used to the goblin stench that covered him everyday, but you smelled so divine. He managed to steal the cloth you used to bathe yourself with and held it to his nose as he pleasured himself.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He likes it in bed because if anyone ever walked in on you he could quickly cover you up and chase away the fiend that opened a door without knocking.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Simply praising him after a quest, leaning against him, and speaking the words ever so sweetly. Seriously, never stop praising this boy and he’ll be at it for hours. If you want to get him worked up for later, you just lean yourself against his body, whisper in his ear, and describe all the things you’d like him to do to you. He really gets off at your detailed descriptions of your sexual acts, it ties a knot in his stomach and makes a certain area flush.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will NEVER do it in a small space, it reminds him of his first encounter with goblins and how he was weak and defenseless. He’ll also never tie you up or do any kind of pain play, it makes you look vulnerable and reminds him too much of how goblins treat girls.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He likes receiving, you’re so good at pleasing him, he loves how you have him wrapped around your finger. He likes to give you oral pleasure too, but he doesn’t think he’s very good at it, but it doesn’t stop him from trying and learning.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He likes to take it slow, grind deeply into your core at each thrust, and speed up his pace when he feels you’re about to cum. But if you want it fast and rough he’s happy to oblige, he’ll do anything for your pleasure. His favorite is to just hold you against him and lazily grind his hips into yours when you both had a tough day and are exhausted, but need to blow off some steam.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s willing to do quickies in a private area, but a little wary if it’s in a semi-public area where you could be caught. But if you really want him that bad all you need to do is describe it to him. Him holding you up against a wall, your partially clothed bodies grinding against each other as he thrusts into you, you cooing in his ear about how much of a good boy he is- oh, we’re going to this secluded alley way over here?
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Goblin Slayer is usually a reckless person when it comes to battle. “But if it kills the goblins,” he’d say in defence. In bed is a different story, he likes to be careful, the aim here is to pleasure, not to harm. If you talk about it beforehand he may be willing, but it also depends on the subject of the risk.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can go a few rounds if you want him to, he’ll do anything to keep pleasing you, even if he’s spent and shooting blanks, he loves the overstimulation (if you couldn’t tell by now). Tell him he’s a good boy for pleasing you and how pretty he looks with tears in his eyes and drool dribbling down the side of his face. He’ll do anything to keep hearing your compliments.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I assume there's not that many toys around this time period, but there is magic, so who knows what those naughty wizards and witches have come up with? He’s very willing to use toys if it increases your pleasure and his. He loves feeling the vibrating ones against the underside of the head of his shaft, but also loves seeing you twitch and moan when he uses it against particular spots of your body.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t tease unless you tell him to. He really likes to just watch you come undone as you cum in his mouth, or get his fingers slick with your juices. But feel free to tease him all you want, he’ll be good and won’t complain, he wants to show you how much of a good boy he is.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He isn’t very loud. Mostly grunts and groans, but it all depends on the act too. If you’re going down on him he’ll be more vocal because the pressure of your tongue against his head, the warm, wet feeling of your mouth engulfing him, and your hand kneading his balls makes him a little noisy, especially if you press a vibrator against his anus. The anticipation of whether or not you’d push it in would drive him crazy.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He loves how vulnerable he is around you. You break down his walls at the end of the day and he feels like a different, happier person. You’ve experienced so much with him and opened his mind to things and even helped him discover things about himself.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s actually pretty average. When it’s flaccid it looks small, but he’s a grower, so it grows to a length of at least 5 to 6 inches, and has a bit of girth on him too. He’s also uncircumsized, so he’s all the more sensitive. His head is a faint shade of pink against his pale skin tone and his shaft has a slight curve to it too so he’s able to hit that sweet spot nice and good.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He’s got an average sex drive, at least HE thinks he does. It goes up once you two start dating. Poor baby ignores it and thinks it’s the normal thing to do if you don’t seem in the mood. Once you learn this, you make sure he tells you when he gets horny and to not ignore it just because you haven’t expressed you want to make love to him. He always tells you from then on and it happens quite a few times during the week. The group has noticed that he even seems a bit more cheerful and relaxed.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He usually won’t fall asleep until you’re taken care of, but if you were topping that night and his legs were too weak to move, he’d be out like a light once you went to grab a cloth to clean him with.
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neo-crimson-palace · 3 years
Does Priestess find it weird that Goblin Slayer has a kink of taking her to a hidden den and fucking her lights out until she's overly impregnated and her lower parts are very numb? Or is that her fetish, too?
The first time Goblin Slayer had done that to her, to say she had been left more than stunned would have been an understatement. For as long as she had known him, she never thought he was interested in carnal pleasure like that. Yet the way he took her, pinning her against the wall and slamming his massive cock into her nether regions until he reduced her to a screaming drooling mess, it was indescribable. While rough at first, she eventually got used to it, to the point where she openly wanted it herself. Much to her own surprise, but she couldn’t deny how good it felt having him inside of her. 
His intense thrust, his strong hands groping and caressing her petite body. Feeling that powerful member fuck her helpless womb into a mess until he came and filled her to the brim with his potent seed. It was so tantalizingly sinful, she could see why the Sword Maiden wanted to bed him as much as she did. Even now, she couldn’t help but rub her thighs together, her loins growing hot at the mere thought of when the two would head out for their next Goblin Slaying quest. She can just imagine him taking her in yet another Goblin Free cave. 
She couldn’t wait. 
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multiplesmutthings · 5 years
Priestess had wanted to repay Goblin Slayer for saving her from the Goblins in that cave. And said she would do anything for him. Unfortunately, she didn't know that he had gotten poison with a powerful drug that would send him into a frenzy, by the Goblins. Now the poor girl is having her virginity forcibly taken by her savior.
Preistess looked as Goblin Slayer was killing the last of the goblins. She saw one was trying to get free. “Hey!” She said running at the Goblin to stop it from running. It gasped and aimed a dart gun at her and blew it. She gasped and closed her eyes as the sound of it piercing something was heard. Thinking it hit her the goblin laughed and got exited before opening its eyes to get his prize only for a club to cave its skull in, killing it instantly and painfully as Goblin Slayer grunted and pulled the dart out of his shoulder. He looked back at Priestess who he had pushed behind him to keep her safe. “You okay?” He asked to which she replied with a kind smile.
“Yes. Thank you Goblin Slayer!” She said happily as he nodded and went to check out if there were any stragglers or goblin babies. When Priestess went to go see the girls she noticed something. The same dart she had was on the unconscious women’s body, she pulled it out and saw a small trace of liquid on it and then looked at the dart and recalled the goblin smiling. It handnt aimed for her face or neck. When she finally connected two and two together she gasped and tried to go an warn Goblin Slayer. But she was too late. Suddenly she was pushed against the wall gasping out before her cloak and robes were being taken off, not by the sharp hands of goblins, by by her savior. She couldn’t see it but the glow in his helmet showed lust that the poison had given to him. His cock was out and she noticed it was painfully hard and throbbing. She was soon picked up agsint the wall naked as she cried out. “G-Goblin slayer Wait! Stop! It’s the poison the po-“ She didn’t have much time to say anthing as he shoved his hard cock into her untouched and small pussy. She yelled out and felt him began to savagely thrust his cock in and out of her, claiming her virginity as he pumped is hips back and fourth. He groaned and felt regret swell within him. Taking his friend by force as she cried and kicked her slim legs behind him. It was all so good at the same time as her virgin pussy spilled it’s small amount of blood or how it clenched tightly around his member.
He didn’t know this feeling before as he fucked Preistess harder and she began to drool as the man she looked up to kept rutting into her pussy. She could feel herself getting ruined, now she had been a Preistess and the only way she could lose her virginity was in marriage, but now that had been taken as she was taken by Goblin Slayer. His rough trusts and groans kept going as his armored figure pinned the naked priestess against the wall. It was only a matter of time before he came. After a long hour of fucking her that is. Slowly he pushed his entire member into her reshaped pussy and came. Filling her up with his hot seed as he bred the Priestess groaning as he thrusted a few more times. Making her groan as she cried a bit, being laid agsint the wall her legs shook as her gaped Pussy oozed out his cum, and judging by the look of his member the poinson’s effect hadn’t left and Priestess would just have to endure more of this treatment until it did. On the bright side it wasn’t a goblin.
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persehfone · 2 years
heyyyyyy, vcs podem me chamar de luffy, eu repondo por qualquer pronome mas prefiro ele/dele e estou a procura de - BRINCADEIRAS BOBAS E GOSTOSASq - partner para RUNS WITH MY/YOUR BATSHIT CRAZY PLOTS. coloco as cartas na mesa logo, então sempre mergulho de cabeça em qualquer IDEIAS QUE VOCÊS TIVEREM, quase não tenho nenhum TW e APENAS JOGO SMUT COM MAIORES 18+. não estou a procura de nada em específico, ACEITO TURNAR EM INGLES POIS QUERO TREINAR MEU VOCABULARIO e também gostaria bastante de algo mais voltando paramangas, animes & bl, fantasia, cyberpunk, mundo pós apocalíptico, vampiros, medieval, bruxas/feiticeiras. vou deixar aqui alguns dos que eu tenho interesse em jogar, caso fique empolgado/a me mande um olá no chat, por favor, sentia-se em casa. 
animes/animações: naruto, one piece, my hero academia, jujutsu kaisen, dorohedoro, beastars não me julguem, demon slayer, devilman crybaby, shingeki no kyojin, tokyo revengers, final space, kakegurui, gravity falls: um verão de mistérios, o segredo além do jardim, she-ra and the princesses of power, ergo proxy, departamento de conspirações, o clube das Winx, QUALQUER FILME DO STUDIO GHIBLI, ARCANE, AVATAR, cowboy bebop, spider-man: into the spider-verse, a mansão foster para amigos só que adultos, desecanto, castlevania & teen titans. 
séries: the good place, black mirror, sense 8, rebelde, titãs, the umbrella academy, chilling adventures of sabrina, santa clarita diet, american horror story, brooklyn nine-nine, WandaVision.
doramas/bl/yaio: bad romance, goblin - the lonely and great god, bad and crazy, strangers from hell, 2Gether, you make me dance, theory of love, tharntype, under the green lights, BJ Alex,  semantic error, dear door, shell boy, 19 days, Dakaretai Otoko 1- i ni Odosarete Imasu.
sintam-se livre para me dizer os seus também <3. xero no cangote. 
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daikon1 · 3 years
20 Questions Writer’s Edition
Thanks for the tag, @tinacentury!! I love talking about my writing, so thanks for the excuse 😉
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
13, though I’m hoping to get to at least 14 by the end of the year. Also, I uploaded a handful of older fics that I then orphaned, so it should technically be a couple works higher.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Great question (and this helps me get a jump on my end-of-year writing wrap-up LOL)!
220,744 (that is definitely more than I thought 😱)
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Of extant works that are actually on my AO3, I’ve written for 4 fandoms: Labyrinth, Kingdom Hearts, Skip Beat!, and Sailor Moon. I’ve also technically written for Pirates of the Caribbean and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but no one needs to talk about those.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. R is for Reverse (I mean, it’s my longest work so it makes sense)
2. Swipe Right: A Tinder Tale
3. The Runner-Up
4. All I Ever Think About Is You
5. Teammates Don’t Kiss
And Five Times Chiba Mamoru Hung on to Usako (and one he didn’t), surprisingly edged out Tequila, Salt, Lemons for the runner-up spot 😂
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Mostly! If you say something that I just can’t even come up with a response to (or something that is borderline rude), then I won’t answer to preserve my own comfort, but in an ideal world, I try to answer all comments before posting a new chapter (this does not always happen).
I try to do this because I know how meaningful it was when I first started reviewing and having authors who I looked up to respond to my comments. Frankly, it encouraged me to comment more (which is a win all around, I think) and is also the reason I fell in with my group of fandom friends and ended up writing myself. So, if responding to comments might help connect some other people into the fandom, I’m all for it. Be warned, I’m also shy, so I don’t always promise the deepest engagement 😅
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, that’s easy: ‘I Want’ Doesn’t Get.
It’s older and off-brand, but it’s horrifying, and no one really gets out of it unscathed. (Note: multiple content warnings, read at your own risk)
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Gotta be R is for Reverse. It’s fluffy and warm with implications of things continuing on and being just as happy.
8. Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written?
Just one! How I Met Your Goblin King is a very silly semi-crossover, but that’s the extent of it.
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I’ve received a handful of less-than-kind comments (e.g., this is boring, this was confusing) but definitely no hate. If I did receive any actual hate, I would probably stop writing for a bit while I processed, so…
10. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uh… honestly not sure what you mean by “what kind” of smut. I do write smut, and it is… Educational and sex-positive smut, I guess?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so! I’m weirdly paranoid about getting my FFN hacked and a new chapter leaked somewhere so I wait to upload them until just before posting LOL
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I have not; I might be open to it with a VERY FEW SELECT PEOPLE who I know and trust and feel confident I could collaborate well with, but for the most part I’m way too anxious and neurotic for anything like that.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I have a handful of OTPs, but Usagi and Mamoru from Sailor Moon is probably the one I come back to the most.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I don’t have any!! I’m pretty good about holding off on sharing/posting any detail about a WIP idea until it will for sure be a reality and I usually keep my list of in-progress works pretty short.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think my general acerbic British dryness translates really well into humor in my fics. Rarely is it laugh-out-loud, but I like the tone that I am usually able to hit in my writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
This is perhaps getting into the too-personal, but as a human being, I struggle with bodily awareness. I’m bad at being aware of where my body is in space, as well as where feelings and emotions might show up in my (or my character’s) body. Fortunately, my beta is great about reminding me to include these, and honestly it’s starting to translate into a better bodily awareness in my actual life, so that’s a win-win.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I don’t love it, for one very simple (and probably shallow) reason: I only speak English! It’s less annoying in fanfic, where I can easily run the offending bit of dialogue through an online translator, but it’s a pain in the neck when a book has characters suddenly inexplicably speak in French for a paragraph without them translating or paraphrasing the conversation. I don’t understand why authors do this, other than to show off that they know French. If it’s grounded in the story and the universe, or if it’s such common language to the universe or ours that it’s easy to understand or recognize (think: baka, Japanese honorifics, Odango atama), that’s one thing. But if you write a scene where Ami and Mamoru suddenly randomly speak to each other in Spanish, I’m going to be annoyed with you.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, though thank god the site that I posted it on went down and I can pretend it never existed 😅
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Definitely R is for Reverse. I’m just so stupidly proud of it, tbh. It was a major labor of love, a months-long obsession, and it came out so good.
I tag @beej88, @brownsugarheartattack, @tinysagi, @sailormoonandme, @moonchildoh8, and anyone else who wants to play :)
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zmeister54 · 3 years
Hi, everyone! My name is Zmeister! I also go by ALLSTAR1515 on deviantart. I'm a fanfic writer who specializes in anime romance stories where the ladies are built like the amazon warrior from Goblin Slayer, and are usually on the erotic side.
I've been wanting to find a way to promote my stories and grow my audience. And since you couldn't pay me to sign up for twitter or tiktok, tumblr seems like the best option.
So if you're a fan of muscular women, believable romances, and smut featuring your favorite anime characters, check out my work!
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