#god I miss these corny ass movie
missjanjie · 1 year
100 Prompts #4
im so obsessed with seeing my other hundred prompt list being used so much, seeing what different people do with the same sentences is so cool! so, here’s another one! please send me a number + ship (au/trope where applicable)
“There is something profoundly wrong with you. I like it.” 
“It’s okay to be wrong sometimes.”
“Pretty sure that’s illegal.”
“A candlelit dinner? Okay, what did you do?”
“Don’t fucking start with me.”
“Well, I’m pretty sure I’m not dying, at least.” 
“I chose you. I’ll always choose you.”
“That kid is too cute to be yours.”
“What the hell happened here?”
“It doesn’t have to be like this.”
“I don’t need to be saved.”
“Just shut up and listen.”
“It’s nice to feel wanted for once.”
“I could be perfect for you.” 
“You have to stop working so hard.”
“I’m on the verge of breaking down!” 
“Only you could make me swoon at something so corny.”
“I just wanna sleep.” 
“Can you ever forgive me?”
“Things are gonna get better, I promise.”
“You’re such a lightweight, it’s adorable.”
“This thing has been following me everywhere.”
“That can’t be healthy.”
“Where am I? Why are we naked?” 
“I made this for you.” 
“Oh my god, I’ve been so stupid.”
“That shouldn’t be arousing, and yet…”
“You didn’t really think I’d forget, did you?”
“Please don’t leave.”
“I can’t believe you actually did that.”
“Oh, you’re drunk drunk.”
“I wasn’t staring at your ass! I mean… I was, but I was trying to be subtle.”
“You don’t know me as well as you think you do.”
“At least you’re pretty.”
“When did that happen?”
“You sure know how to keep me on my toes.”
“There’s something I should’ve told you.”
“You’re too good to be in a place like this.”
“I don’t know who I am anymore.”
“That face won’t work on me, babe.” 
“You did all of this for me?” 
“I’m not saying making out would help, but it couldn’t hurt.” 
“You are exhausting sometimes.” 
“You little brat.”
“I want to be there so you don’t have to be brave.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“I am giving you one chance to explain yourself.”
“Wow, I’ve never been anywhere so fancy.”
“C’mon, live a little.”
“I have to go.”
“I can’t look at you, it’s like staring into the sun.”
“Don’t touch me!”
“Pack a bag, let’s get out of here.”
“I don’t belong here.”
“Sorry, I think I’m lost.”
“I’m in love with you.”
“Damn, when did you get hot?”
“I miss what we used to be.”
“You don’t have to say you love me.”
“I didn’t know where else to go.”
“No one's gonna hurt you while I’m around.”
“You’re a mess, come inside.”
“I thought I knew what falling in love felt like before I met you.”
“It’s all coming back to me now.”
“I just… I couldn’t do it.” 
“Listen, I love Britney Spears as much as the next person, but we have to put a curfew on your singing along.” 
“I don’t have anything figured out.” 
“Take a chance on me.” 
“How long have you been there?”
“I think I’m finally ready for love.” 
“Maybe in another life, we would’ve been perfect together.”
“I can’t explain all the things you make me feel.”
“You look familiar.”
“I hate how lonely I’ve become.”
“Come a little closer, baby.” 
“I’ll wait for you, I always do.”
“There is a completely normal explanation for this, I swear.” 
“It’s too early for this shit.” 
“I don’t wanna talk.” 
“You’re the most important thing in my life.” 
“What are you staring at?”
“By the way, you were my first.”
“You knew I loved you.”
“I realized I was trying to make my life into a movie, but the story continues after the happy ending.” 
“So all of this meant nothing to you?” 
“I plead the fifth.”
“You have no idea how badly I need you.” 
“I didn’t think it would get this bad.” 
“Hey. Turn around.” 
“Um, sorry about your friend.”
“Can I make it up to you?”
“This just doesn’t feel right.”
“I just want a fairytale ending after everything I’ve been through.” 
“Take care of yourself.”
“Could you relax for like, five minutes? For once?” 
“I… wow, you look incredible.” 
“Let’s go back to my place.” 
“I’m not high enough for this.” 
“Why do you hate me?” 
“Fuck this, I’m out.”
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writerkenna · 1 year
Rewatching The Avengers (2012) for the millionth time thoughts:
I miss Coulson SOOOOO FUCKING MUCH (but still not enough to sit down and watch Agents of SHIELD, apparently)
Dr Selvig looks like my dad and also he makes me want to watch Mamma Mia, also for the millionth time
They really made Steve say some corny ass shit in this movie (‘there’s only one god, ma’am, and he doesn’t dress like that’ 😑) but I’m not mad at it
Again, going back to Coulson, I LOVE that Pepper and Tony are both invested in him continuing the relationship with the cellist
Steve actually paying Fury the ten bucks is adorable
Loki’s hair is greased, spiked, and slimy for 100% of this film
God, this film makes me ship Clintasha big time
They just work so well together! And care! So much!!!!
I can’t say for certain that Steve and Tony did fuck during the course of the film, but they most certainly wanted to the whole time
ScienceBros my beloved tho ♥️
During the battle scene, the growing friendship and camaraderie between Nat and Steve is probably my favorite thing
But Bruce slowly puttering up to the scene on a small motor bike after is pretty great too
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onesaltysir · 6 months
I need to settle this with myself, I can't decide if it's a good movie or not. Debate material under cut.
Eva Gabor slays as Miss Bianca (my queen) both times so that's an automatic yes from me. The story itself was also not bad.
On the other hand the animation threw me off because I've always been so loyal to the original 1977 The Rescuers. Milt Kahl's animation is such a big deal to me, that was the best era of Disney and I will not be hearing other opinions because they are wrong.
The egg scene with Johanna and Mcleach in the kitchen? Made me smile during my surgery recovery. Animated movies rarely make me smile. That scene was peak cinematic gold.
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The absolute deciding factor is if Jake is sexy or not. Now for the record I am 100% team Bernard. Thicc mouse man with a dumpy and a big heart? Yes maam. (He also has a slight stutter. As a stutterer myself, child me instantly fell in love when my father had me watch the original for the first time.) But there's just something about Jake's charm. That Indiana Jones ass kangaroo rat could punt me into the sun and I can’t tell if I would thank him or dropkick that Crocodile Dundee motherfucker.
Miss Bianca, however, has been and always will be my favourite. Everyone has a crush on her everywhere she goes and she looks so put together but I promise you she is so fucking autistic and probably does Jello shots with whoever wishes to humour her. Just watch the original, and then this is emphasized in Down Under. Fucking icon. God is a white mouse from Hungary with a purple hat.
That being said, let's turn back to the animation. What are these CGI scenes doing in here? Now mind you, overall I *am* impressed with the CGI. This movie came out in 1990 and they combined 2D animation with so many near flawless CGI shots. But why though? The combination was awesome, it slayed, it served. But there was just something about it that seemed so corny to me and I can’t place my finger on it.
And what are these size proportions? Cody is six years old acording to the Disney Wiki. If you are familiar with six year olds, then you know those things aren't exactly tiny. Why is he able to ride on that eagle? Golden eagles are real birds however they are smaller than bald eagles. Bald eagles are large birds but they are not that large. In fact the largest eagle as of right now is the giant Philippine eagle, which is only a meter tall. A six year old can’t ride that. Not only did Marahute fly hundreds of metres in the air supporting an entire six year old and then some, but she was also large enough for this kid to pitch a medium sized tent on. What the hell. Fake ass bird.
Another problem I have is that it takes place in Australia. So why in the absolute FUCK does Cody sound like he's from Nebraska USA? Riddle me fucking that. Mcleach is understandable because he's a poacher, probably dropped in from the US. In fact he sounds like he's from Tennessee so you know his ass did. But come on. Cody? He's a six year old born and raised in Australia. The only characters with Australian accents were two kangaroos, a koala, and Cody's mother. His mother is a stretch though, Edinburgh sounding ass bitch.
Also what six year old owns a large pocket knife? Cody if you don't put that shit down and go work on your colouring book. I swear to god.
What redeems it for me is Bianca and Bernard. Jake really thought he could pull Bianca from the perfect man. Bernard respects Bianca with everything he has, he continually gave her everything he could. Bernard loved her, and Bianca loved him back. Jake tried to shit on her man and Bianca said 'I think the fuck not.'
And yes. I know Bernard is some Hobbit ass motherfucker. He didn’t wanna go on the trip to save Penny in the original, he hates flying, he hates adventure, but Bianca taught him to love that and it was beautiful. He tried it for her and found out that he did love it after all. Bianca brought out his courage, and Bernard brought out her heart. They're the best Disney duo. Fuck you.
I got distracted. The question I want to answer is, is The Rescuers Down Under a great movie or is it a horrible movie? It's not just good or bad. You either love it or you hate it, and I can't decide.
Miss Bianca supremacy for life.
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es-peon · 11 months
rewatching transformers age of extinction here’s how it went:
-pretending Optimus was 100% taking the best and longest nap of his life when some guy started fucking around with him
-they’re keeping tradition of blonde skinny girl 100% underage and yet all shots including her are overtly sexual
-A SLAVE JOKE IN 2014 “i don’t think you can own someone, that ended a while ago, even in texas”
-wowie optimus ‘insert fuckboi meme here’ green ooze for blood not looking too hot there babes
-lmao fuck the government <3
-“my face is my warrant” thats so fucking corny omfg
-i forgot how ruthless transformers used to be <3
-god we should go back to when movies had some real weight, where are my character deaths, my ultimatums with consequences, we don’t get both, something has to be sacrificed <3
-God i wish theyd bring back the whole scanning a vehicle to, um, pick how they want to look cause its sick as fuck
-Please i do miss the time when Bees puppy dog eyes were a disguise <3
-the governments keeping secrets who would’ve guessed <3
-i love lil hostage dude but he’s definitely a caricature
-“the trouble with loyalty to a cause, is that the cause will always betray you”
-dog/wolf transformers are sick as fuck
-please not the tongue ew ew ew ew
-bitchboy of a bf js
-Tess for the love of God
-“To lay some hate” amen
-the repeated racism and sexism is a bit much…
-haha megatron been playing their ass..called it (ive seen this movie three times)
-lmao Cade x Joshua
-awww Joshua’s having a change of heart (not really hes a narcissist)
-okay metaphors
-“Go find my seed” —pause
-aw here we go the whole “don’t give up on us humans, sure your kind have died due to our selfishness but that was an itty bitty mistake and mistakes make us human so don’t stop protecting us giant robot man 🥺🥺”
-Mama deserves a raise
-a fucking battle right now in the middle of everything
-prime be so fucking fr
-they’re so real “im staying the fuck outta this” me to babes
-the “no thats optimus prime” line was timed nicely but the way he delivered the line fucked it all up
-anyway uhhh 4/10 movie racist/sexist/pervy jokes are simply unfunny and the lead human characters were stupid and the big bads were all stupid, im only here for the giant fighting robots that turn into vehicles xoxo <3
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mincedpeaches · 1 month
rvb19 liveblogging post. #rvb19 spoilers
Did Wash get a new voice actor? Why does he sound so off.
Why is Grif like this. Why is Grif's character so off. He's not really stupid, he plays it up to be lazy. Why does he seem so weirdly angry. Yelling did not make the "they're right behind me aren't they" joke any funnier Geoff.
Okay I didn't even CONSIDER that Donut would never show up. Like after the Apple Cast listing was seemingly incomplete based on already confirmed people that had recorded lines. Only to have the shot of Donut getting sliced up in a cartoon be his first and God forbid only appearance? The disrespect. If he doesn't show up later I'm rioting. Did I miss a Joel-style falling out with Donut's voice actor somewhere.
Okay actually Wash sounds fine it was just the awkward exposition dialogue earlier I guess.
479er???? Does this count as a minor freelancer cameo.
A SECOND "hes right behind me" style quip with Meta!Tucker in the case. Burnie PLEASE. Avengers came out in like 2014.
Why does Tucker!Meta talk. Why does he have an evil laugh. Remember when all the Meta did was occasionally growl and he was threatening. Remember when all they had to do was play When Your Middle Name is Danger and it would make the machinima actually tense.
The Reds overall reluctance to help the Blues both earlier in the canyon when Caboose asked them and then now leaving Caboose on the ship... I don't know. It rings a little different when its the last season and all also the whole "they say no but then they change their minds" bit has been done so many times by now. Especially if this is meant to be happening after Chorus. This isn't really a lesson they need to be learning anymore.
Over 40mins minutes in and no mention of Carolina. I am... concerned. I thought she was in a shot in the trailer. Am I crazy. If she doesn't show up I just. In what WORLD does Epsilon run five squintilion simulations and not choose to contact HER instead.
Hes gonna get stabbed big time ooooh my god I can't watch.
I feel like. Okay. When rvb got serious. It didn't have to undercut itself with jokes. When Donut was shot by Wash it was 100% played straight. No quips. So why does Burnie undercut Sarge getting stabbed by having him say "well dang it".
I've paused this like five million times to say "I can't" and all variations thereof. I'm not ready for "Matt's performance".
Hand on Simmons arm. And if I lose it right now.
Very touching moments happening here with Sarge and the team I cannot complain too much or really at except when in one of my numerous pauses of the movie to fortify myself I cannot help but clasp my hands and think. Where's Donut.
And also I cannot help but think when we were about to get on Torrian for trying to kill Tucker and now its like. Welp. (Not nearly as bad as a killing to gas up your bad rvb spinoff but still. It kinda feels like this is approaching that ballpark.)
"Run away while you can. I'm coming for you." *laughs evilly* Is this supposed to be like Tuckers personality, like a Doc-O'Malley thing where the AI adapts its mannerisms to the host. Because either way its a corny ass bit that does nothing. And I kinda of hate it.
Doc is very obviously all in Wash's head which is uhhh.... not where I expected the season to go. With Wash.
Grif and Simmons standing in front of Sarge's grave, alone: Me: soooo. grimmons?
man really great stuff here happening here but I still cant help but be like. so why isnt Donut here. is it the homophobia.
This song kinda sounds like. No. it couldn't be.
Okay over an hour and no Carolina I'm kind of feeling like when I walked into the Supernatural series finale thinking Castiel might return only to hit the point of the ten minute long wincest scene, with no Castiel in sight.
All the budget went to getting Kathleen to return after her fallout with Rooster Teeth.........
Okay wait so is Doc real? He was really giving hallucination.
Wait okay drop from the sky. If this ISNT Carolina. I'm ending it.
Again I don't really know why getting to her wasn't part of Epsilon's plan but WHATEVER. whatever. do Donut next.
Also I would love love LOVE for some Carolina and Tex moments after this fight. really rooting for the Bechdel test pass.
Okay we really kill Tex again huh. Should have put that on my Bingo card.
If the AIs in Meta!Tucker are fragments of Epsilon, meaning presumably when he fragmented the Epsilon memories would be gone, how does this Sigma know about Allison =Tex = Beta.
The cone on Grif did get me lmao.
EXPLAIN TO ME THE SWORD THING WHAT. Did Meta!Tucker say "You never were?" Am I missing something. That isn't how the swords work.
why does simmons get the good throwing arm bit that was DONUTS thing. im about to break into Burnie's house. where is Donut.
Chex handhold walk into the white void. I should have put Chex on my bingo card.
Okay no so Doc still definitely a hallucination. What are we doing with this Burnie.
I'm counting Carolina looking sad at the smashed capture unit as Carolina Angst. Taking what I can get here.
Carolina just ignoring Wash mentioning Doc lmao.
OKAY NO WAIT. DOC DEAD. DIED IN THE CHORUS BATTLE. WASH BEING HAUNTED BY GUILT OF DEAD DOC. Burnie recon'd the brain trauma but was like wait. hold my beer.
this sad as hell actually. damn.
also the revival of wash/doc as a ship concept like DAMN where my recollection homies at for real. Remember in Chorus trilogy when the gag was nobody gave a shit about Doc and forgot about him in the transportation cubes. I know Doc fans eating. Except for how he's, you know, dead.
North and CT appearances. THERES my minor freelancer cameos.
Man I have SO many thoughts(tm) on this scene that I cannot articulate right I need to digest it for a little bit but. Giving all this angst to Wash (instead of Carolina). The scene on the beach in s15 being better because it wasn't slanted toward Wash. Why did I think Burnie was gonna do my girl right.
Agent One appearance..... oh wow...... yay............ 😑
Grif leaving without Simmons? No. no way.
Okay im gonna. Thats not. man.
Sorry I'm gonna get hung up on this in the Grimmons way first and then the rest of it after. WHY would you have the little "come with me" only to split up after. Not that I expected Grimmons lets be real but I didn't expect a split and more importantly I didnt expect a HALF BLOOD GULCH split up. Is the ending really for SIMMONS AND CABOOSE to be 1vs1'ing in the box canyon. Season 11 they were planning to go "home" and then the ship crashed. There is long since no Command. WHAT are they going to be doing there. Burnie ANSWER me.
okay credit rolling and they really gave Meta a stupid voice so Miles could do it huh. okay. They also gave him Sigma which I did catch in the voice acting.
the one Donut line WAS Dan Godwin. Mr Godwin what was your schedule like. PLEASE. could you really not reprise your roll. COULD THEY HAVE WRITTEN YOU OUT OF THE SEASON WITH A BIT MORE RESPECT, AND DARE I SAY GRAVITAS.
shout out to the one Andy line too lmao I didnt mention that earlier.
IT WAS THE BARE NAKED LADIES. THAT SONG. I KNEW IT. thats where the other half of the budget went I guess.
okay well. Its over. I need to collect my thoughts. And make a post.
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lipglossanon · 6 months
this is such like a random headcanon of mine, but i feel like leon loves corny ass horror and action movies😭 (which like, same). like i genuinely feel like he loves the fast and furious movies, but like, only the older ones with paul walker in them. even movies like joy ride (also with paul walker. god, i miss that man..), also loves the transformers movies, but specifically the ones with megan fox. he’s in love with megan fox and jennifer tilly, he just looks like the kinda guy who would LOVE them (specifically him in DI and vendetta). god, but like the thought of you saying you haven’t seen movies like kill bill, or joy ride, and just forces you to sit down and watch them with him. the thought just makes me go🥰. oh, also he weirdly loves the jeepers creepers movies😭 he knows they’re not great, but he still loves them to death. also i hope you’re having a great day, and remember to drink water and eat something if you haven’t!
🩵 anon, hi!!! 👋
and yes!!! He for sure does!! The more B rate the better 🤭
And I love all of your movie choices. I literally watched the Fast and the Furious series for the first time last year (up to 9 at least). Oh my god the first ones are so corny!! 🤣
(fun fact! I’ve seen Lucas Black at a high school football game before and didn’t know who he was 🤣 Tokyo Drift hadn’t come out yet and I didn’t recognize him as the kid from Sling Blade lmao).
And Joy Ride!!! 😩 my friends used to do that ‘candy cane’ voice for forever lmao
Have you seen Valentine with David Boreanz? I feel like if you like Joy Ride (or Urban Legends or Final Destination or I Know What You Did Last Summer lol), you’ll like that movie. Plus David Boreanz is always hot 🥵 🤭 (and totally who I would want to play Chris Redfield 😩).
Jeepers Creepers scared me to death as a kid! The first one was so different at the time (height of the Scream era then) and then they gradually got worse. For the love of film, please do NOT watch Reborn. It’s trash like not even redeemable B rate horror trash 🤣
Anywho, I love talking movies so hit me up with any headcanons you have 🤭 Or just movie talk in general 😝
And thank you so much 🩵 anon!! 🥰 I’m doing very well! I hope you are too!! 💜 💜
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Sweet Child of Mine
I’m a massive Marvel shill. If you’ve been around these parts, you know. I literally start all of these reviews like this because i want to be absolutely transparent about that. I am bias as f*ck about The House of Ideas so, if i hate something Marvel made, it’s because it’s objectively terrible. With that on the record, i hate Thor. I hate Marvel’s take on Thor. Always have. I never understood how Thor would work in a world full of superheroes. Plus, what even is that costume? Sh*t is corny as f*ck. When he got his first film in the MCU, i went because of course i would. Unimpressed. Hemsworth sucked at acting but Hiddles was an absolute peach. That movie was bad but, at the very least, it gave us MCU Loki. Then The Dark World happened. The less said about that nonsense, the better. While Feige floundered with giving the MCU Asgardians an identity, the comics were going a long way to redeeming the characters.
Unworthy Thor came through and turned the entire character on it’s head. That arc went a long way to making Odinson properly compelling. This was followed swiftly by Mighty Thor, revealing that a cancer riddled Jane Foster was taking up the mantle. This was part of the All New All Different initiative which sucked ass but three was a ton of good stuff in there, Lady Thor being one of them. After that, we got the best Thor story ever written to date, the God Butcher arc. I actually read all of that arc and thoroughly impressed. Around the same time, Taika Waititi blessed us with Ragnarok and it finally clicked; Thor was good. Taika had solved the puzzle and gave us one of the best Phase Three films so when it was announced he was going to adapt that masterpiece Bog-Butcher arc, i was all in. Well, it released yesterday and i saw it. Does this cinematic take hold up to what’s on the page? Well, i got opinions
The Great
Christian Bale. Dude took a character that was already pretty compelling but entirely a plot device and made him feel whole. Bale's Gorr is the gem of this film and it’s a shame there was so little of him throughout. As far as performances in the MCU, this one was easily one of the best. As antagonists go, Taika is two for two. Bale’s Gorr is just as delicious as Blanchett’s Hela.
The Good
Chris Hemsworth continues to deliver as Thor Odinson and this character is all the better for it. You got see a little bit of this in the first Avengers film and he really got to do some heavy lifting in Ultron but Ragnarok is where this character truly came into being. That awesome continues into this, the fourth standalone Thor film. Hemsworth has said he will play the character as long as Disney keeps asking him back. I hope the Mouse House has this man’s number on speed dial because i need four more of these things. AS long as Taika is in charge.
Natalie Portman is absolutely brilliant as Mighty Thor. It’s weird seeing her back onscreen after so long and even weirder seeing her out on the battlefield like that. I’m not mad, mind you, she holds her own and even has a few really touching moments during the film. It feels a little bittersweet if I'm being honest because we won’t have anymore of her going forward. Or will we? Death means nothing in comics so we’ll see. Also, Variants.
Also-also, man, is Natalie smoking hot in this thing! As Mighty Thor or Jane, she is just so goddamn gorgeous. I forgot how beautiful this woman was. Sh*t was a little jarring at first, especially hen she got all Asgardian for them scraps. Didn’t know i needed Muscle Mommy Natalie but i am glad i got it!
It was a joy seeing the Guardians again, even if they just had a glorified cameo. I mean, i am in love with Karen Gillan so anytime i get some Nebula action, i am golden.
Speaking of cameos, there are a ton. There are some shots pulled straight from the comic and even characters we haven’t seen in years, making their grand return. Missing an arm. There’s even a Heimdall easter egg that properly gives closure to his arc. Again, bittersweet, but i thin that’s kind of the theme to this film.
This movie cooks, man. The pacing is akin to a full-on sprint. that makes for a decent viewing experience but, goddamn, did i want to linger in certain scenes a bit longer. A good example are the scenes with all three Asgardians together. Those shots with Brunhilde (Yes, that’s Valkyrie's actual name), Jane, and Thor were fantastic. They have great chemistry together. Also, Korg was there a little bit. I wanted more of that but, what we did get, was solid as f*ck.
The Meh
The story, overall, is kind of pedestrian. No, that’s not fair. i Liked the story but it feels... poorly stitched together? Yeah, that’s closer to what i want to say. I mentioned the above comic arcs, Gorr the God-Butcher, Unworthy, and Mighty, specifically because these are the narrative Waititi pulled from to create this story. And it feels that way. There is a lot here and you kind of feel like there wasn’t enough time to properly tell tale because it needed to cover so much ground.
This movie is funny. A little too funny. Like, sometimes distractedly so. The joke often takes precedence instead of the the plot and that can get kind of frustrating. Ragnarok walked that line very well and it did wonders for the Thor character but in this? It feels they crossed that line a step or two too much. Cats are saying it’s as f*cked up as Batman and Robin but no. Absolutely not. Nothing in the MCU is as bad as that, and i am including The Dark World in that brazen statement, but i will admit there was a hair too much levity in this entry. Just a smidge.
The Bad
There’s too much going on, man. I mentioned this before when i gave the pacing some lukewarm praise but there are just too many plot lines to cover. They never organically focus and you just feel like “Why?”  As much as i enjoy Valkyrie, why was she here? Aside from the fact she was f*cking the director, i mean. Why didn’t we get a Thor and Mighty Thor adventure? Why the f*ck were the kids there at the end? Why the f*ck Zeus? Why a lot of things? If the plot was more focused, we’d have these answers but it wasn’t. It was kind of all over the lace, all of the time.
Definitely not enough Gorr. Bale is the best thing about this flick, one of the better MCU villains as a whole, and dude has, like, five minutes of screen time. I understand why they changed the design of the character from it’s rather plain comic appearance because Bale really delivers in his performance. Would have been a shame to hide that behind makeup or CG. It still is a shame because we got so little of it.
This sh*t is basically the origin to Singularity. Like, this is a Thor flick in name only. Love and Thunder is as much a Thor film as MoM was a Doctor Strange film. That’s not a terrible thing, mid you, but if your title character is more a supporting character, then you have a problem with your movie. Thor is much more present than the good doctor was in his, but you’d be forgiven if you thought this was a Mighty Thor film or if the whole thing was literally just to introduced Singularity as a character. That sh*t doesn’t bother me too much but it is indicative of Phase Four Marvel, which is a little disheartening. I’ll probably get into that in more detail later because i got opinions.
The Verdict
Thor: Love and Thunder is pretty good. It’s a solid watch and probably the second strongest cinematic entry in Phase Four of the MCU. Obviously, No Way Home is the best film so far but Thor 4 is easily the silver medal so far. While i enjoyed MoM, Love and Thunder is just a better film, overall. I loved seeing Portman finally doing more than Surprised Pikachu Face and getting damsel’d all the time. I always thought Jane deserved better than her two outings and this one really redeems her character. We get more fantastic Thor development as well as some solid Valkyrie work. Overall, i enjoyed L and T, even though this thing definitely feels like a filler arc. The narrative definitely could have been tighter and we absolutely should have had more of Bales Gorr, but, ultimately, this was a solid watch. If you’re a fan of the MCU, then this one is a must watch, especially with the introduction of Singularity. If you just want to have a surprisingly heartfelt good time in the theater, Thor: Love and Thunder truly delivers that, even if it’s a little flawed.
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ramrage · 5 months
now tht the dust has settled..... thoughts on mwiii campaign ?
oh god this has probably been sitting here for 27 years, hasn’t it?, my apologies—tumblr mobile is super ass and butt with highlighting inbox notifications, even tho (to me!) theyre the most urgent but WHATEVER!, anyways thank you so much for the ask, the fact that people care about my opinions on anything is so flattering, so i smooch and kiss your head, basically
full, rambling essay (which tbh is way longer than it needs to be) below the cut
id be lying if i said i was pleased, and this is coming from a fannish perspective /as well as/ a plain ol’ gamer perspective.
starting with the fandom bit, specifically The Culling of Soap, because i assume that’s what youre here for:
so, im a complete and utter fool and actively sought out spoilers despite not wanting to see them, so i already knew soap was going to kark it. it is what it is. my hope—tho tbh, it was more of an assumption—was that it was at the very least going to come with nice, high-quality emotional moments to fuel the ghostsoap fire.
which would make sense, no? this was only the 2nd campaign ive ever played, but going off the writing in mw2 and the few scenes ive seen from the 09 campaign, i assumed they’d give a main character’s death a bit of care. like a whole ass heart-wrenching cutscene right after soap got shot. and they really could’ve.
how it went:
- little cutscene with soap (kinda anticlimactically) playing the hero and then getting shot
- return to regular gameplay in which you have to literally just. press a button or two.
but why couldn’t all of the above been a cinematic? like, the gameplay task wasn’t remotely challenging or engaging—it didn’t add to the experience. i can say that it reminded us that we were, in fact, playing a video game and not watching a movie, but?? who the fuck cares? the campaigns shine because they marry visual narrative storytelling with gameplay. ideally, you take the best bits of both to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts, but imo, that was very much not the case.
instead, they used the ash spreading scene as the emotional suckerpunch but omg I am so sorry, that nonsense was BEYOND corny. I was genuinely waiting for the soulful bagpipe rendition of Amazing Grace to start up (as is the tradition for at least irish catholics. i reckon the same goes for their scottish counterparts).
I must recognize the scene’s silver lining, though. That’s right. Three cheers for Ghost looking like the saddest wettest cat to have ever worn BOOHOO MAN joggers. Great choice, by the way, to put the boohooing man in boohoo man. Gotta give it up for that.
But overall, I was rather disappointed by the lack of banter in this campaign. Evidently, there was more banter that I missed, presumably because my style of play is running in guns blazing, screaming “LEEEROY JENKINS”
Which brings me to the Gameplay Section
It was a lot like DMZ! I like DMZ! Which is really fucking lucky because here’s a comprehensive list of mwii and mwiii game modes that are a lot like DMZ
- the campaign
- resurgence
- battle royale
- zombies
- co-op missions
- raids
and now for the game modes that /aren’t/ like DMZ
- multiplayer
I understand the Paper Pusher Powers That Be rushed development severely, hence the massive amount of reused/repurposed content, but like. I don’t care? Fuck that. At the end of the day, we were offered an expensive-ass bowl full of leftovers mixed with heat-and-serve frozen dinners. Not cool, man.
It makes me extra-pissed hearing that the developers got worked to the bone for this, and it pisses me off that they’re receiving a great deal of the heat re: the game sucking. It’s /so/ not their fault that corporate did as corporate does, that being focusing on the money instead of the quality of the product. y’know, the thing that actually compels people to spend money in the first place.
I have no idea how or if they plan on salvaging this, but I hope they do. It’s pretty damn embarrassing if they don’t.
0 notes
smokeybrand · 2 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Sweet Child of Mine
I’m a massive Marvel shill. If you’ve been around these parts, you know. I literally start all of these reviews like this because i want to be absolutely transparent about that. I am bias as f*ck about The House of Ideas so, if i hate something Marvel made, it’s because it’s objectively terrible. With that on the record, i hate Thor. I hate Marvel’s take on Thor. Always have. I never understood how Thor would work in a world full of superheroes. Plus, what even is that costume? Sh*t is corny as f*ck. When he got his first film in the MCU, i went because of course i would. Unimpressed. Hemsworth sucked at acting but Hiddles was an absolute peach. That movie was bad but, at the very least, it gave us MCU Loki. Then The Dark World happened. The less said about that nonsense, the better. While Feige floundered with giving the MCU Asgardians an identity, the comics were going a long way to redeeming the characters.
Unworthy Thor came through and turned the entire character on it’s head. That arc went a long way to making Odinson properly compelling. This was followed swiftly by Mighty Thor, revealing that a cancer riddled Jane Foster was taking up the mantle. This was part of the All New All Different initiative which sucked ass but three was a ton of good stuff in there, Lady Thor being one of them. After that, we got the best Thor story ever written to date, the God Butcher arc. I actually read all of that arc and thoroughly impressed. Around the same time, Taika Waititi blessed us with Ragnarok and it finally clicked; Thor was good. Taika had solved the puzzle and gave us one of the best Phase Three films so when it was announced he was going to adapt that masterpiece Bog-Butcher arc, i was all in. Well, it released yesterday and i saw it. Does this cinematic take hold up to what’s on the page? Well, i got opinions
The Great
Christian Bale. Dude took a character that was already pretty compelling but entirely a plot device and made him feel whole. Bale's Gorr is the gem of this film and it’s a shame there was so little of him throughout. As far as performances in the MCU, this one was easily one of the best. As antagonists go, Taika is two for two. Bale’s Gorr is just as delicious as Blanchett’s Hela.
The Good
Chris Hemsworth continues to deliver as Thor Odinson and this character is all the better for it. You got see a little bit of this in the first Avengers film and he really got to do some heavy lifting in Ultron but Ragnarok is where this character truly came into being. That awesome continues into this, the fourth standalone Thor film. Hemsworth has said he will play the character as long as Disney keeps asking him back. I hope the Mouse House has this man’s number on speed dial because i need four more of these things. AS long as Taika is in charge.
Natalie Portman is absolutely brilliant as Mighty Thor. It’s weird seeing her back onscreen after so long and even weirder seeing her out on the battlefield like that. I’m not mad, mind you, she holds her own and even has a few really touching moments during the film. It feels a little bittersweet if I'm being honest because we won’t have anymore of her going forward. Or will we? Death means nothing in comics so we’ll see. Also, Variants.
Also-also, man, is Natalie smoking hot in this thing! As Mighty Thor or Jane, she is just so goddamn gorgeous. I forgot how beautiful this woman was. Sh*t was a little jarring at first, especially hen she got all Asgardian for them scraps. Didn’t know i needed Muscle Mommy Natalie but i am glad i got it!
It was a joy seeing the Guardians again, even if they just had a glorified cameo. I mean, i am in love with Karen Gillan so anytime i get some Nebula action, i am golden.
Speaking of cameos, there are a ton. There are some shots pulled straight from the comic and even characters we haven’t seen in years, making their grand return. Missing an arm. There’s even a Heimdall easter egg that properly gives closure to his arc. Again, bittersweet, but i thin that’s kind of the theme to this film.
This movie cooks, man. The pacing is akin to a full-on sprint. that makes for a decent viewing experience but, goddamn, did i want to linger in certain scenes a bit longer. A good example are the scenes with all three Asgardians together. Those shots with Brunhilde (Yes, that’s Valkyrie's actual name), Jane, and Thor were fantastic. They have great chemistry together. Also, Korg was there a little bit. I wanted more of that but, what we did get, was solid as f*ck.
The Meh
The story, overall, is kind of pedestrian. No, that’s not fair. i Liked the story but it feels... poorly stitched together? Yeah, that’s closer to what i want to say. I mentioned the above comic arcs, Gorr the God-Butcher, Unworthy, and Mighty, specifically because these are the narrative Waititi pulled from to create this story. And it feels that way. There is a lot here and you kind of feel like there wasn’t enough time to properly tell tale because it needed to cover so much ground.
This movie is funny. A little too funny. Like, sometimes distractedly so. The joke often takes precedence instead of the the plot and that can get kind of frustrating. Ragnarok walked that line very well and it did wonders for the Thor character but in this? It feels they crossed that line a step or two too much. Cats are saying it’s as f*cked up as Batman and Robin but no. Absolutely not. Nothing in the MCU is as bad as that, and i am including The Dark World in that brazen statement, but i will admit there was a hair too much levity in this entry. Just a smidge.
The Bad
There’s too much going on, man. I mentioned this before when i gave the pacing some lukewarm praise but there are just too many plot lines to cover. They never organically focus and you just feel like “Why?”  As much as i enjoy Valkyrie, why was she here? Aside from the fact she was f*cking the director, i mean. Why didn’t we get a Thor and Mighty Thor adventure? Why the f*ck were the kids there at the end? Why the f*ck Zeus? Why a lot of things? If the plot was more focused, we’d have these answers but it wasn’t. It was kind of all over the lace, all of the time.
Definitely not enough Gorr. Bale is the best thing about this flick, one of the better MCU villains as a whole, and dude has, like, five minutes of screen time. I understand why they changed the design of the character from it’s rather plain comic appearance because Bale really delivers in his performance. Would have been a shame to hide that behind makeup or CG. It still is a shame because we got so little of it.
This sh*t is basically the origin to Singularity. Like, this is a Thor flick in name only. Love and Thunder is as much a Thor film as MoM was a Doctor Strange film. That’s not a terrible thing, mid you, but if your title character is more a supporting character, then you have a problem with your movie. Thor is much more present than the good doctor was in his, but you’d be forgiven if you thought this was a Mighty Thor film or if the whole thing was literally just to introduced Singularity as a character. That sh*t doesn’t bother me too much but it is indicative of Phase Four Marvel, which is a little disheartening. I’ll probably get into that in more detail later because i got opinions.
The Verdict
Thor: Love and Thunder is pretty good. It’s a solid watch and probably the second strongest cinematic entry in Phase Four of the MCU. Obviously, No Way Home is the best film so far but Thor 4 is easily the silver medal so far. While i enjoyed MoM, Love and Thunder is just a better film, overall. I loved seeing Portman finally doing more than Surprised Pikachu Face and getting damsel’d all the time. I always thought Jane deserved better than her two outings and this one really redeems her character. We get more fantastic Thor development as well as some solid Valkyrie work. Overall, i enjoyed L and T, even though this thing definitely feels like a filler arc. The narrative definitely could have been tighter and we absolutely should have had more of Bales Gorr, but, ultimately, this was a solid watch. If you’re a fan of the MCU, then this one is a must watch, especially with the introduction of Singularity. If you just want to have a surprisingly heartfelt good time in the theater, Thor: Love and Thunder truly delivers that, even if it’s a little flawed.
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edwige-fenech · 4 years
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In the folds of the flesh / Nelle pieghe della carne (1970) dir. Sergio Bergonzelli
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las-lus · 4 years
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freuleinanna · 2 years
movie night
Characters: Dylan Lenivy, Kaitlyn Ka, Ryan Erzahler (starring as a domestic polyamorous trio) Chosen ending: Any one where those three are alive and not infected Short summary: The chaotic bubbly trio has a movie night but pick the wrong film :D Words count: 836
Tags: @ryo-kaen, @althea-tavalas, @ech0lenivy1, @b33barlowsstuff (tagging those who wanted to check the works and/or specifically the characters in this trio, I think they all have an amazeballs chemistry!)
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(yes I didn't find a single gif of all 3 together so I had to choose my personal fav oops)
((also I had to colour-code it bc it's all dialogue, but let me know if it's easier in b/w!))
‘Dooon’t you worry, guys, I’m the protector here, everything’s gonna be-- argh! Shit, false alarm.’
‘Real brave, dude, real brave.’
‘What are you doing, these are buttered! Get it off, Ryan!’
‘Shh-shh! Shhh! Here it comes, guys--’
‘I said get it OFF! Seriously!’
‘What’s the matter, Miss Butterpants?’
‘You NUMBNUT, that’s my designer’s--’
‘Shut it! I’m here for the corny dialogues in the film, not yours.’
‘Boo-hoo, Captain Hook, the crying sofa is in another room.’
‘Corny enough, Kat? How ‘bout more corn?’
‘I’M SERIOUS, God! You’re a hog, Ryan!’
‘…oh no.’
‘She didn’t.’
‘God, no…’
‘Oh, yes, she did.’
‘NO! I didn’t! I did not!’
‘She SO did!’
‘I’m gonna kill you two little…’
‘Why, God? Why?’
‘Shut it, Jimi Hendrix, go play your imaginary guitar with your imaginary hand. RYAN, STOP WITH THE POPCORN!’
‘…dude, was that your hog sound? So lame.’
‘Turn your head and watch a movie, numbnut.’
‘Dude, not cool.’
‘They are kinda numb…’
‘Oh my god.’
‘…cause you’re sitting on me, Thumbelina.’
‘Nope, not reacting to that.’
‘One more popped corn and your weight is gonna crush me down.’
‘One more word and I’ll pop your eye with my thumb, how about that?’
‘Guys, we missed like half the plot already.’
‘Oh right, so who’s the monster?’
‘I will be, if Ryan doesn’t stop pouring buttered popcorn all over my designer blouse! QUIT IT!’
‘Shush! Also, Ryan, buddy, my leg went numb thanks to Thumbelina over here.’
‘So move your ass! I need space!’
‘Use the space previously taken by your hand. Easy enough.’
‘That’s… low. Even for you, dude.’
‘Life’s not fair. Hey-- Hey. What are you doing?’
‘Avenging my Alexander Wang, you hog.’
‘Oh, god…’
‘Wait, is he a friend of yours?’
‘Dylan, honey, was your brain also in your hand what it got chopped off? My blouse. My blouse is by Alexander Wang.’
‘Ooh, someone’s touchy.’
‘Oh yeah? How much did it cost?’
‘Are we watching the film or not?’
‘Seriously, how much, Kaitlyn?’
‘Literally free, go eat your popcorn.’
‘If he can get it from under the shirt.’
‘First of all, is that where my safe-net fund go after you said you were too broke to chip in for pizza? And second of all… du-ude! Are you trying to make me lose the shirt?’
‘Yeah, Dyl, are you?’
‘Oh no, oh no-no-no, you can’t throw me under the bus, Kat.’
‘I can and I will the first chance I have.’
‘I’m always trying to make Ryan lose his shirt. But you, sweetums?’
‘Ew, it shouldn’t even be a word!’
‘You, sweetums, robbed our precious Ryan to buy a des shirt?’
‘I did n--’
‘Oh, god.’
‘I’m so proud of you. Not you, Ryan, you’re a gullible patsy. But we love you the way you are.’
‘Aww, gee, thanks.’
‘Yes, because you give us money. UP TOP!’
‘I hate you both.’
‘No, you don’t. Now seriously, get Thumbelina off my lap, I’ve at least one case of a numb nut.’
‘You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone, prick.’
‘Ouch! What are you--’
‘Sweet freedom!’
‘God, do you even have meat on your bones?’
‘Yeah, if you wiggle your ass more, you’ll definitely find it.’
‘Ew, gross.’
‘GUYS GUYS GUYS, the music! It’s on!’
‘Oh, right! Is that the monster?’
‘What are we watching again?’
‘Ah, who cares.’
‘What’s that one’s name?’
‘Stop wiggling, seriously!’
‘I’m sitting on a pile of popcorn, dude. That’s so ruined.’
‘SHUT IT! They’re gonna show the monster soon! Hear that? Dun-dun-dun, DUN-DUUUUN!’
‘Isn’t she, like, the main damsel in distress?’
‘Yes, that’s THE WHOLE POINT!’
‘She’s a damsel, she’s in distress, she’s gonna get eaten.’
‘Wow. Insightful. Thanks, Ryan the cinema expert.’
‘Oh my god, somebody hold my hand!’
‘Which one?’
‘You’re lucky I’m too emotionally invested to hit you, so just… okay??’
‘Ryan, hold his hand, I’m busy.’
‘Doing what exactly?’
‘Watching, duh.’
‘Oh, my-- Come one, dude. Aren’t you supposed to protect us from the atrocities of the classic horror movie night?’
‘Again, I’m too emotionally invested to—AAH OH MY GOOD!’
‘Shit, shit, SHIT! RYAN!’
‘I can’t hold both of you!’
‘What the FUCK?!’
‘Fucking werewolves! GOD!’
‘Who DOES that?!’
‘It’s literally called THE WOLF MAN, DUDE!!! Didn’t you at least check what was on?!’
‘Who’s got the remote, quick!’
‘Fucking werewolves! Grrr-ah!’
‘Okay-okay-okay, it’s under me! It’s under me! Or Kaitlyn!’
‘I’m under Kaitlyn, man!’
‘Oh shit, I got it, I got it! Oof, fuckity-bye, creepy 1940s wolf… people.’
‘So… call it a night?’
‘Yeah, neat idea.’
‘I’m not letting go of you two.’
‘Come on.’
‘We’re leaving the lights on, right?’
‘Ryan, not now. Dylan, yes we are.’
‘I am SERIOUSLY never letting go of you two.’
‘Neither am I!’
‘Neither am I.’
‘Good, agreed. Nighty-night, then.’
‘Fucking werewolves.’
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kojinnie · 3 years
Why you should NOT date AOT boys... (2)
I advised you but you still didn’t listen just because your fave was not on the first part. So hereby I present to you, reasons why these boys will only give you headache, part two!
Enjoy my lovelies, and stop hurting yourself with these men!
Your ever-so-concerned friend, Kojin.
erwin - zeke - jean - connie
part one here (levi - eren - armin - reiner)
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This is not gonna be easy. You’re dealing with a man who has received multitude of achievements and recognition for being who he is and for doing things his own way, so obviously he is at that point in his life where he’s very comfortable in being who he already is. It’s all for a reason though, for Erwin oozes a certain kind of authority that is justified by his sharp thinking and years of experience. He is a self-made man and his success was the work of nobody but his own doing. So obviously, he has this uncanny self-assurance that is not easy to be dissuaded. He is ”The Man” character you hear about in pop songs and movies, and alike to dating Levi, the idea of being with Erwin gives you a sense of pride, you’ll be the most flattered whenever you hear people look at you with certain kind of acknowledgment, “Oh, that’s the one Erwin chooses.”
If you have problem with your self-esteem or you constantly doubt yourself, being with Erwin –especially when you have an established relationship— can really encourage you, to make you realize that there is a great thing in you, that even someone with the caliber of Erwin Smith can see. However, this may also lead to a bad thing because little by little, whether you realize it or not, your identity will be blurred with the constant presence of Erwin around you, simply because he has that magnificence in him that lures the limelight in, and your name will only be left as a prop to better dress the mannequin. This is a man who hardly ever hears “no” in his life, although he will never be violent or do things against your wish, it feels natural for him to always have a say in whatever you do. From the way you dress, your career trajectory, to decision for everyday chore. You would often feel as if you have no room to grow on your own because everything is decided by Erwin, where your opinion is dismissed. The most infuriating aspect of Erwin is that he will do all the aforementioned in such a sweet way. Caressing your cheek, patting your head softly before condescendingly says things like: “Honey, if you’ve seen what I’ve seen, you’ll understand. So for now, let’s just go with [insert his decision], okay?”
The ideal relationship for you and Erwin is if you have been with him since the get-go, before he made a name for himself. The good thing about Erwin is that he values nurture and he will show the utmost gratitude to whomever stood by him since day one. He will flaunt you, mention your name in every awarding speech, praise your perseverance for staying with him while actively making your own mark in your job. Basically, to survive a healthy and thriving romantic relationship with Erwin, you gotta see the quality in him before all the flashy titles, and you gotta be at similar degree of excellence with him. You gotta have his respect, you gotta make a name for yourself, only then he will listen to you and treat you as equal. So if you are still unsure about yourself, and you need constant reassurance about your role in this world, don’t go for Erwin, it will only exacerbate your self-doubt.
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Good god, this man. Where do I start? Okay, so you’re dealing with someone similar to Erwin, who enjoys a point in his life where his professional excellence has been widely established, he even has attained an almost mythical status. Remember how much the Warriors look up to him, saying things like “The enemies are no match to Zeke”? That’s basically his everyday life, and he has gotten so used to hearing that drilled into his ears for years.
For sure, he has a solid self-assurance; he knows what he wants, he knows how to get it, and anyone’s opinion holds very little value to him. But unlike Erwin, Zeke has grown sick of the compliment and has come to think that people are just licking his ass. This is because he made his success with little to no help from anyone else, and he has seen how differently people treated him back when he was just a nameless guy, compared to now, where he has made a name for himself. This experience, created a contradiction in his personality: One, the confident and self-assured Zeke, where he realizes that he’s smarter than most people, and; Two, the self-doubting Zeke, thinking that he is deemed as smart just because everyone comparable to him is stupid. He fears that it’s only until he meets someone smarter than him, before people finally realize that he’s a fraud. He’s the type to spew seemingly condescending remarks in a very casual way, like whenever someone comes to him in an awe and asks how does he do the things he does, he will just shrug it off and say, “I don’t know why everyone’s making a big deal out of that. It’s so easy.” When actually it’s just him, displaying his incomprehension on what make people think that he’s amazing when he hardly sees it.
Zeke leads a life where he thinks he can do whatever he wants, since he does not have a care in the world for anyone’s opinion and validation. This is because Zeke thinks either they are unworthy of his attention, or any person who has ever shown any interest towards him was only after something for themselves. In his early life, Zeke gets used a lot by people he trusted, and so this resulted in him not believing that someone would come to him and truly care for him with no pretense or hidden motives. The idea that he can be loved unconditionally is incredibly foreign, if not impossible to him. And this is the truth about him that he does not like to admit.
This is a person whose motto is to “enjoy things” because the enjoyment of things keeps him distracted from the disappointment he holds against people. So naturally, he does not like sentimental attachment, let alone committed relationship. What Zeke needs is just someone that he can ring up casually (and only occasionally because he’s always kept up with a lot of his professional endeavors), and spoil him with nearly childish affection. He likes to come home to someone who does not see him as this heroic figure that everybody sees, and rather just a careless kid who collects baseball cards with no active parent figure. He likes the cuddles, the kisses, the strokes, the lazy mornings where you pamper him like a demanding baby, because he never gets to experience such candid loving from his childhood, for he had to fend for himself since very young.
He likes to call you up late at night, with a sulk in his voice, “Baby can I come over…?” for you to act annoyed and reluctantly say yes to him. He likes that. He’s corny like that. But once he’s out the door, don’t expect him to text his whereabout or make your name known to the world, because he cannot afford such dire attachment. He’s as free as the bird, and after all, caging him into a committal relationship only justifies his belief that someone would only love him because they’re after something.
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Jean is tenacity personified. He wasn’t born talented or lucky enough to have special heritage runs in his blood, he is flawed with a lot of shortcomings, but what makes him stands out is his capability to persevere in the eyes of adversity. To keep on trying although he does not pass the initial mark, and that’s exactly what makes him special. In dating Jean, you will never run out of things to do or talk about, because Jean will always try to make the best out of every situation with his resourcefulness. It’s very nourishing to see someone make such a big effort for you, and if you lack assurance that someone would go extra miles for you, then seeing Jean breaks his back trying to catch your smile is such a sight that you will cherish for a long time.
However, deep inside, Jean is a very exhausted man. He often feels like he is at the end of his wit trying to make everything works. He is deeply wearied by having to be at his top game every minute to compete, and fears that if his grasp slips even just a little, he will quickly fall behind everyone. This will result in Jean being torn apart between work and you, for he always has the urge to put tenfold effort to match others’ casual effort. So expect a lot of calls unanswered and rescheduled date nights during the weekdays. Although he feels extremely regretful with this condition, he also believes that there is nothing he can do, for he thinks he was born unfortunate and this is the effort he has to make due in order to catch up with the others.
All this unhealthy sense of urgency from always having the need to compete often sends Jean into a state of paranoia. He fears that people may team up against him, or that he’s being left out. It’s really frustrating to see Jean having the need to reply to a stupid meme Eren sends at 4 AM while getting high, just because Jean fears that if he does not reply immediately, he will wake up the next day with people already talking about the things he missed. He is always on guard, and as much as he tries to give in to his relationship with you, sometimes you would feel like his mind is not at home. His mind is out there wondering whether he will ever make a name for himself without being compared to people who exerts considerably less effort than him.
Being with Jean, you gotta understand where his fear lies, and you gotta be very calm when dealing with all of his paranoid urges. Whenever he’s not home because he overworks himself, don’t bombard him with calls and text messages, just give him time and welcome him home with warmth and a sense of ease. Be the person where he puts his hair down after a whole day of gruesome work. Jean needs a lot of validation especially from the person he loves (and he feels guilty towards for seemingly neglecting you over work), all he needs to hear is just “You did well today”, and he would be more than thankful. Make time as well to give him little surprise, to make him realizes that you are the one place he does not need to compete with anyone else for you are his home. When it comes to Jean, it’s about give and take, he doesn’t do well with a diva who demands attention 24/7, nor he does well with someone who is seemingly way over his league, for it will worsen his insecurity.
Point is, Jean is an amazing man, guys, I couldn’t really point out why you should NOT date him, because in fact, you SHOULD date him. Being with him is a learning curve, not only for you but also for him, to understand that in a relationship not only that you gotta love, but also to compromise.
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Connie, oh Connie. We all love Connie, he’s the guy who would complete a picture, a party is a bore without the sight of him, we all just love us some Connie, but often to his expense. People love Connie because he is outgoing, humble, and has this salt-of-the-earth persona, but more often than not, people also use him as a comedic relief, and although at first, he enjoys it because he would like the idea that people look forward to him, sometimes it also takes a toll in him, it makes Connie wonder whether he will ever be fit for bigger purpose other than someone else’s humor.
Connie thrives in being helpful to other people, he believes being of service is his greatest merit and thus he never complains whenever someone asks him to do something, nor does he ever dislike doing things for other people. But often he wonders even after all the great services he has done to other people, why haven’t people seen him as more than just a comedic relief? Why can’t he be the hero of a story, instead of just the people’s favorite side character? This thought lingers a lot in his mind, and if he does not find a way to let it out somehow, this may grow into a bitterness for he feels used.
Make no mistake though, Connie does not yearn to have the limelight on his own, he is content with his position, all he needs is a bit of credit and affirmation that he is as important his other peers. That he is not overlooked nor that he is expendable. Without this, Connie might grow to become resentful of people as he thinks they will only use him to their advantages. He will get easily jealous or at high alert, just because you passingly joke about Jean being handsome with his new haircut. He may go into that rabbit hole of anxiety, waiting until the day when you finally leave him for being mediocre and opt for his more attractive friend.
When this side of him comes out, initially he will be overtly self-deprecating. Masking it as a joke just to fish a reaction from you. If you laugh along, not knowing that it was a test, he will be sure that you are just using him and it won’t be long until you depart for someone with more load than him. Once he sets his mind, he can be quite vindictive to you, casually assuming you of the worst while trying to pass it as a joke. When this side of Connie comes out, the last thing you should do is to get riled up. Connie is not being rational, so you gotta be the adult here unfortunately. You gotta shower him with a lot of affection in the form of services like he’s always do to people around him, and slowly work your way to the topic you are meaning to ask. Connie might be alluding the question for a while, until he finally comes clean that he was jealous and did not know how to properly address this feeling.
Being with Connie comes with the responsibility of making a home for him where finally he gets to be the center attention. He is not a narcissist, so he does not want everything to center around him. All he wanna be is to be seen, in which every effort he has made to the people he loves are being outwardly recognized and thanked for. Little things would really make Connie happy, like posting a lot of photos with him on your social media, or arranging surprise birthday party with his co-workers where he can finally experience what it feels like to be the likes of Eren or Jean.
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Thank you guys for all the likes, reblogs and comments - YOU ALL MAKE MY DAY. I was on the verge of being sure that no one would like things I write, but this.. This... (wails in telenovela style). I thank you and I wish you a great week ahead!
Guys for real if you still simp these guys even after this fair warning then I have no choice but to give you a personalized reason on why you should not date your fave AOT characters! 
> [CLOSED] Twisted Match-Up!  Send me three worst traits of yours + your AOT fave character and I’ll make you a short scenario on how shitty your relationship would be with them.  Fire away here!
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juminly · 4 years
Nights Like These
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Summary: A nice cozy movie night with timeskip! Iwaizumi Hajime.  Tags: Mostly Fluff & Smut towards the end. Warning: Smut starts after the “♥♥♥” and includes fingering and cockwarming.
Hajime knew that you loved mac and cheese. He had enough skills to be able to be able to whip up something nice and yummy for you after you've had such a long day and especially since you haven’t had an actual “date” in so long. Living on his own in the US for a few years did have its perks and this was one of them: he was a grown ass man who knew his way well enough in the kitchen to be able to cook for you. Sighing loudly, dark orbs stared for a few seconds at the smart watch strapped to his wrist then back at the pot in front of him. He was looking forward to seeing you more than anything. Being the athletic trainer of the national Japanese team was no ordinary feat and it took up a lot of his time and energy. But, that didn't mean that it would take up the time that you deserved, the time that you both needed. Being always so hyper-focused on his own work, his thoughts tended to drift off quite often to you, just thinking about the last few phone calls you had, the last few texts you sent him and the things you've done in your last few dates. He missed the way you sighed when he played with your hair... God, he loved playing with your hair, twirling your curls in his fingers. It wasn't even the agreed time for your date but he was anxious to see you. He wouldn't admit it to you though, not even to himself. The loud and strong thrumming of his heart in his chest was a big reminder of how much he loved you. He was smitten. No, ever worse! or better? He couldn't even think straight anymore, he was whipped for you and... Ring! Ring! Ring! Three rings. That's your own way of letting him know that it was you and he just absolutely loved it when you did that. If it were anyone else at the door, he wouldn't have been rushing towards it the way he had and flung it open just to see your face.
"Princess." The corner of his lips just curled up out of their own volition, didn't even ask for permission but they didn't even have to. You were here and he wouldn't have it any other way. Why was he acting and feeling like such a schoolboy? He didn't even care. What he cared about was why you were still not throwing your arms around him. "Come here, you." Leaning forward, he took your hand in his and pulled you in for a hug, squeezing his arms tightly around your waist, supporting your weight as you literally balanced yourself on the tip of your toes to wrap your arms around his neck and hug him back. He nuzzled your neck only for a brief moment, leaving a gentle kiss there and before you murmured in a wondering tone. "Cheesy?" He couldn't help but stiffen for a brief moment. Did you figure out what he had prepared for you? Or even worse, Hajime would be completely mortified if you thought he was cheesy or corny at any point and you didn't like it. Not that he was a man of many words but he always made sure that any word coming out of his mouth meant something. At least when it came to you. He didn't give two fucks when it came to the guys, they could all whimper and cry for all he cared. Nobody meant more to him than you. The click of your tongue snapped him out of his racing thoughts and that giggle... that same glorious and marvellous sound that made him turn his head the first time you met, that time when your eyes locked and he knew that he had to talk to you, even if one of the players on the team had to be used as a wingman just to be able to get a word in with you. "Babe-" You laughed softly. "What's going on in that head of yours? Are you daydreaming about me when I'm in your arms?" With a long sigh, you mumbled and seemed a bit disgruntled, which obviously made the furrow between Hajime's eyebrows even deeper. "If that's the case, then I can just leave. Is daydreaming about me better than real me?" He knew you were joking but how dare you use that pouty tone on him?
"I won't answer your first question. You'll have to wait and see for yourself. But-" Pressing his hand on the small of your back, his other hand inched down to grip you by the waist as his lips hovered against your own, his breath fanning over your lips, tickling them lightly just as a tingling sensation arose in both your chests. "Do you really think I would call you over if I didn't want you right where you are right now?" Closing the distance between you, he loses himself in the little taste of sweetness he could get from a chaste gentle kiss of your lips. It was hard for him to even contain himself or exercise any form of control when he's around you. "Right here in my arms." He murmurs softly before going back in for another kiss, a little bit deeper, a tiny bit more passionate as he molds your lips together, sucking on your bottom one before breaking away once again. Gazing down on you as you both try to catch your breath from the small loving exchange, Hajime stared down at your cheeks that were now painted with the most adorable blush, his heart swelling with giddiness that he was the one responsible for such a reaction from you. "Come on, we're watching The Princess Bride tonight and I better not hear any objections from you." He smiled as he saw yet another giggle from you, even as you rolled your eyes and told him that you've already seen it a thousand times before and you didn't even know why he wanted to watch it with you. Silencing you with a small peck, his usual frown was still on that handsome face of his but his gaze was soft and endearing. "I want to know more about the things that you love so you'll have to humour me for tonight, baby girl."
Kissing your cheek, his hand finds yours and he guides you to the living room, pulling you away from the kitchen since he knew that was the destination you had in mind. You always wanted to give him a hand when it came to literally anything but when it came to your dates or your time together, Hajime wanted to show that he wanted to do things for you. It was simply his love language. A language that was created since he met you. "Thanks for coming over. I know it was last minute but the guys' practice match got postponed so I decided to cut them some slack." - he chuckled before meeting your eyes that were now crinkling with laughter - "Not that I don't plan on kicking their ass later anyway. Gotta make sure they are in top shape and remember who's the one making the rules." Once he ensured that you were seated, he threw you a glance of warning over his shoulder as he walked out to the kitchen. "You better sit tight princess while I go get the food. I'll be right back." He winked at you and chuckled at the way you squirmed slightly and busied yourself with the remote control as he prepared your dinner for you. Hajime had his own way of showing his love and spoiling you. The man wanted to make sure that he followed through. Making you feel special, trying to show but a sliver of how he truly felt about you. Sighing loudly and after ensuring that the pasta was thoroughly cooked, he meticulously dumped it in a bowl, big enough to fit 6 servings of mac and cheese and brought two plates along with him to the living room.
As "The Princess Bride" began playing, you both dug into your food and being the humble fellow that he was, Hajime didn't dare comment on the food but he did find it quite... acceptable, to say the least. On the other hand, the look on your face when you saw what he had cooked for you was worth all the effort. He didn't use the basic Kraft Dinner mac and cheese, even though it was basically your favourite. However, he just wanted to do just a little bit extra for you, add his own touch : a four cheese mac and cheese with the finest pasta from a local Italian shop that he always ate at and even took you to a few times. The first few bites etched an expression of pure bliss on your face and that drew a shit eating grin on his face, one that you didn't even get the chance to see as you were too busy filling in your plate with a second serving. While you munched on your food and whispered about your favourite scenes from time to time, Hajime tried his best to keep his attention on the movie but you were much more entertaining that it was while you recited almost every single line that resounded from the TV. He wished he could turn it off and just watch you act out the movie and tell him about everything you love about it, he wouldn't have minded that at all.
He chuckled under his breath at the look of amazement on your face when you both managed to finish and lick clean all the contents of the pot. He just let you believe that you ate more than him - just for shits and giggles - when he was also devouring whatever he could from the food (about 4.5 servings - the man works out A LOT, okay? Don't judge-). Nobody could blame him, it was fucking delicious and he was proud that you loved something that he made with his own two hands. Taking a short clean-up/bathroom break, Hajime cozied up on the couch, checking all the stupid emojis and texts he received from the Olympic team. How did they even know that he was on a date with you? The texts and emojis on the group chat ranged from: "Ya betta get it on tonight, Iwa-chan~ Ya frown too much cause ya don't get laid enough!" - Atsumu, the wannabe Shittykawa. "WAT R U GOING TO BE DOING ON UR DATE? WILL IT BE FUN? MAYBE I CAN COME!? I LUV UR GF" - Hinata, the sweet sunshine boy bordering on annoying but too pure to be so, Hajime had to admit that he had a soft spot for him and the rowdy wing spiker who followed up with a text of his own. "WE'RE COMING OVER IN 1H TO HANG OUT WITH U! WE MISS HER SO MUCH!", Bokuto's follow-up did nothing but make the trainer's blood boil with imminent rage. If those two dimwits dared to even ring the bell of his condo, Japan can say goodbye to their favourite chaotic duo.
Putting in an Airpod in his left ear, Hajime began recording the most graphically violent threat he could muster on the group chat and stuttering mid-way through the voice note. Yes, Hajime Iwaizumi stuttered out of surprise and YOU were the only one who could catch this man off-guard as you walked back into the living room wearing nothing but one of his T-shirts. He barely managed a quick "I gotta go", clicked send without looking at the screen, blinked and gawked at you with a baffled frown.  "What happened to your clothes?" "Well~ Things did get a little messy in the kitchen and while I...-" You cleared your throat and bit your bottom lip, definitely not trying to turn him on. Sarcasm alert. "-kinda made things worse so I borrowed one of your T-shirts. I hope you don't mind." He simply shook his head, mumbling a husky "It's fine, what's mine is yours" and patted the seat next to him. His frown only grew deeper when you walked closer to him but made no sign of actually sitting down. Looking up at you, he could see the bright flush spreading across your cheeks when you pointed to his lap. "Is that seat taken?"
His eyebrow perked up in amusement along with a mirthful smirk, your bottom lip remaining a prisoner between your teeth. "Be my guest. Who am I to refuse a request from my princess." He chuckled as he grabbed your hand, pulling you into his lap and you squirmed in embarrassment, the feeling of your well-defined butt rubbing against him, those supple cheeks that his crotch was getting well acquainted with. The accidental groan that escaped his lips was a definite warning to stop what you were doing or continue at your own risk.
"If you keep wiggling your ass on me like that, you're gonna have to own up to your actions, sweetheart." His rough baritone was telling of the growing desire he had for you. He hadn't seen you in so long and he was starved for your touch, as if the soft brush of his calloused fingers on your thighs was no indication to his underlying intentions. He knew how sensitive you were and he was not above taking advantage of that fact, the slight shiver that ran over your body only urged on him, wanting to coax even more of these delicious reactions from you. 
♥♥♥ "Iwa-" Before you could even finish calling his name, his lips were on yours, nipping at your bottom one and sucking deeply before licking his way into your mouth, tasting the freshness of mint from his mouthwash as he entangled his tongue with your own, groaning loudly into your mouth. Breaking only for a moment, he demanded your attention as his fingers began to meander up your inner thighs, wasting no time to slide his index and middle over your panties, a clear wet spot forming and drenching the fabric slowly..
"If this is what you've wanted all along, you should've just said so, you naughty princess." Pushing your panties aside with his other hand, he deftly parted your folds and circled his fingers over your entrance, gathering up your slickness before lathering over your slit, barely grazing your swelling clit that desperately needed his attention. Seeing how you held your breath and stiffened in his embrace made him only want to do even more to you. This is not the type of quality time he had in mind but he was definitely not going to object to it. "Baby girl..." He crooned huskily as one of his hands rubbed up and down one of your thighs, making sure that your legs remained parted so that he could finger you good enough, prep you for what he had in mind. Before capturing your lips once again, he licked the seams of your lips, demanding that your eyes meet his own as he murmured against you. "You call me by my name, baby. You're royalty to me, after all." He smiled softly as you responded in kind, calling out his name and pulling him in a deep kiss, your hips slowly beginning to rut against his fingers that had yet to turn things up a notch. "Hajime..." You whimpered shakily against his lips, his warm breath fanning over your wet lips as his thumb rolled over your sensitive bud, moving clockwise and counter-clockwise, fast and slow with just the right amount of pressure to leave you with fighting to catch your breath. With two fingers right at your entrance, he watches you with avid interest, humming in satisfaction every time a moan escapes your lips, his own hips grinding involuntarily against your behind as his own erection begins to harden under your squirming figure.
"Hajime, I want you inside me... Please, stop teasing me!" You squeal while your nails dug into his shoulders, gripping those thick muscles tightly, while his own body tensed, betraying the composure that he desperately tried to maintain. His large biceps flexing as he squeezes his arms around you even tighter, trying to cease the negligible movement of your body that is driving him insane.
"Shush, baby. I'll treat you good. Just relax." Finally plunging in his fingers inside you, he swallows your moans with a searing kiss while you cried out into his mouth, his thick digits thrusting in and out of you and curling into you, your inner walls clamping down on them and sucking him in. With every roll of your hips, he met you with a thrust of his own, his fingers knuckle-deep, reaching that sweet stop that has you keening, so damn close to falling apart.
Your lips parted with a loud wet noise, his chest heaving with bated breath, his state reflecting your own but it didn't change the fact that you were feeling even needier when he cruelly removed his fingers from your core. Your frustrated whine didn't elicit any reaction from him but, contrary to his exterior, he could feel his body bursting with heat and it became unbearable. He exhaled loudly, patting your thigh and growling in your ear. "Get up and take your clothes off, baby girl. I'm not getting inside you until you do."
Hurriedly taking off his shirt in one smooth go and just in time to watch you reach for the hem of the oversized shirt, pulling it up in a rush, exposing more and more of your smooth skin. Fuck... he wanted to mark you all up but the twitching of his cock straining against his pants urged him to do so later. There were more pressing matters to attend to and right now, he just wanted to drink you all in. Licking his lips with a desire only you could sate, the darkness of his unquenchable thirst swimming in his orbs almost too much to handle, yet you still kept your gazes locked as you unclipped your bra, letting it fall to the floor while he fumbled with his belt, unzipping his pants and freeing his aching length with a loud hiss. The way you squeezed your legs together didn't go unnoticed and he knew that he left you hanging. "Come here, baby." As you inched closer to him, Hajime placed one large hand on either side of your hips, guiding you before him as you placed one knee on the couch and then another to straddle him, giving him a glimpse of your dripping core that was so ready for the taking while you wrapped your arms around his neck. He could feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins as he latched on to the crook of your neck, sucking on your soft skin deeply while sweet moans tumbled so easily from your quivering lips. "I've had enough, Hajime. I promise... Just please... I want you inside me." You pleaded as his warm hands settled on your butt, fondling your soft cheeks while he angled you right on top of his cock, groaning against your neck. "You're so perfect. I fucking missed you so much." With his fingertips digging into your soft flesh, he eases you onto his cock, sheathing himself fully inside you as you sink onto him, both of you moaning in harmony as your cunt clamped down on every single inch of him that you could take.
For a few moments, both of you remained silent, your forehead pressed against his bare shoulders and his own lying on the crown of your head. The silence of the room was filled with your heavy breathing as you allowed the fullness of your bodies, the fullness of your hearts washed over you and enveloped you completely. Neither of you wanted to move or even dared to, even though your instincts screamed to grind against one another and chase the release that you both wanted. But it wasn't what you really needed. This moment, the intimacy, this... love. "W-what about the movie?" You breathed out shakily against his arm, giggling softly while you began nibbling on the hardness of his bicep. He knew that you weren't even mildly concerned with the movie which made him chuckle out a deep laugh that rumbled in his chest. You... You never failed to those stupid butterflies flutter in his stomach with your cute little acts of possession.
He wore your love bites with pride and didn't mind that they were in a place that was even more visible than his neck. He licked a long strip on the column of your throat, decorating it with nips of his own, marks of his love and yearning for you while his hands sought your breasts, kneading them with tenderness. Even if words betrayed him most of the time, he trusted his actions to speak for him. "There's nothing better than watching you, princess."
Please feel free to leave comments/feedback!💜  Masterlist
Tagging @shhhlikeme @hqissodelicate @cleverlittlevixen (I hope you enjoy your movie night with your boo :*) 💜 
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def-initely-soul · 4 years
house rules {1}
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pairing: jimin x reader (f.)
genre: fluff; angst; roommates au; kinda new girl au; smut; f2l au
rating: explicit
warnings: sexual content; mention of emotional abuse; mention of manipulative relationship; mention of body issues; explicit smut
words: 26.3k
↠ {living with two guys has always its pros and cons. Pros being someone will always get you popcorn for your midnight cravings. Cons being you might like one of them…?} ↞
or alternatively, the shenanigans of five friends, where two of them are in a loving relationship, one is Kim Seokjin and the other two don’t know what the fuck they’re doing
The clock on the other side of the wall keeps ticking, each second driving you closer to madness over the insistent sound.
You click your pen open and closed. Open and closed. Open and closed.
And yet you still have no freaking clue on how to begin this godawful novel.
Godawful as in the mere effort it takes for it to come to life is starting to make you want to flick yourself off from a window.
Like, god, you’ve been staring at an empty piece of paper for almost two hours now, your coffee’s gone cold.
And yeah you write in paper. No laptop, no typewriter, just you, your pen and a currently empty piece of paper. It seems more direct, more intimate this way. Put you in front of a blank screen and your brain will surely follow it.
Although, today it doesn’t seem like you have much luck with paper either.
With a tired sigh, you rest your mighty pen on your desk, taking out your noise-cancelling earbuds and stand up from your chair.
You stretch out your limbs, your back already killing you from hunching over your desk for two hours now and you trudge over to the living room where the rest of your friends are having a movie night.
“Guys, the old crone decided to join us…” Hoseok comments from his side of the small couch as you drag your feet to your designated spot beside Jimin on the big couch.
“Quick, hide your popcorn, and hide your jelly beans!” Seokjin joins in on the mocking as Jimin scans through Netflix for a decent movie none of you has seen yet.
You know you’ll end up watching Dirty Dancing again because the chances of finding a movie none of you has seen yet are nearly non-existent.
 “Ha, ha, your superior sense of humour is astounding…” you mumble as you sit cross-legged on the couch and Ana turns to you from her spot next to Hoseok.
“No luck with the novel still huh?” her eyes are looking at you sympathetically and you grumble a response, crossing your arms on your chest.
“Don’t worry, Y/N, it’ll come to you eventually,” Seokjin says, stretching his hand from his armchair to your right to nudge your knee and you let a deep breath infiltrate your lungs once he retracts it.
Jimin gives you a side glance before his eyes return to the screen. “Yeah, until she gets a different idea and the cycle repeats itself.”
“Hey!” you lightly punch your best friend in the ribs, earning a groan from him, “I just have to find a way to start this bloody thing and then it’ll turn out to be the greatest book in the century, you’ll see!” you defend your cause, eyes wide and challenging on Jimin who simply smiles at you with a winning smirk.
“That’s more like it…” he replies, the glint in his eyes your only hint giving away the intention behind his words and again you groan. Refusing to let the smile on your lips appear.
“I hate you when you do that…” you mumble, a small note of fondness only Jimin can distinguish, hiding in your voice as he finally picks his choice of a film with a smile hanging from his lips.
“Shh, the movie’s starting!” Ana interrupts everyone when -surprise surprise- Dirty Dancing starts playing. All of you have a certain liking towards the movie- I mean what’s not to like? Summer romance? Patrick Swayze with half-open shirts? Heated dancing? With Patrick Swayze?- but you can say for certain Ana takes the cake as a Dirty Dancing fan.
“How can you still be this much excited for this movie?” Hoseok comments from beside her and even though he sounds judgey there’s only lovesick fondness in his eyes when he looks at Ana.
Although when Ana turns to look at her boyfriend, she looks completely serious. “Keep this up and no sex for a month. We don’t condone this kind of behaviour in this house.”
You and Jimin try to suppress your giggles as Hoseok’s eyes widen in fear. “You can’t do that, what about you?!”
Ana simply smiles back with too much sweetness. “My hands aren’t just good for making you cum, babe.”
Disgusted protests come from the rest of the group as you’re sure you won’t ever be able to unhear this.
“Why, why did we have to hear that?” Jimin complains as Seokjin makes a gagging sound next to him.
Hoseok just smiles. “Oh, come on Jimin, don’t act like you didn’t enjoy tapping this hot piece of ass!” and another round of puking sounds emerges in the room.
Truth is Ana didn’t date Hoseok in the beginning. In reality, she got added to your group only after she started going out with Jimin in the second year of college. And even though she and Jimin didn’t work out in the end, she had already become an essential part of your group and they even remained great friends after the breakup.
Not long after that Hoseok asked her out. And you swear no couple ever made more sense than those two. Although you really hate when they get down and dirty in Hoseok’s room which is right next to yours.
You first started living with Hoseok and Jimin in the first year of college, five years ago. Jimin was a guy you barely knew from high school but he was the greatest of options you had when looking to share an apartment with someone. You didn’t want to live in a dorm but it wasn’t like your parents were rich or something, so there was no way for them to afford an apartment just for you. So looking for a roommate was the best solution.
Hoseok came a little bit afterwards. You and he shared a class and you became friends fairly quickly. So when he told you the situation at his dorm was unbearable, you couldn’t help but think of the empty bedroom in your apartment. And the rest is history.
Seokjin became a part of your group only months before Ana did. He and Jimin worked at the same part-time job as waiters in a local restaurant. And while Seokjin went forward to run his own restaurant and Jimin followed his passion as a dance instructor their friendship persevered. So it wasn’t long before he joined your group.
And it wasn’t long before you got this stupid crush on him.
Not that it matters anyway. He doesn’t know and you don’t plan on ever telling him to be honest. You know how easily things could go wrong and you’re fine with simply being his friend.
“Okay, babe, that’s enough for now…” Ana quiets down her boyfriend with a small kiss on his lips and finally pipes down to focus on Patrick Swayze’s biceps.
Your eyes rest on the screen as another exhausted sigh escapes you. This novel is your chance of having something of yours published. What if you can’t make it in time? What if it’s shit? What if you finally realize after all this time that being a writer was never what you were supposed to be and all those years believing that were in vain? What if-?
Your thoughts get interrupted when you feel a palm laying across your knee and squeezing it gently.
The fog in your head clears a bit when you find Jimin looking at you with a soft smile. One that tells you not to worry. Jimin could always read you like a book so it’s no surprise he could sense you spiralling.
And it’s not a surprise that with a single look he can calm down your racing thoughts.
He’s one of your closest friends after all.
“Hoseok you can’t keep using Ana’s departure as an excuse to not help with cleaning up!” you yell towards the couple saying goodbye at the front door, while Seokjin giggles as he dries out some of your plates.
“Shut up, you heathen, this is true love we’re talking about! Also, I can and I will!” your roommate yells back and you roll your eyes. On the other side of the room, Jimin picks up several empty beer cans as Ana kisses her boyfriend.
“Go on, babe, before they drive a stick through your ass,” she chuckles.
Hoseok pouts, the gesture almost etched to his features by now. “Oh, and you haven’t even done it that thing you wanted yet!”
“Again keep your weird sexual life out of this god-respected household,” Jimin comments and at once everyone turns to stare at him confused.
He stares back before, “Okay, yeah, I just heard it…” then he proceeds to take the trash out.
Ana chuckles before pressing another kiss on Hoseok’s lips. “Okay, I’m off. Bye guys!” to which you all respond with a chorus of “byes”.
Hoseok closes the door with a dreamy sigh before trekking over to the kitchen island to watch as you and Seokjin clean up. “Is it weird that I miss her already?”
Seokjin coos at the same time you react too. Although your reaction comes closer to a gagging sound and now both of them look at you like you just kicked a puppy.
You clear your throat, “oh, I- I meant… ''awww”...” you reply quickly, avoiding their stares to clean up the rest of the plates.
“Don’t mind her Hobi, she's just jealous,” Seokjin comments as he rests his towel on his shoulder.
At that, you scoff. You’re not jealous! You just hate corny things!
“Jealous? Pff. Who says they miss someone right after they leave? That’s just cheesy! I mean, yeah, you and Ana are perfect for each other, you’re cute together and you complete each other, and there’s intimacy and feelings and mutual respect…” your voice becomes sadder at the end and ultimately fades out, leaving you staring at the floor.
Where were you going with this?
The guys look at you with knowing glances and you groan out loud.
“Oh, shut your faces. I’m not jealous!” “Who’s not jealous?” Jimin asks once he’s back into the apartment.
“Y/N, of our relationship,” Hoseok’s quick to respond.
“Yours and mine?” Jimin queries.
Hoseok rolls his eyes but he responds in all seriousness “No, Ana’s and mine.”
Jimin just shrugs. “Makes more sense.”
Your eyes narrow and you scoff. “No, it doesn’t because I’m not jealous!”
Seokjin places his palm on your shoulder. “It’s okay, Y/N, I’m sure you’ll find someone someday to be grumpy with.”
You pick his hand and drop it off your shoulder. “Thanks, but I’m fine. Besides I got my novel to write, I don’t have time for a boyfriend.”
“Oh, I’d marry rich if I was expecting anything of that novel!” Hoseok comments with a laugh but everyone freezes, including you. Is that what he really thinks? That you’re not gonna make it?
All of you turn to look at him, but Hoseok remains oblivious of your stares for a few moments. But when he realizes you’re all looking at him, he looks confused.
“What?” he asks, visibly perplexed.
Jimin’s eyes widen, disbelief in his voice. “Dude!”
Hoseok shrugs though his eyes widen in almost fear. “It was a joke!” his voice is one pitch higher as slight traces of panic are evident in his words. When no one responds, he turns to you, desperation and honesty in his eyes. “Y/N, really, it was just a joke.”
You stare for a moment too long, before you nod, giving him a smile to spare him from his misery, deciding to not let such a simple comment affect you. “Yeah, yeah, I know, of course!”
“I didn’t mean any of that okay? It was a stupid joke!” Hoseok nearly screeches, regret in his words as he doesn’t seem at all convinced by your answer.
You force a laugh to calm him down.
“Hobi, I’m fine! Don’t worry too much,” you smile at him, patting him on the back and moving to put the plates Seokjin dried out to their respective cabinets.
He still doesn’t seem convinced and he’s ready to pester you some more before Seokjin intervenes, sensing you’re starting to feel uncomfortable with all the attention. “Anyways, Hoseok you said you wanted my opinion on something?”
Hoseok’s attention turns to Seokjin once he speaks up. “Ah yeah! Actually, my three-year anniversary with Ana is coming up and I’m all out of ideas,” he responds sheepishly as he rubs the base of his neck.
“Ehm, hello? I’m her best friend, why don’t you ask me?” you complain, putting your hands on your waist with one eyebrow cocked up.
“Y/N your most serious relationship lasted two months and it ended because you fought over which peanut butter spread is the best,” Hoseok raises an eyebrow at you as he and Seokjin walk over to the couch, trying to brainstorm ideas.
“I’m sorry but whoever thinks smooth is better than crunchy is simply not human,” the memory sends a shudder through you and you look at Jimin for confirmation and he’s quick to nod his head and agree.
“Oh, yeah, that relationship had no future after that,” he washes his hands at the sink as he looks over to Hoseok who simply giggles.
“Okay, yeah, I can give you that one. But you really have no idea of relationships, so I’m sorry but I’m not taking any suggestions,” he softens the blow with a flying kiss in your direction.
You scoff, indignant. “Rude. True but rude!” you admit as you finally place the last of the plates in its place. Hoseok and Seokjin are now deep in conversation, throwing one idea after the other and if he decides to go with any of these, you’re sure Ana will dump him before he gets the chance to utter “break up sex”.
Seeing as there’s nothing else left for you to do, you decide to head off to sleep, making a mental note to talk to Hoseok about his date ideas and salvage whatever you can.
“Okay, I’m going to bed, goodnight guys!” you wave them goodnight before turning to the hallway when Jimin comes towards you.
“I’ll walk with you,” he says, following you into the corridor.
You walk in silence, not that it’s weird or anything. You and Jimin have reached that point in a friendship where you don’t have to fill the silence to be comfortable around each other. You could be in the same room, doing completely different things, not talking at all, and still, you wouldn’t feel the need to fill the silence.
Once you reach both of your rooms, as they are right across from one another, you ready to say goodnight when Jimin interrupts you.
“Ah, wait…” he stops you just as you reach for your doorknob and you turn around. “What is it?”
He sighs before, “look, I know you know Hoseok didn’t mean any of that but I also know words tend to get into your head…” he begins, voice gentle and eyes cautious on you as you fidget on your spot uncomfortably.
“And I just want to say-”
“What?” you cut him off with a tired sigh, “everything will turn out okay? That suddenly I’m gonna be blessed with divine inspiration when I least expect it?” you give him a weak smile, crossing your hands on your chest.
What you don’t expect is Jimin to laugh. “No, no, all of that is just a pile of crap!” he chuckles and you can’t help but laugh along with him.
“I wanted to say that whatever goes through that little mind of yours shouldn’t keep you from writing. That’s what you do, you write! And, yeah, some of it may come out as complete bullshit, but that’s just how it has to go before you get better,” he says simply, voice filled to the brim with honesty and you rest your eyes at your feet, suddenly feeling very self-aware.
“Because I know you’re gonna get better. You just need a push,” he finally smiles softly at you, warmness spreading through your heart as if his smile is a portable heater, radiating warmth to the people closest to it.
“Thanks…” you mumble back, letting your eyes find him to truly express how thankful you are.
You aren’t good with expressing your feelings, not when it’s not on top of a piece of paper. Everyone knows this, Jimin even more so. You know you don’t have to say anything for him to understand how you truly feel.
And so he smiles back and nods as if to say “you’re welcome”.
And for a few moments, you stay like that. Both of you leaning on your doors, staring at each other as another silence fills the corridor.
But this one is different. Still comfortable but there’s something else hanging in the air. It’s the way you look at each other, basking in each other’s presence, comfortable and not ready to say goodnight yet.
It’s the way Jimin’s looking at you. Smile slightly fading as his eyes remain on your face, ever serious, ever intense as if they’re saying something his lips can’t, something you can’t quite understand, something that makes you feel-
Jimin breaks the stuffed silence with a shake of his head. “Anyways, um… goodnight, Y/N…” he says, voice thick with something and his words seem to revive you as well as he opens the door to quickly go into his room.
“Ah, yeah, goodnight, Jimin,” you reply casually before you enter your bedroom and close the door behind you.
That felt… weird.
As much as you try to put a name to what you felt out there, you can’t. The situation felt too foreign, too much for your drunk mind to comprehend.
You shake your head, passing it off to the many beers you had and without giving it much of another thought you go to sleep.
Although, three weeks pass after that talk and you still can’t get it out of your mind.
You figured you would’ve forgotten about it by now, blaming it on the amount of alcohol you had consumed that night but no. Those last few moments before you parted in the middle of your hallway still linger in the crevices of your mind, not unlike a bunch of vultures scavenging for prey.
Even now, at Seokjin’s birthday party, it’s all you can think about instead of paying attention to the birthday boy himself and the subject of your affections. If he even knew you weren’t focusing on him on his own birthday party he would flip.
Did Jimin want to say something to you? It seemed so but since then he’s made no indication as to show he wants to talk to you. It’s been three weeks and there was no other talk of that weird conversation outside your bedrooms. No sign that it ever happened. You wonder what was going through his mind at that time. You wonder what he’s thinking about it now, if he even thinks about it still like you.
“Earth to Y/N! Hello?” a floating hand breaks your inner monologue, Ana looking at you with scrunched eyebrows and a glare to match. The two of you are currently alone amidst the crowd of partygoers as Ana dragged you aside to excitedly tell you about the amazing anniversary Hoseok had planned for them, last Saturday. You guess you lost focus somewhere in the middle.
“What?” your voice gets defensive and Ana’s glare seems more intimidating as seconds pass by.
“You stopped listening!” she slaps you lightly on the arm and a yelp comes out of your lips as a form of protest.
“I didn’t!” you try to defend your guilty self as you rub the afflicted spot.
“Yeah, no, I thought so at first “Y/N would never just stop listening” so I started casually throwing Seokjin’s name into the conversation, that always worked like a charm to get you to focus, but you still didn’t listen!” she retaliates and you shrink back in shame.
“Sorry…” you mumble in all honesty, biting your lip in embarrassment. “But I heard the most important parts!” you perk up, “And the whole concert then cooking at home date idea was really insightful and cute! And full disclosure, if I hadn’t interfered and let Hoseok listen to Seokjin, you would’ve ended up at a screening of cats!” you shake your finger at her and she giggles out loud.
“Although I gotta admit, Hoseok cleaned up really well on its own…” you smile at her and she nods with a dreamy sigh before taking a sip of her drink.
“Oh, and you have to thank me for stopping Hoseok from using his “free Hoseok love” coupon as a gift.”
Ana’s eyes widen in grave seriousness. “Oh, he did use that…”
You wince at that. “Oh god, I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t fret too much about it, he also bought me that cute pair of boots I wanted!” she pats you on the back before she bites her lip as a child that’s about to get scolded, “~and… I also kind of enjoyed it…” she says with a wink and you roll your eyes at your friend.
“The leather ones that were really expensive?” she had rumbled over the course of a week about how she fell in love with those boots but their relationship would’ve never worked (in simpler words she couldn’t afford them).
She nods at you. “Marry him,” you respond with urgency and Ana laughs at you.
But as her giggles die down her face turns solemn once more.
“Are you okay though? It’s not like you to not pay attention, even more so when it’s about Seokjin…” she says with a chuckle at the end, yet her eyes remain cautious and you sigh.
“Yeah, it’s just that Jimin-”
“Y/N, wait… I’m sorry but you do realise that I was talking about Seokjin, right?” her stare is a bit weirded out, “and that we’re currently at his birthday party and you choose to hang out with me instead of talking to him?” she skillfully observes, making you feel uncomfortable at how her words trigger something you haven’t acknowledged before and you’re certainly not ready to do so now.
You shrug. “I guess I don’t know what to say…” you choose to say instead, hoping it’s enough of an excuse to get out of this conversation.
“What do you mean? You never had a problem with that before…” she counters, genuinely confused at your bizarre behaviour and you press your lips in a tight line as you shrug once more, not really knowing how to address that.
At your hesitation to breach the subject, something seems to click in Ana’s mind and she sighs in realization.
“Can I tell you what I think without you getting all grumpy and defensive?” she asks, eyes careful and hands in the air as if to pacify you. You shrug again, albeit a bit curious about what she has to say.
“I don’t think you really like Seokjin- ah, ah! Let me finish!” she shushes you when you begin protesting, “I mean not anymore, it was pretty obvious you were crazy into him when I first met you but now…” she takes a breath, eyes looking at you wearily as she prepares for the finishing blow, “now I think you cling into the idea of liking him because it’s comfortable. Because it’s easier to fall back into the safety net of liking someone and not doing anything about it than making yourself deal with the fear and uncertainty that comes with meeting someone new.”
Your cheeks flush as you stare at her, feeling vulnerable as if someone cut you open and went through your most inner thoughts, even when you feel like there’s something else that neither you nor she hasn’t been able to pinpoint.
Ana’s observation finally put what you’ve been feeling for a while into words. You haven’t realized it but the more you think about it, the more sense it makes.
And yet you still stubbornly act like it’s not the case at all.
“I… I’m not afraid to meet new people…” your protest is as weak as your voice and Ana looks at you unimpressed and thoroughly unconvinced.
“Really? Then you’ll have no problem talking to Seokjin’s friend from high school,” she points at the tall, blond hunk with the glasses and the cute dimples currently chatting with Seokjin.
“Namjoon?! Are you nuts?! He’s way out of my league!” you screech in panic. Namjoon is a sight to be held and in your opinion, people should pay to see him up close. Would that be considered a fucked up way of prostitution? You’re not sure.
Ana rolls her eyes. “First of all, “leagues” aren’t a thing and second of all, you’re totally scared boo!” she says plainly with a victorious grin and you flinch instinctively.
“I’m not! I just don’t have time for a relationship!” you say, still trying to get out of this conversation even though Ana doesn’t seem at all deterred.
“No one talked about a relationship, you baboon, it could be just sex. But, out of simple curiosity, how long has it been since you had sex? Seven, eight months?” she retaliates, in all ways but physical backing you up into a corner.
You groan, hiding your flaming face behind your hands.
“This is the perfect opportunity to hook up with someone and never having to talk to them again for the rest of your life. No strings attached, no awkward first dates, no phone calls. Just one night of drunken sex to get you to relax a bit and who knows? Maybe it’ll help you get your inspiration back,” she concludes with a tilt of her head. And the more you think about it, the more you realize she’s right about everything. About Seokjin, about using him as a distraction, about needing to relax and this being the perfect opportunity for it. It’s been a while since you’ve felt any sort of attraction for Seokjin. No excitement or accelerated heartbeat, no sweaty hands, no unbearable giddiness when he decides to throw a visit.
You guess somewhere along the way those feelings faded out, giving place to the love and comfort that comes out of a years-long friendship. You’re not attracted to him anymore.
And Ana’s suggestion does seem kind of appealing. You suppose some sex would help you get rid of all the nerves that come with writing a book.
And Namjoon is kinda hot. Okay, scratch “kinda”, “unbearably hot” is more fitting.
You just worry if he’ll able to surpass the last time you had sex. For some reason, you’re almost convinced he won’t.
“Okay, you’re right, I’ll do it,” at that Ana squeals and claps her hands happily.
“But I have to talk to Seokjin first,” you continue, resulting in a confused expression masking Ana’s face.
“What? Why?”
You shrug. “I spent those four years crushing on him, I feel like I need some kind of closure,” you chuckle and Ana stares at you dumbfounded before she shakes her head.
“Fine, do what you have to, but don’t take too long! Namjoon is like a walking modelling billboard, most of the people in this party have their eyes on him. Boy, if I wasn’t dating Hoseok would we be doing things right now…” she reveals as she stares at the man in question while biting her lip and you stare at her disapprovingly.
“What? I said if,” she says as if abdicating all blame and you shake your head at her with a laugh. Hoseok wouldn’t mind and to be honest they’d probably be talking about how to convince Namjoon for a threesome.
“Okay, I’m going, wish me luck,” you announce as you begin making your way towards Seokjin.
“What you need is alcohol, not luck,” Ana yells at you as she goes to find her boyfriend and you give her one last smile before turning your attention to the birthday boy.
Only now realizing what you’re about to do and, great, your hands are trembling. Maybe you did need some alcohol.
But it’s too late to make a run for it when Seokjin spots you and a smile graces his lips.
“Y/N! Come over here! You know Namjoon right?” he rushes to include you into the conversation, eyes wide with hidden meaning as he nudges you towards Namjoon and the man with the dimples smiles at you.
“Ah, yeah, we’ve met before. How are you?” you smile back at him and the longer he smiles, the deeper his dimples become and the more adorable he is.
“Can’t complain. How about you?” he chuckles, the sound almost illegal, as he pushes his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. Oh, right, he also has a deep and mellifluous voice. How is this man not famous for something?
“Pretty well I’d say. Um, do you mind if I steal the birthday boy for a bit? There’s something I need to talk to him about…” your hand is already dragging a confused Seokjin away, even if you’d rather be doing that to the other boy.
Namjoon blinks at you, as perplexed as Seokjin before “Ah, yeah, sure…”
“Thanks!” you yell over the music, although you’re sure the man mustn’t have heard you as you’re already making your way down the corridor towards the back of Seokjin’s apartment.
“Ugh, Y/N? What’s going on?” Seokjin’s voice is beyond weirded out as you finally reach his bedroom, that’s off-limits for the party. You push him in and close the door behind you.
“Sorry, I just needed some privacy for what I’m about to do…” you admit with shaking hands as Seokjin’s eyes widen in fear and confusion.
You take a breath before fixing your posture and stare bravely at the man in front of you. “This may come as a shock to you but I…” you take one final breath, “I used to like you-” you begin, dreading the moment Seokjin decides this is too odd for him.
“I know.”
Seokjin’s voice takes you by surprise as your mind processes the words that just left his mouth, a different kind of dread overwhelming you.
He knows?
“What? What do you mean you know?” your voice comes out offended, as Seokjin puts down his drink with a sigh and turns to look at you.
“I mean I know. You weren’t exactly subtle with the stares and all…” he comments calmly although your mouth falls open to join your feet at the ground at the absurdity of the situation.
He knows. All this time, he knew?!
“Well, why didn’t you say something?” you throw the words at him accusingly and he rolls his eyes.
“I didn’t want to embarrass you! I figured since you hadn’t said anything that you didn’t want to act on it so I never said anything either!” he defends himself, voice high-pitched in true Seokjin fashion.
“Oh my god, that’s so embarras- Wait,” you cut yourself when his words strike you as odd and another thought makes itself known in your mind. “You mean that if I had said something…?” you look at him weirdly and Seokjin sighs, eyes already confirming your suspicions.
“I might… not have said no to a date…” he admits, scratching his ears and your mouth drops open.
You could have dated the Kim Seokjin and you didn’t because you were too scared to make a move?
Wow, your past-self would be seriously pissed at you.
Seokjin rushed to explain. “But that was back then when I didn’t know you that well!”
You gasp at the offence, crossing your arms on your chest. “You mean now that you do know me, I'm not that dateable, Kim Seokjin?!”
He groans, rubbing a palm over his face. “I just meant that back then I was willing to risk our friendship because we weren’t that close in the first place! But now we’ve been friends for almost half a decade and even though you are extremely dateable” he says with a roll of his eyes but you’re still satisfied, “I just can’t see you in that way. And even if I did I wouldn’t be willing to risk our friendship over something like that,” he concludes with a sigh.
“Oh,” you reply simply, satisfied with his answer before you continue.
“Well, that’s good actually, because I just wanted to tell you that whatever those feelings were… they’re gone now. So I just… wanted to come clean I guess…” you admit softly, finally feeling like a weight has been lifted off your chest.
“So, we’re okay?” Seokjin asks with hope and you smile, lightly punching his arm. You find yourself relieved after Seokjin’s confession and you know you’ll be fine.
“We’re okay,” you nod and Seokjin smiles back.
“That punch was lame,” he retorts and you gasp. “Do you want me to punch you for real, you masochist?”
His smile widens. “No, you freak of nature, I want a hug!”
Immediately, you begin protesting. “No, no, no, no, no. No hugs, you know this!” you begin moving away from him as he comes closer with a predatory grin. You absolutely hate hugs. They’re unnecessary long and intimate, you never know where to put your hands and you always end up having someone’s hair in your mouth.
Seokjin pouts as he nearly chases you into the hallway. “Come on, I just found out I’m not your crush anymore! Do you know how much of a hit is that to my ego!?” he says, standing in front of you, effectively blocking your way to freedom.
You sigh, already regretting, the words you’re about to say but seeing no other way out.
“Fine, but you have to promise me to not tell anyone! I have a reputation to upkeep!” you yield, shaking a threatening finger at him but his grin only grows bigger.
“Deal!” he squeals, eager to grasp this rare chance of affection from you, seeing as he has tried numerous times to get a hug from you but being unsuccessful. Till now that is.
His hands wrap around you in a soul and bone-crushing hug as your arms end up being squished between your bodies. You try to control the smile on your lips as you struggle to break your arms free and wrap them around his impossibly wide shoulders. Actually, this doesn’t feel so bad. It feels like being enveloped in a giant, fuzzy blanket. If that blanket had an unquenchable thirst for strawberry shortcakes.
A few moments pass before you begin to pull back. “Okay, you giant carebear, that’s enough,” you giggle as Seokjin retracts his hands.
“Now, wasn’t that refreshing?”
“If I let you know, I’ll have to kill you,” you mumble fixing your clothes and Seokjin’s trademark laugh echoes throughout the corridor, making your smile grow.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he throws you a cheeky wink.
You shake your head at him with a laugh before another thought crosses your mind and you bite your lip. “So… about Namjoon…”
Seokjin’s mind instantly follows your train of thought but he lets out a surprising -to say the least- groan. “Seriously?”
You find his reaction a bit too odd for your liking. “Why?”
“Uhm, you dragged me away to my bedroom at my own birthday party. He probably thinks we jumping uglies right now,” he fixes you with a disappointed stare. Fuck, you didn’t think of that.
You grunt in frustration. “Great, now what?”
Seokjin’s eyes glint when he comes up with yet another brilliant idea. “If we split we’ll find him faster!” he exclaims enthusiastically and your eyes widen.
“Genius thinking!” you declare before you sprint down the hallway, the both of you looking for Namjoon.
You would think it would be easy finding Namjoon in an apartment as small as Seokjin’s. But it’s not. It’s anything but.
When you finally do find him after almost 40 minutes looking for his perfect ass, it’s with his mouth stuck against another person’s neck so any hopes for a one-night-stand are going down the drain. So instead you resort to drinking the rest of Seokjin’s sparkling rosé collection until you have to pee your weight in alcohol.
You abandon the living room where the party is still going strong, in search of the holy grail that is Seokjin’s bathroom right now, hoping you get to relieve your misery.
But as you approach the door, you fail to register the voices coming from inside. Maybe then you wouldn’t have to live through the impending embarrassment.
Instead, you bust the door open in your haste to pee, but all of that goes to shit once you see Jimin inside the bathroom. Or, more precisely, Jimin’s mouth sucking on the pulse of some blonde’s girl neck -who feels oddly familiar- like he’s a fucking vampire.
Your eyes widen, meeting with fear Jimin’s livid ones before “OhmygodImsorrypretendthisneverhappened!” you yell in one breath, anxious to get out of there as fast as possible and before Jimin gets the chance to curse at you, you close the door and disappear down the hallway.
Ugh, oh my god, why are you so awkward?
You rub your hands on your face as you walk down the corridor, wondering where you’re supposed to pee now. Couldn’t they bone at Seokjin’s room? 
Though, among your thoughts emerges one particular one that makes you stop dead in your tracks as you finally realize why that girl seemed familiar.
She wasn’t just some random girl. No, she was a very specific blonde girl, one that happens to be the pure personification of evil on the face of the earth, one that you’re sure hides horns beneath that perfect hair.
Jimin’s ex, the girl who manipulated and abused him repeatedly, the girl who broke up with him nearly a year ago to be with someone else, after he caught her cheating. The girl who broke his heart.
You remember the first time you met Dinah, although she hadn’t left any particular impression on you. She was a high school friend of Taehyung, with whom Seokjin shared some classes with and were kinda close. It was your fourth year in college when Taehyung was still hanging with you guys before he found a job opportunity overseas and left. Now he texts every now and then or visits even more rarely.
Seokjin’s birthday party is one of those rare visits, hence why Dinah was also present last night.
The first time you met her, almost two years ago, was in a scheduled study group in one of the local cafes. It was you, Seokjin, Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok and Dinah, most of the guys, studying to prepare for their last year through college and Ana couldn’t make it so honestly, you were relieved you had another girl to go through together the boys’ antics.
Although if Ana was there, she would’ve probably spent all of her time being coupley with Hoseok and that kinda defeats the purpose.
Dinah was studying for a math exam and Jimin had offered to help her since she wasn’t very good at it. You didn’t think much of it, mind already going haywire over your new novel idea so you didn’t really pay much attention to anyone.
It had been when Jimin left for the bathroom when you saw her scrolling through her phone that you decided to help her with a problem even Jimin couldn’t quite get.
Only her reaction was a tad bit different then what you’d expected. She had interrupted you even before you got to tell her you wanted to help, with a kinda sharp tone saying she didn’t need your help. You had backed off then, kinda bummed out about it but you could already tell she was into Jimin and wanted his help specifically.
But as you had turned to pay attention back to your novel, your gaze couldn’t help but fall on her open notebook. And there it was, in a hidden corner of the page in messy scribblings the solution to the problem. Her handwriting.
You didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t your cup of tea to hide your intellect to raise the ego of the boy you were into and besides feeling a bit sad for her, you didn’t do anything else. Who were you to judge?
It wasn’t until the two of them started going out that you started feeling some sort of dislike towards her. And not just you, the rest of the group as well.
It was obvious to everyone how shitty she treated Jimin. At first, of course, there were no signs as if to warn you of Dinah's manipulative nature, they were still in the lovey-dovey, honeymoon phase. But as time passed, Dinah’s facade began to crumble. Jimin’s interaction with the opposite sex were limited due to Dinah’s extreme jealousy, which meant you and Ana barely got to be around him, let alone talk to him. Her snide comments and judgey behaviour made him feel inadequate over everything. How he got her the wrong gift, how the movie he chose was stupid, how the restaurant he picked was disgusting, and the list goes on and on.
At first, Jimin tried to talk to her about those things, certain she would understand what she was doing once he’d brought it up. But when you’re in love it’s easier to ignore all the red flags. It’s easier to blame yourself for everything when you can see no fault in the person you’re in love with.
Soon the relationship turned toxic. Dinah became similar to a parasite, sucking the life and happiness out of Jimin, as he fell prey to her every whim. Making him even more insecure in himself when she knew he already had some issues he was trying to work on. But that didn’t deter her. Instead, it gave her leverage, to use all the ugly, little things Jimin thought of himself against him.
At some point, it had gotten so bad Jimin refused to eat.
It was then that all of you tried to intervene.
Unsuccessfully that is.
It had gotten pretty ugly in the span of a few minutes with how angry you and Hoseok were at Dinah and at Jimin’s unwavering loyalty to her. Soon it had become a yelling match between the three of you as Seokjin and Ana had tried to bring some sense to all of you. In retrospect, none of you handled the delicate situation well.
In the end, Jimin had stormed out of the apartment, furious at all four of you, to go to Dinah or to the only one that got him as he had put it.
Only to find her in bed with someone else.
He had come home hours later, stinking of alcohol, telling you what had happened through red eyes, tear-stained cheeks and hiccups.
You had put him to sleep and the next morning Dinah was breaking up with him over the phone.
The next few months were awful. But he survived them. He survived and realised he deserved better, not this hell Dinah made him go through. That wasn’t love.
After all of you encouraged him to talk to someone about everything, Jimin went to a therapist and he came out stronger. Sure, some of the issues were still there but so were the rest of you. He knew you’d be there for him if he ever needed you.
That’s why you’re so pissed this morning.
Ana and Hoseok look at you like you’re a ticking bomb about to explode at any minute from the other side of the kitchen island as you munch on your cereal and send death glares at Dinah, currently sitting on Jimin’s lap on the dining table.
If only “death glare” was a bit more literal.
You can’t understand Jimin. He was supposed to be over this. Doesn’t he remember what she did to him, how miserable he was?
“I haven’t seen you staring so long at something since that time you tried to microwave popcorn with your mind,” Ana’s hushed whispers reach you as not to alert the couple and Hoseok almost sputters out his milk.
“Did it work, though?” Hoseok’s eyes stare at her expectantly and you roll your eyes.
“Not gonna dignify that with a response,” is her cryptic answer.
“Seriously, am I the only one who’s pissed over this?” you say through gritted teeth, the happy couple wholly oblivious to your little conversation. Ana and Hoseok seem too calm, given you have a fucking demon at your dining table.
Ana sighs. “We are too, Y/N, but let’s face it, what can we do about it?”
You look at her in disbelief. “Talk to him?!”
“Yeah, and look at how that worked out last time…”
“They broke up.”
“After he caught her cheating…” her words are slow as if talking to a child, “and it wasn’t even him who initiated the break-up! If Jimin wants to be with her we just have to accept it and be there for him if something happens again,” she concludes, taking a sip of her coffee and you can’t believe your ears. She can’t be serious.
“Hoseok, what’s your say in this?” you ask, rather loudly might you add, so you steal a glance making sure Jimin hasn’t heard.
Hoseok shrugs in answer to your question. “We all know she was the devil incarnate. But maybe she changed. Let’s give her a chance.”
Your mouth hangs open when your last possible ally walks over to enemy territory. “Give her a chance? She’s not Andrew Garfield in the Amazing Spiderman!”
Ana’s expression gives away her utter bafflement. “I have so many questions…”
You shrug. “Everyone hates him but I think he was a great Spiderman.”
Hoseok’s incredulous stare doesn’t last for long. “Anyways, all I’m saying is Jimin went through a lot…”
“So he should know better!” you retort.
Hoseok doesn’t seem amused, “So there must be something that changed his mind! He’s a big boy, he can take care of himself. If he gave her a second chance, so should we.”
Ana nods at her boyfriend’s words and they both return their eyes on you, waiting for confirmation of your part that you’re gonna be nice.
You regard them with an ominous glare, “Traitors…” you mumble before you groan. “Fine. But I’m gonna be watching her every move. Like an owl!”
“I’m fairly positive it’s supposed to be “like a hawk”...?” a confused pout takes over Hoseok’s lips.
Ana chuckles, “It is “like a hawk”.”
Your confusion is evident. “Really? But owls are nocturnal animals, therefore have better eyesight!”
Ana rolls her eyes at you, tired of all the bird talk. “Even so! Please promise you’ll behave!”
You take a deep breath when a shrill laugh echoes throughout the apartment and you can already feel yourself fuming.
“I promise.”
After the two “lovebirds” have left your apartment for an impromptu date, which the declaration of had you nearly barfing on sight, you crawled back into your room, in search of inspiration, daring to take another shot at your mostly unfinished novel.
You gather your hair up in a messy bun, glasses on top of your nose, iced coffee next to your papers, preparations all ready to freely embark on the raging seas of creativity.
If writing a novel was that easy.
After writing another three chapters, well after the sun has settled in the horizon and your eyes are barely keeping themselves open, a knock thrums against your door. But before you get to reply, the door creaks open and Ana pops up behind it, walking in with observing eyes and a bag of cheddar-flavoured chips.
“Why do you even bother knocking?” you sigh, taking off your glasses to rub your exhausted eyes.
“The knock is a warning, not a request for entry,” she plops on your bed with a smile, crossing her legs on your duvet and pats the space next to her. 
It’s not uncommon to have Ana spending the entire day here, after all, she is one of your closest friends, an elementary part of your group and Hoseok’s girlfriend.
You get up from your desk, limbs aching for the various positions your body has been in the midst of writing, and with a tired smile you sit down next to her.
“No luck with the book still?” she asks, passing you the chips and you hum appreciatively, your tongue already tasting the divine taste of those chips.
“Well, I’ve written some stuff… just not any particularly good stuff,” you munch through the snack with a grubbled noise of satisfaction and Ana nods in understanding at your words, “and honestly that whole “Dinah” thing is infuriatingly distracting! I’m still pissed and I can’t even stop thinking about it.”
“Wait…” Ana interrupts you and if her face says anything is that she just came to a sudden realization. One she doesn’t seem to particularly enjoy.
“Are you sure this isn’t because of…?” her words hang in the air as she regards you with careful eyes, waiting for you to grasp the meaning between her words.
Though you’re none the wiser. “Because of…?” your utter obliviousness is infuriating and Ana groans, rubbing her palms on her face, pinning you with a ridiculous look.
Right then, it’s as if a moment of clarity strikes you and you finally understand what she means.
Your eyes widen in horror.
“What? Ew, no! Why would you even think that?!” you immediately protest, entirely disgusted by the mere notion of what Ana is implying.
She doesn’t seem at all bothered by your extreme reaction. “I’m just saying, it happened!”
“Yeah, eight months ago!” she can’t be serious. There’s no way she actually believes that.
She cocks an eyebrow. “It was also the last time you had sex.”
You let an exhale drop from your lips, as you take a trip down memory lane, all the way back to eight months ago.
It was April, four months or so after Dinah had broken up with Jimin, leaving him a complete wreckage in her absence. It became a group activity, trying to get Jimin back on his feet. Making sure he ate, taking him outside for some fresh air, helping him get out of his funk.
One night, you took him out for drinks in a bar close to home, to help him get over her through alcohol and hopefully some meaningless sex with a stranger. And Although both of those things happened, it wasn’t a stranger lending him a helping hand that night. Or a helping mouth if you want to be accurate.
You had woken up the next morning in his bed due to the unsettling feeling of dread curling in the pit of your stomach. What the hell were you thinking? What if this changed everything? You were best friends and roommates, what now?
But when Jimin woke up, everything seemed to be back to normal. You were relieved things didn’t become weird, his words immediately putting a rest to your worries over your possibly ruined friendship, joking lightly about the whole thing and how the others might react to the whole incident. It wasn’t a big deal because you never let it become one. It was but one night of mindless sex, one that left you both satiated and you could both agree it meant nothing. Jimin just needed some rebound sex and you… well, it had been a while. And you had needs.
Although you did get a lot of teasing from the rest of the group for the next few weeks. That wasn’t anything fond to remember, especially when you were still thinking you were into Seokjin and he had a large part in said teasing.
But that was in the past. You never felt anything for Jimin in the first place.
“It’s not that, okay? She’s just an awful person and I don’t want to even think about the consequences of her doing Jimin dirty again,” your calm voice and demeanour finally convince Ana as she lets out a relieved breath.
“Okay, good. Got scared there for a second, things could get really messy,” she admits with a small smile.
“You don’t have to worry about that. If anything that’s the least of your worries right now,” you say munching on some more chips as you eye the clock on your wall.
Ana looks at you perplexed. “What do you mean?”
You press your lips together. “Hoseok is alone in his room right?”
Ana looks even more baffled now, not sure where you’re going with this. “Yeah…?”
You press your lips in a tight line. “It’s 10 o’clock…” you relay, a sense of urgency in your voice.
Ana’s eyes widen. Hoseok’s latest obsession is watching Glee reruns on TV, which wouldn’t be that bad if he didn’t insist on singing every episode’s songs for the remainder of the week.
‘You can still stop him if you run…” you offer and Ana is immediately off your bed.
“Hoseok put down the remote!” she yells, running out of your room, down into the living room as you giggle and munch on the chips she left behind.
Your mind travels back to Ana’s worries about your feelings but you laugh them off.
You and Jimin? The entire idea is utterly ridiculous. He’s your best friend, you could never look at him that way.
Although, you too can admit he can be a sexy piece of ass when he wants to.
With a sigh, you throw the empty bag of chips on the floor and get under your covers, your mind too tired out to continue writing.
You just hope this thing with Dinah is only temporary. How long can a fling last when you already know the bad side of your lover?
When another week passes and they’re still going strong with no prospects of a breakup anywhere on the horizon, you realize it can be long.
Very long.
You wake up each day to giggles, picking thrown out clothes off the couch, listening to their yucky canoodling as they insist on making out on every surface of the apartment like a bunch of delinquents. While the rest of you are still present!
You swear if you hear another one of her obnoxious laughs you’re gonna drive a glass dildo through your ear canals to stop yourself from hearing altogether.
“I can’t take this anymooooore…” Hoseok whines quietly as you, he and Seokjin are crammed in the two-seat couch, while the lovebirds currently occupy the entirety of the big sofa.
It’s not that there’s no space for you to sit there as well. More like their insistent snogging effectively grosses the rest of you away.
“Me neither, but what can we do?” Seokjin whispers back while shuffling on the sofa, trying to find a more comfortable position and instead, managing to elbow both you and Hoseok in the process as an episode of Brooklyn 99 plays on the TV.
At the other side of the coffee table, Ana smiles triumphantly at you as she crosses her legs on top of the only armchair in the room. She was faster than the rest of you, that mean son of a bitch.
Hoseok squints at her with hatred before leaning in to whisper. “Is it wrong that I’m turned on by how mean she looks?”
Both yours and Seokjin’s protests of disgust are immediate.
“Lower the tent you perv,” Seokjin makes a face.
“Too late, this tent is the sturdiest thing ever built. I mean it’s so strong, so efficient, this stick is never gonna go down-”
“Okay, we have to do something or else I’m gonna finally kill Hoseok. After all those years of putting up with his weird sexual energy… this is gonna be the last straw,” your serious eyes turn to Seokjin to stress out the gravity of the situation.
Hoseok giggles mischievously and Seokjin sighs almost like he’s on auto-pilot. “Okay, okay, what do you propose?”
Hoseok pulls a face. “Really? That’s what convinces you? I’m hurt and as your friend of nearly four years I won’t stand for this kind of dishonour of my name!”
You both stare at Hoseok for a minute, no reaction whatsoever.
“Okay, I have a plan,” you ignore Hoseok in favour of turning to Seokjin and Hoseok groans, mumbling a grumpy “fake friends”.
“For the last time, Y/N, I refuse to be involved in your -honestly frightening- lust for murder,” Seokjin gives you the stink eye.
You gasp, offended. “I never said anything about murder!” you exclaim and Seokjin’s shoulders drop, looking somewhat remorseful.
You bite your lip though, knowing full well he’s not gonna like this suggestion either. “I just said we could sedate her and put her in Jimin's room.”
Seokjin rolls his eyes, entirely disappointed but not surprised. “No.”
“Why? It’s a win-win situation! We don’t get to hear her and the couch is free!” you protest but Seokjin’s eyebrow raises.
“How’s that a win-win situation?”
“It’s a win-win situation for us! None of the wins is for her,” you shrug before Seokjin flicks you in the forehead and you yelp in pain.
The sound somehow alerts the couple and they both stop kissing to look over to the three of you weirdly. You and the boys immediately stop talking, trying to look as inconspicuous as ever. Which only makes you look even more suspicious.
“You guys okay there?” Jimin asks, voice questioning and wary.
All three of you smile at the same time, which honestly gives you a creepy “Stepford Wives” vibe, and you speak up when an idea pops into your head.
“Yeah, it’s just that this couch is kinda um… small for the three of us. But we’re fine!” you feel Seokjin staring at you wildly and you discreetly nudge him to play along.
Jimin’s face falls. “Oh, I didn’t realize! Some of you can come sit here.”
“Oh, no!” Seokjin waves his hands dismissively, “You guys seem really cosy there, we don’t want to ruin that!” he says, finally following your line of thought and you nod quickly as if to agree with him.
“Ah…” Jimin replies, voice soft and a second passes where his face hardens. But then it’s gone and he taps his finger on his chin as he thinks it through before-, “Well, you three can sit here and we can sit on the smaller couch if you’d like.”
The three of you are already standing up, ignoring the pout and slightly sharp glare Dinah is giving you.
Suck it up, demoness.
“Well, if you’re sure-”
“We’d really appreciate it-”
“Aren’t you two the sweetest-”
Jimin smiles at you, probably already knowing what’s going on and yet he says nothing, urging Dinah to stand up and follow him on the smaller sofa.
You and the boys fall to the bigger sofa with moans of appreciation, finally free to spread out your limbs without touching each other.
“Oh, yeah… that’s the stuff…” you moan as your arms lie limblessly to your side, not touching Hoseok’s or Seokjin’s for just a few centimetres but even those little centimetres of distance come as a blessing.
Ana chuckles at your antics and Seokjin sends her a glare.
“You don’t have laughing-at-the-rest-of-us rights, anymore, Brutus!” he shakes a finger at her but Ana’s smile doesn’t deteriorate.
“I’d let that Brutus impale me with her blade anytime…” Hoseok adds unnecessarily and you groan.
Jimin takes a pause for having his soul sucked from his mouth from the dementor next to him, to look mildly curious. “How would that even work?” he asks and Dinah looks less than thrilled to not have his whole attention anymore, making you feel somewhat in the mood to gloat.
Ana rushes to explain. “Well, you see it can happen when you have purchased a specific type of-”
Seokjin immediately shuts Ana with his palm over her mouth. “Did you have to ask?!”
Jimin giggles. “I just wanted to know!”
“Yeah, and I wanted to not be traumatized by that image at 8 o’clock on a Thursday night but here we are!” Seokjin interjects and an involuntary laugh escapes your lips before Hoseok joins you.
And then Ana and Jimin do too before Seokjin relents as well at the sound of your laughter and you all end up cackling like maniacs in the middle of your living room.
Well, all except one.
Dinah sighs a little too loud when your giggles don’t seem to die down and she slowly gets off the couch. Her sullen face, an indication she visualised this whole evening to play out a little differently.
“I think I’m gonna head home…” She addresses Jimin and he stands up too.
“Oh, no, so soon?” your sarcasm can’t be helped. Hoseok elbows you in the ribs in return and you just barely conceal your groan.
“Why? Stay a little while longer…” Jimin pouts at her, that one specific pout that makes him seem like a kicked puppy, therefore makes him irresistible to refuse. You purse your lips as you guide your attention to the latest adventures of Jake Peralta but your treacherous ears can’t help but follow the rest of the conversation.
“I can’t. I have to be at the office early tomorrow…” she sounds remorseful as her hands rest on Jimin’s chest. But as said before you’re definitely not looking at them, so you can only guess.
“I’m sure those kids can wait a little- You know what, I felt bad for saying that, so forget I ever did,” Jimin says quickly as he circles his hands around her waist. Again you guess.
Ah, yeah, you forgot to mention. Dinah is a damn paediatrician. How could a person as evil as herself be something in such close proximity to children will forever escape you.
She smiles at him before- “Buut… you can come over instead if you’d like…” she says in a low voice and your eyes widen. You drag them away before Jimin’s surprised ones find you.
He can’t do that! Well, obviously, he can but Jimin wouldn’t do that to you-.
“Actually I promised Y/N we’d watch Space Jam tonight…” he tells her somewhat apologetically but still you feel relieved. Watching Space Jam is kind of a tradition between the two of you. It was a favourite movie of both, a feel-good movie if you will and long ago you’d promised each other that when things got rough for one or the other and you needed a little pick-me-up, you’d watch the movie together. You didn’t have to say anything else, just ask if the other one wanted to see the movie. And whatever the two of you had planned instead didn’t matter, you were always there when the other needed you.
You asked him this time. Your novel wasn’t going that well and some serious doubts over your writing skills had plagued your mind. You needed a getaway. And you weren’t about to let her get that away from you.
“Oh… okay…” she responds, face crestfallen and sad eyes looking at her feet and you almost scowl. She’s doing this on purpose! She knows it’s a tradition between the two of you and by acting like this she hopes Jimin will bail out on you.
Well, joke’s on her, because that won’t work on-.
“But, I’m sure Y/N won’t mind if we do that some other time!”
You freeze. Did he just-? No, Jimin wouldn’t. But the smile on his lips, so hopeful, says otherwise.
You can feel everyone staring at you, waiting for an answer. Do they seriously expect you to be fine with this?! Jimin knows how much this means to you, what it exactly means about your state of mind right now! Is he seriously about to blow you off?!
Ana is staring at you with alarm, sensing you’re about to explode, warning you against it. She knows it’ll just hurt Jimin and you know that too, but what about you?
You ignore her stare, opening your mouth to give a piece of your mind when you meet Jimin’s eyes.
There’s no sign of ulterior motives in their familiar brown, just expectation as your best friend waits for the answer. You forget what you wanted to say and you just stare back. Why is it so damn difficult to say no to him?
A few seconds pass and Jimin, having sensed your hesitation, opens his mouth with a sigh. “Nevermind, we can just-”
“It’s fine! You can go!” you exclaim surprising everyone including yourself. Jimin turns to look at you flabbergasted but you just smile at him. You don’t know what drove you to do that. You just couldn’t bear to hear the disappointment in his voice while knowing you’re the one causing it.
“Are you sure…?” his voice is cautious, not wanting to go if it means it’ll get you even a little bit uncomfortable. Sweet Jimin, always thinking about others’ feelings. You smile again to spare his feelings, disregarding completely your own.
“Yeah, go ahead,” you reply and the sweetest smile takes over his lips, making all of this seem worth it.
“Great! Thank you!” he says, rushing to press a quick kiss to your forehead, taking you by surprise before turning to Dinah, “Just lemme grab some stuff,” he disappears down the hall into his room.
He reappears a few minutes later with a small bag over his shoulders, the smile still present on his lips.
“Ready to go?” Dinah asks as Jimin gives her a peck on the cheek and nods.
“See you tomorrow, guys. Y/N, again thank you,” he waves at all of you and flashes you a smile. You smile back, waving as well as he exits the apartment first.
Dinah though stops before walking out the door and then she turns to you with a grateful smile.
“Y/N, thanks for that, I knew he wasn’t gonna come if you weren’t okay with it. And I’m sorry for stealing him away. Have a good night,” she addresses you before moving to exit the apartment.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome…” you reply and as soon as the door closes behind her you continue, “...you little bitch!” you move wildly to get out of the couch after her at that blatant display of her having Jimin wrapped around her little finger, while Hoseok and Seokjin are immediately trying to hold you back.
She did that on purpose! She knew what that movie represented, she just wanted to spite you! You don’t care how sincere she looked, she did that on purpose!
“Hey, hey, calm down, they’re gone!” Ana steps in front of you to calm you down and slowly your breaths even out. Your tired limbs fall lifelessly on the couch, not anymore resisting Hoseok’s and Seokjin’s hold.
Once you’ve calmed down, all of them stare at you cautiously. You hate that. You hate the pity in their eyes, you hate how they know exactly how much this hurts you, you hate feeling like you need their help.
You hate feeling vulnerable.
“I’m fine,” you snap, shaking their arms off, even if your own still have a slight tremble and you stand up.
They exchange stares and you press your lips together as you stare at the ceiling. Taking a deliberately slow breath to control your trembling.
“I’m going to bed,” you announce, your tone final, not waiting to hear their responses before you leave the living room for the safety of your own room.
None of them makes an attempt to follow you and you’re grateful for that at least.
You stomp into your room, closing the door loudly before grabbing your laptop and sit on your bed with a huff.
You don’t need Jimin to watch Space Jam and feel good afterwards! It’s the movie that makes you feel okay, not the person you’re watching it with. That’s what you try to convince yourself as you search for the movie on Netflix.
But as you sit there fuming through the first few minutes of the film, you can’t concentrate. You feel pushed aside as if you don’t matter, from none other than your best friend.
You press pause and with a sigh, you push the laptop aside. Tonight wasn’t supposed to go like this. You were supposed to watch your favourite movie with your best friend, to make jokes and laugh with Bugs Bunny, to feel better for once in the entirety of the last month. To feel comforted and safe in the presence of your best friend instead of moping miserably on top of your bed and feeling worse than before.
Instead, you grab your phone from your nightstand, scrolling through media in a poor attempt to distract yourself.
That’s how you spend your Thursday night and before you realize it you fall asleep with your phone still on your hands.
“Y/N. Y/N, wake up…” a soft voice brings you back from your slumber and you sleepily open your eyes to see Jimin hunched over you with a small, tender smile.
“What… What time is it?” you mumble, rubbing at your eyes and Jimin’s smile widens ever so slightly.
“It’s twelve past one. Come on get up, you’ll be dying in the morning if you sleep like this…” he responds quietly, urging you to abandon your current sleeping position for one that is more comfortable under the warmth of your covers. You’ve been curled up like a cat next to your laptop that’s still paused on Space Jam.
Jimin’s careful eyes flee to the screen, only for a second before they return to you, ever so gentle.
“Oh, okay then…” you mumble kinda dumbly in your sleep-infused haze and Jimin looks at you expectantly for a moment too long before he pushes you further across the mattress, to leave what you belatedly realize is more space for him.
“Scout over…” he whines, voice still quiet and you look at him perplexed. Why does he wanna sleep here, he has his own bed.
“Why?” you ask, purely confused and not at all hurt by the previous incident as Jimin expected but nonetheless his smile saddens before he stares shyly at your duvet.
“I was thinking, perhaps, we could still see the movie if you’re not too tired…” he mumbles, eyes wide effectively nailing the “puppy stare” he’s infamous for and naturally you find resolve crumbling. The previous anger is long gone when you stare at him so you smile back as you move aside and draw the covers for him to get under.
“Get here, you rascal,” you whisper back and his smile matches yours when he obeys and climbs in, dragging the laptop forward to restart the movie.
The both of you get comfortable against your headboard, Jimin’s arm hanging loosely around your shoulders as you watch Michael Jordan get sucked down a golf hole to the Looney Tune’s world.
The truth is you’re extremely tired and you most probably will fall asleep during the movie but you don’t mind sitting next to Jimin as the movie plays in the background and you bask in his warmth. Because at last, you feel the raging sea of your thoughts subside. Your mind is once again calm and serene, all your worries thrown aside in the favor of this one moment that makes you feel content. 
Ana’s warning faintly echoes through your head but the words are not enough to dampen your mood or make you spend a little more of your focus on them, even though Jimin’s arms feel safe. Feel like home.
A small smile stretches your lips. Even when you feel your eyes heavy with sleep, you still snuggle closer to your best friend.
{Jimin’s POV}
He’s a terrible, terrible friend.
The thought repeats inside the crevices of Jimin’s mind like mockery as he drives. His fingers tap against the leather of the steering wheel impatiently, matching his haywire of thoughts in a weird kind of fucked up way.
He shouldn’t have left. He shouldn’t have made the subtle request in the first place. He knew you needed him, how could he not? It was stupid and selfish of him to leave you behind when you needed him.
But when Dinah gave him a distraction, a way to keep himself occupied… that’s what he wanted. Right? A distraction from everything, something to keep his mind off of things, to keep him from making any mistakes.
But even as he was lying on Dinah’s couch he couldn’t stop thinking about you. About how he left you behind in a time he knew was difficult for you just so he can finally breathe freely, focus on something else other than-.
Dinah was good at that. Making him forget.
But as awful of a friend he was, he’s apparently an even worse boyfriend.
When his thoughts got too much to handle, too much for him to ignore and pretend he didn’t feel any remorse for abandoning you, he left Dinah’s with an excuse. It was a stupid one, he knew, she knew but still, she let him go. Because, as much as she made Jimin go through before, she changed. Jimin could recognize that in the way she acted, the way she talked, even the way she kissed him. That’s why he gave her a second chance in the first place.
And then he goes and probably ruins it by being the worst boyfriend. A stupid decision really.
He parks his car in front of their building and he locks with a sigh.
It’s late, too late for you to still be awake. And if you are awake at such an hour, it’ll probably be because you’re writing and you most likely won’t want to be disturbed.
But Jimin can’t help it. His guilt is killing him, eating him up from the inside so he has to at least check.
When he softly taps on your door and gets no reply, he pushes it open.
He finds you fast asleep, curled up on top of your covers, phone still on your hands and laptop still open next to your form.
He smiles softly at the image before he approaches you quietly, taking the phone from your hands to place on your nightstand before he wakes you up.
“Y/N. Y/N, wake up…” he whispers softly, unable to keep the smile away from his lips at your adorable sleeping form. Waking you up is a necessary evil; otherwise, the next morning will consist of your sore muscles and your grumpy behaviour in all its glory.
“What… What time is it?” you ask quite drowsily and Jimin is relieved to see no sign of hurt in your voice. Nothing that exposes any malice or grudge hold against him.
“It’s twelve past one. Come on, get up, you’ll be dying in the morning if you sleep like that…” Jimin pushes you softly to move under the covers when his eyes find the screen of your laptop.
Paused in the first few minutes of Space Jam.
His chest constricts uncomfortably and he moves his eyes away in shame. The pain in his chest can only feel like a blade has impaled him with all the implications of how much of an awful friend he is. God, great job, Jimin.
But as you move over your mattress and under the covers, completely serene and calm, Jimin decides to make it up to you.
Towards the end of the movie Jimin realizes you’ve fallen asleep.
You’ve been quiet for a while now but it isn’t until he turns to point something out that he realises your eyes are closed.
You’re breathing slowly, snuggled up next to him, face pressed into the pillow as your chest rises and falls ever so gently.
His lips stretch into a smile, pushing a stray hair out of your face. He picks up the duvet to properly cover you and the movement makes you shift closer to him, to press your face on his side as if searching for him even in your sleep.
His smile widens. And then it falls.
God, he wants to-.
He stops the thought before it emerges.
His movements are deliberately slow and as quiet as they can be as he gets out of bed. He closes your laptop, leaving it on top of your desk before he walks to the door.
He stops then. He turns to take one last look at you and then he leaves.
{Y/N’s POV}
Next morning you wake up feeling fully rested.
You rub the sleepiness off your eyes before sitting up, hands landing on your soft covers, toes on the cold floor and you wiggle them back to life as you stretch your back with an appreciative moan.
You check your phone for the time, shocked when you find it’s too early for anyone to be awake on a Friday morning and you contemplate diving back into the haven of your covers. But the truth is you don't feel sleepy anymore and you were never the person to loll around in bed either.
So with one last yawn, you put on your slippers and make way to your kitchen. Since you’re the first one up, you could cook breakfast for the boys, reminding them of how much of a good roommate you are and riding them with guilt about the fact both of them haven’t bought any popcorn this last week.
Oh, maybe eggs and bacon? They’d love that! And plus, the tastier the recipe, the more prominent the guilt. You’ll have popcorn to spare for the rest of the year.
But as you make the turn for the kitchen, someone else is already banging pots and whisks in their attempt to concoct a delicious breakfast.
Jimin’s humming some song, whisking some batter as a pan rests on top of the stove, eggs already crackling on top of the boiling oil and the smell fills your nostrils as you get closer. 
Dammit, no free popcorn for you. But at least you won’t have to cook.
“God, that smells amazing…” you comment as you take a seat on the kitchen island and Jimin turns around, eyes wide in reaction to the sudden noise but quickly smirks once it realizes it’s just you.
“Morning to you too,” he chuckles with a roll of his eyes as the whisk never stops moving in his hands. He quickly looks back on the stove when the crackling gets louder and he puts aside the batter with a curse to inspect the eggs.
“Want some help?” you can’t help the soft smile on your face, surprisingly ready to step up and aid his ministrations despite feeling relieved earlier of not having to cook.
He blows a stray hair out of his eyes before he relents. “Please.”
With a giggle, you abandon your spot to help the poor man as Jimin finally finds some time to drink some water. “Where do you want me, chief?” you ask with your hands on your waist.
Jimin chokes on his water, coughing uncontrollably and worry fills you as you’re quick to pat him on the back.
“Hey, easy with the water bud!” you joke and once his coughing stops he gives you a weak smile.
“Got it. Um, you could whisk the batter as I fry the bacon. It needs some more stirring…” he turns to take the done eggs out of the pan, face red from the coughing fit and you mumble a quick confirmation before taking a hold of the whisk.
The kitchen is then filled with the sounds of your whisking and the crackling of the oil in the pan, as Jimin continues humming that unfamiliar song. You gather your hair up in a ponytail to get them out of the way as you continue whisking next to Jimin. It’s been a long time since the two of you have been like this; cooking together, spending time next to one another and still feel close even when you say nothing. The comfortable silence stretches around you as sun rays lighten up the space, hitting at all the right spots to illuminate the two of you.
Your eyes move on their own accord, fleeting to Jimin’s concentrated face as he adds another bacon strip. His brown eyes are focused on the task ahead, eyebrows scrunching whenever a particularly loud crackling sound emerges and your lips move into shaping an involuntarily smile. The sun streams run through his hair, flecks of dust floating in the air around him, almost like a halo, bathing him in an almost ethereal glow. As if you’re his lover and he makes you breakfast after spending the night together, tangled between the sheets.
Your mind short-circuits and you blink when the thought catches up with your reason.
What the fuck was that?
At that moment Jimin leans almost too close to your face, as he ducks to avoid some oil spitting out of the pan.
Your eyes widen at the close proximity and you suck in a breath, realising your mistake as soon as his natural scent infiltrates your lungs.
God, he smells so good. It reminds you of the fresh scent of rain and flowers and something so obviously him.
Jimin leans away immediately and you almost lean forward.
Y/N, what the fuck?
His smile is blinding. “Sorry…” he says before taking out the bacon strips, and you shake your head to get the weird thoughts out of your mind.
“It’s fine…” you mutter, returning your eyes to the batter.
Suddenly very aware of Jimin next to you.
After you’re done with cooking and putting some aside for Hoseok when he wakes up, the two of you sit down on the kitchen island to finally eat.
“So how did you sleep, Y/N?” Jimin’s voice is coloured with a teasing timbre as he regards you with wiggling eyebrows.
You groan out loud. You remember falling asleep during the movie very clearly and he’s never gonna let you live that down. But you’ll be damned if you let yourself go down without a fight. Or at least bringing him down with you.
“It happened once! Plus I wasn’t the one ditching my best friend to go get laid!” you tease him back, although a bit of your bitterness over last night’s debacle slips through your words, the jab at him a little more serious than you intended at first.
Although your pettiness quickly ebbs away once Jimin’s smile falls and he looks at his plate with a downtrodden face. You suddenly regret saying anything, realising how much of a jerk you’ve been to bring it up when you already decided it wasn’t worth to keep a grudge over. You don’t want to be the reason he looks like this.
“I was just joking, Jimin, I’m not really mad,” you rush to comfort him, placing a tentative hand on top of his palm.
You feel at ease when you don’t feel him pull back. Though a grim sigh rolls off his lips.
“Maybe you aren’t, but that does not make the way I acted last night okay…” he admits, voice low as he rubs the base of his neck with his other hand. He bites his lip in thought and your eyes stick there for a moment before you shake your head back into reasoning.
Thankfully Jimin doesn’t seem to catch up on that. “I’m sorry about yesterday. I was a terrible friend. I knew you needed me and I decided to leave. Please forgive me?” he begs with a pleading smile and damn it, it’s difficult to refuse anything to these eyes.
You sigh dramatically, tapping a finger on your chin as you pretend to ponder on it. “Say I do forgive you. How do you plan on replenishing those hours of agony I was forced to spend due to your absence?” you say with a mock-strict voice and Jimin smiles, already knowing you forgave him.
“I’ll do anything you want. Consider me your personal Genie,” he jokes, jutting his chin out and puffing up his chest.
“Does that mean I get three wishes and a spectacular musical number?”
He’s quick to glare at you. “Let’s not stretch this too much, okay?”
You chuckle when an idea pops into your mind. Oh, he’s gonna hate this, perfect.
The smirk that graces your lips can’t mean anything good, Jimin realises with a sigh.
“How about a little competition…?”
Jimin’s eyes widen in fear. “You don’t mean-?”
“A Just Dance Competition!” you announce loudly, grin threatening to split your lips as Jimin stares at you with a fond smile.
“Oh, god, I should’ve expected that…” he chuckles, the sound resigning as he shakes his head.
In your first years of college, competing on Just Dance choreographies was almost an everyday thing. You and Jimin would give your best dancing moves and Hoseok would judge. Although after many times cheating and being overly competitive to the point of threatening the poor judge, you decided to leave the activity behind.
“Come on, just this once…” you hold up one finger and bring out your best puppy stare to sway him. Jimin just stares at you with crossed hands on his chest.
“You said anything…” your voice visibly loses its excitement as your face turns a bit crest-fallen.
He doesn’t last for long.
“Fine. We can do this, I guess…” he relents.
“Yes!” you do a little victory dance at Jimin’s answer.
“But just this once! And no one else can see but Hoseok!” he protests, shaking a finger scarily at you and you groan but agree nonetheless.
“Okay! It’ll just be the three of us. Partners in crime!” you declare, enthusiasm ruling over your body, standing proudly with your hands on your hips.
Jimin shakes his head. “Sometimes I wonder why I’m your friend…”
You stick your tongue out to him. “Because you looove me,” you sing-song, pecking him on the cheek, with a loud smack.
Jimin’s frame remains still for a moment. Staring at you as you climb out of your stool to wake up Hoseok and share the news before he reaches out.
“Wait…” his hand grasps your arm, halting your steps as you turn around to him with a questioning look.
He takes a deep breath before a smile befalls his lips. “I just… I never got to thank you.”
You stare back, confused, trying to think of what he wants to thank you for, but as time passes and you come by with nothing, you get more and more perplexed.
“About what?” you sit down again, kinda curious of what is so important to him that he wants to thank you.
His smile is grateful. “You know, for being so considerate with this whole situation. I mean, we all know Dinah… And I appreciate you being so cool about it,” he says calmly, thankfully as he takes your empty plates to put them on the sink.
His words send a fresh wave of guilt through you and you bite your lip. You need to tell him the truth.
“Actually about that…” you turn to look at him, trailing off and unsure of how to tell him you actually, kinda, sorta hate his girlfriend with a burning passion.
“Yeah?” Jimin’s unaware eyes and sweet smile meet your shameful and guilty ones. He looks so oblivious and so happy. You can see he likes her, you can see he wants to make this work and even you can admit Dinah’s behaviour has changed. Maybe this is it for them. Maybe all that shit had to happen so the second time around they’d know better of each other and themselves.
Maybe they were meant to make it work from the beginning.
A lump gets stuck in your throat.
“... Of course,” you smile through the sickening feeling in your chest, one you choose to ignore, despite its magnitude, “I’ll always be there to support you no matter what.”
Jimin’s smile turns wider, radiant and you feel like it swallows you.
Like it’s the only thing you see.
It’s the next evening that you put on your dancing gear and get ready to beat Jimin’s ass. 
Saturday is one of the few really free days you have. Jimin has no classes scheduled to teach today, Hoseok’s radio show isn’t scheduled for Saturdays and you’re just a writer with time to spare.
True to your words, you haven’t said anything to the other two friends of your group, keeping this little event strictly between the residents of this house. Although to be fair, there was another reason for the missed invite.
It’s not the first time during those two days that Ana’s words came to haunt you. To nag at your mind, making you wonder if there’s any truth to the accusations. Those accompanied with your behaviour around Jimin yesterday can only spell trouble for you and your dynamics.
No, there’s no way you feel anything else for Jimin besides cordial friendship. Ana just messed with your head, putting all those silly ideas in it to confuse you, hence why you can’t stop thinking about him naked.
Oops, did you say naked? You meant “in all those domestic scenarios where he’s your lover”.
You sigh. That doesn’t sound any better.
Okay, focus. You don’t like him. There’s no way.
Making your way into the living room, you find your roommates already in the area. Hoseok searches for Just Dance videos on youtube while Jimin stretches on the floor, leaning forward to touch his toes while granting you a perfect view of his plumpy behind.
God, what did I just say?!
You shake your head. That doesn’t count! You can still be attracted to someone and regard them only as a friend. Right?
Bottom line is you don’t like Jimin.
“Are we ready gentlemen?” you shot them a confident smile, already pumped up for this.
Jimin regards you with self-assurance colouring his features. “Ready for you to eat my dust? You bet I am,” he boasts, a sly smirk gracing his lips and you snort out loud.
“We’ll see about that…” is your collected comeback, not really worried about the outcome of this competition. You know you’re about to serve him his ass on a platter.
“Your trash talk sucks dick. Thank god I’m not the judge of that, both of you would be slammed to the ground right now…” Hoseok retorts with impassiveness as he puts a video on queue.
“You’re not here to roast us, you’re here to judge buttercup, so shut your hole and judge,” you bite back, the rush of the impending competition already getting you lightheaded, as you stare Hoseok down.
His eyebrow twitches in return. “Do you want me to change the song?” he challenges you.
At that, you and Jimin turn around immediately to see Twice’s Feel Special tutorial staring back at you from the screen and you realise that no. You don't.
“You’re fucking kidding me…” is Jimin’s less than excited response at having to dance the one song you’re a thousand times better than him.
This is gonna be a piece of cake.
“No, I’m done! You clearly cannot appreciate my natural charisma, which is simply a blasphemy! A blasphemy, I tell you! People would beg to be judged by me, you degenerates!” Hoseok bursts out of the couch, the dancing tutorial still echoing softly in the background.
“No, Hoseok, please! We promise we’ll be good!” you beg with not as much as a tiny speck of sympathy for your deteriorating dignity.
Jimin scoffs, crossing his hands on his chest. “We? I had no part in this disrespectful disruption and that should be duly noted!” he rushes to save face. Truth is you’ve gone a bit too far.
“Y/N, you threw your phone at me!” a sheepish smile takes over your lips as Hoseok’s eyes marvel at your completely nonchalant behaviour.
“I didn’t… throw my phone at you per se....” you struggle to find an excuse, “I… threw it to you!” you explain with a giggle once your words make somewhat sense.
“What?” Hoseok’s furrowed eyebrows are a clear indication he’s not buying your shit.
“I threw it to you, not at you! So you could... film us! And naturally, the competition would be fairer!” you say in explanation, making your story on the way though it seems none of your roommates believe you.
You suppose that’s fair.
“I would’ve believed you if you hadn’t screamed straight to my face, -and I quote-, “What do you know of judging you freaking cocksucker?”,” Jimin lets out a snort, one he’s quick to hide behind his lips once your ominous glare finds him.
“Well, that leaves us with no judge and we’re currently at a tie, so what will we do?”
Hoseok simply shrugs before heading off to the corridor. “Not my problem anymore, compadre!” he beams at you before disappearing into his room.
Another heavy sigh tumbles from your lips as the song in the background changes into a softer ballad and you turn around to Jimin.
“Well, I guess this was for nothing then…” you huff out but Jimin simply smiles.
“No, I don’t think so…” he responds cryptically and before you can question him about it, his hand grabs yours.
“Come on, let’s dance…” he mutters quietly as he drags you forward closer to him.
Your breath hitches as your palms rest on his chest, heart suddenly beating wildly out of rhythm. You try to chase away Ana’s suggestion, blaming these feelings only on the fact that he’s hot. That’s all. Nothing more.
“But it’s a ballad. It has no tutorial…” you sputter, panic lingering in your words in a futile attempt to get rid of that unexplainable warmth enveloping you as Jimin’s hands end up encasing you.
“So we’ll slow dance…” is his simple answer, clearly not at all as affected as you.
You don’t know why that drives something ugly through your chest.
There’s nothing else you can say to get out of this without making it weird, so you simply let him guide you.
It’s easy to fall into a routine, slowly swaying to the beat of the music as you rest your chin on Jimin’s shoulder. You let your hands find their way to Jimin’s back, sliding upwards to rest on his shoulder blades as his own spread comfortable warmth to the small of your back.
It’s easy to pretend like this. Easier to close your eyes and let the beat slowly fill your ears, as you bask in the safeness of Jimin’s embrace. Like it’s nothing but another normal Sunday night, and not a favour to you because he left you to go hang out with Dinah.
Dinah. The name brings a pang of dull ache in your sternum.
There’s a small lump in your throat that you swallow away.
You’re just worried for him.
A small voice wonders when you’ll grow tired of this.
Jimin’s audible sigh brings you back to reality. You lean back to find him staring at you. His eyes bore into yours and you can’t look away.
There’s something in them, something unreadable but it makes your cheeks scorch with the attention. Though you’re unable to avert your gaze from them. They remind you of that night, outside of your doors, when you were sure he was about to say something but ultimately choose not to.
Again, you wonder what that was. If he’s about to say it now.
But his lips remain pierced shut.
When the silence gets overwhelming you decide to break it.
You clear your throat. “So, uhm, have you done your christmas shopping yet?” you mumble, eyes zerowing on your feet that step side by side to Jimin’s.
His eyes still seek your own. “No, not yet…” he replies casually, hands soft upon your waist. “What about you?” he asks and you’re glad for the more than welcome distraction.
“Oh, yeah, I’m done with mine. Just haven’t figured what to get for Seokjin yet… You know how he gets about presents…” you mumble with a smile before you accidentally step on Jimin’s foot.
He hisses and your eyes widen as you rush to apologize.
“Shit, I’m sorry, maybe we should stop…”
Jimin shakes his head, “No, it’s fine…” he says, though his voice is a bit stiff and his eyes avert your own.
Nonetheless, he doesn’t stop dancing with you.
Again, there’s silence between you, only the sound of the song wafting through the living room. But this time it feels as if something else is floating through the air. Something tense.
You’re quick to fill the silence with a question that’s not easy to ask but it’s the only thing you can think of.
“So… you and Dinah, huh?” you just barely cover your shaky voice.
Jimin’s eyes find yours again. “Oh, uhm, yeah… I mean who would’ve thought, right?” he says with a surprised chuckle, “I mean after everything you’d think I would’ve stayed clear of her…” he says bewildered and an uneasy chuckle escapes you.
“Well, yeah, to be completely honest, we all were caught off guard…” you dare to say, remembering seeing him and Dinah in Seokjin’s bathroom that night. Only now thinking of his lips on her skin makes your stomach clench uncomfortably.
Jimin chuckles in response. “Yeah, I know. And I’m glad you are this civilized about it. I admit it wasn’t supposed to go this far, she was just there when I wasn’t okay and needed a distraction. She was familiar and comfortable. But then we ended up talking and… she’s really changed, Y/N. She kept apologizing for everything and I couldn’t help but think about how it would be if we tried again. I mean everyone deserves a second chance, right?” he concludes with such clarity and insight.
There’s a part of you that wants to say he’s stupid and naive for believing her. But the truth is he’s right. Everyone sane can see she has indeed changed and it reflects on their relationship as well. Jimin returns from their dates feeling happy and content.
You don’t know why that feels like a punch in the gut.
Your lips tug into a forced smile. “Right… wait, why weren’t you okay?” you ask, finally realizing you have no recollection of that. If he had been feeling less than okay at Seokjin's party, you can’t recall.
Jimin laughs your worries off, even though the nervousness in his features is obvious. “It was nothing. I just… saw something I shouldn’t have…” is his evasive answer. His eyes find yours again and they don’t dare to avoid you. Neither do you.
There’s something tense between you, something unspoken. You don’t think you can take any more of this without going mad.
But Jimin’s gaze doesn’t deter. It remains on you, as his hands tighten on your waist. The traitorous fluttering of your heart progresses and you mask your trembling inhale just barely. And suddenly an unexpected yearning blooms inside your lungs. One that’s swallowing you whole, threatening to take hold of your reasoning, threatening to push you forward and-.
Another Just dance tutorial comes into the screen and causes you both to jump in surprise and break apart.
Warmth spreads through your cheeks as you realize what you were about to do.
You were about to lean in.
Jimin clears his throat, eyes searching for his phone and he checks the time. “Oh, shit, I promised Dinah I’d go over there after we’re done…” he mumbles and you can’t help the slight sting that grows in your chest.
“Oh, yeah, go ahead…” you wind up saying, “I mean there’s no one to judge so technically there’s no competition anymore…” you try to get rid of the uneasiness with a chuckle.
Jimin looks at you with a carefree smile as if nothing happened. And you don’t know what hurts more, Jimin’s nonchalance about it or that nothing actually happened.
“Great, then I’m off. Bye, see you tomorrow!” he says, grabbing his phone and keys before stepping out of the apartment.
You stand there in the middle of the living room, eyes stuck on the closed front door. Knowing he went to find her and your chest constricts painfully.
You place your palm to steady your beating heart but it does not work. Not at all. Not when you keep wondering, wishing it was you in her place.
With terror, you realize you’re in deep shit.
You avoid Jimin as much as you can after that. December progresses, people flooding the streets to either buy presents, meet up with loved ones or visit the Christmas market at the centre, spreading love and warmth through an otherwise cold period.
Sadly that liberated flux of emotion cannot penetrate your tough walls of “perpetual desolation”, as you had once drunkenly described, and paired with the newly-realized feelings for Jimin, it renders you a real-life Scrooge.
That’s how Wednesday finds you with Ana and Seokjin, holed up in a cosy, little coffee house while trying to plan out this year’s New Year’s party.
It’s been a tradition of some sorts for you and your friends to host a New Year’s party at Ana’s apartment, given it’s the most spacious one, inviting all the people you know to celebrate the start of the new year in the best way possible.
You normally would be really pumped up about organizing the event, getting a small taste of the thrill the party would be weeks before. But today your mind isn’t at all able to focus on the preparations. Not that you could focus on anything else besides Jimin since Saturday.
“Okay, I’m sorry but we have to stop. Y/N clearly isn’t paying attention,” Seokjin acts out, his loud whining succeeds in startling you and you finally turn around to realize both of your friends stare suspiciously at you.
Seokjin is just confused, you can tell but Ana’s eyes tell a different story.
That night, after Jimin left for Dinah’s, you immediately called your friend, voice full to the brim with panic as you explained with a nervous stutter what happened. What you had realized and she tried to provide comfort in the best way that she could. She came over with a tub of ice cream, ready to talk it out with you and figure out what your plan was going to be. You also plead with her not to tell Hoseok, the boy couldn’t keep a secret to save his life.
So you’re left sitting here, trying to plan out a party and instead wondering what your course of action should be.
And also wanting to tell Seokjin, hoping he’d have something different to say than Ana. Her suggestion was not what you wanted to hear. Not in the slightest.
“What’s going on?” the man in question asks once he deciphers the mild look of despair in your eyes, voice a tad more empathetic than before.
Your eyes find Ana’s.
She lets out a sigh, before closing her notebook. “Guess I’ll have to say it then…” she muses and a grateful smile masks over your lips. It’s still quite difficult for you to wrap your head around this sudden, inconceivable situation, let alone utter it out loud.
Seokjin’s confusion reflects in the state of his eyebrows; scrunched in, twitching upwards as his eyes zero in on Ana.
Ana rolls her eyes, takes a breath and then-.
“Y/N realized she’s in love with Jimin.”
“Ana!” you protest with wide eyes at her choice of words, feeling your cheeks redden as Seokjin gasps in astonishment.
“Okay, okay, “likes” Jimin,” she reformulates although she doesn’t have you convinced she believes this.
“Jimin?!” the man’s wide eyes are filled with disbelief, mirroring your own sentiments about the current turn of events.
You nod quickly yet somehow bashfully as another gasp falls from Seokjin’s lips and Ana mumbles a quiet “I know”.
“What? How? Who? No, wait, we know who,” he cuts off himself but not for long, “When? When did your feelings change? Was it after your one-night special of passionate love-making? God I have so many questions!” his whole form is trembling with excitement, giddiness over the newly discovered news that leaves you sort of confused.
“I don’t know actually…” you mumble, overly self-conscious and yet you push yourself to continue, to pour out everything that came rushing over you in the last couple of days. Maybe it’ll help. “It feels more as if… as if those feelings were always there? Only I hadn't realised them until recently…” you mutter, eyes on your cup as you stir the now-cold americano.
It still amazes you how much of those words are real. You like your best friend and in some way, you think you always did. Though you guess you were too dense to ever really pay attention to that bubbling feeling in your chest every time he was near.
Not until Ana pointed it out.
“How did you realize it then?” Seokjin’s query is deceptively calm and you figure from the insistent nail-biting, he’s holding back to not scare you off. An act you greatly appreciate.
“Well, Ana and I had a talk the other day which gave me a lot to think about… And after spending some time with Jimin alone and I started to observe myself and my behaviour around him… how he made me feel… I realized it for what it was. For what it is…” you stare at your cup while stealing careful glances at Seokjin, who looks ready to burst with whatever he wants to say but refrains from doing so.
You roll your eyes with a chuckle. “You can talk now.”
A loud gasp tears through his mouth before, “Oh my god, this is so exciting! I already ship it, you’re perfect for each other! If I’m being honest here I never made a move on you cause I also thought you had something going on with Jimin, oh sweet baby Jesus this ship is sailing itself. It’s canon! I-”
“Wait, Seokjin, I think you forget a very important detail,” Ana interrupts him, gaze stern as ever and Seokjin visibly hesitates.
“Dinah,” Ana answers and Seokjin’s eyes glaze over with recognition before his shoulders drop.
“Oh, right…” he remembers solemnly and steals a glance at you full with guilt.
You smile although a bit saddened. “It’s okay…”
“But, Y/N… Are you actually in love with him? Or was this just something Ana said to tease you?” he regards you with wary eyes.
You rush to answer the question, minutes before so certain of your answer, only for your lips to remain shut with uncertainty. “I… I don’t know. I mean I thought it was just a crush but I’m not so sure anymore. He’s all I can think about, all I could think about even when I didn't know I liked him, something he said, or the way his voice changed, wondering what the cause of it was. I catch myself actively wishing to be in Dinah’s place, to be the one Jimin goes home to at the end of the day, the one to get to call him hers…” your feelings catch up with you and you find yourself needing a moment to breathe. A moment when you realize it’s not just some stupid crush.
You take a shaky breath. “Fuck, I’m screwed…” you say, the consequences of your breakthrough taking over you like a tidal wave, as you come to a startling conclusion. “I need to tell Jimin.”
Ana takes a tense breath. “I don’t think that’s a good idea…”
But you don’t listen, just like you didn’t after your talk. “I’m not expecting anything out of it so it’d be okay either way, then I can move on at last.”
She shakes her head disapprovingly. “Y/N, no, you don’t know how he’s gonna react! He’s not some rando you happen to stumble upon the same bar four nights a week. He’s your best friend with whom you live together. If things head south, it wouldn’t be as simple as just changing your hangout spot to avoid him! He’s always gonna be there.”
Her words sound ominous and, more frighteningly, reasonable, slightly wavering your resolve but you don’t back down just yet, turning a blind eye to the worst possible outcome even if the chances of that happening are so much more than the opposite. “It’s Jimin, no matter what happens between us, we always have managed to work through it.”
Ana sighs, eyes sad as she stares at you, once again having to fight her way through to make you see reason. “Honey, this is not as simple as him stealing your cereal…”
You swallow the lump in your throat, stubbornly refusing to let it go. “Yeah, but what if-”
“There’s no “what if” Y/N!” Ana lashes out, eyes wide half with irritation half with concern as both you and Seokjin are left to simply stare at her. “There’s no way to tell if he’s feeling the same and he’s currently dating Dinah, who he’s happy with! All you’re gonna achieve now is getting him all confused and uncertain. Do you realize how that may affect your friendship afterwards? Do you really wanna jeopardize what you have over a “what if”?” Ana’s rant is over and finally, you can’t hide behind your finger anymore as her words echo in your mind. Although there’s a large part of you that wishes to deny it, you admit with a heavy heart she is right.
You can’t tell Jimin. Not right now.
You bite your lip as you avert your eyes, trying to suppress your tears as you shake your head, to show you finally see reason. Even if it hurts like hell.
Ana sighs, regret filling her otherwise soft voice. “I’m sorry for being so blunt, if the situation was any different I would be right there with you, being the first to support you in your decision to tell him. But it’s not. And I just don’t want to see either of you getting hurt…” she confesses, as she reaches her hand out to tentatively cover your own.
You let her as you swallow the lump in your throat. The one that makes you feel like you’re drowning.
“I have to agree with Ana on this… I think it will be for the best if you didn’t tell him for now. But whatever you decide to do…. We’ll support you…” Seokjin adds with tender words, that Ana nods furiously to agree with, as he squeezes gently your other hand.
A sad smile manages to find its way onto your lips as you give them both a gentle and thankful glance.
“Thank you, guys…” your voice is barely audible. Then you shake your head, blinking the tears away and slap your cheeks to get rid of the choking in your throat.
“Okay, enough of this. Let’s go back to what we actually came here to do!” you exclaim with a smile and Ana and Seokjin smile back as they open their notebooks once more.
You might be going through a heartbreak but at least for now, you’ll be fine.
After that conversation, Ana and Seokjin took it upon themselves to help you find someone else, even if you told them a thousand times you weren’t interested.
Ana proposed Seokjin could give Namjoon your number but Seokjin was quick to inform you he was currently seeing someone. Ana tried to hook you up with a work friend but to be honest, there really was no spark with Youngjae so you gave up on that fairly easily. But there’s this guy you see a few times a week at your favourite coffee shop and just a few days ago he approached you asking for your number. At first, you were hesitant to give it but you knew Ana and Seokjin were right on the whole dating thing. If you want to get over Jimin, you need to give another person a chance. So you gave your number to Jaehyun and now, a week later after your talk with Ana and Seokjin, just two days before Christmas, you’re getting ready for your date. Seokjin had suggested you had the date at his restaurant and the probability of being somewhere familiar, somewhere comfortable was like music to your ears.
In the meantime, your avoidance of Jimin hasn’t subsided. There are moments when you think he’s on to you, or that he thinks something’s weird but whenever he tries to bring it up, Seokjin or Ana or your disappearance halt him.
The truth is you hate it. It feels awful to avoid your best friend, it’s horrible pretending as if you don’t see the hurt in his eyes when you dismiss him. But you don’t trust yourself enough to not spill anything to him yet. And Ana was right, you can’t afford to risk it.
So that’s your plan for as long as needed. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
Although when the front door closes with a loud bang, you have a feeling it’s not gonna be that easy today. Hoseok’s over at Ana’s as she promised to keep him there to give you and Jaehyun some privacy. So the only other possible explanation is Jimin returning earlier from his date.
You peak out of your bedroom to see him marching down the hall. His eyes stare stubbornly, intensely at the floor as if they try to burn holes through the carpet as his heavy steps boom through the apartment. That vein in his forehead is pulsing, threatening to burst at any moment, his lips pulled into an angry frown as he takes off his jacket. He tries to rip it off with hasty movements as if it’s something tangled to him, choking him.
“Jimin, is everything okay…?” you ask cautiously as he still struggles with his jacket in front of his bedroom.
He curses through clenched teeth, ripping the jacket off his hand with one sharp movement. “Yeap. Everything’s okay. More than okay! Perfect! Everything’s perfect!” he exclaims, even though the irony in his voice doesn’t do much to convince you.
“...Do… you wanna talk about it?” your voice is careful, wishing quite selfishly and guiltily he doesn’t, because you know if he does want, there’s no chance you’ll be able to deny him, date or no date. 
He huffs before searching for his phone. “What’s there to talk about? That my girlfriend is a successful doctor that apparently gets paged in the middle of our date? That children need her and I can't complain? That I’m searching for my phone and I can’t fucking find it?!” he bursts before taking a deep breath to calm himself.
Your stomach flips uncomfortably in response to the hurt hiding in Jimin's eyes. His face is filled with worries, marking the space between his eyebrows and you want to smooth your thumb over the lines. Your chest constricts in a bothersome matter when you spot his glassy eyes. It’s not an image you like to see on him.
So, against your better judgement, you do what you’ve tried so long not to.
You talk to him.
“You’re not a bad person for feeling angry. As long as you don’t put the blame on her you’re okay. It’s normal. You just want to spend some time with your girlfriend…” you respond, trying to hide the sadness colouring your voice at the word “girlfriend”, as you walk out of your room into the hallway to talk properly to your friend.
His eyes, filled with something akin to shame, find yours and you wanna wipe that frown from his lips with yours.
But you control yourself. You’re not an animal.
“Also, check your jacket…” you point at the article of clothing with a soft smile, and as he follows your advice, he gives you a small, closed-lip smile. But it’s still a smile.
With a tired chuckle, he finds his phone in one of the pockets and shakes his head before his eyes find yours. Although as they land on your form, the chuckle fades out, confusion written on his skin.
“Are you going somewhere?” he asks, pointing to the mini black dress you’re wearing and sudden heat scorches through your cheeks.
“I, uhm… Yeah, on a date…” you chuckle nervously, rubbing your arm, eyes on your feet. “Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m going, the guy’s too hot for me…” you try to joke but Jimin has none of it.
“Bullshit, you’re too hot for him! You always do that, you put yourself down, thinking you’re not good enough, but Y/N, they’re not good enough for you! You’re amazing, funny, smart, kind and, yeah, sometimes grumpy as hell, but you deserve more than feeling like one of someone’s many choices. You’re the only one. So treat yourself like one as well.” Jimin interjects, voice serious and kinda fed up but his last words soften. He looks at you with such tenderness you can almost pretend he feels the same. You can almost pretend he wants you too.
You clear your throat. “Thanks, sport…” you respond with a chuckle, trying to chase the tension away, but Jimin’s eyes won’t budge. They seem uncertain as if he’s trying to figure out something, but their intensity only tortures you more and you have to say something to break free from them.
“Uhm, yeah so I have to go now…” you move back to your room to get your purse and coat and Jimin’s eyes finally move away from you with a cough.
“Yeah, uhm… Yeah, of course…” he rushes to say, eyes fidgeting anywhere but close to you as he struggles to open his door.
“...Unless you want me to cancel?” you propose, knowing full well if he says yes, there’s no way you can say no to him. And that Ana is probably gonna beat your ass.
Jimin almost chokes at that, face flushing, turning his body towards you yet his eyes look at the floor. “What? Why? Why would I want you to cancel?” he stutters, eyes fidgeting between you and his door.
“Well, I figured you’d want to talk some more about Dinah…” you say softly, thinking you must have hit a nerve on his pride but he visibly relaxes at your words.
“Oh, uhm, no, don't worry about it, I’ll be fine. Go enjoy your date, and say hi to Seokjin from me,” he responds with a smile, although it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
But before you get to ask him if he’s sure, or how he knows the date is at Seokjin’s restaurant, he’s already hiding in his room, behind his closed door.
You sigh. Maybe he wants to be alone. To be alone and think it over by himself. Yeah, he’ll be okay.
You don’t do a good job of convincing yourself as you put on your coat and walk to the front door.
He’ll be fine.
20 minutes later, you find your way back into the apartment, throwing your keys on the glass bowl next to the door, taking your shoes off in front of a very confused and suspicious Jimin who watches a movie on the couch.
You take off your coat and plop yourself down next to him, as he keeps on watching you weirdly.
You pick up some of his popcorn, before. “What are we watching?”
Jimin presses his lips together in a poor attempt to conceal the grin threatening to spill all over his lips before he schools his face into a strict expression. “I told you I’d be okay…”
Your eyes are glued to the TV as you feign ignorance. “I know. And I didn’t bail out on him. He did,” you said, sudden interest in the movie piqued.
Jimin’s eyes widen, shuffling on his spot with newly found vigour. “What? You want me to talk to him for you?”
That takes you by surprise. You turn to look at him only to see his eyes stuck to you, as serious as ever. Does he even know Jaehyun?
Oh god, he shouldn’t talk to him.
“Ah, no, no, he didn’t do it on purpose! He just… had somewhere to go. We’ll just reschedule,” you reply knowing full well you’re not gonna do that.
Even if Jaehyun was entirely too eager to do that when you told him you had a family emergency.
Truth is you didn’t drive too far before you yielded and texted Jaehyun to cancel. Thinking Jimin would’ve been stuck at home alone and sulking didn’t sit well with you.
Jimin’s suspiciousness doesn’t leave his eyes but he visibly relaxes. “Oh, if you’re okay then…” he simply says before his smile reappears. Then he goes on to answer your previous question, informing you about the movie playing in the background.
You rest your chin on your palm as you listen to him intently. Absorbed by the excitement in his voice, the glint in his eyes as he explains the plot to a movie he clearly enjoys. His cheeks are flushed, heated up by how quickly he’s talking, voice melodic and excited. His hair falls on top of his forehead, messy and shiny, moving slightly with every tilt of his head when he’s thinking over something. His lips form a pout when he’s uncertain over a specific detail but the truth is you don’t care.
Not about the movie.
It’s towards the end of the movie when you feel Jimin turning towards you.
You copy his actions, turning to face your best friend with a questioning glint in your eyes. “Spill it out, champ.”
Jimin smiles at your words, resting one arm at the back of the couch, behind you. “I just wanted to thank you for staying-”
You gasp, once again pretending you don’t know what he’s talking about. “I told you the date got cancelled, I had to come back! Didn’t you listen, you dingus?”
Jimin’s smile widens, looking away with a low chuckle. “Right…” he says, though not looking very much convinced. “Even so… you being here means a lot, so thank you…” he concludes with soft eyes, a kind of tenderness you’re not used to seeing reflecting in his gaze, at least not directed towards you. But it’s not foreign, not even one bit.
A gentle smile graces your lips as you answer. “Of course. You’re my best friend,” you respond in an as-a-matter-of-fact way while you give him a playful nudge on the ribs.
He chuckles, eyes falling to his lap. “You know, I might be joking about regretting being your friend when you annoy the shit out of me…” you both laugh at that, as you shuffle in your spot, “but if I’m grateful for anything in my life is the years you’ve been a part of it. I wouldn’t risk our friendship for anything. You’re the best friend I could ever have and I hope I’m at least half as good a friend to you,” he concludes, words filled with emotion, even though his voice is serene and soothing.
The display of emotion tugs at your heartstrings but when it’s your turn to return them words fail you. You can’t even begin to put what Jimin means to you into words, newly-discovered feelings put aside. What his friendship means to you, what those years spent together made you cope through and how they changed you, those things are bigger than the strict barrier of words.
So, you do what every self-respected awkward human being would do.
You joke about it.
“Did you swallow a Barbie DVD or something? Where did that come from?” you chuckle in borderline embarrassment, as you try to get off the couch.
“No, Y/N, I’m serious,” he reacts, voice stern as he rests his palm on your leg to stop you from leaving. 
Though both pairs of eyes widen at that.
Because you never changed out from the mini black dress and when you moved earlier the fabric had ridden up your thighs.
So now Jimin’s palm lays on the top part of your smooth, bare thigh.
Instant heat washes over you, as you barely manage to mask the gasp bubbling up in your throat. Your eyes fall to his fingers, not daring to meet his gaze as you feel the warmth of his skin spreading through to yours.
Your heart beats wildly inside your chest and there’s a certain, familiar discomfort in the pit of your stomach.
He doesn’t move his hand. You can feel his eyes on you and there are goosebumps where his gaze trails on your skin.
You let your eyes find his own.
You’re not at all ready.
Not for the darkness in them, not for the haziness and tension, certainly not for the dark part in you that tells you there’s more to them than those things. No, not for the intensity and lust hidden in their dark depths.
No, you’re not ready.
But their existence is as tangible as it could ever be.
You can’t move, not an inch and even if you could, you wouldn’t. You’d choose not to. The heat in his stare sends chills down your arms, your cheeks scorching and your gaze falls to his plump lips, a sharp yet quiet inhale escaping you at just a small peek of his tongue.
And then you swear you feel-.
“Sup, guys? How have you been?” Hoseok’s voice fills the apartment as he steps inside from the front door. The sound of his cheerful entrance has you both instantly jumping away from each other in panic.
“Uhm, fine, we’ve been fine!” you struggle to reply, voice an octave higher as Jimin looks away and nods with you.
Hoseok takes off his shoes nonchalantly, not having a single clue about the thick tension in the air when he notices your outfit. He scrunches his eyebrows in confusion. “Did you go somewhere?”
You swallow nervously, foot tapping the floor. “Ah, yeah, I had a date…”
Hoseok looks ever more confused now for some unknown reason. “You did?” he asks, eyes moving to Jimin.
Jimin rushes to explain. “It got cancelled.”
“Ah… I see,” Hoseok replies as if somehow this makes more sense.
But you’re too preoccupied with Jimin’s proximity to question Hoseok’s reaction, instead focusing on trying to appear calm and not at all flustered and worked up as you are. You stand up from the couch as calmly as you can. Though you admit it’s not very much calmly. “Uh, yeah, so anyways I should go change. Goodnight guys!” you mumble quickly, eager to escape and you run off to your room.
Hoseok’s confusion is back when you disappear into your room and he turns to Jimin who also gets up and discreetly readjusts his pants. “What’s up with her?”
“Wouldn’t know. Actually, I’m quite sleepy too, so goodnight!” Jimin rushes to exclaim and then he’s off, walking rushedly towards his room.
Leaving Hoseok alone in the living room and baffled as hell.
Your legs can’t take you into your bedroom any faster and you rush to close the door with a slight lightness of breath.
Oh, god.
What just happened?
Your knees still feel weak, legs trembling and you immediately sit on the floor. Not trusting your limbs to carry you as far as your bed is, eyes and mouth wide in shock as you bring your hands to cool your heated cheeks.
You’re not crazy, you couldn’t have imagined this. You swear it wasn’t just your wishful thinking. No matter how much you want this, there’s no way your mind could have imagined such an intense way of staring. His eyes seemed like black holes, swallowing you whole and you would’ve gladly let him if Hoseok hadn’t interrupted.
Which reminds you. Right before Hoseok walked in you’re certain you felt the edges of his fingertips moving. And not away, as if belatedly realizing of his slip up.
Moving upwards.
“Fuck…” is your breathless realization, biting your lip as heat pools between your thighs. Making you reminisce of your little rendez-vous eight months ago and all the ways he made you feel, of how he felt pressed against you, inside you, drawing moans out of your lips as if it was the last thing he’d ever do.
How his mouth felt against your skin.
You slap some sense into yourself.
No! What were you thinking?! What was he thinking?! He has a girlfriend! A girlfriend whose sudden departure had him feeling upset merely hours ago. Maybe this behaviour was just a cry for attention caused by this event and you shouldn’t encourage it.
There was attraction, that is true. If there wasn’t any attraction between the two of you, you wouldn’t have slept together all those months ago in the first place. But this is not the time, nor the place. Not when he has a girlfriend and not when your feelings are so much more than just that.
It’s bad news and you gotta do your best to nip it in the bud. Crush it before the frustration gets any stronger and threatens to take hold of your sanity.
You let a deep breath infiltrate your lungs. As if the fresh air could bring a new sense of logic, resolve and determination to help you get through this unscathed.
You get up off the floor to get ready for sleep.
Only, it’s close to 4 am and you still can’t sleep.
You fuss around in your bed, the rustling of the sheets the only sound breaking the otherwise calm serenity of your dark bedroom.
You huff in annoyance, throwing the covers off of you, suddenly too warm for your liking. You’ve been trying to sleep for three hours now, but instead of blissful numbness, when your eyes close your mind is filled with the look in Jimin’s eyes from this afternoon. Turning you on despite your best efforts.
You sit up, back on your headboard, hands crossing over your chest as you tap your fingers on your arm. The shorts you wear to sleep feel uncomfortably stifling with sweat and you shuffle quickly out of them.
Only a particular movement has you clenching your thighs from the pleasurable friction on your clit and you bite your lip to keep the moan from spilling out.
Jimin’s dark eyes come to mind once more.
You inhale deeply, fingers playing with the hem of your shirt, now dressed in only that and your panties. You bite your lip once more in thought and concealed shame.
You shouldn’t.
But your inhibitions don’t stop you from recalling that night.
{{You throw another shot down with a blissful smile as you watch Jimin do the same, only with significantly less enthusiasm than you. It’s already been one hour since you’ve been here, drinking your guts to help him move on, and already two girls walked away from him. It might be the way he slouches on the bar, droopy face that screams “recently dumped and still in love” but you refuse to leave here tonight without Jimin getting laid. Or at least having some fun.
“Come on, I’m sure someone else will approach you!” you nudge him playfully and Jimin scoffs as he proceeds to order another drink.
“Yeah, right. If anything I’ll just make a fool of myself again…” he grumbles, eyes focused on the empty shot glasses on the bar.
You throw an arm around his shoulders, determined to cheer him up. “Well, it’s because you’ve gotten rusty, bud! Give it some time, you’ll get better!” you observe vigorously, poking his cheek but the gloom expression doesn’t abandon him.
“I don’t think I will…” he mutters, almost too quiet for you to hear, but you do.
“What? Why?” your perplexion is audible in your words and Jimin lets out a breath.
“I just… I don’t get why would anyone bother to approach me. What’s there to like anyway…?” he admits quietly. His eyes avoid yours but you can see the sorrow, the defeat lacing their edges. The response fills you with unbridled rage over how her insistent verbal abuse has seeped into his mind and made him question himself and his worth like this.}}
Even now, that rage hasn’t subsided completely, finding yourself getting pissed at how much his previous relationship with Dinah had ruined him.
{{“Follow me for a second,” you say through gritted teeth as you drag him out of his stool to a more quiet place of the bar.
You step into the hallway that leads to the rooftop with a pretty begrudging Jimin trailing after you. The corridor is currently devoid of people, hence rendering it the perfect spot for what you're about to say.
“Why are we here?” Jimin asks like a weary teenager, crossing his arms on his chest as he rests his body on the wall.
“We’re here because you’re a freaking idiot and people would’ve probably stared if I laid it on you back there! You seriously cannot believe there’s nothing likeable about you!” you scold him with your hands on your waist.
Jimin’s eyes fall to his shoes, a pout forming on his lips.
“Well, there isn’t…” he responds genuinely and you swear you’re gonna swat him with a broom.
“Well, better buckle up soldier ‘cause I’m about to send your princely ass to confidence town,” you declare with ferocity and Jimin regards you with a confused but amused smile.
“So am I a soldier or a prince, I’m confused.”
“You’re both, you’re a prince who served on the front line in the dragon war,” you respond, deciding to humour him, seeing at least that brings a smile back on his lips.
“Is that from your book?” he asks back, a very carefully-hidden smirk gracing his face.
“No, it’s not, I- Hey!” you stop once you realize what he’s been doing, “Stop distracting me! Now stop and listen to me you bastard!” you point your finger at him and his smile shows he’s not in the least sorry.
“People go crazy about you everywhere you go! Seriously you’re the most likeable person I know, I could see that even back in high school when we didn’t hang out as much! You’re just… You’re the most perfect human being ever!” you exclaim with zeal, desperate to make your best friend see himself as you do.
Jimin shakes his head even if a small blush starts to bloom on his cheeks. “Now you’re just messing with me…”
“No I’m not!” you interject, taking a step closer until you’re standing right in front of him. “You’re the kindest and smartest, I mean you passed your college exams with flying colours!” a shy smile graces his lips at that, “And on top of that, you’re so handsome! I mean look at your lips dude! People literally pay to get their lips like this!” an impromptu laugh escapes him and resonates in the empty hall, “And the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh is just plain adorable, but on the other hand girls - and guys - would kill to lick those abs, or have a grasp at your pecs,” you cite all of Jimin’s great characteristics, but in your desire to show him how perfect he is, a slight slip of the tongue happens.
“And your thighs-” you begin but instantly stop, regret filling your mind as soon as you realise what you were about to say.
Truth is you always had a weakness for his thighs. You admit, his body is pretty phenomenal as a whole but his thighs, in particular, are a certain weak spot for you. In shame, you admit you fantasized about them trapping you between them more than once.
But, alas, Jimin catches on that and he stands up straight, a questioning look in his eyes.
“What about my thighs…?” he asks curiously, eyes regarding you with interest as they dare you to continue. You swallow nervously and the movement has Jimin’s eyes glint with sudden realization. 
“Um, they… um,” you lose your train of thought as the look in his eyes changes to something darker and he takes a step closer.
“They are...um, toned!...” you say in relief at finding a pretty innocent word but Jimin doesn’t slow down. You take a step back.
“And…?” he demands, not at all satisfied by your explanation, unrelenting and asking for more. He takes another step forward to cover your own, diminishing the distance between you.
“And firm and… sturdy…” you mumble as if in a daze as the predatory glint in his eyes only grows.}}
In real-time, the look in Jimin’s eyes matches the one from earlier tonight and you rub your thighs together for some needed relief.
{{“And…?” he asks, voice low and commanding as he effectively traps you against the wall, palms resting on each side of your face, dark eyes pinning you in place.
You swallow the lump in your throat, feeling a sudden emptiness between your legs as your eyes fall to his plump lips.
“And... thick…” you finish softly, breathlessly as your chest moves quickly with each intake of breath, struggling to keep your head straight.}}
Your hands find their way down your body as if they have a mind of their own.
{{“So you like my thighs then…” he whispers, his breath fanning over your lips, a soft gasp rolling off your tongue.
“I- I don’t…” you don’t even manage to convince yourself and the predatory smile returns on his lips.}}
Your hand rests on the hem of your underwear.
{{“Really?... So…” he trails off, smirk ever-present as he slowly moves his right leg. “... it wouldn’t matter if I did this?....” he teases and presses his thigh against your clothed centre.}}
They move the article of clothing aside to press at your aching clit.
{{You don’t manage to conceal the gasp that trudges over to a moan, as his toned muscle presses against your panty-clad clit underneath your skirt. Your hands fly to grab at his biceps and a low chuckle falls from his lips as his face lowers towards your neck.
Your cunt clenches over nothing and your hips buck into his thigh desperately.
“Do you want more…?” he whispers with a tantalizing hum, intimately beneath your ear and a shiver runs down your spine.
You feel his thigh flexing against you as if teasing you about what’s to come if you say yes.
In your drunken and lust infused mind you can’t find a single reason to say no.}}
Your fingers move slowly, rolling the swollen nub between them as a quiet sigh breaks free from your lips, remembering the way his thigh felt against you. Your movements are soft, careful, not wanting to rush it as even more memories flood your mind.
{{It doesn’t take long for Jimin to take you home after you say yes. You drive back in his car, barely keeping your hands to yourself as he drives. It takes all your willpower not to make him stop the car and ride him in the middle of the street. Instead, you only let one hand palm him through his jeans and the other dive beneath your skirt to toy with your folds. Pleasuring both of you at the same time and having Jimin going completely mad with want, a promise hiding in his eyes as he drives.
Once you reach your building, you’re immediately on each other, not caring who might see. You climb up the old stairs in a haze, hands exploring each other’s bodies, grabbing at the tender part, lips tracing the exposed skin until you reach your apartment. Your back hits the front door, a moan rolling off your tongue and Jimin swallows it eagerly as his lips devour yours.
His hands are rough at your hips, grinding his crotch against you, your bare thighs rubbing against the roughness of his jeans as you blindly search for your keys.
“Could you- could you stop for a second and help me get the door…” you mumble against his mouth when your fingers finally grasp at the metallic key in your pocket.
Jimin doesn’t stop kissing you though. “Honestly, I don’t mind fucking you senseless against it,” he growls at you, biting your bottom lip as his fingers dig into your hips.
“Fuck…” the image his words paint arouse you a great deal more than what you’d like to admit. Your head hits the door as the image floods your mind.
“No, we can’t…” you say, still somehow self-conscious, “People might see…” you mumble with closed eyes as Jimin leaves open-mouthed kisses on your collar bones.
“Let them see then…” he responds with confidence as he grips at your chin and forces you to look at him.
His eyes are hooded, completely dark under his heavy gaze on you. He licks his lips as he stares at you like he wants to ravish you and you lean your head down to capture his thumb between your lips.
You stare at him innocently through your eyelashes, sucking the digit into your mouth. Jimin’s eyes widen even more. You roll your tongue teasingly around him, making sure your eyes remain on him, as he breathes heavily and then you let it go with a loud “pop”.
Jimin stares back at you. Tongue running across his bottom lip before-.
“Fuck, okay, okay. I changed my mind. I don’t want anyone seeing you like this but me.” he curses softly, before taking the keys from your hands to open the door.}}
Your fingers are faster now, soft whimpers falling from your lips. Too quiet for anyone to hear as your other hand travels beneath your T-shirt to grasp at your breast.
{{You’re a mess of limbs and kisses as you stumble towards Jimin’s room. Jackets have been discarded somewhere in the living room and you don’t even bother on closing the door. Hoseok’s is bound to spend the evening at Ana’s, so you don’t have to worry about being quiet either. You have the place to yourselves.
“I want to suck you off, can I suck you off?” you mumble between kisses, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. You can’t wait to feel the weight of his length on your tongue and judging by how he’s straining against his jeans you’d say he can’t wait either.
Another curse rolls from his tongue as he rushes to help you undo the last few buttons. “Yes. Fuck yes,” he grunts in anticipation once his shirt is off.
You push him to sit at the edge of his bed, too impatiently. You kneel between his legs, hands running up and down his thighs as he leans back, palms supporting his weight against the mattress as he stares at you lazily, biting his lip.
You let your eyes wander over the expanse of his smooth chest, taking in the sight of his sturdy muscles, his perked up nipples and his sculpted abs. A high pitched whine escapes you at how absolutely perfect he is. You want to ruin him.
Jimin smirks lazily at you. “Like what you see?”
You only nod, licking your lips and indulging yourself.
You move upwards carefully, placing a few butterfly kisses against his chest, letting your tongue roll over his nipples, which he greatly appreciates if his loud moans are anything to get by.}}
You roll one perked nipple beneath your fingertips. A quiet moan comes off your lips in response and you buck your hips into your hand, aching for something more.
{{You move lower, letting your tongue trail the edges of his abs. The warm muscle drives the man insane by the traitorous pace it takes as his chest rises and falls with every breath.
His hand winds up tangled in your hair, threading through the lock to tug softly at the roots and making you groan in arousal.
You’re quick in unbuttoning his jeans, pushing them downwards until they’re off. Anticipation rolls over you in waves as you move to the waistband of his boxers and Jimin tucks some strands away from your face.
You let his cock spring free and it taps against his stomach. Your mouth salivates at the sight. Pulsating veins run down its shaft, its head a pretty pink, tip glistening with precum and you lick your lips with wanton. He’s not very big, not in length, but the size of his girth seems to compensate for that more than enough. He’s thick, thicker than what you’re used to and even if you had some lengthier ones, you’re sure this one will put them all to shame.
Jimin’s patience runs low and a low whine echoes in his dulcet voice.
“Don’t just stare at it…” he mumbles and for the first time since the club, he sounds almost shy. Something which makes your stomach flip in arousal.
A smirk meets his eyes as you lower your head, his hand still in your locks and you take a tentative lick at the tip.
Jimin lets out a shuddering breath, eyes never abandoning you or your movements as you rest your hands at his thighs for leverage. You keep on teasing him, feeling his muscles tense beneath your palms and a crooked smile paints your lips.
You lower your mouth again, taking his head into your wet cavern and a soft moan breaks free from Jimin’s lips. His hand tightens its grip at your hair, nudging softly forward, not enough to be forceful but enough to clue you into what he wants.
Instead, you hollow your cheeks and a sharp gasp escapes him.}}
Finally, you move your underwear aside to tease your entrance and proceed to insert one finger into your throbbing cunt.
{{You begin moving your head up and down his length slowly, torturously and his eyes roll back into his head as it lols back. You don’t increase your pace, letting your jaw adjust to his wide girth, slowly letting each inch delve into your mouth. 
“Fuck…, you-” Jimin tries to talk only for another gasp to tear through his lips as you take him deeper. Coating him with your saliva and hollowing your cheeks again. He moans loudly, his hand rolling your hair into a fist, tugging at the roots as you take him fully, feeling him resting heavily on your tongue.
You pick up the pace steadily, bobbing your head and nails digging into the unmarred skin of his thighs. A hiss tumbles from his mouth in response.
You readjust your position to take off your shirt and bra. You then put more weight into your knees to give your full focus on sucking him off. You keep your cheeks hollowed, going faster and faster, a sturdy grip on Jimin’s bare thighs as your eyes remain stuck on his face.
You swear you’ve never seen anything more beautiful than Jimin’s face as he drowns in pleasure. His eyes are tightly shut, scrunched in concentration to not miss the feeling of your mouth on him. His mouth is agape as he struggles to breathe properly, soft gasps escaping his mouth instead.
It strikes you hard; how magnificently ruined he looks. How absolutely wrecked you have him, and the stickiness in your underwear grows knowing he looks like this because of you.
Then he opens his eyes lazily, orbs lost in desire and as they rest on your bare tits, his hips instinctively buck into your mouth with a cry before he stops himself.}}
You take a quick break to stop yourself from finishing too early and instead pay attention back to your clit.
{{“Fuck, stop for a second…” he breathes out harshly, pushing you away from his cock as he runs a hand through his hair.
“Why?” you say thoroughly confused and Jimin chuckles breathlessly at your puppy stare. He then moves forward to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“Cause I was about to cum on your tits and I’d rather do that inside you…” he whispers against your mouth and you find yourself biting your lip to suppress a moan.
“Now please let me taste you…” he mumbles seductively as he forces you up. You stand up in front of him, his head in level with your breasts. His eyes stare up at you, wide and deceptively innocent before he wraps his mouth around one nipple and rolls it with his tongue. You gasp out loud, arching your chest against him for more. His fingers graze your thighs in the meantime, moving upwards to wrap around your underwear and get rid of it, leaving you bare beneath your skirt.
“I don’t…” another gasp interrupts your words as he runs a finger through your folds. “I don’t think I have the patience for that…” you stutter, hips rolling over his fingers.
A harsh suck at your nipple has you crying out loud, grabbing at Jimin’s locks. While he drives two fingers in you, without warning.
“Fuck, Jimin!” your high pitched protest resonates around the apartment and Jimin curses, moving the two fingers slowly inside you.
“Fuck, you take my fingers so well, baby…” he murmurs against your chest, his low timbre sounding like heaven in your ears. His fingers move slowly against your walls, just barely find your g-spot that has you seeing stars.
“You’re so wet, look at you…” he brings the two fingers between you. They glisten in the soft light of his nightstand, strands of your arousal connecting the two digits as he moves them into a V shape. He stares at them, mesmerised before pushing one digit into his mouth. He moans at the taste, before pushing the other finger towards your lips.
Instead, you grasp at both fingers and suck at them obediently, making sure to suck all your slick from his fingers. Your eyes remain on Jimin, whose eyes almost roll in bliss.
“Okay. Fuck, okay. Get that skirt off and get on the bed,” comes his urgent reply as he all but throws you on the mattress after the skirt has joined the rest of your clothes on the floor.
You lay across his sheets, spreading your legs wide for him and Jimin all but falls on his face trying to take off his boxers, making you giggle in response.
Once they’re off, his movements are more smooth as he steps on to the bed. His eyes are dark, swimming in a pool of desire, never straying away from your face as he crawls towards you. His hands rest on each side of your head, hips pressing against your own as his eyes fall to your lips.
You’re breathing heavily underneath him, chest brushing against him with every breath and you arch your back to press closer against him.
“Do you have a condom…?” you say before biting softly at his earlobe, your hand wrapping sloppily around his thick length.
He bucks into your palm desperately before he nods. He reaches his hand on his nightstand, never leaving the warmth of your body, and grabs the foil package. You take it from him and rip it open with your teeth, too fucked out to wait and Jimin gapes at you as you pretend not to notice the twitch on his dick.
You roll it on him as he lets out a long breath and his grip on your hips tightens.
“Are you sure about this…?” he asks cautiously, giving you one last chance to step back.
You grab at his neck to push him downwards into a kiss. Your lips are rough against him and he presses further, letting his tongue dive into your mouth to find your own. Your kiss is sloppy, urgent, not caring for tenderness. Getting you even more aroused as Jimin instinctively rolls his hips against yours.
“Okay, got it,” is his answer to your kiss. His hand grasps at his cock and giving it a few pumps before sheathing inside you with one sharp thrust.}}
You let two of your fingers dive inside you at the memory, drawing a long moan, quiet enough to be heard only in the confinements of your own room.
{{Both of you moan loudly at the intrusion, feeling complete and utter fullness with the way Jimin is pulsating inside you. It takes a while to get used to him, breathing slowly to help yourself relax as Jimin presses soft kisses to the skin above your breasts.
Soon though his kisses turn hungrier, messier, bordering into bites and you can’t help but moan and clench at the sensation.
Jimin hisses and reacts with another sharp thrust, making your eyes roll to the back of your skull in pleasure.
He starts a brutal pace, slow but rough deliberate thrusts, moving you further into the bed.
He pushes your legs on your chest in a new position, as he leans on top of you and drives his cock even deeper into you. He hits your g-spot almost repeatedly, having you crying out and your eyes well up by how good it feels.
“Fuck, Jimin, fuck, don’t stop…” you cry breathlessly even though Jimin doesn’t seem like stopping anytime soon.}}
In real-time, you pick up the pace of your fingers, driving them deeper to press against your g-spot, as you keep panting upon your sheets.
{{“Fuck. You. Feel. So. Good.” he punctuates each word with a thrust, as they come out in loud, rough growls, eyebrows scrunched in concentration as precipitation gathers at his temples, wet hair hanging in front of his eyes.
You cry out in ecstasy with every rough snap of his hips, shifting your hips to feel more of him, desperate for as much as he can give.
Then Jimin stands upright, grabbing your legs to push them into his chest and away from your own, wrapping around them and using them as leverage. His movements don't stop and he grunts lowly with each thrust, making you see stars each time he hits your g-spot.
He pants above you, driving his hips deeper into you, his muscles taut as he flexes his thighs and his thrusts become even rougher.
“Shit, Jimin…” you plead yet you don’t know what for as his motions make your body move up and down against the mattress.
“What is it, baby? Tell me,” he hisses, eyes furrowed as he stares at your lips. “I’ll give it to you…” he grunts, his thrusts now matching his pants, hands getting tighter at the supple flesh of your hips.
“Jimin, please…” you whine, driving your hand to tap on your clit to clue him in.
He curses again, bating your hand away for one of his own to land against your nub and begin rubbing circles into it.}}
You remove your other hand from your chest to press at your clit as you drive two fingers harshly into your soaked pussy with the other. You feel your high approaching and you don’t dare stop.
{{You scream in pleasure at the added friction, legs moving as Jimin releases them to wrap around his waist. You drive your heels against his ass to press his cock further into you.
“How are you so fucking wet for me, huh? Did my thighs turn you on this much, baby?” he asks harshly as his fingers pick up their pace, sending you into a wholly new sensation.
You moan out loud at his words, nodding your head quickly as if you’ve gone mad. “Yes, fuck, Jimin. I love your thighs, love how thick they are. Wanna rub my cunt all over them, want my clit to go numb with how hard I rub it on them. Want my folds to leak on top of them and stain your jeans. Fuck!” you yelp when your words have Jimin giving a particularly rough thrust.
“Fuck, yeah baby that’s right. Those thighs are gonna make you cum so fucking hard, you won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” he hisses from above you, spreading your legs, the stretch burning delightful as another groan falls from your hips.
Finally, you feel yourself getting closer and closer to cumming, high-pitched moans echoing inside the room and your cunt begins clenching uncontrollably.
Jimin realises this as his hips move even harder against yours and his fingers are relentless on your clit. “Are you gonna cum baby? Are you gonna cum like the dirty little slut you are?”
His words send you over the edge with a loud cry of his name.}}
You repeat the words over and over in your head until you’re a sobbing mess and come harder than you ever did before pressing your palm on your mouth to prevent any noise from getting out.
You lay on your bed spent and breathless, the memory ebbing away once you’re satisfied and your limbs are relaxed in a blissful numbness.
But, that soon also ebbs away, giving its spot to shame.
You just rubbed one off to Jimin.
And yeah okay you did sleep with him once, but you hadn’t used the memories to pleasure yourself before.
Oh god, this is getting out of hand.
You gotta end this crush of yours before it devours you.
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mediocre--writing · 3 years
Hello again from the anon who sent the first ask about childhood friends Billy crushing on Steve and venting to his mother. You wrote it amazingly, by the way. I would love to see Steve chasing after Billy in the next part, rather than the other way around. Maybe he doesn’t understand why Billy’s been distant and he misses him. I’m not sure if the timeline is accurate but it could be around the time Steve suspects her of having something with Jonathan so he feels very alone and sad and misses his best friend and Billy wants to cry all over again.
part 1 2
billy wakes up the next morning with the weight of his worries pressing into his chest. in comparison, the weight of his secret has been carefully lifted off his shoulders by his mother and was being kept and cradled with the upmost care.
he was left with a list of chores sitting on the dining table and another note reminding him to pick up his extra work from the school.
before even looking a the list of chores, billy did the bare minimum to make himself look ready enough for the day and made his way to the school.
getting his assignments for his last four periods was easy, they were sitting with the receptionist in a little red folder, but his first period, mrs. kelman, hadn’t given hers in yet.
the secretary, being the lazy ass she is, just waved billy through to go to her room and grab the assignments.
her room, of course, was one of the farthest points from the front entrance of the school, so billy power walked most of the way there, wanting to get out of there before he saw someone—a specific someone—and they started asking questions.
knocking on the door once he’d reached it, mrs. kelman came to answer it, muttering something about him being a heathen and a pain in her ass, but billy didn’t care.
because how could he be so dumb? really, you’re friends with a guy your entire life and forget you share the same first period? and you couldn’t wait another thirty minutes to get your assignments?
god, billy wants to shove his finger in the pencil sharpener.
“you’ve got a book?”
billy is staring out the windows of the back of the classroom when he hears mrs. kelman clear her throat, “do you have your book at home?”
with a small cough, billy assures her his copy of the book is at his house. she proceeds to explain the worksheets in detail while handing him, not one, not two, not three, but four packets of work pages he needs to complete ‘by tuesday, if not, i don’t care what you did do, it’s all a zero.’ psycho bitch.
billy, red folder and packets in hand, practically struts out of the classroom before she can come up with any more work to give him.
he’s not yet half way down the hallway when he hears shoes squeaking behind him, his name being called in a voice he really wants to ignore.
“billy, dude, you didn’t answer my calls last night,”
“went to bed early,” billy responded, not caring to turn around or stop walking. nevertheless, steve caught up to him, rushing to block billy’s path.
“well then, talk to me now, what happened yesterday? you haven’t been the same recently, i’m worried,” steve practically begs billy as they finally stop in the hallway.
“i have chores and about fifty pages of work i need to get started on, steve, so if you don’t mind...” billy stepped to walk away but steve grabbed his elbow.
billy’s packets and papers went down to the floor. “ok, i’m sorry about that, but why won’t you talk to me? and what’s with full naming me? you never call me ‘steve!’”
billy bent down to grab at the papers and shove them into his red folder, cradling them in his arms, “well, steve, sometimes people change and you may never know why. maybe they don’t fit in your life the way you thought they did, maybe you finally see the things the way you probably should have seen them all along,” billy scoffed, “have fun at the party tonight, steve,”
as billy walked off, steve felt sick to his stomach. billy was sarcastic and dry most of the time, but never to steve. with steve, there was never the underlying tone of annoyance there was at school and billy never rushed to get away from anyone, at least not this desperately.
steve was off for the rest of the day. it was hard not to notice the constant fidgeting and how he’d stare off into space in gym, the only class he really liked or actively participated in.
by the end of the day, his fifth period (a class he shared with nancy) steve was completely shut down.
wasn’t listening to the teacher or responding to either nancy or tommy’s attempts at getting his attention. he was just thinking about billy. about what he said. how he said it.
that emphasis on how people ‘don’t fit in your life’ and how angry billy was while saying it. how honest the words sounded coming out of his mouth, like he spoke with his entire chest and wanted steve to hear every single word for what it was.
but steve was never good at dissecting literature and hidden meanings, all he knew was what’s at face value.
and billy’s speech at face value was just a message that billy no longer wanted steve in his life. that he had moved on to bigger, better things.
but this, this felt like something his english teacher would scold him for not seeing the depth to.
and steve worried. worried his way through the rest of the day and into the next. worried all through the friday night party and the weekend. worried the monday billy was still suspended.
worried the entire week while billy was back. while billy still wasn’t talking to him or acknowledging him or even fucking looking at him.
steve had thrown himself into nancy that week, been driving her to school and home every day and had taken her on a date twice on school nights.
both times, without realizing, they’d ended up at the diner billy’s mom worked, the one billy would bus tables for in his free time to make a little extra money.
the first day, a tuesday, they’d been served by the diner lady herself, and steve had chatted like they were old friends.
neither mentioned billy, who was clearly seen in the window to the kitchen cleaning dishes.
the second day, a thursday, steve and nancy had come after the movies to get milkshakes. steve got vanilla and nancy got strawberry.
they didn’t see either billy nor his mom that day.
billy was working, though, steve knew because his unmistakable car was parked in its usual spot to the left corner of the building.
steve searched his entire brain, something he’d never done before, to figure out what billy meant.
he wanted to ask someone who knew more about literature than any teacher he’d ever had, but billy was the person he couldn’t ask for help this time.
steve never realized how much he depended on billy for everything. and he means everything.
date ideas for nancy. billy had the best spots.
how to keep nancy smiling. billy had the best pickup lines and corny jokes to make people smile.
keeping steve from not failing his classes. billy was the only person capable of getting through steve’s thick skull.
girl problems and regular teenage angst. billy always knew what people were feeling and how to react.
steve was so dependent on billy and he was absolutely crumbling without him there.
and nancy was frustrated. steve kept spacing out and ignoring her during dates. he wasn’t as charming as before and he was clingier than usual.
‘an absolute nuisance and is acting so desperate’ were her exact words.
this is what she told jonathan byers one night while they sat with their brothers and their friends at the diner after a long afternoon at the arcade.
this is what billy heard while busing tables behind them, unnoticed, before he opened his big mouth.
“done with that?” billy asked with a sickly sweet smile while pointing down at nancy’s empty milkshake glass.
as she made eye contact, her face burned bright red while she tried to control her facial features, “refill?” was the only thing she could squeak out.
billy kept the smile plastered on his face, “‘course!”
he made sure to spit in her stupid strawberry milkshake before he brought it to her.
“do that again and you won’t be working here anymore, boy,” the owner of the diner—benny—whispered to billy while holding onto his upper arm as he walked away from their table.
“yes, sir,” billy said, fake apologetically, because he grinned while walking back to the kitchen.
damn all the money in the world, nancy wheeler was a bitch and deserved her spit-shake.
billy had come to peace with the fact that steve was straight and in love with nancy.
really, steve couldn’t control who he liked.
ok so he was bitter as hell, but it didn’t stop him from being a decent person.
steve, on the other hand, was in the midst of a gay panic—not that he knew what that was. all steve knew was that he missed his billy—
wait when did ‘billy’ become ‘steve’s billy?’
and since when did steve think about billy more than he thought about his girlfriend? especially while he was alone in his house, laying on his bed.
he should be thinking about his girlfriend. his pretty, sweet, incredibly smart, charming, beautiful, blue-eyed—wait! not billy! think about your girlfriend, dumbass, not your best friend!
steve didn’t sleep that night. he stayed up thinking about billy.
about how it had been almost two weeks since he last hung out with billy and over a month since they’d last talked, like actually had a conversation. about how he didn’t even know what his girlfriend was doing this week, even though he knew she told him.
about how he needs to talk to billy.
he needs to figure out why he’s obsolete in billy’s life now. about why they drifted so quick it’s like something shoved a knife between their friendship.
and so, on that sunday morning, while most of hawkins would be out for church, steve drove over to billy’s house, knocking on the door of people who didn’t wake until noon most sundays.
“oh my god,” steve groaned to himself, knocking harder, “open your fucking door, people,”
the door swung open so fast it scared steve a little, almost knocking on a person—billy’s mom.
“hi,” steve gave an innocent smile, though he was met with a grumpy glare.
“why?” she asked desperately, “you know not to come before 12, 10 if it’s an emergency. it’s sunday, the day of rest, and here i am, not resting,”
“i need to talk to billy,”
“yeah,” she nodded, “see, he’s aware that it’s the day of rest, so he’s still sleeping,”
“i don’t care,” steve was stubborn.
she shrugged, “he punches you it’s not my problem. i’ll be resting so scream really loud if he kills you, the neighbors should hear and they’ll call someone for ‘ya,”
she winked at steve as she made her way back to her room, hoping to god that they’d either make up or make out, and she knew she probably wasn’t sleeping anytime soon. these were her boys she was thinking about, after all.
steve walked quick to billy’s door, turning the knob and moving to billy’s bed, sitting on the edge with his hands in his lap.
“i know you heard me knocking,”
“billy,” steve groaned as he shifted to look at billy ‘sleeping.’
“he’s asleep. call again later,”
“you are your mother’s child,” steve snapped jokingly.
“well then she’s a smart lady. go away, steve,” billy pulled his pillow over his head.
“talk to me, billy!”
“why not?”
“he’s sleeping,”
“jesus christ!” steve stood up, pulling the pillow off of billy’s head and hitting him with it repeatedly. “get up and talk to me you brat!”
billy sat up after the second hit, but steve just kept going.
“what is wrong with you!?” billy put his hands over his head, pushing the covers off himself.
“me? what’s wrong with me!?” steve dropped the pillow to his side as he made crazy eyes at billy, “you’ve been ignoring me for the past, like, month!”
“no i have not!” billy pointed his finger at steve as a teacher would a student. “you have been the one attached at the fuckin hip with wheeler, so don’t you say that i’m the issue here!”
“i talked to you all the time!”
“about her!” billy stood so he could look steve in the eyes properly. “i don’t give a shit about her, steve! i really, really do not care about her in any way besides whatever concerns you! so i’m so sorry that i’m not very attentive on your hour long rants about how ‘nice and soft her hair is,’”
“don’t mock me!” steve exclaimed, insulted by billy’s bad impression of him.
“she’s a bitch!” billy yelled.
“don’t call her a bitch!”
“ok.” billy shrugged, “she’s a prissy bitch,”
“go fuck yourself,” steve complained, throwing his head back in annoyance.
“no!” billy yelled, taking a step foreward. “she talks about you behind your back. to byers. says you’re desperate and a nuisance. is that the same girl you’re so in love with, steve? huh!?”
steve’s face fell a little at the accusation and his eyes darted around billy’s room.
“when have i ever lied to you?”
steve was quiet.
billy, in a softer voice, “i’m not lying. i just don’t want you to be all in love and her not feel the same way, you’re not good together,”
steve had shuffled around to sit at billy’s desk. “wow thanks,”
“i’m serious,” billy’s face was kinder, not as harsh, “she’s already all grown up, and you’re not. it’s a good thing, steve. you’re happy and carefree and want to... go skydiving and she just wants to... play mahjong at the retirement home,”
steve cracked a smile but it fell just as quick, “she really said all that?”
“i spit in her milkshake and she drank the whole thing,” billy admitted, leaning against the desk next to steve’s legs.
steve smiled, “‘course you did,”
they sat quietly for a minute, taking in billy’s words and the consequences of them.
“i’ve been really worried about you,” steve admitted. “you ignored me for a week then got into a big fight, which you haven’t done since that one boy made fun of me freshman year, and then you didn’t even act like i was around. thought you hated me after what happened in the hall,”
“don’t hate you,” billy leaned closer to steve, knocking their shoulders together, “could never hate you. just... frustrated, i guess?”
“cause of nancy?”
billy shrugged, “yea—“
steve turned to look at him better, “something else, though,” he stared at billy for quite some time, “your dad didn’t call—“
“no!” billy shut down the idea, “no, it’s not him. he’s lone gone now,”
“then what?”
“it’s no—“
“it’s something,” steve insisted.
for as awful as steve was on his own, all alone with nancy or in school, for as bad as he was at reading people, billy was an open book to him. he knew every tell he had and could almost read his mind.
“yes,” steve was stern.
“no, steve,”
“talk to me,” steve almost begged.
“why do i love you?” steve whispered quietly to himself, making billy’s head shoot up before he remembered that he and steve had been saying ‘i love you’ since two weeks after they met.
“steve, you don’t need to worry about—“
“you?” steve guessed. “i don’t need to worry about you? how is that right when all you do is worry about me?”
“i don’t—“
“you do!” steve had a fire in his heart now, “even when you’re upset with me you’re still a good friend. you still look out for me and spit in my awful girlfriends milkshake while she talks crap about me!
“i don’t get why you do it, billy, because i don’t return it and i didn’t even realize until now!”
“you don’t have to,”
“but i should!” steve was pacing in the middle of billy’s bedroom, “i am the worst to you and you just don’t do anything about it! i love you. i love you so much but i’m such an ass to you and i can’t even—“
“i love you too, steve, we’re there for each other. always have been—“
“no,” steve’s eyebrows went up and he steadied his shaking hands. as he realized it for the first time, steve spoke, “no, i love you, billy,”
billy was frozen.
didn’t move, didn’t breathe, didn’t dare even blink.
it was a dream, it had to be.
“i love you and i want to care about you more than i do. i’m a shitty person as is, but, i want to be there for you like you always have for me,”
“i love you, too,”
“why are you crying?” steve’s eyes widened as he saw the tear tracks down billy’s face, rushing over to wipe them away.
“‘m happy. they’re happy tears,” billy sniffled as he looked up at steve, “promise,”
and they kissed.
steve didn’t even think about nancy. billy didn’t think about the shadow under his door that was most definitely his mom listening in.
they ignored the way it was a really bad kiss, especially for two boys with such reputations that they have, but enjoyed it nonetheless.
billy enjoyed the way steve’s hands pushed his messy curls away from his face and steve enjoyed billy’s hands rubbing his lower back.
they didn’t have to think beyond that moment, didn’t have to worry about a single thing.
their only plans past that moment were for steve to break it off with nancy, then they’d go get chocolate milkshakes and eat cherry pie at the diner.
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