#god PLEASE remove the bitch from nextdoor so we have the house
bitchc0ck · 3 months
can someone fucking tell me why my tumblr app updated when i have purposely NOT updated it in nearly a near 🙃
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xladyxfatex · 5 years
Little Dove (Chapter Four)
~~I want to give a huge thank you to @theworldofotps for all her helping putting this together and getting it posted. You Rock hun~~
The alarms on both their phones blared, as the two grumbled and got up. Early mornings never were her thing. Nicole made her way to the kitchen, started a pot of coffee and put her music on. She knew Norman had a habit of hitting the snooze button so she thought she'd at least get coffee going. Looking in the fridge she found the leftover steak, and thought of a breakfast.
Steak, eggs, hashbrowns and coffee. Yup sounds good to me. She deftly cut and diced the potatoes, onions and bell peppers, oiled up the fry pan and put everything in with some salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika. The potatoes would take the longest so she didn't want to start the eggs just yet. Once the coffee finished, she began to set the table, then turned back to make the over easy eggs. Once everything was cooked and the steak warmed, she went to wake Norman. God 5am is far too early.
Gently brushing the hair from his face and planting a soft kiss, Nicole began to whisper in his ear. "Time to wake love, breakfast if ready. Plus we need to get to set in the next 90 minutes." Norman only replied with a grunt and by pulling the covers up over his head. Nicole knew there was only one way to get him outta bed if the sweet approach failed. Standing from the bed she yanked the blankets off him and the pounced on top of him.  Springing up from his sleep Norman was very unhappy, well til he saw it was Nicole sitting on him. A giggle left her lips and she smiled innocently.
"Morning! Breakfast is ready and getting cold, come on up up with you." She giggled once more then placed a loving kiss on his lips as she removed herself from his body. Once he got to the table was flooded by the breakfast she had made, then again he always excited by her cooking.  They happily ate and talked about little random things including what was happening for the day. Things were going well, but then again they couldn't avoid the subject forever. 
"Nicole?" He wanted to do this right, he wasn't sure how to, it had been so long since he had a true relationship with actual depth.
"Yes hun?" Nicole was slightly nervous, she knew last night was bound to come up I mean come on how couldn't it.
"I want to ask you something…." Norman had trailed off, that made alone made Nicole's heart sink. "...but not now. I want to take you out tomorrow night." When he looked into her beautiful eyes he could just how scared she was, and her inner debate on what to do. "I swear it's nothing bad. Please go out with me tomorrow night?" 
She swallowed past the lump in her throat, and threw on her best fake smile. 
"Of course, tomorrow night it is. What's the dress code? Prim and proper, laid back casual, something in between?" Her only hope was whatever this was it wasn't prim and proper god did she hate formal dresses and heels.
"Laid back casual, I don't think heels and dresses are a good fit for where I plan to take you." He winked, got up and put his dishes in the sink. "I gotta get back to my room and change before we leave for set. Are we going together?" The sound of hope rang clear in each word spoken. Nicole fiddled with her fingers looking down. 
"Umm…..yeah I guess we can ride together." She wasn't her normal bubbly self and Norman knew it was because her mind had gone to the worst case scenario as to what he need to ask her. He pulled her hands part and brought her close to him, wrapping his arms around her tiny frame. 
"I swear Nicole, my beautiful Little Dove, you have nothing to fear. Please don't be scared?" He rubbed her back while whispering in her ear and he could feel her relax. She didn't respond with words just a head nod. Kissing her forehead he pulled back. "Alright I really need to go change. See you 30?" 
"Yessir!" She saluted him and giggled, God did he love that giggle.
Walking back to his room, he started to wonder if what he wanted to ask her was rushing things. That was til he looked back at their history together. 
They'd been together since the age 5, he was getting picked on when this small girl with dark hair ran over and shoved the taller boy down. 
"HEY!" A small voice yelled. "Its NOT nice to pick on people! Leave him alone or I'll pick on you Tony!" The boy Tony just huffed and walked away. The small girl spun around and offered her hand. "Hi I'm Nicole! What's your name?" The boy just blinked at the girl before taking her hand and being pulled to his feet. "Norman" Nicole looked over Norman and saw he had scraped his elbow when Tony had pushed him down. "Stupid Tony, you got hurt because of him, come with me I'll help you get that cleaned up." She offered a blinding smile and Norman couldn't help but smile back.
From that point on, the two were always together, thick as thieves. That was up until high school started 
"Look Nicole we've known each other forever, I've made great friends 'cause of you, but I just we can't be friends anymore!" It broke Norman's heart to do this but the only way to get the girl he wanted was for him to get rid of his best friend. The one who had stood beside him through everything, who helped in, who believed in his dreams of becoming an actor. The worst part was Mandy said it had to do this in front of everyone on at lunch. He watched the confusion and hurt in her eyes and cross her face, that was til she looked behind him and saw Mandy snickering, it all clicked and made sense. Whipping the tears from her eyes she looked Norman dead in the eyes and screamed with so much venom,
"FINE!  Throw away the last 11 years of friendship. I just hope that BITCH is worth it!" Nicole skipped the rest of her classes that day. Something she never did and Norman and confrontation had become the talk of the school. He heard the whispers "how could he do that to her? Nicole is nothing but sweet and kind. Hell does everything not only for him but practically anybody", "what an asshole I hope he knows Mandy's just gonna throw him aside the way he did Nicole. She never liked Nicole that's why she had him do that." And so an so forth. 
He got home that day only to be yelled at by his mother about how broken Nicole was, but 16 years old Norman didn't really care. Nicole's father had come to the school the following day and picked up a quarters worth of school work and got teachers and a few students to agree to come to the house and help Nicole with what she'd be missing. Guilt slowly consumed Norman, was this his fault that she was staying outta school? Mandy just kept laughing. Suddenly his attraction to the girl wasn't there anymore. He felt sick being around her and he wanted was his best friend back.
He tried to visit, tried to apologize and fix things. But he didn't know how to. Living nextdoor to each he would see her outside in her backyard sometimes and tried to talk to her but it was no use she blatantly ignored him. What made matters worse was that fact that not even 2 days after "officially" making Mandy his girlfriend she had cheated him with Quinn. One of the girls Charlotte who was helping Nicole with school work and giving her class notes, was sitting on the deck with Nicole when she told her about Quinn and Mandy.
".....but Mandy's Norman's girlfriend, she got rid of me why would she do that to him?" Nicole's voice was soft and sad. She missed her friend even though she loved him she'd never tell him, she wasn't anything more then a friend. Charlotte shook her head.
"Dunno huh, Mandy's always been a bitch, but…." She trailed off looking at the house next door the same one Nicole was looking at. "...but I know he probably really needs a friend right now." She gave Nicole a soft smile and hug before leaving.
Later that night Nicole went over to Norman's house with  Chinese take out, sodas, and bad horror movies. It wasn't a fix all to what had happened but right now he needed someone and she'd fill that spot.  When Norman's answered the door the woman nearly broke down in tears seeing Nicole there she had missed her so much. 
"Deary what are you doing here?" She asked kissing the small girl on the cheek, a greeting she had sorely missed.
"I heard a rumor that that son of yours might need a pick me up." Nicole's voice cracked slightly it was hard for her to be here, to be the one to pick him up and piece him together after the way he humiliated her in front of the school.  His mother knew what happened Nicole had told her father whom then told her, but the fact that she was there for her son right now, it meant maybe things could be okay again.
"He's up in his room, go on." Mrs. Reedus nodded her head in the direction Nicole knew all too well. She stopped in the kitchen to grab forks and went on her way to his room. She didn't bother knocking when she got there, she just opened the door. What she saw broke her heart. Norman sitting there crying, god did Nicole hate Mandy so much right now.
Nicole had no idea the tears weren't because of Mandy but because of what he had done to her his best friend. Nicole places the bags on his desk and dropped to her knees in front of him she held him in her arms and rubbed his back saying sweet things in his ear and telling him everything would be okay,  that that bitch clearly wasn't the one for him.
It took Norman a few moments to actually realize he wasn't dreaming, that Nicole was there, was, holding him, and was indeed telling him everything would be alright. He wrapped his arms around he tiny frame, he'd never tell her those tears he was crying were over her. That night they sat on the floor eating and watching bad horror movies, talking and trying to repair the damage caused.
Years later when he had audition for a movie that would film in Boston, Nicole wasn't exactly around she had been attending college down in that area and had begun dating a guy by the name Colin. Though Nicole had admitted during many phone calls that she didn't really like Colin she just didn't want to hurt him. When the audition was over he was asked to stay around till the end of the week the director Duffy had really liked him and was likely that he'd get the part. Not being able to afford a hotel that long and only knowing one person in the area he drove to Nicole's apartment.
Having just gotten in from classes Nicole was beyond exhausted, when she saw the email from Norman about being in the area she felt her heart beat quicken, knowing full well he had a key to her place. (Her father, herself and Norman all had keys for various reasons.) She decided she'd better go shower. Getting in and out was easy she then grabbed a pair of baggy sweatpants and a tank top. When she got to the living room and was tackled to the ground a squeak left her lips followed by a grunt. Opening her eyes when hearing laughter she groaned.
"Damnit Norman! You scared me!" She playfully hit his arm. Knocking was heard at the door and they looked each other both shrugging. Norman got off of Nicole much to his own dismay and she got off the floor. Norman yelled in an Irish accent which made Nicole rise an eyebrow, oh she was gonna need an explanation on that one. Opening the door Norman was busy laughing at his best friend's expression to notice the man at the door.
"Oh Colin! Hi come in?" Nicole suddenly felt unsure Colin had expressed concern when it came to Norman and Nicole's friendship. 
"Who the fuck is this?" Colin was not in a good mood and if he looked he known it was Norman, Nicole not only had shown him pictures but there were pictures on the walls. Norman being protective of Nicole decided he was gonna slip into character of Murphy Mcmanus accent and all, which confused poor Nicole even more.
"Aye I'm Murphy! Good friend of the young lass over der." He stuck his hand out which Colin only stared at. Nicole had never in her life met a person named Murphy and now this oh this was gonna cause shit.
About 25 minutes into an argument with Colin while "Murphy" tried interjecting lead to the break up of Nicole and Colin. Nicole wasn't exactly sad it was over, she was more upset that they'd been dating for almost a year and his whole reason for ending things was she was cheating on him with Murphy.  Norman pulled Nicole close and stroked her hair whispering comforting things in her ear. 
Confused she asked "who the fuckin hell is Murphy and why does he have an Irish accent?" Norman fell over laughing his best friend had just been broken up with but that's what was on her mind? God she was amazing. After he stopped laughing he told her about the movie and the role he was up for. Told her how the director liked him and wanted him to stick around. She had always believed in him and his dream and offered her place for as long as he needed.
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