#god he would love untitled goose game
undead-knick-knack · 2 years
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3cremepie3 · 5 months
Saw you were asking for twst requests…
Can I request the dorm leaders + Rook and Floyd reaction when mc/Yuu turns into a goose? I was thinking something like mc/Yuu turned into a goose from a potion class accident, and they act like the goose from Untitled Goose Game, but cuddlier. Like they are still a little menace, but also want to be pet and cuddled. Idk just have had this idea for a while but don’t really write fics or headcannons.
If you don’t want to do this request I completely understand as it is a bit odd. I hope you have a great day/night!
here’s a turtle for u 🐢
Would you still love me if I was a goose? 🪿
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Sypnopsis - how the Twst dorm leaders + Rook and Floyd would act if Y/n became a goose.
Warnings - destruction of property, miscommunication, swan favoritism, not fully edited (I'm writing this late at night)
A/n - this was so adorable poor Twst boys having to deal with y/n lol!
Would not stop making fun of you. How could you be so stupid as to mistake that potion for your water? Now you're a goose for 24 hours. He can not stop cracking up as Crewel removes him from class. He’s given the assignment to take care of you. Animals other than beastmen aren’t normal around campus someone like Ruggie might just try to cook you up.
After he tells you this you honk in fear trailing behind him. “Let’s go to your dorm some beastmen might smell you and try to dig in,” he laughs. You bite his tail in retaliation and he slaps you with it knocking your small body on the ground. “Sorry, I didn’t realize how fragile geese are.” He picked you up by the wing to examine you.
Your hair was still the same color and despite having no human features he could still see your scowl. “Cute as always he chuckled.
Was awe-struck as Ace and Deuce told him the story. But he was even more awestruck at your behavior. Dating him meant following the rules but your new form brought out a new you. One that terrorized anyone in the rose garden. Your behavior of biting, honking, and chasing members away caught his attention.
“What is the meaning of this behavior,” he yelled. You honked back running away from him. He followed you as you shifted through bushes to your usual hangout spot. “Oh I see you just wanted to lead me here,” he grinned.
“Even in goose form, you’re the same.”
Would come home to find his dorm room a mess. Most of his makeup was half opened and he almost died in that spot seeing his flower knows collection spattered about. “Who would do something like this,” he gasped.
He turned to see you hiding in a corner of his bed behind his weight. He picked you up by your legs dangling you upside down. You honked at him so loudly that the hair blew away from his face.
“What’s the problem spudling you keep wailing about?” You honked turning your head to his nightstand. Vil looked dropping you on his bed. “I do makeup,” he stuttered. “Oh, you want to do my makeup?”
“You still have your priorities straight even in goose form I see.”
“You’re staying in here until you can stop harassing my customers.” Azul slammed the door to his office locking you in. The mostro lounge was an absolute mess and as much as he loved your presence normally you oh were now bad for business.
Jade and Floyd had to chase you and you were an expert at hopping over tables and into customers food. Such a wide variety was in your hands you ate squid and caviar. It was yummy until they finally caught you. “You’re lucky we don’t cook you up geese meat is hard to come by,” Azul smirked.
You wailed around trying to escape his grasp but he ultimately caught you. Now you waited in his office hopping and flying off his desk. “I’m back.” He came in his office kicking off his shoes and sitting in his office chair exhausted as usual.
You honked as quietly as possible trying to get his attention before you flew into his lap. Your head settled on your body as you relaxed.
“You still want to sit in my lap even in goose form? God you helpless,” he huffed.
Would be understanding. Animals and him just clicked he shared no blood with beastmen yet they were always friendly to him. People side-eyed the both of you running along Scarabia’s open architecture.
You played the iconic game of duck duck goose. This new form wasn’t anywhere as limiting as you thought. Your boyfriend took good care of you bringing you were ever you requested and feeding you bird food they already had on hand.
At the end of the day, you honked happily snuggling with him. “Aww was that a I love you,” he asked.
The day with him would be a content one. He kept you in his room hidden away from Vil and others that may be upset with you there. Geese aren’t exactly a form of beauty they aren’t white and pure like swan. But Rook didn’t care to him you were the most beautiful bird to grace the planet.
That's why he watched you like the huntsman he was. He noted how your mannerisms stayed the same. Your head moved although you were rolling your eyes as he whispered sweet nothings to you. And you plopped down on his chest like normal.
“I’m sure you’d be beautiful even as a frog darling. But I don’t think that can compare to this form.”
This would be the best day of his life. He just couldn’t stay bored while dating you. Now instead of his lil Shrimpy you’re a goose. One that looked dangerously small in his large hands.
He was tasked with watching you meaning you had to go with practice and work with him. You tried your best to sit on the sidelines but people were quick to almost trample over you. So you bit their legs. Eventually, the others protested over your presence and agreed to kick you out.
You honked them out and flipped them off with your imaginary hand. “Y’all heard them,” Floyd chuckles. Obviously, he wouldn’t be able to bring you to work. That was boring anyway he had better ideas.
“How about we test your swimming skills, lil ducky?” You honked instantly trying to escape his arms.
Would be in full-on panic mode. You an animal near his thousand-dollar equipment. You could kiss that dream goodbye. Ramshackle would be your habitat. He dropped you off there saying he had a 1v1 to handle with a sweat. He rushed back quickly not noticing you wailing behind him.
Soon he was in Ignihyde preparing for his match. “Ortho prepare your applause,” he snickered. He turned to look at his doorway expecting his brother but no you were there tiny in fracture but bold enough to disturb his peace.
“Ahhh how are you even more annoying as a peaceful animal troublemaker,” he sighed.
(I had no idea what I could’ve done for malleus sorry 😶)
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cannibalcreeps · 2 years
I thought of a good one today, how do you think your favorite slashers would react to their SO introducing them to a video game, something like super Mario or something
Oh dangity-dog
It'd be like my job but instead of kids, it's slashers HAHA!
I also added in the extra family members of these slashers so there can be a variety UwU
With the Hillikers a god damn nightmare!
Well, except with the three kids, the older teens Brother and Sister would be more easier to teach and you could leave them alone to their own devices, they'd be more quick at learning technology than their parents and pick up on consoles and how to work them.
They'd be down for any types of games but I see them enjoying the more explorative rpgs such as Elder Scrolls, Legend of Zelda, Minecraft etc. They'd love split screen games the most, where the two get to play together and work as a team.
Three-Toes though, get him into some combative multiplayers games like Stick Fight, Gang Beast or Fallguys and he's having the time of his life, scarily too good at these games and beats everyone with such ease, gets a bit of a big head a bout it so his screen time gets cut down a lot.
For the adults, 100% just stick them with something like Mario Kart, they struggle too much and giving them that simple switch controller and having them just press the toggle and go button is enough, heck even just the toggle and keep their character on auto drive as they're struggling enough.
But wii sports would actually be a favourite of Ma, Pa and One-Eye. Saw-Tooth doesn't care for games and refuses to get up for them, but the other three love wii bowling, especially Pa and One-Eye, or wii golf. Wii tennis and exercise are more Ma's thing, she will always grab her three children along to do wii sing or just dance with her, or she does it by herself late at night. Doesn't like her brothers joining in on just dance and sing as Pa gets too handsy and the other two One-Eye and Three-Fingers are morons and cause a ruckus.
Though Three-Fingers would give Stick Fight a go simply cause he enjoys how crazy fast it is and the noises of the guns, but always loses to Three-Toes and is actually a good sport about it, laughs like a complete hyena every time his little stick character is thrown across the screen.
They will never play PC games, that's too much for this family it's easier to stick them with consoles.
With the Jupiter Clan (god knows whose s/o this is)
Ruby is probably the only one to respect the consoles and learn the fastest, she'd be into things like Animal Crossing, Minecraft or Untitled Goose Game, things that are cute and silly that would take her away from the rotten hell she lives in.
Will become game addicted for escapism, so its good to keep an eye on her and make sure she's having a fun time alone, especially away from her shitty brothers.
The ones who don't care for games the most would be Lizard, Papa Jupiter, Big Mama and Cyst, so showing any of them is going to be a struggle. Papa Jupiter being the worse, its best to just leave him be to whatever sick shit he's doing, while with Big Mama it's best to just set up reality tv shows on those consoles app add-ons and leave her be.
Lizard is the one you want to keep away from the consoles the most, especially if you're his s/o. He's too hotheaded and a sore loser, you'd never be allowed to beat him in anything, even in games that are not competitive, or he'll go apeshit if he fucks up and end up destroying the console, so for the machines safety keep him away.
Cyst just doesn't give a shit, though may play car games that aren't too stressful, something like Forza Horizon where he just gets to drive around looking at scenery.
Those who may appreciate it, but can't be too sure may be Goggle, Pluto and Big Brain, and the two kids Venus and Mercury who'd be pretty easy to get them a nice game like Mario Kart or Mario party.
Big Brain would be better of with a PC compared to any other member who would be better of taught with consoles, where he can be stuck with a variety of games and oh he would be trying them all from horrors, rpgs, competitive and those odd dating anime games, if anything he'd secretly play those and enjoy the puzzles to undress these pretty girls but turn it off so fast if anyone entered his room. Is a big reason why the PC gets so many viruses and you would have to monitor him heavily and block social medias so he doesn't end up getting into online fights.
For Pluto, getting him active on wii games is best for him, gets him moving and entertained, especially Just Dance, that man would go feral for Just Dance and be difficult to stop him until he exhausts himself out.
Now, for Goggle, video games are pretty enjoyable but not practical for him if anything sticking him with a mobile game like Candy Crush, Dragon City or Bejeweled would be better since he scouts so much out in the desert cliffs, and boy does he get into them. He has tried Pokémon Go but with there being absolutely nothing out in that desert he gave up. Definitely gets into Candy Crush like crazy that could make any suburban mother run for her money.
For Giorgio, something therapeutic and calming would be best for him, so I'd say Tetris or Bejeweled would be good for him, but on classic where he'll never have any timers or tasks to do that may risk him getting anxious in getting a task done quickly. It would definitely be a good distraction as well so you can go do basic chores around the castle.
And the last boy, Deacon.
I'd think he'd enjoy a mix of things like COD, God of War, Battlefield from hunting games to even games like deeeer and goat simulator, he's like most blokes with video games and tries all different types but would actually moderate his time than needing his s/o to moderate for him as he does get bored after about two hours of gaming.
Likes when his s/o joins him in splitscreen games though, the more you are by him the happier he is.
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divetothefandom · 3 years
Gamer Roaster | All
Well, it is canon that he loves simulation games, so the Sims would be nice, but my job is to add some more info… Also a big fan of puzzly exploration games, like BOTW, but that's a story for a different post ;3
He likes race games, and his favorite has to be Mario Kart, Need for Speed and F Zero, he loves them power up and Captain Falcon is funny. Probably a huge fan of GTA too because it's all chaotic and wild and EXCITING!!!
Any Family-Friendly game is great, he loves Splatoon, because “a shooting game that won’t cause me a heart attack?” He signed up really fast, don’t be fooled, he’s an absolute monster. Any game that involves shooting without blood he’s a huge fan of. But I don’t see him as a Fornite kind of guy because he has good taste, lmao. He loves to play with his sibling.
A fan of shooter platform games, like Metroid and stuff: he likes the intense stories. A fan of Metal Gear too. But he also rules at those fighting games like Mortal Combat and those. A God of War pro. He's a very good player but everything Makoto is not: fan of scary games. He plays games like Doom, Batman Arkham, you know? He likes darker games.
Nagisa and Rei:
RPG DUO, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, Fire Emblem, yes please, strategy fights and cool characters, you bet this two are up for it. I do think they play them together and Rei has to carry the team.
Nagisa loves dance games.
And Rei is also into puzzle games like Sudoku and stuff when he travels.
I kinda see him as a popular game fan guy, like FIFA, Call of Duty, Halo, and the Assassin’s Creed saga. He tries to play racing games or shooters but unless he plays with his friends he's not very good, Makoto is more than happy to play with him all the time.
I feel like he’s a platform-puzzle kind of guy, but a bit more intense, and he’d like games like Portal and Bioshock. I feel like he got into advetury games because of his brother and evetually got into games like Far Cry. Very good at racing games as well, but he is more agressive about it, like crashing against other cars.
Probably just does some phone games, he likes puzzles but sucks at actual videogames. Maybe Mario games, but he’s still very bad. Maybe those LEGO game s because they don’t tend to be too hard. He’s the kind to lose on the same spot over and over. You don't want him on your team ngl. Poor Ikuya has to carry the team.
Funny games, like untitled goose game, undertale, that one KFC dating sims. The more absurd the game is, the better. Just like with basketball, he tries to make everyone play them (Makoto always being the one that tags along).
PUBG, and any cool games, like The Last of Us, Uncharted, it’s not like he has a genre, but anything he finds cool. I see him playing a lot of fighting games, like God of War or the Mortal Kombat franchise. I picture him as the kid that went to play to the arcade games like Street Fighter as a kid.
He’s probably the only one who doesn’t give me any gamer vibes, so maybe just mental puzzles like 2068 and such to kill time. Fucking psycho is a top notch gamer and can play even horror games with a straight face.
He’s a Minecraft kid, also lowkey Fornite fan with his friends too. Plays a lot of dancing games with Nagisa as well. He was one of those kids fan of Fight Nights at Freddy's, I'm willing to bed money.
Like his bother he likes horror games, but... Actual horror games, you name it. Outlast, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and so. Unlike Nao he do gets scared but still plays non stop to push his own limits like a masochist. He’s a fucking madlad.
Little farm games are his jam. He’s not a very intense guy so he’ll be chilling with Animal Crossing villagers or Farmville.
Things they play together:
Play Station movies 😂 I mean, games like Until Dawn, Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain, Detroit Become Human.
Although they cover the youngers ones’ eyes because of the sensible material.
Makoto joins that group because he gets either scared or flustered.
But they absolutely love the stories, the control usually stays on the hands of Rin, Haru, Sousuke and Asahi while the others screech intructions.
Nintendo Games
Okay, I'm a Nintendo SIMP so I like to think this guys are too, especially they like games where they can play together.
Mario Kart: Chaotic game nights, bunch of screaming and laughing, there's a lot of harmless fighting in and out of the game, blueshelling the 1st place will get you tickled silly or a smack on the face with the biggest pillow in the room.
Mario Party: Of course they can't play all together but they probably have at least 3 consoles among the like... 14 guys, so they can play different matches in all. There's a lot of screaming during the minigames or the duel slots and people start stealing stars.
Zelda: They all adore The Legend of Zelda, but I'll make a post for that exclusively.
Smash: They all love it. Absolute fighting chaos, and they all love it.
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Haru: All-Rounder, mains Pit and since he manages fighting both face to face and from a distance he's pretty dangerous.
Makoto: All but tricky, he’s fucking scary. Because besides a few exceptions he can choose random and he'll win 1st or at least 2nd place.
Rin: Speed or All-Rounder, because of course he is. He probably mains the swordsmen like Ike.
Sousuke: Power and Range. He tanks, he can take a lot of hits and do a lot of damage, but he's pretty easy to hit. Mains the Pokémon Trainer (Charizard) and Simon.
Nagisa: Technical, he plays a lot with circumstance and can adapt with the charavter, probably mains Shulk or Zelda.
Rei: Technical and Defensive, he's very strategic and is the one that hits and evades, he doesn't make a lot of his but when he does their scary combos, his main is Sheik or the Eartbound kids.
Asahi: All-Rounder and Range, he probably fights head on and gets trapped in combos a lot. I feel like he mains Mewtwo because he thinks that'll give him some advantage.
Ikuya: Defense, he can fight you like a man, but has to load combos, totally see him maining Samus (all, normal, Zero Suit and Dark)
Hiyori: Tricky and Range, and he’s a projectile spammer, that fucking asshole, lmao, otherwise he can’t stay on the arena for too long though. Probably mains like Bowser Jr.
Natsuya: Power, he can take you down after a few hits, mf does a stupid amount of grabs and I hate it. Doesn't really main, but can handle all the Power types.
Nao: Balanced (not a type), he probably grabs funny looking character and somehow still kicks your ass. He plays with the comic additions like Pirahna plant, the Wii-fit trainers, etc.
Momo: Speed, runs around the course and grabs all the items, his giggles a lot when he manages to take down the stronger players with the hammer. He mains Sonic, Pikachu and the Mario characters because he loves 'em.
Seijuro: Power, he lets you hit him so he can fight with a lot of damage to see if he can survive, he's insane. Mains Bowser.
Nitori: Defense, at least he has the decency to not spam the projectiles like Hiyori. He’s just too nervous at this kind of thing.
Kisumi: Technical, he's weirdly good at it, but he doesn't care much about winning so sometimes will grab a character and do a kamikaze to take them down with him. His main would be Pacman or like the Minecraft dude (Steve?), because it's funny.
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Random Sally Face hc that I fell asleep thinking about (some of these happened to me or someone I know but I feel like they're on brand for sf) also let's pretend they were born later and would be in their 20s about now
So it's cannon that Sal doesn't really drink coffee, but when he does it's black, with a fuck ton of sugar.
really likes to read, although he's sorta lost motivation to do it for fun lately.
loves untitled goose game, especially on co-op
Is extremely chaotic around people he's comfortable with when the mood hits him. gives poor ash and todd a headache.
he and his dad's favorite activity to do together is watch horror movies. Either scarringly good, or hilariously bad. no in between.
Sal was a latch key kid, so when he wasn't eating dinner at Larry's, he had to make his own dinner at home. So he got to be a pretty good cook.
He can't bake though, once he tried making some boxed brownies to surprise his dad when he got home from work. They tasted like dish soap. Don't ask, he's not sure why.
once he was so tired at his job as a teen that he forgot how to write the letter w for a second
is really good at galaga
likes to make paintings for his friends so they'll be able to look at it and remember he loves them
sleeps with a stuffed animal no one but Sal and his mom knows about
definitely falls asleep with metal on sometimes
Loves games like sims, zoo tycoon, and minecraft for the creative aspect and ability to play God. Will spend hours making things to her liking and will punish ungrateful characters.
Is actually very good at sewing, like good enough to sew her own clothes or alter ones she buys. Insists on teaching all the boys basic mending, in case they ever need it.
really likes lemon flavored things
sells her "little dudes" on etsy
on more than one occasion she and gizmo have hung out and watched tv together. Sal either ran out to do an errand or went to take a nap, and far be it from him to kick ash out.
loves watching medical shows like scrubs, house, and grey's anatomy. he insists it's to make fun of the medical/scientific inaccuracies. but he actually really likes the drama
really bad at operation (the game)
lives in his birks and crocs. he and neil have discussed getting married one day and neil made todd look him in the eyes and promise not to wear them.
really appreciates classic art
can play the piano for some reason
met Neil when their teacher put them in a group together. Todd kept trying to be casual and suggest they "hang out sometime" and doing what he thought was obvious flirting. one of the gang had to not so subtly tell Neil that Todd actually like liked him, to wich Neil was like "OHHHH" and decided to just straight up ask Todd on a date. the rest is history.
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tiramochi · 3 years
untitled goose game
t: we're home.  a: this is the rumoured trayastrimsa? it's empty and dead, how can it be the celestial's paradise. god of trayastrimsa: but my soul is not filled, it's still empty, what can fill my spirit? t: the only way you can fill a gap in one's heart, is with the heart of another person. t: the soul cannot be filled with tangible things, because it is born craving other souls. (big lore gap here ceebs) t: it's this place that changed me, since i saw this ideal country, i've always wanted to take asura here, and share everything with you. t: forget all the wars, and stay here with me. isn't that your wish? a: my wish is to personally bring about my desires with my own hands, i don't need a god to do it all for me. i: but there are some things that can't be obtained, even if one tries their best, yet in this unsullied heaven you can have everything you want. a: everything i want... asura's mom: asura, are you finally back? everyone's been waiting a long time for you. a: mother? asura's mom: taishakuten, did you guys come back together? it just so happened that your mother and brothers said they wanted to see you, so i said that if you still weren't back, i would go out to look for you. t: sorry to make you worry. asura & i just went boating out in the lotus pond, i also picked some lotus flowers for you. asura's mom: child, did asura tell you that i like flowers? t: because my mother also likes flowers, and she smiles when i give her lotus flowers. a: ...indeed, this is something you and i can't achieve with all our effort.  asura's mom: what's wrong with asura? he still refuses to look at me. is there anything urgent that hasn't yet been done? asura's mom: if that's the case, asura should go finish his own business, and i'll wait here. a: mother, i'm... not in a hurry, i'm just a little hot. a: taishakuten, let's go over there to cool down. asura said this abruptly, and pulled taishakuten away. a: taishakuten, what trick are you trying to pull again? t: i haven't done anything. but didn't i say, in trayastrimsa's spiritual sea there's no line between life and death, and no line between reality and dreams. t: you wanted to personally shape your own world, so this is the world you created. a: stop laughing. your family and mine have never known each other. how can your mother and brother be in my world? t: but you have me, in your world. t: if you don't believe it, asura, then look - isn't this like the hillside where we first met? a: ah? it seems a bit similar, but at that time there were corpses everywhere, and there wasn't such a large lotus pond. t: the look of spring flowers in full bloom isn't better than this, and also i really love lotus ponds. t: it would be great if i could build a house here, i really want to live forever in this beautiful scenery. a: you, build a house? in the past, the wings marched overnight and you couldn't even set up a tent. t: in that case, i had no choice but to let asura see my true abilities. as soon as he finished speaking, a marching tent appeared on the grass. t: this is the spiritual power of trayastrimsa, if there's anything you want, it will appear, and any wish you have will come true. t: asura, why don't you try it out? a: after so many years, i didn't expect you to be at the level of a tent. (help) t: if i put my true skills to use, it wouldn't be too difficult to build a house out of wood and stone. in the blink of an eye, there appeared a house of wood and stone exactly the same as the one in asura's childhood. the small house replaced the tent on the ground. a: i also want to raise geese. a goose pen & a dozen geese appeared. although asura was surprised, he quickly accepted this reality. t: why do you want to raise geese? a: they can mind the house, it's very useful, and also catch the insects in the paddy. t: haha, asura, in this spiritual sea, flowers never wither, everything is endless, and even the rain falling from the sky is sweet. t: the sun will never set, the crops will grow on their own, and the mountain streams are full of fine wine, how can there be theft. t: now that the house and yard are here, asura, why don't we live here? t: i'm hungry after rowing for so long. this is the first time i've seen such a stove. is it here to make a fire? a: that's a bellows, not a stove, put it down! t: then i'll leave the matter of making the fire to you, and i will invite you to taste my newly learned craft. a: can you cook? t: before i came here, i specifically asked the royal chef at the palace how to make lotus soup. he said it was very simple. i probed his heart, he was telling the truth. a: where are you going to get the lotus seeds. t: isn't there a big lotus pond by the door, the lotus there is so good, it's definitely tasty. a: but can you man the boat? t: didn't i go sailing in the sea of stars when i came here before? the pole boat in that clump of lotuses should be about the same. a: ...taishakuten, don't move, i will go pick a few lotus pods, remember in future to never go on a boat like that one, when there's nobody there. asura went to the pond in front of the door, and picked a few lotus pods with the boat. when he came back, asura saw smoke rising from the direction of the kitchen, and taishakuten ran out with a look of horror. t: i wanted to make a fire by myself, so i could get cooking when you came back, but i didn't expect... a: when i left, there was no firewood in the house, so what did you burn?! asura rushed into the kitchen. after extinguishing the fire, he pulled from the stove a half-burned wooden bellows. t: when i was marching back then, we used this to make the fire, i really didn't expect the fire to be this lively when i used the bellows. a: i was really careless to leave you in the kitchen. you go out and stand in the yard for me. however, when asura came back from cutting down some firewood, he found taishakuten being chased by a flock of geese in the yard. goose: honk t: aahhhhhhh! don't eat me! you can't eat my lotus seeds! asura help me! asura summoned his spiritual entity, took taishakuten and placed him on the roof. then he nimbly picked up the screaming geese, threw them back into the pen, and locked the gate. a: why on earth did you take them out? t: i heard them crying very pitifully, and they seemed to be hungry. t: so i opened the gate and went in to feed them. who knew they would want to eat my lotus seeds! a: you should have let them eat you. (fdnsjkfjsdghahaha) t: hey, don't go, let me down first! a: i think you should just stay up there. so taishakuten had to stay still on the roof, the white geese were still looking at him, and the sound of chopping firewood came in from the yard. after who knows how long, asura walked back out carrying the freshly cooked lotus seed soup, and then took taishakuten down from the roof. a: i've never seen someone who can make as much trouble as you, so much happened in just one day. t: i didn't expect the lotus seed soup cooked by asura to be so delicious, even the cooks of the royal palace couldn't produce such a good flavour! a: i think your taste has become more sophisticated over the years, you've forgotten the taste of starvation. only when you venture outside the city walls will you praise/appreciate the food of the common people. t: but asura likes spicy food, how can you be good at making lotus seed soup? a: though my taste differs from yours, my mother still liked those light, sweet things like normal celestials. a: in the past, when she was busy, i would cook according to her taste. after all, my taste is different from ordinary people, or perhaps it could be due to my unusual bloodline. t: no one here cares about your origins, there are no wars or other troubles. t: the dead can be resurrected, time can be turned back, misunderstandings can be solved, and regrets can be alleviated. t: stay here and live together with me, asura. a: now that you've found the world you'd been pursuing, now that you have everything you want, what do you want me to do? t: remember why the god of trayastrimsa created us? t: the heavens and the earth are enormous, yet they can be filled with mountains, and deep seas. yet loneliness cannot be filled t: without you, i would end up like that god. t: to commit the first sin, then pour my own tears and blood into the sea t: so please, please stay in my heaven, okay? a: you did those stupid things deliberately, to stall for time so i would stay, huh t: hahaha, fortunately, there's no night or day in this spiritual sea. in fact, asura stayed here for a long time. t: otherwise, if day and night changed, i wouldn't be able to fool you, asura. a: how long has it been? t: i don't know, but if you want to go back now, it must be too late. a: taishakuten. t: huh? a: geese won't eat raw lotus seeds that haven't been peeled. next time you lie, remember to think it through! t: what?! t: about this alone, i really didn't lie to you! if you don't believe me, i'll open the goose pen and prove it to you myself! a: taishakuten! sit down for me! goose: honk t: AHHHHHHHHH a: i think you should live on the roof. the two of them then settled down on the hillside facing the lotus pond, & stopped mentioning their past grudges. the once endless war seemed to have happened in another world. there was no autumn, winter, spring or summer, or night and day in trayastrimsa, and time flowed but never changed. most beautiful dreams are barely fulfilling, yet this one lasted until the end of the universe. taishakuten & asura spent hundreds of quiet, peaceful and comfortable years there, & in that time the sun had yet to set once. a: here you are clearly able to do what you want, but why can't you learn something so simple? a: for example, how to make a fire, how to fish, how to look for lotus roots in the mud, how to get along with the geese at the door. a: & for example, how to speak frankly to me. t: even in trayastrimsa, there are things that people can't imagine. t: like i can't imagine a taishakuten who's blunt and free-spoken, and the god of trayastrimsa can't imagine a self who is no longer lonely. a: this is like a dream of trayastrimsa's god.
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jupitersmoon167 · 3 years
Challenge: List the WIPs you promised you'd update, and why you haven't yet
Curse you @inknopewetrust for making me realize that out of the *checks docs* 50 story ideas I have, I’ve never actually wrote an entire fic off of any of them. At least 20 of them have an actual semblance of a storyline, but I’ll speak of just a few, cause we ain’t got all day. I would like to say off the bat that these are either gonna contain either OC’s or off of characters from other properties. I’ve never appealed to the x Reader base. So basically I create OC’s to each character I have an interest in, to fill the readers place (does that make sense?).
1. Summer Rose: Guardian of Remnant (these titles are based after their Pinterest board names ok, live with it)
So basically, Summer Rose is kidnapped by aliens during her last mission where she supposedly “died” in canon. Over the next few years, she becomes a bounty hunter after failing her attempts of finding a way back to Remnant. She then winds up becoming a Guardian after Ronin’s assault on Xandar. Skip forward to the conclusion of Endgame, and the Guardians and Thor crash land on Remnant (sometime during Salem’s siege on Atlas, so season 8 I guess). The Guardians help defeat Salem, yada yada yada, and Summer Rose returns to her family. 
“I’ve wondered thousands of times what I would say to you if I got to see you again. Now that I’m here, I’m afraid that I’ve completely forgotten every bit of what I’ve planned.” - Summer (to Ruby)
2. Avenger Touya Todoroki
I started watching My Hero Academia during the beginning of quarantine, and this idea planted in my mind where Touya Todoroki winds up in the MCU during his supposed death (sensing a pattern here?), and with the support of Tony (who after hearing about his life back home winds up becoming Touya father figure), and the other Avengers, he becomes a hero. Eventually, Touya and a fraction of the Avengers wind up in the MHA universe, and Touya has to confront his family members after 10 years. 
Aizawa: What the fucking hell is wrong with you idiotic Avengers people?” Touya: “Everything, like, so many things. Are you looking for a particular category? Alphabetical order?”
3. Number Eight
Now this idea I really love. Mostly because it involves one of Pedro Pascal’s signature characters. This story revolves around Dani Hargeeves, an informant for the CIA during Pablo Escobar’s rain over Columbia. She is also one of the eight children adopted at birth by Reginald Hargeeves, and a member of the Umbrella Academy. After the events of Season 2 of UA, Danu decided to help the Commission rebuild, and becomes an agent. She’s assigned to be an informant for the CIA to help guide them thru the timeline correctly. She ends up meeting Javier Pena, and he eventually finds out about her true self and where she actually comes from due too her siblings interference. 
Javier: “Everything about you was a lie! We can’t trust you!” Dani: “You’re going to have to.”
4. Yelena Belova in Star Wars: The Bad Batch
So Black Widow (finally) came out when the Bad Batch was airing. I had already made an OC to go with the Crosshair x Readers I was reading. But upon realization, I came across a goldmine of a ship. Crosshair x Yelena Belova. During the blip, Yelena is turned too dust and winds up in the Clone Wars. After learning about her abilities as an assassin, she’s paired with Clone Force 99. After some time, she and Crosshair hook up and later start a relationship. Right before Order 66, Yelena is snapped back too the MCU, much to the Bad Batch’s horror (because they have no clue where she is, if she’s ok, and if she’s even still alive). Yelena eventually ends up back in the Star Wars universe post Order 66, but details as too how that will happen are still in the works. 
Yelena: “So….what part of ‘make the person I like hate me’ screamed being a good idea to you?”
Crosshair: “Are you ever going to let that go?”
Yelena: “Nooope.”
5. Multi-crossover
The basic premise of this story is that it revolves around a group of deities that house characters from throughout different fandoms that either died (permanently), or just stay at the Between for refuge for a limited time. Storylines include:
- The Goose from Untitled Goose Game creating havoc in the Between and between its residents.
- Helping Dr. Strange with his nightmare of a multiverse problem (albiet reluctantly as it’s gonna cause such a major headache).
- Babysitting Mothra during her larva phase (titans and kaigus are shrunk to avoid cramped spacing).
- Dealing with a Xenomorph infestation
And so much more...
Becca: I’m sorry, I’m just having trouble processing this right now. Jupiter: *Hands her a pamphlet* Becca, reading: “So You’ve Discovered Your A Fictional-” I don’t want your pamphlet!
Honorable Mentions:
- Europa Quill: An MCU and Mandalorian Crossover
- Lara Vulcan: An MCU and We Can Be Heroes Crossover
God this took me two hours to assemble, but I’m done. I’m tagging @goingknowherewastaken ; @shenanigans-and-imagines ; and @greeneyedblondie44
Obviously you guys don’t have too go so in depth like I did, I’m just an over achiever. 
If anyone wants too know more details, let me know and i’ll be happy to relay more information on my ideas!
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ninjakittenarmy · 4 years
The main reason chaotic good is my favorite alignment is because it tends to combine one’s desire to be good and one’s desire to be completely irreverent and crazy. Like, most heroes in modern fiction (and many in general) have a personal reason for why they’re doing good (or at least for going to the extent they do) which is perfectly fine, it’s good character development, but I really like characters who just do it because they want to, sometimes simplicity is good. Chaotic good seems to be the most likely to just do good just because they felt like it. Like, neutral or lawful good will likely take out a band of raiders because raiders killed their family and they acquired a hatred for those who prey on the weak. A chaotic good is more likely to do it because hey, why not? Even if they have a passionate hatred for evil people it’s more likely to be derived not from personal tragedy, but from their general instinctive human disdain for assholes. Even if they have a personal motive, it tends to be less relevant.
This can be the case for any alignment mind, I just see it more often with chaotic good. Kamijou Touma from A Certain Magical Intex is a good example. I haven’t seen much of that show yet but I do know that he picked a fight with a much stronger wizard solely because he thought he hurt his house guest he knew for like a day and he took exception to that. A lot of people think that makes him a flat character but I think it makes him interesting and relatable. Most of us would love to do that kind of thing but lack the ability. He’s just an otherwise normal guy who happens to have balls of steel and very specific power/curse. I’m fine with people having a more personal motive but I really love this type of character.
I especially love playing this kind of character. In Skyrim I broke a guy out of an elf Nazi prison for no other reason than “fuck it, sounds like a good time to me”, then destroyed a whole government, partly because they almost executed me without cause (a personal motive) but mostly because they were working for said Nazis. In Fallout: New Vegas I started solving problems and waging a one man war with Caesar’s Legion, the Omertas, the Fiends, the Powder Gangers, and many others simply because they were harassing and killing people (and making mail delivery a pain). I blew up Vulpes Inculata and his troops not because it would help the NCR (I joined them later) but as an act of personal catharsis after they killed a bunch of strangers. They were dicks but this guy tortured them to death and then lied to me about them not fighting back to save their fellows (if you look closely there are clearly signs of a struggle). I wasn’t even offended that Joshua Graham said I needed to help the people of Zion Canyon before he could help me leave because of course I’m not leaving, there’s assholes that need killing. I persuaded the Great Kahns to start a prosperous empire in Wyoming simply because I want to see a Mongolian style empire in Wyoming. Given that I’m a Follower of the Apocalypse (may as well have a badge to justify what I’m already doing anyway) it’s entirely possible that my character set up relations within them personally, this all despite their role in my near death.
In the Fallout example I like to think my personality rubbed off on some of my companions. Boone has plenty of reason to hate slavers but I’m the one who helped convince him to re-enlist in his old unit and spend his free time hunting slavers for sport. We killed a Legion raiding party attacking a refugee camp we were visiting as an act of atonement for him and then I just went and solved their problems because, well, why not? I don’t have anything better to do. I convinced Raul the ghoul to become a Vaquero again and defend communities from thugs. I unwittingly caused Rex and Roxie to breed a litter of cyber dogs which I can only assume will join the newly rebuilt Cyber Dog Corps that a testing facility in the Big M.T. is building to defend random towns. I didn’t even tell it to do that, I ACCIDENTALLY caused it to create an army of raider hunting cyber dogs. I also caused the Stelth Suit Facility to start kidnapping Fiends to experiment on. ED-E still works for me, my partner in crime. I wiped out Caesar’s main camp with Boone with no incentive whatsoever because by God I started this fight and I am going to finish it. Boone mentioned that it probably wouldn’t stop the Legion but I simply remarked that it felt REALLY good, and he agreed.
My characters in role playing games tend to be motivated by three things: spite, a general desire to help people, and pure bloodlust. They tend to be some strange mix between a knight errant and Conrad Kurze without the cynical worldview. Their reasons for doing good usually amount to “why not? Do you see any cops around?” And that’s why I really like this type of character, they embody the strange yet familiar combination of “I want to help people” and “don’t you just want to go ape shit?” Imagine if the goose from Untitled Goose Game exclusively targeted assholes, that is who I like to see more of in fiction.
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sirfrogsworth · 5 years
Tumblr media
replied to your photo
“I don’t know if anyone else enjoys Girlfriend Reviews on YouTube, but...”
I don’t know the channel. What is it about and how can you not know what they look like? :
Shelby does video game reviews from the viewpoint of Matt’s spectating girlfriend. The format is done through voiceover on top of video game footage. So they had not revealed their faces until now. I don’t think it was super intentional at first, but then it became a running gag. They’ve been teasing the “big reveal” for a while but wanted to wait until a special milestone. Like getting nominated for a Streamy. 
It’s really brilliant how they approach their videos. There are all kinds of things that she tends to notice when she is free from the distraction of playing. Like how sometimes the repetitive sounds and beeps and bongs can get annoying after the 400th time. She will asses the storylines and graphics and music a little more authentically due to her unique perspective. And there are countless little details she is able to pick out because she doesn’t pilot the character. 
But the channel quickly evolved to be much more than that. She is very funny... and charming... and adorable. And she really does have a deep appreciation for the work that can go into creating a video game. So it’s not like a stereotypical “Why does my boyfriend play video games and not pay attention to me?” trope. 
The videos are very collaborative and they both help write the script. He is a crazy good video editor and able to elevate her humor even more with that skill set. You can tell they both love making these videos. And she has started playing a few games herself even though she wasn’t much of a gamer previously--so that has been fun to watch develop too. 
The videos are just so joyous and positive. Even their comment section avoids the usual YouTube hellscape a lot of the time. And I love how many directions they are able to take this concept. By continually reinventing their own wheel, they have been able to avoid turning this into a gimmick that would eventually get stale. 
But that’s not all! 
Sometimes she will break into song because her talents are seemingly endless. Sometimes she gets very deep and philosophical right before a horse poop joke. And it makes perfect sense and isn’t jarring at all because her timing and delivery are top notch when combined with his tight editing. I actually think she could be a voice actress at some point. 
Matt has a supporting role and they will sometimes cut to audio clips of him reacting to the game as he is playing. His comments are always dripping with dry sarcasm and he loves a good non sequitur. It is a great counter to her style.  
The channel has a special place in my heart because I haven’t been able to concentrate enough to play video games for the past few years. And I have found Girlfriend Reviews lets me live vicariously and still enjoy video games in a small way like I used to. 
If I were to pick a favorite so far, I absolutely could not choose because they are all my children and I love them equally and also definitely the Link/Untitled Goose Game video. It isn’t their biggest, best, or most ambitious video. Shelby is just the cutest goddamn goose in the world.  
But I guess if I were to pick a more typical, mainstreamy appeal type video... I gotta give it to their review of God of War. Complete with Shelby’s breakout song “This is Your Dead Mom.” 
It’s a bop for sure. 
(God or War gore ahead... obviously.)
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captainsiegrid · 4 years
Storytellers, a rec list
- [Podfic] Intrinsic and [Podfic] Contingent - One Piece
I am absolutely floored by these. All the voices brought life to an already fantastic work, but these podfics are GodOfLaundryBaskets' babies and I am giving this rec to them for their absolute god-level narration and absolute perfect edit job. It makes me hate the moment it ends, I could listen to GodOfLaundryBaskets' voice forever.
Man, it makes me want to keep recording! It's an absolute honour to have been included in this project.
Kudos to Kawaiibooker for writing more-than-side-character-Bepo into an actual LIVE character with emotions!
- [Podfic] This Tornado Loves You - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
My first ever Modao Zushi podfic. Actually...my first time ever listening to a podfic. I was very sceptical at first because I had so many reservations about the proper pronunciations of the character's names (never mind I also suck at those because, well...Chinese. BUT! I fell in love with GodOfLaundryBaskets' voice instantly! Their intonation is just so beautiful!
- Hang in there - 镇魂 | Guardian (TV), Untitled Goose Game (Video Game)
Hilarious brought to you by GodOfLaundryBaskets' literal God's voice. The delivery of Lao Zhao's distress was flawless and absolutely hilarious, I swear!
Oceantail Podfics
- [PODFIC] Let it Flow Though You - Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: Legend of Korra
Oceantail's voice is so sweet and cute, but she manages to surprise me every time with her dynamic approach to intonation. Even the serious and emotional parts felt all the more serious for it, her voice made Zuko's emotions feel even more real!
- [PODFIC] Day 1: Past and Present - Tales of Zestiria
Ok, so I'm gonna be painfully honest here: I hate this fanfiction, even though I wrote it (particularly because I wrote it!) so I thought I'd podfic it to try and hate it less.
Didn't work.
The only things that made me not hate this horrific, mistake riddled thing are Sorey and Mikleo's voices. Seriously, I wanna rewrite the whole thing so that Oceantail and lysandyra can speak more!
When I set out to podfic this, I had certain voices in mind, like anyone would. Someone must have heard my plea, because I got the best cast I could ask for. Working with them was so good I want to do it again soon!
- [Podfic] the sound of your heart - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
The work that made me go listen to BTS! While recording this I was completely confused.com! But when I listen to it I am SOOTHED! lysandyra's narration and God-like pacing is quintessentially smooth that you could spoon out a dollop and use it to sweeten your tea.
- [Podfic] an approach - Marvel Cinematic Universe
I love how lysandyra goes from smooth to expressive at the drop of a (hat) line so seamlessly! Specially Betty's lines!
- [PODFIC] Feeling Blue - Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Akaihyou's tone sets a dramatic and emotional pace to this work that makes you wanna curl up in a blanket burrito and listen to it in a loop in spite of the words being said and I have absolutely no clue how she does it!
Also, sound effects! Absolutely genius!
- [Podfic] The Sunburn Squad - Captain America (Movies)
This podfic + blanket burrito + bucket of popcorn = an equally satisfying experience as watching a film.
No more saying is needed. Go listen, now!
P.S.: ""Bullshit," Clint coughed." ---- I'm never getting over this!
- Feeling Blue (Podfic) - Voltron: Legendary Defender
I absolutely HAD TO include this one!
It isn't just voices you hear in podfic works. You hear also the sound that "blood, sweat and tears" make when editing is done as beautifully as this!
- Jelly - Haikyuu!!
No, I have not forgotten how to read silently and no, I have not forgotten about my beautiful volleyball babies.
I had actually read this before VOICETEAM and totally forgot until I was working on these recs. I love how she keeps the poly alive by mentioning the Kuro and Kenma through the fic and I adore how she nailed adorable chaotic and hyperactive owl baby!
- [Podfic] Mrs. Pollifax and the Family Connection - Mrs. Pollifax - Dorothy Gilman
- TOS OT3 - Star Trek: The Original Series
I didn't know what a "filk" was...now I know...AND I CAN'T GET OVER IT! Hilarious doesn't even begin to describe this. 2:55 minutes of artfully arranged lyrics and 10 minutes later I'm still in stitches!
P.S.: Baskets, you narrate, you do characters and now you sing?! Leave some talent for us mortals! X'D
- In Which Kirk Speaks German - Star Trek: The Original Series
She has 3 recs because ADORABLE!!!! That "Please~!" AAAAAAHHHHH
- [Podfic] Sunlight - Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Thrawn Series - Timothy Zahn (2017)
I can't emphasise just how fun this was! I wish to work with minnabird and Akaihyou again!
Also: The Bloopers! X'D
- almost, but not always - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
This will hurt you! And it will be ok because minna wrote it so wonderfully sweet you would easily believe she's also a mother...
- Let if Flow Through You [PODFIC] - Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: Legend of Korra
I chose this podfic because, like Oceantail, alstroemeria_thoughts' voice is small and cute and I was very inclined to see how she managed it. I sear, talent comes in small voices! I don't know how she does it, but she 's a master at keeping a clear pronunciation in spite of her speed! I was always advised to read slowly because fast is an enemy to clear reading, but astra is just excellent at reading fast and making it sound pleasant!
- [Podfic] (un)Official Marine Rules and Regulations - One Piece
My first ever live recording session and it was FANTASTIC!
We already know I worship GodOfLaundryBaskets, but you HAVE to listen to alstroemeria_thoughts' list off rules like you're a peasant if you don't follow them! It's bloody hilarious! I mean "Justice does not have a concrete shape, and if it did, it would not be something as pedestrian as a triangle. Get it right." will make you beg her to step on you. Literally!
- Google says WHAT?! - Marvel Cinematic Universe
My dudes, I'm making this a podfic. It is criminal that it isn't one yet. This is absolutely hilarious!
P.S.: "his dad had had a bad habit" ---- I wanna read this sentence!
- local / regular - Marvel Cinematic Universe
The intonation here is beautiful! It's is like listening to the actual person telling her own story?! I wanna meet he Mamma!
- [PODFIC] 10/10 WOULD MARRY - 镇魂 | Guardian - priest, 镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
The biggest full cast and most ambitious podfic I have EVER been part of and it's INCREDIBLE!
This thing pushed me down the Guardian rabbit hole with a kick and no parachute and I'm cackling all the way down.
Go. Listen. Now!
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friendlybowlofsoup · 5 years
What sorts of games would the characters play in a modern setting?
Hmmmmmmm  ( ´ ω ` ) In a modern setting, I’m not sure if many of them would play video games, honestly! Still, I think this is a fun ask so we’re going to override that a little bit~--
Qiu is probably good at games you play with friends, like Move or Die, Smash, Heave Ho, etc. But he likes games that are more laid back such as Stardew Valley, Subnautica, etc.
An wastes time on mmorpgs! She’s tried everything from MapleStory, to Black Desert, BnS, and FFXIV. She especially loves the party function and she enjoys messing around with a group of friends on the platform.
Min He likes puzzle games, particular the indie ones! Untitled Goose Game, of course, being her current obsession.
Kaski might play offline mobile games sparingly. Games like 2048, Bejeweled, Tetris, etc. He doesn’t have the time for games in general, and sneaks in a few rounds while in transit or something.
Xinyi is probably drawn to rhythm games, so games like Osu!, Cytus, and Crypt of the Necrodancer.
Hiemi doesn’t play video games, but she likes some of the orchestral OST for rpgs. Chrono Trigger, obviously, along with some Final Fantasy pieces, God of War pieces, etc.
Go Ro is really hard to imagine as a gamer, but, uh, hm. He might find Doom cathartic?
Chun is fascinated by the horror genre, though it freaks her out a little. She especially likes the ones with cool world building, like Little Nightmares, Bendy and the Ink Machine, etc.
Spider does the dumbass, janky games and laughs his ass off every time. Stupid games like QWOP, Super Bunnyman, Getting Over It, and Protein for Muscle are the gold standard!
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pearwaldorf · 4 years
fanwork roundup 2019
LIST OF FANWORKS NSFW is denoted with an asterisk. All Good Omens is Aziraphale/Crowley unless noted. the last witness before the wave hits (Good Omens, gen) can you feel my heart beat fast (I want it to last, need you by my side) (Good Omens) *well you laughed baby it's okay (it's buzzcut season anyway) (Good Omens) take care to leave a trace (KOTOR 2; Jedi Exile/everybody, Jedi Exile/Visas Marr) of some other man's belief (Good Omens, gen) I've got this feeling, so appealing, for us to get together and sing (Good Omens, gen) [archive-locked work] (RPF) I knew that sullen hall (Good Omens/Dragon Age: Inquisition crossover) *we gladiate but I guess we're really fighting ourselves (The Last Jedi; Finn/Poe/Rey/Rose) healing spirit (Good Omens) [archive-locked work] (RPF) better than anything else that I've tried (Good Omens) gotta blame it on the goose (Good Omens/Untitled Goose Game crossover) *don't know you super well but you might be the same as me (Good Omens) sleeping at last (Good Omens) *don't need a crown to know that I'm a queen (Good Omens) *just let me try (and I will be good to you) - an Anthonavery RPF (Slow Show) *I can make you boil up baby, let it simmer (Slow Show) an instrument of thy vision (Rise of Skywalker; Finn) Tumblr ficlets I also did two challenges this year: Ineffable Fictober and Drabbletober. TOTAL WORD COUNT 
62423!!! By fandom: Good Omens: 36697 Star Wars: 7421 RPF: 5808 KOTOR 2: 2505 Dragon Age: Inquisition: 1105 Everything else (Critical Role, MCU, Hannibal, Mass Effect): 8887
Oh god it was so good to get my words back, and not only that, surpass my word count for my previous best year. The past two years have been super fucking bad for writing, and to be able to write with ease and joy againi feels like a marvelous gift, and I am grateful. And copypasta from last year, because it seems worth repeating: If, despite everything, you were able to produce work this year, congratulations. And if you couldn't, that's okay too. Next year will hopefully be better. 
PERSONAL BEST/FAVORITE I really do feel like I leveled up as a writer this year. The words were good and they came easily. I branched out a lot this year: RPF, really strange metafic, things that should be fic but the thing it's fic of doesn't actually exist. I had a lot of fun writing all of it. 
I feel like everything was appreciated the right amount. I would have loved more people to have seen I knew that sullen hall, but niche crossovers are hard to attract attention.
well you laughed baby it's okay, aka the hair-pulling fic. People really seemed to like it an almost disproportionate amount to its length and quality. Maybe it was exactly what fandom wanted at the time. Also somebody tried to plagiarize it so I guess that must mean they liked it a lot. :P 
STORY WITH THE SEXIEST MOMENT Don't need a crown to know that I'm a queen. I like stories where characters know they're a snack and aren't afraid to show it off.
Gotta blame it on the goose, for sure. It's so silly.
I knew that sullen hall. I never spent a whole lot of time with Blackwall, so it was interesting to get into his head for a bit. And in the course of writing the story, I had to think about things that he and Aziraphale would have in common, and it was useful character work for both of them.
Of some other man's belief was a strange, recalcitrant story where I never really knew where I was going with it. All I know is it wanted to be written very very badly.  
The fake RPF I did for the Slow Show universe. The everything I wrote in the Slow Show universe. But it was great fun, and the Warlock Party House is a wonderful group of people. 
I wanted to get out a vid this year, but I don't think that's going to happen. 
Like I say every year, all my shit is out in the open.  
Occasionally, as she is drifting off, she feels something shift in her awareness of him, like the brush of a hand on a curtain.(from we gladiate but I guess we're really fighting ourselves) “Jesus fucking christ, angel. You can’t just say things like that.” “Leave that poor boy out of this. Now tell me, do you like the red or the black better?” (from Ineffable Fictober prompt "anything you like") He reached up to grab the other man’s hand, lacing their fingers together and squeezing. Come for me, he tried to communicate with his touch. Flood me with your release. (from just let me try. I was writing it intentionally badly but sometimes I'm not sure people got that 😆) 
I try not to think about it because then I'll want to change them and then I'll never stop fiddling. 
The alley scene in can you feel my heart beat fast Nanny, Warlock, and Aziraphale at the concert in I've got this feeling Crowley tending Aziraphale's hands in healing spirit This chapter (wings) from Ineffable Fictober Crowley chasing after the goose 
As always, a look at last year's:
(Creative) Survival is still a laudable ambition. I will endeavor to produce as much as I can creatively, and hopefully exceed this year's incredibly pathetic word count. I haven't made a vid in a while, and I have a new NLE (VEGAS Pro 15) to take for a spin. Art is also part of resistance, and integrating it more into my life will be good. 
I think I did pretty well with the first two. Didn't make a vid, but I'm starting on one now. Good Omens was more important to me this year than I realized. Coming off Endgame, I needed something to feel excited about, and Good Omens is a very enthusiastic fandom. It also got me through the lead-up and release of Rise of Skywalker. For a while I was deeply suspicious a shoe was going to drop re: how much fun I was having in GO fandom because it felt too easy. People weren't wanking the day away (or I could avoid those that were) and they were so happy to love on the characters. And then I realized no, that's actually how it should feel to be in a fandom community. So I guess that's one of the things I'm going to do next year: prioritize joy, especially when it comes to fandom. I've never been exactly bad at writing whatever the fuck I want, but that is something I should continue to do. I would like to write something long with at least a modicum of plot. I am bad at both of these things, and it would be nice to prove to myself I can if I wanted to. I am going to try and make two vids next year and see if I can learn Vegas 15 and maybe another NLE. I also want to get a captioning/transcription guide up for fans who want to make their vids more accessible, as somebody asked about it.
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sierrabinondo · 5 years
woodland creatures tour - day 8 (falls church)
finally got around to starting the final journal. life picks back up so quickly for me when i return from going anywhere, really, so it’s hard to stick to little projects like this. but i probably could have benefited from writing this sooner after the actual last day of tour haha. it’s funny how we only leave for a week or so but it feels like our lives shift so drastically during that time. it really does take time to snap back into reality and accept normalcy.
after a good night of bullshitting until super late (we tried to put on hot ones around 2:00 am but all passed out shortly after) we grabbed coffee and breakfast at coffeeology (i THINK that’s the name) in greensboro. we stopped at a shop literally across the street from the venue we played last year, new york pizza. seeing that place again reminded us of playing to literally our tourmates destination dimension and maybe like 3 other people in the room, versus the couple dozen we played to last night. the main band that played the gig that night literally sat outside the entire show with their friends and only came inside for when they had to play. it was disheartening, to say the least. this time, we didn’t play to a crowd that was there for us, but we played to so many more people who actually stayed inside to watch us. 
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i wish i could remember this drive, i didn’t have any work to do so i think this was the day i bought untitled goose game and i was playing it a little bit haha. we listened to some music and just enjoyed the trek to our last gig on this run. of course, we started to hit traffic as we approached falls church, which is in the DC area for anyone not familiar. however, we were still making okay time. we could make a detour to drop our bags at the hotel in vienna, get food, and then run our dual band cover of uneasy hearts with pulses. forgot to mention this in the jacksonville journal lmao, i approached kevin with this idea for the last show of tour super casually and we did end up deciding as a whole to go through with it! 
the hotel in vienna was such a strange spot, but it was kind of cool? we stayed at the vienna wolf trap hotel hahaha. all of the decor was SO DATED but it was still pretty okay. the guy at the desk was nice, we somehow got on the topic that we were a band on tour rand he gave us late check-in for free! ended up not needing it. but it’s the thought that counts haha. we arrive to the venue and jaime’s girlfriend rebecca is there to greet us :’) poor girl drove their RV all the way down to virginia alone, and that thing drives slowly. but then that meant jaime could ride back up to jersey with her which was good. 
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it is insane how at home we feel at falls church. i guess everyone south of maryland is just way fucking cooler than the northeast lmao, but it’s like pulling up to play somewhere at home in jersey and running into old friends. i can’t get over that we have that in a state hundreds of miles from home. it was good to see familiar faces and be back at the vfw. our friends’ band to michigan, with love was also on the gig, and our newer friends in science penguin joined us on the show as well! it was an all-around homie fest. i rolled up to the venue with the remainder of the trulys i purchased the night before, and shoved the box in the fridge haha. i was ready to just chillll. 
because we have played here a handful of times, it is also now tradition to walk across the parking lot and go get korean fried chicken at the restaurant next door. it fucking sucks, we always arrive just in time to eat before doors and i normally can’t eat jack shit because of fried/spicy food being horrible for my voice. i ordered bibimbap and then 12 wings to go, for after the show lmao. or a snack after we play!! but i ended up forgetting to FUCKING eat them AND they just sat out overnight in the van so they were toast. goddamnit. i think the restaurant is literally just called bbq fried chicken, the way they fry their chicken is just perfect. the sauces are all delicious and everything besides that on the menu is also tasty. 
i wanted so badly to break my last set of tour curse. it’s definitely a self-imposed, silly, superstitious thing, but my last set of tour iS ALWAYS HOT GARBAGE. i always for sure mess up. and this was probably the best last set of tour i’ve had but still not my best performance all of tour haha. i got lost the bridge of murder mountain and couldn’t hear my bandmates for some reason? fucking embarrassing but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cannot stress enough how much fun it was. it truly was. fucking, we’re about to play pixelated and i’m trying to give my SHPIEL about not being a JERK musician and i hear the sounds of “smooth” by carlos santana featuring rob thomas faintly playing through my in-ears. i rip them off and i’m like, what the fuck is going on LMAO. surprise, the pulses. gang were behind it, and tyler, taylor and kevin come dancing up to the stage. i was DEAD. we never do last day of tour pranks so we were fuuuully unprepared hahaha. it was so funny. my meme now takes on a whole new meaning!! 
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most importantly this show felt like such a fun celebration of tour. pulses., as they did all tour, hyped us up during almost every song and went off for synapse fires. we are too fucking lucky to have them as friends. they really helped make every set and every show feel worth the hours of travel and sometimes stress. to look out and see their faces in the crowd and singing the words uplifted us each night. it’s unfair that we live so far apart. it’s like how they say your soulmate could be literally anywhere in the world but you won’t know until you go look??? it’s like that but with finding supportive friends. i’m not sure if we’ve stressed this enough but this tour gave us strength to keep going as musicians, due in part to their friendship. we always joked like how the fuck we’re supposed to just go on not playing shows together or seeing each other all the time but it really does suck lmao. i was in my feelings in both a good and bad way, soooo i immediately scurried off the stage to go grab a truly the second we were done HAHA
it’s always so sad to watch your friends play their last set of tour, too. well moreso bittersweet! but you know that it’ll be your last time seeing them play for a while. i enjoyed every single minute. i love watching them play hometown shows, too. halfway through we jumped on stage to do the uneasy hearts cover, completely unrehearsed, and i’d say we did a pretty damn good job. such a fun way to send off the woodland creatures tour. i had always wanted to do something like this, where two bands play on stage at once (holla me versus i nd the artwork of). the energy the whole song was so infectious, it was fun to see people in the crowd go off too. also, fucking KRIS KHUNACHAK shot this video with TWO ANGLES holding both his cameras at the same time. i still can’t get over that.
i love that pulses. played you already know as their closer, it was the perfect way to wrap up their set and the best bookend to the setlist they chose. kevin would get on the mic every night and speak to the crowd, dude is just really good at being a performer and resonating with people. in jacksonville he sat down and everyone followed his lead haha. it was fun to dance one last time with everyone as we watched pulses. kill it before the tour came to an official end. we then gathered outside to take group pictures. it’s the part you don’t wanna get to, because it signals farewells in the near future, but we took some really great ones. 
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post-gig taco bell plans were foiled, but someone recommended the silver dollar diner nearby. diners outside of jersey are normally horrifying but i trusted the people we were with. we piled back in our vehicles and rolled 20 heads deep to the diner. it was actually a really sick diner with tons of vegan dishes and pretty tasty food. i got chicken noodle soup, red wine and an ice cream sundae because i am a freak of nature. we ate up like 3 tables and sat altogether, just bitching about having to return to real life the following monday. but also, trying to plan the next time we would see each other. already!! and!! talking about doing more shows together. we try to work with different people all the time but there are a select few bands we would tour with or gig with again and again and again and pulses. are one of them. after how much fun this run was it’s pretty hard to imagine not doing this again. it just... makes sense. so much sense. and it feels wrong to not do it again lmao.  
goodbyes were bittersweet. we huddled in the parking lot by our van to say goodnight and see ya later, one by one. fuckin, tyler is moving to nashville very soon so we all probably won’t see him for a hot minute :’----------( thankfully everyone else really isn’t that far if we planned a weekend trip to meet halfway or if we wanted to make the trip out to each other, thank god!!! i don’t know what i would do if i couldn’t always have a part of this tour with me, somehow or some way.
was thinking of adding a lengthy epilogue but it’s essentially just me openly sobbing in the van the entire ride home hahaha. you’d think that every single time it would get easier to come home but it doesn’t. i know why touring impacts me as much as it does emotionally, but when the bittersweet acceptance of coming home pours over into tears like it does, i feel kinda silly. i’m sure that there are musicians who are constantly gigging that would love nothing more than to be home more, and i know that if i was in their shoes i would come to dread touring, too. 
i really, truly wish i was in a place, or that my bandmates and i, were in a place to tour more often, but for now we have what we have. and that’s okay. i want to share something beautiful our friend charlene posted today that deeply moved me: 
This is the moment. I’ve made it.
People always ask me “what are you gonna do when you’ve made it?” I need you to understand something; I’ve already made it. I am living out my dreams. It’s not easy and obviously I would only hope that’s I will continue to grow, to reach bigger goals, to push the limits. But I’ve already made it. This is the moment. I won’t let myself miss out on the beauty of life that’s right in front of me because I’m too worried about something that may or may not come tomorrow. This is the moment.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Someone should make a game about: Seagulls • Eurogamer.net
As a Brighton boy, I grew up with seagulls. They didn’t raise me, that would be weird, but they lived in the chimneys all around me and their barking is part of a comforting cacophony I like to call home.
It always surprises me when other people are surprised by the seagulls. My dad’s from London originally and when his friends would call the house phone they’d be all like, “bloody hell Bas what’s that noise?” It was old Steven Seagull, of course, chirruping like an angel on the roof outside.
A beautiful seagull on a van outside my flat. Majestic!
Except, they’re not angels are they? Yobs of the sky, I like to call them. They’re merciless. One took half my hotdog out of my hand when I was a child and I’m still really annoyed about it. It marked me from far above, a helpless little human waving dinner around, and then it silently swooped and yomped it away before I knew what was going on. And they’ve only grown bolder since.
I love nothing more than seagull-watching in Brighton town in the summer. I’ve learnt to look up, and so I see all the yobs lined along rooftops surveying the shoppers below and the falafel wraps being carelessly wafted around. Old beaky above sees it, and I see that he sees it, and the next minute he spreads his wings, dives and that falafel is gone. The tourists (usually) don’t know what hit them and it becomes a whole giggly drama they’ll link with Brighton forever more. And that makes me proud.
Oh god it’s seen me!
Seagulls are such a menace in Brighton there are shops which carry warnings about them. There’s a lovely little pasty and cake shop here (literally the Cornish Pasty Shop, on Gardner Street if you’re interested) which wheels a cart out in the summer with a big sign on it that reads: We are not responsible for the Seagulls. It always makes me giggle, not least because I wonder how many times people complained before it got to that – a sign being made. “That bloody seagull pinched my cake!” “Oh, well, I’m sorry madam but they’re nothing to do with us.”
I had foolishly started to think I’d gotten the measure of them, the seagulls, like I carried some kind of Brighton membership card which said “oh he’s alright lads leave him alone”. Until a seagull landed on my head. I wasn’t even waving my, um, falafel wrap around. I had it well guarded, low and close to my body when all of a sudden I heard a flapping behind me and felt webbed feet on my head and, well, I don’t mind telling you I didn’t keep my cool as I hoped I would. And that, a day after being dive-bombed by a seagull in the same spot. I bet it was the same one. Maybe it was new to town, didn’t know me.
Oh shit! Is it coming over? It doesn’t look happy.
Not long after, I turned down a side street on my way home one night and standing on top of a car were two seagulls, looking at me. They’re quite big, you know, up close, and they’ve got this wide-eyed, unhinged stare, and a little red smear on their sharp beaks I always thought was ketchup until I thought ‘how come all of the seagulls in Brighton have ketchup on their beaks?’ and realised I’d been a bit slow.
Anyway, I was a bit rattled, and I swear that as I walked down the street, they began shuffling towards me, eyeing me like they were going to come for me. And I actually thought, ‘Oh christ what am I going to do if they do? Punch them? Can I punch a seagull?’ Fortunately at that moment a car turned down the street and scared them off. I tell you, I don’t know how toddlers do it, chase after them in the park – they’re far braver than me. Even my cat doesn’t fancy it when they land out front.
It is isn’t it? It’s coming!
Of course above, when I joked about the cake shop saying “they’re nothing to do with us”, I was telling a fib. Gulls – particularly herring gulls as they’re officially known (although I’m sure I’ve seen some of the rarer yellow-legged gulls here too) – have everything to do with us. They don’t even take to the sea any more. They eat our food and feed on our waste. They’ve adapted so well they simply moved in. Brighton council now issues big wheelie bins to houses so no bin bags are left exposed on the streets, because if they are, they’ll be torn to shreds and all the chicken bones and sorry contents of what we eat flung everywhere. I doubt seagulls would bother with places like Brighton if we didn’t have so much readily available food here. Oblivious scoffers on the beach must look like some kind of slow-moving sushi conveyor belt to seagulls, they’re such rich pickings.
But to read juicy headlines about councils being at ‘war’ with the birds, and to imagine these places being in a kind of perpetual avian Blitz, is to get a skewed image of how things really are, because the truth is, these birds are apparently endangered. Herring gulls are on the RSPB red list, and that’s as serious as it gets.
Oh man oh man look the other way, act normal.
So yes, they’re a nuisance but they’re our nuisance, and they’re part of the character of the city. We even have a football club which made a mascot of them, and there’s something strikingly poetic about being in the stands at the Albion, belting out “seeeeeeagullllls, seeeeeeagullllls” and seeing the birds themselves circling above.
Try as I might to dislike them, then, I can’t. They’re magnificent beasts. Stand within arm’s reach of one gliding on the air currents off Brighton’s pier (the one that isn’t a wreck, obviously) and you’ll see what I mean. Huge, snowy-white birds in full motion, probably picking their dinner from down below. I smile when I walk past one perched on a garden post and how it doesn’t bother to move for me because why should it? It lives here too.
Oh christ thank god for that.
I particularly loved an exhibition here a few years ago by a photographer who watched and captured Brighton’s seagulls in all their menacing majesty, pinching chips while hapless victims looked the other way. But one shot in particular stood out: it was a seagull lit by a beam of golden evening light, creating a huge, grotesque shadow on the wall behind. It looked like something out of a horror film.
I find myself wondering about these villains, the seagulls, and about what it’s like to be them. The attraction of flying is obvious but what about the societies they live in? What are they saying when they throw their heads back and bark? How do they divvy up their turf? What’s their relationship like with the local pigeons? And why do their poos have to be so big they feel like someone’s thrown a pebble at you when they hit?
We’ve had the Untitled Goose Game about terrorising a farmer, now it’s time to spread our wings and widen it to terrorising a whole city. Seeeeeeeagulls.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/someone-should-make-a-game-about-seagulls-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=someone-should-make-a-game-about-seagulls-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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actutrends · 5 years
The DeanBeat: My favorite games of 2019
Games grew to a $148.8 billion market in 2019, up 9.6% from 2018 and reaching over 2.5 billion people across the globe. Console games, the lion’s share of the industry a decade earlier, were smaller than mobile games in 2019, a continuation of a multi-year trend, according to research firm Newzoo.
We watched the further growth of esports and game watching expand this year, and we saw the introduction of subscription gaming for Apple Arcade, Google Play, and Google Stadia’s cloud gaming service. Hyper-casual mobile games that last 30 seconds emerged, but big mobile titles like Call of Duty: Mobile emerged to hold their own against the nanosecond attention spans.
I didn’t think we could match last year’s brilliant titles such as Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War, and Marvel’s Spider-Man. For me, last year was the triumph of traditional narrative triple-A games that blended open worlds with deep narratives.
But the highest end of the industry didn’t rest on its laurels in 2019. As usual, I didn’t have enough time to play it all. But I enjoyed everything across the board, from Sandbox VR’s Star Trek: Discovery — Away Mission virtual reality experience to episodic games like Life is Strange 2 to mobile titles like Call of Duty: Mobile and Apple Arcade’s Where Cards Fall. I re-engaged with favorite maps from years past in Call of Duty: Mobile and plunged into battle royale maps with squadmates in the multiplayer action of Apex Legends. And I was scared out of my wits playing titles like The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan.
It felt like I had less time to explore indie experiences that my peers played, so I wasn’t the first to stumble on titles like Untitled Goose Game. But I enjoyed delving into my own passions, such as the World War II real-time strategy game Steel Battalion 2 from Eugen Systems, where I could zoom in on a single tank in a battle or pan out to see an entire division marching across the Russian landscapes. Toward the end of the year, I rushed to finish titles such as Remedy’s Control and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
For the sake of comparison, here are my favorites from 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011. In each story below, the links go to our full reviews or major stories about the games. And be sure to check out the GamesBeat staff’s own votes for Game of the Year and the best individual favorites of the staff soon.
Check out our Reviews Vault for past game reviews.
10) Sayonara Wild Hearts
Above: Sayonara Wild Hearts takes you on an impossibly fast ride.
Image Credit: Annapurna
Developer: Simogo Publisher: Annapuana Interactive, iam8bit Platforms: Apple Arcade/iOS, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows, MacOS, tvOS
I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this dream-like game, as music games don’t usually get me dancing. But Sayonara Wild Hearts has an artsy combination of dance-fighting, pop music, and high-speed motorcycle chases that clicked for me. I played it on an iPhone with Apple Arcade‘s $5 a month subscription platform, and I used a Rotor Riot wired game controller to play it rather than brave the untrustworthy touchscreen. You can also play it on an iPad or Apple TV.
It’s a high-adrenaline game where you tap, jump, and maneuver to collect little hearts in a beautiful neon-and-black landscape. And it isn’t that long with 23 levels. The neon-on-black art is beautiful. It’s hard to believe a small game studio put it together, because the art is so well-crafted. There isn’t much of a story, but the developers tell you what you need to know.
In Sayonara Wild Hearts, you play as a young woman who suffers a heartbreak. A tarot card pops up and dubs her The Fool, transporting her into an alternate universe. She sets out to restore the harmony of the universe hidden away in the hearts of her enemies. As you take control of The Fool, you speed along on a motorcycle within a tunnel-like view of the horizon.
The fusion of music and gameplay reminds me of music games like Rez from 2001 or that wacky and artistic “Take On Me” music video by A-Ha in 1985. The gameplay in Sayonara Wild Hearts seems impossible, and it takes a lot of skill to avoid crashing. But it’s whimsical and forgiving at the same time, as you can start up right where you crashed to try again. I thought songs like Begin Again were catchy and hard to get out of my head. I’m not going to say that this was far better than many of the triple-A games that debuted this year, but this is my nod in the direction of creativity, fun, and the indie spirit on mobile devices.
9) Rage 2
Above: Rage 2 couldn’t fight the dying of the light.
Image Credit: Bethesda
Developer: Avalanche Studios and id Software Publisher: Bethesda Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows
When id Software’s Tim Willits visited Avalanche Studios in Stockholm, he told his new compadres to ignore constraints. “When I met with the team in Stockholm on the whiteboard, “More crazy than Rage” That was the first pillar of this game,” Willits said.
And he got what he asked for. Rage 2 didn’t get the best reviews, but I thought it was underrated, as I played it through the end of the single-player campaign and played a lot of silly side missions as well. Rage 2 had a lot of environments, ranging from the Mad Max-style desert to jungles and cities. The script was a bit weak, but the enemies were tough and the weapons were glorious. The “nanotrite” capabilities that you discovered along the way are critical to defeating the biggest bosses. The art style was absolutely wild, with plenty of bright pink and yellow colors splashed across the punk habitats. And I enjoyed reuniting with my old friend, the Wingstick, which is like a boomerang that could slice an enemy’s head off.
If it had flaws, it was that it wasn’t Red Dead Redemption 2. It often littered the landscape with side missions and enemies to kill, to no purpose. You could get damaged on your way to an important mission, and then have to figure out a way to recover. It’s good if you stayed on track, built your capabilities up, and stuck to the good stuff.
The final part of the game lasted a lot longer for me because I had trouble taking down General Cross, the bad guy, and his pet monster. But to me, it was a thrill when I finally succeeded.
8) Days Gone
Above: A horde of Freakers chases Deacon St. John in Days Gone.
Image Credit: Sony
Developer: Sony Bend Studio Publisher: Sony Platforms: PlayStation 4
The amazing success of its first Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) hampered this game, as did a couple of years of delays. By the time it came out, many were sick of it, and it suffered from having some of the worst bugs I’ve ever seen in a triple-A game. Others wrong wrote it off as a copycat of The Walking Dead, World War Z, and The Last of Us.
But I admired Sony’s guts in standing by Bend Studio, and I stuck by it too as my colleagues ragged on it. I played it for perhaps 50 hours over several weeks, and I was quite possibly the last critic to review the game. I rated it only as a 75, because of the bugs. But without them, it would have been more like a 90, based on the quality of its story and the thrill of fighting the hordes of zombies, or Freakers.
I was drawn to the story of Deacon St. John, a bounty hunter in the Oregon woods and a broken man in a fallen world. He had a death wish and could ride a motorcycle through a horde of zombies just to get them to chase him. But Bend Studio delivered on the big scene where a few hundred zombies chased the biker through an abandoned lumber mill. It was a thrill to figure out how to beat that challenge, and I was hooked on the story of how Deacon was haunted by the memory of his lost love Sarah.
The adventure took me across the beautiful Oregon landscape into horrifying creature battles, motorcycle chases, infected crows, memorable horde battles, stealth missions tracking the secretive government agency, and just plain-old surviving in the wilderness. It was kind of an art to orchestrate your escape from several hundred Freakers. And it was good to see Deacon change and become the person that Sarah would have wanted him to be.
7) Steel Division 2
Above: Your forces appear as icons when you zoom out in Steel Division 2.
Image Credit: Eugen Systems
Developer: Eugen Systems Publisher: Eugen Systems Platforms: Windows 
There are no Metacritic reviews for Steel Battalion 2. I may have been the only one who played it. But I saw the game being played on YouTube by some dedicated influencers with tiny audiences. And I was fascinated. I’ve been playing the Total War series of real-time strategy games since they first debuted more than 15 years ago, and I played Total War: Attila for hundreds of hours in 2015.
And I was glad to pour scores of hours into it this summer into Eugen Systems’ real-time strategy World War II games, which are a niche within a niche. It dwells on a bit of war history I didn’t know much about, Operation Bagration. It was the Soviet Union’s huge summer offensive in Belarus to take back big chunks of Eastern Europe from the Nazis, as the Allied invasion of Normandy was gathering steam in 1944. It was a massive set of tank, infantry, and air battles that left the German Wehrmacht in full retreat on the Eastern Front.
It has a steep learning curve. The game has more than 600 historically accurate units, 18 divisions, and an astounding level of detail in its graphics. You can focus in on an individual scene, such as above, or zoom out to get a birds’ eye view of an entire battle with thousands of soldiers. Your job as general is to constantly feed the right kind of troops into the fray to make the enemy’s forces melt away from you. This is easier said than done, as you can dislodge well-trained enemy squads from a forest trench, even if you’ve got superior armor. The enemy AI is smart, taking out your anti-tank guns on a hill with artillery or air power.
I lost dozens of skirmish matches against the AI before I figured out how to win. On top of the tactical battles, I also got hooked on the Army General mode, where you moved around divisions like chess pieces on a map. But you can still choose to play those huge campaigns, one tactical battle at a time. That’s what is amazing about the title.
6) Gears of War 5
Above: Kait gets here close-up.
Image Credit: Microsoft
Developer: The Coalition Publisher: Microsoft Platforms: Windows, Xbox One
Coalition head Rod Fergusson humbly said that Gears 5 was the best entry yet in the Gears saga. And he wasn’t making that up. I was gratified to see the developer get the balance right when it came to creating a wild action game with an emotional story with strong characters such as the hero, Kait Diaz.
Gears 4 got pretty goofy at certain points in its narrative about the human race losing its battle for survival against the Swarm in a world gone mad. But this story balanced that goofiness that brought us chainsaw bayonets with the moments where you mourn the death of a lost friend. These are tough moments because the cast of characters has survived some very tough times, and they’re a close-knit group. When you rip a character out of that group, it leaves deep wounds.
The campaign’s longer than usual, and it features cool features such as a skiff that sails across both the desert and ice. shoot out the ice under the feet of the Scions, the heavy tank bosses that carry a heavy weapon and are often shielded from attack by flying drones. This was very different from past Gears games. I remember spending an hour battling a blind boss, slowly figuring out a kind of choreography to stay out of its way, replenish my ammo, grab new weapons, and spray it with the frosty freeze guns. The title also had some cool additions to multiplayer and co-op play.
Gears 5 delivers a sense that you’re losing a big war at the same time it delivers the blow of a personal loss. And it generates a resolve to hit back. I like how this team outgrew its urges to be goofy and shocking and instead opted for something closer to fine art.
The post The DeanBeat: My favorite games of 2019 appeared first on Actu Trends.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
DualShockers’ Favorite Games of 2019 — Rachael’s Top 10
December 31, 2019 4:00 PM EST
There were plenty of games of 2019 that I enjoyed immensely, but if I had to pick just 10, here were my favorites of the year.
As 2019 comes to a close, DualShockers and our staff are reflecting on this year’s batch of games and what were their personal highlights within the last year. Unlike the official Game of the Year 2019 awards for DualShockers, there are little-to-no-rules on our individual Top 10 posts. For instance, any game — not just 2019 releases — can be considered.
Here we are again at the end of another great gaming year. Even though we didn’t see as many huge titles like Red Dead Redemption 2, Marvel’s Spider-Man, or God of War as seen in 2018, my year has been packed full of some amazing titles regardless. Thankfully, I didn’t have to solely rely on AAA games to have a great gaming experience, as this year we saw many fantastic indies that included Untitled Goose Game, Outer Wilds, Lost Ember, My Friend Pedro, to name a few. This only goes to prove how far independent studios have come along, and how they have firmly made their mark within the gaming industry.
As a gamer, I’m very open to what I will play – which is probably a good thing in this business. As you’ll tell from my diverse list, I’m not afraid to jump into whatever piques my interest. That may be from the adorable and cutesy, to the dark and twisted underbelly of the video games universe. As much as I love experiencing all areas of gaming, there’s one factor that always calls me home, and that’s immersive storytelling. I don’t think there’s a feeling in the world like sitting back and getting completely lost within a world interwoven in an amazingly captivating narrative. Since the start of time, humans have used storytelling as a way to connect to others, to bring people closer together and how the world is right now, there couldn’t be a more apt time to continue this tradition in the games we play.
As we slide into 2020, I’m excited to uncover what’s in store for me – especially with my most anticipated game mere months away, The Last of Us Part II. But until then, allow me to share with you what has been my Top 10 games of 2019. Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy to narrow it down to just 10!
10. Sayonara Wild Hearts
Sayonara Wild Hearts is a beautifully crafted piece of kit. It oozes bags of appeal and a refreshing, upbeat soundtrack that accompanied the game’s style perfectly. Other than its eye-popping visuals, the underlying story of heartbreak made this short, heart-pumping title really stand out.
I played it all in one go from start to finish and since then, I’ve been recommending gamers to give this unique and worthwhile title a try. On a side note: Queen Latifah’s voice is the epitome of ASMR.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Sayonara Wild Hearts.
9. Divinity: Original Sin II
Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to play this game when it first released back in 2017 but when I saw that it was releasing on the Nintendo Switch, I knew that I had to play it. Divinity: Original Sin II is acclaimed to be one of the best western-style RPGs ever made, with stellar writing, voice acting, and brilliantly crafted tactical combat, and I couldn’t agree more.
The Switch’s small screen in handheld mode is perfect to get up close and personal with the bucket loads of action and endless, compelling dialogue. Divinity: Original Sin II’s emotion-wrought fantasy world really does make it one of the finest RPG games of recent years.
Check out DualShockers‘ review forDivinity: Original Sin II on Nintendo Switch.
8. Mosaic
Over the past few years, I’ve seen a rise in talking about mental health in video games. I love that we are now more open and free to discuss these issues that affect so many of us, and that developers are willing to take this on and adapt it to their games.
Mosaic offers a painstakingly realistic look under the heavy covers of depression and burnout in the workplace. I applaud that Krillbite Studio made no apologizes as they dove head-on in tackling these difficult subjects in Mosaic. Its cruelly dark and, at times, hard to play because of how authentic the main character plays out his troubles. But this is, in my opinion, when you know you’ve made a great game; when the player feels what you’re portraying.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Mosaic (by me!).
7. Planet Zoo
When it comes to management sims, I tend to get a little overwhelmed with how much you have to do. You almost have to divide yourself into a million pieces to just stay afloat, but thankfully Planet Zoo offered much more manageable gameplay that I thoroughly enjoyed.
With its plentiful tutorials and smart UI, I spent hours taking care of all the zoo’s creatures, and who doesn’t want to care for a baby lion cub? Frontier Developments also tackled important educational and conservation topics throughout, which gave me bags of insight into each species. If you’re looking for a management sim that won’t take hours just to know what you’re supposed to be doing or kill every brain cell due to an overload of tasks, Planet Zoo may be the one for you.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Planet Zoo by me, again.
6. My Friend Pedro
My Friend Pedro made me feel like I was actually really good at games. It made me feel like Neo from The Matrix with its slow-motion gunplay and super crazy stunts that offered one hell of an adrenaline-filled ride.
From barrel riding to swinging off chains to achieve the ultimate stunt-shot, My Friend Pedro provided me hours of entertainment. I was a bad-ass ninja on a skateboard with a talking banana; what’s not to love?
Check out DualShockers’ review for My Friend Pedro.
5. Life is Strange 2
This tale of brotherly love between Sean and Daniel Diaz begins as they try and flee America to start a new life in Mexico, and it hooked me from the get-go. Sure, it was a little slow in the beginning but it soon picked up steam and turned into a goldmine of storytelling.
What I appreciated most about Life is Strange 2 is how deeply it resonated with me in how well it addressed a lot of the current political and social issues we see in America today. Dontnod Entertainment obviously went to great lengths to make the player feel and care about what happened to these brothers, and for that, they have my respect. I’m really looking forward to knowing more about their next game, Tell Me Why – my guess is that it will be another emotionally hard-hitting adventure, and I’m totally here for that.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for the first episode of Life is Strange 2.
4. Concrete Genie
What can I say about this wholesome and charming game? I feel like it would be better to take my heart out and let it tell you, because that’s where I’ve stored everything that has touched me from this beautiful title. Concrete Genie throws you into the shoes of Ash, a young sensitive boy you loves to paint. When his town gets consumed by a dark, negative force coupled with some bullies set to make his life harder, Ash goes on an adventure where he meets the most adorable genies and together, they right so many wrongs.
Just before playing this game, I was going through a rough patch in life, so jumping into this adorably endearing title made that period much more bearable – I honestly couldn’t stop smiling throughout my entire time playing it. If you’re looking for something that will lift your spirits throughout these winter months, consider Concrete Genie. I dare you not to fall in love with Luna.
3. Luigi’s Mansion 3
I sometimes tend to lean towards games that are pretty dark and sinister, but as you can start to tell from this list – I’m trying to change that. In freshening up my game playing habits more, I found myself wanting to give Luigi’s Mansion 3 on the Nintendo Switch a shot and boy, am I thankful that I gave this game a chance.
There’s so much to love in the third installment of the adventure series that lets Mario’s chicken-livered twin Luigi take control. The graphics in Luigi’s Mansion 3 are a kaleidoscope of beauty that pops straight from the beginning, and in my opinion, the best graphics currently on the Nintendo Switch. Coupled with impressive animation, fun levels, and acute attention to detail, this game was an absolute pleasure to play. I honestly have never had so much fun hoovering in all my life – just ask Chrissy Teigen.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Luigi’s Mansion 3.
2. A Plague Tale: Innocence
In case you didn’t know this about me, I love games where I must fight to stay alive, so here I am again getting sucked into a world where I have to go head-to-head with forces that wants me dead – sounds charming doesn’t it? This time I’m running from rats in this deeply somber tale of the evil that scurries in the dark, and it’s not just the rats, FYI.
What I loved most about A Plague Tale is the narrative between the two siblings, Amicia and Hugo de Rune, who are thrown into a dangerous world where all they have are each other to rely on. Amicia, who constantly has to reassure her little brother Hugo, and Hugo constantly asking a barrage of questions is so life-like that you almost forget you’re playing a video game due to how well Asobo Studio cultivated the relationship between them both. A Plague Tale: Innocence will propel you into a broken and terrifying world, but also remind you that beneath the cruelty of its environment, a deeply set unconditional love story between a brother and sister waits to be uncovered.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for A Plague Tale: Innocence by yours truly.
1. Days Gone
From its very first reveal at Sony’s E3 2016 panel, Days Gone had me hook, line and sinker. As I’ve already stated, there’s something immediately appealing to me about apocalyptic survival games, (hello, The Last of Us). Whether it’s a metaphor from my own internal struggles, I’m not sure, but what I do know is that trying to stay alive in a world that wants to swallow you whole captivates me on a whole other level.
Days Gone has a meaningful and varied narrative with just the right amount of pain, hope, and unexpected surprises to keep you glued to your seat the entire ride. Bend Studio crafted something personal and unique to them where they invited players to enter this world with an open heart and a little patience, where only then would your gaming experience really pay off in this stellar title.
The story is rich and meaty with a wide array of diverse characters you meet on your journey around Oregon’s beautiful landscapes, with countless areas you can interact with and explore. I’ve even found myself mindlessly riding my drifter bike for hours from one end of the map to the other, merely to soak in the scenery – the lakes, mountains, and forests are breathtakingly beautiful that I’ve already filled up a lot of space on my PS4 with the games built-in photo mode. Hats off to Bend Studio on this epic adventure; I can’t wait to experience what’s next from the studio.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Days Gone by – yep you’ve guessed it.
Before you leave, I’d like to share some Honorable Mentions that didn’t quite make my top 10:
Untitled Goose Game – What a cute little asshole.
Disco Elysium – I haven’t yet finished this game but so far, I’m finding it really enjoyable with a cracking narrative.
Hearthstone – I finally dove into this online digital collectible card game at the start of 2019 and in my opinion, it’s the best card game out there.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer: this is where I go to release some pent up frustration. There’s nothing quite like finding unique ways to kill strangers online.
Death Stranding – I’m still peeing and pooping my way around this strange world. It may or may not fall into my Top 10 in 2020, but as of right now, it’s unsettling and addictive for reasons that are beyond my comprehension at present.
Check out the rest of the DualShockers staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 23: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2019 December 25: Lou Contaldi, Editor-in-Chief // Logan Moore, Managing Editor December 26: Tomas Franzese, News Editor // Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor  December 27: Mike Long, Community Manager // Scott White, Staff Writer December 28: Chris Compendio, Contributor // Mario Rivera, Video Manager // Kris Cornelisse, Staff Writer December 29: Scott Meaney, Community Director // Allisa James, Senior Staff Writer // Ben Bayliss, Senior Staff Writer December 30: Cameron Hawkins, Staff Writer // David Gill, Senior Staff Writer // Portia Lightfoot, Contributor December 31: Iyane Agossah, Senior Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Senior Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Contributor January 1: Ricky Frech, Senior Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer
December 31, 2019 4:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-rachaels-top-10/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-rachaels-top-10
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