#god i forget how to tag pls look away this is such a mess
gxdsfavgal · 2 years
I don’t really like you
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!Agro!reader
Warning: angst, mentions of death, arguments, teasing, making out, early start of smut, almost getting caught, there will be a part 2 (smut), very scrambled writing, not edited
A/N: reader has agrokinesis which is the power to control/manipulate plants/earth stuff lol… also pls comment if you want to be tagged in part 2
Update: part 2 here!
Wednesday is finally enrolled at Nevermore after years of trying to convince her. I’ve known her since we were little, we had our own little trio whenever our parents would have dinners. It was always Wednesday, Xavier, and I, and occasionally Pugsley.
Our parents all met at Nevermore, all of them part of the Nightshades. Of course, we had to follow in their footsteps.
The news spread fast around campus, talking about what she did at her other schools. I saw her with Enid while having a tour of the school.
“Wednesday!” I hollered from the door I was leaning against.
She quickly turned around and with a confused and pale face, her eyes widened.
I walked up to her with open arms, I knew she wouldn’t give into the hug but it was worth a try.
“Y/n.” she sent a quickly smirk as we nodded to each other.
“You two know each other?” Enid cocked her head.
“Since diapers.” Wednesday spoke with her monotone voice as the three of us walked around the courtyard.
“Yeah Wednesday, Xavier, and I.” I muttered out.
“Wait. You mean to tell me that you and Xavier used to be friends?” Enid threw her hands in the air as she spoke loud.
“Enid, shut up.” I was quick to cover her mouth with my hand. I looked around the courtyard to see if anyone heard, and of course Xavier was looking right as us.
“You aren’t friends with Xavier anymore?” Wednesday asked.
“They’re always argu-”3
“Enid. I don't want to talk about it. It was nice seeing you Wednesday.” I sent her and Enid a small smile before walking away.
It’s been a few days since Wednesday arrived, she’s always getting in trouble. Though, last night she decided to do her own little tour of the school.
“What did you tell Wednesday?” Xavier stopped me while I was on my way to my dorm.
“That she can sneak into the kitchen pantry and steal snacks?” I questioned, trying to swerve away from him to get to my room.
He followed behind me heading up to the girls corridors.
“What? No. You told her about what happened that night.” his big eyes showed that he wasn’t messing around.
“I literally didn’t tell her anything, I erased that night from my mind.” I pointed to my temple. “Probably should’ve asked one of the sirens to make me forget.”
I shoved past him and continued walking down the long hallway to my room, his heavy steps close behind mine.
Once I opened my door, I tried to close it as fast as possible but he slid through.
“God can you leave me alone?” I groaned loudly, throwing my book bag onto my bed.
“How does she know about the Nightshade library and what happened that night?” he asked towering over me.
“Xavier, I don’t fucking know how she knows!” I threw my hands in the air in annoyance. “Why do you care about her knowing?”
“Fuck. I don’t care about her knowing, it’s about the elder Nightshades knowing! About our families knowing!” he was close to be now, his neck turning red from his anger.
“You did this to yourself. I told all of you he didn’t seem like himself, you knew since you were his roommate. I told you guys not to kick him out, plus you let them embarrass me. I haven’t even told my family that i’m not a Nightshade anymore.”
“You got yourself kicked out, you thought you could help Rowan with your plants. He almost killed that kid.” he waved his hand around signaling all my plants.
“I saved that normie with my plants, don’t forget that. If it wasn’t for me, we’d all be wanted by the normies. You’re part of the reason he’s dead. And don’t even deny it, you know that wasn’t him after the fair.” that shut him up quick, he knows i’m right.
He shook his head and made his way to my door. “Wednesday declined the offer.”
“Good. We don’t need anymore egotistic skinny dippers here.”
Then he was gone. My heart was racing. I haven’t talked to Xavier in a few months, and I definitely didn’t expect the first time to be an argument.
I heard a knock at my window, it possibly could just be the old welding creaking. It’s midnight, who would be outside my window at midnight?
knock knock.
I quickly and quietly wrapped myself in my blanket and nervously walked towards the window. I opened it and looked around to see who was there, nobody. 
I was about to close my window until I saw a blur in my peripheral vision. It was Thing, giving some sassy attitude because I couldn't see him.
“What?” I whispered to him, rubbing my tired eyes.
He started signing to me, telling me things with his fingers.
“Slow down. Wednesday? What? She needs me to- stop.” I quietly barked at him.
“Why does she need me to go into the Nightshade library if she has total access?” 
He began to sign again, having a slight attitude with the way he moved.
“Fine. But make sure to tell her to stay out of trouble if she’s one strike away from getting expelled, and that she owes me.” 
He understood and nodded then made his way out of the window.
I quickly put on my hoodie and grabbed my phone before sneaking out of my dorm. The corridors were dim and quiet as I crept down to the Poe statue.
I stood in front of the old statue and held my hand up. "snap twice." I breathed out.
My thumb and middle finger rubbed against each other quickly, letting out those two snaps. The statue grinding against the concrete floor, opening and revealing the stairs to the secret library.
I walked down the cobwebbed filled stairs, shivering from the cold of the lower level.
I reached the library, walking over to see the picture of my parents hanging up on the wall. The Addams and Thorpe family next to my parents frame.
“What are you doing here?”
My hand shot up and clenched into a fist to conjure a strong vine to grab the owner of the voice. I tightened my fist to make sure the vines were tight and strong. 
I turned around and saw my vines holding down the hands of Xavier. I loudly sighed and rolled my eyes knowing that he’s in my way again.
“Let me go.” he struggled against the vines. His white shirt loose on him as his sweatpants were tied.
“Why would you creep up on me?” I jerked my head forward, my hand unclenching to release him.
“Why are you here?” he rubbed at his wrists.
I ignored him and moved towards the large shelf of books. My fingers dragged along the dusty spines of the book, trying to find the book.
“You shouldn’t be here.” he followed behind me with every step I took, so close that I can feel his breath on my hair.
“I can be here if I want to.” I turned to face him but he bumped into my chest from the quick halt. “But don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair soon.”
I have a sarcastic smile and turned back to looking for the book that Wednesday needed.
“But to answer your question, I’m here for Wednesday.” I crouched down to the books on the lower shelf.
“Why couldn’t she come here herself?” he asked, leaning against the bookshelf as he looked down at me.
“Why are you here?” I looked up at him. Looking up at him from this angle brought thoughts in my mind that I didn’t need.
“Im actually a Nightshade, you on the other hand aren’t.” his arms crossed over his chest.
I quickly stood up to face him, he towered over me. I looked up at him, his nose flaring a tad as we had a stare off while we were merely an inch apart from each other.
He was the first one to look away, rolling his eyes and turning his head. I turned around and started looking for the book again. 
“Are you going to help me look or just keep breathing down my back?” I asked him with a playful tone.
He put his arms up in surrender, walking away to the desk where his things were set up. He sat on the chair and continued his sketch.
“Fucking finally!” I sighed out as I grabbed the needed book from the shelf and held it against my chest.
I walked over to Xavier, standing behind him as I watched his fingers smudge the led of the pencil. I couldn’t really tell what he was drawing, it was unfinished and his hand was covering most of it.
“Are you going to leave or just keep breathing down my back?” he continued drawing, not even turning to look at me.
“Hmm I don't know. Maybe I like breathing down your neck, it seems like it gets you annoyed.” I had a small grin on my face. We used to have this type of playful banter before that traumatic night, I sort of miss it.
He scoffed and I just knew he rolled his eyes because he was annoyed of me.
I took another look at his drawing, this time I’m able to see the almost finished product. It looked so familiar, he added so much detail that I felt like I knew what it was.
“What is it?” I pointed to his paper.
He closed his sketchbook harshly and dropping his pencil onto the table. He leaned on his elbows on the table, just sitting there in silence probably thinking of ways to kill me because I was annoying him.
I began to turn on my heel and silently walk towards the stairs that I came down from earlier.
“Why do you think that wasn’t Rowan?” he blurted out. His body in the chair is turned to me as I turned back on my heel to face him.
“Why don’t you believe Wednesday?” I questioned against him.
“I asked a question first.” he tilted his head, motioning for my to tell him my thoughts.
I walked closer to him, setting down the book onto the table as I leaned my hip on the edge. I made sure to keep a distance from him.
“I stopped him on his way to the car and I gave him a bundle of lavender. He said that I always knew it was his favorite. Everyone knows he’s deathly allergic to lavender.” I crossed my arms over my chest with a huff. “Now, why don’t you believe Wednesday?”
Xavier rubbed a hand over his face. “Isn’t it weird that on her first couple of days she was almost killed by Rowan, then witnessed Rowans ‘murder’ and was supposedly saved by the monster?”
I shrugged my shoulders, basically telling him in makes sense.
“It doesn't line up.” 
I rolled my eyes at him which I received a scrunched up face from him. “I think you’re in denial of his death. You’re making up excuses. Just admit that I’m right.”
He scoffed louder this time, his fingers combing back his hair. The veins in his arm were prominent and his hands were always so nice and pampered.
He went to stand up and slowly reached to grab his sketch book, but I was quick enough to get ahold of it before him.
“Give it.” his voice had a hint of playfulness behind it, but his face didn't show any sign of a smile or smirk.
“C’mon, just admit it.. and apologize to me.” I conjured a vine to hold his book against the wall with thick trailings of the plant tight around it.
“Are you serious? It’s late” he rubbed at his eyes as he held out his hand waiting for me to give him his book back.
“You just have to do two things, it’s not hard.” I had a small cocky smile on my face.
“Fine.” he rolled his eyes.
I was nice enough to loosen my vines from his book that was up against the wall. My vines bringing his book to my hands.
I cocked my eyebrow telling him to carry on and say what is needed to be said.
“Rowan is dead, and that wasn’t the real Rowan.” one of his hands stayed in a fist at his side, while the other still was holding out waiting for his book to be laid flat on his palm.
I hummed as I began to flip through his sketches.
“Dude!” he jumped out to me but I was quick to pull back, still looking through the hundreds of sketches.
“Wow, you’re really into this whole monster thing huh?” I had a sarcastic shocked face.
I moved my body over to the desk where he sat earlier, leaning my thighs against it. My eyes scanned through the pages, looking at how intricate the detailing was.
“Stop.” I jumped at me again, my body leaning back onto the table as his chest was close to mine. I clicked my tongue at his failed attempt. “Just give it.” he breathed out as he was still an inch away.
My eyes drifted to his eyes. Fuck. Those green eyes tortured me, and those lips. I really shouldn’t be feeling this type of way.
“I’ll give it if you answer a question.” I sent him a smirk.
One side of his lips tilted up, but he tried to hide it by dragging hand down his face.
“Fine.” he huffed out.
“Have you ever drawn me?” I tilted my head to the side as I watched him think through his answer. 
I can tell by the way his mouth opens and closes that he doesn't know if he should say. I already know the answer.
“Tick tock.” I bopped my head side to side.
“Yes.” he muttered out.
A smile formed on my face as his cheeks began to blush.
“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. Can you say that again?” 
“Yes! Fuck, I’ve drawn you.” his hands frustratingly combed his hair back.
I flipped through his sketch book to find the page of a drawing of me. My eyes were drawn to be seductive, dark, and my lips more plump. On the other page is a drawing of me laying in bed but a chain dangling over my face. 
I looked up from the page to see the same dangling chain. I look further up and see Xaviers face red from embarrassment. 
“Look, you weren’t-” I nodded and closed the book, pushing it against his stomach telling him to grab it. 
His hand grabbed it the book but I didn't let go of the book, I pulled on the book and brought him close to me again. My brought my lips to his, dropping the book onto the table.
He pulled back from the kiss. “I thought you were weirded out.” He looked at me with wide confused eyes.
I dragged my hands up to the nape of his neck, my fingers lightly scratching his scalp.
“I like weird things.” I shrugged my shoulders and pulled him back down into a kiss.
His hands moved to my hips, pulling him into me and his fingers squeezing tightly. My hands gripping his hair as we breathed heavy and our tongues clashing.
Both of us moaning into each others mouth as he pulled himself between my legs, the many layers of clothing between us. 
We suddenly heard the heavy scratch of the statue moving and footsteps tapping against the stone. Xavier and I quickly separated from each other and stood apart as we waited to see who it was.
I quickly fixed my hair and clothes, and he did the same.
“Well hello Mister Thorpe and Miss l/n.” 
“Miss Weems.” we said in sync as we nodded to her.
“It is pretty late, so I suggest that the two of you get some rest.” the tall blonde stood with her arms ushering to the entrance as she stood in a silk grey robe and matching pajama pants.
“Will do Miss.” I sent her a smile as I grabbed the book that Wednesday needed as Xavier grabbed his sketchbook and pencils.
The two of us walked up the stairs with Weems following closely behind. 
“Goodnight you two.” Weems said quietly once we reached the hallway, she then made her way down the opposite way of our corridors.
“I still hate you.” I muttered to Xavier then turned my heel to the girls corridors.
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potential-fool · 2 years
Im having some serious simp hours so I am requesting a request
Valorant, Yoru, Chamber, Sova, reader who is absolutely in love with their voice. Could listen to them 10/10 all day every day! And dirty talk? Would do anything they ask ngl
Bonus points for mixing english and their native tongue
P.S. pls tag me or ill never find this amazing post T_T i beg thee
A/N: Omg this literally this. I like the way you think >:) I will be using google translate for some of the other languages so uh... apologies to any native speakers. ;-; also omg I was writing this and all I could think of was the song "Maria" from West Side Story ifykyk and final note, I ended up doing this in a fade tp black style since you didn't specify whether you wanted it to be smutty or not <3
Tags: Established relationship, GN reader, dirty talk, suggestive talking, denial, hurt comfort
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The Sound of Your Voice: Valorant x Reader
Yoru [Ryu Kiritani]
He's a simp, an egotistical one though he refuses to admit he's a simp
your voice though? Oh boy, that's when all bets are off
He wants to be the only one allowed to hear your voice
The two of you were out in the living area of the Valorant Protocol, you were leaned up against your boyfriend, it was a quiet day, a little blessing in disguise as most days were long and hectic. Today though, today was quiet, peaceful.
You hummed a small song, the gentle notes in your throat growing into soft lyrics that escaped your lips. You were too distracted by the lyrics to notice that Ryu had opened a gate in the direction of your shared room.
"あなたはとても美しいですね..." [You sound so beautiful]
You paused for a moment, looking up in the direction of your loved one.
"Ryuuuu you know I don't know what you're sayin'"
You huffed, making a pouty expression that melted away as he grabbed hold of you, taking you through the rift and pushing you onto the bed.
"You sound so beautiful my love~"
Yoru cooed in your ear, his voice dropping and making you feel all sorts of things.
"I bet you'd sound even better moaning my name~ 私の愛 ~" [My love]
You two had a fun night.
Chamber [Vincent Fabron]
This man. THIS MAN.
He will absolutely mess with you anywhere and everywhere
One of his favorite things about you is that small flustered sound you make whenever he teases you
That hitch in your breath? He LIVES for that shit
You and Chamber were under cover at a party, a masquerade to be specific. Entering the room shining with light you were on his arm, the place seemed to sparkle, the shining crystal chandeliers refracting the warm light onto the dance floor. You could see people eloquently swaying to the beat with their partner; the orchestra playing a tune you recognized as one you'd made the effort to learn, it is--partially--in Chamber's native language after all.
You looked up at him and god he was breathtaking, the perfectly tailored waistcoat was white with those beautiful magenta and gold accents. He Really did fit in with this high society stuff.
"Care of a dance mon cheri~?"
You extended a hand to him, bowing and flexing your knowledge of his language.
"Anything for you mon amor~"
He cooed, quietly aweing at your silky voice as he took your hand and stepped onto the dance floor, folding yourself into the others who were dancing. The singer on the mic let her voice fly through the space, catching the eye of your partner as the two of you glided across the floor.
"Hold me close and hold me fast The magic spell you cast This is la vie en rose~"
Your voice was a silky hum in his ears and god Chamber just melted, pulling you close and holding your waist gingerly as he let the song you sang ripple through him.
"My My~ mon cœur~"
He gave your hips a teasing squeeze, causing your breath to hitch just enough for Chamber to hear.
"Vince- Chamber-"
You were breathless, almost forgetting to use his call sign, you were on a mission after all
"Use your words mon amor~ You know how I love hearing you~"
Chamber teased you, though before you could react the song you danced to drew to a close and Vincent smiled, leaving you high and dry as he said:
"We're on a mission mon cheri~ We can finish this if you do a good job for me~"
Sova [Alexander (Sasha) Novikov]
Sova being the soft spoken man he is will happily let you fill any silence with your voice
While he may have grown to enjoy silence you were the exception, silence with you was like an unfinished song
Hearing you go on and on, he could listen to it for hours
You'd had a rough day, coming back from a particularly difficult mission. Difficult, though you found victory. You were exhausted, the moment you stepped off the carrier you went to go find your love; Sova.
You found success in your objective as you knocked on his bedroom door, it opened and he smiled a soft smile upon seeing you. His hair was a little frizzy and he was wearing a t-shirt and grey sweats. Reading your tired expression he pulled you close, rubbing your back and keeping you close.
"Care to shower with me милый?" (Darling)
You gave a small nod, and he guided you into the bathroom off to the side of his bedroom, you were eager to get out of your sweat and dirt covered clothes.
The two of you found yourself holding each other naked in the shower. This wasn't a lust filled event, rather one driven by love and care for the other. Sasha grabbed the soft sponge and rubbed it gently along your back, the newly formed bruises on you aching a bit, causing you to give a soft groan of pain.
"Apologies моя любовь" (my love)
You looked up at him, shaking your head softly
"It's alright Sasha... just hurts a bit.."
Sasha could tell that it wasn't just physical hurt, after all, Sage may have healed physical wounds but she couldn't heal mental wounds.
"Want to tell me about it when we get into bed?"
He asked, inviting you to speak your strife. To this you nodded, accepting his invitation, endlessly grateful one was extended to begin with. You honestly didn't know how he put up with you.
After you showered you pulled on one of Sasha's t-shirts and some panties before crawling into bed with your loved one. The moment of silence was broken by you beginning to speak to what was bothering you.
"...I just.. when does it end?... I'm so tired all the time, tired of fighting, I just want us to be normal. Is that so hard to ask?"
Your voice began to break, tears pricking your eyes and a empathetic look was in your boyfriends eyes.
"Oh my love... It's gonna get worse before it gets better.. and when this is all said and done, I swear to you we will have the life of your dreams..."
His voice trailed off, allowing room for your quiet sobs to fill the room, you cried for a good ten minutes before Sasha broke the silence.
"Rest now my dove.. I love to hear your voice, but not like this, don't waste your energy on tears. Rest, so you may be strong again tomorrow."
You sniffled, your tears beginning to dry as you nestled your head under his chin. A small 'I love you..' could be made out from the murmurs that escaped you.
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Ya know, I love the idea of dilf!Cove being a huge tease during edging, but I gots to know how he’s like when he’s feeling a little more desperate than usual. Like the tables have been turned on ol’ dilf daddi. Any HCs to grace us with 👀
this..i had thoughts abt him i buried n then i rmbred them n they ran w me n now we have this horny mess
tags : NSFW, gn reader, top/service bottom reader, bottom cove, i babygirled him a bit sorry guys 😋, ooc ofc bc DILF COVE., edging/overstim, this is just horny af ok lemme ALONE /lh
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no bc I was thinking abt this earlier n this is kinda dilf!cove (not yall breaking up though)
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he's desperate. he acts like he NEEDS some or he's gonna parish
if you ask, he'll beg like a dog for some ass, he rlly will
althoughhhh if we wanna talk abt that scenario....
you can expect some drunk/midnight calls from ex-husband/ex-bf dilf!cove... ANYWAY <33
imagine walking around in something sexy, or short or tight
he's in pieces, following you around n touching you, kissing you n telling you you look gorgeous in that outfit...
if you're teasing him, walking around the house or you're out on the town looking fine as fuck, he's either bricked up or he's like that damn meme, telling his dick to stay down 💀😂
but that's just one basic way to make him desperate
the best way to tease him n have him under your finger, is to edge him alllll day
morning? I'm torn between jerking him off while he sleeps, until he's dripping n twitching n his cock is flushed
also i love the idea of stuffing him with a dildo
or riding him, making yourself cum and pulling away just before he can finish
I think he'd fucking love that, his brain would turn to mush n go straight to his dick I know it 🤭🤭
this big, tired, sexy man with his ass up n stretched around a thick plastic dick
he'd look so pretty...
when he was younger, cove was so embarrassed to own or use monster dildos
but now? he has dildos with knots and ridges,tentacles, n tapered tips. even has one shaped like a dragon (yes im projecting, i wanna be him😩)
so imagine stuffing him w his favorite toy, the ridges drugging along his walls, the tip bumping against his prostate perfectly
and he's so blissed out, loving the stretch from the toy getting thicker at the base..
but then you slip a cockring over him n he whips his head around. he's torn between causing a stink n crying
oh god, imagine making him go about his day, unable to cum but the toy hitting all those delicious spots inside him
his legs are shaking the whole day, he'll fall to his knees tryna wash the dishes because you came up behind him,
n smacked his butt or purposefully thrusted your hips against his butt, the toy slamming against his g-spot..
please don't forget to pull him to the side, shove down his pants and jerk his cock until he's sloppy, tears on his lash line bc he can't cum w this damn ring on...
n pull away, wipe your hands on his shirt n tell him to clean up the pre he dropped...
definitely mutters n calls you mean
tries to grind against the seat/couch, palms his bulge through his jeans... but he can't finish
it's like you know when he's thinking abt taking the ring off n cumming bc then you're there, kissing him n asking him his color/safe word and telling him he's so good, n just a little more...
it makes him dizzy how much you're controlling his pleasure n he loves it
by the time you're ready to let him cum n stop teasing him, he's so easy to pull apart
he'll beg, claw at your clothes, n his legs are shaking n his pants are stained w pre..
when you finally pull the cockring off to let him cum,
doesn't matter if you jerk or suck him off or fuck him, he's so whiny n flushed n teary eyed n babbling
babbling abt how he wants to cum, begs you to fuck him n abt how good your feel n abt how deep you're hitting, or how warm your throat/hole is. you've broken him🤭
even after all that... he begs for more, he loves when you edge n use him like this<333
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someone pls come talk to me abt ex-husband dilf!cove i....i have thoughts n im open to maybe a lil toxic, definitely a lot horny ex-husband dilf!cove situationship ykw im sayin
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frogtanii · 4 years
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oh fuck, fuck, shit. this was not how things were supposed to go down.
what was supposed to happen, according to the magnificent imagination library of sugawara koushi (don’t judge him, he made the name when he was like 5), was that he’d get a little drunk after spa night and share his story with his newfound friends. he was hoping for a maybe a few hugs, no words of pity and, once again if he was lucky, a seat beside you while you watched some sappy lighthearted comedy to get his mind off of the whole situation.
what suga got instead, however, was an increasingly pissed you, ready to pounce on meiko the second you got. he couldn’t pretend that your reaction wasn’t incredibly endearing, especially since he’d never seen you get this angry in all the time he’s known you, but koushi couldn’t help but worry that after this... everyone would know.
so he raced after you down the hall, until you burst into meiko’s room with the rest of the group hot on your heels.
meiko looked up from rummaging through her bags, startled, while iwaizumi immediately jumped to her defense. you were not deterred, peering around him with such fire in your eyes that not even meiko was immune.
sugawara was actually rather impressed with the stoicism you held even when you stood face to face with iwaizumi’s biceps.
god, those arms.
“meiko, you fucking bitch,” you muttered, lowly and under your breath. the gasp meiko let out was absolutely scandalized as iwaizumi pressed himself closer to you.
“hey, don’t you dare talk to her that way,” iwa expressed, instantly drawing your attention. suga didn’t even pretend to hide the gasp that escaped his throat as he watched your eyes turn even more steely and cold.
he’d hate to be on the receiving end of your empty gaze.
“get the fuck out of my way,” your smaller hand found its way to the center of iwaizumi’s broad chest and pushed.
faintly, over the sound of blood rushing in his ears, koushi could hear atsumu yell something along the lines of get em angel! but his eyes were utterly stuck on you fiery form.
your own eyes remained focused on meiko who was now cowering behind iwaizumi’s back but for the first time ever she actually looked... scared?
koushi felt something alight in stomach (rage? hurt?) as he watched the woman who’d unapologetically taken something he’d never ever get back with no remorse, look fucking scared.
of course she would have the audacity to be afraid in the eyes of pain and not her horribly absent morality.
fucking hell. she was so going to get what was coming for her.
koushi let a manic grin grow on his face as he watched you shove iwaizumi harder to finally, finally, get your hands on the woman who’d destroyed his life.
when hajime tried to get back between you and meiko, bokuto, atsumu, and sakusa stepped up to keep him away. suga suddenly felt two solid presences appear at his sides, a quick glance out of the corners of his eyes informing him it was kuroo and kenma beside him.
“do you wanna leave?” kuroo leant down to whisper, his deep voice vibrating at the shell of suga’s ear. koushi absentmindedly shook his head no, brown orbs watching as you whispered something in meiko’s ear, her eyes immediately going wide in shock.
god, he wished he was right there next to you, listening to every piece of bullshit meiko spat out of her mouth and from the looks of it, it was a ton.
kuroo and kenma began to speak over suga but he was too occupied with you — you looked so powerful and in control as you stood over meiko, saying something else that he couldn’t hear but whatever it was, it must’ve upset meiko because her face twisted from afraid to fucking pissed.
he couldn’t do anything but watch in slow motion as meiko’s hand flew up and slapped you square across the face.
the room fell silent as everyone looked on in utter shock. (un)surprisingly, you weren’t startled at all — you actually looked pleased as you touched your cheek gently as though you were surprised it even hurt.
koushi’s theory was then proved correctly as your voice rang out through the silent room. “wow. that actually kind of stung.” kenma snorted next to him at your nonchalance as another wave of admiration overtook him.
suga knew he must have been looking pretty enamored by you but it was only amplified as the whole house watched your hand fly down into meiko’s face, slapping her at least twice as hard.
now, kenma straight up cackled as you and meiko fell into an all out fight where you clearly had the upper hand.
behind your little defense squad, iwaizumi attempted to fight past the wall of strong men to get to meiko, but there was no way he could get past bokuto’s arms that were big enough to rival his.
unfortunately for suga (and kenma who was having the time of his life), all the noise from the thrashing and screaming (coming mostly from meiko) had attracted quite the crowd. daichi and osamu immediately rushed to yank you off of meiko who was now lying on the ground yelling and sobbing.
she was an absolute wreck, her mascara smeared across her face, extensions pulled every which way and a bright red handprint plastered on her left cheek as a black eye seemed to be coming in on the same side.
you, on the other hand, whilst being dragged away by osamu and daichi, looked absolutely stunning.
your hair was a mess, blood was running from your nose down your to your chin, and you had a feral grin spread across your face but even still, to suga, you’d never looked more beautiful.
at first, koushi thought it was because he had a minor blood kink (don’t ask) but after more thought, he discovered that it was more than likely due to the fact that you had physically fought for him.
you’d decided, on some merits unknown to him, that he was worth getting bitchslapped for and that meant more to him than you could ever know.
“hey,” kenma’s soft voice shook him out of his thoughts as he gently led him out of the room. “they’re putting yn in her room so we’re gonna go there, ok?”
koushi thinks that kenma could’ve led him straight into a pit of lava if that’s where you were. he just desperately needed to see you, to thank you for what you’d done for him.
suga needed to prove to you that your bloody nose wasn’t in vain — that he was somehow worth fighting for.
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℗ poker face
a boy worth fighting for
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an - ahaha get the mulan reference?? wow m so funny ALOS this chapter sucks ass cs i’m so bad at writing fighting (&& it’s 1a m so tired) lmao pls just take this w a grain of salt ;-; don’t forget to feed me <3
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rrazor · 3 years
hq boys post wisdom teeth extraction
tags: fluff, soft boyfies lol
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kuroo tetsurou wakes up and immediately the first thing he tells the professionals around him is that he wants to see his girlfriend because he knows you’re waiting for him and “i love her so much 🥺🥰" he says it a few more times and everyone laughs at how doped up he is both from the drugs and you. when you walk in to take notes on how to take care of him afterwards, he just stares at you as he holds you hand with the SOFTEST LOOK on his face like 🥺😍☺️❤️💕💖💝🥺🥰💖💝☺️
tetsu cannot stop looking at you and u almost have to plead with him to watch where’s he walking like tetsu pls we don’t wanna have to come back to get your front teeth done sweetie 🅱️lease!!!!!! other than that he is pretty easy to reason with it as long as you promise to kiss every part of his face once in a particular order and if u mess up, unfortunately, you’ll just have to start over again sigh it makes his heart go 💥💥💥
bokuto kuroo offers to drive him back home and brings you along to support and comfort him. he helps kou get into the back with you but he refuses and goes “kuroooooo, she’s too pretty, I dun wanna sit next to her ☹️” LMFAO kuroo rolls his eyes and just sits him down and buckles him in despite his protests HA
kou is super nervous and keeps looking over you when he thinks you aren’t looking like 🥺😊 and you decide to play along and ask him how he’s feeling and if he’s in pain and he shakes his head and goes “‘m okay, you’re really pretty though 🥺😍” kuroo snorts in the front seat and you’re trying rlly hard to not laugh at how cute he is so you take his hand and kou lit rally thinks he’s gonna pass out when you call him handsome and ask him out before kissing his cheek. he starts crying as he says things like “kuroo!!!! the pretty girl is my girlfriend now!! 🥺❤️😭💖💕😭😭🥳”
akaashi you’re already by his side by the time he wakes up but he doesn’t remember jack so he goes “hello, have u seen my girlfriend? she looks just like you. can u tell me if u see her? I would like to see her—she’s my everything 😊🥰” UGGHH KISS HIIMMM
he doesn’t remember who you are until the medication wears off but you manage to convince him that you’re gonna take him to his girlfriend so you can take him home 💀 and he spends the whole car ride really pretty quiet until you ask him why he’s so fidgety and then he softly tells you “i… can’t wait to see my girlfriend 🥺🥰💕 she said we’d go on an ice-cream date after🍦i hope she’s not mad that it’s been so long 🥺❤️💗” AHDHJANAA like a little happy babyyyy 🥺😭
oikawa tooru’s procedure finishes earlier than expected and has a dental hygienist watching over him as they wait for you and for some reason he starts to sing, but it’s really out of tune because of all the cotton in his mouth and the dental hygienist is just standing there, taking it. you can hear him down the hall as you walk into his room and he’s so excited to see you!!! “did you hear me sing for you, babe? i didn’t want you to get lost in this maze 🥺🥰” “yes, i did, tooru, tysm you don’t have to sing anymore 😊😇💕”
tries to pull you into his lap as the dentist goes through the aftercare procedures and whines “pleasssseeeee, it huuurrrrrttttts i just want cuddddlllleesssss 😭☹️🥺💕” you opt to sit on the edge of the chair as he buries his head in your back 🥰
iwaizumi YOU try to flirt with hajime because he doesn’t remember that you’re his girlfriend and he’s all like stop!!! i have a girlfriend! 😡 AHAHA so you decide to ask him about his lovely girlfriend and he gets the softest smile on his face omggg and he starts going on about how hardworking you are ❤️, determined 💘, beautiful 💖, how nice you smell 😳
when you tell him its you he doesn’t believe you!!! like stop u r trying too hard, stranger!!! 😠 It’s not until you bring up a photo of yourselves and stick it next to your face does he go all soft again like babe i missed you 🥺 there was this weirdo trying to flirt with me, i’m so glad you’re here 🥰 and you tell him that the weirdo was you and he’s like “no, you’re better than that” LMFAAOO THANKS HAJIME 😭
matsukawa his mom is there to pick the two of you up and he’s holding your hand as he turns to you, super concerned and goes “babe, we forgot my teeth 😞” HWJJCKWJSJEF 💀 he’s all pouty and its sooooooo cute LMFAO WHAT DID HE THINK A REMOVAL WAS??? but you play it cool and squeeze his hand and say “i didnt forget you though 😊” he nods like a little kid and says “yeah” and tries to pull you into his lap so that you can cuddle but his mom is right there and you’re tryna be a good passenger and stop him from unbuckling your seatbelt: issei, we can cuddle when we get home!!!!
this giant dude just looks at you all 🥺 and BEGS like “babe please, just a little, i just want to hold you 🥺💕” he tries to guilt trip you like “c’mon, babe, you forgot my teeth” 😭😭😭 STFU u somehow make it back to his place and he tackles you into the couch and promptly falls asleep in 2 minutes flat 😴 his mom thinks its hilarious and thanks u for taking care of him ☺️❤️
hanamaki straight up asks you if you have a boyfriend. you say yes and he gets REALLY SAD OH MY GOD and is all “oh ☹️🥺” but then you cup his cheek and hold one of his hands and start telling him what your boyfriend looks like and how he has cute strawberry hair and pretty eyes and how handsome he is and talking about his cute little eyebrows and how good he is at volleyball and takahiro is like…. 🧐🤨 is that…… me??? but then he’s like wait it couldn’t be and gets all sad again 😭
you can’t take how sad he is and tell him it’s him!!!!! you give him some kisses as an apology 😭🥺💖❤️ and he’s all really?!!? 🥰💖💕💝🥳💕as he pulls you close to rest his head on your chest. he asks you to talk about how much you love him again 😭🥰🥺 refuses to remove himself from you
kyoutani he’s got this super angry expression on his face and everyone stays a good ways away from him 😬 when you come in, you get the same 😡 but then he chills because you’re wearing that one dress he went out of his way to buy for you when you were window shopping together that one time and he’s like …..suspicious why is she wearing her dress 😒 HAJFKAKSW KENTAROU
but THEN he sees the bracelet he got you for your one year anniversary and takes a whiff of you (um 😷) and NOW he’s all WAIT…… connections r being made—he gets super handsy 😳💕 really likes it when you kiss his forehead 🥺 and glares daggers at the dentist with his head on your chest, arms around your waist as you stand next to him and listen to what the aftercare instructions are because he’s all like grrr my girlfriend!! no touch!!! 😡🤬
daichi omg daichi is SO SHY and BASHFUL like he looks at you all 🥺🥰 and when you look towards him he immediately looks away but it’s so obvious because his ears are red and you can see his blush high on his cheekbones 😭🥺💕 you ask him what’s wrong and he’s stuttering trying to ask if you have a boyfriend and you’re like yes 💔
his face FALLS and it hurts but then you show him your matching engagement rings 💍 like “we’re fiancés, dai 🥰❤️” and he almost cries as hard as when he heard you say yes 😭💖💕 he’s so EMBARRASSED when you show the video back to him 😭 suga and asahi clown him 🤧
sugawara fella wakes up, looks you in the eye and is like “they’ve rebuilt me, babe✨” what? “the technology!!!” ??? “they made me better than i was before: better, stronger, faster 🤖💪🧠" LMFAO thinks he underwent some experiment like no we just fixed your teeth 😌
when you tell him so he gets a little dejected and asks you if you’d still love him without any upgrades with his lips pursed and his cheeks pink as he plays with your hands 🥺💗 like OFC KOUSHI!!! 🥰🥺❤️ really sweet and giggly on the bus ride home—holds you close and draws circles on your skin as he talks about the strangest things 🙈💖
kageyama no inhibitions so tobio is very attached to you!!! when he wakes up to see you next to him, he grabs you in his half-asleep state to leave slobbery kisses all over you like some dog before he falls back asleep again 💀 he wakes up twenty minutes later to see that you’re gone (had to wash off his spit 😬) and he panics when he doesn’t see you 😭🥺
he gets up to try to look for you and the second you come back, he hugs you and is all ☹️ telling you “don’t go too far, i wanna always be able to find you 😠🥺” you rub his back and pinky promise to stay close by and he’s so relieved he falls asleep standing 😴💕 like …..thanks 🤧 asks if he can play volleyball and pouts rlly hard when the dentist says no 😭💔
atsumu atsumu is loopy af and he wanted to go to the washroom so the poor staff had to hull around this 6’2”, 80kg man around but then you walk in just as they’re about to turn the corner and the moment he sees you, he’s goes “BABIEEEEE, I loOoove yoU! 😍” in this super adorable, high pitched sing-songy voice and makes OBNOXIOUS kissy faces at you but it looks so funny because his mouth is full of cotton 😭😭🤧🥴 the nurses tell you he’s a keeper but then he promptly slips and nearly falls on his face trying to walk over to you unassisted 🙄
the walk to the car is SO HARD because he clings to you like a baby koala and whines when you try to get him to loosen up so that you can get better leverage to support his weight like atsumu pls we’re almost there, just let go for a bit and he’s all puppy eyed like “don’t 🥺 ya 🥺 love 🥺 me 🥺 baby???????? i jus’ wanna be close to ya 💔💔💔” JAJCJJWNCMS he denies all of it when he sobers up
osamu all this fool remembers is that he has a girlfriend and that she looks EXACTLY like you but his brain synapses aren’t working like they used to 😔 so he doesn’t remember that YOU are literally his girlfriend so he just sits there and goes all “you look so much like her….. i miss her sm 😢🤕😞” with this faraway look in his eyes AS IF YOU WERE DEAD 💀 THE DISRESPECT
he rlly wants to hold your hand and touch you but like u aren’t his girlfriend right??? but you tell him u are after rolling ur eyes and show him some photos of the two of you as proof and he’s all “oh!” 😳 and he smiles so broad you can see his little dimple on his left cheek 😭💖 because he can FINALLY hold your hand 🥰 no filter so he whisper-begs for kisses throughout the entire time the dentist talks you through his surgery and how to care for him and you’re so embarrassed JAJCJKAKDSS “pls, pls can i have a kiss” you give him one “can i have one here now” “what about here” “pls another one pls” 🥺🥺🥺 at least he’s polite JAJCNKAFB
suna rin remembers you and right when he wakes up to see you next to him he says, “hello, wife 💖" and waits for your response but like wtf do u SAY like you’ve only ever heard him tell you he loves you that ONE time he thought u were ASLEEP!!! and you haven’t even talked about anything beyond dating yet!!! is it the anaesthetic that’s making him say this or is he just fooling you??? 💀😵 a few minutes later, he sighs and goes “you’re supposed to say ‘hello, husband ❤️’….” 🙄🥱
show him the video after the anaesthetic wears off and he’ll sit there looking at you like “….well? i’m still waiting? 😐” ugH modern romance am i right HAHDJKAKSKAA
ushijima wakatoshi thinks you’re another nurse even though you’re dressed nothing like them and he asks you when his girlfriend is coming and if she knows he’s done with the procedure and also “have you met my girlfriend? she is very beautiful and very kind. you must meet her ☺️” he asks the same questions to the dentist who comes in to talk to you afterwards and they’re looking at him like ?????? “isn’t this your girlfriend, ushijima-san?”
wakatoshi just goes 😯, looks at you and says your name so softly and in the sweetest way possible and tells you he missed you and he loves you and he wants to go get curry from that one restaurant later and the dentist tells you they’ll be back later as you sob 😭😭❤️💕❤️😭💖
semi eita thinks you’re one of the office receptionists when you walk in and asks you if you, his girlfriend 💕, had been notified that the procedure was done and you’re all uh yes she does, she’s coming soon!! he nods very cutely and thanks you, handsome smile on his face at the thought of seeing you 🥰 he turns around to look at the window and you just stand there all 😶 he HUMS softly as he waits and it’s that one song he played for you on his guitar HAJXNJSW 😭🥺💘❤️
he turns back around thirty seconds later like “babe?? is that you?? you got here so fast 😍🥺💖😚” as if it wasn’t you THE WHOLE TIME 💀 melts when you kiss his cheeks tenderly 🥰 plays with your fingers as he softly looks into your eyes!! 😍
tendou really wants to get his wisdom teeth back like just because you pulled them out doesn’t make them yours, sensei 🙄 LMFAO the dentist gives him his teeth afterwards and he holds them out for you and you’re like “tysm for your bloody, gross teeth, satori 🥰😬” “AWWW you’re welcome 😊 aren’t they cute? ya think our kids will be this cute? 💖”
many thoughts: 1) oh god oh GOD he wants to have KIDS WITH YOU!! MARRIAGE??!? 😵❤️ 2) y does he think his molars r cute and y does he hope your kids will look like nasty teeth 😭💀 he’s rlly adamant about you lazing around with him. keeps showing u his teeth for some reason but gives the cutest smiles and hums when you feed him his fav chocolate ice cream 💗💗💗
goshiki he tries to flirt with you but its so funny and endearingly awkward because he’s got all the gauze in his mouth and he isn’t that good at it and he’s on the verge of tears half the time and you dont know why??? you ask him and his brows are all furrowed, pout on his lips and says “just wanna be your boyfriend pls 🥺💕” “yeah?” “yeah,” he nods. “i promise to do my best 🥺”
when you tell him you’re already dating, he starts to cry and is all like i have to tell all my friends 😭 tsutomu cries to the dentist like “sensei, y’know, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend 😭❤️” he quiets down when you brush through his hair with your hands ☺️
terushima you walk into his room after he’s done and ask the dental hygienists how he’s doing and he looks at you all confused like 🤨 and asks the hygienists who you are. they think you’re married for some reason and say “that’s your wife!” and you’re so EMBARRASSED but also super happy on the inside HAHA he straight up goes “DAAAMMNNN, I did alright, huh?! when we bustin’ outta here?!” ��😜🥴😘 as if he could actually differentiate between left and right, up and down 😔
just in case, he asks you if you’re his wife at the same time the dentist asks if the two of you will be okay from here on out and you nod to the dentist’s question but yuuji thinks it’s for him so he lays back down with this satisfied look on his face like HELL YEAH alright, alright, alright 😌🥰🥴 and does those little nods SIDJAJJDJSJFJR HAHAHAHA
sakusa omi lets you play with his bangs and hands as you wait for the dentist and he LOVES IT softest smile on his face!! RIDICULOUSLY CLINGY!!!! he does NOT want you to leave him at all, will not let you go to the bathroom even though you’re like “omi, please, the dentist is busy with another patient right now, i’ll be back soon before we go through the aftercare stuff” “no” “omi, i have to pee” “do it here” and now it’s you who’s all 🤢
gets really defensive and protective when the dentist comes in and just shoves his head in your chest because he doesn’t want to look at them LMFAO death grip around your waist 🤧 when you show him what he said about you going to the bathroom he demands you delete it “omi, i didn’t know u loved me that much 🥰🥺💕” “…………..🤐”
hoshiumi kourai insisted he was fine on his own “nothing is impossible for hoshiumi kourai, national athlete 😤” when the dentist asked if he needed someone to watch over him and the dentist is 🤨 ok sir and leaves after he falls asleep. when he wakes up, no one’s in his room and he has to use the washroom and he’s like i’ll do just it myself 🙄 he tries to stand and promptly collapses to the floor. he CRAWLS around on his stomach and makes it out of his room just as you walk in and you’re like KOU whY are you on the FLOOR like a ROACH 😭😭😭
it’s like you’re reenacting some dramatic romance movie as kou groans around the gauze and makes poor attempts to stand up, holding onto you LAKDSHLASKAHD 💀💀💀 asks you to get on the floor with him because he honest to god can’t get UP so that he can cuddle with you as the dentist and his assistants stand two feet away 🥰💕 tries to fight the staff when they get too close to you trying to help him get back to his bed HAJJFKAKDMAD
extra: kita shinsuke (lol) when kita finishes his wisdom tooth extraction, he looks at you like this and doesnt remember who you are; he thinks you’re here for another patient and doesn’t say a word to you because his grandma taught him not to talk to strangers.
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lovenhlboys · 4 years
From a Distance (E.Pettersson X Reader)
Chapter 2
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A/n: Hi!! Here’s chapter 2!!! This chapter is from Elias’s POV, the rest of the chapters will be a combo of the two (and probably one or part of one) will be from Brock’s POV eventually😁 these first two chapters are more just setting up everything. please let me know what you think! All feedback is appreciated!!!!
Warnings: A LOT of cursing (sorry...sorta), Petey not listening, might be a little cheesy (I’m not sorry), an attempt at Swedish (pls let me know if It’s wrong), I think that’s it, lmk if I missed one
Paring: Elias Pettersson X Fem!Reader
Genere: enemies-ish —>friends —> lovers
Legend: on chapter 1
Word Count: 1.8k (this is the shortest one)
Summary: Yeah so, Elias has a “teenage-reminiscent” crush on the one girl he was terrified to like, so he makes a plan to just be her friend, it doesn’t go to well, so he makes a new one.
Petty had a crush on Y/N. Y/N Boeser, the one fucking girl he can't have. His best friend's little sister.
When he met her at the mid-point of his rookie year, he'd already heard a lot about her. Brock had told him so many stories and he learned so much about the infamous Y/N, and the more he learned, the more he really liked her. Then there were the other stories Brock told him, the ones that included guys. One he recalls quite clearly.
November, 2018
They were sitting on Brock’s couch, watching One Tree Hill,
“Petey, have I ever told you about Chad?” Brock started.
“No, why?”
“Chad was my best friend in middle school, all the way up to my senior year. Then he wanted to date Y/N.”
“What do you mean ‘up to’ your senior year?” His attention was taken away from the show completely at the mention of her name.
“Well, I told him I didn’t want him to go out with her, but that it was her choice, not mine. So he asked her out, and they dated for like 3 months. Then he broke her heart.”
“What did you do?” Elias was curious.
“Oh, I broke his face”
Elias was shocked, he’d never known Brock to be anything but a (slightly obnoxious) ray of sunshine. “...oh, uh... so what happened to Chad after that?”
“I stopped being friends with him, and so did the rest of my group of friends. Normally I’m not like that, but he messed with Y/N/N.”
“Yeah, I get that. My brother’s girlfriend is basically like my sister and if anyone hurt her, I don’t know what I would do.”
“Yeah so anyways-“
Elias zoned out as Brock kept talking, just thinking about what would happen if he asked Y/N out. He decided then that no matter how perfect and incredible she was, it wasn’t worth his friendship and career with his best friend. He’d just be her friend if anything. And who knows, maybe he’d never even meet her in person.
Now, as he’s walking to the break room Brock asked him to meet him in, he's remembering tjrs how ignorant that plan was. Because once he met her, it was a lot more challenging than he could’ve imagined. The second he met her in person, that plan was incinerated as a possibility.
Dice and ice (February)  2019:
Elias showed up 20 minutes early, he is so nervous. This is his first dice and ice and from what people told him, he knows this isn’t his kind of event. He’s not social, he’s an awkward Swedish hockey player. Not to mention the amount of extra attention he’s sure to get tonight. Brock had told him how much attention he received when he was the star rookie, and that made Elias even more anxious. Thanks, Brock. 
He paced near the front waiting for Brock to get there, imagining all of the ways he could humiliate himself in front of everyone. He was in between “eating too much fancy food and throwing up” and “getting so nervous he forgets how to speak English” for being the worst.
Just as he started to get nauseous from remembering the rookies have to do a performance every year, he found himself unable to breathe. This wasn’t because of the inevitable doom tonight was bound to bring though. He saw the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen on the arm of his best friend. Her dress, her hair, her makeup, her legs, everything he could see was just beautiful.
“Petey!” Brock shouted. 
Elias couldn’t speak still but he made eye contact with Brock. 
“Woah bud, you doin’ ok?” He said with a concerned look.
A choked, “Uh…” was the only thing that came out. Though, he felt that was a sufficient answer to Brock’s question. Elias’s eyes made their way back to the girl now standing behind Brock, since Brock took it upon himself to grab Elias’s face and get very close. He inspected Elias, seeing if maybe he was sick or had a concussion. 
Brock must have been satisfied with what he saw since he took a step back, letting go of Elias’s face. That’s when he noticed his best friend looking at his “date” for the night. 
“Petey, this is Y/N/N, Y/N/N Petey,” Brock said, gesturing to the two of you. 
“Y/N/N?” He asked, suddenly able to speak again. He was looking at Brock with scrunched eyebrows. ‘Is it actually her?’ was all her could think.
“Yeah, Y/N/N, you know, my sister that I’ve told you about at least 20 times?”
Elias nodded and looked back at her.
She waved a little, “Hi, it’s Elias right?” she asked.
“Hmm? Uh, yeah, that’s right.” if he wasn’t sweating before, he definitely was now. “It’s Y/N?”
She nodded “yeah but you can call me Y/N/N, most people do.”
He likes her first name though, he thinks it’s such a perfect name, so he decided to just call her Y/N.
All three of them stood there awkwardly for a moment. Though to Elias, it felt like it could’ve been a few hours. He was completely mesmerized and terrified by you.
Brock cleared his throat, pulling Elias back to the world, “so, let’s head inside?”
“Yeah sounds good,” Elias walked in and held the door open for her and Brock.
Walking in right behind them was Jacob, he put his hand on Elias’s shoulder.
“mår du bra? du ser sjuk ut. (are you okay? You look sick.),” he asked.
“Jag kommer att bli bra (I will be fine),” he responded with an unconvincing grin.
As the night went on, Elias couldn’t seem to relax; he kept making sure his tie was straight and he couldn’t stop fixing his hair. For a while, he had to take pictures with the fans and families, with Brock...obviously.
“You just need to relax, Petey,” he had said this about 5 times already.
“I know, I just don’t want to embarrass myself, I’m not very social. I hate these events.”
Brock chuckled, “I swear, the more I learn about you, the more and more I think you and my sister are the same person. The only reason why she’s here is cause I bought her a new fancy dress and cause she’s gonna try and kiss some ass and get a job with management.”
“Wait, so she’s moving here?”
“Oh yeah, I asked her to. Depending on if she gets the job, of course, which she’s sure to get with her resume.”
“Oh, cool.”
“Hey, I’m gonna go find her, you need to relax, just breathe,” Brock said as he stood up to walk away, “And stop imagining the worst things that could happen,” knowing his best friend all too well.
Elias walked over and sat with Bo and Holly, just trying to get through this night without having a panic attack.
The rest of the night went fine, no vomiting or forgetting English, but he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Because of his luck, that’s when he saw Y/N, and he couldn't look away. She was standing in the corner, looking insanely nervous. Before he could think about it, he was walking over to her. 
“You doing ok?” he asked.
“That obvious?”
He looked down at his shoes, “Hey, at least you don't look sick like I did apparently.”
That made her laugh, one of the happiest sounds he’d ever heard. “Yeah, you didn’t look too happy to be here.”
“Well, these events aren’t really my thing. I heard they aren’t yours either?” he finally looked in her eyes, which was not a smart decision.
“God, no, absolutely not. I hate these things, I don’t get why I need to dress like this and kiss up to people to get a job that I’m already very qualified for.” She took a pause, “even though I do love this dress...”
There was a little silence as Elias wasn’t sure what to say, he decided on, “If it helps, you look very pretty, and I like that dress too.” 
She blushed, “thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself, Elias”
The way she said his name sent chills up his spine, Brock introduced him as Petey, but not once had she called him that. She only called him Elias, and it sounded perfect coming from her mouth. The thing about her was, the more he looked at her, the more beautiful she became in his eyes. The way she laughed, the way she stood with her legs crossed, the way she constantly crossed her arms. To most she probably seems unwelcoming cold, and closed off but to Elias, he saw someone just like himself and-
Oh shit, what is he doing?
He’s literally doing the exact opposite of what he said he was going to, he needs to get away from her. He needs a drink is what he really needs.
That’s when Brock walked over, “hey! There are the two most unfun people in this place!”
“Jackass,” she quipped.
“I’m gonna go talk to Marky,” Elias said, trying to make his escape.
“Fine then, leave me to avoid socializing alone, I guess” she called at him sarcastically.
He nervously laughed and turned around, quickly making his way to the patio that he knew was empty.
Once he got outside he took a deep breath. “Fuck,” he sighed.  He stood there thinking of what he needed to do. He couldn’t end up like ‘Chad,’ he had to stop whatever this is that’s happening to him when he saw her. He’s never felt like this, he’s never even had a girlfriend for Christ’s sake. How the hell did he feel like this for a girl he doesn’t really know? He wished he’d never met her; when he’d never met her in real life, he could imagine she looked weird, or maybe she was really rude (not that he thought anyone related to Brock could be rude). However, that could not have been farther from the truth. She was amazing, and so incredibly beautiful, but not in the conventional way like most of the WAGs here tonight, most of them fit the “hot model, super social, 50,000 picture taking” stereotype that Elias personally didn’t find all that appealing. Shes the perfect height for him, perfect size for him, her hair color and length was even perfect, and that was the problem. She was everything he didn’t want her to be, and more. Her personality was exactly what he wished his future wife’s personality would be: sweet with a little bit of sass, would rather stay inside, doesn’t take shit from people, while still a bit awkward, witty humored, sports loving, lazy Sunday having, and just goddamn perfect. The first word that came to mind when thinking of Y/N, was just that: Perfect.
So he knew what he had to do, he couldn’t be her friend. One small conversation proved that tonight. He had to avoid her as best he could, and do the things he didn’t want to do to her: be cold, shut her out, not talk to her alone. It was going to be incredibly difficult, but he valued Brock's friendship too much.
As he looks back, it was the best decision. It was definitely torturous to him, but he had to. Especially after literally every one of his closest teammates was basically like a big brother to her, or a best friend, or a “cuddle buddy” whatever that meant. He can’t even imagine what would happen now. JT, Bo, Brock, Troy, Thatcher, Marky, even Quinn would have his head if he tried anything. And God if he wasn’t terrified of the rage in JT’s eyes when anyone messed with Y/N, it wasn’t human and no one can convince Elias otherwise...seriously fucking terrifying.
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CREDIT: proof readers 🥰 @siriushxney @iateyourdonuts @petey-patty @hufflepuff-girlx @cherrylita @quinnsbxtch @immmbabyyygraceee 💕 and my BAAAABEEE @imagines-r-s
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
Home: Chapter Seven
azriel x reader (acotar)
summary: (y/n) is a daughter of Persephone, still recovering from the trauma of her fall into Tartarus and doesn’t have time for a stupid, handsome, annoying, stunning, injured man. But now they’re stuck together in the middle of nowhere and there only chance of getting home is if she can heal him, and fast.
warnings: big spoilers for mark of Athena and house of Hades, also for the acotar series, eventual smut, blood, PTSD, graphic descriptions of violence, injuries and torture, enemies to lovers so az is a bit of a dick to start, swearing, 
word count: 3.9k
a/n: I’m entirely writing this to distract myself from the real world but honesty I’m having a great time, I think there will be one more chapter after this one and maybe an epilogue but asides from that, also feel free to message or ask if you want to be tagged :)) anyway enjoy and pls comment and shiz :)
Azriel had once joked that you were like an actual flower, needing water and sunlight to use your powers. At the time you had laughed but now as you stood in front of the mirror, wiping the tears from under your eyes, and preparing to walk into the world of all things dead, you understood. The dress you wore was one of the few fancy ones you reserved for the dinners you were often dragged to before your fall. It was lavender, with tulle cascading down your legs from the waist, paired with a tight corset top and tulle off-the-shoulder sleeves. As you sat with a ‘humph’ and started applying your makeup, your stepbrother walked in.
“Well you look cheery,” Nico said, sitting on your bed.
“I look like an evil power puff girl,”
“You look like you are a princess, which you are so my dad is going to be pleased.”
“I really don’t care what he thinks,” you snapped, and Nico help up his hands. He was wearing all black as usual, simple dress pants and a loose black shirt tucked in, his belt matched his rings, and his dark hair and even darker eye bags made him look every bit the Underworld prince. “Sorry, I’m not mad at you,” you said turning back around to carry on with your makeup.
“I know, it’s stressful for you,” he moved to sit next to you, resting his head on your shoulder and you applied eyeliner.
“I don’t wanna get sick again, I have things to do. Plus I’ve got to convince your dad to let me ask for this favour. I just feel like it’s all going to go to shit.”
“I get it, you’ll be fine though. Also I’m pretty sure your mum is going to do anything for you if it means you’ll speak to her again, so she’ll be on your side at least. That’s three vs one.” He nudged you as you put down the eyeliner.
“That’s true.” You bit the inside of your lip and Nico, sensing your worry, changed topic.
“Tell me about Azriel,” He said, and you caught his eye in the mirror.
“Well I gotta make sure that when you become his problem it will be permanent, I don’t want you coming back,” he joked.
“Fuck you,” you laughed shoving his shoulder and he giggled, rolling onto his back.
“I don’t want to do thisssss,” Nico said in a sing-song voice lying flat on the floor.
“Me neither but I’m not going in alone bitch,” you laughed, starting to feel slightly better. It was moments like this that made you regret pushing your friends away, the thought of seeing them was always scary but when you were with your brother again you remembered why you loved them so much. You assessed your outfit in the mirror and sighed.
“What?” Nico asked, sitting back up.
“This would look really nice with a dark red lip,” you said, biting your lip.
“Do you have one?” he asked, and you nodded. He was quiet for a second before reaching out and ruffling through your makeup, finding your favourite red lipstick. “Do you wanna try?”
“Yeah, but if I cry it’ll mess up my eyeliner.” You said with a shaky laugh. He laughed quietly handing you the lipstick and you looked at him in the mirror, taking in a shuddering breath. You were stronger than this and you could handle it. You closed your eyes for a minute, counting your breaths, before opening the lipstick.
Once it was applied you lifted your chin, staring down the girl in the mirror. Nico grabbed your hand softly and you tore your eyes away, standing and pulling on your shoes.
“Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
Azriel was in a shit mood. He was 90% sure that you had cast some sort of spell on him when he was with you, something that made him happy and relaxed, because now that you weren’t here he pretty much wanted to throttle everyone.
Amren had been helping him look for a way to get back to you. The first thing they had tried was winnowing, he pictured your face; your smile, the way your hands felt in his, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t reach you. So they had been scanning books since then, reading up on every theory and myth. Nesta had brought him to speak to Gwyn who had told him about the theory that there could be up to at least 20 other worlds. Amren had also made him talk through every detail about this world he could remember, writing diligent notes as Cassian gave him weird looks when he spoke about Bucky Barnes.
“He’s a character, it’s a simple concept.”
“Yeah but how do you get an emotional connection to a character?”
“Shut up both of you.”
The pain in his chest was only growing as well, and he came to the daunting realisation that if he failed this; if he couldn’t get back to you, or get you back to him, he would probably have to deal with it for the rest of his long, long life.
He felt bad for taking his frustrations out on his family who were just worried about him, but he had never felt this way before. All he could think of was the way your eyes cleared when the realisation dawned on you. The way you had gone from sobs to a different, all-consuming kind of pain, just for a second, your eyes clearing as you realised you might never see him again. He hated himself for not being strong enough to put up a fight, he knew he wasn’t a match for a god, but he should’ve tried, he was too shocked at the time, too heartbroken, but now he was terrified that you might think he gave up on you. He had to get back to you, he was afraid what you might do if you were alone again. If you were alone after having the bond dangled in front of you, only to have it ripped away moments later.
It was almost 3am and everyone else in the house had gone to bed, but Azriel didn’t sleep well normally, and he especially wouldn’t while he was apart from you. He looked up from his book when he heard someone clear their throat, his head whipped up an incredulous smile gracing his features when he saw you sitting there.
“Baby,” he started moving forward but you held your hand up, stopping him.
“Oh that’s just too sweet, you kids are giving me so much content,” you dabbed at your eyes, and Azriel frowned.
“(y/n)? what’s going on?”
“Oh I’m not (y/n) sweetie, but that’s just adorable. My name is Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beauty, I often appear as whoever you find most beautiful.” Azriel’s heart dropped, the brief happiness he felt seeing your face gone as the lady spoke.
“Aphrodite? Hermes mentioned you.” He said, tensing as he realised he was dealing with another god. “In fact he said it was your fault this all happened.”
“Oh Hermes, always blaming someone else. You should be thanking me.”
“And why would I do that.” Azriel knew the look on his face was deadly, but something about seeing a god cower under his gaze was feeding his ego.
“Haven’t you worked out why you can’t travel back to her.” She raised her eyebrows at him, her expressions may be on your face, but as he paid more attention she seemed like a completely different person. “I have the power to move through world’s, you do not. I just thought that poor, sweet girl had been through enough that she should get to meet her soulmate. I waited for you after your mission and then just made you forget and let the two of you fall in love naturally, I mean I get teary eyed thinking about it, you’re just too cute!”
Azriel’s shoulders relaxed slightly, “So why are you here? Are you going to bring her to me?”
“Hmm I could, but I’d get in so much trouble, plus she’s very smart and I want to see if her plan works. You people are so very entertaining.” Her face rippled for a second as she turned, and she briefly looked like Mor, then Elain, then back to you. “But you, poor boy,” He chose to ignore the condescending tone, “You were dealt a very bad hand love wise, so maybe if she doesn’t succeed I could pull a few strings, but I do have a holiday planned so it may be a few decades.”
Her laugh made him feel sick and he glared at her, “What did you say about her plan?”
“Oh yes! She’s going down to the underworld to try find a solution,” Aphrodite was moving around the room gracefully as Azriel sat back down, the weight of Aphrodite’s easy words hitting him. She picked up one of the books laying on the desk and made an unimpressed noise, throwing it back down carelessly.
“That’s where the dead go right?” he asked, silently praying he was wrong,
“Yup! Don’t worry though, her mother lives there too,” she said ‘mother’ with a slight snarl, but Azriel ignored her. “You know I get why she likes you, you’re very pretty aren’t you?” She walked over to him, swaying your hips and he had to remind himself it wasn’t you as she sat down in his lap, forcing his hands to stay clenched at his side. She ran your hand along his jaw, tilting her head with a smile as she stroked his face. Her thumb rested on his bottom lip as he glared at her with murderous rage, trying to reel it in as he remembered she was possibly the only one that could help him.
“Well I guess I better go,” She sighed dramatically then pressed a perfectly polished gold coin into his hand, “Flip this if you need me, emergencies and sex only.” She winked at him, before kissing his cheek and standing, waving seductively before vanishing. Azriel sat for a few minutes, reeling from the interaction he just had. Is this the world I’ve entered now? Gods who can do whatever they want? He wondered if that’s why you avoided talking about the Gods, if maybe growing up with this had made you bitter to them. He wanted to ask you and talk to you about it, or anything for that matter but instead he just pocketed the coin and stood, winnowing to his room, and collapsing on his bed.
“Sweetie, you look beautiful,” Your mother cried out as you and Nico arrived, you were leaning heavily on his arm, while surrounded by death, the coldness of a lifeless place seeped into your bones and weakened you, you had learnt as much the first time you visited. You gave your mother a tight-lipped smile and hugged her awkwardly.
“Oh I missed you so much dear,” she stroked your hair, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes.
“You could’ve visited.” It was hard to keep the bitterness out of your voice, after all you had gone through and she hadn’t visited once. A look of shock passed over her face but before she could reply Hades thundered in, his usual outfit, ‘the robes of death and despair’ as you fondly called them, were replaced by a dark suit, his hair slicked back from his face. He came to Persephone’s side and rested a hand around her waist pulling her in slightly, and despite yourself you felt a little jealous of their closeness as your mother looked up at him with doe eyes.
“Nico, my son, how are you?” Hades deep voice silenced the room, the very air seeming to stand still, and Nico flushed red as he was put on the spot. The four of you exchanged pleasantries as you made your way to the ridiculously long table, Hades sat at the head on one side, Persephone on the other, with Nico and you facing each other in the centre. The wood was dark, but the table was covered in all sorts of colourful food and you all helped yourselves while making small talk, only managing to hear your parents due to the eery silence of the room, dead guards not needing to make any noise.
After the first few courses and once you had consumed enough white wine to gain some courage you turned to face your mother.
“Mum, I think I need a favour if that’s okay?” you asked with great caution, extremely aware of the powerful forces surrounding you.
“Well that depends dear. What is it?”
“After the battle and the… fall, I never got my reward remember, I instead asked to be able to come get it when I needed it.”
“Yes of course, I thought that was very smart!” your mother spoke cheerfully but you could feel Hades’ gaze on your back, burning through your skin and bones to the very essence of your soul. “Let me guess, you need it now?”
“If that’s okay, some things have changed recently and I now know what I need,” you smiled at her, “I met a man, well actually he’s a faerie. Aphrodite wanted us to meet because we’re soulmates and after my fall she thought I deserved to see him, but since he’s from another world he had to go back, and we can’t be together.” You wiped away a few stray tears you forced out; this was your game. Your mother didn’t visit you often so she had never seen this side of you, the side that could manipulate even a god into giving you what you wanted. “So I thought, maybe for my reward I could become Fae and be permitted to live with Azriel in his world, and maybe come and visit my friends occasionally?”
“Oh that sounds lovely dear! That’s so alike me, I had to beg my mother and even then she didn’t let me stay here,” your mother rattled on and you smiled at her, but your shoulders were still tense as you knew you hadn’t won yet. You turned to where Hades sat, rubbing his temples.
“I get it. I do. But I really don’t think my brother would allow that, it’s too much.”
“Too much?” you asked, a bitter laugh escaping.
“I understand you went through a lot,”
“Do you?” you couldn’t stop the biting words, “Because the last I checked you both sat and did nothing while I was tortured down there. You could’ve done something, but you didn’t, you made a choice not to, and now I ask for ONE thing, and it’s too much?” Hades’ glare was murderous, but you weren’t going to back down.
“I mean if you really think about it, I’ll be out of your hair if you agree. One less demi-god always seems to be a win for you guys.” Nico said your name in warning, but you slowly stood. “I am not asking for much, I am asking to be allowed to live a life with the man I love and after all I have been through, fighting YOUR battles, I think it’s the least I deserve.”
You held Hades’ gaze for a few more seconds until he spoke. “Are you sure your not a child of Nyx?” he asked, and you grinned, cocking your head to the side.
“Why would that be?”
“You have a pure evil streak in you girl and uncharted power. You better learn to control it, before someone catches on.”
“We won’t have a problem I’m presuming?”
“I’ll see what I can do,” he said gruffly, going back to his meal and you relaxed, moving to hug your mother goodbye, whispering thanks to her, before linking arms with Nico and leaving.
The next day you awoke to a golden invitation to Olympus, and you smiled, soon. You’d be with him soon.
Olympus looked much nicer since Annabeth had gotten involved. You may have been biased but it seemed to hold a sense of home it never had before, the clinical cleanliness now feeling purer and more loving. The throne room however had remained much the same.
You stood alone in the middle surrounded by the arc of thrones, but you refused to take your eyes of Zeus. You had received a wink from Apollo and a smile from Aphrodite as you walked in but beside that it had been eye contact for at least five minutes. You knew better to speak before you were spoken to but the way they surrounded you and stared down on you was bringing up bad memories and you were really fighting a panic attack.
Seemingly sensing this Apollo cleared his throat, “Perhaps we should start father?” While you were grateful a part of you hated how well the flirtatious god knew you, he was the first to tend to your wounds when you first escaped, healing them enough so you wouldn’t die from blood loss but not enough for anyone to suggest he was picking favourites. His warm hands had provided a sense of comfort you thought you had lost entirely.
Zeus nodded slowly, a letter appearing in his hand, “So these are your terms? Transformation into high Fae, permission to live in a new world with visits back to this one twice a year?” you presumed Hades, or your mother had written the letter, neither of them present currently. You nodded clearly, not entirely trusting your voice.
“I guess it’s only fair, but a full transformation will hurt,”
“I’m sure I can take it.” you lifted your chin, holding your shaking hands tightly in an attempt to conceal them.
Zeus laughed, not taking his eyes of you, “I’m sure you can. Does anyone have any major oppositions?”
Aphrodite raised her hand, “I’d like to add that during her transformation, her womb changes shape so she may birth Illyrian children.” You shot her a grateful look, still not entirely sure why she was suddenly so invested in ensuring your happiness, but you wouldn’t complain.
Hera was the next to speak and you fought the urge to roll your eyes, “Why is she getting special treatment again? What did she do that was so different?”
“She was tortured for days!” Athena exclaimed,
“So?” Ares now.
“She was a child, it was brutal.” Apollo jumped to your aid and soon the chamber was filled with shouting voices as they argued over your fate.
“SILENCE.” Zeus quieted the room instantly and every eye turned to him, but he remained focused on you, “Well then? Answer the question girl, what makes you so special?”
You thought for a second before answering, “I don’t consider it special treatment. After the battles I’ve fought and the pain I’ve endured to help your causes, I’d consider it a form of retirement.” You kept Zeus’ gaze and let a streak of the evil Hades had warned you off show, smiling when his smug smile disappeared. He waved his hand, “Very well then, High Fae with altered womb and permission to live in their world and visit our occasionally, that is all?”
You nodded and he assessed you before holding out his hand, his gaze darkening. You furrowed your eyebrows as your limbs started to tingle before pain took over your entire body.
You had felt pain so many times before, pain that left more than just physical trauma, but this was different. You felt as if your blood had become fire and every bone was breaking as new ones reformed. You didn’t have any sense of time or place, all you could feel was pain. At one point you thought it was over only to open your eyes, feeling impossibly soft sheets beneath you, and see Apollo hovering over you, sweat dripping from his brow as he took some of the pain away, even for just a moment.
When you finally awoke you were on the ground. You stood up quickly, almost knocking yourself over as your movement were much faster than usual. You were outside a glowing city, it didn’t have skyscrapers like New York, but it was so comforting to look at you felt yourself being drawn in. As you crossed the border however, a beautiful man with dark hair appeared, his eyes narrowing.
“Who are you and why are you trying to get in here?” A shot of fear went through you as you felt his magic, it was thick in the air and powerful.
“I’m not going to hurt anyone, I’m just looking for someone,” you explained, swallowing down the lump in your throat. The handsome man’s gaze turned vacant before softening after a moment.
“I apologise, I’m Rhysand. Let me help you find whoever it is, what’s their name?”
“That’s okay, really. His name is Azriel, but I don’t think he’s expecting me.” Rhysand stopped, his head turning towards you, “what is it?” you asked.
“How do you know my name?” you stepped back but he held out his hands,
“No, no I’m Az’s brother, let me take you to him.” he grabbed your arm softly and suddenly you were standing in a warm room facing Azriel. You felt tears fill your eyes as you stared at him, he uttered your name in question and you nodded running into his arms, completely engulfed by his scent, tears of joy running down your face when you suddenly realised something, pulling away.
“Did you say brother?” you turned to Rhysand, feeling all the plants in the air respond to your calls, when Azriel tugged you back to him.
“Not biological don’t worry.” He whispered and Rhysand laughed.
“I like her.”
“Hmm I was two seconds away from castrating you,” His eyes widened slightly and you laughed, turning back to Azriel as he looked over you.
“How- you, you’re Fae?” His eyes were filled with worry again, afraid he was being tricked.
“I never got my reward remember, I knew I would need it in the future,” you smiled at him as he cupped your face and leaned down to kiss you. You pulled apart, Azriel growling when you heard catcalls, turning, and seeing the room had practically filled. A shot of fear went through you as your eyes landed on another man who had red siphons, and Azriel followed your gaze, a hand stroking your face in reassurance.
“So this must be (y/n), welcome to our home, I’m Feyre,” A beautiful woman stepped forward and clasped your hand in hers, which you noted were stained from paint. Everyone else soon made introductions and they urged you to sit as you found out about this makeshift family Azriel was in.
“Oh! That’ll be Nyx, I’ll go,” Feyre said when a baby started crying in the distance,
“Wait what did she say the babies name was?” You asked, holding in a laugh.
“Nyx?” Rhys said,
“Oh, course, cool cool cool,”
“What?” Azriel asked, looking at you strangely.
“I’ve kind of met her,”
“Yeah, she’s like the evilest deity there is, and she did not like me,” Rhysand stared at you with a look of shock on his face, but before anyone said anything else, Amren was laughing loudly.
“You must tell me all about these Gods girl.”
tags: @tastedlikedamnation
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jj-bxby · 4 years
Rudy Pankow x Reader Request - Who’s Who
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gif credit @toesure
Request - Can I make a Rudy Pankow request pls?? One where the reader and him are dating and the reader is part of the outer banks cast. They are doing The Who’s Who interview with Buzzfeed. They’re just being like super cute during the interview. Thanks! 🤗
Word Count - 1.2k
A/N - This is a piece where the reader is a part of the OBX cast as another character :)
“Rudy, I swear to god if you don’t stop shaking your leg right now,” you mumbled to your boyfriend as the camera’s light flickered on. He looked at you and grabbed your hand out of frame, giving it a squeeze as he smiled at you. Both of you were rather nervous, this was your first interview since you had told your friends you were dating but hadn’t brought it to public light, at least not yet. Luckily your friends were supportive as always, JD sending you both dumb memes about couples, Madilyn and Chase inviting you on a double date, and Madison always being there for you to talk about any relationship questions you had. It was like a fairytale for now, but the both of you had a few different late-night conversations about how your relationship being in the public eye could affect you. Gently sliding your hand from Rudy’s, you turned to look at Rachel, your interviewer for the day as she scribbled on a piece of paper.
“Alright guys, we’re going to be playing Who’s Who today. I’m sure you know how it works already, but I’m going to give you some questions and you’ll point to who is most likely to do the thing in question! Just be yourselves and feel free to talk more about the questions, okay?” The group chattered in agreement, and Rachel nodded.
“Okay, first up. Who’s most likely to mess up their lines?” You smiled and pointed to Rudy, as did everyone else. Well, everyone except Rudy himself of course, who had looked to Chase. He gave you a mock-gasp, when he saw your hand pointed to him, clutching his heart dramatically. “Seriously? Woooow. I just make up my own lines, sometimes is all!”
“To be fair, you making up lines stems from you forgetting them in the first place,” Madison pointed out, nodding to him.
“Look we got some of my best lines that way. Dare I say some of the best lines in the entire show,” He cocked his eyebrow and you laughed.
You mimicked your boyfriend's voice as you recited one of your favorites, “I can’t walk bro, I got polio.” Everyone erupted in laughter, while Rudy rolled his eyes. “Like I said, best lines in the show, man.”
Once the laughter had dropped off, Rachel moved to the next question. “Okay, who’s the most likely to fall or trip while filming?”
Everyone pointed to Madilyn, including herself. “Yeah, y'know that scene where I walked on the log after the storm? We had to do more takes of that than I’d like to admit, just because I kept falling off the log!” She laughed and looked at you, “And Y/N had to help me cover up the bruises the next day!” You smiled, remembering trying to brush color corrector and foundation onto Madi’s skin to cover up the nasty bruises she’d gotten, and failing horribly.
“Now that I think about it, Y/N did have one pretty hilarious trip at one point.” Madison said, glancing at you. “When we were doing a take of the Midsummer's party and she was wearing heels, she totally tripped on her own feet!”
Chase flashed a shit eating grin as he continued the story. “Yeah! And she wouldn’t have even fallen but Rudy tried to, uh, “catch” her,” Chase air-quoted, “but he ended up making them both fall. Luckily Rudy is just such a gentleman.”
You scrunched up your face and groaned while remembering that scene, but your boyfriend just threw his head back and laughed. “Hey you could have at least let me fall on top of you, that day, mister.” You joked as you bumped your shoulder into his lightly, giggling at the thought. He bumped you back, but it was harder than either of you had expected, and you fell off of your stool.
“Oh shit, babe,” Rudy said as he rushed to help you up. You sat there giggling on the floor as your boyfriend hopped out of his seat and held out his hand.
“Y‘know, I seem to fall a lot more with you around, ya dork.” You smiled as you took hold of his outstretched hand, him helping you to your feet while apologizing profusely. “Oh my god, it’s fine, Rudy! Look, I’m not broken!” You said, spinning in a circle before you smoothed out your dress. You glanced over at the others as you took your seat again, seeing the others had taken to staring at you both and grinning knowingly. You rolled your eyes as Madison wiggled in her seat at you, raising her eyebrows.
Rachel cleared her throat as she went back to her questions. “Alright guys, who is most likely to be found staying up all night?”
The votes were split between you and JD, both of you having pointed at each other. “Look I always get notifications from you texting me memes or dumb reddit posts at three a.m., JD!”
“Aha! So why are you checking them at three a.m., huh Y/N? You know I got read receipts on,” he accused, wiggling his finger at you.
You narrowed your eyes and slowly pointed your finger back towards yourself. “Touché.”
“Who’s most likely to be the ‘Cast Mom’?”
You perked as you pointed to yourself, pumping your fists in the air when everyone else did as well.
“I swear to god she has everything you could ever need in that damn purse of hers.” Rudy said with a laugh.
“She even kept fruit snacks in there for when I wanted something to snack on,” JD nodded. “Oh she has chips for me!” Chase chimed in excitedly.
“You don’t want to be around these boys when they’re hungry,” you explained.
“Yeah, y’all also have like an unlimited supply of Band-Aids and bobby pins in there too,” Madison added, Madi nodding in agreement.
“It’s true, she basically knows what we need before we need it! She’s also the best at making plans and getting all of us to show up to them!”
You look to Rachel dramatically. “What can I say, it’s hard raising five twenty-something’s all on my own.” You let out a little nose laugh at your own joke and saw the others smiling back at you, trying to contain their laughter.
“Alright, and final one for the day here, who’s most likely to end up together?”
Your eyes widened and darted to Rudy’s, before you both looked to your friends. All of them were making heart hands at the two of you while grinning devilishly. The blood rushed to your cheeks at their antics and you squeezed your eyes for a second shut as you smiled.
“Well I guess the cat’s out of the bag for everyone now, huh?” Rudy said as he passed a hand through his hair. He ducked over to give you a kiss on the cheek and flash you a grin.
“C‘mon, you guys are too cute together to keep it a secret!” Madison exclaimed.
“Yep, Madison’s right, guys,” Chase said, Madi and JD agreeing.
“Alright, alright!” You pulled out your phone and opened up your instagram, pulling Rudy over to you for a kiss as you snapped a picture of it. You tapped away at your keyboard as your friends “Awwwed” in the background. Rudy read the caption over your shoulder.
“well, it’s official now. @rudeth and i are dating 🥰”
After sliding your phone back into your pocket, you grabbed your boyfriend’s hand and laced your fingers with his.
“So I think we win the ‘Cutest Couple’ award, sorry guys,” Rudy said solemnly as he nodded to Chase and Madilyn, smiling at the giggles coming from you.
“Hell yeah we do.”
tags + moots ~ @joshy-obx @jjsredhat @jjsbxtch @jjsmaybcnk @drewswannabegirl @starksweasley @starlightstarkey @stargazingstarkey @aesthetic-lyss @shawnssongs @futuretaxcheat @overly-b
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thatsbucknasty · 4 years
she used to be mine (ii) waitress au
summary: Inspired by the broadway musical. Y/N Beck is a pie baking force to be reckoned with. She’s pregnant with her lazy ass husband, Quentin Beck’s baby. As everything around her turns upside down, Doctor James Buchanan Barnes charms his way into her life. pairing: Y/N x Bucky tags are open c:
this is a short chapter but we get to meet Bucky!
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chapter 2: what baking can do
I’ve had one week to think about this. I was raised by very religious parents, and don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those pricks who want to decide over women’s bodies. I just, I wouldn’t do it myself, you know? I always wanted to be a mother, just not to Quentin’s baby. It’s confusing, I know. Leaving him sounds easy to an outsider but he’s all I have.
My mom died when I was 16 and my drunk dad left town with his new wife two years later. We got married six months after graduation and I didn’t get to go to college but he wrote songs about me and I really thought his band was gonna make it big. I believed in his talent. It’s been ten years. I was on the pill all these years and it never failed. One drunk night and that stupid red dress, that’s all it took. But it’s time to move on and be practical. I won’t leave Quentin. That’s not on my short term plans. All I can do for now is work my ass off, save some money for this baby and go see a doctor.
Doctor Lily Perkins likes my pies. It’s gonna be delicious. I’ll make something sweet with berries just for her. 
Rolling the dough for the crust is my favourite part. I remember how my mom would hide in the kitchen when my dad was drunk. She would turn the bitter days into sweet red velvet cookies and strawberry milkshakes. She taught me everything I know, from cracking eggs one-handedly to whisking stiff peaks of italian meringue. But rolling the dough for the first cherry pie I ever made, is my favourite memory of hers and mine.
“Careful, you don’t want the sugar gnomes to come eat your nose at night”. She says nonchalantly while smearing powder sugar on my nose.
“Hey! I’m trying to work here!” I yell in between giggles.
Tonight I took an extra shift to start my Baby Savings. That means baking 12 pies that need to be ready for tomorrow morning and another one to take with me on my first doctor’s appointment after work. I haven’t told Quentin yet. But let’s not think about that right now,
Let’s focus on doctor Perkin’s pie. It needs to be perfect. The right amount of sugar can make a dull day brighter, too much and it messes the whole taste experience. I think blueberry base, whipped cream and marshmallows on top will be nice. Maybe some chocolate drizzle? She’ll love it.
I remember coming here with my mom when I was seven. I had a bad case of chickenpox. It looks exactly the same. Light blue walls with ABC’s wallpaper on the nurse’s desk wall. She said on the phone her name was Maria. I’ve been waiting for fifteen minutes because a crying five year old won’t take his shots. It’s okay though, I’m not in a rush but the doctor’s office isn’t my favorite place to be. Reminds me of the countless appointments with my mother.
“Mrs. Beck? The doctor will see you now”. Maria calls me and I go inside to an empty office.
“The doctor will be here in a minute, please change into this robe and hop on the exam table, you can leave your clothes on the stool right there”. Her eyes never leave her phone. “Good luck!” She finally looks at me and smiles before leaving me to change.
“Sorry for the wait, Mrs. Y/N Bell, my wife just called. We, um… nevermind. It was a long call, you know how it is”. What's happening? Who’s this man?
“It says here you got some blood work done and are here for the results”. He’s looking at the medical chart in his hands. Who’s this man and where’s doctor Perkins?
“You brought a pie? My goodness, I’ve only been in this town for a couple weeks now but the hospitality of the people keeps blowing my mind. I’m from Chicago, you know? Never in a million years I’d expect a patient to bring me pie! Sorry, I’m talking too much,tell me,  how are you Mrs. Bell?” Finally, he shuts up and turns to face me. The most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen almost make me forget how mad at him I am. God, he’s really, really tall. And that jawline. Just, wow.
“It’s Beck, not Bell”, I say clearly irritated, “but you can call me Y/N. And who are you? I was expecting Doctor Lily Perkins. I brought this pie for her actually”.
“Oh, silly me! Forgot the introductions. I’m Doctor James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky.” He shakes my hand and I get a whiff of his sweet and musky cologne. He stares at me. For an awkward amount of time. God I hate this much eye contact, look away! 
“Doctor Perkins is actually retired now. I came to this town to replace her. Amazing woman isn’t she? She actually taught a class when I was in colle- sorry, I’m talking too much again”.
“Yes you are. I mean, it’s okay. But you don’t understand, Lily Perkins delivered me, she’s been my family’s doctor all my life. I really trust her”. I’m almost yelling at this man, but this can’t be happening. My eyes are watering and my emotions are all over the place. Why are his lips so rosy? Did he eat all the kid’s lollipops before I got here?
“Well, maybe you can really trust me?” He does a little dance with his shoulders and if I wasn’t so mad at him for not being Doctor Perkins, I’d think he was adorable.
“I don’t know. I guess I can try”, he lights up. “But it won’t be easy!”
“Yes! Yes! Thank you, I promise you won’t regret this. Now, tell me, what brings you here?
“Well, I think I might be pregnant”.
“Oh! How nice, nice, nice. Er, congrats!” He nervously averts his eyes to his medical chart once again and his ears are red, what’s wrong with this doctor?
“Thank you, but I don’t want this baby”.
“Oh well, in that case I can refer you to the doctor who can take care of the ab-”
“No, no, no. I mean, I’m having this baby, I’m just not thrilled by the circumstances so if you could just, not congratulate me or make a big deal out of it. That’d be nice, thanks”. I cross my arms and look into his eyes, searching for judgement but it isn’t there.
“Do not make a big deal out of it. Got it!”
“Excuse me, Doctor Barnes? Mrs. Beck’s blood test results are here”. Maria chimes in.
“Well then, uncongrats! You are pregnant” He says awkwardly trying to cheer me up. It’s gonna take some time to get used to this doctor’s antics but at least he is being nice?
“Un-thank you.” I deadpan.
“Okay... Let’s see this baby, please lie down Mrs. Beck”.
“Do you have any questions? Diet? What to do or don’t do, exercise, sex?” Did he just, giggle?
“I don’t really do any of those things”.
“Neither do I, sis!” Maria calls from the door. She’s been there all this time?
“Well, in that case, Maria will give you a list of foods you can’t have and I want to see you back here in four weeks, alright?”
“Perfect… Um, Doctor Barnes?”
He looks at me, with those big blue eyes.
“I think you should have this pie or it’ll go to waste”.
“That’s really nice of you, Y/N. I’ve actually quit sugar, but um, I wouldn’t want it to go to waste either, it looks delicious.”
“Well, what’s life without a little sweetness from time to time? I promise you’ll find it worth cheating on your diet”.
I think I just made my doctor blush. 
chapter 3: when he sees me
pls reblog if you liked it c:
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ratnumber21 · 5 years
Mabel is Bi Headcanon
She started questioning her sexuality sometime during her boy crazy phase
She brushed it off as her hormones acting up and all that jazz
Until she couldn't keep her eyes off of the new (female) lifeguard at the pool one day post-boy crazy phase
Mabel didn't know what to think
She was afraid to tell Dipper in fear of him judging her
I mean, she makes fun of her brother all the time, who's to say he won't use her sexuality as an opportunity to get back at her, right?
She pretended to have another boy crazy phase as an attempt to push away those feelings
The more she pushed them away, the more she realized she wasn't as fully attracted to guys as she thought
She began getting all fidgety whenever a girl was within a 10-foot radius of her
One time when she and Dipper were helping Soos out in the gift shop, a girl around their age approached Mabel asking if there was another t-shirt in her size
Mabel froze on the spot
The girl tried asking if she was okay, but Mabel turned into a babbly mess and was unable to answer
The girl grew uncomfortable and walked away
Dipper saw the whole thing
Dipper: "Haha, you acted like I normally do whenever a pretty girl talks to me.”
Mabel, internally: Oh boy...
She was afraid of what this meant
She knew everyone in Gravity Falls was very supportive
But what about back at home?
The kids at school picked on Dipper simply for having a unique birthmark
Imagine what they would do if they found out that Mabel wasn't totally straight
Mabel couldn't sleep one night due to her overthinking the possible scenarios of telling her friends and family about her dilemma
"What would Dipper say?" "What if he tells Stan?" "What if he tells Mom and Dad?" "Would they disown me?" "What would Candy and Grenda say?" "Oh god" "I can't lose Candy and Grenda, they're my people!" "And what about Waddles?!"
She became overwhelmed and realized she needed to get this off her chest
Dipper was already off the table
And she was afraid Stan would be disappointed in her
And everyone else she knew was asleep
Except for one
Ford heard his niece coming before she burst through the elevator door, breathing heavily and tears streaking down her face
He ended up holding her while he walked around the basement, telling her soothing things and stroking her hair while she tried to steady her breathing
All while saying things like "they're gonna hate me!" and "they'll think I'm a freak!"
Once Mabel calmed down, she quietly asked her great uncle "What if I'm not entirely into boys?"
Ford dreaded a question like that
It's not that he didn't want to answer, he just hasn't been in this dimension for 30 years
He didn't know how much sexuality and gender identity had evolved since the 80s, and he never found the time to do research on it since he came back
He was just worried he wouldn't be able to guide his niece
He asked Mabel to elaborate and the story came pouring out
How she began looking at girls differently, how she acted like her brother whenever he was around pretty girls, and her fears of not being accepted by her family
Ford (who was thankful that he knew enough about the subject to be able to provide Mabel with solid advice) began by saying it's perfectly natural for her to question her sexuality
This started a whole conversation of Ford and Mabel exploring her possible sexuality
Ford then explained bisexuality
"But how come I like guys so much if I'm bi? Does this mean I might actually be straight?"
"No, you just have a larger preference for guys. Bisexuality is almost never 50/50. Some people think they're straight or gay because they like one gender so much they can forget they like another one as well."
"What if people don't react well when I tell them I'm bi after making it very clear that I was straight for the past few years?"
"You don't owe anyone an explanation. Your sexuality is your business and no one else's, okay?"
"But what if I'm not actually bi? What if I really am just confused?"
"There's no rush to figure out your sexuality now. You have your whole life ahead of you, sweetie. And you don't have to be so quick to label yourself. When you finally find the label that suits you, you'll know."
Ford also revealed that he, too, had struggled with his sexuality before ultimately concluding that he identifies as aromantic
Mabel is not surprised whatsoever
By the end of their talk, it’s past midnight and Mabel is more relieved than she’s ever been before
Ford is honored that Mabel trusted him enough to go to him for guidance for such a personal topic
He’s also happy that he got to spend more bonding time with his niece since he typically spends most of his time with either Dipper or Stan
Ford is about to send Mabel to bed when she confesses that she’s still a bit anxious that the rest of her family won’t accept her
Ford reassures her that they will before carrying Mable to her room himself
After tucking her in and turning to leave, Mabel whispers “Thanks for letting me talk to you Grunkle Ford”
Ford smiles and kisses his great-niece goodnight
The next morning, Mabel goes straight to Ford’s room just as he’s waking up to tell him she stayed up all night thinking about the things he taught her
She thinks she’s bi and she wants to tell Dipper and Stan
Ford is beyond proud of her (although he tells her to wait a few days just in case she isn’t quite sure yet)
Mabel comes out to Dipper and Stan as bisexual a few days later
Dipper is 100% supportive of his sister
Stan needed some explaining (he knew that bisexuality was a thing, he just didn’t realize there was a fancy name for it) but her supports her nonetheless
“Eh, as long as you’re happy and the person you’re with treats you right, I don’t care who you bring home. And as long as you wait until you’re at least 30 to bring said person home.”
Mabel said no promises
The Pines family was at Greasy's Diner to celebrate Mabel's coming to terms with her sexuality
They were getting ready to leave when Dipper and Mabel left to use the bathroom, leaving Stan and Ford alone at their table
Stan piped up saying that it was "interesting how easy it seems to be to figure this sorta stuff out these days"
Ford agrees but is unsure where this is going
Stan continues saying how if teens are struggling with something personal, the internet (and people on the internet going through the same) is right there to help them
"Heh, too bad we didn't have those things when we were teenagers huh Sixer?"
Ford is confused and Stan is suddenly tense and awkward
He explains he's never felt that kind of attraction towards anyone
He was always interested in getting a girlfriend, but he never really intended on going beyond kissing/possibly making out
Ford's eyes lit up and he immediately exclaimed: "WE'RE BOTH ACE SPECS!"
Ford explained that there was a spectrum that included different sexualities regarding the lack of sexual/romantic attraction
(for the record, Ford took time to do more research since his conversation with Mabel so he's pretty much an expert on sexuality and gender identity now)
He asks Stan how long he's felt this way
Stan says since high school
Ford asks why he didn't tell him
Stan reveals that he assumed he wasn't done with puberty yet/he didn't want Ford to think that there's something wrong with him
He also didn't want to disappoint their father "more than he already had"
Ford says that he would've accepted him no matter what
"Besides, if Dad ever did find out, he would've been disappointed in the both of us."
"Like I said before, we're both on the Ace Spectrum. Only instead of lacking sexual attraction like you, I lack romantic attraction."
"Sooo what does that make the two of us?"
"Well, by the looks of it, it seems that you're some form of asexual and I'm aromantic."
"Some form of it??"
"Well, yes. You see, asexual can serve as an umbrella term. There's also gray asexual, demisexual-"
Stan thinks he's going to have a stroke
Ford promises him that they'll look more into it tomorrow
**Please be aware that I am not bisexual/asexual/aromantic so if I got something wrong PLEASE tell me and I'll correct it**
Hope you enjoyed! (If anyone makes a short fic out of this pls be sure to tag me (I want to write one myself, but I don't think I have time))
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denerims-archive · 4 years
otp tag
Tagged by @solasan​ and @mcousland​ + definitely someone else who knows the activity page is garbage.
Tagging: whoever wants to! i’m kinda late with this and i think everyone’s been tagged but if you haven’t do this and say i tagged you!
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who is more likely to raise their voice?
Naomi. I can’t see Nate ever raising his voice at her out of anger. Maybe out of worry but never anger.
who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Naomi. Better to leave than get left.
who actually keeps their word and leaves?
God, neither of them. I can see maybe Naomi telling Nate she needs to go drive around and cool down but none of them would just outright leave. Naomi might be stubborn about her feelings but she knows that Nate is someone important to her.
who trashes the house?
During an argument? Yikes neither of them. Especially Nate. He’s very conscious of how he positions himself in an argument cause he’s So Big and a vampire compared to Naomi who is very short and human. Day to day? Naomi lmao. She just leaves a trail of mess in the morning.
do either of them get physical?
God no! Naomi has to convince him to spar with her and that usually ends with Nate catching her in his arms and kissing her until she’s out of breath from laughing and has to tap out.
how often do they argue/disagree?
Not often early on but the more feelings get involved the more they have disagreements with things like how much Naomi puts herself in danger. Naomi also pushes Nate away a little out of fear when they start getting so close. Whenever Nate mentions Rebecca/tries to mend their relationship whatever his intentions it always results in a fight and a silent treatment from Naomi. Nate also gets super pissed when she doesn’t tell him things which is a hard habit to break for her.
who is the first to apologize?
Naomi usually. She’s the one who usually gets the angriest/has the most vitriol when she’s angry so once she cools down she feels absolutely awful. Apologizing with Nate is always so easy with him too and he apologizes in return and is so soft in discussing the issue after everything has simmered down. 
who is on top? who is on bottom?
Uh...Nate is usually the more dominant person but obviously very gentle and servicing in it. He’s the person who gently directs Naomi, slows her down, makes her enjoy it which is So Much. That’s when they have time of course. When Naomi wants a quickie she’s normally the one in charge but that’s pretty rare because Nate can’t seem to grasp the quickie concept. Naomi really likes to be on top and Nate really likes to watch her ride him soooooooo...
any kinks?
Dirty talk!! Specifically Nate! His is...A+. Nothing degrading because he’d never do that for Naomi even if she wanted and honestly I don’t think it’s very healthy for Naomi to get into that since she has History with some of those words and indulging in them would be not good for her. But Nate loves sweet nothings, praising her, asking her if she likes what he’s doing/likes doing what she’s doing/etc. Naomi has also unlocked Nate’s kink of his hands being tied during sex either to each other or to the bed frame. They also really love uhhh when Nate comes inside her and all of the dirty talk that comes with that. Naomi likes to be spanked occasionally - never choked or hit beyond that - and Nate’s not really into it but he indulges her because he loves her. Nipple play, lingerie, blindfolds, etc. UH Nate is a major tease so denial/teasing too which Naomi is happy to return.
who has the strangest desires?
Naomi probably lmao! She’s more kinky than Nate is.
who’s dominant in bed?
Nate normally but they switch it up sometimes. 
is head ever in the equation?
Absolutely! Nate is the best at oral in UB and I said what I said. Naomi also really enjoys it because Nate is so loud and moany when she does it. Also he holds her hair back which is sweet.
if so, who is better at performing it?
I gotta give it to Nate.
ever had sex in public?
Nooooo. Most “public” is fooling around in various Warehouse rooms. They’ve definitely had sex like...in a private area where Nate’s pulled her but nah.
who moans the most?
Natey! Naomi takes a bit of work to get going but when she does she’s very enthusiastic but on average it’s Nate.
who leaves the most marks?
Naomi would be if they didn’t heal in like minutes which makes her very sad. Nate only leaves marks on her thighs.
who is the more experienced of the two?
I’m not sure about Nate’s entire experience but Naomi’s got a lot of experience so it’s most likely going to be her.
do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
MAKE LOVE BABY! But it’s not slow and tender all the time, they’re super passionate and needy when they smash so it’s just up in the air. But the two of them always come from a place of love when having sex sniff. Esp Nate. Naomi sometimes is like I need to not think for a bit/destress.
how long do they usually last?
I feel like Nate’s got some Stamina! Naomi’s usually the one that has to tap out but they can go pretty long like 45min? Obviously on and off not just...straight penetration the whole time.
rough or soft?
Soft! Like I said, they’re very passionate and needy and very desperate to be close to each other but they never really get rough. The roughest I can see them getting is Nate getting a bit enthusiastic esp after being apart or not getting time alone for awhile and going pretty hard? But nothing rough beyond that.
is protection used?
Yes. Naomi’s on the pill but she forgets sometimes...more than she should it just kinda slips her mind. They use condoms but not enough and honestly with Naomi begging him to come inside her every other day it’s a wonder they haven’t had an accident.
does it ever get boring?
Nah! I don’t think so. Maybe it becomes a bit quicker and more routine - they know what gets each other off - when they get married and become parents and get busy but they mix it up once in awhile when they can!
where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
Back of Naomi’s car (they’re eventually successful) and the Warehouse library I guess?
do they plan on having children / do they have children?
Yes absolutely! Naomi thought it wasn’t ever really in the cards for her but she met Nate and was like Oh I’m GOING to have his babies. Nate has always really wanted kids and he can’t imagine having them with anyone but Naomi anymore.
if so, how many children do they want/have?
They have four! Alice is the first and the two of them are so incredibly excited. Holden is born about three years after Alice - the two of them kind of wanted to settle into parenting before they added another kid to the pile lmao. Their third - Watson - is a surprise! A pleasant surprise but a surprise nonetheless. Naomi’s pregnant with him about a year after Holden is born and then two years after Holden their little baby Josephine is born!
who likes to cuddle?
Naomi!! She loves to cuddle him all the time especially when they’re reading/she’s doing work on her laptop/etc. She’s so comfortable and relaxed when they cuddle it’s very sweet. She feels super safe with him.
who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
NATE. He’s the worst and so smooth about it and just looks at Naomi’s exasperation with the warmest, sweetest smile of bemusement. 
who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
Nate! Not just in naughty~ terms but just in general he’s so touchy. It takes a bit for Naomi to get used to it but she really loves it because she’s so starved for it. It just makes her AHEM blush when it’s in front of other people which she hates! (the blushing pls Nate give her another kiss in front of everyone)
how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
God, forever. As long as Naomi can play on her phone/read a book and Nate can read too. They loooove cuddling it’s disgusting. Sometimes they gotta shift though if Nate’s arm goes asleep or smth.
what is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Reading together! Cooking together! Nate loves binge-watching shows with Naomi because he gets so invested and he loves Naomi’s shows she introduces him too. They binge a ton of shows for date nights. They also love to go on walks together and possibly even some hikes. 
where is their favourite place to cuddle?
Bed! Or anywhere really in Naomi’s place. They’re alone and they can just be themselves and are all safe and warm. Nate and Naomi really love having a place of their own esp Naomi.
who snores?
Nate softly snores sometimes! 
if both do, who snores the loudest?
Naomi probably only snores when she’s drunk and it’s LOUD.
do they share a bed or sleep separately?
They eventually share a bed (BED SHARING WHEN). Naomi is an insomniac but she sleeps really well with Nate. They help soothe away each other’s nightmares and hold each other. 
if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Cozy together at first but as their relationship progresses they lay what’s comfortable to them but the thing is they always have to be touching even a little bit. They’ll lay back to back and Nate will have his hand behind him on her hip or smth like that. 
what do they wear to bed?
Well, we know Nate loves some silky matching pajamas!! (Naomi loves them too) Naomi typically sleeps in sleep shorts and a t-shirt or just a t-shirt and underwear. Naomi won’t sleep in Nate’s t-shirt but she’ll grab them if she’s getting up to go start tea in the morning.
are either of them insomniacs?
Naomi is! She used to take pills for it back when she was first getting over her mental health issues but she stopped taking them because she didn’t like the way they made her feel. Nate just doesn’t sleep as much as normal humans do.
can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
I’m not sure if Naomi would ever go back on them tbh. 
do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Nate wants to hold Naomi ALL the time so he’s like a little octopus. She gets in bed and he’s pulling her close. Like I said, later they lay side by side in a way that’s comfy for each other but they always have to be touching. Sometimes, one of them will wake up and reach out just to make sure the other’s still there. 
who wakes up with bed hair?
NATEY! It’s very cute and Naomi idly smooths it over, runs her fingers through it and then messes it up again when they’re waking up and still in bed. One time, Rebecca came to drop something off for Naomi early one morning and Nate came out with bed hair in his pajamas from her bedroom since he didn’t know she was there and that was the most awkward experience of Naomi’s life.
who wakes up first?
Naomi during the weekdays/days she has to work and Nate on the days neither of them have to work! Whoever’s up puts the kettle on and gets the mail/newspaper, waters the plants, etc.
who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Nate!! It’s his Thing and he definitely did it the first time they slept together. Naomi teased him about it but kissed him and told him that she loved it and it was very sweet of him. She’s never had someone make her breakfast in bed before so Nate tries to do it as often as he can.
what is their favourite sleeping position?
Nate on his back with Naomi curled into his side is their default! Spooning is also a thing and they flip-flop who spoons who. Sometimes they shift during the night and it changes. When Naomi cuts her hair in Book 3 it makes it 10x easier since Nate isn’t choking on her hair lmao.
do they set an alarm each night?
Yep! Naomi sets one on her phone. Naomi pats him and tells him to turn it off sometimes and honestly that makes sure she gets up because Nate spends like ten minutes trying to turn the alarm off. 
who has nightmares?
Both. Naomi’s are more often but Nate’s are more intense and really bad on the rare occasion they happen.
can a television be found in their bedroom?
Nope. I think for Nate that would be a hard no. Naomi reads when she goes to bed instead of watching TV because it helps her fall asleep so I can’t see her really wanting one either.
who has ridiculous dreams?
Nate seems like he’d have weird dreams and loves telling them to Naomi over breakfast. I feel like they love jokingly analyzing each other’s dreams too even if they don’t actually believe in that stuff. Naomi looks up those dream meaning sites on her phone and very seriously tells Nate is prognosis is not good.
who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Nate. Even not sprawled out he takes up so much of their bed dgdskjgg. Luckily, Naomi’s pretty compact so it doesn’t affect her much. His legs will tangle up with hers though while he sleeps or he splays them out.
who makes the bed?
Nate! Naomi just lets him do it because she’s learned whenever she protests him doing stuff for her he insists he loves her and just wants to make things easier on her. Naomi rolls her eyes, Nate gives her a kiss and continues doing what he’s doing. It’s just best not to argue.
what time is bed time?
They get into bed EARLY if they can cause they’re Old People (™), Naomi usually doesn’t fall asleep for hours and sits there reading/working on her laptop/etc. Nate will usually fall asleep first and Naomi follows after at around 11/12.
any routines/rituals before bed?
I guess reading together before bed counts? Nate always kisses Naomi’s forehead or cheek before he goes to bed and tells her he loves her. It’s to the point where smth happens where Nate doesn’t get to kiss her before bed and Naomi’s like….:( wait smth’s not right.
who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
NAOMI. Nate is a sunshiney morning person and she loves him but that’s the one time she wants to strangle him.
who is the busiest?
It depends what’s going on! So much of their work depends on other factors that are out of their control but Naomi is busy most of the time. Nate has more free time than she does and that’s why he likes to help out around her apartment/their house more to carry his share of the load!
who rakes in the highest income?
I assume...Nate might make more since Naomi is new to the Agency?
are any of them unemployed?
who takes the most sick days?
Sick days? Water those? Naomi is such a workaholic she’s that dickhead who comes into work sick and gets everyone else sick. Nate has to force her to stay in bed when she’s sick and has even called the station to let them know she’s not coming in (Douglas can hear Naomi telling him to give her the phone in the background before he hands up dlkgjsdkg)
what are their jobs?
Naomi is an Agency Liason and Detective. Nate is an Agent of the Agency!
who sucks up to their boss?
Naomi has 0 patience for sucking up anymore. She used to when she was younger but she’s disillusioned with the Captain and Adam and her don’t get along/disagree on a lot of stuff. She really needs to respect you for her to suck up to you.
who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Neither of them really? Maybe Naomi is slightly more likely to. Naomi loves to try and get Nate to stay in bed just a little bit longer and sometimes those efforts lead to  the two of them forgetting they actually have jobs to go to.
who stresses the most?
Both! They both hide it really well too but they’ve both caught onto the signs of them being stressed. Naomi starts smoking a lot and Nate can smell it on her. Nate is a bit more reserved than he normally is and has little tics that Naomi catches on.
do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
Naomi likes it because it challenges her but I don’t think she likes a lot of the bureaucracy and paperwork of either being a detective or agent. She also likes the idea of following in her father’s footsteps and that’s why she joined the force. She originally was going to be a social worker but kinda went the easier path after her bad years. It made her feel connected to her father which she really needed. I think Nate really likes his job! Naomi’s distrust of the Agency might cause a little friction. 
are they financially stable?
Naomi isn’t at first just because she’s denied her mother’s financial help for a long time but they eventually are very financially stable together. They’re both good at planning and money...besides Nate’s expensive tastes.
who does the washing?
Naomi! She usually just throws a load in when she’s done with a shower or heading to work. Nate folds and puts them away though!
who takes out the trash?
Naomi! She usually takes it on her way out. 
who does the ironing?
Nate! He’s very good at it and can do some mean pleats. Naomi hates ironing things so he’s happy to do it.
who does the cooking?
Nate! Like I said he’s a great cook and loves to cook for Naomi. It’s mostly him but they love to cook together. Naomi will occasionally try and make dinner for the two of them but rarely.
who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Naomi! She’d forget about it or smth. 
who is messier?
Naomi! She leaves shit everywhere and never has time/patience/motivation to clean up. It admittedly drives Nate a little nuts.
who leaves the toilet roll empty?
who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Naomi! Specifically in the bathroom because she comes home and just wants to shower some days especially being out on patrol with Bravo. Just shucks off her clothes and goes. They both pick them up when they have a second or remember.
who forgets to flush the toilet?
Uh…..neither lmao. 
who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
NAOMI. She gets very pissy too and it’s usually somewhere that’s obvious and Nate’s like “...honey?”. 
who answers the telephone?
Naomi! She doesn’t have a landline and Nate can’t use his cellphone so she even answers his phone for him. 
who mows the lawn?
Nate! He loves doing like...Stereotypical Husband/Dad stuff. (Note: he is very bad at repairing things, that’s Naomi’s job)
who does the vacuuming?
It depends on who has time! Usually Nate.
who does the groceries?
Naomi! They like doing it together though especially when they have a special recipe they’re cooking up that night. 
who takes the longest to shower?
Nate. Naomi takes pretty quick showers. Naomi tends to sneak into his showers and makes him take a loooot longer.
who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Both of them take a long time tbh. About the same time normally. Naomi maybe takes a little longer if she’s putting special effort into her hair/makeup for the day.
is money a problem?
Early on for Naomi maybe a little (not terribly so) but later on when they’re together no their combined salaries make them pretty stable.
how many cars do they own?
Just one originally - Naomi’s shitty little baby car. They trade it in eventually for just a regular nice car and when Naomi gets pregnant they buy a second car that’s a Suburban to cram all their kids in.
what’s their song?
Tiny Dancer by Elton John (don’t ask I hear it and I think of them), Beautiful by Bazzi, Love You Like That by Dagny, Without Fear by Dermot Kennedy
do they live in the city or in the country?
Small town, I guess!
do they own their home or do they rent?
Naomi rents an apartment and I think the Agency owns the Warehouse? When the two of them get married, Nate buys a house in Wayhaven for them to fix up! It’s very cute and has a big yard.
do they enjoy their surroundings?
Naomi....hates Wayhaven to say the least. Gossip hound neighbors, uncooperative mayor, bad memories, her stupid ex...she just wants to move anywhere but she’s so attached to this town. Nate really loves Wayhaven and weirdly helps Naomi see the beauty in her town again? 
what do they do when they’re away from each other?
God, miss each other so much. Naomi less so, she’s used to being pretty independent but ofc she still misses him. She can at least get shit done. Nate is the worst because he’s mooning over her on a mission and the rest of UB complains about it. Makes one of the others call Naomi on his cell every night so they can Facetime. Naomi flashes him her tits. Nate is okay with this one piece of technology. Though one time Naomi does try to get freaky and Nate very loudly goes “HEY ADAM’S HERE! SAY HI TO ADAM!” Adam: :| 
where did they first meet?
Abandoned warehouse in Book 1, babey! She shoots her future husband’s best friend in the shoulder. It takes awhile for those two to like each other obviously.
who spends the most money when out shopping?
NATE. Bougie king. Naomi teases him about it too but she also gets the benefit of his obnoxious thread count sheets, giant bath and him smelling faintly of expensive cologne and body wash all the time. So, Naomi quit complaining.
who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Dkgjsg Naomi does this all the time because it’s too entertaining not to. If it’s when other people are around she’s sending him Signals or doing stuff like that Nate gets all flustered and leans his chin on his hand and tries to cover up the little smirk he has. Raises his eyebrows at her and gets That Look.
any mental issues?
Well, Nate clearly has some kind of PTSD due to his fear of storms/other very obvious factors. Naomi has pretty severe depression and honestly probably a little touch of BPD. She also has some anxiety (not as bad as the depression) but enough that she bites her nails down and has to paint them/get fake ones so she doesn’t ruin her teeth.
who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Nate usually just catches Naomi and has a little smile that she jokingly glares at him for. Naomi tries...so hard not to laugh but Nate is...so not graceful some times. Like a baby giraffe. He legs too long for he gotdam bodee.
who’s terrified of bugs?
who kills the spiders around the house?
Nate! But he usually gets a cup and a piece of paper and takes it outside. Naomi usually loves that he’s gentle but also will die if he comes close with that thing. He’s always like, “See, it just wants to go back outside.” And Naomi’s got the most unamused face while she’s standing on the couch sdgsjkg.
do they have any fears for their future?
Uh...yeah definitely. Besides the normal ya know, being kidnapped/murdered for her blood, Naomi is...terrified that Nate will come to his senses and leave her. She has horrible fears of abandonment and not being worthy. She’s just...always waiting for the shoe to drop. Nate is also terrified for her safety but also worried a lot for her mental state the more he learns about her past. He loves her and supports her and wants to stay with her for...eternity if she lets that happen. Of course, that’s also a fear that Naomi might not want to live forever and see all her family and friends die. That it might exacerbate her already lonely, heartbroken, abandoned nature. That he’ll doom her to a life she doesn’t want just because she loves him. Ha ha...anyways.
their favourite place?
They of course both love the Warehouse but they love Naomi’s apartment because it’s just them and they get some privacy. Just a detective and her vampire...playin house.
who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Nate! He cooks for Naomi so much! She offhandedly told him once that she doesn’t usually have time to cook with how busy she is (also...the Depression) so he’s always surprising her when she comes home. It’s very special when he buys all the ingredients and they cook together because Naomi likes to cook it’s just such an effort! Good date nights for them is cooking a new recipe tbh.
who pays the bills?
Nate tries to pay them all but Naomi splits them.
who’s the tallest?
Natey! He teases Naomi about it sometimes. They’ve got a foot height difference.
who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Naomi! She loves sneaking into the shower with Nate not even just for some naughty times but she loves bathing with Nate. He’ll wash her hair for her and she’ll do the same for him. It’s about….the caregiving.
who wanders around in their underwear?
Naomi! But I’m fixated on Nate getting comfortable at her place enough to wander around in his boxers. 
who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Naomi!!!!! Nate just sits there and stares at her and lets her sing to him because he’s a big puppy who’s in love.
what do they tease each other about?
Nate’s teasing is so gentle and has no real weight to it. Like teasing Naomi about being such a workaholic and trying to get her to bed. Naomi calls Nate really goofy as hell pet names that are purposefully cringey but shh Nate secretly likes any pet name Naomi calls him. They typically are just pretty flirty teasing esp poking each other when they’re trying to focus on smth or they’ll be reading in the library and Naomi will catch his eyes and wiggle her eyebrows. Nate’ll counter back with something like “You know I can’t concentrate with you looking at me like that.” Naomi also gets a little flirty and competitive when it comes to games or any kind of challenge which makes Nate SWEAT.
who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Well, we all know Nate is the best dressed member of Bravo and Naomi is usually pretty well-dressed if somewhat minimalistic and plain. I don’t think either of them really would unless Naomi was in a slump and clearly like...not practicing self care and Nate noticed. Nate just doesn’t seem like a Judgy person unless it’s a symptom of smth else.
who crushed first?
Natey! Naomi was close behind though it didn’t really hit her for a while.
any alcohol or substance related problems?
Naomi used to rely a lot on alcohol in her teenage years/college days so she’s pretty aware of that dependence and doesn’t really get drunk very much. She also smokes - though she tries to hide it like she’s a teenager still living in her mother’s house lmao. I can’t see Nate having any kind of those problems esp with vampire metabolism.
who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Naomi! When she does drink it’s usually a night out with Tina and Nate is very sweet about. Makes her drink a glass of water and take an aspirin (much to her displeasure) before getting her in bed.
who swears the most?
Naomi, obviously lmao. Usually when she’s exasperated. It’s normally when she’s Tired of Shit and not an angry thing really? I don’t see her cursing when she fights with someone either.
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Pretending (Part 4) Jughead J. x Reader
Hi~ Long time no read haha, I honestly drop this story because my life became busier with college, and then I stopped watching the show as the plot lose my interest. Yet, as I was reliving my Tumblr I came across with Part 3 and Part 2, which I really enjoyed, so I thought I might just give the story an end, since I’m fond to the characters of the show and my own OCs, Not really sure if anyone is gonna read it, specially since I won’t be following the exact plot and timeline as the original show, but, I kinda feel that’s what an imagine is about, so ooopsie
Summary: Drama in Riverdale seems to never end, your home-life was a mess, your past was still hunting you, yet, breaking up with your boyfriend was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. How are you supposed to go through all the chaos that was coming? Are you going to keep pretending to be the normal nice girl? Or his your heart willing to reveal it’s true skin?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Pairing: Jughead Jones x reader
Words: 4583
Note: English isn’t my first language, I deeply apologize for any mistake.
Disclaimer: Since I’m writing this as someone who doesn’t follow the current plot of the show, I’m unaware of the fandom’s situation, so I just want to clarify that this fic is only meant to entertain, it doesn’t hate or trash in any character, I still love the cast of the show so I’m not here with any negative vibes, pls keep it like this, I’ll try my best to write the most human, imperfect, mistake makers characters, you’re welcome not to read if you don’t like it, thanks y’all!
“Easy there, Hot Dog.” you said calming down the little dog that seemed overwhelmed by the presence of the beanie-less Jughead Jones III. “He’s family.” You added smirking at him, quite pleasant by the shock in his features.
Tall Boy started talking, dragging his attention from you to the man. “We heard your dad could have named names, but he didn’t.”
His eyes were on you just as he heard that, you just winked an eye to him.
“We wanted you to know, no matter what happens to him, however long he's gone, we've got your back.”
The serpents were all looking at him, some with decision and compromise, some with thankful welcoming eyes.
“This is yours… If you want it.” You mentioned, giving him a leather jacket with the Southside Serpents’ logo.
Your heart flattered as you saw him putting on the jack.
Good Lord, he’s hot.
No one could deny how good Jughead looked in that jacket, it suited him perfectly, he belonged to them. You looked at him, smiling as you with that quirky sparkle in his eyes, and he smiled to you slightly.
Like it was meant to be.
That’s how you felt your world while you and the Jones kid both turn around to see a pretty blonde girl hiding her body behind the wall, confusion marked all over her face. It didn’t take you long to notice the state of her clothes.
His clothes too.
Noticing the sudden mood in the air, Jughead spun around seeing at your figure with horror in his eyes.
“I think we might have interrupted something, gentlemen.” You said towards the group without looking at him. “We should leave.” You got down the stairs as you suggest the departure.
“Dismiss.” Ordered Tall Boy, everyone following you, as you became smaller and smaller with the distance.
You collapse in your homemade bed as you arrived at the Whyte Wrym, you’re staying in a little room at the second floor thanks to the fact that the manager owned FP a favor. You felt Hot Dog jumping by your side.
“Can you believe it Hot Dog?” you said looking at him incredulous. “I mean, yeah we waited because when we started to date we were too young to make that kind of things, but even tho, hell they have just been some months together.” You covered your face with your hands, memories of Jughead’s touch filling your mind.
He was so fucking good and lovely at bed.
And now all of that was in hands of the Cooper girl.
“Here comes the green-eye monster Hottie.” You announced looking at the puppy. “How he dares forgetting me so easily? I’m glad we ruined their night.” You huffed crossing your arms.
As your head started to hurt you decided it was better to sleep than overthink. You cuddle as you could, embracing Hot Dog between your arms, closing your eyes hoping that the next day you would be blessed to avoid the beanie boy.
Successfully, you hadn’t see your ex for a week or so, apparently, he kept dumping classes to go to the northside, but who could blame him? With all this Archie’s father being shot and The Black Hood thing going on, it was pretty normal for him to be there.
If not, he was shut in the Red&Black newspaper office. It was kind of funny, yet kind of sad how you two would remain like strangers under the same roof, even if not so along you were soulmates.
With that being said, today was an odd day, you entered your class as normal, your presence shutting down everyone as usual, walked to your destined seat, in front of Toni, diagonal to Sweet Pea and beside Jughead. What?
You faced at your left being welcomed by those intense blue-greenish eyes that could make everyone in the room faint with a stare. You looked sights for a second, broke apart when the professor entered the room.
He started to talk, the class started to become noisier, making the teacher fight for the attention, it made you grew impatient at the idiotic attitude of your classmates. You harshly kicked the desk at your right startling everyone, the room fall in silence just a second later.
“Thank you, Miss Y/L/N.” said the professor continuing with the lecture, you nodded absently as you tried to focus on his words rather than the handsome boy next-desk that couldn’t keep look away from you.
The class kept the same pace you had managed to achieve, your mind spaced out as the clock’s tic-tac rhythm filled the room, making everyone count the seconds unconsciously. Distracting you from the pass of the time a little paper ball was throw to you from your left.
You opened cautiously, no bothering in turning around to see the paper’s owner.
“What was that?” was written in a small quick handwriting.
You furrowed your eyebrows crumpling the paper and throwing it away.
Just a few seconds later another paper ball landed in your desk. You sighed no bothering open it, you just set it aside.
A minute later it wasn’t a ball what arrived, it was a full paper plane with the words ‘Stop ignoring me’ written at a wing.
You opened it tired of the little game.
‘What was that?’
You rolled your eyes taking a pen answering. ‘What was what?’ you threw the paper at his direction not even looking, you could hear Toni chuckling behind you, well at least she was having fun.
The paper was with you a minute later, his plane form was built again.
‘Earlier you hit a desk, and everyone shut up.’
‘Yeah, you’re welcomed.’
You extended your arm to pass him the paper this time, your hands touched as he took it.
‘I owe you my life ;P but my question was why did they shut up because of you, they looked afraid.’
You couldn’t help but smile a little at the little face he drew in the paper. ‘Oh no, they weren’t afraid. Well, not at all, they just respect me. And lets just keep it like that.’
You looked at him finally, leaving the paper at his desk. “End of the conversation.” You said quietly, the bell ringing just a second later, you took your stuff and stormed out of the class before anyone else.
Jughead’s PoV
I sat at the canteen with the other serpents, my eyes instantly scanning the place to see a certain Y/H with Y/H/C.
“Where’s Y/N?” I asked as she was nowhere near to be seen.
“She doesn’t sit with us.” Said Sweet Pea bluntly.
I just throw a confused look to Toni.
“She just sits there.” She said calmly pointing out at her in a desk a little far away, all alone.
“What the hell?!” I felt by heart sinking in fear at her sight “You just let her sit alone?! The Ghoullies are gonna eat her alive!” as sudden as I said that the table broke in laughs.
Noticing my unbelieved face Toni faced me. “I kind of think she sits there to protect us.”
“How?” I asked as her answer didn’t make any sense.
“Well, she used to sit with us, but the Ghoullies did come to bother her even if we were with her, after that she started sitting alone.”
“The Ghoullies stopped coming, just focused on her.” Continued Fangs.
“Because she was Southside’s bookworm.” Answered Sweet Pea making me glared at him because of the nickname he has given to her.
“And even if we tried to help her she stopped us.” Fangs sighed as everyone else nodded.
“But now none of the Ghoullies has the guts to face her.” I looked up at Sweet Pea who was smirking at Y/N’s direction.
I arched a brow confused. “Are you kidding me?”
“No” said Toni smiling. “It’s true, it was awesome Jones. One day an idiotic asshole Ghoullie mentioned her family and threated her about hurting her cousin.”
“She exploded.” Fangs concluded with a glint of joy in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” I said gulping the anxiety out of my voice.
“She beat the hell out of him and his friends.” Sweet Pea nodded fondly at the memory.
“Sweet Pea had to stop her when she took the fire extinguisher.”
He nodded again. “I’m still curious about what she would have done with it.”
“That’s how she finished earning the respect of all the gang and the school.” Toni finished, all looking at Y/N’s desk where she ate an apple reading a little book in her other hand. “She looked so hot. The serpent’s loner wolf.”
“Riverdale’s Sweetheart.” Argued Fangs earning a glare from Toni.
“Southside’s bookworm.” Said SP taking part of the argument.
I felt my blood boiling at their comments. “That’s enough.” I scold them loudly dragging their attention to me. “Stop tagging her for God’s sake. She hates that. You can’t just classify her in a category you know? Y/N is just too unique to fit in one of those mundane descriptions.” I ranted taking my tray.
I leaved the serpent’s safe zone and proceeded to walk towards the girl with the serpent jacket and the book.
“Mind if I sit?” I said taking the seat in front of her.
“I actually mind, yes. But as always you’re just gonna do whatever you want.” She said not even looking at me.
I took a moment to appreciate her, with all the shit that has been going on the town, I hadn’t notice her subtle change, her makeup was just a smidge more notorious and rebellious, her hair was more wild, her soft face was now contrasted by her hard expression, her Serpent jacket embraced her body in all the right places, she emitted this new sensation of power and sassiness, even with the sweet glimpse that was still in her eyes.
“You know Jones? That look you’re strolling all over my body can be consider sexual harassment, jail won’t be seen good at your curriculum.” She said quietly, yet cold enough to freeze my train of thought.
I blushed furiously as she noticed it. “Sorry, it’s just… You look different.”
“I guess.” She muttered bluntly.
“It suits you.” I smirk at her slightly.
She looked at me for the first time in all the conversation. “Thanks.” Her eyes sunk down at her book again, I didn’t feel her blush, her voice didn’t stutter neither, her eyes didn’t look at mine with warm, unlike every time I used to compliment her, and it hurt me, the fact that she treated me like a stranger was slowly killing me.
“Y/N… Listen, I’m being honest. I don’t like our current status.” I said snatching her book to have her full attention.
“Oh, you mean ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend? Well I’m sorry it bothers you, but it wasn’t my decision.” She took the book away from me.
“I know… I know I hurt you and I’m sorry for that, I didn’t mean to screw up the things between us, but, can’t we just be friends? Please…”
She locked eyes at me, thinking quietly, she slowly began to open her book, ready to ignore me again. Being as fast as I could I took the book again this time my other hand has gripping her wrist.
She sighed. “I guess I could pretend to.” I could her the bluntness in her voice.
“Pretend?” I repeat quietly amused. “I was expecting something more real… Like a true friend, I need you here Y/N.”
“Well I’m sorry it’s disappointing to you but is the best I can offer you.”
“Why can’t we just be friends, like when we were kids… Come on, don’t you miss me…?” I hold her hand between mine, craving to feel her warming soft skin.
“No. We can’t.” She removed her hand from mine.
I silently cursed, her rejection hurting me down my soul.
“Why not?” I asked bitterly.
“Because friends don’t love each other like I love you. Because friends don’t crave for the touch and the kisses of the other. Because friends can be okay to see you with your girlfriend. But I can’t, I can’t be your friend because I’m in love with you, you idiot, I want to be your girl, I want to be your best friend, your confident, your person. But I’m not, so don’t ask me to be okay and be your friend. Because I can’t, I just can pretend to.”
I saw her eyes growing watery, but I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t react I didn’t know how, she has never talked to me so harshly. She blinked, stopping the tears from falling, she avoided my eyes and stood up, walking trough the door, leaving me there, with her book between my hands, in the cold lonely bench, in a cold lonely mess.
I saw the book’s cover, it was a little antique poem book we stole from the library some years ago, I flip the pages until end, there in the back face of the book, was a little photo attached with some tape, it was an old polaroid photo of us, with Tobias, the baby was in her arms giggling, I had my hands in her waist as I embraced her, she between my legs, her back leaning against my torso, I was looking at the camera with a faint smile, and she was…
She was looking at me…
I tighten my grip on the book as I exanimated her face, her pupils were slightly bigger, and her smile was little, but warmly breathtaking, her eyes were soft, I knew that expression, it was the same she put whenever she admire something, like an art piece, or when Tobias said his first word, I loved that expression, yet, I never knew…
She saw me like that.
My heart sunk as the realization that maybe, maybe all this time I never took a moment to realize those little things about her, and our relationship, and now it was too late to think of them, maybe…
Maybe I got too used to have her around, that I looked at her, but I didn’t see her.
Life has mastered the irony, as the loner boy was now the one to say hi, when he was the first to say bye, and the sweet girl refused to answer back as she tried hard not to fall apart.
I went to the Red&Black office to clear my mind, I took the local newspaper and my heart pound as a read the headline, a cryptograph from the Black Hood to solve? Sounds like a case for Sherlock Jones, I sat starting to analyze it when the creaking sound of the door caught my attention.
There she was, Y/N herself entering the office with Toni, some boxes in their hands.
“Oh, you’re here.” Toni said putting her box in the desk.
“Yeah… Hey have you seen the news?” I said looking at both.
Y/N just left her box next to Toni´s and stormed out of the room.
Toni looked at me with a scold on her face. “Did you do something to her?”
“W-What? No, she’s just… We’re in the middle of the ex’s war zone.”
“Ex?” She said widening her eyes.
“You didn’t know? I thought you knew her!” I replied mimicking her expression.
“And I do, but she never talked about her love life, I didn’t get to ask her neither.”
I sighed covering my face with my hands. “Don’t tell anyone.” I asked sternly.
“May I ask what happen?” She said raising a brow. “Like bro, who dumps a girl like Y/N? or what did she did for you to leave her. No wait, did she dumped you? That makes more sense.”
I looked at her, too tired to explain myself or to discuss, I just told her everything vaguely.
“So, Mrs. Pony Tail and you started to grow closer, you both develop feelings and she convinced you to try a relationship even tho she knew that you were Y/N’s everything.”
“No!” I yelled angry. “When you say it like that it sounds cruel.”
“And you really just left an almost three years, relationship like that. You’re easier than I thought Jones.”
I growled. “Thanks Toni.” I give her the newspaper changing the subject. “Wanna solved it together?”
She sighted looking at me, smirking faintly. “Hell yeah.”
Y/N’s PoV.
There was an awkward silence in the room, just the sound of the pencils on the paper or the flipping of the pages filling the mood.
I can’t really tell how I ended up in this situation, I just know that I gave up at Toni’s begging for me to join she and Jug to decipher the Black Hood’s code, but she never mentioned it was going to be at Jug’s trailer, neither she told me that Betty was coming too, although the pissed expression in her face makes me believe she had no idea.
The bright side of this was that Kevin had come too, I was so happy to see him that I just jumped into his arms when he noticed me, he was currently resting my back against mine as we helped each other to reach a comfort
“These symbols look so familiar to me.” Said Betty breaking the silence, catching all our attention. “It's like I've seen them before and it's driving me crazy I can't figure out where.” She added sounding frustrated.
“Maybe if you loosened your ponytail.” Said Toni bluntly. I facepalmed internally as I saw the offended faces of the Northsiders. “What? That was a joke, guys.” she cleared, yet it was already too late, I sight hearing Kevin’s indignation.
“Betty's ponytail is iconic and beyond reproach.”
“Kev. It's fine. And at this point, I'm willing to try anything.” Betty said loosening her ponytail as Toni said, being free from it.
I looked at her for a moment as the other returned to discuss the important matter of the night. Betty wasn’t a bad girl, not even close, yet I couldn’t help but be mad, she knew all my story with Jughead, every single fucking detail, and yet she didn’t even think about it when they started dating… But then again, I didn’t have any right in the Jones boy… He was free to fall in love and leave, so was Betty.
I heard vaguely part of their conversation as I started to feel dizzy, getting even sicker as I notice the tension in their voices, there was a war getting near, I could feel it.
“No, I mean like why, why is he killing people? Or at least, why now? We know the Hood's obsessed with cleansing the town of sinners and hypocrites, right? And he seems to be attacking anyone with ties to the Northside.” I tried to focus in Betty’s analysis as my head spun around.
“Here we go with the fake news again.” Said Toni getting in a defensive attitude, I slapped myself mentally finally waking up as I knew this wasn’t going to end well.
“Toni.” I said calmly looking at her. “Breath.”
“No! This Northsiders and their privilege. All you do is demonize the Southside so of course you think the Black Hood's from there.”
“It's not demonizing, Toni. It's stating facts.” Betty excused herself not helping Toni to calm down. “There's way more drugs and gangs.” The little Cooper continued, yet it didn’t take long for Toni to interpose.
“And the drugs you mean which were sold primarily to Northside crackheads? And what about the Northside Neo-Nazis?” Perfect, Archie´s little gang was now on the discussion. I looked at Kevin’s awkwardness, sharing the feeling, as we were the ones in the middle watching all the drama.
“The Red Circle?”
“The Red Psychos, you mean. Hell, Betty, I'm surprised you haven't just come out and said it yet.”
“Said what?”
“That you think the Black Hood's a Serpent. We all know how much you hate us.”
“Okay, Toni. I don't hate the Serpents.”
“Oh, yeah? Says the girl who stole a good friend’s boyfriend, mostly just as a whim than for love. Then, tell me why is it that your boyfriend here lies about the fact that he sits with us at lunch?” She ranted her breath getting heavy, I took her arm as I stood up.
“That’s enough Toni, we should go okay?” she scoffed taking her arm back from my grip but starting to gather her things.
“Yeah I’m gonna go too.” Said Kevin looking away from the situation. “Maybe I can walk you home.” He added looking at us, Toni just glared at him. “Or you can walk me home.” He muttered as we exit the trailer, making me chuckle a little.
I took a last glance at the quirky couple we had left behind, being slightly worried for the fight I knew we had caused.
I sighed shaking the thoughts from my head and I looked at Kevin. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“I don’t know, then you’re gonna be all alone walking in the middle of the night when you return.”
“Who said we were going to walk?” I smiled at him passing him a helmet.
He gasped at the sight of it and looked at me in disbelieve. “No way.”
I just laughed. “This way.” I said guiding him to where I had parked my motorcycle. “Beautiful right?” I said caressing the seat.
“Who would imagine little sweet Y/N in a beast like this?” He said amazed. “Boys most be head over heels for your bad girl version, right?”
“Just a smidge” I winked at him jokingly “Wanna do a bad boy version yourself?” I said sit think in the motorcycle “Come on lazy turtle, hop on.”
After dropping Kevin at his house, winning a worried glance from our local sheriff by the way -I guess laying to him didn’t help our relationship- I returned to the White Wrym ready to shut everything down and gain a good night of sleep.
Since the day after the “solve coding party” was Saturday you decided to help serving at the White Wrym thing you usually did whenever you got the time as a way to show gratitude for your little room and your food. Life was just easier like this, not worrying about anything or anyone, your only problem now was, ironically, Forsythe Pendleton Jughead Jones III. Screw him for interrupting your peace.
“What are you thinking about?” The voice of the pink haired serpent girl woke you up from your thoughts.
You looked at her for a straight second without saying anything as if you were still on a trance.
“Um.. . There’s a murderer on the loose, I have to finish my report before Monday and Hog Eye is running out of tequila” you listed as you cleaned some glasses from the place “There’s a lot to think about Toni”
She raised an eyebrow skeptical “Yeah… Sure… That includes Jughead Jones, am I right?”
“Not quite actually, but it does include the little war that was throw yesterday at his trailer” You looked at her putting a glass down and sighed “They’re not bad Toni, Betty is not just a basic mean girl… She’s nice”
“Are you really defending that white Northside girl? And after she stole your boyfriend?” She asked indignated.
You took a heavy breathe “Northsider or not, that doesn’t matter at all, she’s not bad, and I still appreciate her as a friend. Am I hurt? Yes. Am I angry? Yeah, a little bit. But Betty didn’t put a gun in Jones’ head, he could have said no, yet he didn’t, and is his right, and is her right to fall in love with whoever she wants… I believe in sorority and I can’t just judge her and shame her or hate her because of this… This things… They just happens sometimes. She’s not the bitch you think she is.”
Toni looked at the floor taking your words in, thoughtfully, maybe even a little ashame.
“But” you continued, smiling at her truthfully “I highly appreciate the fact that you like me enough to acknowledge and worry about my feelings, thank you Toni, for real, you’re a great friend” You took her hand squeezing it a little bit, she looked at you slightly surprised at this new face you had never show to her.
You didn’t saw, or heard about anyone from the other side of the own in the whole, it was just as usual as before everything in Riverdale started falling down.
And even if you felt comfortable with the mood, you couldn’t help but think it was a bit strange too, as you saw the moonlight walking down the rain, an uneasy feeling started forming on your gut. Maybe it had something to do with the serial killer on the loose, maybe.
You heard a spray paint can, the unique sound of the paint being ejected against the wall caught your attention, yet you didn’t look for the source, since that wasn’t unusual in this part of the town, you decided it was better to ignored it, but after hearing Archie’s voice you couldn’t help but turn around.
“You can’t just come here and tag our turf.” Said Sweet Pea with anger in his voice. “So why don’t you get your ass back to the Northside before someone gets hurt?” He snapped at Archie threatening.
“Get my way, or someone will be hurt” said Archie without a glimpse of fear in his voice.
“You just made a terrible mistake” you saw Sweet Pea taking his knife out of his pocket, your blood turned cold and you ran as fast ass you could.
“Sweet Pea! NO! Stop!” You yelled, your words trying to reach him. Yet your steps stopped abruptly as you saw with fear the gun Archie had in front of you three, as you heard his heartbroken, heavy, tired and paranoid voice screaming “Who made a mistake?!”
“What the hell?!” Was the last thing you heard from the pair of serpent that was there before they ran off, yet you didn’t run, looking straight into Archie’s eyes.
You watched him carefully as he put the weapon down, breathing heavily squeezing his knees.
You contemplated the big red circle on the wall for a minute “I’ll guess you need a ride” He looked at you saying nothing, still in shock.
“It’s been a long time” You commented as you stopped in front of Archie’s house “The last time I was here Jughead broke my heart” a bittersweet laugh scape from your lips but you shut it as you saw Archie’s uncomfortable expression.
“Sorry, that was something dumb to say” the blush in your face creeped as you apologized.
Archie nooded, not knowing what to say “Do you want to come in and dry yourself?” He asked with concerned seeing your wet dripping because of the rain.
You smiled at him feeling that little nostalgic warmth “Yes, yes please” he opened the door as you followed him, both of you oblivious of the worried blonde her next door.
“Veronica? I think you better come here, quick!” Said Betty, concerned following her trembling voice.
“Archie might cheat on you!” Was the last thing Veronica Lodge heard before hung up her phone.
Hi again~ if you read everything till here and you liked it, thanks for the support! I’ll do my best to not disappear again oopsie
Tag list:
@somethingweird168 @evanpeters3826 @trumpettay @oxoxo0 @superhalsteads @the-mad-girl-with-a-book @beforethebraces @agusdoti @zarinnaaaa @unaveragewriterfreak @k-n-e @letsdosciencekids  @immanuelreblogs @prettyylamee @honeyveeeee @sineadgereal @buttercups145
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Title: Bittersweet Mess
Characters: Moon Seoyun. Lee Haeju.
Pairings: Haeju/Jiwon. 
Summary: Before Honey Moon debuted, the two girls weren’t the closest of friends imaginable. With very different viewpoints and very different opinions on each other, it wasn’t too much of a struggle to see why. 
Warning(s): Drinking, Cursing, Possible signs of an unhealthy relationship (?), Mentions of sex (no actual sex). i think i mentioned everything but if i missed something pls free feel to clock me
“You’re going out, again?” 
“Are you keeping a record?”
“I don’t need to if it happens every night, do I?” Seoyun bit out with the same carelessness that was smeared around Haeju’s voice as well, both girls exiting the practice room. 
“I’m too tired to beat around a bush-what exactly is your point?” 
“My point?”
“Your point in asking?” 
Seoyun let out a bitter laugh as she stopped in her tracks, spinning around to look to meet Haeju’s eyes with a quirked eyebrow, a frown slowly seeping into her face. 
“Did you know asking questions is a way to get to know someone?”
Haeju returned the laughter, although hers was more lighthearted than the other’s, almost as if she was laughing with a close friend rather than being questioned by the girl who she wanted to leave the moment practice was over.
“Yes, Seoyun, I’m going out once again. Care to tag along?” 
Seoyun shook her head with a slightly exaggerated flare, turning back around and continuing to walk towards the exit of the building, Haeju following in suit. 
“Our debut isn’t too far.”
“I’m taking it you don’t want to get shit faced at the club?”
Seoyun muttered something underneath her breath, Haeju glad she didn’t have to hear whatever was causing her to deepen her frown and for her eyes to roll.
The younger of the two opened the front door, not bothering to hold it up for Haeju as she yanked her phone from her bag, going through it in a matter of seconds before holding it up to her ear. 
Haeju mirrored her actions, although instead she pulled her phone out to read the texts that littered the screen, ranging from her boyfriend to her friends that all ran in the same circle asking when she was coming. 
“Hey, want to meet at my place? I don’t have anything better to do.” Seoyun spoke into her phone, the last part of her sentence purposefully louder than the rest as she walked away from the door, leaving Haeju to herself, not bothering to even wave a goodbye. 
“I’m taking this as a no to getting shitfaced?” Haeju called out, the smile on her face bouncing through the tone of her voice, shaking her head slightly as the younger girl walked off in one direction as Haeju herself picked up her phone and called her boyfriend before walking off in another direction.
“Don’t forget what I told you, Seoyun.” Taewon chimed as he grabbed his jacket, all while he slipped his slippers off and exchanged them for his shoes. 
“I know, I heard you old man.”
“There is just a three year difference between us.”
“It’s still a difference!” Seoyun remarked, opening the door for her cousin with a small smile as he frowned at her only for her to shove him out of her apartment playfully. “Get home safe, please!”
“Always do.”
Seoyun let the door close the moment she couldn’t see Taewon’s figure trailing down the hallway, letting out a gentle sigh to herself, before making her way over to the small island and stared at the small mess of containers of foods, plates, cups, and the almost empty wine bottle. 
Granted, the majority of the bottle was downed by Seoyun herself as Taewon refused once he stated he was planning to drive back to his own apartment. Her conversation with him still lingering in Seoyun’s mind, idly letting her thoughts pick apart what her cousin had said as she began cleaning up the small mess. 
What he said made clear sense to Seoyun, it was just hard for the younger to wrap her mind around it. A part of her knew she was being unfair to Haeju. Thinking of her negatively for going out to have fun wasn’t in Seoyun’s place, and she knew that. So what if Haeju wanted to go out and get shitfaced? Seoyun simply needed to remind herself that they hadn’t debuted yet, so it was most likely just her having some fun with her friends before things got serious.
Seoyun bit her lip as she thought about it again, her body pacing back and forth from the dining room area to the kitchen trying to take all the dishes there as her mind continued to unravel her thoughts. 
What if she wouldn’t stop once they debuted? What if Haeju would get caught up in a scandal at the club and their debut would be ruined? Or worse, what if they debut and a scandal comes out and it ruins Seoyun’s idol career before it has even begun?
Seoyun let out a groan as she placed the last two dishes into the sink, grabbing onto the edge of the counter and shaking her head to herself. 
“Talk it out. It’s childish to have a problem with someone and never let the person have a chance to address it, no?”
Taewon’s words rang in her head again, making her groan internally, wondering why he couldn’t just side with her and let her relish in the fact that she was probably right with her concerns and that her reactions were completely justified. 
Granted, she knew that was exactly why she invited her cousin over. To get the genuine truth and not have someone just agree with her. Seoyun would’ve loved to pat her own back for attempting to be unbiased with her actions but she was more focused on the main problem. 
The problem with the name of Lee Haeju. 
“Whatever.” she murmured to herself as she stared at her sink only to turn around and shrug off the mess and attempt to deal with it the following morning. 
She walked towards the wine bottle and grabbed it in one motion before making her way to her bedroom, bringing the bottle up to her lips and trying to tame the storm of emotions in her mind with the sweetness of the drink. 
“If it isn’t our saving grace!” the voice found Haeju before she could find the source as she managed to make her way to the usual table her friends were at while dodging all the people who were either already in a drunken haze or couldn’t be bothered to move their asses. 
“You’re damn right it is.” she smiled as she eyed her friends, all cooped up together in the corner booth like always, a various assortment of different drinks littered the table telling Haeju everything she needed to know about what happened before she got her. 
She slid right into the booth, making her way right next to her boyfriend, who had his eyes on her, a grin plastered onto his face before he leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. 
“Favorite drink for my favorite girl.” she rolled her eyes at his words, knowing damn well the drink in his hands was something random that he had gotten for him but decided to share with her. Like always. 
Haeju took the drink from his hands, and downed it one gulp, biting her tongue from commenting on her boyfriend’s god-awful taste in picking which drinks to start the night with. She smiled to herself the moment she let the shot glass slam against the table, trying to invest herself in the conversation that had begun before she arrived. 
“I’m just saying! You can’t afford to keep fucking around.”
“Fuck you, I can’t afford to not fuck around either.”
Haeju smiled at the two friends bickering in front of her, however she found her mind slipping from the present conversation and thinking about the one she had earlier with Seoyun. She just...couldn’t figure her out. The shock of debuting again was already expected for herself, but she shrugged it off and claimed “third time’s the charm” only to take her friends out for a night out and spend probably more than she should’ve. However, it was more shocking when she realized she would be debuting in a duo with an actress. 
Moon Seoyun was different from the people Haeju usually surrounded herself with. Haeju was used to the type that went along with whatever life threw at them, not bothering themselves with making plans and sticking to them. She was used to the type that tried excusing every ordeal they dealt with by simply saying “that’s life”, and trying to sidestep around it. She was used to the type that thought life was more of a game with numerous lives, than seeing it as where one wrong step would lead to a game over. 
Maybe she liked it more than being used to it, but that wasn’t quite the point. 
The point was that Moon Seoyun was the opposite of everything Haeju was used to. Which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. But, it did bother Haeju in the sense that she knew how debuting worked. Having lived through it with a previous group, she knew that once they debuted, they’d be seeing each other a lot more than an hour or more of practice daily. 
Fuck, they’d probably be cojoined by the hip if anything. 
The thought made Haeju regret downing the drink so early, wishing the bitterness would now be present so her mind could focus on blaming her boyfriend rather than worrying about Seoyun. 
She just didn’t know how things would pan out, and if they even would pan out. 
See, Haeju was the type of person who viewed life as a huge puzzle of sorts. It wasn’t the type where things would eventually fall into place and make life seem like a work of art. It was more like Haeju was dealt a puzzle with countless pieces missing. And every time she searched for those missing pieces, she found herself looking in places she would much rather completely and utterly avoid. Once she found those pieces? She attempted to put them together, only to come and find out other pieces went missing. 
Haeju wasn’t a fan of puzzles to say the least, so her mind was dead-set on being in a “fuck life” mentality for a while. And Haeju couldn’t complain about it. 
But when a piece of the puzzle like Seoyun appears it often shakes things up, and Haeju wasn’t quite sure she knew what to do with that fact. 
Or if she was supposed to do anything with that. 
“Babe, why’re you being so quiet?” she felt a warm breath tickle her cheek and turned to look at Jiwon with a smile. 
“Just thinking.”
“Aw, come on. Being out with us means less thinking and more having fun!” he said with a playful grin, his hand finding its way to wrap itself around Haeju’s waist, pulling her closer into his side. “Is anything you’re thinking about more important than me?”
Haeju rolled her eyes dramatically, not bothering to care for his antics she had grown to find a common occurrence. 
“Earth to Haeju.” he leaned over to nip slightly against her jaw, his hand losing its grasp on her waist and shifting itself lower, finding itself grabbing onto her thigh, fingers teetering against the hem of her skirt. 
“I’m here, I’m here.”
“Good.” she could feel the smile only grow on his lips, “Mind if you spot me tonight?”
“It’s my turn to pay for the rounds, but I haven’t been paid yet. You’ve done it before, it’s not too much.”
Haeju simply nodded, becoming more bored with his words as they talked more, agreeing almost carelessly, the tiniest frown growing on her mouth remembering how often they’ve had this exact conversation.
 Maybe she just wasn’t drunk enough. 
“You seem bored.”
Haeju raised a brow as she turned to look at her boyfriend, his mouth still having the sly smirk stitched onto his face, his hand now feeling more skin than clothing. 
“I can make things a lot more fun, y’know?” 
“Are you suggesting-”
“Want to go to the bathroom?”
Jiwon was lucky that he was attractive, Haeju reminded herself. Truth be told, that was the sole reason she was even interested in him in the beginning of it all. They’d, not so shockingly, meet at another club in Seoul and it was love at first sight. 
Well, technically it was “you’re hot, i’m hot, wanna get out of here?” and the two had managed to end up in a bed before Haeju found out his name. Not one of her proudest moments, but she couldn’t be too assed to care. It wasn’t the brightest of times in Haeju’s life, and finding comfort in someone’s arms, even if she planned it to be once and once only, wasn’t something she was going to shame herself for. 
However, the two ended up meeting each other in the same party scene enough times that they decided to share their numbers. Blame it on the fact that Haeju wasn’t doing the best due to the disbandment of her group and a solo career that was headed virtually nowhere, but she found herself starting a friendship with Jiwon that resulted in them being in a bed way more times than they were going out. Like, normal friends would. 
It didn’t take long before they both decided to start dating, and although much hasn’t changed in terms of their dynamics rather than now always being together when going out to parties, Haeju didn’t mind it. 
Or at least she told herself she didn’t mind it enough times that she didn’t care for it 
“C’mon, don’t you think you kind of owe me?”
“Owe you?”
“Yeah. You really haven’t been around lately because of all your training and I’ve missed you.”
Haeju’s face softened for a second, her eyes focused on Jiwon, trying to block out the music and the arguing going on in the background. The two weren’t the type to be so open and abrupt with their feelings, especially with their feelings was in the category of being borderline mushy. Maybe things were changing.
“And I’m, like, really needy right now and you look way too fucking hot.”
Maybe they weren’t changing. Haeju sighed, and grabbed the bottle of beer Jiwon had been sipping on and took a quick chug, before leaving it on the table and grabbing his hand. 
“C’mon, moping around doesn’t do you justice.”
Haeju wasn’t even too sure of herself that she wanted to spend time in a cramped stall, getting fucked in a position that she probably didn’t enjoy all too much herself, but hey. If it didn’t go well, she could regret it later. 
Because maybe that was Haeju’s speciality. Regretting things when it’s already too late.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT: Let the Days Go By
SO. I FEEL I SHOULD BOTH WARN YOU AND APOLOGIZE. MY ATTEMPT AT A FUCKING SAD ENDING HERE. We all know I don’t do angst / sadness well at all, but.. When I realized that the words you sent might have come from one of my favorite angsty Bush songs, well.. This kinda happened. Also, I’m going to apologize yet again, because yet again, I chose to do another character from Stranger Things, Billy Hargrove.
And idk how I feel about this.
Obligatory Warnings: character death / spoilery if you haven’t seen ST3 , swearing. loss of a loved one. ANGST. or my attempt at it. Flashback warning - the first bit of this, italicized, is a flashback to when they first met. 
The Squad:
@rampagewriting - bb, I apologize in advance for this. I feel like shit that my mind even went this way but alas, here we are. Pls remember I love you and that if I ever did write anything for Billy, this would be the very thing I fixed. | @chasingeverybreakingwave - I’m going to warn you bb. Sadness here. 
[ multifandom tag list - if you don’t add yourself, I will not tag you in things. ]
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Remember that || I'll never forget where you're at
Master of Puppets played at full blast from the Trans Am in the space next to mine and despite myself, I hummed along, even thrashing my head around a little bit. What I didn’t realize was that as I did this -and tried to dig around in the mess I called a backseat, I was being watched.
Rather intently too.
Finding the damned notebook I needed for homeroom, I shot up in triumph and promptly whacked my head on the roof of my car. “Shitbag.” I glowered up at the roof and held up my middle finger, and I happened to glance over to that blue Trans Am to notice Billy Hargrove standing there, just kind of quietly observing me and laughing as he shook his head. I tried to tear my eyes off him but apparently, there’s at least a little truth to what the girls keep saying about him.
He’s got these magnetic, downright hypnotic blue eyes.
I stuck out my tongue at him as I pulled myself over the seats in my car and hopped out, hurrying to grab all the crap I’d thrown out in the parking lot while digging around for the notebook.
I felt a tap to my shoulder and I whirled around really fast, a brow raised. “Yeeeessss?” I dragged out the word and suck popped a bubble with my gum as I tapped my foot against the pavement. My hand raised, catching in my messy hair and I twisted the ends around my fingertips. “You know Megadeth is better… Right?” I nodded to his car, which was still blaring Metallica for the world to hear.
Billy chuckled and rubbed his chin as if he were going to respond to my dig at his music taste but then he decided not to. Instead, he held out a red lace bra. “I’d ask why that came flying at my face, darling, but.. Honestly, I’m fine with it. I’m assuming this belongs to you?”
I eyed him up and down, sizing him up and cracking a mischief filled grin as I suck popped another bubble and reached out, snatching the bra that I’d thrown out of my backseat to take it back from him.
 “Is this the part where I’m supposed to faint on the goddamn ground, Billy Hargrove? Because meh.” I shrugged as if I were unimpressed and then I turned away quick and started to walk back towards my car to shut the doors so that my smile over his attempt at a line stayed hidden. I had to do something. If I didn’t, I’d probably stand there and stare at him like a fucking goofball.
I could practically feel him pouting at my retreating back, but to my surprise, he caught up to me just as I finished cramming the last of the menagerie of things I’d thrown from my backseat back into my car.
“You’re wrong, by the way… about Megadeth being better.”
I turned and stared up at him with a blank look. “You have your opinion and I have mine, Hargrove. Did the analysis of your pickup line really bug you that much?” I wondered aloud, laughing softly as I backed away when he tried to step a little closer. 
“I mean, it was fucking smooth, darling.”
“Yeah. For an amateur.” I rebutted, stepping back again when he stepped closer.
“You’re playing hard to get. You do realize that eventually, I win… right?”
“There’s a first time for everybody to lose, Billy Hargrove.” I shrugged solemnly as I grabbed for the beaten up skateboard that I’d had propped against the side of my car.
“You skate?”
“Occasionally. Never claimed to be very good though.” I stepped onto the board and kicked off with my foot, taking off towards Hawkins High.
When he caught up to me and kept up with my pace, I finally halted the board and kicked it up beneath my hand, raising the other hand to shield my eyes from the sunlight being aimed directly into it. 
“What’s your deal anyway, Billy?”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh my god, you’re totally following me.” I smirked up at him when he scowled at what I’d said.
“I’m not following you. That’s a pretty strong statement coming from a closet Metallica fan.”
“I never said I didn’t like Metallica. I simply said that Megadeth is better.”
And this was the first encounter of many that I had with Billy through that year… But somehow, nothing prepared me for what happened that night at Starcourt Mall. When I finally saw through the bullshit and the real Billy Hargrove came out for the world to see...
I'm never alone || I'm alone all the time
I didn’t even realize I was screaming his name, his sister hugging against me and hiding her face in my patched denim jacket until everything went deathly quiet and Max took off at a run towards where he’d fallen.
I ran over too, sliding up to him after I hit my knees on the floor.
“Billy, no. C’mon.” I could feel my eyes starting to burn. Max was sobbing and we shared a look.
“Goddamn it, Billy. You don’t get to do this, you fucking toad. Come back.” I leaned down against him on one side and Max did the same on the other, pleading and begging softly.
Billy’s hand gripped my forearm and I bit my lip, trying not to scream or cry. He grabbed hold of Max’s arm too and in a weak voice that nearly killed me because it was not like him at all, he muttered, “I’m.. Sorry.” as he faded out.
“Billy, come back, please. You can’t leave us. Everyone always leaves. You don’t get to leave too, damn it. You’re supposed to be stuck with me!” I choked out the words through my sobs and Max crawled around to where I sat on the floor beside him, leaning against me, the two of us sharing a long and sad look before bursting into sobs again.
Everything was settled so everyone came out of hiding. I can’t remember who did, but I think it was Lucas and Dustin who managed to help Max and I off the floor and we stood there next to Billy, for the longest time, refusing to leave.
And that was the last time I ever saw Billy Hargrove. But the first time I ever really and truly saw him for the guy he could’ve been. 
When I realized that the cops were coming in and roping everything off with caution tape, I leaned down one last time. “Hey... I love you. You had a fucked taste in music but I really love you. I don’t think I’ll ever stop, okay?” I paused, laughing and crying at the same time as I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down, and I kept going. “It fucking sucks. I wasn’t supposed to figure out that I love you this way.” after promising to watch out for Max I stood again and I hugged myself, turning to walk away, letting Max have time to say something to her brother before they made us leave the area for good.
I think after that I just kind of went numb. I’m still numb, even now.
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Chapter two: Intruder 
The chapter was again proofread by @haro-whumps and your comments had me wheezing! They were amazing! It was such a delight to finish the edits <3 Thank you so much <3 <3
Tag list: @broken-horn @finder-of-rings  @haro-whumps  @voidwhump2  (if you don’t want to be tagged in this pls let me know)
CW: giant spider, dehumanization of a fictional minority, degrading language, bullying/ discrimination based on one's appearance,  mutilation of a pet spider (very briefly), 
Heat thrummed through Gideon’s bones, pulsing hotter than the torrid sun, and throbbed in unison with his building headache. His patience had shriveled up like dried fruit as the horrible lavender scent clung to his hair, skin, and clothes, making him dizzy.
It became stronger on the village outskirts, he realized as he hurried after his director. The man ascended the crooked stone staircase effortlessly, his moss-green robe billowing behind him and spear swinging in its quiver. He did not slip even once on the tiny steps that wound through the thick underbrush to who-the-hell-knew-where. All while he rambled on about how disciplinary work encouraged the growth of one’s character.
A twig got caught in Gideon’s black bushy hair, pulling painfully on his roots as it broke off with a snap. It was going to be a freaking nightmare to fiddle all those shitty branches and leaves out of his hair later.
He was seconds away from losing his barely-held composure. The only thing stopping him from yelling at his teacher’s back, was that he really, really could not risk to get kicked out of this academy. He’d come to this godforsaken village to learn how to fight and survive in the forest, not become some obedient little soldier boy, but even so he wasn’t going to get booted yet. And certainly not after only five days.
So he kept quiet. If he had to play the director’s errand boy for a day, so damn be it!
 “Ah, here we are. Finally. My dear friend’s farm. Tell me, young Gideon, is it not simply beautiful?”
“‘S okay.”
Granted, the house did look cozy, resting encircled by giant roots with its warm brick walls, but those gigantic snails everywhere sent a shudder down his spine. If he had to touch those slimy monsters he would throw a fit, but the house’s sliding doors opened before he could utter a protest.
A fine-boned, elderly woman emerged, followed by a huge man with a greying beard.
 A boy, probably his own age but way shorter, held the door open for them, seemingly waiting for more people to come out. His big green eyes were cast on the floor.
The older woman’s lips curled into a crooked smile as she caught sight of the director, whose whole face had lit up.
“Moira. My darling. Please do not tell me you are about to leave?! Not when I looked forward to seeing your beautiful face again.”
Gideon suppressed a gag. The woman crossed her arms, smile growing sharper, but her blue eyes twinkled warmly as she spoke.
“You’re charming as ever, Eric.”
The man behind her huffed, stepping closer. “Also happy ‘ter see ya, Eric.”
“Oh rival, how could you not? Since-“
The director launched into one of his speeches but Gideon’s focus snapped to the girl that stepped out the door, right behind a blonde woman. She wore a tight black romper, translucent blouse hanging of her thin shoulders and her fancy getup alone made her stick out from the other villagers, but what really caught his attention was her face. Iits left side was oddly deformed, her pale skin creased like a wrinkled silk sheet, leaving her left eye smaller than the other. She mouthed something to the boy, smiling, earning a smile from him in turn.
“Ah yes may I introduce: Gideon, my newest student.”
Having lost most of the adults’ conversation Gideon tuned back just in time to give them a curt nod.
“I will send him to you after the feast then, to come and get the mucin salve once you finish it.”
Oh great, he really just got downgraded to an errand boy.
They descended the stairs, lined up one after another on the narrow path, the short boy right in front of him, followed the strange girl. He had avoided Gideon’s eyes as he squeezed past him, careful not to touch, probably scared off by his uniform. The school’s emblem, embroidered on his stainless white shirt, proudly declared him a scout in training. Deadly. Fearless. The little farm boy definitely did better not to mess with an insect slayer.
The girl came to an abrupt halt, frozen in the woodland’s shadows before it gave way to the dusty hill road, and Gideon nearly collided with the farm boy’s back.
That’s when he heard it.
A primal, bone chilling hiss tore through the hot afternoon air, rattling through his very core. Every hair on his body stood, muscles tensing, on edge just like his fraying nerves. He knew that sound. Even though he’d heard it only once before. On the crusade from last-stand-berlin to the village, where he had seen the beast it belonged to lurk on the riverside, watching them. He would never forget a spider’s hiss. Not ever.
And there one stood, right in front of him, its eight thorny legs towering high above its ugly head. The spider’s giant yaws worked, rubbed against each other in agitation. Its razor sharp fangs glistened in the sun.
A man sat atop its massive, hairy body, scar-faced and clad in a straw cape fastened to a beetle’s shell that armored his left shoulder, shimmering in iridescent hues of blue and green. He did not smile as he glanced down at them. A silent challenge was edged in the hard lines of his rugged face.
The air was so brittle it felt like any moment it could snap, and if it didn’t, Gideon might.
That’s when the director shouldered past him, spear drawn and followed by the other man. Both planted themselves right in front of him and the others.
The intruder’s scar stretched with the rise of his eyebrows, eyes slitting in a lazy grin.
 “Woah, there. Hold your horses pals. Before someone does somethin’ he regrets later.”
“That a threat?” the bearded man grumbled.
Moira ducked past her husband, face twisted in a furious scowl. “Oh, something other than riding in another village on a damn wolf-spider you mean?!” The corded muscle in her boney arm flexed, bulging, as she shook a fist at the man, unveiling a wrath behind her primly dressed form that no one would have wanted to fall victim too.
He, however, just leaned closer, smile stretching into a shark-tooth grin. “Gutsy, are we? I like that.”
Eric stepped up beside her, spear held high in a white knuckled grip. “How could you make it past our InD-Units with this monstrosity?! God show you mercy if you did something to-”
“What do you think I am?!” the intruder drawled, “A monster?! Only reason I got past your units was this baby here.”
Gideon had to stand on his tiptoes to catch a glance of the small round device that sat embedded into the spider’s head, partly hidden by the man’s straw cape. A little red light blinked in a steady rhythm above three buttons, which the man was careful not to touch as he tapped his knuckles softly against it. 
“Renders her absolutely obedient. See?”
He unsheathed a knife from a holster strapped around his leg and its steel blade shimmered as he rammed it in one of the spider’s eyes, plopping it out with a nauseating plitch. The spider endured its master’s violation in utter stillness, only twitching its yaws, creating an awful hiss in their never ceasing movement.
 “She’s docile as a lamb.”
“And how exactly is that supposed to work?” the girl inquired, meeting the man’s stare with a calculatingly cold composure. His mouth twitched.
“Man, what do I know, Missy?! I’m a mutant hunter not a scientist.” He leaned closer. Venom spiked his words, dripped like acid from his tongue. “My expertise lies in chasing down freaks.”
The condescendingly cruel way in which he spoke, wielding words like a weapon meant to pierce and twist where it hurt most, reminded Gideon of his father. How dare this interloper compare someone to mutant monstrosities. Anger welled up in his chest, buzzed down his legs and made them move, planting himself right between the girl and the intruder.
“Tsk. Mutant hunter?! You’ve ever really seen one? Or are you just talk?!”
“Gideon.”, the director warned, squeezing his shoulder warningly as he tried to pull him back, but the intruder just gave them a wry smile.
“No no. Let's hear him out. Have you ever seen one boy?”
“Yes. There hideous monstrosities.  And I’m going to find and kill every single of one of them.”
The intruder burst into violent laughter, shoulders shaking and head thrown back, nearly losing his balance under the force of it.
“You do have guts, I give you that. But also lots to learn. Some barely look like monsters.  Just small and weak. But ugly, that’s the whole lot of them.” His eyes wandered back to the girl. The blonde woman beside her gasped, searching for words to shot back, but falling silent as she noticed the girls expression. 
Red blotches burned on her face, rage twisting it into a vicious scowl. The afternoon sun set her copper curls on fire. Ready to spew fury and flames, she opened her mouth but the short boy was faster, small voice piping up.
“Char- Charlotte is… is no- no mutant and, uhm, and she’s neither ugly nor weak. And pe-people who talk about killing others for no- no reason are… They’re the- the real monsters.”  
His fingers fiddled with his shorts as he spoke, twisting in the dark, worn linen as he stumbled over his words and his big green eyes jumped from the rocky street to the spider’s fangs, lingering on the intruder’s face before landing on  Gideon. His eyes narrowed as he all but spat the last words in Gideon’s face.  
“The hell you just said?!” Gideon’s nostrils flared. How dare this little runt run his mouth about things he didn’t know shit about!
Crossing his arms in an attempt to shield himself from Gideon’s anger, the boy forced himself to hold Gideon’s furious, wide eyed stare.  “Y- you heard me.”
Gideon could feel a vein pulsing in his throat, pumping liquefied fire through his veins. His hands twitched.
“I give you one chance to take. That. Back.”
The boy’s trembling fingers dug in his forearms, knuckles whitening as he lifted his chin. “Never.”
A roar tore from Gideon’s throat as he leapt forward. Rage tore through him like a wildfire, ready to ignite everything his fist would come in contact with.
In that frozen second between charge and impact, the boy’s feet moved. His body tilted to the side. Dodged Gideon’s fist. Effortlessly. He bounced back. Landed on the first stone step and uncrossed his arms. Ready to defend himself.
That little runt had nerves! Gideon broke into a sprint.
“You sure are good at dodging!” His fist swung back. “Try to handle this!”
Gideon’s muscles flexed. But a strong hand stopped him, holding his wrist in an iron grip before he could smash his fist down.
Craning his neck, he looked up at the old man’s stern face.
Fuck. He is fast?!
“Looks like ya still got lots t’ learn about respect ‘n self-discipline, young man.”
He released Gideon’s hand and turned to the other boy. His grey eyes glistened like ice shards, sharp as his words. “Same goes for you. Ya disappointed me, Sahar.”
Wincing, Sahar flinched back. His big eyes glistened with unshed tears, blinking up at the man.
“Wh-wha- what do you mean?”
“I haven’t trained ya to run off ‘n start mindless fights. I tried to teach ya discipline ‘n how to survive these woods.” His voice did not waver, bringing more to tears to green eyes.
“Someone's a stuck up.” the intruder mumbled, earning the older womans venomous glare. 
“But- but I didn’t- he was the one who-“
“Enough,” the man thundered. “Don’t argue with me. If ya want a beatin’ so bad I’ll give ya one later. And now back t’ the farm. Ya grounded for the week. No fest. No nothin’!”
Sahar shrank under the man’s anger, head ducked between his shoulders as the first teardrop fell. It trickled down his trembling yaw, painting a glistening path on his pale olive skin.
His voice was reduced to a shaky exhale as he nodded, eyes fixed on the dirty ground. “Yes, sir.”
Sahar stormed up the stairs and vanished behind thick bushes, as the intruder burst into a new laughing fit.
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rogerina-yee-haw · 6 years
dating ben hardy (and being younger than him) would include...
request: “I read your Joe one so can you do a dating Ben Hardy and your younger? Like 19?“ “can you please do a Ben dating a younger girl like you did for Joe? I loved it 💓💓”
tagging @chicagoblackhawkslover96 as promised <3
get on with it, babes xx
warnings: some implied smut (cause I’m always horny yikes) (18+ only pls), fluff, virgin!reader cause I feel like it; also the reader is 19; some language, typos (as always lmao), slight (???) angst
a/n: Ben Hardy’s amazing personality stealing my uwus?? it’s most likely to be happening right now, I love this man with my whole ass heart
this is Ben, and this is the reader
it’s bad I’m sorry!!!!
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I’ve read somewhere that Ben is on dating apps
let it be tinder here lmao
so you two met through it
you didn’t believe it was really him before you met
and you were really self-conscious because you had no idea why Ben Hardy would swipe you right and invite you to go somewhere
because you were just a basic university student
but your best friend/roommate practically pushed you out of your dorm room and said, “go get this dick, you dumb bitch!”
she agreed to go with you in case it was a catfish
but it wasn’t
it was Ben Hardy in the flesh
your friend gave you a “thumbs up” and a grin when you approached him
Ben was nice since the very first second you met
you’ve talked the entire time
his soft and soothing voice was like a beautiful song that took you to another dimension
you could sit and listen to him for hours
and you did
throughout the night he couldn’t stop complimenting you at literally anything
“that’s a great choice of biscuits, y/n”, “yeah, it’s amazing that we both hate fish”, “I really like your coat” (the last one is a direct reference to BoRhap, yes)
you could tell you were falling in love with him
and it wasn’t just a simple celebrity crush anymore, you were falling hard for this incredible man
he was admiring you every chance he got, because, besides being crazily beautiful, you were really smart, funny and just amazing
so when it was time to say goodbye, ben gave you the tightest hug you had ever had in your life
your hands went around his neck, pressing your body to his and feeling his warmth
when you pulled away, he whispered, “I really want to see you again, y/n”
and you had to restrain yourself from screaming
so when he texted you, “Are you free tomorrow night?” twenty minutes later, nothing stopped you from hollering and getting multiple complaints from the neighbors in your dorm
that’s how your relationship started
you decided to keep it on the low because neither of you craved the attention from the media
you only craved each other
your first kiss happened a week after your first date
you were hanging out at Ben’s place, binge-watching some Netflix show after a hard day at uni
your legs were across his lap and he was absentmindedly drawing circles on your ankles with his fingers
at one moment, Frankie decided it was a good idea to jump right on your stomach and start licking your face
you laughed and started petting her as she continued her shenanigans
Ben watched the two of you in awe and with the biggest smile on his face
he loved his two favorite girls interacting
so when Frankie chased the stuffed animal you threw away just for her
Ben stroked you cheek gently before kissing you
and it was perfect
before you knew it, the kiss turned into a heated make-out session
Ben was hovering over you, one of his hands under your shirt, cupping your breasts through your bra, and the other one on your face, caressing your cheek
you could feel yourself grow wetter when he started leaving open-mouthed kisses alongside you neck
and when he sucked on that sweet spot right under your earlobe, you let out the most tremendous moan Ben had ever heard
it suddenly became tighter in his pants than before
he took off his shirt and helped you remove yours
“God, you’re beautiful”
you could feel his bulge through your jeans, and you rocked your hips against him to create some friction
he whined into the kiss
“You keep doing this and I won’t last long, baby”
his words worked as a stop sign for you
not that you didn’t want to have sex with him, you just didn’t feel like you were ready to do it just after a week of knowing each other
Ben understood you completely
“I’ll wait as long as you want. I won’t pressure you into anything”
if you didn’t know you loved this man before, now you certainly did
so at this moment, you’ve been in a relationship for four months
and it was amazing
you spent Christmas together, watching movies and cuddling on the couch with Frankie
your dates are always filled with blissful and delightful moments
you may go to the park and just walk while talking and laughing at each other’s jokes
or you can spend the day at his place, watching TV and cuddling and making-out
you keep forgetting that he is eight years older than you
because it seems like he’s actually eighty-five
as he always grumbles about the silliest things
“stupid kids and their stupid ball”
“it barely touched you, Ben”
“well, it could hit me on the head!”
“this dog came straight up to Frankie and started barking! So I had a little backchat with her”
“what did you say to that dog?”
“I told her to back off and not to bother my daughter ever again”
“so you were basically screaming at the barking dog in the middle of the park at six in the morning”
“she was being rude to Frankie, y/n!”
such incidents happen all the time
but you don’t mind
you’re already too in love with each other
so once your birthday comes, you decide it’s the time to get rid of your virginity
you don’t really know what’s been holding you back since you two were sinning on a regular basis
like you’ve been practicing your blowjob skills
after you went down on Ben for the first time, he just lied in bed for a while and then said, “That was so fucking good, baby”
and you suddenly became really shy and flattered
and when he went down on you
you were a whining and trembling mess and he had to hold your hips firmly because you were squirming under him
you couldn’t walk properly after it for a couple of days
so now you are ready for another big step
and you know it should happen on your birthday
so you get prepared: you buy really pretty lingerie and put on the perfume that drives Ben crazy
as you have lectures at university and it’s just a regular weekday, you delay your twentieth birthday party to Friday
but it doesn’t mean you and Ben can’t have fun
so you drop at his place after uni
you also ran some errands before it, hung out with your family and came to him at about seven pm
when he opens the door, he pulls you into the most heated kiss you’ve ever experienced
“happy birthday, baby”
the dim lights and the candles all over his flat make your heart skip a beat
turns out he’s made you dinner, cooked your favorite meal and bought your fav cake
“it’s not everything you’re getting tonight”
and you know your panties are soaked through thanks to only the sound of his voice
you eat the dinner, talking about your day, and just smiling at each other
once you’re finished you decide it’s time
so you get up and come across the table, where Ben sits
and you sit down on his lap, your hands around his neck
he’s completely taken aback
“what are you doing, love?”, he asks in between kisses
he’s already a mess while you kiss his neck and run your hand through his hair
“I want you”
and you’re both breathing heavily as you look into each other’s eyes
“are you sure? We don’t have to do it now, you should-“
but you cut him off with a kiss“
I want it, Ben. I want you. I want to have sex with you”, you state firmly
he gulps and draws his lower lip between his teeth
his green eyes are now dark with lust and love
“you want it?” he whispers, kissing alongside your jaw. “Want me to make you feel good?”
and you just sigh and nod, cause you can’t speak already
so Ben picks you up bridal style and carries you to his bedroom
and – oh God – he makes you feel good indeed
you go in for two rounds before you fall asleep
you’re really happy Ben is your first
because he’s been really gentle and loving with you, asking if you were okay all the time, looking at you so tenderly that you almost started crying about how much you love him
so when you two lie in bed next to each other, panting and sweating
Ben takes a small gift bag out of his drawer
“here’s the actual gift for you”
he got you exactly what you wanted and also a necklace with the letter “F” on it
“stands for Frankie”, he explains, “thought giving the necklace with yours or my initials was boring. And now you’ll always carry our daughter with you”
you melt at “our daughter” and kiss him fondly
“thank you, Ben. I love it. I love you”
and it’s the first time you confess your feelings
his whole face brightens and he beams before kissing you
“I love you too, y/n. So much”
after that, you two start fucking like rabbits
you do it at every place, on every surface, in every position that’s possible
you also decide it’s a good time to take your relationship to a new level
which leads for both of you meeting each other’s families
Ben’s family is everything you could ever ask for
his mum is this amazing woman, who greets you with the most heartwarming smile 
you talk with his siblings about everything
and by the end of the night, you’re already in love with all of them as they’re with you
your family is on the opposite side of it, as your parents don’t approve of you dating an actor who’s eight years older than you
“y/n, he’s going to play with you and then ditch you for some pretty model!” you father says while you’re helping your mum to prepare dinner several hours before Ben’s about to come
“so you think I’m not pretty enough to date him?” you furrow your brows. “As if I already didn’t have issues with self-esteem, dad”
“darling, that’s not what your father means”, your mum chimes into the conversation. “He just thinks that Ben isn’t good enough for you because he’s an actor. He’ll always be away filming, and God knows how many women would be around him-“
“so you think just cause he’ll be away surrounded by other girls he’d want to cheat on me? That’s quite an opinion of someone whom you haven’t met”
“what we mean is that he has different things in mind”, your father continues. “He’ll be thirty in two years, he probably wants to settle down already. And you’re so young for it! You’ve got your whole life before you! Why would you want to waste it on someone who’s likely to break up with you when he realizes he doesn’t want to be with someone like you?”
your father’s last words are really hurtful
because you feel like he’s right, as you've got these thoughts floating in your mind the second Ben’s lips fell on yours several months ago
as your parents are clearly unhappy to see Ben you leave their house in the worst mood
they’re not actually against canceling the meeting with Ben because they don’t like him already
so you go to his place
and it breaks your heart when he opens the door, almost dressed up and excited to meet your parents
“hey, y/n! I’ve been actually thinking to call you. What tie should I-“
you push him away and come into his flat
“baby, is everything alright?” he comes up to you and cups your cheeks in his hands
as you lose the ability to fight the urge to cry, you shake your head and tears start running down your cheeks
“just hold me. Please”
later that night when you cuddle on the couch, you’re wearing one of his shirts and he’s caressing your sides gently
and Frankie’s sleeping in the armchair near you
Ben can’t stop whispering sweet, reassuring things into your ear
“I love you. I love you so much. No matter what happens, I’ll always love you. You’re my soulmate, my love, my everything. I love you. I won’t ever leave you. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted”
you don’t bring up the topic of meeting Ben to your parents after this
they can’t actually stop you from dating Ben
and they cannot do anything when he asks you to move in with him
and you happily agree
you become even more inseparable since you start living together
you also go official on social media
Ben posts a pic of you playing with Frankie with a heart-emoji in the caption
and everyone goes wild
especially your groupmates from uni, who bombard you with questions on a daily basis
your best friend brushes them all off and you’re incredibly thankful to her
some people on social media are rude to you, but you ignore them because the rest of Ben’s fans are really nice and sweet
they somehow found your tumblr and tagged you in one smutty fic about you and Ben someone has written
Ben and you recreate it later
everything goes just perfect
you’re both crazily in love with each other
and you can’t wait to spend the rest of your lives together
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