#god im mentally ill about what my friend and i did with these two
b0nelessdoodles · 1 month
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fellas, is it gay to get flustered when your colleague wraps his magic around you to keep you out of trouble? 🤔
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apollo-zero-one · 2 months
Man I can't believe I had the chance to go to a performing arts school up through middle school and I fuckin quit after 6 months just because I got bullied. BRO YOUR HOMEWORK WAS POETRY!! YOU HAD TO PRACTICE DANCING TO COTTON EYE JOE AS YOUR BIG UNIT TEST. GYM CLASS HAD A CIRCUS UNIT!! YOU HAD A WHOLE DAILY CLASS ON IMPROV!!! YOU FOOL!! YOU ABSOLUTE IMBICILE!! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN A YOUTUBER!!! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN ONE OF THOSE TWEENAGERS GETTING LOADED BY MAKING SHITTY YOUTUBE SHORTS IN 2008-14!! But noooOoooOOOoo little miss Noellie (who WANTED TO GO!! who worked SO HARD and sent in an application essay and did an INTERVIEW to get in!!) couldn't handle disruptive classmates or little scuffles and petty grudges and general Attitude of the other students and cried to mommy to put her back in public school. I am EATING MY HAIR over what Could Have Been. I COULD BE SOMEONE'S ANNOYING YOUTUBER!! I could be a DISGRACED DISNEY CHANNEL STAR!! I could be an America's Got Talent winner! A mild to moderately successful comedian! I could be making short films!! But no no no precious thin skinned baby me heard a few new cus words and watched a teacher get heckled and begged to give up The Dream in favor of?? Quiet math tests?? I am such a fucking quitter I quit everything the second it gets too hard I always take the out as soon as it's offered what's my fucking damage.....
#I had SO MUCH POTENTIAL and I SQUANDERED IT!! weak ass third grade PUSSY! Your life could have been SO SICK!!#or you could at least be addicted to cocain or something interesting like that!! Boring ass goody two shoes always just staying home doing#NOTHING bitch make a REAL FRIEND go to a God Damn PARTY live a little instead of just hiding in the closet eating saltine crackers for years#waiting for it to be quiet outside before you ever even toed the line#mentally ill self-isolating motherfucker#you could have shrugged it off you could have GROWN A PAIR and FOUGHT BACK but you just ran and cried for mommy#victim complex little bitch baby always whining and exaggerating and making shit up fucking LIAR I am you and I KNOW what you did and I know#you knew it wasn't the truth and you regretted it the moment it came out of uour mouth but once you'd said it you just swallowed it back and#doubled down incriminating or discrediting others with your lies. For why? Because you didn't like them? You could have ruined someone's#life you wouldn't have hesitated mayhe you did and don't even remember because you cant keep your mouth shut with your pants ablaze#manipulative little shit and to WHAT END? Pity? Sympathy? Attention? Entertainment?? What was even going on in your stupid ugly head?#This is a callout post for my third grade self that possessed demon ass evil nine year old. That kid drowned anthills in olive oil and#poisoned a wild animal once. That kid cut plants just to see if they oozed. That kid modified her whole ass personality on a dime for a boy#she had a crush on. INSTANTLY dropped a LIFELONG CULTURAL ALLEGIANCE (thats what football teams were like back then in our town) because he#said he had the opposite allegiance??? What the fuck? girl had NO integrity none zip zilch.#No empthy either that kid looked at everyone else on earth like they were friggin space aliens and she was the only one with Real feelings.#bitch literally thought like 'I have Feelings they just have Reactions' bitch what the fuckkkkk#that nine year old was fucked the hell up!!!#and for literally NO REASON!! No cause!! Just born fucking evil and weird. jesus fuck.#Evil ass bitch caused her autistic brother months of nightmares and then laughed about it and wrote poetry about how evil he was because he?#was a kid??? Normal sibling rivalry taken way way way too far defamatory ass statements#and this girl had NO CONSEQUENCES because she could lie and manipulate her way out of ANYTHING she had the baby eyes and the helpless charm#and played dumb soooo well . read people like some calculative evil AI scanning their faces for microexpressions and overanalyzing each word#choice like holy shit. its not That Deep. pretentious shit trying to play 5D chess on a checkers board.#Manipulating shit just to see what happens?? zero awareness?? no asking just skipping straight to testing for yourself??#'What happens if I step on this' it fucking breaks 'what does that taste like?' it's not fucking yours to mess with 'if I hit this person#how will they respond?' they'll be upset use your goddamn judgement you are NINE not TWO do you even care a little about any other person??#Are you just living in some other reality???#callout post for the fucking demon child inside of me#im so goddamn problematic I'm so so so deeply mentally disturbed and broken for no reason
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indigodawns · 2 years
#man. had two therapy appointments today and i feel. just. very bad. not good.#first one is too much to go into but really the take away is don't do drugs kids#especially if you're fucking mentally ill#second one just... got to meet my new therapist. very young woman. very. ohh and aww and she started#with. hey. we're doing cbt :) look at this neat little printout that you can fill in :)#when i tell you i wanted to tear off my own skin#i still do! but being very cool and mature about it and calming myself down by eating and watching seokjin and that did soothe#but this woman right. 'so you think the world is an awful place? is that right? is that one of your core beliefs?'#no!!!!!! yes!!!! but like. i don't think changing my mindset re: the world is my problem???#is it??? like... the world is awful and unfair yes but i want to React to that in a way that's useful. THAT is what i want to changr#i want to not be too tired or overstimulated or whatever to even have empathy for anyone or anything#or too numb/derealised/depersonalised whatever :'')#and she just... 'why are you sad? when are you sad?' like god fucking hell im fucking depressed okay?? we know this!!! it's fine!!!#a fucking cbt thing im.......#maybe i SHOULD give it a proper go but like. i just want feedback. i want someone to talk to#god fuck im gonna do something calming or whatever#i know i sound arrogant and whatever but man.#edit: did the big girl thing and reached out to my irl friends and sent a long ranting voicenote#and ate something easy#and im feeling a bit more like i can breathe again so <333
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chai-berries · 9 months
i’m a little crybaby bitch & i just sobbed over a movie but all i could think about is being abby’s little crybaby gf & having her comfort me </3
sooo unfortunately/fortunately i am not a big crier when it comes to anything but one of my best friends is a happy/sad/bored crier and i’ve helped her calm down post cry a few times. she’s a true cancer <3 i’ll channel her into my thoughts.
im thinking of two scenarios, watching something sad without abby & watching it with her ⤵️
watching without abby:
she’d probably be working on something in another room when you decide to start a sad fucking movie. abby’s ears perk at the first sniffle, but she brushes it off cause it’s always allergy season. but when she hears you shakily breathe out “oh,,, my gOD” with your voice all broken and wet, she’s immediately sliding to a stop right outside the living room. you’re curled up with a huge blanket swallowing you, surrounded by snacks and your emotional support water bottle. she notes your wide, glossy eyes and coos “baby what’s wrong?” and you gesture at the tv, “she - she just loves her family so so much! and she couldn’t tell them before they died!” your voice is cracking around your words.
abby has absolutely no idea who “she” is but that doesn’t keep her from sitting down and pulling you into her side, rubbing her hand up and down your arm. “they’re just a - a great family” you stutter though tears. abby looks up at the tv and sighs. “baby, why did you chose the saddest movie on netflix?” you hesitate. “uh, i was up to the challenge?” “yeah? how’s it going?” she quirks a brow at you. you laugh wetly and abby mentally fist pumps. she presses a kiss to your temple. “okay, how about we watch something happy. ill refill your water.” abby gets up to go into the kitchen when she’s stopped by a tug on her back belt loop. you’re looking up at her, eyes less glossy but still not dry enough. “what?” she asks. “thanks for putting up with a crybaby for a girlfriend.” she picks up your hand from its place at her waist and brings it up to her lips. “anything for you sweet cheeks”
watching with abby:
“no, no, no, nah, not happening! abby, please tell me they’re not gonna do what i think they’re gonna do!” you pause the movie and shake abby’s shoulder, your face so serious in the light of the television. abby giggles and shrugs like a fucking twerp and nudges you to keep watching the movie. she tells you that “you’ll find out soon - keep watching” like she’s never, in all the time you’ve been together, been witness to the millions of times you deep dived imdb and wikipedia five minutes into a movie whenever it starts out with a sad scene.
you don’t do sad movies. and it’s for a good reason! you get all dehydrated and you look sick for hours afterwards!! it’s embarrassing and gross!! abby has witnessed it once and, like her father’s daughter, handed you a glass of water and pulled you gently into her arms, holding you until you got your breathing under control. and that was a week before you asked her out!! on your first date she told you that the crying thing made her want to “take care of you forever”… is it too obvious to point out that she soooooo got lucky that night?
however, in present time she might be sleeping on the couch for trying to get a depressing movie past you. she apologizes to you, tucking you under her arm. “i promise it’s gonna be worth your tears, okay?” she kisses your head. “and i always take care of my crybaby girlfriend, don’t i?” she kisses the same spot again. you relax into her side.
… sooo it’s safe to say you sobbed a whole lot at the end and completely soaked the front of abby’s shirt. you guys had shifted horizontal mid-movie, you laying on top of her. “i hate you” sounds a lot more honest when you’re not desperately clutching at the waist of the person you’re talking to. “but it was a good story, right?? aww i’m sooo sorry, baby,” abby rubs your back. she hands you your water bottle and chocolate before you even think to ask, like she always does. then, you begin the embarrassingly to you cute to abby process that involves sips of water, bites of chocolate, and your head following the rhythm of abby’s chest up and down as you match her breaths.
no but really we all know abby will always comfort you even if she has no context to what you’re crying about! ride or die babyyyy
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oceantornadoo · 2 months
hii! can you do what it would be like asking price to put pads on the shopping list?? and then when price goes shopping he has to call you to ask for what size ?? 😭😭 btw i love love your work, hope u had a good day💞.
im pretty sure you're referring to this post but i decided to make this price x reader so :) enjoy!
bsf marriage pact!price x reader, he's slightly creepy but he's sweet (this is actually a bit dubcon but its in good spirit)
you had had a shit day. actually, make that a shit week. emotional the whole time, feeling lonely, depressed, and with the weirdest cravings. right when you were about to call your best friend and rant about how terrible you felt, you had went to the bathroom and- oh.
that explains a lot.
and now here you were, sitting on the toilet for the past ten minutes, contemplating. you were completely out of all period products and your flow was so heavy there was no way you were making it to the store free bleeding or with toilet paper as a makeshift pad. of course, that's when john decided to call you (let's be real, who doesn't take their phone to the bathroom. don't judge.)
"evenin', duckie."
"ugh john, i told you not to call me that. its so annoying."
john grunted a chuckle into the phone, swiping a hand over his beard. "you love it." silence. he could practically hear your eye roll. "dinner tonight?" he was pacing his apartment, uncharacteristic for a man like him. calm, cool, collected. never when it came to you.
"can't, sorry. maybe in a few days." he grunted. "could order a takeaway?" you sighed in his ear, the sound a melody he craved to hear over and over again. on lazy saturdays and in-between small fights over laundry. baby steps, though.
"its just not in the cards tonight, john, i'm sorry." you were never like this, withholding information. even when you cancelled on him, it was with a long-winded explanation with the names of about seven people he didn't know and plans you didn't want to go to. "'s wrong, duck? got a hot date or somethin'?" he mentally crossed his fingers, not allowing a physical expression. he wasn't that whipped. not yet.
"no, im just sick. and tired." his muscles relaxed. he started putting on his boots and grabbed a fleece, something gaz insisted was not too tryhard for someone like him. "i'll run to the store and grab ya medicine, hm? what'dya need?" you sighed again, rubbing your fingers to your forehead. he obviously was not giving this up and you did really need pads...
"ill text you a list when you get there. thanks john."
"anythin' for you, duckie."
list: pads, advil, that one chocolate candy you know i like, something for dinner
shit. price had been with a woman or two, but had never had to buy her pads. of course, he'd never let it get to that stage, not when he had you to take care of. but now here he was, staring at playtex and always and what the fuck was a diva cup? he'd better call you.
"all ok, john?"
"ya didn't give me a color on your pads, duck." you giggled. of course he paid attention to the green versus orange pads.
"its pretty heavy so some of the overnight and extra daytime ones would work." silence.
"...there's numbers." your cheeks warmed. you couldn't believe you were talking about this with john of all people.
"god, john. this feels so embarrassing. so weird to talk about with you."
"why? gotta know this for the rest of my life, duckie." shit. he was referring to that night a couple weeks ago, when you confessed to him you thought you'd never find love. when he said he'd marry you in a heartbeat, just say the word. when you compromised by telling him if you were still single in two years, you'd go to the courthouse then and there. when you didn't see him turn and write the date in phone, just as a reminder.
"5, john. there should be a moon symbol or something. and then 3. should be green, i think?" he grunted an affirmation, putting the respective pads in his cart. he turned around, having said goodbye and ended the call, and was subsequently greeted by three women, staring. paused in their product selection, staring openmouthed at how nonchalant he was about buying pads.
30 minutes later he was at your place, groceries and takeaway in hand as he used his spare key to let himself in. "duck?" all quiet. he stalked through your place and noticed the light on in the bathroom. one, two, three quick knocks. "john?" "'s me. can i come in?" "no i- need you to get me something." he waited patiently. "can you go to my dresser and grab a pair of underwear. something ugly, lots of coverage." who was he to say no to a free invite to your underwear drawer?
john dropped the pads outside your bathroom door and headed to your bedroom. finding your dresser, he had to give himself a second. calm down, old man. they're all clean.
that didn't stop him from sniffing a few, reveling at the scent of your laundry detergent. he almost groaned at the scent, imagining you in them. even in the "unsexy" pairs, your curves clothed in cotton and elastic, wrapped up in a lovely package. all his.
john selected a pair with "lots of coverage", whatever that meant, and headed to your bathroom. he opened the door with ease, setting your pads down on the counter. you shrieked.
"john! im half naked, you need to knock." obviously, the sight of your bare thighs and the top of your mound peaking out was most welcome, but he was more concerned about getting you off the toilet and putting food in your belly. "jus' me, duckie. come on, show me how to do it." he gestured at the pads. he couldn't be serious.
you slowly unboxed them, taking care to cover your naked body as much as possible. even while moving slowly, your shirt still shifted and he caught glimpses of your pretty pussy. an image for another day, when you weren't in pain. he focused on your fingers, deftly putting the pad on your underwear with years of practice. he memorized how you placed the pad, ensuring it stuck to your underwear before tearing the paper off the wings and tucking them on the other side. you looked up at him and he nodded, mission complete. "thank you, by the way." he kissed your forehead, so quick you could have missed it in a blink.
"turn around, i have to put it on." he sat back on his haunches, staring. "go'on. 've gotta learn somehow." you were too tired to care, ready to devour your dinner. you missed his hungry gaze as you revealed your cunt to him, wanting even though it was covered in blood. you missed his fingers twitching as you slowly pulled on your underwear, fabric caressing your skin like he yearned to. you got up, flushed, and washed your hands, missing how he tucked his fingers in belt loops and leaned back into the wall, a move he'd done many times in his tac vest.
"thank you, john. truly." he gave you a grin under the muttonchops, all satisfied. task finished, mission accomplished. you had asked him to do this, a husbandly duty. after you dried your hands, you made a move for the door, but he stopped you with a hand to the jaw. he brushed his beard against you, feeling the shiver in your bones. his mouth hovered near your ear, accent coming out low and sultry. "anythin' for my future wife, duckie."
ngl this got a bit weird but i like it??? had to struggle to not lean into my simon riley weirdness tendencies as im still learning john as a character.
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lucluvr · 1 year
Can you please do boyfriend HCs for the jjk men that you write for? Thank you!
⌗︙・boyfriend hcs !! ⸜⸜・ ft. gojo, geto, and nanami
a/n: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS THANK YOU SO MUCH NONNIE. you all will witness my mental illness today !!!!!!!!!!
content: pure fluff. just me brainrotting, slightly modern au ?, nudity mentions in gojo's (shocker), gn!reader (there’s use of princess in satoru’s), pet names, just cuteness all around with a small sex joke here and there !!! nanami’s is VERY self-indulgent, sorry </3
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satoru didnt even ask you to be his boyfriend, honestly. the two of you just started holding hands, calling e/o cute names, hanging out at some point.
when suguru asked him about your guys' relationship status gojo's first thought was "well, we've been going out on lots of dates, so i guess i'm their boyfriend!"
he constantly texts you asking "how was class? did you get home safe? today's mission was tough, get some rest. i love you." even if he's right next to you he'll still message you and talk to you.
he's a tease. everyone knows this. sometimes he'll bring up how the first time you went over to his house, you walked in on his naked and just stared at him for a few seconds.
"hey do you want chinese or mexican fo-" your eyes widen at the sight of satoru's bare chest. he turns around at the sound of your voice and his eyes slightly widen. suddenly the white towel wrapped around his hips falls to the ground. your eyes bulge out of your head, staring at the name in front of you.
"you like the view?" he winked putting his hand on his hip as his towel was laying by his ankles. his voice brought you out of your trance.
"OH MY GOD, IM SO SORRY!" you quickly turned on your heal and slammed his door shut. he could hear your groaning in embarrassment from outside the door. satoru doesn't really mind honestly, he thinks it's funny, but he'll never stop teasing you about it.
he really really really likes you. he's the type of guy who will always bring you up in a conversation. geto and shoko are annoyed by it, but they're both glad he's found someone who makes him this happy.
common pet names with him are: princess, doll, baby, honey, and sugar bear (he says this to piss you off)
his favorite thing to do is just be in your presence. he likes to watch you study, cook, draw, talk with others, everything. anything he can do with you or see you do is his favorite activity.
he likes showing off his strength, so sometimes he'll pick you up and just hold you.
you were cutting the veggies for tonight's stir fry as you heard the front door open. "satoru? baby, is that you?" you turn your head around and are welcomed by his pretty face.
"hi princess. how was your day?" he drops his stuff off by the door, shedding his coat and strides over to you. because of his height, he only takes a few steps before getting to you. you set the knife down on the board.
"it was okay, pretty boring. nanami dropped by to give you your- woah!" his arms wrap around you waist and he picks you up. instinctively, you wrap your legs around his waist, and hold onto his shoulders.
"what's all this for?" you ask, nuzzling into his neck.
"mm nothing, just missed you, pretty thing,"
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im sorry he's such a loser. i think geto's more of a loser bf, than gojo honestly.
he's a big softie when it comes to you.
he's the type to ask "would you love me if i was a worm?"
you guys were close friends for the longest time. he would see you and shoko together talking, and satoru would casually walk up to you and say hello, with geto following in suit.
he's quite the eye candy and had lots of girls after him for a while, but he's only had eyes for you.
with encouragement (blackmail) from satoru, geto was forced to use a pickup line on you. he stole gojo's apple and walked over to you in the cafeteria line.
you see geto walking up towards you, so you raise your hand up to wave at him. a soft smile appears on your face and geto's heart melts. he's down bad for you. he feels his heart racing and his palms grow sweaty. before you can say hello, geto places the apple in your palm and says with a small voice,
"you're the apple of my eye," and he runs off. shoko and satoru are laughing hysterically as they watch their friend dash off, his cheeks and ears stained pink.
you're left standing there in confusion.
i think the way yall start dating is one day is pouring after school. kids are running onto the buses, jumping in their parents' cars, opening umbrellas, but you realize you dont have an umbrella.
"shit," you mutter. you scrounge through your bag, hoping, praying that an umbrella will spawn in your bag, but alas, the world does not work like that.
"everything okay?" geto asked, peaking over your shoulder. you turn around to see him holding an umbrella in his hands. the two of you are next door neighbors, it wouldn't hurt to ask, right?
"no, i didn't bring an umbrella. can we walk home together?" you ask him sweetly. he can't refuse you and your pretty eyes. geto thinks he's never seen someone so cute. he gives you a smile, one only reserved for you, and holds his arm out. you wrap your arms and his and smile brightly,
"thank you so much! i love you!" he giggle, pushing yourself against his bigger build. geto looks down at you and chuckles.
"i love you too," he leans down and places a kiss on your forehead. "so much," he mutters. he opens his umbrella and starts walking. your heart is racing. did he just kiss you...and say he loves you?! he looks back behind him, giving you a soft smile. you look into his eyes and you felt like your heart was glowing. suguru geto is the owner of your heart, he you are the owner to his. 
hes a movie connoisseur and a home body, so lots of your dates include watching flims, tv shows, plays, etc 
a little personal headcanon of mine, but i think suguru loves flowers. he absolutely adores them, so please give him flowers, or put them in his hair. he’ll give you the cutest smile ever. 
common pet names with him would be: my love, star, darling, and baby
i also hc that hes a great cook ??? he’ll cook you anything. he’s not the best baker though, but he tries! and that’s all that matters
at the end of the day, suguru loves you more than anyone and he would go to hell and back if that meant he could see you smile. 
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oh nanami...sweet sweet nanami
he’s the sweetest boyfriend ever. constantly has his arm around you, compliments you, drives you to work, packs your lunch, you name it, he does it
he’s the kindest man out there and he does anything you ask of him. all he wants in return is your love and loyalty. 
he gives you the ultimate princess treatment. you want lemon in your water, you got it. you don’t wanna drive to the store? he can do it. you don’t wanna push the cart? nanami will push it. you’re too lazy to do you assignments? nanami will help, but he’ll explain it to you as well. 
he’s so whipped for you too like. one time satoru caught him smiling at his phone and he was shocked.
“nanami!!! how are yo-” satoru abruptly stops in his tracks. he sees the soft smile painted on nanami’s face. he’s never seen this expression on nanami’s face before. sure nanami’s smiled in front of satoru before, but never like this. satoru feels his heart warm. he’s glad nanami has someone who makes him happy. will he use this to his advantage though? yes. oh yes he will.
“nanami!” satoru exclaims and wraps his arms around the blonde. he leans forward slightly, making eye contact with nanami. “sooo...who’s the lucky one?” satoru wiggles his eyebrows, smiling at nanami. nanami scoffs and tucks his phone back into his pocket. 
“my partner...” nanami mutters. satoru’s eyes widen. he didn’t expect nanami to actually answer him. satoru’s smile grows even ore warmer. the fact nanami is outwardly expressing his love for you, even going as far to allow satoru to know, you must be really important to him. 
“well im sure whoever it is, they’re lucky,” satoru pats nanami’s back and keeps walking. what he doesn’t hear tho is nanami saying,
“no it’s me, im the lucky one.” with his hand toying with the keychain in his pocket. it’s a tag with your name and anniversary date on it. nanami’s kept it on him since college and he intends to never take it off. 
he does tremendous research on any interest you have so he can understand what you’re talking about. you’re one of the people he wants to engage in conversation with, so he’ll do anything to make sure you always feel heard.
he’s a gossip bf. he’ll always want to know the drama going on in your life and if he overhears any too, you’ll be the first to know, no doubt. 
when he comes home after missions, he takes off his tie, jacket and harness and just lays on your thighs. sometimes he’ll ask if you can massage his shoulders or legs. 
much like geto, nanami is a great cook. he’s well versed in breakfast as that’s usually the only meal he makes himself. often times he’s too tired to eat dinner, or he’s grabbed some takeaway. however, the moment you entered his life, he’s learning every cultural dish of yours, your favorite sweets, snacks, drinks, etc. 
i think he’s a sucker for sweets, so he’s better at baking than cooking, but he’s still a star chef.
common pet names with him would be: love, honey, sweetheart, my [name], pretty
dates with nanami also tend to be pretty domestic. grocery and home decor seem to be your guys’ favorites.
“nanami, do we have any more detergent at home?” you ask him, browsing through all the different kinds of soaps. 
“i think so, but we should stock up.” he replies, grabbing the bulky white bottle. you stop him abruptly by grabbing his wrist. his eyes dart from the bottle to your face, trying to see if anything is wrong. when he cannot figure it out, he raises his eyebrow.
“i don’t like that one. i want the pink one,” you point to the bright pink bottle behind you. nanami sighs, smiling internally and places the white bottle back. you hand him the pink detergent, smiling. 
“oh yeah, can we get more snacks? i want more chips!” 
“we have six bags at home.”
“so? i want more. ill kiss you if you buy me it.” you wink at him as a pink hues seem to conquer his cheeks. he clears his throat,
“fine. but only two more.”
“that’s two kisses for you then,” you cup his cheek in your hand, kissing him once on the nose, then peck him on the lips. nanami’s left awkwardly looking at the laundry supplies as you skip over to the food ailes looking for more chips to bring home.
nanami believes that nothing could even be considered okay without you. his whole life took a turn when he met you. he started to take care of himself more, he cared about coming home at reasonable times, he had a reason now. and that reason was you.
no matter what happens in the future to the both of you, nanami knows for sure, he’ll never regret you being his first love. 
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can you tell who’s my favorite jjk man..............?
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starluvsx · 6 months
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Proofread:kinda...not rlly
WARNINGS:throw up/emetophobia , panic attack, crying, this takes place before they’re like famous or wtv.also this is very long.
A/N:ntm on the banner idk what happened😭
“Guess where I’m going tonight”I said to the boy I was on the phone with.my best friend Matt.he was playing video games while I got ready.probably not paying much attention to what I was doing but definitely listening.
“Where?” he questioned as his face twisted into one of frustration.most likely because of the game he was playing.
“I’m going to hailys party” I cheekily said.smiling just at the thought of what tonight would be like.
“Isn’t that like all seniors?” he asked, concern lacing his tone.even though we were both the same age he always acted like my older brother.
"uh yea, i'll be fine dont worry.im not gonna like get fucked by a 20 year old or end up passed out in the street.im a responsible person matt."i rambled on
"i know you are but- shit...seniors can be pretty intense sometimes" the boy on the other line explained
"ill be fine dude, ok anyways, what outfit do i wear?" i said while show-casing two outfits that lay on separate hangers.
"im kinda in the middle of something right now"
"i dont care, just look for a second"
"y/n i litterally cant"
"matthew bernard sturniolo turn your fucking head this direction and help me pick out an outift or i swear to God"
"ok ok jeez" he said as he hesitantly turned to face his phone screen. "i don't like either of them"
"oh fuck you" i said as i put my phone onto its back so i could change into one of the outfits.
✧At the party
a large smile was painted on my face as i swayed my hips to the beat of the music. I've never felt more alive.the freshly poured drink splishing and splashing around in the cup i was holding, small droplets finding a home on my wrist. despite this being me being only a junior i was mixing well with the crowd.not feeling awkward or like i didn't belong for a second
a tap on my shoulder stopped my movements abruptly.i turned around to where the feeling came from only to see the girl that i came here with, Serenity. she looked deepyly upset which wasnt usual for the cheerful girl. "hey sese, whats up?" i yelled over the loud music.im not even sure if she could hear me.
"i feel sick" serenity answered. i quickly grabbed her hand and bee-lined it to the bathroom.she had been drinking alot.way more then me.and i was sure that what she mean t by 'i feel sick' was 'im about to throw up' and i want that to be no where else but the toilet.for her dignity and my sanity.
i banged on the door of the first bathroom i came across. "occupied!" someone yelled from the other side, forcing me to practically drag serenity down the crowded hallway to another bathroom.once we made it to the white door i realized there was no point in knocking because i could hear two drunken people going at it as if it were their last night on earth.
panic began to set in at the same pace as reality.no more bathrooms in sight. shit shit shit i mentally cursed to myslef as i looked over at a half folded over serenity. "y/n i think im gonna throw up"the blonde girl stated
i quietly mumbled "no no your not, please don't, not here" but my pleads were to no eval as once the words left my mouth so did all of the drinks serenity had earlier.it was all over me.my shirt and jeans and even my white shoes. i screamed in panic. tears spilling out of my eyes almost automatically.
as my eyes darted all over the place i noticed the bathroom door where the couple once were fucking was now open.i put my hand on serenities back and shoveled her into the bathroom, careful not to touch any of the vomit on my shirt.she dropped to her knees and went head first into the toilet at the sight of it.the sounds making me gag internally.
i slid down the wall behind me and sobbed.not being able to escape the vomit.i pulled my phone out of my back pocket and opened my contacts.i was about to call my mom to pick me up before i looked at the time. '1:48' it read. she was most definitely asleep. the scrolled through my contacts looking for someone that could come pick me up.
'Matty boy' was the name my eyes locked on, not even waiting a second before calling him.the phone rang longer than i would've liked it to as i pressed it up to my ear. please pick up i mentally begged "hey y/n." a sleepy Matt said on the other line.
i wasted no time "Matt please-please come get me"i choked out through cries.
"what?whats going on?are you ok?"he asked.now sounding more alert and awake
"serenity threw up on me and i-i don't know what to do.please just come get me.please Matt"i begged through the phone.tears sprung out my eyes and rolled down my face, leaving marks of dripping mascara to stain my cheeks.
"ok ill be there in a few minutes.wheres serenity now?"Matt asked.i hadn't even noticed her.i looked down from the ceiling i was staring at and locked eyes with her body.
"she's passed out...o-on the bathroom floor"i slowly got out.
"ok y/n listen to me very carfully,i need you to call haily and tell her serenity is in the bathroom passed out and that you need a chnage of clothes okay?do not leave serenity there." the boy on the other line stated very seriously. i mumbled a small 'okay 'before Matt began talking again "ill be there in a few minutes, don't move from the bathroom."he said before hanging up.silence now filling my ears.
✧Some time later
serenity was now gone after being taken to hailys room so she could sober up.i have a change of clothes on, some large sweat pants and a 'the smiths' t-shirt. although my clothes were now in the washer being clean from throw up, i couldn't get the thought out of my head.
this night, my first real party, had gone to shit.i was tried, scared, my makeup was ruined, my back hurt.i just want to go home. then as if my thoughts were read a knock came at the door. "come in"i lightly shouted.
as soon as the door opened and matt was visible i sprung up from my spot on the floor.hugging the boy before either of us could say anything.sobbing into his shoulder. "its okay.its okay.im here."the brunnete boy said into my hair
he held my back as we walked through the sea of people in order to make it to the exit.drunken others staring at us we walked by.i grabbed my coat which had somehow not bee touched the whole night, a dark blue zip up hoodie.i felt goosebumps go up my arms a I put it on.
the cold air hit my face unexpectidely.the winter weather sending shock through my warm body.a smile krept onto my face for an unidentified reason. i brought my arms over my chest and folded them. "why are you smiling?"matt asked while looking over at me.a smile on his face aswell
"i dont know" i answred with a small giggle.once we finally made it to the car i hobbled myself into the front passenger seat.the car was practically silent as he put the key in the ignition and started it.not much being needed to be said.
Once we pulled out of the carefully chosen parking spot I advised Matt to not drive me home seeing as my mom would probably kill me.a small hum of approval being the only noise to come from him.
This silence was soon followed up with an unexpected “thank you”from Matt. “For calling me when you needed to and not being stubborn”he clarified
A vocal response didn’t seem to fit the situation so I simply nodded in acknowledgment. “My parents are actually out on vacation so there’s no harm in you staying the night by the way, went to Maine or something.” He began to speak.I didn’t respond.only looking out the window infront of me.
“So what was it like?your first senior party?”the driving boy asked as he focused on the road infront of us.the street lights and cars illuminating his pale face.
“Well besides being thrown up on and having a whole panic attack it was pretty good.the drinks were alright and a few guys hit on me but besides that it was just alright”I answered his question.
“Not everything you dreamed of?”matt asked teasingly. Shaking my head no in response “Bummer.well now you get to spend the night with me” he continued as we pulled into his driveway.i never realized how close he lived to Haily.
Once we entered the house I was met with Chris sitting at the kitchen table. “Woah what happened to you”Chris asked.looking up from his cereal and phone.
“A party” I weakly answered.
“Oh is that y/n?”Nick asked from the couch as he turned his head around to face me. “Hey baeee, had a rough night?”he greeted and questioned.
“Rough Night is the understatement of the century”I grumbled as I opened their fridge searching for water.
“You went to hailys party right?yea those seniors are crazy.are those your clothes?”Nick rambled on.
“No these are hailys,serenity threw up on me.”I casually answered,shuddering at the remembrance of what happened.I stretched my arm out to grab the advil in their top shelf.
“Oh gross.you sleeping here tonight?”chris chimed in and asked.
“Yea, no point in going home and getting my ass beat.”I exaggerated
“Where you sleepin?”chris asked again
“Not with you, last time you punched me right in the boob, painful as fuck.”I retorted as I swapped the pills and water.
“Dude it was an accident!i was sleeping!”he answered as he threw his hand sup in defense.making me giggle.
“Not taking any chances”
“Well you can’t sleep with me.”Nick stated suddenly
“My bed is fucking lopsided and I have to sleep on the couch till it’s fixed” Nick said
“Just sleep in Chris’ room”
“He fucking attacks me in his sleep!”
“What about Matt?”
“He’s up too late for me, I need my eight hours but I guess this kid only needs 8 minutes” Nick answered my few questions causing me to lightly laugh
“Ok then I guess I’m sleeping in your room Matty boy”I said, turning to the boy who had just been listening to this conversation silently.
“Ok then cmon,I’m going to bed right now”he tiredly said as he walked in the direction of his room.
“I find that hard to believe”Nick shouted from his place in the couch.
I hugged Chris and Nick before following Matt into his room.
Upon opening the door I saw Matt face down on the mattress. “Jeez I didn’t think you were that tired” I joked as I sat down on the bed next to him.the calming blue led lights coloring us and the rest of the room around us.
He turned his head sideways to face me “I’m always tired”he mumbled.I situated my body so I was now laying next to him more comfortably.we then gradually moved ourselves to face each other while laying on our sides.his eyes staring into mine deeply.
"your beautiful" I whispered under my breath. ive always though Matt was attractive.not in a sexual way but the same way I think Alahna is pretty.but tonight was different.the way the blue lights bounced off his face, and how his messy hair rested almost perfectly on his forehead, or maybe it was how his dark, tired, eyes never seemed to look scary or weird on him.nonetheless he looked a way I don't even think I could describe if you put the words out in-front of me.
"your angelic..." I found myself say as my heart was taking action before my brain.i brushed some hair out of his eyes delicately with my fresh painted nails.he didn't respond, only giving me small smile.i caressed the side of his face with the back of my hand.tracing his facial structure.
"I love you" he abruptly said.the three words causing blood to rush to my cheeks rapidly.my heart besting faster almost as if on command
"I'll always love you more"I solemnly said.not exactly wanting to see his reaction to my words i moved in a little closer and closed my eyes.curling up and grabbing the covers.to my surprise though, after a few minutes I could feel his arm sake over my body and pull me closer.my head resting under his chin lightly.
then we fell asleep peacefully.silently hoping that if we were to never to wake up again that we stay together in the next life
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romanarose · 5 months
Life update if anyone cares.
I only post this bc i was posting my depressing shit for months and a lot of people were reaching out in concern <3
cw sever depression, self harm, suicide, csa, SA, all the bad. but also lots of good <3
TLDR: Despite a god-awful semester, i got all a's and b's
Everyone thats been following me the last few months has seem my personal posts about how fucking awful things have been for me.
I've dealt with fact I can no longer deny that what happened to me was CSA, despite being on a milder side of things. That sparked an absolutely spiral. I didnt sleep for months which made things worse. School, I got an F on a midterm and i NEVER get F's on writing assignments.
Work had its complications and i quit and then rescinded that quit two days later. I was so constantly depressed in my dorm my roommate literally told me i needed to go to the basketball game with them bc i was sitting in a depression hovel none stop. I only went to services twice this whole time, one shabbat and once for Rosh Hoshannah.
I burned the ever living fuck out of my fingers, yall remember that one? lol.
In novemeber i had relapsed so severely on self harm i thought i had accidentally killed myself. I should've called 911. I thought I was bleeding out and/or going into shock. I then worked myself up more by going down pages of the internet about medical shook and people dying from it. that did not help my heart rate. I couldn't stand, I couldnt see straight for a while.
I could not afford an ambulance or a hospital stay as i am uninsured and only ork 25 hours a week. not a lot of money.
All this happened and I didn't miss work. This is not a brag, this is me not being able to makegood choices for myself.
Finally, thanksgiving break hit. Thank fucking god. I WANTED to use those 4 days of absolutely nothing to get to my TWO BIG RESEARCH PAPERS I HADNT STRTED YET but alas, I was SICK. I was so sick, in fact, and so hoped up on cough medicine for 3 days i was incomprehensible.
I was so physically ill, i couldnt even think about how mentally ill i was. I slept and slept and slept. And by the time sunday hit, I felt so recharged.
My failed midterm was so bad and so not me my professsor reached out to me. Im close with him (in a v appropriate way lol, hes a bruce springsteen fan too) and i felt comfortable telling him essentially that for a few months there things were severe, and I really should've gone in for a 72 hour hold multiple times and i was not safe. through a few lines of resources, I ended up back in therapy bc my school added a new therapist that is a woman (i stopped going last year bc i didnt like seeing a man)
I like my new therapist.
Anway, in about 2 weeks I wrote 2 12 page research papers, 2 book report papers, 1 science paper did 2 presentations, took 2 finals, wrote 2 more finals with essay questions, and at the end of it all, not only did I not fail any classes...
I GOT ALL A'S AND B'S! Which means my gpa is still high enough to renew my scholarship for my last year
I am so fucking proud of myself for accomplishing all this despite suffering so fucking badly. I havnt felt pain like that in years, just agony.
I had a down turn again over christmas bc my siblings were literally ass, upto and including making fun of me for not ating (i am multiple accounts of sexual trauma from several people, so im scared of dating), making fun of my eating, and my sister slapping me and my older brother hitting me. Was a bad time. But for right now, im in the place im staying for break (all january) im back at my old day care and they love me, and olive garden at this store has been going great
Im hoping next semester to be better, im hopful at least
Anyway, thank you so much to everyone who has supported my writing has supported me through these times. It makes me happy that i came her to share my silly little moon knight x reader series, not really intending on writing a whole lot, but next thing i know, i have friends and a lil community. so thank you <3
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woltourney · 1 year
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Kasha Sho (@r04ch-ships) v. Posey (@motley-ember) v. Eleutherios (@trans-estinien)
Kasha Sho:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Kasha Sho, They/She (trans queen)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Au’Ra Raen
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Gunbreaker + Monk
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal Malboro <3
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. I want to preface this by saying I made Kasha’s lore before I knew about the Yda/Lyse thing. Im not retconning because Kasha is better than her anyways 🙄 /hj Kasha was raised in Doma on a small farm! She had a younger brother and an older sister, her older sisters name was Kasha and she was killed by an unknown group. My wol then took their sisters name and fled to Eorzea on a refugee boat. She landed in Ul’dah and started from there! Kasha is VERY aggressive, mean, and insulting. She does not know basic manners and will speak her mind freely. Eats with their hands and also eats ANYTHING… Kasha doesnt like being the WoL, but continues this role because if she wont then who will? They’re very loud and boisterous and confident. Will fight anyone and everyone. She has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most countries. She doesnt know how to read and is an overall idiot but shes doing her best leave that little guy alone Shes also 6ft tall and buff as SHIT
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I WILL WIN because Im the best fighter out here and I will CRUSH THE BONES OF MY- this isn’t an actual fight? … Um 😶 I would TOTALLY win a real fight. Just so you know.
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Posey, he/him!
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Hrothgar
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Paladin! (Additional note from submitter: Culinarian)
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Phoenix
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Posey is a big softie and massive himbo who loves cooking, but loves his friends even more. He was trained by his grandmother in the art of the blade, and enjoys using all of his skills for the good of the world! The food that he makes is said to be better than what is served to the Sultana in the royal palace.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I don't really care if I win, but I thought this was a good way to make new friends! My Baba said that I should put myself out there more!
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. He's gay and he has a pet teacup pig. He WILL try and become friends with anyone and everyone.
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Eleutherios, He/Him
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Unsundered Ancient
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Currently (as of 5.3 onwards) Eleutherios' main job is Dark Knight
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Eleutherios Azem on Sargatanas, Aether!
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Have you ever thought "Huh, I wonder how the story of Final Fantasy XIV would change if Azem was never sundered?" WELL DO I HAVE THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT FOR YOU! Introducing Eleutherios! The lovable Azem who spent his days travelling Etheirys, caring for its people, and annoying the Convocation. Until everything fell apart, of course. On the eve of the Sundering, he denounced both the Convocation and Venat, choosing to find his own path to end the Final Days. Paths that didn't involve summoning gods or killing half of the star's population and then some. But Venat and the others had chosen their courses, and fate had been set. Now, Eleutherios should have died when Hydaelyn broke the world. But he did not. Why? Well, because of the timeline splitting in two. When? When a traveller from the future arrived in Elpis to learn the truth of the Final Days, of course. This traveller? Eleutherios himself. Hydaelyn had spared him from Her spell, making him Her chosen, in the same vein as the Unsundered Ascians being chosen to carry out Zodiark's will. Eleutherios believed the Ascians' plan to restore the world to what it once was foolish. Their people were dead. Nothing can fix that. They just have to push forward and make the best of the future they've been given. But his fellow Unsundered couldn't see this, trapped in their ideals of what the star should be. They needed to see it for what it is. But how could he expect the Convocation to do that, when the only one of them who ever seemed to care about the individual lives of the people was him? So someone has to fight for the new life springing up across the star. And thus began his great work. He's risen up to be the Warrior of Light countless times, over and over, for eons. With each Rejoining marking another failure. Time and time again he had to watch as everything he fought for was reduced to ash. Once, twice, seventh. It seemingly never ended. But what choice did he have? If he didn't fight against the Ascians, he was practically working for them by letting them get away with these atrocities. And so he carries onward as he's always done. But unbeknownst to him, this time was different. This time he meets the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. This time he travels to another Shard and manages to prevent a Rejoining. This time he isn't alone to face the second Final Days. This time, everything will finally be ok.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Well, I'll be honest with you, I don't mind if I win or not. I just like participating and getting to know everyone! Oh, and I'll promise I'll hold back, for their sake. Though if they're Warriors of Light I'm sure they'll all hold up just fine! But if you want a serious answer about why I specifically should win, then…" [Eleutherios takes a moment to think.] "I should win based off of the fact that I have eons more experience in this whole 'Warrior of Light' business than the rest of them do. I've been at it since the Sundering! Not to say that my many, many years of experience is needed to be a Warrior of Light, or that I'm better than the rest, which couldn't be further from the truth. I think we all stand equal, sundered or not."
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. I have so much more lore for Eleutherios and I had to cut down this introductory essay by a LOT. I'm currently working on an extended version which covers ALL of his lore. If you want more Eleutherios content just send me an ask on tumblr, or scroll through the [#eleutherios (azem)] and [#unsundered azem au] tags! I'm always happy to talk about him!!
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ice-devourer · 13 days
so, idk if i should do this for my two of my friends bc my parents dont approve of me doing it for others.....so i kinda need advice on what imma bouta do for em it's about disabilities and the ph government i cant post this anywhere else but tumblr .com so
tw one mention of hospitals n overdosing
slightly long post but i need sound advice 😭😭😭😭
so disabled people here have this pwd card thing, however they are very restrictive and pedantic about the application and SLOW AS FUCK for the processing. only recently (last month i think) did they approve of mental disabilities as a disability. the card is difficult to get. two of my friends are neurodivergent and one of them has depression, however their families aren't that...well, receptive about it. 
it's not my first time falsifying documents so im thinking:
i replicate my doctor's prescribing pad and ‘prescribe’ them medicines as proof of their illness, ive been prescribed a ton of different medicines so it's quite easy to make combinations hshhssh,  i also need to falsify a certificate vouching and verufying that they do have an illness. it's fucked up bc they are ill andidk why they need so many verification steps to give the benefits i fucking hate this governmnt why do disabled people need to prove shit multiple times but yeah im not actually falsifying because their illness and disability is real and the government is a fucking asshole abt it so let's use create and not falsify as a verb uwu
i can also create an admission slip for them by replicating and just modifying my own slip from the time i overdosed (twice hshsh) as proof that theyve been hospitalized due to their mental illness bc just the presc. pad may not be enough, so for good measure yep.
i can just accompany them or give them a script of what to say when they get interviewed.
ive falsified vaccination cards for my oarents bc theyre anti vaxxers and i coyldnt fucking get them to ge the vaccine (gurl they are gonna drive me insane) and it worked, ive also falsified an id for myself saying im 21 during the pandemic too bc only people olderthan 21 can run errands and minors werent allowed to go out accoding to our local gov. and i was elected president during my 1st yr bc i made effetive excuse letters that our dean didnt question (mfs (my classmates) said i was doing gods work for em theyre lucky i love em) and ive recently copied someone's signature to get an spa (special power of attorney) andlied to our social security system (went okay hshwhhs) so WHY CANT I DO IT FOR MY FRIENDS IF I CAN DO IT FOR MY FAMILY FUCK GATEKEEPING THIS IS ABOUT DISABLED PEOPLE NOT GETING THEIR RIGHTFUL BENEFITS THIS IS ABOUT THE PEOPLE I ALSO CARE ABOUT
but yeah it's not easy, but to me it's only proper they ge their benefits like i did.
(also cheated mine bc like i said they only considered mental health recently so i went and falsified that i have really reaaly horrible eyesight and bribed my optometrist AHSHSHHWHSSH)
so should i go ahead with this and override my parent's permission bc i am still a lil scared of my mom this could cause a big fight but like...i love these ppl, i want them to have a slightly better life man hshhhahsshsh
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ok i think it was in this blog that i saw either you or someone else say that mha feels edgy for the purpose of being edgy , and as someone who aspires to create their own stories i wanna avoid this , could you go a bit more in depth about why you feel it is that way and how it could have been improved ? (and if it wasnt in this blog im sorry i mixed it up)
It was actually this blog, so no worries 😊. Well, it was either this blog or my other one 😂.
This is something I wanna cover in more depth but for now, I’ll give the basic points. Several trigger warnings apply, so don’t read this if you feel reading traumatic experiences can trigger your own trauma. Also, spoilers for Doki Doki Literature Club, Invincible, Moon Knight (comics), and The Flash (vol. 2) #197.
So some of my favorite stories are extremely dark. My favorite villain, Hunter Zoloman, is a man who after a hero “failed” to help him in a moment of tragedy, gained powers and felt that tragedy shows a hero’s true colors. Wally West’s Flash was his target, and he felt that if Wally understood tragedy, he’d rise up stronger. This man brutalizes Wally, his friends, and causes his wife to have a miscarriage.
Comic Book Moon Knight is about a man who not only struggles with DID, but also struggles with a God that wants him to be his enforcer of vengeance. Moon Knight is a man who constantly destroys his relationship with others because of his demons and can never know peace.
H.P Lovecraft’s works are about how there are these unknown horrors that exist and how our existence in such a vast world is utterly meaningless.
Doki Doki Literature Club tackles mental illness while also serving as a psychological horror story. Combine the two, and you can see why it’s so dark.
Now, what do all these stories have in common besides being well written? Well, they follow one of several rules of writing a dark story.
The first rule is that there should be a balance of dark and light moments. In stories, you can have dark moments, but it should be balanced by lighter moments. Whether it’s a relationship developing or moments where hope can be found, it’s important that these moments do happen and it’s perhaps the easiest method of making your story dark, but not needlessly edgy.
But what about stories that don’t have this balance? What makes them work then? The second rule is that there should be a purpose for said darkness. Moon Knight’s relationship with his DID and Khonshu (his god) is the core principle of his character. It’s what makes him Moon Knight and not some other stereotypical vigilante. H.P Lovecraft’s stories tackles the themes of being meaningless in a vast universe that will forget you eventually (while also serving to tackle his own problems). Zoom is meant to tackle the question of what makes a hero. Most, if not all heroes, experience tragedy, so is that what makes a hero? Someone who has experienced tragedy and rises up to prevent similar events from happening to others? Doki Doki Literature Club analyzes different forms of abuse/depression and the question of “what is life”? What makes someone human rather than a machine? The dark events that happen to these characters and that these characters cause ultimately serve a purpose to the story. They also have to be appropriate for what the story is. Moon Knight wears white so people see their blood as he beats them and marks his enemies. That’s meant to show that Moon Knight isn’t the most sound of people and that he aims to inflict fear upon his enemies. Monika makes a joke about Sayori’s suicide before you discover her body, which is another instance of foreshadowing. Omni-Man beating his son and murdering all those people are meant to show us that Omni-Man is a horrible person compared to Invincible, who despite his flaws, is a good person as shown whenever he feels immense regret after failing to save someone or fucking up. It’s when things get into Revenge Porn, Edge Porn, and Torture Porn territory that your story is no longer dark. It’s just edgy.
The third rule is that there needs to be stakes involved in said darkness. The stakes with Zoom’s character is Wally stopping a man not only more powerful than him, but is willing to ruin the lives of both himself and everyone else that is a hero. Moon Knight’s mentality is constantly challenged. Whenever he tries to be a better person, his demons threaten to drag him back down at any moment. Both H.P Lovecraft and Doki Doki Literature Club involve a mystery as a means of raising stakes. You want to know what is causing the abnormal events taking place in the story and are anticipating what happens next. Characters you love could be killed and/or corrupted at any moment. The stakes have to be reasonable though. A Moon Knight story involving the end of the world isn’t going to work because the character of Moon Knight isn’t meant to be involved in that realm of storytelling. He works better as a mystical hero that is roughly street level. Monika in DDLC threatening to take over the world wouldn’t work because that’s not her character. She wants to experience reality and does what she does because she believes her friends and her world aren’t real. Her wanting world domination and being willing to kill people in the real world would go against her character.
The final rule ties into rule 3, and it’s that the stakes need to be foreshadowed in some way and not just pop out of nowhere. In DDLC, Act 1 has some foreshadowing but the audience will not think much about it until Act 2. The dialogue said by the characters all serve an important purpose in that regard. Monika’s poems in Act 1 also hint at this, but a first time viewer wouldn’t realize its significance until Act 2. In Act 2, you notice how most of the glitches involve Monika popping up in some way, which when it’s revealed that she’s sentient, it makes sense and doesn’t come out of nowhere. Moon Knight’s entire identity is built up on his DID and Khonshu, so when something happens as a result of either, it doesn’t come as a surprise.
This leads us to MHA. MHA does have some dark moments that follows these rules. The Todoroki family subplot follows rules 2 and 3. Shoto’s relationship with Endeavor falls under rule 2. It is an obstacle that has weighed him down and has prevented him from being the best hero he can be. Now he’s aiming to overcome said obstacle. Dabi follows rule 3, where you’re questioning how Shoto and Endeavor are going to overcome Dabi and the consequences of Endeavor’s past. The School Festival Arc was a low stakes one that allowed Izuku to breathe after going through an arc involving child abuse and death, following rule 1. It also follows rules 2 and 3, where the purpose of the arc is to set up the idea of redemption.
MHA also has “dark” moments that are either unnecessarily dark or simply don’t work. During the Sport’s Festival, Recovery Girl tells Izuku that continuing to use his quirk the way he has been will make him unable to use his arms again (see rule 3). This was a perfectly reasonable stake, but then Recovery Girl tells him that she refuses to heal him. That’s just adding salt to the wound and makes Recovery Girl look like a dick. She’s supposedly knowledgeable on quirks and served as All Might’s doctor, so maybe she could’ve given him some advice. The War Arc and Izuku’s Solo Arc had no resting period between them (rule 1), which would be fine if there was a good resolution, but there wasn’t. It’s nice that 1-A wanted their friend back, but they were literally preparing to drag him back using some weird ass torture device. We never get any more insight regarding Izuku believing he has to do everything himself (missing the mark on rule 2). We get Katsuki’s speech, but good god does he miss the mark. It misses everything he’s been through, everything that Katsuki HIMSELF caused. Sure, All Might didn’t make things easier by telling Izuku that he wasn’t allowed to tell anyone else about his quirk, but Katsuki’s the reason why his self esteem is absolutely shattered. Throughout the story, Izuku’s either constantly criticized or abused for the sake of it. Most of Katsuki’s behavior towards him isn’t necessary. The suicide baiting comment was to showcase the hatred Katsuki has for Izuku and hammer in how much Izuku suffers from the other boy. However, Katsuki nearly nuking him, sabotaging his exam score, and just being a dick to him really doesn’t do much else. We get it, Katsuki’s a fuck who hates Izuku, but it’s not like any of that’s ever brought up again after the USJ. Was the scene where he stabs Izuku necessary at all? The whole Quirk Assessment Exam was also BS and it paints Shota in a bad light (breaking rule 2). So we’re supposed to expect a kid who only had his quirk for like a month to not get last and expelled? That’s just dumb, especially since a little bit of basic reading would show Shota this. Speaking of Shota, his backstory is only explained through a SPIN OFF before making its way to the main plot (and it was hurriedly thrown in there rather than time being dedicated to establishing said backstory), which is not how you should do a reveal at all (breaking rule 4). If you didn’t read the spin off, then you’re not really going to care about Shota’s relationship with Oboro/Kurogiri. Shota’s trauma is also never explored either and it’s just treated as this offhand explanation for Shota’s behavior rather than a core element of Shota’s character. (breaking rules 2 and 3). Moving on to another character, let’s talk about AFO. He constantly breaks the final rule numerous times. The story seemed to be setting the stage for Tomura, but then AFO randomly decided that his grand plan was to possess him instead (rule 4 broken). Where the hell did that come from? Like seriously, having AFO pass the baton to Tomura would’ve been a far better decision than whatever the hell this is. Yuuga’s reveal was awful (breaking rule 4). He only had one big moment where his true nature was hinted at and then he’s shoved in the background twiddling his thumbs until Hori remembered he needed to wrap that plot up. Simply put, these instances feels like Hori trying too hard to add angst/drama/stakes to his story, but none of it feels organic or well thought out. They don’t offer much to the story and if you removed them, he’d have time to actually focus on his well thought out dark moments.
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smolweeblets · 2 years
Drunk confessions
A/n: can you guys tell idk how to name my stories? Anyways Yelena is so ooc here but shes drunk so I'll use that excuse.
"Y-yn? Can you uh, pick me up please?" Sniffles could be heard as you listened to your friend. You panicked, thoughts racing through your head about what happened to her.
"please hurry up... Im at the bar we go to sometimes." A bar? Oh god this isnt good. Hurried shuffling to get into your clothes ensued. You tried to not panic and think about this rationally. Although failing for the most part.
Why is she crying? Is she in danger-? Oh god I have to get there faster.
You mentally slapped yourself, gathering your thoughts. You did need to move faster but she wouldn't be in danger, if she was she wouldn't be calling you. She was always a logical person and no matter how close you two were she would still be calling 911 if it was really serious. You wracked your brain for possible answers, then it dawned on you.
She was probably really drunk, otherwise she wouldn't be crying on a call like this with you and asking you to pick her up. Although the fact that she is drunk is also weird, since she never usually drank that much alcohol, if any at all. And she wasn't particularly a lightweight. Something must have come up in her life for her to get drunk like this. Well that doesn't matter right now, what matters is you getting her as quickly as you can.
Small sniffles and hiccups could be heard as you approached the hunched figure sitting on the steps of the bar. She looked absolutely miserable.
"Hey, Yelena? Are you okay?" You gently put your hand on her shoulder, alerting her more of your presence.
She wipes her face with her arm before looking at you and slowly nodding.
"Okay that's good, how about we get to my car now alright?" You go in front of her and gesture for her to take your hand, which she does to help herself up.
She stumbles as she stands, having to lean on to you just to not fall flat on the floor. The sight was almost funny, her large looming figure being supported by your much smaller frame.
You two got to your car and you made sure she leaned back properly and buckled up, in the process, you get a glimpse of just how bad of a state she's in.
Her eyes were bloodshot, and her face was flushed red. You could almost feel the horrible hangover she would have to endure tomorrow. Bringing her to your house instead of hers would probably be better for the both of you. So she's sure to be taken care of, and so you dont stay up all night worried she isn't. There really was no way you'd let her be by herself in this state.
You start driving and theres a long silence between the two of you. It wasn't confortable, nor was it awkward. It was just that, nothing but silence and your thoughts.
Eventually Yelena notices that you werent taking her home, even in her drunk state she could tell the scenery was different from her usual route.
"Hey... where are you taking me- *hic* " Yelena slurred her words, sounding very disoriented.
"I'm taking you to my place, its safer and i wouldnt have to worry too much about you." Your calm voice normally would have been soothing but it looked like Yelena thought the opposite right now.
"N-no- I can take care of myself just take me home please.." Yelena sounded like she was about to cry. You felt bad but you knew what was best.
"Sorry, no can do. You say that but you dont look like you can even stand by yourself." As soon as you finished your sentence, It looks like a dam broke in Yelena and she broke into small sobs.
"I dont want to be in your house right now okay... or even with you for that matter" She cried. It broke your heart seeing Yelena look so sad and hearing that it could be because of you.
"Why? Is there something I did? If so, I'm sorry but I just can't leave you alone like this." You reasoned. You placed your hand on her shoulder as a very small way of giving comfort.
"Yes you can," She whined while sloppily removing your hand. "ill be fine by myself... like i always am." The last part was barely a whisper, if you weren't so tuned in with her you would have missed it.
You grip the steering wheel hard as you think about your next move.
"Yelena, it might be personal but please tell me what's wrong, if it's been something I did or what. I can't bear to see you in this state."
"It's nothing- just let me be." Some of the sobbing had subsided, but she was still sniffling a lot. You handed her a tissue to wipe some snot off her face, which she thankfully accepted.
"Yelena, I can't just leave a friend alone like this. Just tell me what's wrong so I can help." You glanced at her worriedly.
"God! Just stop asking, it's not like you'd be able to help." Hostility was now laced in her voice, it sounded strained and painful.
"I just want to help a friend- but if you dont want to talk about it then fine."
"Dont fucking call me YOUR FRIEND!" Tears were running down Yelena's face as she screamed.
"I FUCKING HATE BEING YOUR FRIEND SO STOP CALLING ME THAT!" You could only look in hurt as you watched her say all this. You thought you two were close but hearing her scream about this felt like a stab through the heart. She may be drunk but they do say drunk words are sober thoughts and it pained you to know this was what shes been thinking of you.
"I'm sorry then... but I am still taking you home. I care about you Yelena, and you're drunk." You worriedly asserted.
"God this is why i fucking hate you- youre too... nice." Yelena spat out. She hesitated saying the last word, and faltered throughout saying it.
"Wait- come again?"
"It's nothing. Ignore me, I'm drunk." Yelena said in almost a whisper. The tears had subsided, leaving only the traces of crying.
"No. Yelena, what did you say earlier."
"Youre too fucking nice and perfect. That's why I fell in love with you and why I hate you because you'd never reciprocate my feelings. There, happy now?"
"Yeah, well that you know, you can go ahead and drop me off wherever. I can manage." It seems almost as if all the alcohol got knocked out of her. From how she was acting you wouldn't be able to tell she was bawling just a few minutes ago.
You slowed down, stopping by the side of the road. Yelena wasn't shocked at all that you actually were dropping her off. She deserved it.
She was getting ready to get off, unclasping her seatbelt and reaching to unlock the door.
"Yelena wait." You grabbed her bicep, wanting her attention back to you.
Yelena looked back to you, confused. Your seatbelt was also unclasped, though she didn't notice and just wanted to know what else you wanted to say before she left.
You suddenly leaned towards Yelena and you reached out to gently hold her cheek to hopefully not make her move too suddenly and to angle her face properly. To say she was shocked is an understatement. She fully thought she'd never have a chance with you, not in a million years.
You pull back and lean back into your seat, sighing in relief.
"God, you have no clue how long I've wanted to do that." You chuckle a little.
Yelena could do nothing but gape at you with large gray eyes looking at you as if what happened was just an illusion from the alcohol. Her hand ghosted over where you kissed her, still damp from her crying earlier.
"So? Do you still want to go back to your home?" You joke, hoping to clear away the uncertainty Yelena still seemed to have.
She shook her head, too flustered to even respond properly. She was already red earlier but now, she looks like a literal tomato. A cute one, but a tomato nonetheless.
You reached over to buckle Yelena's seatbelt again and you felt her flinch under your touch. She stared at you again and you just smiled back.
"Gotta take precautions." You giggled while reaching to buckle your own seatbelt.
The ride back home was quiet, but the comfortable kind. You caught Yelena staring at you a lot, but you didn't mind, she deserves it after pining for you that hard.
You led her staggering form into your home and into your bedroom, you instructed her to sit while you picked out some clothes that could maybe fit her. It was quite a task, considering just how much bigger she was than you.
Eventually, you did find something that she could wear and handed them over. You told her you'd be sleeping on the couch tonight, since you didn't want her to be uncomfy. You were about to leave to let her get changed when she called out for you.
"I'm drunk... help me dress please?" You almost would've thought she was serious with how sincere she looked. If only she wasn't wearing her stupidly coy smirk. She really is herself, even when drunk.
"Wow, where'd my flustered little 'lena from earlier go?" You laughed lightheartedly.
"Right here, please do help me." She pleaded. Her mouth was downturned, pretending to be sad.
"Hmm... okay but no funny business, you're drunk." You chided.
"Thank you babe." Yelena jokes, having an adorable close eyed smile.
"Stop that. Dont act like you weren't just crying over me a few minutes ago." You playfully scolded.
"Whatever you say babe." She teased.
You decided to stop the banter and actually help her out of her clothes. It was a surprisingly time consuming task because she constantly kept trying to make you laugh through various actions. You appreciate the effort, but not the action. You had to basically wrangle the clothes off of her because she wouldnt stop moving and causing a fuss.
After a few minutes of wrestling to finally get her dressed you finally succeeded. You also tired yourself out, so you made your way to the light and flicked it off. Then right back on again when you heard Yelena request something.
"Hey... you can sleep here you know-" Yelena suggested.
"No thanks, i can manage being on the couch." You point you thumb behind you, gesturing to the living room.
"But since im like drunk it gives you a good chance to take care of me." She reasoned out. Admittedly a pretty smart one considering she is, in fact, drunk.
"I think you're using that excuse too much, just go to sleep." You scoffed lightheartedly
"Pleaseeee-" She whined, using her most convincing puppy eyes. God how she had so much power over you was crazy.
"If you puke on me or my bed tomorrow i will kick you out." You sighed. You relented to her wishes way too quickly for you liking.
Yelena excitedly gasped, and smiled widely. "No! Of course i wont,, now come here please." She patted the area beside her, beckoning you to get in. You flicked the light back off and made your way ro the mattress.
Yelena snuggled up beside you and practically melted in your arms. Oh how she has craved for this for so, so long. She slept soundly that night, smiling in her sleep.
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fatmaclover · 2 months
12,19 or 23 for mac :-3?
12: What's a headcanon you have for this character?
unibrow mac my beloved <33 if we're talking something more serious though i think itd be that hes got. COMICALLY gay music taste. fag club music is definitely his jam but hes got to get into gaga n shit for my own mental health. this is supported by the fact that in its a very sunny christmas (sorry to bring this ep up again) he literally has TWO rainbow jimi hendrix stickers on his closet door 😭 bud.... howd it take you this long youre literally making your own allegories 😭. sorry im gonna take this one to also say i think he should be More tatted up. rob you can rid yourself of your tats all you want but i know mac gets a tattoo for every boyfriend hes able to keep for longer than a week in my heart. their name right on his skin. this is Always what makes them break up with him.
19: A relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
i feel like "like" is a pretty broad thing for me. i can fucking despise something but it can still be interesting and i still like it. UNFORTUNATELY this is the case about mac and his parents. dear God actually a wretched family dynamic that attacks literally all of my insecurities with some of my own family. something about always making noise, always making a show but never being seen or heard really gets to me. the way even now mac makes it blatantly obvious what hes needing/wanting for emotional fulfillment, but his friends treat him just like his parents did because thats easier than sitting down and dealing with his issues. hes always been ignored so whats a little more?
theres a lot i could go into with this one. how being ronnie the rat was the only time mac would get seen, so of course he was incentivized to keep being a total snitch. how it seems that even joyce ended up adopting those methods against mac, being plenty apathetic towards things that were important to him (not even saying that her blowing him off is undeserved. its very much deserved even if its still a total dick move and heartbreaking that joyce would actively see the environment mac grew up in, and then decide to keep that cycle going for him). the way macs immediate family has interacted with him has affected. so much of his life that its insane. sorry that i wrote a lot about this one its just been on the mind.
oh i suppose i could also say him and carmen. i love you carmen i wish mac was normal you two would be unstoppable as a tgirl and her pet doberman fag duo. im glad youre happy just raising a kid with ur husband tho pls never come back and enjoy your life away from these freaks
23: Favorite picture of this character?
here are the jokey contenders oh my fucking god im sorry. theyre the like basic bitch mac images but theyre so fucking funny to me i think about them 24/7. literally whenever i bring up if im soying over something i want you to picture the second image thats what im doing
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for a more serious answer, genuinely i adore nearly every scene fat mac is in. though i suppose the penultimate image of fat mac WOULD be the how mac got fat one
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sorry hes like an angel to me here. in the grimy fuckin confessional n all.
i think this one is like. very easily first more than that other one but my shame makes it tied for first instead
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sorry. ill stop. dont give me power by letting me post mac images i will empty my whole camera roll going "and isnt he so cute here? and here? and look at his smile here. and look how cute he and joyce are here" until literally every frame of fat mac or mac and joyce in frame together is posted.
fav img of mac and joyce together is them writing in mac and charlie write a movie. purely because i associate it with you and rambling about joyce and joymac for hours. without that association is the fucking cowboy photoshoot from mac and charlie die. sorry. basic answer there too
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goodfully · 10 months
a little delayed but i wrote most of this in my notes app waiting for internet access hahaha i finished reading the third book yesterday, mostly in the car, im in the middle of a trip with family and relatives so this might be more vague/disorganized. mm okay thoughts on "those who leave and those who stay"!
i mean all of this in a lighthearted way! but wow idk what i was expecting with nino, i was lowkey hoping he wouldnt be a major character in the third book. oh my god, i swear every time ninos name was revealed (the author of some article, somebodys friend, some babys father, etc..) i mentally rolled my eyes.. i get that hes an important character and its great how he encourages lenu with her academic work much more than pietro ever did, but wow, tbh ive had enough with this guy hahaha
okay! i think what i liked most about this book is that that while the first two books were centered on lenu and lila looking towards their future and escaping their neighborhood, the third book was so much of them both looking back on the past. by that i mean, both their own lives in that neighborhood in naples, as well as history and politics globally.
anyway im glad we got more political history in this book, it just makes sense to i think. lenu and lilas lives are very much affected by it, and always had been, but it becomes much more clear to them now that theyre older, altho ig in different ways. mm like understanding the connection between the violence in the neighborhood they grew up in and the systems of exploitation that exist globally (like imagine finding your first boyfriend is the leader of some fascist thugs that beat ppl up in front of the factory your friend works at). i think its important bc ever since the first book im sure that we've been hearing from both lenu and lila that they feel as tho something beyond their grasp and comprehension is keeping them from escaping from the lives they had/have. and like.. maybe theyve known it was the patriarchy, fascism... before they even knew what it was. ahh the stuff that lenu said in the beginning about how we cant really escape bc the world is poisoned everywhere. its a bleak view, but that part in the very beginning was ahhhhh...
oh god, lenu having daughters.. like.. more mother/daughter relationship things... the things girls learn from their mothers (dede and elsa in front of the mirror acting dissatisfied with the way they look.. i know it was a short, insignificant scene but i would have cried) and also. when lenus mother came to take care of her, and she said "i was afraid she would never return. but she always did"... ahh!!! and then when elena told her daughters about leaving their father and both of her daughters asked if she would take them or begged her to stay. screams. oh oh oh and every single time she notices that one the younger children resembles their father???
as much as i do adore lenu, i find myself attached to lila.. so when there was that big chunk of just purely lilas part of the story, i was excited (despite the very distressing events)... anyway thoughts on that lila part:
i was thinking about how much this part showed how revolutionary movements arent that straightforward, esp between the actual working class and the intellectual students, like when revolutionary movements arent led by the ones the revolution was made purposefully to liberate? ohh actually i have a lot of thoughts on this and the events that happened, i like how much ferrante talks about it, but ill keep it short.. the part with lilas speech in the pamphlet, the fight in front of the factory, pasquale and nadia disagreeing with lenu helping lila, local and state armed fascists, union organizers not truly representing the workers, its relation to the patriarchy etc..
also so heartbreaking, seeing lila lose her mind over her child, believing that the closer he is to her, the more likely he'll break.. like her. god god i understand that feeling, but i imagine its so much worse for lila when its her own child. that thing about feeling trapped in the same fate as your parents is just so so sad. ive literally never wanted to have my own children bc of this.
i know im projecting onto lila, but tbh the idea that lila is aroace is...!!! haha.. like when she was crying and telling enzo that she loves him and wishes every night to hold him close, but "beyond that i dont want anything." and hhfhrh idk i feel this way for a lot of ppl and know i risk being left if im unable to give what the other person in a relationship wants and they suffer for it. hh
oh! i think its cool that while the revolutionary/workers rights movement was a bigger thing for lila, the feminist movement was more significant for lenu.. god pietro was so??? idk why he was so insistent on following traditional husband/wife roles. i thought something was off about him since they first got engaged and he didnt care of her novel. tbh i am happy for her and hope she gets to be content with her self and her life in the next book. oh and the new thing that lenu writes is so interesting... i think maybe the women in the books would find it the truth for them, except probably lila. so it was interesting when alfonso tells lila that he wants to if he was a woman, hed want to be like lila.
oh some other random parts i keep thinking about: when she and lila were talking excitedly like when they were children, and the talk finally inspired something in her to write a second novel. and when lila read it, and cries. and they both say they dont know who they are without the other.. and when lenu starts rambling about how she believes lila has the intense capacity for apocalyptic violence like she did at the start of the second book, i go crazy i love that hahaha. hmm and gigliola... i remember not thinking much of her yet in the first two books, but really i like her and feel a lot for her.
mm there might be stuff i forgotten to mention, but ill end this here for now! i cant believe its only one book left already...
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acredb · 11 months
you guys are cool
*gives you my everhood au ideas*
spoilers for after arm getting so its after the cut
its very long i apologise
context: at this point, reds killed the forest spirit, the mushrooms, slim jim shroom (the sprunkel fight), the maze monster and gold pig
(this is literally just bc during a playthrough when i got to this point i figured "...yeah, this would hurt them mentally." so i MADE it hurt ;3 ) (they killed gold pig out of spite, they were the only person red WANTED to kill not counting maze monster)
they couldnt bring themself to kill their friends so they quit. they didnt let the lost spirits know that they were quitting the murder rampage, they just did. ofc the lost spirits weren't happy about this, so they started to 'punish' red for this. they appeared in their dreams, *fucked up* their dreams, and every so often one of them would appear and just...lecture them, using their mental state against them, so this hurt
nobody alive knows about them, not even blue
reds become a lot more protective, meaning theyll get mega pissed if someone hurts blue, green learned the hard way (they decided to prank red into thinking theyd killed blue (dumbass) and red almost killed them they were so upset)
a few weeks? go by and red decides theyve had enough of constantly fearing that they'll hurt their friends so they decide 'What's the point of keeping this stupid arm if all it does is hurt people?' and casually drop it into the incinerator where it burns to a crisp
the lost spirits did NOT like that.
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(zoom in to read details but im explaining it more so uh) the lost souls got a lot more direct in how they were making red regret this. they appeared in their dreams *every night* instead of just when they felt like, and warped them more and more until red would wake up terrified
the spirits started following them everywhere, always just out of sight. every time red's seperate from the rest of the group, they appear, multiple at once.
this ended up driving red mad, and they go bezerk, running away into the Peaceful Forest (peaceful my ass) because theyre so afraid to hurt their friends now that theyre not taking any chances
because theyre so unstable they act like a scared animal, if they cant run theyll attack. literally the only person they wont try to hurt is blue, because even in their madness they know they care about them too much to hurt them
after a month and couple weeks of looking for them, rasta beast finds them in the forest eventually, very much scuffed. red does the whole regular run away thing, until they get cornered. a small (physical, not dance) fight breaks down, rasta fighting back in self defense, until they manage to knock some sense into red. for the first time in a while, red's comforted
this does nothing for their fractured mind, but it gives rasta beast a *little* more protection, because they can snap red out of it for even just a couple minutes
rasta beast goes back and tells the others (everyone hangs around prof.orange's lab cause protection) and prof.orange wants to get red into the lab maybe to study them or something so he sends green and purple mages to get them cause theyre magical and shit
after a mad goose chase the two lose red, but green finds some gnomes (the psychadelic ones) and asks them to get red high out of their mind so they and purple can bring them to orange
(little about the gnomes in this au, they can emmit pheromones that stimulate the mind like weed does because there is NO WAY red wasnt high for 'you want gnomes'. also whenever red is high theyre too overwhelmed to do anything so they eventually just flop over and see god until it wears off, which is why green got the gnomes)
it works and now purple and green are bickering about the morality of the drugging while dragging a practically passed out red to the lab
(ive come up with everything until this point, ill make a part 2 whenever i add to this)
(oh yeah and i forgot to mention but prof.orange has a machine and using it seperated pink and red so the vessel is sentient and the soul lives, orange also made a machine that translates some of red' thoughts into audible sound, they were so fucking happy when they heard their voice they cried)
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tactiletelekonesis · 6 months
gonna just ramble my thoughts for a bit
i was talking about how ive been asked to be evaluated for bpd in the past and got told by the doctor that i “dont want that stigma” and shut down before i could decide for myself if its worth it, and the person i was telling this to said they think i dont have it and like.
im kind of mad.
because im still getting to know this person and the more i think on it the more i know i at least have things that mimic the symptoms
and being told “i can tell you dont have it” feels like its diminishing the fact that i worry i do
and dont get me wrong i know the symptoms can be caused by other things but i would still like to know
and like the reason im thinking this is just… dirk strider from homestuck. ive been seeing people say hes textbook DID and i GET IT, i do, but i also really see bpd in him more. and i also see myself in him, though i dont have DID
i see his splinters and lil hal specifically as like. i can see how hal would be an alter, but lets not focus on that. hal is the epitome of a version of dirks self that he gets aggravated with, probably even hates because it reminds him of who he used to be, and to some extent whi he currently is.
if you look at the symptoms of bpd on mayo clinic, i could argue for all of them in dirk - and myself
and like. ive fucked up so many relationships because a flip switches in my head and im convinced they hate me or dont care, and people dont see that BECAUSE I FUCKING HIDE IT
I HID MY AUTISM FROM MYSELF AND OTHERS FOR 19 YEARS. MY PSYCHOSIS FOR 27. whos to say i havent been hiding bpd from people?
i already have dependent personality disorder but if you have one personality disorder youre more likely to have more
the reason people dont believe my struggles is i mask automatically and suffer inside because i dont know how to talk about how im suffering or even explain whats a mask and whats not
i keep going back to the time i was told “youre incapable of being mean” and the visceral reaction of wrongness i felt because i shut myself down so fucking much because the idea of upsetting others is so goddamn terrifying yet until i was 19 i would purposely make lists in my head of actual ways to ruin my friendships of i wanted to. like i would make full lists. just cataloguing all their insecurities so i could weaponize them. i never did because when i admitted to doing this when i felt safe i was told that was a dick move. and theyre right but it still fucking hurt because i dont do it on purpose. i dont.
im currently losing two of my best friends because my brain wont let me fucking talk to them because im simultaneously afraid theyre mad, and mad at them myself, and im sabotaging myself by not talking to them at all
i literally swing from thinking im worthless to thinking im a literal celestial being. i dissociate all the god damn time. im so fucking angry every second of my life
i would go into more detail about other symptoms but im making myself sad.
i dont care about the stigma i want validation for these symptoms and acknowledgement that i am extremely mentally ill at times and i just
i know they meant well but being told im not bpd by a newer friend who im still opening up to is frustrating. youre not my doctor, youre not me. how would you know? my doctor doesnt even know all my experiences because i dont know how to talk about them
im not sure if its the 4am talking or the stress from the roommate situation but like im thinking about bpd again. i think its worth looking into
anyway i cant believe im turning into a dirk kinnie but im not complaining
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