#god marisa
dizzyhslightlyvoided · 8 months
good ending: Marisa becomes a youkai.
bad ending: Marisa has Reimu exorcize her or whatever, thus allowing ZUN to delay any resolution to this plot point indefinitely.
true ending: Not enough humans are actually afraid of Marisa, and in fact they hold her in a certain amount of awe. Thus, while Marisa losing her humanity is inevitable, she instead becomes a god. However, she's pretty dogshit at actually getting faith, but not bad enough that she stops being a god, so she's basically just like Minoriko (blesses your crops by working in the field and curses them by trampling it) and Shizuha (goes out and physically paints the leaves), and the majority of her power comes from the magic she knew as a human, it's just a bit easier to use now. Reimu's the one who becomes a youkai.
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cincidious · 1 year
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it's way past her bed time, give her a break...
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jaqobis · 10 months
truly think one of the other lowkey funniest moments in hdm is when mrs coulter says she and asriel should've kept and raised lyra. like it's such a poignant scene, and i see where she was coming from, but also she was completely wrong. oh god. if there are two people who should not be around a child it's asriel "child killer" belacqua and marisa "child torture, for science" coulter. like, mostly staying away from lyra for a lot of her childhood was in fact the best thing they could've done for her. good job team. that is not the thing to regret here
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tinpot64 · 1 year
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making comics is easy actually im gonna make more :3
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icardigan · 3 days
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o privilégio de uma existência é ser quem você é
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homoeroticgrappling · 30 days
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@DanhausenAD Very nice, very evil
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sphictails · 4 months
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The Narcissistic Blonde Touhou Duo...
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xbuster · 1 year
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silvertsundere · 1 year
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捂耳朵接吻,你只能听到自己的呼吸声、心跳声和唇齿交缠的声音,很色 | 我想要上厕所自由 ※Make sure to like/retweet the original work!
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
team magic's run in imperishable night really did start off like a dang glitter bomb huh
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Marisa. You are a Japanese vertical scrolling bullet hell shoot 'em up character. And you just said. Word for word. One of the more famous ways to indirectly say "i love you' from Japanese literature.
"the moon sure is beautiful" is almost a dang meme. i've read a nanofate yuri doujin based around this phrase
but whatever girl. go off i guess
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wow alice you are so convincing, you are so not going to spend the rest of the night trading quips with her, getting annoyed when her previous bravado vanishes for a sec when faced another girl / childhood friend, aggravated by her sudden stuttering, and then goading her back into her usual explode things self, siccing her on reimu like and attack dog- yep. 100%. you will be so normal about all this, alice
but until then
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pre-violence buddy chat, finishing each other's thoughts, now suddenly arguing over who's having MORE fun, alice please...
you two bicker like the old enemies to friends to whatever that you are
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maybe you did, marisa, but you and alice sure ain't dodging the allegations in this team up. again. as usual
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running-tweezers · 4 months
🎭Redacted Theater Kid Thursdays🎭
Where your local musical theater and Redacted Audios enthusiast assigns songs to characters and then covers them.
Today we have
Lasko - Quiet, from Matilda
First of all. Let’s talk about the Matilda musical bc I think it’s wildly underrated.
Matilda is a VERY important story to me, I read the book when I was like 10 and got very attached to this story about a smart little girl who loved to read, felt different and outcast from her peers, developed magical powers, and used them to stand up to people who were unfair and cruel. Idk why on earth that could’ve been. -cough- undiagnosed neurodivergence -cough-
And so it goes, this musical is in my top 5 of all time. I think it has some of the best lyrics in musical theater, period. There are so many songs in this show that move me emotionally in a way no other show has, including this one. And the fact that it’s sung by an actual literal child is just a testament to how talented the kids in this show are.
This is the song Matilda sings right before her powers manifest for the first time. Ive been listening to some of the old Freelancer season 1 audios lately, and had an epiphany. This song is Very Much Lasko. This is a young Lasko manifesting his powers. This is Lasko right before he runs away from his family. I think so much of it is relevant in so many ways. And that makes me doubly emotional listening to it.
Hope you enjoy! I’m gonna try to do these more often, I have lots of ideas!
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 8 months
Youkai Reimu: Hm. Maybe I should get a shikigami to help me around the house and stuff.
God Marisa, cheerfully: Hm, maybe!
Youkai Reimu: Also maybe it'll help with making humans afraid of me, that's also a bunch of work and I'd prefer to just have a peaceful life regardless.
Youkai Reimu, not really paying attention to what she's saying and lost in the "am a youkai" sauce: Wait, I know! I could turn a human into a shikigami! The human's original spirit could still be in their body, so it's still a human and they're conscious and terrified the whole time, but their shikigami programming would just override what they're doing!
Youkai Reimu: ... wait no, that's not how shikigami work. Or "still a human".
God Marisa, whom we now see is boggling at her with her jaw dropped: Reimu, what the entire shit.
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saeraas · 2 years
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Utterly alone, utterly magnificent
Inktober day 6. Golden
I support women’s wrongs
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communist-ojou-sama · 4 months
See while I can and do conceptualize Yukari and Reimu's relationship as a species of yuri I can't imagine them being like... Lovers in a romantic relationship. I like instead to imagine Yukari having a tangled and immensely confused web of feelings toward Reimu, of nostalgia, of longing, of a certain kind of motherhood, of the pains of human feelıng scarred into her by a love she lost so long ago, and the knowledge of how unbelievably fragile and temporary her existence is, and I like to imagine Reimu being bewildered and mostly bemused but silently grateful for Yukari's (to her) inexplicable preoccupation with her.
For her part Yukari never opens up to Reimu I don’t think, I think that she’s content to hassle her, to covet her, to treasure her, while enjoying her bemused confusion at it all
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vulpixelates · 22 days
the bestie is live-posting in the gc while she watches one of my favorite movies for the first time... love exists and life is good
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