#youkai marisa
monikatouhou · 9 months
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 8 months
good ending: Marisa becomes a youkai.
bad ending: Marisa has Reimu exorcize her or whatever, thus allowing ZUN to delay any resolution to this plot point indefinitely.
true ending: Not enough humans are actually afraid of Marisa, and in fact they hold her in a certain amount of awe. Thus, while Marisa losing her humanity is inevitable, she instead becomes a god. However, she's pretty dogshit at actually getting faith, but not bad enough that she stops being a god, so she's basically just like Minoriko (blesses your crops by working in the field and curses them by trampling it) and Shizuha (goes out and physically paints the leaves), and the majority of her power comes from the magic she knew as a human, it's just a bit easier to use now. Reimu's the one who becomes a youkai.
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waffliesinyoface · 10 months
was thinking more about youkai-ification while in the shower, and you know what's the best part of it, IMO?
not realizing it's happening.
it starts off with small subtle personality changes, which could be noticeable to any of your friends, but to you? it's so slow that for you it's just your new normal. you've always been like this, right?
you don't notice that anything is different until one day when you look in the mirror and realize that your eyes haven't always been red.
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what else might have changed? can you even tell?
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
team magic's run in imperishable night really did start off like a dang glitter bomb huh
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Marisa. You are a Japanese vertical scrolling bullet hell shoot 'em up character. And you just said. Word for word. One of the more famous ways to indirectly say "i love you' from Japanese literature.
"the moon sure is beautiful" is almost a dang meme. i've read a nanofate yuri doujin based around this phrase
but whatever girl. go off i guess
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wow alice you are so convincing, you are so not going to spend the rest of the night trading quips with her, getting annoyed when her previous bravado vanishes for a sec when faced another girl / childhood friend, aggravated by her sudden stuttering, and then goading her back into her usual explode things self, siccing her on reimu like and attack dog- yep. 100%. you will be so normal about all this, alice
but until then
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pre-violence buddy chat, finishing each other's thoughts, now suddenly arguing over who's having MORE fun, alice please...
you two bicker like the old enemies to friends to whatever that you are
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maybe you did, marisa, but you and alice sure ain't dodging the allegations in this team up. again. as usual
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the true power of the yin yang orbs is being reimu's airpods. naturally, this was the first spell marisa ever copied
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communist-ojou-sama · 4 months
See while I can and do conceptualize Yukari and Reimu's relationship as a species of yuri I can't imagine them being like... Lovers in a romantic relationship. I like instead to imagine Yukari having a tangled and immensely confused web of feelings toward Reimu, of nostalgia, of longing, of a certain kind of motherhood, of the pains of human feelıng scarred into her by a love she lost so long ago, and the knowledge of how unbelievably fragile and temporary her existence is, and I like to imagine Reimu being bewildered and mostly bemused but silently grateful for Yukari's (to her) inexplicable preoccupation with her.
For her part Yukari never opens up to Reimu I don’t think, I think that she’s content to hassle her, to covet her, to treasure her, while enjoying her bemused confusion at it all
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sukimas · 11 months
though youkai aren't quite invulnerable and reimu's divine protection doesn't save her from that much- just look at the ibaraki-douji fight. everyone is toning things down on purpose to some degree.
well the youkai are anyway. "no youkai may kill a human even in the event of their victory." reimu and marisa can go as ham as they want however
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touhoutunes · 3 months
Title: Blessings
Arrangement: anubasu-anubasu
Album: Eastern Transjunction
Circle: Login Records
Original: Kitten of Great Fortune, Youkai Hook-On
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arrivemedi · 1 year
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Wolfwood ft Rumia and Marisa!!! He is so fun to draw (same with Rumia’s backside lol)
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lars-canyon · 3 months
th19 – 07-09-24 – Fennel [Marisa] vs Twenty-Seven (Nazrin)
At the Harbor of Spring on Myouren Temple Cemetery Beast Youkai Scramble on Secret Heaven Cliff
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blue-reimu · 1 year
In my headcanoning Alice has not-deer energy because of the whole "human-like youkai" thing. As in, she looks human at a glance to someone who doesn't know any better but when you look closer something is just.. off.
She's uncanny valley in an incredibly subtle way, but not so subtle you don't notice. "Human", but something is wrong and you can't quite put your finger on what exactly it is. Either way it's extremely discomforting.
"Human", until you look a little closer and realise (perhaps with instinctive dread) she isn't.
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monikatouhou · 5 months
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 10 months
future youkai Marisa with shikigami named Ichigo (苺), Niji (虹), and Sango (珊瑚). is this anything?
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was thinking some thougths about
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Marisa i think is the kind of person who makes it her business to know everybody, and include herself in all the circles. Basically act like she’s the main character of whatever location she goes to. She’ll make their business her business (if it interests her) or vice versa. It’s all part of how its important for her, an ordinary human, to feel like she can stand equal next to all these strange, extraordinary beings... I was thinking of making a big relationship chart that was just Marisa and everybody else i care to think about associated with her, but got lazy so instead i’m just gonna spit out a few of those thoughts, sorted by some locations.
in the forest of magic, she’s the most outgoing of all the magiciians and would be asking and bothering them about their studies and experiments even if they didn’t ask first. Between their own individual projects, they sure trade notes a bunch and do the occasional collaborative project.. Maybe moreso with Alice, and Marisa would have to really prod Narumi to take part.
in the scarlet devil mansion, Marisa is almost like an extended member of the family. At least, Flandre probably makes the occasional joke(?) that she’d rather have Marisa has a big sister (and Flandre now says that about a certain backdoor god...), Patchouli thinks Marisa (and Alice. And all other magicians other than herself) are novices and is patiently waiting until they’re all on her level, and Sakuya figures that if Marisa is gonna intrude as much as she does, she’ll make subtle(?) attempts to recruit her as a fellow servant.
i think most times when she tries to visit eientei, she’d probably just get lost in the bamboo grove and so just end up hanging out with Mokou and Tewi instead (she runs into Reisen the most in the human village). I think she’d often be trying to get gossip/information out of either or both of them (one is really old and the other hears a lot from all the rabbits) but ends up just bumming around and eating snacks with them instead.
She goes to all sort of places on youkai mountain. I think she’s only tolerated in kappa territory because she’s in the good graces of Nitori. usually, anyway. Whenever Marisa makes Nitori mad, there will be a picture of Marisa in the kappa base with a caption that says ‘Kill on sight!!!’ until Marisa apologises enough. Conversely, she wouldn’t be allowed in tengu territory even if she was Aya’s best friend, which she isn’t, but she’s always trying to convince/bribe/flirt her way in. ...And also when she stops by the moriya shrine, she always asks the gods to give her blessing for free and then calls them stingy when they don’t.
She’s probably popular among parts in the human village, being one of the premier incident resolvers! There would also be people who are wary of her because she’s a weird witch and all, but I think I like the irony that humans would go to Reimu first for their youkai problems, but prefer the presence of Marisa who seems less ‘otherworldly’ in comparison in their eyes. I think Marisa would be happy with that though, as it adds to her charm as a mysterious heroine who comes and goes.
and last thought for now (this is a lie. more in tags), though she’s not the only person who takes it upon herself to make sure the hakurei shrine or its shrine maiden doesn’t collapse upon itself, she’s definitely its number one most frequent visitor.
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mountainofhistory · 9 months
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"The Crimson Slasher? No, she hasn't been this way in a while... I think winter's keeping her holed up at home. You don't have to worry right now."
Just checking in with other members of the network during a game of Are You a Human. The usual stuff.
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witchwaltzing · 4 hours
I did talk about this ages and ages ago but
I am aware Marisa's 'accent' is inconsistent but that's actually the point because
A. I'm bad at remembering want accent I give her B. A BIG part of the reason for her doing it is to spite her father, because her father taught her (with some abuse involved) to speak properly and enunciate clearly. So to spite her father after being thrown out, she purposefully makes her speech as messed up as she can while still being able to be understood most of the time.
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