#god no not the activists
the-meaning-iz-42 · 1 year
I was reading through the official no case in the referendum booklet and one of the points is it will let the door open for activists.
Now all I can imagine is the liberal party members skittering backwards like vampires from the light in a decrepit crypt, the source of the light being someone in a rainbow T-shirt holding up an aboriginal flag.
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ssaturnsapphic · 8 months
when i see yt americans tell black and brown americans to vote for biden bc “trump will be worse” or “trump is extreme right”, i roll my eyes bc where on the political spectrum does joe biden, who is financing and supporting multiple genocides as well as restricting the human rights of MILLIONS of people, fall? yt ppl think that bc he tweets abt roe v wade (which he could’ve codified but didn’t btw) that that makes him left wing
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renthony · 1 month
Sure, you show up when people are organizing picket lines and protests that'll be covered in the news, but do you ever go to the fucking organizing meetings? Do you have any idea what's going on between the high-profile actions? Do you know what other tasks need volunteers? Or are you just there for the things that are "fun" and get attention from outside observers?
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tododeku-or-bust · 8 months
"you shouldn't threaten to withhold your vote, because-"
I refer you to Kwame Ture- formerly known as Stokely Carmichael- Chapter 6 of Black Power- The Politics of Liberation in America, written in 1967, referring to the assimilation politics of Booker T Washington in Tuskegee (emphasis mine):
"Thus the black people of Tuskegee used the ballot effectively to gain their goals. They were not begging, relying on sentiment or morality; they traded their votes for a specific and meaningful reward. If Foster had not kept his part of the bargain, they could have “punished” him with their political power at the next election.
This kind of strength could come only from organization and recognition of their interests. Foster respected their Black Power. This historical fact seems to have been forgotten by many people today who counsel black people to follow the teachings of Washington in regard to mitigating political activity. If Mr. Adams and the black people had not acted politically, Washington might never have acquired the influence he did."
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danneroni · 6 months
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Happy TDOV 🏳️‍⚧️⚧️ Jesus loves the gays, in fact...
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A hot take here: but can we all agree that it's not an artist or actor or athlete or any other celebrities' responsibility to be a political activist on every single goddamn issue?? Like for fuck sakes guys give it a rest...I'm sick of it
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
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My favorite animal rights activists
...+ Craig and Cartman
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(Craig - guinea pigs deserve better)
(Cartman - I deserve better)
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kittiegun · 3 months
im sick and tired of anti-lesboy people being so extremely and aggressively hateful to lesboys, and then shrugging off conservatives being like "welp, conservatives will be conservatives, heh!"
you're not doing REAL activism by ignoring the same people who are a step closer to ripping the rights that, you guessed it, RADICAL queers earned us. you don't stand up for non-euroamerican queer people who barely have a place in the community because of your bigoted, exclusionist anti-queer mindset. you don't care for lesbian rights, you want to label someone you don't know. you want to be actively exclusionist. you want to force people into your own binary mindset, because they don't fit your definition of what it means to be a certain sexuality.
where is this rage, this hate, and this anger you feel for lesboys when you're at a goddamn protest for our rights. why cant you stand up for ALL lesbians rights instead of bullying queer people. trans people are dying. fucking talk about them. speak for our rights, and stop trying to speak for who can and can't be queer.
pushing your stupid standards of what it means to be a lesbian onto strangers and having the nerve to say you contribute to the community is pansy shit. at that point, just say you hate trans men. you hate queer men. you hate butches and he/him lesbians. you cant stand up for all of us, so you stand for none of us.
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pineapplecrispy · 10 months
People are tearing Noah schnapp apart over a pro-Israel video
You guys have a lot of energy. why don’t you direct it at your fucking governments that are the real villains.
He’s a 18 year old actor what the fuck is he gonna do?
Go to the streets and tell at your politicians demand change not “healthy representation”
Tweeting is not gonna change anything you are creating content specifically to distract yourselves from the main problem
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smocah · 1 year
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Organize !
Doesn’t look as great but inspired by those illustrations of a bunch of small fish grouping together into a big fish to fight their oppressor : ]
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fandomsoda · 5 months
More old Homestuck art! Kankri :3
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feluka · 9 months
and while we're at it i fucking hate the language people use to talk about fandom. 'listen to fandom elders' and 'remember your history' shut the fuck up?? do you not hear yourselves???
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blackmetalsnake · 9 months
I just watched the last episode of the Fellow Travellers.
I'm dead. Thank you.
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 5 months
Does no one else check to see when posts were vaguely posted? Especially when they relate to dates or "trending"? Am I going to have to start putting little datestamps on my posts?
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jellybeanium124 · 8 months
Hey. You don't have to be an activist.
Full stop, end of sentence.
I'm not saying not to support causes you care about, tzedakah and calling your reps and going to protests is good. But this does not need to be a full time thing for you. You don't have to be an activist every hour of every day.
I am not an activist. I have causes I care about. I talk about them sometimes. That doesn't make me an activist. I am not trying to be an activist. That's okay.
The world needs teachers. And dentists. And writers. And secretaries. And janitors. And lawyers. And retail employees. And there's a million other jobs. You don't have to be an activist.
And you need rest. And to see your friends and family. And to do your hobbies. And to sleep. You don't have to be an activist.
You. Do. Not. Have. To. Be. An. Activist.
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pcktknife · 1 year
and why did they make toralei rich and british. the people aleady hated her when she was poor and ambiguous 😭
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