#god of war thor x reader
mx-pastelwriting · 1 month
GOW HC - Having a baby with them
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God of War x GN! Reader
Summary: Having a baby with them.
Warnings: Fluff, Established Relationship, Pregnancy, Tears. Lost of them.
Characters: Kratos, Thor, Freyr, Heimdall
A/N: All canon kids exist.
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- Being some years after Atreus leaves, finding love again with you. It didn’t take long until you fell pregnant, as his pull-out game is a little weak, especially after such a long time since he’s participated in the ritual.
- A bit shocked to learn the news after days of taking care of you while feeling helpless waiting for Freya to come back to Midgard. Though after the news and Freya's leaving, he’s all smiles and laughs—none that you've ever seen or heard before—filled with happiness at the chance to start a family once again and for Atreus to have a sibling. Sending him a message a day after the news while you took a nap.
- Very lovey-dovey during the pregnancy, coming more out of his hard spartan shell as you started to show more. Always placing a hand on your stomach, not caring if there wasn't anything to show yet. Insists on doing everything, not with words, of course—doing the cooking, cleaning, even making the bed—he does it all. Resting one evening with a hand on your belly, feeling them kick, jumping at the feeling at first, only realizing the little one was fighting against his heavy hand.
- Rubbing your belly every minute of every day while speaking to them in his Greek tongue, wanting them to hear his voice clearly, not knowing Norse very well. Sometimes his talking catches your attention, thinking it was for you, but as soon as he kneels, you know who they were for.
- Keeping Freya on standby as the time got closer, going hunting less, but bringing back more food every time, knowing he’d have to stay with you after the birth. When going into labor, he stays calm, holding you, kissing your skin softly as encouragement and comfort through the pain. Taking every painful squeeze of the hand, wiping away every drop of sweat that came from your forehead.
- Finally hearing the screams of your new baby coming into the world, he cries silently, holding the little bundle in his arms. With you calming down from the pain, he dared not take his amber eyes off of them. Days passed, waking from naps to hear him softly talking to the baby, watching as he around the clock cared for them, not caring about the toll it had on him. 
Waking only minutes ago, seeing Kartos’s tired state after having fed and rocked the baby for their nap, finally putting down the bundle of joy. Calling for your husband to get his slow attention, reaching out a hand, he takes it, letting you pull him into the bed. 
Taking the hulking god into your arms, letting him rest on your pillow, watching as sleep swiftly takes him. Only seconds after the uncomfortable whines of the baby started making him shoot out of sleep, quickly pushing him down promising to take care of them, did he rest after three days of no sleep.
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- It wouldn’t have taken long at all, as the man's drive is high, but if you were careful, it would take a year or two. The pull-out game isn’t that strong, but if you don’t say anything during the act or before, he won’t pull out.
- All laughs when finding out it was only a matter of time; also thankful that you weren’t sick, just pregnant. Tells everyone when you’re okay with it, shows you off proudly as he’s going to become a father again.
- Clingy, so clingy since finding out. Staying in bed longer to cuddle, rubbing your belly, not caring if nothing was showing yet. Would stop drinking during the pregnancy; though hard, he would do it for you, keeping away from Odin as much as he could. Even asking Baldur to take some of his jobs. Feeling them kick for the first time, he would only smile, commenting on their strength or their trying to reach for Mjölnir, causing you both to laugh.
- Laying next to your stomach at night, talking to them endlessly, only stopping as he fell asleep from you playing with his long hair. Would allow you to use him like a body pillow, any position needed at night, he makes it happen. 
- When going off to a job, he has one of his oldest to watch you, mostly Magni, but Modi tags along if you want to go out to walk around the lands of Asgard. Though Heimdall is rarely asked, when Thor knows the job will be a long one, he asks. Surprisingly, Heimdall is more talkative about the new child of Thor than their siblings. 
- As you got bigger, his fights with Odin would ramp up, wanting to stay closer in case you go into labor, not even bothering to leave your shared chamber, keeping close with you as you'd been put on bed rest as growing a half-god, half-giant wasn't easy. Finally, as the time came, it went by quickly as a flash, with every medic in Asgard being there to help while Thor held your hand with tears streaming down his face.
- The first few days would be filled with tears and naps—you having the naps, of course. Thor, knowing what to do already, growing a routine with the little one as you healed from the birth. When healed, he insists on showing the little one around Asgard, knowing it was an excuse to show them off to everyone, but you agree. Seeing how he dressed them up cutely before showing them off to the family. 
Watching as the sleeping baby's feet bounced fitted with the cutest booties, Thor walked with the little one cradled against his chest with a soft cloth. Entering the front room, everyone's eyes watching as they started to gush over the little bundle.
Some were too afraid to get too close to Thor, and the other gods that cooed watched from behind the small crowd, looking around the room meeting a familiar pair of purple eyes. Quickly, they looked away, acting as if he was never interested in the new addition, knowing he'd be around later when Thor was away to meet the little one.
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- Three words. God of Fertility. This man has no pull-out game. Though if you were cautious enough, you would be spared for some time, but the man has a high drive, so good luck if you were planning on not having one right away.
- Thinks it's a joke at first since you both always poke funny at each other lightly, once in passing about him being the god of fertility. When it hits him, tears start. After many years of chasing people that he had feelings for over and over, the dream of having a family of his own finally came true, thanks to you.
- Though he loved the realms, the love he has for you is greater, meaning traveling to them would stop wanting to take care of you. However, you both go one last time to Alfheim, taking it slow in your early stages of pregnancy, going to the temple, bringing together both dark and light elves asking for their blessing on your growing child.
- As you get bigger, so does Freyr get even softer, lying next to you at the end of the day, at first noticing how antsy he is since going cold turkey on traveling. Until you give him the idea of reliving the travels through stories, happily doing so to the audience of you and the little one. Cuddling atop your belly as the little one kicked against his cheek, causing Freyr to shoot up, slow to figure out what the feeling was. Then, realizing with big eyes, it all ending in him playfully scolding the child, only getting a rebellious kick in return.
- Would start to get a hair-pulling amount of stress as you struggled in the late stages of pregnancy, Freyr having to do most things around the house just to keep you from getting up out of bed. Having Freya, of course, to help in the birth, though months before he had asked where you wished for it to happen in any river or realm, he would be happy to fulfill the dream as you did with his.
- Surprised at how tiring parenting is, barely getting to see his nephew grow up, the man is clueless about all of it. Fortunately, thanks to Freya, you both wouldn't be totally in the dark. Still, Freyr made the experience of parenthood even more memorable. From putting the baby's diaper on wrong to overfeeding for the reason of them being so cute,.
Waking to the noise of a familiar voice cooing, looking over to Freyr's side, not seeing his head on the pillow but glancing down, seeing him cuddled against your stomach. Kissing away at your stretched skin, loving as the baby kicks back at his papa's kind words and kisses. 
Noticing your awoken eyes on him, looking up meeting his pretty brown eyes, hoping they'd share them—if not this one, then next—knowing he'd say yes to that request.
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- Heimdall has a good amount of self-control, so his pull-out game is nothing to laugh at. Meaning you would have to beg for a baby, but even then, he wouldn't want one not understanding them or the want for them.
- Quiet at first with the realization that it was all becoming real; the thought of a child and caring for one being only nine months away scared him. A change in him happens when hearing the news, growing a new sense of protection for the both of you, no longer seeking out fights to fill his ego. Slowly leaving Odin's side trading it for yours. For once, doubt crept up about his abilities—not in combat, but in him being a father.
- Every day watching you grow panic built within him bad enough to where it was visible, having to question his wellness a few times before finally breaking down letting all of his doubts spill, leaving you to put everything back together. Reassuring you'd get through it together, mistakes were inevitable, but learning to fix them is what matters.
- Isn't going to be very cuddling or a show-off in public, choosing to keep close instead, whether around the corner or from afar on the wall. When he's at home, it's all cuddles, cradling your bump, reading aloud to the both of you. Doesn't talk much to them, only states things as if teaching them through your stomach wall. Relaxing on nights, a hand to your stomach, getting the urge to move his hand away, only realizing why as the feeling of a kick caused him to gasp aloud.
- Grows eager to leave his watches early as you progress into the late stages, wanting to be there if anything were to happen. Finding his heart always racing when looking at your belly in silence, it bothered him still, being the only thing he couldn't predict. If your mobility was stunted from the pregnancy, he would go so far as to ask Baldur to take day watches, with Heimdall taking nights.
- Going into labor, Heimdall would be soft yet snappy, making sure no one was to make any mistakes. Taking every one of your screams and painful hand squeezes, soothing you with words of encouragement and promises for the future. Finally, hearing a different cry fill the room, tears run down his face, trying but failing to hide them. 
- Becomes such a cautious dad, not allowing his other family to see them until a month goes by, not wanting them to get sick. Wears a baby sling around the house while cooking, cleaning, reading to them as you heal from the birth. Showing Odin what a good father is, but when having to go back to patrols, his heart breaks, crying as he gives you the little one in the mornings before going off.
Tears threaten to spill from Heimdall's eyes while handing over your child, no longer allowed to spend days and nights with the baby. Now having to go back to his work for Asgard even with your reassurance, his pride was no longer with Asgard but with you and the new addition to your family.
Giving them a final shower of kisses before giving one to you, stepping back, taking in the sight before going off to his first day back. Sighing as the door finally closes, taking the baby only a few steps away before the door bursts open with a crying Heimdall wanting his baby back. (The man would definitely have the baby in the sling while patrolling the wall.)
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩: @fullmoonwolfer1 @loki-love
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their work being copied, translated, or reposted on any other platform without permission.
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grievedeeply · 2 years
Thor and kratos headcanons for reader comforting them after a bad day (kratos after a nightmare and Thor whilst drinking?)
my boys <3 thanks for the request and i hope you enjoy!! also, if your name is crossed out in my tags section it means i can't tag you for some reason. sorry about that :(
gn!reader | tws: drinking, alcohol, nightmares and general angst. but comfort :") | join my taglist!!
thor and kratos' s/o comforts them after a bad day headcanons
he finds himself falling back into his drinking habits after a particularly hard day he spent around his father
he gets tired of being constantly belittled, and alcohol makes his mind quiet for awhile. it's why he finds so much comfort in it
you find him in the bar, where you expected him to be when he wasn't at home. you can tell whenever his day has gone poorly
his eyes are droopy.. sad, even though in his drunken state he can barely remember what was said to him that hurt him so badly
you'll have him leave, returning to your home with his arm wrapped around your shoulders. he's much bigger than you, and it takes some time to get back, but you're determined
he deserves better. you know that. you kick open the door with your foot and lay him down on the couch, taking a seat next to him on the floor
"what's wrong, dear?" would be the first words to leave your lips
thor nearly cries at the sound of your voice. so comforting and warm. he shrugs his shoulders, but you can read him like an open book
you'll tell him he doesn't have to talk about it— the drinking or whatever led up to it— and he'll take your hand in his massive one, kissing your knuckles
he's grateful you understand he doesn't want to speak about it right away, but when he does he pours his heart out to you. he feels used. he doesn't know how to get out of it
you're not in his position, so you can't give him any advice other than to follow his heart. though, you insist that you're always going to be by his side to support him through anything
he feels like he doesn't deserve you or your comfort, but he has it. his heart swells at your grin, and he smiles back. a real one— and it's beautiful
kratos often dreams of the past. he dreams of his daughter, his previous life in greece.. and mostly, he dreams of faye
you'd never once felt unloved because of his previous marriages. you knew that he cared deeply for you, and the fact that he dreamt about his loved ones was always something you never minded
though, sometimes he has nightmares. they always consist of things that actually happened in his life, and he wakes up in a cold sweat, hoping that he didn't wake you. he almost always does, but you don't care
as your relationship progresses, you begin to comfort him through those nights where his nightmares are particularly bad
he pictures the death of calliope.. though.. most of his nightmares consist of a future without you in it
he dreams of you dying. sometimes, in gruesome, brutal ways. others, in your sleep or from an illness. no matter what, he'll wake up in tears. he'll turn to you, his eyes focused on your form to see you breathing
he'll let out a sigh of relief when he sees you inhale, but he doesn't go back to sleep out of fear of experiencing it again
you'd ask him what keeps him up and at first he refuses to tell you. as time goes on, he opens up and admits that they're nightmares of you dying
ever since he told you that, you'd be there to comfort him whenever he needed it. sometimes he wouldn't want you to, and tell you to go back to sleep, saying that seeing you alive was all he needed to relax
on other nights, you'd sit by his side, your hand in his. your thumb would rub against the back of his hand.. and he'd just listen to your breathing for a few moments to calm down
he doesn't even need to hear your voice. your presence alone is comfort enough
you'll reassure him that you don't intend to go anywhere anytime soon, and that you'll be around for much longer
he knows anything can happen, and that you could be ripped away from him at any moment.. but he remains silent, and just nods
he tells you he loves you, and you say it back. you'll kiss his forehead, laying back down on your shared bed
your arms would be extended out to him... your hands gesturing for him to lay with you. after a sigh, he'll give in to your wishes, and rest his head on your chest
the beating of your heart lulls him back to sleep.. and the nightmares don't return with you protecting him <3
tags: @graciegizmo3184 @anzanishira @uncoveredsun @caelestis-lyrae @prio-motu @bluehorizon987 @freyrees @ieatmarbles @rohansregret @konigd1cks0ck @smilesdarling @multifand0m-gal0re @huan-chan @rustypotatospork @onlydeas @luna-charlie @orangeflavouredwitch @hayleethefrog @imcomingforyourskin @itsnat-bitch @mimothemoth @elizabeth-hatake @ink-sap @spacexplosion @fandomcatchall @ss-kimo @sinfulmatt @lacm-ac @iinterdimensionals @thatspookyagent @kiss-kae @twiistedspades @closet-creature @shawtylikamelody @judyfromfinance @hobistangerine @aikochan4859 @whywouldiknowstuff @xoxoliyahhxoxo @lil-anxty @black-star1472 @trippingoverstars @aiciteaa @piscesroses
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whackk-kermitt · 9 months
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Confessing Your Love
Genre: Headconons
Warnings: Cursing(Brok..)
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
“Hmm,” followed by a slow nod.
He wouldn't say anything immediately.
He will just kind of look at you, studying your eyes.
He doesn't want to take chances.
Man has trust issues!
Telling him you love him will make him so happy yet so scared.
You wouldn't be able to tell.
Eventually you'd hear, “I love you, as well.”
He'd immediately ask you to move your things to his home if you haven't already.
He loves you, so you need to stay close so he can protect and provide for you!
He'd start to find more excuses to touch you and you'd laugh telling him he doesn't need them.
Eventually, he will be comfortable enough to walk up to you just for an embrace or smooch.
Before his head got..you know.. His first instinct you be to turn to you completely.
“Really, Las? An old man like me?” He'd laugh but he'd offer to do something romantic.
Smartest man alive, but he never saw that coming.
Either way he’d swear his loyalty and heart to you.
Anything you want, he's on it.
After his head…
He'd probably hesitate to return the sentiment, no matter how genuine it is.
“I- I can't offer you much, Las.” He’d frown.
He'd feel inadequate, and undeserving- he's just a head after all!
What could he give you in terms of love and affection?
After telling him his company is all you desire then he'd probably think you've gone mad.
But after a while of talking about it he'd smile and say it back.
You'd carry his head on your belt during travels throughout the realms after.
Giving him kisses on his cheeks and forehead.
It's simple and innocent devotion and its loves that he's enough for you.
Telling Arteus you've got a crush on him would probably make him completely freeze and go red.
I'm talking his fathers tattoo red!
Lots of stuttering and blushing while you guys talked about it.
He wouldn't really know what to do or say afterwards.
But no doubt he'd eventually be able to get it out that he likes you too.
He's never done any of this before, so he'd probably go to Mimir or Freya for advice.
If and when you ever hold his hand or hug him his palms get sweaty and he gets nervous.
But he's happy to oblige!
He thinks your so cute.
Talks to his dad about it.
He's shy, but after a while of spending more time hanging out with you he’d get cocky and try to show off and impress you more.
Half of the time he’ll be trying so hard he just ends up looking silly or just straight up stupid.
But you laugh it off and tell him how cute and sweet he is.
He's whipped.
No matter how comfortable she is around you, no matter how safe you make her feel, she'll hesitate.
As soon as you tell her you're in love with her, she'll need room away from you.
In every relationship so far, she's been to much or not enough.
The woman is hurt and healing.
She's scared its not the truth, like with Odin.
Or if it is, and you truly love her, then what if she messes it up?
What is her love is to much for you and you leave her?
Or what if, out of fear of being too much, she’s not enough- and you leave her? 
Freya can't take another heartbreak.
But after seeing how understanding you are of her past, and reassuring her worries that you're not going anywhere she's willing to listen.
You'd tell her that it doesn't matter if she loves you the same way, or another, as long as your with her its enough for you.
And hearing that would be enough for her.
You'd have to take things slowand steady with her.
But she is so very much in love with you.
She will make sure you both set boundaries to keep her from going to far and pushing you away.
She doesn't wanna lose you too.
“Well it's about fucking time!”
He's so cool and sure of himself on the outside, so he'll play it off like he know you loved him.
But really he's surprised.
He's not the most romantic man, but he'll give it an honest try for your sake.
He’ll get flowers and sweets for his lady.
Most definitely start bringing about you to everyone he meets every chance he gets.
He's very standoffish when it comes to affection.
So any time you give it to him he'll stutter just slightly and awkwardly reciprocate it while he gets used to someone being infatuated with him.
Very defensive and protective is anyone makes comments about you two.
“Mind your business, you unfuckable drauger-looking bastard!” 
Very confident on the outside, very unsure on the inside.
He's worried he's not doing it right but all he needs is you smiling at him the way you do and he'll be just fine. 
Congratulations, you broke him.
His initial reaction is giving O.O
Wide eyes, red cheeks, mouth open.
He'd stutter for a response and get frustrated with himself for losing his voice for a moment.
Give him some time and words will just start spilling out.
He loves you, that was no secret to anyone!
He’ll tell you all about it when the air come back into his lungs.
He’ll go on and on about how pretty you are, and amazing, and how much he likes your smile.
Lots of nervous chuckles and shy grins from this man.
He hates when people touch him, sorry to say you're no exception.
But you figured you wouldnt be; at least for now.
However he is willing to hook his pink finger to yours every now and then as a very small step in the direction of hugging you.
Having you love him really makes him frustrated with his thing with germs and dirt.
He’s never had a problem with it before.
But now he wants to hold you and be held by you and the thought of it makes him shiver in disgust.
It's a fear he's willing to conquer if it means one day he'll get to see the smile on your face when he holds you with out gagging for the first time.
You know better then to take offense; it's nothing personal.
He gags at everyone. 
He didn't see it coming.
But he had hoped..
It was a happy surprise when you blurted it out while spending time with him while reading.
He gave you a soft smile after the shock settled and returned the sentiment .
Not much had to be said between you two after that.
The only thing that really changed in the relationship were beginning to sit closer together and a lot more gentle touches.
He'd rest against you while you braid his hair, and he'll braid yours.
His eyes have always laid on you softly, but there's something more in them when he looks at you now.
He’s happy to share any moment a with you that he can. 
He knew.
He knew you loved him for a while.
He knew you wanted to say it.
The cooky little shit just waited and waited until you did.
He wanted to hear it.
But when you approached him and said you loved him it felt different then he imagined it would.
He knew you, and he saw in your head that you truly meant it.
He knew you loved the good, the bad, and the ugly in him.
He knew that unlike the other people who have claimed to love him, you didn't think ‘i can change him.’
He saw the unsure insecurities in your head and body language that he wouldn't feel the same way.
After all, he reads minds, and he knew what you felt all this time and never addressed it so clearly he wasn't interested, right?
To be honest, up until that point he hadn't really considered your feelings despite knowing them.
You had told him you loved him, but you had only said it so he would tell you what you believed he would- that he doesn't care.
You had only said it so he could break your heart, and you could get closure, and hopefully move on.
It twisted his gut that you were walking into this fully believing you would be turned away.
He saw in your head that you had already been crying over it.
But that's not what he wanted, so instead being sarcastic or rude like he would be with literally anyone else he smiled at you.
“I know.” He said softly.
“Good for you.”
He's not really interested.
Plus he's still married.
So piss off.
Not proof read.
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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cantstoptheimagines · 6 months
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Their Reaction to You Losing an Eye
Summary — Preferences for Atreus, Kratos, and Thor from God of War!
Requested by @nickeverdeen — Hey there! Can I please ask for hcs with either God Of War or Horizon Zero Dawn characters with a reader who lost their eye and is insecure about it? If for God Of War then pls hcs with: Kratos, Atreus (older or young is up to you) If Horizon Zero Dawn then pls hcs with: Aloy, Talanah (you don’t have to do Talanah if you don’t wanna) Also pls let me know if you’re uncomfortable with the request Take time and care about yourself ❤️
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Depictions, discussions, and mentions of severe injuries (losing an eye, fainting as a result of pain); canon-typical violence; envisioned Ragnarök!Atreus for this work; I tossed Thor into this request because he’s my husband.
Notes ➳ Word Count is 433. ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them). ➳ I recently met T.C. Carson, who was the original voice for Kratos in the God of War series, after which I ran to write this request (even though it’s intended for Christopher Judge’s version)!
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in all honesty, he wouldn’t quite know how to act. his emotions would be all over the place, tears streaming down his face as his father and freya tried to help you. the coverings on your face are soaked in your own blood. “don’t leave,” muttered atreus. he finds himself kneeling by your side as he pleads with you, one of your weak hands held tightly in both of his, “please don’t go.” but his newly discovered godly abilities are still out of sorts. his sadness quickly shifts to anger at those who caused you harm. his wrath is unlike anything the world has ever seen. he won’t stop until you, his dearest companion, is properly avenged, so don’t be surprised if he returns with your attacker’s head.
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this man does not hesitate. in mere seconds, kratos is lifting you into his arms and calling out for someone, anyone, who can help. he avoids looking at the blood that decorates the place where your eye should be. “i lost faye,” he mutters. “i won’t let you go as well. stay awake!” everything is a blur. whatever vision you have left is slowly turning to gray as a sudden wave of tiredness overtakes your body. the pain of it all is settling deep into your bones. as kratos’s muffled voice calls out for you in a panicked tone, you allow unconsciousness to take over, and the world finally fades into darkness.
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he breathes heavily, staring down at heimdall with such rage that the golden-eyed god realized he was experiencing fear for possibly the first time in his life. a gentle touch on his arm, however, tears thor’s focus away from his father’s devotee. his eyes drop to the deep scar on your face — a new habit he’d developed recently — before they drifted to meet your lone eye. heimdall scurries away at the same time thor’s fingertips graze your cheek.  “why do you keep me from tearing him apart?” whispered thor. “he needs to be punished for what he’s done to you.” a sharp inhale came from him when your touch caressed his strong chest, exactly where his heart lay beneath his skin. he was quick to let his rough palm overlap your gentle hand. “heimdall is a fool,” you replied in the same quiet tone he had been using. “why waste your days threatening him when you could be with me instead? his punishment will come when the time is right.” he was only convinced when you pressed a kiss to the back of his hand. perhaps, for now, he could set revenge aside.
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
when they meet someone smaller than them [gow: r] \\ headcanon, requested
character(s): kratos, thor, heimdall
word count: 1.7k
warnings&tags: nsfw, minors dni, size kink, small!reader, explicit language, praising, petnames/nick names, pinning, quotes which they would use, unholy ideas, lap sitting, so on. thanks for requesting lovely anon! enjoy.<3
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| kratos
kratos could be one of the huge gods out there you ever met with his massive body. you couldn't tell his high exactly but you knew how you have to look up to see him, to make your presence knowledgeable. in the first times, it was hard to gain his attention, he had never looked down to see you. but now, it was all different. he didn't stop with recognizing you by looking down, no, he has started to kneel down. it was an odd feeling to see him like that; kneeling down to your level when you need him to, letting you climb to his back, like atreus did, when you are not be able to do so, picking you up whenever you want to reach a certain but higher point.
he didn't think he still had that side of him; wanting to do some naughty things while having intimate moments with you. he even didn't think how could he would find your small body so fragile but powerful enough to make him want to touch you, having you on his arms, under him or even top of him.
he liked how small you were compared to him because whenever you stood in front of him, you looked so cute. you were small but the strength you held always impressed him. he didn't show any disrespect or unwillingness about your high. contrary to that he found it amusing because of not only loving times he had with you while he was thanking your smallness, but also having unholy thoughts about it that he perfectly done.
in intimate moments, he would try not to harm you with his massive body even when his mind is filled with lots of naughty things he wants to do to you; just making you sit on his laps - thighs which were one of your favorite places to sit as you said, holding your waist with his huge hands and just fuck you like that, sitting you down and up on his cock while you put no effort to move, just moaning and preying for more as he makes your mind lose its functions, and breathing so fast and deeply with bouncing breasts in front of kratos' hazel eyes.
he didn't want to be rough in the first times, he didn't fulfill his dreams - naughty ones like this but he also couldn't help himself whenever you told him to be harder, deeper and rough which he could not deny. with your wishes, his lust and passion has increased, making him do the things both you and he wanted deeply in the lonely times you two had, far away from others' sights.
he could use your smaller body to move it effortlessly, changing from position to another.
he liked position that helped you ride him the most, seeing your little and beautiful body bouncing on his cock, making your breasts jump with the function, a moaning mess right top of him. he always find it cute how you wanted all of him inside of your walls even though he merely fit. you needed to be prepared for him which he liked to do; putting your body on a surface, higher one, to eat you - finger you just for preparing. you would cum a few times, not ready for him, never but the desire to have him inside you never decreased its power.
also, mentioning the fact about your body and desires always was a habit of him in the intimate moments.
"no," he would say when you asked him to fuck you without preparing - being a brat on the bed. "you are not ready." then, by using your lustful side, you would convince him to fuck you like that - raw and dry. "you are a nasty one, aren't you?" he would ask, "thinking you can take all of it without preparing. I do not wish to harm you but if this is what you want, I will give it but do not blame me for making you – a mess.” he just loves it – he just loves every feature of you and your body.
thor is so huge – he has a huge body features, making your mouth both open in shock and lust. thinking about whatever he can do with his massive body is not joke at all; it is something you always dream about after having lots of special moments that include passionate, lust and love on them.
| thor
he can pick your body like it means no weight at all, like you are a bird or something. he can break your neck like it means nothing. the power he holds within his body was something you could not imagine. he had strength – power. all his enemies had fear of him – with only a sight of his body, they could shake in pure fear. however, you never had fear of him, never because he was so sensitive towards you contrary to his massive body, looking dangerous and powerful – so much. he could break your body in a few seconds but he would never – he loved you so gently and cutely. he treated you in a way you felt – worshipped. all-father could never.
worshipping you was the thing he had from the start of your bond – and you never imagined him to even see you in the first place because of your small body – so small compare to his one. even if it was not likely him to acknowledge you – see you, he did, to your surprise and more surprising thing was that he found your smaller body so delicate – significant even, making him want to protect from all the danger of all realms, shielding you with his huge one whenever there was something more powerful than you – but not him. you had your own strength which he found amusing every time but the realms held more dangerous thing than some draugrs.
he loved to protect you, yes – he loved to play with your smaller body whenever he had chance such as picking you up when your anger show itself, making him giggle and making you angrier. but he loved to see you in bed, table, or any surface he found that particular moments – intimate ones, standing there, looking so innocent and little but holding infinity in every part of you.
his favorite one was seeing you on his lap, sitting on one of them while seducing him with innocent words that turn into naughty ones. he also liked seeing you – or having you on a table, opened legs, showing your cute little pussy to him shamelessly, standing there and looking at him with an expression that say ‘come and get me, I’m ready for all of it’ which made him turn on more each time. he liked breaking tables, beds, or even walls while fucking you roughly – sometimes slowly and gently just to tease. you could feel his cock inside of your walls even after he had no longer was fucking you, making him giggle in a proud manner, “poor thing,” he would say, “not thinking how my cock will break her every time she becomes needy for it.”
| heimdall
heimdall, lord of the asgard realm, had only one weakness as he claimed; you. he always thought how little thing like you even made your presence likeable and knowledge to him. then, his loving side answered, always while showing how cute he found you firstly, only to find it sexier than everything he has seen in his lifetime; ‘she is magnificent’. he knew his power on you as well, making you think about him all day and night and no, he didn’t feel any guilt to read your mind again and again, not wanting to stop, especially whenever you think about nothing but him.
he loved to read your mind so often, but whenever they turned into naughty ones, he couldn’t help but smirk widely, amused by the imagination you had with that little brain of yours. how could you think that he would fit so easily? – he asked to himself, feeling a bit disappointed, but no, you wouldn’t get away with that idea and that was the thing that made him realize it was enough with to tease and take actions; doing all the things you imagined shamelessly, wanting him to fuck every hole you had, leaving non-touched place on your entire body that was small and innocent, ready to be break into million pieces with his touches – both rough and gentle.
he had egoistic features, indeed, but when your thoughts turned from innocent ones such as telling how cute he looked, how you found him magical – the most beautiful thing in all realms, to those specific and unholy ones; dreaming about how he could fuck you against a wall, how he could cover all of your body with his bigger one, leaving you nothing to see but only him. your thoughts about this particular field has increased each day, not realizing how he was reading your mind – reading your intentions, seeing how your thighs were pressing each other with the sight of his laps, even more, his cock that was visible from time to time whenever you touched closely, mostly his plans to tease you further and acting like he didn’t know anything about the whole situation.
one day, he came to your side, covering all of your body with his own while capturing you between his body and a wall, making you look up to see his face and lustful pretty eyes as his one hand began to travel on specific parts of your body. “thinking unholy things like I do not read them, little but nasty one,” he said, “I thought that you were doing them on purpose but no, you didn’t, because if they meant to be said in purpose, you would never think that I would fit you so easily.” with a blushed face, you would wait for last sentences of him before he took actions, “I will not – I will not fit so easily, but I will try and in the end, you will be in a position that even your little wet pussy will be so ready to take all in, not wanting me to come out, being a brainless little brat on my cock.”
the end. 💜
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wrr000 · 2 years
God of War characters carrying you around
Silly idea of how our favs would carry us. It could be romantic or platonic!
Carry you around like a sack of potatoes: Kratos, Baldur, Brok
Give you a piggyback ride: Modi, Baldur
Carry you in a bridal style: Freya, Tyr, Sindri, Freyr
Let you sit on their shoulder: Modi, Magni, Tyr
Lift you up and cross one arm under your booty: Magni, Thor
"Don't you have legs?": Sindri, Brok, Heimdall, Kratos
You have to carry them: Sif, Heimdall, Freyr
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robsmooth · 1 year
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He said I love you in actions.
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ravenloop · 2 years
Headcannons: Heimdall, Thor and Odin w/ Reader who always carries food on them
AN: Had to write this asap cause I couldn't resist
Request: Heya, Heya!! Reread your Heimdall fic a couple times and it got me thinking of a head cannon request if you do that!
This is a request for God of War Ragnarok(I as least want Hiemdall, Odin, and Thor but you can add whoever)
And this is a fun type headcannon where the reader can randomly pull out food from nowhere. It’s not magic, they just always have food on them. They would even sometimes be randomly eating at the worse/awkward times
Being the god of foresight and knowledge, Heimdall expected everything that would happen next.
But honestly, nothing could have prepared him for when you pulled out food from thin air.
He thinks you pulled it from thin air anyways, until you tell him that you just always have food on you.
His initial reaction to that is to ask, "...Why? The mess hall is not that far." You just shrug and respond, "You never know when you could want it. And plus, I'm not gonna walk all the way to the mess hall everytime I feel like eating."
Okay. Fair point.
It's times like these when Heimdall wonders how he ended up with someone as... Random as you could be. All the more reason to love you he guesses.
At some point he even learns to love your little hobby of keeping food on you. Sometimes he's too caught up in patrolling on the wall that he forgets to eat, then you come along with the food you carry and he just eats and talks to you.
Heimdall also lives for the looks of confusion on people's faces when they see you take out food like you just pulled it from another realm.
To this day Heimdall still kinda suspects that you do. You like making fun of him for it.
"Bet you couldn't forsee that." Cue a long, exaggerated sigh.
Also please do not eat while there's a literal fight going on. He loves you, he really does. But he'd rather have you alive than die because you were too busy munching.
He swears he even saw you offering a snack to the enemy at one point.
He absolutely loves it.
Like the first time you do it, he laughs so loud you swear it could be heard throughout Asgard.
Thor doesn't even question where you got the food from, he's just immediately laughing and pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
You can literally see the hearts in his eyes whenever you do it, it's like he just fell in love with you for the first time again.
Also don't expect your food to be all for you whenever you pull it out to eat, because Thor will immediately be at your side eating it as well.
It's like a way to summon him honestly.
Like how some spirits require rituals to be summoned - Thor just needs food. It's the same for you honestly. Which is probably why everyone says you two are the perfect couple.
If anyone ever makes fun of you or comments on how you carry food everywhere, they can kiss their life goodbye cause Thor won't tolerate it.
He also doesn't give a crap if you eat during a fight, you did it during one of his bar fights and he took a break to eat with you cause why the hell not?
In conclusion, this man is hooked.
The first time you do it is when he's talking to you about a plan of some sort.
He's about to turn but immediately does a double take when he sees the food in your hand.
Was that there before? Surely not.
It's funny seeing him trying to figure it out, you can see the gears turning in his head and you have to stifle a laugh.
After a short moment you tell him that you just carry food on you.
He's a little embarrassed that he didn't think of that first and goes, "Ah." Then he walks off, contemplating what just happened.
It's not that it bothers him or anything, it's just... Huh? Where does one even store that much food?? Do you have magic pockets or something??
You should be prideful, you managed to confuse Odin - the Allfather. Not many get to do that or even live when they do, you lucky, lucky person.
He learns to just not question it, he'll just end up more confused than he started off as. And unless you're planning to take over the 9 realms using your meals then he has nothing to worry about.
Hearing you eat has become a background noise for him now and he sometimes even gets worried when he doesn't hear you eating.
Huginn and Muninn also love you because you always let them peck at your food, despite Odin telling you not to let them.
You once ate while Thor and Odin were arguing in his study - was very awkward and very tense, 10/10 do not recommend doing it again but you likely will.
AN: I started this at 4am and somehow only finished it at 6 - DJSKJSKD ENJOY ❤️
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multi-fandom-imagine · 4 months
I'm just thinking of you and Thor from GoW spending time together. You make him feel seen as himself and not a weapon. He treats you as an equal even if he outmatches you as a warrior.
A/n: 👏👏
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He doesn't feel like a burden when he is with you, a drunken mess. He actually feels loved by you and that's something that Thor would always be grateful for.
The god had thought he would be alone and miserable after he and his wife separated, that he and his daughter's relationship would always be strained until you stumbled into his life. You were soften spoken when he first met you. He did not think much of you, just some weakling that he didn't have to think twice off.
Until you slipped into the hall where he was drinking alone one night. You were kind, you didn't treat him less. Nor did you talk down on him like he was some drunken asshole. After that night you two started to see each other more and more. It amazed him by how well you two had gotten long, how much you two had in common.
You might have not been much of a warrior or fighter but you were kind, gentle. He was happy that you got along with his daughter so well, not to mention you and Sif.
Placing his hand on your head, you glanced up at him as you straightened your arms above your head biting back a yawn. "Ready for bed?"
Tipping his head to you, he let his hand caress your cheek as he nodded his head. "I am"
He was enough in your eyes and for that, he will forever be happy to have you in his life.
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Can I request bottom Thor with a top Male reader? There needs to be more of that! :<
A/N: Hey everyone back with a Thor/Top!M!Reader. Now ngl I wrote this before bed and I haven't checked this over. Regardless I hope yall enjoyed! comments, critiques, and requests are always welcome.
>>>>>>>>>>>>18+ MDNI<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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You loved this man with all your heart but sometimes Thor could be quite the handful when he wanted to be…
It had been some time since you had been back to Asgard, away on a mission that kept you from your husband for the better part of two weeks.  You’d gotten a few letters from Thor and one or two from Modi, usually, they spoke of daily happenings and how much they missed you.
After your marriage to Thor the family sort of fixed itself.  You and Sif got along great and quickly became friends despite the circumstances.  The children were doing better and so was Thor.  Unfortunately, it made it kind of hard when you weren’t around.
Thor sounded tired in his letters and almost dejected.  “I miss you” he would write at the end with a small smear of lipstick on the edge of the paper.
And the second he sees you, Thor is giving in to the desire he’d been denying for weeks. He crossed the room and pulled you down into a searing kiss. His long beard tickling your chin.  Your large hands found their way to his hips and squeezed as the redhead deepened the kiss, his tongue begging for entrance.
“Fuck” you groaned back against the wall.  Thor drops to his knees your fingers tangling into the soft red strands.  The god wasted no time pulling your trousers down, his eyes glossing over at the sight of the fat cock hanging beautifully in front of him.
Despite how he looked Thor was a very soft and quiet man, preferring to just live his life while seeking glory from time to time.  And when he met you, you opened his world to something he’d never thought possible.
And a part of that world was the precum that spilled onto his tongue.  Your hand wrapped around the back of his neck and Thor shivered at the touch. He knew exactly how he wanted this to go.
He moved in closer on his knees faced pressed up to the long shaft.  Tongue licking up and down your large cock, before gently taking the head into his mouth. Resting it on his tongue to taste pre-cum that poured from your slit.
His low moans echoed through the air, hungrily tonging at your slit to fill his mouth with your taste.
His pretty eyes looked into yours with that matching lust-filled gaze, your breathing heavy with every tortuous suck of your cock.  You were big even by god standards you were.  Just a little shorter than Tyr and the perfect height above Thor when standing side by side.
You were longer and thicker compared to your lover- perfect to fill him and leave him in absolute bliss with little to no effort.  This stamina only mounted as you took your time fucking into him and Kratos, a night the three of you planned to repeat.
Relaxing his throat Thor took more of you inside him, the tip of your cock pressed against the back of his throat. Breathing through his nose he willed himself further until your cock was halfway down his throat.  His face resting buried in hair at the base of your cock, your balls brushing against his chin.
You were a groaning mess as you tugged tighter on his hair.  His throat was tight and warm around your length as he swallowed you down.  “You ready?” he looked up at you and gave a curt nod.  Fully easing his jaw for you to more easily fuck into.
Your hands tightened around his head holding him in place, slowly pulling out of Thor’s mouth.  Stopping just before the tip slid out, you gave him a quick look over to make sure he was alright and he looked absolutely stunning.  
You gave a hard thrust into his mouth striking the back of his throat with force you know would leave his voice hoarse.  Quickly adopting a rough and brutal pace, you fucked into Thor’s mouth with vigor.
You hit the back of Thor’s throat over and over.  Sliding down the wet muscle before roughly pulling out and back in again.  His face nearly smashed into your abdomen as you pulled his head down to match your brutal pace.  His pretty pink lips stretched around your cock with a mix of spit and precum spilling from the corners.  Tears streamed down his face as his mouth was used savagely with you holding him firmly in place.
The sound of your combined moans mixed with the slapping of skin as your balls hit against Thor’s chin with every thrust, if anyone was walking by they surely would have heard the love brutal lovemaking between the two of you.
Your thrusts quickly got more erratic as you held him down fucking feverously into his skull chasing your own release.  Your cock forced down his throat rope after rope of hot cum was pouring down the god’s throat, Thor swallowing feverishly around you as cum shot down his throat.  
When it became too much you pulled your cock from him and slapped it against his face, spurting the last few ropes over his ivory skin.
Through heavy breaths you looked at each other with a knowing grin, “ready for round two?” the god croaked, and ready you were...
A/N: Soooooo how we feelin'? That Mreader/Thor/Kratos sounds like a fun time... I'm thinking like a glory hole or smth. Kinda wanted to do that with Price or Soldier boy tho. (maybe even diamond dame anderson from Creed 3... OOO i might have an idea-)
okay look, I'll figure it out in the meantime yall keep sending those requests. AND DDON'TFORGET YOUR UMBRELLA <3
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 months
GOW HC - Reacting to you having a cat
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God of War x GN! Reader
Summary: Reacting to you having a cat.
Warnings: Fluff, Established Relationship, Cat Owner, Fluffy Cats
Characters: Kratos, Thor, Freyr, Heimdall
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- Didn't care first, but as cats are making a point to cuddle up to him every time he sat or laid down. Pretends he doesn't like them moving the cat to your lap or side of the bed, only for them to come back, and he accepts it.
- Hates it when the cats get in the way of cuddling you in the middle of the night, especially when they take over his side of the bed. Asking you to move the creature, having been down that road before, coming out of it with war injuries.
- Doesn't think twice about leaving you alone at home, knowing what it did to him, ensuring you could throw the cat and be fine against an intruder.
- Loves seeing you cuddle up with the cat. Slowly, he comes to love the furry creature, little by little, when he leaves the house, placing a kiss on your forehead and sometimes the cat’s. They also come to love Kratos mostly for the body heat; purring in his presence for the first time scared the shit out of him.
- Only lets up when secretly catching him cuddling the cat, even hearing how he talked cutely to them, playing with a feather that came from a bird you had for dinner nights ago. When coming out of your hiding spot, shock is the first emotion on his face. Laughing at the situation, from then on, he's not so shy.
Waking to the chaos of Kratos trying to pick up your cat, the ball of fur in his hand, attacking the chain-scarred arms. Quickly removing the angry cat from the bed, watching as it scurries off and out the door, you hold back a laugh at Kratos's state.
Looking at him with tired eyes watching as the scratches on his face heal, "You okay?" you ask, getting only a deep grunt before taking you up in his warm arms.
Minutes later, your cat comes back, having it out for Kratos, laying so elegantly on his pillow, waiting for the moment he would turn over, getting a nose full of hair and toe beans.
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- Adores them, being a little distant at first from past experiences, but comes to love them as they comfort him after Odin's words when you're not there too.
- The cat learned not to sleep next to him, being crushed by the thunder god too many times. Though loving the heat from Thor, only now sleeping on his pillow, feet, and hand that is thrown over your waist when cuddling.
- Swearing it was his cat now, from cuddling to kisses, they always welcome him home, forgetting you completely. Though they have their rough patches from your fights or drunken nights, the cat takes your side, making him apologize quickly.
- Feeds the cats most mornings, making sure they get the freshest mix of meats. Talking cutely, not caring if you hear, though gets a bit blushy when you "aww" at it, always gives you both a kiss before heading out for anything.
- Comes to you asking if he could get another cat; depending on your answer, he still brings one home from the wild. Loves cats at any age, would bring home a pregnant cat, watching as him so careful with the mess of the feral mama cat.
Walking through the tall, thick wooden door, greeted by the sight of Thor cuddling up on the bed, spoon-feeding the kittens of the pregnant cat he brought home months ago.
Still remembering how broken his reaction was to you saying that the kittens had to go, tears welding up in his eyes as you explained that having almost ten cats in the house, let alone your bedroom, would drive Odin up the wall, seeing as you both were already on thin ice from just having one.
Hearing his stomached laugh as they all climb on top of his body, fighting to get a lick at the spoon as their mama lay next to him sleeping.
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- Two words, Cat Dad. Love at first sight, even if they hissed, he would talk to them in a cute voice while trying to pet them. Quickly getting the cat to love him took only a few days, with some good treats and tasty critters.
- Gladly gives up his pillow to the furry creature, liking yours better anyway. Sometimes ends up cuddling them instead of you, making some good stories for the crew to hear the next morning. Has no problem with them taking up most of the bed, as it allows him to cuddle closer to you.
- Trains them so that when you go on your trips to other lands, walking along shoulders, staying close, and hunting for meals, the cat will know everything. When the cat isn’t with him in the wild, he brings them back little charms for them to play with, hanging some while others are tied to a stick.
- Overfeeds the poor thing, but it all works out, having them work off the treats in the forests of Vanaheim. Making sure they eat a good meal before coming home to you after an afternoon of exploring the land's forest.
- Gets a little jealous when the cat gets someone else's attention, wanting his furry baby to want him. Cries at night, saying, "They're all grown up" and "They don't need me anymore," with you reminding him they're a cat.
”Jump,” Freyr’s voice commands, making the furry ball jump off his shoulders to a tree branch, earning laughing praise from Freyr.
Walking along the dirt path in the Vanaheim jungle on your way back from one of your favorite stops to relax with the sunset, bring the cat along to get some training in.
Holding the Vanir god’s hand, ready to get home to cook something up, meeting his brown eyes, which sparkled with happiness. Planning on taking the cat to Alfheim, wanting to make sure the furry ball could handle adventuring in the wild alongside you and their papa.
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- Does not like cats, but when you point out that he acts just like one, something in his brain takes a one-eighty. When you're out of the house, he looks at them, wondering and watching if they are similar.
- Takes naps with the cat; whether knowing or not the cat sleeps against his stomach, it still leaves you to find them like that on the bed. At night, he kicks them out of the room, not wanting to share you or the bed, but as soon as he falls asleep, you crack the door, allowing the cat to cuddle with his pillow or feet.
- Jealous of the creature, if you give them a head kiss, Heimdall wants one too, says their nickname; he wants one too; head scratches don't matter; he wants some too.
- Doesn't hate the cats; he actually kind of likes them, of course, after some time. Pushing some meat straps to the floor, smiling at the cat eating it, softening when they look back up at him with big eyes, making him want to dump the whole plate on the floor.
- When you finally catch him kissing a cuddling the cat, his face drops immediately, moving away quickly, but the cat persists, rumbling up against his arm with their tail feathering his nose. Laughing at the sight, he relaxes a bit but is still a bit shy to show the furry creature some love.
Laying next, Heimdall cuddled up to his leg, purring away as the Aesir god scratched the top of their heads, watching from the kitchen, loving the sight.
Smelling the aroma of the food that sizzled in the pan, risking another look at the pair. As Heimdall reads a new book while the cat rolls over, allowing his hand to scratch their belly, quickly moving away as the cat is going to bite.
Laughing caught the attention of both, embarrassed Heimdall looked away, taking his hand off the cat, causing them to roll over, pressing their feet against his side, cutely winning his heart back. Hesitantly, putting his hand back into the soft fluff, started up the purr machine once more.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩: @fullmoonwolfer1 @loki-love
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their work being copied, translated, or reposted on any other platform without permission.
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grievedeeply · 1 year
YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN !!! could i please ask for some headcanons of Thor with a daughter whos way younger than Magni and Modi and shes just ,, a total daddies girl, she follows him everywhere, mimics him in everything he does, shes just his biggest fan lol !
i know this was sent in forever ago and i'm so sorry it took me forever to get around to... but i hope you enjoy this anyway..... reader is pictured as a child between 7-9 but it kinda jumps around a little
fem!reader (no pronouns used) | no tws
thor with a daughter who adores him headcanons
you are his absolute pride and joy. he is horrible at expressing his feelings in every way imaginable, but it's so obvious to everyone around him that he cherishes you so very much
you're actually his mini-me, and he's so proud of that. he doesn't think of himself as a good person to look up to in any sense, but you do, and he'd be lying if he said it didn't make his heart swell
you're so young, so innocent and kind.. but all you seem to want to do is be exactly like him. despite all of the atrocities he's committed, things he hopes you'll never find out about.. you want to be just like him
he hopes you don't find out about everything he's done. he wants you to look up to him in this way for the rest of his life. he takes it and holds onto it tight, the feeling in his heart and the warmth in his soul.. it feels so good to be loved
you have no way of knowing how much he appreciates you. you're just a child, but you show him more love than he feels he deserves. walking up to his legs, wrapping him in such a tiny hug.. he needs it. he needs to feel how you make him feel
his relationship with you definitely makes him reflect on how he needs to be better for magni, modi and thrúd as well
definitely denies having a favorite child, but everyone with common sense can EASILY tell it's you. you're never not by his side and he always gets so giddy whenever he's with you
your existence makes him better. he never thought that one person could change everything about him, but that's just the truth with you. you inspire him and you are what he fights for
he doesn't ever want you to be afraid of him, but when you get old enough to question what he's done.. he's take a really mature approach to that whole conversation. he doesn't want to lie to you, and he won't, ever. but he still wishes you never knew. he knows it'll change your view of him
back to happier things
piggy back rides— definitely a big thing for him. it's so special to him to just be able to spend time with you, and he wonders how he was able to get this lucky with you at all
your protector. having the god of thunder as your father means you have constant security— but it's only because he cares so much about you he can't bear to think of you getting hurt— so he keeps you safe himself
this need to protect you only increases at the deaths of his sons. he's terrified for your future but he tries not to think about it
you're his biggest fan, always rooting for him no matter what. you are what makes him realize he needs to stand up to his father. he isn't a punching bag, he isn't free labor, he's a real person and he deserves to be treated that way
and when you start developing powers of your own? he's over the moon, ready to train you in using those powers right from the beginning
overall, he becomes a better father and a better person through you and your outlook on the world. it's a very sweet, special thing to him <3
tags: @danielle-marie @kise-kae
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whackk-kermitt · 5 months
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Dealing w/ Your Gremlin Behavior
Genre: Platonic Headconnons
Warnings: None
Request: What if Y/n was another God, who was basically a little chaotic gremlin; they see you as their child/sibling.
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You give him a headache.
He will not hesitate to tell you to shut up.
You ramble about stupid things so often that sometimes he believes his ears will bleed.
Kratos has to hold you back by the collar when he sees that dangerous glint in your eyes.
The one that lets him know you want to try and make friends with the creature that wants to make you it's dinner.
That one that tells him that you're going to do something stupidly dangerous while claiming that you're helping.
You're not helping. You're just giving him one more thing to worry about.
When I say he's worried, I mean worried.
Atreus has done some dumb things, but you were wild and almost feral sometimes.
He's extra hard on you and even more strict with how he trains you.
Congrats, he'll drag you out for hunting and training more often than Atreus.
He's absolutely terrified that if he takes his eyes off you for even a moment, you'll piss off a troll or a soul eater.
Can't take you anywhere.
But he'd kill for you.
So I guess you can stay.
Just please stop trying to bite everything that's trying to kill you.
Atreus thinks you're hilarious.
Bonus points when Kratos is yelling at you, not him.
But most of the time you've roped him into your shenanigans and he's taking heat too.
Half the time he watches and cheers you on, the other half he's right there with you.
Mostly because things have gone horribly wrong and he's trying to help fix it before Kratos comes along and catches you two.
He can't do much more then tell you off if you to something stupid.
So, that being said, gremlin has free rain.
Until he tells Kratos to be his hands and smack you around some.
Then you better start acting straight, cause Kray don't play.
You are never allowed to carry him.
Never again.
Not after last time!
Sometimes though, its just good fun to watch you be wild.
Makes him miss being young.
And, you know. . . his body.
She has no patience for it.
Behave yourself, at least around her.
When you go gallivanting and come back with scraps or bruises, she'll scold you endlessly while tending to them.
"I'm speechless." While proceeding to talk for hours about how reckless and stupid that was.
She was horrified when she watched you insult a draugr's 'dead mama' while slashing it in half and doing a victory dance over its corpse.
What has she gotten herself into?
Yet despite your feral behavior, she enjoys being motherly again.
She has no problem cleaning you up and making food for you.
She just wishes you'd be more careful.
She's so afraid of overstepping and becoming too protective of you.
But she's not afraid to curse you for a day, a simple binding spell, to keep you in the house when you've gone too far.
You're grounded!
You leave the house all clean and spiffy.
Always returning covered in dirt and mud, leaves on your clothes and in your hair.
He'll always frown and point to the bath he prepares for you when you leave.
You make his eye twitch every time.
You'd just grin and get to it.
Arguments over cleanliness while you're staying with him.
He knows you can't help the trouble you always find yourself in, but he knows you won't avoid it.
He knows you thrive on chaos.
He hates that about you, but he cares too much to let you go off with nowhere to go if something bad happens.
So his door is always open for you.
Even if it means you're dripping blood and dirt on his clean floors.
He just makes you clean it.
He's a gremlin.
So he loves that you are as well.
You two get into so much shit together it's hard to think you're both still alive.
Sindri is over it.
Absolutely not a fan of it.
Don't even start with him.
And for the love of god, stop trying to sneak up and bite him.
It was amusing for a while, but it's getting old.
He always has to hold you back when he see's you're about to do something stupid.
He will absolutely pretend to not have a clue who you are if you get caught doing something you're not supposed to be doing.
Lots of scolding and 'don't do anything I wouldn't do's.
If you were literally anyone else he would've fed you to Gulltoppr by now.
He loves the chaos.
You keep him on his toes and his head on a swivel.
You are a challenge to put up with but damn you're fun!
Nobody makes him laugh quit like you when you're poking the bare.
Please stop. What the actually fuck are you doing?
He actually 'died' jumping in when that dead bear wasn't really dead and decided it didn't like you poking it.
But hey, he's got a new rug and a fun story so yippee!
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NOT PROOF-READ Might come back to this one and fix it up some more. It feels kinda empty right now; I'm off my game.
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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hereforreadandwrite · 9 months
Chapter One
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You were not a mortal like the others. Thanks to your abilities, you had become the protector of the lands of Midgard. You knew every corner, every inhabitant, every magical creature and other that there was in this Kingdoms. She was also known in all the other Kingdoms. You loved to fly. It was a feeling of ultimate freedom. You loved visiting Mimir and Sigrun in Asgard. You considered them your parents. Mimir had taught you his knowledge and Sigrun had taught you how to fight.
You had a happy life overall even if there was a dark spot on this idyllic picture.
Odin was interested in your intelligence, your secrets. He had become obsessed with this creature. You had the appearance of a young woman who had just reached adulthood, but your aging was much slower than normal, you had long (Y/H/C) slightly curled hair that reached to your shoulders, your (Y/E/C) eyes sparkling with life, full lips, you weren't very tall, but what was really intriguing was your immense black wings like darkness which made your size and that you could become a nightmare being when you wanted to scare your enemies. You were a divine creature, that he dreamed of having. He dreamed of dissecting you to know everything about you.
How were you born with wings?
How could you stay young for so long?
How can you take your nightmare form to scare your enemies?
Seeing that Odin was becoming more and more obsessed with you, Mimir and Sigrun asked you not to go to Asgard anymore, for fear that the Allfather would come after you. You were saddened by this request, but you obeyed. You had returned to Midgard, your Homeland, and you had not returned to Asgard. Odin became mad with rage. Upon learning that Mimir and Sigrun were responsible, he decided to punish them. He imprisoned Mimir in a tree on the top of a mountain, far from civilization, and cursed Sigrun and the other Valkyries. But that wasn't the only thing Odin did. He found you in Midgard. He had seen you take care of Jormungandr. To trap you, he took the appearance of Mimir. You had let your guard down. You were happy to see your adoptive father again after all this time. To celebrate your reunion, "Mimir" you had offered a Mead verse, but Odin had slipped in a drug powerful enough to keep you asleep. When you came to your senses, you felt that something was wrong. your back hurt excruciatingly. Dread filled you as you ran your hand down your back.
Your wings were no longer there.
That night, your cry of despair was heard throughout Midgard.
Because of Odin's obsession, you lost your parents, the Valkyries and your wings. You were alone and filled with sadness. You had left your human form behind, leaving only your nightmarish form visible, scaring away all people and creatures who tried to approach you. In your sadness, you had taken up residence in the council of Valkyries. You had discovered a breach where your adoptive mother was sealed. So you stayed there, protected your mother against anything and anyone who dared to set foot in your living space. But that didn't stop the God of War: Tyr himself from coming to meet you.
“You’re not welcome here, especially your kind,” you said through gritted teeth. “Go away before one of us gets hurt.”
“(Y/N)... what happened to you?” Tyr asked, saddened by seeing your pitiful state.
"You know what happened to me! Everyone knows what happened!" you yelled, turning towards Tyr and slowly moving closer to him. "Odin. Your bastard father tricked me and took everything I had! My father! My mother! My family! My wings! He took everything from me! Look at that! This is what's left of my mother. The Valkyries... have been sealed away... I don't know where or what happened to my father."
"You can't stay here, (Y/N). It's... unhealthy for you to live here, next to this breach."
“I’m protecting my mother,” you said, returning to the gap. “Go back to your father Tyr. And leave me to my sorrow.”
"The (Y/N) I knew would never have felt sorry for herself. She would have found a way to find her parents and her wings."
"Ah! I forgot about your sense of humor Tyr," you said, turning to the Norse God of War. "But I'm not suicidal. Remember, we're talking about your father. The Allfather. The one who knows everything and has mastered many techniques. Do you think I'm that stupid? Do you seriously think I could undo his curses? You think I haven't tried?! I tried everything to free my mother, but... there's nothing I can do. I don't know where the other Valkyries are locked up. I don't know what I should to do. I became... powerless."
You sat on one of the many thrones of the Valkyries, biting your lip, holding back tears. You were helpless. There was nothing you couldn't do to save your parents and the Valkyries. Tyr moved closer, sitting on the ground, facing you. He ran his fingers over your forehead, brushing a strand of greasy hair out of your eyes. How long have you been waiting here? How long have you been fighting those who had the misfortune to approach the breach? You no longer looked like the smiling, lively girl Tyr saw training with the Valkyries. He had seen you flying many times in the skies of Asgard and Midgard. Tyr sighed, running his fingers over your cheek.
"You must not be left alone with this sadness. Mimir and Sigrun would like you to continue living. They would not want you to stay here waiting for death to come and get you."
"Come with me. I can help you. If you want, of course." Tyr stood up, extending his hand towards you.
You looked at the gap one last time before looking at Tyr. You placed your hand in his, accepting his offer. You rose from the throne, following the God Aesir outside the council of Valkyries. Tyr had taken you to safety. Where he was sure Odin wouldn't find you. He helped you build a house on the mountainside. He installed a magical barrier to protect you from Odin's evil eyes. It would come as no surprise that the Allfather spent his time observing your despair. Tire was sure to build you a sufficiently comfortable house. He had done everything alone. You stayed in your corner, brooding. Guilty for having abandoned the one who saved and educated you. Tyr had been patient with you. He didn't complain when he finished building your house and the furniture. He hadn't complained when you just laid back in the bed, not moving an inch.
Anger had given way to sadness.
Tyr had stayed with you, making sure you ate well and that you left the bed and the house for a bit. He had installed a five kilometer protective fence to allow you to go out a little and hunt in the woods.
“I understand your pain, (Y/N). More than you think,” Tyr said as he walked through the forest, alongside you. "You'll get through it. But for that, you also have to put in the work. It's not healthy to lie down all day either."
"To do what?" you asked resignedly. "I always trained with the Valkyries or father taught me his wisdom. Other than waiting for the norns to free me from this suffering, I have nothing to do."
"It's wrong!" Tyr exclaimed, glaring at you harshly. "You are the daughter of the Queen of the Valkyries and the smartest man of this Nine Kingdoms could bear! You were trained by the Valkyries! They would be ashamed to know what you have become!"
You felt your heart tighten upon hearing his words. Would your family be ashamed of what you have become? You leaned against a tree, sliding down the trunk, sitting on the ground. Tyr sighed, kneeling in front of you.
"Forgive me for raising my voice. But you can't let Odin win. You have to show otherwise. Take charge of your life. Even though he took away your wings, you are still capable of fighting back. fight, to be diplomatic. You are smarter than Odin. What he wanted by doing this to you was to see your reaction, to see what you were capable of doing when you were in the grip of despair ,” he said, taking your face in his hands. "This is all just a perverse game for him. A game that you are capable of winning. You are strong."
"Me? Strong?"
"Yes, you always were. You just forgot. I want to help you. But for that, you have to let me help you," he said, wiping a tear from your cheek. "Do not succumb to despair as Odin wishes."
"I... I don't know if I'm still capable of fighting. I... my mother and the Valkyries... I... I haven't finished my training. My father always had things to teach me.”
“I'm not saying I'm as good as the Valkyries or Mimir, but with my travels, I can teach you some things,” Tyr announced, letting go of your face. "Now you're going to get back up and become even better. You better be ready. I'm not going to let you down."
Tyr kept his word. The months in Midgard were punctuated by training. The God of War made you leave your bed at dawn to do yoga or tai chi. According to him, it allowed him to clear his mind and rethink his priorities. After that, he trained you in combat. Even though Tyr was peaceful, he wasn't the God of War for nothing. He had learned many things from his travels. The first fight was tough. You never thought you would be so exhausted and in pain. Every muscle in your body hurt so bad and the punch he delivered to your stomach had made you give up your meal. After that, you couldn't move. Tyr had to carry you back. You sighed, laying down on the ground, staring up at the sky. The Sun was setting, tinting the sky orange and pink. Tyr made his weapons disappear before sitting down beside you.
"You have made enormous progress in such a short time. This shows the training of Sigrun and your aunts," praised Tyr who was as out of breath as you.
“Thank...I guess,” you said, sitting up.
“I mean it,” Tyr replied, glaring at you. “You look better like this.”
"How so?"
"Haven't you noticed that you no longer have your nightmare form?"
You took out your sword, observing your reflection in the blade, seeing that Tyr was not wrong. You had your human form again. You ran your hand over your cheek putting your sword away.
“That’s a good thing,” Tyr said, smiling at you. “You’re taking back control.”
"But then... if I regain control. Does that mean it's over?" you asked, wrapping your arms around your legs. “Will you leave me alone?”
“In all honesty,” he began, moving closer to you. “Once we’re near you, it’s hard to let go of your presence.”
Following this confession, you blushed. You stood up abruptly, exclaiming that you were coming home first. You were in the house, slamming the door so Tyr would stay outside. You remained leaning against the door, not knowing what to do or think about this confession. Was it difficult for him to get rid of your presence? What did that mean? Why would Tyr say such a thing? It didn't make any sense. You jumped when you heard the God Aesir knocking on the door, asking to come in so you could discuss what he had just told you, but you were afraid to open the door. You were afraid of what Tyr might say or do. You weren't stupid, but with all the training and teaching you received, you never had time to be interested in men. Especially because of Odin's unhealthy and obnoxious behavior from his other sons and grandchildren.
"(Y/N)? Will you let me in?" Tyr asked, knocking on the door again.
"I...I can't do this!" you exclaimed, leaning against the door. "I... something is going to happen! I don't want anything to happen!"
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm sorry for putting you through this embarrassment. I...what I meant was..."
"No! Shut up!"
Silence fell, you slid along the door, sitting on the floor. You buried your face in your arms, thinking about Tyr's words. You had lost everyone you loved. Were you willing to risk losing someone else? Were you ready to hear his words?
"You don't have to let me in, but know that it's not just empty words. I...I greatly enjoy your company. When you left Asgard, I looked for you. I was... I had to find you. I had to know that you were okay. I had to see with my own eyes that you were alive. I was... happy and relieved when I I saw the council of the Valkyries. I... I was ready to return the Nine Realms to be able to find you. I always appreciated your presence. I always appreciated our discussions. I enjoyed observing your training with the Valkyries. When you fought, you did it with such fervor that no one could look away. Once they see you, it's hard to look away."
You felt like your face was on fire. Why did Tyr have to tell you such things? You raised your head, looking at the door uncertainly. Should you open the door for him? But you knew that if you opened the door, it was going to be a point of no return. You stood up, staring at the door. You took a deep breath, grabbing the handle. You took a deep breath, opening the door.
A voice in your head told you it was a mistake to allow Tyr inside. She told you it was a mistake when he kissed you. She told you it was a mistake when he undressed you to make love to you.
You had decided to ignore that voice and allow Tyr to touch you like he did. You could still feel his warm hands caressing your body. You allowed him to love you and you allowed yourself to love him back.
You wanted to be happy and you were. You were happy with Tyr. You were happy when he proposed to you. Tyr managed to make your discomfort disappear. This joy has lasted several winters, until this day. One night, you woke up to find your husband standing in the wide open doorway. Tyr watched the wind blow fiercely and the rain crash onto the ground.
“Tyr,” you called, sitting up.
“This storm does not bode well,” Tyr said without turning his attention from the garden. "What do I have to do?"
You wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, leaving the warm bed to move closer to your husband. Tyr was taken out of his thoughts. He placed his golden eyes on your person. His stern expression softened when he saw you. He ran his hand over your cheek.
"I'll have to go to Asgard," Tyr announced.
"Asgard? Why would you go there?" you asked, feeling terror overcome you.
Why would Tyr want to return to Asgard? It was suicide. Odin was probably waiting for this moment to attack him. You shook your head, walking away from your husband. Tyr sighed, closing the door behind him, moving closer to you.
"This is what Odin is waiting for. He is waiting for you to come back so he can trap you!" you exclaimed, looking at him in horror. "He's already taken my wings, my parents and the Valkyries. If I lose you too, I... I don't know if I can handle it."
You sat on the bed, unable to imagine a world without Tyr. The God of War Aesir was all you had left in his Nine Realms. He had saved you. He had stopped you from falling into madness. If Odin were to take it away from you, you didn't know what you would be capable of against yourself or against Midgard. Tyr came to settle at your side. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you against him. He placed a kiss on the top of your head before pressing his cheek to it.
"I already told you: once we are near you, it is difficult to get rid of your presence. And besides, what kind of husband would I be if I abandoned my wife?"
“The kind of husband who will be chased by his wife so that she can kill him with her own hands,” you said, looking severely at Tyr who was smiling, laughing slightly.
“I don’t doubt it,” he replied, resting his forehead on yours. "I promise I'll come back to you, (Y/N). I'll only be gone for a few days."
It was all a lie.
Tyr never came back to you.
You waited. A moon passed, then two, then three and so on. Yet you continued to wait for him, crying in your bed, becoming cold from his absence. It took you three winters to realize that Odin probably didn't let him leave Asgard alive. The Allfather had succeeded. He had taken your beloved husband from you.
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
bloody [gow headcanon]
prompt: when they see you covered with blood
character(s): kratos, thor, baldur, tyr, freya, freyr & heimdall
wc: 1.7k || tags&notes: gn!reader, no use of y/n or pronouns, fluff, kisses, touches. anger, madness, violence, getting hurt, blood, a little angst (maybe), lover!reader.
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KRATOS likely to show a great anger the first time he sees blood on your body, both feeling irritating sense of not being able to protect you and wonder who had enough encourage to touch you – to hurt you. so, his face shows madness coming from pure rage he feels like he felt on his previous life in greek. however, he tries to hide it – decrease it when his palms hold your cheek, making you look at him directly and answer his, “who did this to you?” question which comes like a poison from his mouth – like he is ready to hold blades of chaos and manslaughter everyone cross his path including those hurt you. you only smile as an ensure that you are fine and the blood don’t belong to you. holding his hands, you use them to travel on your body, feeling there is no wound, just blood of others who tried to hurt you. his hazel eyes filled with sparkles of rage soften each moment his hands travel and finally, he takes relaxed breaths, calming down, looking at you with determined and furrowed eye brows, giving a lecture about how you need to be more careful, even calling him whenever there is a treat. he doesn’t speak aloud but his kisses on your face, his hands on your back to push your body to his, hugging you tightly, he shows how much he is afraid to see you hurting. you mean everything to him alongside atreus. he doesn’t waste any time to show you this while he cleans blood with water and cloth as you watch his massive hands work on your body gently. 
THOR is so much like kratos. however, unlike him, thor doesn’t mind using violence at all. he makes you tell names of those who hurt you. if you don’t tell, not wanting to see him acting violently even though they deserve it according to him, he seeks for them after he watches you remove your clothes, getting into a bathtub, cleaning yourself and the wounds you have while thor’s eyes study every part of you from head to toe without any shame, believing he has right to do it without asking for a permission and from deep down, you like seeing him watching you, spending his time like this only for you as his father keep asking him. you know he cares for you, so, you let him sit there, hands on knees, kneeling little towards you. his hands even caress your hair from time to time and after you are done, he picks up clothes you choose for you, helping you get dry and wear them. he kisses every wound you have while doing it, then, he nods, ready to leave for killing those who left marks of violence on your precious body. you let him even if you don’t appreciate his way of solving problems but you know he can’t stop ‘till he breaks bonds, cutting flesh, end their lives. 
BALDUR sees them even though you literally try every spell to hide them from him, knowing very well that if he sees them, he will turn into the madman, using advantage side of being an invulnerable god, killing everyone who crosses his path which goes into torturing creatures who touched his beloved without caring your health and being. however, when he finally sees them, he takes an oath to show them no mercy, put the fact that no one in all realms can think of touching you in any ways into their stupid brains before killing them. he probably choose his dragon to burn them all, laughing menacingly and feeling anger leaving his body with flames coming from burnt out bodies. he never blames you for hiding them but he says how you should stay by his side day and night so he can protect you because the world is cruel and he can’t endure the idea of seeing you getting hurt and sad. you are the only one who gives him the meaning of life and being, so, he always shows you this through these actions, protecting you with all costs, not minding whether his father is disappointed or not, not when he sees you alive and beside him – inside his arms. 
TYR is not likely to act violent against violence, instead, he chooses to take you into a safe zone he knows well, preparing enough medicine to clean wounds properly, giving you your health back, asking you what went wrong and listening carefully with pure attention as you tell the events openly. he helps you calm yourself down, giving you kisses soft as feathers, effective as sun and beautiful as roses. you let yourself getting rid of both wounds and sadness coming with them thanks to his gentle manner, taking you into his arms, covering your body with his massive one and putting kisses on your hair slowly. he is your safe zone, not the place he takes you into, no, he is the meaning of safety and the intoxicated feeling devour you. yes, he gives some advices about being watchful since all realms include danger but he knows you will get stronger after this incident with his help and he just smiles at you, ensure you that he will stay on your side forever, heal every wound you will have even if it means a hundred time. 
FREYA choose not to show her anger when you seek for medicine in her cave, showing where bloods coming from after removing clothes, exposing some parts of your body without thinking twice, being in a safe place giving you confidence to do so. she doesn’t spend any time, picks right and efficient magical spells and potion, using them to make you better – to see you well, safe and sound which she needs to see every day and night. she doesn’t like when you pull a wry face because of the pain, no, she prefers you with a strong gesture and full health. she tells you to rest in her cave, not thinking about anything, just reaching your health back while she discovers how you get hurt – who you get violence from, and she doesn’t think for second time as strong devilish magic of her finds their targets, giving them pain – much more than you felt, anger’s sparkles on her eyes, glowing lights on her palms and arms. she listens sounds that her targets make, her anger getting lower. when she finally is done with them, she rushes to see you again and preparing food to eat – good one because you need to recover and she needs to show her concern through intimate moments. also, she is determined to teach you lots of protection magic and spells ‘till your mind is filled with them. 
FREYR ‘s face will brighten with concern as he rushes to you, his hands reaching to you, grapping your arms, caressing them from up to down ‘till he holds your hands, asking so many questions in a minute such as whether you are okay or not, need anything from him, how you are covered in such blood. his concerned and calm manner changes into angry and mad one as he asks questions like ‘who did this to you’. he needs to know it – he wonders who can put a finger on you in the realm in which he opened his eyes for the first time, called as home. he is ready to take down those stupid creatures who thought they can hurt you and get away with it. however, he is just a silly because you just go for a hunt and the prey’s blood is all over you, so, you aren’t injured, no, instead, you are good and when you tell him that while holding his cheeks, half-laughing, he blinks so many times you ask if he is okay. when he comes to himself once again, he hugs you, saying how happy he is to see you weren’t hurt. he takes you from the hand into his special room, spending some times – some intimate times with you in there, letting you realize how much you mean to him, “don’t do that again. you have no idea how I can go mad if I see you hurt.” you listen him, then, you say you will not scare him like that again. also, you let him go for a few hunts with you after that day because every time he looks at you with cute eyes, making you become softer and let him travel behind you all the time. 
HEIMDALL is surprised and taking back when he sees your face and upper body filled with red blood. firstly, he goes for your mind, reading it to understand how you ended with these much blood. when he sees the fights you had before coming back to asgard – to him, how you got cuts from here to there, nothing serious but enough to make your face darken with pain, his own anger blooms inside his stomach. he is angry because of both how they dared to touch you in the first place and how he failed to show to all realms that no one could touch you since you are beloved one of heimdall, son of odin, god of foresight and lord of the asgard. he notes that he will travel around all realms, making every living beings understand the consequences of hurting and even touching you, heimdall’s beloved one and lover who he can burn all places for. after that, he lets you approach him with a shy expression, knowing he already knows how you ended up like that. you hate to be weak and you hate more when heimdall sees you weak. however, he shows no cockiness as he makes his way to you, putting a hand on your cheek to caress it, saying, “I will make sure each of them suffer enough to remember it ‘till they reach for hell.” with glowing purple eyes filled with proud because of seeing you fight for your life, coming back to him, and rage because of seeing faces of your attackers. he then makes you to follow him into his room he barely uses just for spending time with you in private, removing your clothes, cleans your wounds, reads your thoughts and feeling protective over you. he realizes how his hands go crazy while thinking how it was so easy for those attackers to hurt you while he is afraid to touch you sometimes. he will be their nightmare for sure and he goes for their heads after he spends a quite calm night with you on bed, giving you the love you needs to see after such violent incident. 
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wrr000 · 2 years
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I just had this idea IDC FOR ME IT'S FUNNY
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