#god what a missed opportunity
il-predestinato · 8 months
Poor Lewis ... standing between these two during the national anthem yesterday: 😢
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He was probably having war flashbacks: 🫠
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findafight · 5 months
Jancy you could be so tragic if they let you be. You could be SO TRAGIC. Two people who love each other, who respect and value each other, who want to be together but are unable to be together not because of circumstances outside of their control or family strife or anything, but because of their different goals and priorities and hangups. Because of who they are. If they let Jancy be messy it could be heartbreaking!! Devastating! Regardless of if the ship is endgame or not, they have potentially relationship ending issues they have to work out. They love each other so much, but what they need and want and expect from each other, from the future, from a relationship, isn't what the other can give. The realization that just because they love each other doesn't mean they would be happy together romantically and follow through on dreams or even discover them, that's heartbreaking. Tragic. I want!! To see it!!
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gatofresaaa · 5 months
look, guys, i know that farleigh isn't the main character in saltburn and is supporting cast at best, but truth is—i’d loved if they’d explored the queer and racial aspects of his character because there’s a lot of material there that they could’ve worked with. god, how i would’ve loved if they’d just given him five more minutes of screen time for that. but just like in the plot, no one really cares about farleigh, do they? because it’s not his story and it’s not his house.
but like- theres just so much to say about a queer and colored character in 2006-2007, y’know? at that point in time, being queer and colored was still seen as horrible and something to make fun of. and, like, farleigh is so extra, somewhat effeminate and just downright scandalously fashionable for an era where men were severely toxically masculine and wore double popped collars and relatively simple clothes. i’m sorry but… you’re telling me that nobody ever said anything about this man?
not only that, but he’s a black/mixed man in a predominately white university/space. i mean, huh? people were massively racist in 2006-2007, especially in places like britain (and you can’t tell me otherwise because we all know it’s true).
but, sure, let’s entertain the possibility that he might be in the closet, okay? yeah, whatever, i don’t care. but the doors are glass!! not even opaque glass or something like that, they’re plain see-through, transparent glass doors.
no one, NO ONE said anything? and he’s still popular as fuck just because he was felix’s cousin? people still talked shit about oliver at oxford even when he was felix’s friend but we never heard a single thing about farleigh. and that may be because he wasn’t given enough screen time for that, but it doesn’t matter.
what i’m trying to say is that they had so much material and they wasted it by not making the movie about him.
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camels-pen · 7 months
consider sanuso bodyswap where Sanji is of course "admiring" Usopp's body and Usopp is trying desperately to keep himself from getting worked up so that he doesn't light himself on fire.
Luffy and Chopper are not helping. They are in fact doing the opposite of helping. They've ramped up their pranks and are doing anything possible to get Usopp angry so that he combusts, freaks out, and then dives into the ocean to put himself out. They think it's hilarious.
Nami and Brook are Also not helping, since they're conspiring with Sanji to put on a fashion show with Usopp's body. Sanji called it "not wasting a precious opportunity to get him in something other than overalls". Usopp called it mutiny and he was gonna- dive into the ocean, holy fuck Sanji why is it so easy to catch fire?!
Best part about this is that Sanji assured him, several times, that his body doesn't get hurt by catching fire. Usopp still jumps into the ocean every time.
Robin pipes up at one point, asking if Sanji was immune to just his own flames or all flames. Sanji just kind of shrugs and said it depends. Franky, having just been leisurely watching all of this gets an idea. Would his Franky Fireball hurt Sanji's body or just give him more fire to work with?
He tries to coax Usopp into agreeing to test it out and, somehow, he manages it. Albeit, Usopp is all knocking knees and chattering teeth, a very odd sight from 'Sanji'. As part of the deal though, he can only shoot a fireball the size of his hand.
Usopp meant his small hand. The one Franky used for tinkering and fine detail work. He did not, however, clarify this.
So, when a fireball the size of Franky's big hand comes out, well. Usopp runs for his goddamn life.
It takes him a few moments- and the voices of his friends sounding distant and below him- to realize he hadn't, in fact, run to the men's quarters, but rather into the fucking sky.
And oooooh, boy he is gonna kill Sanji one of these days. Why was his body's first fucking instinct when running to go up, what the actual HELL-
Usopp lit himself on fire again.
He curses out Sanji as his Sky Walk fails in the same moment and he plummets towards the deck.
#one piece#sanuso#nemotime#usopp the first time he lights himself on fire: WHAT THE FUCK WHAY THE FUCK WHAT THE HELL OH GOD OH F-#oh ndvdggdvdv okay listen. listen. omagine Zoro's been asleep this whole time. and he misses the memo that there was a bodyswap.#and he wakes up to 'Sanji' kicking him abd immediately goes into fight mode... and then is really fucking spooked#bc 'Sanji' is blubbering about Zoro going to kill him and that he couldnt die this young and Zoro's just. Still as a statue.#Literally cannot compute.#and then 'Usopp' comes up to him. threatening him and calling him names the way he was expecting from 'Sanji'#Brook: oh dear he mustve slept through all the commotion. Zoro-san! Usopp and-!#Nami covering Brook's mouth: No wait i smell a money making opportunity#shes gonna con him. idk how or with what yet but shes definitely gonna con him#hes gonna be sooo pissed when he finds out she conned him but his usual outlet for physical violence is currently indisposed so. lol. lmao.#i like making zoro suffer idk why its just funny#wait wai what if Usopp didnt trip on him what if when he plummets to the deck he lands on Zoro lmfao#also Franky's standing there like 'Why did you dodge it?!' and Usopp is right back to trying not to light himself on fire again lol#oh n Jinbei gets roped into the fashion show stuff#where he incurs 'newbie's first debt to Nami'#damn now im thinking about him slightly concerned about all this spontaneous combustion and then Robin saying something to make it worse lol#ANYWAY MORE IMPORTANTLY the real tragedy of this post is that because Usopp's constantly worried about Combusting#it never really sinks in how blatantly Sanji is checking out his body + enjoying doing that fashion show#and because of Sanji 'enjoying the view' he never notices the brief moments where Usopp quietly does the same#before being interrupted by Luffy and Chopper coming out of nowhere wanting to roast marshmallows on Usopp's leg#okay im done were done im good its bed time gnight gmorning gday to all
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sunnibits · 2 years
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almost forgot to finish this in time but happy 9/9 day everyone 😎
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Quick drawing of Gizmo! And yes, I know mogwai don't typically have claws (except for Claw of course) but I gave him claws just cause.
Also, he's supposed to be waving but it kinda looks like he's waiting on a high five. 🤣
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niobiumao3 · 18 days
Time to rewatch Extraction and lol forever about how Wolffe's first instinct upon meeting CX-2 is to hate him and then repeatedly try to get him accidentally or intentionally killed.
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mayybirds · 9 months
Important question, do more of the RE8 villagers survive in this version?
Yes, very much yes. I can't, at this time, guarantee any specific characters other than Elena (definitely) and Luiza (probably), and an undetermined number of unnamed villagers, but I definitely plan for some of the villagers to survive.
While the total wipe-out of the Village in RE8 is a lot more believable than other "total wipes" like Raccoon City or the Pueblo in RE4, as it seems significantly smaller than both RC or the Pueblo, and has a more intelligent breed of bioweapon under specific instruction to exterminate the Village, Resident Evil has a weird and kind of uncomfortable history with complete massacres over its long history that I'm always inclined to push against. It's lazy, uninteresting writing to me when it's a trope recycled so frequently... especially given it's very clearly mostly used to provide clean narrative "closure" between each game by eliminating any other survivors other than the main protagonists (and Wesker lol). Like... RE4, for example, functions as a contained narrative because the Pueblo dies at its end. Its function is over in the continued story of "Resident Evil"... it only matters going forth in the context of Leon, Ashley, and Ada as characters. But as a writer, I'm much more intrigued by a version of that story that involves other survivors. What would it mean to live through something like that, not as the hero outsider protagonist, but as a civilian? How do you even recover? Who would you be after?
The weight of the horror of the complete destruction of a place that's isolated to a single game becomes faded when it's the same shit in every game. I'm sick of it, and bored of it. It would hit harder if it wasn't every damn game... better to take it apart and try something new with its empty box.
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
cucurucho and the federation need to step up their game. what is up with those basic ass questions? what the hell do those tell you about a person?? nah. NAH. i have a LIST of questions on my phone that would tell you INFINITELY more about a person than their basic ass "what was your name / occupation / hobby / age" step up your scientific game you polar bear bitch. EXAMPLES:
what is your minecraft sprint keybind? (information gained: are you basic, normal, or are you wacked out of your FUCKING MIND)
what color is your elephant? (information gained: do they take things at face value or do they think more deeply [i.e. did they ask "tf you mean 'my elephant']? are they a basic bitch ("gray") or a quirky random sparkle sunshine (any other color) )
if you could get rid of one word from any language, what word would it be and why? (information gained: do they attack their language or someone else's? is it because of the word's meaning, or its pronunciation, or an outside factor?)
if you could choose a measurement system to use, would you use metric, imperial, or something else? (information gained: are they water (metric) or a human being (imperial) )
how fast can you type? (information gained: are they terminally online and/or a fucking loser for knowing their wpm)
at what minute does 3 o'clock stop being 3 and start being 4? (information gained: do they take things at face value, and where do they start rounding [ex. is 3:30 still 3? is 3:31 still 3? 3:40?] )
when i say 'chair' do you see a chair in your head? describe that chair. (information gained: do they think in images? psychoanalyze their chairs. steel chair? school chair? rocking chair? electric chair?)
which finger do you start counting on? (information gained: do they count with their culture or are they a class traitor)
are you a cowboy or a pirate? (information gained: are they a cowboy or a pirate)
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christophernolan · 1 year
Shallan’s description of Kaladin is so… 🥹
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anaalnathrakhs · 8 days
"people love you uwu people care about you" okay? not my problem. love me less. can we work out a reasonable level of care where it's obviously not cool if horrible things happen to me, a human being, and you won't do any horrible thing to me, but you don't feel obligated to fuss over anything out of the ordinary i do and i have to shut up about it and perform Normal Human Emotions lest i commit an awful social faux pas and hurt your feelings?
#like idk. can you care about stuff that matters? i guess is what i'm asking?#sorry that my own self-directed problems hurt you <3#sorry that i'm a horrible person if i talk about it and a horrible person if i don't <3#i just shouldn't have problems i guess cant believe i didnt think abt that#sorry i don't really care if people would be sad to see me die#would actually be pretty nice to get past the huge feeling of guilt over not being helpful all the fucking time#like i can't go through life being a service dog for everybody around me#(and i dont to be clear. it's not possible and when i say i feel guilty over not doing it it doesn't mean i do 100% of the time)#(i do try to be helpful and useful and i hate missing an opportunity but also i don't have 24/7 free of obligations)#(and i can't magically spot and correctly understand what could need help)#(but i feel like it does take up a good portion of my life. mostly bc everybody around me has Problems rn)#(and because the overlap of ''things that feel good for me'' and ''things that are good for other people'' is pretty small so far)#it's just. yknow. i would like it if for once i could express a negative feeling without it being a huge offense to people around me#ejhrkthrjeh i know i'm just asking the universe if pretty please my actions could have zero consequences and it's overall unrealistic#but like. god. i wish for once it was met with indifference. casual vibes. not a huge deal yknow.#some of my friends do sometimes! it's nice! but of course i can't talk abt the problems that directly include them#i know it makes me so shit at reacting to ppls problems. like either i overcompensate with the worry cuz i feel like thats what they want#or i react coldly and dont provide anything useful to the situation#broadcasting my misery#vent
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twpsyn-who · 1 month
Over 5 hours and for what 💀
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For it to not even be done agsgshdnns but honestly? I can go with the hair the way it is so a win is a win
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piratekane · 2 months
AMGA here (Alex Mack Goo Anon)
I really don’t mean to stress you out. After 2 decades? Possibly? Since Jemily days on purged platforms! I guess I’ve been a feral anon supporter for that long. And will long continue to be if you keep these vibes comin (or I’ll keep re reading if you leave us 🥹)
My wife is FINALLY pregs after years of trying (the effective science way and the non-effective fun way 🤣)
alex mack! congratulations! effective science way is just as great! ahhhhhh i’m so happy for you. best news, thank you for sharing it with me (and everyone who reads this post)
also god almighty 2 decades. baby me was really deep in my feelings over jemily at the tender age of too-young-to-be-chronically-online. and yet. here we are. reconnecting with people who have known us in some capacity for the majority of our lives. the internet is a weird and wonderful place. i miss those purged sites. i miss the communities. i’m glad you’re here. what a freaking world.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
You don't understand how unhinged I feel trying to construct an ending for Bleach that I personally would enjoy while knowing Bleach does not deserve my time and also not remembering enough to actually make anything coherent. And yet here I am.
#god. no one gives a fuck abt bleaching. i am screaming into the void. y cant i put this energy into being productive#i just want there to be themes and a satisfying ending. and ending that is sad and yet happy#i just think. for me. ichigo kurosaki died on the night rukia pierced him with her zanpakto. oh fuck i cant spell. fucking strap in#i kno he didnt technically die according to the rules of the universe but i think as soon as ichigos soul left his body. that body became#a corpse. so when he goes back into it its not suitible to live in anymore and he only starts to feel that with the fullbring arc#i think when rukia jumpstarted his powers she lit the fuse of a bomb and becoming a visor allowed him to chanel his resentment#bc he does resent. ichigo is an emotional person. he felt emense guilt when his mothet died bc he felt he couldnt protect her bc he was#being raised to protect. the boy has a complex and its kinda fuckrd up and its 1000% isshins fault. so when thr opportunity comes for#ichigo to sacrifice himself for his family he does and he literally and metaphorically dies. his life from that point on is overtaken by#death. so what do we do with ichigo after everything is said and done bc he cant go back to being human he cant be a living corpse. he has#to go to the soul society. bc i like to imagine everything hes done to his soul. his twisted cosmically weird special boy soul. hes like a#bomb. its unstable and they need to teach him to control it so he doesnt tear a hole in reality and let thr hollows pour in. so its safer#if that happens in thr soul society. and rukia lil miss ice princess can teach him to do that. i would also make it weird with god stuff but#i never read the blood war stuff so i dont kno enough abt the gods. also i would make rukia more at odds with everyone who was gonna let her#fucking die and who overlooked her bc she should b held with more reguard for her fighting. but misogyny 😒 so then what do we do with#ichigo in thr soul society? i cant stand the idea of him becoming part of the institution. i cant. i think he should be rogue. rebell. idk#train to be strong and battle agaisnt the 13 court guard squad who r clearly going to try to control him as he tries to control himself.#send my boy to therapy so he can control his reatsu? is the the word? idk. maybe he should go to that dead dog district and look for kids#with spiritual pressure. he needs to feel useful. maybe id just give him weird god powers. i am an ichigo special boy apologist#thats as far forward as i can think. ichigo has to b dead. has to learn to control his power before he can go fight. rukia can teach him#he rebells against the institution. encourages rukia to go apeshit bc fuck everyone. and then idk. he keeps trying to save ppl forever#or he dies and destroys the universe. a big ball of resentment and bad feels and secrets upon secrets upon secrets. god y am i thinking#abt this so much. ive got bullshit to deal with. anyway. idk i just like ichigo a lot and i think thr ending to bleach is th worst forever#bleach ramblings
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susandsnell · 4 months
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bells-of-black-sunday · 7 months
Something innately tragic about the darkin is that ultimately their existence is aa never ending body horror filled suffering and an eternal hunger rivaling the things that fractured their minds in the first place. Tarhos is no exception to this though he is given space by Haru to heal and try to come to terms with what he used to be vs what he is now. This makes him appreciate a lot of smaller things in life that most would ignore or not notice in the firstplace.
Tarhos is four-thousand years old and who even really knows how long he's been trapped in his own fragmented blade for and most of that was spent underwater after being tossed off a merchant ship by someone who knew what he was. He couldn't see much of anything, felt like he was drowning, couldn't feel anything and all he was left with was his thoughts that desperately clung to the idea of the Shuriman empire instead of how he and the other god warriors were actually treated after the void war.
So when Haru picks him up and he can't fully make him his vessel, he's rightfully pissed, but he does calm over time by just having someone to talk to. He honestly can't stand the sound of his own voice alone still, he hates listening to his own thoughts. Still at least out of the water he could feel the warmth of the sunlight and the pressure of fingers dancing across his blade. His senses were very dulled though they existed and he was just happy to finally feel something. Though as his feelings grew so did his longing.
And when he was finally allowed to touch the vastayan's skin he weeped. Just being able to feel the grass, hear the birds, see clearly. It was overwhelming, but also held a joy he can never fully describe. He loves the sun on his scales, digging his claws into the Earth, smelling everything nature has to give, even just how pretty things as simple as rocks can be and he'd probably look foolish rambling about it especially to his kin, but it's just how he is. It's why usually when Haru's around he's close by or putting his claws on him, it's something so simple he was deprived of and longed for for so long he doesn't want to lose it again.
And due to being in the blade: he doesn't remember being human at all. He knows he was a slave who was celebrated and worshipped for his bravery which earned him his freedom and ascension, but... He doesn't remember any of it. His mind clung so hard to how he was when he was a giant bull God he's completely forgotten what it's like to be human which combined with how due to how hemomancy corrupted the darkin, makes him not value human life at all. He sees their struggles as pointless, they'll all die in a blink of his eye in his life time, they don't matter. Tarhos of course still enjoys being around humans, but he will trivialize their struggles unintentionally.
He just... doesn't see the point in what most people do at all. He doesn't get the worry or strife. And that's eventually going to be a big lesson for him in humility.
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