#god. this part was sooooooo.
ptolemaeaea · 1 year
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weurgh 🫥🫥🫥🫥
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
just thought abt batman unburied again and god holy fuck. okay. im normal i swear
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lindonwald · 1 year
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for @lactodebillus-bulgaricus who asked for bul + medieval (I tried haha,,,,,)
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blue-eli · 1 month
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Ink October day twenty-nine: Wilder
To bewilder; to perplex.
Comparative form of wild: more wild.
#tears of the kingdom#loz totk#totk#the legend of zelda#legend of zelda#legend of zelda tears of the kingdom#totk link#blue boi draws#ink october 2023#ink October 2023 day 29#I have extremely conflicted feelings about this game that I think boil down to: I don’t dislike it but it did disappoint me#like there are a lot of things about it but the things I dislike are loud in a way that makes them hard to ignore#there are also a lot of tiny nitpicking things I dislike about it that I feel bad about because they are probably insignificant or cases of#people having different taste in things. like the bombs I miss my remote destination bombs :( but also the mechanics that replace them are#really fun. I actually think most of the mechanics and puzzles are really good (I probably have more fun in Zonai shrines then sheikah#on average) I also think expanding to the sky and underground was really smart and good. I think most of my issues are with the story#they did Zelda so dirty. sooooooo dirty. the three good things they did with her are 1 gave her good parental figures 2 cut her hair#3 tURNED HER INTO A FUCKING DRAGON. A WYRM. A CREATURE.#that’s probably my favourite main story thing besides maybe the companions and also Tulin#I love Teba the fact that his son is featured heavily and is done so good in this game is amazing.#also revali being basically never mentioned was really good. fuck you revali#love the Zonai HATE them founding Hyrule (or well rauru)#love the designs dragon goat people love good dad to Zelda the king can go fuck himself#the thing about me is I hate ​colonial the divine right of kings and monarchies so much. the kingdom of Hyrule stinks of these things#botw to me was in part a story of a monarchy failing. the king and the system failed Zelda failed Link and failed their kingdom.#I knew that more then likely they would be rebuilding the kingdom in the sequel but oh my gods does the addition of the politics of Hyrules#founding make it worse. there are so many people who have explained in detail this but right now my brain is just… GAH#*banging my head against the wall* can we PLEASE acknowledge the flaws of the Hylian royalty I’m not even asking for them to be discrowned#at this point I just want anything that isn’t this glorifying shit. and it sucks because I like Sonia!!! I like Minaru!!!#ran out of tags but I need you to know I am fucking vibrating about this
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iscariotapologist · 1 year
in my opinion one of the reasons why diversity of religious belief is so important, and part of why fundamentalism and literalism are so wretched, is that it is simply extremely arrogant to think you and people who think like you are the only ones who have a lock on the only possible truths about the endless mystery of divinity. the nature of the thing means we are unlikely to ever fully understand it but how wonderful and fascinating to see others' answers to the question. god may surprise you from the perspective of someone else. god may be the connection that occurs when you allow yourself to see that other perspective. paying attention to each other is vital and staying in a horrible little spiritual crab bucket cuts you off from a great deal of beauty
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not-your-bro · 9 months
despite cdpr doing nothing with it, i think i'll be forever fascinated by the potential of regis relapsing after his regeneration, due in part to the blood he drank at stygga. regis' whole disposition changes after he drinks, to the extent that he needs only say one sentence for geralt to look at him like bro are you good. yet when they reunite post-regeneration (and specifically discuss regis' addiction!!!!) it isn't brought up at all. and regis is apparently fine enough that he can put himself through extreme temptation at tesham mutna and still walk away with his sobriety intact.
but like, c'mon!! if the last thing you did before getting fireball blasted into the void was taste the most delicous thing imaginable - the thing you're wired to crave but have deprived yourself of for so long - wouldn't you come back wanting nothing more than to taste it again? cdpr? cdpr open up i just want to talk
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copaganda-clobberfest · 10 months
Oh wait the whole android 'revolution' from Detroit: Become Human, HAS to be here.
Sorry getting gunned down in the street is the only way to get people to pitty you enough to attain rights. If you're too mean the other android and kid will get turned away from the Canadian boarder in their last stop on the android underground railroad AND IM NOT KIDDING
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Me again. Not sure if this has been asked before, but do you think that Lilith's mother (or the rest of her family) knew about her "death" in S1? Like, the show isn't super clear on time jumps between scenes, but from what I could tell she was "dead" for about 4-5 days from the point of getting stabbed to portalling into the Cat's Cradle. The OCS had the memorial for her, but like, would there be protocol for a notice of death to the families if a Sister Warrior died? Because if Lilith's mother knew that she had died, and still acted the way she did in S2, then that breaks my heart for Lilith all over again.
there is definitely a notice of death for the families of the OCS, for sure. which would be so fucked up when lilith eventually came back yknow cuz. we all grieved u but uh here u are??
and yh, her mother is just. not a great person. i bet that when lilith died, she did grieve, but not really her daughter, more what she could have been (the warrior nun). and i think thats really fucked up and tragic tbh
i also feel like, since it was the first time it happened, i bet there was like rumors going around?? abt what happened to lilith on the other side. and u bet the rumors got worse when she came back all different and not human, demonic even. everything she did somehow pointed to her being a demon, and evil, and untrustworthy. which definitely explained her general attitude in s2 and maybe even how easy it was for her to turn her back. cuz her sisters being there for her and loving her cannot outweigh everyone else at the church and the ocs and her own family as well. she just felt to alone and ostracized, begging for understanding. and, yh.......
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moe-broey · 3 days
GOD. HELP. PLEASE FORNTHE LOVE OF GOD. HELP ME <- is slightly self-conscious and extremely worried about doing something Incorrectly
#like i promise my og piece for today was sharena centric I PROMISE. I SWEAR. I PROMISE. ON MY LIFE. I SWEAR#like a rule i set for myself was to include alfonse as little as possible and if he's there he's just There#like i was rambling to my sister about it the other day but like. alfonse is an extremely important part of sharena's life#and like sharena is luigi. younger sibling syndrome. ofc she's gonna bring him up he's a huge part of her life#i still don't have the proper words for it but i said it's like misogyny ouroboros. specific phenomenon#where someone is soooo caught up in perceived misogyny (whether it's there or not) that like.#they don't even give the female chara a chance. like eg camilla or charlotte immediately being written off for being oversexualized#and this type of person ONLY focuses on that and refuses to actually engage w camilla or charlotte as characters#under the guise of like. caring about women. and maybe they do! but the way you're doing it you're eating yourself.#and how this relates back to sharena is like. that 'let female characters exist outside of their male counterparts'#WHICH. SOUNDS GOOD. ON THE SURFACE. but like i feel like it's too easy for some people#to see a female chara have a significant tie to a male chara and immediately decide to write her off as 'just that'#when like. ESPPPP in sharena's case. and esppp in alfonse's case. two things are happening here#sharena and alfonse have VERY different ways of expressing their affection for each lther#sharena more overt and alfonse way more subtle. and then there's the mario and luigi thing happening#where mario exists and stands on his own as The Main Guy. objectively#meanwhile luigi is just always thinking about mario and how cool he is. cause he looks up to him#and like idk idk i am not a mario expert i can't do a full analysis/comparison here but like. that's the dynamic they have.#NONE OF THIS IS RELEVANT. or maybe it's Barely Adjacent. to the entry i'm gonna submit#BUT I FEEL SO BAD.... my big piece had sooooooo much more storytelling i promise...........#the one i'm about to post I PROMISE YOU. it's just concept art and the focus was Not primarily on alfonse i swear to god
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Seb's post...seb's latest post....seb's Instagram post 🫠🫠🫠😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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infizero · 1 month
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i am going to tear norman apart with my bare hands
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cherryjuicegf · 1 year
I'm only like a little bit (like 15 mins) into episode 2 atm bc I'm making myself get to bed but like. holy shit s3 is actually really good so far......... what is happening 0-0;
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(Love, Hannah <3)
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skenpiel · 1 year
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O BTW b4 i go to bed. heres some silly stupid doodles of my redesigned trollsona since im rereading hs now anyway ^__^
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scare-ard--sleigh · 2 years
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You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and you’re trying not to tell him that you love him, and you’re trying to choke down the feeling, and you’re trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you’ve discovered something you didn’t even have a name for.
archer, 01x02, 02x06, 07x03, 12x01 / richard siken, “you are jeff” 
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alliluyevas · 2 years
also the like “the entire story is centered around house targaryen/dany in particular and they are the most important the only moral center and the true heroes and everyone else is irrelevant” brand of targ stans it’s like..........then why are there like 15 other narrators then
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lunar-years · 1 year
The twitter swifties are saying it’s misogynistic to listen to pre-Taylor’s Version songs/albums please help
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