skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Seb's post...seb's latest post....seb's Instagram post 🫠🫠🫠😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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drvscarlett · 26 days
About You Pt 13
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
About You Series
A/N: I am so sorry for the long hiatus because my laptop died and I have to get it fixed. About You will be in consistent updates starting next week every Wednesday and Thursday. I am actually planning to extend the chapters of About You up to Chap 18 because I messed up the pacing. I hope you enjoy this and let me know your thoughts
Taglist: @spideybv28@randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @cliosunshine @honethatty12 @randomgirlnumber-13 @sugyomama @ririyulife @skywalker1dream @vicurious28 @khaylin27 @0710khj @its-elias-world @vizzzashley @allisonwoods @taytaylala12 @miarabanana @ceciii-b @lindsayjoy444 @mploopssek @snakelore @toldyouitwasamelodrama @lordpercevalcharles
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2013, Marina Bay Street Circuit
Sebastian was on an all-time high, he was winning on and off tracks. The championship was within his reach with each race he wins and his personal life is flourishing. He had felt the championship euphoria before but being in that podium and seeing Y/N proudly looking at him from below is something else.
Despite the energy burst, he opted to stay out of the Singapore night life and return to his hotel room. He didn't feel like mingling in sweaty clubs or the taste of intoxicating drinks tonight. Besides, he has a dinner at a skyline restaurant with a very beautiful girl so he has to change quickly.
Whistling down a happy tune as he texts a message to Y/N. There was nothing in this world that could ever ruin his happiness and that was a word spoken to soon.
When he turns the corner, there was someone that Sebastian didn't want to see.
"Oh Sebastian, thank God. I have to speak to you and its really important-"
"Hanna? What are you doing here?"
Sebastian's voice was mixed with confusion and anger. The past few meetings with Hanna was not a good memory for Sebastian and he could only feel as if trouble follows whenever he meets her.
"Are you stalking me?"the driver asked
The woman in front of him went red in embarrassment. She could understand why Sebastian would think that way but she was in a desperate attempt to talk to him.
"I know this looks bad but I had a friend here who told me where you would be staying and I needed to talk to you. I wouldn't have done this if it wasn't important"Hanna rambled.
"Didn't I make myself clear last time that Hanna I do not return any feelings for you and I'm really sorry if you thought a relationship could blossom between us because its never going to happen"Sebastian stated.
It would be a lie if Sebastian didn't notice how Hanna winced by the directness of his voice but he has to keep his boundaries. He doesn't want anything more to jeopardize what he is working on with Y/N. He will not be a man that will be unfaithful to her.
"But Sebastian, you have to listen. This is something big and this is something that I can't do alone"Hanna was begging.
"I'm sorry Hanna but whatever that is, I'm sorry but I couldn't be of any help"Sebastian ended the conversation.
He passed her by and shut the door in front of her. It was painful for Sebastian to hear the cries of his once childhood friend at the other side of the door but she has to learn that Sebastian cannot return her feelings back.
"You're not even listening to me Seb. You didn't even give me a chance to tell you about us"Hanna thought silently cradling the bump on her stomach.
2013, Suzuka Circuit
It was Y/N's dream to go to Universals Studio Japan to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. She mentioned this a couple of times but due to the distance between the circuit and Osaka, she always missed the opportunity.
"I still can't believe that you are taking me to Harry Potter"Y/N squealed, excitement was evident on her face.
"We still have a long way to go, they told me its a 2 hour drive" Sebastian noted "You can still grab some sleep"
"I should be the one telling you that, you just finished driving for the weekend and now you are driving at an ungodly hour of 7 in the morning"Y/N voices her concern "Don't you ever get tired of driving?"
"For you? Never"
Sebastian's hand found its way to Y/N's and he placed a gentle kiss. His eyes were still focused on driving and the road but he could see in the mirror the red tint on her cheeks.
For some it would be tiring to go on long drives. Sebastian thinks otherwise, he feels like he is the luckiest man alive to be able to go for long drives when she is at the passenger side.
"Do you have a list of which part of the Harry Potter world are we going first?" Sebastian wondered.
"Well maybe we could go and get some of those butterbeers and then we can explore the whole park. I wanted to try that rollercoaster that looks like Hagrid's bike and then the castle. I also want to buy some candies for Mick"Y/N listed down.
She looked up from her phone and she felt like she was being selfish not asking Sebastian about what he wanted to do. She wanted to do a face palm.
"That is if its alright with you? Maybe you want to go somewhere specific in Universals?"Y/N offered.
"Oh no, its alright. I'm good wherever you are happy. This is your day and I want you to enjoy the whole Harry Potter experience"Sebastian insisted.
Y/N thought he couldn't love Sebastian even more but she just did. She knew how Sebastian was not that big of a fan of Harry Potter, he didn't even know the names of the golden trio in the beginning. He just started to get into it because she was rambling all the time about it.
"Speaking of the Harry Potter experience, you can check the backseat because I believe there is a surprise for you there"Sebastian chuckles.
At the backseat, Y/N found two boxes. One has her name on it with a big black bow ribbon while the other had a scribbled vettel on it. She picked it up confused to what is Sebastian plotting now.
"Since when did you get all fancy?"
"I asked my Mom about it"Sebastian admits "Go and open it"
Once the bows were untied and the lid was lifted, there was a rustle of wrapping paper. Y/N couldn't believe her eyes upon seeing the emblem on the cloth.
"You got me robes?"Y/N can cry "And you got my house right!"
Sebastian will admit that he researched a couple of days ago about how to make this experience really special. Some said that the school robes was a good outfit to make the person feel like they are attending Hogwarts. He made some few calls here and there then tada he acquired some of the Hogwarts robes just like what was seen in the movies.
"So did you get a Slytherin robe?"Y/N asked, she often teased Sebastian that he could be F1's Draco Malfoy.
"Well I think I had to surrender, my Pottermore results said that I was a Slytherin"
"You took a Pottermore quiz and you didn't tell me right away?"
2013, Buddh International Circuit
The Taj Mahal looks exquisite with the sun setting at the back of it. Everyone was on their phones or their cameras to capture the moment but Y/N prefers sitting at one of the benches and preserving it in her head. There was something really peaceful to just live in the moment but she doesn't blame if people wanted something physical to commemorate this moment.
Maybe Y/N wanted to savor this moment of peace because by tomorrow she will be back in the paddock with all the different noises. She knows that there will be a lot of questions in the next few days following Mark's decision of leaving Formula 1.
She did not blame Mark, she understands that he has been doing this for quite some time now and he was bound to be burned out. She has also been thinking about retiring from this job but that would be happening in a few more years. The thought of retiring scares her because her life basically revolved around Formula 1. There was this idea that maybe if she doesn't have a job here then maybe she will lose everything that she have right now.
A heavy sigh escapes her mouth as she zoned out once more with the view.
"Mind if I join you?"
Y/N looked up and she saw the familiar grin of Sebastian Vettel. She gave a nod and gestured at the empty space at the bench.
"How did you know I was here?"Y/N asked.
"I didn't. We are doing some team video and then I spotted you here then I went ahead to say hello"Sebastian grins.
From behind Sebastian, she sees a filming crew at a distance. They seem to be distracted with Mark and the reserve driver Sebastien Buemi. Y/N acknowledges it with a smile then she proceeded to looking at the scenic view in front of her.
"You know when they told me about the Taj Mahal, I got reminded of us"Sebastian opened up "The two met when they were young and its love at first sight then they got married"
The thought of the very first time that Y/N saw Sebastian and the first time they talked to each other, crossed her mind. It seems like it was just yesterday but its been a really really long while now.
"And I don't believe in coincidences, I think some things are meant to happen"Sebastian stated "When I saw you here, I was given the sign of the universe and maybe a sign from Taj Mahal that its really you that I would like to spend the rest of my days with"
Y/N felt overwhelmed by the direct confession. This was usually how Sebastian is, he was very vocal about his feelings but the implication in his tone is different. Y/N felt like they are moving a bit too fast but maybe she doesn't mind at all.
A small box was placed in her hand.
"This was my Mother's. I carried it around with me since we started to tell each other how we feel. I am not asking you to marry me but I just wanted you to have it because someday I'm planning to marry you."Sebastian concludes.
"Seb, I can't.. This is too much" she was speechless.
"There is no other woman that I see myself ending up with" Sebastian insist "Its yours just like how my heart is also yours"
The silver band with a pearl in the middle stares at her. She ponders about it even after Sebastian left her side. This was technically not a marriage proposal but rather a promise ring.
She prayed for a sign in the weekends whether she deserves to place it on her finger or not.
Needless to say, it was a very eventful weekend for Sebastian. He crossed the finish line with a World Championship. Even after winning all these years, he was still amazed by the winning feeling.
The crowd chants his name as he shows his praises to his winning car. He managed to find his way to the podium with the congratulations littering everywhere he go and every face was a blur.
However, he had to do a double take as he saw Y/N on the barrier. She was wearing a proud grin and pointing at something in her finger. Sebastian didn't have to be a genius to recognize the familiar ring on her finger.
It was a memorable weekend.
 2013, Yas Marina Circuit
It was rare that Y/N gets to hang out with girls. Being surrounded by a lot of male bravado and testosterones can be a little too much which is why when there is an opportunity for her to meet another girl friend then she will make time.
Post qualifying sessions was a good opportunity as Jenson chooses to rest while the Red Bull boys are stuck in strategy meetings. Therefore, this was Y/N's window time to accommodate Hanna's request for dinner.
She couldn't wait to tell Hanna about the recent happenings with Sebastian or the latest gossip in the paddock. She was pretty sure that she might shock Hanna with the development of her love life. However Y/N was the one with a jaw drop when Hanna waddled in with a pregnant bump.
"Oh my God Hanna! Why didn't you tell me your pregnant?"Y/N was shocked "Are you okay or are you tired? Did you need to sit down?"
Hanna gives a weak smile, "just a little water"
"Of course,here. Sit sit."Y/N fuzzed "If I had known you were pregnant then I would have made reservations closer to your hotel"
"Y/N you're already treating me dinner"Hanna said
"I should be because I think I have been late in congratulating your little one"Y/N replied.
Hanna held her bump protectively. She was suddenly reminded the reason why she asked to meet Y/N. She was doing this to help her little one because she cannot afford that her child will grow up miserable.
"How far along are you?"Y/N wondered.
"About six… six months"there was an unease in Hanna's tone.
Hanna knows what she did and she knows what she is about to do. It plagues her mind how she could wipe the smile Y/N has right now with the bombshell of news that she has. Hanna blanks out as Y/N ramble about how she is so happy for her and the guilty feeling sinks even further.
"Y/N I have to talk to you"Hanna cuts her off.
It was better to rip the Band-Aid early than prolonging the agony.
"Oh we can talk later,lets get you some food first"Y/N dismissed. "I don't want you or your little one getting hungry."
The way that Y/N cares so much about Hanna makes the pregnant woman even more uneasy. Hanna noted how Y/N was so caring in asking her preference and she wonders if she would still be like that if she finally learns the truth.
Dinner went on smoothly with their chitchats of how life has been and how they are dealing with the changes. As time goes on, Hanna felt the gnawing guilt eating her even more which is why the minute the tables were cleared and the desserts were out, it was now time.
"I really need to talk to you about this Y/N"Hanna gestured at the bump.
There was a glee in Y/N's eyes, maybe she was thinking that Hanna is making her a godparent. Hanna tried her best to avoid her eyes because she cannot handle when her eyes starts crying.
"Now what do you want to talk about?"Y/N questioned.
"Im pregnant Y/N"it was now or never for Hanna.
If she could just change how things were then she wouldn't have been so stupid. She wouldn't have been in this situation right now and she wouldn't lose such a great friend like Y/N. However, this was a consequence of her selfish actions and now she will pay for it.
"I am well aware of that Hanna"Y/N grinned "and congratulations by the way. You should totally let me help you find some cute baby stuffs and-"
"The father is Seb"
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bradshawsbitch · 1 year
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sweet as honey | bob floyd x f!reader
this is can be read as a continuation of my valentines challenge song fic 'best friend'!
this is based on an idea that @sebsxphia elaborated on as one of their lovely nonnys asked about bob practicing eating out on you😵‍💫 thanks for letting me write this out, seb!🫶
disclaimer; in my head, bob floyd is pussy eating king™ and i felt it was my civic duty to tell you all about it. man has been obsessed with it since he first saw a spread in a porn mag about it, and he'll be damned if he doesn't find out exactly what you like.
warnings; best friends to lovers, mentions of intoxication, cunnilingus, pussy drunk bob, afab reader, no use of y/n.
plot; you have always needed bob, but what if he forgets the one time he actually had you?
tagging people who might like; @lewmagoo @rhettabbotts @hangmanapologist @roosterforme @theharddeck @mothdruid @bobfloydsbabe @roleycoleyreccenter
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Soft whispers of love confessions had turned to sleepy reminiscing as darkness fell outside of the window, starlight and moonshine illuminating the outlines of two bodies intertwined in between pristine white sheets. Bob had never thought that he would ever experience feeling so at peace and so whole - the way he had somehow always felt when you were around. This was different though, he felt like he’d finally come home after years of wandering around. 
Even better, he had managed to make it out alive after the worst mission he’s ever flown. He had made it back to you. They had done it. The adrenaline should be overwhelming him, the emotional toil should be tearing at his insides - he should feel like a monster lurks inside his chest ready to claw and tear at his chest - but he doesn’t.
Bob only feels the soothing hands running over his face, only feels the soft breath ghosting over his face as words of love sink into his very skin. Only hears your soft giggles and your emotional voice telling him you loved him. You loved him. God, the very notion made Bob dizzy.
His larger hands had settled on your waist, his thumb softly ghosting over the same warm spot again and again. A couple of times he had noticed the motion had elicited goosebumps over your skin, and if he squeezed his hand slightly he sometimes felt you shiver.
It drove him mad. How responsive you were to his touch. He wondered if he could make your breath hitch, if he could have sweet, soft sounds spilling from your parted lips if he let his hands and lips roam all over your body. 
In his mind, there were… fuzzy memories, that he was not entirely sure if they were memories, or just a recollection of a wet dream his teen self had conjured up of you. Either way, the details were rather blurry, but his mind was replaying soft sighs… your soft moans for him. It must have been a dream.
“Do you–” you trailed off uncertainly, voice still barely above a whisper “Do you remember that one night when we were 18?” Bob furrowed his brows at the way you avoided his attempts at eye contact, stubbornly keeping your face nuzzled into his neck.
“Darlin’, we spent many nights together when we were 18…” Bob smiled, letting his thumb brush softly across your cheek “You’ll have to give me a little more,” his voice was low as he tried to coax you into making eye contact with him again. Craning his neck to try to observe your face as you laid on top of his chest.
“You were drunk, I think - didn’t seem like it at the time…” you trailed off, again, Bob smiled softly, letting his palm stroke soothingly up and down your back.
“Unfortunately, I was drunk many nights back then too, Sunny. What is it you’re nervous to tell me?” 
“Do you remember going down on me?” Bob’s eyes had fluttered shut some time ago, shot wide open at that sentence - jumbled flashes of sounds and sensations flooding his mind. 
“Oh… oh god, that wasn’t— that wasn’t a wet dream?” Bob could kill himself. Could actually go back to the Super Hornet and try to do what Phoenix does with all of that pilot shit until he ran himself into the damn ground. 
“You mean to tell me… that I have had the immense honor of having my fuckin’ face buried between your legs and it was not a dream?” he heard your nervous giggles, and groaned as he squeezed his eyes shut tight, before shuffling so that you were lying beside him, looking into your eyes - they looked apprehensive, perhaps a little bashful. 
“I am so sorry, darlin’... I truly- I had no idea– I thought that was just one of many dreams my imagination conjured up about you,” Bob murmured, brows pinched together “Did I hurt your feelings terribly?” he never wanted to hurt you, never wanted to be the reason you shed any tears or felt any discomfort.
“I mean - I wasn’t sure, I mean I wanted you to, God, it’s all I ever wanted after it too! But I guess I was a bit upset a little while after when you never brought it up…” you trailed off, fingers tracing intricate swirls on his sternum, gaze following your finger carefully, avoiding his eyes. 
“Sunny…” Bob spoke softly, his fingers tilting your chin up to look at him, searching your eyes before slowly letting his lips connect with yours, warmth spreading between the both of you as your lips moved together languidly. 
“Will you please tell me about it?” murmuring against your lips, Bob wanted to see if your story could jog his memory of the first time he apparently ate you out. 
He felt your lips quirk into a smile, before you broke away, nuzzling your face into his neck, where you placed soft, wet kisses that had his breath hitching, a small, soft moan leaving his lips as yours latched on to suck softly at his pulse point.
“Well… I asked you…” 
It was late, the party had ended almost an hour ago, and you and Bob were lounging around in your childhood bedroom, walls covered in a soft pink - and your forgotten stuffed animals placed on bookshelves that were filled to the brim with books you’d read in your early teens. You’d told your mom several times you wanted to get rid of them, but she insisted that your younger sister might want them now that you were 18. 
Bob was sprawled on the floor, chuckling softly at something he read in a women’s magazine you’d bought last week. 
“What’s so funny, Robby?” you spoke softly from your bed, having laid down on the plush blankets and covers that were bunched in the middle of it. You’d stayed sober this night, wanting to make sure Robert made it home safe. 
“They’re… dead wrong about some of these like ‘tricks to tell your boyfriend to do in bed’ stuff,” Robby replied, amused, twinkling eyes finding yours as you looked at him quizzically. “Oh yeah, think you know better than the women who wrote the article, Floyd?” 
“Mm, I know I do. These women can’t have gotten good head if their best tip is to ‘tell him to spell the alphabet with his tongue’,” he scoffed before closing the magazine with a shrug. Licking your lips, you took in his lanky form spread out on your carpet, tight, black jeans sitting low on his hips - just giving you a peak of the grey boxers underneath. 
“What do you think, huh, Sunny? Is that the best tip you’d give a lover?” he was smirking now as he looked up at you. Biting your lower lip, you shrugged “I don’t know…” 
“Well, what’s felt the best when someone’s gone down on you then?” you were sure Rob could tell that heat had rushed to your cheeks and neck, warming your body as you avoided his gaze. 
“I– no one’s ever made me cum with their mouth. They just wanna– get to the other stuff, y’know?” you hedged, finally looking at his blue eyes. His brows were furrowed, almost completely disappearing behind his horn rimmed glasses. “What do you mean?” his words were only a little slurred now, and he seemed more alert than he had been all night. 
“I mean, most guys I’ve been with have been reluctant to you know… go down! They stay there for a little while and then sort of– deem you ‘ready’ for the important part, I guess,” you shrugged, as if this was universally known. Your girlfriends had all agreed with you, most of their boyfriends would only use their hands, or if they had to they’d be down there for a couple of minutes before wanting to get their dicks wet instead. 
“That’s fucking insane!” Robby exclaimed, and you shushed him swiftly, not wanting him to wake your mother and father. “That’s fucking insane!” he stage whispered, making you giggle, as he made his way over to your bed, sitting down on the end of it. His palm wrapped around one of your ankles, slowly letting his thumb rub circles at the exposed skin there.
“Sunny… do you mean to tell me, you’ve never been given oral until you’ve cum?” Robert wouldn’t let you look away, and maybe you couldn’t have even if you’d wanted to, his blue eyes were so captivating… so beautiful. Shaking your head, you looked up from beneath your lashes at him. 
“Do you want to?” Robby murmured, and you found yourself nodding before you could think twice about it. You’d always wanted Robby, always needed him. Craved his touch. And now he was offering it to you. “Sunny, you let me know what feels good, okay? I don’t want to hear a peep out of you unless it’s genuine sounds of pleasure, okay?” Rob’s voice was breathless as he leaned in to place fluttering kisses along your neck.
“Is this okay?” he murmured against your skin and you nodded as your eyelids fluttered closed, a small exhale leaving you as Bob’s frame hovered over yours after having gently laid you back against the pillows. 
“Good, I’m gonna take your jeans off now, okay, sweets?” you appreciated that he was talking you through it, as if he instinctively just knew you - knew your very inner workings, even if he was a little intoxicated. 
“Doin’ so good for me, Sunny… so pretty,” he sighed as he took in the cute pattern of your lacy thong. You’d only recently started wearing them, and found yourself happy that you chose baby blue ones - ones that when Rob gazed at them made you want to clench your thighs together at the groan he let out at the sight. 
“No, baby - open for me, that’s it - gotta keep your legs spread for me, pretty girl,” the blond hummed before settling between your legs, your panties still in place, which confused you a little. “Relax, honey,” he murmured as he kissed your inner thigh, his strong hands gently massaging your thighs. His lips explored the soft skin of your inner thighs, making you squirm each time his hot breath came closer to your core.
There was an ache there now, and ache you had never felt with any previous partner. An ache so deep, so strong, that an involuntary whimper left you as you tried to grind down, desperately needing your best friend to touch you.
“Baby… Sunny, you’re soaked for me… made these pretty light blue panties a nice navy, hm?” Bob groaned, pressing his nose against your clothed pussy, inhaling before placing soft kisses on your mound and gently against your covered clit, eliciting a soft mewl from you.
“Smell fuckin’ heavenly, babe - probably taste even better,” Bob groaned, and as you looked down, you could see him shuffling his body around, one of his legs now tucked a little higher than the one that was stretched out below him. 
“Still feelin’ okay up there, honey?” he murmured, looking up at you. Licking your lips you could only manage a pathetic ‘uh-huh’ in confirmation as Bob’s fingers pushed beneath your panties to drag up and down your wet slit. 
“Robby!” a breathless whine tore from you as the pads of his fingers gently pressed against your clit, before slowly dragging down to your opening and back again. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet… god,” Bob groaned, bucking his hips into the mattress once before he pushed the baby blue fabric of your underwear to the side to push his face closer to your cunt. His nose nudged at your lips, and you gasped as he let his pointed tongue tease the seam of your lips, his low moan at tasting you making your own hips buck slightly. 
“Robby, please - oh!” you hadn’t finished your sentence before Rob licked a broad stripe from your core to your clit, where he gently laved his tongue over it, over and over again. Breathing hard, small, pathetic noises left you, your hands clutching at the covers beneath them - before you let one hand tangle itself in Bob’s blond tresses, tugging in time with his licks and suckles on your clit. 
The hand that wasn’t holding your hips down sought yours out, and as Bob blindly found your hand, he intertwined your fingers for him to hold as he experimentally swirled his tongue around your entrance. He glanced up at you briefly, and seeing you panting and letting out soft mewls for him, he decided to try to let his tongue fuck into your wet hole. He’d seen in the various videos he’d studied that it drove some of the women wild, whilst some preferred getting only their clit stimulated.
As Bob fucked his tongue into your opening, you saw stars, a delirious and loud moan leaving you as your upper body shot up slightly - tugging harshly on his hair before biting your lips to keep quiet. As the muscle slipped in and out of you, shallowly at first and then deeper and more frantically the more Bob could tell you liked it, you noticed the bed was rocking slightly. Looking down, you could see Robby grinding his hips hard into your mattress, his own moans soaked up by your dripping cunt. 
“Fuck, never want to leave… this fucking beautiful pussy,” Robby was whining, licking, laving, sucking on your clit before fucking his tongue into your hole again, making you moan, gasp and whimper beneath him.
“Rob, baby, fuck - I– I’m so fucking close, feels so good– you feel so good!” you were gasping for air as Rob slurped and sucked at your cunt, seemingly lost in his own pleasure as well, rutting his hips hard and fast against your covers. 
“Fuck, please give it to me Sunny, give it all to me - fuck, wanna have you on my tongue…” Robert murmured laving his tongue over your clit, suckling it gently into his mouth before fucking his tongue into you repeatedly.
With a cry and a harsh tug on your best friends hair, you came undone in the most earth-shattering way - never in your eighteen years had you felt like this, had never felt so safe and taken care of as you did with your best friends face pressed deep in between your legs, eating your pussy as if it was the last thing he was doing on this earth.
A long, drawn out moan could be heard as Bob continued to lick you through your orgasm, seemingly reaching his own high at the same time you did as his hips stuttered and jerked against the mattress. 
“How was that, honey?” Bob murmured as he kissed and licked your inner thighs clean, languidly letting his tongue roam over your core, seemingly not having gotten enough of you. A soft whine fell from your lips as you squirmed a little, feeling sensitive after having cum so hard. Rob chuckled softly before placing a kiss to your pussy, and resting his head against one of your thighs, his hand still held yours as he removed his glasses, placing them beside the two of you. He had his eyes closed, positioning your legs comfortably around his form, his other hand splaying on your lower abdomen under your shirt. 
As his breathing evened out, so did yours. You stayed that way most of the night, before you woke up as the sun rose to illuminate your room, and you moved to close the drapes and go to the bathroom, to wash away the traces of Bob’s love. 
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“Oh god…” Bob groaned as you finished telling the story. Smiling, you placed a soft kiss on his lips “It’s still the best orgasm I’ve ever had,” you confessed with a shrug, as your best friend wrapped his arms tighter around you with a groan. 
“Fuck, don’t tell me that Sunny… you’re drivin’ me wild… y’mean to tell me I’ve known my whole life what you taste like? What those soft little sighs, moans and whimpers sound like? The ones I’ve dreamt off as I’ve laid in my damn bunk missing you?” you could only laugh softly under your breath “M’afraid so, honey,” you stroked the back of your hand against his cheek. 
“Would I ever be allowed that privilege again, baby?” Bob purred against your ear, nibbling softly at the lobe before placing a chaste kiss just beneath it. 
“Oh, I definitely think that can be arranged…” you smirked, gently taking your bottom lip between your teeth as Bob again rolled the two of you so you were on top of him. 
“Excellent, darlin’... but this time, I want you on top…”
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akitasimblr · 3 months
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thank the watcher! the benevolent god is back! and with these new 5 twigs we get a total of 10 twigs and we can finally acquire our first object!!
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a workbench! let's work on those handiness skills so we can craft a TOILET!! ⭐⭐⭐
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and guess what? the 4th day starts with another hug between robin and dodo ❤️❤️❤️ do you think it's too soon to make a #DOBIN ship?
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eleina is definitely trying to get dodo's attention and now she's telling him about how a crab bitten her while she was searching for food for THE HOUSEHOLD, because she CARES; and then - and let me add - a very smart move - she invited dodo for some physical exercise ;)
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hassan NEEDS TO EAT, NOW! and yeah, at this point, paradise is soooooo stinky not even polite robin can stand it 😶🤭 and, guys, thea is already sharing private jokes with sebastian (even though seb not always gets thea's sense of humour 😋).
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eleina has been working on the garden, and succeeding!! thea is making her first try at the woodbench and robin and hassan were sent fishing... huh? robin? there's no emily monster in sulani, dude! 😂😂😂
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dodo has found a good listener in eleina, who can hear his monologues about physical balance for... hours?? bless you, girl! 🤭 sebastian keeps determined on finding that pirate treasure he heard of! and OH MY GOD! PARADISE FOUND THE WATERFALL!!! 🚿🚿
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eleina is getting really upset for being the third wheel between these two bromance!!
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hassan, made it! he caught a fish and now he is grilling it! well done, bro!
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i think dodo is embarrassed for being so stinky in front of his two romantic interests (robin is stinky too, don't you worry, dodo!! hehe!). guess robin wants pizza... no food delivery on the island, i am afraid!
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and proper food is finally ready and paradise approves! by proper food i mean grilled fish 🐟🐟🐟
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the dawn rises with a happy paradise, dancing to her own music. this girl really is a sunshine pixel ⭐⭐⭐
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kritischetheologie · 6 months
yay the ultimatum is coming back🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
I don't actually remember what number this was, but somebody asked for it last night, and then I totally deleted my draft, so here we go again.
(Previously, in Episodd 8, the final trial marriages proceeded toward their inevitable conclusion...)
Episode 9: Decision Day
On the final morning, Alex wakes up alone, in the hotel room he's been occupying since the night he and George called it quits. Production set him up with it for the remainder of the time of the show, like a holding pen for assholes.
He probably slept the easiest of any of them, spared the anxiety over what will happen. He got what he wanted, and he knows it's for the best. Now George can find someone who fits into his plans, someone who isn't terrified of the idea of someone else counting on him.
For the first time in maybe his entire life, Alex has no idea what he's going to do next. He has nobody to answer to, or take care of, now that the last of his siblings is a full-grown adult with a degree and a (ok, part-time) job. He can do whatever he wants. He doesn't really know how to do that.
He can go to brunch, maybe, and only order one thing, instead of getting a sweet and a savory to share, so George can have a little bit of both. He can figure out which brunch dish is worth eating a whole plate of.
He's going to be ok. He has to be.
Lando wakes up alone, because production has them in hotel rooms for the last night, like they're heading to a wedding, or something, and it's bad luck to see your groom before the wedding.
A production van drops him off in some garden, somewhere, where Daniel is waiting under a gazebo, which only intensifies the wedding vibes. He's all dressed up, in a suit and everything, and looks so nervous Lando feels like he'll throw up just looking at him.
"Hey," he says quietly. There's a ring box tenting in the front of Daniel's trousers. If Lando had different intentions he'd make a joke, ask if Daniel is happy to see him. Fuck, this is going to he harder than he thought.
"OK, I have to say something," he says, before Daniel can do something stupid like get down on one knee. "I'm sorry about this whole thing," he says, gesturing to the cameras, the gazebos, all of it. "I shouldn't have dragged you into this, I shouldn't have pressured you into getting engaged, and I definitely shouldn't have done all that and then decided I don't actually want to marry you after all. So yeah. Sorry. Please don't propose."
"Oh, thank fucking god," Daniel says, relief crashing over his face. "OK, amazing, cool. We should be friends, yeah? Bros? Thanks a million Lando, you're a real one."
Lando tilts his head to look at Daniel, really look at him. "You know," he says, "somehow this is more offensive than the time I asked you to marry me and you said 'no'."
There's something satisfying to waking up alone, Lewis thinks, like sore muscles after a tough workout. Well-deserved pain. He's broken Seb's heart too many times to count, now, and somehow, Seb refuses to give up on him, on the beautiful dream of the life they could have together. No matter how hard Lewis tries to convince him that it's not real, that it couldn't be. That he's the type of person who's better off with an asshole like Nico instead.
There's a ring on the bedside table that Lewis picked out, from the selection they offered him. The illusion of choice. He leaves it behind to get into a van, to be driven to where Seb is waiting for him.
They sit quietly together, both of Seb's hands held in Lewis's, so small they disappear below his fingers. "I need you to know," Lewis begins, "that if it was ever going to be anyone, it would have been you."
Seb's blue eyes stare straight into him. "Then why can't it be?" he asks. "What is it about the idea of marriage that scares you so fucking much that you'd rather lose me then do it?"
"Do you really wanna have this fight again, man?" Lewis asks. "Fuck, you know my reasons. It's a bourgeois institution based on private property and the ownership of women. It's a promise no one can make, because you might change, or I might, and maybe if you really love someone you shouldn't ask them not to, you know? It's a guarantee that we end up resenting each other, eventually, because all it is is a promise not to leave you if I want to. Why would you ask that of me?"
"Because I love you!" Seb says. "I love you, and I want to know that you won't just wake up one morning and not love me anymore, or that if you do, we'll work on it. I want to have something bigger than us, and bring the people who love us into it, and I don't want to have to beg you, or fight you, or fuck somebody else to convince you that you should want that too."
"Of course I'll fucking work on it," Lewis says. "You think I'm just going to quit on you, just because we didn't say some words, get some jewelry? Do you really think so fucking little of my love for you that you need some piece of paper to prove it?"
"It should be enough that I want it!" Seb says. "It should be enough that it matters to me!"
"And it should be enough that I love you," Lewis retorts. "But I guess it isn't."
"I guess it isn't." Seb says.
"So is that it, then?" Lewis asks. "You're really going to walk away from me, from us, from everything we've fucking built?"
"No, Lewis," Seb says, with a quiet cruelty that reminds Lewis, for an insane moment, of Nico. "You are."
Nico picks out the biggest, most "fuck you" diamond the show has to offer, which is still smaller than the one Jenson got him. He hopes it's still sitting in a drawer somewhere. They'll look good in their rings, he thinks. Gorgeous and flashy, the type of couple who deserve to be traveling in first class together. This is what they both deserve.
Jenson is there waiting for him, like he'd always imagined. He'd fucked up the first time, gotten stupid, imagined there was a better option out there, but Jenson is gorgeous, and lets Nico do whatever he wants, and they're going to live happily ever after. They're going to be the only happy couple to make it out of the show, he's sure.
Nico doesn't bother with a speech-- speeches are for The Bachelor, and this is the fucking Ultimatum. Jenson backed him into a corner, he caved, the least he can do is keep some of his dignity. He makes sure the cameras are at an angle where his blue eyes will look angelic, looking up at Jenson, as he kneels.
"Jenson, will you marry me?" he asks.
There's a very, very long pause. When Jenson popped the question, Nico had shrieked, "WHAT?" at the top of his lungs, because he hadn't been expecting it-- he hadn't even gotten a manicure, for Christ's sake.
The pause is worse.
"God, if you'd asked me a month ago, baby," Jenson says.
Nico stays on the ground, because there's dirt on the knee of his white linen trousers, and it'll look fucking stupid if he has to do the rest of this conversation with it showing. "Ok," he says. "But I'm asking you now. Will you marry me?"
"Yeah, so, like I said," Jenson says. He's pathetic when he's trying not to upset people. Nico would have liked him more if he'd been more willing to upset him. "If you'd asked me a month ago, I would have said yes."
"Ok," Nico says. "So say yes now, and we can get out of this ridiculous place."
"That's the thing," Jenson says. "Oh, will you get up, babe? This is stupid with you kneeling."
"This is stupid no matter where I am," Nico says. He refuses to brush off his knees as he stands. "This whole thing is stupid." It was never going to be worth the Instagram followers. How did he even let Jenson talk him into it in the first place?
"And that's exactly why I can't marry you," Jenson says. "You think everything is beneath you, even me."
"I don't think that about everything," Nico protests. "It's not my fault that most things are."
Jenson sighs. "I hope you find someone, someday, who actually makes you happy," he says.
Max wakes up missing Daniel and feeling horrible about it. He has every morning, since their trial marriage ended, but maybe that's just life? He hadn't dated anyone before Charles asked him out in college. Maybe this is just what having an ex is like, and Daniel will just always be That Ex like the one his sister has, the one she can't ever be in the same room as, Or Else.
Max had never believed in happily ever after, or in getting swept away, or in promises. Charles taught him to believe in promises. Daniel showed him that getting swept away was real, too. But if you can only have the one with one person, and the other with someone else, then how can happily ever after be real?
It doesn't matter. Charles is real, and solid, his anchor. Daniel makes him feel unmoored, like gravity no longer operates, like his organs are being pulled into the sky and all he can do is hope that he follows them. You can't live like that. You can't build a home in the sky. Max can build a home with Charles. That's what he'd wanted all along.
The ring Charles picked out is simple, classic. A strong, reliable band, like their bond, the only reliable thing in Max's life. Charles has tears in his eyes as he proposes, and so does Max. Neither of them asks why.
"You two are so beautiful," the producer tells them, as they're kissing. "I almost hate to interrupt. But Max, there's someone here to talk to you."
Max turns and sees Daniel, his curls still unkempt despite the carefully buttoned white shirt, the black suit, every beloved tattoo covered except the ones on his hands. Max can't breathe, seeing him, until he smiles, his face going wide, Max's spreading helplessly to mirror it. "Hiya, Maxy," Daniel says. "Can we talk?"
Max nods, feeling Charle's hand slip out of his as he turns away to follow Daniel down the gravel path leading down from the gazebo.
[Episode 9, part 2, to follow]
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sebsxphia · 2 years
I peg Hangman for a guy with a good sense of humor.
Imagine request - him stopping for a moment with his eyes closed and hands together before going down on female reader, and she wonders what's going on, and he says something along the lines of "saying grace before my meals" and reader breaks out into laughter and Hangman suddenly turns the laughter into screams.
OK bye.
PS. You're one of my absolute favorites on Tumblr ❤️
have you heard the good word?
jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader.
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→ c/w: kissing, oral sex, fem receiving, jake and his sense of humor, fluff, fluff, fluff.
→ a/n: this idea made me cry with laughter, thank you so much for this and for your kind words my dear anon! i’m so sorry this has been in my inbox for ages, but i hope you enjoy it none the less! this is part of seb’s soft sunday. find the other fics here! 💌
From day one Jake made you laugh. From your first date all the way to when you were hunched over your kitchen table, shaking with worry that you couldn’t pay this months rent, Jake was there to make you laugh. Even his corny dad jokes started to grow on you and you realized he had a pretty good sense of humor for someone who was all tits and teeth.
He made you laugh when all you wanted to do was cry, he got giggles out of you that sounded like nothing either of you had ever heard before, he made your stomach hurt from laughter, begging him to stop otherwise you’d wet yourself.
In tow, this meant the sex would be giggly and soft. For the most part of Jake’s life he’s always had to hold up some sort of wall, but when he was with you he could shed his cocky and egotistical demeanour and be himself with you.
Your head was resting in between the soft pillows and a sigh of relief left your lungs. You’d had a day that you could only deem as ‘hellish’ and your sweet Jake was about to make it up to you.
This was another thing Jake could do well since day one. Eat you out within an inch of your life.
Jake could devour you like a three course meal and he wouldn’t let up when you were done with your second course. He would tell you when he was done, in between nips and sucks on the soft flesh of your thighs before nudging his nose along your clit and diving straight back in.
Your thighs were bent at the knee and spread. You could feel the usual and teasing trace of Jake’s lips press featherlight kisses along your thighs. His large hands were curled around your thighs as to hold you in place. You wouldn’t dream of going anywhere else right now, but Jake needed to have you right here with your already wet cunt in his face.
You let your heavy eyes, exhausted from the day, close and let your mind focus on his fleeting touches. Your whole body was melting into his mouth and hands so you were to become one with each other. You could feel his warm breath edge closer and closer to your core and you instinctively wiggled your hips out of pure excitement. You were ready to let your mind go completely blank and feel only Jake’s teeth sucking on your clit, until you felt his hands pull off from your thighs and his warmth distance further away from your cunt.
Your eyes flew open. Oh God, was something wrong?
You perched yourself up on your elbows and furrowed your eyebrows at the sight before you. Jake had his eyes closed and his hands were clasped together, fingers interlinking with each other. You couldn’t hear what he was saying but you saw his lips mumble incoherently.
“Jake- what are you doing?”
You cocked your head to the side and Jake opened one eye to squint at you.
“I’m saying grace before meals.”
You let out a snort of laughter and covered your mouth with your hand to stifle the loud laughter. Jake let out a snicker in response and he broke out into his all familiar Hollywood smile that dazzled you from day one.
You lay your head back down to the pillows and your laughter turned to giggles as you waited patiently for Jake to finish his grace, still wearing his signature smirk.
“You had me so worried. Never took you for a religious ma- fuck!”
Your words stuttered as you could feel Jake’s lips attach to your clit out of no where. His hands were back around your thighs holding your cunt as close as he could to his face, tongue buried in between your folds as to eagerly taste you.
Your hands shot to his hair and tugged on the blonde. Jake let out a low groan against you and the vibrations caused a squeal to escape your lips.
“Mm, with a cunt tasting this good, it would be a sin not to say grace.”
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leclerc-s · 11 months
track 001. logical
─── ❝ said i was too young, i was too soft. can't take a joke, can't get you off. oh, why do i do this? ❞ ───
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masterlist // next
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, isabellaperez, and others
zoyatorres a while back i heard a beautiful piano piece composed by charles_leclerc. i adored the way he was able to compose such emotional pieces. i asked a friend to reach out to him and ask if he wanted to be apart of my next album. he agreed and he composed a couple pieces on my new album, GUTS, which is yours september 8th. for now, enjoy logical, an emotional song which captures exactly what i was feeling in that moment thanks to charles. and to isabellaperez, the only other person to understand my emotions, thank you for inspiring me to write this one. once again, grazie charles! gracias isabella! (ps enjoy these bts picture of me and charles as logical was being written) (pps isabella helped inspire a few of the songs on this album)
tagged: charles_leclerc, isabellaperez
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landonorris um…what the fuck? charles? isabella? why wasn’t i informed of this?
baileywinters you’re welcome people! i did this! i got this masterpiece out into the world!
↳ landonorris et tú, brute?
↳ baileywinters sorry babe but i was sworn to secrecy!
user01 is this not some sort of betrayal to mae? after everything that went down between the two.
↳ maejones not really considering zoya and i are on good terms. i also have a boyfriend, i've moved on, everyone else should too.
↳ charles_leclerc i spoke to mae before i said yes to this opportunity. if she said she was uncomfortable with me doing this i would've said no.
↳ zoyatorres as mae said, everyone involved in that situation has moved on, please do us all a favor and move on.
user02 i just know this song is going to break my heart in two and i haven't even heard it
charles_leclerc it was a pleasure working with you zoya! we should do it again sometime.
↳ zoyatorres get me a pass to the next grand prix and we’ll see
↳ charles_leclerc done! see you in miami!
↳ zoyatorres pleasure doing business with you mr. leclerc
isabellaperez thanks for letting me vent to you!
↳ zoyatorres those vents became beautiful songs isabella! so thank you to you and your wonderful brain!
user03 now this is a crossover i wasn't expecting
nataliaruiz oh thank god, i was going to lose it if i had to keep this a secret any longer.
maejones well that was emotional…i’m gonna go drown myself with a toaster
↳ maxverstappen1 no, you won’t. actually please don’t.
↳ rowantodd no one wants to deal with a grumpy max, please don't ever joke about that again. your sister is also pouting at her phone, please, don't make those jokes again.
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nataliaruiz posted a new story
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seen by charles_leclerc, zoyatorres, logansargeant and others
some more bts of the making of logical. zoya’s my favorite third wheel, she’s basically charles and i’s child now. freyavettel you have a sister now.
zoyatorres mom? nataliaruiz yes my child?
charles_leclerc she is not our child nataliaruiz too late the adoption papers have been filed with seb, maman leclerc approved it too and she practically lives with us chérie
pierregasly another one? isn't the one on the way enough? isn’t freya enough? nataliaruiz shut up, you tripod
arthur_leclerc another niece? you can't give me a nephew? nataliaruiz the universe has decided that charles is meant to be a girl dad. it told me so when it gave us freya as a first child and zoya as a second and our baby as the third arthur_leclerc freya and zoya aren't actually your children nat nataliaruiz and lando isn't carlos and penny's kid but they treat him like he is. we all have emotional support children, don't question me. arthur_leclerc alright fine.
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natalia ruiz added one person
natalia ruiz meet my child zoya!
zoya torres is that fernando alonso in the picture?
freya vettel blackmail material from lance, so yes it’s nando
bailey winters lando’s been screaming logical for the past 20 minutes. make it stop please
lando norris i can’t believe you guys wouldn’t tell us about this! isa and i played sour on repeat for days!
daphne jones-ricciardo trust us, we remember
zoya torres holy shit. excuse me while i go scream in a pillow.
daniel jones-ricciardo she’s just like me. daph! she’s our child! natalia ruiz back the fuck up aussie, that is my second child with charles! pierre gasly you have an actual child together and she's met daphne before hasn't she? zoya torres i don't actually have her number. let me have this. god, the french ruin everything oscar piastri she's going to fit right in with us
logan sargeant on a completely different topic, who hurt zoya and charles? that is the saddest song i’ve heard all year and speak now (daphne’s version) was released a few days ago. i don’t need to ask about isa, we all know the answer to that.
george russell can’t believe i’m agreeing with an american but who hurt you two?
logan sargeant at least our queen is still alive mae jones we don’t have a queen? we are a democracy. florida has failed us once again. logan sargeant i was talking about your sister… rowan todd he’s got you there mae, all rise for our national anthem, death by a thousand cuts penelope trevino HALF OF YOU DIPSHITS LIVE IN MONACO! zoya torres can't believe i just met a bunch of tax evaders
natalia ruiz you literally just moved to monaco zoya. you are a tax evader now.
zoya torres it’s to be closer to my favorite leclerc, baby leclerc. arthur’s been bumped down to last arthur leclerc well fuck you, as if i wasn’t already. you’re my least favorite singer in this group.
esteban ocon everytime i open this groupchat up i worry for each and every single one of you
mick schumacher i agree with the french
logan sargeant history has proven that it has never happened. so this is a first lando norris enough with the history jokes dulce perez just because you can’t understand them doesn’t mean we have to stop
zoya torres to answer logan's question, my ex-boyfriend hurt me.
natalia ruiz we don't talk about that asshole alex albon just to clarify, we're not talking about joshua are we? zoya torres no, that's passed, we're friends now. i think?
max verstappen why the fuck is lando running around the hotel screaming?
max verstappen never mind i see now. hello zoya.
zoya torres hi max! charles leclerc YOU TWO KNOW EACH OTHER? zoya torres i had breakfast with mae and max once
lewis hamilton it’s a great song guys!
zoya torres what if i passed out right now? what if this was my 13th reason? all i ever needed was to make sir lewis hamilton proud. oscar piastri oh god, she’s just like logan dulce perez i worry for you people, i truly do.
dulce perez with an ex like austin how could you not? isabella perez do you maybe, want to shut the fuck up?
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liked by charles_leclerc, nataliaruiz, maejones
zoyatorres mom said we had to come support dad in miami! peep my three different outfits (it was very hot for two of them, yes i did steal a helmet for a picture) don’t mom and baby leclerc look so cute? (i took that picture while we were waiting for mick and freya)
tagged: nataliaruiz, charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari
user1 love how she opted to post a cute picture of natalia while embarrassing charles
↳ zoyatorres mom should never be embarrassed. dad on the other hand…
charles_leclerc i invited you to a grand prix and this is the payment i receive? (send me that picture of natti please?)
↳ zoyatorres will do father 🫡
scuderiaferrari it was an honor to have you in our garage (free concert tickets soon?)
↳ zoyatorres anything for my favorite admin
maejones did you enjoy your first ever grand prix?
↳ zoyatorres you bet i did! who knew watching cars go really fast in odd circles could be fun! baby leclerc made it more fun!
user2 i love that she’s been adopted into this family of weirdos so quickly.
↳ nataliaruiz she's one of us now, we're never letting her go.
↳ zoyatorres no other people i'd rather be friends with
↳ landonorris friends? who said anything about friends? we're family now
↳ dulceperez calm down dominic torretto. let the girl get used to our company before forcing her into this weird little family.
↳ zoyatorres i practically live with them...maman leclerc loves me…baby leclerc loves me
↳ user3 now this is something i wasn't expecting. baby leclerc has two big sisters, freya and zoya are the best big sisters, no doubt about it.
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zoya was lost. it was that simple. she hadn't meant to wander off, but she had really needed to use the bathroom and freya had abandoned her. zoya would never get used to the paddock life, it was too chaotic for her. zoya preferred touring and tour buses, at least there it was a controlled chaos. she hoped she could find someone she was familiar with like mae or max, maybe they would help her out. or maybe she would die of embarrassment before she ever made her way to the ferrari garage.
too preoccupied with finding her way to the ferrari garage she failed to notice the 6ft wall in the shape of a human. she crashed into him and if it weren’t have been for his quick reflexes she would’ve fallen over. the wall grabbed her arm and pulled her close before she could touch the ground. it was then that she realized the wall wasn’t a wall and instead a human body. she pushed herself away from him, not that she wasn't thankful for his rescue, but he was a stranger, and zoya was not okay with random people touching her. maybe that was the downside of being a celebrity, people always thought they had a right to touch you or take pictures with you as if they knew you.
not that she wasn't grateful for her fans, she was, they were the reason she had the fame she did. it was the strangers who didn't even know her, and just saw a mob of people surrounding her, and decided it was okay with touching her. maybe she should bring that up with her therapist at their next meeting.
“you okay?” the human wall questioned. zoya nodded, letting go of his hand, “yeah, i got lost on my way back from the bathroom and freya ditched me so i have no clue where i’m going. i’ve been wandering this place for like 10 minutes and i still can’t find the ferrari garage.”
the human wall laughed, "considering that you're at the williams garage i'd say you're pretty far off."
"oh shit," zoya muttered, "i knew i was going in the wrong direction. this place should come with a map or something."
"i can take you to the ferrari garage?" the human wall offered. zoya glanced at him, noticing the fireproofs he was wearing, "and you are?"
"logan sargeant," he answered.
“well, logan sargeant, i’m zoya torres,” she introduced, “and i would very much like help getting back to the ferrari garage.”
logan laughed again, “pleasure zoya. it’s nice to properly meet you.”
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liked by charles_leclerc, nataliaruiz, freyavettel and others
zoyatorres the leclerc family takes on miami! not pictured is arthur pouting over a fallen piece of cake and lorenzo laughing at him. pictured is freya staring lovingly at mick while he causes baby leclerc to giggle.
tagged: charles_leclerc, nataliaruiz, freyavettel, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, mickschumacher
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user1 i guess charles really did steal seb's daughter
arthur_leclerc wow no picture of me or enzo? guess who isn't my favorite niece
↳ zoyatorres you literally told me to not take any pictures of you cause you looked like shit? and the one i did take, as mentioned in the caption, you didn’t want me posting.
freyavettel out of all the pictures you took of me, you picked that one?
↳ zoyatorres it's the one where you look most in love with mick
↳ user2 she's literally one of us. she's a mastermind who wormed her way into natalia's heart and now they're never going to let her go
↳ user3 but does mick have mom and dad’s approval?
↳ zoyatorres he has mine! i love mick, he’s a sweetheart. he’s also my sweets provider
↳ charles_leclerc jury’s still out
logansargeant it was nice to meet you zoya! pleasure getting to know the girl behind the music landonorris and isabellaperez are always screeching
↳ zoyatorres pleasure meeting the american rookie! thanks for helping me find my way to the ferrari garage
↳ charles_leclerc back off american 🤺
↳ zoyatorres you're not my dad!
↳ user4 and we know who wouldn’t have dad’s approval.
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¡leclerc-s speaks! american rookie it’s your time to shine baby! although you haven’t had the best season, we still love you. double update today baby!! manifesting a win or podium for charles this weekend
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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themuse-if · 7 months
A polycule with all the Rebel Rejects?! Say no more I may feint from joy! jokes aside that would be cool, BUT as I've come to learn writing and coding PolyRoms can be insane and taxing so while yeah cool and desired I can enjoy this game 100% without it. Since I'm here I'd love to get the RO's reacts from being gifted a self made teddy plush (or whatever their fav animal is) from the MC.
Anyways I hope you're doing well, sending good vibes and well wishes your way.
Hey! Yeah I'm sure it'll be quite the task, but I think it'll be a really fun path to write even if it is pretty challenging. Everyone is so excited about it which just makes me want to write it that much more! Ok moving on to this super cute scenario! Let's say that they are already official and this is the first gift MC is giving them while dating. And they're just hanging out in MC's dorm room.
Roxanne/Robbie: *MC hands Ro a handmade wolf plushie* Aren't you just as sweet as can be. *grabs MC's chin and places a soft kiss on MC's lips* Thank you. *looks deep into MC's eyes* This is one of the sweetest things anyone has done for me.
Joleen/Johnny: *MC hands Jo a handmade dog plushie* Oh! Oh wow it's so cute. You're... just...how're you so great? *gives MC a sweet kiss on the cheek*
Delphine/Desmond: *MC hands De a handmade turtle plushie* This is so adorable, just like you. Now I need to give you something. Are you hungry? *MC says yeah and tells De what they're craving* Ok let's go to the store I'm making you dinner. *grabs MC's hand as they head out*
Rina/Ren: *MC hands R a handmade tarantula plushie* Thanks. It's really...*cracks a smile* creepy cute. *MC asks if they like it* What do you mean? *tackles MC, and looks down at them* Of course I like it. Plus you made it with your own hands, which just makes it that much more special. *gets shy and scrambles off of MC*
Everly/Everett: *MC hands Eve a handmade dog plushie* A token of your affection, handmade just for me. *wipes a faux tear* I am in awe and truly touched. *MC cracks up laughing* I really do love it though. I'm going to take it everywhere and make sure everyone knows that it was made just for me by MC. *gives MC a lingering kiss*
Karla: *MC hands Karla a handmade cat plushie* Thanks babe. *cheesy grin* It's so cute, you're so cute. How did I get so lucky? *sighs, and traces thumb over MC's lips* You're just...never-mind I don't want to get to sappy.
Faye: *MC hands Faye a handmade chinchilla plushie* OH MY GOD! This is so freaking cute! You made this? Oh my God. *gets teary eyed* Thank you...so much. Sorry I don't want to make this weird, it's just rare that people do things for me... *Hugs MC super tightly, pulls back and tries to laugh of the serious moment* You're too sweet. *boops MC on the nose*
Sebastien: *MC hands Seb a handmade lion plushie* Mon cœur ne supporte pas autant de soleil. You continue to amaze me. *pulls MC in for a sweet, but firm kiss* Let's go out you, me and notre petit lion. Suddenly I'm in the mood for something sweet, my treat of course. (roughly translates to my heart can't handle that much sunshine and our little lion)
Maxine: *MC hands Max a handmade hedgehog plushie* I love it! The perfect addition to my little collection. How many have you made me now? One for every birthday since you learned how...so this is 4. I will continue the theme of naming them after famous actors. There's Helena Hedgeman Harter, Halle Hedgeberry, Hugh Hedgeman, and this one will be Heath Hedger. *MC and Max erupt into a fit of laughter*
Silas: *MC hands Silas a handmade dog plushie* Thank you MC. *pats MC on the head* This is very sweet, I'll put it somewhere safe. *MC asks Silas what he means* What do I mean? I mean I really love it, I just can't let anyone see it, not yet. I don't want anyone asking questions, ending up with us getting caught. I really like you, we just have to stay under the radar until you're no longer my advisee. *pulls MC close and give them a soft kiss, and sighs* Thank you for being so understanding.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 months
Steve can't breathe, everything too hot and stuffy, his skin slick with sweat and fluids. He's heaving, like he just ran for a marathon, body shaking. A thrust has him moaning, a body draped over his back and another writhing under him.
Bucky leans, his chest to Steve's back, lips brushing against his ear, "Look at 'im Steve, look at how he's fucking losing his mind 'cause of ya."
Steve's eyes flutter, hazy gaze finding Sebastian under him shaking, hands tied at the wrist above his head, back arched and head thrown back. A groan rips out of Steve when he feels his wet, warm hole clench around his sensitive cock, legs tight around his weight and overlapping with Bucky's hands digging into his skin. Sebs moaning and sobbing under him, his stomach wet with his release, hole making filthy squelching noise everytime that Steve pushed inside him with every thrust from Bucky behind him.
God, Steve doesn't know how many times he's already come, from the tight heat around him and the big cock fucking his wet hole sloppy, body barely held up by his own arms, curved above Sebastian. Bucky's insatiable, just groaning and panting above them both, taking and taking and driving both Seb and Steve mad with pleasure. Steve keens, eyes rolling when Bucky nails his prostate, thrusting hard and rough.
He collapses on top of Sebastian, convulsing with a high pitched when he clenches tightly around Steve, coming for the hundredth time. His cock barely twitches, a dry release that has him sobbing. Sebs arms shake, tears in his eyes and body so so sensitive. He weakly whimpers when Steve comes in him, both of their bodies moving, skin slick with sweat gliding against each other.
It's heat and wet and when Steve's lips finds Sebastian, both of them moans, not even kissing, just panting and moaning in each other's mouth. Above them, Bucky keeps moving, fucking with enough force that jarrs the two under him. He's losing his shit, how hot and tight Steve is and how Sebastian's nearly delirious with pleasure under them both.
They're both shaking and sensitive yet with the way they moaned and shaked, they wanted more, begging for him to keep moving. "You feel so fucking good Steve, so fucking tight. Taking my cock like it's your only purpose. Is this enough for you Stevie? My cock filling you up and Sebs wet heat around you. Is this good enough for you baby? Is Sebastian good under you? Mhm come in him again baby, fill him up. I'll fuck you stupid with my cock till there's nothing more for you to give, till you've emptied yourself inside Seb. And when you're done, I'll fucking eat your release from Seb, I'll fucking do it, god I swear-"
("I NEED THIS SANDWHICH-" gets dragged off stage and shot behind the blinds)
"Steve can't breathe, everything too hot and stuffy, his skin slick with sweat and fluids. He's heaving, like he just ran for a marathon, body shaking. A thrust has him moaning, a body draped over his back and another writhing under him."
I can see this so well already. Goddamn. Way to start with a fucking bang.
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Oh? Him? Who's him?
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Especially fuck yes for Sebastian being tied up. Maybe my favorite version of Sebastian because... I can't help it. He just is. He deserves to be restrained. Fucking Christ. I love this. I love this for Sebastian and for Steve. Both of them going insane because of what Bucky's doing to them. Goddd.
The. way. they're. delirious. Jesus Christ. It has me in a CHOKEHOLD.
Not the dirty talk, too!! Bucky's filthy plans and his filthy mouth. I can't fucking take it. He's about to kill Seb and Steve and… neither of them nor I want charges pressed. Murder away because it's hot.
FUCKING THANKS FOR THIS. I'm die. I'm dead. This is a fantastic thought. I am always down for this. I love how Bucky is using them both and domming them both, it's delicious. Again, Jesus 🫠🫠, thank you for this piece of literature.
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yeehawbvby · 15 days
Falling Away With You | Ch. 53
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Spirit’s Eve shenanigans part 2 - the event.
Author’s Note: See the comments for a little bonus snippet~
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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Naked, we both rush to the bathroom. 
I pee and do my best to clean all the Seb Residue™ off and outta me, while Seb wipes off the bits of red lipstick that look out of place off of his mouth and the skin around it; and then while I wipe off all my lipstick and grab his clothes, fangs and cape for him, he applies that black lipstick he was hoping for, puts on some more deodorant, and brushes his hair.
Since the shrine didn’t give my hair any oomph, I tie some of it half-up into a braid while Seb gets dressed. It’s super soft and easy to work with like this.
While I’m braiding, I wonder if our beloved fish son has any opinions on having to watch us bang. 
Right in front of his salad! 
Can fish food even be considered salad..? I dunno what it’s made of. 
I’m sure it can be. 
When I’m finished, I top him up with a snack and decide that it’s salad now. Gerard is so health conscious, wow!
Seb and I don’t dare to say a word, not wanting to distract each other while we get ready — we just focus on being as not-fucked out as we possibly can, and looking presentable. By the time we’re both done, we hear another knock.
We jog to the door to meet whoever’s there. It turns out to be Maru. 
I think we startled the poor girl by just flinging the door open in her face like that. She puts a hand over her chest, as if to soothe her heart. Oops.
She looks adorable — her costume is just a simple black cat, but rather than going the sexy route with it, she’s wearing a black onesie with a puffy tail sewn onto it and some mittens. The hood is down, she has cat ear clip-ons in her hair, and she drew a little triangular nose, freckles and whiskers onto her face. 
“Cute costume!” I smile, trying not to fawn a little. She may be, what, 19? 20? But I almost feel like I want to protect her right now...
“Thank you! Yours too, wow.” Recouped, she continues to Seb, “Um. Dad is pretty mad… he almost came down here himself but I went ahead of him.”
“Of course,” he rolls his eyes. “When isn’t he pissed at me?”
Maru shrugs awkwardly. It’s probably so weird for her, being Demetrius’ clear favorite and trying to talk to Seb about him... and on the other side of things, I know it’s hard for Seb to constantly be in Maru’s shadow. I don’t blame him for feeling some resentment towards her.
He sighs. “Thanks for taking over. That was cool of you.” 
He holds up a fist for her to bump. She smiles shyly, returning it. She shifts on her feet a little, and adds, “I’d just try to avoid him, if you can. He’s a little mad at everyone today, actually.”
“I’m willing to bet you’re safe from him.”
“Seb…” I nudge him with my elbow, furrowing my brows. 
I get that it’s hard but god damn, she can’t help it if Demetrius is gonna favor her so much!
His sister peers down at her feet, silent. Probably doesn’t know what to say to that; probably can’t deny it, but doesn’t wanna lie.
Seb shuts his eyes to recoup for a sec. “Shit, I’m… I’m sorry.” Sighs again and adds, “I know it’s not your fault. Didn’t mean to be a dick.”
Atta boy.
She smiles up at him, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. 
“I dunno what happened for him to be mad at mom, but is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s fine,” Maru replies, her voice quiet. “I couldn’t tell you why she’s so down, but I can tell it’s because of dad because he isn’t talking to her.”
Seb rolls his eyes. “‘Course…”
“Um,” I butt in, feeling timid.
I’ve rarely ever spoken to Maru, and the few times I have, it’s always turned into stuff that’s hard to understand for my dumb idiot baby brain, like her research and inventions. It’s super cool but man if I don’t feel confused every time. 
That said, it feels weird to talk about their family squabbles with her, but… 
“She told me earlier,” I continue when they’re both looking at me. I keep my eyes low and focused on nothing in particular, avoiding eye contact. “He doesn’t want to go into town, and doesn’t wanna wear the matching stuff she bought him.”
“Ohhh… That’s— damn it. He didn’t wear it.”
My shoulders slump. “Seriously?” I frown. 
Maru nods, half-shrugging, “He just has an old hazmat suit on,” adds on for Seb, “The same one he wore in that weird rain we got a few summers ago. It still has some green stains on it…” and tacks on in a mumble, “At least it’s festive, I guess.”
I can’t help but roll my eyes at the man. Poor Robin…
I look at Seb, whose jaw is tight. He’s holding back something. I don’t want him to have to, but at the same time, I don’t want him getting into a whole thing with Demetrius. Based on what he’s told me, their fights don’t sound pretty.
“Let’s just go,” he sighs, nodding at the stairs.
Maru nods and runs up, and we follow closely behind. Her tail nearly tickles my face. 
When we get outside, Demetrius is waiting with clear impatience. Robin stands nearby, tupperwares of cookies in hand, still upset as ever. 
Luckily, Demetrius doesn’t say anything snarky when he sees Seb. He just makes a show of sighing, turns around, and begins walking down into the town. For a moment, none of us follow. Maru winds up being the first to go. 
When she leaves, I meet Robin’s eyes and try to cheer her up, reenacting the punches I did earlier. A silent offer for me to kick his ass (for real this time!). I’m happy to see the corners of her lips upturn and the apples of her cheeks plump up in response.
“The fuck are you doing?” Seb laughs.
“Don’t worry about it, toots.”
“Toots?” Robin chimes in. 
“I said what I said.”
Abby, Sam, and Victor — a knight in bulky armor, with her helmet tucked under her arm; a beautiful princess, I’m assuming to be saved by Abby, from… something; and another vampire, in the same cheesy outfit as Seb but without makeup, respectively — are totally gobsmacked when they see Seb and I.
While Victor is bantering with Seb about their matching look amongst other topics, Abby and Sam gawk at me. 
“Can you… like… not?” I shyly ask. I can only look around and pretend to be people watching to avoid their stares for so long.
“The fuck do you mean ‘Can I not?’” Abby argues, “How in the hell did you do that?!”
“Did you, like, dye your skin?” Sam reaches out to touch my forehead with a nosy finger, but I jump away. 
“Makeup,” I lie, “Looots of makeup. Can’t touch it much or it’ll just rub right off.”
“What about the hair?” 
Abby nudges him with her elbow. “Ever heard of wigs, dumbass?” 
“That’s a sick wig, though! Like, holy crap.”
“It is pretty nice,” she agrees, emphasizing the T’s in the word “pretty.” “Must’ve been hella expensive.”
“Hella?” I pry, scrunching my nose. “The 2010s want their slang back, bozo.”
“Oh, bite me.” I bite the air in her direction, and she flinches back, laughing. “Down, girl!”
I cross my arms. “I’m an elf, not a puppy,” I grump. 
“Dog ears would be kinda…”
Abby groans. “Saaam, dude, please don’t do this.”
“I mean…” he shrugs, attempting the signature Byrne eyebrow waggle, and failing yet again. 
“Down, boy!” I laugh, feebly swatting at him. 
He turns it into a pseudo-handshake, swatting back a few times before dapping me up. We finish it with a fist bump. 
Abby fake-coughs out the word “Simp.”
The simp in question replies with great speed, “Says you.”
“The fuck you mean ‘says me?’”
I tease, “You’re big on questioning the integrity of your friends’ words tonight.”
“I’m a knight. Isn’t that a cop, in a way?”
“That’s my girl!” Seb temporarily cuts in. Victor and I bark out a laugh before they continue their conversation.
“Does that make this an interrogation?” I go on through some residual giggles.
“Uh, yup.”
“It’s our right to remain silent then!”
“Yeah!” Sam agrees. “We’re sticking it to the man!”
“Neither of you have a stick,” Abby quips, unsheathing her toy sword and wagging it at us. 
“Well, y’know…” I trail off, giving Sam a quick up-and-down. Him and I share a shitty grin with each other before flashing ‘em to Abby. 
Sam finishes my sentence, “One of us does.”
She puts the sword away. “Groooss,” she whines, face palming. Sam and I laugh about it, being the mature gentlepeople we are, and exchange yet another a fist bump. “I’m getting punch, you guys want any?”
“Hell yeah,” Sam responds while I nod.
“I’ll help,” I offer, scurrying closer to Abby. 
“Sick. What about you two?” she asks a little louder to get Seb and Victor’s attention. 
“Huh?” Seb asks.
They answer in unison, “Yeah, sure.” 
“You can’t say ‘jinx’ for other people, Sam.”
“Then why was I able to do it just now?”
Abby and I snort, her rolling her eyes too as we walk away from their silly argument… 
And right over to Pam, who’s pouring, like, a gallon of vodka into the punch bowl! God damnit, Pam!
We both sigh. 
“I mean,” I mutter, shrugging sheepishly, “I’m down for it.”
“You sure, tipsy?”
“Tipsy?” I snort, handing her some orange plastic cups as Pam walks away with her thoroughly boozed bev. 
“Yeah, ‘cause you get tipsy so fast.”
I groan. “Please don’t make that a thing.”
“Okay, Tipsy.”
I bump her hip with mine. “Ow,” I wince on contact. “Real metal, or something?”
She simply winks at me. 
Is it real or not, Ab?
I’ve gotta know how heavy that shit is if it’s real.
Is Abby, like, jacked or something?
Still ignoring my question, she wiggles a cup expectantly.
I move on. “Sure, why not?”
Abby tastes a sip. “Fuckin’— Yoba, Pam!” she whisper-yells. “This is why not.” 
She hands me the drink and I give it a sniff.
Oh my god.
I take a sip. 
Oh my—
Abby stifles a laugh, continuing to scoop punch into the other cups. “How the fuck did your ears do that?”
I guess they moved. Shit, what did Magnus suggest? 
“Uh…” oh god, oh fuck, “trick of the light..?”
“That’s not how ears work, lady.”
“They do now, I dont fuckin’ know.” I take a hefty sip of punch. Sure as hell need it. 
Lucky for me, she just laughs it off with a weird look. I give her one back, and she laughs a little harder. 
I could swear I see a little bit of a blush on her cheeks as she observes me for a moment longer than necessary, but she puts her helmet on, hiding her complexion and giving herself the hands to carry this stuff. She handles two of the drinks while I maneuver the other three into my grasp.
Handing Seb and Victor their drinks while Abby gives Sam his, I tell them, “Dink up, gamers.”
Now that I’m passing off a drink to Vic, it’s like he’s seeing my costume for the first time. His eyes bug for a sec, “How the hell—“
“Don’t worry about it.” I shoot him a finger gun with my free hand and wink before downing another sip of punch.
He doesn’t question it. Just nods and shrugs.
It’s honestly nice that he pays less attention to me and my looks than the others. There’s a lot less pressure to exist, in a way, around him. Not that the usual attention isn’t flattering, but like, never in a gazillion years did I think I’d move to a small town like this and have a bunch of pretty people totally smitten by me, y’know?
I wonder if, being in the city for so long now, Victor is just used to seeing people way cuter than me. Maybe I’m a 10 here but a 3 or 4 there. Or maybe I’m just not his type…
For fuck’s sake — listen to me, wondering how it’s possible that he’s the only person in this group who isn’t attracted to me. Has my ego really been inflated that much?
Whatever. Either way, I'm glad at least one of my friends isn’t romantically or sexually interested in me, at least that I know of.
Seb wraps an arm around my back and pulls me in front of him. Nearly coughs the damn drink onto my head a few seconds later. 
“Pam?” he asks.
“Paaam,” Victor lilts approvingly, nodding slowly and with a shit-eating grin before downing his whole cup.
“Fucking hell, dude!”
“Chug! Chug! Chug!” Abby begins chanting. 
“I mean, I already did,” Victor points out, rubbing his neck. 
Fuck. He remembered to put faux bite marks on it. 
I shoulda given Seb some of my own, heheh—
No. Down, girl.
Abby challenges him, “Chug more.”
Victor puts his hands up in mock defense. “Fine, I guess I’ll do it. Only ‘cause you’re forcing me to.” Then he walks away, empty cup in hand ready to be refilled.
“Hey,” Seb murmurs near my ear while Abby and Sam goad Victor on. His breath and low voice send a chill down my spine.
“W-what’s up?”
“Oh fuck yeah, let’s go.”
The emo man takes me by the hand and we make our escape, disappearing into the hedges. While we navigate our way through, he explains the concept: get through before anyone else, and you win a huge, golden pumpkin. Nobody knows why it’s so special, but most people seem eager to get it. 
If you were to give it to anyone, it’s a sure-fire way to get in their good graces. The whole thing sounds like a silly town tradition, like bouquets, but I love the whimsy of it.
Only a few turns later, we pass Harvey, who’s all but cowering a few paces away from some hay bales.
Doctor Haywood, more like Doctor Scared-Of-Hayw— I’m sorry, that one barely even makes sense…
Seb encourages him, raising his glass (well, plastic), “Hang in there, doc.”
He replies with a shaky thumbs-up. 
We continue on, weaving our way through a mixture of fake and real spiders, some subdued (but still intimidating) monsters, and a fake-out pumpkin patch, before arriving at a dead end occupied by a Baba Yaga-lookin’ hut with feet.
“Coulda sworn this was the right way,” Seb mutters. 
I look around, trying to spot any paths we could take. I’ve got nothing.
“Need help?”
“Oh god!“ I jump, startled.
“You got that too, right?”
“Ye— Wait, he can talk to more than one person at a time telepathically?”
“I can with some effort.”
“Where the fuck are you?!” Seb laughs. 
“Look to the cliffs.”
Seb and I both turn, scanning for him. With nothing but the darkness and our stupidity to blame, it takes a few seconds to notice him – he’s practically right above us, sitting back on his hands with Linus cross-legged at his side. He waves while Magnus offers a warm smile, and I smile at them both, nudging Seb.
I think out loud, “Guess it makes sense why you could hear us.”
He winks. Cute… “Unless I was simply reading your mind again.”
I fake astonishment with a fist on my chest clutching at imaginary pearls. “You wouldn’t dare!” I proclaim, trying to sound like a generic damsel in distress from an old film.
“He would,” Seb points out.
“I would,” Magnus agrees, nodding.
“Whatever, man.” I take a long sip of my punch, definitely beginning to feel the effects. I wince a little at the sting it leaves behind. 
“Are you alright?” Linus asks, having noticed.
After shaking off the feeling a bit with Seb patting at my back and quietly chuckling to himself, I nod. 
A one-word explanation should do. “Pam.”
“Pam…” Linus nods sagely. 
Magnus looks a little confused. “Pam?”
“She spikes the punch at, like, every town gathering,” Seb explains. 
“Surprised you haven’t noticed it more,” I poke, “with all your creeping around at these things.”
“Hush, you.”
After a little snicker, I ask, “You want some?” I dunno how to get it to them, but I’m sure we could figure it out. 
In lieu of an answer, Magnus holds up a fancy bottle of wine, a lazy, mischievous grin on his face. Linus yoinks it right from his hands and steals a sip. I guess that explains the darkness to both of their cheeks.
“Oh hell yeah.”
“You earned it,” Seb proclaims, vaguely motioning around us. “This is sick.” I enthusiastically nod at the sentiment.
“Indeed we did!” Linus agrees. 
“So uh,” Seb moves on, “about that golden pumpkin…” 
I look over to see him squiggling his eyebrows around, as he often does. He’s got a slight lil shimmy to his shoulders too this time. Dork.
Magnus smiles knowingly. “What about it?”
“Got any hints?” I interject. 
Seb tacks on, “Or answers?”
“Or answers?” I repeat enthusiastically. I mimic the emo’s earlier wiggles, earning a smile from the older men and Seb alike.
“That would be telling.”
“Th—“ I have to stop for a giggle. Pam… “That’s the point!”
“I get it,” Seb laments dramatically, “you hate us.”
I place the back of my hand on my forehead and lean against Sebastian. “M’so hurt I might faint.”
“Spirits save me,” I hear him mutter. His smile betrays the annoyance in his voice. 
Linus comes to our rescue! “Try looking more closely at those hedges behind you.” Magnus nods along.
“Not all heroes wear capes.” Seb salutes the white-haired man. 
“Thank you, Linus!” I beam, tugging Seb a few paces towards our destination. He goes along with me, laughing at my enthusiasm. “Love you, Maggg,” I add in a sing-songy tone.
“Since when do you call him Mag?” Seb questions, his nose scrunched.
I shrug. “How d’ya feel about Maggy then?”
Magnus answers, “Please, no,” while Seb and Linus both shake their heads, Linus laughing as he does so. 
I lazily swing a defeated snap in front of me. “Damn.”
“And I love you too, little elf,” Oh?! Magnus adds on, waving. “Good luck, you two.”
That nickname was so cute! It feels different hearing it from him, versus all the shadow people who called me the same.
God I wish I was always an elf.
Too giddy to respond, I beam back at him before scurrying away. 
“Little elf does it for ya, huh?” Seb asks once we’re alone again. His voice is smooth and he takes his hand from mine to place it atop my head and frick it all makes me fucking melt. 
Sometimes I forget he can just, like, sense my heart rate and shit. Wizards, man… 
“Shuddup.” Comes out as a squeak. 
“Is that who I think it is?” I hear Sam yell from somewhere nearby. 
“No,” Seb lies.
“First they abandon us,” Abby goes on, “and then they lie. Bastards.”
Victor cries, “For shame!”
“Gonna have to catch up if you want an apology,” Seb calls out. 
“You won’t just apologize because I’m an innocent little guy?” Abby pouts. I can’t see it but I’ll be damned if I can’t hear the frown in her voice. “You wouldn’t upset a little guy, would you?”
“I would.”
“Yeah I would too.”
Seb scoffs, “(Y/n) you are a little guy.”
“My point stands.”
“Betrayed by my own kin!” Abby laments. 
“For shame!” Vic repeats with more force.
“You sound more knightly than vampirey when you say that, y’know,” I respond.
“And y’sound more like a squeaky toy than elfily..? Elfly..?” Sound it out buddy! “Elfy,” he decides.
“Yeeowch,” Sam narrates, “a critical hit!”
“Goodbye,” Seb laughs, tugging me along. I stumble a little, but he helps me stay upright.
By time we find the pumpkin, let’s fucking go, the others catch up to us, somehow. They must’ve been booking it.
“Dude, dude,” Abby greets us with urgency.
I’m surprised she didn’t immediately mourn the loss of the golden pumpkin.
Behind her, Victor has his eyes locked in on the pumpkin in Seb’s embrace. Sam is next to him, just kinda admiring the scenery. 
Abby places a palm on mine and Seb’s shoulders. “You’ll never guess who I just saw.”
“Try me,” Seb retorts while I tilt my head. 
“You remember that dude from the tower in the woods?” Oh no. “He’s here.”
How did she not see him at the fair earlier in the season?
I wonder if she noticed he’s a whole different color palette now. Sure, Spirit’s Eve is a good excuse and all, but I almost kinda hope she just couldn’t make out the details of his appearance in the dim lighting of his garden to begin with. 
Feeling slightly more than tipsy — living up to the girl’s new name for me, I fucking guess — I trip on my own thoughts, trying to figure out a response. 
Luckily, Seb jumps in. “He does live here, you know.”
“Well fuckin’ duh, but why have I never seen him around before? What’s his deal?”
“T’be fair, he helps Linus set this up every year,” I state. “You’ve gotta just look outside more often.”
“Really?” She squints, “Wait— How do you know that?” 
“I…” shit, shit, “I went back to his house. To apologize!”
Big mistake.
“Aaand that makes you close enough for him to tell you about stuff like that now?”
“I mean… uh.” I’m flubbing this, and if I had to guess by his silence, Sebastian is pretty stuck too. “I guess we’re friends now, yeah, I’unno. I’ve gone over there a bunch at this point.”
“And you just knew about this?” Abby grills Seb, crossing her arms. It seems like Sam and Victor’s interests have been piqued by now. 
“We… are gonna have to explain everything to them if we can’t save ourselves somehow, aren’t we?”
“Yeah,” Seb answers both Abby and myself. 
“And you didn’t stop her?!” Sam frowns. Fuck, that’s right — he was there for the conversation about me going on my own in the first place. “What if he’s some kind of psycho?”
“He’s—” Seb sighs, rubbing the corners of his eyes, smudging his makeup a little more than I had earlier. “He’s not.”
“Yeah?” Abby rebukes. “How would you know?”
“I already knew him.”
Oh, okay, we’re doing this I guess.
“So… you lied, then?”
Abby looks genuinely hurt. Fuck. 
Sometimes I forget that, even if she isn’t hostile towards me anymore, she still probably has lingering feelings for Seb. He was everything to her until recently, after all. Maybe he still is, but she’s just grown or something. 
“Did you know that he knew the guy?” she asks me. Still sounds hurt, but her voice has hardened a considerable amount.
“No!” I frown, worrying the rim of my cup with my thumb nails. “Not until after meeting him.” It’s not completely wrong… I met Magnus before Seb spilled about their past to me. She doesn’t have to know.
Abby seems to not know where to look, and opts to stare at the helmet in her embrace. It’s almost like she’s just as upset about being left out of this new, weird trio of ours as she is about being lied to, which I can empathize with. Shit sucks…
God. We’re a pair of real dickheads, aren’t we? I knew the weird friendship quest I was on would be as sleezy as it felt. It was stupid of me to follow through with it all that time ago.
Selfishly, part of me is still glad I did, because now I’m friends with her. There’s less drama. Less fear that she’s gonna go, like, totally apeshit on me for dating someone she was either in love with or obsessed with — maybe both? — for so long. 
She really is friendly and sweet and fun to be around when she doesn’t have it out for you, and I’m happy to know this side of her.
Also, maybe I would’ve never gone to Magnus’ tower if this hadn’t happened. Maybe I wouldn’t even know him right now, and maybe he and Seb would’ve never reconnected. It would just be weighing on both of their consciences forever while I’d never meet my literal soulmate.
That would suck.
I shut my eyes for a moment and sigh, trying to sober up my thoughts. “M’sorry for not telling you sooner,” I offer softly. 
“Yeah, me too,” Seb adds. “Look, if you want I can fill you in on everything some other time, but… let’s just enjoy the night for now, yeah?”
“Yeah, enjoy the night,” Abby scoffs under her breath. She continues at her typical volume, “I’m not sure if I should feel more mad or more jealous right now. Like, what the fuck?” 
“Yeah, I… I get it,” I cut in. “You have every right to be mad at us. We didn’t mean to leave y’so out of the loop, though — we didn’t think it mattered.” Realizing that coulda sounded a little insensitive, I quickly tack on, “I mean, he’s just some dude.”  
Now that’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one.
How am I getting so good at lying?
God, I suck.
Abby softens a little, part of her seeming to agree, but she still looks upset. She takes a few breaths that seem deeper than usual. Spares a glimpse back at Sam and Vic, who are kinda just awkwardly standing there.
It looks like Sam has something to say too, but he’s keeping his thoughts to himself for now, I guess. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look like this before. 
…Like, his face, I mean. I’ve never seen him all dolled up in a pink ball gown that’s too small for him either. Obviously.
I pick at the orange plastic in my hands some more while Seb tears up the nail polish on his left thumb with the adjoined pointer.
“You, uh,” I meekly suggest, “you want the pumpkin..?” I pat the gold gourd for emphasis.
A humble peace offering.
“N—“ She cuts off her initial response and thinks about it. Her shoulders deflate while she realizes, “I mean, kinda? Fuck.” 
“I’ll take it if you don’t,” Sam mutters. 
Victor nudges him. “She didn’t ask you.” 
“You’re awfully quiet,” Abby diverts to Seb. I dunno if he’s just frazzled, or if he was brain-talking to Magnus, or what.
“Just, uh… Stressed.”
I nod. Fuckin’ same, dude, whether it’s a lie or not on his part. 
More awkward silence passes before I figure out a potential solution. 
Maybe… hm.
I clap, newly determined to fix my— our— whoever’s fuck-ups. Seb, Sam and Abby startle while Victor simply waits to see what happens.
“I have a proposition.
“We can all share the pumpkin.”
Abby tilts her head. “What, like, cut it up?”
“No— well, yes?” I shake my head. “But no.”
“Graceful as ever,” Sam teases me. 
“Shut up, you’re into it,” I shoot back. His cheeks redden while he smiles and rolls his eyes. “What if I, I’unno, make something with it? Aaand we can all hang out and eat pumpkin stuff and whatever. Finish off autumn with a bang.”
“Ha. Bang. Kinky.”
“Sam!” I laugh. Victor nudges him for me. Thank you Victor. “I know I don’t have much room at my place,” I go on, “but I’m the only one with my own house, so we can do it there.”
“You drive a hard bargain, lady,” Abby ponders. 
“Am I allowed to partake in this pumpkin party?” Victor slurs. He sounds shy, almost, even in his more boisterous, drunken state.
“If you can make it out here, hell yeah.”
“Why don’t we do it tomorrow?” Seb chimes in. “You can stay over at my place if your mom lets you.”
“Or mine,” Sam adds.
Abby and I nod. Victor shrugs and nods too. “I’ll ask when she seems ready to leave later. Maybe She’ll be boozy ‘nuff to let me.”
“Cool,” I breathe.
That broke the tension, but now I have a whole thing to host. Ough.
Well… at least that’s one thing settled, for now.
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First date jitters
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PAIRING | Chris Evans x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | During your first date with Chris, you notice he is very nervous. He keeps accidentally knocking things over and spilling things, but he doesn't want to admit it's because this is his first date in many years.
WARNING(S) | None.
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist
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''Hi, I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you!'' you say when you are approached by your blind date. ''H-hey, I'm Chris, it's nice to meet you too,'' he says, giving you a little bit of a trembling handshake, he isn't exactly used to going on blind dates. He figured that now that he has passed the age of 40, he wanted someone to settle down with. Even though there were more than enough men and women to choose from, he hadn't found the perfect match yet, and he was starting to be afraid he would never find that person. ''How are you today?'' you ask him, giving him a soft reassuring smile. ''Uh, g-good,'' he stutters and it earns a small chuckle from you, he's adorable like this.
''You?'' he asks, he tries to keep his answers short so you won't notice how nervous he is. ''I'm good, but a little nervous to be completely honest with you. Haven't been on a date for a long time, so it's a bit of an adjustment,'' you explain, and you think back to your ex-husband, or more what he has done to you to make you feel like you didn't deserve to be loved again. ''I do think it's nice to have a fresh start though, after my divorce I haven't been out of the house all that much, so after many demanding texts from Scott I decided to finally take him up on his offer to set me up on a blind date,'' you ramble, but you suddenly feel like you're talking way too much. ''Sorry, I talk a lot when I'm nervous...'' you say and a blush forms on your face, making Chris chuckle a little in return.
''It's okay, I think it's cute,'' he says and your cheeks turn from a slight pink flush to a deep crimson red at the compliment, you haven't heard someone call you cute in literal years, you can't even recall the last time you had one to begin with. ''Oh, uh, thank you...'' you say and you look down to your menu, trying to pick yourself back together and not act like a teenage girl. ''You're welcome,'' Chris says and he was reaching out for your hand, but in his clumsiness and nerves, he knocked over the big carafe of water, which went flying over your side of the table and all over your blue sundress. ''Oh fuck!'' Chris said and he quickly got up, grabbing some napkins and helping you dry off your side of the table. When you want to get up you knock your head against his jaw, making you wince in pain.
''Oh god, I-, I'm really sorry!'' Chris quickly mutters before a waitress comes over to help and takes over the cleaning before a real accident happens. ''It's okay guys, I got it. If you want you can go to the bathroom and clean up,'' she offers and you agree. ''I'm sorry Chris, I'll be right back,'' you say as you get up and grab your purse, realizing it is also filled with water now. ''Oh god...'' you mutter as you fish your phone out of your purse, completely soaked and broken now. You make a face at it that is a combination of sadness and disgust, realizing you now have to buy a new phone. ''Chris, is it okay if I maybe use your phone? I would like to call my roommate so they can bring by a dry set of clothes,'' and he agrees handing you his phone after unlocking it.
It's a good thing you have Sebastian's phone number memorized, otherwise, you would be in a lot of trouble. You call him after going into the bathroom and after the third ring he picks up. ''Hello?'' he says. ''Hey Seb, it's me. I need your help, can you maybe bring by some dry clothes and a dry purse too?'' and he bursts out in laughter. ''Oh god Y/N, what happened?!'' he asked while he went to collect some clothes. He picked out a simple outfit that could still work with the heels you're wearing and got ready to go to the restaurant. ''Well, Chris knocked over the big carafe of water on the table and it went all over me...'' you said, softly chuckling. ''Oh god, did you finally find someone even clumsier than you?!'' Sebastian asked and you laughed, admitting that you probably did. ''I'll be there in 10,'' he said before hanging up.
You walked out of the bathroom where you've managed to clean and dry yourself a little bit and back to Chris, giving him back his phone. ''Thanks, my roommate will be here in 10 minutes, so if it's okay I'd prefer to wait in the bathroom,'' you said, and he agreed. ''It's okay, and I'm sorry again, I don't know why this is happening...'' he said. You put your hand on his shoulder and gave a small reassuring squeeze. ''It's okay Chris, it happens to the best of us,'' you told him and went back to the bathroom, he couldn't help but look at you as you walked back in there to wait for your roommate. He lets out a little sigh of relief, he was pretty sure you'd be running away by now, but he's glad you didn't, and for once he's glad Scott set him up on a date.
Just like promised, Sebastian walked into the restaurant ten minutes later with your clothes, and a bag to put your wet clothes in for him to take back. ''Excuse me, I'm here to drop off some clothing for my roommate, her date spilled water over hers. And since I can't go into the bathroom, could you hand this to her?'' he asked a waitress and she agreed. Chris heard and looked over to see Sebastian. You didn't mention you had a male roommate, and he couldn't help but feel jealous now. A few minutes later you walked out in your other outfit, still looking stunning. ''Thanks, Seb, it means a lot that you came by. I'll talk to you later,'' you said before handing him the bag and hugging him. ''No problem doll, see you later,'' he said and with a last smile, he walked back out the door.
''I'm so sorry Chris, I promise I won't be gone so long anymore after this!'' you said laughing, and Chris couldn't help but let out his jealousy. ''You didn't mention your roommate was a guy...'' he said, his jaw slightly clenched, he didn't look you in the eye, instead looking somewhere next to your head in the distance. ''Oh, it honestly didn't occur to me to tell you, he's been my roommate for the last few years, guess I'm just so used to him being around. But if it makes you feel any better, he isn't into women, so you won't have to be worried about him,'' you said with a wink, making Chris sigh with relief once again. ''Oh, well that honestly does make me feel better,'' he said with a shy smile.
''Let's order now, shall we? I'm pretty hungry now!'' you say and Chris agrees, looking over the menu but he already knew what he wanted to do. He would wait for you to order and then get the same thing as you because he wasn't the best at making choices in these situations. ''Hm, I think I'm going for the pasta with salmon, it sounds delicious,'' you tell him and you rub your belly, already looking forward and feeling hungry. ''I think I'll get the same,'' Chris said, giving you a little smile again. ''So, how do you know Scott?'' he asked and you went on a ramble talking about how the both of you met during a party once and became friends after that. You occasionally see each other and he has been wanting to set you up on a blind date for a while. ''And how do you know him?'' you ask, right before your food arrives.
The waiter also brings you both a glass of white wine which you ordered, and you cheer before eating. ''On a nice evening with an amazing lady,'' Chris said, softly cheering his glass against yours. When he said that you turned bright red and you put your glass down a little too hard, almost spilling some of the wine out of your glass. ''Oh goodness, we really should be careful!'' you say and laugh wholeheartedly, and Chris can't help but laugh too, enjoying being with you right now. ''So, how do you know Scott?'' you asked again after taking a bite of your pasta. ''Actually, he's my brother and he tried to set me up for the longest time too, something tells me this was his whole plan all along,'' he said and it makes sense, they share a lot of similarities.
The rest of the meal goes on without too many problems, which is something both of you are very thankful for. ''Shall we get some ice cream? I know a great place nearby,'' Chris offers and you gladly accept. ''I love ice cream, so I will never say no to that!'' you say with a grin on your face. Chris goes to pay and gives an extra big tip to the waitress who helped both of you after your earlier mishap. When you walk out the door he extends his arm and you hook your arm through his. Sebastian didn't bring you a jacket earlier so you're a little cold now. ''Here, you can use my jacket,'' Chris said and he took his off, hanging it over your shoulders and softly brushing your hair out of your neck so it isn't stuck underneath. His fingers softly brush your neck, leaving goosebumps in their path.
''Thank you,'' you say with a soft voice, and hook your arm in his again. Whilst doing that, you miss a loose stone in the pavement and you trip, but before you can completely face plant into the stones, Chris caught you in his strong arms. ''Careful now, I wasn't planning to spend my evening in the ER!'' he said laughing, and you couldn't help but laugh either. ''Well, at least we're both clumsy...'' you say as you continue your way to the ice cream parlor. ''What flavor are you getting?'' you ask Chris, but he isn't sure. ''What about you? Maybe I'll just take the same as yours again,'' he said. ''We could share if you want. I don't mind sharing ice cream with a lovely gentleman,'' you say, giving him a soft smile when you look at him. He couldn't resist and put a soft kiss on your cheekbone. ''You're lovely too,'' he said, and then it was your turn.
The both of you decide to share 3 scoops of watermelon ice cream, which is your favorite. Chris wants to pay for it, but you didn't let him, ''You paid for dinner, so it's only fair I get dessert!'' and this is the exact moment Chris knew he found the woman of his dreams. ''I love you...'' he murmured and you didn't quite hear it. ''What did you say?'' you ask him, and he's embarrassed so instead he said ''I love this flavor!'' to not embarrass himself even further. The two of you find a bench outside to sit and you sit down nice and close to Chris, and he wraps his arm around your waist pulling you even closer. You put your head on his shoulder and let out a sigh of contentment, feeling like you finally found the place where you belong. Chris scoops up a bite of ice cream and raises it to your lips.
You open your mouth and gladly accept the ice cream, letting out a soft moan when the taste hits your tongue. ''Hmm, amazing as always,'' you say and Chris turns bright red when he hears your moan. Next up you try to feed him a bit as well but it doesn't go according to plan and it lands on his shirt instead of in his mouth. ''Oh my god! Why can't I even feed someone ice cream?!'' you say frantically before getting a napkin and cleaning his shirt. ''It's okay, it's only payback for the water I spilled on your dress earlier!'' Chris said and you both burst out in a fit of laughter. After that, you manage to finish the ice cream without any accidents and some light conversation, and it is time to go home. He walks you back to your apartment like a true gentleman.
You go and take off his coat, giving it back to him. ''Oh no, you can give it back at our next date,'' he said, feeling a little bold now that the most nerves were gone. ''So there will be a next date?'' you asked with a shy voice, you didn't want to assume, but you hoped. ''If you'd have me,'' he said with a smirk and you agreed. ''I'd love to go on another date with you, Chris,''. You looked into his eyes and your eyes flicked down to his lips, softly leaning in. Just when your lips brush past each other you hear your front door open and Sebastian stands there so you quickly pull back. ''Oh shit, I heard some noises out here so I thought I'd check-'' is all he could manage to say before you pushed him back inside and closed the door.
As soon as the door closed Chris put his hand on your cheek and leans in for the kiss again, this time putting a soft, slow kiss on your lips with all the promises for the future he can portray with it. ''I can't wait to see you again,'' he said as he put his forehead against yours. ''Neither can I,'' you say and you give him one more kiss on his cheek before he turns around. ''Wait, how can I reach you now? My phone is broken and-'' ''Look inside the pocket,'' he said and he walked away, giving you one last glance. You reached into the right pocket and found a piece of paper with his number on it. ''Please call me if you want to know more about how clumsy I am,'' it said in his handwriting, and a little heart next to it. You let out a little chuckle and you hear the door open again, Sebastian pulling you into the apartment by your arm. ''So? How was it!?'' he asked. ''It was perfect,'' you said with a smile full of love.
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angelic-writer · 3 months
Running Through Your Veins (Cut Down the Altar)
Isaac is faced with the possible death of Joshua. Has their luck run out?
CW: Torture, poisoning, cardiac arrest, broken bones, panic attacks, nightmares
Prompt by @serickswrites and @artisticdemon
Story by @missr3n3
It all started with a letter. Leah and Madeline have come back to the whole apartment being ransacked. It was like when Cairyx had kidnapped Joshua, but this time, both him and Isaac were gone. After frantically searching for the two boys, Madeline found a note on the bed beside the plush rabbit she got him. What she read made her blood run cold.
"Thank you so much for making my job easier. Because of your video, I was able to track down and take the nameless devil and your friend. I'm willing to let them go if you follow my demands. Give me all the information you have about the devils and I'll let them live. Do not send help."
It was a mistake. It was a mistake letting Joshua reveal his identity. They should've known that people would hunt him down. There were a group of people that had been making the rounds recently, calling themselves Devil Hunters. Their goal was to exterminate all the devils that had been invading the world.
From the moment Joshua uploaded that video, his fate was sealed.
Isaac struggled against the cuffs and chains keeping him attached to the wall ring in the corner. He had to get out. Had to get to Joshua.
Joshua stood in the standing cuffs, his body stretched taut as his arms were pulled tight high above his head. His faded, brown hair was slightly covering his eyes, his horns out at full display. He stood at attention, desperately trying to keep his feet on the ground lest he put too much weight on his shoulders. He was trying hard to put on a brave face, gritting his teeth, letting his fangs show. However, Isaac could tell that he was scared. By the way his body was quaking, he couldn't deny that fact.
For him, he was back at the Nightmare Sand Pit, being tortured into nearly giving up his identity. He won't let it happen to Joshua. Not again.
"Well, well, well." One of the devil hunters said with great flourish. "This is a moment I have been so longing for."
He was a tall man with long, black hair tied into a ponytail. He had a sinister look to him with the way he smiled to the way he looked at the two boys with his bright, green eyes. He called himself Sebastian Bachman or Seb as his hunter colleagues would call him.
"What do you want now?" Joshua snarled.
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. That's no way to speak to a stranger now, is it?"
"Fuck you." Isaac growled as he glared at Sebastian.
The devil hunter gave a sideways glance at the dark skinned man. "I have no interest in that. No, the only interest I have is your pain, Izzy."
"What pain? You haven't really done anything to us. You think your faux tough guy look is gonna scare us? Please, the only thing you'll do is bore me to death."
"Joshua, shut up!" Isaac hissed.
"Oh, is that what you think? Well, I'm not like those puny demons. Besides, I know all about your little excursion to the Nightmare Sand Pit. How you nearly let yourself go. I cannot imagine the pain you're going through. Well," He grabbed Joshua's chin. "I'm here to make you feel better."
Joshua spat in Sebastian's face. "Get away from me, you creep."
Sebastian wiped his face, glaring at the Cael devil.
"You better not hurt him or I swear to God, I will make your life hell!" Isaac shouted as he struggled against his restraints.
"Aww, you're such a killjoy." He unfastened the whip on his belt. "You really don't understand, do you? These devils killed people. It killed that poor girl's sister, that innocent police officer - It even tried to kill you. Where did you think those scars of yours came from?"
Isaac gritted his teeth.
"The point is, the devils are a threat to humanity and the only way everyone can be safe is when we kill all of them."
"But why kidnap Joshua? He's a Cael devil! The most docile out of all of them! He's not gonna hurt any of you! Didn't you listen to the broadcast?!"
"The public will say anything to not make everyone panic. You never know what those things are capable of. I'm surprised your friend hasn't killed you yet, although it's only a matter of time before he does." He pulled his knife out. "I'm doing you a favor."
Sebastian grabbed Joshua's clothes and cut them with his knife, stripping him to his bare chest. Joshua flinched and tried to kick him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You're disgusting!"
Seb didn't say anything. He only smirked. "I'll be rid of you soon, Nameless."
And so the torture began. Isaac could only watch and scream as Sebastian whipped Joshua, tearing open his skin, creating new scars that had already been healed. His screams and cries were in tune with Isaac's, creating a chorus of anguish. However, Sebastian kept on smiling, his mouth contorting into a crescent moon.
Brackish blood splattered all over the stone floor as Joshua continued to scream. If he could, he would break out of his chains and tear him to shreds, but he was too weak. He couldn't break out if he wanted to. Isaac tried to pull himself free, but the cuffs were worn tightly around his wrists. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't free himself.
A few hours later (How much time had passed? Isaac didn't know.), Joshua had become a bloodied mess once more. He was panting, even coughing a few times, but he still held his ferocious glare.
"Hm. You're a tough nut to crack. I'll admit, I expected you to be a bit more submissive. Well, you won't be looking at me with those eyes for very long." He pulled something out of his pocket. Isaac's eyes widened when he saw that it was a needle.
"What are you doing with that?! You already said you were interested in my pain, right?! Well, string me up! Let Joshua go! You can hurt me here! I'm already restrained!" He screamed.
"Why? You're an innocent civilian, Izzy. That would go against my code. We can't hurt humans. Besides, it's way too boring. Where's the fun in that? Why put my hands on you when I can do this to the one thing threatening humanity?" Sebastian plunged the needle into Joshua's bicep. "Now, I wonder what this will do to you disgusting creatures."
"NOOOOOO!!" Isaac roared, straining to the ends of his chains. His wrists threatened to pop out of its sockets, making him bite his tongue in pain.
Joshua hissed through his teeth as Seb depressed the needle. "Jesus shit fuck damn..."
"What did you give him?!" Isaac growled. Once he gets free, he was going to end this fucker's life.
"Digitalis. Sometimes it makes your heart beat too fast. Sometimes too slow. You never know until you try it. Let's see how you do with this small dose, Nameless." Sebastian walked away, slamming the door behind him.
Isaac's mind was racing. Digitalis. He remembered the effects it had on the human body from the very few times he paid attention in health class. It was like Sebastian said. It could cause arrhythmias in the heart, sometimes fatal ones. He had no idea what this drug could do to Cael devils like Joshua, but since he had regeneration, there was nothing to worry about, right?
Joshua began to droop, his feet slipping on the ground. "I... don't... feel so..... good.... Izzy...." He mumbled as he scrambled to keep his feet on the ground.
"Talk to me, Joshua. Tell me what's wrong. You're okay. You're going to be okay. I'm going to get us out of here."
"Mmmmm...." Joshua hummed as his eyes drooped closed. He struggled to stay awake, but he was so tired. And it felt like he couldn't get a good enough breath. His heart beat incredibly slow in his chest, the reduced blood flow to his brain making him light headed.
Isaac tried to keep him awake, telling him stories about their time as kids. How they would listen to rock albums and the different drugs they would try out. He saw him crack a smile a few times so he could tell that it was working.
Sebastian returned hours later. Joshua had mostly normalized, his heart beating closer to its regular speed. Isaac had kept him awake and talking, kept him awake through the fatigue, through the nausea, through everything.
"How was that? Did you relax a little, Nameless? Hmmmmm?" The hunter said as he pulled out another needle. "Maybe a bit more is what you need."
And before Isaac could scream in protest, Seb had injected Joshua once more. This continued for hours - days? - and Isaac was powerless. He could do nothing but watch. He couldn't do anything but talk Joshua through.
Sometimes, Joshua's heart pounded, his limbs shaking and sweating as he hyperventilated, unable to calm himself. Other times, he slumped over, losing his footing and crying out in pain as his heartbeat slowed.
And still, Isaac was powerless to do anything. He couldn't slip the cuffs. Couldn't hold Joshua up. Couldn't release him. Couldn't escape. Couldn't do anything except sit there and talk to him and pray that it would all stop.
He wished for Jessie to come through the door right this second. She was there for Joshua in his darkest moment. Surely, she would come for them this time, right?
"Inject me!" Isaac begged when Sebastian returned. "I'll let your poison run through my veins! Hurt me! Hurt me!!"
Sebastian only gave him a cruel smile. "Oh, but I am." He injected Joshua once more. "This will hurt the most, Isaac. I couldn't think of a better way to punish you. You make friends with dangerous creatures, you pay the price."
"You..." Joshua wheezed. "When I get out, I will end you..."
The hunter cupped Joshua's cheek briefly. "It will be over soon. For you, at least." He chuckled as he left the room.
"Joshua, talk to me. I'm here. Tell me what's going on."
"C-C-Can't. F-F-Fast." Joshua panted.
"Breathe. Just breathe." Isaac urged, trying not to let the concern creep into his voice. Joshua reacted faster this time compared to the other times. How much had Sebastian given him?
"H-H-Hurts...." Joshua gasped as his feet began to slip once more.
"It's okay. You're okay. You're going to be okay. Just stand up. I'll find a way out. Just hold on, Joshua. Hold on."
"Hhhhhnnnn.... Fwaaaaaaah...." Joshua huffed as he threw his head back. He took several gasping breaths of air, shifting his feet, trying desperately to keep upright. All the while, his heart continued to fumble in his chest, his body trying to counteract the high amounts of the poison.
Isaac could see Joshua's shoulders pull tight as he struggled to stay upright. "It's okay, Joshua. You'll be okay. You can do this. I'll get out of these cuffs, I swear! Just hold on for me! Please!"
With a loud gasp, Joshua dropped his head forward, eyes unfocused. His heart had entered a dangerous rhythm now. The stress and the poison was all too much for the Cael devil. His regeneration wasn't fast enough.
"Look at me, Joshua." Isaac urged. "I'm right here. Look at me! You're going to be okay! I'm going to get us out of here, I promise!"
Joshua slowly, painfully slow, turned his gaze to Isaac. His eyes were hazy and beginning to glaze over. His lips moved, but no sound came out. Nonetheless, it formed the words "I'm sorry."
"No, Joshua, stay. You have to stay, please!!" Isaac cried out as he watched Joshua sigh. He went limp in his chains, his head lulling forward, arms pulled tight above his head. His body swung on the chain slowly as his feet slipped out from under him.
"JOSHUA! JOSHUA, SAY SOMETHING! JOSHUA!! NO!! GOD, NO!! PLEASE!! JOSHUA!!!" Isaac screamed as tears ran down his face. He ducked low, praying that he was wrong. That Joshua was merely unconscious.
But as he stared into Joshua's half-lidded gaze and waited for his lungs to fill once more, Isaac's own heart seized in his chest. Because Joshua was still. So impossibly still as he swung. His chest was unmoving. The only movement within him was his heart quivering uselessly in his chest with nothing around him to restart it.
"NOOOO!! NOOOOO!!" Isaac screamed when he realized what had happened. "PLEASE GOD PLEASE!!"
"Music to my ears." Sebastian said as he entered once more. "Your pitiful, mewling cries of misery, Isaac. What a delight."
He stopped as he was even with Joshua. The hunter took the limp devil's chin with his thumb and forefinger and lifted. His lifeless eyes stared into nothing as Sebastian inspected his head.
"DON'T TOUCH HIM!!" Isaac screamed as he lunged forward, the cuffs pulling tight against his wrists, threatening to pop.
"What? It's not like it's not gonna hurt him anymore, Isaac. The nameless devil is dead. Just look!" Sebastian shoved Joshua so he swung out towards Isaac. His head lulled on his limp neck, arms pulled tight above his head. "This is your lesson. To not make friends with creatures beyond human comprehension. You should've left him in that house. You should've kept your mind intact that night."
Isaac shut his eyes tightly, unable to bear the sight of Joshua's body swinging on the chain. "Please don't touch him..."
Sebastian rolled his eyes. "You still don't understand, do you?"
He stopped Joshua's body from swinging further. He stared at his limp hands for a moment before unhooking the chain quickly. Joshua dropped in a heap on the floor.
"What are you going to do to him...?" Isaac sobbed as he stared at his friend.
"Me? Absolutely nothing." Sebastian said as he pulled the chain between the shackles on Joshua's wrists. "I'm going to do nothing except leave him right here." He dragged him closer to Isaac. Just out of reach.
Sebastian kicked Joshua until his body rolled on its side so that Isaac can look directly into his eyes. He sobbed harder as he stared into the empty eyes of his best friend. The person he swore to protect. The person he failed to save.
"I want you to look. Look at him for what he truly is. A disgusting creature that brings about the suffering of mankind. You should be thanking me, really. Imagine if your lady friend was here. She would've been thanking me for killing the devil that killed her sister. Hell, even that police officer would've been kissing the ground at my feet! Why aren't you thanking me? Why are you crying and acting like a baby?"
"He was nothing like them... He was far better than any of you... You're cruel... Far worse than any demon..." Isaac whispered.
"How am I cruel? I was trying to save you." He sighed. "Whatever. I'll leave you with him. Besides, this is a far better form of torture, don't you think?" He whispered as he leaned forward and cupped Joshua's cooling cheek. "Because this one lasts forever." And just like that, he left the room.
That word rattled in his brain as he stared at Joshua, the tears refusing to stop. Sebastian said that he was doing him a favor by killing him. What favor? He could've killed any devil in the world. Hell, he could've gone after the most dangerous ones. But no, he had to go for Joshua who had done nothing wrong. He had done nothing to deserve any of this. The reversion, the Nightmare Sand Pit, all of it because he tried to exist as his own person.
Isaac made a pact with himself that night when he got him out. He would risk his entire life for that man. The person he had known since he was a kid. Even after the fight they had where he left him for dead, he still cared for him. After all the shit they've been through, he wanted to give him a normal life. But... as long as he was a devil, he will never be able to achieve that.
Never again will he hang out with him during their downtime. Never again will they go on these late night drives and get high. Never again will they listen to the newest rock album releases.
Never again will his presence bring Madeline joy, Leah peace and him comfort.
Never again will Jessie see her son alive and breathing again.
No, this can't be right. None of this is right. He doesn't deserve to die.
There was a fire burning in his veins. A fire that he hadn't felt in two years. He knew what that feeling was.
Rage. Complete, uncontrollable rage. The kind of rage that didn't care who it had to hurt.
He began to pull against his binds again, this time, not caring if his hands would be torn out of its sockets. He had to get to Joshua. He had to get to him now!
He's dying! Do something!
His tendons were almost stretched beyond their breaking point, like when you stretch a balloon too much. An instinctual part of his brain was screaming at him to stop, but he didn't listen. All he had on his mind was Joshua. He occupied his mind.
There was a loud pop and Isaac screamed louder than ever before. The first thing he noticed was that one of his hands have begun to throb. His fingers were tingling and when he tried to move them, he could barely move them a couple centimeters. But there was a significant improvement in that he could now wriggle his hand out. He slipped out of one of the cuffs, gritting his teeth, trying to bite through the excruciating pain.
Joshua was still out of his reach so he tried to look for something to pick the lock or something to drag him closer to him. He spotted a rock lying a few feet away from him. He didn't care what the consequences are anymore. He could no longer think clearly.
Joshua. Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua.
With his barely functional hand, he grabbed the rock, lifted it high in the air and slammed it into his other wrist onto the cuff. The metal cracked, but it still held. He continued hitting it again and again, the metal cracking more and more until it finally shattered. Isaac fell to his knees, almost landing on his injured wrist before he scrambled towards Joshua. Turning him onto his back, he slammed his fingers onto his neck, but even he knew he didn't have a pulse. Who knows how long he wasn't breathing for.
It could be too late.
No. He cannot think like that.
Finding the right placement on his sternum, trying to remember what he learned about first aid, Isaac started to pump his chest and oh god, it hurts! It hurts so much! He shouldn't be putting any pressure on his injured hand, but he didn't care. Nothing mattered to him at that moment.
"C'mon, Joshua... C'mon... Don't leave me..." He panted, tears streaming down his face from the pain. However, that was nothing compared to the fire roaring in his veins. Joshua didn't go through all this shit just for him to die from some crazy guy poisoning him.
Joshua's body shook, his eyes staring into nothing as he continued. Memories of him being covered in blood flashed in Isaac's mind, making him shudder. He wished he could be in his place right now, having the poison run through him so Joshua would be spared. But what would the others think? Leah wouldn't want any of them hurt in any way.
He could almost hear Joshua's voice in his head. "Don't let me die here."
I won't let you, Joshua. I won't let you die.
"Isaac?! Izzy, are you in here?!" A familiar voice echoed from outside.
"L-Leah?! I'm in here! Help me!!"
Leah and Madeline ran in a second later, both of them gasping when they saw the grisly scene. "JOSH!!" Madeline screamed.
"What happened?! How long was he out?!" Leah shouted as they ran to the two boys.
"F-F-Five... I think, minutes? One of the hunters... He injected him with something. D-Digitalis, I think. H-He's not dead! He's still warm! I can feel it!!" Isaac stuttered, trying not to cry out.
Madeline held Joshua's hand, covering her mouth as she tried her best not to sob. Leah looked and noticed Isaac's wrist looking deformed. "Oh shit, your wrist! H-Hold on! We got Jessie! She's right outside!" She turned to Madeline. "Madeline, help Izzy up! I'm gonna carry him outside!"
She nodded and tried to touch Isaac's shoulder. "Izzy-"
"NO!! I won't give up on him! He doesn't-"
"We're not giving up on him! You're too injured to continue! Jessie's gonna help us, okay?"
Isaac paused for a moment before stopping compressions. Only then did the pain truly set in for him. He gripped his wrist tightly as he tried to take deep breaths. Madeline helped him up to his feet as Leah lifted Joshua onto her back, hooking his still shackled arms over herself. The three of them ran out of the room, leaving behind the memories of Joshua's last moments.
A few minutes later, they were finally out. Minutes that should've been spent trying to revive him. They didn't encounter anyone, not even Sebastian. The place was eerily empty. None of it mattered. Joshua was the only thing that did.
Jessie was already helping Leah lower Joshua to the ground as Isaac and Madeline sat on the steps. "Jessie, do you have some ice?! Izzy's wrist looks really bad!"
"I have some in the trunk! Hurry!" She was already starting chest compressions with great fervor, sinking her hands deeper than Isaac. Everything was a blur as he watched. He barely felt the cold when Madeline pressed the ice packs to his hands. He barely heard Jessie shouting commands at Leah. All he could do was stare at Joshua's lifeless face.
He's gone. Oh god, he's gone. We were too late.
"Hey," Madeline squeezed his shoulder. "He'll be fine. He's gonna be fine."
"I-Is he...?"
"Yes. I'm sure of it."
How could she be so sure? Sure, he's dealt with worse, but his heart actually stopped. The worst case scenario actually happened. "W-What if we don't...?"
"We'll get him back, Izzy. We'll make sure of it."
Isaac said nothing else.
Leah had grabbed the AED and slapped the pads onto his chest. The machine monitored his rhythm and confirmed he was still in v-fib. "Shock advised."
"Alright, stay back!" Jessie commanded. Leah stepped back and she pressed the button. Joshua's body jolted, but it wasn't enough. Jessie started compressions again, feeling his ribs cracking a few times. It'll heal. She just needs her son to breathe.
A few more minutes of aggressive resuscitation passed. The two women didn't know if the CPR was doing anything. His grey skin made it hard to tell, but Leah swore she saw Joshua's fingers twitch a few times.
"Analyzing now. Stand clear."
Everyone stood back. Isaac held his breath.
"Shock advised."
The machine charged up.
"Stand clear. Push to shock."
Jessie pressed the button. Joshua's body jumped.
Everyone held their breath, waiting.
Joshua took a stuttering breath, his eyes fluttering closed.
"Josh!!" Madeline shouted in joy, tears running down her face.
"Thank god..." Leah whispered.
Isaac let his shoulders sag. He's okay. He's alright now.
"Hold on! His heart rate is too fast. We need to shock it back to a normal rhythm." Jessie said.
"But he's breathing again. Wouldn't that just hurt him?" Madeline asked.
"Sometimes, a fast heartbeat can cause the heart to stop again. Cardioversion is one of the ways to get the heart beating normally. There's also adenosine, but I don't have that. So this is the only way."
Leah nodded. Jessie tapped some buttons, then charged up the AED. "Okay, this is a lower shock so it won't hurt him as much." All eyes were on them as Jessie prepared to shock him.
God, I hope this works. Isaac thought.
Jessie pressed the button. Joshua jolted, a yelp of pain escaping him. The officer pressed her fingers to his neck. "Heartbeat's stable."
The tension that was there immediately eased. Jessie took the pads off and lifted him up. "Help me get him in the car."
Leah opened the door and Jessie carried him to the back seat. Madeline led Isaac to the car as the weight of the situation began to sink in.
He's alive. He's gonna be okay.
Isaac and Joshua laid in their beds, knocked out from today's events. Isaac's wrist was bandaged up and put into a splint. According to Jessie, it'll take a while for it to completely heal. Unlike Joshua, Isaac doesn't have healing abilities so it'll be more tough for him.
"So what exactly happened?" Jessie asked.
"Well, we came home to the entire place being ransacked. We tried looking for Isaac and Joshua, but they were both gone. That's when Madeline found a note next to Lynnie."
Madeline nodded and gave it to Jessie. After reading the note, she asked "And did you follow his orders?"
"Yeah. We arrived at the location where this Bachman person was. We were prepared to give him all the information we had. But he just looked at us with a smirk on his face, like he had already won something." Madeline answered.
"Yeah. I asked him 'Why are you smirking like that? We already did what you asked so when can you let them go?' He just told me, 'There is no reason for that anymore.' That's when we realized. He never intended on letting Izzy and Joshua go. That letter was just a distraction so he could try to kill him. That's when we called you and went to the abandoned hotel." Leah explained.
Jessie pursed her lips together, her hands gripping the paper. That bastard tried to kill her son...
"I mean, I don't know what we expected, honestly. That guy was a devil hunter. Of course he would use trickery to delay the rescue!" She sighed. "But Joshua is safe now. We got to them just in time."
Madeline nodded.
"God, I can't believe this happened again... I thought we were already done with this." Jessie muttered.
Leah nodded her head. "Yeah. He was just getting comfortable with his identity too. No doubt that is a major setback."
Madeline held her hand. "But we'll help them get through it, right?"
"...Yeah. Yeah, we will."
Your fault. It's your fault, Isaac.
Joshua is dead because of you. You couldn't protect him.
"Stop it, please..." Isaac clamped his hands over his ears.
You're fucking pathetic. You couldn't even save his life. I knew you were pathetic, but holy shit, I didn't know you were that pathetic!
You shouldn't have left him in that house. You should've stayed with him. But you didn't and now he's gone.
The hateful gazes of Leah, Madeline and Jessie all pierced into his soul. All the people he failed... He failed all of them, but most importantly, he failed Joshua.
The Cael devil appeared in front of him, limp, cold and dead, his vacant eyes staring blankly at him.
"Please stop..."
His body began to bleed. His eyes melted and Luce appeared behind him, sewing Joshua's mouth shut. You could've done so much for him, but you didn't. You are pathetic. You are a coward and you always will be.
The voices began to blend, growing louder and louder and Isaac screamed.
Isaac's eyes snapped open. Everything was blurry. He didn't know where he was. His heart was pounding and his chest was tight. Joshua... Joshua, I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
He tried to take deep breaths, but it was difficult. He felt like he was choking. The room began to feel small, constricting him. He couldn't stop shaking. He couldn't think. Couldn't think at all. His tongue felt like sandpaper. I'm sorry, Joshua. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
"Izzy? Are you okay?"
He whirled his head around, too fast. Any faster and he would've snapped his own neck. Joshua was sitting up in bed, looking at him concerned. His body felt hot and cold. He couldn't stop the tears that were pouring out.
It was... just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. Nothing to worry about so why am I crying? Joshua's fine so why the hell am I still crying?!
"I... I-I... N-Night..." He couldn't speak. Why can't he speak? "I-I can't... Can't..."
"H-Hey, look at me. Look at me." Joshua sat him up and rested his hands on his shoulders. "Just breathe with me. In and out, slow and steady, okay?" His fingers massaged his shoulders, grounding him to reality slightly. A few minutes passed of Isaac trying to copy his friend's breathing. His hands gripped the Cael devil's arms, feeling his frantic heartbeat. He's here. He's here. He's alright. We're okay.
Isaac rested his head against his chest, burying his face in his shirt. "I-I feel sick... I feel like I'm gonna vomit..." His tears soaked through the fabric.
"You're okay. We're fine. It's okay. Just keep breathing with me. You're doing great." He ran his hand up and down his back.
Isaac continued to breathe deeply as his heart rate slowed. He closed his eyes as he slumped over.
Isaac nodded. They both stayed in each other's arms for a while, Joshua running his fingers through Isaac's hair. "I'm... not really good at this type of thing so..."
"You're fine. You did good."
Joshua purred.
A long moment of silence passed. Isaac couldn't stop thinking about Sebastian and what he did to him. How he almost died in his arms. He could've died...
"I'm sorry..."
"For what?"
"I-I didn't do anything to help you. I tried, but I couldn't get out. You..."
"Hey, this isn't your fault. Besides, if you tried anything, I bet that guy would've hurt you."
"But you almost died because of me! If we hadn't uploaded that apology video-"
"Izzy. It's fine. I'm okay now. Everyone got here in time. It could've gone a lot worse."
"What do you think is gonna happen?"
"I dunno. Probably try to deal with more of those black robed freaks."
"But what if they hurt you again? What if that Sebastian guy tries to hurt you again, only this time, I'm not here to help?"
"Don't worry." He pulled him close. "I'll make sure he won't."
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fbfh · 2 years
rocks at your window pt 5 - ricky bowen x reader
disclaimer: this series contains smut and chapter by chapter warnings, so as with all nsfw works, ricky is aged up to 18 and he and reader are both 18 and in their senior year!!
additioanlly we're working towards a ricky x therapy plot, so as the series goes on he'll start expressing more symptoms of mental illness and bpd, and he gets worse before he gets better. also obviously i'm not a professional and this is for entertainment purposes only, I have done research but PLEASE take this with a grain of salt or several.
!! contains spoilers for season 1 of hsmtmts and previous chapters of this fic !!
wc: 7.8k
genre: slice of life, hurt/comfort, smut
pairing: ricky bowen x (afab she/her) reader
warnings: actually proof read thanks cici, anti nini/nini being a pick me, one sided angsty gina pining, reader has professional theatre experience, brief vague mention of your parents marriage falling apart, carlos is struggling, a few paragraphs of ricky spiraling about his mom/wondering if she ever loved them, ricky has some flashbacks about that, nini is a self centered bitch, nini writes sad songs about heartbreak in her little mitchie's song book, reader was in matilda annie and hairspray when she was younger (unspecified as to who), one good boy, a GRATUITUOUS amout of titties/nip play, partially clothed sex, cockwarming/cum plugging, subby boarderline puppy boy ricky, ricky's in subspace a little bit with you, cuddling as aftercare, ricky's mommy issues are so bad (sorry freud), slowburn red x ashlyn, nini is an unprofessional menace
summary: after a fun, only somewhat chaotic photoshoot, you're gearing up for the blocking of when there was me and you, until rehearsal grinds to a halt with the release of some troubling news. ricky finds solace in your arms once again, and is enamored with the way you always know how to solve whatever problems are thrown your way.
song recs: I can't handle change - roar, truth justice and songs in our key - hsmtmts cast, you're my world - atlas
a/n: I finished the second half of this in like a day because I was so anxious about a check up because I hate medical stuff but the chapter's done and it went well. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out next week so I'll probably be so busy distracting myself from that I knock out like 5 more chapters /hj
anyway this was supposed to be short and it's almost 10k cause I have no self control lol anyway ENJOY <333
tags: @yesv01 @afidiofobia @aliyahsutherland @hopefullhearts @pikzel @demirunner @matiere-detoiles @ifilwtmfc @uselesssapphickitten @nxstalgicnxbxdy @ggclarissa @n-slayaaaaa @stormi-ames
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You exit the girls dressing room, running towards Seb, who just left the boys dressing room. 
"Oh my god!" You exclaim, floored by his costume. It's pink and sparkly, and fits perfectly - even the heels. It's everything he was imagining. 
"I know!" He replies, matching your energy perfectly. You’re so happy that Seb loves his costume. Miss Jenn even added in a subplot and solo about Ryan finding himself beyond being Sharpay’s brother. He’s absolutely killing this role, breathing new life into it, and you couldn’t be happier for him. He’s still a little nervous, so you and your friends are making sure to hype him up.
You hear it before you see him, a hush falls over the room as everyone on stage around you falls silent. Someone tries (and fails) to hold back a loud snicker while a few people gasp.
“Alright, let’s do this!” 
You turn around at the familiar sound of Ricky’s voice, and he’s happy he got your attention. He’s met with a myriad of reactions at the questionably styled wig, but he only cares about yours. He’s only looking for yours. He gives you a look, a little quirk of his eyebrow that silently asks what you think. You smile radiantly, overjoyed to see him in costume for the first time. You feel like a mother sending her kids off to the first day of school. You have the urge to get pictures before the day is over. 
Standing downstage of you, Nina stares at him with her mouth open in a dramatic gasp, eyes following him as you move closer to each other. 
“Oh… my… god. There is so much to talk about.” She says. She watches Ricky closely, waiting for some kind of reaction to her words, but his eyes are glued on you. She tries again, letting out another very loud laugh, “I literally can’t even.” 
“I think he looks great!” you say with a sincere bubbling smile. You reach up, adjusting the alignment of his wig, the way the hair falls. He’s sure it looks much better than it had when he’d tried to put it on by himself. You tug gently on his hoodie strings, making them even lengths. He watches you closely while you do. He loves the feeling of you fixing his hair and clothes, he wishes there were more things for you to fix. You smile up at him, and irritation prickles in Nina’s chest at how close you are to him. 
“You gotta get the hair flip down,” you say, jerking your head to the side in example. He follows your lead, copying the gesture, and you go back and forth like that for a minute, quoting Troy Bolton and making each other laugh. Your eyes widen as realization strikes. 
"Oh my god, I know what this reminds me of…" you gasp, pulling out your phone to search for something, “I’ll text it to you.”
"Okay…" Ricky chuckles, smiling in anticipation and watching you type. You glance up when you hear Carlos telling Seb how amazing he looks. You pause typing and walk a few feet closer to them. 
"I know, he looks fucking amazing!" You say with a radiant smile, and Carlos thoroughly agrees. 
Spotting an opening, Gina makes her way over to Ricky. 
"Wow," she says with a smile, really taking him in. "You look great, Ricky." Just as she’s working up the nerve to playfully nudge him on the arm, he smiles, motioning over to where you’re talking to Carlos and Seb.
“Yeah, she said the exact same thing,” he smiles, greeting you as you walk back over, “Gina agrees with you.”
“I know!” you smile, radiant, “Not a lot of people can pull off the whole 2007 Mitchel Musso look, but you’re really making it work.” 
His heart pounds when you talk like that. Your words, your praise, your attention give him a sort of high he’s never felt from anyone else before. He craves it, and he always craves it more than he expects to.
“You think so?” he asks. Part of him knows he’s fishing for your attention, but the sweet look you give him, so excited to see him in costume for the first time makes it worth it. 
“Yes!” you exclaim, vibrancy rubbing off on him, “You look fantastic, Ricky.” 
His heart pounds loud in his chest, cheeks flushing at your words. Behind you, Gina’s stomach sinks. Old feelings of discouragement get more and more stirred up inside her the longer she stands there, watching the way he looks at you. It’s almost too much to bear by the time she cuts her losses, making up an excuse about getting something from her bag that she’s not sure either of you hear. 
Nina watches this, her gaze flicking between you and Gina. A gross feeling coats her stomach. She expected to stay friends with Ricky, expected to still be close to him. More importantly she didn’t expect so many girls to just throw themselves at him. It’s disrespectful. It’s disrespectful to how long they were together. She and Ricky have been friends since kindergarten, they have history. They’ve known each other forever, and… it’s just funny, she thinks, that you and Gina think you can just swoop in and replace her like that. Before she can fester in this feeling much longer, Big Red has everyone line up. 
“Okay, Chad,” he calls, pointing stage left, “Taylor, Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan… good.” 
Everyone gets lined up and spaced out correctly, as Red lines up the shot. 
“Jump on the count of three.” he states, and begins to count down. The sound of everyone’s feet hitting the floor at very different times echoes through the auditorium. Red squints at the result on camera, which is nothing short of a complete mess. 
“Wait, what happened?” he mutters. 
“Where to begin.” 
“Where do I start…”
You and Ricky say at the same time. You lean forward a little to share a look, a silent conversation exchange you both understand, both of you leaning past Nina to do so. She looks between you for that split second, then Ricky gets right back in line without even looking at her. 
“I think you went early,” Seb says to you.
“Wait,” Gina interjects, “are we jumping on three or after three?”
“Yeah, the count of three. Ready?” Red replies, doing nothing to clear up the confusion. 
“Red,” you say, and he looks up at you. Ricky watches you with a little smile, knowing you’ll no doubt know exactly what to do to get things back on track. “Are we jumping on the third or fourth beat?”
“Third,” he says, like it should be obvious, “on the count of three.” You nod, and turn to the others. “It’s one two jump.” you clarify, hopping as you do so to demonstrate. Your hair bounces and your skirt flounces and your heels make a little clicky noise as you land, and Ricky thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. He’s ready to try again, now fully confident the photos will turn out perfect thanks to you. Next to you, Seb lets out a puff of air. 
“I think I broke a heel…” he says, and you turn to take a look. Something itches at the corner of your mind, then it clicks. 
“Hold on, I saw some glue back here somewhere…” Red flashes you a thumbs up as you run into the wings, searching for the bottle of gorilla glue you remember seeing earlier. After digging around in the stage right wing for a minute, you see it on a shelf, next to what looks like a bucket of old paint. You stretch up as far as you can, but even in these heels, you can’t reach it. Before you look around to see if there’s something you can knock it down with, you turn back to the stage. 
“Ricky?” you call. He looks over at the sound of your voice like a puppy, scurrying over to you without a second thought. 
“Yeah?” he smiles. You point up to where the glue is.
“I found it up there, but I can’t…” 
“Oh, I got it.” he smiles, touching your arm. He reaches up and hands you the mostly full bottle. You thank him, squeezing his arm appreciatively.
“Thank god you’re tall,” you chuckle. His chest puffs up at your words, a soft heat creeping up to his cheeks. He watches you as you and Kourtney fix Seb’s shoe, how cute you look when you’re focused. 
“There,” you state, “as long as the glue holds…” Seb puts his heel back on, and does a few test jumps. The glue seems to hold, and Kourtney sends you back in line, adjusting one last part of Seb’s costume. You type something into your phone, texting it to Ricky as you head back to the front of the stage. Ricky catches the last half of what Carlos is saying. He’s clearly frustrated at the lack of productivity.
“...You leave the earth, you land.” 
“We just need to get back on the same page,” you say. Ricky pulls out his phone at the familiar sound of your ringtone he set. You must have sent him the thing you remembered. As he passes by, Nina sees your name at the top of his phone, framed by hearts. His screen is full of texts between you, but the last text Nina sent him got left on read? Ricky never leaves her on read. She scoffs at how oblivious he is to your blatant attempts to steal his attention from her.  
“Uh,” she says loudly, a performative smile on her face as she holds back a laugh when he gets closer to her, “I can’t look at Ricky, is that a problem?” 
He doesn’t look up, instead he looks at the text you sent him. It’s an image accompanied by the caption ‘you today’, and when it finally loads, he recognizes it instantly as a gif from the Elijah Wood ‘will you wear wigs’ interview. It catches him by surprise, and a loud screaming laugh tears from his throat. It’s so sudden, so sincere it brings a laugh out of you too. Everyone else either starts laughing with you, or looks completely shocked. 
He slaps a hand over his mouth, trying to stifle the noise without much success. A smug satisfaction settles over Nina before Ricky starts to type something into his phone. He starts laughing again, tucking his phone back in his pocket, and when he shares a look with you she realizes it wasn’t her that made him laugh like that. It doesn’t sit well with her. You’re biting your lip, trying in vain not to laugh too loudly or obviously while everyone stares at the two of you, small chuckles echoing through the room. 
“Okay.” Carlos says curtly, very clearly done with this bullshit, “Let’s take five.” 
“Thank you, five.” you say automatically, and Ricky puts his hand on your back as you start to walk offstage to get some water. 
“On five or after five?” he mutters, basking in the laugh you let slip out. Behind you, Nina lets out a shrill laugh at the comment, clapping her hands together in a way she’s sure will get Ricky’s attention. Her smile grows stale and evaporates as you sit next to each other without looking back once. 
“So, why are you supposed to say thank you five?” Ricky asks as you take a sip from your water bottle, today filled with lemon and cucumber slices. 
“It’s a call and response so the crew knows you got their instructions.” you say. He nods, and you continue, “You usually say it after a break is announced, when places are called, when they tell you how long until curtain, that kind of thing.” you conclude. Your knowledge about theatre never fails to amaze him. Hearing you talk about it makes him want to learn even more. 
“When I was in Annie it seemed like something technical was always going wrong, so the call times were all over the place. It was a hot mess, but it was still so fun.” You reminisce with a smile. That’s not the first show you mentioned you’ve been in, Ricky recalls. He can tell you have… probably the most experience of anyone here, but he doesn’t think he’s ever asked how many shows you’ve been in. He would have remembered if you told him. 
“How many shows have you been in?” he asks, watching your expression carefully.
“Uh…” you look over to where your castmates sit scattered about, then back to Ricky. You give him that look that means you have something to tell him when it’s just the two of you. “A lot. It’s a long story, though, I’ll tell you later.” You finish in a hushed voice. He loves when you talk to him like that, he loves the closeness between you in these moments. 
You know you should probably mention you used to do professional theatre in New York before you moved here, but you always hesitate to bring it up. The last thing you want to do is sound like one of those theatre kids. Besides, you haven’t been in the professional circuit since middle school. You stopped in between shows a few years back when your parents' marriage got really bad and your dad left, and you couldn’t exactly perform while moving across the country, but you’re so deeply glad to be back in theatre now that you’re settled in. 
Your mom was also worried about how much pressure was on you, being in a professional environment so young. She promised you that after you graduate, once you’re older, she’ll drive you all the way back to New York herself if you still want to do theatre professionally by then. You couldn’t argue with her, it was a lot to deal with that young, and your shitty dad didn’t make it much easier. She’s been able to watch the joy return, see your face light up when you tell her about how rehearsal is going, the progress you and the cast and crew are making, and you can’t deny she made the right call. 
You think it’s good for you to act just because you love it for a while. You want the full suburban high school theatre experience, so if that means keeping a low profile and not being one of those douchebags who always brags about “doing professional shows” then you’re happy to keep that under wraps, but as you watch Ricky’s face while he rambles to you about how much more fun it is to be in costume than he expected, you feel like you can tell him. He knows you well enough to know your intentions, know that you’re not bragging about it. 
At their next rehearsal, Red is relieved at how relieved Ricky seems. 
“It worked! I just… I really made sure she knows how much I like her, and…” Ricky laughs, running a hand through his hair. “Thank you, for the advice, bro.” he lets out another bubbling chuckle, his mind clearly somewhere else. Red squints, wondering if it means what he thinks it means. 
“Did you guys…” he starts slowly, not even needing to finish the sentence. The flustered look on Ricky’s face is the only answer he needs. 
“Uh…” he says through yet another flustered laugh, the feeling of your mouth around him, the way you taste still fresh in his mind. He locks eyes with you from across the room, and feels his pulse speed up. “Yeah. I’ll fill you in later.” 
Red playfully punches Ricky’s arm.
“I’m glad it went well! Cause I care about you, but also because I live vicariously through you.” They both laugh.
“Believe me, there’s plenty to catch you up on.” Ricky says, a wistful smile on his face, watching you talk to Natalie. 
“Maybe we should get started. Or at least start warming up.” you say. Everyone’s wondering why Miss Jenn and Carlos aren’t there yet. You can sense her hesitance. It's not surprising, this show is new territory for almost everyone. 
"You're the stage manager, you're third in command when Miss Jenn and Carlos aren't here. Why don’t you and Seb get everyone warming up, that way when they get here we can jump right in.” you offer, and she nods, gaining a little confidence. 
“Yeah, you’re right.” she says, walking over to Seb, who’s sitting at the piano. You’re sure the only thing Miss Jenn and Carlos would hate more than starting rehearsal late is wasting time, especially with how tight of a schedule you’re on. Natalie and Seb are discussing said warmups when Carlos enters in a hurry, clearly frazzled, announcing that Miss Jenn won’t be here. One look past his chipper facade and you know whatever’s going on his bad.  
“Miss Jenn had a… small personal matter to attend to, and won’t be here today.” in spite of the confidence he’s trying to project, you can see right through it. You’re sure the others can too. 
“Is everything alright?” Nina asks, only now noticing that Carlos seems off. He laughs a forced casual laugh. 
“Everything is fine.” he says, trying to convince himself, and you know that this is really bad. The next few minutes are spent arranging the blocking for when there was me and you. He introduces it as a forest of boys, and you think it could work really well if you execute it right. Instead of a giant poster of the basketball team to sing to, something in a tableau style will translate much better to the stage. It’s dynamic and expressive, while still making the same point, keeping the integrity of the message made in the movie. It’s also vaguely reminiscent of when Meg sings to the statues and the muses in Hercules, which adds to the whole Disney magic feeling. Overall you think it’s a great plan.
You’re about to express this, when you hear an all too familiar voice pipe up.
“Uh, Troy just broke Gabriella’s heart,” you resist the urge to roll your eyes, having a feeling you know where this is going, and Nina continues, "why would she want to see four more versions of him?"
You're somehow still shocked that she not only can't recognize that her character would handle a breakup differently than she would, but now she's trying to change a fundamental point in the show for no reason. Ashlyn, Kourtney, and even Natalie jump in and agree with her. This isn't the first time Nini has used her character as a thin veil to talk shit, and you're amazed at how bad she is at treating Gabriella like a character she's playing. For someone who wanted the lead so badly, she doesn't seem to care too much about it now. In all your years of acting, you don't think you've ever seen someone so unable to create a distinction between what they would do and what their character would do, and it’s very fucking weird. 
Before she gets literally everyone else to agree with her, you jump in. 
"Actually, I love this, Carlos. I think it’s really dynamic and effective without taking away from the song. Also," you turn to Nina, "it was 2006, so girlbossing your way through heartbreak wasn't really a thing. Plus, you're right; she did get her heart broken, she should be allowed to be sad about it." 
"Yeah," Ricky agrees, looking over at you when you speak, "totally dynamic." He loves the way you talk about theatre, how brilliantly you analyze details or staging and character interpretations. He wishes he could hear you talk more about it, and makes a mental note to pick your brain later. 
Nina looks at you, mouth agape, as Carlos gestures to you. Another perfect example of Ricky following you around like a lost puppy. 
"Thank you, Sharpay, exactly." Carlos states as Nina scoffs, shocked at your response. He lets out a small sigh, grateful for the backup. "Gabriella is heartbroken, she can't stop thinking about Troy, about the guy she thought he was."
Ricky walks back over to his seat to set down his script. He leans down close to you before he does, wanting your opinion before he shares the idea he got. 
"Maybe she could do, like, an acoustic guitar version. You know, strip it down." His voice is quiet, meant only for the two of you. You smile at him with such warmth before your gaze flickers to Nina. You hum, considering. 
"I think you're the only one who could pull off an acoustic guitar ballad in the middle of such a… high energy show." A small, knowing laugh is shared between you, and as every kind word from your mouth does, your message comes across loud and clear, bringing a warmth to his cheeks and a puff to his chest. A rush of good happy chemicals hits his brain. As he heads back to his box, he ruminates on the sentiment. Not only do you think he could totally pull it off, you think he’s the only one who could. He fights a smile, trying to pay attention to the suggestions everyone starts giving Carlos. 
“Or,” Kourtney jumps in, “she could be surrounded by a forest of supportive sisters.” she shares a look with Nina, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. You hope it’s not only obvious to you that no one’s even really talking about the show anymore. A few other girls agree, and you can tell Carlos is losing patience. You walk across the room to check on him when he snaps.
“Okay, guys, this is not a democracy!” he yells, hands falling to his side before one rests on his hip, the other pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Are you okay?” you ask, sincere and quiet, but not cloying, with a situationally appropriate level of concern on your face. 
“Look, it’s not that deep,” Nina says, and you’re glad she’s finally backpedaling - or at least trying to - even though it took her this fucking long to realize she should. “We can just wait till Miss Jenn comes back and-” 
“Well, she’s not here, and I don’t know if she’s ever coming back!” Carlos spits, relieved to finally get the distressing information off his chest. 
Ricky’s stomach sinks, and he’s met once again with that disgusting cold feeling frying his nerves. It’s been a while since he had felt it this strong, this fresh. There were bad moments, sure. Like when he caught the family portrait of the three of them in the laundry room. He felt so sick looking at his mom’s smile. It seemed so genuine, and he hasn’t been able to stop questioning its integrity since. He’s spent every spare moment he’s not thinking about you or the show reanalyzing every conversation, every interaction, every passive aggressive remark and dish towel thrown too hard against the counter top, trying desperately to figure out if hers was the face of a housewife slowly losing her sense of self, unsupported, taken for granted and growing resentful, finally pushed to the edge.
Or did she never love them to begin with? Was everything out of obligation? Did she make him tea when he was sick or stressed or sad because she wanted to or because she had to? Maybe she loved them at some point, when he was too little to remember it clearly, or even know what he was supposed to be looking for. Old memories flood back, and he finds himself scouring them for a time when her tea might have started tasting different. Maybe that’s when she stopped loving him. Loving them. 
He’s dragged into the undertow without warning, breath knocked out of his lungs by the force of it all, by the spike of anxiety that shoots up and stays there at the thought of Miss Jenn leaving. 
“Wait, what?” he manages to choke out after that split second of spiraling, his stomach churning. Your hand finds and grabs on tight to his before he even speaks. You’re next to him in an instant, and he latches onto you, for once feeling like he has a buoy in this relentless sudden storm he always seems to get dragged into. Right when he thinks it’s going to be okay, right when he starts to get a handle on everything, he’s knocked off his feet.
You hold his hand with both of yours as he steps off his box, tighter and warmer and more reassuring than anything, and you rub your thumb against his skin while Carlos begins to tell you guys everything that’s going on. You listen with rapt attention, while keeping a close eye on Ricky. Everything is deteriorating so fast, and soon Nina grabs her backpack, storming to the exit and claiming she ‘needs a minute’. Kourtney follows her, then everyone else, and you feel Ricky’s hand shake in yours. His breaths get quicker as he watches everyone around him, his castmates, his friends, leave without a second thought. 
“Rehearsals are officially canceled until further notice!” Carlos calls out, before leaving, defeated and fighting tears.
You continue to brush your hand over Ricky’s. The gesture is comforting. 
“Well,” Gina says, grabbing her bag, “that fell apart fast.” 
“Nothing fell apart.” you and Ricky say at the same time, yours sure and deliberate, his desperate to be true. Gina lets out a singular breathy laugh, unable to ignore how in sync the both of you are. 
“Everything’s going to be okay. We’ll work this out.” you state, and Ricky latches onto your words, how assured you seem, throwing himself and all the belief within him that you’re right. 
“Yeah,” he agrees, “it’s all going to be okay.” 
Gina’s stomach twists at the way he repeats your words. 
“Do you know something I don’t?” she asks Ricky. You send her a look, clearly asking what the fuck. Before you can call her out, Ricky jumps in. 
“She’s Miss Jenn. She’s unstoppable. The whole show’s unstoppable.” 
“But, what if-” she ignores your glares, demanding she knock it off. “What if it does stop?”
Ricky squeezes your hand tighter. 
“Gina-” you say, a warning tone to your voice.
“Let’s not go there…” he says, a begging tone to his voice. 
“Yeah,” you agree, “let’s not.” You turn back to Ricky, your free hand resting on his arm, rubbing gently. He wants to cry - both at the situation you’re both struggling to deal with, and the catharsis, the comfort he feels when you touch him like this. 
“The show must go on.” You say firmly, “There’s no chance something as trivial as a mistake on Miss Jenn’s resume is enough to do any actual harm to the show.” there’s a light chuckle to your voice, one that he mirrors.
“Yeah,” he agrees, needing you to continue, which you do.
“When I was in Matilda when I was younger, the entire basement full of props got flooded the week of opening night.”
His eyes widen in concern, and you continue. 
“Everything was soggy, and completely covered in mildew by the time we got back to the theater. You know what we did?” you ask Ricky rhetorically, who’s looking at you so intensely, hanging on your every word. “We paired down. We went for an abstract, minimalistic set design. Even threw in some shadow play for effect until the props and sets were all fixed.”
“Really?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you state, “and the critics loved it. They were raving about how genius it was, a brilliant way to showcase Matilda’s imagination and view of the world around her.” you say, quoting one of the more memorable reviews. 
“So,” you say with a new lightheartedness to your voice brought on by the anecdote, “the point is, everything will be fine.” your sincerity is palpable, and you watch as he lets out a small, shallow breath. Gina doesn’t miss the way he relaxes when you put your hand back on his shoulder, the way he mirrors your expressions and body language and words without even realizing. He’s beginning to calm down from the worst possible news they could have gotten just because he’s with you. 
“Y’know what?” she says, swallowing the lump in her throat, “I’m gonna head out, so…” she points toward the door. Ricky glances up, then back at you.
“Get home safe.” you say with a polite wave before continuing to reassure him. You talk a little more, and you’re relieved that you can see he’s starting to feel better. The distraction is helping him, you realize, as you stroll around the empty theater hand in hand. “Why don’t you show me that guitar version of when there was me and you?” He laughs nervously.
“I don’t know…” he mutters. A hint of concern flashes over your face. If he doesn’t even want to play guitar, it must be really bad.
“C’mon, pretty please?” you say, causing butterflies to swirl in his chest, “I want to hear it stripped down, and you’re so good at guitar…” 
He lets out a flustered laugh, butterflies fluttering in his chest as he accepts the guitar you hand him, taking a seat. You watch him attentively as he begins playing the first chords, humming along.
In the hallway, a few feet away from the door, Nina sighs. 
She can’t bring herself to walk away, not this time, not when she knows he’s probably wallowing,  waiting for her. Letting out a loud, dramatic sigh, she decides to be the bigger person. She turns and walks back to the rehearsal room, hovering in the doorway when she hears familiar strumming. She watches Ricky, his back to her while he plays. She starts to enter the room, pausing when she sees that he’s singing to someone. Not just anyone, but you. You’re looking at him fondly, chin resting in your hand. She doesn’t have time to roll her eyes before you start singing along, noting how his voice stops shaking when yours mingles with his. 
She’s having the worst day ever, EJ keeps texting her, and there’s Ricky, serenading you. She can’t even talk to him alone for five minutes without you hovering. She feels sick. She hates this, hates the way you ogle at him. She should be the one in there, the one duetting with him.. She’s known him since kindergarten for god’s sake, she has the right to comfort him. Tears welling up in her eyes, she storms off, pulling her song book from her backpack to pour everything into its pages. She’s ready to fill it with songs of betrayal and heartbreak. 
After some more singing, wandering around, and examining old props from former shows, you and Ricky find yourselves on a stiff couch that’s been hidden in the back of the prop room for ages. Just being around props, costumes, old playbills and other paraphernalia makes Ricky feel better. There’s a restorative quality in theaters he never knew about until now. It’s like he can pretend that nothing is different than it was yesterday, like everything is still the same. 
“Can… can we just stay here for a while?” he asks, hugging a basketball and leaning into you. 
“Yeah,” you say softly, “‘course. As long as you want.” you press a kiss to the top of his head, and you both settle deeper into the couch, rough woven texture rubbing against your arms. He rests his head on your shoulder while you play with his hair, telling him more stories from your time in Matilda. Most notably how nice the person who played Miss Trunchbull was, and how tangled everyone’s hair was from being teased and styled so much. It smelled more like hairspray than when you were actually in Hairspray. 
You trace shapes on his back while you talk. His breath is warm on your neck, and he can smell your perfume, the same peachy perfume you wore to homecoming. He’s flooded with memories of how beautiful you were that night, how you touched him, how you tasted. He lets out a soft sigh at the memory. He’s craving more than holding you, he needs to be closer, needs more. He needs to be inside you. He gives a fleeting thought to your location; it’s late, and he’s sure no one will come sniffing around the prop room in the guts of the theatre department. It’s enough justification for him, and he indulges his desires, beginning to press kisses to your face and neck. He grabs at your waist, drawing an anticipatory giggle. The noise soothes him, and he wants more. 
“I-” he tries not to let his voice waver, but you know him so well by now it’s impossible to hide, “...just need you close. Need you with me.” he sighs into your skin, desperate for your smell, your touch, you you you. You rub his back, your touch so cathartic it makes him want to cry.
“I’m not going anywhere, Ricky.” you state gently, and he latches onto your words, wanting desperately to believe them. You pull him in to kiss you more, and he shoves his tongue past your lips, sighing into your mouth at how much better he already feels from that alone. He was right, he really does just need to be inside you, be as close to you as possible. 
He climbs on top of you as you lace your hands through his hair, embracing the taste of your tongue against his. He lets out a shuddering sigh as you place your soft thigh between his, and he grinds against you, unable to stop his hips from rutting into you. He whines at how good it feels, how much better you make him feel. He tugs at the waistband of your pants, and you smile a little at how eager he is for you. You reach into a pocket deep in your bag, zipped up tight, to grab a condom while he makes quick work of shimmying both your pants down.
“Will- will you put it on for me?” he whines quietly into your neck, and you nod, humming and running your hand through his hair in response. 
He’s already moaning and you’ve barely started to put it on. He’s so needy, so desperate for you that it brings a smile to your face. You can’t deny how cute you find it. He pushes into you, trying not to go too fast, and the air is knocked from both your lungs as he works his way deeper into your wet, welcoming cunt. He fucks you needy and desperate, whining cutely like a little puppy as he humps into you. He grinds his pelvis against your clit, needing to be closer to you, and the noises you let out are like a warm shower after a long day.
“F-fuck, Ricky, just like that… good boy…” 
He speeds up, whining and panting into your mouth as you praise him, and he feels little tears begin to prick at the corners of his eyes. Both for how fucking bad today has been, and how fucking good you make him feel. Your touch, your words, the way you call him a good boy and reassure him as he tries to pull you closer to him even though you’re already as close as you can possibly get, it’s all so addictive. You’re so wet; tighter and warmer and more reassuring around him than anything. You feel so soothing, like aloe on a sunburn, and he wants more and more and more of it. 
The head of his cock keeps rubbing against that spongy part inside you, drawing out more gasps and moans, more noises that make his heart pound. He can’t get enough. He’s grabbing at your clothes and clinging to you, begging, whining your name over and over like a prayer. He feels you tighten up around him, feels the way your legs shake, and it sends him over the edge. He had been sucking a hickey into your chest, but now his teeth and tongue graze your skin as he moans, rutting deeper and deeper into you as he spills all of himself into your welcoming embrace. 
A few moments when he would normally pull out and get up, instead he buries his face in your neck. “Can we… just stay here for a minute?” 
There’s still a fragile quality to his voice, and you begin running your fingers through his hair again, before pressing a kiss to his temple. 
“Sure,” you say, nodding. You play with his hair as he sucks on your tits, his arms wrapped tight around your waist. He runs his tongue over the soft flesh, reveling in the taste, the way your walls flutter around him when he plays and sucks on your hardened bud. He finds comfort in the gesture, the way you taste. You stay like that for a little while, and Ricky feels his brain go fuzzy with how good you feel and taste, how sweet you are to him. If he could live between your legs - and with his face in your tits - he would in a heartbeat. 
Your phone buzzes, pulling you slightly out of the warm little bubble you’ve created. It’s Ashlyn. You know she’s upset, she has to be after today. Ricky freezes, looking up at you to see what you do. You bring your finger to your lips, gesturing for him to stay quiet, then place your hand on the back of his head, bringing him back down to your soft chest. 
You pick up the phone, chatting with Ashlyn, listening as she vents and worries to you, gently scratching Ricky’s back the whole time. You have such a casual, nurturing energy, and being squished between your tits, still deep inside you while you idly chat on the phone makes Ricky’s head spin. He can’t get enough of you, can’t stop thinking about how good you treat him, how nice your attention feels. When he wants a little more, he’ll grind his hips against your twitching clit, just to feel the way you throb and squeeze around him, to hear the little hitch in your breath that you try to conceal. 
You send him a warning look, but you can’t keep a straight face, not when he’s looking at you like that. 
“Hey, what if we did a song?” you ask into the phone, Ashlyn silent on the other end as she listens, “Like, what if we did a huge, original, show stopping number, and, like… a flashmob at the meeting tomorrow. You know, show them what we can do when she’s the one directing us.” 
“I… love that. Oh my god, I’m dead. Yes.” she states, and you smile. “I- god, I’m already getting ideas. Uh… okay, can you meet me at Big Red’s?” she spitballs, excited to work on this.
“Yeah,” you say, gaze flickering back down at Ricky, “we’ll be over in a few, text everyone else - we’ll need as much backup as we can get.” you chuckle. 
“Oh,” she says, a knowing tone to her voice, “is… Ricky with you?” Dammit. Now you have to play this off.
“Uh, yeah, we were just-” you trail off, fighting a giggle as he grinds against you. He chuckles into your tits, feeling them jiggle around his mouth.
“We were just hanging around the theater,” you finish, “he didn’t want to leave yet.” 
“Yeah,” she says, thinking about earlier, regretting leaving so soon, “tell me about it. Anyway, get here as soon as you can so we can work on this.” 
She hears a light, flustered giggle distantly through the speaker, and knows it’s him making you laugh. She could let it slide, but calling you out is too tempting.
“...Hi, Ricky.” she says. It’s silent for a minute. 
“Hi, Ashlyn.” his voice is sheepish, and she hears you both giggle. She’s glad you know she knows you’ve been hanging out together, flirting too, no doubt. You hang up shortly after, then begin the process of finally detangling yourselves from each other, and cleaning up enough to look presentable. Ricky’s chest squeezes when you adjust his hoodie strings and fix his hair. He returns the caring gesture by helping you to his car, your legs still wobbly. 
By the time you get to Red’s, Ashlyn already has some lyrics she’s working on, and part of a chorus. Red looks at Ricky, nodding toward you. Ricky looks at him pointedly, gaze flicking to Ashlyn, noting the flustered look on Red’s face. Red gives him a look that screams HAHAHA WHAT? NO! Why is it obvious?? Ricky makes a mental note to grill him on it later. 
They watch you and Ashlyn work together, brainstorming lyrics and choreo as everyone else arrives, and Ricky is thrilled to see you in your natural habitat like this. By the time everyone else is there, you, Ashlyn, and Carlos have made great progress, with everyone else helping to bounce around ideas and iron out details. 
“You know,” Nina starts, a performative tone of wisdom to her voice, “I think we should go for a power ballad.” 
“Uh…” you look over at Ashlyn, who you can tell is feeling defensive over the work you’ve already done. You look at Carlos, who doesn’t seem to want to do a power ballad either. You choose your words carefully.
“I totally see where you’re coming from, a power ballad would be really impactful, but I think in this case we need to go for something with more wow factor.”
“A power ballad has wow factor!” she says. Even she realizes how flimsy that sounds. She lets out a contemptuous sigh, “But a power ballad would show how much she means to us.” she’s clearly trying to tug on the heartstrings, and it’s not working on you. You check the clock. You don’t have time to debate with her. 
“Realistically,” you start, a decisive tone to your voice, “I don’t think we have time to rework all this into a power ballad. I think we should stick with the direction we’re going in, and commit-”
“Oh, so you want to play it safe?” she asks, seeming like she caught you in something, “I thought music… was about taking risks.” 
You hold back the biggest sigh of your life, when Ricky jumps in behind you. 
“I think we should listen to her.” 
Nina starts to thank him, the sees that he’s pointing to you. The words dry up in her throat.
“She is like,” he continues, “the most talented person I’ve ever seen. She really knows what she’s talking about, guys.”
Everyone seems to agree, except for Nina. You can feel the pissy aura radiating off her already. You send him a grateful look, then turn back to her, trying to be professional.
“A power ballad is still a great idea-” 
“No, no.” she says, passive aggressive and dismissive, “you go ahead. I’ll just be quiet.” everything about her is making your irritation spike, but you know you don’t have time to babysit her or her feelings. If she thinks she can make you feel bad for that, then she’s wrong. 
“Okay, as long as you’re sure.” You state, before getting back into it with Ashlyn. 
As soon as you finish holding out the final note, you’re met with cheers that turn into roaring applause. Your mom and Ricky’s dad both advocated for Miss Jenn, tipping the scales for Principal Gutierrez to agree, letting her keep her job. Ricky finds you immediately, picking you up and spinning you around. He holds you so tight, and you both giggle, elated. You can’t believe it really worked. When he pulls away you can see it on him, the electric energy, the rush of a good performance. He doesn’t even need to say anything because you’re feeling the same thing, and the silent understanding is shared between you.
“This will be nothing compared to opening night.” you say, your smile infectious, and he can’t wait. Like, he genuinely can’t wait for opening night. He’s never been more motivated for anything than he has for this, performing alongside you again. He’s gotten a taste, and he wants more. 
Nina hugs Seb. When she pulls away, she sees you and ricky talking animatedly - and very close together. She deflates at the sight before her. You’re holding each other and laughing, absolutely beaming at each other. A knot forms in her stomach. 
“What are they even talking about?” she scoffs. 
“Probably some cute story about when the basement flooded when she was in Matilda.” Gina mutters. Nina hadn’t noticed she was there, but something about that rings a bell she can’t place. It’s scratching around in the back of her mind, and she wonders why that sounds familiar. 
Across the room, Ricky catches his dad and Miss Jenn talking real close together too. You follow his gaze, eyes widening. You see how his brow furrows, and think now would be a good time for a distraction. 
“You know,” you start, drawing his attention back to you, “if you want to this weekend, I can show you some of the shows I’ve been in.” you offer. 
“Are you kidding?” He asks with a chuckle, his whole face lighting up, “Yes! Yeah, absolutely!” You smile, your expression mirroring his.
“After we catch up on our sleep, though,” you say, exhaustion setting in from both the all nighter and the high energy performance you just pulled off. You rub your eyes, bleary. “Cause I am about to crash, dude.”
“Same,” he laughs, and it quickly turns into a yawn. You both giggle, making your way to Ricky’s dad’s car so he can drop you off before you take Ricky home. Your mom has a meeting starting ten minutes ago, so she had to rush over to city hall right after you got the good news, and Mike offered to give you a ride. He drops you off, watching the way you and Ricky talk. You’re still having a good time together even when you’re this tired. It’s a positive sign, he thinks. Soon they’re turning into their driveway, and he knows he has minutes before Ricky’s out like a light. 
“She seems nice,” he starts, expecting Ricky to brush it off or act all embarrassed, demand you’re just hanging out, or whatever the kids are calling it now. Instead, he’s met with a wistful sigh.
“Yeah… she is.” he says with an exhausted, sincere smile. The openness of his answer surprises Mike. “She’s… the best.” 
Ricky’s inside and falling into bed before Mike can ask any follow up questions, but he intends to a little later. He doesn’t know if it’s because of Jenn, or the show, or you, but he’s so glad to see Ricky smile like that again.
150 notes · View notes
butterflyintochains · 4 months
Persona Non Grata
Austin 2023, and someone who the grid gang hoped to never see again has reared his ugly face on the same week as the US Grand Prix at COTA. Social Media AU attempt.
Deux Moi
Well, well, well. Looks like we've got some F1 drama on our hands this week, friends! According to social media, the ex of the world champion's wife is attending this year's United States Grand Prix. The ex is effectively persona non grata in the paddock, could be spicy.
🏁The Grid Gang GC 🏁
Smooth Operator: Dios mio, have you lot seen instagram lately? Is he insane? Lily the Elder: ikr? And, has anyone heard from the Verstappens? Predestinato: Nope, Max and Julia have went completely silent. I've tried ten times to get their phones. Ministro: Did he have to show up now of all times? He's had four years to show his ugly face, why now? Nando: Seb told me this was called a drive-by. He wants to check in on Julia to see if he's still in her head. Saint Alexandra: Why, tho? She's literally married to Max? SirLewis: That trauma doesn't go away easily, Alex. Pastry: Okay, uhh... who's 'he' and why do we hate him? HoneyBadger: 'He' is Julia's ex-boyfriend, Joseph. He was an abusive pos, banned her from talking to Max, beat her up all the time. And, he's coming to cota this year. LogieBear: Oh... oh, fuck him. SuperMax: Ok, finally calmed my wife down. Lando Nowins: Max! Thank God! Is our lioness alright? SuperMax: She's asleep right now, in my arms, where she belongs. Biggest panic attack she's had in years. Nando: How are you, mi nino? SuperMax: Honestly? Fucking furious, she's made so much progress, we just got married, and he wants to ruin it all. Albono: He won't, she's got us, and so do you.
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liked by: BellaWatson, universityofga, and 300 others.
JoDeschamps: Austin, here I am! Can't wait to see some amazing racing in my old home state.
BellaWatson: Gonna miss you this week, babes 😘
JoDeschamps: Won't be gone long, baby 💕
universityofga: Have fun this week off, professor! You've more than earned it.
RBRBeloveds: Oh, the lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch.
LecfosaSiempre: Please, for the love of all that is holy, tell me this isn't who I think it is.
danielricciardo: Someone let this cunt become a professor? After all he did to pumpkin?
Orange_Tifosi: DANIEL?? schecoperez: And, he has a new girlfriend? How? YukierreBestBoys: Checo?
Charles_Leclerc: come to harass my little sister and her husband?
JoDeschamps: Her husband? She has a husband? maxverstappen1: Hi, how are you doing, asshole? Remember me?
@F1Gossip: tweeted october 18th 2023 at 6pm.
Rule one for life: do not piss off the drivers. No idea what's going on, but Daniel, Checo, Charles, and Max were seen commenting on a random university professor's instagram post about his attendance at the US GP this weekend.
🏁The Grid Gang GC 🏁
SirLewis: Dan, Max, Charles, Checo - what have you done? HoneyBadger: The cunt deserved it, Lewis. Predestinato: ^ SuperMax: Just sticking up for my wife, mate. Nando: We expect this from you three. Checo, amigo, care to explain? Ministro: Julia matters to me too, Nando. PGasly: Yeah, I think he can take a bit of hell, he dished it out to Julia for a year. Lando Nowins: Amen, who gets to run him over in the pitlane? Predestinato: Me, clearly. SuperMax: Wait, why clearly you? Predestinato: I'm her brother, duh. SuperMax: I'm her husband. LadyLioness: Neither of you are running him over, you're not ruining your careers for me. Yukino: She's alive!! GeorgieBoy: How are you, Julia? LadyLioness: I've been better, but, I'm four years older now than I was back then. So, I'm better equipped to handle this. ReinaRebecca: You're being a girlboss on insta with Alex and Kika, aren't you? LadyLioness: Becs, babe, I am a wife of a world champion, and a CEO, I am above such childish things. KikaGomes: She is. LadyLioness: KIKA!
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liked by: StefanieJoubert, maxverstappen1, and 400k others.
JuliaVerstappen: Help a girl out with her outfit for her first ever US GP, please. Also, thanks to my girls, Kika and Alex, for being my stylists and photographers today! 💝💝
maxverstappen1: I still can't believe you're my wife. 🥵
JuliaVerstappen: Says the sexiest driver to ever race. 😍
VitaLuxuria: One of our CEOs absolutely slaying as usual.
redbullracing: Juliette turning our garage into fashion week, as per usual, we stan!
scuderiaferrari: She was ours first, guys, remember that. StefanieJoubert: Oooh, custody battle! JuliaVerstappen: Well, I'm married to one, sister to the other, so... Also, Steffi, go to bed.
francisca.cgomes: I'd go for option one, but idk, you look amazing in basically everything except beige.
JuliaVerstappen: Yeah, I vibe with the blue. Might save option two for Vegas.
RBRBeloveds: So, in response to her ex who should be in jail turning up, girlie decides to outslay her enemy, huh?
liked by JuliaVerstappen.
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liked by: Charles_Leclerc, scuderiaferrari, JuliaVerstappen, and 1.7 million others.
F1: Green and mean! Charles Leclerc bags pole position in Austin for 2023! Lando Norris of McLaren to start P2, and Lewis Hamilton of Mercedes to start P3.
Charles_Leclerc: Bring it on, Austin!
LecfosaSiempre: Did anyone notice Charles just glaring at someone in the grandstand across from his garage? Was that he who must not be named?
PapayaGirlie: Wait, what? Who is he who must not be named? I'm new here. RBRBeloveds: Oh, boy, strap in. So, basically, before Juliette was Mrs Verstappen and Queen of the Orange Army. She was with this absolute dick called Joseph, he was mega abusive, and should be in jail, but he's here at cota. He's basically the worst. PapayaGirlie: Oof, where's Juliette rn? LecfosaSiempre: Sky just showed her hugging Charles. 😊
scuderiaferrari: Another pole, Ferrari clean sweep? Sprint shootout is tomorrow, let's keep it up!
JuliaVerstappen: Andiamo, Charlie!! Forza!
maxverstappen1: Schatje? My own wife? JuliaVerstappen: Mon vainqueur, how about we skip group dinner tonight? 😉 maxverstappen1: Okay, you win. redbullracing: pigs are flying!! Max just let someone win something! maxverstappen1: My wife is different, and I love her 🥰
@F1Gossip: tweeted 20th october 2023 at 5:30 pm.
So, it seems like our hunch was true. The professor on insta is the abusive ex of Juliette Verstappen. After seeing his insta, he's from Marseille, emigrated to Georgia, and teaches history at U of G. He's also at cota. Hope all measures are being taken to ensure Mrs Verstappen's safety this weekend. 1/3
@F1Gossip: tweeted 20th october 2023 at 5:40 pm.
The recent revelation making a recent blind item on the celebrity gossip site Deux Moi even more harrowing. We must stress, this is not celeb gossip or drama. This is a potentially dangerous man being allowed back into the same place as his victim. Mrs Verstappen is an abuse survivor, and is now in the same place as her ex-abuser. 2/3
@F1Gossip: tweeted 20th october 2023 at 5:45 pm.
Last one, promise. Seems as though Juliette is being protected while outwith the Red Bull and Ferrari garages. Christian Horner just name dropped her security guard as Anthony, an ex Welsh Guard, and he's being very vigilant with Mr and Mrs Verstappen's safety. 3/3
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liked by: maxverstappen1, VitaLuxuria, and 200 others.
JuliaVerstappen: Hey all, just needed to address some things real quick before sprint day. Yes, my ex-abuser is here. Yes, that terrifies me no end. But, I am okay. I have a wonderful husband, an amazing brother, and the best family ever. Anthony is protecting me. Red Bull are keeping me safe. He does not own me anymore, I've been with Max four times as long. He is a tiny dot in my story, not even a page. Thank you for the concern 😘
replies are limited to followers only.
maxverstappen1: You are the strongest person I know, liefje.
Charles_Leclerc: Je t'adore, papillon.
danielricciardo: Proud of you for this post, pumpkin.
StefanieJoubert: My bestie was not built to break.
francisca.cgomes: Keep up the good work, Anthony!
AlexSaintMleux: Love you, ma soeur!
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liked by: F1, maxverstappen1, JuliaVerstappen, schecoperez, and 1.5 million more.
redbullracing: The lion roars back to win the sprint at the 2023 US Grand Prix in dominant fashion. The three time world champion beating rival Lewis Hamilton and brother-in-law Charles Leclerc to the win, and is due to start P6 for the main race tomorrow.
schecoperez: Vamos, hermano!!
JuliaVerstappen: That's my man! Forever blown away with watching you race, amour. 💜
maxverstappen1: Always race my best when you're here, schatje. 🧡
F1: The champion is not done yet, people! The season isn't over until it's over. 💪
danielricciardo: For a guy who 'hates' sprints, he sure does win a lot of them.
JuliaVerstappen: He likes them, he just doesn't wanna admit it.
RBRBeloved: Did anyone catch the interview with Brundle where Max said he hoped they'd never be in the same place as J*seph again? And, he wishes he'd go back to Georgia?
LecfosaSiempre: Yeah! He is such a great husband! Julia is so lucky to have him. 😍 PapayaGirlie: He also dedicated his win to all survivors of DV around the world. We stan a great husband. I'm a McLaren girl, but Max is my backup for sure.
Charles_Leclerc: I'd have won had my stupid tires not rebelled on me.
maxverstappen1: Just keep telling yourself that, mate. joris_trouche: I believe you, Charlie. redbullracing: Boys, this is an official team post you know? 😁
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liked by: BellaWatson, universityofga, and 400 others.
JoDeschamps: Such a cool day, the sprint was super boring, but, COTA is truly incredible. Can't wait until tomorrow!
StefanieJoubert: Boring? Goodness, wonder why you found it boring? 🤔
maxverstappen1: Probably because I won, Steffi. #sourgrapes. DaphneDubois: Get his ass, Max! Or, does Julia have your phone? maxverstappen1: Nope, all me, 😊 Julia is answering some work emails rn. Then, we're going out to dinner.
landonorris: COTA is incredible, shame you're here.
BellaWatson: Who are these men, and why are they harassing my boyfriend? I don't get it.
alex_albon: You might wanna ask him for the truth once he's home... lilymunhe: Or just trawl through social media enough? Like, this info isn't exactly hidden? georgerussell63: Or, better still, send a dm to JuliaVerstappen, she'll tell you everything you need to know.
JuliaVerstappen Messages:
BellaWatson: Uhh, hi... someone called George Russell told me to dm you about my boyfriend? JuliaVerstappen: Okay? Who's your boyfriend? BellaWatson: Joseph Deschamps... JuliaVerstappen: Oh, girlie... has be banned you from talking to anyone? Beat you purple for any tiny annoyance to him? Banned you from wearing colour so you don't look better than him? BellaWatson: No? JuliaVerstappen: Does he yell at you when he doesn't get his way? Freeze you out for days at whim? BellaWatson: No? JuliaVerstappen: That's what he did to me four years ago, before I married my husband. Those guys who are on his insta comments are my husband (Max Verstappen), my brother (Charles Leclerc), and our family. All are F1 drivers. JuliaVerstappen: They all saved my life, and now I'm paying it forward. I don't know you, but I do know him. BellaWatson: Will he do all that to me? JuliaVerstappen: He will, eventually. He's probably doing it already, and you don't recognise it. BellaWatson: What do I do? JuliaVerstappen: I'll not tell you what to do. But, get ready for a difficult conversation on monday. BellaWatson: Who did he ban you from talking to? JuliaVerstappen: My husband. I've been with Max for three years, but in love with him since I was sixteen, we met when I was eleven. He hates Max, that's why he called the sprint boring. BellaWatson: Why did he do that? JuliaVerstappen: He knew I was in love with Max and not him, so he tried to isolate me from him. BellaWatson: Do I... break up with him? JuliaVerstappen: That's up to you, and whether he's grown up any since me. Nice talking to you, anyway. BellaWatson: Nice talking to you too.
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liked by: redbullracing, maxverstappen1, JuliaVerstappen, and 2 million others.
F1: Awesome in Austin! Our three time world champion claims a flawless third win in a row at the Circuit of The Americas in Texas. Beating out Lewis Hamilton and Lando Norris. His 50th race win, and the first time his wife was with him in Austin!
redbullracing: Our Dutch lion continues his hunt 🦁
maxverstappen1: Good weekend at work I'd say! 🧡
schecoperez: Vamos, Max! Vamos, hermano!!
JuliaVerstappen: Allez, mon vainqueur, je t'aime.
maxverstappen1: Ik houd van je, schatje.
teamredlinesim: Not bad for a side gig between sim races 😁
RBRBeloved: Max's speech on the podium was to die for 😍 dedicating his win to his wife and all survivors of domestic abuse, highlighting her charity work in his speech.
BellaWatson: Well done, Max!
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liked by: VitaLuxuria, StefanieJoubert, maxverstappen1, and 500k more.
JuliaVerstappen: My husband, my soulmate, my champion. My first time coming to Austin definitely paid off. 💜🧡
maxverstappen1: Nice looking man you've got there, beautiful, hope he's treating you well.
JuliaVerstappen: Oh, he does, thanks. maxverstappen1: Do you think he'd mind if you missed group dinner tonight? JuliaVerstappen: I think I can fit him in.
DaphneDubois: Bravo, Maxy!!
StefanieJoubert: Keep it up, mon ami.
lukecraneofficial: That's our boy!!
teamredlinesim: Think you can let us borrow him for a bit once you're back in Monaco?
JuliaVerstappen: Depends... lukecreaneofficial: On what? JuliaVerstappen: 😉
VitaLuxuria: Well done to our CEO's husband on his win in Austin!! We're breaking out the Red Bull tonight, Max!
RBRBeloveds: Not Max and Julia getting spicy on main 🥰, parents, please!
JuliaVerstappen: Spicy? Us? Never! Nope, we're totally family friendly, not even one spice, eh, Max? maxverstappen1: Well... my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, so... JuliaVerstappen: Said by the most beautiful man in the world. RBRBeloveds: Proving my point exactly 😊😄 JuliaVerstappen: Got us there.
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liked by: JuliaVerstappen, redbullracing, fernandoalo-official, and 1.2 million others.
maxverstappen1: Date night with my simply lovely and gorgeous wife.
F1: The king and queen of our paddock, looking absolutely wonderful in black.
redbullracing: We're looking respectfully 👀
YukierreBestBoys: So am I... honest, I am.
danielricciardo: How can Max go from team polo and jeans to full tux in an hour? Pumpkin, are you a witch?
maxverstappen1: Yes, she is. When you've got a wife like I do, you have to keep up. JuliaVerstappen: Tresor, don't do that, please. You are the sexiest man in the world.
LecfosaSiempre: Here my dumbass was thinking Charles was the best looking Leclerc sibling... wow.
Charles_Leclerc: wdym? I still am?
francisca.cgomes: Pierre, you and I need to step up our game, omg.
pierregasly: Preach!
maxiel_lovechild: Is it just me, or has Max gained a whole new energy since the wedding? Like, man is glowing.
Orange_Tifosa: IKR? Like, we are not ready for these two having kids. Julia has went from cute to sexy so effortlessly. And, Max has went from baby to alpha almost too quickly. We are not ready for milf Julia and dilf Max. Pucks_and_Pirellis: And you know these two are going to have the most adorable kids ever.
PapayaGirlie: Still new here, but how do I get adopted by them? Also, I bet J*seph's head just exploded.
liked by maxverstappen1. liked by JuliaVerstappen.
SilverWar_Child: That middle pic is giving 'rulers of all we survey' energy.
@F1Gossip: tweeted 22nd october 2023 at 10pm.
After coming out of dinner, Max and Juliette ran into some fans of theirs, and signed every autograph. Can attest, was there: they are literally the sweetest couple ever. Max looked so handsome in his tux, and Julia was beauty made flesh in her evening gown. I also can confirm, the abusive ex left before the trophy ceremony. 1/2
@F1Gossip: tweeted 2nd october 2023 at 10:30pm.
And yes, before you ask, Anthony was tailing them from a respectful distance. Honestly, they should hire him for security full time. Can't get much better than an ex-Welsh Guard Captain. So, there ends my coverage of the weekend, see y'all in Mexico! 2/2
Just something fun and experimental. Hope this finds an audience!
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cable-knit-sweater · 1 year
MAYAAAAAA 😫😫😫 I know I’ve been in your inbox already once today, but I just saw you reblog This Fucking Post™ of This Fucking Guy™ and— EXCUSE ME. I AM UNWELL. 
So now I can’t help but think about how this particular Seb is a bit more confident and cocksure (pun at least 50% intended) than usual, and how it completely throws Chris for a loop and maybe they haven’t seen each other for a while and they’re finally alone and making out like teenagers on Seb’s couch and Chris is reeling from how assertive and self-assured Seb is, not to mention how stupidly fucking hot he looks, and listen. LISTEN. Chris loves it, he really, really does, but he’s just used to being a bit more in charge, and being able to reduce Seb into a boneless, speechless mess with relative ease (much like Seb’s doing to him, right now).
Chris is kinda getting lost inside his head when his hand finds its familiar way into Seb’s hair, fingers curling gently but surely around the lengths, and tugging— 
Seb makes the tiniest noise in the back of his throat, but Chris can feel the tremor that runs through him, so he pulls a bit harder, a bit meaner. 
There it is. 
“Screw you,” Seb breathes, but it comes out wrapped in an unmistakeable moan. 
Chris just laughs, mouthing at the hinge of his jaw in a way that makes Seb squirm into the cushions. 
“This is why we can’t have nice things,” Seb huffs even while closing his eyes and melting into the touch. 
“Aww, honey,” Chris purrs in response. “You’re the nice thing.” 
Idk what this even is but I totally blame you & Minnie for it 😇💕
Okay. Calming down for a second but GOD I love you so fucking much.
I saw your other ask and I LOVE it, also @sparkagrace has been begging me for something similar and I will have so much fun writing it, so thank youuuu for sending me that prompt (also? I love the hive mind so freaking much lol 💗💗)
But getting back to the rest of your ask bc oh my god are you in my head??? This is like a perfect scenario and I’m obsessed 😫 Anyone who even knows me a little bit knows how weak I am for this Seb:
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Like uncontrollable sobbing, unhinged screeching, want to BITE, that kind of weak 😭
But back to your scenario.
One of my favorite things is Seb being a little cocky and Chris being surprised by it and LOVING it, but alsoooo trying to find a way to reduce Seb to a whimpering mess again 😫 I love how in this scenario Chris goes with it for a little but then he just needs to do one thing, and Sebastian is done for (much like I am).
And they both love it. Chris loves it when his boyfriend is assertive, makes known what he loves and wants; whether it’s through making those delicious noises or by showing Chris what he wants by being a little more demanding like this. He always thinks Sebastian is hot, unbelievably gorgeous, but there’s something about him when he smirks at Chris in that way of his, when Sebastian looks all self-assured and like he knows he’s the hottest thing out there, because in Chris’s mind he always is. So he lets Sebastian do what he wants for a little, until instinct takes over…and his instinct will always be to love on Sebastian so much, to make him feel soooo good, that Sebastian just melts into whatever surface they’ve ended up on and lets Chris make him feel even better.
The moment that happens always causes Chris’s brain to short circuit for a second. When Sebastian’s features go slack, when he moans so loudly, when he starts to give himself over to Chris. It’s not so much surprise as it is pure awe; that he can have that effect on Sebastian, that Sebastian loves it as much as he does, that Sebastian lets him do this.
Sebastian loves it when Chris takes charge and just, instinctively knows what he needs, but sometimes he just can’t control himself, feeling sooo good about himself and wanting Chris to feel good too, needing to be close, so he just goes for it.
He can’t help but feeling a little hungry, a little feral when they’ve been apart for a while, needing his hands all over Chris and needing Chris’s hands all over him. Rile him up as much as he can until he gets Chris to growl a little and manhandle him, pull at his hair, letting Chris take charge again easily.
Riling Chris up is maybe one of his favorite things to do. It’s almost like a little game they play, and even if Seb complains a little when Chris takes over and makes him all weak-kneed, it’s all he wants.
ALSO, Chris is right, he is the nice thing 😭 and BLESS you so much for dropping these incredible thoughts into my inbox, GOD, I’m gonna need some more time to think about this 🥵.
I LOVE YOU (and your incredible brain) SOOO MUCH 💕💕💕💕💕 Sending you the biggest polar bear hugs and all the smooches 😘😘
Alsooo I think @musette22 will agree with me that we’ll gladly take the blame if it leads to something like this 🥰🥰🥰
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sebsxphia · 1 year
Seb <333 I am currently thinking so hard about unintentionally teasing Bradley by walking around his apartment in just your underwear and one of his Hawaiian shirts, unbuttoned. Him trying to act like he’s unaffected, but little do you know he’s been hard the entire time he’s been watching you make breakfast for the two of you, the sight of you moving about his space, half naked in his shirt is driving him absolutely crazy (bc he also totally has a housewife kink and loves seeing you be all domestic) from the island counter where he’s sitting and watching you. Eventually, when he’s too worked up, Bradley’s sneaking up behind you and wrapping one arm around your waist, the other reaching around you to turn off the stove, and then he’s throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you back to his bed to fuck you, with his Hawaiian shirt still on of course 🫠🧡
hehehehe ily and I hope you have a wonderful day, my love! ☺️❤️💕🧡❤️💕🧡
- @sugarcoated-lame ❤️
bradley with a housewife kink? and possessive kink? which ties into seeing you in his clothing and it makes him feral and domesticated? gimme gimme gimme!
you’re sprawled out on your bed, only wearing the shirt, your legs over his shoulders and breasts bouncing. “look at you, getting fucked with my shirt on. look s’ fucking pretty, angel. god, wan’ fill you up. make you my wife.”
if i had a good fucking from boyfriend/future husband rooster, i think all my problems would be solved!
oh and you know after he’s done with you and you’re like bambi walking down the stairs (he carries you the rest of the way down), he’s sitting you at the kitchen table and he’s finishing up breakfast and feeding you for doing so good for him 🥹
thank you so much for this incredible thot my love! i hope you have a wonderful day yourself and ilysm, mwah! 💌🥹💗🫶🏼💓
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