#goddamn it Andi
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thank you mr. braugher. you did it right. and it was perfect.
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blueautumngrave · 2 months
It used to be “no fob would never play that song live” and now it’s rocking back and forth with tears in our eyes struggling not to lose it “I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE”
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
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Pondering her orb
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How about Ashley x Emo Fem Reader? Like gothic with uhh emotic? Or something like that. Like they meet when they been in high school. And they live in Y/N's house that she get from her parents when they passed
If you had any questions, ask me
Oooohhhh- okay okay!
Ashley Graves x Emo Fem!Reader
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Social outcast, you generally considered yourself
Not just you, your peers as well had called you that- or…crude variations of it
Point is, no one in school really liked you
You’ve overheard their gossip- all the same shit really
“I bet she lights cats on fire!” “Look at her sleeves, I bet she cuts herself.” “She’s gonna blow up the school I swear”
They couldn’t even bother to be creative with their assumptions about you- a lot of the same depressed demon stuff
….and you are depressed- but that’s besides the point!
You never really connected with any of your peers..
…well- except one..
Lunchtime was quite possibly the worst part of your day. It was a war zone. In the classrooms you had teachers to lessen the blows your classmates would throw at you, both metaphorically and physically, here the only solace of a savior were the underpaid lunch ladies who were occupied handing out food to students.
You hugged the wall as you carefully watched your peers, they all seemed fairly occupied in their own conversations- not even noticing you. You liked it when they forgot your existence. Loneliness beat cruelty.
There was a table you always sat at, tucked into the corner of the lunchroom- and for good reasons. The surface was littered with graffiti of swears, slurs, those cool S’s, and various crude doodles left by your peers. Not only that, but the table was very wobbly, so badly you usually have to use two textbooks to prop it up. The bottom was covered in dried out, chewed gum- the entire thing was just a sitting “DO NOT COME HERE” sign.
And it was perfect!
No one ever sat there due to how shitty it was, you think the students and faculty didn’t even bother to go near it. They either think it’s cursed, or forgot about it. Or both. Maybe both. But today someone had actually got there before you did.
A disgruntled girl with messy black hair poked at the mystery meat on her lunch tray. Poked isn’t the right word- more like viciously stabbed it repeatedly. Her nose scrunched in frustration, likely not directed towards the so-called food, but it was the only thing she had to vent her frustrations on to. She hadn’t noticed you.
You stood there a little awkwardly, not wanting to startle her on accident, so instead you spoke up meekly.
“Uhm…hi.” You smiled a little, trying to harmless. She didn’t look like your average bullies, but you can never be too careful.
She looked up at you with her pink eyes- her gaze was sharp, and you instinctively tensed in preparation for some insult to be thrown. She gave you a once over before returning to her tray, “…hey.”
“Can I…sit here?” It was a dumb question. Technically this table had been your seat, and this girl just showed up out of nowhere- but, oh well.
She gave a frustrated sigh, “God- did Andy put you up to this?” She asked rather accusatory, pointing her fork at you.
You opened your mouth to reply before she interrupted you, “Look how many times do I have to tell you hussies, you’re just wasting your time! He’s not going to fuck you if you’re nice to me so just—“
“Who’s Andy?”
The question you asked sounded genuine….cause it was. Really, you had no idea who this ‘Andy’ guy was. The girl lowered her fork, eyeing you wearily before she decided that you weren’t lying. She turned her head and muttered,
“….you can sit.”
And so you did. The two of you ate in relative silence. Well- you ate. Your new lunch friend more-so stabbed at her food then ate it. You swallowed down the lump of unidentifiable cafeteria meat and gave her a friendly smile. The silence was deafening and you’d never had anyone to eat with so maybe…maybe this could be nice for a change..
“I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself.
The girl glanced up at you before returning to her tray, “…Ashley..”
“I’ve never seen you at this table much.” your hands patted the surface nervously.
“Normally I sit with my brother and so-called friend,” her words dripped with malice, “But my stupid brother had to go study for some history test! And my ‘friend’ conveniently didn’t save me a seat…” she stuck her fork into the biggest chunk of her food and muttered, “Fucking bitch…”
“That’s a bit harsh..” you mumbled, causing Ashley to perk up and glare at you.
She practically climbed over the table and held her fork out towards you, making your hands instinctively raise in surrender, “She is a bitch! A doe-eyed hussie who thinks she’s soooooo innocent when she sucks just as much as everyone else!”
“I meant it was harsh that she wouldn’t let you sit with her,” your eyes were fixated on the fork, kind of worried Ashley would drive it into your neck, “I…should’ve been more specific. Sorry.”
Ashley’s pink eyes widened a little, she almost seemed- shocked someone took her side. Slowly, she clambered back to her seat and went quiet. You lowered your hands back into your lap and stared at her. Ashley pushed her tray and folded her arms overtop the table.
“….thanks.” She mumbled.
After that, you saw Ashley a lot more
It wasn’t every day, maybe once a week or two she would show up at your hidden table to eat
Slowly, she came out of that shell and actually initiated conversations
Well- conversations were a stretch. It was more like her venting about her frustrating day while you nodded along and ate.
Eventually, she liked you enough to stop you in the halls and walk with you
Usually her brother, Andrew you had come to learn his actual name, walked with her and she made a show to cling on to your arm
It never failed to make the heat rush to your face
Ashley was cute. Very cute. And had a general unhinged vibe that just made her all the more alluring
So it didn’t surprise you that you’d catch feelings for your new friend
No- what surprised you was when Ashley actually liked you back
You paused, silence hanging in the air as Ashley stared at you expectingly. Her foot tapped with impatience as she awaited what you were going to say.
You didn’t know what to say, the only time anyone has asked you out was as a prank. This was different. The question wasn’t coming from some bully barely able to keep their giggles in, this was coming from your friend. Someone you trusted. Someone who wouldn’t hurt you…..at least you think. She did threaten you with a fork.
Ashley’s growing impatience let you know just how slack jawed you were, “Look- if you’re going to be weird about this then just…forget I said anything.” She crossed her arms, turning away from you in a huff.
That was when you came out of your stupor, trying to salvage this, “No! No! It’s okay- really! I’m just….shocked that you asked me out.” You stammered with your explanation, “I didn’t even think you liked girls..”
“Me neither.” She mumbled, the faintest starts of a blush painting her cheeks. It was cute. She was cute.
Your face softened as you placed a hand on her shoulder, “….I’d love to.”
From there you two were dating
Had it only put more unwanted attention on you? Yes, but you wouldn’t have it any other way
You were happy, so fuck what those jerks had to say
Things were good, and after high school the both of you fucked off to another town
With Andrew in college, it’s not like Ashley wanted to stick around her shitty homelife
And you- honestly had no connections aside from your parents, and moving out was expected
So, it was you and Ashley. Outcast for outcast
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the-nation-of-today · 1 month
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Do you MIND????????
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
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byler week day 4: summer love | you know that i caught it 
dedicated to my beloved best friends/partners in crime, @astrobei and @wiseatom
giggling and giggling and giggling some more.
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ejunkiet · 1 year
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You’re happy, and he is too. At ease in a way that you normally only get on the new moon. A lucky side effect of his company. evie & marco (blood moon if, @barbwritesstuff​) by the incredible @andr0leda !!!
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someone put “2023 pete going into heat during headfirst slide” on the fob bingo please
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motley-cunt · 2 months
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pls don’t kill me mr. sweeney I wanna be in the sequel
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mingmonnie · 6 months
Today's simping topic:
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mikelogan · 9 months
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John C. McGinley on Conan: I'm a Gravy Guy x
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long-cold-winterr · 3 months
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madeofitzits · 26 days
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andi-o-geyser · 11 months
Deanna Leimert has everything. powers of the gods. an angsty backstory. majority of the only braincells in any group she's in. an ex husband. a werewolf fuckbuddy. a gay best friend. the best hangover cure you've ever had. religious trauma. homecooking skills. the ability to butcher a goat. a medical degree. a dump truck ass. and an etsy shop
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soooooo, i don't know if you already did that and i just could not find or something, but i'd really love you to write something about julia dating the reader, like, her love languages, how would be the perfect date night, etc
there's not enough julia content for me
thank you so much in advance! ^^
You are so right about the need for more Julia Content
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Julia x Reader
You cannot fathom the idea of anyone mistreating Julia
She’s just so- sweet. Even raising your voice at her feels like a crime punishable by death
You just wanna hold her face in your hands and squish her til she pops
But you won’t- you’ve been told you were too rough last time you tried to do that
The best way to describe the start of your relationship with her was….slow
She was slow to trust. Slow to allow you to touch her. Slow to even get into a relationship to begin with
But- you didn’t mind. You don’t have all the details of her previous partner, but honestly he sounded like a jerk
He never raised his voice or hit her or anything, he was just weird
Apparently he wanted her to tie her hair up to look like another girl
That’s where she stopped though
You’ve gotten bits and pieces of some other trauma though
Being harassed and stalked by an ex friend, and another friend of hers being killed and the body never being found
You just wanted to hug her when she told you that last part
When she did- you thought you might’ve died then and there
If she trusted you enough to let you hug her…it means progress was being made
As the relationship progressed, you started to see more of Julia
Not the timid girl you began dating, but more of the side of her that was comfortable around you
The side that would kiss you on the cheek, or cling to your arm
The side that told you about her ideal date over the phone one late night
“Why do you wanna know?..” You could almost hear the small head tilt usually did when asking a question. It warmed your heart to bits.
“So I can take you on it,” you exclaimed, grabbing a notepad nearby and balancing the phone between your shoulder and ear, “Now tell me, please?”
Julia hummed, debating whether to tell you or not, “What’s wrong with the dates we already have? I like them plenty.”
“Nothing’s wrong with them,” you waved your hand, though you know she wouldn’t see, “But I wanna do something special for our anniversary.”
“Oh shit that’s coming up?” You heard some shuffling on the other line, likely Julia sitting up in bed and rushing to look at her calendar, “Fuuucckkk it is! How did you remember that?”
You grinned, “I’m a genius hun, now tell me!”
“Fiiinnneee-“ Success!, “It’s stupid though..”
“Noooooo!” You objected, leaning back against your bed frame, “Come on! It’s not dumb! I bet it’s wonderful.”
“Hmm…okay- I’d…really like to go to a petting zoo.”
You blinked, “That’s it?”
“Is it bad?”
“Not at all!” You sat up a little, “What’s so dumb about petting a bunch of cute animals?”
“I guess I just worry about that ya know?”
“Well stop it!” You knew that wouldn’t stop it, but it’s worth a try, “Wanna know what you can get me for our anniversary?”
“Uhhh…flowers? Food?”
“Nope!” You shook your head, grabbing the phone from its spot between your ear and shoulder, “You can’t worry or apologize for anything the entire day!”
“What?!” She objected, “But that’s gonna be so haarrddd..”
“Don’t care, it’s my gift!”
“Can’t you just stay over and I give you a different kind of gift?…”
You felt your face heat up a little. Tempting as the offer was, you were stagnant on her not worrying or apologizing for something out of her control.
“Maybe next year—“
Your heart fluttered at the sound of Julia laughing on the other line, “Okay- okay…I guess I have a date to look forward to.”
“Yup! I’ll leave you be now, I know you’ve got studying to do.”
“Can’t I procrastinate more? I like you better than studying..”
“Sorry babe, not happening. Loveyoubye!” Julia started to object but you hung up. You can apologize for that later. You scribbled down various things on your notepad, the plans for the perfect date!
It was clear to you that Julia’s love language was quality time
She liked being around you, and indulging in your hobbies was how she showed her love
Whether it be physically being there, or calling every night before she went to bed- or had to cram for school.
It made you happy- seeing her this way.
Excited to be around you, comfortable enough to hang off of you in public, to let herself love you
And you’re glad she did
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the-nation-of-today · 2 months
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My spooky wife <33333
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