#gods creation
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The latest image from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope shows a portion of the dense centre of our galaxy in unprecedented detail, including never-before-seen features astronomers have yet to explain. The star-forming region, named Sagittarius C (Sgr C), is about 300 light-years from the Milky Way’s central supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*.
The release, images and videos are available on: https://esawebb.org/news/weic2328/
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4him-iwrite · 1 month
Eyes like God
Fall in love with the idea of embracing every physical part of you because that is how God created you. Learn to love everything that is attached to you simply because God loves everything about you. Don’t be ashamed of any physical part of you because God isn’t. Take care of you and your body; love your body because God blessed you this way and so therefor you are a blessing. You have value because God sees value in you! Ask God to give you eyes that see like Him, and you will start to see just how beautiful you are.
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dollettethemoth · 6 days
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God's creation.
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llovellix · 8 months
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Art by, Yongsung Kim (Symphony of Praise)
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conscious-pisces · 6 months
“Man, the living creature, the creating individual, is always more important than any established style or system.”
—Bruce Lee
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positivlyfocused · 5 months
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Thank “God” We’re All Eternal. That Makes Life Awesome.
This week in the Positively Focused advanced practice group session, clients and I came upon a surprising view of humanity. It gave me a greater level of appreciation that we’re all eternal.
The conversation started with a client’s question about being a foster parent. Often, foster children she takes in come from difficult situations. Some worse than others. The client shared how she encourages these kids to “buck up”. She said she instills a sense of responsibility, of them needing to get up each day and overcome their laziness.
It was an awesome prompt. One that clarified for all of us how humanity perpetuates civilization-wide beliefs. Beliefs that discourage connection with our eternal selves. Beliefs perpetuating the world we see around us.
It’s a miracle humanity thrives the way it does while holding such beliefs. Especially given how unconscious we are of the power of our eternal nature. Without that eternal nature, humanity would have burned out long, long ago.
That’s why I thank “God” we’re all eternal. Of course, we’re all god in human form. So I’m actually thanking you, me and everything else. That includes animals, insects, plants and even “inanimate” matter, all of which is quite conscious and also god in physical form.
We can express our creative powers…now
Our divine natures is what makes humanity thrive. Indeed, it’s so powerful, it creates from the worst of us, the best of us. It creates the very futures later generations enjoy. Which explains why civilization improves generation after generation. Our worst moments, mass shootings or war, for example, are seeds of those futures.
But we don’t need tragedies creating better futures. Better futures can come out of joy too. Humanity still has a way to go to understand this. That’s ok, though because we’re all eternal. We have plenty of time to learn this.
But you and I can enjoy better futures today. We don’t need to wait generations. Nor need we suffer through tragedies. Human experience is recursive. What happens at macro levels, happens in identical ways at micro levels. So we individuals can create improvement for ourselves. Even while those around us struggle.
In doing so, we become shining examples of what’s possible. That’s the altruistic aspect of learning we’re god in human form. By transforming our lives into the Charmed Life, we live as examples for others. Then others, inspired by our example, strive for their Charmed Life.
Because we’re god in human form, we enjoy eternity and invincibility. There’s no doubt about this. Evidence is everywhere. But seeing it requires looking where the evidence is. That’s the conundrum.
Because if we don’t believe we’re eternal, that evidence escapes us. It’s there. We just don’t see it. To see it, we must believe it’s there. That’s because, as gods in human form, our creativity gets expressed in how we think and believe.
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^^We are the “gods” creating life.
We forget…on purpose
When we come to earth, we come from some place. In that place we know our eternal nature. Of course, entering earthly existence requires blanking out that knowing. It also requires blanking out knowledge that earthly existence is as insubstantial as any other created reality. How else are we to take it as serious if we don’t do that? We must feel life on earth as real, all it’s dangers, all its tragedies, to enjoy the purpose of putting ourselves in the experience in the first place. So we forget our eternal status and accept earthly existence as all there is.
We needn’t KEEP forgetting though. Indeed lots of clues exist on earth to remind us what we forgot on purpose. This post, for example, is a clue.
Many enlightened people live alongside us. They offer clues too. Most of those folks aren’t famous. And they don’t push what they know on us. They remind us only when we’re ready.
Most of humanity, however, never gets ready. So they miss the clues. They see those enlightened people…and ignore them. Meanwhile, their insecurity focuses them on believing and doing what they’ve been told to believe and do. What they’ve been told then is what guides people for much of their lives, if not all of it.
Perpetuating the mediocre
The trick of human existence is a lot of us get stuck in the forgetting. Thank god we’re eternal though. That gives us all the time in the world to figure out the trick. Still, getting stuck believing earthly life is all there is becomes practically problematic. It causes us to miss life’s incredible offerings. Instead, we focus on life’s challenges. Doing so, we foster insecurity within us.
Then, as parents, we pass that insecurity on to the next generation. That generation does the same. We pass on bogus beliefs about life. But those beliefs, like all beliefs, create reality consistent with them. So it seems true that we should, for example, work hard. It seems true that we shouldn’t be lazy. It seems true people should earn a living. It’s just a fact that things aren’t free. Some are lucky, but I’m not, we think. There are rich and famous people, but I can’t be one. Etcetera, Etcetera. 
Life then becomes mediocre for most of humanity. We enjoy it because that’s our nature. People will adapt to nearly any condition.
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But we’re not here to adapt! We’re here to cause reality to adapt to our desires! After all, even when we adapt, that’s what’s happening. We believe “this is the way life is”. That belief creates reality consistent with it. Then we live in that reality, accepting it’s “true” while not knowing we created it. Not knowing life can be different.
In this way we perpetuate mediocre. We teach it to our kids. Then they do the same to their children. Then human civilization gets better, but at a much slower pace than it could. 
But we individuals, at any time, can do life differently. We can remember!
What are we perpetuating?
Our purpose here isn’t to eke out a ho-hum life, while numbing ourselves with stimulants and depressives. Each of us is here to create something that’s never been created before. And when we do that, life becomes awesome.
But getting into human earthly existence requires coming through humans who precede us. So when we get here, having forgotten, through other humans who also have forgotten, there’s no one to remind us when we most need it: when we’re most impressionable. Nearly all parents are “bad” parents in this respect.
But how long must we keep believing what we were told? The answer: as long as we refuse to question what we believe. As long as we don’t question, we teach our kids as we were taught. We may offer some improved lessons. But the main ones remain: life is scary. People, especially strangers, are too. You have to earn your worthiness. You must please others. Money doesn’t grow on trees!
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^^They say money doesn’t grow on trees. That’s because those folks don’t believe it does. (Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)
Well, yes, money does grow on trees. It does if you believe it does. What does this money aphorism mean? It means money isn’t freely available, right?
Rubbish! Money IS freely available. The world is awash in it! And there are some people getting it with no effort at all. It isn’t luck. It isn’t coincidence. Their beliefs make is so, as Shakespeare once wrote.
We create reality individually and collectively. That’s it. When we learn to see how we do that, we can make money grow on trees. We can fill our lives with love. Life can be a rambunctious adventure. There are no limits!
Getting it means testing it
Christian teaching admonishes us to not test God. Have faith instead, it says. The Positively Focused approach says the opposite. It says “test the hell out of it!”. It says “test your creative powers! Watch how powerful you are. Prove to yourself you stand at the center of the Universe and watch the Universe bend to your commands, because it does!”
In time, evidence from your tests will grow so voluminous, faith isn’t necessary. By testing it, you come to believe it. And when you believe it, you’ve got it. You then step into the world as a newborn. You’re born again. Not in the Christian sense, but in the sense of remembering your eternal nature.
That’s the bliss of the Charmed Life. We live as God in Human form, creating life as we live it. Enjoying and reveling in our creation as the Christian God did. We’re proud and appreciative. And we see others as eternal too. Even as they struggle.
Abraham says we can’t get sick enough to help someone get well. Nor can we get poor enough to help someone get rich. In the same way, we can’t convince others they are god in human form.
But we can show them.
We show them through our joyful example. That example doesn’t come overnight. But as it does, it becomes obvious. And along the way, we’re having fun. 
Having fun. That’s life’s purpose.
Still with me? Then come on, let’s have fun together. Become a Positively Focused client and discover your eternal nature. Contact me, let’s get you started.
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Who would have thought from a casual glance at the night sky that the universe would be so majestic and so enormous? Certainly the night sky is stunningly beautiful, even to the unaided eye. Who could have known that it would contain hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with millions to trillions of stars, along with countless clusters and nebulae of immense size and breathtaking beauty? It seems that the more we zoom in on the universe, the more beautiful it becomes, and the more we realize how truly vast and amazing it is. The more we “magnify” the universe, the more amazed we are by its beauty and complexity. The same is true of the Creator of the universe. The more we magnify God, the more we realize just how powerful He is. The way God has constructed the universe reflects to us His power on a vast unimaginable size, so it shouldn’t surprise us that the universe is so incredible and breathtaking.
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reese-huff · 6 months
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Some sunrises/sunsets from this school year so far…
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yosoy-thyself · 1 year
“God is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose perimeter is nowhere.” —Voltaire
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cottagelifesstuff · 10 months
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This walk was magical 🌷🌻🐝
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begottaum · 11 months
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Damn girl those eyelashes are astonishing 🤍
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roses-red-and-pink · 1 year
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Some pictures of spring, mostly collected from my walks to work
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llovellix · 10 months
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Art by, George Frederick Watts.
(She Shall be called Woman)
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