#godslayer hot
sasoxichomoshi · 7 months
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The Pathless fanart
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ruthlesslistener · 2 months
for the ship/don't ship meme: Aeris and his Dubious Decisions Trio (Drifter, Misraaks, Taniks)
(preliminary note: Aeris is aromantic, so saying that I ship Aeris with anyone here defines a close sexual partnership rather than a typical romantic relationship, as he's incapable of anything else. We aroshippin in this bitch)
Putting this under a cut bc its gonna get long and there's going to be talk about sex. Lots of OC x canon stuff in here for the 3 people who are into that sorta thing
Aeris/Drifter: Don't ship, casual fling
Why don’t you ship it?
-Aeris chose Drifter to pop his cherry/teach him how to fuck for two reasons: one, he knew that Drifter was pan and thus actually interested in him, and two, he knew that Drifter wouldn't make it weird or judge him for his...everything. Drifter also thinks he's kinda cute in a weird, awkward, gangly way, so he was more than happy to have a casual fling with him and teach him the ropes
2. What would have made you like it?
-Not sure honestly! I like the thought of Aeris and Drifter being bros who are comfortable enough to fuck if they want it (like how straight men will compliment each other's ass and dicks, but these guys actually mean it), but as an actual pairing they're more just for character development than anything else. I prefer Eris/Drifter QPR too so Drifter is kinda taken in that regard, though Drifter DOES like to crack jokes about fucking both Aeris with an A and Eris with an E to those in the know
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
-Even tho Aeris never really sought Drifter out after he got confident in his abilities to not fuck up a fling, I have a fuckload of fun imagining them going 'nice cock bro' in casual conversation or Aeris showing off in Gambit while Drifter hypes him up. So they're still very much a fun duo to fiddle with but it's not much different from how they were before
Aeris/Misraaks: FWB ship, kinda complex
I'mma count this as 'ship' even though its not too far off from the Aeris and Drifter thing in that a heatmate is just an inherently more vulnerable, intimate position than a casual fling. However, Aeris is still aromantic and Misraaks is someone I view on the ace/demi spectrum, so it comes with a caveat in that its again, not a ship so much as this grey zone of 'I trust you to see me when I'm aching and needy and vulnerable but I don't want you as a partner'- made even MORE complex in that Aeris treats Eido like a younger sibling which gets Weird when you factor in the fact that he's fucking her dad (though obviously the adopted sibling thing isn't literal)
What made you ship it?
-Aeris/Misraaks was the first thing I considered when thinking about fleshing out Aeris's sexuality. Partially because Misraaks is hot, so of course I'd want to throw people at him, but also because his chill, laid-back personality meant he was perfect for Aeris's tendancy to want to experiment with things.
As for how they fit together- it works because Aeris, as the Young Wolf of his universe, already has a history of trustbuilding exercises with Misraaks, so Misraaks knows that he's a very quiet, dependable individual who'd never divulge any personal information and would meet any of his alien eccentricities with curiosity instead of fear or judgement (and that Aeris is brutally honest, so him offering himself as a heatmate because he wants to help + is curious is genuine). Aeris is also in the unique position of being both outside of traditional Eliksni culture while also being feared and respected enough by them to be a Kell's heatmate, so even if something DID come out about them fucking, there wouldn't be any social consequences to it re: hierarchy stuff. Oh, there would be gossip for sure- but how could you tell a godslayer who he could or could not share his body with? Or judge a Kell for wanting someone so strong as a suitable mate? Not to mention not needing to worry about any STDs or pregnancy issues with Aeris, as Misraaks might for any other Eliksni
And Aeris- as he very quickly found out when sleeping with Misraaks- is a size queen and a masochist. So Misraaks doesn't really have to worry about Aeris just gritting his teeth and bearing it. If anything, he has to tell Aeris to slow down before he does something that causes Misraaks irreparable distress, even though Aeris himself can bounce back from any injury. It makes finding relief during his heats all that much easier, even if Aeris can't give him pheromonal relief
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
-The comedic relief potential inherent to anyone figuring out that Aeris and Misraaks are fucking. I mean, its a very poorly kept secret if you knew where to look, but...who's looking?
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
-I literally made Aeris and this pairing, I have nobody to argue with but myself
Aeris/Taniks: Ship. Just outright ship. Aeris is still aro here but honestly I don't think that matters here because the whole thing is a goddamn disaster from start to finish. They're the world's most beautiful car crash
What made you ship it?
-The moment the whole 'OOPS I ACCIDENTALLY MARRIED TANIKS THE SCARRED WHEN GUARDING A NEWLIGHT' moment went down in DnDestiny! I had ZERO recollection of the 'bite to denote marriage' headcanon at the time I decided I wanted Taniks to bite Aeris, so running with the joke was great fun. And then, of course, as soon as you start joking about it is when it becomes serious, so here I am
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
-That it works surprisingly well given the circumstances. Aeris is aromantic, autistic, and a living weapon- he took the 'you are a dead thing made by a dead power in the shape of the dead. All you will ever do is kill' thing that the Witness said to him in the Black Garden waaay too literally, and nothing he had to do ever really disproved that, either. Taniks is undersocialized to the point of being feral, doesn't know what love is, and is only seen as a murderous killing machine by both Eliksni and humans alike, so their character parallels are wayy too fun to play around with. If there was anyone for Taniks to be accidentally married to, then Aeris is probably his best bet. Now he's just gotta get over the fact that Aeris thought it over and actually wants to be tied up with him...gl with that buddy
Also, Aeris has a lot of really, really hard kinks related to his issues with personhood that really only another guardian or someone like Taniks can resolve. And Aeris doesn't get along with other guardians well enough to form a sexual relationship with them, so...Taniks it is then! Works out in the long run anyhow bc of the aformentioned size kink thingy he's got gong on, bc Taniks is a big boy. There's more of a social consequence to the whole ordeal, of course, but Aeris doesn't give a lick of a shit about that
Plus they have the extra fun of 'enemies to...whatever the fuck is going on over there.' 'The only one who can see the humanity in a monster is another monster' sorta deal. Idk they both need therapy for their traumas but they're gonna do it in the most fucknasty gorey way first
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
-See above point about me literally making Aeris and thus being incapable of having an unpopular opinion on a guy very few people know about.
The closest I can come really is that the jokes about him and Taniks getting divorced ain't happenin because uh,,,those bite marks aren't going away any time soon. As in, ever. Idk about Taniks being able to shed them out but Aeris isn't getting out of this one in the slightest
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axedance · 3 months
a second hot dog has hit the godslayer
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initforthelolzz · 11 months
When will part 6 of goddess x god hunter au will come out? Also if law was in danger by akainu I'm just curious to see what would happen
If you’re talking about the next part of the drawn Godslayer au, it will come out as soon as I can find the time to draw it. I do have sketches at least! But finals are coming up and my life has gotten SUPER busy because of it, so it might be a hot second. This is still a top priority of mine and I’ll get it out asap. I’m planning on releasing multiple pages at once, too, so there will be more next time!
However, if you’re absolutely dying to know what happens next, I have posted this same story in written format on ao3 if you wanted to check that out. I’m much better at writing than I am at drawing so there is much more of the story in that format atm! (I titled it “Godslayer,” how creative.)
Both written and drawn updates are on hold rn due to lack of time 💔 BUT I will get them out as fast as possible
As for your other question, Akainu would have been alive in this universe during the Age of Chaos, when Nika got imprisoned 1,000 years ago.
He is dead in this timeline, BUT IF HE WAS STILL ALIVE AND LAW WAS IN DANGER, then I feel as if it would play out like this:
Godslayer revolves around Law freeing Luffy instead of killing him, and in return Luffy will destroy a certain man for him. The two of them grow close as they pursue this mission together, and if Akainu was on the table then he would most definitely be out to get Luffy and put him back in his prison. But Akainu is no god, and would have to resort to underhanded tactics to have even the slightest chance at Luffy.
Naturally he turn to Law, Luffy’s one and only weakness. He’d likely hold Law hostage in an attempt to get an opening on Luffy
But Luffy is a god, and Akainu would be foolish to assume that he could ever get the better of someone so powerful
Naturally, Luffy would shift into his god form and instantly destroy Akainu without a second thought, saving Law from danger and proving a level of commitment and human connection that is uncharacteristic of the gods this world has grown to fear
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Battle of Gluttons II
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"Now - enter the Lord of Chaos."
With a gesture of his back-left claw, Rulek swayed and spiralled into a fluttering tempest of whirling flesh-pink frost. The bladed gales of Slaanesh's winds carried him across the battlefield as swift as flight. His retinue so absorbed into the battle that it was another expression of the Dark Prince's domain feeding into their veins.
The gnoblers and orc-slaves not sliced into fungus spice were fighting for their lives moreso than their dwindling ogre masters, who were blind to their own destruction with the gory greezle and maddened gluttony in and out of their souls. The only thing to save them from their fall into the realm was their Prophet and Rulek was about to end that delusion.
A tribute for his ambition within the Dark Prince's realm.
The Bonecrushers tramples over bodies and impaled their horns into ogre guts, their armour split like soft metal. What didn't kill immediately was left open for the swipe of their daemonic riders' burning hellblades to claim their abundance of blood and skulls. The Godslayer's Own hollering out in Rulek's name and heaving their banners high, sensing their patron's approach.
The floral gale twisting and solidifying, furies of the realm were formed from it like mites off a greater beast, and that beast dove in his most feared of tactics.
A falling tempest of blades and claws, Rulek smashed through the Mournfang Cavalry that still resisted his legionnaires. Limbs and guts were split and opened, heads relieved and blood sent into a theater's ballad of sanguine tethers to the graceful violence of the transformed daemon prince.
His golden armour glittering with its jewels shining of souls and anguish, the silks fluttering off clamps bitten into both hell-steel and hide, the metamorphic prince of Undivided Chaos appeared that of a god-prince of fickle glories hungering of more.
Every movement was a dance measured and honed. His tail a whip of disdain. His curved sword whirling as fine as any Kislevite sword-dancer, every flick and swing ensured a wound of deciding lethality. His shield marked of the Prince's mark spurred by the eight pointed spears was a bladed bulwark that decided whether to defend or end. The carapace-armoured limbs beyond his arms were bladed maces, crushing ogres or impaling them upon their pincers.
The minute he emerged from the sundered lines, there was nothing but bloody remains in his wake for the realm to feast upon. Over his head, the Tallyband of Pustelent Winds flew overhead with the hundred itching wings of rotflies. Their plaguebearer riders hurling their plague heads, making both enemy and realm-floor quivering and scream.
"I see you." Rulek's sultry voice purrs, eyes upon the mutilated prophet. Already wounded and constantly sealing wounds with the powers of his ever-hungry deity, Skrag sneered with bodies of a few chaos warriors thrown over his back to be stirred and beaten into his gurgling cauldron.
"Ya see me, No-Flesh but it won't be long!" The ogre hollered back and that was enough to spur Rulek from his swaying stride into a starting gallop. His feet moving faster by the moment and leaning in. However, Skrag had no desire into this battle anymore. It isn't worth, not with his warband tattered.
With a reach back, hooking his blade around the chains of his cauldron and with the strength beyond a normal ogre, swung and spun the entire thing. Daemons and men crushed and thrown from the sudden motion, the boiling contents of its hot inside spilled and burned those unfortunate. The Slaaneshi groaned and tasted with an intrigued hunger.
Rulek quirked a grin, his tail flickering and blades swinging to beat the gnarlers that were rushing to stop him. With a fold of his limbs, he tore a road for himself by might and a summoned spell by a mere flicker of his forked tongue. The Lash of Slaanesh manifesting a unfolding slash of bladed winds that gave no love of armour nor muscle. When he pounced, Skrag hollered a roar of defiance and swung his cauldron.
Rulek twisted, barely missing his armoured chest being smashed into but around Skrag he noticed the erupting ivories of massive teeth pushing out of the circle's flesh-floor. He landed, immediately sensing the coming threat and lept back through the air as the Maw's manifestation closed its jaws around Skrag and several of his minions.
The loud clasp of those teeth closing amongst them and swallowed all within.
The Lord of the Legion slid in his dragging land. A sneer of contempt, he couldn't feel the Ogre's soul anymore. It has escaped back into the Materium. A snort, having been denied that Prophet, but without looking - one of his claws snatched a Gnarler between the massive pincer. It screamed mindlessly, flails and clawing uselessly at Rulek's dark carapace.
With a contemptive squeeze, ended its mewling and grins.
"No matter. One less contender." He sighed, slowly standing up and rolled his shoulders. "Even then, rude to get my excitement up. Just to run."
As the jaws slowly opened to reveal the new gullet in Gluttony, the Dark Prince's influence already claiming a new oriface and why not?
"Push them, my Legionnaires. Let the Prince have a taste of our baunquet!" He ordered with open arms. "The ogres have provided us a fine gift, let us thank them proper!"
And with thundrous agreement of sadism, they whom wasn't of Khorne's influence, were more than happy to oblige.
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fallen-shamans-spirit · 2 months
gives you hot sauce labelled 'godslayer'
*He takes a full-on sip like it's an airplane bottle of rum. He smacks his lips.*
Kinda spicy. I think Briggsy would like this.
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blacknovelist · 2 years
worth (ffxiv fic)
(major spoilers for the end of ARR patches. I have a lot of feelings about early dark knight and That Stuff In Ul'dah)
(Feri'um uses he and they pronouns)
Feri'um spends the time it takes for the meeting to conclude and their little group to return to Ishgard with a knot in their throat and something twisting in the pit of their chest and stomach. The others converse around them— sometimes with, even— and they do their best to respond in kind, but the information shared earlier rings in their horns like high cathedral bells. Waves of hot and cold wash down their spine for every moment they linger on this, but they cannot look away.
not dead not dead not dead not dead not dead
you did not verify her grace's condition for yourself, did you?
Foolish. He is so very, very foolish. Blinded by his own overflowed heart, spun and tossed aside and without even the wit to think better course, the will to act on it—
This farce could have ended before the pain reached its peak but the cards were in play under their feet long before that. It sets their every scale on edge to understand, now. A Warrior of Light. Adventurer of Eorzea. Ever beholden to the political players who thought they could circumvent right.
He wants to scream. He wants to cry. He wants to rip Ul'dah's stupid gates apart brick by brick, and do the same to Lolorito and the ghost of Adeledji just for good measure.
In the stone streets through the Foundation, Alphinaud asks if they are alright. G'avan does likewise in the Manor halls, disquieted though she also is according to the flick of her ears. Feri'um can offer but a terse nod and a strained smile, a warm hug that almost allows him to forget the cloying lava creeping up in his throat. Both of them had been so worn and wrung by the Braves, but still they look to him with heart— another failure scratched into his bones. Couldn't even spare them the ache of worry.
Ishgard may have allowed them into her streets, but Feri'um remembers. Unquestioned inquisitors and cruel knights, a report about supplies met with rebuttal about starving. Long days of scorn multifold, for scales and lance and blood from far beyond their land. Even now, only the weight of names protects them from more than fearful or disdainful glances, and through the haze they thank Dusk and Dawn for Haurchefant and Count Edmont. The look in some Temple Knights' eyes tell them it's only the knowledge they cannot win against one of the lands' vaunted godslayers that stays blades from swinging regardless. They hope G'avan made the trial fighters' bruises sting.
But it isn't enough. It's never enough, it never will be— it hadn't been in Ul'dah, after all, had it? Both of them had given everything for Ul'dah, for the three cities. Now they stand with none of them.
Through the window, snow drifts down on the street in white-cold flakes. Feri'um does not feel it. Just the scalding black tar on their tongue and the twisting thing in his chest, the faint whisper of the shadows in the corners of his vision. Softness did not get them anywhere, save bound and ready for their own incarceration. Indecision and inaction forced others to their aid, when they should be able to do it themself.
Nanamo is not dead. Raubahn, freed and healing. Ishgard watches, though, waiting. Expectant for the day they'll fail and it can sweep all of them up in the undertow. By the time it reaches for them, they will be ready. They will have torn the corrupted roots out, bare handed and howling, and lain it at the feet of their past self, no longer frozen and afraid.
Not again.
"Never again," Fray agrees. He does not care for the disarray of Feri'um's hair, the thick jacket thrown hastily on over their nightshirt, greatsword in one hand and the straps of a scabbard in the other. He just smiles, amber crinkled in the shadows of that helmet, and the darkness in their veins writhes. "Come. We have work to do."
Feri'um follows into the night and wonders, only briefly, only once, if they'll recognize the world from the other side of the road.
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queermustelid · 2 years
Zoe Hana Mikuta's writing has actually fundamentally changed me I think?????
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shuttershocky · 3 years
So servants obviously don’t exist in Tsukihime timeline, Seiba notwithstanding, however the people they were based off should have still existed(minus counter force shenanigans), so does that mean that a proper immortal like Scathacth would be able to make a cameo in Tsukihime? I ask bc I want the battle between the immortal godslayer and the essentially god that is Arceuid. (Plus if she thinks Ciel is hot for reasons she’s probably into Shisou as well)
Kiara literally cameos in the Remake. While Shishou appearing is unlikely as there is no reason whatsoever for it to happen, that shouldn't stop you from dreaming!
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rhaenyratargeryn · 3 years
A Series of Firsts, pt. I (Crow x f!guardian)
Rating: T
Summary: First confessions, first drink, first kiss. All in one.
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It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment her perspective shifted. It was one thing to say, when you awake as a guardian, whomever you were in your past life is gone, and another to put it into practice.
Especially when you knew the person that guardian had been in the very recent past.
Especially when you were the reason that person had died.
Of all the things Crow had learned (mostly against his will) about who he was before he awoke to the Light, that was one thing she was glad he had not discovered.
Which was a whole other mess for her mind and her heart to work out. It was hard enough at the start seeing the face of the man who she had hunted, had chased over the stars with hatred in her heart and revenge in her hands. Hands that had fired the Ace of Spades into Uldren Sov until he breathed no more.
Uldren had been proud. Haughty. A prince in his status and his manner.
And now this man who wore his face was hissing at having scorched his fingertips on the crackling campfire after adding a log. He sheepishly blew on them as Glint shook his small chassis with a chiding air.
“I told you to use a smaller log.”
“By all means, show me how it is done, Sparky.”
Glint couldn’t scowl, but the way his edges tightened and he groaned said well enough that he hated the endearment.
“That’s what I thought.” Crow said with a grin, catching her eye as she watched him. The expression softened, his voice lowering, “How’s it coming?”
Right. She was supposed to be mixing up the stew. Pulled from her thoughts, she returned to stirring, mixing packets of dried vegetable and meat rations into the stock that was, in truth, mostly water. It was a typical meal for guardians on the ground. And… well, despite Zavala having learned of Crow’s real identity, it was too risky still to have him walking around the tower.
He’d needed to “get out and stretch his wings” as he called it, and so here she was. Camped out in the EDZ with the Lightbringer formerly known as Uldren Sov. The man she had killed. And now the man she was stupidly, and irreversibly already half in love with.
There had been moments. Lots of moments. Too many moments.
First she’d thought the affection stemmed from the fact he looked up to her. Just another new Lightbearer with an awed respect for the Young Wolf, Hero of the Red War, the “Chosen One”… it wasn’t like she had set out to be any of those things. She had just done what needed to be done. She recalled she told him that once and he had chuckled with such… fondness. His voice pitching low then as it did now or whenever they were alone.
Like their conversations were a secret. His words for her ears alone.
She set the pot over the flame on it’s hanger, noting that despite Glint’s criticisms, the flame was high enough and hot enough to use.
“You seem distracted tonight.” Crow said, letting his hood fall back. Even in the dark his eyes glowed faintly, the color of a sunrise.
She told herself the shiver that ran up and down her arms was from the chill in the air.
“I’ve never been a talker.” She said and settled back down next to him. It was near enough that one of them only had to reach out to touch the other. It would be too obvious to move now, she thought with a silent curse, frowning to herself.
“Is that so?” Crow said, his voice so earnest that for a moment she didn’t realize he was teasing her until she looked up and saw the faint smile on his lips.
Her traitorous heart skipped. Where was her Ghost? For that matter, where was Glint? They had both been here a moment ago.
“I thought… well… I thought maybe you were regretting bringing me along. I can’t say that last shot at the Fallen was my best moment.”
She had nearly forgotten. It was a small skirmish, something she could have easily taken solo. A Captain had swiped in close, nearly taking her arm off with his sword. Crow’s shot had missed, but it had forced the Captain back, giving her enough time to dispatch the Fallen herself. She had been surprised, but hadn’t given it more thought than that.
But now, in the dim light, she could see the same expression on Crow’s face he had worn when he came down from his perch and helped her bandage the shallow wound. It hadn’t been embarrassment, or even quite disappointment… but something else. Something deeper.
“It still saved me a very uncomfortable rez.” She said and the Crow just nodded, his brow pinched slightly as he cast his eyes aside. She turned, tilting her head to try to get back into his line of sight.
“Hey, I mean it. I would have regretted not bringing you along. This is so much better than being off on my own.”
Surprise flashed over his features, a deeper shade of indigo spreading across his cheeks. She suddenly found herself wishing a Taken portal would open up and swallow her whole. She turned away before he could see the same flush spread over her own face.
“… I agree.” Crow said and she risked another look over at him. He was smiling.
“One nice thing about being out of Spider’s lair— well, one of the nice things— I get to see you more often.”
She didn’t know what to say. The silence between them was only broken by the faint chirping of insects, the crackle of the fire and the faint bubbling sound of their dinner. Crow was looking at his hands, fidgeting with his gloves and picking at the fabric.
“Anyway. I appreciate that you humor a kinderguardian like me.” Crow began, his voice tinged with forced humor to hide the deprecation, “Letting me tag along—“
“I like it too.” She said, the words coming out so fast it came out more as “liketoo” than a comprehensive sentence.
The Crow had stopped fidgeting. The insects and the fire were overloading her senses again.
“… I really respect you. As a guardian, as a comrade. And… And I like to think of you as a friend.” Crow continued, “…and I like to think of you.”
He stopped.
“You like to think of me as—?” She prompted, breath held in her lungs.
He smiled, “That’s all. I like to think of you.”
Crow’s confession had brought a permanent heat to his cheeks, his expression softening as if he were marveling that he managed to even get the words out. She was marveling them too. Or more like, feeling her thoughts collapse inward on themselves like a black hole.
“What... um. What does that mean?” She said, feeling dumb and fumbling and definitely not like someone with the title of “Godslayer”.
“I… “ he began, but whatever it was that had slipped forward was beginning to retreat once more, “…well, I… it’s… just a sentiment I suppose.”
It was now or never.
“I think about you too. Often. A lot. I think about you a lot. And… I know I’m this ‘role model’ and thought of as this untouchable big damn hero and everyone— no. Look. The point is, me too.”
To his credit, the Crow listened to her outburst with quiet attentiveness, even nodding once or twice in understanding.
“It just seems impossible.” He said at last, shrugging slightly, “I can’t imagine why someone like you—”
“Don’t look at the pedestal.” She said, her voice firm, “Just look at me. C’mon, you’ve seen how I eat. I talk in my sleep too, I know I do. I never clean my guns right and I’ve had half a dozen sparrow related rezes because I’m a shitty driver.”
That last one got a laugh.
“So let’s just focus on the win here, yeah? You like me.” She waited until the Crow picked up on the prompt and he nodded, confirming it, “And I like you. Now it’s out there.”
Crow let out a breath that turned into a nervous laugh, “It’s definitely out there.”
When it became apparent neither one of them knew how to go on, there was a soft sigh from somewhere nearby. Glint and her own Ghost glided out from the trees, coming to perch near their guardians.
“And what were you two doing?” Crow said, clearly relieved for a subject change.
“Oh, just— just patrolling.” Glint said hurriedly, earning what could be imagined was a wry look from her own Ghost. He turned that look on her then as if he were exasperated with her for something.
She had a funny feeling why the pair had left them alone.
A day had become a week and then a week had easily fallen into the next. Devrim had even radioed in at one point to tell them to “leave some for the rest of us” after the fourth Fallen patrol they had decimated.
They worked well together, the awkwardness of the night before fading into routine. It surprised her how natural such a foreign concept like touch was to them. A bump on the shoulder with a closed fist, a silent congratulations for a good shot. The brush of their hands when they passed ammo or a water canteen. The touch of his arm, brushing against her own perhaps every thirteenth of a second when they walked too close together.
Even at the campfire they slowly had begun to draw nearer and nearer, their orbit closing in on the other. His, with an innocent like curiosity. Her own interest decidedly less innocent, but also still— cautious. She felt the pull of his light, new and bright. Her own had not shimmered so in a long time… he was naive, young and rash. He needed looking after, not another responsibility. The point driven even further home now by the way he teetered unsteadily even sitting.
Devrim had sent a patrol over to meet them with fresh supplies. One of them being a bottle of something he called “Gulchshine” which, judging by the smell, was maybe only one molecule away from pure ethanol. Crow hadn’t drank since he was revived. Which was the same as saying he’d never drank before at all.
“This is disgusting. I can’t stop drinking it.” Crow said, his voice not so much slurred as it was relaxed. Open and unguarded.
“What is that? Is that lemon? Or is it just my taste buds dying?”
“It… definitely seems like lemon.” She said, giving a tiny sip to the cup in her own hand. There was a citrus like bite beneath the taste of rubbing alcohol, but it was not near sweet or sour enough to mask the bitterness of the clear liquid.
“Like someone whispering the word ‘lemon’ from another room.” Crow murmured and took another sip, a shudder going over him as he swallowed. He brought the bottle to his lips again and with a chuckle, she leaned nearer and said in a soft voice,
Crow nearly choked on his laugh. It was a nice sound, one she didn’t hear often enough from him.
“That exactly.” He said after he’d caught his breath, turning towards her with a grin. The smile faded at the realization of how close they were. His eyes half-closed and dreamy in their regard as he lifted a hand up to brush back a strand of hair from her face.
She could smell the alcohol on his warm breath, the moss of the greenery around them, the fresh air… could feel the warmth from the Earth beneath them and from his hand on her cheek. She reached out, holding him by the chin to keep him in place as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss, as faint as the sweet taste of citrus, on his lips.
She had not expected to do that. She equally did not expect him to curl his hand behind her head and pull her in, his mouth already open for another kiss which she happily provided. Crow groaned, an involuntary and needful sound.
Desperation. She could taste it in his kiss, in the way he tentatively returned the soft touch of her tongue, inexperienced but so eager to learn. To feel. He craved it in every gasp, every pull of his fingers through her hair. He wanted to be touched— with tenderness, with kindness. His body lit with it, his breathing fast and quick and his touch edging towards rough in its eagerness. Like he couldn’t get close enough. A wanting so strong and so foreign and yet familiar. She felt him struggle with it— with his body knowing vaguely what it wanted but his mind struggling to keep up.
So she guided him. Over and over. Kissing not just his lips but the highpoint of his cheek and the juncture where his jaw met his neck. She let her teeth rasp over his pulse, thready and rapid at his throat and relished in the way he shivered. She wasn’t sure when she had been settled into his lap, only that she enjoyed the way it made her just a fraction taller.
They were wearing too many clothes. She wanted to touch him, to run her hands over every expanse of his skin until he remembered her touch more than he remembered any bullet or beam or weapon that had ever struck him. The sudden movement of her hands to the hem of his shirt had an immediate sobering effect, his body going rigid beneath her.
“… too fast.” She said, nodding half at her self. She let her hands slide back up, resting her arms around his shoulders. Crow swallowed thickly and she repressed the urge to kiss his neck all over again.
“I’ve never— I mean, not that I remember…”
It made perfect sense. His uncertainty mixed with certainty. Moments of lucidness where he no doubt remembered past lovers, past kisses, and then for them to fade like starlight from his grasp. Despite the confession, the Crow didn’t look daunted, his hands still clutching to her waist.
“Do you want to stop?” She asked, shifting her weight back.
“I…“ Crow paused, his pupils blown wide, an eclipse on a sunset sky, “… I just want to touch you. Is… is that okay?”
“That’s okay.” She said, pressing a kiss to his jaw and relishing in the way he relaxed beneath her hands. His arms held her so tightly, their ribs pressed together hard enough for there to be a faint spark of pain. She didn’t care.
His fingers had found a spot beneath her collar, seeking out the soft skin at the nape of her neck. She turned her cheek against his, pressing and rubbing her lips against him more than actually kissing. Crow seemed dazed, a soft hum coming from his throat as she felt his eyelashes brush against her skin, his eyes closing.
“Is everyone this warm?” He asked, unthinking, “Sorry— weird question.”
“Probably has something to do with the Gulchshine.”
She pulled back, placing her hands on either side of his face and noting the warmth radiating from his skin.
“You’re flushed down your neck.” She said, observing the darker blue color that bloomed out over his skin.
“I’m not that drunk.”
She rose an eyebrow.
“I didn’t say I wasn’t drunk, just not that drunk.”
“So is this for me then?”
He didn’t answer, a sputter dying in his throat as he shook his head.
“I lied. I’m drunk.”
She laughed and kissed him again, just to be sure and he breathed into it like she was the very air he needed. An arm around her waist, his hand tangled in her hair, he followed her kiss by kiss, learning his own rhythm and occasionally trying something new. Discovering how he liked to kiss her. How he liked to be kissed back. It felt important. It felt special. These things only heightening the very intimacy of the act.
She’d never felt this way just from kissing someone before. Something she imagined they had in common.
“... if I knew it felt this good, I would have done it a long time ago.”
“You really are drunk.”
He made a questioning noise, his mouth too busy testing out the way she has kissed his neck on her own. He licked a long line up to her jaw. She had definitely not shown him that.
“People are more honest when they are drunk.” She clarified, her words veering towards breathless
“Glitch might have mentioned it.”
At the mention of the ghosts, both guardians froze, eyes drifting to where the two lights were perched, watchful but silent nearby.
They had forgotten they were there.
Oh god they had forgotten they were there.
“Don’t mind us.” Her own Ghost said, voice filled with dry amusement.
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the-nysh · 3 years
Sorry my bad english. I have a theory. Bomb and Bang are brothers, but they practice different fighting styles. Some people believe that Bang inherited his style from his ancestors, and Bomb himself developed the iron-shattering vortex fist. But it seems to me that these two styles could be the legacy of the ancestors of Bomb and Bang, because they can interact and strengthen the blow from a joint attack. But to learn both styles you need to be very gifted. Therefore, Bang, as a younger and hot-tempered one, taught the fist of the mountain stream - to balance his character with harmonious flowing movements of a more calm style. And Bomb, as an older and sensible brother, began to learn a more aggressive whirlwind breaking iron, so that his soft nature did not interfere with being effective in battle. And I think Garu is one of the few who can master both of these styles at the same time. Maybe I don’t remember everything, or I don’t understand everything, but it seems that the Master hinted that Bang used to be unrestrained and named him Demon Silver Fang (when he was in the hospital).
!!! :O A theory about the brothers' two different specialized styles balancing their temperaments and why Garou's able to wield both? (Because he's not only a gifted fighting genius, but also because he's both inherently soft and hot-tempered that learning/mastering their two techniques comes most naturally to him? Like he's the perfectly balanced combination of traits for it to work?) Hang on, I like that thought! Just give me a moment to get some supporting panels... (Also, I checked what Tank Top Master said in the hospital about 'Silver Fang's Demon,' and he was referring to Garou! Describing how Bang ended up raising a 'demon'. :O)
Although we don't know where the two techs originated from, Bang and Bomb seemed to have developed/created/mastered them individually (and then created schools to pass them down, but there's no info on who their previous masters were). Perhaps they developed the two techs to augment their own weaknesses, or to complement the traits the other brother lacks (offensive vs defensive), but even when brought together, we've seen how cooperative they still are (compared to say, the esper sisters), even balancing each other further in a combined joint attack, the Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist. Which yee, has been noted a single person normally cannot perform alone, yet here Garou is breaking the impossible, literally dual wielding both brothers' techniques with his two hands to perform their combined special joint attack all by himself:
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Through all his harsh experiences on top of his natural gifts, he's able to take everything he's learned so far even further and evolve them all into his own style later (Godslayer Fist), aha what a beast. :'D
From the two brothers' sides though, we get some history and explanations for their techniques here (wc ch111) when King visited their dojos for guidance.
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Bang's words are cautionary, and he explains he originally developed the defensive Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (specializing in counterattacks and redirecting an opponent's blows back at them) to empower the weak. We get a tease of young Bang, who likely had similar hot-driven goals as Garou, and whom was also in pursuit of power. It's unknown how 'weak' young Bang (thought) he was, but it's apparent Bang is actually very strong (no.3 Hero with enough notoriety to his name that young Garou sought him out for strength too). So it seems there was an unfortunate (unbalanced?) disconnect with Bang imparting the wisdom & principles of his technique down to his students. Because at his old age, you'd think he'd have plenty of loyal successors (beyond just Charanko), but here Garou was the only one to successfully learn it. :O Whether that was because Bang was a poor teacher or Garou naturally picked it up on his own, it's debatable, but Bomb's notably had hundreds of students in comparison, so interestingly he didn't have Bang's same successor problem...
And speaking of Bomb, his offensive Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist is a specialized attack technique that's most powerful when unleashed as a preemptive strike. We don't know as much about him as Bang, but as the older brother between them, perhaps Bomb is more chilled and down to earth. We know Bang also called upon Bomb's help in confronting Garou so that Bang wouldn't accidentally lose control in anger, so Bomb was essentially Bang's failsafe to ensure the job responsibly gets done. So even just from that, we can see how the brothers support and balance each other, covering for their weaknesses together in both temperament/attitude and fighting techniques.
Makes it even more amazing what Garou's able to naturally pick up all on his own, that even just experiencing/observing their fighting styles on himself, he's able to refine what he already knows (mastering Bang's defensive tech even more after fighting him himself) and adapt additional techniques upon that, like Bomb's offensive one, further into his arsenal. Whether it's because Garou's simply a fighting prodigy, or also because his character combines softer/fluid traits along with sharper/aggressive ones, making him most receptive (and naturally/uniquely qualified?!) to wielding both their techniques at once is certainly a nice thought!
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter XXVI
After a few minutes of resting, the trio left the rest area and returned to the task at hand. They continue down the hallway and descend a short set of stairs. At the end, the three enter into a short hallway illuminated by red light. As they drew closer to an elevator, they heard a loud roar. "It must be close," Prompto muttered.
"Guess we've no choice but to face whatever it is," (Y/n) said.
Riding the lift, it takes them further underground. They step off and enter a room with red lighting. It wasn't long before they came across a large room with a tall ceiling. Inside the room dwelled a large half-mammal, half-magitek creature, the Unit SAS-0822: Barbarus. As it swung across the ceiling, they saw the remains of dead magitek troopers scattered across the floor of the room.
When the fusion of mammal and magitek spots them, it leaps down with a roar. Prompto readied his submachine gun and shouts, "Bring it on!" Aranea leapt into action with her lance in hand. (Y/n), deciding to make this a much fairer fight, transformed. Although her spiritual form was smaller than Barbarus, she could easily jump up and latch herself onto the monstrosity's body to knock it off the ceiling.
Barbarus climbed one of the walls and dangled from the ceiling. Prompto was careful with where he aimed his submachine gun to avoid shooting (Y/n) and Aranea. He pulled the trigger the moment his guardian latched onto one of the hybrid's metallic legs. A barrage of bullets pierced its body and caused its grip to slip. The fox unlatched her fangs from its legs before she could be crushed under its large form as it fell.
Aranea attacked the downed hybrid with her lance. (Y/n) inhaled deeply before exhaling a powerful breath of fire. The flames ignited Barbarus' white fur, causing it to go berserk and jump around the room in a desperate attempt to put out the flames. It managed to extinguish the fire before setting its sights on the fox. With its fists raised, it came barreling towards her. She nimbly jumped out of the way and sent a crackling fireball at it.
Seeing its attack failed, Barbarus climbed the wall and latched onto the ceiling. It froze for a split second to determine who will be its next target. Seeing Prompto was the one shooting at the hybrid from a safe distance away, it decided to make him its next victim. It swung itself towards the boy, crossing the metal beams attached to the ceiling. Once close enough, it released the metal beam and plummeted straight towards him.
(Y/n) was able to see who Barbarus was planning to target next before it even moved towards Prompto. By the time it landed in the spot where the boy stood, he was gone. The fox had tackled him to safety, using her larger body to protect his smaller one.
Prompto was tucked against the guardian's chest as she laid on her back with her paws in the air. He thanked her as he aimed his pistol at the hybrid and pulled the trigger. Each bullet hit its mark and caused it to stumble backwards. It fell on its back, leaving it vulnerable. Aranea didn't hold back and used her lance to pierce its body over and over again, dealing some heavy damage.
(Y/n) rolled over onto all fours once Prompto crawled off her body. She shook her body, tails flaring outward as she prepared to attack. Her eyes locked onto the boy's form when seeing him running towards a rack of weapons located against the wall. He grabbed one of the bazookas and immediately fired the three missiles loaded inside at the downed creature.
Barbarus recovered, batting Aranea away. The ex-mercenary grunted in pain when her body slammed against the opposite wall. Prompto discarded the bazooka and grabbed his pistol. He fired round after round into the soft parts of the hybrid's body. (Y/n) stood behind him, her many tails stretching outward as she lowered her body. At the tip of each tail, a fireball manifested. They were small in size, but large in quantity. They spun in a circle before being hurtled one by one at the monstrosity.
Once again, Barbarus' snowy fur was set ablaze. It tried to put out the flames, but was unsuccessful. Its entire body was consumed by fire, its fur burning away and gnawing at its flesh. The parts where skin met machine melded together, some components melting and becoming useless. With its body still engulfed by flames, the hybrid leapt around like crazy in a desperate attempt to hit any member of the trio. Roaring, Barbarus swung its flaming arms around and cracked the walls and floor.
Aranea charged at the rampaging beast with her lance by her side. She impaled its left mechanical leg and managed to pin it in place. Prompto and (Y/n) were quick to react, using their abilities to deal some heavy damage.
It wasn't long before Barbarus broke free from Aranea's lance and lunges at the guardian. The fox didn't have time to react because of its quickened movements and was pinned to the floor with one of its enormous hands. She yelped in pain when its grip on her tightened, cutting off her air supply. Prompto and Aranea were dealing blow after blow to try and save the spirit. However, the hybrid's grip didn't budge.
(Y/n) struggled against the hybrid in an attempt to escape and was able to use her tails to free herself. She encircled them around its wrist just below the large metal cuff and used what little knowledge of lightning magic to send a shock through its entire body. The surge of electricity caused parts of its body to malfunction and force itself to release her. She dragged her body away from Barbarus, air filling her lungs. She reverted back to her human form and summoned the Creator's Blade, her body leaning against it as if it were a crutch.
It wasn't long before (Y/n) saw Prompto running over to her with a potion in hand. He placed the curative in her hand, using his own to shatter it. She felt a wave of relief as her pain vanished. "Are you okay?" He worriedly asked.
"Yeah. Thanks for the assist," she replied.
When the couple looked toward Barbarus, they were stunned to see Aranea had dealt the finishing blow. She leapt into the air with her lance and used her weight to impale it in the back. The hybrid roared one final time before falling limp, the flames that once engulfed its body now snuffed out.
Prompto was relieved to see the creature was dead. "Whew, we made it out alive."
(Y/n)'s eyes focused on Barbarus' corpse. "Verstael really has gone off the deep end with his experiments."
All of a sudden, the room begins to shake. The three brace themselves to keep from falling. Prompto looked around in confusion. "What's going on?"
The facility's automated voice speaks out over the loudspeaker. "Unit XDA-1002: Immortalis. Plasmodic miasma transfer complete. No psychic obstructions detected. All systems operational. Activating Immortalis."
The (h/c)-haired girl gasped, eyes wide as saucers. "What?"
That's when Prompto had a realization. "It's outside!"
The three run back to the surface as fast as they could. Once there, they see what Verstael's grandest experiment was: an enormous magitek-powered machine resembling that of an annelida. In place of a head, it features an enormous cannon with seven rotating components resembling drill bits spinning around the core.
Prompto was horrified at the sight. "It's gigantic..."
Aranea runs off out of sight to acquire an armed snowmobile. (Y/n) dispelled her sword. "Dammit, Verstael. What the hell have you been doing...?"
"So that's the "new model"... And that means...he must be inside that thing."
Just then, Aranea pulls up beside Prompto and (Y/n) on a snowmobile with a large machine gun mounted on the back. "Hop on!" Prompto hops on as the guardian transforms. The ex-mercenary drives them away from the research facility with the fox close behind and the Godslayer in hot pursuit. "Ready for round two?"
Prompto grabs ahold of the gun's firing mechanism. "You bet!"
"You better keep up, firefly!" Aranea shouted to the guardian.
Verstael speaks from within Immortalis as he chases after the three. "Long have I waited to smite the world that denied me the glory I rightly deserve—and now, all shall tremble before me, man and maker alike! Even those damned guardians shall quiver in my presence!"
"If that's really him..." Prompto's voice trailed off.
Aranea kept her eyes on the snowy landscape ahead of them. "That maniac's taken "biological warfare" to the next level."
The boy glanced over at the fox now running beside them. He stared into her golden eyes, seeing her resolve and determination to take down Verstael. He nodded his head with his own determined expression and aimed the machine gun at the mechanical annelida. "Then (Y/n) and I want to be the ones to take him down." He pulled the trigger and bullets rained done on the machine's core. He kept the gun steady and focused on the head of the metallic annelida.
(Y/n) quickly glanced behind her at the large machine before looking ahead. Focusing her magic, she was able to create a large fiery vortex that swept across the snow towards the machine. Although it was large in size, it was weak. She mentally cursed the cold climate for weakening her magic.
Instead of using large-scale spells, she opted to infuse the machine gun with flaming rounds. She wished she could be of more help. Prompto watched the bullets spew from the machine gun, each one consumed by flames. They pierced the core of the mechanical annelida, causing some moderate damage.
Eventually, the Godslayer dove underground. It burrowed through the soil in a desperate attempt to catch up to the trio. The ground shook violently the moment it emerged from below a little closer than it was before.
"Down below!" Aranea shouted.
"It's enormous!" Prompto hollered as he continued to shoot at the Godslayer with flaming rounds.
"Fall to your knees before me!" Verstael bellowed, his voice echoing across the area.
The boy moved his aim away from the core and targeted one of the spinning components. When he noticed the flaming bullets were replaced with electrified ones, he gasped and glanced at (Y/n). "When did you learn lightning spells?!"
"Focus, blondie!" Aranea yelled.
"Right! Sorry!"
Under Prompto's unrelenting barrage and the magic infused within each bullet, a component around the head of Immortalis explodes. The machine wriggles before burrowing underground a second time.
"It ain't over," Aranea said. The Godslayer then emerges from the snow once more. "Three o'clock!"
Energy begins building at the tips of the machine's drill-like components. (Y/n) could feel the crackling of the energy, her fur sticking up.
"Incoming—look out!" The silver-haired woman hollered. The machine begins firing energy at Prompto, (Y/n), and Aranea. The boy targets the remaining components and begins dismantling them. "Sharp shooting, kid. Keep it up!" Aranea compliments.
One by one, Prompto disables all but the last of Immortalis' drill-like components. "This ends now." When he delivers what appears to be the finishing blow to the last drill-like component, there's a violent explosion and the Godslayer lifts high into the air before crumpling across the snowy landscape in a mangled heap.
As it lay in the snow, seemingly burnt out, the core of the annelida's head begins to glow red from within. The drill-like components become illuminated as well. Verstael's voice drips out of the machine as Immortalis rises and takes up the pursuit once more. "How can this be? I will not allow it!"
Hearing the man's voice, (Y/n) decided now was the perfect time to unleash her true power. She slowed down, causing Prompto to panic. "(Y/n), what're you doing?!"
Coming to a complete stop, the fox turned and faced the giant machine. She inhaled deeply and focused all her energy into her body. Her entire body became engulfed with flames as it grew in size. She now was a towering beast, the size of five Barbaruses combined.
Prompto ceased firing as the immense fox blocked the Godslayer from his view. His wide cerulean eyes bore into the flaming beast's form as it manifested a fireball half the size of Immortalis. With a thunderous screech, the guardian launched the fireball at the machine.
The moment it made impact, the Godslayer was severed into two. Combustion from the flames and impact resulted in an array of explosions. Verstael's voice resonates from the withering machine as a large explosion caused the ground to shake violently, the machine crashing to the ground in shambles.
(Y/n)'s spiritual form returned to normal size before she returned to being human. Her body swayed side to side, her vision slowly fading to black. She fell to the ground on her back, her body cushioned by the snow. She stared up at the sky until her entire world was consumed by darkness.
In the distance, Prompto begged Aranea to turn around. She did just that and they rode back towards the mechanical corpse of Immortalis. He hopped off the snowmobile and searched frantically for (Y/n). When he found her, he gasped in horror. "No... No, no, no!" He ran through the snow towards her body and fell to his knees beside her. His hands shook as he reached out to touch her. "(Y/Y-n)...?" It wasn't long before tears started to blur his vision.
Aranea said nothing. She remained on the snowmobile, watching Prompto with an aching heart as he pulled the girl into his arms. He cradled her head against his chest, burying his face into her (h/c) locks. His tears streamed down his cheeks and splashed onto (Y/n)'s. He rocked his body back and forth with her in his arms, sobbing like a child.
When Aranea went to look away, she saw (Y/n)'s hand twitched. She was about to say something when a groan fell from the guardian's lips. Prompto lifted his head with a gasp. He stared down at her face, witnessing her eyes slowly opening.
"Why're you crying?" She asked, weakly reaching up to wipe away some of his tears.
"I-I thought you were..." Prompto felt the lump in his throat from crying was causing his words to fail him.
She smiled gently at him. "I'm alive, Prompto. Just exhausted, is all. I used way too much power..."
He held her tighter, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. "Thank the Six..." He sighed breathlessly.
"I'm gonna need a long nap after this."
"As much as I would love to watch you two lovebirds hug each other, we best get moving," Aranea spoke up.
Prompto and (Y/n) stood up. The guardian, knowing there wasn't enough room on the snowmobile, decided to return to the gemstone. She remained there until they returned to where they left the other snowmobile. Standing beside Aranea, she stretched her arms towards the sky. "It's finally over..."
The older woman glances between the two. "You both all right?"
Prompto nodded. "Yeah. This is what we wanted."
"Then say it like you mean it. You and firefly did good, kid."
Prompto takes up a whimsical pose, and with an equally whimsical voice points at Aranea and (Y/n). "Couldn't have done it without you, gurls!" He takes back up a normal stance and a sober voice. "Seriously, though. Well, (Y/n) and I better catch up with Noct and the guys. He's got a lot on his plate, and I figure he could probably use a few extra hands taking back the Crystal and all that. And who knows? Maybe we'll take it back before he does!"
Prompto runs over to the snowmobile and leans down on it. Aranea walks over to him while the guardian remains put. "Don't get ahead of yourself."
"Honestly, I don't know for sure if they're going to accept us for who we really are. But we'll never know if we don't speak up, so we're gonna tell 'em." Prompto stands and turns back to Aranea. "After all, it's our lives to live."
Aranea was impressed by him. "The boy has become a man. Anyway, Gralea's straight ahead." She turns to (Y/n) as the spirit walks over. "Watch over him, firefly."
The (h/c)-haired girl smiled. "I always will."
Prompto and (Y/n) get on the snowmobile and prepare to leave. Before they did, the marksman calls out to the ex-mercenary. "Aranea!"
The woman smiles at him. "Yeah?"
He smiles back. "Thanks!"
Gripping the handles of the snowmobile, Prompto didn't take off until (Y/n)'s arms were securely wrapped around his waist. Once they were, he took off across the snowy landscape. The spirit pressed her cheek against his back with an exhausted sigh. Her golden eyes watched the passing scenery as they made their way to Gralea. Her mind was racing with numerous of possibilities, wondering what would befall them next.
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paperanddice · 4 years
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Image ID: Three pictures of 13th Age game stat blocks. The first is for the redspawn firebelcher, the second is for the blackspawn gloomweb, and the third is for the bluespawn godslayer. Full text is available below the read more. End ID.
Converted a few of my old 5e dragonspawn into 13th Age now that I’m going back to some of the other 3.5 dragonspawn. In the Dragon Empire, dragonspawn are creations of the Three (with a few leftover from the Green and White before they were imprisoned and killed), and act as easier to control weapons. True dragons are powerfully independent and even when acting on behalf of the Three they’ll have their own goals and go off the script, while converting a few dragon eggs into dragonspawn can create a full species of easily directed creatures. The Blue makes the most use of dragonspawn in the open, filling in her armies in Drakkenhall with the monsters, but the Black and Red both have a number of dragonspawn that they keep well hidden in preparation for future plans.
Redspawn Firebelcher
Redspawn were created from red dragon eggs, and are very simple creatures. When not being roused up for battle they live like crocodiles, spending much of their time at rest in extremely hot environments. Their favorite terrain is within active volcanoes, resting near or even in molten lava flows. More intelligent agents of the three will gather and train firebelchers as mounts or living siege equipment, bombarding groups of enemies with blasts of fire to break up defensive positions.
Blackspawn Gloomweb
Gloomwebs are large, solitary ambush hunters, created by infusing black dragon eggs with spider-like essence. Able to craft webs coated in a thin layer of sizzling acid, gloomwebs are more useful as guardians of hidden locations than on the offense, as they do not appreciate being directed from their lairs. They do not socialize with other creatures, but as long as they’re well fed and left alone will accept certain creatures within their territory, allowing the Three’s agents to do what they need to despite the gloomweb’s presence.
Bluespawn Godslayer
A favorite of the Blue, a small contingent of these towering giants act as bodyguards and elite defenders of Drakkenhall. Storm giant blood was infused into blue dragon eggs, creating one of the few dragonspawn to actually be of humanoid intelligence. This is more of a challenge than the other animalistic dragonspawn, but the effectiveness of the godslayers so far is not to be underestimated. They may also be a form of defense against the other dragon icons, as the Blue ensured the godslayers were well trained in how to counter and kill agents of the Great Gold Wyrm and the other members of the Three just as much as they were trained to slay the agents of the gods they were named for.
Redspawn Firebelcher Large 3rd-level caster [dragon] Initiative: +6 Vulnerability: Cold Gaping Mouth +7 vs. AC - 10 damage Natural 14+: The target also takes 10 fire damage. R: Fire Belch +9 vs. PD (one nearby enemy) - 15 fire damage Natural 16+: 1d3 other nearby enemies each take 2d6 fire damage. Occasional Escalator: At the start of the battle, roll a d6 for every firebelcher in the battle. All firebelchers in the battle can add the escalation die to their attack rolls when it is at each of the numbers rolled. Red Dragon’s Blessing: 1/turn the firebelcher can give one nearby ally resist fire 12+ until the end of the firebelcher’s next turn. Resist fire 14+. AC 17 PD 15 MD 11 HP 110
Blackspawn Gloomweb Large 4th-level wrecker [dragon] Initiative: +8 Vulnerability: Thunder Biting Jaws +9 vs. AC - 20 damage Natural 16+: The target also takes 5 ongoing acid damage. [Special Trigger] Goring Charge +11 vs. AC - 40 damage and the target pops free from the gloomweb C: Acid Web +8 vs. PD (1d2 nearby enemies in a group) - 5 ongoing acid damage Natural Even Hit: The target is also stuck as long as it’s taking the ongoing damage. Limited Use: 1/round as a quick action, if the escalation die is even. Black Dragon’s Blessing: 1/turn the gloomweb can give one nearby ally resist acid 12+ until the end of the gloomweb’s next turn. Charge Attack: If the gloomweb is unengaged and moves to engage an enemy, it can make a goring charge attack as a standard action. Occasional Escalator: At the start of the battle, roll a d6 for every gloomweb in the battle. All gloomwebs in the battle can add the escalation die to their attack rolls when it is at each of the numbers rolled. Resist Acid 14+. Wall-Crawler. AC 19 PD 18 MD 14 HP 100
Bluespawn Godslayer Large 5th-level troop [dragon] Initiative: +8 Vulnerability: Force Slaying Sword +10 vs. AC (2 attacks) - 18 damage Dual Hit: If both sword attacks hit the same target during the same turn, the target pops free from the godslayer and is dazed until the end of the godslayer’s next turn. Natural Even Miss: The godslayer can make a bite attack as a quick action. [Special Trigger] Bite +11 vs. AC - 15 damage plus 5 lightning damage Dragon and God Slayer: The godslayer’s crit range expands by 1 for each positive or conflicted relationship the target has with an icon associated with gods or dragons. Occasional Escalator: At the start of the battle, roll a d6 for every godslayer in the battle. All godslayers in the battle can add the escalation die to their attack rolls when it is at each of the numbers rolled. Resist Lightning 14+. AC 23 PD 20 MD 15 HP 120
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infragalaxia · 7 years
The feeling when you read something you wrote a while ago and realize that it’s pretty damn fine as opposed to super shitty like you previously thought? Feels good, man.
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words-and-seeds · 5 years
🖊 i want to have a few sentence summaries of each oc you have and what fandom they’re for!!
Lawd have mercy, this is An Ask. I have so many babies. This is going behind a cut because it will be long.
🖊  - Del is my original deputy, born out of taking one look at Joseph and having the “oh no, he’s hot” reaction. Plus, Joseph as a character gives my heart a boner, so I had to do an oc to love up on him. She is the epitome of chaotic good. She only joined the sheriff’s department to pay the bills and because childhood bff Staci Pratt did. When they’re together, they have to share three braincells between them. They’re always getting into stupid shenanigans.
🖊  - April was my second. She’s a surgeon/child prodigy/was in medical school at age 16. She’s a little emotionally cold because of her background - emotionally neglectful parents, going right into a physically abuse marriage. She has three children from that marriage, and she moved to Hope County after being blackmailed asked by John Seed. She owed him a favor from when he was still John Duncan. She sees to the overall health and wellness of the Peggies - she does so many stitches, you guys. So many - and is also responsible for overseeing their medical supplies.
🖊 - Mavra is my captain, and she’s a stone cold badass. You know the phrase, “she would kill you as soon as look at you?” Well, Mav would much rather kill you than look at you. She’s the longtime partner (as in before the bombs even dropped) of Thomas Rush, and the mother of his daughter Mila. She is also pregnant during the events of FCND, but that comes out later (and I headcanon that baby will be a SuperBaby tm because of Eden’s Gift). As the Shepherd, she moves her children to New Eden and tries her best to get the two communities to cooperate, because they either all live together or die separately.
🖊 - Uli is another non-deputy oc. He’s an assistant district attorney in Missoula, and not really aware of the problems developing in Hope County. All he knows is he keeps getting files coming across his desk of people being arrested for serious crimes and represented by a lawyer who graduated from an ivy league school. This intrigues him and he decides to do a little digging. That’s how he meets John and it’s hate at first sight. It’s also lust at first sight and they end up hatefucking quite a lot. That is, until they both catch feelings. 
🖊 - Jessie is my main rdr2 girl. She’s pretty much a self insert into rdo who travels all around with her posse (her fam) doing jobs as the need strikes. She’s chaotic neutral. Killing, kidnapping, and destruction of property, right alongside rescues and recovery of property. She is a bounty hunter, again, as the need strikes. She’s happiest hunting and searching out treasures, and she avoids other people like the plague. That is, until she gets ambushed by a bunch of O’Driscolls and is assisted by one Arthur Morgan (as in, he’s riding through the aftermath and shoots the last remaining guy right before she sticks a hunting knife in his neck). Since she’s separated from her posse for the time being, she accepts his offer of safe harbor with the VDL gang.
🖊 - Lovisa is my other one. She’s a Swedish transplant into Saint Denis and she’s a doctor. At least, she practices medicine, even if the stupid rich old men on nob hill refuse to acknowledge her. She’s protected from charges of quackery charges by grateful patients who would otherwise be turned away from “decent” hospitals and doctors. She lives in a slum and is mostly paid in food, but at least she eats well.
🖊 - Evaline is my last rdr2 oc (so far). She’s got kind of a sketchy background right now because she’s so new, but so far I know that she was abandoned by her parents at a train station. There wasn’t an orphanage or anything she could go to, but she was taken in by the owner of a hotel in exchange for cleaning and helping out around the place. As long as she minded her Ps and Qs and avoided a beating, it wasn’t a bad life. She works as a bath girl now, and she hoards her money in a sack under her bed. As soon as she has enough saved for a decent horse, she’s going to ride out of town and never look back.
🖊 - Berenice is my FO4 baby. And boy, is she dealing with a lot. She did not cope well with the initial events of the game and spent most of the time internally screaming. But she pulls up her big girl stockings, gathers her group of ragtags, and turns into a capable leader. She and Danse totally get it on.
🖊 - Foxtrot-5 is my exo hunter. She’s a Gunslinger who travels The Way of A Thousand Cuts. She’s a bi disaster, or bisaster. She has a crush on Zavala, and it’s honestly embarrassing for everyone involved. EVERYONE. Ultra reliant on her ghost, Sammy, to curb her dumber ideas. Cayde-6 was her best friend. She was wounded on Titan in a Hive nest and it took hours before she died and could be resurrected. It was very traumatic for her and Sammy, and she hasn’t been quite the same since. He’s afraid she might need to be rebooted, but he doesn’t want to lose her. Who knows what Foxtrot-6 will be like. She took off for the Tangled Shore as soon as they announced they were looking for a Hunter Vanguard.
🖊 - Neza is my awoken warlock. She’s a Voidwalker following the Attunement of Fission. She’s a Gensym scribe, a member of the Praxic Order with the Cormorant Seal, and she is married to Banshee-44. They’ve been together for like 80 years, since he was Banshee-15, and they’re very happy, tyvm. She is the apprentice of Asher Mir - whether he likes it or not, she’s not going to let all that knowledge die with him. She was furious after the Pyramidion debacle and barely spoke to him for like three years. He pretended to love it, but missed his “assistant”.
🖊 - Lia is my human titan. She’s a Striker and follows the Code of the Missile and is a little punch happy. She and her strike team mainly hang out on Nessus and keep the remnants of the Red Legion and the Vex from causing too much trouble. She is the: Captain, Godslayer, Iron Lord, Young Wolf, Hivebane, Kingslayer, Crota’s End, Rivensbane, Shadow of Earth, MMXIX, VIP #2014, etc etc etc. She’s lost track of her titles, thinks they’re a bit stupid really, but she has an overactive sense of duty and she rushes into a fight without really thinking it through. She is currently working for the Praxic Order to take down The Drifter, and she might be a teensy weensy bit compromised. But he better keep away from her ghost.
🖊 - Ursella Cousland is my Hero of Ferelden. I think we’re all very familiar with the Cousland background by now. She tried to honor her parents by using their teaching in all of her dealings, like when to be diplomatic and when to solve a problem with a knife. Dual wield rogue. She marries Alistair and becomes Queen of Ferelden and lives happily ever after. Let me ended it there, bioware you assholes
🖊 - Marilyn Hawke is the Viscountess of Kirkwall. Purple Hawke, my dudes. Another rogue here (I have a type, okay.) Fenris is her boo. Anders critical because, I as her creator, find Anders repulsive. She definitely kills him in the end. As much as she would love to, she is no longer able to follow Fenris around on his adventures. She gets stuck in the Fade, but you bet your ass she’ll be out and ready to kick Fen’Harel’s ass in jig time.
🖊 - Adelais Trevelyan was my first Inquisitor. As the youngest daughter of many, many siblings, she feels like she has quite large shoes to fill. Dedicated Andrastian. I headcanon that she was basically starting from scratch, combat wise. She’s would much rather be curled up with a book than out drilling in the snow. Cassandra definitely has to chase her down for training, but they bond over smutty literature. She’s reliant on Vivienne to keep her from embarrassing herself with her country bumpkin ways. They’re the land rich cash poor kind of nobility. She’s related to like…everyone. Family members all over the place. She’s madly in love with Cullen.
🖊 - Haletelbana (Bana) Lavellan is obvs my Elven inkie. I know they say the Lavellan clan roams the Free Marches, but I decided to make canon my bitch and say they were a desert clan based in the Western Approach. She joins Dorian in bitching whenever she gets cold. Eventually they just decide to share a bedroll for the warmth anytime they’re anywhere the temperature drops below sweltering. She sees the ocean for the first time in the Storm Coast and falls in love. Stupid sexy Solas breaks her heart. She also puts Briala in a position of power fuck you Celene
The Arcana
I blame @pabstbeerpussy for this.
🖊 - Sadb (pronounced Sayv) is the name of my apprentice. I don’t have much of a backstory for her yet, but she and Asra are in every kind of love it’s possible to be in, okay? Her familiar is a red panda named Batsa.
I have more, but I think this has gone on more than long enough, plus tumblr has already crashed once. But I’m always happy to scream about my babies!
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ganymedesclock · 5 years
A Headcanon Compilation: Hollow Knight characters and messing up
Ghost: They’re a combination of stubborn, inquisitive, knowledgeable, and naive. Thus, they’re decently likely to cause absolute mayhem by total accident. You will come home and find them dangling upside-down tangled in your blinds, and they’re just staring blankly straight at you, in active defiance of giving you an explanation. Did they miscalculate? Irrelevant. They hacked their way into this situation and they’ll hacked their way out.
This kind of tends to make their problems worse because when all else fails they are really quick to take the ‘death before dishonor’ route. This means that anybody who has known them for a decent amount of time has probably watched them completely lose patience and frenziedly attack....... a random mushroom, or a piece of paper that got stuck to their back, or a branch that they walked into while they were distracted staring at their map.
In short: it’s funny if the property damage that inevitably accrues isn’t something you will have to pay for, or hold dear. It can also be a little sad, though, since Ghost is both impulsive and pretty aggressive- if they get angry enough to basically tantrum with their nail, they might damage something they don’t mean to that’s important to them or one of their friends, and grieve it afterwards.
Hornet: Hornet messing up incidentally looks almost exactly like a cat tripping. She just snaps to attention and, if particularly embarrassed, has this sort of ‘nobody saw me do that’ preening / saunter out of the area. In the face of an enduring problem she’ll just sort of sit there brooding over potential solutions, but stay self-contained and only bark an unnecessarily acerbic “what” if someone tries to talk to her while she’s sulking trying to think of a solution.
Her work ethic means that she’ll just sorta pick herself up, regroup and try again most of the time; if nothing has been going right for a while she’ll probably start shaking, get snappy at small noises, and then eventually just have a meltdown if she feels like she can’t justify walking away and taking a breather. She’s an angry crier when frustrated, much as she hates to admit it.
She’s naturally sensory sensitive / easily irritated by noise, unpleasant textures, or other stimuli, but if she’s especially stressed, she gets snappier at any particular bad stimuli in the environment. If she’s already frustrated about something and Quirrel is sharpening his nail and making a scraping noise about the third pass he makes with that whetstone, she’ll snap about it.
Quirrel: He likes a good puzzle so he’s fairly accustomed to trial-and-error, but expect a lot of progressive “huh”s and small comments to himself. That’s, of course, if this is an interesting thing to be stuck on. If it’s something he feels is stupid or pointless and he’s still stuck on it, he’s actually surprisingly quick to pull a “fuck this I’m out” if he can, and if he can’t for one reason or another, he’ll get pretty exasperated with it. He’ll still have nearly a full conversation with it, but he’s the most likely of the group to incredulously ask an inanimate object “really, now?”
He’s mildly likely to draw his nail on it if he feels like that will get results but he’s not prone to flailing, even if he’s very frustrated. His irritation more just boils down to him increasingly cutting out the middleman and being efficient with his attempts to solve it. Again, if he’s still entertained or sees scholarly value in something he’ll play along in a very minimal-damage manner; if he’s totally out of patience for something, though, that’s about the time he starts breaking out destructive high-caliber spells. It’s rare for him to get so peeved his Soul just starts making little crackles of lightning around him, but it does happen, and it’s usually not a good idea to try and hang onto him if he’s at that point.
Zote: Ironically Zote is pretty used to failure so while he’ll blow a lot of hot air, and, depending on how upset he is, blame literally everything he can think of in short order whether or not it can make sense, he basically just vents all the frustration out of his mouth. He’s the most willing to get down in the trenches scrabbling for success and then, as soon as he gets there, immediately insist that everything up to this point was a calculated plan as part of his success, which naturally, only took a single attempt.
He only really loses his head about it if he runs out of things to blame and/or complain about in which case he’s still griping but he starts instead airing / tying the issue to personal grievances or his general perception the whole world is out to get him, which is a lot less entertaining to listen to and tends to make him angrier rather than feel better. At this point whether or not he has a breakdown depends entirely on if he succeeds or gets distracted before he pulls a thread attached to his emotions.
Worst case scenario, he gets angry, screams at his environment, exhausts himself, gives up, and then either finds another way around, forgets about it, or gets a new idea and comes back.
Pure Vessel/Hollow Knight: They had a very proper upbringing and very precise training. They’re very by-the-book, but that book is a weighty tome on martial tactics and the code of chivalry. Definitely after their failed vigil against the Radiance they’re very tired and fatigue is quicker to take them than anger. Sort of participating in the category of heroic determination, really- they’re more likely to beat themselves up for not being good enough unless it’s a really stupid problem in which case they might actually find it kinda funny, depending. Or just very vexing.
It’d be a rare set of circumstances that could mash their buttons that way, but if sufficiently aggravated by something completely stupid, some irresponsible use of light magic and sharp implements might happen. They’re not incapable of anger, after all, and they were pretty much trained from the cradle. All in all, though, they’re rather clever and their dutiful streak means they’re rarely offended by menial labor as long as they feel like it’s accomplishing something.
Grimm: It’s rare for him to actually get vexed since, simply put, he’s so old, knowledgeable, and powerful that setbacks tend to be novel and interesting to him more than anything. He’s willing to be fairly charitable about something catching him in a pickle, sometimes even playing along with situations he can easily get out of with a minor flexing of godly power. Would-be bandits have held him at nailpoint before.
Of course, there’s limits to how long he’s willing to be entertained, and that tends to be what you’re putting on stake. Even risking fairly personal injury, as functionally a god of mortality, Grimm will even consider something he loses a limb to as all in good fun. Threaten his progeny or his clan in a way that makes him suspect you could genuinely imperil them, however, and you’ve booked a truly horrifying lesson in how much he’s been humoring you.
Radiance: If at first you don’t succeed, burn whatever you perceive as spiting you to ashes.
No, really. She’s pretty bad at this whole ‘patience’ and ‘forgiveness’ thing. The only reason she’s not a complete liability (in contexts where she’s not leveling kingdoms by operating exclusively as a dreamscape psychic death curse) to everything around her is that she’s so powerful that an awful lot of things are basically of no concern to her, from tripping on a root to a would-be godslayer running her through the chest.
Of course, that’s sort of a gamble, because if she interprets it as a challenge, even if she sees you as absurdly beneath her, she might just decide to “honor” you with the immaculate, shining death you’re clearly asking for. That, or if you just subject her to something she feels is undignified enough to be humiliating or annoying.
Most likely to evaporate a maskfly for pooping on her head, in short.
White Lady: She’s a patient sort, at least, superficially. It would be more accurate to say that if something annoys her, she doesn’t often retaliate directly because she’s very comfortable in the knowledge that she can come back in a century or so once it’s rotted beyond all recognition. It’s rare for her to get motivated enough that she decides to hasten entropy’s hand. When she does, the matter tends to be over.
As a result, with a minor problem or tribulation that isn’t time-consuming, she’ll take her own good time teasing out a solution, and not particularly worry about it not happening as quickly as she wants. Something with a looming deadline and serious stakes, she’ll simply continuously evaluate the previous attempts and try again, with an increasing determination. Her anger will build along with it, but she’ll keep that sequestered as best as she can until she makes a decision to do something reckless with all of her roots at once. Even in situations that can be dealt with by a more subtle touch, if she makes up her mind to end a situation, she either will, or she will perish in the attempt.
Pale King: Since he views himself as not really allowed to get mad he’ll try to continue working through his frustration and probably not actually realize how annoyed he’s getting. Likely to just pick himself up and continue going, carefully neatening himself if it’s the first time it’s happened, leaving his raiment in whatever state he hit the ground in if it’s the twentieth or thirtieth.
Like Hornet, he might get slowly snappier, but largely, his tone would remain entirely the same until he hits some kind of wall. Depending on which emotion he’s feeling at the time, this might be funny (you just come into his workshop and find him lying face down on the floor and he just, in completely calm tones, tells you to leave him there, and possibly carries a conversation like that if you have something urgent to say and it really can’t wait), or this might be terrifying (he’s in one of those moods where the entire surrounding area is at subzero temperatures and his eyes are leaking primordial ancient light, and you should probably just quietly excuse yourself and come back when he’s calmed down enough to thaw out)
Because, y’know, he’s the King of Hallownest, and his emotions have basically no outlets besides planking and chilling eldritch divinity. Since he’s such a workaholic, him having artist’s block is... something to deal with, all right.
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