#going with CJ's age being 17
martyrbat · 3 months
im so considerate.... (<- guy not ranting about a thing it hates before its friend is done with the media)
#can officially say i finished the arkhamverse. didnt watch anything about that suicide squad one but i read all comics#a d watched the complete story & side mission gameplay for origins asylum city and midway through my refresher for knight#the biggest takeaway i have is wow these people are weird about convicts and addicts and love their toxic masculinity#but the gameplay and nostalgia impacts peoples opinions on it. maybe an enjoyable experience but for the story or universe itself#its a complete failure in every regard i can think of—only having glimpses moments of quality that makes the rest of it#be frustrating because the potential can be there. theres interesting premises occasionally but the execution and payoff doesn't make it#even worthwhile to get to those premises because of what you must wade through to reach them#<- thats me being my nicest and most spoiler freeabout it btw.#my other big takeaway is that tim is canonically older than jason and i think a grown ass man saying fuck that kid is really funny#[SPOILERS LOOK AWAY CJ]#<- tim currently works as a highschool science teacher while jason was shown to be adopted and made robin at 15#where he was then promptly captured and kidnapped by joker. he escaped half? a year later during asylum and AK takes place 2 years afterward#i think. the entire timeline for this shitty universe is awful and confusing. dick was robin for like 2 years its ridiculous.#and i think primarily so they can go noooo see bruce is a hot late 30 year old instead because you become dust at any older!!#but. back to the age thing. hes about 17 maybe early 18 during AK but because tim is a private school teacher he needs a bachelor's degree#and most people get it at 22/23ish and then theres the actual teacher application and being hired (or not because hes a nepo baby)#so hes early mid twenties or so. compared to a (presumably dead) teenager who he called a loser more or less.
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AITA for not wanting to babysit my nephews?
Before you judge me based on that, I know how bad it sounds - there is a lot of context behind it.
So, I'm 17 and in my last year of high school. My older sister, Hum, 23 and has two kids, both under the age of three. I have a younger sister too, CJ, who is 16.
(The father of Hum's kids is an asshole, which is why he is not mentioned. His family is the same.)
A few months back, around early November, Hum asked CJ to stay with her kids in the car while she went shopping for food (CJ has a boyfriend that lives semi-nearby that she usually stays with on weekends). Now I know that it sounds reasonable, but CJ later told me and our parents that Hum had borrowed money from her (100+) and is yet to pay her back.
Hum does not have a job, and gets money from the government to keep her and the boys healthy and happy (roughly 1100 per fortnight, with a varying payment each week). She often complains about being out of food or not having enough money to buy things that she needs, which I understand but whenever I stay with her she always has a cupboard and fridge full of food.
CJ said no, because she wanted to stay at her boyfriend's house and because it's common for Hum to take a long time to shop and get things that she doesn't actually need. This caused Hum to essentially blow up at her, calling her a slut and saying that CJ only ever comes around anymore when she gets something out of it (which is a lie. CJ has spent probably the most time with Hum and the boys just because she wanted to).
Now, my parents and Hum have always had a rocky relationship from when I was younger, enough so that Hum stopped living at home at roughly CJ's age. They've mended it in the past few years, but Hum does still occasionally argue with them or text them hurtful things.
When CJ told our parents about what Hum said to her, they confronted her about it. It eventually got into the family group chat, where I tried to calm the situation down by defending CJ (Hum proceeded to tell me to "get a dick") and stopped when our father told us to just go to sleep and stop interacting with Hum.
The next day she blocked all of us on everything, and the next time we heard from her again was around Christmas. We have a yearly lunch at my Gran's house, and we weren't sure if Hum was going to attend. She eventually did, and it was fairly civil.
She never formally apologised, as far as I know, but we're all on generally good terms now. During the school holidays just passed, Hum asked me on multiple occasions to come to her house and help take care of her kids for the night.
I used to do it often before the big fight, so the request wasn't unusual, but I still felt weird being around her due to what happened. Hum's told me about what happened at home when I was younger, but she also has a habit of blowing things out of proportion or lying/telling an exaggerated her side of events.
The most recent was a week or so ago, when Hum showed up at my house to take me to hers. I was not aware of this beforehand and tried to say no a few times before caving and going with her. Legally, she has to have a night away from the kids for her mental health, so it feels really bad to deny her that, even though I had holiday homework to catch up on that I intended to do.
Even though I have stayed with Hum for a lot of nights, I feel horrible about myself when I say no to her since I know that that's just how she is. I know that she's getting help for her BPD and trying to be better, but it's just uncomfortable for me to be around her sometimes.
And I love my nephews, but I am not mentally equipped to help take care of them very often. I suspect I have autism, and find it difficult to take care of myself sometimes, especially when I get frustrated (which is inevitable when taking care of a toddler and an almost-toddler). And I was very stressed at the time due to the upcoming school year, so my fuse was a lot shorter than usual.
What are these acronyms?
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demon-witch-cat · 1 year
Guess who's gotten into Rottmnt/Tmnt 2012! Me!!
And you know what that means?
I've created an crossover AU between the two!
I've actually been working on this AU since September, and have been posting a bunch of art videos of it on my tiktok (demonwitchcat is my username on there too if you want to check them out, though I am going to try to post the ones I can here soon) I just haven't really gotten the chance to post it here since it requires me to type so much, lmao XD
Anyways, here's the first art piece I did for it! Some of the designs are a bit outdated, since I've changed them up a bit after getting the hang of drawing them, but for the most part it's all still cannon, lol
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The AU is a ROTTMNT and TMNT 2012 crossover AU called "Wrong Home" and it takes place during the ending of the Rise movie & about a week after the first two episodes of the 2012 series. Age wise, this makes Rise!Raph(Rafa) two years older then the 2012 bros(17), Rise!Leo(Leon) & Rise!Donnie(Dee) both one year older(16), and Rise!Mikey(Angelo) the same age as them(15). This is kinda important.
So what happens is instead of Angelo being able to make a portal to bring Leon home, he accidentally and unknowingly sends Leon to the 2012 universe. The 2012 Brothers are alerted by some sort of tracker that Donnie has that some big mass of energy suddenly appeared in the streets of New York. Thinking it might be the Kraang, they go and check it out. They end up finding Leon passed out and injured in an alleyway. They take him back to their lair and patches him up. They also come to realize that Leon is from another universe, and is essentially another version of Leo. After Leon wakes up and the whole shock where's off, Master Splinter tells him that until they find a way to get him home, he can stay with them as long as he'd like.
Leon takes him up on the offer, and ends up become a sort of older brother to all of them, offering all sorts of advice and, once all healed up(atleat physically), helping out on missions and patrols. He makes sure to take a backseat role though, so that Leo can get the necessary practice he needs at being a leader so when it comes to making the harder choices, in the harder fights, he can.
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Problem in the Rise universe though... They all think Leon is dead(or at the least they have no way to get to him in time before the Kraang kill him) and they mourn him. Over the course of the first month following Leons "Death", Rafa and Dee both end up isolating themselves in their grief, leaving Angelo alone most of the time. April notices this and convinces Rafa to let her, Cassandra, and CJ take Angelo out either to the hidden city or through New York in an attempt to help him. Rafa agrees, and this ends up becoming a common occurrence. April even gets him a cloaking broach with the help of Sunita.
However, a month later(2 months after the kraang invasion), while on their way to meet up with the Casey's, something ends up triggering Angelo and he has a panic attack so bad he activates his mystic powers and sends himself to the 2012 universe. Leaving April to tell the others that he's also gone.
Angelo's not as lucky as Leon though, and ends up getting found by the 2012 Kraang and taken prisoner. There, they experiment on him and force him to use his mystic powers. He's trapped there for roughly around four months before escaping on his own.
After escaping, he immediately goes into hiding, going undercover as a human using his cloaking broach. Not even a few hours after escaping though, he ends up meeting the Casey of the 2012 universe, who finds him in an alleyway coming down from another freak out. Thinking he was just some kid who had just been attacked by some gang or something, Casey takes him back to his place to get him patched up. After that night, Angelo finds an abandoned building and takes up shop there, getting most supplies/furniture from the junkyard and stealing what he couldn't(he'll later take odd jobs and similar things in order to get money to actually pay, but he can't do that right off the bat).
A week or two after meeting Casey, Angelo starts going to the same school as Casey. They re-meet and end up become close friends. Angelo even considers telling Casey of his mutant status, but decides he can't risk it.
Back in the Rise Universe, Dee and Rafa are devastated after learning about Angelo's disappearance. Having now lost two of their brothers, Rafa and Dee end up becoming extremely close and rarely ever leave the others side. They also rarely go out and fight crime anymore, both to scared to lose their last brother. They spend most of their time in Donnies lab. When their not in the lab, their out in the hidden city, not being able to take being in the rest of the lair as just about everything reminds them of their brothers. Splinter, April, Cassandra, CJ, and Draxum all try to help them, but they can only help so much.
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shiftdrawwing · 1 year
My LMAD Casey Jr would think your CJ is the absolute coolest guy of all time. He's 14 and transmasc and would take one look at him, go "holy shit, there's an alternate me that's HUGE and has a BEARD and doesn't die before age 30" and start following him around like a duckling
(makes for a hilarious mental image, imagining him in the peepaw multiverse convention (specifically calling to mind Chiangy's art where the Casey Jrs are hanging out and their Casey Sr comes in and takes them to DQ) just like 30 13-17 year old Casey Jrs sitting around on metal folding chairs and then there's just this absolutely MASSIVE Odin looking CJ sitting next to them just sipping an apple juice)
LMAO NO WAIT THAT'S PERFECT Maybe it's a situation where because he's a Casey (despite being his age) he's made to sit at the kids table type thing so he just recruits said kids table (of which is of course full of Casey's) and has a little Casey army. CJ and his smaller hims, they will go to mcdonalds, they will all get happy meals. If CJ can't be at the big boys table (the Future Turtle table) then he'll simply kidnap the kids table u_u Casually walks over to them all, sits down, takes probably someone's drink and chugs it. Says something like "Nice weather huh" as if he's not a 6'1" whole-ass-man.
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ajgrey9647 · 3 months
WINE AND SCARLET for ask game, just do main 2 Mcs
Quad Life Crew:
Wine - how do they act when drunk?
Coinless Jason Scott/’Red’ – Before he splintered into the ‘Red’ alter, Coinless Jason was only 17 so legally he couldn’t drink. Also being the Red Ranger and tasked with leading his team and saving the world, he couldn’t risk being impaired even if he was of age. Though battling giant space monsters and bearing the stress of keeping his team and civilians safe might make a nice stiff drink tempting. While imprisoned and tortured by Drakkon, Jason was forcefully given alcohol and injected with mind altering substances or had them slipped in his food in an attempt to manipulate and confuse him.
As the ‘Red’ alter (Drakkon’s guard dog and pet), he imbibed in alcohol when ordered to do so. Even sober, ‘Red’ often talked nonsensical at times and he could be temperamental with anyone who wasn’t his master. Drunk, ‘Red’ was more child-like in his interactions (mischievous, teasing, playful) but no less deadly. He might titter nonsense to himself or repeat what, at first glance, seem to be random words; however, if you knew his secrets, they made perfect sense.
After coming to the Prime Universe when the Coinless World imploded, ‘Red’ regained most of his human nature and reality. He knows he’s a mental construct created to save Jason’s mind, though Jason isn’t communicative for unknown reasons. Red still consumes alcohol on occasion, nothing like he did in Drakkon’s palace. Most of his rage and viciousness has receded, unless he’s triggered into a PTSD episode (like the Fourth of July scene).
When drunk, ‘Red’ is more prone to joke around with ‘David’ about their traumatic history; they call each other nicknames like ‘Snoopy’, ‘Cujo’, ‘Benji’, or ‘Lassie’ for Red and ‘Dr. Doom’, ‘Dr. Lector’, ‘Dictator Dick’ for David. This often confuses the hell out of their Prime partners, Prime Jason Scott (Red Omega Ranger) and Prime Tommy Oliver (White Ranger).
Drakkon/’David’ – Growing up in an abusive, chaotic home, one would expect the Coinless World’s Tommy Oliver to dabble in substances and booze. He did on occasion, stealing a bottle of liquor or two from his alcoholic adoptive father’s cabinet, or enjoying a blunt. Only a few times did he try the harder stuff.
Once he became Lord Drakkon and sole ruler of the Earth, he did not believe in indulging in mind altering substances as it could leave one vulnerable to attack or coercion. He doesn’t like being at any disadvantage, unless he’s playing ‘possum’ to lull an enemy into a false sense of security. Drakkon is already batshit crazy and prone to outbursts of anger or ‘theatrical fuckery’ aka wild, often public, punishments for whatever misdeed he believed to have occurred. So avoiding drunkenness was probably to most people’s betterment.
Only when alone with Red would he sometimes partake of a drink and a smoke. The smokes mellowed him out but he was still a shrewd son of a bitch. He enjoyed watching his pet stumble around like a toddler, babbling to himself, though it meant he might not be as good a guard. Therefore, Drakkon didn’t go overboard with drink.
A few times, he and Red did a line of coke before their kinky, aggressive sex escapades.
In the Prime Universe, living as ‘David’, he is more comfortable enjoying a drink or two. He likes to goad Prime Tommy and Prime Jason when he’s drunk, teasing their innocence. A lot of his aggression has dissipated with the change of worlds, though he’s still a grouchy, irritable asshole. He just doesn’t kill people anymore.
Scarlet – How do they grieve?
Coinless Jason Scott/’Red’ – ‘Red’ has access to Coinless Jason’s memories, his life before being imprisoned and during his captivity. He grieves for ‘CJ’s’ pain and losses when he thinks back on how ‘CJ’ cried for his mother or when he craved something comforting to hold instead of the cold chains attached to his shackles. ‘Red’ cries for the lost young one, though he’s afraid what will happen if ‘CJ’ ever ‘wakes up’ from whatever state he’s stuck in.
‘Red’ isn’t afraid to cry and express emotion as he’s seen the result of what happens when someone refuses to feel their emotions or express them in a healthy manner (Lord Drakkon). He accepts comforting and hugs and back stroking… ‘Red’ lets people in.
Drakkon/’David' – Holy hell, does Lord Drakkon exploded in violent aggression when he experiences uncomfortable emotions such as loss or sorrow! He’s angry at Coinless Tommy’s abuse, neglect, and other wrongs he suffered, being given away at birth, never comforted as a small child when he cried or was afraid. He swore vengeance and promised himself absolute control.
As Lord Drakkon, and even as Coinless Tommy prior to joining back with Rita, he didn’t understand other people, had no concept of empathy or sympathy or normal human emotions. He watched others so he could craft an acceptable mask to don at the appropriate time until it no longer matter and he ruled the Earth. Then he was free to just be the hateful, psychotic asshole that he was.
Coinless Jason Scott was his obsession, his ‘lovey’, his secret crush. Drakkon wanted him, wanted to be with him, but felt he couldn’t as his abusive ‘dad’ would kill him for being gay. He always felt safe with Jason and instead of killing him as he made it appear to others, he took him back to the palace and created his beautiful ‘Red’. Drakkon easily killed his adoptive parents the first chance he got, his anger mixed with grief for what he should have had and deserved as a helpless child.
In the Prime Universe, ‘David’ still has issues with appearing ‘weak’ or showing emotions besides anger, disgust, or contempt. He doesn’t like anyone to see him crying especially Tommy, his Prime counterpart. They have a complicated affection, as they share the same sad history. If anyone has to see him cry, he prefers it to be ‘Red’ since after twenty years deeply enmeshed together in one giant delusional, nutty ‘Wonderland’ relationship, his pet has become his confidante. Anger is easier to express so ‘David’ will yell, throw things, become insulting… though he is learning. Being in the Prime Universe changed something deep inside him as well as Red and he is accepting that he is a flawed man and wants to change
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shellyseashell · 1 year
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name & meaning: frederika is an old german name meaning “peaceful ruler”. it was my favorite variation of the fandom’s common full name for her, frederique. though that is a french name and this one isn’t. oh well.
age & birthday: 17. i want to say winter birthday but uma definitely has a summer birthday and they’re twins so. compromising and making it a fall birthday.
sexuality: lesbian (and dating cj but would never admit it)
height: 5’4
powers: size reduction, conjuration, voodoo dolls, mystical conversion, shadow magic, mediumship, shadow generation, shadow telekinesis, darkness symbiosis, cartomancy, transmutation. i . . . need to check the wiki again, because i have no idea what i just wrote.
mbti: intj, the architect
background: when she was young, facilier and ursula split, as most isle couples usually do. at that point, they had twin daughters, freddie and uma. freddie had already started to show signs of having voodoo magic, so facilier took her, while ursula took uma, who was showing signs of inheriting her magic.
ursula forbade uma from interacting with her sisters (celia was born a few years later, to a common thief), and doesn’t let freddie around the chip shoppe (though they’ve bent rules a few times), but facilier has no issues with uma, so she often visits the arcade.
while freddie didn’t have a huge part in forming the triple alliance like uma did, given she’s a part of it, she did help found the witches guild, a gang dedicated to protecting witches from those who like to hunt magical beings (sometimes other magical beings, but often it’s frollo’s cult). other members include maddy mim and yzla, though they have loose alliances with other gangs.
residence: facilier’s arcade
affiliation: witches guild, healers guild, lost revenge, scarlet revenge, other side, wyverns
weapons & fighting style: her shadows, when she can, otherwise it’s knives
- her hat is from celia, who had dizzy make it
- she’s technically a demigod, so she has the enhanced health that comes with it, and her voodoo may be a bit stronger than celia’s, but she didn’t inherit any magic from ursula
- covers up her emotions with sass and sarcasm
- loves to get into fights
- she’s a very light sleeper, and she sleeps with a knife under her pillow
- being a medium, it can sometimes be overwhelming hearing voices of the dead, especially on the isle, but she’s learned to block them out when she doesn’t want to hear them
- she goes to the witch academy, but she skips a lot
- she wants to be a singer
- she’s a healer, because her father wasn’t called a doctor for nothing
- secretly, she likes celia’s pet rat
- she’s friends with claudine frollo. when she was maybe 11 or 12, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and frollo’s men captured her. claudine freed her before anything happened to her. after that, she joined the witches guild, and helped claudine sneak out, and gave her a place to go when she’s injured. she curses frollo on a weekly basis.
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masterofd1saster · 2 months
CJ current events 2may24
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Big Brother don't care
Police love surveillance cameras, but not the cost. Setting up a high-definition system at a single site can cost thousands of dollars. So officials came up with a workaround in Richmond Heights, Ohio, east of Cleveland. The city will soon make all banks, restaurants, hotels, and retail outlets within its jurisdiction install and maintain surveillance systems at the businesses’ own expense. A previous ordinance, passed in December 2021, does the same thing at apartment complexes. Cameras must be government-approved and cover every entrance and parking lot 24/7. Property owners must also store the digital files for 30 days at their own expense. If anything breaks, they must pay for repairs or risk $500 daily fines. The city makes no exceptions for vandalism, power outages, or technical glitches.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/2979641/cities-are-forcing-businesses-to-spy-on-themselves-and-pay-for-it/
Should they not have stolen a car? Are you telling me they shouldn't lead police on a high speed chase?
Four teenagers including high school football star aged 14 to 16 are killed in horror crash after cop cruiser used PIT maneuver to stop them speeding at 111mph - as horrifying photos show their mangled wreckage ***The four, who were between the ages of 14 and 16, attended Newberry High School in Bradford County, northeast of Gainesville.  Two of the teens in the car died at the Waldo area scene, while the other two passed away from their injuries days later at UF Health Shands Hospital in Gainesville.*** The vehicle appeared to be slowing down but then the driver hit the gas and sped away with the car reaching speeds of 111mph.*** Authorities later added two of the teens that were killed in SUV were wearing ankle monitors, while three had active warrants, reports WLBT. Some of the occupants also appeared to be wearing ski masks.*** https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13360151/Four-teenagers-including-high-school-football-star-aged-14-17-killed-horror-crash-cop-cruiser-used-PIT-maneuver-stop-speeding-111mph-horrifying-photos-mangled-wreckage.html
If only there were some way to prevent high speed chases in stolen cars....
Eh, she's cute so she'll get straight probation
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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (BP) — A former volunteer for Immanuel Baptist Church turned herself into police April 17 on charges of sexual assault, first degree. Reagan Gray, 26, was a volunteer in the church’s music ministry and a teacher at Little Rock Christian Academy, reported the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. She had been on leave from her job as a teacher at Sylvan Hills Middle School since Feb. 7. A criminal court hearing has been set for June 17 at 10 a.m., according to court documents. The Democrat Gazette cited a March 12 affidavit that authorities charged Gray with assaulting a teen from Sept. 1, 2020, through May 31, 2021. While the victim’s age is redacted, in various reports he is stated as being 15 or 16. In addition to physical interactions, the volunteer and teen also swapped nude photographs.***
If anyone tells you American criminal justice is sexist, tell her "no poop, Sherlock."
Wait - they're safer where people shoot?
SELMA, Ala. (WSFA) - Due to multiple weekend shootings involving juveniles, some Selma City School District schools are transitioning to virtual learning this week. A Facebook post by Selma City Schools announced on Sunday that, in light of recent events affecting the community and at the recommendation of local law enforcement, Selma High School and Saints Virtual Academy/Alternative School will transition to virtual learning Monday.*** https://www.wsfa.com/2024/04/29/multiple-weekend-shootings-cause-some-selma-city-schools-go-virtual/
Drugged her?
DENVER (KDVR) — After Suzanne Morphew’s remains were found in 2023, an autopsy determined Morphew died by homicide with several drugs in her system. Morphew never returned home after she went on a bike ride in Chaffee County in 2020. Five days later, a personal item of Morphew’s was found, but it took three more years for her remains to be found in Saguache County in September.*** Morphew died by “undetermined means in the setting of butorphanol, azaperone, and medetomidine intoxication.” According to the autopsy, “These drugs are marketed as a compounded injectable chemical immobilizer for wildlife providing pharmacologically reversible analgesia, sedation and immobilization.”*** https://kdvr.com/news/local/suzanne-morphews-autopsy-finds-animal-tranquilizer-other-drugs-in-system/
Let's see how his corpse balances the scales.
DENVER — An ex-National Security Agency employee out of Colorado Springs was sentenced to more than 21 years in prison on Monday for attempted espionage. Jareh Sebastian Dalke, a 32-year-old Army veteran who lived in Colorado Springs, was sentenced on Monday morning. He faced charges in connection with his effort to transmit classified National Defense Information (NDI) to an agent of the Russian Federation, according to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Dalke, who has degrees related to cybersecurity, worked as an information systems security designer at the National Security Agency (NSA) between June 6 and July 1, 2022. Between August and September, he used an encrypted email account to transmit excerpts of three classified documents to a person he believed was a Russian agent but was actually a FBI online convert employee, the DOJ said. The department said Dalke communicated with the undercover agent thinking he was demonstrating his "legitimate access and willingness to share." In late August, he requested $85,000 in return for the information.*** On Sept. 28, 2022, Dalke arranged for more classified information to be passed along to who he thought was a Russian agent. He transferred five files, four of which contained top secret information. The other file was a letter that read "My friends! ... I am very happy to finally provide this information to you… I look forward to our friendship and shared benefit. Please let me know if there are desired documents to find and I will try when I return to my main office.”*** According to his arrest affidavit, Dalke told the undercover agent that he had $237,000 in debts, according to the Associated Press. In 2017, he filed for bankruptcy because of student loan and credit card debts, it said. He allegedly told the undercover agent that providing the classified information for payment was “an opportunity to help balance scales of the world while also tending to my own needs," the AP reported.***
So the women in the house shot all those officers?
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) — Three U.S. Marshal task force officers and a Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Officer were killed, and four other officers, three of whom were with CMPD, were hurt during an east Charlotte shootout that stemmed from a fugitive warrant operation on Monday afternoon. Residents, along with anyone in the area of the neighborhood, were asked to avoid the area as active gunfire was ongoing for hours. At 4:56 p.m., CMPD said the area was safe. The situation began around 1:50 p.m. along Galway Drive near Denson Place. CMPD announced that Officer Joshua Eyer was shot in the line of duty Monday afternoon after assisting other officers with the apprehension of a suspect. Eyer was a six-year veteran and a member of the 178th Recruit Class. The North Carolina Department of Adult Corrections stated that two of the U.S. Marshals Task Force members were N.C. Department of Adult Correction veterans. They were identified as Sam Poloche and Alden Elliott. Poloche leaves behind a wife and two children, while Elliott and his wife are parents to one child. Police say as the task force tried to serve a warrant for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, they were met with gunfire, and officers returned fire. During that shootout, authorities struck the suspect, identified as 39-year-old Terry Clark Hughes, and he was pronounced deceased in the front yard. Hughes was wanted for possession of a firearm by a felon and two counts of felony to elude out of Lincoln County. As officers approached Hughes, they said they were met by more gunfire from inside the home. After a long standoff, officers cleared the house and found two females inside, who were both brought to the police station as persons of interest.***
What is it w/ the Porter family?
The younger brother of Denver Nuggets forward Michael Porter Jr. was arrested early Sunday morning in Missouri on investigation of driving while intoxicated. Jevon Porter, 20, was arrested at 1:31 a.m. in Boone County, Missouri, State Highway Patrol records show. Porter, who was released, also was accused of speeding. The 6-foot-11 Columbia, Missouri, native is a sophomore on the Loyola Marymount University basketball team. *** The incident represents the latest in a string of arrests and other alleged misdeeds for the Porter family. Coban Porter, another brother of the NBA star, was sentenced to six years in prison last month for killing a woman in a drunk-driving crash in Denver last year. Jontay Porter, another sibling who played for the Toronto Raptors, was banned from the NBA last month after a league investigation found he disclosed confidential information to sports bettors about his health. https://www.denverpost.com/2024/05/01/jevon-porter-arrested-driving-intoxicated-missouri/
Mark Pomerantz was a deputy DA in Manhattan who investigated a variety of allegations against Donald Trump. He testified in Congress and a video was released on 1may24. He repeatedly invokes his 5th Amendment right to silence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXnRgPW5D1g.
Speaking of ethical lapses by Trump prosecutors....
***Judge Juan Merchan expressly ruled that prosecutors are not permitted to use Cohen’s guilty pleas for two campaign finance violations in 2018 as evidence that Trump committed a crime, but the judge did provide leeway on the matter, and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has used it.*** Matthew Colangelo, one of Bragg’s leading prosecutors, outright said in his opening statement that he expects Cohen, Bragg’s star witness in the trial, to testify about how Cohen pleaded guilty for his role in arranging hush money payments to former Playboy model Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels. Both women alleged they had affairs with Trump. “Cohen will also testify in this trial that he ultimately pled guilty and went to jail for causing an unlawful corporate contribution in connection with the Karen McDougal payments and for making an excessive campaign contribution in connection with the Stormy Daniels payoff,” Colangelo told the jury. Conservative legal analyst and former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy called the remarks “breathtakingly mendacious.” “Colangelo was not properly admonishing the jury that Cohen is a witness of dubious credibility. He was signaling to them that the NDA payments to McDougal and Daniels — for which he had just blamed Trump in an extensive narrative — were crimes for which Cohen ‘went to jail,'” McCarthy said in an op-ed. “In reality, Cohen was sentenced to prison because of his lucrative fraud crimes, not the [Federal Election Campaign Act] charges. The SDNY never charged Trump, and it almost certainly wouldn’t have charged Cohen if he hadn’t agreed to plead guilty.”*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/2987906/prosecutors-test-limits-admissible-evidence-trump-hush-money-trial/
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medusas-stylist · 3 years
No Nuance November, the sequel:
because there is no way in hell i am getting this out before midnight so let’s pretend i live in cali
Athena is racist, stop giving her poc children
So much sex happens at camp. Stop acting like it doesn’t.
On top of that, camp isn’t band camp. It’s a 24/7 training facility for teenagers. People have literally died in the practice arena.
Percy can’t make friends to save his life. He isn’t friends with people at CHB he’s just their leader.
Annabeth does not struggle in school, she struggles to stay in school
Percy and Jason were at odds with each other more than they were friends with each other
Percy became praetor at CJ without having made more than two friends there. Once again, he can’t make friends he’s just their leader
Centaurs can get drunk off of root beer. How.
Chiron raped girls back in the day why does he care about teenagers doing the dirty.
In ancient Greece, (around) 12 was the age of sexual maturity (go see the Hymn to Demeter, Persephone is like 12 there). In ancient Greece, satyrs were symbols of sexual promiscuity (and rape; trust me, go look up the term ‘ithyphallic’). To the ancient Greeks (you know, the people whose stories Rick based his entire work around) demigods “finding out” they’re demigods (you know, maturing) at age 12 and being found by a satyr (bringing them to a centaur just to make it all worse)… well hopefully you can do the math.
Also, by the way, the ancient Greeks weren’t gay. They also weren’t straight. They also weren’t bi. Please don’t headcanon rapey gods as LGBTQ heroes please and thank you. If you want to do that go use Kevin Spacey.
Okay, back to PJO. Piper is a canonical “I’m not like other girls” girl from 2010. She’s a pick me girl.
Leo hides his pain behind toxic masculinity and incel-ism.
Frank is
Hazel is
Just kidding you can’t say anything bad about Hazel and Frank
Frank shouldn’t have become buff. It’s a poorly adapted mythological trope. It’s also fat shaming.
Hazel is black and it doesn’t matter what tone her skin is. Also her hair is black. Her eyes are brown. No more of this fucking gold shit.
Should I keep going?
Fuck it yeah.
Jason is Madison Cawthorn (I got kicked out of a discord server for saying this but we all know it’s true)
Why was Reyna so love-focused. Why.
Annabeth is very social. She’s been at camp since she was 7 the girl has connections
Everyone forgets that as much as Percy would die for Annabeth, she’s proven she’d die for him too.
If Demigods were designed by the gods to be perfect soldiers they shouldn’t have PTSD.
So why is Nico the only character with PTSD.
Why is everyone worshipping a relationship of two 13 year olds with like two lines of dialogue.
Did I fail to mention that NICO IS THIRTEEN AT THE END OF HOO??? THIRTEEN???
I’m calling the FBI on y’all.
Like actually please stop fetishizing a thirteen year old gay boy. It’s kinda gross. Also on that same note Hazel is 13 too. 16/17 yo Percy and Annabeth is enough of an issue.
Poseidon and Percy barely interact. Percy isn’t going on a fucking vacation to Atlantis.
On top of that, the gods don’t care about their children unless something really terrible is happening to them. None of them are good parents stop trying to force them into being that.
New Rome is dumb. Cut New Rome out of your own canons. #nonewrome and I will not explain myself.
Percy and Annabeth are not going to the same school.
Also what is it with slow burn senior year fanfictions where they get together right before they go across the country to separate schools? Just make it happen in Junior year.
Frank is the himbo, not Percy
A ‘swimmer’s body’ doesn’t mean what you all think it means.
All the demigods are like superhuman athletes but that doesn’t mean they have to be shredded. Abs ≠ performance.
Wow I’m on 49? Okay a few more and I stop.
Percy should not trust Paul until after TLO.
Percy doesn’t want to be a hero. He’s like Spiderman. He just wants to live a normal life. dark!Percy is hot and all but it ain’t who Percy wants to be
Luke should have waited in his reveal. He could have groomed Percy into joining him.
The demigods on Kronos’ side are literally terrified of Percy to the point of nightmares.
Percy killed demigods in the Battle of Manhattan.
My final hot take: Annabeth didn’t not join Kronos because Kronos was evil. She wanted to achieve the vision she had with the Sirens, but she knew that she’d have no control over creating that vision with Kronos. For clarity: If Kronos had convinced Annabeth she could create the Sirens’ vision, she would have joined him. He and Luke just failed to make their case.
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reviilo · 2 years
y'all know that hazel and nico were the same age in hoo and she's the older one right
in SON chapter 3, reyna says that jason disappeared in october, and when he's remembering his life at the end of TLH, jason remembers hazel, so they met, which means that hazel arrived at cj around september/october
going to hazel, at the end of SON chapter 5, she says she turned 13 on December 17, 1941: the same day that marie levesque decided they would both move to alaska
in chapter 17, hazel says that she spent 6 months in alaska before she died and that she also spent the summer there, so we can assume that hazel died in june, or at least the early summer of 1942, at age 13
so, hazel spent her 14th birthday at cj, as SON takes place in june, and nico would have already had a birthday in january of the same year
and about hazel being older: nico said he was around 6yo in 1938, and he was 10yo when he and bianca were taken to lotus hotel, so it was in 1942, the same year hazel died at 13
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bunkernine · 3 years
Do you have more to say about your seven of the prophecy in your recent post? Like dynamics between each member?
yeah sure let's go!!!!!! so the seven is: drew, travis, malcolm, clovis, dakota, gwen, lavinia
they're an older group, leaning on that 17/18 age. they're just chilling most of the time, any time they argue it's over dumb things getting blown out of proportion because of drama queens drew and dakota 🙄
anyway this is how it goes:
drew: she mostly thinks about the war she was in and how she's being thrown in another when all she wants to do is just go to school and bitch. she and the rest of the chb kids have been going to camp together for years, so she's familiar with them but isnt really that close. malcolm is apart of her friend group tho and they just whine and snark everyone together. she hates dakota's attitude and respects gwen
travis: he was supposed to be going to college, but after years at being in chb, he found it very hard to adjust. most of his arc is trying to figure out that he needs to grow up, but also he's struggling without his brother. i think siblings in pjo should've been explored more, and the stolls are excellent cause they're so tied together and share both parents. so that separation after years is a huge impact... also he did grow up with luke, so that must be explored too!!!! knowing luke vs drew's knowing silena is very touchy and causes a lot of internal/external anger between those two
malcolm: my dude doesn't even care about athena, he thinks annabeth should've been here instead, and he just thought everyone would die in 5 minutes. that said, he's building more physical skills and just growing more confident. despite him and drew bitching together, they still butt heads a bunch. people tend to think he's serious but he just has an annoyed looking face and he's used to navigating the hectic-ness of the athena cabin by ignoring it
clovis: idk i think he def has the potential to be one of the most powerful characters, hypnos is so sick. his cabin is the ones who's been communicating with the romans via dreams to bring them together. after that he didn't care but his cabin pushed him into the prophecy and so he sighed and went. pretty okay guy, but pisses off people when he wanders into their dreams. his apathy actually makes them dislike him more, but one-on-one he gives vry good advice
dakota: literally always just trying to have fun, camp jupiter is so bad that this world-ending quest is the biggest vacation for him LMAOOO. he feels a bit free but his too lax attitude can be both good and bad. he and gwen hook up all the time 🙄 they're so obvious it's embarassing. but like ultimately, he has so much baggage from cj that he just doesn't know how to handle it. gets along fairly well with everyone
gwen: similar to dakota. both were supposed to go to college this year too, like travis, but to new rome. she literally said "i am NOT missing a semester' and brought all her work with her, but then travis used it in a prank so now she just bickers with him and keeps referencing it. she and lavinia get along very well, but she doesn't like drew or malcolm much. she's the most hesitant about this quest. i toyed with her having like, villain backstory or family. there's no reason, i just think it's funny
lavinia: she's the newest demigod around, and shes always running away to flirt with her gf on iris message or sending messages via the trees. being jewish seems like a big part of her character as well so seeing how that intertwines with being a demigod is interesting. drew is picky about her hair and always shows up with colors to redye. other than that, she and travis gets along well and she finds clovis funny because he helps her talk to poison oak. malcolm bores her, and gwen babies her. dakota is a bad influence
actually it's kinda interesting cause i just chose side characters who amuse me, but like almost all of them were in leader positions when they didn't want to be. they've all experienced the war from different viewpoints except for lavinia, and that most impacts them despite them pretending it doesn't. dakota acts like he's chill but he essentially has military training behind him and it comes out at bad times. i think for the most part they just bicker or mess around, but there are moments when they need to make a serious decision and they're too stubborn and pissed off to treat each other nicely.
ultimately what they have is that the seven do not, is history and deep knowledge of their world. drew knows travis is weird and has been victim to his nonsense before, but also she hasn't seen him operate alone. that kind of thing. they all could have memories from way back, and that sort of thing matters
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conradscrime · 3 years
The Murder of The Notorious B.I.G.
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May 29, 2021
Christopher Wallace, also known as “the Notorious B.I.G.” and “Biggie Smalls” was known for being one of the most famous hip hop artists of the 1990′s, along with Tupac Shakur. Like Tupac, Biggie was shot and killed in a drive by shooting on March 9, 1997 at the age of 24. Many believe the similarities between these two artists deaths are more than a coincidence. 
Biggie Smalls arrived in Los Angeles, California in February 1997 to promote his second album, weirdly enough titled, “Life After Death” which was scheduled to be released on March 25. He was also there to shoot the music video for his hit single, “Hypnotize.” On March 5, 4 days before Biggie was killed he did an interview where he stated he hired security because he feared for his safety. 
He claimed he feared for his own safety after the murder of Tupac, 6 months earlier, and the fact that he was a high profile celebrity. 
On March 7, Biggie presented an award to Toni Braxton at the 1997 Soul Train Music Awards and was booed by some of the audience. On March 8, he was at an after party hosted by Vibe magazine and Qwest Records at the Petersen Automotive Museum. Also in attendance were members of the Bloods and Crips gangs, who were rivals and who many believe were responsible for why Tupac died.
On March 9, at 12:30 am Biggie got in a Chevrolet Suburban to go to his hotel after the party he was at shut down early due to overcrowding. Biggie was sitting in the front passenger seat and was with Damion “D-Roc” Young,  Lil’ Cease and driver Gregory “G-Money” Young. In another Chevrolet Suburban sat P. Diddy and three bodyguards. 
By 12:45 am Biggie’s vehicle stopped at a red light on the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and South Fairfax Avenue. A dark 1994-1996 Chevrolet Impala SS pulled up alongside Biggie’s SUV. The driver of the vehicle was a black man and he rolled down his window and shot Biggie 4 times with a 9 mm blue-steel pistol. Biggie’s entourage immediately got him to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center where he received emergency surgery, however 30 minutes after the shooting at 1:15 am, Biggie Smalls was pronounced dead. 
Biggie’s autopsy report wasn’t released until 15 year after his death, in December 2012. Out of the 4 shots, only 1 was fatal, the last one which entered through his right hip and striked several vital organs such as his colon, liver, heart and left lung. 
In 2006 Biggie Smalls mother, Voletta Wallace, Biggie’s widow, Faith Evans, and his children T’yanna Jackson and Christopher Jordan “CJ” Wallace, filed a $400 million wrongful death lawsuit against the LAPD claiming that corrupt officers were the reason for Biggie’s death. A retired LAPD officer named Greg Kading believed that Suge Knight had planned the murder of Biggie, as revenge for Tupac’s death. 
Many believe Biggie and Tupac’s murders are connected, due to the similar nature in both drive-by’s and the on going gang feuds. Many believed that Biggie had something to do with Tupac’s murder, though there’s never been any evidence to prove it. 
A retired LAPD detective Russell Poole believed that Suge Knight and LAPD officer David Mack planned to have Biggie Smalls killed and came up with a scheme to blame it on rap rivalry. Apparently David Mack had an associate named Amir Muhammed, who was the hitman hired to kill Biggie. This evidence came from an informant named Psycho Mike and the composite sketch generated during the investigation was similar to Amir Muhammed. 
P. Diddy apparently wasn’t very complaint with the police during the investigation and neither was anyone else involved in Bad Boy Records. 
The Los Angeles Times would print conflicting theories about the murder, even printing Amir Muhammed’s photo, name and driver’s license. Apparently Amir Muhammed was a mortgage broker who had zero connection to Biggie’s death. Amir Muhammed cleared his name and was not even an official suspect when his photo was printed. 
Some believe Biggie and Tupac’s murders were planned as part of the East Coast West Coast gangs way of making money, as the rappers were worth more dead selling records than alive.
Biggie’s case was re-opened in July 2006. On April 17, 2007, Biggie’s relatives filed a second wrongful death lawsuit against the City of Los Angeles. The suit was eventually dismissed in 2010.
No one has ever been convicted for the murder of Biggie Smalls. Many hip hop artists mourned Biggie’s death, with rapper Nas even saying that Biggie and Tupac’s deaths were “nearly the end of rap.”
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thewatermelloncat · 4 years
Our Own Fun
Summary: Uma hates parties, Harry has been forbidden to participate, CJ finds them too loud, and Harriet gapped it from the celebrations. With the night not going to plan, see how they come together to create their own fun.
Author’s Note: I’ve made CJ around 6 years old in this – Harry 17 and Harriet 19, for reference. I know that is considerably younger than CJ should be, but for storyline purposes I needed it that way. I also have really no idea what their ages are in relation to each other – if someone could let me know, that would be helpful =D
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Lights from the Jolly Rodger lit up the wharf with their glow. On board was alive with music and sea shanties, pirates dancing about the deck with bottles of rum in hand. Loud, out of sync singing echoed across the sea as the biggest festivity of the year took place, not that many would remember it by morning.
Though below deck, through the empty corridors and down a staircase or two, it’s considerably quieter where Uma and Harry reside in his room.
“Why are you even down here with me?” Harry looks over to her from where he sits in his bed.
“I hate parties” Uma reminds him, leaning back causally in a chair. “Even if you weren’t sick, I’d probably have found a place to hide down here.”
“Can I trade places with you?” Harry asks. He’d been fundamentally locked in the confines of his room, his father thinking it would be a disgrace for anyone to see his son in his weakened state. Not that Harry felt like celebrating much, but one drink couldn’t hurt.
“As much as I like you Harry, you’ve been looking dreadful all week and I don’t want to catch this.”
“Then why are you with me?” he points out. “You’re just increasing your chances.”
Uma is silent because it’s kind of a fair point.
“Go up and dance for a bit. The rest of the crew are here” he encourages her.
It’s true, most of the crew’s parents had been invited and their children tagged along with them. But even with them there Uma doesn’t feel particularly social, most of her dealings with them are strictly business.
“Gil’s not here” she uses as her excuse. Gaston not being a pirate, hadn’t been invited, so neither had his children.
“Just one dance” Harry urges her, seeing her look of scepticism.
She fixes him with an unamused look.
He smirks at her. “If you won’t do it for yourself, at least do it for me, because I’m clearly in a debilitated state and can’t have any fun.”
At this Uma does smile. She knows how upset Harry is over missing out on the events of that night. Especially because it’s at his home and there is no way for him to escape the sound of the festivities above them.
“Alright” Uma gives in with a heavy sigh, pushing herself out of her chair. “Just for you.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Harry rolls over in his bed as he hears the sound of footsteps approaching from behind his door. “You have a visitor” Uma’s voice sounds from behind the wood before she pushes it open with her foot revealing her and CJ, whose shoulders she has her hands placed upon.
“Hey little croc” Harry says with a smile, pushing himself up to sit against the headboard so CJ can climb on the bed next to him. “Get too loud for ya?”
The younger girl nods as she curls herself into Harry’s side and Uma smiles at the child under his arm as she continues into the room.
“You don’t seem pissed off at me, so I’m guessing it was fun” Harry smiles mischievously.
“Wasn’t bad” Uma admits, refusing to look at him.
“Why don’t you go back up? I’m not going to be lonely down here anymore” he tells her, looking down at his younger sister fondly.
But before Uma can get a word in Harry’s breath catches and he shields a couple coughs into his fist. CJ raises her head from his chest as he shifts. “Sorry, sweetheart” he chokes out before curling into his elbow away from her. The coughs sounding more painful as he tries to repress them.
“This is why I won’t leave you” Uma says as she sits back on the chair by his bed.
“Come on, what are you going to do for me? Save me from choking?” he scoffs at her.
“Well if you don’t want to be around me, just tell me” Uma starts to tease him. “But I’m going to need a letter of resignation from the crew, and for you to find a replacement as first mate.”
“Why is he being replaced as first mate?” Harriet steps into the room before addressing Harry. “I thought you were adamant that you weren’t dying.”
“That’s changed now, I’m dying of boredom” Harry doesn’t miss a beat with his sister joining in with the teasing. “What are you doing down here?”
“I came to check on you” she says.
“Must be a pretty shit party if everyone’s leaving to come down here” Harry says with a sceptical look in his eye.
Harriet sighs knowing that she’s been caught. “Anthony was getting too handsy so I gapped it when he wasn’t looking.”
A low growl in Harry’s throat morphs into a string of curses as he pushes himself around CJ to the edge of his bed. “I’ll sort ‘im out.”
“S’alright, he’s drunk, Harry. He doesn’t mean anything by it” Harriet dismisses.
Harry still looks sceptical but doesn’t make an effort to move any further.
“How’s your fever?” she distracts him, placing her hand on his forehead.
Uma finds it strange that he doesn’t try and bat her hand away. He’s fully capable of doing so, but she figures that maybe he’s learned the hard way not to.
“Not bad but could be better” Harriet purses her lips.
“Cool. Can I go up and have fun now?”
“If you want dad to have your neck” Harriet says casually like it’s an everyday thing to speak about.
“Rather like my neck, thanks” Harry backs down.
“We can have fun here” CJ pipes up, her young voice filled with optimism.
“Like what?” Harriet says, addressing her sister for the first time since she entered the room.
“Harry do you have the dice from the shop?” Uma asks him, an idea sparking into her head.
“On the desk” Harry nods, looking slightly distracted before he sneezes. “Hiiih… EDSCHUHH!”
CJ yelps slightly in fright and Harry chuckles before grabbing playfully at her ankle near his hip, sniffling into his elbow.
Uma smiles as she goes and grabs the dice from the desk before they all settle in a circle on the floor.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The great thing they find about CJ in her young age is that she finds great joy in Uma and Harry always guessing the right numbers before the dice stops. Not yet realising that the dice are weighted. Of course, Harriet knows and she’s managed to convince CJ that Uma can tell what the dice will roll on because she’s magic. CJ doesn’t know how Harry knows, though he claims it’s because he’s really smart.
Still, even after many rolls of the dice she hasn’t connected that: the blue dice always lands on six, the yellow dice always lands on four, the green on three, and the black on one.
“What one should we roll next?” Uma asks her.
“Yellow” CJ says as she picks it up from the floor.
“What’s it gonna roll on?”
“Hmmm… four!” she decides after some consideration.
“Sure, it’s not going to be a three?” Harry looks down at her from where she sits on his lap, his legs crossed beneath her.
“Could be a seven” Harriet tries to trick her.
“There’s no seven on dice!” CJ giggles before she lets it go rolling across the floor, landing on the four.
Cheers go up from around the room. CJ happily bouncing on the spot as Harry lifts her arms up in celebration, burring his face in her hair.
The night hadn’t gone to plan for many of them, but even with the biggest party of the year taking place on the deck above them, they were able to make their own fun.
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masterofd1saster · 1 year
CJ current events 16mar23
Outstanding article: https://www.thefp.com/p/why-the-mental-health-of-liberal
Ted's a dirty bird
Former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, 92, filed a motion in a Massachusetts court claiming he is “legally incompetent” to stand trial for sex abuse charges, citing “significant, worsening, and irreversible dementia.”
McCarrick is charged with three counts of indecent assault and battery on a person over the age of 14 relating to allegations that he sexually abused the teenager who was a family friend at a wedding ceremony in the 1970s at Wellesley College in Wellesley, Massachusetts.
McCarrick, laicized by Pope Francis in 2019, held one of the highest offices in the Catholic Church and has been accused of serially abusing his priestly authority by sexually abusing minors and seminarians.
The state of Massachusetts told CNA that it wants an opportunity to examine McCarrick’s competency to stand trial.
McCarrick’s motion to dismiss the charges comes about a month after his legal team said a neurological exam of him was being conducted by Dr. David Schretlen, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
That exam remains unavailable to the public, as Schretlen’s final report includes “extensive confidential information” about McCarrick’s health and personal life, and would be “harmful” to McCarrick if it were available to the public, one of McCarrick’s lawyers, Daniel Marx, said in a separate court document.*** https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/253756/ex-cardinal-mccarrick-asks-for-dismissal-of-sex-abuse-case-against-him-citing-dementia
He's there left-wing mayor
The Prince George’s County Police Department’s Child and Vulnerable Adult Abuse - Internet Crimes Against Child Unit arrested a College Park man this morning for possession and distribution of child pornography. The suspect is 47-year-old Patrick Wojahn.
On February 17, 2023, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children notified the PGPD that a social media account operating in the county possessed and distributed suspected child pornography. The image and videos had been uploaded to the social media account in January of 2023. Through various investigative techniques, PGPD investigators discovered the social media account belonged to Wojahn.
On February 28, 2023, PGPD detectives served a search warrant at Wojahn’s College Park home. Investigators recovered multiple cell phones, a storage device, a tablet and a computer. Following additional investigation, PGPD obtained criminal charges against Wojahn and investigators took him into custody early this morning.
Wojahn is charged with 40 counts of possession of child exploitative material and 16 counts of distribution of child exploitative material. He is in the custody of the Department of Corrections.***
If someone tells you American criminal justice is sexist, the only proper response is "no poo, Sherlock."
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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - A 31-year-old woman who admits to having sex with a 13-year-old boy and then becoming pregnant with his child, won’t face any jail time under a plea deal with prosecutors.
Andrea Serrano of Fountain was facing sexual assault charges after her arrest in 2022 but accepted this new plea deal to stay out of prison earlier this year.
Serrano gave birth to the baby boy after she admitted to having sex with the 13-year-old. The mother of the victim told 11 News she is not happy with the deal offered to a woman she says ruined her son’s life.
“I feel like my son is robbed of his childhood. Now he’s having to be a father. He’s a victim, and he’s going to have to live with that for the rest of his life,” the victim’s mother, who we are not identifying, told 11 News.
She questions why Serrano won’t face prison time.
“I feel like if she was a man and he was a little girl, it would definitely be different. They would be seeking more. I feel like because he is not a woman, they are not. They are having compassion for her,” the victim’s mother said.*** https://www.kktv.com/2023/03/02/colorado-woman-who-admits-having-sex-with-13-year-old-having-his-baby-wont-face-jail-time-under-plea-deal/
Suzi Weiss writes
→ Goodbye, Lori! No one’s favorite mayor, Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot, is out of a job. Lightfoot conceded Tuesday night, telling her supporters, “Obviously, we didn't win the election today. But I stand here today with my head held high.” 
Lightfoot won only one term as the Windy City’s head honcho, but what a term it was. The homicide rate is up 40 percent since she took office in 2019; public transit ridership has plummeted; and O’Hare has become a homeless shelter. There’s also a new casino. TGIF will miss Lori! 
The race is now between two opposing visions for the future of the Dems: Paul “Proactive Policing” Vallas and Brandon “Defund the Police” Johnson. The runoff election will be in April.
→ ‘Thank God for Bubba’: In the closing arguments of the Murdaugh murder trial—where now-disgraced Good Ole Boy Alex Murdaugh stood accused of murdering his wife and son—the prosecutor reminded the jury of one central figure to this alarming case: Bubba, the family’s golden retriever. Murdaugh swore he was nowhere near the dog kennels the night his son Paul and wife Maggie were shot, but it seems he was outfoxed by a dog. In a Snapchat video taken by Paul minutes before he and his mother were murdered, you can hear other voices in the background, including Maggie commenting that the dog might have a bird in its mouth. One of the voices was “100 percent” Alex Murdaugh, according to witnesses. Maggie and Paul were killed minutes later. 
When they played the video in court, Murdaugh began to cry. 
None other than O. J. Simpson predicted that Murdaugh would go to jail for stealing money, but “it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if this guy beats this case.” 
O. J. was wrong: Murdaugh was convicted of the murders at around 7 p.m. last night. ***
→ Can she speak with the manager? In a bid to get her sex trafficking conviction thrown out, Ghislaine Maxwell is claiming that she was kept under inhumane conditions at the Brooklyn Detention Center while awaiting trial. Maxwell says she was held in solitary confinement and that she was “malnourished,” which, I think for British former billionaire socialites, just means there wasn’t a full English and savory pudding every morning. Her attorney is saying that by the time of her trial, Maxwell was too exhausted and deflated to contribute to her own defense. 
Maxwell is now being kept at a correctional facility in Tallahassee in Florida—not quite the Palm Beach spread she’s used to—where she’s expected to serve out her 20-year sentence. There, the joke goes, she wakes up every morning shocked that she didn’t commit suicide. ***
Personal responsibility? That's crazy talk, fella.
Kia Boys, Quantified
In 2020, 4,507 stolen cars were reported in Milwaukee, giving it the 66th highest rate of motor vehicle theft among American cities. In 2021, the city surged to eighth on the list, as stolen car reports more than doubled, reaching a staggering 10,477. Two-thirds of the cars stolen in 2021 were Kias or Hyundais, despite the two companies accounting for just 7% of all cars owned in America. And Milwaukee is only the tip of the iceberg.
In 2022, Los Angeles saw an 85% spike in thefts of Kia and Hyundai vehicles. In St. Petersburg, Florida, more than a third of all car thefts last summer were linked explicitly to inspiration from TikTok videos. In Chicago, some jurisdictions saw month-to-month spikes in Kia and Hyundai thefts of over 800%. In November 2022, Atlanta Police reported that 40% of all car thefts in the city that year were of Kias and Hyundais. Kia Boys have popped up in Buffalo, Dallas, several cities in Ohio, St. Louis, Seattle, Memphis, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, San Antonio, the DMV area (DC-Maryland-Virginia), and Kent County, Michigan. The volume of local news reports on Kia and Hyundai thefts is seemingly infinite. ***
Is it somehow wrong to insist that children stealing cars is a problem, actually?
An interesting perspective, but the many lower-to-middle class victims who’ve been economically crippled by Kia Boy thefts tend to come at this subject from a different angle than millionaire celebrity actors. As do the Kia Boy parents who, having higher hopes for their children than a life of crime, are publicly begging law enforcement to step up and hold them accountable. And as does the president of the NAACP’s Columbus Chapter — that notoriously tough-on-crime organization — who has asserted “we can no longer have our children just running rampant in our community committing crimes, it’s got to stop.”
Unsurprisingly, beyond the insulated world of the wealthy, the basic tenets of working class solidarity, child-rearing, and community stewardship dictate we should not accept a wave of juvenile car theft as a mundane fixture of American life. The question is what to do about it. Lucky for us, the media is on it.***
Parody or truth, you decide.
Chicago Honors Lori Lightfoot’s Legacy With 21-Murder Salute
U.S.·Mar 2, 2023 · BabylonBee.com
DAs make life changing decisions
CV NEWS FEED // A talented high school volleyball player is battling for her life after being hit by a car driven by a released St. Louis felon – and now, officials in Missouri are working to remove George Soros-backed Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner because of her failure to put the criminal behind bars. 
Janae Edmonson, 17, was hit by a vehicle and lost both her legs while visiting St. Louis with her team and family on February 18. The Tennessee volleyball standout had just accepted a scholarship to play at The University of Tennessee Southern, which the school says it will still honor despite the double-amputation that has effectively ended her career. 
Records show 21-year-old Daniel Riley, who was out on bail awaiting a trial for a 2020 felony armed robbery, didn’t have a driver’s license when he was speeding, failed to yield, and caused the collision. ***
Riley had been set to go to trial last summer, but sources indicate Gardner’s office wasn’t ready or wasn’t willing to pursue prosecution. Instead, Riley was put on house arrest with a GPS tracker, which local news sources reported he violated more than 100 times in lead-up to the accident. 
Following a public outcry, including calls from Democratic officials for Gardner to step down, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey gave her an ultimatum: resign or be removed.
“This is about a quantum of evidence that demonstrates her failure to prosecute cases, failure to inform and confer with victims in cases, and failure to file new cases that are referred by law enforcement agencies,” Bailey said. 
“The driver of the speeding vehicle, Daniel Riley, should never have been in that car. He is a dangerous gunman who should have been in jail,” a statement from Bailey’s office said. *** https://catholicvote.org/blame-mounts-for-soros-backed-prosecutor-after-horrific-crash/
Isn't there a 1st Amendment or something about that?
YAKIMA, Wash. – The Yakima Union Gospel Mission filed a federal lawsuit Thursday against Washington state officials to protect its constitutional right to hire employees who share the ministry’s religious beliefs. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent the Christian ministry in its civil rights suit to protect its freedom to hire like-minded individuals who share and live out its beliefs and mission to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through its homeless shelter, addiction-recovery programs, outreach efforts, meal services, and health clinics for the Yakima community.
The Yakima Union Gospel Mission will serve anybody, but it furthers its religious purpose by maintaining staff who are likeminded believers that agree with and live out the mission’s Christian beliefs and practices, including abstaining from any sexual conduct outside of marriage between a man and a woman. The Washington Supreme Court, however, recently reinterpreted state law to prohibit religious organizations, like the mission, from only hiring individuals who share its religious beliefs, and now state officials are threatening the mission with significant penalties for using its religiously based hiring practices.***
In the wake of the state’s new interpretation of the Washington Law Against Discrimination, the mission has received applications from people who openly disagree with, or are hostile to, its religious beliefs on marriage and sexuality. To avoid being penalized by the state, the mission recently removed an online employment posting for an IT technician, refrained from posting an operations assistant position, and has paused hiring for those two positions.
The Yakima Union Gospel Mission loves and serves all people “right where they are” in multiple ways. For example, the mission offers shelter for the homeless 365 days a year and provides a family shelter for families with children. From July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, the mission provided a total of 30,167 nights of shelter to 881 different adults and 3,592 nights of shelter for children. Its Good News Café provides free meals three times a day to the public and shelter guests; the mission served 141,629 free meals in that same timeframe. Additionally, the mission’s New Life Recovery Program helps people recover from drug and alcohol addictions and homelessness, and its health clinics offer free or reduced-cost services.*** https://adfmedia.org/case/union-gospel-mission-yakima-v-ferguson
funny toon https://www.gocomics.com/speedbump/2023/03/04
Should have let his unit handle him
Friday, March 3, 2023
Former U.S. Army Soldier Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison for Attempting for Murder Fellow Service Members in Deadly Ambush
A Kentucky man was sentenced today to 45 years in prison for attempting to murder U.S. service members, providing and attempting to provide material support to terrorists, and illegally transmitting national defense information.
Ethan Phelan Melzer, aka Etil Reggad, 24, of Louisville, pleaded guilty to attempting to murder U.S. service members, providing and attempting to provide material support to terrorists, and illegally transmitting national defense information on June 24, 2022, before U.S. District Judge Gregory H. Woods, who imposed today’s sentence. According to court documents, Melzer planned a jihadist attack on his U.S. Army unit in the days leading up to a deployment to Turkey and sent sensitive details about the unit — including information about its location, movements, and security — to members of the extremist organization Order of the Nine Angles (O9A), a white supremacist, neo-Nazi and pro-jihadist group.
“Today’s sentence holds Mr. Melzer accountable for an egregious and shameful act of betrayal against his own military unit and his country,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “The Justice Department will use all available resources to disrupt and bring to justice those who would aid foreign terrorist organizations and use violence to harm our men and women in uniform or any American anywhere.”
“Ethan Melzer infiltrated the U.S. Army in service of a neo-Nazi, white supremacist and jihadist group,” said U.S. Attorney Damian Williams for the Southern District of New York. “He used his membership in the military to pursue an appalling goal: the brutal murder of his fellow U.S. service members in a carefully plotted ambush. By unlawfully disclosing his unit’s location, strength, and armaments to other O9A members and jihadists in furtherance of this ambush, Melzer traitorously sought to attack the very soldiers he was entrusted to protect. Today’s sentence makes clear that Melzer’s brazen actions backfired and that this office — along with our partners in law enforcement and the military — will work tirelessly to bring traitors like Melzer to justice and to protect the safety and integrity of our armed services.”*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-us-army-soldier-sentenced-45-years-prison-attempting-murder-fellow-service-members
Fair point about separation of powers and minority rights.
*** America has a written constitution detailing citizens’ rights. It has two legislatures, the House and the Senate, and separate state elections and governments that further buffer citizens from federal power. Israel has none of those things. We have only one legislature, it’s controlled by the governing majority, and the single brake on majority power is the court. This is the only force that can stem the current paroxysm—and so it’s this force that’s now being removed, in what is being misunderstood by some as a simple “legal reform.” What’s actually happening is a takeover of Israel’s independent judiciary by the most extreme government in our history. 
There is a good case for reform that would set the limits of court power with broad consent. That’s not what’s happening. 
The new system, which is supposed to be set in law by next month, will allow the government to select judges and overrule the court’s decisions. If the reform passes and the government decides that there will now be elections every 10 years, for example, or every 20—there will be no force to rule otherwise. Israel, which has rightly prided itself as being the only democracy in the Middle East, will move closer to the model of Hungary or Turkey than of America.
Israel’s stable and internationally respected court system is one of the reasons for our economic miracle over the past few decades. (Another reason is Netanyahu himself, in his more responsible days). Several billion dollars are already believed to have left the country in the past month, a sign of a trend that could snowball. The tech CEOs of Tel Aviv, who need a liberal social ecosystem and strong courts trusted by foreign investors, are eyeing Palo Alto. There are warnings about our international credit rating, and the shekel has dropped. *** https://www.thefp.com/p/i-took-up-arms-to-defend-israel-now
Criminal Victimization in the 22 Largest U.S. States, 2017–2019***
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When you define deviancy down, there's always someone saying "hold my beer."
After School Satan Club launching first Colorado chapter, but organizer promises “we are not devil worshippers”
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Ex-NBC doctor gets no jail time after asking girl, 9, for nude photos
David Propper
An ex-medical correspondent for an NBC-affiliate station based in Los Angeles received no jail time after he pleaded no contest to asking a 9-year-old girl to send him “sexy and private” nude photos, according to a report.
Dr. Bruce Hensel, 74, apologized to the young victim’s family and even hugged her father — who is an acquaintance — as he entered his plea in an LA courtroom on Monday, the Los Angeles Times reported.***
The Emmy-winner was arrested in 2019 after he asked the girl for the sexually explicit photos through an online messaging app.
At the time, he worked as the on-air chief medical correspondent for the NBC station in LA, as well as for one in New York.*** https://nypost.com/2023/03/06/ex-nbc-tv-doctor-sentenced-for-asking-girl-for-naked-pics/
Remember, LA is the town that made Roman Polanski famous.
You going to believe your lyin' eyes?
Newly revealed surveillance footage from Jan. 6, 2021, shows two Capitol police officers escorting Jacob Chansley, the be-horned so-called “QAnon Shaman” who has come to symbolize the riot, through the halls of the Capitol and to the very door of the US Senate.
The footage aired on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show Monday night shows the officers closely following Chansley as he wanders the corridors of the Capitol, bare-chested and wearing face paint and a luxuriant fur hat with Viking horns.
“Virtually every moment of his time inside the Capitol was caught on tape,” says Carlson, who was granted exclusive access by Speaker Kevin McCarthy to 40,000 hours of surveillance footage from that day inside and around the Capitol, which has never been seen before by the public.
“The tapes show the Capitol police never stopped Jacob Chansley. They helped him. They acted as his tour guides.”*** https://nypost.com/2023/03/06/jan-6-footage-shows-cops-bringing-qanon-shaman-to-senate-floor/
I have always thought Carlson is a blowhard fake populist, but the tape was definitely interesting.
Crime costs
*** Walmart is closing its last two locations in Portland just months after CEO Doug McMillon warned that rampant thefts would lead the company to raise prices or close stores in some locations. Residents in the neighborhoods of those two locations will have to shop elsewhere, and 580 employees will also be affected by the closures.
Violence has also caused trouble for businesses, with one real estate developer and lifelong resident of the city preparing to move out after discovering his office was riddled with bullet holes. And stealing has been a problem for residents outside of business closures and departures, with 2022 seeing a record increase in car thefts.
Portland police are now finally taking this seriously. Officers are conducting anti-shoplifting “blitzes,” arresting 64 people in a December operation that led to 10 stolen vehicles being recovered alongside three firearms and almost $9,000 in stolen merchandise. A February operation led to another 40 arrests, with officers recovering $2,000 in merchandise and handing out 32 felony charges and 28 misdemeanors. Another of these operations was carried out on Sunday.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/portland-is-bleeding-businesses-thanks-to-years-of-soft-on-crime-policies
Don't fly w/ the insane?
*** Francisco Severo Torres, 33, was charged with one count of interference and attempted interference with flight crew members and attendants using a dangerous weapon. Torres was arrested last evening at Boston Logan International Airport and, following an initial appearance today before U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Dein, was detained pending a hearing set for March 9, 2023. 
According to the charging documents, on March 5, 2023, Torres was a passenger aboard a United Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Boston. Approximately 45 minutes prior to landing, the flight crew received an alarm in the cockpit that a starboard side door located between the first class and coach sections of the aircraft was disarmed. Upon inspection, a flight attendant found that the door’s locking handle had been moved out of the fully locked position – approximately a quarter of the way towards the towards the unlocked position – and that the emergency slide arming lever had been moved to the “disarmed” position. The flight attendant reported this to the captain and flight crew after securing the door and emergency slide. 
In subsequent discussions, a fellow flight attendant reported that he had observed Torres near the door and believed Torres had tampered with the door. A flight attendant then confronted Torres about tampering with the door, to which he allegedly responded by asking if there were cameras showing that he had done so. According to court documents, the flight attendant then notified the captain that they believed Torres posed a threat to the aircraft and that the captain needed to land the aircraft as soon as possible.  
Shortly thereafter, it is alleged that Torres got out of his seat and approached the starboard side door where two flight attendants were standing in the aisle. One of the flight attendants saw Torres mouthing something that he could not hear. Torres then allegedly thrust towards one of the flight attendants in a stabbing motion with a broken metal spoon, hitting the flight attendant on the neck area three times. Passengers then tackled Torres and he was restrained with the assistance of flight crew. Torres was immediately taken into custody upon the flight’s arrival to Boston.  *** https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/man-arrested-attempting-open-emergency-exit-door-aboard-flight-boston
Hip deep in irony
An attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights group known for labeling conservative and Christian nonprofit organizations as "hate groups," was arrested Sunday on terrorism charges after allegedly taking part in a riot where agitators threw objects, including Molotov cocktails, at a police training center near Atlanta.
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation on Sunday arrested Thomas Webb Jurgens, according to Dekalb County Jail records. The name and occupation of the 28-year-old appear to match that of a staff attorney with the SPLC. He is facing one charge of domestic terrorism.
Jurgens was among 35 people detained after a violent clash between protesters and police at a construction site for the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.***
“On March 5, 2023, a group of violent agitators used the cover of a peaceful protest of the proposed Atlanta Public Safety Training Center to conduct a coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers,” Atlanta police reported Sunday. “They changed into black clothing and entered the construction area and began to throw large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police officers.”*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/splc-attorney-among-23-others-facing-domestic-terrorism-charges
Interesting pic:
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If you have a good plea deal, don't fornicate it up
Disbarred Denver attorney Steve Bachar skipped his sentencing hearing in his felony theft case Friday and is now wanted on a warrant, court records show.
Bachar, 57, was due to be sentenced for defrauding an investor in his business of $125,000.
It was not clear Monday why Bachar, who was out on a $25,000 bond, did not show up to be sentenced in Denver District Court. A call to his cellphone went straight to voicemail Monday and he did not return a message left seeking comment.
Bachar pleaded guilty in November to one count of felony theft and a second count of misdemeanor theft as part of a plea agreement in which he received a deferred judgment on the felony charge — that is, the felony will be wiped from his record if he meets court-set conditions for the next two years.*** https://www.denverpost.com/2023/03/06/steve-bachar-skips-sentencing-denver/
Accused of mishandling $2M - prolly should behave himself.
Excellent article about beliefs as status symbols
A Denver eating disorder doctor who has helped patients with anorexia nervosa obtain aid-in-dying medication is jolting the psychiatric community and sparking an emotional, national debate about the ethics of prescribing lethal drugs for people with mental illnesses.
Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani, an internal medicine doctor who specializes in eating disorders, published a paper in which she describes the deaths of three patients with anorexia nervosa. One 36-year-old woman died after ingesting the lethal doses prescribed by another doctor, with Gaudiani serving as consulting physician. Another 36-year-old woman died of severe malnutrition on the same day she planned to take aid-in-dying medication prescribed by Gaudiani.
In the paper, published in February in the Journal of Eating Disorders, Gaudiani advocates for allowing patients who are dying from anorexia to end their lives on their own terms. She writes that, although anorexia doesn’t have delineated levels of severity like cancer, which has stages of progression and a terminal phase, it can be brutally lethal. It is widely believed to have the second-highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses, behind only substance use disorders. *** https://coloradosun.com/2022/03/14/denver-doctor-gaudiani-aid-in-dying-aneroexia-patients/
Bank of America drops dimes to FBI
Turns out BoA gave FBI a list of all customers who had ever bought a firearm who were in the DC area on Jan 6. So if you bought a rifle in Montana in 1999, but you happened to buy gas in Silver Spring on Jan 6, BoA gave your name to the FBI. - Thanks, Margot. https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/06/whistleblower-fbis-d-c-office-tried-to-sic-local-agents-on-innocents-after-bank-of-america-volunteered-gun-records/
funny video
When policing stops
***Chris Waggett manages 70 acres at the corner of Broadway and Alameda, with a Safeway and Sam’s Club and a new apartment project that just opened. The site, known as Broadway Park, is a couple miles south of downtown, but Waggett said he always knows when the city breaks up a homeless encampment there.
“The big issue I’ve got is that when we do sweeps downtown or do pushes at Union Station, all it causes are people to push down the light rail corridors,” he said. “All we’re doing is playing Whack-A-Mole.”
Waggett said he’s lost three retail tenants, including an Ace Hardware store, because of crime and vagrancy. Employees are too scared to come to work, he said.
Waggett is now paying $500,000 a year for private security to patrol the property and try to deter vagrancy. But he said he regularly sees excrement, prostitution and open drug use. And his hired security is sometimes too frightened to confront drug dealers.
“We’ve had a very laissez-faire, permissive attitude and people don’t understand the economic consequence to the city,” Waggett said.
“We need leadership with a capital L: We need leadership not only in enforcing the law and addressing the three-pronged problem of homeless and drug use and mental health,” he said.***
“We pay a lot of taxes and we’re not getting services,” Isenberg said.***
He said a homeless man moved into a utility room at one property in Aurora and was discovered only because he was grilling food inside and the smoke wafted within view of Harris’ maintenance staff. Other property owners report similar problems with vacant buildings poised for development: squatters move in and other burglars strip the property of anything valuable, like copper.
Fires are also a common threat that can destroy an entire property and nearby ones, too, as BusinessDen has previously reported. Other business owners interviewed by BusinessDen watch security cameras and rush to their buildings when they see fires set outside their properties.***
Latest Oxford news
DETROIT–An appeals court on Tuesday grilled attorneys for James and Jennifer Crumbley, the first parents in America charged in a mass school shooting, about how the couple treated their son before he murdered four students and injured seven others in the November 2021 shooting at Oxford High School in Michigan.
The court focusedon why they bought him a gun despite his mental health troubles and why they didn’t take him home after seeing his note that read: “The thoughts won’t stop, help me.”
“There were warning signs all over the place,” Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Christopher Yates said during a one-hour hearing.
The appeals court is trying to decide if the Crumbleys should stand trial on involuntary manslaughter charges for the actions of their son, Ethan Crumbley, who pleaded guilty to murder charges last year. *** https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/03/07/james-jennifer-crumbley-oxford-michigan-court/11421222002/
HOUSTON (AP) — Next month’s scheduled execution of a Texas death row inmate, whose attorneys say gouged out both of his eyes — each a separate incident — because of severe mental illness, was delayed by a judge on Tuesday.
Andre Thomas had been set to be executed on April 5, sentenced to death for fatally stabbing in March 2004 his estranged wife Laura Christine Boren, 20, their 4-year-old son Andre Lee and her 13-month-old daughter Leyha Marie Hughes, cutting out the hearts of the two children.
He later told police God had instructed him to commit the killings and that he believed all three were demons. The killings of Boren and her children shocked Sherman, a city of about 45,000 residents 65 miles (105 kilometers) north of Dallas.
State District Judge Jim Fallon on Tuesday issued an order withdrawing the execution date. Fallon’s decision came after Thomas’ lawyers had requested additional time to prepare for a court hearing to review his competency.*** https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/execution-delayed-for-death-row-inmate-who-cut-out-his-eyes/ar-AA18lwrs
100 Years of Unenumerated Freedoms Conference
In 1920, a school teacher was arrested and fined for teaching German in defiance of a state law. He took his case to the U.S. Supreme court and won, resulting in one of the most sweeping defenses of individual freedom in history. Join IJ for a conference to celebrate the centenary of this monumental moment for liberty and to explore the past and future of unenumerated rights.   This event will take place on March 31st in Washington, D.C. For those outside of the D.C. area, it will also be streamed online. https://ij.org/event/100-years-of-unenumerated-freedoms-meyer-v-nebraska-at-a-century
Aren't unlocked doors problematic?
A 22-year-old man is behind bars after entering a California high school and sexually assaulting at least three teenage girls on Monday.
Burbank police said Patrick Nazarian, of Glendale, was arrested for kidnapping and sexual assault after he allegedly entered Burbank High School around 9 a.m. Monday.
Investigators determined he entered the school through an unlocked door in the student parking lot.
Nazarian is accused of approaching a 14-year-old girl, who was in a bathroom inside the school, and sexually assaulting her. Police said a "short struggle" took place between the two before he fled.*** https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-man-jailed-allegedly-entering-high-school-sexually-assaulting-3-girls
Didn't Lord Humungous tell you about tranq ~ month ago?
What drug users and people who work with them in Philadelphia talk about is the smell. The smell of rotting flesh from open infected wounds.
Some users say they feel ashamed of the state of their bodies, but more feel a sense of urgency. They need help. The wounds are killing them.
“It is absolutely horrible. That’s the reality, though,” said James Sherman, known as Sherm around Philadelphia’s Kensington neighborhood, where he once used drugs and where he now tries to help those still on the streets.  
The need for help has become more urgent over the last three years, as the animal tranquilizer xylazine, also called tranq, has become a bigger part of Philly’s street fentanyl supply. Xylazine can cause large wounds that won’t heal, no matter where you inject it and they can appear even if you snort it or smoke it. Infections are common and can even lead to amputations.  
“Some people aren’t ready to see that yet,” Sherman said. “It’s literally people’s flesh rotting, and you can smell it.”  ***
Tranq made its mark on Philadelphia’s street drugs about three years ago. That’s when doctors, users and those who try to help them saw a difference. 
Dr. Joseph D’Orazio, an emergency physician and addiction medicine specialist at Temple University Hospital, said patients started to have major wounds that were different from typical injection drug use. “These wounds were a lot deeper, a lot more severe, there were big necrotic areas,” he said. “They were deep down into tendons. Sometimes you can see the bones, and we were starting to see more patients that were requiring amputations.”  ***
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Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon has already cost people their safety. Now, his egotistical power trip is costing taxpayers millions as well.
Deputy District Attorney Shawn Randolph won her retaliation lawsuits against Gascon and is to be given $1.5 million in taxpayer money as a result. Randolph alleged that Gascon effectively demoted her and denied her job opportunities after she spoke out against his policies, including the minimization of criminal conduct for juvenile offenders no matter how violent they are.***
There are 16 other retaliation lawsuits against Gascon from prosecutors, who Gascon treats more harshly than career criminals, gang members, and child molesters. ***
They said it tasted a lot like Peregrine Falcon
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement has opened an investigation into two suspected illegal immigrants who allegedly killed a bald eagle with the intent of cooking it and eating it for dinner.
According to the Stanton County Sheriff's Office in Nebraska, two men were found with "a dead North American Bald Eagle in their possession" last month. Officers were initially responding to a suspicious vehicle near the main Wood Duck Recreation Area.
The sheriff's office said an investigation found that the men had shot and killed the protected bird and had plans to cook and eat it for dinner.***
Evisceration & "arrest me" tat
​On Wednesday, February 15, 2023, Deputies of the Bell County Sheriff’s Department responded to an address off Tallow Drive, in Central Bell County where a call was received of a stabbing victim. On Deputies arrival, they located a victim with an evisceration. ***
the Bell County Sheriff’s Department SWAT team assisted by members of the Temple Police Department K9 and Troopers of the Texas Department of Public Safety were able to locate Shawn Thomas Goodman today, March 7, 2023, and take him into custody on the warrant without incident. Goodman was transported to the Bell County Jail and is currently awaiting arraignment.***
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Oklahoma might have passed if it weren't for those meddling cartels
***on Tuesday night, constituents in Oklahoma pulled the plug on a statewide effort to legalize recreational cannabis, meaning residents will still be required to have a medical license in order to enter dispensaries in the state, which is now home to more retail cannabis stores than Colorado, Oregon, and Washington combined.***
"Regardless of where one stands on the question of marijuana legalization, the stark reality is that organized crime from China and Mexico has infiltrated Oklahoma's medical marijuana industry," Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond, a Republican, told the Washington Examiner, saying he was "proud" that 63% voted against the measure. Drummond added that he'd "continue to focus on this serious threat to public safety by targeting the illegal grow operations throughout our state."
Last year, a man accused of killing four Chinese nationals at an illegal Oklahoma marijuana farm demanded employees give him $300,000 as a return for his "investment" in the illegal operation, prosecutors said. And just last month, a spokesman for the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics said people "tied to violent criminal organizations" had a Payne County growing site raided, resulting in the seizure of 28,000 plants and nearly 500 pounds of processed marijuana.***
U.S. District Judge Wetherell ruled in Florida v. United States, 21-cv-1066 (N.D.Fla. Mar. 8, 2023) that when 8 U.S.C. §1225(b)(1)(A) and §1225(b)(2)(A) say an illegal alien “shall be detained,” those laws mean what they say.
He vacated DHS's catch & release policy, but stayed enforcement for a week so the U.S. may appeal.
Rules on standing and political questions died an ignominious death in the Warren Court. This will not fix the border, but if it makes status quo untenable, I guess that's good.
There shouldn't be barriers?
→ The bar exam is not a bar: The state of Delaware has lowered the score to pass the bar exam, the test all lawyers have to pass in order to practice law. Explaining why, Delaware Supreme Court Justice Collins J. Seitz Jr. said: “The bar exam is not supposed to be a barrier to entering the profession.” Absolutely no notes there.  https://www.thefp.com/p/tgif-i-hate-him-passionately
Not bad advice for the moment....
Crime has lots of dangers
***Officers were called on March 7 after the man, Matthew Eric Smith, 32, was found dead under a car, the Chatham County Police Department said in a release.
“Evidence at the scene indicates that the man was killed while he was illegally removing a catalytic converter from the vehicle, and the vehicle fell on top of him,” the release read.
Catalytic converter theft has skyrocketed around the nation in recent years, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, surging more than 1,200% since 2019.
The converters, which reduce pollution and toxic gas from a vehicle’s emissions, are relatively easy to steal and contain valuable precious metals such as palladium, platinum and rhodium.
Last year, federal, state and local law enforcement carried out a “coordinated takedown” of a multimillion-dollar network of catalytic converter thieves, dealers and processors that led to 21 arrests in five states, the Justice Department said in a November release.*** https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/12/us/georgia-man-death-catalytic-converter-theft/index.html
Good article: don't lie, deprive people of their rights, or train others to do so
Anger issues?
An 8-year-old Florida boy was arrested after allegedly attacking another child at a home on Saturday.
Lake County Sheriff's Office responded to a Clermont home around 4:25 p.m. for a report of a child cutting another child on the throat, according to an affidavit obtained by FOX 35 Orlando. 
Upon arrival, the deputy observed a juvenile outside the residence banging on the front door. The boy was crying and saying he did not want to be taken away. The child pulled away multiple times while attempting to be placed in handcuffs, the affidavit states. While the deputy attempted to put him inside a marked patrol vehicle, the boy allegedly kicked a master deputy and the patrol vehicle. *** https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/florida-8-year-old-accused-of-cutting-throat-of-another-child/ar-AA18BZnb
You can have my gas stove when you pry it from my...
Yes, the Biden administration is coming for your gas stove.***
The Department of Energy is conducting this gas stove grab through a rule that would impose extreme energy performance standards on residential cooktops. The department’s proposed rule sets requirements for gas cooktops at the maximum technologically feasible or "max-tech" level. Based on the Department of Energy's own analysis, gas cooktops at the max-tech level represent just 4% of current market share and exclude all conventional free-stand ranges.
Any rule that causes 96% of the products available today to be eliminated from the market is an extreme regulation. In fact, it is essentially an outright ban on gas stoves.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/faith-freedom-self-reliance/biden-regulatory-move-to-ban-gas-stoves
google "26-year-old Nicholas Roske"
The United States Supreme Court has asked Congress to increase funding to help protect the Supreme Court justices.
The court’s budget request asks for $5,897,000 for the “expansion of protective activities” and a separate increase of $585,000 for new IT security positions in “cybersecurity, software development, and network engineering.”
“This request would expand security activities conducted by Supreme Court Police to protect the Justices,” the protective activities request says, before specifically citing the presence of threats to the justices.
“On-going threat assessments show evolving risks that require continuous protection,” the request continues. “Additional funding would provide for contract positions, eventually transitioning to full-time employees, that will augment capabilities of the Supreme Court police force and allow it to accomplish its protective mission.”*** https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/03/13/supreme-court-requests-additional-funding-to-protect-justices/
FBI blowing up on J6????
Defendant in United States v. Nordean, 21-cr-175 (D.D.C.) filed a notice on 9mar23 [Doc 678] that the FBI had hidden some evidence in the J6 case. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23699546/nordean-filing-on-fbi-testimony.pdf
DoJ is really bad at producing documents. This that should be redacted aren't; thing that shouldn't be redacted are....
Nawlins has problems
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Former New Orleans Police Officer Sentenced for Sexually Assaulting a 15-Year-Old Girl
A former police officer with the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) was sentenced in federal court to 14 years in prison for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old crime victim in violation of her constitutional rights.
According to the court documents, in May 2020, Rodney Vicknair, 55, while working in his capacity as an NOPD officer, escorted a then-14-year-old girl, who had been sexually assaulted by another man, to the hospital to undergo a forensic exam, also known as a rape kit. Vicknair gave the victim his cell phone number and offered to be her friend and mentor. In the months and weeks thereafter, Vicknair and the victim spoke on the phone and exchanged messages on Snapchat. Vicknair, while in uniform, often stopped by unannounced at the victim’s residence. Over time, Vicknair made comments to the victim that were sexual in nature.
On the night of Sept. 23, 2020, Vicknair arrived at the victim’s house. By that time, she had turned 15 years old. He told her to come outside and get into his vehicle. She got into the passenger’s seat while Vicknair remained in the driver’s seat. Then, he locked the doors so that the victim could not leave. Vicknair leaned over toward the victim, and she feared for her physical safety. He then sexually assaulted the victim when he intentionally touched her genitals under her clothing without her consent. Vicknair admitted in court that he acted without a legitimate law enforcement purpose and that he knew his actions were wrong and against the law but that he engaged in such conduct anyway.*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-new-orleans-police-officer-sentenced-sexually-assaulting-15-year-old-girl
good sentence
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Rhode Island Woman Sentenced to Federal Prison for Falsifying Military Service; False Use of Military Medals; Identity Theft; and Fraudulently Collecting More Than $250,000 In Veteran Benefits and Charitable Contributions
PROVIDENCE – A Rhode Island woman who never served in the U.S. Military but perpetrated a massive fraud scheme by falsely masquerading as a Purple Heart and Bronze Star-decorated United States Marine who claimed to have been wounded by an IED in Iraq and to have developed service-related cancer was sentenced today to nearly six years in federal prison, announced United States Attorney Zachary A. Cunha.
Sarah Jane Cavanaugh, 32, whose near-daily criminal conduct over a period of five years is described in court documents as being “among the more reprehensible seen in this District from a fraud defendant,” defrauded veterans, veterans’ organizations, veterans’ charities, friends, and co-workers in a “methodical and calculated manner.”*** https://www.justice.gov/usao-ri/pr/rhode-island-woman-sentenced-federal-prison-falsifying-military-service-false-use
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Pardons & paroles means releasing people found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of sometimes heinous crimes
Families of Connecticut crime victims are outraged after 44 murderers had their sentences commuted, accusing the Board of Pardons and Paroles of amending its policy to favor the state's most violent criminals. ***
State Sen. Heather Somers, R., accused the board of acting "in the dark" to reduce criminal sentences after the policy shift post-pandemic. 
"This is a policy that was done in the dark by the Board of Pardons and Paroles, which is appointed by our Democratic governor here in the state of Connecticut," Somers said. "They took it upon themselves, or they were given a nudge to revise this policy."*** 
"They are coming in front of this board of three and unknown to us as legislators, and they are shaving decades, not a few years, decades off of these sentences," she said. "Just last week, this board shaved off 67 years off of someone's 95-year sentence. It is outrageous. We are committed to making this stop."*** https://www.foxnews.com/media/families-connecticut-victims-outraged-state-commutes-44-murder-sentences-outrageous
*** Sex traffickers need exercise too
Ghislaine Maxwell exercises with buddy at Florida prison
St Louis blacklist
A retired St. Louis, Missouri, homicide detective says district attorney Kim Gardner led a 'concerted effort to break the system down' after he and other officers were placed on an 'exclusion list' which prevented them from carrying out police work.
Roger Murphey, who left the police force in 2021, said he had to ask other officers to file paperwork like warrants and subpoenas for him after George Soros-backed District Attorney Kimberly Gardner placed him on the infamous 'exclusion list'.
It is thought that around 75 police officers could be on Gardner's list which prevents them from bringing cases to her office and fulfilling the scope of their law enforcement work. They are also gagged from speaking out about the list.***  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11853475/Soros-backed-DA-tried-break-placing-police-exclusion-list-officer-says.html ***
Latest BJS pub https://bjs.ojp.gov/document/hivp21st.pdf
BJS says the latest rate - 2021 - of HIV in U.S. prisons is about 1,100 per 100k.  In the general population in 2019 the rate was 431 per 100k.  https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/fact-sheets/hiv/hiv-in-the-us-by-the-numbers.html 
Are you free to choose 1) a straw? 2) a stove? 3) a washer?
New washing machine efficiency standards proposed by the Biden administration last month have sparked concern from some manufacturers and trade associations that fear the new machines could be less effective and more costly for U.S. consumers.
The Department of Energy said the new efficiency standards, which seek to reduce emissions from both washing machines and refrigerators, will save consumers an estimated $3.5 billion annually on energy and water bills. U.S. households will save an estimated $425 in utility bills over the lifespan of the appliances, DOE said.
But manufacturers and trade groups say these efficiency standards will not come without a cost, both literally and figuratively, for consumers.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/energy-environment/new-doe-efficiency-rules-washing-machines-more-costly-less-effective-manufacturers-warn
Fornicate tumblr for removing all my links!!!
Really good article about Santa Clara County, California surveilling a church.
Not just physical surveillance and spying ---
According to Zweig’s piece, Santa Clara County hired the company SafeGraph, which “aggregates information from 47 million mobile devices across the United States,” to set up a virtual perimeter around Calvary Chapel’s property, allowing GPS to track exactly where churchgoers were congregating. Daniel Ho, a Stanford law professor and expert in public health data analysis, was allegedly hired for $800 an hour to analyze the results of the SafeGraph data, Zweig reports. (Officials who monitored the church were paid $219 per hour.)***
Julius & Ethel Rosenberg were a better class of traitors
Hollywood has made a movie about the interrogation of Traitor Delusional Loser.
From a journalist’s point of view, one aspect of the story that was very important at the time was how The Intercept and Glenn Greenwald dealt with Reality’s leaked information, sending it to the FBI, which some claim gave them the clues that led to her arrest.
Reality believed that she was going to be anonymous and that she’d be protected. She truly did not comprehend or even realize until the FBI showed up that that was not the case. I don’t have anything personal to add to that, because I’ve never dealt directly with any of that. But it was definitely a really interesting part to play as a character in those moments as she started to realize something that she trusted in was not to be trusted at all.*** https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/sydney-sweeney-interview-nsa-whistleblower-reality-winner-film-berlin-2023-1235323097/
Remember, this turd ---
Winner had written in a notebook: “I want to burn the White House Down … find somewhere in Kurdistan to live. Ha-ha!”* during one of her jailhouse phone calls, which were recorded, Winner said she planned to “play that card: being pretty, white and cute.” AP. (June 8, 2017). Accused NSA leaker wanted to ‘burn the White House down’ https://nypost.com/2017/06/08/accused-nsa-leaker-wanted-to-burn-the-white-house-down/ Winner discussed Osama Bin Laden in another diatribe, deeming the terrorist leader "Judas" to the Taliban's "Christ-like vision of a fundamentalist Islamic nation.* "Look, I only say I hate America like 3 times a day. I'm no radical." "But you don't actually hate America, right?" the self-described "elder and wiser sister," Brittany Winner, asked. "I mean yeah I do it's literally the worst thing to happen to the planet," Reality answered. McMillan, T. (Sep. 28, 2021). Reality check: Adorable 'whistleblower' was an anti-American spy. Washington Examiner. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/reality-check-adorable-whistleblower-was-an-anti-american-spy
Why couldn't we trade her for Griner???? Or maybe Bowe Bergdahl??? Is it too late to trade???
Alec Baldwin shooting case
The special prosecutor in the fatal October 2021 Rust movie shooting case announced her resignation on Tuesday, weeks after Alec Baldwin's legal team claimed her participation was unconstitutional.
Andrea Reeb is a New Mexico state representative, and by acting as a member of both the judicial and legislative branches of the state government, Baldwin's attorneys argued that "her continued service as a special prosecutor is unconstitutional."
"My priority in this case — and in every case I’ve prosecuted in my 25-year career — has been justice for the victim," Reeb said in a statement. "However, it has become clear that the best way I can ensure justice is served in this case is to step down so that the prosecution can focus on the evidence and the facts, which clearly show a complete disregard for basic safety protocols led to the death of Halyna Hutchins."
"I will not allow questions about my serving as a legislator and prosecutor to cloud the real issue at hand," Reeb added.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/special-prosecutor-baldwin-rust-case-steps-down
Thought experiment: what if someone handed Baldwin a nail gun, told him it was empty, and Baldwin killed someone with it?
Maybe carjacking a rich woman will change things...
The wife of CME Group’s Terry Duffy was the victim of a recent carjacking in the Windy City, the chief executive said in a podcast episode published Thursday.***
His wife "got carjacked right in the city of Chicago" around 3 p.m. in the afternoon last week, he said. It is "absolutely insane what’s going on" in the city, he added before saying a majority of carjackings there were done by minors.
"So the juveniles go in and they come right back out literally an hour later. So is that investing in our future?" he said. *** https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/cme-ceo-terry-duffys-wife-carjacked-chicago-crime-crisis
0 notes
carinasfm · 4 years
*  mona  lisa  saperstein  vc  *  i’m  so  friggin  excited  right  now  ,  i  could  crap  my  pants  !  hi  y’all  ya  girl  mae  (  21+  +  she  /  her  +  est  )  is  here  with  her  dramatic  daughter  carina  !  she’s  the  broadway  actress  you  didn’t  ask  for  ,  yet  here  she  fucking  is  !  i’m  so  excited  to  play  her  ,  i’ve  never  gotten  to  play  her  before  +  my  muse  is  Inspired™  !  you  can  hit  me  up  for  plots  here  or  on  discord  !  my  discord  is  𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡  𝑏𝑒  𝖘𝖚𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘#4904  (  can  u  tell  i  love  mona  lisa  +  parks  and  recs  ?  cause  i  do  )  hit  that  little  heart  button  so  i  can  annoy  your  cute  ass  ,  okie  ?  thankssssssss !!
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new  york’s  very  own  𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒂  𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐  was  spotted  on  broadway  street  in  𝒸𝒽𝓁𝑜𝑒́  𝓈𝓊𝓈𝒶𝓃𝒶  𝒷𝑜𝑜𝓉𝓈  .  your  resemblance  to  𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒂  𝒈𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒛  is  unreal  .  according  to  tmz  ,  you  just  had  your  𝟸𝟺ᵗʰ  birthday  bash  .  while  living  in  nyc  ,  you’ve  been  labeled  as  being  𝒽𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒾𝒸  ,  but  also  𝓅𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓉𝑒  .  i  guess  being  a  𝒍𝒆𝒐  explains  that  .  3  things  that  would  paint  a  better  picture  of  you  would  be  𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔  𝒸𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇  𝓈𝓉𝒶𝑔𝑒  𝒾𝓃  𝓉𝒽𝑒  𝓈𝓅𝑜𝓉𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉  ,  𝑒𝓂𝓅𝓉𝓎  𝒷𝑜𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒𝓈  𝑜𝒻  𝑒𝓍𝓅𝑒𝓃𝓈𝒾𝓋𝑒  𝓇𝑒𝒹  𝓌𝒾𝓃𝑒  &  𝓉𝒶𝒸𝑜  𝓉𝓊𝑒𝓈𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈  𝑜𝓃  𝓉𝓊𝑒𝓈𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈  𝒶𝓃𝒹  𝓉𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓈𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈  .  (  i  was  sexually  assaulted  when  i  was  thirteen  by  my  teacher  )  +  (  cisfemale  +  she  /  her  ) 
𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓  𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈  :  pedophilia  +  sexual  assault  
𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙  𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒  :  carina  dulce  jacinto 𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠  :  cari  ,  rinny  ,  cj  ,  jace  (  ha  -  say  ) 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒  𝑜𝑓  𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑡𝘩  +  𝑎𝑔𝑒  :  august  12th  ,  1996  +  24 𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙  𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛  :  leo 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟  +  𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑠  :  cisgender  female  +  she  /  her 𝑠𝑒𝑥𝑢𝑎𝑙  +  𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐  𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛  :  pansexual  +  panromantic 𝑒𝑡𝘩𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦  :  mexican 𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦  :  american 𝑚𝑜𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑟  +  𝑓𝑎𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑟  :  claudia  jacinto  +  mateo  trevino 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒  𝑜𝑓  𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑡𝘩  :  phoenix  ,  arizona 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒  𝑜𝑓  𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒  :  manhattan  ,  new  york 𝑜𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛  :  eurydice  in  hadestown  on  broadway 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔  /  𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔  𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑜  :  phillipa  soo  ,  taylor  louderman  ,  eva  noblezada  +  anna  kendrick 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠  𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛  :  english  (  primary  )  ,  spanish  (  secondary  )  ,  italian  +  french  𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔  :  passionate  ,  eloquent  ,  captivating  ,  focused  ,  observant  ,  confident  ,  intuitive  +  witty 𝑢𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔  :  historic  ,  critical  ,  indulgent  ,  opinionated  ,  mercurial  ,  candid  ,  pretentious  +  realistic 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚  :  to  win  a  tony  for  best  performance  by  a  leading  actress  in  a  musical  
carina  was  born  to  a  young  single  mother  in  phoenix  ,  az  
her  father  high  tailed  it  out  of  the  picture  once  he  found  out  carina  was  on  the  way
carina’s  mother  had  big  dreams  of  becoming  a  hollywood  actress ,  wanting  to  
carina’s  mother  was  the  one  that  pushed  her  daughter  into  acting  ,  signing  her  up  for  local  commercials  +  the  likes  until  she  gained  some  traction  as  a  popular  baby/toddler  in  commercials
after  a  few  years  of  continuing  on  with  commercials  carina  finally  took  a  break  when  it  was  interfering  with  school  ,  much  to  her  mother’s  dismay
but  still  carina  had  the  acting  bug  +  wanted  to  do  community  theater  in  her  free  time
when  she  wasn’t  preparing  for  play  ,  she’d  make  one  up  herself  +  act  it  out  for  her  mother  if  she’d  let  her  ,  if  not  she’d  just  rehearse  by  herself  until  she  memorized  all  the  lines  she  wrote
this  continued  into  middle  school  ,  where  she  became  “  that  girl  ”  the  theater  girl
she  didn’t  mind  the  label  ,  in  fact  she  took  advantage  of  it  +  became  THE  theater  girl  of  her  school
the  english  teacher  that  was  also  the  theater  teacher  praised  her  for  her  work  +  they  grew  to  have  a  very  close  relationship
he  was  a  father  figure  that  she  never  had
until  he  wasn’t
𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓  𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈
mr. guzman  saw  how  alone  carina  was  +  while  for  a  time  he  was  an  authority  figure  that  helped  her  ,  he  soon  became  so  much  more
it  started  with  a  ride  home  after  theater  practice  ,  the  young  tween  had  called  her  mother  to  no  avail  ,  but  she  hadn’t  picked  up  +  home  was  a  two  mile  walk  .  doable  ,  but  mr.  guzman  saw  she  was  in  need  +  offered  her  a  ride
in  the  car  it  was  really  the  first  time  that  carina  had  been  alone  with  mr.  guzman  in  an  enclosed  space  ,  if  they  were  alone  it  was  usually  on  the  stage
the  drive  was  pleasant  ,  they  made  small  talk  +  he  asked  her  how  eighth  grade  was  going  ,  she  was  in  seventh  when  she  had  him  as  her  teacher
when  they  finally  pulled  into  her  driveway  she  thanked  him  +  started  to  get  out  but  his  hand  grabbed  a  little  above  her  knee  +  soon  it  was  moving  its  way  up  her  thigh
only  13  +  dubbed  as  “  the  theater  girl  ”  by  her  peers  she  never  had  any  romantic  or  sexual experience  ,  so  she  froze  unsure  of  what  to  do  or  say
that  first  night  it  ended  with  a  soft  pat  on  the  thigh  before  she  was  able  to  run  out  the  door
but  soon  the  rides  were  a  regular  occurrence  +  his  hand  didn’t  stop  at  her  thigh
after  months  of  this  continuing  on  carina  lost  her  love  +  passion  for  theater
𝒆𝒏𝒅  𝒐𝒇  𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓  𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈
she  quit  theater  +  became  a  recluse  all  the  way  up  until  junior  year  of  high  school
she  again  grew  close  to  a  teacher  ,  this  time  a  female  teacher  ,  her  us  government  teacher  that  often  brought  up  difficult  subjects  for  the  students  to  discuss
after  hearing  +  reading  about  different  hard  topics  ,  carina  finally  told  mrs.  reyes  what  had  happened  to  her back  in  middle  school
it  was  the  first  time  that  she  had  ever  told  anyone  what  had  happened  to  her  +  though  mrs.  reyes  pushed  ,  carina  didn’t  report  or  tell  anyone  else
but  with  mrs.  reyes  by  her  side  her  senior  year  she  got  back  into  theater  .  falling  back  in  love  with  the  thing  that  held  a  lot  of  emotions  for  her
after  graduation  carina  was  all  set  to  attend  nyu  with  a  double  major  in  performing  arts  as  well  as  film  +  media  production
she  moved  to  new  york  early  ,  wanting  to  get  a  head  start  on  moving  in  +  earning  some  cash  before  classes  started
while  she  was  working  as  a  barista  she  overheard  director  talking  about  auditions  for  an  off  broadway  play  +  this  grabbed  carina’s  attention
she  quickly  introduced  herself  +  snagged  an  audition  ,  she  landed  a  feature  role 
this  was  the  beginning  of  her  broadway  career  at  the  mere  age  of  17  ,  something  she  had  always  dreamed  of  
her  role  in  the  off  broadway  play  took  her  into  the  middle  of  october  +  in  september  she  was  already  auditioning  for  roles  in  a  broadway  play  while  she  attended  nyu
she  soon  gained  traction  ,  directors  were  discussing  her  performances  ,  even  minor  roles  ,  on  broadway
carina  still  continued  to  take  classes  at  nyu  but  her  focus  had  shifted  from  getting  a  degree  to  landing  a  leading  role  on  broadway
when  she  was  nineteen  her  dreams  came  true  ,  she  got  the  lead  role  as  eliza  in  hamilton  
from  that  role  she  sky  rocketed  to  fame  ,  she  performed  for  the  president  ,  beyonce  ,  oprah  ,  kristin  chenoweth  ,  meryl  streep  +  many  more
carina  was  barely  able  to  handle  how  fast  her  fame  came  ,  she  still  thought  of  herself  as  the  small  town  girl  from  a  working  class  home  with  a  young  single  mom
because  of  how  much  attention  hamilton  was  receiving  ,  carina  had  to  take  a  step  back  from  school 
she  took  a  leave  of  absence  ,  vowing  that  she  would  be  back  +  while  she’s  taken  some  classes  here  +  there  she  still hasn’t  gone  back  fully  due   to  her  continued  success  on  broadway
from  2016  -  2017  she  was  cast  as  sonya rostova  in  natasha  ,  pierre  +  the  great  comet  of  1812
in  2018  carina  became  regina  george  in  mean  girls
and  in  2019  she  claimed  the  role  of  eurydice  in  hadestown
new  york  ,  specifically  the  upper  west  side  ,  has  become  carina’s  home
(  𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒆  𝒐𝒓  𝒅𝒊𝒆  )  once  the  two  met  they  were  inseparable  .  without  siblings  carina  thinks  of  them  as  her  own  family  .  she’ll  do  anything  for  them  +  hopefully  vice  versa  ! 
(  𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆  )  the  person  carina  moved  in  with  when  she  started  out  in  new  york  .  they  could  still  be  close  or  they  could  not  talk  at  all  .
(  𝒕𝒉𝒆  𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒖𝒑𝒕𝒐𝒓  )  they  see  carina  +  they  see  gullible  ,  gullible  ,  gullible  .  they’ll  do  anything  to  manipulate  carina  to  get  something  for  themselves  .
(  𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓  𝒃𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒔  )  anyone  that  carina  has  worked  with  on  broadway  .
(  𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓  )  someone  that  carina  has  worked  closely  with  to  ensure  an  honest  +  authentic  performance  . 
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bunkernine · 4 years
idk if you’ve done this alr but if u haven’t then 17 & 25 😸
STOOOOOPPPP you knew where this was going to lead 😤
#17 - instead of xyz happening, i would have made abc happen? // #25 - how would you end xxx/ would you change the ending of xxx?
😤 this is only ONE of the ways pjo/hoo could've changed. some of this has already been said but i can now put it in a timeline. fair warning, i did get a little loopy when writing this tho:
starting with pjo 🤔 let's introduce bianca and nico (age 10) in tlt. here they're left as "unclaimed" and grover panics and sends them to camp
as a result, they get claimed in ttc like normal, but they're a regular part of camp, so B's death hits harder, and everyone is hit harder when nico disappears in frustration
this also follows with luke's point of "why didn't they get claimed earlier? they've been here all along?" and percy still recognizes that the prophecy could fall into them. additionally, bianca has a bit of training 😭 not that it would help, but i am in love with the idea of kids going "hey that's bianca and nico! they're so cool" "i heard they turned out to be hades kids 😳" "what? that's so cool because them being hades kids doesn't influence their personality and isn't a reason to kick them away!"
additionally, introduce charles in tlt as one of the kids that percy meets. might not be a counselor, but it's cool to see that percy watches his friends become counselors and die lol
have a side book between botl and tlo where you get stories about percy trying to be normal, and then some stories about chb without him. maybe a story with luke, but not a diary entry
anyway, percabeth doesn't get together in tlo but maybe they do in hoh. let percy and rachel date a bit maybe, they're literally high schoolers 🤧
after tlo, there's a book with the pov of some girl we don't know yet 🤔 she's probably a demigod and we're thinking 'oh man how's she going to get to chb?' she meets these dudes and goes to this camp and that's how we find out about reyna, jason, and octavian at age 11, and spqr
anyway tlh takes place like 4 years later. here's some junk about tlh if you want specific changes, but it's literally a really fun book already
have piper or leo be one of the kids who were on the titans side with luke, and now come over. it doesn't really matter who, but the point is made and the connection is established. everytime annabeth looks at them, she shivers 🤔 imo, leo works better for isolation, loneliness, abandonment, but piper would be SICK with her insane charmspeak and feelings of being different
something important to mention is that because of jason's death in tlh, he loses some his memories and he can't get it back
obviously 🙄 pipeyna and valgrace is endgame to please the masses
son is fine too i think, i dunno, fuck frazel tho
skip to moa 🤔 percy and annabeth are now older than the rest and act as leaders and mentors 🤔 i think in this strand of changes im fine with a 7 instead of the obvious 5 🙄 so it's chill
anna and percy don't get pov's but reyna does back in cj where the romans prepare for war... annabeth gave me a good pov, but we're gonna have to let her go 😔
coach hedge heads to chb after hearing about how romans might want to attack and he wants to "join the fight and punch someone" 😑 (also there's little reason for him to stay, but u can read this too if u want more explanation) he just IM's and gives semi-decent advice
i can literally see hedge saying something and then after they say bye and swipe away the message, annabeth immediately says "don't do that. don't do what he just said."
when romans attack in charleston, that's when reyna links up with the 7 and she listens to them. reyna goes on the moa quest instead. nico bumps into her on accident and helps 😌 they still have the mlm/wlw solidarity they already had haha
annabeth and percy still fall in tartarus in place of reyna because why not 💀 as a result, reyna has crazy guilt when she takes the statue back to chb, and nico and her can talk deep shit but rn they stay on the argo to figure it out
meanwhile, jason is left to lead the rest of the 5, and he is very uncertain now because he doesn't have his mentors, nor can he remember half of his roman leading (not that he even liked that), and he still can't pick a side
insert side book, about random argo nonsense, and some roman stuff (maybe a side story about what jason can't remember). page about what makes piper join luke maybe, or how he found her? wilderness story with her and leo, and how she ended up there. maybe a story about percy and annabeth being in tartarus but it leaves in a total cliffhanger where it seems like they might die. idk they might lol (and it's funny cause u'd turn the page and it's some word search DJSJDJ)
now in hoh, whoever the ex-titan was (piper or leo) they might have some feelings about attacking gaea.
hazel gets her sick ass mist powers ofc 🙄 frank doesn't really need a boost but i don't really care. if he gets it then he can't lose his fat duh
i don't really think leo needs to get sent to calypso 🤔 he can but like, the power of friendship and stuff
since there's no percy/annabeth pov there's no clue as to what's going on. the argo is slowly losing it
oh pssssssh cupid thing was weird plus nico is like 17/18 and about to head off with reyna. he could be out already, like it literally doesn't need to happen 😭 idk he IM's will and hazel walks in like 😳 cause sibling moment also, people stuck outside their time moment
so they find percy and annabeth thanks to jason's mad skillz, and they save them and oh man they still gotta prepare for the next book 💀
so we're in boo. i think jason should get stabbed again by michael varus. it was fun. it really added to his 'am i greek or no' dilemma.
reyna and nico do what they did in boo actually but hedge isn't there. literally that part is left unchanged 💀
the rest of them move forward. annabeth's ankle is permanently damaged and percy and annie don't look like they're doing too well, (ptsd from hell duh but also. just life man. being a demigod is hard and they went through all this crap just now despite them being like, 20? WACK)
uhhhh boo isn't that memorable so I'm gonna assume that most of the book is good! they ask about tartarus but no one explains it. the 5 are kinda closer now. hedge sends weird IM's lol
anyway final battle. i think jason and leo dying together is always fun but you already know that 🥱 they hold hands and say "together?" and then like explode and shit, idk but it will be awful to see these guys grow over the books and then die 🤧
of course, obvs, since leo's whole thing was loneliness and shit he turns to the 7 and is like "ur my family. years ago I lost the only family I had, but I'm willing to lose everything for my family now" and then does his stupid thing
i think frank should turn into a dragon, i think that would be cool, i think the mars blessing should let him turn into monster-animals too, that would be sick. turns into a pegasus and hazel or percy rides to battle. wild, this ain't really relevant to the story i just think it's cool
anyway annabeth freezes in battle cause she thinks about luke and fighting as a kid, and at some point piper saves her (i made up my mind that piper is the ex-luke fan) and annabeth is still unsettled but carries on, but she remembers that they're all just kids and that piper was pretty young when she joined luke and piper's real cool now man
gaea raises ig, they fight blah blah, good guys win but I think someone should get seriously injured 😑 i just can't say who. i mean like jason and leo are dead dead but i would enjoy an injury u feel
here are some little things i didn't know where to add:
hazel should maybe a bit scared of death and gets through it along the way. or at least be claustrophobic
i think leo should learn to accept his fire gradually
frank's stick should be like. at maximum danger half of the time, like dude, he is so wary
also there should be some point where he leads a quest actually
there's an inside joke running through the 3-books of moa/hoh/boo between the crew. dunno, it's something stupid tho!
octavian wasnt even a villain so i think reynas pov in moa would give some insight to that!!!
idk if we even need percy to switch over to spqr, i mean if they just got jason randomly, they still gotta return the kid and head to spqr 🤔 can reyna do the son quest instead
idk piper gets a gun, that stupid ass cornucopia haunts me, what was she supposed to do with that
percy/annie actually train the kiddos, but have little private talks on the side like "is this our life? do we like this? do we want to do this? it's exhausting isn't it"
nico can have a cane too
this is dumb cause they wouldn't even need it but I like the idea of them having cell phones and social media, it's so funny to me
anyway, thats only one rewrite, i smashed a bunch of ideas, hope that helps, but there's like a million more things i can say or a million other ideas to have!!! thanks for reading 💀
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yukippe · 4 years
hm I understand to some degree that grover wouldnt have fit into the prophecy of seven bc hes busy w the cloven elders n everything BUT I do think it's weird that hes barely mentioned esp when we saw him in son running and trying to reach percy -> the fact that friendships at home r neglected reads v off to me bc the entire first part of the series n previous series were abt the importance of found family at chb and cj and when u go from fighting a war but being at home to -> travelling across the world w only these 6 ppl u dont kno v well I feel like that shouldve bern touched on more. They're still ages 13-17, most of them have never left north america rlly
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