#gold rope twist necklace
susoriginals · 7 months
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SAlE 50% OFF Vintage Gold Twist Rope Sarah Coventry, Semi Precious Gem Stones 35" Necklace + Carved Bone or Vegetable Ivory Tribal 18" Pendant ALL 3 Now $4.99
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mysunshinetemptress · 11 months
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Couples Costumes
Warning: Bad writing
leah Williamson x Beckham!Reader
You huffed racing around your room trying to find where you had last left your gold necklace trying to set the finishing touches to your costume, for the annual Halloween party your parents hosted as your girlfriend sat in the bathroom trying to get her hair just right. “Darling have you seen my rope necklace.” Leah let out a soft hum letting you know she couldn’t quite hear you as you turned to walk towards the en-suite bathroom before leaning against the doorframe “my gold rope twisted necklace my love I can’t find it” Leah watched you through the mirror as she finished setting her fringe just right “try my night stand Angel and do me a favour relax we have plenty of time.” You nodded walking over to Leah’s nightstand picking up your missing necklace before walking into the en-suite and standing behind her as you put it on. Leah smiled up at you through the mirror before reaching over and grabbing her video camera “my girl all dressed up for Halloween looking Stunning as ever.” You bent down resting your head on her shoulder as you smiled at the camera through the mirror “and my love looking as fine as ever with my surname on her back.” You laughed winking as Leah made a face “not forever, only for tonight then I’m back to being Williamson and you can wear mine.” You laughed bending down once more kissing her before talking lips still pressed gently together “someday we shall share a name.” Leah sighed not pulling away “we will mine.” You laughed pulling away nodding “I’m happy whatever name comes after my first as long as I get to spend the rest of my life with you.” Leah smiled up at you once more before shutting off the camera “enough fluffy content for one video I think you looking gorgeous Posh already to go.” You smiled grabbing her hand as she stood “ready when you are Becks.” You both left the house before making your way to meet the rest of the gang in London.
Your family had been throwing Halloween party’s ever since you where a kid and once you and Leah had become official you started bringing her to along with her family and some close friends it had turned into a tradition you loved often choosing couple costumes but this year with the release of your dads new documentary and all you both had decided to dress up as younger versions of your parents when they had started dating, You dressed as your mum because although you played almost exactly like your dad except left wing you looked almost exactly like your mum when she was younger expect for a few features that where so obviously your dad, and Leah dressed in an England Beckham jersey from your fathers years of playing for the country (you had no chance of getting her into a different club jersey anyway) and a pair of black trousers and boots she had also decided to utilise her fringe styling it to create the curtain bang look your father wore in his early years of professional football.
Arriving at the party you smiled to the few paps that had taken to waiting outside before making your way into the decked out venue smiling and thanking the bouncers on the door before looking around for the two people you wanted to your costume off to most. Holly Leah’s cousin was the first to spot you both as you waved before starting to strike up a conversation “omg you guys win this is incredible best idea ever like wow guys.” Leah smiled down at you pulling you into her front wrapping her arm around your waist “it was this one’s idea.” You blushed at Leah’s statement before talking to Holly some more before spotting your two younger brothers, squeezing Leah’s hand to signal you where moving she released you watching on as you walked towards Romeo and Cruz before turning back to Holly “I mean wow Leah you guys really pulled it off.” Leah laughed “thanks she was stressing over what we where going to wear for weeks before we decided and how we where going to make sure everyone knew what we where dressing up as as well.” Holly nodded “no seriously tell her again amazing.”Leah smiled at her older cousin content in knowing you where loved by her nearly as much as she loved you “although I have to say it will be weird having to call you Leah Beckham when you finally get married.” Leah’s head whipped around to her cousin “what makes you think I’m going to be Leah Beckham.” Holly laughed “your wearing her name on your back le.” Leah shook her head “nope just a costume she’s taking Williamson when we get married she’s already promised.” Holly looked at Leah shocked “omg so you asked.” Leah shook her head once more “no Holly shush soon just not right now I have it planned.”
Romeo laughed watching you throw popcorn into Cruz’s mouth. Cruz had dressed up with his best friend Will as Step Brothers and Romeo and his girlfriend Mia had dressed up as Shark boy and Lava girl. “So Y/n I’m not fully getting your costume who are you meant to be.” You laughed turning to find Leah before spotting her and waving her over. You turned laughing at your brother’s reaction your guys couple costumes “no way you dressed as Mom and Dad for Halloween that was so smart.” You let out a laugh as you put you hand behind you back for Leah to grab “cool no” the boys nodded smiling before your older brother and his wife appeared dressed as cowboy Barbie and Ken. “You guys look amazing best costumes of the night by far.” You where never one who liked getting compliments so to hear so many about yours and Leah’s costume had you a blushing mess looking to hide in your girlfriend. “Nearly a full Beckham now Leah.” Brooklyn amidst your girlfriend winking “for one night and one night only.” Brooklyn shook his head “that’s all you will need before you become a Beckham permanently” Leah shook her head “I’m afraid it’s the other way around I plan on signing this Beckham over here to join the Williamson’s team in the future.” Your brothers laughed as you all began chatting once more.
Making your way towards the dance floor you spotted your parents dressed as Gomez and Mortica Addams playing the part as they waltzed about the dance floor. “Mum hey.” The older pair turned towards your waving hand as their faces lit up in pure surprise at your costume instantly getting the reference “oh my dear god you pair looking amazing.” Smiling once again you thanked them “when did you guys come up with this.” Leah smiled watching your parents reaction happy you both pulled it off “for weeks honestly had to find a jersey this one would wear and then all the little accessories you have with this outfit mum is crazy but I’m so happy after getting that reaction.” The pair smiled before your mum turned looking over your shoulder at your brothers and sister who was dressed as Anne Hathaway in the Princess Diaries “right family photo so, you too Leah your a Beckham now after all.” Leah shook her head before smiling at you as you spoke up “only for tonight I’m afraid she doesn’t want my last name.” Your parents laughed understandably as Leah had talked to them a few days previously of her plans to propose. Your entire family (brothers their girlfriends/wives) and your girlfriend all squeezed in for the family photo shouting Halloween before you all broke apart mingling for the rest of the night.
Leah let out a sigh as she followed you into the house tired after a long night of partying with both your families and friends “god we have our work cut out for us next year if we are to top this darling.” Leah hummed walking up behind you before pulling you into a searing kiss. “Hey what’s gotten over you.” Leah smiled down at you “nothing your just absolutely breathtaking.” You laughed hiding your head in her neck before kissing it and pulling back slightly to look at her face “Marry me.” You looked at Leah slightly shocked at the statement “what.” “Marry me.” You smiled running your fingers through her hair “your going to have to take your top off then my love cause Beckhams not your surname and after I marry you I plan on changing mine.” Leah laughed “so yes.” You nodded bring Leah’s face into your hands pulling her into another kiss “in this lifetime and the rest my love.”
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vikwrites · 4 months
" DAEMONUIUM " - Tony Stark
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Chapter Summary ➣ The Fall of Stark Castle. Pairing ➣ Fallen Prince!Tony Stark x Reader Word Count ➣ 611 words Chapter Warnings ➣ Medieval! AU, Slow Burn, Violence, Major Character Death. Author's Notes ➣ An idea by @welldonekhushi, a bit different to what I usually write, next chapter will hopefully provide more context. Thank you to my lovely beta reader @nicoline1998enilocin <3
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Prologue - Overture
The rope felt rough against the Prince’s neck.
Tapestries of silk, once proudly displaying the kingdom’s colours and emblems, have been shredded from their rods, some burnt into meagre piles of ash; the rest torn by the passage of time and faded by the harsh sun. 
The throne, once a shining beacon in the grand hall, now stands in solitude. Its layers of gold leaf have been stripped away, revealing the cold iron underneath. The brilliant gemstones that adorned its surface have been pillaged and looted, leaving only empty settings behind. The rows of stained glass windows, each depicting a moment of the kingdom's triumphs, are now shattered, their intricate designs marred into shards. 
The peasants stormed the palace. They came in hordes of near thousands, pitchforks and flames in hand. The grand doors splintered under their force, crashing open to reveal the opulent corridors within. The echoes of their cries reverberated off the stone walls as they surged forward, a seething mass of defiance against the monarchy. The nobles, once standing proud and untouchable, now cowered in their gilded chambers, the unfortunate ones having been slaughtered in cold blood.
The same could not be said for the Prince. For he ran, like a swift wind through every nook and cranny of the castle — up twisting stairwells, down spiralling towers — the peasant’s voices like cries of the damned — the walls quaking with emancipated rage, like the first leak in the wall of a dam, forewarning that nothing could hold for long. His patterned robe dragged upon the floor, stained red with blue blood.
His legs could only carry him so far; he found himself perched at the edge of the turret, overlooking the dark horizon and the sheer drop into the ocean below, the waves crashing against the splintered rocks. He could hear the peasants’ voices as they approached, drawing closer by the second. It dawned on him that death was not a matter of when, but how.
“ There he is, ”  — fear became a tangible, living force, creeping over his figure like some ravenous beast, holding him in a standstill — “ Seize him! ” 
The Prince was bound; not by silver shackles or golden chains, but by simple rope. He was marched like cattle out of the palace gates, being put on as a barbaric display of irreverence; a sovereign turned laughing stock in the span of a night. The peasants scrambled like rats, just for the chance to witness the spectacle. 
Amidst the crackling of bonfires and the scorching heat. His body trembled with cold, but his mind burned with anger — with memories of the firelight still drifting like phantoms in his brain. 
Tears fall from the Prince’s eyes. They meander down his cheeks. 
That fateful second before the floorboards dropped, the Prince pondered if he had anything left to save in death.  He stands in solitude on the gallows. While the Cardinal recited blessings in Latin, the words in the people’s mouths were nothing but curses, laced with vitriol and the name of the Devil, lashing out like a bitten and cornered dog, condemning him to the deepest rings of Hell.
The creak of the floorboards, the roar of the crowd — these were among the last things he would hear before he died. His eyes did not bear remorse; instead, they held shame, to be stripped from the high chambers of the castle and reduced to the same fate as a lowly outlaw. 
What he’d give to be a young prince again, adorned with jewels and veneration — now he’s traded in his necklace for a noose — 
The Prince took his last few straggling breaths, and the floor gave way beneath him.
⎊ back to masterlist
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yoooitssalexx · 1 year
Hey guys! This is part 2 to the imagine of Rockys!Daughter x Viktor Drago.
Mature chapter,contains smut.
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The next morning you woke up with a major headache after spending the night crying. You debated looking for a flight back to Philly and avoiding any and all drama. Deciding to just buck up and go to the fight you got out of bed and started your day. Ordering room service you hid out in your room the whole morning until it was time to get ready for the fight.
You walked out of the shower and found an envelope on the floor by the door,picking it up you found a VIP pass and ticket to tonights fight. You already had a seat with Bianca but this seat was front row right next to the ring, leaving you to wonder who would slide this under your door.
You dressed in a black one sleeve jumpsuit,pairing the simple out fit with your gold necklace that your mother had gifted you and a bracelet and hoops to match. You slid into your heels and made your way out,your eyes landing on Buddy,Viktor,and Ivan. You froze in your spot,watching the three men walk towards the elevator. You watched them get in,eyes locking with Viktor before the doors slid shut.
Taking a few minutes to collect yourself you ordered  your Lyft to the arena,not expecting the large group of paparazzi outside of the hotel. They started shouting your name,every last one of them asking questions about you,Viktor,and your relationship.
You slid your shades on and pushed your way through the crowd to the car,holding back the tears that threatened to come out. Once you arrived at the arena the same fate awaited you,shoving your way inside you ignored the prying questions and rude comments.
You met up with Bianca,no words exchanged about anything that had gone on. You figured Adonis didn't know,familiar with his avoidance of social media before a fight. That didn't help appease the guilt you felt,feeling like you betrayed your brother in the worst way possible. Adonis may not have been blood but he was family,not forgetting the way the man helped you lift your father up from the pits of despair when he received his cancer diagnosis.
You twisted your rings nervously,stopping when Bianca reached over and grabbed your hands. It was hard for you to ignore the whispers around you,your knee bouncing nervously. You squeezed Bianca's hand,happy to have her support despite everything going on.
You looked up when you heard the booing start,your eyes falling on Ivan leading Viktor into the arena proudly. You watched the broad man walk confidently into the ring,not at all bothered by the booing in the crowd. Soon after Adonis' walk out music started,the lights darkening then flashing in patterns. Everyone cheered Adonis on,you and Bianca standing to clap for Adonis. You glanced at the tickets that had been slid under your door,noticing it would have put you on the other side of the ring. On Viktor's side.
The bell sounded,both men going straight at it. You watched as Adonis landed hit after hit on Viktor,soon Viktor landing a hit on Adonis which he blocked and still went back into the ropes. It was clear that Viktor put his strength into every punch. You watched Viktor back up as Adonis swung,recognizing the baiting tactic as the men moved around the ring. The bell rung as Viktor landed a right hand,the fight hard to watch after just starting.
You watched as Viktor and Ivan traded words,watching Viktor's face contort in anger and determination. Viktor continued to dominate the fight in the second round,you and Bianca on your feet as Adonis fell into the ropes. Adonis struggled to stand,making the count. Soon you watched as Viktor landed two hard right hands to Adonis' rib cage,hearing the rib crack from where you stood. Viktor yelled in triumph as Adonis fell to the ground and yelled in pain,you hoped Adonis would realize that Viktor held the upper hand and the fight would only get worse.
You watched Viktor come out swinging,the ref having to direct Viktor to his corner when Adonis landed a right hand. Duke crossed words with Adonis,soon throwing Bianca a look of defeat when the man refused to quit. Your eyes wandered to Ivan yelling something to Viktor,the man panting and his face contorted in rage as he walked to the center of the ring.
Viktor continued to hit Adonis with his all,landing another strong hit to his rib cage. You watched in horror as Adonis fell to his knees and Viktor swung again even after the ref called it. Your heart raced as you made your way to the ring,shoving people out of your way as you reached Adonis and began to look him over. You felt his broken ribs,the man not stirring at your touch.
"Call 911."You directed,feeling his faint pulse as you tried to awaken the man.
You were with Bianca as the doctor informed her of Adonis' condition,a nurse informing both of you of a visitor.
"Dad."You whispered,hugging him quickly.
He hugged Bianca after,whispering to her softly.
You watched from the door as Rocky spoke to Adonis,the young boxer becoming upset quickly. You knew Adonis' pride was strong,your heart breaking when his words clearly hurt your fathers feelings. You left with him,hugging Bianca as an apology.
You agreed to go with your father back to Philly,asking him to wait in the lobby as you packed your bags. You made sure to collect all of your belongings,walking out to find Viktor talking to Ivan in the hallway. He moved to follow after you as you pushed the button to the elevator only seeing Ivan hold him back when you turned as the elevator doors shut.
Your father tucked you into his chest as you walked out of the hotel,the reporters yelling questions at the two of you as you got into the car. The train ride to Philly allowed you time to sit in your thoughts,nothing becoming clear the more you thought about things.
Time passed and you watched a fight Viktor was in,the interview that followed making you shiver. They talked about his loss which Viktor corrected as a disqualification,the Russian declaring a challenge to Adonis yet again. Max Kellerman asked him about his involvement with you,Viktor only answering by saying that there was nothing to tell and he was focused on his wins. You sighed as you turned the TV off,clearing up your coffee table.
Days later you had finished up your last shift of the week at the hospital,glad to be helping out in the ED as they were short staffed. You were a general surgeon,enjoying the days in the OR but there was something about the chaos in the ED helped you forget about the chaos of your own life. People had finally stopped asking about your involvement with Viktor,now resorting to whispering when they thought you couldn't hear.
You had various candles lit around your apartment,a glass of wine on your coffee table. You frowned at the multiple nail polish colors you had set out,your self care routine interrupted by a knock at your door.
"Coming!"You yelled,sighing as you wondered who could possibly be at your door at this time of night.
You shivered as you pulled the door open,gasping when you looked up to find the large man standing at your door. He waved,a shy look on his face.
"Viktor."You whispered,chewing on your lip nervously. "What are you doing here?"
"I need you."He said,hands in his pockets. "I have no one."
"What happened? Are you okay?"You neared him,looking him over quickly. You could tell he had something heavy weighing on his mind,feeling for the large man who was clearly torn.
"Can we talk?"He asked,smiling when you looked at him with concern.
"Yeah."You nodded,opening the door wider for the large man to step through. "Come in."
The large man made your small home feel even tinier,his eyes looking around the dark room that was mostly lit by the candles.
"I interrupt?"He asked,following you to your living room.
"No,just having a little self care night."You shrugged,turning to him.
"Self care?"He parroted,his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Yeah,helps me relax."You gestured to the masks you had used and the lotions you used for a self foot rub after you finished doing your nails.
He nodded,walking up to a picture on one of your shelves. It was a picture of you with your dad in the ring at Mickys gym,you were only about 4 when your mother took the picture of you "training" with your father.
"Very cute."Viktor pointed,turning to you with a smile.
You smiled back,offering him something to eat or drink to which he refused. You gestured for him to sit as you resumed your pondering over what color to choose. He sat next to you,the large man clearly tense.
"Whenever you're ready,I am listening. I just can't decide on a color."You looked at him from the corner of your eye,watching him remove his coat.
"I like."He pointed to a light pink you had on the table,nodding when you picked up the little polish.
"Then it's settled."You hummed,leaning against the arm of the sofa to begin painting your toes.
Viktor grabbed the bottle and pulled your foot into his lap,tilting his head as he focused on painting your nails. "I never tell anyone about this. But I trust you."
"Okay."you nodded,trying not to smile at the image of the large boxer painting your toes a pink color that he had chosen.
"After my father lose fight to your father,"He began,slowly moving the brush to ensure he painted your whole nail. "Things between him and Ludmilla were not very good."
"Ludmilla? Your mother?"You guessed,the name familiar in your household when discussing the aforementioned fight.
"Yes."He nodded,moving on to another nail when he deemed the last one perfect. "She leave him when kicked out of Russia,leaving both of us."
"I'm sorry."You frowned,watching him focus at the task he was currently doing.
He shrugged,continuing with the paint. "I don't see her in years,but few days ago we have dinner in Russia with some people. She is remarried,only appear now after so long."
"And how did you feel when you saw her?"You asked,allowing him to switch to your other foot.
"Angry."He said simply,dipping the small brush into the paint. "Angry,these people turn back to my father now after all this time. Now that I fight and earn my own way they want to be there,like leeches."
"And you're angry at her too."You pointed out,watching his lip raise.
"Yes."He said simply. "I don't know her,she is stranger to me. She abandon me."
"And your father."
He nodded,his pace a little faster now that he was more comfortable. "I hate to see him be with them,we don't need these people. Only there for convenience."
"I understand."You nodded. "Have you ever thought of telling her why you're angry at her?"
He paused,pondering your question as he examined his work. "What good will do?"
"There's a belief."You said simply,placing your feet flat on the floor. "Anger expressed,is anger extinguished."You grabbed the miniature looking nail polish from his large paws,placing it on the table. "You can't carry all of this anger with you forever,you should at least talk to your father. He should know how you feel,you care about his feelings and want to protect him from these people too."
"How I do?"he asked,watching you look at your newly painted toes.
"Very good."You smiled. "Want to become my nail tech?"you asked.
He smiled,playing with his fingers. "I never do that before."
"There's a first time for everything."You nodded,grabbing your wine glass. He watched you sip the wine,seemingly not able to look away from you. "Want to try some?"You asked,not sure if the disciplined fighter drank alcohol.
He nodded,taking the glass from your hand. His left hand cradled the back of your head and pulled your lips to his. You pulled away from the kiss,eyes shut at the feeling that ran through your body.
"Very good wine."He hummed,placing the glass on the coffee table.
You sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes,the Russian boxer pondering your words as you cleared the table and put things away. He watched you move about,enjoying the comfort he felt in your home. Something about the place actually feeling like a home and the warmth not only from the fire, his gaze soft when you shyly sat next to him again.
You rubbed the back of your neck,leaning away from the large man. He watched you silently,tucking your hair behind your ear. You leaned into his hand,the Russian pulling your legs into his lap.
"You finish your self care?"He asked,his thumb stroking your calf.
You cleared your throat and reached for your lotion,the large boxer taking it from your hands and silently beginning to rub your feet. You relaxed at the soothing of the tension of being on your feet for over 12 hours,Viktor silent as he thought over your last words.
"You think I should talk to her?"He asked,rubbing your feet gently.
"If not her,talk to Ivan. For you,you see people who turned their backs on your father over something that wasn't that detrimental. But to Ivan,this might feel like a chance to win back the things he lost."
He pondered your words for a few minutes,continuing his massaging of your feet and legs as he thought in silence. "That doesn't invalidate what you feel,Viktor. You're feelings aren't wrong."
"How you so smart?"He asked,his hands rubbing higher and higher on your legs.
You shrugged,allowing the large man to kneel between your legs. He rubbed his nose against yours,large hands gripping your thighs to pull your legs around his hips. "Why I feel this way for you?"
"What way?"You whispered,arms wrapping around his neck.
"Happy,trust,free."He whispered back,leaning down to kiss you again.
After a few minutes he sat back up,settling you on his lap. You pulled at his shirt,pulling away to pull the tight shirt off of his body. He leaned against the back of the couch and let you do as you wish,your hands landing on his pecs to steady yourself.
His sparkling eyes met yours,large hands gripping your hips tightly. He noticed your hesitation,thumbs rubbing your hip bones gently. "We can stop."He said softly,moaning when you pulled him into a passionate kiss.
"I don't want to stop."You whispered,pulling your shirt over your head. The Russian kissed your neck,hands sliding up your back and unclasping your bra.
"So beautiful."He whispered,tossing your bra to the side. The man reveled in your moans,burying his face straight into your chest. He paid equal attention to each of your breasts,his own hips thrusting up to meet the roll of your hips.
The large man stood and tightened your legs around his thick waist,following your directions to the bedroom. He laid you carefully on the bed,his eyes tracing your entire body. He pulled at your shorts and pulled them off in one tug,quickly hurrying to rid himself of his own shorts when you pulled at them.
The Russian started with methodical kisses at your neck,a slow path down your body makes whispers of his name fall from your lips in breathless moans. He kneeled on the floor,hitching your legs over his shoulders he placed a soft kiss on your wet pussy before diving right in.
He growled when you raised your hips,making note of what it was that pulled the biggest reaction out of you. He flattened his tongue,the thick appendage and the way the man used it to bring you to the edge of bliss. Your hands came to his head,pushing him closer at the feeling of your orgasm nearing.
His large hands gripped your thighs tightly,his tongue lapping at your wetness. He groaned when your nails scraped his scalp lightly,smirking when your moans got higher in pitch when he slid a thick finger inside of you and sucked on your clit.
"Viktor."You panted,legs tightening around his head. "Fuck I'm close."
He sucked on your clit gently,not stopping his onslaught of pleasure. He felt you tighten around his finger,his broad tongue swiping up and down sensually. He made sure to lick up every last drop of your cum,leaving you panting heavily when he pulled away.
"You okay,malyshka?"He leaned over you,licking his bearded lips and still tasting your sweetness.
"Mmhmm."You hummed,eyes shut in bliss.
The large man plopped next to you in all his naked glory,his hazel eyes just watching you lay in bliss. "So beautiful."he twirled a long strand of your hair around his finger.
You opened your eyes to see him already looking at you,a softness in his gaze. You pushed his chest softly,the large man falling onto his back as you wanted. He let you climb on top of him,watching you trail kisses down his sculpted chest. He moaned when he felt your tongue trace up his chest from the bottom of his abs.
Your small hand wrapped around his thick length,stroking him slowly. You kissed his neck softly,nipping at his skin gently. Mapping a trail of kisses down his sculpted chest to his hard length you watched him through hooded eyes as you placed a soft kiss on the head of his dick. His hips jolted,large hand buried into your dark locks when you licked the tip slowly.
"Please."He whimpered,his pleading look causing you to smirk.
"You look so pretty when you beg."You teased,stroking his thick length slowly. "Do it again."
"Please,I need you."He begged again,a soft pout on his lips.
The confidence that you exuded at that moment made his head spin,the man feeling breathless at the feeling of you touching him. If he thought you were beautiful and sexy before, the way you took control now made him see it even more.
You gave in to the man's pretty pleas,slowly taking his thick length into your mouth. His low moan when you swirled your tongue around the head of his dick was the sexiest sound you ever heard,your hand working what you couldn't fit in your mouth.
His grip on your hair tightened slightly,the man using his grip to guide your mouth up and down the way he wanted. When you started to take more of his length into his mouth and suck harder he growled,toes curling when he felt he was close to his orgasm.
"Malyshka."He whined,growling when you fondled his heavy balls and almost made him cum right there. He used his grip on your hair to gently pull your mouth off  his length,his large hands cradling your face gently. "I need to feel you."
He helped you climb on top of him,his hands resting on your hips as you reached over him to grab something from your drawer. His eyes fell on the condom packet you held up,a coy smile on your pretty lips.
"Make me yours."You whispered,leaning down to bite his lip gently.
The large man flipped you over,growling into the kiss when your nails dug into his biceps. You were too lost in the feeling of his tongue delving into your mouth to notice him put the condom on,your eyes opening when you felt his tip at your warm entrance.
"So tight,malyshka."He groaned into your mouth,slowly inching his thick girth in.
He pulled away from your lips to press his forehead against yours,eyes shut tight in concentration. Your nails dug into his broad back,legs tightening around his hips when he bottomed out. The pleasure of being filled outweighed the burn of the stretch,it had been so long since you'd been with someone and even longer since someone made you feel this good.
"Viktor."You whined,nails scratching red fiery lines down his muscular back. "Please."
"Please what."He teased,nipping your bottom lip gently. He smirked when your answer died right on the  tip of your tongue,a deep moan coming out when he slid out of your tight entrance and slowly slid back in.
The large man built a slow and sensual pace,gradually speeding up when your moans slowly grew louder. He loved the way your moans grew louder when he picked up speed, his hand squeezed your thigh and raised your leg higher on his hip. You moaned when his hand slid up your body,large hand coming to lightly squeeze your neck.
He watched your eyes flutter shut,watching your teeth bite your bottom lip in pure pleasure. He loved the way you trusted him with your pleasure,his hand applying the pressure you craved so perfectly.
You could barely focus on the words he whispered as he continued his deep sensual thrusts,his pace slowing drastically to slowly roll his hips into yours. His thumb traced your bottom lip softly,a low groan leaving the man when you gently sucked on his thumb.
"My little minx."He smirked,wet thumb stroking your lips softly and smearing your spit across them. "You drive me crazy."
He trailed his lips against your jawline and down your neck,the roughness of his beard brushing against your soft skin making you burn deliciously. With your arms and legs secured tightly around the large man you rolled the two of you over so you straddled him,left hand cupping his cheek.
"More."You whispered,pulling him forward to taste his lips once more. You rolled your hips in a sensual rhythm,biting his lip gently when he gripped your hips to help guide your movements.
He sat up,large hands splayed out on your back. You leaned your forehead against his,nails digging into his strong back. You noticed him controlling his moans,not appreciating the way he tried to avoid making any sounds.
"I wanna hear you."You whispered,tilting his head back to look him in the eye. Your tongue traced his lips,smirking when a deep moan left the large man.
With each movement you felt the bliss of orgasm closer and closer. His moans and yours blended into one beautiful melody,tongues meeting in an infernal dance. You were too lost in the pleasure you were being given to even hear the ringing phone,Viktor ignoring the familiar ring of his phone to focus his attention solely on you.
You felt Viktor's hands everywhere a burning trail of heat following wherever he touched. The large russian planted his feet on the bed,large hands moving to hold your hips in a tight controlling grip. His low growl when he felt you tighten around him made you tremble,your orgasm impending.
"Cum with me."You pulled him closer,chests touching but not feeling close enough to the large man. "Together."
He growled,pulling you impossibly closer. He rolled the two of you over,your head landing on your pillow. Viktor grabbed your knee tightly,the large man bending your leg forward so your knee touched your chest. Your nails dug into his broad back,his thrusts hitting just the right spot every time without fault.
You both came together,a low growl of your name falling from Viktor's perfect lips. You could've cum just from that sound alone,your hands cupping his face to make him look you in the eyes. His hazel eyes met yours,the man swallowing your moan when he planted his lips on yours.
You held onto him tightly,enjoying the warmth that came from his body. He leaned his arms next to your head,his nose nudging yours gently. You smiled softly at him, thumbs stroking his cheeks softly.
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"He whispered, beginning to pull away when he felt he was leaning his weight on you too much. You tightened your legs around his waist, keeping him right where he was.
"I'm okay,everything's perfect."You pecked his lips quickly,watching his cheeks tinge pink.
"It is."He nodded, pulling you closer before rolling onto his back with you on top of him. You rest your chin on his chest,watching him quietly.
He ran his fingers through your hair, turning to look at you when he felt your eyes on him. He smiled when your eyes met,the man looking very much at ease.
"You look more relaxed."You observed, fingers tracing indiscernible shapes on his chest.
"It's not only because of this."He slid his hand down your side,rubbing your side gently.
"Then what is it?"You asked.
"It's you."He pulled your leg over his, squeezing your knee softly. He leaned down to kiss you,a laugh interrupting the kiss when his stomach growled.
"Hungry?"You sat up,reaching for the clothes the two of you left on the floor. You slid your panties on followed by his shirt,tossing him his boxers after. He laughed and slid them on, sitting on the edge of your bed. You stepped between his legs,hands cradling his face while his gripped your hips. "Come on."You kissed him quickly, turning and walking out of your bedroom.
The giant man followed after you, the sight of him leaning down when he crossed your door making you giggle. He smiled at the sound of you laughing,grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling lightly. "What's so funny?"He questioned, your hands landing on his pecs.
"You're so big."You said simply, biting your lip.
"I thought you like that?"He cupped your ass boldly, squeezing the supple flesh.
"I love it."You whispered seductively,biting his lip gently before pulling away and walking towards your kitchen. You looked through your fridge, only finding the steak you had pulled for tomorrow's dinner.
The Russian boxer sat at your table after insisting you didn't have to make him anything and you waving him off, watching you cook wearing his shirt only. You served the steak with some asparagus and potatoes,enjoying his surprised look.
"Smells delicious."He said as you sat across from him and poured two glasses of wine. He cut into the steak, moaning at the taste when he took the first bite. You watched him eat, enjoying the relaxed and comfortable vibe between the two of you.
He offered you bites of the food, the two of you sitting in a comfortable silence as he finished the meal. You picked up the plate when he finished, ignoring his insistence on cleaning up. You washed the plate quickly, leaning into him when he pressed against your backside.
His hands slid up your thighs,pushing his shirt up as he appreciated your soft skin. Your eyes fell shut when he moved your hair over to your right shoulder and his lips planted kisses on your neck.
"Still hungry?"You smirked, pressing your ass into him.
"For you? Always."He answered. He spun you around,wrapping your legs around his waist as he planted you on the counter.
You moaned when his tongue delved into your mouth,his grip tight as he pulled you as close as possible. Your hands slid up his strong arms,sliding up his shoulders,then to his neck. You sighed in bliss when he pulled away and kissed his way down your neck,choosing a spot to lightly suck. Your nails lightly scraped his scalp when he moved to a sensitive spot on your neck,groaning when you heard a phone ring again.
He groaned in annoyance when he recognized the sound of his phone,already imagining who it was. He slid the bottom of his shirt up slowly,long fingers sliding against your smooth skin.
"You should answer it."You whispered,index finger tracing down the chiseled lines of his chest.
"No."He pouted,kissing your fingertip as it traced his lips.
"Go."You nodded towards the loud ringing,pushing him lightly. You hopped off the counter when he gave in,watching him walk towards his phone.
You made your way to your couch,plopping down as he walked back with the miniature looking device in his large hands. "Everything okay?"You asked,pulling your knees to your chest as he sat down next to you. The large man took up so much space,essentially dwarfing everything that he held or sat on.
"My father."He shrugged,placing the phone on the coffee table.
"He doesn't know you're here,does he?"You sat up,nervously chewing on your lip as you thought back to the last conversation you had with the father of the man who currently sat on your couch.
"No."Viktor answered,watching you curiously. "What's wrong?"
You looked away from his intense gaze,not wanting to discuss the conversation in which his father told you you were no good for Viktor and that you should stay away from him.
"Tell me."Viktor pulled you close,index finger under your chin forcing you to look up at him.
"He won't like that you're here,with me."You whispered the last two words,his eyes staring back into yours pulling the words from you. "He told me to stay away from you,that I'm no good for you."
Viktor felt his blood boil,the thought of his father yelling at you and screaming how you're no good for him making him angrier by the minute. He pulled you into his lap,the large man dwarfing you as he cradled you into his chest. You placed your hand on his chest right over his heart,meeting his intense and passionate gaze that made your own heart race.
"He was wrong."He said simply, his simple three words making you melt into his touch. "I wish I didn't have to go back."He sighed, dreading what he would find when he returned home.
"You need to buy a plane ticket."You moved to grab your laptop, helping him secure a early flight out before deciding it was time to go to bed.
"So is it safe to say that you will stay the night?"You said softly, hand sliding down his chest and then grabbing his large hand.
"Do you want me to?"He asked, smiling when you played with his fingers.
You nodded shyly, meeting his intense gaze. He enjoyed the way you were suddenly shy around him, nothing at all like the confident seductress he saw earlier in  your bedroom. "Stay."You whispered,holding his hand tightly.
"Of course."He assured,allowing you to stand and pull him up and after you to your bathroom. He accepted the new toothbrush you offered him,watching you perform your night routine for bed and reveling in the mundane action of getting ready for bed was simple yet he enjoyed it so much.
You enjoyed the way the large man took up almost the entirety of your mattress,climbing in after him and pressing your smaller frame right against him. He hitched your leg over his,arms wrapping around you when you laid your head right over his heart. You heard the steady beat of his heart,the sound making you smile.
"You're so warm."You hummed,cuddling into him more. He ran his fingers through your hair,eyes shutting when you let out a sigh of relief.
"I have never done this before."He said softly,eyes shutting when you rubbed his chest softly. You smiled at his words, fingers pinching his chin and turning him to face you.
"Good."You said plainly, kissing him briefly.
"Good?"He asked, brows furrowing.
"Yes,I don't want you to do things like this with anyone else. Only me."You smirked, laying your head back on his chest.
"I don't want to do things like this with anyone else."His thumb rubbed your cheek, hugging you closer. "Only you."
Your hand resumed rubbing his strong chest,wandering to his tense and hard shoulders. He groaned when you rubbed and kneaded the tense muscles.
"You gave me a massage."You hummed,straddling the broad man. You smiled at him when his hands grabbed your thighs,thumbs rubbing the smooth flesh. "Only fair I return the favor."You leaned over and grabbed a lotion,waving it coyly.
"You can do whatever you want to with me,"He grinned,enjoying the thought of your hands on his body. "I'm all yours."
You froze at his words,heart rate picking up tenfold. "You mean that?"
"I do."he affirmed.
You bent down to kiss him,his hands sliding up to cup your supple ass. You moaned into the kiss at the feeling of him softly kneading your firm rear,the boxer taking advantage to slide his tongue past your spread lips.
You pulled away panting,labored breaths mixing with his. "Roll over."You climbed off of him,watching him comply with no hesitation.
Climbing the large man once again you put some lotion on your hands and got to work,kneading the man's tense and strong muscles. He groaned under your small hands loosening his tense muscles,a shiver traveling down his spine when your hands slid down his broad back.
You sat on his firm butt,hands working on his lower back. His low moans when you continued massaging his back made you flashback to the earlier moments the two of you shared right there in your bed. You cleared your throat and focused at the task at hand,moving back up to massage his arms.
Little by little he relaxed further and further,your hands moving to massage his strong arms. After a while you rubbed his tense neck,feeling the large man become more pliant with each pass of your hand. You heard his soft snores a while later,leaning over to find the boxer sound asleep.
You smiled,kissing his cheek softly before moving over to your spot in the bed. You laid your head on your pillow,back facing Viktor as your eyes shut at the peacefulness that fell over the two of you. Your eyes opened when you felt him roll over and wrap his arm around you. Viktor pulled you closer,face buried in the crook of your neck as he pressed closer against your back. You smiled and shut your eyes,quickly falling asleep in the warmth of his embrace.
The next morning you slid some sweatpants on,keeping Viktor's t shirt on as he instructed. You watched him slide his hoodie and coat on,you mirroring the man's actions. You drove through the cold Philly streets,sighing when you finally arrived at the airport.
You walked in with him,fingers wringing at the thought of not seeing him again. He grabbed your smaller hands,pulling you close to him. It's like he knew exactly what ran through your mind,the same fears plaguing his thoughts.
"I want you to call me,everyday if you want."He said softly,hands cupping your face.
"I don't have your number."Your brows furrowed,words dying on the tip of your tongue when he pulled you into a passionate kiss.
"Of course you do."He smirked,leaning his forehead against yours. "I will see you soon. No goodbyes."
"No goodbyes."You affirmed,pulling him in for one last kiss.
"You call."He repeated.
"Everyday."You nodded,smiling at him softly when he turned and walked towards his terminal.
Your shoulders slumped watching him walk further and further away,wanting nothing more than for him to turn back and decide to just stay with you. A sliver of hope rose in your chest when he turned,part of you expecting him to walk right back towards you and tell you to go back to your home with him.
He waved before continuing on,you watching him until you couldn't see him anymore. You turned and made your way to your car,fighting the urge to cry the whole ride home. You successfully made it to your home without crying,stripping down to just the t shirt of his you wore before crawling into bed.
You scrolled through your phone finding the new contact you had no idea how it got into your phone.
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clouds-by-me · 1 year
Wally x acrobat!reader
Synopsis; In which you are a Acrobat performer and have a show for the neighborhood, and all of your friends. During your act you lose something dear to you, Wally help you look for it.
cw; black intended reader, this is my first time writing for Wally or any wh characters so he may be A little OOC, slow burn(kinda?)
An; y'all I ain't got no business being up at 2am writing this, also not proof read. Im kinda worried that this idea was better off in my head, but hey, where here!
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You'd practiced this time and time again, this same move that by now, you've mastered. Your performance would be something new and exciting for everyone, yourself included.
This is your first ever preference and you were heavily determined to make sure that everything was perfect. No slip ups, no falling, nothing. Despite all the help your friends were willing to put in to help you, you denied. you explained to everyone that you didn't want to spoil the performance for anyone. You practice by yourself for hours. Just so this could be the best experience for everyone. You'd stay up late nights, and wake up early mornings just so no one would see you practice. You went as far stopping your act when ever anyone walked by.
You breathed heavily, you didn't know why, but you felt nervous. the thought of messing everything up in front of everyone followed you around like a lost puppy. It was really starting to take a toll on your mental well-being, it didn't take long for you to grow paranoid of everything. You had less than five minutes before the show was scheduled to start. In the background the sun was starting to set, perfect. Just a few more minutes. With the way that everything was set up, you could easily swing, flip, twist, and do much more.
Set up a bit off of the main neighborhood you made a stage with plenty of space. The theme of your act had been gold, and Jewels. So the stage itself was beautifully done in shining trinkets, and gems decorated the stage. As guest arrived the sun set more and more over the buildings. Your friends conversation eas they waited eagerly for your performance to start.
"Hello everyone! Thank you for coming here tonight, I must say you all are looking rather lovely. This show will be starting in just a few moments, I greatly appreciate your patience."
Your voice boomed over everyone, and once they thought you were done, your friends erupted in an applause. You were no where to be found, be your friends seemed excited to know that your show would be starting soon. And not even a minute passed when the curtains opened and revealed you. There in all of your glory, wearing a outfit that dressed you beautifully in gold. you wore bracelets, anklets, earrings, rings, and necklaces. Jewels dressed you from head to toe. you shined in the lights that hung above your head. the jewelry reflected the lights in A beautiful way. Everyone started in awe at your form. Such a beautiful person.
Scanning the crowd, you quickly found your friends in the front, just where you'd preserved for them to sit. All of them shined, not only with joy, but their outfits as well. Weeks before the show you got everyone of them a tailored outfit, just for this occasion. Each one of them looked rather happy, even Frank. (Who had a small smirk of approval on his face, but he'll never admit that)
Wally, was in the front, and you could see him most clearly. He was still as charming, and captivating as ever. The two of you started at each other, silently admiring the other in complete awe. You snapped out of your trance like state, addressing all of your audience.
"Oh, I was right. You all really do look absolutely lovely."
Most of the crowd didn't react to your kind comment, only seeing it as a something small. However a blue haired male saw it something more. Afterward you began your act. With all the weeks and accessories you wore, the act was wonderful. You used rings, ropes, and your flexibility pity to wow the crowd, and it worked.
When the show ended it was long passed dark, and just about everyone was ready to go to their homes. Your friends stayed behind to congratulate you.
"Neighbor! You did great, and your outfit! It looks so pretty!" Sally happily yelled, wrapping her arms around you. You returned the hug. "Thank you." You looked happy but something was off about you, the way you were continuously looking around. Most of them didn't notice, mistaking your behavior for being tired. A round of congratulations went around before most of your friends left. Only you and your best friend remained.
"What's wrong Neighbor?" He was close, and behind a monitored voice, there was concern. "I lost my ring, and I can't find it anywhere! I looked on stage, in the grass, even places I haven't been, everywhere! And I still can't find it!" Your dam of emotions finally broke, tears pricked in the corners of your eyes. You felt someone embarrassed, crying over a replaceable objet was strange. But to you, the ring held meaning, Wally noticed this before. You'd wore that same ring everyday, even if all you did was lay in bed that day.
Wally didn't exactly understand what was so important about the ring, but he knew that it was important to you, so he helped you. Wally somehow found the ring tucked away under A flower just A dew minutes after. "Your preference was amazing." He gave you the ring, slipping it safely onto your finger, while you beamed at him. He didn't have time to respond before you hugged him, and made A sound while pressing your lips to his cheek. "Thank you, have A good night Wally." You whispered In his ear, then turned away, leaving A bright red Wally in your tracks.
Maybe he wouldn't mind if you lost more things.
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pastsplendors · 3 months
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Chunky Gold Tone Rope Chain Necklace Rope Chain Choker Length Twisted Chain by PastSplendors http://dlvr.it/T8kGGW
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WIP (chapter might take longer than I thought; I keep adding to it)
"I suppose there’s nothing for it," he said. "I’ll just have to leave the country again, that’s all.”
“Oh, that’s too bad. Here I was hoping you might stay long enough to do me up.” Betty swept her hair upwards from the nape of her neck, uncovering the open back clasp of her gown. Her eyes followed him in the mirror, gazing shyly from under her lashes.
Laszlo sat up, taking in the soft curves of her back and shoulders bared to him, warm and trusting. “I might be convinced,” he murmured pleasurably.
He stood behind her, threading his fingers into her full waves of brunette hair. He deftly fastened the clasp in the center of her back and smoothed his hands upwards to caress her naked skin, his thumbs gently tracing between her shoulder blades. As he thoughtfully regarded the graceful curve of her throat, stroking a finger over the quickening pulse in her veins, he reached for the open jewelry box on the dresser and withdrew his anniversary gift to her: a beaded necklace of small white pearls, twisted into a thin rope of triple strands secured on delicate loops of gold. He held it aloft, allowing its beads to slide so carefully between his fingers, and draped it with infinite tenderness around her neck.
“There,” he said, fastening it for her. He looked again and smiled at her radiant reflection in the mirror. “I’m so glad you decided to wear this tonight.”
She blushed, rolling a single pearl between forefinger and thumb. “You know I’d wear it every day if I could. Sometimes I think it’s too good for me.”
“Nothing’s too good for you.” He bent down, nosing closer behind her ear to catch the suggestive, faintly spicy scent of her perfume. “Mmm. Travel suits you, you know that? You look more beautiful than ever.”
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hello another kazi request !! could you do a normal/civilian reader (they/them pronouns?) and kazi meeting for the first time? maybe during a heist lol
thanks for requesting! i’m sorry this took so long, university has been killing me lol. i hope you enjoy! :)
Twist of Fate
kazi kazimierczak x reader
gender neutral pronouns
TW: mild crime, mentions of weapons
a/n: this is set before the events of Hawkeye, when I kind of headcanon Kazi doing small crime type of stuff
a/n: part two: i kind of have an idea for another part, let me know if that would be something you wanted to see!
marvel masterlist
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It was a simple job: a small jewelry shop tucked into an alleyway full of expensive stuff. It was the final stop of a long night of thievery, and while the first tendrils of light were stretching into the sky, Kazi was sure that he could get in and out before sunrise.
Slipping into the back, Kazi made quick work of the simple lock on the door. A narrow hallway led to the back work area of the shop, and Kazi slowed his steps as he saw there was a light on. At first glance, the work room seemed empty. The source of light was a lamp on the table, shining down on an assortment of tools and a necklace that seemed to be under repairs.
Just as Kazi stepped another foot into the room, a person came walking in from the door leading to the storefront. Kazi froze and the person shrieked, jumping back as they saw the former standing there. As Kazi reached for the gun hidden in his coat, he was taken aback when he heard laughter,
“I’m so sorry, I hope I didn’t scare you.” The person breathily laughed, continuing their path to the table Kazi had just been looking at. “You must be the new hire, Amanda said you would be stopping by this morning to learn the ropes.”
Kazi remained frozen in place, mind blanking as he tried to decide what to do. He could still rob the store, after all there was only this one person and he had weapons. Yet something twinged in Kazi’s heart when he thought of that; this person seemed so sweet, and there was something wholesome and genuine in their smile. No matter how much his head reasoned, Kazi couldn’t find it within himself to hold this person hostage.
“I’m Y/n by the way; remind me of your name again?” They turned to Kazi, hand outstretched.
“Kazi.” Immediately Kazi mentally cursed himself; giving out his real name was the dumbest thing he could have done. Still, he took Y/n’s outstretched hand and shook it.
“Okay, so Amanda said you had some experience with jewelry repair, right?”
“Uh, it’s been a while.” Kazi fumbled, unsure why he continued to stay and talk to this person. Still, he followed Y/n’s gesture to sit down next to them.
“Don’t worry, I’ll show you the ropes.” Y/n said with smile that elicited butterflies in Kazi’s stomach.
For the next couple hours, Y/n carefully showed Kazi how to fix a simple gold chain. Their hands guided his as they removed broken links and attached new ones. Slowly Kazi got used to using the soldering tool to close up the rings permanently. Finally, after lots of mistakes and hard work, the chain was completely finished.
Y/n beamed at Kazi, clearly proud of the work he had accomplished. The latter felt surprisingly proud of himself, amazed that he was able to fix something that seemed so delicate.
“You did amazing Kazi, you’re basically a pro now.”
Kazi laughed, “I wouldn’t say that, but I did do pretty okay.”
The clock on the wall chimed, signaling the time. Y/n glanced up at it and hurriedly got up from the chair. “I’m so sorry, but I’m afraid that is all we can work on today. We have a private viewing, so we’ll have to continue your training another day. I have your phone number on file, so I’ll send you a picture of your schedule.”
Sadness struck Kazi’s heart as he realized that the little act he had been playing was up. He should have been relieved that his true intentions weren’t found out, but instead he found himself longing to spend more time with Y/n.
Kazi moved to grab his jacket, but Y/n stopped him. Carefully they picked up the chain and undid the clasp, bringing their arms over Kazi’s head to place the chain around his neck. His heartbeat quickened as his felt Y/n’s fingers brush the back of his neck as they closed the clasp. He tried not to focus on how much he loved the pressure, nor the disappointment that came from when Y/n’s hands left his neck.
“There, you keep that. You worked so hard so I think you deserve it.” A rattle could be heard at the front door, and Y/n looked at Kazi apologetically. “It was great to meet you Kazi; I look forward to working together again. Enjoy your day!”
As Kazi watched Y/n’s retreating figure, he knew they wouldn’t be working together again. But as he went to leave, he realized that he wouldn’t be able to just not see them again. No matter what it took, Kazi would find a way to see the cheery, smiling Y/n again.
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micro-expressions · 5 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Pearly Diamond Wreath Floral Mini Delicate 925 Sterling Silver Gold Stud Earring.
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susoriginals · 3 months
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SAlE 50% OFF Vintage Gold Twist Rope Sarah Coventry, Semi Precious Stones 35" Necklace + Picasso style Carved Bone Tribal 18" Pendant ALL 3 Now $4.99
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jewelsandchains · 1 month
Premium 14 kt Solid Gold Rope Chain for Women
Jewelry has always been more than just an accessory; it’s a statement, a form of self-expression, and a reflection of personal style. Among the myriad of jewelry options available, the gold rope chain stands out for its timeless elegance and versatility. Jewels And Chains proudly presents its premium 14 kt solid gold rope chain, designed specifically for women who appreciate the finer things in life.
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The Allure of the Gold Rope Chain
The rope chain is one of the most classic and enduring designs in the world of jewelry. Its intricate twists and interlocking patterns create a mesmerizing visual effect that captures light beautifully, giving it a radiant shine. The 14 kt solid gold rope chain by Jewels And Chains is no exception. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this chain offers a blend of strength and elegance that makes it a must-have for any jewelry collection.
What sets the gold rope chain apart is its versatility. Whether worn alone for a subtle touch of luxury or paired with a pendant for a more personalized look, this chain effortlessly enhances any outfit. Its design is both bold and delicate, making it suitable for everyday wear or special occasions.
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Quality That Speaks Volumes
When it comes to gold jewelry, exceptional quality is essential.The 14 kt solid gold rope chain from Jewels And Chains is crafted from the finest materials, ensuring durability and longevity. The term "14 kt" refers to the gold's purity, meaning it contains 58.3% pure gold, balanced with other metals to enhance its strength and durability. This balance makes it an ideal choice for everyday wear, as it resists scratches and tarnish better than higher-purity gold.
Jewels And Chains takes pride in its commitment to excellence. Each chain is meticulously inspected to ensure it meets the highest standards of quality. The solid gold construction ensures that the chain will retain its value and luster for years to come. Unlike gold-plated or hollow chains, a solid gold rope chain offers a substantial feel and a rich, warm glow that is unmistakably luxurious.
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A Perfect Gift for Any Occasion
A 14 kt solid gold rope chain makes a thoughtful and timeless gift for any occasion. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or special milestone, this chain is a symbol of love, appreciation, and elegance. Its timeless design surpasses fleeting trends, making it a piece to be treasured for years to come.
For those looking to make a lasting impression, the rope chain can be personalized with a pendant or charm. Adding a pendant not only enhances the chain’s beauty but also adds a personal touch that reflects the wearer’s unique style and personality. Whether it’s a simple heart pendant, an initial, or a gemstone, the possibilities are endless.
Styling the 14 kt Solid Gold Rope Chain
One of the many advantages of the 14 kt solid gold rope chain is its versatility in styling. It can be worn in multiple ways, making it a versatile addition to any jewelry collection. Here are a few styling tips to help you make the most of this stunning piece:
Layering: Layering necklaces is a popular trend that adds depth and dimension to your look. Pair the rope chain with other gold necklaces of varying lengths to create a chic, layered effect. This style is perfect for both casual and formal outfits.
Pendant Pairing: Enhance the elegance of the rope chain by adding a pendant. Whether you choose a dainty charm or a bold statement piece, a pendant adds personality and flair to the chain.
Solo Statement: Sometimes, less is more. Wear the rope chain on its own for a simple yet sophisticated look. The chain’s intricate design and radiant shine make it a standout piece, even when worn solo.
Casual Elegance: The beauty of the 14 kt gold rope chain lies in its ability to transition from day to night. Wear it with a casual blouse or dress during the day, and pair it with an evening gown or cocktail dress for a night out.
Why Choose Jewels And Chains?
With so many jewelry brands on the market, what sets Jewels And Chains apart? It’s their unwavering commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and customer satisfaction. When you purchase a 14 kt solid gold rope chain from Jewels And Chains, you’re not just buying a piece of jewelry; you’re investing in a timeless accessory that will be treasured for generations.
Jewels And Chains offers a wide range of gold rope chains in various lengths and thicknesses, allowing you to choose the perfect chain to suit your style. Whether you prefer a delicate, thin chain or a more substantial, thick chain, there’s something for everyone.
In addition to their exceptional products, Jewels And Chains is dedicated to providing a seamless shopping experience. Their knowledgeable and friendly customer service team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns. Plus, with their secure online shopping platform, you can browse and purchase your favorite pieces from the comfort of your home.
More information:- [email protected]
Maintaining Your 14 kt Solid Gold Rope Chain
To ensure that your 14 kt solid gold rope chain retains its beauty and shine, it’s important to care for it properly. Here are a few tips to keep your chain looking its best:
Regular Cleaning: Clean your gold chain regularly to remove dirt and oils that can dull its shine. Gently clean the chain using a soft cloth and a mild soap solution. Rinse it thoroughly with warm water, then dry it with a soft, lint-free cloth.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Gold is a precious metal that can be damaged by harsh chemicals. Avoid exposing your chain to household cleaners, chlorine, and perfumes, as these can cause discoloration and damage.
Proper Storage: Store your gold chain in a soft pouch or a jewelry box with separate compartments to prevent scratches and tangling. Keeping it away from other jewelry pieces will help maintain its pristine condition.
Professional Inspection: Periodically have your gold chain inspected by a professional jeweler to ensure that the links are secure and the chain is in good condition. A jeweler can also polish the chain to restore its original shine.
The 14 kt solid gold rope chain for women by Jewels And Chains is more than just a piece of jewelry; it’s a timeless accessory that embodies elegance, quality, and versatility. Whether you’re treating yourself or looking for the perfect gift, this chain is sure to impress. With proper care, it will remain a cherished part of your jewelry collection for years to come. Trust Jewels And Chains to provide you with the finest in gold jewelry, and let this stunning rope chain become a symbol of your unique style and sophistication.
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ginasurfmom · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 18k Real Gold Plated Rope Chain 5mm Stainless Steel Necklace for Men Women.
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tsverniel · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Solid Rose Gold Plated Heavy 316 Stainless Steel 6MM Twist Rope Chain Necklace.
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wjdexclusives · 2 months
Discover the Best Gold Chains for Men at WJD Exclusives
Discover the Best Gold Chains for Men at WJD Exclusives
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If you're searching for the perfect gold chain for men, WJD Exclusives offers an unmatched selection of quality, style, and value. We understand that choosing the right gold chain can enhance your style and make a statement. Our extensive collection features a variety of designs, ensuring there's something for every taste and occasion. Explore why WJD Exclusives is the go-to destination for men’s gold chains and necklaces.
Why Choose WJD Exclusives for Men’s Gold Chains?
Exceptional Quality Our gold chains are crafted with the utmost attention to detail, using the finest materials. Whether you're looking for solid gold or white gold, our selection promises durability and lasting beauty.
Vast Selection With thousands of styles available, WJD Exclusives has the perfect gold chain for every man. From classic rope chains to modern designs, you’ll find what you’re looking for in our collection.
Competitive Pricing Local jewelry stores often inflate prices to cover their high overhead costs. At WJD Exclusives, our efficient online model allows us to offer competitive prices without compromising on quality.
Fast and Free Shipping We offer fast, free shipping on all orders, ensuring your new gold chain arrives quickly and safely. Plus, our free 30-day return policy gives you peace of mind with every purchase.
Outstanding Customer Service Our dedicated customer service team is here to help you every step of the way. From selecting the perfect chain to answering any questions you might have, we’re committed to providing an exceptional shopping experience.
Explore Our Collection of Gold Chains for Men
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Gold Chains for Men
Discover our best-selling gold chains, available in various lengths and styles. Perfect for any occasion and versatile enough to suit any outfit.
Men's Gold Rope Chains
Our rope chains are a classic choice, offering timeless elegance and exceptional craftsmanship. Available in different thicknesses and lengths to suit your preference.
White Gold Chains for Men
For a modern twist on a classic look, explore our selection of white gold chains. These pieces offer a sleek and sophisticated alternative to traditional yellow gold.
Men’s Gold Necklace Collection
From bold statement pieces to subtle, elegant designs, our men’s gold necklaces are crafted to impress. Browse our collection and find your new favorite accessory.
Solid Gold Necklaces for Men
Invest in luxury with our solid gold necklaces. These pieces offer unparalleled quality and are designed to last a lifetime.
Why Men Choose WJD Exclusives
Top Search Results for Gold Chains WJD Exclusives consistently ranks high in search results for "gold chains for men," "men gold chains," and similar keywords. Our visibility ensures that you’re finding the best options available online.
Customer Satisfaction With countless positive reviews, our customers love the quality, selection, and service they receive from WJD Exclusives. Join the many satisfied shoppers who have found their perfect gold chain with us.
Convenience Shop from the comfort of your home and avoid the hassle of visiting multiple stores. Our user-friendly website makes it easy to find and purchase the perfect gold chain.
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Ready to find your perfect gold chain? Browse our extensive collection and enjoy the benefits of shopping with WJD Exclusives. Experience the difference in quality, service, and value that sets us apart from local jewelry stores.
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kaashusa1 · 2 months
Top 10 Gold Plated Chains to Look Out for in 2024
Gold plated chains are a timeless accessory that continues to capture the hearts of jewelry lovers. As we step into 2024, the appeal of gold plated jewelry is more potent than ever, with new designs and styles emerging which are positive to make a statement. Whether you are attempting to replace your collection or add a hint of beauty in your clothing, right here are the top 10 gold plated chains to appear in 2024.
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1) The Classic Curb Chain
The cut-down chain is a staple in the global of gold plated jewelry. Known for its interlocking hyperlinks, this chain lies flat and is perfect for ordinary put-on. In 2024, the traditional lessen chain is getting a modern twist with varying hyperlink sizes and additional elaborations like diamonds or gemstones, making it a flexible piece for both informal and formal activities.
2) The Figaro Chain
The Figaro chain capabilities an alternating pattern of brief and lengthy links, giving it a unique and desirable design. This chain is best for individuals who need something specific from the usual chain styles. In 2024, count on Figaro chains in thicker gauges and blended metals, adding a current facet to this undying layout.
3) The Rope Chain
Rope chains are famous for his or her difficult design and durability. The twisted sample resembles a rope, giving it a robust yet fashionable appearance. This 12 months, look out for rope chains with delivered charms or pendants, presenting a customized touch to this already beautiful piece of gold plated jewelry.
4) The Box Chain
Box chains are characterized by way of their square hyperlinks, which create a smooth and sleek finish. They are best for minimalist-style enthusiasts. In 2024, the box chain is being reimagined with sensitive, finer hyperlinks for an extra refined and complicated appearance, perfect for layering with different necklaces.
5) The Herringbone Chain
The herringbone chain is known for its exclusive sample of slanted, parallel links that lie flat towards the pores and skin. This chain is best for folks that select a formidable, assertion piece. In the upcoming year, expect to look herringbone chains in blended finishes, combining matte and polished textures for a unique aesthetic.
6) The Singapore Chain
The Singapore chain is a twisted, braided chain that flickers brilliantly while it catches the light. Its stylish and tricky design makes it a favorite among jewelry fans. In 2024, look for Singapore chains with introduced micro-pavé settings, enhancing their sparkle and making them a standout piece in any gold plated jewelry collection.
7) The Anchor Chain
Inspired using the chains used on ships, the anchor chain functions as oval hyperlinks with a vertical bar inside the middle. This nautical-inspired layout is both robust and stylish. For 2024, anchor chains are being updated with blended metal accents and complicated detailing, making them a super preference for individuals who love a nautical theme with a current twist.
8) The Wheat Chain
Wheat chains also referred to as Spiga chains, are made of twisted oval hyperlinks that create a beautiful woven pattern. This chain is bendy and sturdy, making it a popular preference for pendants. In 2024, count on peer wheat chains in bolder sizes and with particular clasp designs, adding a hint of beauty to this already intricate chain.
9) The Snake Chain
Snake chains have a clean, sleek look, created by tightly related bands that form a bendy, tubular chain. This style is best for people who decide upon a minimalist appearance with a hint of class. In 2024, snake chains are being designed with combined materials, together with incorporating silver or rose gold accents, giving a fresh twist to this conventional chain.
10) The Bead Chain
Bead chains, moreover known as ball chains, include small, round beads connected. This chain has an easy yet fashionable design that is best for layering with different necklaces. In the coming year, bead chains are expected to feature various bead sizes and textures, adding depth and hobby to this minimalist style.
Gold plated chains remain a flexible and stylish preference inside the world of jewellery. The top 10 chains highlighted here exhibit the interesting tendencies and improvements coming in 2024. Whether you decide on conventional styles just like the Lessen or Figaro chains or extra problematic designs like the rope or Singapore chains, there's a gold plated chain to in shape each flavor and event. Adding those portions to your series will now not only raise your style but also ensure you stay on-fashion within the ever-evolving international of gold plated jewelry.
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pastsplendors · 2 years
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Napier Rope Twist Chain Necklace Gold Tone 24 Inch Vintage Designer Jewelry by PastSplendors http://dlvr.it/Sd0XSZ
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