blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
GoldenASL where Ace dies, but is resuscitated and pieced back together by law and left with Marco. Ace losing his fruit because he died and everyone thinks he's dead. Mihawk coming back from the war having failed two of his children and not knowing where the third is to Zoro and Perona. He hides his grief well but Zoro keeps asking why he betrayed the government and Mihawk always hits hits him harder after that.
Law not telling Luffy what he's done and leaving him with Rayleigh so that Ace's recovery is easier to handle. Luffy screaming and crying and not being able to get a hold of his family so he's alone. Even with Rayleigh he's alone and he wasn't able to save anyone.
Sanji sobbing and heaving bile to the point the Okama is concerned and stop chasing him. Sanji refusing to eat from his grief and his failure to make it to his family he doesn't know what to do. Sanji also unable to call his family and has to live with this grief of losing his second family.
Ace waking up to Marco sleeping next to him with his fire healing Ace. His body is full of pins and needles and he no longer has his fruit. He doesn't have his fire and vows to find it and teach and screams as he recovers. Marco explains why everyone thinks he's dead and hAce understands it but his brothers and dad, their pain that he's the cause of breaks him.
Ace, Sabo, and Luffy converge in Dressrosa. Luffy doesn't know it's Ace who's matching him so well in the colosseum and Luffy finds Sabo is alive. Ace has a back up, he has White Beard's fruit if he doesn't get his back but fuck that, that fruit is his and it's calling to him. Sabo loses and screams in pain as Ace eats it immediately and sets himself on fire and burns his disguise off to shock the world and Sabo who is screaming louder. Ace grabs him and flies out and grabs his bag along the way while laughing that the world now has to deal with Fire Fist being alive and back. He gives Sabo the tremor-tremor fruit and smiles and apologizes for everything, mostly hiding him living and getting his fruit back.
They find Luffy sans half his crew after the battle. Everyone is shocked and Law is like "good to see you're back to normal" and Ace bows to thank him. Ace then explains he's there to join the Strawhat crew and see them all and it's weird that half the crew is gone and Law tells him what happened and Ace is like 'i should probably tell Dad I'm alive' and everyone is like 'both your dads are dead? And have been?' like even Law is confused and then the bounties come out.
Mihawk on Kuraigana reeling because okay Luffy's bounty makes sense, why does Sanji's say only alive?, ACE?????? The man is reeling and looking for the denden number for the Sunny he got from Zoro and Perona is watching him show emotion for seemingly the first time as no one answers the Sunny's snail. Mihawk is trying to figure out what to do and then the next set of bounties come out and there's no Ace but Sanji's surname is Vinsmoke? As in the warmongering kingdom obsessed with genetic modification? It explains a lot but fucking hell. Also why is no one answering the damn snail?!
Whenever they all meet up again on Karai Bari, Sabo, the Strawhats, Croc, and Buggy watch Mihawk rip Ace, Luffy and Sanji to him and demand WHAT THE FUCK is going on. Ace especially because he died, in front of them! Ace is explaining what Law told Marco who told him and he got his fruit back in Dressrosa. Mihawk looks to Sanji for his explanation and Sanji is like 'this has to explain so much' and Mihawk agrees it does but what the fuck. Luffy, feeling left out, is like 'Hey Dad watch this!' and does his gear 5 form and Mihawk groans and pinches the bridge of his nose. Ace tells him that it's his fault for adopting them.
Sabo and the Strawhats lose it. Even Robin is caught off guard by them naming Mihawk as their father and everyone is trying to wrap their minds around that. Luffy is excitedly tell Mihawk about how he crashed Sanji's wedding to Big Mom's daughter and how is heart stopped fighting Kaido and he is climbing Mihawk who is doing his best to support his youngest child as he tells him everything and Ace is also pitching in about how it was good to go back to Wano. Mihawk thinks he's going to have a heart attack because Sabo is also alive and Zoro is talking about Sanji asking him to kill him and fire legs and flying.
"Okay, maybe we should stop before he has a heart attack?" Sanji suggests.
"Okay, but he had us three on an island alone with him for years because we all thought Sabo died." Ace points out.
"But I'm not!" Sabo yells. "You went to Kuraigana over me?!"
"Yeah, it was really fun! I became the leader of the humandrills!" Luffy proclaims proudly. "Dad, your heart is really fast are you okay?"
"Why did none of you call me? I'm dealing with two people I thought were dead suddenly not being dead, Sabo is the Chief of Staff for the revolutionary army, Sanji was a Vinsmoke, and you are a god." Mihawk says with exasperation. "I'm not okay, to answer the question."
"We were really busy, sorry." Sanji answers.
"Clearly." Mihawk sighs as Luffy laughs and wraps around Mihawk and lets his dad hold him.
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krypticcafe · 1 year
When you call them "babygirl" (COD:MWII)
rating: mature
characters: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Captain John Price, John "Soap" McTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, König, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Hound
warning(s): language, a smidge of suggestivness
a/n: calling them bbygirls>>>>>calling them fictional crushes. also, my personal Roach hc is that he's a selective mute that took up ASL to communicate.
EDIT: there's now a reversal! What if you were called babygirl 👀
His eyebrows raise almost impossibly high
"Did I hear that right or did you just..."
He's not upset, just... surprised.
Pleasantly surprised.
He doesn't mind it but man... it might've sparked something inside him. Might've.
You've given him nicknames before, both teasing and affectionate, but he never expected to be called that before. It's a new feeling.
You don't use it too much with him, but when you do, it gets the cutest laugh out of him. Gets him acting like he doesn't like it, but you know he absolutely does.
If you catch him off guard, he'll tilt his cap down and try to stifle a laugh to distract himself from how warm his face feels.
"Fuckin' hell, the things you do to me..."
You cheekily grin in response and give him those adoring eyes because you know that he knows you do it because you love him just that much to torment him :]
Now you only use it to amuse and tease him just to hear that golden laughter. You don't think you'll ever get tired of it.
First time you said it, he nearly choked on his cigar.
"Sorry, what did you just say?"
He doesn't mean to be rude, it's just that you caught him so off guard. Give the poor man a break.
You repeat it to him and he chuckles, a little awkwardly because him? Babygirl? He can't see it, at least he doesn't see if he even has the qualities for such a title.
But oh, do you disagree. In fact, you start using it more, regardless of what he thinks.
If it's in front of the other task force members, it usually gets him to stop in his tracks and let out a knowing groan, shaking his head and trying to get the team to focus back on whatever they were doing before.
Which is extremely hard with how Gaz and Soap are trying to fight back their giggles.
When you're alone, he sighs but leans into your touch a little more.
He's actually amused by it and has even tried to give you something equally cheesy or teasing just to bite back at you.
It works.
He knows he's egging you on to use it more but truthfully?
He can't bring himself to get actually upset over it.
You decided to test his reaction on a whim one night at a visit to the pub after a successful mission, walking up behind him and greeting him.
You've never seen his head whip around so fast, and you wonder how he didn't snap his neck.
Oh and there it is.
The classic McTavish SmirkTM.
He's grinning so wide, leaning into your side and wrapping your arm around his waist.
"Would'ya mind repeatin' that, love?"
You're starting to regret this, seeing as he's enjoying it a little too much.
Then again... it could make this night a little more rewarding.
After that, he practically pushes you to use it more, says something about getting butterflies or how it "rolls off your tongue so well"
Either way, you don't mind it, seeing how it makes him happy and how he seems more obliged to listen to you.
And every time you do, he's always got that adoring glint in his eyes and an excited grin on his lips because fuck yeah,
He is your babygirl.
He freezes so badly, the only movement being his shallow breathing.
To be honest, you were a b i t nervous to try, but you figured there was no harm in it with how far your relationship was.
But now you're starting to regret even trying, wondering if you've crossed a line or-
"Say it again."
You do as he says, and it gets a dry laugh out of him. He shakes his head and brings a hand to his forehead, mumbling about how stupid it is.
Except you don't miss that softened look in his eyes, the one weakness of his mask.
So you start rolling it out slowly and steadily, mostly in private because god knows he would strangle you for using it in public.
Much to his dismay, the 141 still overhears it thanks to you "teasing" him with it as a "joke".
Regardless, you don't mind limiting it to being used in private because you're the only one that knows and uses the fact that the Simon "Ghost" Riley secretly loves being called your babygirl.
Specifically in a soft or smooth way that gets him to just fucking melt on the spot. Even a simple, "How's my babygirl doing today?" in passing gets him all worked up at the idea of him being yours and yours only. It's even worse when you use it in bed.
So use it wisely!
He's looking around as if you're talking to someone else. Poor thing's all confused.
When he finally figures it out that it's him you're talking about, ohhh the way you wish you could take a peek under that hood.
The man's got his face buried in his hands, gripping and pulling the hood down on his face as if any inch of skin would further reveal how flustered he got.
Though you can already imagine it for yourself, his face burning brightly with his lips pressed tightly, causing all his stammering and sputtering.
Even worse, because of that, you add it to the list of various nicknames you have for him.
What you didn't expect is for him to adjust so well to it. At some point, he just sheepishly laughs and smiles whenever you use it, and of course, he's still a little shy about it,
But he starts leaning into it more, responding to it like he would any other name. Loves it like any other nickname when he just buries his face in your shoulder and cuddles you while you whisper reassurances to him.
Just be careful using it around the others, he'll implode if they find out.
What surprises you is how quickly he accepts it.
You had called out for him, and he just turned and responded with a signed "Yes?"
It kinda caught the both of you off guard.
He snickers and signs again, "Would you want me to call you something similar?"
You know where this is going, and before you can do anything, he starts calling you "hot stuff".
So now the two of you keep coming up with a bunch of corny, cheesy nicknames to sign to each other, some of which don't even make sense.
It's until that you call him it again he's like Soap in that he goes, "You know what? Yeah, I am your babygirl!"
Now he wears the name loud and proud. Almost too proudly. Pretty much the whole base knows it by now.
He got a goddamn name patch of it.
Occasionally, you'll get other 141 members commenting, "Looking for your babygirl?" or "Surprising that you don't have your babygirl with you today." with emphasis on the nickname.
So basically, what was supposed to be you teasing him was now him teasing you.
They first overheard you using it when you were conversing with some other force members, mostly talking about Hound and you. To many, it was a strangely unlikely relationship come true. He didn't think too much about it. You probably fumbled with your words.
Then he overheard it a second time. Then, a third. Then it came to a point where they just figured that it was now another term of endearment for them.
In all honesty, he's confused why you specifically like using that of all names, he simply can't see how such a cute, loving name could fit someone like him
You explain to them how it's kind of your way of showing them as yours, that they're your baby, and to you, they're one of the sweetest things to exist.
He melts at that.
So now when he hears it from you close or from afar, his head perks up, and he'll give a quick glance in your direction.
Sometimes, you use that fact just to get his attention, and he knows that, but he never minds when he gets to see you grinning so brightly.
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finsplurtz · 6 days
noises — keigo.takami
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— dom ! male.reader x sub ! Keigo Takami
— contents : sensitive wings , handjob , no actual sex though implied , lots of noises , biting hickeys wtv , overstim , breeding implied maybe..
warnings : unwanted pleasure , lots of “stop”
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✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
hawks loves to moan in your ear I’m sorry BUT ITS TRUE
you guys are gonna be cuddling, he’s laying on your chest, face nuzzled into your neck and you can like gently run your fingers across his back near his wings
“..mmh…” and he extremely slowly grinds up on you, so slow you almost don’t notice it. almost.
you touch at the base of his wings and massage them, he’s starts becoming noisy and whiny as hellll
“ahh..~! Hmnnn….” He’s panting like a dog and gripping your shirt
“you okay, love?” you ask and he’s sleepy asl he just grazes his teeth against your neck
you’re smiling to yourself like a maniac because his noises are so cute and he’s not afraid to let them out u wanna break him so bad
but you also want to be gentle and take care of him cause he’s your baby:(
you gently get him off of you and lay on your side to see him clearer.
“keigo baby… sleepy..?” He just nods and cuddles you closer hiding his face in your chest. You hold back a chuckle and continue to gently rub his back.
and the noises come back just more muffled.
“nnggh…~ mmh” you slide him up so you’re face to face with the blonde and look into his golden eyes.
you continue to massage his back and watch as he shudders at your touch, his eyes can’t stay open and his lips part slightly. He tries to hide himself but you shove your tongue into his mouth kissing him suddenly.
you dip one arm under him to continue touching his back while with the other you shove in his boxers and stroke his dick. he’s already moaning into the sloppy kiss, thrusting into your hand
“hmm…needy~” you coo going to bite into his neck.
“ah—! fffuck..!” he digs his nails into your shoulders, his wings twitch and he continues to moan and whimper into your ear.
he feels himself getting closer to coming, he tries pulling you off or getting your hand off him but you just continue to pump his throbbing cock.
“j-just like…that keep….g..going..~” he feels overwhelmed, the biting on his neck, his sensitive wings being caressed, the fast pace your hand has jerking him off.
“nnnhh.. imma..— AGH..!!” he let out a choked out moan as he came, his feathers fluffed up and he smiled going limp.
“uuughhh…ynnn…” he was catching his breath when he you started stroking again and he freaked out.
“ACK- YN STOPSTOP!! S..STOP AH~!!” his feathers sharpened and flapped going crazy, he squirmed and moaned even louder. you loved his sounds, you couldn’t stop
“your noises are so cute takami..” you say into his ear with a low voice. he’s quivering underneath you, trying to push you off. The overstimulation on his dick was driving him off the rails.
“haa-! fuckfuckfuck..~ sto..” he’s seeing stars, eyes struggling to stay open. you loved giving him unwanted pleasure, just to hear his whiny cries.
“I’ll fucking ruin you keigo..make sure you can’t walk tomorrow, those wings of yours will hurt from being touched so much..” his tongue lolled out, just the thought of it was making him weak for u.
You didn’t stop stroking him, it hurt quite a bit but the pain and pleasure mixed so well, he couldn’t get enough of it.
“yn p..please….” you slowed your pace and looked at his face, he was flushed and giving you the sluttiest fuck me eyes.
“I’ll give you my babies, pretty boy..”
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a/n; plsss i will fuck him up UGHH
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
asl trio when there s/o doesnt say ily back please? also i luv ur writingg!
a/n - why do I feel like Sabo would just start sobbing. 😭 also I’m adding shanks bec why not 💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, Sabo sobbing for 15 minutes straight
You’re supposed to say it back
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- I imagine that shanks wouldn’t really let you get away with it 👀
- “Bye baby! I’m just gonna go to the town to buy some things before we leave. Benn and Roux will help me if I need it.”
- Shanks tenderly hugged you to his chest and pressed a kiss on your forehead, “I love you, I miss you already.”
- “You’re still holding me.”
- You waved goodbye to him, starting to walk away while purposely not saying I love you back to him. You thought it’d be funny to see his reaction
- He grabbed your wrist gently, “Hm- you’re forgetting something?”
- “what?? I have my bag, weapon, and a jacket.. Im not forgetting anything!” You feigned innocence, and you could see his expression dropping down
- depression surrounded the emperor as he slouched over, almost pouting at you, very impatiently waiting for you to say it back to him (before he threw a temper tantrum)
- you laughed, god he was such a baby sometimes
- “I love you too shanks.”
- his face lit up again, and he pressed his lips to yours, holding the back of your neck softly with his rough hand
- “You were hurting my feelings for a second.”
- “It would’ve hurt more than when my arm got bitten off.” 💀
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- The amount of times Luffy says “I love you” throughout the day is sometimes amazing
- when you get up in the morning, “I love you y/n!”
- breakfast: love you!! (Gimme your food)
- randomly walking in on him taking a shit: oh hi y/n! I love youuuuu!
- yeah you get the point 😭
- and you never fail to always tell him that you love him too
- except for today, you thought it’d be funny to see how he reacted
- it was time to go to the town with Nami and Robin, and of course, luffy wanted to go with you guys
- “Luffy- just stay on the ship this time! I’ll bring you some meat back, k?”
- “Ok- fine.. Love you y/n!”
- he always gives you little kisses on both of your cheeks before you go (pls help I’m sobbing 😭💜)
- “Bye Lu :)”
- Even robin was a bit shocked, you didn’t say it back
- hell, zoro even opened his other eye and sanji lifted his bangs up to look at you
- you started walking, and Nami was concerned, did something happen between the two of you???
- “Luffy.. Did you do something bad?” Usopp asked with a wince, whispering in his ear
- Luffy looked angry, but sad, but hungry, but confused
- “Y/NNNNN! Why didn’t you say it back?!”
- You looked back with fake confusion on your face, “I said I love you!” -Luffy
- “I know!! I Heard you! Bye!”
- man sprinted over to you and shook you by the shoulders, smothering you with hugs and kisses
- You were getting dizzy, so you gave up, “Ok ok! It was a joke calm down- I love you Luffy.”
- he laughed, “Shishishi~ love you too! Please bring back a lot of meat!”
- lesson learned, you never did that again
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- ace is the perfect definition of a golden retriever boyfriend
- he needs constant love and affection, and when he doesn’t get it, he kind of melts down in a sense (I JUST REALIZED THATS KIND OF A JOKE)
- “Y/n! Be careful please k? Love you.” He said, pecking your cheek before you nodded with a smile, waving goodbye to him
- Was he going insane? You said that you loved him back right?
- “Hey pops- did y/n say they loved me back?”
- “…”
- Marco was desperately trying to tell Whitebeard to just say that you did so ace wouldn’t go into overthinking panic mode, but the poor guy didn’t seem to understand the frantic hand motions
- “Uh. No?”
- “POPS.” -Marco
- ace started to panic, what did he do today?!
- you both woke up at 2pm, cuddled for another hour, ate food together.. He fell asleep on your lap.. he was writing a letter to Luffy.
- wait. he was writing a letter to Luffy.. AND MAYBE YOU THOUGHT IT WAS TO SOMEONE ELSE?!
- he sprinted after you, tripping over every single rock in his path, pebbles and all
- he skidded in front of you, panting, “Y/n! I promise I was writing a letter to Luffy, not anyone else! I only love you ok? Please believe me- I’m sorry for not telling you!”
- you were concerned and felt bad that your little prank spiraled down into this-
- “Ace it was a little joke- I wanted to see how you reacted. I’m sorry baby- I love you so much k?”
- you ended up taking him shopping with you, and you had a 6ft tall fire golden retriever running around and grabbing things he through reminded him of you 🥺🥺
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- sabo was about to head off to report to dragon, and he was giving you a hug and soft kisses before he left
- “I love you y/n, I’ll be back soon.” He said softly, moving your hair behind your ear
- “Ok, good luck sabo, i know you’ll do great!”
- he was a bit taken aback because he could’ve sworn that you didn’t… Say that you loved him back?
- he waved goodbye with the same expression written on his face the entirety of his walk to Dragon’s office
- “Sabo? You ok?” -koala
- He just started crying, and Koala had to bring tissues to try and calm him down
- he was fanning his face, his eyes puffy and his nose punk from wiping the snot away so many times
- “I don’t know- *sniffle* what I did! Y/n didn’t say “i love you” back to me- *sniffle*”
- pls he’s sobbing rn
- “Koala have you seen Sabo-?” -dragon
- dragon had never left the room so fast (he left faster than when he left Luffy)
- man forgot about the whole meeting- he’s never seen Sabo cry like this before! What the hell did you do??
- “Sabo- im sure y/n loves you! Maybe they just forgot or didn’t hear you?”
- you ended up following the sounds of muffled sobs and had to comfort your poor boyfriend for about 20 minutes before he stopped crying
- “I’m sorry Sabo- I didn’t mean to make you feel bad! It was just a joke.. I love you so much ok?”
- *sniffle* “Now everyone saw me crying- this is embarrassing.”
- he’s now just nuzzling into your chest for comfort, and you decided to never do this prank again because god this was painful
- seeing him cry like that hurt your soul 😭
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a/n - tagging @figgydooo bec I saw your ask 💜💜
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Yandere Sabo Alphabet
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Author's Note: I've deadass been off the rig for like, half a year. I'm lowkey sorry, at some point I forgot about this blog. My creepypasta blog kind of became my main and I wasn't watching anime fr, but I got back into One Piece and Sabo has stolen my heart-
Warnings: Emotional Abuse, Mental Abuse, Manipulation, Physical Assault, Guilt Tripping, Rape Mentioned, S/A implied, Deception, Mind Games, Sadism Mentioned, Burning, Injuries, Death, Two Faced Behavior, Jealousy, Amnesia Mentioned, and Being Held Captive.
Links: {Masterlist} {Alphabet Used}
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He is very cuddly, I can say that the ASL brothers in general are very touchy people (especially Luffy.)
Since Sabo is often on missions, he doesn't get to see you as much as he'd like to, so when he does see you, he's hugging and kissing you at any chance he can get.
He also loves seeing you in his hat, it's the cutest thing to him.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
The thing is, Sabo is willing to kill for his darling, but I wouldn't say it's messy. I can definitely see Sabo killing a few people while on missions, so I'd say he's pretty clean with it.
Sabo isn't cruel, so he wouldn't kill them infront of you, but he'll definitely make you know that they're dead, and that it was by his hands.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Sabo is scary. He's charming, kind, and chivalrous to the max. He's pretty much every girls dream guy, and when you met him you probably fell for him hard.
Sabo is deranged and unhinged however, but he can hide it extremely well. Once you two started dating and you already went with him to the revolutionary army, that's when his strange behavior starts to slowly surface.
He'd never hit you on purpose, but sometimes his sadism get in the way. He never makes you aware of his true intentions, sometimes he's completely in love with you and your own little golden retriever, doing everything you say with no question, but sometimes when you two fight, he becomes a completely different person. I can see him sharing Ace's temper (despite him being the calmest and nicest brother)
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He is so manipulative its not even funny. Sabo loved playing mind games with you, he often tells you that you knew that he was like this, but you went with him anyway, so technically it's your fault your in this situation, which couldn't be further from the truth.
Sometimes he hates seeing you cry, but when you cry wuth rage in your eyes, yelling at him about how much he fucks with your head and how you can't even remember what really happened and instead you remember the false memories he told placed in your head, he can't help but chuckle.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
I don’t see Sabo being vulnerable with you at first. Most of the time he's vulnerable, it's often with Koala because he trustes that woman with his life, and they're pretty much best friends.
But I'd say the first time you saw him vulnerable was when Ace died. He had so many break downs in front of you and all you could do was try and comfort him the best way you could. Times like those really fuck with your head because Sabo is kind of holding you against your will, mentally and emotionally abusing you, and kind of an manipulative asshole, but the times he's genuinely a sweet guy who just wants to make you happy just pop into your mind and you can't help but hug him and tell him it'll be ok and that it wasn't his fault.
Sabo genuinely wants you to be happy, just his method of doing so is fucked up.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
It only adds fuel to the fire. Sabo is pretty patient for the most part and often wants your arguments to be as quick as possible. But, if you keep arguing and yelling at him, his patience runs thin, and that's when you see his Ace like temper.
You two could go at for hours, and he'll eventually just erupt into Flames (literally) and end up hurting you. He'd end up feeling terrible because Sabo never wants to hurt you (Physically of course), so he'd just stare at his arm, surrounded in Flames, before looking at your curled up position in the corner of the room, holding your arm as you cried in pain.
So yeah, try not to fight with him.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
If you escape, he's panicked. Losing Ace really fucked him up, so you leaving him is his biggest nightmare. If the world government knows about your existence, either as his S/O, or you were part of the revolutionary army before hand, or you were a pirate or something, that only makes his paranoia worse because you most likely have a bounty on your head.
He'd look for you everywhere, that man wouldn't sleep until he found you.
I feel like Sabo has developed a fear of forgetting, so he probably writes down everything that happens to him or other people in a diary of some sorts. So he'd write about each day he looked for you, doing anything he could if there was a rare chance that he would forget you.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The two of you got into a really bad fight. Like, the worst one you two had ever had.
You were sick and tired of Sabo's lies, his manipulative behavior, and just all the bullshit he pulled on you. At first he was dismissing you, telling you that you were making a big deal out of such a small issue, but you kept pressing him and telling him to stop down playing his actions.
Eventually he started arguing back and things got even more heated, and when he got too close, you punched him right in the face. When you realize what you did, you slowly started to back up as Sabo placed his hand on his face in shock. You've never hit him before, ever.
He started at you in silence before slowly making his way towards you.
"I-I’m sorry, I didn't mean to..." You say over as over again as you backed yourself into a corner, your hmeyes tearing up as he got closer.
He'd grab both you wrist in one hand, causing you to yelp in pain as you cried further. He only started at you with cold eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... please..." You mumbled, you legs almost giving out as you shoot.
He'd then grab your chin roughly, ans then kiss you. But it wasn't a rough kiss, but a gentle and genuine one. It wasn't like the ones he'd give after not seeing you for weeks on end, but it was different, it was kind. It caught you off guard, why was he so gentle?
But eventually you leaned into it, closing your eyes in the process. He eventually loosened his grip on your wrist, but you didn't feel his hand slowly make it's way to your neck.
"I'm sorry, love..."
Then, his grip tightened as you felt burning sensation on your neck. Before you could scream, Sabo smashed his lips against yours, grabbing the back of your head so you couldn't break away.
Your legs gave out in that moment, and Sabo went down with you. You were practically screaming into his lips, it hurt so fucking bad. So, he shoved his tongue in your mouth as a way to muffle your screams. His hands weren't on fire, but he heated them up so they would burn your neck.
When he pulled his lips back, a long trail of saliva connecting your lips, he quickly covered your mouth as he stared to your pained face.
"I'm sorry," He'd say, wiping the spit away before kissing your tears as you slowly passed out from the pain.
When you wake up in the morning, you don't remember a thing. But when you touch your neck and feel bandages, memories start to flood back to you as you cry into the pillow. Sabo was sent on a mission the same day you woke up, so he was long gone before you woke up. But, he felt fucking awful for what he did.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
World government taken down, his book published, and you two living happily together.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Sabo gets jealous a lot easier than he would like to admit.
When he's jealous, he gets a lot more touchy and often makes back handed remarks about said person.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
When Sabo isn't manipulating you or the two of you a arguing, he's a fucking golden retriever boyfriend. Follows you around, is at your beck and call and will do pretty much anything you want, crazy affectionate, and loves to tease you. If it wasn't for his manipulative and abusive behavior, he pretty much acts like a normal boyfriend.
This also plays a key part on why Sabo is so good at manipulating you. The way he treats you the majority of the time, this kind loving boyfriend, makes you fucking think you're crazy. Like, didn't he guilt trip you into sleeping with him last night? But hey, he gave you the best aftercare of you life, and he got you that jacket you kept looking at when the two of you went shopping. So it wasn't that bad, right?
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Sabo would pretty much go up to you and just start being his charming self. Sabo is extremelylikeable, and he'll get you to blush and laugh a few times. Eventually, he'll start sending love letter to you if you're a pirate or a normal citizen, but even if your part of the revolutionary army, he'll still send you little love letters.
He'll get you gifts and even offer to pay for your drinks if you two ever went out for a drink.
I'm telling you, if you're his darling, you fell in love with him before he started to abuse you.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
When he's upset, yes. Sabo can be pretty unhinged when fighting, but that's about it. When the two of you are just living normally, no fighting or anything, he goes back to the Sabo you fell in love with.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Sabo doesn't actively punish his darling. He actually let's you get away with escaping. But, he does get physical when you piss him off, so that's your punishment.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
You can do everything besides escaping, and telling anyone about his abusive behavior. He'd be so fucking pissed if he found out that you told someone.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient. He had to deal with Luffy and Ace growing up. Luffy's energetic, dumb behavior, and Ace's short tempered, rude behavior made him gain a lot of patience, even if he forgot them for many years.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you die, its like Ace all over again. He's blaming himself, even if it wasn't his fault.
If you leave and or, escape, he's looking for you. He's not resting until he does.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He didn't technically abduct you. If you weren't part of the revolutionary army and a civilian, you moved in with him, and when you tried to leave, that's when you realized you were pretty much a hostage.
If you're a pirate, that's when things get complex because if you're not a captain, that's something he'll have to deal with, but if you are a captain, I can't see you just leaving your crew for your boyfriend. So he'll figure something out.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
I feel like a mixture of trauma and the death of Ace.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
If you scream/cry, he'll try to comfort you the best he can. He wants to see that smile he loves so much.
If you isolate yourself after he was on a mission for weeks on end, he'll be pretty upset. He'll keep asking you what's wrong, and he won't stop bothering you until you tell him.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He's a controlling, manipulative yandere, but the amount of freedom and how you can pretty much get him to do whatever you want is kind of crazy. But he isn't stupid or blind, he'll know when you're taking advantage of him immediately, and that's when he shuts things down.
He's revolutionary afterall, he enjoys freedom, and even though he can't give you 100% freedom, or at least just yet, he'll give you the most he can, but not too much to where you'll leave him.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His overprotectiveness. He's not only overprotective you, but his friends as well, especially Luffy.
It'd be hard to manipulate this, but if you play your cards right, you might be able to get him wrapped around your finger.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes, but not purposefully.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He kind of worships you, but also kind of doesn't. It's complicated. But he's willing to go hell and back to keep you safe.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
As long as it takes. Sabo is willing to wait a long time for you to love him blindly once again, even if it takes years.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes. It wouldn't be on purpose. It could be a punishment taken too far, or just the mental abuse.
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axcel-lucci · 6 months
I've been coughing and feeling sick, I don't feel like getting up. This one is a request where female reader gets sick, has a flu, and its set in modern au. How would Law react when he hears that female reader has a flu for about two weeks, while being taken care of by Luffy, Ace, and Sabo? See female reader didn't want to disturb Law from work, so the ASL trio took care of her. Sabo is more responsible than his brothers. Plus Luffy would bring Marco to check on reader.😊🤧😷🤒
Tell me next time, dumbass.
Trafalgar Law x reader (fluff)
A/N: hi! Sorry I took a bit long because I was kinda down myself (can't get out of bed for reasons unknown) and can barely open my phone. So I hope this is alright! (Also unedited)
My masterlist
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Coming up with a fever wasn't really (y/n)'s perfect idea of winter. What she imagined was snowball fights, snowman making, snow angels. Maybe that's the reason she's sick.
She could've told her boyfriend, Trafalgar Law, that is also a doctor, about it so he could take care of her, but she didn't.
She would always listen to him rant about how hectic it is to work in hospital owned by "grandline" whatever whatever it's name was. And she didn't want to bother him by a simple fever.
But that's alright, she has his best friends to help.
The "strawhats" (what Luffy likes to call his gang of friends) would visit from time to time. Especially chopper. Robin's support dog, specialising in anxiety and depression.
Even though the golden retriever is working, he couldn't help but stay beside (y/n) whenever Robin is around to visit.
Nami would usually just lay beside her staring at the ceiling. Mostly because she herself was bored.
While the others would drop by but not as often because they're quite busy.
Luffy on the other hand, would visit with his brother's almost every day.
Ace and Sabo apparently has doctor friends as well. One is named Marco and the other is named... Hongo? Was it?
"In theory, Marco said some warm soup or porridge would help you." Ace said
"In YOUR theory or in this... Marco person's theory?" (Y/n) asked. She knew it would help but hearing Ace say such a thing concerns her
The two just stared at each other with confusion before sighing.
"You're making me hurt my brain, Ace. Get out of here" she groaned with a frown making him laugh.
"When are you planning to tell your boyfriend that you're sick? I'm sure he's worried because you're not calling him all the time like you used to." Sabi hums softly as he hands (y/n) a bowl of warm porridge as she starts to eat
"You know I don't want to worry him..." She muttered as she ate
"Eh? What do you mean?" Luffy tilts his head, "he asks about you all the time whenever he sees me."
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah! When I said Marco was also helping, he kinda got up and left. I don't know why though..." Luffy muttered to himself with a pout.
"Luffy..." The three sighed with a bit of disappointment in their face
"What? What?"
"Let me take that..." Sabo said as he took the empty bowl from (y/n), "how do you feel...?"
"I'm feeling fine... I suppose..." She muttered slightly.
"Alright..." Ace sighed, "look. You should tell him, even if you're bothering him... I'm sure if I was your boyfr- I mean him, I'd also want to know my girlfriend's state."
She laughed a bit, "I know... I'll tell him eventually..."
"We need to go... I have night shift at work today and some agendas for the next... 2 weeks..." Sabo frowned slightly
"And Garp's coming over... As well as the family reunion in London..." Ace huffed, "will you be alright alone?"
"I'll be fine, don't you worry"
Oh the last words of someone burning up, phasing in and out of consciousness.
(Y/n) reached out to grab her phone, trembling hands scroll through her contacts list, her eyes blurry but eventually clicking one profile and calling it.
Putting it on speaker, and placing it beside her head.
Once she heard the familiar sound of someone on the other end picking up, she coughed slightly.
"Can you... Come over...? I don't feel so good..." She managed to mutter before passing out entirely. All she heard last was a panicked voice of her name being called and soon hanging up.
Law's pov
I was sitting at the on-call room, basically glaring at my phone screen, waiting for (y/n) to message me.
"If you stared any harder, that phone would crack" Marco chuckled beside me.
I just groaned a little, "tsk. You wouldn't know the worry I have for my girlfriend because you never had one." I snapped at him with a glare
"Ouch" he rolled his eyes.
My eyes snapped back at my phone once I heard it ring and seeing who was calling, my whole body seemed to relax to realize it was (y/n). After almost three days of silence from her, she finally called.
"Hello?" I answered.
I heard her cough, which wasn't a good sign already, her heavy breathing as well. "Can you... Come over...? I don't feel so good..." she muttered so weakly, I don't think I've ever heard her so weak before hearing her just huff out a heavy breath, I don't know why, but I had a feeling she had passed out.
"(Y/n)...? (Y/n)!" I called but had no more answer than her breathing heavily.
I stood up immediately and grabbed my stuff, changing out of my scrubs as well as I panicked.
"Woah there loverboy, you can't just leave in the middle of your shift" Hongo sighed, "but you know what? I'll take your shift, don't worry. Take care of your girlfriend"
I just gave him a swift nod before leaving and hopping into my car, wasting no time to power it up and drive off to her apartment.
I left my things inside the car, but took my wallet, phone, and the spare keys I had of her apartment with me as I rushed to go and unlock her apartment door.
At first glance, it was relatively quiet. Which wasn't entirely unusual considering at this time of day, she's either drawing or just laying in bed.
After locking the door, I threw my things on the kitchen counter and rushed to her bedroom to see her curled on her bed, her phone beside her head, and her face flush with what seemed to be a high rising fever.
I didn't waste any time and rushed to check her temperature. She was already so hot to the touch, but she started shivering a little.
"Don't worry, I'm here. I'll take care of you" I whispered to her before getting up and doing what is necessary to make her fever go down.
Eventually, her fever had subsided just enough so that her temperature was 39°.
Which was still a bit too high as a human's normal body temperature was 37° but at least a bit lower and manageable than before
"Silly girl..." I frowned as I kissed her forehead.
I continued to take care of her for the next 2 days. Hongo-ya and Marco-ya volunteering to cover my shift.
I'll need to find a way to repay them somehow, but for now, my focus is on (y/n) and her slow recovery.
(Y/n)'s pov
(Y/n) slowly woke up to the smell of what seems to be an aromatic scent of... Soup? Porridge? Whatever it is, it smells delicious.
But oddly enough, she doesn't have an appetite.
The door to her bedroom eventually opened and closed quietly as she then saw, through her thick eyelashes that were blurred with some tears, that Law was now in her apartment.
She could see relief in his actions when he placed down whatever he was doing and sat beside her on the bed, placing a hand on her cheek and wiping away the tears that managed to escape while she slept.
"You're finally awake..." His warm voice calls softly and kissed her forehead, "why didn't you tell me you were sick? I could've been here for you..."
"I... It's just that... You're really busy and... I don't want to..." She muttered before being silenced with a soft hush.
"Enough of that, didn't I tell you already that if you need me, just call...?" He frowned a bit before shaking his head, "we can talk about it once you're better. For now, sit up. I'm helping you eat."
With his help, she was able to sit up with her back against the headboard.
"Ahh" Law said after blowing the steam off a spoonful of soup, "I need you to eat even just a few bites so that you can drink some medicine. Okay...?"
She sighed as she forced herself to eat, she can't taste anything but her gut told her it was delicious.
"Blackleg-ya insisted for me to make you this soup... I hope it's alright" he says as he fed her a couple more times before she refused any more.
"Alright... Wait here and I'll grab some medicine."
She nods weakly as he left, but came back almost immediately with a glass of water and medicine in hand.
"Here..." He says as she drank the medicine and water, "that's my girl..." He smiled softly before kissing her cheek.
"Yes, love?"
"Thank you... For taking care of me all this time..." She smiled softly at him as well.
"Nonsense... This is the bare minimum. I promise, I'll take good care of you in the future. Just call me up and I'll be here. No matter how busy I am." He placed a hand over hers, "I want to kiss you on the lips but I'm afraid I might get infected. But I will kiss you once you're all better."
"I'm looking forward to that..." She said weakly with a tender smile.
"Now, get well soon alright? I'll be here." He smiled, "oh, and one thing... You should've told me, dumbass... I don't care how busy I am or whatever time is. I'll defy all odds just to be here for you."
"That's my boy..." She smiled as he chuckled.
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leeknow-thoughts · 10 months
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𝝑𝝔 𝐤𝐞𝐲 : (𝐦) - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 [𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢] (𝐟) - 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 (𝐚) - 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 (𝐬) - 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝝑𝝔 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 : 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐨. 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲
𝝑𝝔 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ! : 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 ! 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐡𝐞 !
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၄၃ Drink up (s) (m)
piss duh, daddy!chan, smut, clit play
၄၃ Thinking about Dilf!Chris (m)(s)
smut, daughtersbff!reader, age gap duh
၄၃ Innocence kink with Daddy!Channie (m)(s)
daddy kink duh, smut, innocent reader
၄၃ giving Daddy!Chris head (headcanons) (m) (s)
daddy kink, fat cock Chris, crying kink, headcanons
၄၃ Keep Going (m) (s)
೨౿ FLITH, porn/no plot, open-ended (im sorry), daddy kink bc its CHRIS, pillow humping, masterbation, petnames, vanilla as fucking hell
၄၃ Sleep Well (m)(s)
೨౿smut duh , somno (duh), oral (reader rec), f!reader, petnames, daddy!chris (another DUH), clit play ?, free use concept, big dick!chris hehe
၄၃ headcanons of chan with an alt!significant other (f)
೨౿ fluff, gn!reader , written in bulletpoint format !
၄၃ Daddy Chris headcanons (m) (s)
೨౿oral duh, crying kink, daddy kink, written in bulletpoint format, cum eating, mentions of punishments, big dick chris hehe, shoe humping *evily smirks*, sex toys, i think that's all
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၄၃ happy anniversary ! (f)
೨౿tooth rotting fluff, petnames
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၄၃ coming soon - feel free to request !
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၄၃ Golden (Hyunlix x reader) (s) (m)
೨౿ piss fic hehe, poly!hyunlix x reader, smut
၄၃ First Time (m)(s)
೨౿ virgin! reader, dom! Hyune, sub!reader, daddy kink, petnames, smut, fem!reader, heavy petting, kinda dry humping
၄၃ SSICK (f)
೨౿ implied fem!reader, implied relationship, fluffy asl, periods, afab!reade, members of skz cameo
၄၃ he only dates pretty girls (f) (s) (m)
೨౿ smut (not many details), fluff, college!au
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၄၃ coming soon - feel free to request!
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၄၃ Golden (Hyunlix x reader) (s) (m)
೨౿ piss fic hehe, poly! hyunlix x reader, smut
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၄၃ coming soon - feel free to request!
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၄၃ Jeongin hard thoughts (M)(S)
೨౿ just some hard thoughts about i.nieee <3
၄၃ Jeongin wedding drabble (F)
೨౿ Jeongin reflects on both of your memories together as you walk down the aisle !
၄၃ Golden Hour (m)(s)
೨౿pee duh, fem!reader, fem!jeongin, cunnilingus, petnames, dom!jeongin, sub!reader
၄၃ Hold It! (m)(s)
೨౿ piss (duh), smut (mdni), meandom!jeongin, sub!reader, face slapping, degrading, humiliation, pussy slapping hehe, fingering, master kink, this is a punishment for reader, all porn no plot basically, orgasm denial, spit, i think that's it
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୨୧ KINKMAS 2023
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
What are some of your ocs favorite shows?
Thank you!!
Rae: In her time, maybe something like Alf? In the modern time, she'd probably use foreign shows to help her learn new languages, so she'd bounce around a lot.
Robin: In her time, Golden Girls. In the modern time... probably still Golden Girls, but she'd really like the use of ASL in Echo and would appreciate that
Madison: In her time... maybe the Twilight Zone? In modern times, she'd like watching survival shows like Alone or Naked and Afraid and pointing out what people are doing right versus what's really wrong
Ophelia: Mythbusters!!! She'd LOVE that show, and it probably contributed a lot to her becoming an engineer to begin with
Gia: Hm... would enjoy some lighthearted fun shows while she's working on arrangements, mainly craft or baking shows like Nailed It!, Bake-Off, Making It, etc.
Jasper: Loves watching shitty medical dramas like House MD or Grey's Anatomy, just to poke holes in all the medicine
Kestrel: Doesn't really watch TV, their only associations are of random sitcoms they put on while in hotel rooms so... I guess those?
Katherine: Doesn't watch much cable TV, but would love YouTubers like Jazza and ChloeRoseArt and SuperRaeDizzle
Quinn: Actually really enjoys trivia shows and plays along with the contestants, and would really love Taskmaster too
Eris: Hm... M*A*S*H? They'd enjoy war shows, and actually like the comedy in that one as well.
Nikoletta: Would probably enjoy some dark, macabre shows like Grimm or AHS (and would find it funny that she's walked past LaLaurie's house and the Coven house since she lives in NOLA)
Jimmy: Died before home TV was invented, but would probably enjoy (or at least love to hate) TV adaptations of his favorite books - Sherlock, Anne with an E (based on Anne of Green Gables), etc.
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imaginarianisms · 3 months
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full name :  misa amane / 弥 海砂. other names :   misa misa, backout queen, kyoto barbie, hollywood queen, the crimson whore, kira's high priestess, the second kira, goddess of the new world. age :   19-24 years old. (main). species : human (main); shinigami (postmortem). gender :   cis woman; likely some form of eldritch death xenogender postmortem. sexuality :   biromantic bisexual. origin :  kyoto, japan. (main; verse varies) current location :   tokyo, japan. (verse varies); she has homes in several places. nationality :   japanese. ethnicity :   yamato japanese. spoken languages :  japanese, english, mandarin, asl, jsl (verse dependent). family : a mother, a father who are both deceased after being brutally murdered; her feelings for them are complex, a younger sister she isn't particularly close to but she got into sex work to support after the deaths of their parents. partner(s) : a guy who was in the yakuza, particularly part of a bosozoku or motorcycle gang that she dated back in highschool; he died due to an incident with the japanese police (former); light yagami, her fiancé, her everything (main). occupation : sex worker (former), model, actress, tv personality, singer & idol. religion :  her father was catholic christian & her mother shinto; agnostic. height :   4' 11¾"″ (152cm) body type :  hourglass; petite. disabilities & neurodivergencies : she develops chronic pain & alcoholism due to heightened levels of stress later in life; she has ADHD, borderline personality disorder / bpd with antisocial tendencies & histrionic personality disorder / hpd. hair : brunette, almost black (natural), dyes her hair golden blonde & wears wigs of many different colors, her favorites being blonde, red, blue, pink & purple. eyes :   bright eyes; light golden brown, almost black; red when she obtains the shinigami eyes, wears eye contact lenses, mostly blue, green and her personal favorite, pink heart shaped eye contacts. tattoos :   a heart with light's name over her right breast; tattoos are generally frowned upon in japan as they're associated with the yakuza. piercings :   wears heart shaped & other gothic earrings. scars :   her upper arms and legs were filled with faint, light self harm scars. educational background :   was almost done highschool before dropping out after having a mental break after being sent away from school to a mental facility for her frequent lashing out at staff and alumni and then later the deaths of her parents. most things she knows now are from reading or being self-taught. social media :  likely has a secret tumblr somewhere in the abyss of the internet, definitely has a twitter, instagram & a youtube channel. (verse dependent, doesn’t check it often anyway in the later years of her life; forgets about social media due to not having an interest or simply being too tired to deal with it). smoking :   little, the smell may potentially bring back bad memories of her father. drinking :   struggles with alcoholism and substance abuse later in life to cope with her trauma, her struggling relationship with light yagami and his infidelity. drugs :   recreational marijuana & psychedelics to cope. (verse dependent).  athletics : dancer, it's practically her job, she used to do cheerleading & parkour back when she was in highschool hanging around her other female friends in order to escape trouble; misa & her friends were degenerate beauty queens. hobbies :   singing, dancing, flirting, shopping, makeup, gossiping, tarot, divination, the occult, magick & witchcraft, learning new things, vlogging, vtubing, engaging with her fanbase the rotten apples, ASMR, doing mukbangs, baking for her loved ones, motorcycling, doodling, beating a bitch's ass. favorite drink :   strawberry milk & strawberry juice. favorite food :   homecooked meals, but she loves mochi as a snack. favorite music :   pop, classical, rock & goth. clothing style :   goth & punk fashion, although less so as she grows older.
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Tagged by: stole this from @hxgure (ily vee!!<3333) as it was in my likes !! Tagging: @dethdvncer @galaxyheld @velcryons @loyalpromise @woodblxssomcrowned @sevynhells @gutsing @helbroth @unsnare @hatredcurse @inmydrcams @familiarblood @shinobinvku @historias-multorum & anyone who wants to do this, steal it & just say we& tagged ya !! :'D
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alexoreality · 2 years
SanLu (platonic or romantic) AU where Sanji IS a Vinsmoke soldier(has black hair) and messes with his brothers since he is the golden in both of Sora's and Judge's eyes.
He gets bored, the maids suggested him about getting a pen pal. He agrees, is given a list of names and where they're from. A particular name 'Monkey D. Luffy' catches his eye.
Judge didn't really care but to put up a facade, he builds an advanced cyborg parrot that will deliver Sanji's letters to the mysterious Monkey boy. It was heat proof, water proof, force proof, you name it.
He writes a simple greeting, writing how big of a deal his name was, etc.
And this guy writes with a beautiful cursive writing that just says 'Okay cool, wanna be friends? I live on Dawn Island, my gramps is a marine, My name's Luffy.'
And Sanji just keeps writing for this random kid, one letter he finds out that luffy loves food so he became a cook. He was feeling this warm feeling in his chest while his stomach felt fluttery. He asks Sora(since his something told him that asking Judge would do more harm than good) about it.
Sanji is apparently feeling happiness. Sora passes away, The happiness stays intact cuz his mind drifts to the boy he kept writing to.
After almost 2 decades of writing and sending pictures of one another, He finally wrote about how he was now working at a floating restaurant named Baratie and how he was a skillful(even if the rest don't see it) chef.
"Hey hey! Is Sanji here?"
"Oi, the chore boy is looking for you."
"What 'chore boy'-...."
In Luffy's side, the young boy doesn't know why his Gramps was now trying to teach him how to wrote but thats alright. He apparently received a letter from this 'prince Sanji of Germa 66', Gramps told him to be careful with what he says whenever a letter gets sent back and is expecting a reply.
When a letter was delivered by the robo-parrot he named 'Bond' when he was in the middle of ASL oath ceremony, Ace looked like he wanted to beat the parrot to bits when he realized what it was for.
Garp told him about this 'Germa 66' and how vile and deceiving they were. The only way for Luffy to be safe was that he kept writing back to this Vinsmoke prince apparently, and Ace is royally ✨ p i s s e d ✨ at that.
Sabo had to knock some sense into him. They had to spend the rest of the day listening to Luffy's rant about how amazing and smart his penpal was. It was torture for Sabo and Ace.
(Luffy learned proper manners from a boy that ONLY sends him letters? Luffy learned how to write for this person? Who was that boy anyway?! They were definitely better than him!) lol jealousy
Does it pass the vibe check for SanLu? Please, anyone who has seen this post. Reblog your answer 😂
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
A List of Things Mihawk has Seen His Sons Do: An Incomplete List
Luffy riling up so many humandrills his first day on Kuriagana that Mihawk actually had to barricade the castle, this is not the only time Mihawk has had to do that.
Luffy having Ace and Sanji use his arms like a slingshot to launch rocks off the shore. Mihawk has to be very mindful when returning if he gets a glimpse of rocks in the air.
Ace building a fire he's sure is going to burn down the island but doesn't. It only gets worse when he eats his devil fruit.
The first time he took them to the other island so they could get clothes and some other stock they can't grow on Kuriagana all of his kids decide to hide their haki and play hide and seek. Luffy absolutely instigated it. Mihawk grounded him for two days. The town still laughs at him to this day.
Mihawk has seen Luffy do all sorts of inhuman things thanks to his fruit but there's something so strange about his youngest child wrapping his tongue around his own head several times that will stick with him forever. Luffy was sixteen.
Sanji rattling things off in another language that none of them know to rile his brothers up only to escape from them by swimming.
Sanji making food at god only knows in the morning with a mostly asleep Luffy clinging to him and chewing on him. There is a photo of this. Neither of them remember this but Ace laughed so hard he shot milk out of his nose. That is entirely Mihawk's fault for showing the picture at breakfast, he takes responsibility for that one.
When Ace and Luffy first started helping make wine it was an event. All of them got stained with red grape juice, Luffy kept trying to eat the grapes, Ace can lift casks and that's kind of worrisome, so can Luffy. They press too fast and the juice gets all over them. Mihawk is very thankful to have a bathroom with a tub big enough for all of them because scrubbing Ace and Luffy down is a trial and Sanji is a casualty.
Sanji shows them how to steal his hat. It's awful. He hates it and he will never forgive White Beard for showing that to Sanji.
Ace has accidentally set his bed on fire a few times because of his nightmares. Normally he shares with Luffy but they all still wind up in his bed most nights, mostly because Luffy will drag Ace with him to go to Mihawk's room and sleep with him and Sanji.
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areslikestodraw · 2 months
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Xavier Dylan White
he/him + they/them
Is a human, but in necessity CAN use magic
Golden retriever boy
SIMP (literally learns a whole ass language because he likes a girl so much)
Learns ASL in book 2
so skrunkly
look at him
Has an older sister, Serenity, with a fairly cool relationship with her.
He's so down bad
Ivy paints his nails
Serenity does his eyeliner sometimes
He sounds like Herb Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom
he does NOT fall into the 'man who smells bad' archetype MY GUY SMELLS LIKE R O S E S
biggg Will Solace energy
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caterva · 4 months
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Large and peaceable, Michael is a gorilla living at a sanctuary just outside of San Francisco. When he was younger, he was involved in a program attempting to teach sign language to apes, but as he grew and funds faded, he was relocated to the Golden Ape and Monkey Sanctuary, where Robert Franklin eventually comes to volunteer.
NAME: Michael
DATE OF BIRTH: April 4th, 2001
AGE: 15+
LANGUAGES: Modified ASL, broken English
EDUCATION: Some very, very basic schooling with the family he lived with before the sanctuary, mostly picked up from the child they were homeschooling.
OCCUPATION: Is a Gorilla
RESIDENCE: Golden Ape and Monkey Sanctuary. Later, the Ape Village with Caesar
NOTABLE FAMILY: The gorillas in his enclosure at the sanctuary. Later, Caesar and the other apes.
DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: Is a gorilla.
LIKE[S]: Treats and sweets, puzzle feeders, entertaining human children.
DISLIKE[S]: Rain, open water, being teased.  
FEAR[S]: Drowning, guns, powerful hoses.
POWER[S]: Is a gorilla(very strong and surprisingly agile)
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Friendly, playful and inquisitive. As he gains intelligence; righteous, kind, generous.
TALENTS: Tool use. 
HAIR COLOR: Is a gorilla
HAIR STYLE: Is a gorilla
EYE COLOR: Amber-brown
HEIGHT: 5'7" when standing bipedal
Body language: Open, relaxed. Conscious of his size and strength.
Physical features: Looks like a typical ape except for his vitiligo, speckling his lips and some random spots on his body with stark white fur and skin
Rise: Set before through shortly after the spread of the Simian Flu in 2016.
Last: 2013 or later, set in an alternative universe to Rise as a cross over between the Apes movies and The Last of Us.
Dawn: Set in approximately 2026, during the events of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Human populations have been devastated by the Simian Flu, and pockets of humanity survive dotted across the land.
War: Set in approximately 2028, during the events of War for the Planet of the Apes. Humans and apes are openly at war, and a new mutation of the Simian Flu has emerged.
Escape: Set in assorted times; a verse in which Michael is an escaped lab gorilla, allowing threads to happen without the threat of apocalypse in a few years.
Travel: Set in any time, where Michael is a genetically modified ape that has been sent time traveling because his life is more expendable than a human's.
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dansfm · 5 months
[ jacob anderson, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! DANIEL SUTTON just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for NINE YEARS, working as an EMERGENCY NURSE PRACTITIONER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 33 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit BASHFUL and INDECISIVE, but i know them to be DEPENDABLE and COMPASSIONATE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to QUEENS! — (penny, 24, gmt, she/her, none)
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fullname:  daniel rené sutton. nickname(s): danny ( his preferred choice ), dan. age:  thirty-three. birthday: november 12th. gender / pronouns:  cis man ,  he / him. orientation:  bisexual / biromantic. place of birth: new orleans, louisiana current residence: queens, new york. languages: english, french, spanish & asl. height: 5'8. personality: loyal, empathetic, obsessive, stubborn.
( tw ; car accident, drunk driver, injury, depression & ptsd. )
born in new orleans, daniel was primarily raised by his mother ( originally from baton rouge ) and sister, as his father ( originally from queens ) travelled a lot for work.
his kind-hearted nature and seemingly tireless desire to help people made of his choice of nursing for a career unsurprising. daniel graduated at the top of his class in his bsn and started work in nola as soon as he could.
the relocation to queens around a year later was the first and really only truly impulsive decision danny ever made. he'd been thinking about moving out of louisiana whilst still studying, but figured he'd never be brave enough to do it. he'd joke the endless teasing from his sister about it was the motivator.
he settled in queens, discovering he loved it more than he could ever dream of. with the goal of becoming a nurse practitioner in mind and the solidification of his love for emergency medicine, he took the exam to become a certified emergency nurse and a handful of other certifications. maybe not a necessary step, but one he enjoyed doing -- it felt like progress.
the next step was to get his msn, something he opted to do online. ( TW ) was cycling home from a night shift one morning when he was hit by a drunk driver at a crossing. he woke a couple of days later to a shock ( and thinking that it was funny that someone who worked in emergency medicine would be surprised by his injuries ). daniel had been lucky, really. at least, that's what people said -- at the time he could only think that was an unbelievably cruel thing to say. his right leg had been amputated ; initially below the knee but complications arose and so he ended up an above knee amputee. otherwise, he was pretty much unscathed. a smattering of scars here and there the only other thing to show for his ordeal.
not unexpectedly, daniel was diagnosed with ptsd and had fallen into depression immediately following the accident and suffered during much of his recovery. he refused to even think about his life beyond, let alone work ; his msn was paused and he insisted he would never go back to it for a while. eventually and no doubt entirely thanks to the efforts of friends, family & the professionals around him daniel came round.
by no means have either of those things become a non-issue in his life ( the level of pain he's in & the prevalence of depression are inextricably linked ), but they have dissipated significantly and well, when all else fails… there’s always throwing yourself into work or looking after someone else when you don't want to deal with your own problems. ( TW END )
since the accident just over a year and a half ago, daniel has completed his msn and settled into his role as an enp and overjoyed with the achievement of his goal.
definitely the black cat to @jackfm's golden retriever. speaking of cats, daniel has an orange cat called sidney ( sid ) who is a rescue and probably his best bud.
accent is kind of mess. the nola tinge ( non-rhotic, th = d pronunciation) ) is definitely at the forefront, but it's also influenced by the accents of his family from other areas of louisiana and queens. danny is very soft-spoken, borderline mumbly ( kinda will lamontagne-esque if ur familiar with criminal minds asdfak ) but also very aware that this can make him even more difficult to understand so he def has a 'phone / work voice ' he uses to be clearer.
big good samaritan vibes. he has a particular set of skills and Will show up with an advanced medical kit ready to fix anything he can if need be. also BIG into music. plays piano & guitar ( mostly acoustic bc that's his personal preference ) and secretly has a very nice voice but he'd probably actually drop dead if someone ever mentioned that.
probably an ambivert, but also shy as hell. he's definitely got a lot less shy since starting work just out of necessity but still prefers to blend into the background at social events and with people he doesn't know. it's something he's trying to work on. has a massive heart, his friendship is not hard to win but damn near impossible to shake off ( not least bc he knows he was sometimes an A+ asshole in recovery and anyone who stuck around through that deserves at least the same energy from him. )
wanted connections
literally everything pls. best friend, good friends, a bad / good influence who encourages him to socialise & get out of his comfort zone more, ex & present day crushes / flings, neighbours, flirtationship, exes & co workers.
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angelchanisaweeb · 5 months
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Salutations, friends, travelers, and all those present.
I'd like to welcome you. My name is Angel. She/He, please.
I'm sure we'll find something here that interests you here.
I'll have a bit about me, (most of) my fandoms, and my personas/self inserts and my fandom and non-fandom ocs.
I do roleplay sometimes. Usually only with friends, but if you're fine with doing short and simple stuff I'm sure we can give it a shot! Please keep in mind that I have a life, and a busy one at that. So, I may not have the most time in the world. And if I don't like roleplaying with you and I don't find it fun I will tell you so (politely) and stop replying. Here are my rules. Also, I don't usually censor and am generally okay with darker topics, but please let me know what you have in mind before we start.
I'm just a silly little fae that loves stories and bats. Hope you have fun! Don't be scared so ask me something or start up a conversation!
Here's my Carrd
There's lots (and I mean lots lol) of info after the cut if you're interested^^
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Name: Angel Lovelace (online persona, what I've gone by for years)
Gender and Pronouns: Gender fluid [Formerly Girlflux] | She/He
Sexuality: Omnisexual (or maybe omni-sapphic)
Triggers: None really. Except for people being creepy toward me
Squicks: A specific type of body horror: where you like- get blown up from the inside like a balloon. Idk, I just don't like it.
Favorite animal(s): Cat, bat, snake, fox
Favorite color(s): Purple (2nd is blue, 3rd is black)
Favorite song: (currently) Catch a Falling Star or Cult of Dionysus
I listen to all kinds of stuff, so anything I vibe to. Pop music (from all over the world), classic rock, metal music, folk music (from all different places, not just American country music), opera, jazz, electronic, a little rap, you name it.
Fact: I know a little ASL and a little French
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw | [Harry Potter]
Camp Halfblood Cabin: 20 - Hecate | Percy Jackson
Panem District: District 8 | [Hunger Games]
Divergent Faction: Eurdite | [Divergent]
Genshin Element: Anemo | [Genshin Impact]
Nen Type: Manipulation | [Hunter x Hunter]
Bending Element: Air | [ATLA]
Ability: ??? {TBA} | [BSD]
Breathing Form: ??? {TBA} | [KNY]
Blood Demon Art: Illusions | [KNY]
Quirk/Meta Ability: Sensory Override: User can manipulate senses, and sometimes memories | [MHA/BNHA]
Night Raven College Dorm: Ignihyde (or possibly Pomefiore) | [Twisted Wonderland/TWST]
Unique Magic: ??? | [TWST]
Feel free to ask questions!
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Aaron's Absurd Armada
Alice in Wonderland
Alice in the County of Hearts
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Black Bulter
Bungou Stray Dogs (not far far in lol)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Diabolik Lovers
Ever After High
Five Night at Freddy's
Genshin Impact
Harry Potter
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Hunter x Hunter
Julie and the Phantoms
Link Click
Maze Runner
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Monster High
My Hero Academia
Obey Me!: One Master to Rule Them All
Once Upon a Time
Percy Jackson
Pirates of the Caribbean
Seven Wonders
Sk8 the Infinity
Spy Family
Star Wars
Stranger Things
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
The New Legend of the Monkey King
The Vampire Diaries
Twisted Wonderland
(I'm sure I forgot a lot of them and a lot of fandoms I'm not that far into, so I didn't list them. Stuff like Attack on Titan and Haikyuu!!!. But you ask me if I'm in any of your fandoms! And if I remember anymore, I'll update my list.)
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Name: Angel Lovelace
Blood status: Pureblood
House: Ravenclaw
Birthday: January 10th, 1979
Is American. Transferred from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts in her second year (the Golden Trio's first year)
Name: Angel Lovelace
Godly parent: Hecate
Fatal flaw: Cowardice
Name's the same unless said otherwise, k?
District: 8
Usually not a tribute. Usually the niece (or sister or smth) of a victor.
Capitol citizen. A first year at the University and one of Dr. Gall's assistants. Friends with Tigress and Hilarius Heavensbee.
Species: Demon
Age: 128 (chronologically), 14 (biologically)
Blood Demon Art: Smth to do with illusions
Was training to be a demon slayer in life, but a demon got her best friend and she kinda lost her faith in them. Never took the test.
AK or VK: VK
Parent: Red Queen (or Queen of Hearts if we're only doing og animated ones)
Sinner or Hellborn: Sinner
Death date: It changes from time to time, but it's either 1888, 1924, or 1986
How they dies: Was suffocated in sleep
Species: Imp
Job: Informant and hitman
Affiliation: IMP
Location: Harrington (I think... the town near the inn)
Job: Librarian
Very good friends with Maybell. Also friends with Mrs. Pippetwhistle, the haberdasher, and Bridgette. Has bats and cats around the library.
First - Hero
Age: 15
Class: 1-A or 1-B
Quirk: Sensory Override - Can manipulate senses and sometimes memories
Second - Villain
Age: 19-24
Affiliation: League of Villains, Shie Hassaikai, Paranormal Liberation Front, Poppyseed Circus, among others
Quirk: Sensory Override
Doesn't really commit to anyone one thing or ideology. Just drifts from place to place selling information for entertainment. (Not that kind of entertainment, chill. Think Undertaker from Black Butler, wants jokes and stories. Also likes to play pranks and stuff yk)
Year: Second year
Dorm: Ignihyde (sometimes a Pomefiore transfer)
Class: 2-E | Seat 18
Unique Magic: "Make a Wish" Basically shows the target illusions. Sometimes puts them to sleep.
Club: Film Studies
(I've only played the first game and the beginning of the second, so sorry if these are bad. That being said my personas for this are works in progress)
Age: ???
Species: Vampire (possible has demon connections)
Worked in the manor for years as a dresser (made everyone's clothes) and sometimes an advisor of sorts. Admired Cordelia for her beauty. Knew/knows lots of secrets and very fond on manipulation.
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Work in progress, but I kinda have them scattered all around lol
Looking back, they're all so cringy 😭 I d e s p e r a t e l y need to update all of them lol and the stories too because like- ugH
I also have a Toyhouse account that I never use, but I should get around to. Anyways, here's the link.
I'm crying looking back on my old stuff. Tempted to just delete lol. And I still need to find all my roleplay ocs, the ones I made spefically to rp with. And I still need to do my Twelve Cities stuff. The Twelve Cities is a story I'm working on, if you care.
WOW! That's a lot of my stuff lol. Anyways, if you made it this far, congrats! Have a cookie 🍪
Well, I hope you have a good time. Come visit me whenever!^^
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jamesxbennett · 7 months
Intro — James Bennett
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Full name: James Anthony Bennett Nickname(s): J or JJ Age: 35 Birthday: August 22, 1989 Hometown: Albany, New York
Languages spoken: English, Spanish, ASL, some Pashto, Dari, and Arabic Accent: Typical American accent
Smells like: Old Spice, coffee, a hint of peppermint from the mints he chews, a slight woody musk from his usual cologne
Family: Josephine Amelia Bennett née Walker [Mother], Joseph Anthony Bennett [Father, deceased], Amelia Marie Bennett [sister], Rey Skywalker Bennett [dog and buddy]
Relationship status: Single
More under the cut!
Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Blue Height: 6'0
Occupation: Head of the Literature Department at Blue Harbor University Neighborhood: Deer Park Time in Blue Harbor: A week or so
MBTI: ISTJ Positives: Resilient, friendly, goofy, caring Negatives: Reclusive, overbearing at times, stubborn, sometimes lives in denial, self-deprecating to a fault, doesn’t trust other easily
Defining traits: That bright smile; always whistling what seems to be a crooner tune but it’s probably Guns ‘N Roses or AC/DC; at a park, he’s most definitely the guy conversing with his dog; always has a coffee and book in hand; at a party, he’s easily spotted as the guy not drinking as he doesn’t drink at all.
Scars: Random small scars scattered on his right chest and part of his right arm from explosive shrapnel; a diagonal slash on his back on the left side about 10 inches in length from a knife.
Pets: Rey, a golden retriever named after the Star Wars character
Bio: [TW: Alcoholism, abandonment, divorce, death]
The Bennetts seemed like the picture-perfect family. James was an energetic little boy, followed five years after by Amelia, who just added joy to their already happy family. The siblings grew up loved and wanting for nothing, doted on by their parents who strove to provide and make ends meet. They weren’t necessarily poor but there were times when things got tough. But as long as they were together, they’d be fine.
That all came crashing down when the siblings were sat down by their parents one night and were told that mommy and daddy were separating. They didn’t understand it then. It took a few years before James learned what an affair was and that his mother was having one for a good two years.
Still, James thought it was fine. So what if he and Amelia split their time between their mom and dad? But then his mom moved to a different coast and his dad took up drinking. The Reed siblings suddenly had a rude awakening: they only had each other—but they resolved that that would be enough. 
Their dad fell deeper into the bottle while their mom virtually disappeared, only for them to find out she had a different family now. James knew it was on him to take care of his baby sister so he worked odd jobs starting from middle school to provide for the both of them since their dad was pretty much absent since he was always so drunk. 
James also found himself getting into more than a few fights, something that irked his teachers because he was such a gifted student. “You would excel so much more if you used your brain more than your fists,” they told him. What they didn’t understand was that he was simply standing up for his sister who was getting bullied. They would always retort that he should simply report what was happening but nothing ever came of it.
And then one day, the siblings returned from school with their house surrounded by police cars and an ambulance. Their father had died—he fell down the stairs and broke his neck. Asked for next of kin, they brought up their mother. She didn’t want them. 
Now he felt more responsible than ever before because Amelia had literally no one else to rely on—and he felt more lonely than ever before. Thankfully, someone took them in as foster kids. Realizing that there wasn’t much of a future for him or his sister unless he did something about it, he resolved that he would join the Army. He thought it was the best course of action to give Amelia a future. His sister, however, felt like she was abandoned. Unbeknownst to the elder Bennett, their relationship would suffer greatly—and it still hasn’t fully recovered.
His time in the Army taught him to trust. It was there that lifelong bonds were formed, but only one that he cherished the most. Sophia was someone who caught him off guard, and in the midst of a warzone, the two fell in love. They were looking forward to their life of normalcy back at home and had planned to live a romantic city life together before moving to the country to start a family with probably six to eight dogs and a farm.
Life, yet again, was unkind. Sophia was killed in an ambush a month shy from being discharged. 
Devastated, he pushed through, leaving his pain and trauma untreated and unchecked. He had a stint at a private security firm and flew to Egypt to provide security at an archaeological dig. It was here that he met Nilay, the one who would fill in the sibling-shaped void in his heart though he certainly wasn’t planning on it. The two became fast friends, and she would pretty much save his life a few years later. 
Having acheived a Bachelor’s while in the Army, he pursued a Master’s Degree when he got back while teaching high school. Once he got it, he became a professor, but as his career progressed, his trauma remained, and he didn’t realize that his reclusive ways had returned once again in full force. Fortunately, he had Nilay who helped walk him through it. 
He’s slowly trying to recover and deal with the trauma of his past while also moving on. Nilay suggested Blue Harbor as a place to get a fresh start, and since the University was hiring, he jumped on the opportunity. But would his new home truly be the fresh start he’s looking for and finally help him move on with his life?
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