#gomamon day 2018
mizunoryuu · 7 months
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Day 3: Unity/Favorite Dynamic
Joe and Gomamon
This is probably the weirdest answer I'll give since I would've answered Sora and Biyomon before and while I was a child. As of my rewatch of Digimon Adventure back around 2018-2019 with my husband, I honestly like Joe and Gomamon's dynamic.
I saw Joe as a bit of a comedy relief, a low-interest character as a child. Mainly, his story wasn't nearly as flashy or loud as Tai's or Matt's, as those two needed a good punch or argument to resolve their issues (though Joe was rather loud himself at times, but it was never out of selfishness, it was usually genuine fear or surprise, and usually the English dub).
I didn't really see Joe past the jokes and the responsibility that he felt he needed to carry until my rewatch of Digimon Adventure in Japanese. I really felt how serious, earnest, and honest he was in Japanese once the constant jokes were taken away. And it also really made Gomamon shine in how much he wanted Joe to be true to himself instead of living someone else's shoes. The two seemed to be complete opposites… but that's what made them work. They carried what the other needed and leveled each other out. The lax Gomamon needed a more responsible and concerned Joe, while Joe needed to a chill Gomamon to get him unwind a bit.
While my husband relates to Joe the most (of course I had to ask him which Chosen he liked), in a way, I almost wonder if I love this dynamic because this is how my husband and I are. Usually I'm the more serious one and he's the one trying to get me to chill, so I'm Joe and he's my Gomamon.
For an honorable mention… My art-ner and I had a discussion on my Twitch stream for this prompt, whether or not "best dynamic" could have been a human-human dynamic (or digimon-digimon). But I'd also say my favorite human-human relationship in this series is Joe and Mimi. I don't see their relationship as romantic, but rather a sibling-like relationship of a younger sister-older brother, much like Tai and Kari. At the end of Adventure, Mimi needed some space and Joe respectfully chose to stay with her so the group could continue while honoring Mimi's feelings. I love that Joe got to have a 'senpai' moment, to be relied on by Mimi, and I could really feel that Mimi needed a person to lean on.
Regardless, shoutout to Jyou/Joe Kido and Gomamon. May your fish keep swimming marching. XP
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
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Here's the annual Gomamon Pod update - I've bought some and sold some so it hasn't really grown much. 
Not shown: one bootleg gomamon keychain plush (he was hanging on back of the collection shelf and I sorta missed him ^^; )
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nearendoh · 6 years
Gomacasso in a gradient world~~~
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gomamonday · 6 years
There is now a Gomamon Day Twitter account! Follow along there for future gomamon day content on twitter~
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
Ummm do you have 10 Headcannons for biyomon?
Pleases and thank yous
Ah, gosh, the 10 head canons prompt was a while ago (March 2018!)!  If you wanna check them out, there are links to them all at the bottom of Taichi’s here.
I’ll try to think of as many Piyomon head canons as I can below the cut!
Also, I am (somewhat regrettably) open to PG Sexy Time Head Canon requests for the Chosen, as seen here for Eimi, also regrettably.
-So I have no idea if this counts as a head canon, but one thing about Piyomon is just how... how endlessly kind she is.  Sora tends to be snappish when she’s under a lot of stress, and because of her position as an iemoto heiress/caretaker, she is... often... stressed.  Since Piyomon is always by her side, Piyomon... gets snapped at sometimes!  And Piyomon always, always responds with even more love, since she understands what Sora is going through.
Is anyone else tearing up?  What a precious and strong baby.
-Piyomon is exceptionally warm and open about her feelings, a relief against Sora, who tends to act like she’s always doing better than she is in an attempt to take care of others.
-So we’ve established that Piyomon is Warm Loving Good Strong BB, but!  Also!  If she thinks someone is hurting Sora in any way, shape, or form, SHE ATTAC.  She can be overzealous about protecting Sora from threats of any kind- and is sometimes totally misunderstanding a situation.
-Related, Piyomon is the mom friend of the digimon.  She will chide and nag and “be careful!” “remember to x!” “AGUMON THAT IS NOT YOUR FOOD!” “GABUMON THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT TENNIS MATCH AND YOU WILL BEHAVE!” “YAMATO, YOU ARE MAKING SORA WORRY!!!!”
-Piyomon and Tailmon meeting up for the express purpose of gossiping/venting about, “I had to stop Agumon from stealing Hikari’s lunch again today!”  “How awful!  Taichi upset Sora again!”  “What did he do?!  I’ll tell him to fix it!”
-Piyomon is more interested in eating healthy than most digimon.  She loves Japanese food, but also fruits, salads, and grain salads.  She likes to assemble healthy salads for Sora while Sora is busy.  She also brings Sora lots of water.
-Piyomon loves to organize, clean, and make lists!  At first, she was just mirroring Sora, but she took to it maybe a little... too well?  Doing laundry is her favorite.
-Piyomon played a huge role in Sora’s wedding planning!  And!  WAS SO!  EXCITED!  She didn’t sit still once on Sora’s wedding day, because she was so excited and so happy and so busy helping.
-Piyomon continues to mediate between Sora and her mother as needed.  She tends to remain understanding of both sides, even when Sora is being too emotional.  Still, when Sora’s mom needs perspective, Piyomon doesn’t hesitate to say so.
-Sora makes clothing for digimon (inspired by Agumon’s wee bitty suit in the epilogue), and Piyomon is her model.
Koushiro, Tentomon, Jyou, Gomamon, Patamon, Hats the Musical, Gabumon/Agumon, Tailmon, Eimi, Taichi, Galemon
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higuchimon · 3 years
[fanfic] Dinner Preparations
Devimon made a point to study human foods.  He'd not had this particular plan in mind when he'd done so, but he knew that learning of any kind could be very useful, and if humans were to be a threat to him, best to find a way to counter them.  He'd learned how soft and easily breakable humans were, and he quite looked forward to wiping out these so-called Chosen when the time came.
For now, though, he wove his illusion tightly.  All the food spread out on the table would appear to be of the finest quality, and when the children ate it, they ate in reality nothing but ashes and air.  This would ensure that their Digimon wouldn't be strong enough to evolve and he could easily dispose of them.
There was a movement he caught out of the corner of one eye.  It dawned on him a breath later who it was, and he at once bowed down before Piemon, mightiest of the Dark Masters, a Digimon o great age and power, who could have wiped him out without a moment's hesitation.  Piemon chuckled softly. 
What is he doing here?  Piemon never came to File Island.  That was one of the reasons Devimon had taken up residence here.  That, and someone had needed to keep an eye on those eggs as they hatched and grew, before they became a real threat.  If he hadn't, someone like Etemon might have done so.  Etemon might be a Perfect level, but Devimon remained unconvinced of his power.
"So you've lured the Chosen here?"  Piemon wafted his way around the chamber, examining it all with a careful eye.  Devimon nodded.
"They haven't arrived yet but soon,"  he assured the Ultimate Digimon.  Piemon picked up one of the cups - how he did that when it was an illusion and he knew it was an illusion, Devimon didn't know and wasn't going to ask - and examined it.
Then he set it down and rested his white-gloved hands over the cup for a few seconds.  Devimon could feel the effect of Piemon's magic on his own right away.  The cup wasn't an illusion anymore, nor was the tea within it.
"Piemon-sama?"  Devimon asked cautiously, as Piemon drifted around the room and did the same thing to each and every cup there.  They were drugged; he could feel the drug in there.  But what it might do, he wasn't sure.
"I will have these children.  When they sleep, I will take them."  Piemon offered him a very calm, cold smile.  "Though if you please me enough, I might award you guardianship of Akuenmon."
Devimon jerked; that was a name he'd not thought to hear!  "She's here?"
"She is one of them."  Piemon continued to exchange false goblets for true, each one filled with a heavily drugged drink that would send the children to sleep for hours.  "The one partnered to Piyomon."
Devimon had known for years that he'd sired a child upon a human woman.  He'd not thought that the child would come here to the Digital World or be one of those Chosen to fight against him.  He considered as quickly as he could before turning his attention back to Piemon.
"Who else?"  He wasn't the only one who'd sired a child.  If his offspring were one of them, then surely some of the others were as well.
"The ones partnered to Gabumon and Gomamon.  The one who is partnered to Tentomon is Leomon's spawn."  Piemon's smile glinted in the pale light of the room around them.  "Gomamon's partner is Vamdemon's offspring.  Gabumon's -"  Piemon's smile widened.  "He's mine."
Piemon had an offspring.  Devimon stopped himself from shuddering.  The clown was insufferable enough as it was.  But this would make it even worse.
"There are others, who haven't come as of yet.  I will acquire them when the opportunity arises."  Piemon once more wandered along the table, brushing his fingers over the plates this time.  Devimon became aware that one certain dish would now be real food - the mushrooms. 
Piemon's plans were starting to become clearer.  Not every detail; Devimon didn't think he'd be able to figure out everything.  The clown plotted so many steps ahead that sometimes Devimon wondered if Piemon himself knew what his own endgame was.  But what he could see was plain itself - the drugged drink to make the children easy to move along, and the Mushrooms of Forgetfulness to clear their mind and make them malleable to his desires.
It wasn't what he'd had in mind - he'd expected merely to finish them off - but he wasn't going to deny Piemon what he wanted.  Especially not when Akuenmon could be brought under his wing as well.
"Father!"  A trilling voice wafted in from another room and Devimon held himself back from groaning.  He'd specifically told her not to show up.  So what was she doing here?
From a completely different direction there dropped in a figure just little shorter than he was.  Her skin was chalk white - much like Piemon's mask but not being a mask - and her eyes a rich scarlet red to match her lips.  Star-like markings were sprinkled all over her body, which had given rise to her name.
"Hoshimon,"  Devimon sighed.  "What do you want?"  If she had to show up, then why was it now, when Piemon was here and making his own plans?  She couldn't have waited until later?
"I heard Piemon-sama was here,"  Hoshimon chirped, scarlet eyes glittering before she spied the Ultimate and spun over towards him, not touching the ground for a moment.  "Piemon-sama!  I've been looking forward to seeing you!"
Piemon regarded her thoughtfully.  "Hoshimon.  I've heard of you."
Devimon took a step forward.  "This is my daughter."  The last thing that he wanted was for Hoshimon to do something that would end up with them both rendered down to their component data.  "She doesn't require the kind of training that Akuenmon would - and she's been spending her time with Black Rosemon."
That achieved a smirk from Piemon.  "As I said.  That's who I've heard of her from."  He regarded Hoshimon. "I hear that you and Black Rosemon's consort Enshoumon had a - interaction last week?"
The smile died on Hoshimon's face right away as she raised one hand to the back of her neck, muttering a few words that Devimon was quite certain he'd never taught her.  Though he did consider acquiring a few of those for his own vocabulary one day.  Piemon raised his head.
"Those Chosen are approaching.  Go. Hide yourselves, and I will take them when the time is right.  Akuenmon will be returned once she's in a more - biddable condition."
Devimon bowed his head.  "Of course."  He beckoned Hoshimon out of the room.  She floated on, not bothering to remain right side up, and grumbled all the way.
"I would've won if I'd gotten her from behind,"  she muttered.  "She doesn't fight fair!"
Devimon snorted softly. "Did you really think that she would?"  Everyone knew about Enshoumon.  She didn't start battles but she always ended them.  She would never do anything that angered Black Rosemon but if Black Rosemon didn't care, she would happily reformat anyone who got in her path. 
Hoshimon muttered a few more words before she looked at Devimon.  "What does he want here, anyway?"
"He's found Akuenmon, and others who carry Digimon data crossed with human blood,"  Devimon said, moving to where he had a view of the approaching Chosen.  Just as he'd planned, all of them looked exhausted and hungry.  They'd accept whatever was set in front of them without argument or resistance.
He stretched his thoughts out to where Leomon waited, ordering him to stay where he was for right now.  He'd move his pawn later.  For now, he needed to keep Hoshimon under control, so she didn't -
"Akuenmon?"  Hoshimon's eyes glinted brightly and she whirled towards the door, darting forward.  Devimon grabbed her before she could get out there; she moved very fast when the mood took her, so he was surprised he managed to catch her.  "Let go of me!  That's Akuenmon!"  Her claws dug into him but he ignored the pain that shot up his arms.  Hers were so much longer and sharper than his and she enjoyed using them.
"I know.  Restrain yourself.  Piemon-sama's plan will deliver her into our hands." 
If he'd known Akuenmon was there, he would have made certain to set her aside himself.  As for the others - it might have been interesting to use them as some sort of bargaining chip.  Though if his luck were as bad as Ogremon's - and no one's could be that bad - then Piemon or Vamdemon would reformat him with a flick of a finger.
But Hoshimon wasn't giving up.  She thrashed harder and harder, claws digging into him.  "How dare she come back here!  She's not getting anything of mine!  I won't allow it!"
Again Devimon kept a tight grip on her.  "You're not going to do anything that I don't allow, Hoshimon." 
She snapped her head around to glare at him, words escaping her lips fit to turn the air blue around her.  He waited until she'd finished her diatribe before he said anything else.
"She'll need to have her true self awakened, and then her power trained.  You will be a qualified teacher." 
It wasn't entirely wrong.  When Hoshimon could be bothered to focus, she was extraordinarily powerful or her level of Adult.  Akuenmon's power could be even stronger – legend held that those who crossed human and Digimon were more powerful than their Digimon parent, though they held the same level of that parent. 
I wonder if she can evolve?  It might be possible that Hoshimon could.  The situation had never yet been brought up.  But it might be worth involving at some point in the future.  It could help keep Akuenmon in line. He wasn't going to rule something like that out.  Not as of yet.
Finally Hoshimon began to relax, though she kept on glaring at him, tiny blue and green sparks flickering at her fingertips.  She hadn't let her rage go - she never did.  It always burned as white-hot as the stars whose name she carried.
"You expect me to teach her?"  Hoshimon eyed him suspiciously. Devimon nodded.
"I won't be able to do everything.  You will be vital to this."  He didn't entirely believe that but at least trying would satisfying Hoshimon's bloodlust for the time being.  Once she lost interest, he could take up Akuenmon's training himself.  It shouldn't take long.  Hoshimon wasn't known for keeping interest in anything for more than a few hours. 
She wriggled her way out of his grip and this time he allowed it.  Hoshimon was the product of a sordid and tawdry union between himself and one of his Bakemon servants, granting her much more malleability in whatever form she took.  That was why she and Enshoumon didn't get along - Enshoumon was a far more practiced shapeshifter, able to assume any form she desired effortlessly. 
"When do I get to have fun?"  Hoshimon demanded.  Devimon shrugged.
"Whenever Piemon-sama allows it."  Who knew how long it might be before his other daughter was deposited back on their doorstep?  But he'd best make other preparations for that as well. 
It would make matters much easier if his Gears could affect his offspring. He'd learned that they didn't when it came to Hoshimon - she'd merely grabbed onto it, examined it, pronounced it a dull toy, and tossed it away.  He wondered what Akuenmon might do to it.  Perhaps he'd find out at a later date.
For now, he had enough to deal with keeping Hoshimon from shredding Akuenmon and anyone else who couldn't stop her before she did the same to them, and planning for Akuenmon's future - and his own.  It would be fascinating to see what he could do to overthrow Vamdemon and Piemon - if anything at all.
Even if he couldn't do that, then he'd be more than capable of continuing his rule over File Island, with Leomon either his eternal slave or reformatted, and Akuenmon and Hoshimon as his right and left hands.  Then he could set his sights on the Village of Beginnings - he knew that Piemon had some sort of plans for it, but he wasn't sure of what.
The future looked far better than it had not all that long ago, and he savored what was to come next.
The End
Notes: So, are the Chosen going to get drugged and memory wiped? Piemon’s certainly trying! Perhaps one day I will tell what happens next.
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ao3feed-fma · 6 years
Let's Do The Time Warp Again
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SoiysT
by Kiki_The_Ink
Odd glitching into the wrong world sets off a domino effect as more and more people get wrapped up and pulled into an insane situation where no one knows where they are or what will happen next, and if there is even a purpose for what they are doing anymore.
 (You don't have to be apart of all fandoms to read this - in fact the less the better!)
Words: 1304, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Code Lyoko, Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Digimon - All Media Types, Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02, Miraculous Ladybug, Rat Queens, Demonata Series - Darren Shan, X-Men - All Media Types, Red Dead Redemption (Video Games), American Horror Story, American Horror Story: Coven, The Wardstone Chronicles - Joseph Delaney, Skulduggery Pleasant - Derek Landy, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), The Umbrella Academy (TV), 光神話 | Kid Icarus (Video Games)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Odd Della Robbia, Alya Césaire, Kido Jou | Joe Kido, Charles Smith (Red Dead Redemption), Javier Escuella, Cornelious "Kernel" Fleck, Kernel Fleck, Misty Day, Grimalkin, Grimalkin (The Wardstone Chronicles), Tanith Low, Kurt Wagner, Dee (Rat Queens), Mei Chan | May Chang, Klaus Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Miles Morales, Pit (Kid Icarus), Palutena (Kid Icarus), Renamon, Gomamon (Adventure)
Relationships: Odd Della Robbia/Alya Césaire, Klaus Hargreeves/Javier Escuella, Charles Smith/Kido Jou | Joe Kido, Grimalkin/Tanith Low, Kurt Wagner/Dee (Rat Queens), Cornelious "Kernel" Fleck/Misty Day, Miles Morales/Mei Chan | May Chang/Ben Hargreeves, Klaus Hargeeves/Dave - past, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe - past, Ghastly Bespoke/Tanith Low - past
Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Polyamory, Slow Burn, Character Death, ressurection, Angst, Survival, Vampires, Magic, Multiple uses of magic, Alchemy, Chimeras, Mutant Powers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SoiysT
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
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[[ I cooked up a gomamon-themed pizza for gomamon day! :D I guess I'll break down what ingredients went into this; dough & meat sauce aside, I used some cheddar cheese (mane), green olives (eyes), shrimp (sorry I didn't have any fish handy XD), mozzarella (fur) and blue potato chips (spots). It's actually pretty good tbh ]]
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
Unfortunately I was not able to complete a Gomamon-themed Zine for Gomamon Day, as the poll results showed many people mainly wanted art (and I'm just not that great of an artist). I'll do my best to compile something to release in the future! Sorry to disappoint ^^;
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gomamonday · 7 years
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Time for a special post because it's already December! :D Gomamon Day is happening in just NINE days! :3 
(featuring my super cute Seal Rescue Ireland calendar; they have 2018 ones available on their website!)
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gomamonday · 6 years
Gomamon Day 2018 Mini-Zine/Fanbook Suggestions Box! For everyone interested in the zine, please submit your input/suggestions here~
Reblogs appreciated too, thanks!
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gomamonday · 6 years
Gomamon Day 2018 Poll FINAL ROUND!
Please hop on over to twitter and cast your votes!
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[[ To clarify: The pin would either be a pin badge pin, or enamel pin (would open a second poll for that if it wins), the zine would basically be a gomamon-themed thing that I’d probably only release digitally with my own content (I’m too broke to pay for art + publishing rights…) ]]
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