#gon freecs headcanons
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Meme table I made 😂
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byah-freecs · 1 year
For some reason, in my mind adult/adolescent Gon is extremely good at interacting with women, so he could easily interact with and conquer a woman/girl whenever he wanted.
Already the adult/adolescent Killua, although he is not bad with woman/girl, because he is more shy, he would approach them more subtly than Gon
I honestly don't know why I have these "hcs", but it's the first thing that crosses my mind about this subject and they
as always, sorry for the bad english
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brokenquillpen · 1 year
Sometimes I remember that in canon Gon (unfortunately) knows more about flirting than Illumi; so he would probably catch that Hisoka is flirting with Illumi before Illumi himself!
Tbh he would probably tell him bc even though he doesn't like them, he likes love and thinks love solve everything!😌🤷🏻
((Also maybe Hisoka would go away if he is busy with Illumi and same for Illu with Killua👀))
Gon would ship hisoillu 100% 😏
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thedancefloorsilly · 2 years
could i req the main four x reader where the reader is taller than them ? i like the idea of a taller s/o especially with someone like kurapika or leorio svsvvsvs
gon, killua, + leorio w/ a taller s/o *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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UH DUH ANON I LOVE THESE REQS <333 I did something similar for kurapika here btw! since gon and Killua are short in my mind im imagining a s/o that like a few inches taller btw! and omg leorio and his tall s/o would look so hot 2gether also....
fluff, gn! reader, no warnings needed! 
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- AGHH even if the height difference is by a few inches or a lot, gon just LOVESS your height!! Like to him there are just so many benefits that he realized once you both started dating.
- like for example... cuddling!!! gon is a very affectionate person with you, so cuddling is a must in your relationship. something he loves the most is that you’re often the big spoon. having your arms tightly wrapped around him could make him just melt into your chest! he always feels so warm and loved and if he had the choice to cuddle away with you forever he would take it!!
- not only that but forehead kisses is something gon LOVESS. you guys could just be looking into each others eyes, and the minute you smile and then plant a kiss onto his forehead, this guy just can’t stop smiling!!!
- also piggy back rides. gon is sometimes guilty of asking for them.... okay- he doesn’t do it often, but you have given one before and it was so fun. since he has done it before, the minute he gives you this certain face, you just know what gon is trying to ask. “ugh fineee,” you’ll groan before he climbs on. and look at that, you just made this little guy a happy little guy. 
- OK now height jokes between you and Killua seem almost inevitable. stuff like “how’s the whether up/down there,” is probably one of the most common jokes between you guys (how original LOL).
- if Killua is really nagging on with the jokes all you have to do is rest your arm onto his shoulder and head and he’ll immediately back off with them (with a sour face too)! But don’t worry, these jokes are all in good fun so you know you guys don’t mean anything. 
- also, if you guys are just playing around, you can just put his chocorobots in a place where he can’t reach (of course he’ll always be able to get them down, but in the moment it’s just funny.
- as much as you guys joke around though, killua could honestly care less about the height difference (since there’s honestly no reason to). he likes to look up at you to stare into your eyes, he likes being enveloped by you during your long hugs, (deep down) he likes when he has to use his tippy toes or you have to bend down just to give each other a kiss. 
- at the end of the day he loves you, and because your height is apart of you, he loves that just as much, too.
- i think leorio’s very first reaction of you was just in awe, mainly because he hardly ever see’s people who are taller than him. when someone is at the whopping height of 6′3, it sometimes comes like a shock to see a person that packs a few inches on him. lets just say leorio is completely enamored by you though.
- first things first you’re HOT! and leorio makes that apparently known by how affectionate he is. from the constant hugs and kisses to the pet names, he’s smitten when he’s around you (the others even notice that as well). also, LEGS!! leorio just... likes looking at them (and if you’re sitting down there’s always going to be a hand that rests on your thigh).
- speaking of giving hugs and kisses, leorio just often gives you hugs from the back. you could just be standing around and suddenly you have a 6′3 koala bear latched on behind you! this is then followed by a myriad of neck kisses pressed onto your nape.
- leorio figured this out when you guys started dating, but how he didn't realize he just LOVESS being held. whether its being the small spoon from cuddling or just you giving him a random hug, the way he instantly collapses into your arms shows just how much leorio enjoys it. there’s just something about you that makes him feel so safe and secure, and after-all, he has been faced with trauma throughout his life, and just being around you just makes him feel so in the moment that he forgets all these things <3
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hxhhasmysoul · 6 months
Imagine killua kurapika leorio and gon reaction to a man or woman single handley killing the entire mafia police force and phantom troupe all by themselves with ease
Well Kurapika would be pissed because the spiders were their kill. They'd mope and get sick for a few days and reevaluate their life, like they did after the York New arc.
Gon would be very affected by the scale of the carnage and the injustice of it all. He'd probably yell at that person, like he yelled at the Troupe and at Pitou.
Leorio would be right there with him. That man came after Hisoka for that very reason, so they would go together.
At that point Killua would go too, he wouldn't shrug it off like during the Hunter's exam. He'd have a hope to grab those two idiots and run away with them but he'd be ready to die out there with them.
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samnia · 2 years
Hunter x hunter Halloween imagines
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brother how about we go to that house next? !" Alluka jumped in excitement "yeah, sure" killua nodded joyful to see his little sister happy, Killua walked casully holding his custome chocolate robot candybag alluka and him crafted for fun.
, while alluka skipped holding her blue striped bag with many neon colors on it likewise stickers were a must for her, And little doodles of her and Killua companied with nanika holding hands. The drawing unsettled kids passing but they just thought it was an OC nothin more.
Both figures walked on the sidewalk until they reached the house alluka setted eyes on. Decorated with cobwebs and tarantulas along with ghost floatups . it was dead at night so the laterns in the dark grass showed the the shadows of them with the full moon,
Killua smirked entering the dusty house that had centuries old antique objects , that'd sell for Billions in markets today. but the reason behind the smirk is an image in his head full of a room with chocolate robots stuffing his mouth full
"killua , what are we doing again?" Gon impiled, confused "Hunting for paranormal if it isn't obviously" Oh yeah, gon And killua are ghost haunting areas that city locals are afraid to go in, They prepped a nen infused Spirit / Ghost detecter . now alls left is to explore! "Hey what's that sound phinks?" Shalnark questioned in another room "I don't know, wanna find out?" Phinks snapped but not necessarily "boss. said. scavenge. room. Not. look.for.fights." feitan protests
"AHHH!" Leorio yelped trying to gain balance "told you the old man can't be cool or do simple things .." killua lectured, gon didn't pay attention, focusing hopping the train carts and going left to avoid getting hit by one. ".. are you sure we should be trying Subway Surfers in real life?" Kurapika wondered knowing the right answer though, while staying sat on an train "watch out kurapika!" - gon
----- (NOT AN SHIP!!)
"ah! Which one should i pick alluka?" Bisky asked her temporay assistant, "woo! That one is really pretty!" Alluka said pointing the the emerald green brooch "which one should i pick?" Alluka said wanting an answer "that one would look absolutely adorabes on you!" She said pointing to the brooch with an RoseQuartz edging and an locket? Seems that it should be a picture placed there "oh, lady bisky how about we take a picture and put it inside of here?" Alluka invited her too "of course!"
"oh so we're shoplifting?" Shizuku said finally getting the picture "yeah!, Whoever shoplifts the most candy gets an ancient artifact we've found!" Shalnark declared war in the dimly lit building "so what happens to the candy shalnark?" Pakuounda asked "we're donating it to kids in Metor City ONLY" shalnark made it clear. an loud thud was heard as they saw uvogin stand hyped from the description of
the game. "Hell yeah! I've been waiting for some fun like this!" Only for chrollo to close his book mannerly and tell the bandits something "this sounds interesting. ill be joining" the troupe hid there shock faces seeing the head of the spider joining the fun "will you mind if i tag in?" Kalluto dibbed in, with a smirk hidding behind his fan . "hmm~" everybody's eyes shot a glare soon as hisoka dared to say. "Well the encore has been delayed already, ill join♣️"
Your still here? THANK YOUUU !!
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illubean · 5 months
can you write for the main four with a reader that really does not care? like they could go days without eating or sleeping without really noticing and when they get into battle they arent like nervous or anything but they end up beating tf out of there enemy (i hope this makes sense) have a good week 😯
HXH with Nonchalant!reader
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Characters: Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paladaknight Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
eehhh these are kinda short sry ;-;
Warnings: violence
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Gon Freecs
he thinks you're really cool but at the same time he worries about you
how do you forget to eat!? Gon can't even function if he were to skip just one meal!
so after learning about your forgetful habits he make's sure to remind you
his bag is always packed with essentials but now he packs extra snacks for situations just like this
after seeing you in battle he actually starts to admire you more
"Wow that was so cool! Do you think you can teach me?"
you become sort of a role model for him <3
Killua Zoldyck
you have to be a long lost sibling of his or something
he pretends he doesn't care that you don't care but you actually stress him out
he never knows what you're thinking and it reminds him of Illumi
and watching you go into battle unbothered then win effortlessly?
you GOTTA be a Zoldyck
he admires your strength but he does so from afar
he doesn't really know how to interact with you
he's just glad you're on his side..
Kurapika Kurta
I think you being so unbothered bothers HIM
like how can you not care about ANYTHING?
genuinely thinks you might be a sociopath at this point
he's concerned about your health
since you forget to eat/sleep sometimes he makes an effort to remind you to do those things
he doesn't like how recklessly you are when getting into fights, it doesn't matter if you win or not
he's a worry wart
"You need to be more careful." "What's the big deal, I won didn't I" "Well yeah but that's not the point!"
Leorio Paladaknight
out of the 4 he gets the most crazy
from now on he is personally making sure that you eat, sleep and drink water
he WILL sit there and watch you do it too
if Kurapika is a worry wart Leorio is a worry BOIL
he is literally ripping his hair out at you not taking care of yourself
"Are you seriously going to fight this dude? He's like 6'3 and 400 lbs of pure muscle!" "Ok, and?" "HAHH!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN OK AND!?!?!!??!"
but after you win so flawlessly his jaw is on the FLOOR
maybe he should start betting on you...
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rosazoldyckk · 1 year
-Yandere! Killua Zoldyck X Reader Headcanons-
⚠️warning⚠️ mentions of obsessive/yandere tendencies, kidnapping, stalking and assassination.
Fandom: Hunter X Hunter. Character(s): Killua Zoldyck, Silva Zoldyck, Kikyo Zoldyck, Gon freecs.
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Killua's love for you is intense. This new and rather unique feeling confuses him, and as much as he doesn't want to, he asks his mother and father about it.
Well, safe to say that Kikyo is absolutely FURIOUS that Killua is even thinking about something so foolish. She dedicated her whole being to raising her sons so that they could be the best assassins the zoldyck's could raise, and the heir to the family is thinking about love?? OUTRAGEOUS!!
Silva however, Is much more relaxed than his wife is and even encourages Killua to explore deeper into how he feels about you. To Killua, his father just wants him to be happy and free however in reality Silva wants a secured future for the Zoldyck family. So long as his son remains 'obedient' then all is well. (And maybe Silva can use you as a way to blackmail Killua if he ever becomes a hassle for the family)
Anyways. Now that Silva is on board, Killua is free to do whatever he wants with you!
No doubt that Killua politely asked Milluki to retrieve some information about you. (And by politely asked I mean threatened to destroy Milluki's dolls) And after Milluki being the ‘wonderful’ big brother that he is, Killua now knows all of your family's dark secrets that even you don't know.
Gon is the first to know about Killua's crush on you and in short he's super happy for his best friend! Gon is also just as encouraging as Silva is, even trying to spend some more time with Leorio and Kurapika so that you and you and Killua can have some 'alone time' (Gon doesn't know how crazy Killua is for you.)
Spontaneously walked up behind you one day in York new city and cut off some of your hair. Everyone around to witness it, including you, thought that he was some sort of psychopathic stalker when he was actually trying to be sweet. Even after all this time he still has it in a small ziplock bag underneath his pillow.
He really likes sleeping in the same room as you. Even when you don't know that he's there. You look so impossibly adorable, what with your tranquil expression and your gorgeous body. Killua couldn't help but wonder how it might feel to have you so at peace in his arms, with your steady and gentle breaths pushing against him. He wondered how it might feel to have your hands so securely wrapped in his own, with the softness of your skin soothing his.
Goes without saying that he'd 100% kill for you or torture someone in your name. What else could he do to prove his love? Must he rip out his heart and lay it on a bed of roses for you to acknowledge his undying emotions for you? If he needed help, than surely Gon, Kurapika and Leorio wouldn't hesitate.
Let's face it. Killua wasn't asking you out. He was telling you, you're now dating. He’s got a forceful side to him when it comes to starting the relationship.
If you didn't want to date him, that's just too damn bad because how are you in a position to refuse him when he’s the heir to the worlds strongest assassin family?
"We're not a couple, Killua! Stay away from me!" You screamed. Killua giggled as he looks up at you, a wicked smirk plastered on his face. "Yes... We are, Y/N. I've chosen you." He steps closer, making you gulp. "You're mine now~"
Killua wears the pants in your relationship. Well, he made the pants. He's the dominant one out of you two and he won't have it another way.
He's not delusional, just a boy who’s in love.
Killua may be a little immature, but boy is he smart. Growing up the way he did really gifted him with the art of manipulation and gaslighting to get his way.
Sometimes, he likes to make you feel foolish and pathetic. As a powerplay move.
He informs everyone including his family that both of you are dating. Even if it is not technically true. If Killua says your his. Then sorry, but there’s not much that anyone can do to help you.
Killua also forces his affection on you. (If you can even call it that). His favorite form of physical affection is hand-holding.
His favorite kisses to give are kisses on your knuckles. It's a gentleman's habit he learned here and there.
Call Killua a gentleman, and he’ll hold the title with pride
He'd give you the most bizarre but most expensive gifts (mostly from rich and fancy people that he’s had to assassinate). A whole bar of gold, a diamond necklace, rare animals, flower stems, the fingers of the people he’s had to kill, etc.
Killua isn’t overly expressive when it comes to telling you how much he loves you, Y’know since he didn’t really grow up hearing the words ‘I love you’ on a regular basis. So I think the farthest he expresses his love to you is through his drawings, and the occasional makeout session.
Killua would come to your home in the middle of the night with his skateboard and wake you up just so that he can tell you about the assassin life and how difficult it is. (As much as it’s fun to talk to you, Killua’s purely telling you so that you think twice about ever leaving him)
Now let's talk kidnapping...
If you got to a point where you couldn't take Killua forcing himself on you anymore and trying to flee, he would surely track you down in a short amount of time and then have you tied up tightly somewhere.
It saddens Killua deeply, to think that his love for you simply wasn’t enough to satisfy you, but he makes a silent oath to himself that he will try and be better, the second that he finds somewhere that will make sure that you never leave his side ever again.
His next step would be to inform his parents that a "guest" will be living with them for a while. And as skeptical the family is (an no matter how enraged Kikyo is upon hearing your arrival) they welcome you into their home. (On Killua’s demand) They don't even blink twice at the ropes wrapped around you or the collar tightened around your neck.
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ssailormoonn · 8 months
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Kurapika | Kurapika Kurta
NSFW Alphabet I'll Miss you (nsfw) pt.1 Mafia!Kurapika Headcanons (Nsfw) His first (nsfw) Lap Dance (semi nsfw) - coming soon So oblivious (semi nsfw) - coming soon
his hands 😍😫
Leorio | Leorio Paradinight
Currently nothing
Killua | Killua Zoldyck
Currently nothing
Gon | Gon Freecs
Currently nothing
Illumi | Illumi Zoldyck
Succumbus (nsfw) - coming soon
Silva | Silva Zolcyck
Currently nothing
Chrollo | Chrollo Lucilfer
Currently nothing
Feitan | Feitan Portor
Currently nothing
Kite | Kite
Currently nothing
Full story's - will have 10+ chapters/parts
Crimson - Phantom Troupe x Fem!Reader
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yoyomomiko · 1 month
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This is my first post, and i'd like to do a quick introduction before i tell you guys what you want to request!!
You guys can call me Miko (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
English is not my first language so i'm sorry if i mix words up...
My favourite color is PINK!!🩷
My favourite animals are bears idk why they're just so pretty😍
I'm weird sorry :(
I'm comfortable with ALMOST every request!!
- I only write reader inserts, and only FEM reader, so i'm sorry :((
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Fandoms i'll write for:
• Ramshackle
• Demon Slayer
• Hunter x Hunter
• South Park
• Komi can't communicate
Characters i'll write for:
- Ramshackle; Stone, Skipp, Vinnie
- Demon Slayer; Giyuu Tomioka, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Mitsuri Kanroji, Muichiro Tokito, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira
- Hunter x Hunter; Feitan Portor, Kurapika Kurta, Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck
- South Park; Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Clyde Donovan, Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens
- Komi can't communicate; Shousuke Komi
What i WILL and WILL NOT write:
• I will write SMUT, however, i will age up the characters that are underage!
• I will write 'not-so-heavy-smut' for now, but later on i will write it better and make it more vulgar!!
• I will write headcanons AND scenarios!
• FEM!reader only!
• I will not write anything that includes SH/SA or anything angsty because unfortunately i'm not comfortable, sorry :(
• I will not write smut that involves disgusting things (aka burp vomit etc.)
- That's all for now, although i might make some changes later...
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peachiipark · 2 years
Hi 😊 could you maybe create some main four headcanons of what type of person they would be in a group chat? I think that'd be funny of how much chaos they would get into together 😂
super duper late, im sorry!! this is such a great idea tho like id sell my SOUL to be a bug on the wall reading this conversation
talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it-
my bad guys..
i like to imagine that he doesn't know how to text- like he KNOWS how to do it but his conversation game is absolutely suck-ish.
the manga states that he doesn't know much about pop culture so i like to think that he takes some phrases VERY literally.
"Do you have somewhere to be?"
perfect grammar most of the time with the exception of not adding a period on occasion
slow typer. types with one finger.
never initiates conversations, he has to actually find one there if you want to see him
will never use emojis.
if im being honest.. bro would just like your message.. im making him look better than he actually is .. he'd just read it
although hxh is in a modern setting, ill be using a domestic (?) au so his entire clan isn't kurta puffs
very bad cocoa puffs joke. im sorry.
"have u heard about what happened to deez"
"Was that supposed to be funny?"
mans got the most flamboyant last name.. might have to take it for myself if you feel me 😈
I'm so sorry.
in my defense it [was] one am and i get funky after 12
leorio is such a blast to text
he may use 😂🤣 but he's still adorable and the nice ppl who use it ARE FUNNY OKAY
he deffo makes dad jokes over text
i imagine he gets much more mature over text when kurapika appears in the chat 💀
he's the type to put down his phone and have a breakdown if he gets a spelling mistake.
leorio would answer pretty speedy even if he's at work. i feel like he's really reliable and even if he missed your text, he'll be there in a few minutes.
if killua has a million fans, then i am one of them. if killua has ten fans, then i am one of them. if killua has only one fan then that is me. if killua has no fans, then that means i am no longer on earth. if the world is against killua, then i am against the world.
what a dramatic intro
killua would be so hilarious everyone can argue with the wall
he'd use grammar on occasion but i just headcanon him as a lowercase texter (this isn't speculation he just told me guys i i swear /j)
he's still a bitch tho
"hey kil i forgrot the hw could u send?"
he STAYS correcting grammar for the sole purpose of being a little white haired asshole and i completely support his evil ways
Deez nuts.
if he doesn't answer your messages just text him on discord. trust me.
random fact: did you guys know that GON is MYYYY son? yeah, i didn't think so.
i feel like since he's so clueless about so many things it would be so easy to mess with him 😭
"i didn't know you were australian, y/n!"
his signature like emoji like the ones on insta would be a sunflower
he's so kind i think every other message out end in a :)
"are you mad"
accompany on: to the masterlist!
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Meme table I made 😂
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byah-freecs · 2 years
I like the idea of Gon's eyes being smaller when he gets older, because I think his big eyes would cause an oddity because of their childish appearance. (Just like Shalnark haha but the difference is that we don't follow his growth, so we don't compare his adult version with his child version, which we would certainly do with Gon, even if unconsciously)
One thing that makes me believe this could happen is the fact that Gon's transformation has small eyes. I think Gon won't have that physique as an adult and will have eyes bigger than those, but smaller than they are now. Maybe they will become the size of Ging's eyes?
I have seen several fanarts of Gon with small eyes and I think it's very beautiful. This will be my hc until Togashi reveals what he really looks like in the future (if he does)
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ao3feed-leopika · 5 months
Transmuter x Taste
Transmuter x Taste Link to fic: https://ift.tt/8xyebCi by janKelen A series of drabbles inspired by that fan headcanon where transmuters have sweet saliva. But come on! They all have to have their own individual taste! This fic explores that. It's mostly non crack but it gets pretty silly at some parts. Not every drabble is romance/kissing. Words: 327, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English Fandoms: Hunter X Hunter Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Machi (Hunter X Hunter), Biscuit Krueger, Leorio Paladiknight, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter) Relationships: Gon Freecs/Killua Zoldyck, Feitan/Phinks (Hunter X Hunter), Hisoka/Illumi Zoldyck, Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Crack Treated Seriously, Kissing, Wholesomeness, transmutation Nen headcanon via AO3 works tagged 'Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight' https://ift.tt/FceLnjX December 27, 2023 at 11:07AM
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Main Four when they have a crush on y/n and how they confess Headcanons
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Leorio Paladiknight
When he likes you it will be so obvious
He showers you with compliments and tries to hang out with you a lot when he's done studying.
He wouldn't shut up about you at times and whenever someone treats you baddly he would fight them.
Leorio would get nose bleeds and blush when he sees you wearing revealing or nice clothes and would just constantly stare in disbelief.
When he confesses to you it would more likely would be in a moment where everyone is together just laughing and enjoying their time.
He would hesitate a bit but after a second he would outwardly blurt it out confidently.
"Hey uhh , y/n!So ya wanna go on a date with me?!"He would say it more casually but loud.
"Hell yea!"
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Killua Zoldyck
He wouldn't exactly show you he likes you because he doesn't want you to know unless he's ready.
There of course would be times where he would blush whenever you smile and make jokes.
Gon would tease him about it when your there and Killua would tell him to cut it out.
He would share his chocolate with you often and at times let you use his skate board or teach you how to use it if you don't know how.
He vents to you , about his zoldyck family drama with Illumi and everyone surrounding Alluka.
When he confesses to you it would most likely be after an adventure in town with just the two of you getting something to eat.
He would be nervous but he would be pretty good at hiding it.
He would have to get comfortable with you and let you know that he has feelings for you.
"I think I like you..I been thinking about this for a while...and I wanted to know if you could like someone like me."
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I doubt he would change much when he has feelings for someone and he would be happy either way if you like him or not.
Gon would hang out with you a bit more so you and Killua would talk often as well.
It would take him time to process his feelings for you before he actually pays attention and have it as his priority.
When he confesses he would first ask to hang out with you and only you for the day.
He would go around town with you eatting snacks , food and a bunch of desserts while going to some fun arcades or parks.
And while having fun as soon as it's the end of the day you both would watch the sunset together.
Finally in the moment he would confidently but calmly explain his feelings to you with a smile.
"Y/N , I been thinking for a while and I think that I'm beginning to like you and Im hoping that you like me too hahaha."
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Kurapika Kurta
When he likes you , he tries to protect you on missions specifically from the spider's.
When he likes you he's a lot more kind and less cold and serious than he is with other people.
He comes to you for comfort whenever he's sad simply because to him trust is important and over everyone your someone he cares for the most.
He's somewhat obvious with his feelings but considering how much that's going on with him it would take him time to gain feelings for you.
When he's curtain , he would confess at night time when your both alone together when he finally captured all of his clans eyes.
After a few conversations he would calmly let you know in hopes that you feel the same way.
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fattuccini-afraido · 2 years
Killua, texting: Quit throwing stones at my window. What do you think you have a phone for?
Gon, texting back: Shoot! You're right, my bad.
Killua, opening his window: DID YOU JUST THROW YOUR PHONE AT MY WINDOW??!!
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