#gonna have to go stalk all my outfits cause i have none
tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
✩ -Flustered- ✩
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3.9k
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None other than some cussing if you squint!
Maddy is pink in text and Y/n is purple in text!
| Miguel Cazarez Mora Masterlist
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꒰ Miguel's Pov ꒱
I stared at the photo on my phone screen, She was so beautiful an angel even.
She was so breathtaking, She had me so flustered and I haven't ever met her.
"Are you stalking y/n's Instagram again?" Maddy asked sitting down beside me, I quickly clicked out of Instagram and turned my phone off,
"What no!" I said playing dumb,
She rolled her eyes sighing, "Why don't you just DM her?" She asked,
"Are serious? DM THE y/n y/l/n?" I asked raising an eyebrow,
"Haha no! She would laugh her ass off- She would probably post it on her Instagram story like Noah Schnapp posted doja cat's DM!" I said throwing my head back,
"No, she wouldn't!" She said rolling her eyes,
"Oh, really how would you know?" I asked looking over at her,
"She just doesn't seem like that type of person," She shrugged smiling.
I was debating on messaging y/n, but the chances of her seeing my DM out of a thousand more are extremely low, I think I'm just gonna have to admire her over the screen and live in my own fantasy world.
"I could do it for you!" Maddy said, I raised my eyebrow looking back at her.
"Do what?" I asked, "I could DM y/n on your phone since you are too chicken," She laughed
"Come on kids we need to go!" I sighed as Maddy and I got up to walk to the limo outside.
"I'll think about it Mads," I said, she nodded as we got in the limo.
꒰ Y/n's Pov ꒱
"Alright, all done!" My Makeup artist Tami said as she closed the lip gloss.
I looked in the mirror and smiled at my reflection, I had just gotten my hair done as well and I was already in my outfit.
My bestfriend Maddy had invited me to a movie premiere, She was recently in a movie called the black phone.
I of course said yes to going, She is my bestfriend after all, Plus she said she needed to tell me something when I got there.
"Are you ready?" Tami said as I stood up out of the seat,
"Kind of, I'm just nervous." I said playing with my rings, "Awh why honey?" She asked laying a hand on my shoulder.
I was excited to go don't get me wrong I loved supporting my bestfriend in anything she did, but there was a certain someone that was gonna be there tonight, Miguel Cazarez Mora.
"Well, I kind of have a crush on Miguel, But he doesn't know me- And what if I stutter when I speak to him or-"
"You will be fine y/n, if there is one thing I know about you it's how confident you are, I've seen boys flirt with you before and you just end up making them all soft, you make them boy's fall like dominos." She said packing up all her makeup.
I guess she was right, I just need to be confident and not make a complete fool out of myself.
"Let's go y/n everyone is on the way there." My bodyguard said as he walked into the room, I nodded my head got up and walked outside to the limo.
"You got this y/n, remember who you are," I whispered to myself as the limo drove off.
꒰ Maddy's Pov ꒱
We had finally arrived at the premiere and I couldn't find y/n anywhere, I just decided to text her.
Prettiest girl💕
Hey, where are you?
I just got to the premier
Why what's up?
Come to the green room everyone is back here!
KK getting mobbed lol
see you in a min 😽
"Bro shut the fuck up that's why you can't pull no bitches." Mason yelled as he and Miguel walked through the door, Brady and Tristan following in after them laughing.
"What do you mean I got tons of bitches on my d-" I quickly cut Miguel off by Calling out for Mason to come over.
"Mason Come here!" He walked over saying a quick bye to the boys,
"What's up?" He said standing in front of me, "Okay, So you know how Miguel has a fat crush on Y/n Y/l/n right?" I said, and he rolled his eyes.
"Do I know? He never shuts up about her!" He said causing both of us to laugh,
"Well she's my friend and I kind of invited her without telling Miguel-"
His eyes widened as his jaw dropped, "YOU WHAT!?" He yelled, I quickly put my hand over his mouth, I looked over at Miguel who was looking at me and Mason With a confused look, I sent him a quick smile before looking back at Mason.
"Could you shut up! You're goin' to ruin the surprise idiot!" I said rolling my eyes
He put both of his hands up in surrender, "My bad- My bad," He laughed,
"So how are you going to surprise him?" He asked, "I'm just gonna try to get him close as possible and then I'm going to point her out," I said smiling at my plan.
"That sounds like a shit plan," I gasped, He laughed and patted me on the back.
"I think that you should tell her that Miguel has a crush on her and then she walks up and kisses him out of nowhere," He said smiling, I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.
"You that's an even worse plan, right? Consent still exists, I like my plan better." I said shrugging my shoulders, our conversation was interrupted by Miguel walking over.
"Hey, Maddy hows is it going!?" He smiled leaning in for a hug, I hugged him back,
"We were just talking about- Uhh- How Maddy won her soccer game!!" Mason said scratching the back of his neck, He gave Mason a weird look but didn't question his friend's weird behavior
"Congratulations Mads!" He said, We all heard gasps and people whispering,
Next thing I know Miguel's mouth and eyes were wide open, He was blushing like crazy and his breathing started to pick up, I gave him a weird look before turning around to see what's got my bestfriend so flustered.
I smiled as I watched y/n walk through the door, Thanking the guard that opened it for her, She stopped in the middle of the room looking around, Smiling and winking at some people that were staring at her, Her eyes landed on me and I quickly waved her over.
"Holy shit- Holy shit- Fuck- Do I look good she's coming over here," I laughed at Miguel's panicking state, He was so red, it was so cute to see him all worked up over just looking at y/n.
"Dude chill, You look red as shit, You could identify as a tomato right now," Mason said, Laughing as Miguel rolled his eyes, "She's just breathtaking," He said, staring at y/n as she got closer to our group, His hands began shaking, Jesuse christ this man is whipped already.
She slowly walked up to me smiling, "Hi Maddy, It's so good to see you," She said hugging me, I smiled and looked at Miguel who was staring at y/n with wide eyes, Mason hit his shoulder, "OW!" He yelled, rubbing his shoulder where Mason hit him, Mason just rolled his eyes laughing at the flustered boy.
꒰ Y/n's Pov ꒱
"Hi Maddy, It's so good to see you," I said giving her a big hug, I haven't seen her in person for two years, But we obviously kept in contact over the phone, "OW!" I looked over to see Miguel rubbing his shoulder as Mason laughed, I smiled as he looked up at me.
"Hi, I'm y/n," I said raising my hand for him to shake, He gulped before shaking my hand, I could tell how nervous he was, "I'm M-Miguel, It's very nice to meet y-you," He stuttered, keeping intense eye contact, He pulled his hand away smiling, "U-Uh h-how do you know Maddy?" He asked looking up at me, a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Real smooth dawg," Mason whispered, Miguel sent him a glare,
"I went to my little sister's soccer game, I was sitting down and Maddy came up to me and started fan Girling," I explained laughing at the memory,
"I was shocked to see you there," Maddy said laughing along,
"I heard that you're filming a new movie, Hows that going?" Mason asked,
I in fact was filming a new movie,
Scream VI, I played as Tara Carpenter and Sam Carpenter's little sister, Alana Carpenter.
"It's going good, I defiantly can't wait for it to come out next year!" I Said smiling.
"You're an amazing actor," Miguel said out of nowhere, Mason and Maddy busted out laughing, While I just starred at Miguel and smiled, He nervously looked away, licking his lips,
"Thank you, I liked your character, Robin Arellano, he was pretty badass," I said smiling, He laughed, looking at me.
A boy with blonde hair came up to us, patting Miguel on the back,
"Are you guys coming, We're going to watch the movie," He said, His eyes cut over to me and he gasped,
"NO FUCKING WAY BRO!" He yelled,
I smiled saying hi,
"I'm Brady- It's so nice to meet you oh my god- you're so pretty," He shook my hand, and We left to go watch the movie.
I sat between Maddy and Miguel.
Me and Maddy were sharing a bucket of popcorn before Mason stole it away.
I sighed as I looked up at the screen, Miguel and Mason's part came up, The bathroom scene.
I felt eyes on me, I looked over to see Miguel staring at me, He quickly looked back to the screen, It was completely dark but I could see the red tint on his cheeks.
"Pst" I heard,
I looked over to see Maddy,
"Miguel has a huge crush on you, Just so you know," She whispered in my ear giggling,
I smiled and nodded my head, "Really! I couldn't tell?" I thought, Laughing to myself,
Miguel looked over at me as we locked eyes, "What's so funny?" He asked smiling,
"Just something Maddy told me," I said looking at the screen,
His eyes widened as he straightened his posture, "What did she tell you?" He asked,
"Nothing important."
He looked back at the screen.
꒰ Miguel's Pov ꒱
Shit, what did Maddy tell y/n, she said she would DM y/n for me,
Would she tell her that I like her here, I fucking hope not- But I kinda hope she did at the same time so I don't embarrass myself,
Fuck I'm shitting bricks right now.
I'm still trying to process the fact she was sitting right beside me!
God do I want to kiss her so fucking bad, But I couldn't, I just had to stare at her like a creep.
꒰ Time Skip ꒱
Everybody had just finished watching the movie and went to go take some group photos.
"I'm starving," Mason whined, placing is hand on his stomach,
"Your hungry? I could eat whole human right now," Maddy said,
"Ah hell Nah!" Y/n said as she moved to hide behind Miguel, everyone Laughed, Miguel blushed.
"Do you guys want to go to McDonald's?" Tristan asked, opening the car door for everyone,
"I would kill for some chicken nuggets right now," y/n laughed as she and everyone else sat in the limo.
"Same," Brady said, everybody agreed on McDonald's.
"We are so bougie rolling up to McDonald's in fancy clothes and a damn limo," Tristan laughed.
"Oh well I want my damn chicken nuggets," Maddy said causing everyone to laugh,
When the group got to McDonald's they ordered and sat down, getting weird looks from everybody in there.
"Hey, I have to ask you something," Miguel said, walking up to y/n,
"What is it," she asked, patting the seat beside her, he sat down and smiled at her.
"Um… I don't know how to say this," he nervously laughed, she just smiled and grabbed his hands, keeping eye contact, "You can tell me," she said.
Miguel took a deep breath trying to brace himself for rejection.
He basically shitting himself at this point, he knew he would never get this moment alone with her again, So why not shoot his shot, if she did reject it would be super embarrassing but at least he could say he tried.
"I… I really like you, Y/n… I think you are absolutely gorgeous and I think that you are perfect, I would like to take you out on a date sometime, if that's ok with you- I understand if you don't feel the same-"
Miguel was quickly cut off by a pair of warm plush lips on his, his eyes widened in panic but hurried to relax as he saw it was y/n.
When they pulled away Miguel was a blushing, Flustered mess.
He was smiling like an idiot, but who wouldn't be if they had just kissed Y/n l/n, he was definitely losing it when he got home.
"I like you too Miguel, I would love to go out with you," Y/n smiled, pulling him in by his shirt for another long kiss.
Taglist: @vancehopperenthusiast @vancehoppergirl @bradyhepner
@masonthameslvr @theblackphone-incorrectquotes @theblackphonesposts @deadghosy @finneyblakes @luckypinballmachine @mnsnloverhey
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theowritesfiction · 7 months
How’s it going @theowritesfiction ?
I know you posted it a while ago, but I wanted to give a review for chapter 18 in Azula’s kitchen nightmares. I hope it is okay to use an ask as the medium for the review.
I’m sorry that I hadn’t given a review before now, I’ve been listening to a fan audio book of the Worm web serial on Spotify. What can I say? The Queen of escalation has captured my imagination. Today though, I only had one class at campus, so I had more time to get caught up to date for Azula’s kitchen nightmare. And I’ll be reading the other chapters promptly.
Now onto the review!
I really enjoyed this chapter. Jealous Katara who wants Azula all to herself is my bread and butter.
I also loved Azula just being flattered that Katara was stalking her and Katara being flabbergasted that she was cool with it all. The talk about Azula becoming part of the Northern lights family between Azula and Katara was sweet. June was absolutely right, Azula and Katara are “adorable”.
I also enjoyed Katara internally panicking when she realized that she was paying too much attention to Azula and none to June during the conversation.
Of course June then just throws Azula under the bus, that Azula thinks her co workers (Katara, Yue, and Suki) are the most sexy people she has worked with. Katara grinning at Azula and teasing her about it made laugh and smile myself.
Azula and Katara complimenting each others outfits and unabashedly eyefucking eachother made me grin.
Azula disappointment and Katara’s jealous reactions too June saying “anyway, maybe you two want to finish your drinks and we can get out of here” made me smirk. Those two are goners for each other already! My smirk only widened when June clarified that all three of them should leave together for June apartment, only for both Azula and Katara to turn into blushing messes.
And I laughed at June’s “their’s only so much of you two fucking with your eyes that I can take”. Ain’t that the truth. June got a first face impression of Azutara’s mural obsession with each other. From stalking, to being okay at being stalked (so long as it was Katara), to staring dreamily into each other’s eyes while they should include June in conversation. Not gonna lie, this line made my Azutara heart flutter.
The morning after the Daisy chain” was a fun read as well. June being guilty shocked at seeing Azula “so into someone, it’s disgustingly cute” was sweet. Katara just has that effect on Azula. If neither the OG show, nor the Netflix recreation weren’t cowards, Katara would have definitely seduced Azula to the good guys. But I digress,
Katara immediately denying the (obvious) truth and saying that June was “exaggerating” caused me to grab in unison with June in exasperation.
I burst out laughing (again) when June (knowingly) replied “I woke up in the middle of the night and it took me a moment to realize that you two were going for another round” and since neither thought to wake June for it, I have to concur that Azula and Katara are “both seriously into each other”. Azula and Katara thrusting for another and secretly going for “another round” kind of lends credence to my belief that Azula and Katara mostly focused on each other (mutual obsession and all that) during their “encounter” with June. Though the two would have made sure that June had nothing to complain about. Azula and Katara are both gentlewomen after all.
Azula and Katara being bitter and “sounding stiff” when agreeing to heel things professional and just “being friends” is making me roll my eyes. Ladies the two of you are obviously ready falling for each other! So just cut out the middle man (Ozai), screw each other’s brains out (again), and get together.
Of course, we wouldn’t have your awesome fic @theowritesfiction , if it was that easy. And half the satisfaction of seeing Azutara finally start avoiding the idiot stick and getting together, is the journey there! (With all its ups and downs!)
These lines made me laugh out loud too
“It was… defined some next level fun, compared to I’m used to” -Azula (which is either a hilarious commentary on Katara’s skills in the bedroom, or the lacking showing from Azula’s “usual hookups”, or both!)
“Katara didn’t exactly regret the act itself because it had been the best sex she’d ever had” -Katara (both Azula and Katara giving glowing reports about the other gorgeous women’s (who they are totally not falling for[sarcasm]) bedroom abilities… just admit your feelings girls!)
“As good as sex with Azula had been (also June was there too, Katara supposed), Katara still intended to apologize to Yue and Suki” (This was funny. Azula and Katara really are obsessed with each other. To the exclusion of everyone else (sans Suki and Yue of course). And I love that for them. Let’s go Steam(y) Queens!)
I’ve got a feeling that it’s going to take a while for all the idiots (affectionate) to figure it and get together. Particularly for Azula and Katara. And I am here for it!!
I loved chapter 18, and can’t wait for the next update. Well done @theowritesfiction !!!
On to the next chapters!
Hey, no worries, I’m always happy for reviews, doesn’t matter when 😉 And sure, using ask is totally fine!
I have heard about this Worm web series before – I read a brief synopsis of it somewhere, but I’ll be honest, while some parts seemed like something I would really enjoy, I could tell that some aspects would annoy me too much. 🤣
This chapter was a little different because it was almost pure Azutara throughout, and I haven’t had any chapters with such heavy emphasis on them. There are always spicy moments between them, but this was a really big escalation, and I hoped that Azutara diehards would love it. Seems I wasn’t wrong about that. 😊
Yue and Suki will remain in the picture for a good while longer, even if we all know that Azula and Katara are the endgame. But hey, it means more jealous Katara, so hopefully that’s fine. 😊
You’re exactly right that Azula and Katara made sure that June had no grounds to complain about the threesome. 😉
Azula and Katara falling for each other is just the first step to them actually being together. We wouldn’t want to make things TOO easy for them, would we? Pining is part of the fun, too!
Lol Azula and Katara both giving each other glowing reports and high scores 😉 I didn’t intend that to be a diss on their previous partners. Especially in Azula’s case, it’s probably that for maybe the first time she was with someone who she has genuine feelings for, and that adds a lot.
Tiny spoiler, but I am currently working on a chapter that is a big next step in Azula’s relationship with Katara, but also Yue and Suki. 😉 Unfortunately, it’s going to be slightly delayed because of the live action remake distractions, but it’s still coming along nicely and you’ll see it soon!
Anyway, thank you so much for this review, and I’m glad you’re excited to read more! 😊
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
Gamer boy
Yandere!Shigaraki x reader 
You caught the eye of an obsessive gamer. He's convinced you're perfect for him. So why are you ignoring him?
tw: yandere themes, stalking, kidnapping, noncon, alcohol use, degradation, flash photography
You worked at the local gaming cafe. It was a pretty chill job most of the time. The adults who came in didn't care to socialize or cause problems and the school kids would only try to run a muck for a short while until they got entrapped by whatever they were playing. You sat at the help desk, renting out games, consoles, and selling sugary drinks. Easy as pie. Like any cafe, you had regular customers.
Once a week a wild-haired-sloucher would slink up to your desk to rent out a computer mouse and then head to the same computer every time - number 001. After an hour or so he would come up to buy an energy drink.
Of course you didn't know that he came here because Kurogiri would force him out of his cave once a week.
Your first mistake was on his third visit. When he came in you had a computer mouse and his favorite energy drink sitting out for him. The drink was on the house, you smiled. To you, this was a friendly gesture to make sure your reliable customers would keep coming back. To him, this was an offering of your submission. The second sign you gave was asking him if he was going to attend the opening of a new gaming store. He wasn't, obviously, but you wanted him to go, didn't you?
He started keeping tabs on you. To make sure you were worthy, he told himself. He was impressed to find that you actually had a useful quirk. You had a group of friends that lived in your apartment complex. He found it a bit pathetic that you spent so much time with them. But it must be hard for you to not be with him. You must be so lonely when he wasn't around.
Then he began to sneak in to your room, whether you were there or not. Occasionally he would sort through your drawers while you were in the shower; or play whatever game he chose to keep on his phone that week while you slept. When you were away he would take a more thorough inventory. He went through the movies and games piled in your living room. Carefully skimmed through the books on your nightstand. Rummaged through your cabinets and fridge.
Shigaraki was at war with himself on what his next move should be. A piece of him - however small - wanted to go about things like a normal person. But that left too much room for rejection. He was biding his time, trying to develop some form of plan. Until you forced him into action. 
It happened during one of the nights he devoted to watching over you. Your friends had finally convinced you to go out with them. Allowing them to play dress up, they put you something too short and too tight for Shigaraki's comfort. They were going to drag you to a bar in that? You were practically begging for men to proposition you. Why did you even own something like that? You knew you belonged to him. Anyone aside from him shouldn't see that amount of your body. The anger was starting to creep over him, his skin becoming too tight until he was forced to seek relief by digging into his neck.
Things only went down hill from there. While you were having a great time, completely unaware of your stalker's presence, Shigaraki sulked angrily along the edge of the club you had been pulled into. You were drunk, although no where near as drunk as your companions and happily in the middle of the dance floor. As you faced your friend, a man wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you tightly against him by the hips. You didn't mind at first, until you realized the man was a complete stranger and not another person you knew. Your shrugged him off and the oaf moved on towards his next prey. It took everything Shigaraki had in him not to end the man's life, along with everyone else in the damn room. But he managed. And you kept dancing, drawing in guys like flies to honey. None of them caught your eye, of course not, even when intoxicated you knew who you belonged to. Obviously, you were using these NEETs to get under Shigaraki's skin. Taunting him for not keeping you in check.
One of the girls you came with had wandered off with some "handsome" stranger and you were the only one with enough wherewithal to go looking for her. You listened to podcasts, Don't let your friends go off alone ESPECIALLY when intoxicated, it was a true crime commandment.
With no luck in the club you ventured outside, breaking the commandment yourself. You weaved around the building, holding on to the wall to keep yourself from stumbling. In the back of the building you ran into a hooded figure. 
"Have you seen my friend?"
The figure, Shigaraki, tilted his head. He had two options, take you in this back alley and risk someone hearing you scream, or begin a game of cat and mouse. You just looked so dazed and fuckable.
"Your friends? I'm not sure but I saw two people head that way," He lied and pointed away from the club. "Do you need help looking for them."
You scrunched your nose, genuinely (and drunkenly) debating the idea. Finally you shook your head, "No thanks, stranger danger."
"Then it's a good thing I'm not a stranger," he smirked. Finally you realized who the person in front of you was.
With a gasp you giggled, "Gamer boy!"
"Shigaraki," he reminded you, shifting back and forth uncomfortably trying to ease the growing swell in his pants. Why did you have to be so cute?
"Hm, okay then but no funny business."
He smirked as he lead you away from your friends. After a few blocks you were ready to give up, you tend to be a tired drunk and just wanted to go home to your bed. Shigaraki was understanding, probably too understanding, and willing to walk you back to your place. You thanked him, ready to bid him farewell at your door, but he followed you in, convincing your drunk brain that you two should have a drink before he left. You curled yourself into your couch while you listened to your guest.
"Thanks for walking," you yawned, "with me. You're so nice."
Gently the villain lifted you off your feet, "Someone's tired. Let's get you in to bed."
You nodded. Unable to process the impending danger. Until you realized that he was joining you on your bed, starting to tug at your outfit. "Shigi, what are you doing."
"I'm giving you what you want," he said in between nips to your neck and shoulders. "You've been misbehaving all night. Dressing and acting like a slut. Practically offering your body to any undeserving male. If you want to be a whore, then you can be my whore."
A hand slid beneath cotton of your clothes.
He teased your slick flesh, "See how quickly your body reacts to me?"
Your head was spinning, not really processing what he was saying. But you felt good and you wanted to keep feeling good. His unruly hair tickled your nose. You giggled. He latched his lips around your breast, teasing your nipples. One with his tongue, the other with his thumb.
The heat between your legs was becoming unbearable.
"What are you going to do to me?"
He lift his eyes to look up at you, "Such a forgetful thing. I'm gonna pound into your little pussy until you forget that any one besides me exists."
You whined in confusion. Your memory fuzzy on what led up to this moment. Had you brought him home?
He carefully continued to tease your sensitive body. Biting at your thighs and pressing against your soaked panties.
"Tell me who you belong to
"I'm never letting you get out of bed. I gotta make sure I keep my desperate whore in her place."
"Are you begging for my cum? Such a greedy little bitch."
"Spread your legs, let me see how pretty you look when you're stuffed with my cum."  *flash* "so pretty. You wanna see how god I take care of you?"
"Make sure you keep behaving once we get you home. If you misbehave I'll have to hurt another one of your friends."
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varietaltiger23 · 3 years
Can I please request a scenario or whatever you can write where Hanma knows that Kisaki is attracted and possibly in love with his s/o and purposely does things to make him feel slightly jealous or envious? Like he slowly and sensually kisses his s/o in front of Kisaki for example and things like that. He kinda wants to emotionally torture him, that he has what Kisaki can't have. Lol thanks! 😘
Were you in my mind cause I was just thinking of a hamna x reader x kisaki but sad. Guess we just proved the saying that great minds think alike. Also tried something new for writing so hppe yall like
Hamna bringing you to every gathering with a hand in your back pocket or underneath the slit into your dress cause he can feel kisaki buring holes where his hand is.
French kisses you when kisaki makes even one suggestive move or flirt and kisaki loves but hates it cause kisaki imagines treating you like that but can't.
Kisaki who for every birthday gifts you jewelry, just to watch hanma break them later while he talks of plans.
Kisaki went with you to help judge dresses/suits for your anniversary but instead of helping you find outfits hanma likes, he grabbed the ones that he loved which were on the skimpy or skin tight.
Hanma sent him a video of you begging hanma to go faster and for him to touch you.
About all their messages are pictures and videos of you. It is a miracle you don't know about it or maybe you do but whose to say for sure 😏.
Hanma gets the suicide mission, in hopes he would die and give kisaki an opening for stealing you.
You know kisaki has a crush but you don't really say shit cause he buys you things for hanma.
Kisaki would buy you crochet to bundles in the drop of a hat. Complain how you need some but don't know which color or style and he will buy the whole store.
And if you want wigs then by golly you are gonna get wigs.
Only downside is hanma's punishments but hey what's a few slaps on the ass gonna do when you have human bank.
Hanma hates when you so much as even bring kisaki name up even if it's to complain about him.
Same way for kisaki, he once sent every gift back after you wouldn't stop talking about how hanma will like this or hanma loves that.
You love hanma, truly you do but it's just fun messing with both of them.
Of course you will never in a million years cheat on hanma but it is a fear hanma has that he doesn't want to tell you about.
He understands that you are just playing around but sometimes the thoughts just get to him everytime he is out on a mission.
and kisaki is smart so he plays into those fears as much as he can without getting killed and you of course will turn him down.
"Did you enjoy the latest shopping pictures, they were much better up close and personal." Were the words that greeted hanma as soon as he stepped into his office.
Looking over to his right was none other than the devil himself kisaki tetta, the man was always treading the line of getting killed or knocked out.
"Yeah, they were all matching to suits I already own. Can't wait for the next event to show them off." Hanma said as he stalked towards kisaki with a eased smile.
You loved him, you loved hanma and you practically lived for him. A brutal reminder in everything kisaki did with you and a reassurance for hanma when he left. Everytime you did something with kisaki, you made it a point to show off fading but still there hickeies.
You loved him, you loved hanma and you practically lived for him. A brutal reminder in everything kisaki did with you and a reassurance for hanma when he left. Everytime you did something with kisaki, you made it a point to show off fading but still there hickeies.
It felt suffocating for both, lost in a sea of your love. You were everything to them but only one had you and the one that had was now leaning close to kisaki ear. Telling him every whisper and promises you made over the months of hanma being gone.
Oh the feelings you made for both of them was the closest to salvation they would ever get to.
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one-boring-person · 3 years
Hi, how're you? Sorry, but your writing is so great, I couldn't resist lol. And I want to say thank you you make some of my days very well with your stories! Anyway, I watched Cruella and I'm in love for her! I've been thinking about a reader like her. She arriving on her bike on the boardwalk and gets attention of the lost boys. She super stylish, with her hair black and white and fancy oufits. Having the same crazy and sarcastic humor, causing trouble and being a old friend of Star.
Thank you so much! I hope you like this!😊💛
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: none
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It's not often that other bikers come to the Boardwalk, so it's only natural when the boys get cagey at the sound of a new one approaching. They stand from their own bikes, looking around the crowds for the newcomer, scowls in place on their faces even as Star joins them. She looks a little confused, glancing up at David as he stalks forwards, head moving to try and discern the direction of the motorbike engines, which cut out a second later. 
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" She questions, worried that something has gone wrong with them.
"Not now, Star." The leader brushes her off, finally seeming to figure out where the noise is coming from.
Turning towards it, he has to suppress a growl of annoyance as he notices a crowd forming around a nearby shop front, voices sounding excited and curious as the people gathered point and gesture at whatever they're looking at. Behind him, David can hear Paul asking Marko what's going on, the latter unable to provide an answer as they walk over to the group of people, only to stop still when the throng suddenly splits apart, revealing the figure they were trying to get at.
The vampires are left (if that were possible) breathless at the sight of the woman on the motorbike, her undeniable beauty striking and obvious as she elegantly plays to the audience, grinning and almost leering as she does so. Her smile is wide and bright, lips painted a vivid crimson to compliment the stark make-up she's wearing, her features accentuated flawlessly by the carefully made markings around her eyes. Curls of black and white hair frame her face, each lock held in place almost lazily by hairpins with varying different stones set into them, the style very clearly not something one would normally wear when out on a motorbike. 
As she climbs off, the boys can only stare in awe at the sight of the outfit she's wearing, totally enraptured by it. A white leather jacket hugs her curves perfectly, the material decorated with black racing flames up the sleeves and along the lapels, the high collar only just missing her jawline where it is, the open neck revealing a dark shirt beneath the coat. Her trousers are also white, with similar flames crawling up her calves, matching boots adorning her feet, only with the colours inverted now, flawlessly blending into the rest of the outfit. As the boys watch, the woman blows a kiss at the audience and removes her gloves, holding the supple leather in one hand as she gazes round at the beaming faces. 
She looks round, clearly searching for someone, eventually finding exactly who it is she's looking for.
With a bright grin, the woman rushes towards the boys, drawing a surprised sound from Paul, who has been staring with his mouth open for the last minute. The others all take a step back, confused by this sudden turn of events, only for this to increase as Star steps forwards and embraces her.
With broad grins and giggles of happiness, the two girls hold each other tightly, ignoring the crowd now as they grumble and move off, the boys simply watching in confusion. This newcomer must be a friend of Star's, though she's never mentioned anything before - she never does speak about her friends, in all fairness. 
"It's been way too long, Star! It's so good to see you!" The biker girl beams, pulling apart from the brunette.
"It's so good to see you, too!" Star replies, grinning brightly.
"I didn't realize you carried eye-candy around with you nowadays. I would've dressed up more." The girl smirks as she turns to the four vampires, "Who might you be?"
It takes David a moment to realize that she's talking to them, his brain running half a beat behind his eyes.
"I'm David. That's Paul, Marko and Dwayne." He introduces them all, gesturing to them each in turn.
"Oh, that makes sense. I remember you writing about them now." She shoots a lifelong glance at Star, "Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n)." 
The boys shake her hand, Paul cheekily lifting her knuckles to his lips as he grins at her, clearly hoping to get lucky with the beautiful woman.
"Hey, steady there Hairy, this isn't the fifteenth century any more." (Y/n) comments, winking playfully at the blonde vampire.
"Nothing like good old fashioned gallantry." He chuckles, David casting him a mildly surprised glance at the knowledge of the word "gallantry", only to remember that Dwayne had tried teaching him the concept a couple of weeks back.
"I can't disagree with that." The biker relents, hooking an arm around Star's neck, "So what are we gonna do?"
"Err, what do you wanna do?" Star inquires, looking at her friend curiously.
(Y/n) grins broadly, a hint of mischief in her eyes.
"I want to cause trouble."
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cherripeach · 4 years
Chapter 6
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it.Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Prologue 11-13: we all die: you either kill yourself or get killed 
Chapter Summary: You thought high schoolers in your world had a terrible IQ, but somehow these three don’t even have one. 
Warning: Jokes about assault, curse words, and maybe jokes about death
Words: 2.2k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
The end of the school day came, and the only reason you could tell is by the excess of students gathered in different areas of the schools to just lounge around and do work. You only paid attention to that because you bumped into a taller male with green hair and a clove on his cheek with two others standing next to him: one was a short red head but darker than the dude you saw at the beginning of today and another was a taller male with curly orange hair whose eyes were blasted open once taking a peek at you in your amazing outfit.
You ended up finishing your work a while back and decided to look around a little since you already got lost once. You found how to get back to the well from main street and even a better way to get to your dorm, but that’s all. You also found an odd tree in the middle of the forest with green leaves and bright, shiny red apples
After you ran into that group, the two of you-you and your stupid cat- headed back to the cafeteria from the outside: so you went back to the well, went to the cafeteria windows, and jumped back in.
No one was in there at the time, so you thought that you could sit down and relax your feet for a while. Grim took to scurrying on the table to see if anyone left any food.
He soon came back with a piece of break and sat in front of you on the table, “I’m already beat from cleaning all day.. Now we have to wash a hundred windows, too…” He bit off a piece of the bread.
You could only shake your head, “You could have not fought a kid with magic, but I digress.”
He looked openly offended at your comment, but then, he looked around the room, noticing something, “That Ace guy is sure taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is, making me wait! I'm ticked off!”
“Give him a bit. The kid can’t take that long, and who knows he might be lost. He is a first year,” You were trying to give the kid the benefit of the doubt.
Grim just huffed and ripped another piece of the bread off with his mouth. It seems like today was not his day either.
Grim finished the bread and maybe five minutes had passed and the cat gained a furrowed brow and crossed arms.
Twenty minutes had passed and the cat had begun to tap his tail vigorously against the table.
About half an hour had passed by the time Grim jumped up and began to stomp on the table and pull on your coat.
“... I don't care what happened, there is no way he's this late!” He pointed at the door for a second then a lightbulb went off in his head, “Wait, he wouldn't just skip out, right?”
He sprinted out of the room out of the large doors yelling, “I'm not gonna let him get away with putting all the punishment on us! Let's go henchmen! We're gonna catch Ace and make him do all the window washing!”
You slapped your forehead and casually jogged after the cat.
You two ended up heading down the hallway and up a set of stairs into a classroom. Problem was that the classroom was empty, and Grim was still upset.
You were not having this, “Grim let’s just go back and clean the windows and tell the Headmaster. I’d rather not fight him for him to just not listen.” Your social battery was almost out, and you did not want to go through another confrontation.
Grim could never listen to you, “Orraaaa! Where's Ace! We're not gonna let you hide away! .....Ah, there's nobody here!?” He finally realized the obvious.
At least until a voice came out of nowhere, “No, I’m here.”
Grim jumped behind you and latched onto your cloak, “Fffgyyyaaaaaaaaa!!!! The picture talked!!” His hand trembled while pointing to a picture of the wall of the classroom.
The painting on the wall looked offended at the cat’s statement, “What now? It's not uncommon for paintings to talk at this school.The Wall Lady over there, the Wall Gentleman over here, everyone can speak. Portraits can speak because they have a mouth. That's normal, you know?”
“How high am I today?” You announced to both the cat and the painting.
The painting ignored your remark and continued his story, “Rather than restlessly floating in the air, I've been sitting still on this wall perfectly for more than fifty years. Your 'normal' and my 'normal' differ in regards to our quirks. Isn't that true. That aside, who are you looking for?”
You, then, noticed that out one of the long windows there was a figure flashing in the side of your vision. The figure seemed to scurry out of view once you turned around, so you assumed that they were watching you beforehand. You could not think of anyone in this school who you would have charmed as much for them to follow you and stalk you, but there always is that possibility. You continued to stare out the window waiting for a sign that something had changed until Grim vigorously tugged on your cloak in the direction of the door to the classroom. You assumed his conversation with the painting went well for once he got your attention, he was off.
Down the hall and out the window of the cafeteria again, Grim ran out of school and even asked a couple (one with green hair and odd eye brows yelled at you to not bother his job and another was the pair of twins you met this morning who glared at you two when you walked too close) while you patiently walked behind him where this ‘East building’ was. Finally, he arrived while you were behind him out of breath with a hand on your chest .
This building had to have been the most wack building you have ever seen: there were seven large mirror entrance things with weird accessories all around them. One of them looked broken, one had bat wings on them, and one even had sand surrounding it. All of this was from a movie or book, and it was incredibly obvious.
In front of the main entrance to this odd entrance area, you stood with your hands on your knees and your breath gone.
Then, in front of you a male with red orange hair stood, and you knew that he was your target.
“No way I’m washing a 100 windows. Gonna head home…” The target crossed his arms and shrunk his shoulders.
Grim decided that sneaking up on him was off the table, “Heeeeeeey yoooouuuuu!!!” The male swiveled around locking eyes with your dumb cat and then yourself before yelling, “Geh! Found me!” and running away
Grim was having none of it and ran after him. Both of them began to yell at each other while running around the place.
You, however, found the perfect person to help you: another male with dark blue hair in the same uniform as Ace or whatever. You judged that he was the perfect person to catch him as the target was running in his direction. So you screamed and pointed to the red head, “Catch that idiot!” because what else would people listen to.
The blue haired male panicked and started glancing around the room to figure out what to do while mumbling something-Grim even responding once- until he finally cried out, “Anything is fine, so come on! Something heavy!”
The ‘something heavy’ ended up sending the target into a pancake, causing you to laugh and miss some of the next exchange of shouts between the three.
Once you turned back around to face them you caught the end of a phrase said by your target directed at you, you assumed, as his eyes were locked on yours, “Those 100 windows should be clean in a flash.”
“Okay, dude, I don’t think you know how to count because 5 windows lasts me three songs on my playlist,” How hard is this college if this dude can’t even count? “Besides, how big are these windows. I was told nothing besides cafeteria, after school, and clean a hundred windows.”
The red head scoffed at your answer and rolled his eyes at you.  The blue head’s eyes widened after he whipped his head in your direction, and he opened his mouth only to close it again and ask a question, “Washing 100 windows as punishment... What in the world did you all do?”
The target voiced his opinion on the situation, “I got into it a bit with the furball, and we might have charred the Queen of Hearts' statue a bit.”
The blue head began shouting at the target about how “people would get angry with” and “on the first day.”  
The red head yelled back at him, but you were distracted because the mention of Grim gave you an odd feeling in your stomach like he was going to do something wrong. You surveyed the area, seeing if he was even present, and to you absolutely surprise, he was not.
Missing both of the boy’s introductions, you called out, “Grim yeeted himself out of here, dudes.”
Both males blanked for a second before their faces darted to you and then to where the cat was to find him with a call from Ace of, “Ah! The furball’s gone!”
There was then a conversation between the two while you quickly got to work searching for the direction he went in until the redhead pulled you by both of your shoulders to motion to you while keeping eye contact with the other guy, “This deadweight can’t use magic so they don’t count! Let’s go!”
And you were off, chasing after a cat that would never listen to you with two idiots who were arguing in each other’s faces.
You all ran through hallways to find him and even peeked in classrooms to search for him, but you were empty handed. However, once you got to the cafeteria, the cat was already present and scurrying around on all four of his legs.
Red head bolted after him only to end up face first into a wall, “Darn it! He’s darting around everywhere!”
Grim let out a snicker watching the read head’s fail, “Catch me if you can suckers!” He mocked all of you by blowing raspberries and sticking out his tongue.
You tried to predict Grim’s general direction and walked to that area missing out on the red-blue combo’s discussion, but with their brains they could never completely destroy anything.
So you were wrong. They managed to decimate an old ginormous chandelier that looked to be something on the top 10 richest people in the world could pay for. The red-blue combo had the combined IQ of 2 because blue decided that since Grim managed to climb onto the chandelier, they can try too.
And you breathed once and strolled over to them with a smile on your face, making the three of them turn around and stare at your state, “How dumb can you be? I was positive that you were older than three, but now I’m not sure.” You smacked your forehead and kept your hand there, “Really. I could deal with the fight because this is an all boys school and testosterone runs high, but ruining such an expensive chandelier that even if I became one of the richest people in this world I would not be able to pay back is not what is ‘acceptable’ to me.”
Grim drunkenly scurried to you and grabbed onto your cloak to keep him standing, "Pleasee, pleaseee, help us!” He fell to the floor and you picked him right up and placed him on your hip.
The blue haired male started pulling on his hair, “I-I screwed up! I didn't think about the landing!”
Ace swiveled to him almost tripping over his foot and began his statement with utmost calmness, “Are you... AN IDIOT!? We caught Grim but if the Headmaster finds out we busted the chandelier..”
You locked eyes with him and smiled even brighter, “There was just a big crash in one of the largest rooms in this school, meaning that any loud noise in this room is going to bounce off all the walls, but let’s not forget we also left the doors open. Of course,  the headmaster knows!” You threw your hands up in the air trying not to punch this kid in the face because you did not want another crime of assault added to your list of damaged public property twice.
A cough was heard located near the front of the cafeteria, causing all four of you to circle your heads in that direction only to find the very bane of your existence there.
The headmaster.
“If I... find out?” He stuttered out clearly trying to calm all of the anger in his body because this was the first day of school and no one needed this.
This began a very long conversation between the headmaster and the two kids who had an total IQ of 2. Grim was stuck on your hip for all of the speech while the blue haired kid basically begged the headmaster for a way to both fix the chandelier and stay in the school.
The headmaster could only reply to the boy’s question with, “There is no normal chandelier. This is a magical chandelier that uses candles that will burn for eternity. It is a masterpiece made by a legendary maester of magical tools. It has been entrusted to the school since its very foundation...Taking into consideration to its historical value, it would cost no less than a billion Madol.” He gazed down at the boy with his hands across his chest, “Can you pay for those damages?”
The kid was busy panicking to himself while the kid who you fought this morning let out a confused “But, Teacher, can't you just fix it up with magic…”
The headmaster could only shake his head, “Magic is not all powerful. More importantly, the magic crystal, what we call the Heart of any magical tool was shattered. No two magic crystals are the same. The chandelier will never be lit again.”
The two males had to look down and mumble to themselves because they could not argue against him.
However, once the headmaster brought up that the crystal that powered the chandelier (whatever that was) was located in the Dwarf’s mine the blue head seemed stuck on going as to not get expelled. You all had to deliver the crystal before tomorrow morning, not giving you much time.
You could only hope that you still could have a roof over your head if you got this crystal, so you followed after the blue head’s sprint out of the cafeteria with Grim attached to you. You breathed in again and realized that you have gotten no sleep for around 24 hours, but there’s nothing you can do besides going on this adventure.
Here’s to adventuring.
Grim had managed to miss a huge portion of what just happened as he passed out after blue threw red onto the chandelier, but now Grim has wide eyes directed to you when you told him that, “Yeah, you should have stayed asleep because we might be getting thrown out of our only home.”
Red pulled on his hair complaining, “Aaaah.. Why did it turn into something like this? Today is really not my day..”
Blue was quiet for once, suspiciously, and glared at red, “Now isn't the time for mumbling! Let's go!” You three had finally made it to the mirror chamber and while you might normally gaze in awe at the floating coffins and mirror, this is not the time for that.
Blue turned to face the mirror and began, “Mirror, mirror on the wall! Light our way to Dwarf’s mine!”
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starryskywrites · 4 years
The Skirt (Midoriya x TransMale!Bakugou!Reader)
(A/N): In this AU, the reader was adopted when he was younger by the Bakugous, and had a foreign name, so he uses his first name instead of the Bakugou surname so it’s easier for everyone when he and Bakugou are in the same class. Reader and Midoriya are childhood friends that crushed on each other and got together.
(Y/N): Your Name
(H/C): Hair Colour
Summary: The girls of Class 1-A want their revenge from having to wear those uniforms during the Sports Festival. Guess it’s the guy’s turn to wear one!
TW: dysphoria, transphobic language
Happy Reading! --Drew
Kirishima sighs and leans back in his seat. “Never a dull moment in this class, am I right?” Bakugou and Midoriya were once again fighting and took it a little far during hero training, so Aizawa took them to chew them out while the rest of the class is supposed to be working on homework.
“Nope!” Mina agrees cheerfully. “Especially with those two around!”
Kaminari reaches above his head and stretches. “Man, those two saved us! Now we’ve got basically a free period!”
Iida appears behind the blond with his signature hand-chopping. “Aizawa-Sensei said that we should be using this time to work on material for another class, and it would be disrespectful to misuse the time!”
“Aw c’mon man! Just chill out!”
As Kaminari and Iida start to go back and forth, Mina puts a finger to her chin in thought. “A free period, huh?” Suddenly, an evil glint appears in her eyes and she swiftly gathers all the girls in one corner of the classroom and starts whispering furiously. The other girls’ eyes light up and they start to smile. A mischievous aura starts to emanate from their corner, causing some of the other students to take notice.
“I-is everything alright over there?” Asks Ojiro, subtly scooting back.
Mina grins and nods as Momo and Uraraka head towards the door to the class and block it off, just in case. “Yeah, we just had a little idea of what to do with this free time~”
All the guys shudder at the sweetly-fake tone of her voice.
“Remember how at the Sports Festival, all of us girls had to wear those cheerleading outfits? Well guess who’s turn it is?”
“You-you’re not implying that-” Sero stutters.
“That you’re all going to have to wear them too? Yep!”
Mineta makes a big x with his arms. “No way! I’m no cross-dresser!”
“Aw come on, it’s only fair,” Hagakure pouts. “Isn’t it Iida? We had to wear them, so now the guys have to?”
Iida flushes at being put on the spot like that. On one hand, she does have a point, but on the other, his male classmates seem thoroughly against the idea.
“Don’t let them trick you, Iida!”
“Don’t fall for it!”
“It’s not fair at all!”
The boys are in an uproar, and Iida has to find a way to defuse the situation fast. “How about a compromise?” He proposes, trying to appease both sides.
“A compromise?” asks Jirou.
“Yes, you are determined to get the guys to wear the uniforms, but the guys are heavily against the idea. Is there some middle ground we can find?”
Mina hums in thought. “I mean, I only really need to see one guy wearing it, really.” The other girls agree.
“Yeah, if one of you guys wear it, that’s fine!” Uraraka chimes in.
“Very well! We shall have one of us wear the uniform!” Iida announces.
“Nose goes!” yells Kaminari, his finger flying towards his nose. All the other boys rush to do the same, even a very confused Todoroki. The only one who didn’t manage to do it was…
“Hey, (Y/N)!”
The (H/C) looks up from the book he was absorbed in. “Hm?” He quickly notices how everyone else has their fingers on their noses and pales. “Aw come on, guys! I wasn’t paying attention! That’s not fair!”
“Ah ah ah, the rules are the rules! You didn’t put your finger on your nose in time!” Kaminari wags a finger in (Y/N)’s direction.
(Y/N) sighs and shuts his book. “Alright, fine. What stupid thing did we agree to now?”
Mina clutches his arm excitedly. “We’re gonna dress you up in a cheerleading outfit and make you look like a girl!”
(Y/N) pales. “You’re what?!?!”
“You guys made us wear them at the Sports Festival, so now it’s your turn!”
“But I don’t- guys help me out here, please-”
He looks towards the boys but are met with solemn faces.
“Sorry (Y/N), it’s either you or all of us.” Mineta states.
“Thanks for taking one for the team bro!” Kirishima gives him a thumbs-up.
“Yeah, because of you, we don’t all have to do it!”
“But I really don’t want to-” he tries again, only to be shut down once more.
“You didn’t win nose-goes, so you’ve gotta do it!”
(Y/N) looks insanely uncomfortable as the boys cheer for him and the girls usher him out of the room to dress him up, but he weakens as they convince him that it's only fair and that because he's doing it, the other boys don't have to.
He takes the uniform from Momo and steals Jirou's makeup kit before sending them back to the classroom, surprising the girls but they let him be. They idly chatter as they wait for the (H/C) to come back to the classroom.
"Do you think he actually knows how to use makeup?" Asks Hagakure. "I mean, he is still a guy."
"Maybe he'll surprise us," Momo replies. "After all, makeup is genderless!"
They continue talking, trying to speculate what he could possible look like, but nothing prepares them for the actual thing. The door to the classroom opens softly, and if you didn't know any better, you'd think it was a girl standing there. His (H/L) hair, normally kept up and out of his face, has been let down and styled slightly to frame his face. His face has a light dusting of blush and highlight that makes his cheekbones shine, along with natural-looking lips and killer eyeliner with a shimmer or orange across his eyelids. The crop top and skirt work together to reveal a harsh hourglass figure, his waist dipping in while his hips come out, and there’s a surprising amount of cleavage that he sports. The skirt reveals long, shapely legs, looking powerful but feminine. He shifts uncomfortably as the class stares in shock.
“Woah, (Y/N)! You clean up nicely!” Mina shouts, excited.
“You look like an actual girl!” Hagakure claps.
“Maybe we should just make you one of the girls!”
(Y/N) flinches at that, but no one takes any notice. The guys start to comment as well.
“Wow, (Y/N), I didn’t know you knew how to use makeup! That’s really manly, bro!”
“If you were a girl, I’d totally date you!”’
“You actually look really good-”
No one notices (Y/N)’s increasing discomfort, or how he’s starting to look slightly upset. Even as Mineta stalks forward, they talk amongst themselves at how cute and girly he looks.
“You know, those are quite a pair of boobies you’ve got there, (Y/N). Be a pal and let me squeeze them?” He’s got an absolutely perverted look on his face, and (Y/N) crosses his arms over his chest protectively.
“Absolutely not!”
“Why not, man? It’s not like you’re gonna feel it; they’re fake, right?”
(Y/N) flushes and tightens his arms.
“No way! You actually have boobs? What are you, a cross-dresser? I always knew there was something off about you!”
“Shut up!”
Everyone stills as the normally mild-tempered male snaps.
“I’m not a girl! I’m a boy, and I hate every bit of this! So what if I was born this way? It’s not who I am! And I don’t want to hear any of you saying this shit! So just shut up!”
He’s panting hard at the outburst, and everyone’s shocked. None of them notice how the door opens, revealing Bakugou and Midoriya, finally back from getting yelled at by Mr. Aizawa.
“Oi, extras, what the hell is going on in here-”
“Damn, she’s just like her brother.” Mineta shakes his head. “Damn shame, she was so hot too.”
(Y/N) recoils like he’d been slapped, and the class for the first time can see the tears in his eyes. His eyes fight to narrow in anger, because dammit that hurt, he thought that he could trust this class.
“Fuck all of you,” he spits and turns heel and flees. He runs past his brother and his boyfriend standing in the door, not paying them any attention through the tears starting to fall down his face.
No one makes a move. Finally one of the boys in the door speaks up, but it’s not who they were expecting.
“What the fuck.” Midoriya curses, and the entire class startles. Midoriya isn’t one to curse, so for the cinnamon roll to suddenly drop an f-bomb is almost unheard of. “What the hell happened.”
“We- we were dressing up a guy in the cheerleading outfit as revenge from the Sports Festival, and (Y/N) got picked-” Mina stammers in an effort to explain.
“Who knew she was such a hottie,” Mineta drools. “Shame on you Midoriya for hiding her sweet body from us, always pretending she’s a boy.”
The door frame cracks from where Midoriya’s clutching it, his quirk subconsciously activating. “That’s because he is a boy, Mineta.”
“But she’s got boobs and such a hot figure! I bet she’s even got a hot-”
“Shut the hell up you grape!”
Bakugou looks absolutely murderous over hearing his brother referred to in that way. “He’s more of a fucking man than you’ll ever be!”
“At least I have a dick!”
Bakugou stalks towards Mineta, explosions crackling in his palms.
“You want to repeat that again, you dumb grape bastard?”
Mineta finally realizes who he’s talking to and how he’s talking, and starts to backpedal furiously.
“Deku.” Bakugou growls. “Go take care of my dumb brother. He’s probably crying over the shit these extras pulled. I’ll make sure they know how much they fucked up.”
The class shudders as Midoriya nods and runs down the hallway in the direction (Y/N) had fled. He leaves behind him the sounds of explosions and the screams of one short male.
Midoriya heads towards the stairwell, going to the ground layer as he knows that’s where (Y/N) likes to go when he’s upset and will likely be there already. Sure enough, the (H/C) is tucked into the shadows and has his knees pulled into his chest, muffling his cries. Midoriya doesn’t say anything at first, instead just sitting down next to him and rubbing a hand along his back, until (Y/N)’s posture begins to relax and his cries slow. His legs straighten out and he slumps into Midoriya, completely spent.
“Hey there, babe. How’re you feeling?”
(Y/N) just shakes his head where he’s buried it against Midoriya’s arm.
“That’s understandable. Think you could look at me, babe?”
He sniffs again, and slowly looks up at Midoriya. His makeup has been ruined and his eyeliner is smeared around from him crying, but Midoriya doesn’t seem to care.
“There’s my handsome boy.” He takes a tissue out of his pocket and gently wipes away the mess on his face, until (Y/N)’s face is once again clear and clean. Once that’s done, he pulls the other boy into his arms and holds him, a hand coming up to stroke his hair.
“Want to talk about it?”
“You know how the girls wore those cheerleading uniforms at the Sports Festival?” (Y/N) begins quietly after a moment. “They wanted to see the guys in one too. People started to fight over it, and eventually Iida made them reach a compromise. Only one guy had to wear it and I was picked, I guess. They just weren’t expecting me to look like an actual girl, I guess.” He chuckles darkly. “I tried to get out of it, but the girls were so excited and the guys seemed so relieved that it wasn’t them, and I guess I was the best suited for it since I’m-”
His voice cracks and he stumbles over the next part.
“Since I was born as a girl.”
His eyes fill with tears again and he buries his face into Midoriya’s chest.
“What’s wrong with me, Zuku? Why couldn’t I have just been normal?”
“Hey. None of that.” The greenette forces the (H/C) to look up at him. “You’re perfectly normal. They were in the wrong. You obviously didn’t want to do it, and the way Mineta talked to you was not okay.”
The (H/C)’s face crumples at the mention of the short male. “Oh god, Mineta. He thinks- he thinks I’m a girl pretending to be a boy-”
“Which isn’t true and I’m sure Kacchan’s already ripping him and the rest of the class a new one.”
(Y/N) doesn’t say anything, just melts into Midoriya a little more.
“You want to stay here on the floor for a while longer or go back to the dorms so you can get changed and we can cuddle?”
“Second option please.”
“Will do!”
He stands, pulling (Y/N) into his arms and then picking him up in a bridal-carry. Said boy blushes all the way back to the dorms, until Midoriya puts him down on the bed and grabs a set of well-loved oversized All Might pajamas from the closet.
“Here, you can change into these.” He turns his back and looks away while (Y/N) changes, until there’s a tug on his shirt from behind. His boyfriend’s practically drowning in the clothes, but he looks much more comfortable than before. Instantly Midoriya is pulling him to the bed, and they lay down together without a word. The greenette keeps the other cradled to his chest, content with the silence.
“Thank you…” manages (Y/N) after a few minutes. “For all that.”
“Of course!” Midoriya starts stroking a hand through (H/C) locks. “You’re my boyfriend, first of all, and a boy second, and shouldn’t have been forced to do that third. I bet Kacchan’s already taken care of it, but we’re going to make sure the class knows what happened and why that wasn’t okay. Especially Mineta. I love you just the way you are. And nothing can change that.”
(Y/N) tears up again, hiding his face in the other male’s chest. “I love you.”
“I love you too, (Y/N). Now rest. I’ve got you.”
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strawberrysoup · 5 years
Let’s Review || Chapter 5
Peter Parker knew that his big sister would do anything for him to be safe and happy. She’d given up everything for him twice over already and would do it again in a heartbeat. And that’s why, when the criminal mastermind Tony Stark started inextricably following him around, he didn’t say a word. Because he knew without a doubt Penny would do whatever she had to if it meant keeping Peter safe. He had to protect her, just like she always protected him. He never considered what would happen if Stark decided both Parker siblings were worth taking. Never considered who else in Stark’s inner circle would agree. He just wanted to protect her and yet somehow, they both ended up with needles in their necks.
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relationship: Steve Rogers/Original Female Character/Bucky Barnes, background Peter Parker/Tony Stark rating: Explicit warnings: Dark Steve Rogers, Dark Bucky Barnes, Dark Tony Stark, Dark Avengers, kidnapping, non-con/dub-con elements, underage Peter Parker, emotional and psychological abuse, very dark
Tony looked down at his cell as a text came in from Bucky, that they’d kept Penny busy for as long as they could but Steve had stuck his foot in it and she’d ran off. He definitely Didn’t Roll His Eyes but he did scoff, shoving his phone back in his pocket. It wasn’t a big deal necessarily, just meant their timeline was moved up a bit.
“Rhodey, we should be expecting Penny pretty soon,” he shouted from the Parker’s kitchen to where Rhodey was in Peter’s room, “the Winter Wizards chased her off and she’s probably going to be heading back.”
“Thought she wanted to get her nails done?” Rhodey called back curiously, examining a giant Lego spaceship on the dresser.
“Bucky thinks she’s probably freaked out enough to forgo her original plans, I guess they got a bit handsy.”
“Do you want me front and center or should I stay back?”
Tony hesitated in thought for several moments before sitting down at the kitchen table, arranging the laptop to angle the webcam for the best view of what was to come. Everybody back home would want to watch.
“Stay in the bedroom for now,” he gave a quick thumbs up to the camera before moving to look through the trunks that doubled as an end table and a coffee table near the couch.
Most of Penny’s belongings were in the trunks, several outfits and a few pairs of shoes. She didn’t own very much, just a couple of books on gardening and cooking and a pair of knitting needles but no yarn. A stack of what she probably considered important papers were at the bottom of one, her and Peter’s birth certificates and social security cards, the bill of sale for her car, the scholarship agreement for Peter’s school.
There was also a stack of printed pictures, none in frames, neatly tucked into a corner. They were of Peter and of their family, old photos of their parents and aunt and uncle and what looked like grandparents. He’d seen several of them before, saved on Penny’s Pinterest, but he left them out on the couch to make sure they’d be taken with them upon leaving the apartment. They wouldn’t need any of their clothes, but keepsakes would be important in the coming months. Both for comfort and as incentives for good behavior.
He was still digging through the trunk-slash-coffee-table when he heard the key turn in the lock of the front door. A quick, careful breath steeled his nerves and he sat down on the couch, casually crossing one leg over the other and began flipping through the pictures.
There was a change in the air the moment Penny realized something wasn’t right in her apartment. Tony got goosebumps, the anticipation running through him as he listened to her very quietly set down her purse and keys, creeping through the hallway towards the living room. She stopped in the doorway, a sharp inhale betraying that she’d seen him.
“Why don’t you come sit down with me sweetheart,” he called without looking over his shoulder, curious to see how jumpy she would be after her run in with the soldiers.
“How did you get in my apartment?”
“I’m willing to answer all of your questions if you come sit down.”
The hesitation was obvious, he imaged he could almost smell how scared she was, but in the end she came shuffling around the side of the couch. She stopped again, hovering for a moment before pulling one of the chairs away from the kitchen table and sitting down a fair distance away from him.
He snorted slightly but nodded, “I guess I didn’t specify that you had to sit by me, did I?”
Penny didn’t move a muscle in response, she was hardly breathing with how stiffly she sat. Tony sighed and stood up from the couch, one hand going into his pants pocket while the other still held the pictures.
“I got into your apartment by picking the lock,” he stated, answering her earlier question, “Even the new deadbolt you bought is pretty easy to pick, sweetheart. Although that security bar sitting next to the door would’ve been effective if I tried to break in while you were home. How much was it, $20? $30?”
A moment went buy before she realized he actually expected an answer and Penny inhaled rather sharply, “$50.”
“Ah, you must’ve splurged then, hm? I know an extra 50 bucks probably wasn’t easy to come by,” Tony deliberately looked around the sparse apartment, “but I know Peter’s safety is your top priority, right?”
“Always,” she sounded on the verge of tears and Tony smiled softly, crossing to stand directly in front of her.
“Take deep breaths, baby, we still need to talk,” he took her hands into his and pulled her up off of the chair, leading her to sit on the couch, “now, that’s more comfortable, isn’t it? Well, not by much. This is probably the most uncomfortable couch I’ve ever sat on. That’s why you make Peter sleep in the bed, right? Because the couch isn’t good enough for him.”
Penny didn’t answer, her pretty face was pale and frightened and Tony sat next to her gently so she didn’t startle too much. Her muscles tightened in response, especially when he dropped his arm around her shoulder and tugged her closer to his side. She was smaller than he remembered when he first saw her, smaller than she looked on the webcam footage. She fit perfectly under his arm and if she’d just relax a bit, she’d tuck right against his chest with her head under his chin.
“You know, Peter lied to me, when I first met him,” he stated quietly, turning his head just enough to brush his nose against her temple, “he told me that he didn’t have any family. No parents, no siblings, he lived on his own after his aunt died. When I saw that he actually did have a guardian, I was furious that he lived in such a shit hole.”
He hadn’t really thought it possible, but Penny stiffened up even more under his arm. It might’ve been anger or discomfort or sadness, he didn’t know, but he did know she bit down on her lip, hard, to stop from responding.
“I figured that anyone who made him live in a place like this must’ve been a monster. Who would let a kid live in this drug den? Did you know that the week I saw you for the first time, there had been 23 drug related police calls to this location? In just a week! Knowing my boy was—”
Penny broke away from his grasp swiftly and with more strength than he’d anticipated, launching herself off the couch to stand in front of him, “He’s not your boy! Peter isn’t your anything, you fucking pedophile—”
“I’m almost glad I won’t be the one teaching you your manners,” a low, dark chuckle escaped his lips and Tony stood up, causing Penny to stumble back several steps towards the window, “but only almost, baby, I promise. I think the freezer burned beef-cakes are going to take good care of you, but if they don’t I’m gonna steal you back in a heartbeat, I promise.”
“Get out of this apartment,” Penny thrust her arm out, showing her cellphone with 911 dialed but the call not yet placed, “I swear I’ll call the police if you don’t get out, I swear—”
“I’m actually positive that you would, if you didn’t already know that I have 99% of the NYPD on my payroll,” he reached out and plucked the phone from her hand gently, shutting it before turning it around in his hand curiously, “this is ancient, sweetheart.”
Penny’s back was nearly pressed against the wall beside the window but Tony continued to approach, his steps slow and methodical. The goal would be to herd her back towards the hallway, where Rhodey could approach from behind. It would be the best way to get her carefully drugged without too much of a struggle, but Tony was fully capable of subduing her by himself if necessary.
“You’re upset and I understand why, I just want you to understand that no harm is going to come to you or your brother,” Tony stopped a few paces away and put his hand back into his pocket, along with her phone, and gestured around with the other one, “all I wanted to begin with was to get Peter out of this hell hole, he deserves so much more, don’t you think? Peter deserves everything, doesn’t he?”
“P… Peter deserves to grow up, l-like a normal kid,” she stuttered after a moment, her feet shifting unconsciously away from the man in front of her, “he deserves to graduate high school a-and go to college and be whatever he wants, he deserves to live in p-peace, without being stalked or—”
“You’re not very good at manipulation, are you sweetheart?” Tony smiled, watching her gear up to run from him, “That’s okay, you don’t need to be. I know that all you want is for Peter to be safe and happy. You want him to have all of the opportunities you and the rest of your family didn’t get.”
“L-Look, you’re right, okay?” Penny once again found herself putting her hands out in front of her, palms out as she tried to discourage the man from coming any closer, “I just want Peter to be safe. I just want him to be h-happy. So please, please leave him alone. I would do… I would do anything if it meant you’d leave him alone. Please, Mr. Stark, please leave my brother alone. H-He has so much potential. He’s going to go on to do… to do amazing things. He’s so smart, he can do anything he wants. Please, tell me what I can do to make you go away? To leave him alone? Please.”
A small sigh escaped Tony’s lips as he reached out, grabbing her hands as he stepped closer and tugging her into his chest. Her muscles pulled so tight she started to shake. Three men in one day had laid their hands on her, had thought they had the right to touch her when she didn’t want them to. Tony’s grasp wasn’t as tight as Steve or Bucky’s had been, but it was somehow firmer. It was scarier, there was more potential for violence in this man’s arms.
“You’ve spent a pretty long time giving up everything for Peter. I looked into you, you know? I saw when you dropped out of high school because your aunt didn’t make enough to support you and Peter without your uncle. You had to settle for a GED so your brother wouldn’t go without. Started working dead end job after dead end job to support him. And then when your aunt died, you dropped your classes all over again, and picked up even more work. Everything you do is for him, huh?”
He rested a hand on the back of her head, making her lean her forehead against his shoulder and tugged out her hair tie. The waves of dark brown hair spilled down over her shoulders and brushed against his suit. He slipped his fingers into the dark locks, gently rubbing over her scalp and sighing. Penny felt so small, trembling against his chest.
“You’ve taken such good care of my baby boy, Penny,” he tilted her face back slightly with his thumb, making her meet his eyes, “you did such a good job, keeping him safe and happy for me. But now its my turn to keep him safe and happy, and I promise I’m going to do my best.”
“N.. No, please, no, listen to me,” Penny pushed against his chest in a panic, trying to twist out of his arms but only succeeding in twirling them both around, “Please leave Peter alone, please don’t take him from me, I need him, I love him, please—”
“You’re so precious baby, so sweet,” all of a sudden, his grip around her shoulders and on her face tightened, slowly and carefully forcing her to bend her neck to the side, “I’m not taking him from you, I’m taking both of you. Now stay still, sweetheart, take a deep breath.”
“No… No, no, no, please—”
Rhodey pressed himself against the young woman’s back, one arm coming around her torso to help Tony steady her attempts at thrashing. They had expected a fight, but Penny was surprisingly tough to hold. Maybe it was her adrenaline, the combination of thinking she’d gotten her wallet stolen, what happened with the Ancient Aliens at the coffee shop, the whole situation with Tony Stark overall.
Penny Parker had been gearing up for a fight for a solid month, whether she realized it was going to come to physical blows or not. A full fucking month of anticipation and fear and fury.
Neither of them had expected Penny to drop her weight. Both ended up fumbling, trying not to let her hit the floor but in the process, she kicked her leg out and up, nailing Tony directly in the junk. Rhodey was suddenly left with all of her weight in one arm and shifted to the side to compensate, putting himself off balance only to have Penny suddenly regain her footing and force them back. They both fell into the trunk in front of the couch, Rhodey breaking Penny’s fall.
Both men were winded, left gasping, as Penny shot to her feet and went to jump over the couch. Rhodey just barely managed to reach out and grab her ankle, his grip slipping almost immediately but it was enough to keep her from landing on her feet on the other side. She hit the floor with a bang, having tipped head first over the couch. There was a low groan but they knew she wasn’t down for the count despite the fact that they couldn’t see her; she was crawling across the floor, towards the hallway that went to the front door.
“Penny,” Tony forced himself to move despite the almost nauseating pain, she’d kicked him hard enough he’d be sore for days, “don’t make this any harder, sweetheart.”
The brunette didn’t respond, instead focusing on using the wall to pull herself to her feet. She hadn’t locked the front door behind her when she walked in, if she could open the front door it was a straight shot to the stairs, she could run to her car, go pick up Peter—
Tony grabbed her tightly from behind and pressed her face first against the wall, one foot stabilizing his balance while the other locked around her own. Rhodey’s back was on fire from hitting the trunk dead on, but he quickly crossed the living room.
“Shhh, princess, calm down,” he used his own weight against Tony’s back, pressing both of them harder against the wall and almost completely immobilizing Penny, carefully forcing her head to the side once again.
She was screaming again but neither paid any mind, knowing that any calls to the police at this location would go unanswered for at least the next several hours. With careful, steady hands Rhodey adjusted the already prepared needle and slid it gently into Penny’s neck, her screams reaching a crescendo of terror and pain for several seconds before she began going limp.
“There you go now, baby,” Tony murmured quietly as Penny slumped heavily against the wall, “you go to sleep and when you wake up, everything will be better.”
Tony pressed a careful kiss against the top of her head and turned her to face him, sighing at the tears running down her face as she fought the drug coursing through her system. She’d put up a hell of a fight, had injured both of them in her escape attempts, but he couldn’t be mad. Poor thing was terrified of them, scared for her brother and herself. No amount of reassurance would do anything until she experienced her new life.
“You okay, Tones?” Rhodey couldn’t help but laugh slightly as his friend swept Penny up into his arms, reaching over to adjust her head against his shoulder, “she got you pretty hard there.”
“Let’s just say it’s a good thing I wasn’t planning on making any babies,” Tony snorted fondly, leaning down to brush his lips against her forehead, “she’s a fighter, Old Man 1&2 are gonna have their work cut out for them. Your back alright?”
“Gonna have some real fucking bruises,” he stretched his back with a groan and a wince before shaking his head, “little lady tried to take me out there. Naughty thing.”
A laugh escaped Tony and he nodded in agreement before adjusting her in his arms slightly, “let’s get her back to the tower, Peter won’t be home for several hours. She’s going to be pretty uncomfortable when she wakes up, we need to at least make sure she’s in a nice bed.”
“Surrounded by super soldiers?”
“Honestly I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold them off, so probably.”
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Pictures of You
Pairing: Jonathan Byers x Reader
Summary: A fanfic I posted on AO3 for Halloween/Kinktober.
Jonathan always has been and always will be a creeper. Here he is at his very creepiest.
WARNING: this story contains graphic rape/noncon. Read with caution.
You had always liked Jonathan Byers. Ever since you met in the fourth grade, he had been your friend. You did everything together—homework, gaming, family dinners. Everything. As you grew older you started to LIKE like him. You were frightened by this, worried that if your feelings were revealed it would ruin your friendship. So for the past few years you’d kept things quiet. You tried dating other guys but none of them were what you were looking for. For the sake of your friendship, you’d resigned yourself to not being satisfied at this point.
But you still relished every moment you got to spend with him. So when he invited you into the darkroom with him you happily agreed. You watch as he dips each photo, handing them to you to hang up to dry. He’d always been an avid photographer and in your eyes, his pictures have only been getting better. “These are really beautiful, Jon,” you whisper, hushed by the pitch black of the room. Even in the darkness you can tell he’s blushing.
“Thanks, Y/N…” He shrugs bashfully. “They’re nothing, really. You just have to find the right lighting, the right angles…I could show you sometime.”
“I’d like that.” You try to ignore the way your heart skips a beat at his words, instead concentrating on the latest photo he’s handed you. It’s a picture of his little brother, all dressed up in a wizard costume complete with a staff and hat. He looks so happy, you can’t help but smile. “Is this one for Halloween?”
Jonathan glances at the photo and laughs. “Oh, no. He wears that when he plays Dungeons and Dragons with his friends. He’s such a nerd.” He says the word lovingly.
You raise an eyebrow. “If he’s a nerd, what does that make you?”
You just know he’s blushing even harder now. “I…I don’t know. A freak, maybe.”
“I’m just messing with you, Jon.” You nudge him playfully and his lips turn up again. “So…what are you doing this weekend?”
“For Halloween? I dunno.” He risks a glance at you but refuses to meet your eyes. “You could come over if you want…my mom has to work and my brother will be out Trick-or-Treating.”
Your heart leaps into your throat. Alone? With him? At his house? “S-sure, I’d love to.” You elbow him to cover up your own embarrassment. “I’ll dress up real fancy for you.”
He laughs. “Whatever, Y/N. I’ll see you then.”
“See you.”
You’re just in time to catch Ms. Byers as she leaves for the night. “Hi, Y/N!” She beams, wrapping you in a hug. “It’s so nice to see you. How have you been?”
You can’t resist smiling back at her. She’s like a second mother to you. “I’ve been great, Ms. Byers.”
“And you look so pretty!” She holds you at arm’s length to admire your outfit. “What are you supposed to be, a witch?”
“A mage,” you correct, showing her your dollar-store wand. “It’s a…modern interpretation. I thought Will would like it.”
She clasps her hands together, delighted. “He’ll love it. You’ll have to show him when he gets back home.” There’s a pause, and she looks at you knowingly. “Jonathan is inside. I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
You hurry into the house, ducking into the bathroom to check yourself in the mirror. Your hair falls in waves around your bare shoulders. You wear a tiny black witch hat on a headband, and it matches your short black skirt. You look down at your sparkling purple flats, suddenly hoping that Jonathan doesn’t think you look slutty.
“Jon?” You call to cover up your own nervousness. No answer, but you’ve been to the house more than enough times to know your way to his room. You knock gently on the door. “J? It’s Y/N…”
When he still doesn’t answer, you open the door gingerly. You’d been in this room plenty of times as a kid, but not in the last few years. It’s meticulously clean, the bed neatly made and the curtains drawn. The only messy part of the room is his desk, scattered with photographs of all sizes. You flip one of them over, curious. It’s of his little family, holding carved pumpkins that match their grins. It must’ve been last year, you think: Will has shot up like a rocket. You put it down to exchange it for another one. This one is of two beautiful girls. You know one of them as Nancy Wheeler but you’re not sure about the other one.
You continue looking through photographs, admiring their beauty but seeing nothing that really piques your interest. Then you find one near the bottom that stops you cold. It’s of another girl, but this one isn’t posed—it looks like it was taken outside of a window. The girl inside has her back to the camera. She’s undressing. Your stomach drops. Why would Jonathan have a picture like this? Who is she? You feel an unnatural twinge of jealousy until you recognize the curtains framing the shot. You only know of one person who has curtains with such a garish, 70’s-style floral print. It’s you. You turn over the photograph next to this disturbing shot and come face to face with yourself. It’s another candid one, this one taken outside of school. You’re reading a book. It seems innocent enough, but what about the other one?
You jump right out of your skin as the door opens. “Jesus, Y/N!” Jonathan looks just as astonished as you feel. “What are you doing in my room?”
“Uh, you told me to come over around five…”
He runs a hand through his hair, jaw clenched. “Yeah…guess I did…”
“Where were you?”
“Developing photos in the basement.” He holds them up for you to see—then suddenly pulls them back toward his chest. “Just…just boring ones. Nothing you’d wanna see.”
“Bullshit.” He looks up at you, startled. Wordlessly, you hold up the picture of you undressing. His mouth drops open for a second.
“Y/N, I can explain that…”
“Can you? I’d love to hear it.”
He runs a hand through his hair again, almost dropping the pictures he has in his arms. “Look, I…I really like you, okay? I have for years. You’re just so…” He pauses, giving you a once-over.
So what? You think. But there are more pressing matters at hand. “And you just thought taking a picture like this, without my knowledge, was okay? Are you…stalking me?”
“What? No, I’m not stalking you. I’m not crazy, Y/N. I was just out in the woods one day…it was a little after Will had disappeared, I was looking for him…and I saw you. And I just couldn’t help myself. You were just…” He reaches up to tuck your hair behind your ear, but you smack his hand away.
“I wanna see those photos you just developed.”
You practically tear them from his hands. They’re all of you. You at the library, you in your pajamas…you taking a shower. You feel your insides twisting into a fantastic pretzel shape. “Jon, what the fuck?”
“I know you like me too.” His tone changes suddenly, throwing you for yet another loop. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, Y/N. And all these photos…these were private, just for me. No on else was going to see them.”
You stare at him for a moment. “That doesn’t make any of this okay, J! I…I have to go. I need some time to think.” He slams the door shut before you can even take a step. “Let me go, Jon.”
“Y/N…can we just talk about this? Sit down, have a talk?”
“No!” You feel tears prick your eyes. You’re so overwhelmed… “I just wanna go home.”
Jonathan sighs like a tired parent, taking your arm and guiding you toward the bed. You don’t resist, knowing it won’t do you much good at this exact moment. You both sit down and he runs a hand tenderly along your spine. “You like me too, don’t you, Y/N?”
You refuse to look at him. “I did.”
“Well, this is great then.” He laughs but it’s clearly forced. “We both like each other, so—”
“What you did was wrong,” you interrupt. “I want all of those pictures burned.”
“What? I’m not gonna burn them.” He brushes his thumb down your cheek, catching a stray tear as it falls. “They’re precious to me. Just like you.”
You can tell he’s being sincere. How does he not realize how wrong all of this is? “C-can I go now?”
“No, wait a minute.” He pulls you closer and you immediately stiffen. “Knowing you like me back…oh Y/N….” Without warning he kisses you full on the lips. You can’t help but pay attention to how it feels—you had wanted this for such a long time. His lips are soft, almost like you imagine a child’s would be. One hand is still on your back while the other tangles itself in your hair. You’re so distracted you almost forget to push him away. Almost.
“I-I don’t like you anymore!”
He smiles gently. “I bet I could make you like me again.”
You take that as your moment to leap off the bed, making a mad dash for the door. Jonathan tackles you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “No!” You scream as loud as you can, hoping a neighbor or someone will hear you. He flips you over so you’re on your back, putting a hand over your mouth.
“Shhhh, Y/N, it’s okay…I’m not gonna hurt you. Don’t scream, okay? Be good and quiet for me?” You squirm under him but God, is he strong…how is he so strong? He reaches into a drawer in his desk, pulling out a long length of fabric. A tie. He’s so gentle as he ties it around your head, even as you kick and try to scream through the gag. You know what he’s planning and you do not want to be here for it. “Now.” He kisses your forehead. “You want this too, don’t you, Y/N?”
You shake your head vehemently, struggling as he pins your arms down. “I know you do.” He brushes his nose against yours. “My Y/N. I’m doing all this cause I love you, okay?” While one hand keeps your arms pinned above your head (how is he so strong?) the other snakes beneath your skirt. You kick as well as you can, trying to throw him off. He cups you carefully, rubbing your clit with a feather light touch. You try not to react but it’s impossible. In spite of your brain’s best efforts, you’re wet. Jonathan’s eyes light up. “You’re going to enjoy this, sweetheart. I promise.”
He continues working on your clit, eventually moving your panties aside. You gasp as he puts two fingers inside you. You don’t know how he’s so good at what he’s doing—he’s too shy to have tried this with anyone else. And you hate it, you tell yourself. You hate it. You hate him. It doesn’t matter how he’s spreading you wide and making your hips buck. He looks you in the eye and you’re terrified of what you see there—pitch darkness. “You like this, baby?” You scream “fuck you” around the gag and he actually looks hurt. He removes his fingers, bringing them to his mouth. You squeeze your eyes shut, not wanting to see him lick your essence off. “If I let your wrists go, will you be good? I can do so much more for you that way.” He grabs your chin, squeezing uncharacteristically hard, forcing you to look at him. “I know you can be good for me. I don’t wanna have to hurt you. Okay?” Your breaths are shallow and fast, your eyes wider than saucers. He releases you and you immediately start hitting and scratching at whatever parts of him you can reach. He sighs like a teacher who’s had to discipline a student one too many times.
Jonathan catches your wrist in his hand, twisting it into an unnatural position that makes you gasp. “I’ll break it.” His tone is flat, emotionless. “Do you want me to do that?” A tiny “no” leaves your lips. “Then put your hands by your head and keep them there.” He looks at you almost sadly, brushing your hair out of your face. “I don’t know why you’re fighting me. We’ve both wanted this for so long.”
You want to scream to the moon and tell him exactly why, but you know it wouldn’t do any good. The man is goddamn CRAZY, you’re sure of that. All you can think to do now is ride this out and hope he doesn’t kill you when it’s over.
You shudder as you hear him unzip his jeans. He pulls out his cock gingerly, as if even he isn’t 100% sure what to do with it. He gives you a reassuring smile, pulling your skirt and panties down to your knees. You don’t bother trying to stop the tears as they flow freely down your cheeks, wetting your hair. He kisses your nose tenderly. “Don’t worry, I have condoms.” You’re surprised at how much relief that brings you. At least, you think as you watch him roll one on, you won’t have to worry about carrying his baby after this. Although he’d probably like that…you shiver.
Sparks fly as he pushes in. You can feel every inch of him inside you, and it feels…good? No, you chide yourself immediately. Fuck him. You’re not going to cum from this. Your cervix, however, disagrees. As he thrusts in and out (gently, giving you time to catch your breath), you see blackness at the corners of your eyes. You’re going to pass out, you think, and what a relief that would be… But you don’t pass out. You feel every aching minute, every ounce of pain and pleasure, until finally you know you’re close. Jonathan notices this too, damn him. “You’re almost there, aren’t you sweetie? I am too. God, just thinking about you brings me to the edge. You’re just so—” He cuts off as he explodes inside you. Thank the good lord for condoms. His hand drops to your clit, touching and flicking till you can’t stand it anymore. With a whine so piteous it’s embarrassing, you come. Jonathan talks you through it, whispering sweet nothings in your ear and stroking your hair.
When you come down from your high, you’re still sobbing. You realize you never stopped. Jonathan gently removes the gag, massaging the corners of your mouth. “You did so good for me, sweetness. God, I love you. You’re so…”
“Let me go,” you whisper, and he acts like this is a new thing.
“Oh yeah, of course, baby.” He lets you stand and redress. “Oh, one more thing.” You turn to him, recoiling as a flash nearly blinds you. He’s taken another picture. “Happy Halloween, Y/N. I’ll see you soon."
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mandareeboo · 5 years
Unfinished Work #28: “Unnamed”
It’s a shame I never finished this one tbh! It was gonna have action, it was gonna have Anne being a snail girl, it was gonna have Wartwood resuing her from being a moron, it was gonna have her trying to protect Wartwood, etc. Maybe one day I’ll get back on it!
Title: None
Summary: Anne bites off more than she can chew when a familiar face comes around Wartwood.
"I dunno," Maddie drawled. "I'm still getting some serious dark magic vibes."
"Banana bread isn't dark magic, dude," said Anne, who was drawing a loaf of bread in the dirt, lopsided sticks that could, generously, be labeled as bananas sticking out. "It's super delish, and a way to merge the Plantar stand with the Flour bakery for the ultimate profit."
Polly leaned her bulbous head over the edge of the stand to examine the scribble. "Looks pointy. Can I weaponize it?"
"Anything is a weapon if you're not a coward," the Flour girl replied.
"Sounds like yer not workin' them hard enough, Hopidiah," Mrs. Croaker said from the front of the stand, handing the old frog a copper coin for her basket of vegetables. "If'n yew ever need to get 'em outta yer hair, yew can always send 'em o'er to my ranch."
Hop Pop tipped an imaginary hat. "Much obliged, Sadie. I'll give 'er some thought."
"Sounds like you're getting sold off."
"Eh." Polly shrugged. "Wouldn't be the first time."
A flash of movement caught Anne's eye. The human was sitting at such an angle in the dirt that she could see Stumpy's Diner across the way- a vantage point she enjoyed, typically, were it not for the familiar red-brown skin that caught her eye as the door swung shut.
She stood up. "I'll be right back. Gotta take a leak."
"Remember- leaves of three!" Hop Pop called after her.
Anne pushed her way through the restaurant door, only to be met with total silence. Stumpy's was as busy as ever, smelling vividly of home, but every frog sat, frozen, as they stared at the toad sitting at the bar, swirling a wooden mug of gloppy dew water. Stumpy motioned slowly for her to get closer, handing her a small knife. She nodded.
"Here, love," Wally whispered, handing her his mug. Dew water didn't have any affect on her, but Anne took a swig to be polite before stalking over. Her heart hammered in her chest.
"Bog," she said.
"Anne," Bog said. "You're looking as freakish as ever."
"Where's Mire and Fens?" Anne demanded. "Or were they smart enough to stay out of Wartwood?"
The toad captain huffed out a laugh. "Can't a guy enjoy a drink in peace?"
"Depends. You gonna pay?"
Bog snorted.
Anne palmed the knife. It wasn't anything special- it reeked of onions and cheap dish soap- but it could cause some damage if she put her mind to it. "Look, Bog. I've got some copper saved up. I'll pay for you- you just gotta leave when you're done. We gotta deal?"
"I'm almost touched. But a little copper ain't gonna pay fer a new tower." Bog slapped the table with a clawed hand and stood. "Someone in this frog god forsaken town owes the toads for a sewers-full of boom shrooms. I'm here to collect. Simple as that."
Wally audibly swallowed.
Anne made a split-second decision and responded, "I ain't got that kind of pay, old man."
"Then yer gonna pay in labor. You're getting drafted, Anne."
"I'm not leaving Wartwood, and I'm certainly not joining you."
Bog's typical smirk fell into a scowl. "You think I want you around, Anne? You think I want you mucking up a perfectly good toad battalion with your spindly limbs and inability to dodge a mace? But orders are orders, and they're comin' straight from the top." He held out his hand. "C'mon, kid. We'll even let you pick out a nickname. Scarecrow or somethin'."
Anne grabbed the front of his armor and yanked him close, knife trained to his neck. "You tried to kill my family."
"Family," he sneered, twisting his head slightly to hock up a loogie. "Lemme put it to you like this, then. You come help us, or this 'family' of yours'll be excavating the damn tower brick by brick."
She shoved him onto his seat. Hard. Anne stood over Bog with nostrils flaring. "Look here, you creep. You can call me whatever you want. You can make me pay your tab. But I draw the line at messin' with my fam." She took the mug and slugged it down, chucking it at his head. "If you're a toad, you'll meet me on the edge of the stream tonight and fight me. I win, no money or frog power. You win... I come with."
Bog saluted, and Anne got the distinct feeling that the toad had won this argument. "See you then, scarecrow. And try to find a better weapon than that toothpick." He hopped off his stool and strode to the door, glancing back behind him. "Oh, and that's your drink now."
Anne stared after the toad. She hated that she was shaking. Hated that she felt sick. Hated that she was so easily riled up.
A gentle blue hand touched her wrist, taking her mind off Bog and his threats. Wally blinked tearfully up at her. "Thank you, Anne. You... didn't have ta' do that."
Anne handed the knife back to Stumpy. "S'no biggie, Walls. You know I hate people who push other people around."
Anne has a lot of memories from home in the basement. Her bookbag, her multitude of outfits, her phone- which, in the rare times it wasn't on her, was tucked carefully away in an old drawer. The mattress had been through hell in a handbasket by now- floods, the weight of multiple frogs jumping on it, a couple droplets of blood from errant scrapes and other boo-boos- but the blanket was brown and fuzzy and entirely hers by now, littered with stickers and human hair. She also had a set or armor and a couple of swords laying around. They're a new reminder of a new home, and all she's done to defend it. Even as she straps in, Anne doesn't feel alien. She feels strong. She feels like she's going to go whack some toad butt. And if her hands shook taking up the sword, it was only because metal was heavy.
Anne carefully heaved herself out of the basement via the side doors, not wanting to risk waking a Plantar by going through the front. She closed the doors; then, for good measure, she stuck a chunk of wood through the handles. It never hurt to lock up.
"Be back soon, guys," she promised.
She made it about halfway across the yard when a familiar chirping noise caught her attention. Anne smiled in spite of her mild nerves as she came up on the stables, patting Bessie's head. "Heya, girl. Come to wish me off?"
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msftbts · 5 years
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Personal stylist!Reader x OT7
(eventual) smut, fluff, slight angst & a bit of comedy here and there
Summary: You travel to Korea to start your new life as a personal stylist, expecting nothing more than to gain some job experience for the future, but seven sulky men make it difficult for you to stay in your lane and follow the rules. Will you stay faithful to your boss, or fall into the charms of another?
Notes: For those who were worried; i got a new laptop for my birthday, so I can continue writing again and let me tell y’all, the future chapters are _so_ full of drama, so enjoy the peace while it still lasts..
Warnings: mild cursing, alcohol usage
Taglist: @milk-mochi @ephemeral-mindset @the-wild-ego @kwitze-blog @in-overrmyhead @itsapparent @chocoflagcutii @leftflowerprunedonut @wildly-lost-lantern @knadiuniverse @treetops68 @ultrawheeze @xnxxdlesx @grumpy-doge
Don’t be shy to message/question/request me if you want to be added to the taglist to get notified whenever I post a new chapter! I update this au at least once a week. 
I’m also taking requests for other writing ideas & if you want to discuss or ask questions about the plot of this story then feel free to! I’d love to hear your opinions and theories. Not gonna lie, I’ve been low-key stalking my readers and all of y’all seem so cool, I’d love to become friends. 
Chapter 4
As the loud music started playing, and the 50k people in the audience went crazy, you could sense the nervousness in the air. It was show time. You were in your room, but it felt like you were there in the crowd, as the bass caused the walls of your room to vibrate, and the cheering was shaking the ceiling. That, mixed with the adrenaline running in your veins, caused by the moment with Jimin, made you feel almost ecstatic, alive. Your first night had been a success so far. As the show was starting, you knew you had to spend most of the night trapped in your room, waiting for them to come there for outfit changes during the show, but Melissa pulled you out of your room to go explore behind the stage. She held your hand as you ran together through the hallways to right behind the stage to get a peek of the show. However, you were stopped in your tracks by a stage manager, who asked you where you were going. “We just wanted to take a look at the stage”, Melissa bribed and fluttered her innocent eyes to him. The manager was quiet for awhile, but accompanied you to the stairs leading to the stage. “You can watch from here, but make sure you do it when the lights are on the stage, so they can’t see you”, he introduced. You and Melissa looked at eachother excitedly, being surprised that the manager gave in so easily. You were hanging close to the stairs when the manager ran off somewhere. He came back with the members following him, looking all glammed up and ready for the stage, with microphone wires strapped up on them. The manager said something to his mic, and then lead the boys to the stairs. “They’re ready for you”, he said and the boys started walking up the stairs and onto the blacked out stage one by one. They didn’t seem like they noticed you next to the stairs, until Jimin walked past and winked at you. It was dark, so it was only visible if you looked into his eyes, but Melissa had also noticed it. “Did he just-”, Melissa said and turned to you. You were frozen in place. “Good luck out there!” Melissa screamed to the boys, jumping up and down out of excitement. When the lights turned on and the music started, you both crawled up the stairs and peeked behind the curtains to see a huge stage and a part of the insanely large crowd. The lights were flashing in your eyes, but yours were tightly glued on one person. It was so fascinating to see him switch his personality to a stage one, but you could tell he was in his element as he moved to the music and started singing. He transcended talent. You felt light-hearted, knowing he didn’t give up on you, even after your moment ended quite crummy. You still had plenty of time with him, it was only the first show of the many more to come.
The boys popped into the room throughout the show, dripping with sweat and you helped them change outfits quickly. You didn’t really have time for chit-chats. The boys who were once goofy and loud, were now dead serious and proficient, to the point where it was kind of intimidating. You didn’t even dare to open your mouth, unless it was you asking them to lift their arm so you can adjust their shirt. It was weird seeing them like this, but something about it screamed tempting. They were hot. You were sure everyone else thought so too, and the loud screams from the audience confirmed it. There was like a stigma between the boys and the whole world around them, leaving everyone breathless with the power of just their presence alone. Something about it made you want to fight the feeling even harder. You didn’t wanna be just another one to fall for their infatuation. Even if your work practically forced you to, you didn’t want to be one to kiss their asses. None of the boys expected you to, because they were still surprisingly humble, and felt almost awkward if somebody would do a favor for them. But the state they were in when working, made it easy to label them assholes. But they weren’t, no matter how hard you wanted them to, because it was easier to brush off any attraction towards them if they would have been. Even Jimin was oddly professional, his eyes looked hazy when you helped him get changed. It was like he didn’t even see you, because he was so caught up on his stage persona. His stare was empty, but you could tell there was a lot going on in his head, mind most likely rushing through the choreo. Once he was changed, he looked at himself in the mirror, brushed some of his hair up the way he often did, and rushed out of the room. You wanted to reach for his arm and pull him back, maybe to tell him good luck out there or ask him if he was alright, but you knew you couldn’t. You’re not allowed to. And you weren’t sure if he even wanted you to, he looked so cold that he would have probably just pulled his arm off you. You got your head back to the work, but couldn’t help the empty feeling in your gut.
The rest of the show went in the same patterns. The quick pace was physically challenging and it was impossible to not break a sweat. As the fireworks went off, meaning the show had come to an end, all of the exhausted boys ran into your room at once. You didn’t even have time to assist any of them with changing, when they had already stripped and rummaged through the boxes of their regular clothes. They were out of that room as soon as they were in, and you were left to pick up their sweaty, confetti covered performance outfits off the floor. You finished your work in peace, and gathered all of the dress bags. As you walked outside to bring all your stuff back to the van, you saw a glimpse of the boys getting into a taxi. You stood there watching as the car rushed through the crowds on it’s way to the airport, as a crew worker helped you pack the van.
You gathered all your personal stuff and left the venue with Melissa and other staff workers. Both yours and Melissa’s jaws dropped when you saw the private plane you’d be flying in. As you walked through the plane looking for a seat, you saw one free seat in front of Jimin. You stopped to consider sitting there, and just as he turned his head to look at you from underneath his oversized bucket hat, Melissa called you from the other side of the plane, gesturing you to sit at the seat next to her. You quickly continued walking, embarrassed that you almost ditched your friend to sit across Jimin, who clearly was disinterested. The plane ride went smoothly, you and Melissa sharing her headphones and listening to music, or leaning on each others shoulders while dozing off.
You were definitely not used to waking up in another country, when you finally landed in Tokyo, Japan. Tiredly, you walked through the airport with your worn out makeup from yesterday still on your face. You had completely forgotten about this part of your job, when the doors separating the arrivals opened, and you were faced with a huge crowd of paparazzis, fansites and fans, the flashing lights and screams making you feel dizzy. You covered your face as you were some of the first ones to walk in. You looked to your sides, trying to see where Melissa was to get some assistance from her, but noticed she was nowhere near you. You figured she was probably walking further behind, since she had stopped to go quickly get a coffee. You stood in place, waiting for her as all of the staff passed by you. The screaming intensified when the boys walked in. You noticed them being much more lively again, as they had probably prepared to greet the fans. You also noticed how Jimin’s smile was beaming, as he had taken off the hat covering his face. He was looking at you. A smile spread across your face, as you decided to walk with him, but when he walked towards to you, you felt his shoulder brushing yours as he just walked past you. You were left off with an ignored and defeated feeling as you watched him disappear into the crowd. You felt someone poking your cheek and you looked up to find Melissa with two cups of coffee. She handed the other one for you and you left the airport together.
You had a whole day free for yourself, since the next show would be tomorrow. You spent it mostly in your hotel room, but got out around dinner time, since you had promised to accompany Melissa for a fancy dinner downstairs, in the hotel’s restaurant. You decided to put a little bit more effort to the way you look, choosing a dress instead of your usual pants and shirt combo. For a stylist, you were oddly shy to wear any outstanding looks. Melissa had invited some of her other hair and makeup friends, and you sat at a big round table. You tried your best to socialize as much as you could, knowing this was a good chance for you to finally get to know other staff. And everybody seemed easy to get to know to. Normally this type of successful socializing would make you feel positively charged, but for some reason you felt drained, the recently happened events stuck in your mind. It was easy to cover it up by pretending to be listening to everyone around you, but in reality you were drifting off.
As the hours passed, most of your new friends had left to go back to their rooms to prepare for tomorrow’s new busy schedule, the only people left in the restaurant were you and Melissa, plus some other girl who went by the name Soomi. You were ready to go to bed, but Melissa pulled you to the side, bribing you to go for a few drinks with them into the bar. You only said yes, when she brought up how she would feel awkward to go there alone with Soomi. The bar was on the same level in the hotel as the restaurant and soon you were sat at the fancy wooden bar stools picking out your poisons for the night. Soomi was hesitant to buy all three of you some popular Korean alcohol, and honestly you were down for whatever, as long as it could numb your mind. After a few drinks, you had your head hanging loosely on your hands as Soomi and Melissa were giggling and having the time of their lives right next to you. You weren’t sure how much time had passed (or how many drinks you had downed) but it was surely enough to make you almost doze off. Melissa tapped your shoulder and told you they were going to use the bathroom, and as you lifted your head you saw how both of them looked down at you in pity, then looked at each other and tried to hold in their laughters. Normally you would have been offended, but this time you allowed it, you knew you were a mess. As they walked off, you turned back to rest your elbows and head on the counter. You felt someone sit on the stool next to you. “And what would it be for the gentleman?” The bartender asked the form next to you. “A manhattan please” there was a pause, “oh, and a water, please”. “Coming right up”, the bartender said as he turned around to mix the drink. You felt a light tap on your shoulder, and you lifted your head up slowly to see a glass of water being shoved to you. “Drink”, you turned to your side to see it coming from a familiar man sitting next to you. Your eyes were frozen on him, when it took your blurred out brain a while to figure out where you’ve seen this man before. “Had a rough night?” He continued. Fright washed over you, as you realized it was a man you were working for. Or more specifically, working with. You felt humiliated that he had to see you in a state like this, and the best option for you was to ignore him and leave the situation, or at least that’s what your drunken self thought. As you got up from the chair, you stumbled and almost fell, before you felt a pair of toned arms catching you. “I’m so sorry, you shouldn’t see me in a state like this”, you apologized as he helped you back onto your feet. “Don’t worry about it, you should just sit down for awhile and sip on the water I gave you”, he said and you sat down. “Thank you...What was your name again?” You said and realized how it came out much more slurred than you had meant to. He laughed. “It’s Taehyung, but you can call me Tae”. “Sorry, I must have ruined your image of me by being a drunk idiot. I’m definitely not as professional as you’d think”, you confessed, taking a sip of your drink. “It’s okay, I’m not professional either”, he smirked. “What are you even talking about? It’s like this beast took over all of you yesterday when the show started. You were all so focused on the show, I don’t think you were even human! So yes, you are professional”, you explained waving your hands in the air exaggeratedly. “A beast?” He laughed. “Yeah, it was scary. I was scared”, you said lowering your tone. “Well I don’t bite, unless you want me to”, he said his eyes narrowing. “Please, is that the best you can do? I thought the famous Kim Taehyung had more in him, than the overused phrase people in middle school used to say”, you rolled your eyes at him. He just scoffed and poured his drink down his throat all at once. “Is there a reason you’re sat here all alone almost blacked out drunk?”, he quizzed. “Hey, I’m not almost blacked out drunk!” You defended. “Not anymore, thanks to me”, he ran his hand through his hair. You wanted to call him an asshole for that, but you knew he was right, so you just swallowed your pride. “I was here with some friends, but I’m starting to think they left me”, you said stirring the glass in your hands. “Why would they leave you like that? I know I wouldn’t”, he responded. He was almost too smooth, making you want to push him away, but you were glad he was keeping you company. “I was annoying, I kept complaining about my miserable love life”, you scoffed. “Complain to me”, he said turning to you. “Oh you don’t wanna hear it, it’s stupid really. It’s so stupid that it’s not even love. I’ve just been so desperate that I turned nothing into something” you paused, “You know what? I think I just realized that now”, you said turning to him, maybe revealing too much already. “See, I’m already making you feel better”, he responded with a cocky smile. You smiled back. “I think I should head back to my room now”, you told him. “I’ll come with you, to make sure you get there without passing out on the way”, he smirked and grabbed your hand to pull you up from your chair. “Idiot”, you sighed.
As you finally approached your door and used the keycard to get in, he leaned on the wall and looked at you. “What? You’re not coming in, you know that right?” You teased him, but you were serious. “Too bad”, he smiled and scanned your body. He looked almost too happy to be turned down like that. But little did you know, he was just glad he got to spend even a fraction of his night with you. “Thank you, again..and sorry, again”, you said softly and stepped inside, closing the door between you two. Taehyung stood in place for a while smiling, before returning to his room.
Chapter 5 
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imnotcameraready · 5 years
chivalry is dead (2)
A/N: i thought i wasn’t sure how to continue, but then i sat down last night and cranked out a few thousand words s  O this is being continued :’D this is going from “touch-starved roman” to “general roman angst someone get this boy a HUG”.   also, hoping to get to the Actual Plot in the next chapter :’) 
WARNINGS: Sympathetic Deceit, more cursing, violence, strangulation (Virgil's knee-jerk reaction upon seeing Deceit is to strangle him), general panicked feelings, arguing, heights? let me know if i missed anything!
Words: 2930
Pairings: none yet — DLAMP endgame
Part 1 (chivalry is dead) — Part 2 (i’m wishing) — Part 3 (the bells of notre dame) — Part 4 (honor to us all)
AO3 link!
@starlightvirgil​ @forrestwyrm​
let me know what you think and i hope y’all enjoy!
How the hell was Deceit supposed to explain what he’d just seen?
He’d been pondering for hours, pacing around his room. It probably wasn’t good that he’d waited hours since the incident but this was a situation that had to be approached cautiously. Virgil didn’t trust him nor like him, and Patton and Logan were inclined to take Virgil’s side. Something had happened to Roman, though, and it seemed dangerous. Possibly even something that Deceit had warned them about prior.
A part of him wanted them to find out themselves. To throw Roman’s door open and see only the dark pit that’d swallowed their heroic prince. That’d teach them to ignore him. But what kind of effect would that have on Thomas? Deceit didn’t want to risk Thomas having the worst creative block of his life because of his own inaction, that was for certain.
Plus, the bottomless pit and lack of Roman’s room would be solid evidence that something had happened, and that might be enough to convince them to help him. Or, if they didn’t want Deceit involved, for them to take action themselves.
Who was he kidding. Those idiots needed him.
So what. He could impersonate Roman, he could conjure a replica of his outfit, slide into the Mind Palace’s common area without an issue. Out of the four accepted Sides, Deceit was most confident in his ability to portray Roman, especially after the courtroom debacle. But, and he stopped his pacing, where would that leave him? Roman hadn’t left his room in nearly a week. The others would no doubt be worried, would probably interrogate him, and Deceit couldn’t spend time on the witness stand as Roman without cracking. And then they would all think he had something to do with it.
This was more concerning, more personal. A matter of pure self-preservation, so to speak. Deceit didn’t know where Thomas’ Creativity had gone. It looked as though the ground had swallowed him whole. Deceit needed — and he winced at the thought of it — to lay his cards out for the other Sides. Tell them honestly that he’d witnessed Roman’s fall. Show them the pit itself. Hope they understand.
….He hated showing his hand like such, but he wasn’t willing to perjure himself in this situation.
Deceit sighed. Now that he knew what he had to do, time was of the essence. Might as well approach the others immediately. He cracked his neck, picked his coat and hat up from the coat rack, and fixed his outfit in the mirror behind his door. He had to be straight-forward. No tricks, no disguises.
Motherfucker, he already didn’t like this.
Slowly, he rose up, appearing just at the top of the stairs. Hopefully he’d be able to walk down the stairs, not be seen by Virgil, approach….heck, Patton? Whichever he saw first, Patton or Logan, and plead for an open ear. Patton would probably be more willing, thus making him the best case scenario.
“What’re you doing here.”
Deceit stifled a groan. Alright, worst case scenario time.
“I’m here to ask for help.”
Shuffling behind him. Deceit stepped to the side, facing Virgil head on. While Deceit was dressed to be seen, Virgil certainly wasn’t, sporting an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants. His hood was up but Deceit could see his glare perfectly well in the dark.
“What kind of help would you need, snake face?” Virgil hissed at him, “Get out before I make you.”
“I’m not the one who needs help,” Deceit whispered back, “I….”
No tricks. No lies.
“....Something’s happened to Roman. And—”
Virgil’s hand was around Deceit’s neck almost as soon as he mentioned Roman. “What’d you do to him?” his voice rose, panic threatening to spill over, “If you hurt him, so help me, I’ll rip your scales off.”
Deceit gasped for breath. This was definitely not ideal, he thought, one hand trying to pry Virgil’s fingers from his throat. Really, how was he supposed to explain himself if Virgil was gonna do this?
“Imagination—Roman—Virgil—” there wasn’t any time for this, Deceit wanted to scream at him, who knew where Roman had gone? But he could barely breathe. Hopefully Virgil could feel how panicked Deceit was.
If he did, he didn’t show it. Virgil just glared harder at him, pressing Deceit against the wall. “Full sentences,” he growled, and Deceit wanted to groan, are you kidding me?
Soft footsteps approached up the stairs, and Virgil dropped Deceit, who leaned back against the wall and lifted a hand to massage his throat.
“Virgil!” ah, Patton, his savior, “What’s going on here?”
Deceit would have explained that he’d dropped in to warn them about the absentee prince but was accosted not too gently the moment he arrived. He even opened his mouth, ready to snap back with a retort. But instead of words, he could only manage to cough, doubling over into himself as his throat burned.
“Deceit showed up, said something about Roman. I was in the middle of kicking him out.”
“Something about Roman? Does Deceit know why he’s been in his room for so long, maybe?”
“Beats me. You know we can’t trust anything he says, Pat, just let me take him out.”
“Did you choke him?” Deceit straightened his back, coughing behind a hand, trying to not let too much of his guard down around these hooligans.
Patton was standing between him and Virgil, who was leaning against the opposite hallway wall, starring away from them both with a glare. Deceit made a face at him before turning to Patton and nodding. He cleared his throat, then winced. Why’d he do that. He knew it’d hurt.
Patton grimaced and waved Deceit closer. “C’mon, lets go downstairs. Then you can tell us what you wanted to, m’kay?”
That got Virgil’s attention. He turned back towards them and pushed himself off the wall. “What?! Patton, you can’t be serious, he’s—that’s Deceit, you know he’s bad news, we gotta get him out—”
“If he knows something about Roman, then we should hear him out. Attacking someone for just being isn’t nice,” Deceit raised an eyebrow at Patton, surprised at how easily he came to his defense.
Virgil scowled but had the self-respect to look remorseful. He bowed his head, stalking off down the stairs, mumbling a quiet “sorry” as he left.
Patton and Deceit both watched him go and, once he disappeared into the kitchen, looked at each other with mirroring reproachful expressions.
“Thank you,” Deceit coughed out, rubbing his throat again as he heard how actually hoarse his voice was.
“....Now, I can’t say I don’t agree with Virgil in some ways,” Patton waved his hand and nudged Deceit towards the stairs, “But I don’t think violence is the answer. You wouldn’t have come here it if weren’t something important.”
Deceit didn’t have an answer that didn’t include sarcasm and perhaps a few choice swear words, so he decided to not say anything. He just stepped carefully down each stair, Patton’s hand resting on his shoulder and steering him into the kitchen.
Logan and Virgil were already there, sitting opposite each other at the table. Virgil had his hood pulled up, strings tightened such that Deceit couldn’t see his face. He knew, however, that Virgil was definitely glaring at the table. Logan was a little more open, holding a tablet with one hand and a coffee mug with the other. He raised an eyebrow at Patton but said nothing of the moral side sitting Deceit down at the table, right beside himself.
There must have been something very wrong for very long, because even Deceit knew that the kitchen was loud whenever there were two Sides in here. Instead of the noise, however, there was just silence. And tension. God, how did he let it get this bad. 
“Drinks, anyone?” Patton asked, “Deceit, I’m gonna make you some tea.”
“Thanks,” he croaked out again, hissing at the sound of his own voice. 
If Logan’s eyebrow could go up more, it would have. He lowered the tablet, watching Deceit quietly, inspecting him. Like some sort of animalistic specimen, Deceit thought as he leaned on a hand.
Logan had a question in mind, though. “Your voice hasn’t always sounded like that, correct?”
Deceit rolled his eyes. “No,” he glanced at Virgil, who pulled the strings of his hood tighter around his own face.
Ashamed, most likely. Probably mortified.
“....Had a bad coughing bought. Ran out of my own tea. Scared Virgil in the hall,” Deceit wasn’t here to cause Virgil any more anxiety. He was sure that, whether they knew anything about the Roman situation or not, Virgil was already catching the excess fear and negativity.
Not disclosing Virgil’s violent reaction seemed to be a shock, because he tilted his hooded head up to squint at Deceit.
No tricks. Deceit shrugged at him, face hardset.
Deceit raised a single eyebrow at him. Did Virgil really want to disclose that? Patton looked around at them, and he seemed to share a look with Virgil over Deceit’s back. He didn’t mind. It was up to Virgil.
“....Mentioned. Something, about Roman,” there we go.
Patton set a mug of chamomile tea down in front of Deceit, who murmured “thank you” as well as he could. He immediately took a sip, hoping that the tea made his voice work just well enough to explain what he’d seen.
“Alright,” Deceit coughed, and took another sip. No tricks. No lies. “Okay. He was lying pretty blatantly to himself, which is a worrying start. So much so that it summoned me right into his room….”
Deceit described what he saw. Roman throwing a pencil at the wall so hard it snapped into two.
Being caressed by a storming cloud that wetted his princely garb and shot lightning around the room.
The walls and furniture fading away like mist.
How he fell into the black nothingness below. Falling, and falling, until the little white dot was gone as well.
They all listened, enraptured, and Deceit took sips of the tea and pauses to cough throughout his story. Patton sat on the counter, reacting in sound effects and facial expressions. Logan simply watched Deceit, brow furrowed in confusion. Perhaps worry. Virgil was squinting at Deceit, lips set in a hard line, maybe even considering the truth to his words.
Once Deceit finished, Virgil spoke first, voice soft with an implacable tension behind it. “You’re scared for him.”
Deceit leaned back in the chair, taking a large sip of his tea and finishing off the mug. It was promising that they actually listened, maybe they’d take him at face value. “I know what I saw. The Imagination just swallowed him up.”
“But, see, I don’t get–I don’t really–I don’t understand that,” Patton was leaning on the counter behind Deceit, fingers drumming gently against the cabinet, “Roman controls the Imagination. It wouldn’t just do that without his permission, right?”
Gosh darnit, Patton. “So it got his permission, then! I don’t know how the Imagination worked and, honestly, I was hoping you all’d have a better idea of what happened,” They had to act, now. Deceit was growing impatient.
“Why would we need to know? That’s Roman’s area of expertise,” Logan could also sense his own ignorance and apparently chose to ignore it. “I don’t understand why you think we dabbled in creative endeavours when Roman was there embodying it.”
Deceit shot him a glare. “Because, Logan, teamwork. I thought you all practiced teamwork here, since you all make it seem so important that you’re each other’s friends and whatever,” he gestured forward, pointing at Virgil, “You think you’re doing a great job of protecting him and leveling with him, but really, you’re all just leaving Roman to sit alone in the dark!”
Virgil bristled. “Watch your mouth—”
“We ARE friends, but that’s why we don’t get involved!” Patton held up a hand, voice desperate for attention and for the tension to ease. “I–We don’t want Roman to think we’re stepping on his toes. Yeah, we make stuff, sure, but the big creating is always for him.”
They didn’t get it. Deceit slumped back into his chair, scowling directly at Virgil. Virgil wasn’t even distorting what he was saying. Well, he was, but probably not intentionally. They just didn’t believe him. How could he show them, how could he make them see that he was being honest—
Aha. The pit.
Deceit stood up. “Why don’t we check his room,” he snapped.
Virgil stood up as well, hands flat on the table. “We don’t go into each others’ room without permission, that’s not a thing we do. It’s privacy.”
“Oh, yeah? Not even to protect each other? Not to comfort or check up on one another?” Deceit’s nose scrunched up as he walked around the table, towards the stairs, “You’re so worried about not intruding on each other’s space that you’re willing to put those meaningless rules ahead of your friends’ safety?”
“Roman’s NOT IN DANGER, because I WOULD KNOW,” Virgil snapped, following close behind Deceit, “I can TELL.”
“Then why don’t you tell them!” Deceit threw his arms into the air, grasping at nothing as he tried to understand Virgil’s nonsensical desire to counter everything he said. He was ready to throw ‘No tricks’ out the goddamn window. “Tell them, tell them about how Roman’s been feeling anxious all week, how you just didn’t say anything, how you’ve been lying to yourself about his worries, as though you could just tell yourself that Roman wasn’t feeling upset.”
“I—” Virgil faltered now, ���You don’t–I had to make a decision. Roman wasn’t–he needed—”
“Who’re you to decide what he needs? He’s Thomas’ desires, he knows what he needs and what he wants and all that!” Deceit could see the doors now, all the Sides’ bedrooms with labels and decorations.
He figured they’d decorated them themselves. While he hadn’t had the chance to look around and did want to accustom himself to the Mind Palace, he didn’t have the time nor patience to adequately memorize the doors. He just looked for the one labeled “ROMAN’S ROOM” and started towards it.
“Hang on, Deceit. We’ve definitely all comforted each other before. Some more than others. Well, me more than others, since Dad over here’s most likely to be eating a pint of ice cream—”
“Patton,” if only Deceit could echo Logan’s exasperation, but tenfold.
“Sorry! What I’m trying to say is that we might have….I don’t think any of us fully knew how upset Roman was. If he’s as upset as you’re saying he is,” he was, but Deceit didn’t want to interrupt, “But when Roman holes himself up in his room like this, usually he doesn’t–he tells us to not go in.”
Deceit….didn’t know how to respond. Of course that prideful idiot would say to not go in. He didn’t want anyone seeing him like this, of course. Did Patton not get that? Or were they all just so bent on following these rules that they weren’t willing to step out of line for the safety of one of their own?
“Maybe Deceit wants us to piss Roman off,” Virgil grumbled tiredly, after Patton’s outburst gained no response. Deceit knew that Virgil knew that that was a lie. They both knew.
“Or he could simply be lying. But for what reason,” Logan stepped up the final stair and continued after them, still trying to understand the irrational tension.
“I don’t HAVE a reason to lie about this!” Deceit nearly shouted, rounding back on the trio in anger, “I know what I saw.”
He was met with three fairly hostile and skeptical expressions,  and he didn’t know what he expected. Support? Understanding? Pah.
God, how had Deceit ignored his duties like this? To let the other Sides just steamroll each other with pleasantries that ultimately left them all isolated….well, following that line of thinking would lead to an ouroboros of hypocrisy.
“Roman’s in danger, and who knows how far he’s fallen by now,” Deceit rested on the door’s handle, “And it’s truly illuminating to see how little you all care about him! Letting him stay holed up in his room for a week without checking on him? Some friends!”
Patton’s hands balled into fists as he shoved them straight down at his sides. He approached Deceit as well, following just after Virgil. “Hey! Watch your tone there, mister, we’re very much his friends! And friends know when to give each other some space.”
“And know when to not break into someone’s room,” Virgil’s voice slipped into his deeper, more demanding powers as he hissed angrily.
Deceit was reeling. He hissed back at Virgil and rounded on the other two. “None of you are LISTENING—”
“As much as your aspect weighs into the possibility of you telling the truth, I find it unlikely that the Imagination would betray Roman in an autonomous way. And I don’t think it’s likely that the Mind Palace would stay as sturdy as it currently is, were Roman in any real danger,” Logan approached Deceit, putting himself between him, and Virgil and Patton, voice still maintaining a guise of calm rationality.
Deceit wasn’t having this anymore, though. He had physical proof.
“Look, you don’t have to believe me. But you cannot deny that this—” Deceit yanked open the door, eliciting a loud shout from both Patton and Virgil about Roman’s privacy. He was about to yell something else, but the words died in his throat when he saw the room.
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silverlightqueen · 5 years
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Fallen From Grace - Part 1
demonprince!au, ot7, angst, humour, fluff, potential future smut
Word Count: 9.2k
Summary - Heaven is the goal, right? For most, anyway. Dying and then going to heaven, where everything is pure and perfect and light and happy. That’s what everyone wants, right? Well, I hate to break it to you, pal, but heaven isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. With its rigid rules and structured system, as well as its discriminatory hierarchy, it may not be the place you think it is. Don’t believe me? Just look at the story of the Seven Angel Brothers. Wait, what? You’ve never heard of the story? Are you kidding me? So you’re expecting me to tell you now? God, I’ve got to do all the work around here. The Seven Angel Brothers? God’s right-hand men, his go-tos, his ride-or-dies, his day ones? Not ringing a bell? You know, the ones that made The Mistake, which we N E V E R speak of, and, after receiving the harshest punishment from the one they looked up to the most, left heaven to live in hell? And Satan was so happy they’d chosen him over God that he made them princes of hell? And let them do whatever they wanted? And they basically made Earth their playground? And set their eyes on that girl? How do you not know about this? You wanna know more? Sit tight, bucko, this story is a… wild ride, to say the least…
Warnings: a lot of sleuthing and detective work, darkhair!ot7, mild profanity, flirting, that’s it for now sksks
a/n: hey guys! I've been so excited about this and I’m so happy to finally be uploading the first part! this isn’t proofread either so there may be mistakes !! lmk what you think and hmu if you wanna be on the taglist !! 💕
taglist💕: @keylowmonie 
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silverlightqueen masterlist
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‘Is everything ready for your party, or do you need me to get anything?’ Jennie asks, voice just discernible over the noise of her television playing in the background. ‘Everything’s sorted. Can you turn your TV down, please? I can barely hear you over… what are you even watching?’ y/n asks, lying across her bed with low music playing in the background. ‘On My Block. I’ve developed a theory about those brothers, and I’m doing research,’ Jennie says, easier to hear now. ‘Research? From On My Block?’ y/n replies, holding back a laugh. ‘I’ve been watching Narcos, Peaky Blinders and The Mob,’ Jennie says, y/n laughing out loud this time. ‘Don’t tell me you think they’re part of a gang too?’ y/n asks. ‘It’s plausible. Think about it. They’re brothers, even though they don’t have the same last name, and they’re all the same age. Seven of them. They appeared out of nowhere and they don’t speak to anyone - they keep a low profile. None of them have any social media - I even did some stalking. They have matching tattoos. Being school boys is the perfect cover. No one would suspect a thing,’ Jennie explains. ‘Fair enough, but I’m gonna disprove one of your points; Kim Namjoon spoke to me today,’ y/n says, Jennie gasping. ‘What did he say?’ Jennie asks. ‘Well, I said hi and then-’ ‘So you spoke to him then?’ Jennie says drily, the other girl shushing her. 
‘He said he’s heard stuff about me, but he wants to get to know me for me, and I said the same about him and his brothers. Then I told him he’s got cute dimples and invited him to the party,’ y/n explains. ‘You told a gang leader he’s got cute dimples and then invited him to your house?’ Jennie demands in shock. ‘A gang leader? He’s not a gang leader!’ y/n exclaims, laughing. ‘Why not?’ Jennie challenges. ‘Um, hello? Dimples? Amazing hair? Just the right mix of cute and hot?’ y/n says, picturing him in her mind. ‘And? It’s the perfect cover because people like you don’t see through it,’ Jennie says as though it’s obvious, y/n laughing at her best friend. ‘What makes you think that Kim Namjoon is the leader anyway?’ ‘He’s the one that always talks. I don’t think I’ve heard any of the other boys’ voices, except for Park Jimin, ‘cause I have Maths with him,’ Jennie explains. ‘Yeah, but is Kim Namjoon the oldest?’ ‘No, he’s the middle child. Kim Seokjin’s the oldest, but Kim Namjoon kinda just leads the group,’ Jennie says, y/n laughing. ‘Well, whatever. They’re not gang members, and there’s nothing wrong with having them at my house.’ ‘What? You invited all of them?’ Jennie demands. ‘Obviously. I couldn’t just invite Kim Namjoon. I told him to bring his brothers too,’ y/n says. ‘I’m telling you, they’re dangerous, y/n,’ Jennie says. ‘Listen, if it bothers you that much, I’ll ask my dad to look into it, okay? If anyone can find out, my dad can. And anyone, I’m pretty sure that if there were gang members going to our school, my dad would’ve told us,’ y/n says, Jennie sighing defeatedly. ‘Okay, they may not be gang members, but there’s definitely something weird about those brothers,’ Jennie says ominously. ‘Agreed,’ y/n says, ‘they’re all just as hot as each other. There’s not even one less good-looking one. What kind of family is that?’
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‘Which one should I wear to y/n’s?’ Taehyung asks, holding up two different outfits, stood right in front of the TV. ‘Seriously, Tae? It’s not until the weekend. It’s only Monday,’ Yoongi says exasperatedly, the rest of them looking up at Taehyung in despair. ‘I want to be prepared,’ Taehyung replies stubbornly. ‘The left one, but with a Gucci belt,’ Jimin replies, taking pity on the boy, who shoots him a boxy smile in return. ‘Actually, we need to talk about that,’ Jin says, catching the attention of the other boys. ‘What about it? It’s a party,’ Jungkook says. ‘Yeah, I know, but we need to come up with some sort of plan. What are we actually hoping to achieve?’ ‘Friendship with her,’ Hoseok replies, eyes still on the TV. ‘I mean in the long term. She might be rich and have a lot of power, but she’s still a high school student. What kind of contacts is she going to have, exactly? A lash and nail technician?’ Jin asks. ‘To be fair, Jimin’s nails have been looking a bit gross recently,’ Jungkook begins, Jimin hitting him over the head with a fluffy cushion.
‘Listen. She’s rich, right? But it’s not her money, it’s her parents. I did some research into her, and I can’t find a single thing about her or her parents on the internet, except for her social media accounts,’ Namjoon says. ‘Is she insta famous?’ Hoseok scoffs. ‘Kind of, actually. She’s got around 10k followers, but she’s still on private, so she must approve all of her followers before letting them follow her, which is suspicious for a girl like her. But anyway, what kind of rich girl like her doesn’t have any information about herself or parents on the internet? It’s weird,’ Namjoon says. ‘Have you checked the dark web?’ Jimin asks, the boys all looking at him in confusion. ‘Why on earth would she or her parents be on the dark web?’ Yoongi asks. ‘You never know. Maybe they run The Mafia,’ Jimin suggests. ‘Yeah, and I’m friends with Madonna,’ Jungkook scoffs. ‘Whatever. I’m telling you, there’s definitely something weird about that girl,’ Jimin says. ‘Agreed,’ Hoseok says, ‘she’s one of the hottest girls I’ve seen in my life. What high school girl looks that angelic?’
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‘Hey, y/n, did you want your seat back?’ Wooyoung asks when she walks in, having moved from his normal seat at the back of the room to y/n’s, right in the middle of the room, as always. ‘If you don’t mind,’ she replies, smiling shyly at the boy. He rises from the seat, holding up a fist for her to bump hers against, and grins. ‘Anything for you, babe,’ he replies, moving to the back amongst his noisy friends, Jungkook watching in incredulity as she slides into the seat beside him, arranging her fluffy pink stationery across the desk. ‘Hey, I’m y/n y/l/n,’ the girl says, turning to Jungkook with her hand extended, startling the boy. She admires the fratboy look he has going on; messy curly hair and an adorable grin which easily becomes a sultry smirk. She also notes the awkward way his long legs are bent beneath the desk, alluding to him being tall and lean. ‘Jeon Jungkook,’ he replies, smiling as he shakes her hand, white nails lightly touching the skin of his wrist. ‘I’m new, so, I thought I’d just introduce myself,’ y/n says. ‘Not exactly new, though. I’m newer than you,’ Jungkook says, and y/n grins. ‘I’m guessing your brother told you about me, right?’ y/n asks with a smile, and Jungkook nods. ‘He told us about the get-together you’re having.’ ‘Make sure you guys come, okay? I’ve come back and everyone’s got all these expectations of me. I just want some people in my life that’ll let me make a different impression, a new impression,’ y/n explains. ‘You’ve already made quite an impression, y/n,’ Jungkook says amusedly, ‘the cafeteria yesterday was definitely a show.’ ‘Oh, god, it was terrible,’ y/n groans, the boy laughing, ‘they act like I’m a celebrity.’ ‘I wouldn’t mind the treatment you get,’ Jungkook says. ‘I hate it. Sometimes,’ she adds as an afterthought, Jungkook laughing. She seems like a nice girl, he thinks to himself.
‘Hey, y/n!’ Wooyoung calls from the back of the room, y/n turning in her chair, giving Jungkook a full view of her fantastic figure in the uniform. ‘What’s this about a party at yours?’ Wooyoung asks, leaning back in his chair, a predatory glint in his eyes as he scans the girl. Jungkook wonders if y/n can see that Wooyoung clearly wants nothing more than to get in her pants. ‘It’s not a party, it’s a small get-together,’ she corrects him, smiling. ‘Where’s my invite?’ he asks, his friends all watching the exchange with eager eyes. ‘You haven’t had one. Yet,’ y/n says, Wooyoung raising his eyebrow. ‘Am I gonna get one?’ he asks, and y/n lets out a gentle laugh. ‘Maybe. As long as you don’t get blackout drunk like you did last time. My dad won’t be too impressed if he finds vomit in the dishwasher again,’ y/n says, everyone laughing, including Wooyoung despite the way his face fell momentarily at the mention of y/n’s father. Interesting, Jungkook thinks, noting it mentally.
The girl turns back to Jungkook then, cutting her conversation with the school’s most popular boy short. ‘But, yeah, the popularity isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s only because they think I’m pretty. And because my family’s rich’,’ she says with a roll of her eyes, and Jungkook’s ears almost visibly perk up. ‘What, do they think they’re gonna get shares in your parents’ business or something?’ Jungkook jokes, trying to be clever with the question he asks. ‘Probably. It’s a shame they don’t know that they’re not business owners. It’s a rumour that’s been going around for years, and everyone seems to believe it’s true because I’ve never denied it,’ y/n says light-heartedly, and Jungkook celebrates mentally. So her father’s not a businessman. ‘Oh, right. Well, more fool them,’ he says, laughing along with her, before their Physical Education teacher walks in then, starting the lesson.
Within minutes, it’s easy to see that Jungkook has some competition for being the best in the class. Both of them compete to answer the questions, y/n drawing Jungkook out of his shell and getting him involved in the class a little more. They keep up a friendly rivalry throughout the lesson, their jokey banter entertaining their classmates, and y/n already knows she’s made a new friend. At the end of the lesson, the teacher leaves instantly, and Jennie comes in as y/n packs her bag. ‘Oh, hey, Jen!’ y/n exclaims, adorably excited to see her friend. ‘Hey, babe,’ Jennie replies, pulling y/n into a quick hug. ‘Jungkook, this is Jennie Kim, my best friend. Jennie, this is Jeon Jungkook, my new friend,’ y/n introduces them, and they smile at one another, sizing each other up. ‘I’ve invited Jungkook and his brothers over to mine, so we’ll both get to meet the others this weekend,’ y/n says. ‘Oh, speaking of which, did you want us to bring anything?’ Jungkook asks, knowing it’s custom to take a bottle or snacks to a party. ‘Just bring yourselves, and anything you might want. I’ve got enough drink and stuff, but if you want to do anything or smoke, bring it because I’m all out at the moment,’ y/n tells him, Jungkook trying not to show his shock at the open admission of y/n, a seemingly angelic girl, doing drugs. ‘Oh, cool, I’ll let them know,’ he says. ‘Okay. See you later, Jungkook,’ y/n says with a smile, leaving with Jennie.
‘Guess what?’ y/n says to Jennie the second they’re out of the classroom. ‘What?’ Jennie asks as they reach y/n’s locker. ‘He was trying to find out about my parents,’ y/n whispers, not wanting her many fans to overhear. ‘You’re kidding?’ Jennie asks, and y/n shakes her head. ‘He was trying to do it subtly, thinking I wouldn’t notice…’ ‘But obviously, you did, ‘cause you’re like a genius,’ Jennie finishes. ‘I don’t get why, though. I understand that I might come across as mysterious or whatever, considering I disappeared for a year, but wouldn’t he be trying to find out about me? Not my parents,’ y/n thinks aloud. ‘You don’t think he’s heard something, do you?’ Jennie asks, and y/n shakes her head. ‘What would he have heard? That my dad’s scary? That’s all anyone knows, as far as I’m aware. You’re the only one that knows the truth, and you wouldn’t say anything, so I don’t get it. I’m starting to think you might be right about them, you know?’ y/n says, Jennie’s eyes widening. ‘Okay, I know I was serious, but at the same time, I didn’t really think they’re gang members. It was just a theory,’ Jennie says. ‘I know, but it makes sense now. They’ve appeared out of nowhere with no backstory and he’s asking about my parents. What if they know who my dad is, know who I am? And I panicked, and told him he doesn’t own a business, which makes things worse,’ y/n says. ‘No, I don’t think so, y/n. If they knew about you and your dad, he wouldn’t be asking about your parents, would he?’ Jennie points out. ‘Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m just being paranoid,’ y/n tries to convince herself. ‘Exactly. You’re turning into me, babe. Nothing’s going on,’ Jennie says, y/n nodding in agreement. ‘Okay,’ y/n says, ‘let’s just get working on a playlist for this party.’  
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‘Yoongi! Yoongi!’ Jungkook calls down the corridor, the crowds of students parting for him to get to his brother. ‘What? What’s happened?’ Yoongi asks, instantly becoming alert. ‘I sit next to y/n in PE, and I found out that her parents don’t own a business,’ Jungkook tells him, watching the tension flow out of his brother’s body. ‘Okay. And?’ Yoongi asks the younger exasperatedly. ‘So if they don’t own a business, how are they so filthy rich? It must be dodgy,’ Jungkook says excitedly, trying to keep his voice down. ‘Or they inherited in from their parents? Or they won the lottery? Or they gambled and won big? Or they’re landlords?’ Yoongi suggests. ‘No, no, it’s not like that. It was the way she said it, it seemed suspicious. She was, like, panicking,’ Jungkook says, before relaying the conversation to Yoongi. ‘Okay, I guess that it is a bit weird. But she’s clever, Kook. If she were hiding something, she wouldn’t just slip up like that,’ Yoongi says, still sceptical. ‘Maybe she was caught off-guard,’ Jungkook suggests. ‘Hmm, I guess. We’ll see. We’ll check the dark web and stuff in the next couple of days, and if nothing comes of it, then we’ll just leave her alone. Okay? No more spur-of-the-moment interrogations,’ Yoongi says, Jungkook sighing with a nod. ‘Come on, let’s head back. They’ve already left,’ Yoongi says, leading the younger boy towards the exit, ‘so it’s just you and me, kid.’ 
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‘One of my favourite lessons. God, I missed this one,’ y/n sighs contentedly as she steps into the art room. The bright colours, beautiful artwork and sunlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows make this classroom one of the best in the school. One of y/n’s goals is to get a piece of her work up on the wall before she leaves school. ‘Wait, didn’t Jihyo leave?’ y/n asks her companion, Chaeyoung, about the absence of her old partner, who nods. ‘Yeah, one of the new boys sits in her seat now,’ Chae replies, y/n sighing internally. Another new boy sitting near her? She’s gonna get tired of introducing herself soon enough. She takes her old seat, taking out her beloved art supplies that still sit in her drawer, untouched due to the labels with her name on them in scrawling handwriting. No one would dare to touch her stuff. ‘Oh, hi,’ a deep voice says, y/n looking up at the sound. It’s another of the new boys, taking his seat beside her. He’s taller than her like the others, with dark brown hair, slightly curly and longer at the nape, dark eyes trained on the girl. ‘Hey. I’m y/n y/l/n, the new girl,’ she says for the third time this week (and it’s only Wednesday), holding out a hand for him to shake. ‘New?’ he replies with a raised eyebrow, shaking her hand firmly, and y/n grins. ‘You all know about me then, huh?’ she asks, and he nods, giving her the most adorable boxy smile. ‘I do. I’m Kim Taehyung, and I’m presuming you know about me too,’ he says, and she nods. ‘I do know about you, Kim Taehyung, though probably not as much as you know about me,’ y/n says, Taehyung nodding with a grin. ‘The whole school seems to be obsessed with you, y/n. I’d quite like to find out why,’ Taehyung says, y/n unsure of whether or not he’s flirting. As much as she might seem like a boy magnet, she has absolutely no idea how to read boys.
‘Well, I’m sure you will, if we’re partners for the rest of the year, and if you come to my get-together this weekend,’ y/n says, Taehyung still smiling. ‘We’re all looking forward to it. As much as we’ve also been the talk of the school, it’s not all been exactly positive, and so none of us have made any friends. Not really, anyway. This is the first thing we’ve been invited to in the month we’ve been here. I know Jungkook and I are the most excited,’ Taehyung admits, and y/n smiles at the thought of them being excited about going to hers, to make new friends. It makes her feel guilty for suspecting them. ‘Aww, I’m honoured. It’ll be fun, and it’s only be a small thing. 50 max,’ y/n says, Taehyung raising an eyebrow. ‘Isn’t that the same size as some people’s weddings?’ he asks, and y/n waves a hand. ‘It’s all subjective. For a girl that wants at least 500 people at her wedding, 50 is nothing,’ y/n says, Taehyung laughing at her words. God, y/n’s a roll with making all these hot boys laugh. ‘I guess. Jungkook said you’re okay with us bringing drugs. Is that true or is he just delusional?’ Taehyung asks, and y/n laughs. ‘No, it’s true, he’s not delusional. I would provide some myself, but my plug got arrested so I’m trying to find a new one,’ y/n lies in a woeful tone, coaxing chuckles from Taehyung. ‘I can get you some. I’ve got a great plug. Cheap, too,’ Taehyung offers, and y/n tilts her head, impressed. ‘I might just take you up on that offer,’ y/n replies before the teacher appears at their desk.
‘Miss y/l/n, Mr Kim, I see you’re getting to know one another, which I would not have an issue with if it were not for the fact that both of you have a year’s worth of work to do in the next 5 months if you want to pass the course,’ he says, looking down at them over the rim of his glasses. ‘Sorry, sir. We were just talking about our plans for the assignment,’ y/n says, leaning towards him over the desk, and Taehyung watches as a light blush colours the teacher’s face, and he can’t believe his eyes. Does the teacher really have a crush on y/n? As well as everyone else in this damn school? ‘Oh, very good, Miss y/l/n, Mr Kim. What are your ideas exactly?’ he asks, and Taehyung watches y/n’s eyes flit to the board that reads, ‘Duality’, almost able to see her mind working. ‘We were thinking about doing a piece that explores the duality of perspective, specifically for religion, and in particular Lucifer. In some people’s opinion, God was right to cast him out due to his sins of pride and greed, but others would think different. You could argue that we preach about self-love and putting yourself first, and that’s exactly what Lucifer was doing. He wanted better for himself, and you could even say that he didn’t agree with the dictatorship in Heaven and wanted the power to be less concentrated, and so got cast out. Some could say that it was unfair for God to have all the glory and power to himself, and that he proved Lucifer’s point by casting him out,’ y/n says, both Taehyung and the teacher looking at her in shock, but for very different reasons.
‘Very insightful, Miss y/l/n, very insightful indeed. What would your own opinion be?’ the teacher asks, and y/n thinks for a moment. ‘As bad as this is gonna sound, I’m not religious at all, so don’t think I’m being blasphemous. If I were Lucifer, I’d probably already have left, if I’m being honest. Why serve in Heaven when you can reign in Hell?’ y/n says, both Taehyung and the teacher silent. ‘Very interesting, y/n. Can you share this view with the class?’ the teacher asks, quietening the class and getting y/n to relay her opinions, this time in a much less controversial way. All Taehyung can think about is what she said about reigning in Hell instead of serving in Heaven, his blood simultaneously running cold and burning hot in his veins. He wishes for nothing more than having his abilities back, so he could tell his brothers what had just happened. ‘Are you okay, Taehyung?’ y/n asks him, breaking him out of his shocked reverie. ‘Oh, yeah, just thinking about what you said. How did you come up with it so quickly?’ he asks, and y/n laughs. ‘I just saw duality, and Heaven and Hell was the first thing that popped into my mind. I don’t really know why. I guess... I’ve always been interested in the Bible and religion, but not from a religious point of view,’ y/n replies, and Taehyung nods. ‘Is that your actual opinion, or was it bullshit?’ ‘Um, I don’t know, to be honest. I think yes and no. After studying that specific Bible story, yes, that is my opinion, but I think it’s different if you look at it from a spiritual point of view compared to a scientific point of view,’ y/n explains, Taehyung becoming completely immersed in her words. ‘But that’s a whole other argument on its own, the whole science vs religion,’ Taehyung says, y/n nodding in agreement. ‘Which is another form of duality we can work into our piece,’ y/n says excitedly, holding up a hand for Taehyung to high-five. ‘Oh, by the way,’ Taehyung says, ‘I’m like ninety-seven-point-three percent sure that the teacher has a crush on you.’ The girl bursts out laughing, a slight blush tinging her cheeks, and replies, ‘that was an oddly specific number.’ ‘I’m an oddly specific guy,’ Taehyung replies with a grin, and y/n laughs, shaking her head. ‘Let’s get started on our piece.
‘Not another new boy,’ y/n mutters under her breath, despite not actually feeling that way towards them, just having an inclination for the dramatic. Jimin sits in the seat in front of y/n’s, watching as she walks over towards him. He has his jet-black hair parted, exposing a beautiful strip of forehead, his dark eyes focused on the vision before him. She takes her seat and unpacks her bag before tapping Jimin’s shoulder, her breath practically catching in her throat when he looks at her. ‘Hi, I’m y/n y/l/n, the not-new girl,’ she says, holding out a hand to him. He grins, eyes disappearing behind his lids and he shakes her hand, silver rings cold against her skin. ‘Hi. I’m Park Jimin, the actually-new boy,’ he replies. ‘It’s nice to meet you, Park Jimin,’ she says. ‘It’s nice to meet you too, even though I’ve already heard an awful lot about you,’ Jimin says, y/n grinning. ‘All good things, I hope,’ y/n says, and Jimin smiles his devilishly gorgeous smile. ‘I don’t think there are any bad things that can be said about you,’ he says, y/n’s heart actually skipping a beat. He’s definitely the most charming so far, not to say that the others aren’t. ‘You flatter me. But I think the same can be said for you and your brothers. I’ve met four of you already, and you’re all so kind and funny and charming,’ y/n explains. ‘Which other three?’ Jimin asks, trying not to seem curious, but y/n is fantastic at reading people. ‘Kim Namjoon, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung,’ y/n lists off. ‘Ah, Tae. I knew about Namjoon and Jungkook, so you must have met Taehyung in Art, right?’ Jimin asks, and y/n nods. ‘You’re a very well-rounded girl. Psychology, Physical Education, Art and Dance, huh? What else?’ Jimin asks. ‘I do Home Economics, Music and Literature,’ y/n lists off, Jimin grinning at her words. ‘The other three brothers do those three subjects. Hoseok has Literature, Yoongi has Music and Seokjin has Home Ec,’ Jimin says, y/n groaning internally. ‘That’s so weird. It’s like we’re all meant to be friends, right?’ y/n says, Jimin nodding in agreement, with a small grin playing at his sinfully plump lips.
‘I’m looking forward to your get-together this weekend,’ Jimin says, and y/n smiles. ‘I am, too. It’ll be really fun. I’m just struggling with my outfit,’ y/n says, thinking through her wardrobe. ‘The sexier, the better,’ Jimin grins, and y/n lets out a gentle laugh. ‘I literally have, like, no sexy clothes. I have the wardrobe of a nun, if nuns were high school girls,’ y/n says, Jimin laughing, noting that she’s quite funny. He also notes the way her uniform clings to her curves and doubts there is any truth in her statement. ‘I’m sure you’ll find something. If not, it’s not the end of the world. Just go nude, I’m sure no one would mind,’ Jimin says, y/n laughing again, the noise like music to his ears. ‘As much as I’m sure everyone would like me to, my dad might appear at any point and he’d kill everyone there before killing me too,’ y/n says. ‘Ah, protective father? I can relate,’ Jimin lies, y/n’s eyebrow raising at the mention of a family other than his brothers. ‘Really?’ ‘Yeah, my dad’s super protective over us. He wants to know where we are and what we’re doing at all times. He’s a complete helicopter parent,’ Jimin says, a finger rubbing at the tip of his very adorable nose, and y/n instantly knows he’s lying. Two can play at that game. ‘God, that sounds terrible. My mum’s like that too. If I don’t reply to her texts within seconds, she freaks out,’ y/n says, Jimin nodding. ‘Parents, hey? I’ll never be like that with my kids,’ Jimin says. ‘Same here,’ y/n replies, the two eyeing each other, both aware that the other is lying through their teeth, but before their conversation can continue, the teacher enters the room.
‘I know you all hate theory lessons, but I’ve got a bit of news that might brighten your day,’ she says instantly, the class falling silent. ‘Oh, y/n! You’re back!’ Mrs Kim says the second her eyes land on the girl, getting distracted, y/n’s mouth stretching into a smile. ‘I am, Mrs Kim, and I’m glad about it too,’ y/n says softly. ‘I hope you don’t mind me asking where you were?’ Mrs Kim says, y/n showing a second of hesitation before answering, Jimin listening intently. ‘Had to attend to some... important family stuff, but it’s all good now. I did confirm it with Mrs Lee before leaving, and she promised to keep me registered as a student here, so I could come back when I wanted to,’ y/n says cryptically, and Jimin can’t believe what he hears. Her parents must be more powerful than any of them thought possible if they managed to keep her a place at the school for an entire year. It sends a shiver through him, before he remembers who he is, sitting up in his seat with pride. ‘Ah, very well. It’s great to have you back, and just in time for our new project. We’ve been given the stimulus for this year’s final piece. ‘Dichotomy’. Just the word, no painting or poem like the previous years,’ Mrs Kim says, the class completely silent. ‘I’m assuming none of you know what that means,’ she says, both y/n and Jimin raising their hands to give the definition.
‘Ah, Mr Park, I’m glad to see some contribution. Can you give us your understanding of the word?’ Mrs Kim asks, y/n stung that she wasn’t asked. Maybe they really have taken her throne. ‘Oh, that’s okay, y/n can give her answer,’ Jimin says, and y/n flinches in shock. He has his back to her; how did he know she raised her hand? ‘No, that’s okay, you go ahead, Jimin,’ y/n says, the boy turning to face her, the class watching the exchange with interest. ‘Dichotomy; a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as…’ he trails off, letting y/n finish the sentence. ‘Being opposed or completely different,’ y/n replies, their eyes locked together unwaveringly. ‘Very good, both of you. I think we’ve found our first pair,’ Mrs Kim says, Jimin’s plump lips curving up at that before he turns back to the front. The rest of the lesson goes by very uneventfully, neither y/n nor Jimin contributing anything more to the discussion of what a piece about ‘Dichotomy’ could include, too busy in their own worlds. When the lesson ends, Jimin turns to face y/n. ‘What’s the dress code for yours this weekend?’ he asks, and y/n smiles. ‘Whatever you feel comfortable in,’ she replies, and he nods. ‘I’ll see you this weekend then,’ he says. ‘I look forward to it,’ she says as he leaves the room, left watching in confusion.
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‘Argh!’ a strangled cry comes from down the hall into Hoseok’s room, the boy jumping up from his bed and running out to investigate. He nearly knocks Jungkook to the floor, the other boy having the same idea, both of them heading down to where voices are murmuring, in the monitoring room. When they walk in, the other five boys turn to look at them, faces illuminated by the bright screens aligning all four walls of the room, computers and TV screens showing various security footage clips, and coding and algorithms. ‘What’s going on?’ Hoseok asks, Yoongi sighing in annoyance, slumping down in his seat. ‘We can’t find a single thing on them on the dark web. No trace at all of a y/n y/l/n,’ he says. ‘Have you all had a look?’ Jungkook asks, his older brothers all nodding. ‘Do you mind if I have a go?’ he asks, big doe eyes reflecting the screens before him, and Yoongi gets up from his seat. ‘Knock yourself out, kid, I’m going to sleep,’ he says, trudging out of the room. ‘God, I’ve got a really bad headache,’ Jimin says, Taehyung reaching out to rub the other boy’s temples. ‘I’m not surprised. The lights are way too bright in here,’ Hoseok says, squinting. ‘Come on, let’s go. Leave JK to it,’ Jin says, putting an arm around Hoseok’s shoulder and leading him out of the room, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung following behind.
The youngest boy works diligently, trying route after route, search after search, hack after hack, just to find a single trace of the girl. And, after three hours, two cartons of banana milk (brought to him by Jin) and several failed attempts, Jungkook is rewarded. ‘Oh, my God!’ he shouts, unable to believe his eyes. Mere seconds later, Hoseok is practically skidding into the room, Jimin hot on his heels. ‘What?’ Hoseok demands, Jungkook moving aside to let them read the screens, taking the momentary break as an opportunity to close his eyes and process the thoughts racing through his mind. ‘You’ve… you’ve gotta be kidding me,’ Jimin whispers, both he and Hoseok staring at the screens with wide eyes. ‘Namjoon! Taehyung! Seokjin! Yoongi! Get in here!’ Hoseok shouts, the boys entering the room one-by-one, looking around at the screens in shock. ‘This has gotta be some kind of joke. There’s no way. Jungkookie, have you edited these?’ Yoongi asks, the youngest boy shaking his head. ‘You were right, Jimin. The dark web was the perfect place to look,’ Namjoon says, patting the other boy’s back. ‘Yeah, I know. So how is Madonna, Kook, considering you’re friends with her?’ Jimin asks, referencing his earlier statement, the younger boy scowling half-heartedly. ‘So what do we do now? Do we tell her we know? Or do we keep our mouths shut?’ Taehyung asks. ‘We can’t tell her. We just… we keep it quiet for now. When we go over to hers on Saturday, we’ll try and search the house for anything that might prove all this true. We never know, it could be fake. It’s not worth the risk to confront her,’ Jin says. ‘How do we search the house? She’s gonna suspect something, and it’s not like she already doesn’t,’ Namjoon asks, the boys falling silent for a moment. ‘Let’s be real; she’s back after being away for a year. This party is gonna be a celebration and a half, probably a rager. She’ll probably be white-girl wasted, and even if she’s not, she’ll have her hands full with everyone else who is,’ Yoongi says, and Jimin shakes his head. ‘No, she’ll notice. She’s the smartest person I’ve met, outside of our lot. There’s no way she wouldn’t notice, and, even if she doesn’t, she’d realise afterwards. We’d probably leave something out of place by accident, and she’d notice that. She’s seriously clever,’ Jimin says. ‘That’s a risk we’re gonna have to take. If it’s disproved somehow, then we tell her we were trying to find the toilet or something. But if not, and if she tries to confront us about it, we tell her we know. See what she says,’ Hoseok suggests, Namjoon nodding in agreement. ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea. Not after what we’ve just learnt. We know what she is now, and you’re still gonna risk it?’ Jungkook says, and Taehyung grins. ‘Yeah, we know what she is,’ he says, smiling widely, ‘but she doesn’t know what we are. Does she?’
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‘Hey, y/n!’ the girl hears from behind her, turning around to see the crowds of students in the corridor parting to let Jeon Jungkook through, followed closely by Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. She takes a deep breath, nervous about facing them alone, before putting on a kind smile when they reach her. ‘Hey, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin,’ she says gently, the boys smiling back. Her heart races, being surrounded by three beautiful boys having her breath shallowing out. ‘How are you?’ Jungkook asks. ‘I’m good, just a bit lonely today,’ she says forlornly, Jennie having gotten her period last night, and when Jennie gets her period… let’s just say, it’s not pretty. Projectile vomiting and all. ‘Lonely? I’m sure you’ve got hundreds of people that would keep you company,’ Taehyung says, the other students staring at the group stood in the middle of the corridor with blatant curiosity as they walk past. ‘Yeah, but none of them are really my friends. I mean, I guess the boys are okay, but I’m not in the mood for their antics today,’ y/n says, jutting her chin out to where Wooyoung and his gang stand. Wooyoung nods at y/n with a smirk and she smiles back. ‘God, he’s so annoying,’ she says as she waves, the three boys in front of her laughing.
‘Well, you’re welcome to sit with us if you want, babe,’ Jimin offers, putting an arm around the girl. The other two boys watch with raised eyebrows, noting the way y/n unconsciously snuggles into him. ‘I appreciate the offer but don’t you wanna check with your other brothers first? I don’t wanna intrude,’ she replies, big eyes looking up at the three of them. ‘They won’t mind. Namjoon already knows you, and the others can meet you for the first time. It’ll be fine,’ Taehyung says. ‘Yeah, it’d also get people talking,’ y/n says drily. ‘Yeah, it would. The mysterious school angel and the rumoured mafia boys sat together. It’d cause an uproar,’ Jungkook says drily, y/n feeling a chill run through her at his words. The four of them all laugh, the unspoken words hanging in the air. ‘Okay, I’ll sit with you guys then,’ y/n says, the four of them turning towards the cafeteria, the corridors now empty due to everyone already being in there.
When they walk in, the room falls silent, everyone staring at the four of them, clearly shocked at Jimin’s arm around the girl’s waist. They make their way up to the food line, everyone letting them skip in front to get their food (pizza for the boys and a salad for y/n again), and head over to the table where the other four boys sit. Jungkook lets y/n sit down first so she’s sandwiched between him and Namjoon, opposite the three brothers she hasn’t met; Jung Hoseok, Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi. ‘Hey, I’m y/n. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook invited me to sit with you guys, ‘cause Jennie’s not here today, and I took them up on the offer. It’s nice to meet you,’ y/n says prettily, her nerves not showing at all as she reaches out a hand for each of the three eldest boys to shake one after the other. ‘Nice to meet you, y/n. I’m Jung Hoseok,’ the boy says, eyes locked with y/n’s as he takes her hand into his much larger one, y/n unable to believe how beautiful he is with his dark eyes, dark hair and heart-shaped lips. ‘I’m Kim Seokjin,’ the boy smiles, y/n’s breath taken away at the most handsome boy she’s seen in her life, plump lips, shining eyes and soft dark hair making him look like a prince. ‘And I’m Min Yoongi,’ the last boy says, smiling at he shakes y/n’s hand, y/n unable to take her eyes off his wavy chocolate locks, sparkling brown eyes and adorable gummy smile.
‘I’ve finally met all of you,’ y/n says with a smile, the boys laughing. ‘Guys, she has lessons with you too. Home Ec., Music and Literature,’ Jimin says, and Jin frowns. ‘Were you not in our Monday morning lesson?’ he asks, and her face becomes unreadable. ‘Oh, no, I had to have a meeting with Mrs Lee, just to go over the rules and schedule and everything. And then I had meetings with some of my subject teachers to talk about courses and work to get extra credit during some of the other lessons,’ y/n explains, the boys all nodding in understanding, though not one of them believes her. ‘Ah, understandable. So you’re in Literature this afternoon?’ Hoseok asks, and y/n nods with a smile. ‘I did wonder why there was an empty seat in the middle of the room,’ he says, y/n flushing as the other boys laugh. ‘Do you sit in the middle of the room in every lesson?’ Namjoon asks her, y/n nodding embarrassedly. ‘Okay, so you might not like me asking, but you should know from now that I’m a very blunt person, so I say things that other people might think are inappropriate. How exactly did this whole ‘Queen Bee’ thing come about?’ Yoongi asks, y/n laughing, all of the boys interested in her answer. ‘To be honest, I’m not really that sure. The first two years of high school were normal for me; I had lots of friends, but I wasn’t exactly ‘popular’ or anything. And then, for my 16th birthday, my dad said he’d throw me a big party. I told Jennie about it, and she got drunk with Chen, and she has a big mouth when she’s drunk, so she told Chen about the party and he told everyone. Then everyone wanted to be my friend because they’d heard that my dad was letting me have alcohol at the party so they all wanted to come. So I invited the whole year group and I thought that my popularity would disappear after they’d had an invite. But everyone bought these really expensive gifts and they were all desperate to spend time with me during the party. And then afterwards, I stayed relatively popular, and when we came back after summer for the next year, it was like I was some sort of celebrity. They were all obsessed with me, and it’s only continued,’ she explains, the boys all taking two important things from what she says.
‘That’s insane. Was it like a rager?’ Jungkook asks, and y/n laughs. ‘I mean, as much as a Sweet 16 can be. The only alcohol we had was WKD and Smirnoff Ice, but everyone treated it like it was vodka, and were behaving like they were wasted,’ she says, the boys laughing too. ‘So are you 18 yet, y/n?’ Taehyung asks, y/n shaking her head. ‘In a few months, in July. My dad said I can have a party for that too, but I’m not sure if I want one yet,’ y/n says, before deciding to question the boys too. ‘So how old are you all?’ she inquires. ‘Me, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon are 18, and Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook are 17,’ Seokjin says, y/n eyebrows furrowing in confusion. ‘We’re adopted,’ Yoongi grins, y/n letting out an ‘ohh’ of understanding. ‘I did wonder,’ she laughs, pushing the salad around her plate with her fork. ‘Well, me and Namjoon and Taehyung aren’t adopted. Us two are twins, September babies, and then Tae was born in May. But Yoongi – October – Hoseok – December – Jimin – March – and Jungkook – June – are all adopted,’ Seokjin explains, nodding in understanding. ‘God, I bet your parents have to spend so much money on all you guys. Just the food alone,’ y/n says, looking around at all the empty plates in front of them, whilst the boys laugh. ‘Our grandparents were crazy rich, owned loads of land, and when our parents inherited the land, they sold it, so they became even crazier rich,’ Hoseok says, y/n nodding as he speaks. ‘Oh, cool. I guess you guys are similar to me. My dad and his parents own a whole lot of land too, but they farm it, so that’s where our money’s from. My mum doesn’t work though, just a housewife,’ y/n lies, the boys nodding at her words.
‘But, anyway. Let’s talk about mine this weekend. You guys still don’t have my address, right?’ y/n says, the boys shaking their heads. The girl reaches into her bag and pulls out her phone, the latest iPhone. She gets up the contacts page, creating a new contact. She writes in ‘Kim Namjoon’ before handing him her phone, and he types in his number, handing it back to her. Before anyone can say anything, Mrs Lee appears beside their table, and the boys all look at the phone in y/n’s hand, waiting for Mrs Lee to take it off her, considering the school has a no-phone policy. ‘Ah, boys, y/n! It’s lovely to see that you’ve become friends! How are we all?’ she asks, her eyes momentarily pausing on y/n’s phone, but she doesn’t say anything. ‘We’re great, thank you, Mrs Lee. How are you?’ y/n asks in reply, Mrs Lee smiling. ‘I’m well, thank you, my dear. I actually came over to give you a message, from your father. He’s asked you to give him a call if you can. It’s an emergency,’ she says, y/n’s face falling slightly before she pulls herself back together. ‘Okay, thanks, Mrs Lee,’ she says, before turning to the boys again. ‘Thank you for letting me sit with you, guys, I appreciate it. I’ll text you my address later, Joon, and I’ll see you in Literature, Hoseok. See you later,’ she says with a smile, following Mrs Lee out of the room, everybody’s eyes on her again.
The boys are silent for a few seconds before Namjoon speaks. ‘Did she just call me Joon?’ he asks, having never been called that name before. ‘Um, yeah,’ Taehyung replies, all of them dumbfounded. ‘Did the headteacher really just pass on a message from her dad? Like, is that a joke?’ Jungkook asks. ‘Obviously not. It’s clear why, though. Doesn’t matter if I’m the president; if y/n’s dad wants me to pass on a message, I’m gonna pass on the message,’ Jin says. ‘For real, but did anyone else notice what she said? About her dad? She didn’t mention her mum once when she was talking about the parties. She only mentioned her as an afterthought. It’s always her dad,’ Yoongi points out. ‘Yeah, I wonder what the deal is with her mum,’ Hoseok says thoughtfully. ‘In dance, she said something about her mum to me, but I don’t think she was telling the truth. I don’t think she has a mum anymore. She’s either left her and her dad, or she’s dead. I’m calling it now,’ Jimin says. ‘Why don’t we go ask… you know who?’ Taehyung suggests tentatively. ‘Are you kidding me?’ Namjoon demands. ‘No! He’d have all the answers, or he could at least give us our abilities back, so we can get answers ourselves,’ Taehyung points out. ‘If we tell him we want our abilities back because we’re curious about a high school queen bee, he’d probably kill us,’ Namjoon says with a eyebrow raise. ‘You know he’d never do that,’ Taehyung scoffs. ‘Okay, but he’d be angry,’ Hoseok says reasonably. ‘Fine, fine, forget I said anything,’ Taehyung says, taking a piece of lettuce from y/n’s untouched salad. ‘No, Tae, it’s a good idea. We do need answers, but I don’t think we should go to him,’ Jungkook says, Yoongi nodding at him, both of them on the same wavelength. ‘Exactly, Jungkook. I told you guys when I first saw her, she’s the perfect opportunity,’ Yoongi says. ‘Who?’ Jin asks. ‘Little Miss Loose-Lips,’ Yoongi grins, ‘Jennie Kim.’
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Jennie drags herself to the front door, blanket trailing along behind it, and opens it to see y/n stood there, her laptop and a stack of papers in her arms. ‘Wha-’ Jennie begins to ask but y/n pushes in past her, sliding off her shoes. ‘Oh, come in,’ Jennie says savagely to the spot where y/n was stood before shutting the door loudly. The girls head into the kitchen, y/n putting the stack of papers to one side and loading up her laptop. ‘I’m happy to see you, but I told you not to come over. I’m ill, I don’t wanna vomit on you. And my parents would be fuming if they knew you were here. And your dad would be too,’ she says, y/n only half-listening. ‘It’s a code red,’ she replies shortly, opening up tab after tab on her laptop. ‘I would’ve come over to yours if it were that bad of an emergency! You know what your dad said about you leaving the house!’ Jennie exclaims, shocked at her usually sensible best friend’s recklessness. ‘I don’t care what dad says. And you’re ill, you said it yourself, so you wouldn’t have been able to drive,’ y/n says with a note of finality, Jennie knowing not to push the subject further.
‘So what’s all this?’ Jennie asks as y/n spreads the papers out across the table, before stepping back. ‘Have a look yourself,’ y/n says, Jennie leaning forward curiously. They’re all news articles, each headline containing the words ‘seven brothers’. And everyone last one of them talks about the mysterious disappearance of them from these rural small towns. Jennie’s heart pounds in her chest, mouth drying up with confusion as she reads, looking up at y/n when she’s done. ‘Where… where did you find all these?’ she asks the girl, whose face is unreadable, but Jennie can practically feel the excitement rolling off her in waves. ‘I had one of my dad’s guys look into it,’ y/n begins. ‘Why?’ Jennie demands. ‘I sat with them at lunch today and it’s like they were hanging off my every word. Every time I mentioned my dad, I could see this, like, eagerness in their eyes. They’re trying to find out stuff about me, just as much as I am about them,’ y/n says, Jennie shaking her head in shock. ‘But anyway, my dad’s guy couldn’t find anything on our internet, so then he looked on the dark web,’ y/n says, Jennie gasping. ‘This was all on the dark web? Why? They’re news articles from normal news companies,’ Jennie says. ‘He told me that someone’s moved them on to the dark web to hide them. So they were on the internet first. I’ll bet anything it was them, Jennie,’ y/n says. ‘Well, it’s got to be. One of them even lists off their names. Nathan Kim, Sean Kim, Yousef Min, Holland Jung, Jim Park, Tavon Kim and Jude Jeon. Same last names and same first two letters of the first name. Jimin’s isn’t very original either,’ Jennie says drily, almost coaxing a laugh out of y/n.
‘Look at this one,’ y/n says amusedly, getting momentarily distracted as she hands Jennie a paper, grinning widely. ‘Is this… a blog post from a fangirl?’ Jennie asks, and y/n nods, laughing. ‘Oh, my God, this has gotta be a joke. ‘For those of you just joining the fandom’ – fandom, really? – ‘let me tell you a little bit about the boys. Kim Seokjin is the oldest. He’s the crazy one that you can’t help but love if you talk to him. Yeah, he’s dangerous, but he’s also charming, and the life of the party. He’s the dealer and he’s great with a knife. Then, there’s Min Yoongi. He’s the scariest one. He runs the streets, and everybody knows not to mess with him because he’s ruthless. He’s always got a lighter in his hand and a gun in his trousers. Jung Hoseok is the third oldest – he’s the interrogator and he tortures the people that they capture. Basically, he’s a crazy bastard, but he’s so lit and will turn up at any party. The leader Kim Namjoon, the middle child, controls all the finances and stuff. Don’t let the dimples mislead you because he’s terrifying, and is always packing, no matter what. Then there’s Park Jimin, and he’s the assassin. He lures people into bed with his good looks, and then kills them. But he’s drop-dead gorgeous, so people still always go for him. Then Kim Taehyung. He’s the hacker, and he controls all of the technology and gets information on their enemies. But he’s really sweet and kind if you speak to him, you’d never think he’s a criminal mastermind. And then the youngest is Jeon Jungkook. He’s the fighter. He’s trained in, like, a hundred different types of martial arts and stuff, and he can literally kill someone with a single movement. He’ll try and fool you with his bunny smile, but he’s scary.’ Are you kidding me? So they’re literally a gang then?’ Jennie says, eyes wide and heart pounding in shock. ‘Well, that’s the funny thing. That one was from Kobe, and my dad’s guy told me that’s where the biggest Yakuza syndicate’s headquarters are based. They were literally part of a clan of the Yakuza, Jen! But then, none of the others mention any kind of gang activity. Some of them even speak about them being charitable and kind young men that have helped the community. And then none of them have follow up articles. Like they just... forgot about them,’ y/n explains. ‘What the fuck? This is so weird,’ Jennie says.
‘It gets worse. Look at some of the dates on them,’ y/n says, Jennie looking at the dates. ‘What? ‘19th September 2001. Seven teenage boys go missing in the small town of Newbury, England.’ How is that even possible? They would’ve been little kids in 2001, not teenagers,’ Jennie says incredulously. ‘I know. Some of them date back to the 80s and early 90s, before we were even born,’ y/n says, Jennie shaking her head in disbelief. ‘I don’t see how that can be possible,’ Jennie whispers, eyes scanning the different articles again. ‘Well, Jen, I found something. After doing a lot of research, and I mean, a lot. As in hours-worth-’ ‘When? You had school.’ ‘Dad called me at lunch so I had to go home. I’ve had since, like, 12.30. Six hours, Jen. Six,’ y/n says, her best friend supressing a laugh at the thought of her impatient best friend spending all that time researching. It’s longer than she’s ever spent on a school project. ‘Anyway, so, I found this,’ y/n says dramatically, turning her laptop to face Jennie. The girl reads it intently, y/n watching the way her face changes as she reads, illuminated by the fluorescent light from the screen. Once she’s done, she looks up at y/n, her face half shock, half disbelieving. ‘There’s no way,’ she says, and y/n raises an eyebrow. ‘Jen… I think it’s plausible,’ she says, Jen’s mouth dropping open. ‘You’re kidding me. y/n, come on! Both you and I have IQs far too high to believe in this shit,’ Jennie says, y/n shaking her head. ‘I don’t know, Jen. I really think it’s possible. What other explanation is there for them being teenagers for the past thirty years? You know I’ve always been interested in this kinda shit and… I don’t know, it seems legit to me,’ y/n says, Jennie starting to agree. ‘I still don’t know, y/n. What do we do now?’ she asks the girl who sighs. ‘I don’t know. We can’t really confront them,’ y/n says, and Jennie gets an idea. ‘At your party, on Saturday, let’s try and do some… digging. Get some more information out of them. What do you think?’ Jennie suggests. ‘I don’t see why not,’ y/n says, ‘that sounds like a plan.’
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‘Hey, y/n,’ Yoongi says when he walks into the room, taking his seat beside y/n in the music classroom. ‘Hey, Yoongi. How are you?’ she says, putting her phone into her bag and turning towards him, giving him her undivided attention. ‘I’m good, thanks. How about you? I didn’t think you were gonna be in today; Jin said you weren’t in Home Ec. this morning,’ Yoongi says, and y/n smiles slightly embarrassedly. ‘I went over to Jennie’s last night to check up on her and ended up sleeping the night. And neither of us woke up ‘til 11 so I had to come in just for the afternoon. And also wear her uniform,’ y/n says sheepishly, Yoongi laughing. ‘Is she not in today?’ he asks. ‘No, she’s still ill. She should be better for my... get-together tomorrow, though. Speaking of which, I completely forgot to text Joon the address so here,’ she says, handing Yoongi a slip of paper with her address on it. ‘Oh, okay, thanks. What time does it start?’ Yoongi asks her. ‘9ish,’ y/n says, and Yoongi raises an eyebrow. ‘Don’t parties usually start a little earlier than that?’ he asks, and y/n laughs. ‘People show up early to my parties rather than late. It’ll be in full swing by 8.30,’ she says, Yoongi chuckling. ‘So, we’ll probably be there at around 10 then,’ Yoongi jokes, and y/n laughs. ‘To be honest, you might as well. Ooh, also, there’s something else I was supposed to tell you guys. I always have… like, an afterparty kinda thing. Like just me, Jen and a few others, smoking and chilling and listening to music, so I’d like it if you guys stayed behind for that. Usually Wooyoung and the boys stay behind, but I’ve not been in the mood to deal with them lot recently,’ she says, coaxing a laugh from Yoongi. ‘Yeah, sure, that sounds great, we’d love to. Well, I should speak to the others first,’ he says, y/n giggling behind her hand. ‘Yeah, sure, just let me know. I’ll actually text Joon later so you guys have my number,’ y/n says, Yoongi nodding as the music teacher walks in. ‘y/n, great to have you back,’ the teacher says, but before y/n has a chance to reply, he delves straight into the lesson. ‘Oh, thanks,’ y/n says, under her breath, Yoongi chuckles at her sarcasm, the two exchanging a grin.
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daylilysirius · 5 years
A/N: this was originally based on the song Undrunk by FLETCHER but then just kinda went off on it’s own but listen to the song anyway it’s a bop. lowkey I feel like this kinda sucks but I haven't written for my boy Sirius in so long and it’s still gonna be a while till I can get the next part of Arms Unfolding up so I wanted to get some writing out. hopefully it isn't too sucky
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex, tiniest mention of vomit(?)
Word count: 1730
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It hadn’t ever been your plan to sleep with Sirius Black. You had known him long enough to be very familiar with his approach to dating and the reputation he had built up as a result. You had no interest in becoming another one of his conquests.
That was until a drunken kiss after a quidditch match led to a heated make out session and before you knew it you were going at it on Remus’ bed (he was less than impressed when he found out in the morning)
You had avoided all of the Marauders like the plague the next day. You couldn’t bare to face Remus (how Sirius had been desperate enough that he managed to pick the wrong bed in his own room you would never know), James and Peter would be ready and willing to take the piss and you most certainly did not want to see Sirius and his inevitable cocky smirk and annoyingly handsome face. You had managed to steer clear of all four of them for the remainder of the weekend but once Monday morning rolled around Sirius was able to track you down in a matter of hours. What you had been expecting was either teasing remarks or a hushed conversation agreeing to never discuss it again but you got none of that. Instead he had approached you with an offer that despite your better judgement, you were unable to refuse.
Long story short, that’s how you became friends with benefits with Sirius Black.
Your night had started off perfectly fine. Your outfit was drawing compliments, left, right and centre, you and Lily had danced your little hearts out together and James lost ring of fire three times in a row so you were watching in amusement as he attempted to stomach the more than questionable concoction of drinks. That was when you spotted him.
Sirius was perched on the sofa by the fireplace, his arm slung around some random blonde who you didn’t recognise. Your cheeks reddened and your breath hitched slightly as you quickly turned away, trying to force the ugly feeling of jealously that was creeping through your system back into its cage. You and Sirius weren’t official by any means so you knew rationally that you had no right to be reacting this way, but you were also under the illusion that he wasn’t sleeping with anybody else. You weren’t. Not since his outburst at the Christmas party where he had complained that a Slytherin was being too flirty with you, resulting in a shouting match followed by some half-angry, half-make up sex in the broom closet. Yet now here he was, fawning all over somebody else right in front of you.
You willed yourself to ignore the pair of them, instead occupying yourself by trying to look after an already worse-for-wear James.
“I’m fineee!” James whined as you practically carried him over to a quieter corner of the room and forced him to drink some water.
“Really? Because I’d say you were absolutely sloshed, Mr Potter.” You replied, lips curling in amusement.
“Nuh uh,” James shook his head wildly, “I’m good, you shouldn’t be fussing over me. You should be with your man.”
“My man?”
He jabbed his shaky hand out, pointing enthusiastically in Sirius’ direction.
“He’s definitely not my man.” You uttered sternly.
James scoffed, “If you say so.”
“I would, considering he’s practically sitting on that blonde’s lap at this point.”
“Oh, my dear sweet Y/N,” he chuckled and shook his head, “that’s all part of the game.”
James then finally gave in to the fact that he was a lot drunker than he cared to admit and laid to rest his head on your shoulder as you gently stroked his hair. You hoped the water and the comfort would distract him from any need to puke at least. You didn’t know how long you sat cuddled up like that but it was long enough to finally catch Sirius’ attention.
His eyes were ablaze by the time he had managed to peel himself out from under the person he was distracted by and stalked over to the two of you.
“What’s going on here?” Sirius demanded, failing miserably at keeping his emotions in check.
“Pads!” James slurred, “You’re here!”
“Christ,” Sirius snorted, “How pissed are you?”
“Very.” You laughed quietly, but the apparently very sudden reminder of why he stormed over in the first place caused Sirius to go stony faced once again.
“Y/N’s looking after me.” James hiccupped.
“Yeah. I can see that.” Sirius’ eyes didn’t leave yours.
You stiffened at his tone, “Is there a problem?”
He shrugged as you all fell into an uncomfortable silence. Remus must have picked up on the tension as he came and chauffeured James away, leaving you and Sirius to stare daggers at each other.
“I don’t understand why you’re in a mood.” You finally broke the silence, “we weren’t even doing anything.”
“He was basically lying on top of you!” Sirius argued.
“What, like you were with your friendover there?” You argued back.
“That’s… That’s completely beside the point.” He tried to reason rather poorly. He at least had the decency to look a little guilty.
“How?!” You laughed dryly.
“I’m not drooling all over your best friend, am I?” Sirius bit back harshly.
You tried your hardest to stifle the next words that came from your mouth. An admission that you were far from ready to let out, but the combination of alcohol and adrenaline got the better of you.
“If you had paid the slightest bit of attention to me for any reason other than a screw, you would know exactly who I was ‘drooling’ over.”
Both yours and Sirius’ eyes widened comically as soon as the sentence slipped out. Merlin’s beard, you were never drinking again. The embarrassment hit you like a truck and you jumped from your perch on the floor and walked out of the room as quickly as possible.
“Y/N!” Sirius ran after you, ignoring the shouts of his classmates who wanted him to join in on a game of truth or dare.
You had made it halfway down the corridor by the time he caught up with you. You didn’t know where you were going, you just knew you had to get away and most importantly stay away from Sirius this time. It was one thing being shamed for having got carried away in Remus’ bed, another to be shamed because you were rejected by the guy you had been sharing it with.
“Y/N.” He repeated, voice softer this time, as he grasped your arm to make you face him. Your face was red. A mix of alcohol, embarrassment and desperately keeping the tears welling up in your eyes at bay.
“Can you just get it over with, Sirius?!” You snapped.
“Get what over with?” His eyebrows quirked up in confusion.
“Look, I get it, okay? I do. I was good enough to warm your bed but not good enough to actually be yours, that’s why you wanted to be friends with benefits, and that’s fine. Wasfine,” You corrected “but now I’ve ruined it because I’ve got feelings for you which wasn’t part of the agreement that you’re clearly taking seriously since you were all over somebody else tonight. So, let’s just cut it now, we’ll have a clean break. You let me go and you can go back to the party and get with whoever you want. I won’t hold you back –”
You didn’t even realise you had started crying until your rant was cut short by Sirius pulling you to cuddle into his chest and running his hands through your hair as he gently soothed you.
“I wish I could un-love you, Sirius.” You just about choked out.
You felt him take a sharp breath in at your statement. He was silent for a moment, continuing to stroke the back of your head, before he pulled you back and made you look at him.
“What if I don’t want you to?”
“What do you mean?”
He sighed, “Y/N, I’ve had feelings for you since our third year, but I thought that you just saw me as a friend so I didn’t press on it, and then when we did get together it was amazing but you seemed so embarrassed the next day that I figured that must be the case. That’s why I suggested the whole friends with benefits thing, because at least then I’d still get to be romantic with you to some degree. I had no intention of going to bed with anybody else tonight. I just wanted to see your reaction but I guess it all backfired and I got a taste of my own medicine with you and James.”
You were stunned into silence. Sirius’ eyes scanned your face like he was trying to gauge your reaction but he couldn’t find one, so he took his chances. His hands came up to cup your face and he leaned closer towards you, his lips hovering a few inches away as if he was waiting for you to reject him. Cautiously, you moved forward and Sirius took this as his green light. The two of you had kissed before but this was different. You could feel him pouring his heart out with this simple gesture and you returned it willingly.
Sirius pulled back and smiled at you a little dopily. “I’m yours, Y/N.” His thumb tenderly brushed against your cheek, “I’m yours if you’ll have me.”
A shy grin spread across your face as you leaned into his touch, “Are you sure that’s not the alcohol talking?”
He shook his head, “I’ve been yours since the start.”
With that you weaved your fingers through his black locks and pressed your lips together once more.
“Oh for the love of Godric!”
You and Sirius pulled apart to find a disgruntled looking Remus at the end of the hallway, complete with a very drunk James hanging off his shoulder.
“Can you too get a room – with your own bed preferably!” He berated the pair of you teasingly as you both giggled and Sirius pulled you into his chest once again. James was slouching like a ragdoll but still managed to give you a smirk and a thumbs up to the best of his ability.
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trickkombowerskru · 6 years
The Bowers Gang Find Out Their Crushes Killed Someone
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Request: Anonymous: What if the bower peeps crush snuck into their room one night? Their shirt is torn and covered in blood. That had a date that night, they were attacked the date turned tail and ran leaving them to fend for themselves. His house was the closest one and they just need a proper shirt then they say they are gonna leave. They are shaking and slightly scared and end up admitted they killed the man and would do it again to stay alive. (With Henry they made sure that butch was out of the house)
A/N:I am so sorry this took long to get out anon
Warnings: None
You weren’t  sure how it had happened really
Becoming friends with Henry Bowers
And close enough friends where you snuck into each others houses when needed
Him more than yours obviously because of Butch
But tonight it wasn’t really much of a sneak in
You look and see Butch’s cruiser is gone
Figuring he was out on a late shift or something you barely make it up to the door
Shaking and crying as you do so
You just really needed a friend right now
And Henry you figured was both right there and either  wouldn’t ask questions or be understanding
You knock on the door and Henry opens it, shirtless and only wearing sweatpants
It was early in the night so you knew you didn’t wake him up
His eyes popped out of his end when he saw you crying, shirt tattered, and covered in blood.
“Jesus what happened to you,”
“C-Can I just come in and clean off, maybe get a shirt, then I’ll be gone”
“Y-yeah, come in and get your self cleaned up”
After you come out of the shower, you dry off,,putting most of your outfit back on, aside from your now ruined top
Changing instead into Henry’s red tank top that he wore all the time
His breath slightly hitches when he sees you in his shirt
Not only was it hot as hell for him to see
But also because since it was a muscle tank, one that was slightly large on you at that, the sleeves showed off the sides of your bra
He snapped out of it when he saw you shaking
“Holy shit you’re shaking and- and crying again. Seriously what the hell happened?” 
You just hug him and cry harder. 
"Wait didn't you have that date with that dickhead tonight? Did he hurt you? I swear to God-"
“No No he didn't. He was walking me back home when this crazy guy with a knife and a gun just jumped out of the bushes and started threatening us. We were so terrified, but after getting a few cuts Dylan bolted just leaving me there. The man tried to....he cut a few parts of my shirt open but then......I kneed him in the nuts to get him off of me and I.....I stabbed him and I tried to get away but he was going to shoot me so I used some of that fight training you gave me roughed him up a bit and then.....I kicked him in the face, picked up his gun and I shot him. Henry I shot him. And I tried to make sure it wasn't a lethal shot just enough to scare him, but it ended up being a kill shot. Henry I-I just killed a man and I had no where to go and you were close and I figured you would be okay....I just.....I don't know what to do and I'm scared Henry.  
You can see his eyes turn huge as he processed you just murdered a man in self defense.
"Okay well if I'm so close you did get rid of the body right?"
"....Well no...but you aren't close enough to get framed or anything and I....." 
"You can um stay here tonight if you need to.....I'm just glad you're okay. And God damn you best believe Dylan is gettin' his ass kicked 12 different ways tomorrow for leaving you there."
He tells you that you can sleep in his bed and he'll sleep on the couch
But you were still terrified you so insisted he sleep with you
You take off your shoes and jeans
Leaving you only in his shirt and your underwear, minus a bra of course
And now because of the lack of bra if Henry wanted to he could now see the side view of your boob
But he was way too freaked out to do that 
He calls Patrick and you hear him talking,trying to vaguely explain the situation
He comes in to you with your knees hugged to your chest as you sit on the bed.
"Patrick said he'll be over in 20 minutes to uh....take care of it"
You just nod and lay down knowing if Hockstetter's crazy ass is getting rid of the evidence that you'll be fine
You're still shaking as you pull the covers up wanting nothing more than for this to disappear
Henry awkwardly gets in beside you and you can feel his body heat up more
You snuggle up and cling to him as he holds you while you cry 
He knows now isn't the time to admit he has a thing for you 
So tonight he'll just enjoy holding you close and providing a comfort you usually give to him
Now this is Patrick we are talking about 
If he gets a thing for you there is no telling what he'll do
It could go from simple groping attempts to full on stalking
Which in most cases would be awful
But when he heard you had a date with Steve, he knew he had to follow you 
He sees it all
The crazy guy 
The way Steve runs away, making him the new target for the gang
The way you fight
The stab
He takes care of the body for you and then makes his way back home 
Of course with his lanky legs he makes it back there before you
And you aren't any the wiser that he saw it
He sees you crying and covered in that douche's blood, and smiles as you hug him
He thinks you look so damn gorgeous this way
You shower and he gives you one of his shirts
His yellow Tom shirt specifically
And obviously you have more curves than the literal stick of a boy who leant it to you 
They cause it to go up and rest right on your hips stopping just a few inches before your underwear, 
Which you only had left to stay in because your pants were covered in blood 
Even though he know Patrick asks what happened and his eyes light up as you recall the story
He tells you, you can stay the night
And then it's time to try and fall asleep at his attempts to grope you
Even though he didn't care he knew he couldn't tell you about his thing for you at this moment because of how shaken up you were
So he held back and didn't, but was going to soon. 
Vic wasn't exactly thrilled when he heard you had a date with Tyler
He was even less thrilled when you came to his house crying and covered in blood at 11 at night
He let you shower and then change into his basic white shirt and some baggy pajama bottoms and he put your clothes in the washer
Upon hearing what had happened tonight and about how Tyler ran away
Well first he knew he had to get the boys to beat the shit out of Tyler 
And second he was shocked not knowing what to do
He saw how hurt you were
And it was ind defense so it wasn't like you wanted to do
Maybe it should've changed the way he felt about you 
But it didn't 
He held you and let you cry
Now knowing that he would have to wait even longer for his feelings for you
Holy shit 
Well first thing is first he lets you cry as long as you need to
He let's you shower
And he gives you one of his band shirts -which might as well have been a dress on you- 
He is scared at first when you tell him
But he knew you didn't have a choice
What he also knew is that he still loved you 
Nothing could make him stop
But unlike the other boys Reggie doesn't have the best timing 
Whilst ranting about how much of a douche Chris was for leaving you he let it slip that he has a thing for you 
On top of all the trauma you didn't know what to say
While Reggie flustered out an apology so quick
As he turned bright red
Pushing the trauma aside you thought about it
You did like Reggie an awful lot too
You tell him after this all blows over that you two can go out trying to start a relationship
And he goes to sleep happy and content holding you in his arms
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artlessictoan · 5 years
Uhh is it possible for you to do a yodocho thing? Where yodo is kinda butch and chocho is the fem one and yodo is trying to ask her out but they keep getting interupted by like family and friends?
boy howdy is that possible nonny dear! sorry it tookso long to finish this but jfc 5000 words ofc it’s the yodocho one that ends up this long but it was an absolute blast to write so thank you for blessing me with this prompt!
(requests open)
(ao3 mirror)
“Maaan, haven’t been here in so long, this place looksexactly the same.”
Yodo rolled her eyes – the thing that never changed was herfriend’s reaction every time she came over to her house – but helped Chouchou bringin the many bags of luggage she’d brought with her. The woman had claimed she’dpacked light for this trip, but Yodo couldn’t imagine how she’d ever manage togo through so many outfits in just a week.
Without bothering to wait for Yodo to shed her extra layers,she bounded up the stairs, already on a bee-line to Yodo’s room.
“Oi, wait up!” She struggled with fabric, finally justthrowing it on the floor for someone else to pick up later. Or for her dad tonag her into doing it herself. Whichever came first.
By the time she caught up to Chouchou, she was almost to herroom, but had stopped at the open door to the Kazekage’s study. With the kindof brazen disrespect that he somehow managed to inspire in a lot of kids andteenagers, she waved at him and practically screamed, “Hey Uncle Gaara, thanksfor having me!”
He nodded and gave a brief smile – the only kind he wasreally capable of, but no one thought less of him for it. “Of course, it’salways a pleasure to see you.”
They passed by his office and got almost three feet beforehe poked his head around the door and called after them, “Do you want me tobring you anything?”
“No thanks papa, we had lunch before we got home.”
Despite her words, he trailed after them, with the kind ofslightly anxious twitchiness he always had whenever a guest came over. “Are yousure?” he asked, respectfully staying in the hallway when they got to Yodo’sroom. “You don’t want anything to drink at least? I can-”
“We’re fine, just call us when dinner’s ready,” shesaid, shutting the door before he could continue pestering them.
Leaning against it until she was happy that he had walkedback to his study, she let out a sigh before turning around. Chouchou hadalready made herself at home, flopping down on Yodo’s bed face-first, her luggagedropped carelessly on the floor.
She elected to leave it there – she didn’t like tidying upher own shit, she wasn’t about to start doing it for someone else’s – andinstead took a flying leap on top of her friend.
Chouchou grunted, but didn’t scream, which was a littledisappointing.
“Ugh, knew something like that was coming, you’re such achild,” she said, twisting her head enough to glance up at the weight attachedto her back.
Yodo snorted, but shifted so that she was just leaningagainst her. “You love it,” she mumbled, seeing if she could rest her headagainst her friend’s back in such a way that she could hear her heartbeat. Shehad to wonder if her closeness would be appreciated if Chouchou knew about thereal depth of her feelings towards her.
It was weird, they’d been best friends since the moment themet, they roughhoused all the time, Chouchou had never been shy about pokingand prodding and tickling whenever Yodo let her guard down and none of that hadever bothered her before – well, except the tickling. That was just cruel – butthen she hit eighteen and realised that holy shit Chouchou was smokin’ hotand she was suddenly beset by feelings that she had not been prepared for inthe slightest. They had turned what would once have been a friendly,comfortable interaction into something at once exhilarating and filled with anunexplainable tension.
The gentle tapping immediately derailed her train ofthought. She leapt to her feet before she could be accused of something.
Gaara’s head appeared around the door, a tray hoveringbeneath it. “Here, I’ve brought you some tea.”
“I said we didn’t need anything!”
If he noticed her suspiciously loud voice, he didn’t mentionit, instead just calmly saying, “Well, I still thought I should make yousomething, just in case,” as the tray floated into the room, supported by a platformof sand.
She groaned, long and loud, until it was carefully set down.“Ok, fine, can you go away now?” Because she was embarrassed enough around Chouchouwithout adding parental interference into the mix.
Her father levelled her with a heavy stare.
“…Thank you for the tea,” she muttered, trying to sound moredefiant than she really felt.
He smiled in that way that always managed to make her feelbetter, no matter how annoying he could sometimes be. “You’re welcome.”
The door clicked shut, leaving the two girls alone oncemore.
Chouchou immediately began snickering, as she grabbed a cup.“Chill, girl, what’re you acting so weird for? I don’t mind Uncle Gaara hangingaround.”
She puffed her cheeks out, before stalking over to the bedand sitting heavily next to her. “He still treats me like a little kid, eventhough I’m legally an adult now!” Maybe if she wasn’t pouting, her words wouldn’thave had her friend snorting unashamedly.
“Well, to be fair, you can be pretty immature,” she eventuallymanaged to say, easily dodging the fist swung at her head, “but, you’ve grownup a lot these past few years, I’m so proud of you.”
“You’re the worst, you know that?”
For a moment, something in Chouchou’s eyes changed, a flashof emotion too fleeting to pin down, leaving Yodo all the more unsteady for it.Before she could question what was wrong though, a sly little smirk spreadacross purple-painted lips. “Is that what you really think?” she asked,voice suddenly low and husky and if she didn’t know better, she might call it seductive– that was certainly the effect it was having on her.
She might’ve been able to make a snappy retort, except Chouchouhad chosen this exact moment to cross her legs, causing her skirt toriiide up, exposing juuust enough gloriously muscled thigh to shut down everyone of her higher functions.
She didn’t even notice the door opening again, until a softvoice directly behind her blew away the fog in her brain.
“Kankuro made some snacks earlier, I forgot to bring them upwith the-”
Her neck cracked at the speed with which she spun around. “DAD!”
The grin stretching across her face felt like it was goingto tear her face apart, even her dad looked a little uncomfortable at seeingit. “Thank. You. Now please leave us alone.”
He quickly dropped the plate in his hands next to the tea he’dbrought up earlier, then extracted himself from the room. She listened out forhis footsteps to completely disappear, taking the opportunity to catch herbreath and try to calm down her short-circuiting brain, before finally turningback around, to face Chouchou’s perfect legs and devastating smirk.
How had she been so oblivious to Chouchou’s beauty for somany years?
“You know, you didn’t answer my question,” she said, in thatvoice that left warm trails dancing across her entire body, “am I really theworst?”
“N-no, ‘course not.” Wow, suddenly she couldn’t be more thankfulthat her dad had brought up tea, because her mouth had never been so drybefore. Hands shaking just slightly, she poured herself a cup and downed half ofit. “I was just jokin’ around.”
Her eyes were still fixed on the delicious expanse ofexposed skin however.
Chouchou followed her gaze with sharp, amber eyes, grinwidening when she glanced back up. “Yodo~ where are you looking that’s so interesting?”
She then had the absolute gall to lean forward,framing her chest between her arms. “Oh? You don’t see anything you like?”
This… was too much, even for a joke. Chouchou’s actions werefar too deliberate to be unintentional and too extreme to be a prank – Yodo wasthe one with the mean streak and even she wouldn’t mess with someone’s feelingslike this – was it possible that her best friend’s feelings weren’t entirelyplatonic either?
“Do- do you-” was she actually thinking this? Was sheactually going to ask something so dangerous? There must be somethingvery, very wrong with her. “Do you, maybe, li-”
“Chouchou, is there anything you would like to have fordinner?”
“Yodo. Language.”
“-UUUG! I was gonna say fug.”
The look on Gaara’s face suggested that he didn’t believeher for a second, but he let it slide and turned once more to their guest.“Well, Chouchou? You can ask for anything you like.”
Yodo silently fumed as her friend lit up and began mullingover her options. Was he doing this on purpose? He had to be, surely, how elsecould he have such perfectly terrible timing. And Chouchou’s dark, alluring airhad evaporated, leaving behind her usual cheerful self and leaving Yodo towonder if she’d somehow slipped into a dream back there and had just beenbrought crashing back into reality by her dad’s determination to be a goodhost.
And she wasn’t sure if she should be enraged, or grateful.
Eventually, after much thought, Chouchou settled on a porkstew and Gaara was sent away to buy the necessary ingredients. And now that hewas finally out of the picture for at least thirty minutes, Yodo could finallyconfess in peace.
Just as she was taking a slow, steadying breath however,Chouchou opened her own mouth. “So anyways, what was it you were gonna ask?”she asked, chipper and completely innocent, as though the last five minuteshadn’t even happened.
With her cheeks flaming, Yodo stomped over to the plate of snacksand tried to swallow four at once. “Forget it!” she snapped through hermouthful. “The moment’s gone forever.”
A fine, red eyebrow raised, but Chouchou didn’t question heron it, just grabbed some nibbles for herself before they were completely demolished.“Ok then, so what do you wanna talk about? Been on any cool missions lately?”
She took the change of topic with both hands and ran withit, immediately rambling on about how her brothers had nearly ruined their lastdisaster aid assignment.
But an idea had been planted and she wasn’t going to let itgo so easily.
Ok, today, she was going to say it. She had a plan, she hada good feeling, this time would be the one.
She had already dragged Chouchou out with her to one of thefew parts of the city with some real greenery – though not her own garden,despite it being prettier, she’d had enough trouble with her dad yesterday; noway was she going through that again – she had spent half the nightlying away coming up with a perfect script and she had buttered Chouchou upwith this morning’s breakfast – she’d gotten up super early just to make atraditional Sunan spread, with a wide range of homemade breads, jams, cheeses,fruits, eggs and soup.
Suna folk did nothing by halves.
And she wasn’t gonna half-ass her confession either.
“It’s really cool you still get so many plants this time ofyear.” Chouchou was idly sniffing at some flowering cacti, her long, brightyellow dress making her stand out, even amongst the colourful flowers. Thelocation was a success, now it was for the important bit.
“Thought you might like it,” she said, waiting until herfriend was fully focused on her before continuing. “Hey, so, there’s somethingI’ve been wanting to talk to you about, something really important-” she hadn’teven got to the scary part and yet she could still feel the sweatrolling down the back of her neck “-see, a couple months ago something changed,I don’t really get it at all, but I-I, I mean you’re- that dress- hey, are youeven listening to me?”
She had to ask, because for the last twenty seconds,Chouchou’s gaze had been very much not on her, instead fixed on a point justabove her shoulder.
It was probably for the best; “I mean you’re that dress,”wasn’t a line likely to win anyone’s heart any time soon, but she how could shebe so distracted when she had put so much effort into making this perfect?
“Uh… why is your brother hiding in the bushes?”
Yodo spun around to glare in the direction that had socaptivated Chouchou’s attention and, indeed Shinki was lurking in theshadows; managing to look even creepier than usual. She tried to radiate asmuch ‘go away now’ energy as possible with her facial expression alone, but heremained unimpressed and unmoving.
She decided to barrel on past it. Sure, maybe her idealconfession scenario wouldn’t involve a family member ominously watching in thedistance, but as long as he stayed far away, he couldn’t possibly ruinanything. “Oooookaaaay, well, as I was saying-”
But her friend didn’t seem to hear her. Chouchou’s gaze wasutterly transfixed, she didn’t even seem able to blink. “…Now he’s giving me athumbs up.”
Right, this conversation could wait, she had a fratricide togo commit.
Kankuro’s snickering was a level of obnoxious that she’dnever experienced before.
“C’mon kid, it can’t be that difficult.”
She lifted her head enough to glower at him, then dropped itheavily back against the kitchen table. “You’re one to talk, have you ever eventried to ask someone out?”
He rolled his eyes. “You know I ain’t interested in thatshit, but I’m still better at flirting than you.”
As much as she’d like to disagree with him, she knew he waskind of right. Even if he wasn’t that invested, she had seen him do his thingat enough – otherwise dull – political events, to know that he was more than capableof finding hook-ups. Somehow. She still didn’t understand the appeal at all,but the fact that the only person she’d ever crushed on was a girl maybe explainedit.
She still had her pride to uphold however.
“Fuck off, I’m amazing at flirting!” She smirked whenshe heard the feet bouncing down the stairs, pushing herself out of her seatand slamming both hands down on the table with enough force to rattle the cupson it. “You’ll see, Chouchou’s on her way down and I’m gonna get her to go outwith me, right here, right now!”
Kankuro leaned forwards until their noses were nearlytouching, a wide, sinister grin exposing far too many of his teeth. “Do it then.”
“I. Will.”
Suddenly, Chouchou swept past them, mumbling a low, “Mornin’,”as she opened the fridge and began rooting around in it like she owned theplace. If she had noticed the weird staring contest between uncle and niece throughher grogginess, she had elected not to say anything.
Clearly she had just come from washing up; her hair was slightlydamp and messy curls had yet to be tamed, she hadn’t put on any makeup and she’dthrown on a robe without much thought.
Yodo had never been more attracted to anyone in her entirelife.
“Mornin’.” She glanced over to where Kankuro was waggling hiseyebrows at her, wordlessly daring her to prove him wrong. “Sooo… you got anyplans for today?” she asked, very distracted by the sweet, fruity scent waftingoff of her – a Konoha perfume most likely, Suna ones were generally muskier, withhints of the many spices grown in the region.
Chouchou blinked at her a few times as she took a slow sip ofjuice. “Girl, I’m here to see you, my plans are gonna be the same as yours.”
Out of the corner of her eyes, Yodo could see her uncle withholdinglaughter. She tried to ignore the blush creeping up her neck. “Right, right, duh,must still be half asleep,” she muttered, wonky smile forced upon her lips.
Her attempt at playing it off with a laugh was immediately ruinedby Kankuro blurting out, “You’ve been awake for an hour and a half already.”
She glared at him. He grinned at her.
He was gonna play dirty then, huh? Fine by her, she’d just haveto bring out the big guns, something so irresistible that Chouchou would practicallyfall into her arms before her uncle could ruin it. “So, you… dress good, huh?”
Every eye in the room dropped down to the decidedlyun-glamourous fluffy bathrobe she’d had to borrow from Araya – because Yodostill had to shop in the children’s section to find clothes that didn’tcompletely swamp her and Chouchou was over six foot of pure Woman.
It had a cute little duckling pattern on it.
The dam of Kankuro’s not-very-high restraint finally brokeand he started howling with laughter. “Woooow, smooth!”
“I know right? I’m amazed at how she manages to function ineveryday life,” Chouchou said, not bothering to hide her own amusement as shestarted sharing the story of that time a few years back that Yodo had beentrying so hard to forget about.
Entire body flaming red, she practically leapt out of theroom, yelling behind her as she stormed up the stairs, “You’re both jerks and Ihate you!”
She wasn’t sure why Araya had insisted on joining themtoday, they were just doing a little souvenir shopping for Chouchou’s friendsand family back home, hardly something he hadn’t seen before.
Though his presence was at least keeping her somewhatfocused on their task, rather than on how lovely Chouchou looked in that brightblue dress; which was very. Very, very lovely. So lovely that shedesperately wanted to remove it to see how much lovelier she looked underneath.
If this was what being in love felt like, she wondered how humansas a species had ever lasted this long.
Araya casually asked who they were shopping for first,immediately reminding her that she was in public and should really get her mindout of the gutter before she did or said something that would get them thrownout of the market and probably earn them a lecture on the importance ofrepresenting a village from the Kazekage.
To distract herself from her thoughts, she picked up alittle clay figurine, some kind of lion thing. “Inojin would probably like this,right?” It wasn’t exactly like his ink beasts, but it was close enough; he couldprobably do with some new ideas anyways.
Before she got any response from the one she’d actually beenasking however, Araya had leapt upon her, taking the object reverently in hishands and waved it in front of Chouchou’s eyes. “Wow, he’d love it! You’re sogood at this Yodo! Isn’t she amazing?” The smile hidden by his mask wasdefinitely made up for by the pure excitement in his voice.
“Hmm, I guess she’s pretty good, dunno that I’d go as far asamazing though.” Chouchou still took the lion though and wandered over to the stall’sowner to haggle.
Yodo took the opportunity to scrutinise her brother. “What’swith you today?”
“Nothing, at all,” he said, utterly failing to sound like hewasn’t lying – he’d never been very good at it in the first place.
“Really, there’s absolutely nothing going on. C’mon, it lookslike she’s done, let’s go to a food stall next!” Quickly running off to grabChouchou’s hand, he dragged them both off.
And things continued being weird throughout the day; as theybrowsed the market for interesting trinkets and regional delicacies to sendback to Konoha, Araya took every opportunity – and several opportunities thatdidn’t actually exist – to praise Yodo to the high heavens, no matter howtrivial her actions. She normally wouldn’t mind, her ego was big enough that itcould take a little stroking every now and then, but everything about him todaywas just screaming ulterior motive and that could only mean bad thingsfor her.
Araya with a Plot was not someone to mess with and she wasfeeling very twitchy as a result.
So twitchy, that when she heard the slight hitch of breathbehind her, she immediately spun and caught the heavy weight that wasthreatening to fall on her.
It must’ve looked ridiculous, a six-foot-something giant,who was eighty percent leg, being held like a princess by a scrawny, five-foot-on-a-good-dayrunt.
Araya looked up at her and threw his arms around her neck.
“Oh, Yodo, my hero!” He was practically weeping now,catching the attention of more than a few passers-by. “Thank you so much, whoknows what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been here to catch me in yoursurprisingly strong arms! I’m sure you would be an amazing catch for anyone!”
She closed her eyes and counted to ten before dropping hisweight and letting him fall the whole five inches to the ground with a lightthud. Everyone around them looked either confused or amused, as she bent down,grabbed her brother’s ankles and wordlessly dragged him into the nearest dark,abandoned alleyway.
When they were sufficiently alone, she leaned over to glareat where his eyes should be; she might not be able to see his face through themask, but he could certainly see hers. And hopefully he would be rightfullyscared of it. “Ok, seriously, what the fuck.”
“I’m just trying to get Chouchou to see how cool you are, soshe’ll want to go out with you!” he said, arms gesticulating wildly, even as hewas lying on his back.
“What’s that got to do with you? I can take care of thismyself.”
He sighed and slowly pushed himself so he was sittingupright. “Look, I support you one hundred percent in everything – you’re thebest sister in the world – but you’re definitely going to screw this up if weleave you to your own devices, so we all agreed that you needed a hand toactually make this happen.”
“I’d be doing just fine if people didn’t keep distracting me-”she stopped, suddenly thinking back to everything that had happened the lastweek “-wait, we? You’re all in on this?”
“Well, Uncle was mostly just being himself and Dad was justgoing along with what Kankuro told him to do, but me and Shinki at least have yourbest interests at heart! He just thought it might be better to quietly supportyou from the sidelines while I think the more… direct approach would be better.”
Even if she’d wanted to respond to that, she couldn’t findthe words, so she just spun round and stomped out into the street whereChouchou was still waiting for them. “You guys done?”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
The peace lasted for all of five steps before Araya joggedup behind them and leaned down to whisper in Chouchou’s ear. “Yodo’s great, don’tyou think?”
“I can hear you and I don’t need your help,” she ground out,teeth practically cracking with the force of her strained grin. Was he reallyplanning to follow them around until she finally confessed? Sure, she hadn’tsucceeded so far, but she was just waiting for the right time!
She couldn’t see Araya’s expression behind the mask, but sheknew she didn’t like it. “Are you sure about that?”
“Chouchou, let’s go look over there.” Grabbing her friend’shand – and definitely not feeling a little giddy about it – she led her to aclothing stall, already eyeing up a beautiful, deep, ocean blue and gold scarfthat would look amazing against Chouchou’s dark skin.
Araya remained undeterred. “I know she can be very dense,and stubborn, and she’s pretty lazy and her dress sense is… distinctive-”
“This is what you call helping?” she snapped, bristlingat his tone of refined disdain.
Just because he didn’t appreciate her butch, punk fashionchoices, didn’t mean that she was a bad dresser. She was at least above herfather and uncle in the family style rankings. Which was a real thing; Shinki kepta constantly updated list in his desk.
“-but she has somegood qualities too! She’s fun cool and she always loyal to her friends andfamily, I bet she’d be a really great girlfrie-”
As much as she would love to just throttle him right now,she settled for grabbing his shoulders – mostly because she couldn’t actuallyreach his neck – and shaking vigorously until he shut up. “Go. Away. I’ve. Got.This.”
He carefully removed her hands and held them together betweenhis own. “Look you don’t have to do it yourself; it’d be less painful foreveryone if I just said it for you.”
“That ruins the whole point though!”
She could feel the Look, and she hated it. “Are you gonna doit yourself then?”
“I- wha- ye- no-” she looked around for someone to save her,unfortunately most of the civilians had grown bored of the show and returned totheir shopping, the only person still watching was Chouchou herself, gigglingsoftly, with her long hair shimmering in the sunlight. Swallowing a painfullump, she turned back to her brother, saying softly, “Look it’s hard, ok?”
“It doesn’t have to be, just be honest, I know that nothingbad will happen, trust me, you can do it, it’s really not so scary,” he said,tone gradually shifting from soft and encouraging to exasperated and critical, “I’veasked out tons of people before and I don’t get this worked up about it, reallyI thought you were the brave one-”
“God! Fine!” She spun round, pointed directly at her crushand yelled at the top of her voice, “CHOUCHOU YOU LOOK GREAT IN THAT DRESS BUT IT’DLOOK BETTER ON MY BEDROOM FLOOR! Are you happy now?!”
Chouchou stared at her, completely still for a second, then burstout laughing.
Loud, unashamed guffaws probably weren’t the ideal reactionto a pick-up line, but, listening back to her own words in her head, she couldunderstand how they’d gotten there. Still didn’t mean she couldn’t be offendedby it though.
“Hey, quit laughing! I’m tryna be serious here!”
Araya crossed his arms, shaking his head slowly, clearly notfar off of laughing himself. “And that’s the line you chose to be serious with?”
“Ok, you shut up you’re no help at all,” she said, elbowinghim in the stomach before snapping back to her friend, “and Chouchou stoplaughing at a girl when she’s bearing her soul! Can’t even get some respectwhile confessing, honestly…”
Slowly, Chouchou straightened up, wiping a tear from her eyeand pure delight still lighting her voice as she asked, “Yodo, are you sayingthat you like me?”
Fuck, how red was she right now? Had to be pretty bad if theburning of her skin was anything to go by – even the midday Suna sun felt coolby comparison. “Y-yeah, obviously,” she muttered, suddenly all too aware of howmany eyes were upon them again.
She blinked expressionlessly at Chouchou. “Huh?”
“Girl, I’ve been trying to get you to admit you like me for months,I really thought I had a winner with that ridiculous seduction act when I firstgot here.”
“If you knew then why didn’t you just say something!” shespluttered, defaulting to her usual anger while she was waiting for the joy tokick in.
Amber eyes rolled, but she was still grinning widely. “I’vebeen in love with you since we were kids, I figured I’d let you stew for atleast a little while, get some revenge for you being an oblivious idiot.”Chouchou had liked her for that long? How had she not noticed?
More importantly, however. “Wait, so are we, like… datingnow?”
Closing the distance between them and leaning down, Chouchoustared deep into her eyes, mouth set in a hard line and brows furrowed heavily.“If you say you don’t want to after all this, I will literally throw you intothe middle of a sandstorm,” she said, before her warm smile returned and she lightlypecked her on the cheek.
“Ha, I win!” Araya immediately managed to ruin the momentwith his loud declaration.
Kankuro landed next to them with a thud; Yodo didn’t evensee where he came from. “I call foul! We never agreed that you could get sopersonally involved!”
Family members began appearing out of the aether, until theywere surrounded by her brothers, father and uncle. Her blood pressure shortthrough the roof.
“Exact terms were never agreed upon, it’s your fault forbeing so vague, so you have to pay up.”
Yodo felt all feeling drain from her body. “…Were you allbetting on this?” she asked, voice soft and chilling.
The sudden silence could’ve been cut with a rusty butterknife, it was so thick.
Araya was the first to attempt a response. “N-noooo,definitely not!”
“You just said that you won!”
“Which I’m still not accepting, by the way,” Kankuro cut in,earning twin glares from Yodo and Araya both.
“Ok I’m not surprised by you three-” she glared at her brothersand uncle, who looked varying shades of ‘not especially guilty’ “-but even youwere in on it, papa?” Yes, she was bringing out the big, watery, puppy-dog eyesand no, she didn’t feel bad about it.
“Kankuro said he had a plan to make you very happy and Ididn’t think to question him on it, I can only apologise.”
“My baby bro is a snitch! How could I let this happen, I’vefailed you, my brother…” Kankuro wailed, as though he wasn’t the main bad guyhere; Yodo had absolutely no doubt the whole bet was his idea and she would notbe letting it go unpunished. Though her dad’s look suggested that he wasdefinitely going to be dragging him off later to have a Chat with him first.
A heavy arm dropped across her shoulders and long hairtickled at her cheek as Chouchou leaned down to snicker in her ear. “Yourfamily’s hilarious, I love it.”
She basked in the casual touch of skin against skin anddecided that – if this was the reward – she would happily deal with a thousandmeddling families. “You guys are lucky my girlfriend likes you, else you’d all bedead to me!”
Didn’t have to let them have the satisfaction of knowingthat though.
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