#gonna rip my skin off
acourtoflight · 1 month
“She looked up at him, her face so trusting and hopeful and open that he knew she had no idea that he had done unspeakable things that sullied his hands far beyond their scars. Such terrible things that it was a sacrilege for his fingers to skin, tainting her with his presence.”
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hussyknee · 11 months
Hate being triggered. Anyone who disagrees with you becomes a Threat™, even the people you love. It's even harder when your threat response is "kill or die trying".
"Don't see an avalanche in a snowflake" okay but I still want to murder the snowflake in the face!!
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s0urte3th · 23 days
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rottengurlz · 4 months
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I don’t know why I bite
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cal4hysteria · 5 months
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zombie cal (i cant. draw)
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silusvesuius · 28 days
if any of my followers could record the new pota in theaters and send it to me before being hurled into a jail cell that would be so extra sweet and generous
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spoopy-moose · 11 months
Just thought of like how the Stillwater is described in the p2 design documents as “stretching out” people’s souls and how Farkhad’s vision of the utopian buildings were horizontal and how it is an observatory without access to the stars and how it is a downwards force to the polyhedron’s upwards force. And like considering that next to daniil’s character being described as having an vector upwards and closely connected to the sky and the polyhedron as an skyward force and yet his main place of residence is literally a counterbalance to the sky and grounds him and how he can literally only observe the sky without ever being a part of it.
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torosdottir · 3 months
dude i slept in and i was going to just rot in bed for the day but it turns out napalm death are playing in my fucking city tonight.. should i impulse-buy a ticket on resale for 40 quid n go?? i havent listened to them since i was a teen i dont know any of their songs anymore but i used 2 love those guys... and theyre playing with three other bands i have never heard of but idk i like going 2 shows of bands i dont know as long as there is a good crowd and i have fun.. its just hard 2 imagine finding the energy for that so quickly when it is 3pm and im still hanging out in bed doing fuck-all and the show is in 3 hours
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grenadine-blood · 1 month
favorite ship of destiny moments: “give me a face you could love,” amber obsessively drawing fitz over and over, malta steamrolling everyone with the power of rhetoric
least favorite ship of destiny moments: whatever brashen was doing in the last two chapters (althea should have been allowed to shoot him with a gun)
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soullessjack · 28 days
you don’t understand he was done being special he wanted to get a chance to live his life before it was over he just wanted to get a tan and see a hockey game and get a parking ticket and get bored and then die HE WAS DONE BEING SPECIAL AND THEN THEY DECIDED TO MAKE HIM GOD
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
Oh we have reached the dry itchy stage of tattoo healing and I, a compulsive skin picker, am SUFFERING
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bloodfreak-boyking · 5 months
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how dare he be so fucking pretty fr
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satanfemme · 5 months
my parents gave me my first fidget cube today and I like it more than I was expecting but more importantly this object fills me with the primal need to destroy it. like cute joystick but I Need To Rip It Out. I wish I could explain this instinct with words and tell you why this object specifically is so destroyable to me. but I promise if you were me and you were holding this object in your hands, you too would understand.
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crybabydaydream · 4 months
absolutely need to change my hair right now this second but don't have bleach money 😔😔
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steampoweredskeleton · 5 months
#delete later#i have three medical appointments in the work day in the next three weeks#one on Thursday then two mid/late January and i know that its good bc i need these appointments but i get so#anxious that ppl ay work are mad at me for having so many#im also scared about thirsdays one bc its for my ankle and hand pain and ironically the hand is way better and the ankle is also#more stable. something clicked again a couple days ago and fixed the pain in half of ky foot. no idea what happened there but#the click itself hirt like a bitch which is new. most of my pain doesnt start with a click and most clicks are painless#so fun#im just in a permanent state of being afraid i wont be taken seriously. my physio wanted a scan on my foot so om gonna#relay that but like idk what theyre gonna say. also if they do want to swnd me for a scan that's gpnna be ANOTHER appointment#so fuck me i guess. at the very leasy its not like severe psin any more so they wont send me to a and e for an x ray like they did#with my hip that one time. that would fucking suck to explain tp my manager#hey julia im fine but ive been sent ro rhe hospital for a scan so i guess ill be back when im back?#fuck me im anxious. and i hace so much apprenticeship work tp do i want to scream#also was distracted by my aching hands bc often they just ache abd successfully triggered myself so bow time to play what#is actual acge and what is remembered ache oh joy#one of the other appointments is gender clinic appointment abd im hoping to get referred for top surgery now ive been on t#for 9 months. waiting list gonna be like four fucking years but debating saving like mad abd going private bc jesus Christ#i cant bind bc of sensory problems and constantly aching ribs and last time i taped i ripped chunks of skin off so kinda#think i shouldn't do that again but like it sucks. not as bad now that my voice is dropping abd shit but still not fun#we'll see!
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