#goober: terra
maskeddiany · 8 months
navigating thru my gallery I noticed I never posted these oops
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palettes w/ my Sinnoh gals, Sal and Terracota <3
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littlest-centaurii · 1 year
Do your dads or the other Stardroids have any special nicknames for you?
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Most of the other Stardroids used to call me Lordling, but I discouraged them of that. I'm not a fan of royal titles.
I am called "Prox" a lot anyways, but some do have more personable nicknames for me. (Antares isn't a Stardroid, but I see her as family anyways, so.)
As for my fathers, Father doesn't call me anything, usually just my name, but as for Papa...
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He tends to really like...calling me this one...
and it gets very embarassing after a while.
((Antares - @godslush ))
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cerastes · 10 months
I was wondering, are there any characters in Arknights that on the surface are jokesters, but anre actually immensely deep and powerful? I know about characters like Jaye and Nothing, but they aren’t particularly funny and casual. What I’m looking for is someone like Sans, basically.
"Nothing isn't particularly funny" oh we're just fundamentally different people then because I smile like a babe listening to jingling keys every time he's in the scene.
In the exact same regard as Sans, 1:1? Not really. Similar enough in some regards or in essence that they warrant mention? Yeah, I'd say so.
Aak is a good case, I'd say. Aak is a very casual guy, perhaps excessively so, referring to Doctor as "my dude" and in general having a very whimsical whistle to his steps, not to mention his seemingly jovial soul. Then you dig a bit deeper and you realize, well, despite the way he behaves, he takes what he does extremely seriously and is one of the most ruthless characters in the cast as a whole, in addition to being a medical sciences prodigy the likes of which Terra has seldom seen, and being infamous in the criminal underworld as a vigilante and executioner that has no qualms disposing of a mother fucker, if said fornicator of moms is a criminal and adversely affects others. See, the thing with Aak is that he, for the longest time, hated being so good at the medical sciences, because as he saw with his own twisted father, a brutal underworld doctor and criminal, curing illnesses doesn't begin to truly rid the common man of their suffering: There are always oppressors, abusers, those who selfishly make lives difficult for others for their own gain. Aak believes that to be a truly good "doctor", he needs to eliminate the root cause of the people's suffering: Criminals that will hurt them. Since his cooperation with Rhodes Island, his views have shifted a bit for the better (understanding people better, finding a good friend that shares his latent curiosity and love for the medical sciences and research in Warfarin), but it's still evident that Aak remains an unstable vat of fluoroantimonic acid waiting to bubble over, if the right trigger is present. He's not particularly powerful, with all his evaluations being "Normal" and "Standard", but his ruthlessness, his knowledge of the underworld, and his deep knowledge of medical sciences do make him quite dangerous despite "my dude"ing you.
Ceobe is the other one that comes to mind. Ceobe basically replicates the experience of having a big dumb loving dog, not just with Doctor, but with others as well, such as her canonical friends Vulcan and Sesa (Sesa being someone that also qualifies imo), and is in general a fun goober that livens up every scene she's in on virtue of, well, being a big dumb loving dog with all that entails: She WILL break into the kitchen even though she knows it's forbidden for her to do this, she WILL steal food, she WILL whimper and apologize, she WILL grow immensely defensive over her loved ones over things like "a loud vacuum cleaner" and WILL act over any perceived threat with maximum power; the entirety of Integrated Strategies 1, Ceobe's Fungimist, comes about because Ceobe gets high on hallucinogenic mushrooms she found in the jungle, and goes apeshit because she imagines this whole scenario where Villains have kidnapped Doctor and only she and whatever friends she can recruit on the way can save them, resulting in her beating the absolute shit out of numerous warrior tribes Dynasty Warriors style. Let's talk about that last part! She beat the absolute shit out of numerous warrior tribes Dynasty Warriors style while high as fuck on shrooms. She can do that! Because Ceobe is actually fucking shredded. Despite being a Funny Dog, Ceobe is a legitimately Arts genius, having no formal training and yet being able to use Arts with no problem, almost instinctively, as well as simply being able to harness pretty much any weapon she touches and empower them further with her Arts. Part of this is definitely because she's VERY Infected, but not even that explains just the sheer magnitude and expertise with which Ceobe seems to use her Arts. And speaking of? She dragged herself, across much of Terra, while incredibly Infected and with no care at all.
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Ceobe, by all rights, should be dead. Not even the Medic Operator that wrote her medical file has a lot of faith, and her Oripathy is explicitly very grave and only getting worse. And even in this state, she dragged herself and the small arsenal strapped to her back across the world.
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Her Physiological Endurance rank of Outstanding is no joke. Keep in mind, this is a rank equivalent to the toughest and most resilient characters we know of, such as Specter and Hoshiguma.
This is all stuff you'll only ever realize about Ceobe if you pay attention, because she's almost exclusively used for comedic relief, but the funny dog is actually a natural archmage and weaponmaster that just won't fucking die, if we were to use more fantasy adjacent terms for her.
There's more (like Sesa) but those two are the ones that jumped to mind.
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ripeossis · 2 years
Free roaming gods in arknights are fucking hysterical. The chinese-equivalent pantheon god of painting is an extradimensional squatter. She'll show up and draw an entire room on your wall and live in it forever. That's kind of what she did. The residential weirdo shut-in from Engineering who routinely forgets to eat for several days called her 'some weirdo shut-in' in an official document. This tendency was partly a coping mechanism to the fact that her gf is in fact mortal and will die; their names are literally 'Dusk' and 'Dawn'. Girl deadass came in Doctor's room to sketch and insisted it's hers, being confronted with the fact that it's Doc's office, she went 'but what is personal property, really? Am I not also inhabiting this room, Participating In Labour? How are we fundamentally different?'
Nian technically represents metallurgy but constantly churns out shitty b-list movies and tempts people to play mahjong with her on their work shifts, this is partly a coping mechanism in response to the constant existential dread that herself and siblings will suffer ego death one day after being alive for centuries. Same. She's a mere professional squatter but I still love her.
Ling -allegedly- took a thousand (not projectiles) shots in a go in front of the entire Rhodes bar and spewed pure poetry. Just vandalises a random fucking wall with some archaic meters, tail dipped in ink, while making up songs at top lung capacity. Probably weekly. Everyone thought it was kinda rad and want her to stay - this is also by far the strongest reaction Rhodes Island has toward one of these goobers. She lounges around mountains all day looking at the moons or some crap, blood alcohol level perpetually minimum 200%, still insists to Doc she never got drunk her entire life. Her canon superpower is not giving a fuck and Dusk is concerned with the metaphysical consequences of her stop giving a fuck about the laws holding the universe together. She slew a dragon-god vestige by not really giving a fuck about it. Other than this she's a surprisingly well adjusted person, as opposed to the two giga failgods.
Kjera founded a nation in the mountains. Their culture is centered around her as a religion and the country is named after her. They think she's the best thing that happened before sliced bread and she's convinced it was an enormous blunder. Her public status and legal station is her pope's maid and both of them snuck off to some roving hospital as temp workers. There are currently two (2) other people in Terra who seem at all aware of this. Her pope is the person equivalent of a moderately lazy housecat and HG tried to hide they're in deep gay love but i suceeded a heroic int check and now know otherwise.
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ross-hollander · 3 months
Regarding Battletech...
What makes me admire a faction is, at bottom, their shenanigans.
Snord's Irregulars? Literally made of shenanigans. S-tier. Just a bunch of goofy goobers with too much firepower.
Clan Sea Fox? Bought out ComStar, overcharge Wolf on supplies (they pay anyways), changed their name because of a beef that nearly led to their icon animal's extinction, changed it back, top-tier shenanigans, S-tier.
But then, Jade Falcon? Well, they're so shenanigan-less that that is the shenanigans. The war crimes, the BatChalling a judge presiding over a defamation case about somebody saying you BatChall people too much, the 98% casualties in the ilClan Trial, they just play themselves so straight it itself becomes a shenanigan. Solid A-tier.
Now, Wolf- Clan Wolf I wish had shenanigans, because they're the- hard stats-wise -best faction around. Pure Kerenskyites, led by the Archon, ilKhan and heir to the Davions. Won at Tukayyid, and at Terra. Literally just generally The Best. But there's no shenanigans. I mean, the silver pieces thing was close, but it's not shenanigans.
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Did a rough lil redraw of some old Teen Titans redesigns I did in high school. They weren't redesigns of the 03 TT cartoon, just kinda meant to be their own lil thing lol
I guess a little background, the idea for these two goobers was just to have a story based around Terra initially leaving the Markov family to do her own thing while Jericho is I believe trying to find a way to stop his father's antics. Somewhere in between they were supposed to converge paths, it was all just kinda stinky. Years passed, nothing ever came out of it and uhhhh here we are, yeah :V
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hime-bee · 1 month
(since i know you also have a mega breeding kink, here's some arknights men who i think would have breeding kinks large enough to fucking repopulate the entirety of terra,,)
silverash (wow how original) has such a massive breeding kink that it's not even funny. and he's entirely unashamed about it, huskily cooing at how lovely and adorable you'd be with your tummy all swollen, even when he's balls deep in you and pushing you well into your nth orgasm. each drag of his cock along your walls serves a purpose, acting as a way to remind you that he's the only one who'll ever be able to see you come undone, as well as the only one who can possibly knock you up. and with each load he fucks into you, soothing away your broken sobs from the overstimulation, he's getting pretty successful.
it wasn't młynar's intention to get hooked on the very risky thrill of knocking someone up, much less a woman much younger than him. but the way your cunt hungrily swallows up his dick aaallll the way down to the base and the loud moans you make when the tip keeps bullying its way against your cervix leaves him little room to deny the fact that he gets off on the risk. and, well, the fact that you keep trapping him in leglocks and forcing him to spill everything inside is also a factor. (also did you know that horse pp actually flares during mating to ensure the semen stays inside and the chances of the mare popping out a baby are increased?? hope that fact stays with you the next time you think of the honse uncle >:3c)
despite his well-disciplined and down-to-earth personality, even chong yue isn't immune to the thought of encasing your much smaller body underneath his and filling your pussy with his seed until it takes. plus, given his draconic roots, being endowed with two wonderfully sized lengths gives him all sorts of advantages, especially when you're babbling nonsense as he stretches you wider than you ever thought possible. doesn't really help that ling and nian are eager to become aunties, pestering their dearest brother and you at every opportunity they can get.
lee was nowhere near lowkey when it came to his breeding kink, and he's made it nothing short of becoming your problem. gifted with a lung's hemipenes and kept tucked safely within a cozy little vent, he takes every opportunity to fill you to the brim with the promise of making you into a mother. and of course, he played the 'senior citizen' card the first few times he refused to pull out, claiming that he's getting too old to remember (lies) or asking you to "go easy on this old man~" (lies 2x) but can you really blame him? it's not every day he gets lucky with someone as cute and eye-catching as you. plus, those kiddos of his certainly wouldn't mind another addition to their little group.
that charming smile of his did absolutely nothing to prepare you for the depravity that tequila hid behind it. having practically sweet-talked his way into your bed, tequila made short work of ensuring that you'd never look at another man but him. his need to knock you up stemmed from his canine instincts and his need to monopolize you, because all those stewing emotions he's kept buried certainly aren't doing his mentality any good. not that he'd care, especially when he's sunken his teeth into your shoulder as he unceremoniously pushes his knot into you with a lewd pop! and starts filling your pussy to the brim with plenty of his release until it finally takes.
(hope you enjoyed some lil thirsts for these goobers, bc i want all of them to mating press the shit outta me mostly młynar. i would've have added more but its like 4 am as im writing and im very eepy. but hopefully this made ur brain go brrrrrr ♡(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭)
Lati, you didn't have to call me out like that-- 😭😭 You're 100% right tho, I really do and I'm so predictable LMAO
Which is prolly why most of the guys you listed, I've either written, or have a draft planned for 😭 (RIP to my Lee and Tequila fics that haven't seen the light of day smdh). ANYWAY. Continue to cook, chef!! 😩💦💦💦 I wonder what kinda situation the Doctor would have on their hands if more than two Operators were trying to breed em 🤔 Personally, I think they should take turns trying-
(Also, God bless you for providing me and my followers with these scrumptious little meals, it's so nice reading these from you, Lati 😭💞 Especially when all I can really do is read rn-) AND I WILL BE SAVING THESE TOO LOL
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partyratspartyart · 1 month
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OSPERION : the asriel equivalent in my UnderFocus AU
theyre a lil nonbinary goober who was the former (insert gender neutral term for prince/princess) until yada yada terra ate poisonous mushrooms yada yada humans go shooty shooty bang bang or whatever
and bada bing bada boom theyre eventually turned into Myce!!!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
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I headcanon that Faust, Bump and Terra were schoolmates. Here's them in the BI version of first grade, one of the assignments is writing down what they learned that day at school.
"I learned a swear word today "
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earlgraytay · 5 years
Terra/Celes gets extra angsty backstory potential because you can see Celes in one of Terra's flashbacks. They knew each other in the bad ol' Empire days! Celes' part of the Narshe conversation about love gains so much subtext when you think about that.
aw, oh no 
...I’m gonna have to write fanfic about these two, aren’t I. 
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krastbannert · 3 years
yoo it's your birthday!! happy birthday you talented and extremely kind goober- i hope it's a good one!! 😌🎉🎉 i wish I'd known sooner so I'd actually gave something to give today- but I can say that you can look out for a little smth (a sketch!!) some time tomorrow!! 💖
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I feel like we've been in this situation once before. Just, you know, reversed. Oh wait, that was literally a week ago and wow that joke was lame wasn't it? I can't believe myself ANYWAYS
THANK YOU SO MUCH TERRA. The chance to be friends is truly gift enough. Maybe next year, the gods of memory will bless us both. Probably not, especially knowing us and our snail-like capabilities at...well, anything, but MAYBE we'll be lucky.
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maskeddiany · 2 months
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April Fools shenanigans
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terracyte · 3 years
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Have some memes that I think you would appreciate as presents (if I'd known about It I probably would have written something but oh well maybe next year)
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YOU hypertalented and kind goober- thank you!! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) the memes are impeccable, I am appreciating them you're right-
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revengerevisited · 3 years
Maddie rambles about nothing in particular #47
I can’t remember if I talked about this before but, there’s a lot that bothers me about DDD (the time-travel, the whole thing with Xemnas knowing Nobodies can regrow hearts) but something that stands out to me the most, since my favorite KH game is BBS, is how instead of Ansem and Xemnas’s defeat in KH1 and KH2 resulting in them being reformed as Apprentice Xehanort (aka Terranort), Master Xehanort is back in his old body, while Terra’s body is... around somewhere? And somehow restored back to his 20 year old self despite other restored Nobodies like Zexion/Ienzo being restored as their current age, not the age they became Nobodies. Plus Xehanort’s old body was destroyed at the end of BBS? But somehow both of them are back? And in KH3 Terra’s heart is somehow in that Guardian Heartless that time-traveling Terranort’s heart in current Terra’s body has...
Anyway, my point is that half of Xehanort’s plan in BBS was that he was getting too old, and wanted a new younger body. Originally he wanted Ven’s but settled on Terra’s. But then in DDD that’s just thrown away and forgotten about and never brought up again? And even in KH3 he’s just... still old man Xehanort.
Like... why?
Well I know why; it’s to make Terra’s inexplicable return easier to write. But why from a character-perspective? I don’t have an answer for that one. Maybe getting the X-Blade and Kingdom Hearts just took priority.
The other thing that bothers me involves my favorite character of all time, you all know who he is, his name starts with a V...
Nah it’s Vanitas. So back in the blissfully nostalgic year of 2018, I really thought the whole part with Xehanort revealing that he didn’t actually need two pure hearts of light and darkness to merge to forge the X-Blade, and that he actually could accomplish the same exact thing by rounding up a bunch of goobers in the desert of varying levels of light and darkness and have them all whack each other with sticks until the X-Blade appeared, would be (at least part of) Vanitas’s catalyst for a redemption arc. As in, Vanitas would realize that his father torturing him for four years straight was just a big waste of time and end up joining the good guys out of spite, to put it mildly.
Obviously that didn’t happen, and what’s worse is KH3 Vanitas turned out to be some weird time-traveling version who would forget any of the potential character development he gained over the course of that game. Maybe if Vanitas is still inside Sora/Ven’s heart he might’ve been aware of that final scene between the three of them and gain character development from that...? And I mean the real Vanitas, not that Darkness fucker.
...This really is the series of wasted potential, isn’t it. :(
Speaking of wasted potential... I know, I know. Everyone already talked about KHMoM and Kairi’s subsequent benching. I honestly don’t even know what to say about it that hasn’t already been said by every other Kairi fan in existence. This was the perfect opportunity to have her go out there and get a real adventure, but nope. I mean hopefully she won’t sit out the entirety of KH4... please? Could we at least get a scene of her and Aqua?? 
...I dunno, guys. I really do think Nomura is more interested in reviving FFvs13 through KH than KH proper. I mean, just look at Yozora. He’s just Riku who looks like Noctis who also looks like Leslie who looks like Riku who looks like Noctis, who can steal Sora’s Keyblade and freeze him in crystal and gets 97 different poses in Data Greeting while Naminé gets TWO.
Vanitas, Kairi, and Naminé— Most disrespected characters in Kingdom Hearts. >_<
...Okay I think I’m done with this ramble I need to go work on something else. o3o’
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fisherfurbearer · 3 years
Working on a whole bunch of pet improvements this week and the next...going to use up old supplies I got and make a bunch of adjustments I've been meaning to do.
Herpstats are FINALLY in stock so Hagrid will have a proper thermostat soon, and he's going to get an enclosure upgrade too...new one will be a 24"x18"x12" exo terra, which is over twice the size of his current enclosure in volume. He's going to love it I think!! He also ate last time I offered, so that's a huge relief. Maybe one day I'll think about setting him up bioactive/naturalistic but I think his current set up is still very successful without it.
Geckos are doing good, just need a couple shade tolerant plants for Didi...I've been having the worst luck with his plants, and I have a feeling it's because the vines I made are creating too much shade. I have a couple species in mind but I'm not going to get anything too expensive, just a couple cheap plants to test my theory and hopefully add some more surfaces for him to climb and bask on. He's such a cool little guy, he and Gogo have been very active now that it's spring...love these two goobers.
Pigeons are having a great time, though their waste has been offputting recently...Papillon is really freaking me out, she has very green feces, and today it seemed to be a bit worse than yesterday. I called the vet last week but the soonest I could get is the 18th. :c I made THREE calls today trying to get ANYTHING sooner, but there's no luck...there are no bird vets in the area with availability until then. It really, really sucks but they're both otherwise acting very chipper, active, bright-eyed, eating and drinking well...they're not hunched up, feathers are smooth and healthy looking, but I know there has to be something going on inside of them, these are some funky looking poos.
In a week though we'll know what's going on, and in the meantime we're having a really nice time hanging out for many hours every day, and they really love our routine. My room is carpeted though so cleaning up after them kinda sucks. I ordered a couple of bamboo floor mats though which should look nice and be MUCH easier to clean. I also got a couple of new towels to set in their favorite spots, and I'm going to re-work my reptile/bug rack to give them another perching spot on the top level, and give myself more storage space.
I also want to repaint their cage when I can. At the very least the stand, which will make it look a lot fresher. It's a low VOC paint so it should be very safe, too!
Invertebrates are all okay, but just okay...I feel really bad about it but...it's been years and I'm still not over the mass tarantula loss I had during the Really Terrible Times. I love them still but it'll never be the same. I've also just...really matured a lot and figured out that I want to do different things with my life, and those things require money and time and these hobbies get expensive fast. It's hard to talk about but I guess that's how it goes sometimes. I still like having some tarantulas though, mostly hardy species I don't need to fret over as much, and the roach colonies are fun and doing good. I don't have isopods anymore except the ones in the vivariums. I might downsize more over time but it'll probably just be the natural downsizing that happens as the tarantulas slowly mature, and I figure out which ones are male or female. I'm going to try and save everyone's next molts and have them sexed, that'll help a lot...
I'd like to think about investing in some really nice display enclosures for some of them though, and learn to re-love what I have left. It'll be a while off though. One day though. c:>
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daxieoclock · 3 years
ok shay you dont understand i was literally scrambling through our messages on discord to find a dissidia link and now i cant pick between the kairi reunion with sora and the namixi bed sharing scene so you gotta pick for me
jdhfbghjgb Enu you absolute sweetheart thank you for the ask
they’re both kinda short scenes though sooooo por que no los dos djhfgbjh
Kairi reunion scene is in chapter 10 and the Namixi scene is in chapter 14
She'd only been there twice before, both times after Xehanort's defeat, but Kairi instantly recognized Terra, Aqua and Ventus's home: the quintuple towers and golden chains of the Land of Departure.
I don’t remember if I ever articulated what both of those times were in my head, but it’s a HC that just felt right hehe.
And there, sitting on the bottom steps leading up to the front door, was Sora.
He hopped up as soon as he saw her, that stupid grin all over his face, and then Kairi's eyes blurred over and her feet pounding against the stone courtyard.
"It's so good–" he said, and she cut him off by punching him as hard as she possibly could in the shoulder. "OW!"
Kairi’s anger, frustration and just general emotion is something I had a lot of fun exploring in DKH, and something I definitely want to do more of if I ever return to KH writing (still undecided on that). As much as I love the comedy beat of the pissed-off reunion, it’s an honest feeling I think, to be both overjoyed and infuriated by someone at the same time. And it definitely fits my interpretation of where Kairi – who has been incessantly damseled, left behind and sacrificed-for – is at this moment in her arc. Furious and bitter and just wanting to drag her dumbass bffs/bfs to safety whether they like it or not.
"It's so good–" he said, and she cut him off by punching him as hard as she possibly could in the shoulder. "OW!"
"You absolute, goddamn, stupid idiot!" Kairi shrieked. "Do you have any idea how worried I was? How worried Riku was?"
For whatever reason this makes me think of the very beginning of the story, with Riku lying awake thinking of Sora. Like...yeah. Yeah he was. And on that note, as much as I missed Sora’s presence in the story, I absolutely loved the chance to expand on Riku and Kairi’s friendship/relationship (it’s complicated; when is it ever not?) without him there. I wanted to emphasize both how much they care about each other, and how much Sora’s absence is felt nearly constantly.
"Probably," Sora said, sheepish, massaging his shoulder.
"We had to try and explain to your parents how you....you vanished into thin air, but how it's actually completely okay because you did it to save my life!"
I don’t know that I’ll ever focus too much on any of the KH characters’ biological families, but I think the Destiny trio are the closest to actually Having Any Sort Of Bond with their parents. We’ve got a vague idea of Kairi’s home life – adopted daughter of the mayor, and I’ve extrapolated her dad is kind of absent – but none of Riku’s and only the fact that Sora has a mom. But the idea of Kairi and Riku returning to the island alone, having to break the news to Sora’s parents, just stuck in my head when I was writing this.
She didn't know who embraced who first. But she was in his arms then, and he was in hers, and she squeezed him so close, so goddamn tightly.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"Just hold me," she said. "Just shut up and hold me."
I think this is just a sweet moment tbh djhfgbj.
"Your hair looks longer," Kairi said, finally. They were sitting on the steps together. Her eyes had cleared, but she wasn't ready to leave this moment. "And you're missing a button on your jacket."
"Oh." Sora ran a hand through his hair in that absentminded way that he did. He laughed. "I hadn't noticed."
Liar. She knew him well enough to know when he was putting on a front, and he definitely was now. But she wasn't much better, she had refused to point out the bags under his eyes, the greyish pallor of his tan skin, the way his blue eyes seemed darker than she remembered. She couldn't speak those details, as if silence would make them go away, as if she could will away the scuff from his shoes and the dullness from the little metal crown that hung around his neck. He reminded her of how Aqua had looked after they'd rescued her, so relieved but yet so exhausted. It was the impact of that much time spent alone, that much time spent wandering, spent lost and far away from the ones you love. Kairi's grip on Sora's hand tightened.
I will never forgive Nomura’s cowardice to not show the physical, kinda traumatizing toll that years of isolation in the RoD took on Aqua. 0.8 delved into it slightly, but only in the most surface-level way. And judging by what we’ve seen from Re:Mind and MoM, the same sort of surface-level emotion is going to be applied to Sora’s ‘death’ as well. He’s almost definitely going to come out of a YEAR of complete isolation being just as chipper and bright-eyed as he’s always been, and that is something I wanted to rectify here.
I love the KH cast and I love seeing them challenged, and love watching them grow. There’s not quite enough Sora in DKH to grasp the full extent of how he’s changed after his ‘death,’ but I’d like to think we do see that he HAS changed. It’s something I touched on more directly during Riku’s reunion with Sora, but it’s present here as well.
"So, who's your friend?" He motioned with his head towards the Spirit-Namine, who sat patiently on her haunches.
"Sora, it's me," she said with a little laugh. "It's Namine."
"Oh." Sora stared at the Spirit-Namine for a moment, the gears straining in his head, and then he looked over his shoulder up the stairs, then back at her with a confused expression on his face. "Wait, weren't you sleeping inside? Why are you here and a cat? How are you here and a cat?"
But of course, even after that sort of trauma, Sora is still Sora. He’s still a goober and a softie, and I didn’t want to abandon those traits for the sake of angst.
Sora had never been very comfortable with silence, she noticed him starting to shift and adjust next to her.
ADHD Sora rights.
Kairi kept catching herself holding her breath, waiting for him to vanish or the floor to give way or her alarm to wake her up. Waiting for something to drag him away again.
He looked over his shoulder at her and smiled. "I'm not going anywhere, you know," he said.
Kairi spluttered. "What...who...shut up!" She stared at the ground, cheeks flushed, unable to acknowledge out loud that he'd read her so well.
I haven’t decided if Sora’s surprising emotional perceptiveness is a new aspect of his character or something he’s always had that hasn’t been highlighted well, but it’s definitely an interpretation of him I enjoy. Like, yeah, he’s impulsive and inattentive and kind of rude on occasion, but he’s also showed some moments of being able to read people with shocking accuracy. I think that’s a skill some Keyblade wielders have, a sort of magical hyper-empathy, and Sora definitely has it in spades without even trying.
And briefly before we go into Namixi (and speaking OF Namixi)
Xion glanced at Sora and Kairi from the middle chair and threw up a peace sign. "Hey, what's up?" Her outfit had also changed a lot since Kairi saw her last, she had on a pair of loose black cargo shorts and a pullover hoodie, her black hair swept to one side and tucked behind her right ear. Honestly, she looked a lot happier, a lot freer.
Butch Xion is absolutely the hill I will die on this gal is 100% loves girls and presenting in nonconforming ways.
Namine, laying against Xion, her eyes closed and her expression peaceful.
Xion looked down at Namine as she noticed Kairi's stare. "Oh, yeah, I'm uh...keeping her safe? Cause she can't move when doing her spell, and uh, probably more comfortable than laying on this ground or something right?" She forced a laugh. "Yeah."
Namine, who absolutely has ulterior motives: “I’m going to be unconscious while using this spell and I’d rather not wake up sore, so maybe you could hold me while I’m using it? I’d make me feel safer too.”
Xion, who is gay as shit and forgot about the fact this castle has beds in it: “Yes absolutely I will totally hold you for as long as you need Namine wow yes that sounds great I’m on board heck yeah.”
And with that introduction let’s hop right into the dedicated Namixi scene shall we.
Namine heard her door open, then close. She didn't move, just kept staring straight ahead, lying on her side in the bed, her heart beating staccato on the inside of her chest. A quiet bump of collision in the dark.
"Ow!" Xion muttered. "Stupid bed."
No good confession scene is complete with at least a couple comedy beats.
Her eyes probably had to adjust to the dark still, which Namine was thankful for, considering the fact she was probably blushing up a storm at the moment. "Are you okay?" She sounded so concerned, oh light.
Gentlebutch Xion strikes again. I refuse to see her as anything but very polite towards pretty gals (and Namine is very pretty gal in her humble opinion).
"I'm fine," Namine said, quickly. "I just...." She reached out to take Xion's hand, but hesitated, and just let her own fall back onto the mattress. "Wanted to see you, I guess."
"Oh," Xion said. Relief. Namine started when she felt Xion's fingers brushing against her hand. "Shit, sorry, sorry."
"No, no." Namine laughed, and took Xion's hand. "Thank you. This is really nice."
The eternal sapphic dance of being terrified of overstepping and desperate to express your affection at the same time. Also I have said it before and I will say it again: The Gay Gals Love Hands. Idk what it is but sapphic attraction is like 75% hand-holding it’s ridiculous.
Xion opened her eyes again, those gorgeous purple eyes.
Changing characters’ eye color is sort of a running theme in my fics I suppose, though it doesn’t ALWAYS come up. Xion’s purple eyes is something I saw once and got stuck in my brain forever. I have no idea who came up with it or why it’s something that apparently a decent chunk of Xion fans hc for her, but it sure is what we’ve decided on haha.
Three words. That's it. So easy, just three words. Just say it. Say it. "When you found out Sora was here, and decided to go after him." Coward.
Namine, like most of the female cast of KH, has basically no outwards emotion and very little development. For whatever reason, I’ve fixated on an interpretation of her as someone who expresses her emotions in unconventional ways, spends a lot of time overthinking things, protects herself by exaggerating her personality around others while also being terrified of hurting people the way she was forced to hurt Sora. It’s sort of funny to see a very similar personality come up around my interpretations of Haru Okumura in Deja Vu, but Namine definitely expresses her post-trauma identity a lot softer, less formal but still so very careful.
Anyway that’s a lot of words to say that she self-loathes and picks her words incredibly carefully and that contrasts really interestingly with the more impulsive, emotion-driven Xion. They’re a good fit for each other C:
"You can get under the covers too, if you like."
"Oh, I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable."
Please stop being a gentlewoman and take the hint. "I want you to," Namine said. Was that too firm? Too bossy?
"Oh!" Xion smiled, and threw the comforter over herself in an instant. Guess it was fine.
More of that aforementioned dynamic.
"This is very good. I'm happy."
"I'm glad," Xion said. "I...like making you happy."
Namine had to inhale deeply at that. It wasn't easy to confess when the girl kept taking her breath away.
I really like the idea in general that it takes so long for Namine to tell Xion how she feels because Xion just keeps doing really sweet things or being kind of romantic but not really making the space for that confession, and Namine just gets flustered and puts it off.
Three words. Just three. Just say them. Namine took a deep breath. "I, uh. I..." She felt a sob welling up in her throat. Light, why was this so difficult, why couldn't she just tell Xion–
Her lips were on hers. Namine couldn't breathe, could barely think for the screaming of her heart in her ears. Xion broke the kiss, looking so very embarrassed. "Sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean–"
Namine reached up and pressed a finger to Xion's lips, cutting her off before she could apologize any more. "Um," she said, "kiss me again?"
And Xion nodded, and Namine let her finger fall, let Xion lean in and kiss her again. And she squeezed her hand so tightly and kissed her back.
So not really a confession but Xion DID get the hint. Once more: Xion’s impulsiveness makes things both very difficult and much easier for Namine. And I think I like the fact that she ends up deciding to just go along with that impulsiveness, just let go of her plan and kiss the gal she’s been pining for, and stop beating herself up about the words she can’t say yet. It’s sweet hehe.
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