#good hunter sara
dutybcrne · 6 months
Nothing will ever make me crack up more in fics than Diluc sabotaging Kae's attempts to get alcohol bc he has an unhealed injury Luc somehow found out abt
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makowo · 1 year
can we please hear about your ocs. i cant recall any details but sara's general energy intrigues me
SARA!!!! SARA V54.111 is a robot finished in 1984 that was made to revolutionize current technology at the time. It was named after the original creator's deceased daughter, Sarah Andrews, who was supposed to finish the initial prototype but died 10 years prior via electrocution while working on it. After the robot was accepted into HPA as the Ultimate Robot and earned notoriety, the team working on the SARA Project aimed to expand it into a full production line with SARA V56, for initially private use for businesses and wealthy investors, then for eventual public use, scheduled to begin in autumn of 1985.
Sara fucking hates this though. Though he is bound by his code, he holds a LOT of resentment for People, as they never treat him as a human no matter how much they want to make him emulate one. She wants to stay herself, unique, be a Person, in the memory of Sarah and for her own life.
Of course, he never gets that chance, really. Despite his resentment, he still genuinely cares for people, even as he denies it to manipulate them at every turn. Within her kind veneer is still at least a bit of sincerity. She's still got all the makings of a human, after all. It's why she plays Tetris with Erin to keep her occupied while everyone else explores a scary cave, why she's so hasty to help Elijah when he exposes himself to poison, why she listens to and trusts the most hated person in the group, up until the end. She cares.
But he still suffers from the want to live. He's selfish in that regard; it's why he becomes the traitor in the killing game he gets into, and why he sacrifices his arm to get his bomb collar off in a later chapter, why he lies to them in the final trial to sway their vote in his favor. He just really wants to survive.
She went off the deep end in the final trial, when she was finally put to death. And she said the most vitriolic things she could think of in that moment, weaponizing the things she knew about the survivors to hurt them in the worst ways. However, whether it was because she genuinely hated them or was just so scared to die that she tried to turn their back on the survivors of the game is a matter of debate. She's gone forever, and the survivors won't ever know for sure.
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mlmfocalette · 9 months
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-requested by; anon!
rarepair requests are open ! spam my inbox :]
flags used;
background flag; gilbert baker gay flag
kujou sara, top to bottom; genderflux, pansexual
beidou, top to bottom; genderfluid, lesbian
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fishareglorious · 2 years
Kujou Sara x Sara from Good Hunter.
This post has been sponsored by me always accidentally clicking on Sara Good Hunter’s wiki page instead of Kujou Sara’s.
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eternityonfire · 2 years
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One Sweet Madame for the flying Emergency food please!
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exerzist · 2 years
How tf does teyvat work????? Like you know that one commision where you deliver food from good hunter for Sara, how do the make the order? Does teyvat have phones? Or did they send a carrier bird that says "give me fried shrimp pls"
??? Does teyvat have deliveroo
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taylorman2274 · 6 months
We Care About You (Part III)
Those who have been with you since the beginning discuss the differences they've noticed with and without your presence.
Content Warning(s): Jean, Kaeya, & Albedo Story Quest Spoilers; Mondstadt Archon Quest Spoilers
Notes: SAGAU; GN!Reader; [T/N] = Traveler Name
Word Count: 2.1k
Previous || Next
Taglist: @silverstarred; @victoria1676; @angelofdarkness2; @areaderspov; @andromeda-gay; @ash1; @mercy-not-merci; @toodledoodl3;
The sun had fully risen over the horizon by the time all the stores in Mondstadt's main plaza had opened for the day. Blanche was finishing setting up her fruit trays on the counter by the time Marjorie and Timeaus arrived at their respective stores. Sara, on the other hand, had already opened up Good Hunter half an hour ago. This was in case there were any early birds or if any of the aforementioned shopkeepers wanted a quick bite to eat before work.
Today, the Traveler and Paimon were examples of early birds, as the two were enjoying breakfast from Good Hunter. However, as they were eating their respective meals, they were approached by Raymond, a Knight of Favonius.
"Morning, Traveler. Morning, Paimon," he greeted. "Sorry to interrupt your meal, but I'm here to inform you that your presence has been requested by the Acting Grand Master. She requests that you head on over to headquarters immediately."
Paimon groaned. "Does Jean really have to summon us this early? Paimon hasn't even finished her Fisherman's Toast yet."
"I apologize once again, but it would be rude to keep the Acting Grand Master waiting," Raymond replied.
The Traveler shook their head. "No worries. I'm just about finished anyway." They got up from their seat. "Would you like for me to get you a to-go box, Paimon?
"Get a to-go box? Has Paimon not already proved to you what she's capable of? Watch this!" Paimon proclaimed before chowing down the rest of her Fisherman's Toast as quickly as Paimonly possible.
...Said way involved burying herself nose-deep in her plate and practically inhaling all the food left on her plate. The Traveler and Raymond even had to hold their hands up to their faces to protect themselves from any flying food.
Maybe they shouldn't have bought her a triple stack...
Despite being invited by Jean herself, The Traveler decided to knock on her office door. It was only proper manners.
They opened the door and allowed Paimon to enter first before letting themselves in. As soon as Jean recognized them, she gracefully got up from her chair and walked around to the front of her desk.
"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Honorary Knight. I know you must be tired.”
The Traveler shook their head. "It was no trouble. Paimon and I were already up to begin with."
"Is that so? It's a shame my cuties didn't think to greet me in the library first thing in the morning. Your company can certainly revitalize this mage's energy." Came a voice to their left. Both newcomers swiveled their heads to look at the other visitor partially hidden in the corner.
"Lisa? Were you called here by Jean as well?" questioned Paimon.
"I was," Lisa confirmed, perplexion etched on her face, "Though I haven't been told why yet."
"I called you both here for the same reason. However, not everyone has arrived yet. We're still waiting on two more people. Once they’ve arrived, I’ll explain everything," Jean explained.
To pass the time, the Traveler, Paimon, and Lisa began to catch up with each other on what had happened since they last met while Jean leaned against her desk and peeked at the ticking clock on the wall from time to time.
She wasn't worried about the other two members being late. They each were fellow Knights of Favonius members after all. They know the standards that need to be set in order to maintain their position.
A few minutes later, everyone in the office could hear rapid footsteps from outside the room. Not even a second later the door was thrown open by Amber who quickly entered the room and put her hands on her knees to catch her breath.
pant ... pant ... "Sorry I'm late, Jean. I got caught up with something."
Jean shook her head. "Not to worry, Amber. We haven't started talking about anything yet." Jean snuck a peak behind Amber towards the open door. "Did you happen to see Kaeya on the way here?"
Amber straightened up and nodded her head. "I did, actually. He's..."
"Right here."
Kaeya smoothly walked into the office and quietly shut the door Amber left open behind him.
Jean gave a quick nod. "Good. That should be everybody." Everyone gathered around Jean in a semi-circle. "I bet you're all wondering why I've called you here this early."
"To put it simply, I'd rather get this discussion out of the way before we all start work for the day. This mainly concerns the Traveler, but I promise you all are important to this discussion as well."
Jean turned her attention to the Traveler. "First off, how are your adventures going?"
The Traveler looked at Jean in confusion. Jean called all of them here just to ask them about their adventures? "...Pretty well I guess. I've hit a few obstacles here and there but it was nothing I couldn't handle."
Jean nodded. "That's good to hear. And what about this latest obstacle you're facing?"
Now it was Paimon's turn to be confused. "Latest obstacle...?" she murmured, "Oh! Do you mean [Y/N]?"
Amber, Lisa, and Kaeya all widened their eyes in surprise as they looked at Paimon. Jean nodded once again.
"Yes. That's exactly the reason why I've called you all here. Although I may not know much about [Y/N], I understand that you all have had some experience with them. If you could tell me all that you know about them, I'll get a better understanding of what our next action should be."
The Traveler nodded in understanding before looking around at the others. "Should I go first, or do you all want to share your thoughts now?"
Amber was the first to reply. "Sure! I'll go first. In my opinion, the Traveler and [Y/N] are the same person, but also different people. When I first met the Traveler outside of the Whispering Woods, they introduced themselves as [Y/N]. However, once we dealt with the sources of Stormterror's power in the abandoned Four Winds' Temples, they seemed much livelier. That was when they explained that they were actually [T/N], and [Y/N] was this 'ghost or entity-like thing' that possessed them against their will.
Lisa nodded. "It's true. When we were traversing through the last temple, I felt as if my body was not under my control, but I was still conscious to witness what I was doing. It was scary at first, but after a while, I kind of got used to it."
Jean raised a skeptical brow. "And why is that?"
"Because [Y/N] and I were trying to achieve the same thing. They guided me through the temple, defeated all of the enemies, and destroyed Stormterror's crystal, all things that I originally intended to do myself."
Jean brought a hand to her chin. "Interesting..."
Kaeya raised his hand, signaling to speak next. "It's not just that, either. Later on when I had the Traveler lure some Treasure Hoarders to some ruins, one of them accidentally activated a Ruin Guard while attempting to flee. We managed to take it down, of course, while being guided by [Y/N], but I noticed that I had gotten stronger in between fighting the treasure hoarders outside the ruins and fighting the Ruin Guard. We defeated the Ruin Guard a lot quicker than I thought we would."
Jean furrowed her brows. "But Ruin Guards are a lot harder to defeat than mere Treasure Hoarders. Surely you must be exaggerating?"
Kaeya chuckled. "I can assure you, Jean. The strength I gained when guided by [Y/N] is no exaggeration. Surely you must've felt their presence yourself?"
"Outside of the day when I got burnout, no. But even then, I didn't exactly feel I was much stronger."
"Oh!" Amber blurted out. "Speaking of getting stronger, I've noticed that [Y/N] has improved some of my abilities as well! For example, the day before we pulled that whole sleeping stunt on [Y/N], we were helping them complete some commissions around Mondstadt. While we were completing them, I noticed that I could suddenly fire two arrows with one shot! Not only that, but I was able to manually detonate my Baron Bunny by shooting at it!"
Amber frowned. “The only downside is that I haven't had much success replicating these abilities when I'm not with [Y/N].”
"So you've noticed as well?" Lisa asked. "I thought I was the only one to notice." She turned her attention back to Jean. "You see, [Y/N] typically has me defeat hydro slimes whenever they appear, and with them I'm normally able to defeat them in one or two hits. However, I wanted to test a theory I've been thinking about recently. So I went to go find a hydro slime and see how many hits it took to defeat it. Just as I thought, it took nearly double the number of hits before it was beaten."
"I see. And is this something that we should look into?"
"No. I just thought it was something worth mentioning."
"Alright then. And when [Y/N] does guide you, is it only to complete commissions?" Jean inquired.
"Oh no!" Amber eyes sparkled. "We've been helping the Honorary Knight and [Y/N] all across Teyvat! It's amazing!"
Jean smiled. "Then you all must be enjoying your adventures, I presume?"
"But of course!" exclaimed Amber. "I've always wanted to see the world beyond Mondstadt and it's just as grand as I imagined."
"That's good to hear." Jean then looked down at the floor and sighed. "...Honestly, there are times when I wish I could throw my work to the side and travel alongside you, Honorary Knight."
"Paimon is certain that [Y/N] would love to have you join their Adventure Team! If it becomes possible, Paimon will put in a good word for you."
Jean chuckled. "Thanks, Paimon." She turned her attention to the Traveler. "And what about you? What do you know about [Y/N]?"
"It's a pretty long story. The first time I ever got a clue as to who [Y/N] was was when I was in the middle of helping Albedo with his research. During the middle of some experiments, I felt their presence leaving. However, almost immediately after they left I saw a bright light in the sky. It only lasted for a few seconds, but when the light went away, I saw that it had come from Celestia!"
Jean looked shocked for a moment but quickly composed herself. She had an image to maintain after all. "Really?! From Celestia?"
"Yes. Albedo saw it as well and it piqued his curiosity. To make a long story short, he found out that for a brief moment, the light that spawns from Celestia forms as if one is opening a door to an unlit room. He hypothesizes that whoever [Y/N] is, they are not from Celestia but somewhere beyond it. Maybe even another world entirely."
Kaeya smirked. "From another world, eh? So does that mean [Y/N] is an alien?"
The Traveler shook their head. "I don't think so. Most of the worlds I traveled to before Teyvat were inhabited by humans. I would assume that if [Y/N] is from another world, they would be human as well.
"How certain are you?" inquired Jean.
"I'm like 90% certain they're human," the Traveler confirmed. Amber hummed in thought.
"Do you think they might be a god?"
“A god whose eyes are focused on a world separate from theirs? Sounds unlikely to me,” countered Lisa.
"Regardless..." Jean interjected. "[Y/N] has been absent for a while now, correct?" The Traveler nodded. "Have you thought about continuing your journey without them should they not come back?"
"I've had the thought. But I'm willing to wait however long is necessary if it means I get to see them again."
Jean put a hand to her chin. "Are you sure? I would gladly be willing to have Amber, Lisa, or Kaeya travel with you for the foreseeable future."
Paimon nodded. "It's been almost a week since that incident, and yet Paimon has never seen the Traveler lose any determination at all!"
Jean nodded as well. "I see. In that case, I believe that is all I have to say for this discussion. It was nice meeting you once again, Honorary Knight."
"The same goes for you, Jean.”
Everyone exchanged goodbyes with each other and, minus Jean, prepared to leave the office. However, just before they left...
"Hey. Is it just me, or is it getting brighter outside?"
Kaeya looked towards Amber. "I'm sure it's just the clouds moving past the sun."
Amber shook her head, keeping her gaze towards the window. "No... I didn't see any clouds when I first came in..."
The room was silent. Some looked to the window while others kept their attention on Amber.
Suddenly, Paimon gasped.
"Paimon!" The Traveler shouted in surprise. "What's wrong? What happened?"
"...They're back..." she whispered.
The Traveler tilted their head. "Who's back?"
Paimon was too stunned to speak, but it didn't take long for the Traveler to figure out why. Their eyes grew wide in shock.
"[Y/N]!!" They suddenly exclaimed as they bolted past everyone. Everyone quickly followed the Traveler outside.
Once they all gathered outside. They quickly turned their gaze towards Celestia. Just as they thought, a light, though less noticeable during the day, was slowly getting brighter.
"Sorry, Jean! We've got to go! Don't wanna be late!" Paimon quickly said before everyone aside from Jean was teleported away.
"It sure is taking a long time to check for updates," you thought.
After countless research, note-taking, and several anxiety breakdowns, you were finally ready to hop back onto Genshin and meet up with the people who you now realize are alive and sentient.
"I hope all this makes a good impression on them."
The door appeared.
With one click, you would be back to where this trouble all started…
Breathe in… Breathe out…
The door opened.
Author Side Notes: I looked at my fanfiction and decided that it needed LORE™
Once again, I'll be editing this chapter over the next upcoming days. I sort of prefer it as opposed to keeping this in my drafts. I don't want you all waiting for the next part too long!
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rory-cakes · 7 months
Birdy's Alastor
Y/n Altruist's presence seemed to radiate even in death. As she passed through the pearly gates of heaven, a soft, ethereal glow surrounded her, drawing others to her just as she had in life. Over time, she became known as the angel whose voice soared like a canary's, captivating all who heard her. Her weekly concerts became a much-anticipated event, a beacon of joy in the heavenly realm.
When Y/n was allowed to observe her loved ones, she was unprepared for the sight that greeted her. She saw her mother-in-law in a graveyard, cradling a tiny baby—her baby, Eudora. But it was the sight of the headstone that caught her breath.
However, she started to choke on her breath when she saw what was on the headstone. 
Here lies Alastor and Y/n Altruist 
Beloved Parents and Family
May their soul find each other in the next life
Her Alastor was dead?
What had happened to him? 
Why wasn’t he here with her? 
When she asked her frantic questions, the truth almost made her faint. 
Yes, he was dead; a deer hunter shot him; he was a serial killer and a cannibal. 
Her Alastor. 
No that wasn’t her Alastor. 
Her Alastor rubbed her feet after a long shift and always had a cup of tea ready when she got home. 
Her Alastor made cringy radio jokes first thing in the morning and then apologized with breakfast. 
Her Alastor made sure she was happy and healthy during her pregnancy. 
Her Alastor couldn’t wait to father his child. 
This was the world’s Alastor.
Y/n’s Alastor was real. 
She needed to see him.
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Lucifer’s Daughter?
She’s here to talk about a rehabilitation hotel?
Hazbin Hotel is ironic but okay.
Y/n thought the idea in itself was good. Sure, it could use more workshopping and an overall steady plan of how they were going to do this, but other than that, it was great. 
As Y/n grew deeper into her thoughts about the hotel logistics, she didn’t realize the commotion happening in front of her. 
“Gotta say I can’t wait to-”
“-come down and exterminate you!”
Could her husband be exterminated?
That wouldn’t do.
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During her time in heaven, Y/n grew to be loved by many. That includes the higher angels. Sara’s Bosses. Considering how even Emily didn’t know of the extermination, Y/n had a slight hunch that the higher-ups didn’t know about it either. So, after her most recent  concert, she asked for an audience with the seven virtues. 
Due to their busy schedules they weren’t able to see her until a month later.
They were NOT happy. Sinners were never mean to suffer like that, they were meant to repeant. That’s why the hotel was so important. Turns out no one had even told them it existed. 
With the events of the most recent extermination and Adam’s death, the seven virtues were preparing to put Sara on trial as well as Lute when somthing exstrodinary happened. 
A sinner was redeemed!
The hotel worked!!
Since Y/n was the one who brought light to the subject, the seven virtues asked that she be the one to check on the progress of the hotel from now on.
She gladly accepted.
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A/N: Hope you liked part four of Alastor's Birdy!!
part 5
Taglist: @crazed-flower, @nanamunath, @preferably-fictional, @eccedentesiast-sapphic, @leximus98, @cupidsgift, @mag-chan, @stygianoir, @thereeallink, @yelloeukulele, @mariaclarade-la-cruz1, blurpleuni-squid, @galaxywing-has-adhd, @just-here-reading, @deez-nuts0, @strawberry-gothic, @purplerose291,@1-800-mocha, @trashbin-nie, @queenmizuki, @nkirukaj @bennythebitch @otherthoughtsofbu, @fantasycantasy, @hunnybee11626, @notally-tormal, @valerie-36, @lovingyeet, @holographicage
If you want to be added to the alastor's birdy taglist, just comment on this post!
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 2 years
Sagau but the reader has a dragon tail and is a
They're very serious looking and only make a very intimating looking.
But the moment someone compliments them they get flustered and just tells them to move on.
But everyone witnesses their grace's tail wagging.
Lisa, kaeya or childe would definately tease them.
Sorry if my grammar is bad, english isn't my strongest language.
Dragon!Reader: Looks Serious But is A Softie?! 👀
Okay, first of all: the fact that you're a dragon to begin with? I'm pretty sure Liyue just got a huge promotion. Their archon is a literal dragon! Their Divine Creator blessed their Geo Archon with the wrath that challenges the gods he faced in the Archon War!
Honestly, Zhongli would be amazed to know that the Creator is a dragon themself. Would legit admire you and see you as their idol or something.
Oh, but this is just the start. You were helping Sara at good hunter to collect some meat because you were bored. She greatly compliments your efforts, and you try to brush it off, play it cool. It would've worked if it hadn't been your darn traitorous tail wagging like a happy puppy behind you, showing the world the unnecessary fact that you were flustered.
With this in mind....guess who told Lisa, Kaeya, and Childe...
(Quick Disclaimer: Might Be OOC!)
The moment she heard the little incident at Good Hunter, she just had to try it herself! In a respective manner of course—she wouldn't dare nor want to do something that'll make the Creator angry! Just a little tease—surely, the creator won't be too mad?
She will probably invite you to help in the library, sorting out books or double checking the list of checked out books, making sure their not overdue.
When you're done the task, what happens, you may ask?
"My, thank you so much for your help, Your Grace~ You surely have a sharp eye even for such minor chores..." She says this with that teasing glint in her eyes, and most importantly: that smirk when she's being very sussy flirty.
The moment she sees the way your tail flaps around behind your back as your impassive face responds with something casual, this woman knows she's hit the jackpot.
"Aw...Your Grace, you truly are very adorable."
This man might be just as bad as Lisa, except much more sly than—ahem, flirty.
His excuse of seeing you becoming the big softie of a dragon was to ask you, of all things, to visit the gosh darn tavern for a drink or two. And, to his delight, you agreed.
It was also a good thing Charles was manning the tables tonight, because Diluc would give him the death glare for bringing someone such of high importance to get wasted with him.
But naturally, and as Kaeya suspected, you're persistence to help your people took over, and you instead spent half of the night helping Charles clean the tables. So, naturally, when Charles insists you relax, Kaeya's gotta compliment you.
"Your Grace, you sure do know how to keep things organized. That much is to expected by someone as high as you, though—must've been a piece of cake." You confirm that it was, but even with the that, your draconic tail does that little dance behind your back for the whole world to see how happy you were to be complimented for your hard labors.
This man will CHUCKLE at the sight, but won't comment on it. But he will give you that smirky smirk with THE eye that says it all. You groan into your palms again—your tail really seems to like betraying you, honestly.
"What, Your Grace? Don't be so shameful about yourself—honestly, I quite envy how cute you are." Get red-faced, bois. This captain will make you flustered till the end of your days.
The moment he hears about the incident in Mondstadt by his gossiping Fatui Agents, man's just got to try it.
So, he does the most logical, least-suspecting thing to request your presence: challenge you to a fight.
Yes, the others called him crazy for it, but does this mad lad care? Nope! This guy wants to see your tail flap in joy, that's all! Besides, it's not like he sees it often since Zhongli hides his draconic traits from the whole wide world.
So you accept the invitation to spar with him, and—do I need to tell you? You guys sparred for a good few hours. Unlike in-game playable Childe, you now have to deal with more of a in-game Boss-like Childe instead, with how many moves this guy has.
After a good sparring match or two, you guys decide to take a break. Mainly you, since you are legit dying right now.
"Good job, Your Grace! Your combat skills are as great as ever! Much expected, haha!" Yep, he delivers what his true intention is. And yes, your tail does the little dance it does, no matter how much you try to calm it and shrug it off as a daily thing to get used to.
This mad lad, like a true mad lad would, would grin. Very widely. He knows he won this "battle"—man is ecstatic about it.
But he is a little sympathetic if you act annoyed about it—it reminds him of what his younger siblings would do. If you're really upset about it, he'll try to cheer you up.
Look out for more sparring matches, he's probably pulling this stunt until you're immune to such things or you get your tail under control.
"Don't be upset, Your Grace! I'm sure if my little brother were here, he would find you cool no matter what!"
Aaandd that's it! The end of the headcanons! Hope y'all enjoyed—see you around! :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: Legit the moment I open up tumblr, and I realized I made it to 100+ followers, I nearly screamed LOL. Did not expect to make it this far. Thank you all so much!
I now have an info page, if you wish to request :) Be sure to follow the rules and all that—oh, and it might get updated sooner or later. We'll see how it goes.
Check The Ghost Rebel's Blog Description to See if Their Mailbox is Open!
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anime-grimmy-art · 1 year
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...I think I gotta explain myself, huh
Ppl on Insta have seen this on my stories already, but about a month ago, when I was sick and stuck in bed, I was like, you know what? fuck it, might as well catch up on Genshin lore.
And let me tell you I was delighted to see how interesting the lore of this world was. Like, it tickled the same part of my brain I get from Monster Hunter or Legend of Zelda lore, so I am not at all suprised that I got into it.
I was suprised, tho, how much I fell in love with certain characters. Like, I HAVE played this game before (but dropped it) and I was kinda up to date on the characters since so many of my artist friends are in the fandom, so me falling in love with Kaeya got me like ????? Ive known him forever and only now I get excited when I see him??? And then Tartaglia somehow slipped into my "(unhinged) babyboy" sector and you know, digging into lore with these two gave me plenty of stuff to read through.
But then
I read up on Sara's backstory and it's so deliciously tragic, and after I finished Inazuma it dawned on me how much angst potential suddenly lay before her, and man, I just rly fell in love with her ngl.
and, ofc, the last puzzle piece in my obsession, good ol Itto. Funny thing is back when he came out my friends tried to lure me into Genshin with him cos he's the bulky dude of the bunch but I somehow didnt dig his style at all. Few years later and he's like, one of my favs, I love him with all my heart, Oni himbo baby boy, so funny and too good and stupid for this world.
Suffice to say, height difference, opposites attract and forgotten past together made me instantly fall into the Ittosara ship hole. Theyre like another flavour of Vashmeryl to me.
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carpbread0 · 1 year
NPC Life is the best
(Genshin Impact x gn reader - sagau)
(second person pov)
Prologue —> part 1 —> part.2
After being tossed into the world of teyvat, you start to make your way down starsnatch cliff. Unlike what you had previously thought, the winds were quite gentle and gave you a sense of serenity that some what soothed your aching head. It was about sunrise when you had landed here so it shouldn’t take until sunset to get to mondstat.
the dirt path was a great aid to the city and in all honesty the walk down the cliff was quite nice as you got see the lovely sights of windrise and a ancient four winds temple.
there were a few adventures out and about but they paid you no mind. It was better that way. as you slowly approached the small cooking pot set almost right outside the city you decided it be best to test a few things.
Grabbing a small left over sack from the wood stump, you took out a small pocket knife sheathed in leather. Taking the small knife out you looked around to see if anyone was there. to your relief there was no one besides the pigeons on the bridge.
gently holding the knife you proceeded to make a small cut on the side of your wrist.
quickly after your discovery you use the bandages in the small bag to cover it up. Wouldn’t want someone to see that..
gently holding the sack you found you thought it’d be best to keep it. It’s free no? Smiling happily with your newly found possession you started to walk across the large bridge.
a few characters you decided were best to avoid were obviously venti and kaeya. Venti was an archon so it was already a big no even if he didn’t know what you looked like. Kaeya is from khanria so who knows what he could sense. Both of them have visions so both of them could possibly recognize your aura.. even though venti uses a fake one, it’s still likely that as an archon he would recognize your aura regardless..
well that is if they decide to believe in the strange aura of yours. There’s a chance they won’t even bother tracking you down.
gathering your thoughts together you make your way into the city nodding at both of the guards as a sign of respect. To your surprise they didn’t even stop you from going in without a small questioning.. you guess it’s because they barely get any respect *snorts*.
walking into the city, you realize it’s about 9 o’clock and your a bit peckish after the long walk. Why not treat yourself to a delicious fisherman’s toast? looking around you as you make your way up to Sara, you find that the city is more crowded than what it seems to be in game. People by the fountain, merchants flocking the side of the paths, and even little kids playing with what looked to be a yo-yo. In all honesty it put a smile on your face. Everything was so beautiful.
making your way up to the counter of good hunter you spot a familiar sight, amber and Eula were eating at good hunter too! ‘Oh god it’s my otp AAAAAAA’
‘Calm down y/n..’
‘Calm down’
afraid of staring at the pair for too long, you glance away not noticing the strange look Eula shot at you.
after waiting in line for a little bit you manage to finally order your beloved fisherman’s toast. Using the mora inside your (stolen) bag you pay off the fisherman’s toast and find a spot to enjoy your crispy delight.
“Why hello there” a familiar but suave voice calls out to you.
“I haven’t seen you before, are you perhaps an outlander like our dear honorary knight?”
god.. it was kaeya
“Hm? Oh I’m actually from liyue.” You lie trying to maintain a calm demeanor.
“Oh? I Must say, you don’t dress like someone from liyue, I apologize for my assumption.” He looks down at you with a sly smile and inquisitive look.
“It’s no problem, really” god you never realized how hard it was to act.. you should’ve taken up those acting classes from your aunt.
“If you say so” he smiles again. “Enjoy your stay in mondstat I’d love to show you around some time traveler”
“Oh no, i mustn’t take up your time”
“Oh but I insist. Whats your name by the way lovely traveler?” He says with a confident look on his face.
“Y/n, you must be the suave Calvary captain that all the ladies in mondstat have been chatting about.” You tease him slightly to get the attention off of you
“You flatter me Y/n. Your quite the smooth talker yourself” he chuckles and smirks.
“Well it was nice getting to meet you, I must be on my way now, even though I would’ve loved to stay and chat”
“It’s no problem Kaeya” you smile softly and wave off to him as he walks away.
‘Holy fucking shit’
You felt as though your life flashed through your eyes as you finish up your fisherman’s toast. Hopefully he didn’t see through your facade.. he might’ve noticed your aura but probably dismissed it as something else. well he’s gone now so there’s no need to worry to much about him right now.
the thing you should be worrying about is going broke after all.
what job would suit your NPC like needs..
carp bread- brain vomit
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kazumist · 1 year
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✩ — includes: various x gn!reader. fluff. no cws. wc: 833. reblogs and feedback are very much appreciated !! i don't support this type of prank in any sort of way so pls don't think this is actually funny irl ;;
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the one who panics and worries — !
thoma, diluc, zhongli, xiao, and cyno
he has no idea if he did anything wrong. did he do something to offend you? did he forget something you told him? there’s no clue. all of a sudden, you just started to act like he didn’t exist—as if you were total strangers, even!
thoma would pace around the room, his hand on his chin, and he would think of reasons why you should ignore him. there has to be a reason, right? it isn’t like you to just act like that. your relationship was fine when this happened, too! what could possibly be the answer? no matter how long he thinks, thoma will never get an answer to his problem. maybe kissing the pout on his lips away would help him forgive you for all of this?
diluc is confused. very confused, in fact. were you not up for any interactions? but he sees you conversing casually with sara from good hunter. that couldn’t be it. but diluc is… just very confused. he’d question what was happening, trying to piece your recent behavior together with the one you have now.
zhongli sighs at the thought of this situation with you. if you simply wanted a break from a relationship or if you had a problem with him, you could’ve just told him. his gaze lands on you as you talk ever so casually to hu tao, wondering if you still even remember that he too is in the same area as you. please console this man with kisses when the prank is over, he'll need it.
xiao is worried. he knows that he’s still trying to understand human emotions, but he didn’t know that you’d act like this. you chat with verr goldet like you usually do, but he doesn’t hear you asking for his whereabouts like he usually does. it makes him sad. were you getting tired of him? did you perhaps decide to leave so soon? but you would say that to him if you really felt that way. do reassure him that it was nothing and simply for fun (and that you'll never do it again, seeing as he was very worried).
although cyno was known for his jokes (to the people with whom he usually interacts, at least), he sadly did not get the idea that you were just pranking him. he gets a bit anxious, wondering if you were mad at him because of all of his corny jokes, which was a stupid reason, but it was still possible! he sighs helplessly when you tell him it's a joke and suddenly thinks, why didn't he think of that possibility?
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the one who knows but plays along — !
kaeya, kazuha, childe, albedo, and alhaitham
he was quick to realize that this was all a prank, but would it be that bad to play along? he’s sure it wouldn't; any time spent with you is already worth it for him anyway. what’s so different about playing a prank?
kaeya stares at you as he looks at how you’re having fun talking to venti. you know he’s looking at you, and venti knows it too; he was in on the plan after all. but you don’t know if kaeya’s stare held jealousy, if it held hurt, or if it was just an overall blank stare. he'll get his revenge later, once he can finally have some alone time with you.
kazuha smiles at your prank; he had a feeling it was a joke. you are usually the one who approaches him, and he knows that you are never the one who’ll just leave him immediately. he sighs at you and plays along with your little prank. maybe your reaction to him knowing from the start would be more interesting than this whole thing.
childe was confused at first, but he soon noticed that it was a prank. you talked with zhongli over a cup of tea at a nearby table. he thinks of a way to get back, but honestly? just being really clingy to you will already make you regret this whole situation.
albedo is used to pranks and the like. but he certainly didn’t expect it coming from you. however, overhearing kaeya and klee talking about your prank in the headquarters of the knights of favonius, he sighed. he shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but he heard your name, and just by that, he was already invested in the conversation. but he wouldn’t want to see you so disappointed because your prank failed, so he ponders for a moment—it wouldn’t be so bad to play along in your prank for him a bit, no?
two can play that game for alhaitham. he ignores your presence as well, but he also observes your reactions to his actions while he's at it. but by the end of the day, he confronts you about it and gives you a small yet satisfied smirk when you admit that you were pranking him.
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hey hey hey
Could I request Shenhe, Sara, Hu Tao, Natasha, and some GFL ladies of your choice with an S/O that has a lot of scars, and them seeing their scar for the first time? Maybe something a lil' bit suggestive if you catch my drift?
(Genshin Impact/H:SR/GFL) Shenhe, Sara, Hu Tao, Natasha, M16A1, and Angelia's S/O showing them their battle scars
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When S/O had taken off their shirt for a moment, Shenhe noticed that they had several scars across their body.
She couldn't help but stare. They hadn't brought it up before in any conversation.
(S/O) "...Shenhe?"
(Shenhe) "Where did those come from?"
(S/O) "Oh, my scars? I got into a bad fight a little bit before I met you."
Shenhe instinctively reached her hand to gently caress them, making S/O blush.
(S/O) "They don't hurt-"
(Shenhe) "...If I had met you sooner, would I have been able to prevent these?"
S/O smiled and squeezed her hand in reassurance.
(S/O) "You're here now, I think that's what matters."
Shenhe looked at S/O before nodding, letting her hand reluctantly pull away.
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Sara was surprised to see S/O with several lasting wounds.
As far as she knew, S/O wasn't a combatant, and she couldn't help but suddenly call out for them.
(Sara) "What happened to your body?"
(S/O) "Hm, I never told you, did I? I got these from a run-in with a Ruin Hunter."
(Sara) "How long ago did-"
S/O laughed seeing Sara get so worried for them, attempting to calm her down.
(S/O) "A long time ago. Before the Vision Hunt Decree even began and ended, actually."
(Sara) "I-I see..."
She couldn't help but let her eyes wander, more worried if it hurt more than anything.
Before noticing S/O was smiling.
(S/O) "My eyes are up here, you know."
Suddenly, Sara became flustered for a very different reason, quickly averting her gaze as her cheeks flared up in heat.
(Sara) "M-My apologies...!"
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(Hu Tao) "Holy crap, what happened to you?!"
S/O was startled from Hu Tao's sudden yelling, before realizing what she was talking about.
(S/O) "What ha-...Oh, well there was a nasty group of Geovishaps who just kept knocking me around."
(Hu Tao) "Geez, you never bothered to tell me?"
Hu Tao pouted, making S/O laugh.
(S/O) "Oh please, the moment I did you would try putting an ice cube down my back or something as a prank-"
(Hu Tao) "Just what are you implying, I'm not that cruel!"
(S/O) "No, but you'd think it'd probably be funny."
(Hu Tao) "A little, but still!"
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Natasha had S/O alone in her room, performing an impromptu physical check.
When she had them remove their shirt, her eyes widened in shock.
(Natasha) "Dear, your body!-"
(S/O) "Yeah, I know. It was the result of a mining accident-"
(Natasha) "And you didn't come to me?!"
(S/O) "Well...It was a long time ago, and you were always so busy helping everyone else...-"
Natasha crossed her arms, a little angry at S/O.
(Natasha) "If it was this bad, you should have come straight away!"
(S/O) "Sorry..."
Natasha sighed and let her hand rest on their chest, feeling their heartbeat and being reassured that they'd be okay.
(Natasha) "If you ever get something like this, you get me immediately. Got it?"
(S/O) "Got it."
Natasha began to smile again, her hand idly tracing one of the scars.
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M16 frowned when she saw the scars on S/O as they took off their shirt.
(M16A1) "What the...?-"
(S/O) "A-Ah...I was caught in a blast a long time ago before I began working for Griffin. Hurt like hell."
M16 hummed in acknowledgement, letting her fingers trace the scar.
(M16) "Heh, is it appropriate to say they kinda make you look hot?"
It was a bad joke to lighten the mood, which appeared to work as S/O couldn't help but laugh.
(S/O) "Well, if you're admitting it, then I can say the same to you."
M16 rolled her eye, before taking S/O into a tight embrace.
It would have been better if they hadn't got this hurt at all, but that was the way the world was.
If she can prevent any new ones from forming, that was good enough for M16.
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Angelia wasn't all that shocked to see S/O's scars.
After all, she was covered in her own, with an arm missing to boot.
Before S/O stepped into the shower, she called out their name.
(Angelia) "How long have you had those?"
(S/O) "Had what?...Oh, these are nearly a decade old."
(Angelia) "I see."
S/O looked a bit insecure at the scars before Angelia took off her own shirt, at least just to make them feel comfortable.
They would have been more flustered, but the gentle expression on Angelia's face, added in by the fact she was at least wearing a sports bra underneath, let them remain calm.
(Angelia) "Don't exactly have the most pristine body myself. When have I ever judged about that kinda thing?"
(S/O) "Hah, right."
Angelia and S/O stared at each other for a brief moment, and once she saw their shoulders relax, she let her prosthetic hand touch their back.
(S/O) "G-GAH! COLD!"
Angelia let a small smirk form as her prosthetic poked them forward.
(Angelia) "Get in the shower before you catch one."
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
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⊹✧˚。⋆ title — sir kaeya
⊹✧˚。⋆ pairing — k. alberich x f!reader
⊹✧˚。⋆ wc — 5.7k
⊹✧˚。⋆ cw/an — nsfw. mdni. alcohol consumption (duh it's kaeya). kaeya being a bit of a tease (duh it's kaeya). oral (m & f rcv'ing). snowballing (how fitting). clit slapping. this fic sprang forth from the very first genshin thing i ever wrote (the scene at angel's share) so it's really special to me. kaeya was my first genshin love and will always be my favorite. 💜
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surprising as it would be to most, you’d never been to mondstadt before this week’s multi-regional summit. as a diplomatic representative of your region, many would guess that you’d been all over teyvat. but you’ve only held your current office for a little less than a year, and although you did your best to absorb as much information and knowledge as possible from your predecessor, it’ll take a lot more time and experience than what you have so far to be as efficient as they had been. so, for now at least, the job keeps you busy - too busy to travel for pleasure.
so when the final meeting of the last day gets canceled, rather than go home early you take the opportunity to do some much-anticipated exploring of the city of wind and its culture. 
“i’m famished! pray tell, sir kaeya, where would you recommend we go to enjoy the most authentic dishes of mondstadt?”
kaeya alberich, cavalry captain of the knights of favonius, has been charged with keeping you safe. as your security detail, he accompanies you almost everywhere you go - keeping a low profile during policy meetings - blending in with the background while also being close enough to stand between you and any potential threat or danger.
“we?” he asks, looking slightly confused. “will someone else be joining you?”
“if you’ll be so inclined…” you say before biting your lip and looking away shyly.
you’d have to be blind not to have noticed his striking good looks the moment you were introduced to him on the first day, and it certainly wouldn’t hurt your feelings one bit to allow the captain to keep you company. likewise but unbeknownst to you, the gorgeous knight has stolen a few glances of you when you’ve been too busy to notice. he has especially enjoyed your pretty smile and the sway of your hips when you walk. more than once he’s allowed his gaze to linger on your curves perhaps a little too long.
“but of course! i don’t want to eat at a restaurant alone while you just stand there and watch. can you think of anything more depressing?” you joke.
“you make a valid point,” he says with a quiet laugh. “very well. allow me to treat you to good hunter. you’d be hard pressed to find a more impressive menu! miss sara makes a mean sticky honey roast - i can’t recommend it enough!”
as the two of you dine together, you enjoy easy conversation, becoming better acquainted with one another. when kaeya introduces you to miss sara, she goes out of her way to prepare for you a sampler of sorts, citing it as the perfect solution to your conundrum of deciding what to order because everything looks so tasty. she also insists that your bill is on the house, refusing to take any mora you offer, but you leave behind a handsome tip anyway. if nothing else, you want miss sara to have it as thanks for her warm and welcoming hospitality.
“what would you like to do next, m’lady?” kaeya asks, walking alongside you towards the city’s center.
you should be used to this title by now, but something about the way the cavalry captain looks at you when he says it sends a small rush of heat to your cheeks.
“oh, i don’t know. why don’t you surprise me?” you say, flashing him a coy smile, which he finds irresistibly adorable.
he takes you to marjorie’s souvenir shop before leading the way to the anemo archon statue in front of the cathedral. from there, the two of you take a stroll outside the city walls, engaging in playful banter along the way. your personalities blend well - he’s pleasantly surprised at your ability to keep up with his wit, and his charm wins you over with ease. by the time the sun is setting over the edge of the western horizon, your conversation is flowing effortlessly. the two of you haven’t been able to shut up for hours when you ask him,
“so where’s the best place to get a drink in this town?”
the knight’s smirk spreads into a full smile as he hums. “i know just the place.” 
the tavern is packed, and you’re inclined to believe kaeya’s got that pirate blood he claims to have since he’s standing on one of the big wooden tables, surrounded by other rambunctious patrons of angel’s share, singing along with the bard’s songs about legends of sea and treasure. their energy is contagious (obnoxious if you ask diluc who just rolls his eyes and shakes his head from behind the bar). 
you’re right there with them, clapping and laughing when kaeya reaches out, takes your hand, and pulls you up onto the table with him. neither of you are sure if the visible heat on the apples of your cheeks is because of the alcohol or because of the sudden proximity of your bodies. with an arm around your waist he pulls you right up against his side and wow! he’s more powerful than he looks. the song is about finding love on the run and kaeya is acting out the lyrics with you, embarrassing you to no end but you’re having too much fun to ask him to stop, so you just go with it. 
the song’s story ends with a kiss and you think you might just die when kaeya’s arm flexes against the small of your back, fastening your hip to his thigh. he brings his lips right up to yours, but they don’t quite touch. your eyes go wide as you stare into his periwinkle orb that sparkles with mischief. he practically whispers the last line of the song, his dandelion wine breath wisping over your lips. 
the cheering of the men around you grows distant, drowned out by the blood rushing through your ears. 
kaeya’s heart pounds against the palm of your hand resting on his chest.
you watch with bated breath as his ice-blue eye darkens with his diamond pupil. he shifts his weight and your knees feel like jelly when his lips but graze yours before he smiles and pulls away with a laugh. 
raising his cup, he cheers along with the surrounding audience before hopping off the table. setting his drink down, he reaches for you again, this time to help you off the table. you accept, and he pulls you closer before his deft hands clasp your waist, lowering your feet to the floor. 
a tease that kaeya alberich, you think, but a chivalrous one. 
while you find yourself mingling with other patrons it seems kaeya never lets you out of his sight. he’s never too far away, engaged in his own conversations with some of the other locals when you look over to find him looking at you over the rim of his wine glass. 
when one of the gentlemen offers to buy you a drink, kaeya seems to appear out of nowhere and places a hand on your lower back. 
“oh, that won’t be necessary,” the knight interjects, voice filled with cool honey. “all her drinks are on the knights of favonius this evening, but a kind gesture, i’m sure.” 
“why, sir kaeya, if i didn’t know any better i would think you’re trying to keep me all to yourself tonight,” you say with a teasing lilt.
his lips part as a slight blush appears on his cheeks, but he quickly recovers. “just performing my knightly duties to keep you safe, m’lady.” 
when you’re ready to go, kaeya’s having such a good time that you don’t want to end his night. so you make your way to the bar to pay your tab, only to be told that your drinks have been bought and paid for already (oh, he wasn’t lying).
you wander out into the cool night, the sound of the crowd and the smell of booze muffled behind the thick wooden door. no longer had it shut behind you than you feel your back being pressed against the tavern’s exterior wall. you gasp, only to breathe easy when you find yourself pressed between the wall and your now-tipsy chaperone.
“thought you could get away so easily, hm?”
your eyes are glued to his smirk. those lips that promised to kiss you earlier won’t soon leave your mind.
you laugh breathily while giving his chest a gentle push. “i didn’t want to put a damper on your fun.”
“who said my fun is over for the night?” no sooner than the words leave his lips, his eye widens as he quickly realizes how inappropriate it was to say that. “oh dear, it seems i’ve forgotten my manners. please accept my apology, m’lady…”
his panicked attempt at clarification is interrupted by your laughter. “relax, sir kaeya. i won’t hold it against you.” 
he really wishes you’d stop calling him that. it makes his dick twitch every time and you both know his pants will leave little to the imagination if he gets a hard-on.
he stumbles walks you back to the goth grand hotel, removing his cloak along the way and draping it over your shoulders when he notices you shivering in the cool night breeze. when you reach your door, he lingers as you unlock it with the intention of ensuring you make it inside safely. the bolt unlatches and you turn to face your chaperone again. 
he’s looking down at you and opens his mouth to bid you good night when you pull him in by his shirt and kiss him. it’s a huge risk, one you never would’ve taken were it not for the liquid courage coursing through your veins. maybe he isn’t really interested in you and that’s the reason he didn’t kiss you earlier.
much to your relief, he kisses you back. passionately. 
his warm tongue swipes across your bottom lip and you eagerly chase it with your own. you slide your fingers inside the opening of his shirt, balling it in your fist to lure him inside. his chuckle is low and breathy when he smiles against your lips which never leave his as you slam the door with your foot and push his back against the nearest wall.
“hahh…who knew you could be so forceful, m’lady?” he pants.
“sorry, but…” you say between kisses, carding your fingers through his soft hair, “...you teased me earlier and…” another kiss, “...i really wanted that kiss,” you finish with a whine.
“well, why didn’t you just say so, hm?” kaeya says, sucking on your lower lip with a hum.
his thumbs slide under your top, massaging little circles into your skin. there’s not a hint of humor in his voice when he rolls his forehead against yours and rasps, “i’ve been wanting to kiss you until you can’t breathe anymore…”
in one swift motion, kaeya spins you around effortlessly until your back hits the wall, his cloak falling off your shoulders as he catches your gasp in his open mouth, making it clear to you that he’s the one in control now. his fingertips dig into your lower back and pull your hips from the wall, forcing them to collide with his so you can feel what you’re doing to him. you let out a quiet moan at the feeling of his semi pressing against your thigh. his lips leave yours to venture along your jaw before trailing down the column of your neck, his blue hair fluttering in your breath and filling your senses with the cool, clean scent of his cologne.
you reach down and fumble with kaeya’s belt, swearing at it under your breath when it doesn’t cooperate. with one hand and a couple flicks of his fingers, it hits the floor with a clamor of leather and metal. you have much better luck with the fastenings of his pants, his lips returning to yours with a shuddering breath just as you free his cock and start stroking his wide shaft, so hot and hard.
he quickly pulls his gloves off and hikes your skirt up to your hips, exposing your creamy thighs.
“so warm…” kaeya whispers, raking his long, slender fingers along your skin until he reaches your apex. “n' so wet…”
“hhhgods fuck…” the words leave you in a huff, making him groan when you rub your thumb over his slit to collect his slick bead of pre. “f-hnn-fuck me, kaeya~”
with your blessing, he wastes no time pulling his now fully hard cock out of your hand in favor of grabbing the backs of your thighs and picking you up. you lock your ankles behind him with a whimper, the back of your head rolling against the wall when the underside of his dick glides over your dripping pussy lips through your damp panties. kaeya’s got two handfuls of your ass, his deft fingers curling and pulling your underwear to the side to let his leaking cockhead seek your naked opening. he begins to push himself inside, dropping his forehead to your shoulder with a long groan as his tip pops through your tight ring. 
you cry out, one of your hands flying to the wall behind you as you loop an arm around his neck for stability. kaeya spreads his legs a little further apart for leverage as he sinks a little deeper inside you, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. before he’s even fully sheathed inside you, he retreats just to push in again and starts fucking you, slow and shallow. he’s barely halfway in and you already feel so full, the thick vein on top of his shaft rolling under his skin as he pushes and pulls at your slick, gummy walls.
“so tight~” he breathes, open lips ghosting across your face as he goes for your lips again. “are you okay?”
all you can do is dumbly nod as your eyes roll back behind fluttering eyelids and a huff of a laugh bubbles from his smile. “feels so good…so good to me, kaeya~” 
you’re practically singing for him already and he hasn’t even bottomed out yet. it would probably go to his head were it not for the fact that he’s too far gone from the wet heat of your pussy sucking him so hard, the lip of your ring catching on the head of his cock with every draw of his hips, driving him too crazy for his ego to remain intact anymore. 
your elegant neck is exposed to him, letting his open lips drag along your moistening skin as your back moves up and down the wall with his thrusts. kaeya’s long, slender fingers grab your jaw and pull your lips to his. you’re so nice and wet for him that your need is spreading to his hips and balls. the sound of his thighs hitting yours when you finally take him all the way goes straight to your head. it’s one thing to feel kaeya fucking you, but hearing him fuck you - moist slaps of skin, his quickened breaths and quiet groans so close to your ear - it’s driving you out of your mind.
the cryo wielder pulls you away from the wall, your hot tongues swirling as he carries you to bed. his fingers squeeze the plush of your ass, guiding you along his throbbing shaft as he goes. kaeya lays you down before reaching behind his back to unlock your ankles and spread you open for him. 
he pulls out and stands up, looking down at you and letting out a breathy chuckle when you whine a little at the loss of his girth. but the view is delicious so you don’t complain. his rigid cock is thick with a large vein running his length and an angry, almost purple cockhead that’s dripping with fresh precum. his tan shaft glistens, wet with your slick. it bounces under its own weight as he kicks his boots off and pushes his pants down. 
you both watch the other undress with urgency; he makes quick work of his shirt as you shimmy out of your skirt. save for the battle scars, his lithe body is flawless - tall with long, lean muscles. seeing him like this makes you bite your lip and rub your thighs together.
kaeya’s lips curve into a small smile as he crawls towards you on the bed, his hands gently caressing the tops of your thighs as he kneels between them. he leans down to kiss your cheek, his long rat tail licking your breasts. “you are so fucking beautiful,” he says, barely above a whisper. “i've been dying to taste you…”
a sigh leaves your lips as he makes his way down your body, kissing and licking, sucking and nipping in all the right places. his breath feels so warm against your skin, save for the few times he purses his lips to blow cool air on the spots he just licked. he swirls his tongue around one of your nipples, only to replace it with his cool fingers while he gives the other the same treatment. the juxtaposition of warm and cool makes you arch off the bed, moaning when your clit brushes against his naked belly. 
gradually, kaeya makes his way further down, ghosting kisses along your bikini lines as his hands spread your thighs open just a little more for him. he watches your dewy petals unfold for him, exposing the hard little bud they’ve been hiding. “fuck…” he mutters, “...such a pretty pussy…”
“kaey-” you start, but your voice is cut off by a gasp when his warm tongue swipes swiftly along your slit. a single periwinkle eye stares up at you as he flicks the tip of his wet muscle over your clit, soft and light as a feather. he’s teasing you. you can see the mischievous glint in his eye as he dips his tongue into your hole. finally, his lips latch onto your needy clit, making your hips leave the bed when you thrust into his mouth. 
his taste buds rub your tiny erection, your flavor making him moan as he sucks you harder. one of his hands finds yours, your fingers interlocking while his other hand grabs and kneads at your heaving breasts, your soft tummy, and the plush of your thigh. 
he pops off you, drool and slick coating his chin. “your flavor…fucking delectable~” he breathes before diving back in.
he nearly sends you over the edge when he pushes two of his long fingers inside your clenching cunt, curling them to find that unmistakable rough spot within. your walls squelch helplessly around him as he finger-fucks you. your free hand grabs and pulls mindlessly at his hair, hips rocking to fuck his pretty face as he gives you the head of your life.
“ohh~ kaeya~” 
the searing coil that’s been spooling deep in your belly is getting impossibly tighter and when the cavalry captain hums on your clit, the vibrations send you. you cry out for him, back arching, walls clenching around his curled fingers. he pins you to the bed with his free arm and moans, a wet spot forming where more of his pre leaks out of his throbbing cock when your fists tighten around his cerulean locks. you cum for him, thighs clamping around his head while his tongue pulses over your clit until you’re fully spent.
kaeya situates his hips between your legs, wiping your spilled essence from his flushed face with a breathy chuckle before pressing the underside of his cock between your slippery folds. you taste yourself on his tongue when he kisses you, and he relishes your gasp when his swollen cockhead catches on your overstimmed clit. 
grinning against your lips, he says, “oh? feeling a little sensitive, hm? perhaps you’re not quite ready to take my cock again so soon…” he teases, pulling away but you squeeze your thighs around his hips, impeding his escape and making him laugh.
“i can take a lot more than you think, sir kaeya…” you purr, twirling a strand of his blue hair around your finger.
there’s that glint in his eye again when he licks his smirking lips. “is that so, m’lady?” he croons, reaching between your bodies to grab the base of his cock. biting his lower lip and holding your gaze steady the cryo user slaps the head of his cock hard against your clit, swallowing your cry at the sharp pressure. “fuck,” he groans. “you make the prettiest sounds for me…”
“so mean,” you whine, digging your nails into his biceps when he pushes his blunt tip inside you.
he drops his mouth to your ear as he slowly spreads you open around his girth, whispering, “...and you love it.” 
his sultry voice shoots down your spine straight to your core, making him moan deliciously when your weeping walls clamp down on him. kaeya starts slow and even, pulling almost all the way out before easing himself balls deep a few times, making you feel every inch as his cock drags and pulls along your slippery insides. 
the lingering effects of your orgasm have left you even tighter than the first time he fucked you. he can already feel the heat pooling at the base of his spine, his balls drawing closer to his body when his hips begin to snap. there’s no way he’s going to get enough of you before he cums. you feel too fucking good - the way your little cunt is squeezing and sucking him so hard, drooling and soaking his entire length as he fucks you. the pretty little sounds your mouth and your pussy make for him…your whines and cries of his name, the slurps and squelches of your juices all over his cock. 
he’s got to get more of you, plunge his cock deeper inside your hot, wet cunt. 
kaeya pushes up onto his knees and props your ankles on his shoulders, still fucking you through it all without missing a beat.
“oh gods, kae- kaeya~...feels so good, don’t stop!”
“wasn’t planning on it…” he pants as he leans forward, putting you in a deep press so he can hit the spot that makes your hips leave the bed. “...gonna fuck you until this sweet pussy of yours creams all over my dick…”
you’re twisting the sheets in your fists above your head, the firm ridge of kaeya’s cockhead bumping against your sweet spot with every snap of his hips. strands of blue hair are sticking to his tan skin, a bead of sweat trickles down his chest before dripping onto yours. his palms are planted firmly on either side of you, veins popping out along his sinewy arms as muffled grunts form in his throat.
your walls are closing in tighter around him, both of you can feel it. his name is leaving your lips in broken syllables, coming out in huffs with the force of his thrusts: “kae-ya…y-you…fuck…g-gon-na…” is all you can manage before he fucks your next orgasm right out of you. you’re pawing at his chest, crying his name, clenching so hard around him you’d push him out were it not for him pounding into you harder, fighting to stay inside, determined to fuck you all the way through it with his brow furrowed and jaw clenched.
his balls ache, but he’s able to hold out for a few more seconds before the coil snaps inside him. he swears and pulls out quickly, his narrow hips still jerking and his arm flexing as he spills his hot, sticky seed out onto your belly and tits. you watch the pleasure wash over his beautiful face as his cock twitches in his own hand, a groan giving way to a satisfied sigh as the last of his cum oozes from his slit.
one at a time, he lowers your feet to the bed on either side of him. both of you are out of breath, chests heaving as kaeya dips down and licks a glob of his still-warm semen from your skin before bringing his mouth to yours. you moan in his mouth at his flavor, eagerly swirling your tongue around his to let him feed you his fresh, salty cum. 
when he rolls off of you, both of you just lie on your backs in comfortable silence for a few moments, catching your breaths and basking in the afterglow. 
“i guess this means you’ll be leaving soon, hm?” you finally ask. 
with one knee bent, kaeya turns his head to look at you as you gaze up at the ceiling. “is that your way of kicking me out of your bed?” he asks with a forced smirk. 
“no,” you chuckle. “i just didn’t take you for the type to stick around after a one-night stand…” you turn onto your side to face him. “but if i’m being honest, i really don’t want you to leave.”
“just how big of a whore do you think i am?” kaeya asks, contriving to sound offended and making you chuckle. he mirrors you and rolls onto his side, tenderly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “i’m glad you want me to stay. i’ve had more fun with you tonight than i’ve had in a really long time.”
“is that right?” you say, biting your lip and dragging a fingertip down his enticing cleavage. “then why should our fun end?” you lean in and kiss him, his lips meeting yours softly.
“i didn’t say it should...” kaeya says before pressing his lips to yours again.
you press your hand against his chest, prompting him to lay on his back. goosebumps rise to meet your lips when you kiss his tan neck. he leans his head back and gasps quietly when you gently palm his softened cock. your touch is exquisite. he wants more of you but first he’s content to enjoy the wet kisses you leave along his skin as you work your way down to one of his dark and tightly budded nipples.
you smile and look up at him when he moans your name at the feeling of your tongue flicking over what’s proving to be one of his most sensitive spots. continuing on down, you take your time ghosting sweet kisses along the valley of his taut abs, all the way down to his cute navel and blue happy trail. you’re appreciating the time and care he obviously puts into his manscaping when you wrap your fingers around his still-sticky cock, surprised to find it so hard again already. 
with a couple of fingers holding his base, you swirl your tongue around his salty cockhead and fuck he tastes good. you close your lips around his tip and give it a little suckle before popping off again to kiss the underside of his rigid shaft. you can still taste yourself on him too, somehow making you want to suck him even more. 
sliding his slender fingers into your hair, kaeya mutters, “y/n…please…”
you finally take him in your mouth, your saliva coating him as you slowly sink down until his tip touches the back of your throat before hollowing your cheeks and pulling back towards his tip. with a slight tremble of his open legs, kaeya’s fingers tighten in your hair - not to control your pace or depth, but because the sheer pleasure coursing through him has all of his muscles tightening. 
“ahh~ feels so…nnh~” he sighs as you take him in again, “...good.”
the sounds and words leaving his mouth are going straight to your pussy. you want to know just how good you can make him feel so after a little more cocksucking, you pull off him and move to straddle his hips.
you and kaeya hold eye contact as you line him up with your slit, dragging his tip between your pussy lips a few times. you’ll never forget the pleading look in his eye or the way his lips part when his blunt, leaking tip catches on your opening and you begin to lower yourself on his length. kaeya takes your hands in his, intertwining your fingers as your eyes flutter shut at the sensation of being filled once again with his girth.
you lean down to kiss him as you begin to ride him, slowly at first but gradually working yourself into a frenzy. kaeya’s hands grip your hips as you pop your ass on him, gliding along his filling cock. your moans turn to whimpers as you feel yourself approaching another orgasm and you start bucking your hips. 
“ka-hahh~ kaeya…” you sit up, your hands anchoring themselves to his chest, using his body as leverage to drag your clit along his happy trail. 
kaeya’s fingertips are digging into the plush of your butt, aiding your thrusts as he whispers words of encouragement. “that’s it, y/n. you’re doing so well…fucking me right…you’re almost there, keep going~”
and just like that, your fingertips dig into the muscle of his chest as your orgasm rips through you. you’re crying his name out over and over as you spasm all around him and the very fibers of your being feel like they’re being torn asunder until your body begins to go limp. kaeya welcomes you into his embrace as you lower your chest to his, your hot breath bathing his neck as you try to catch it, still whining here and there as he kisses the side of your head and tells you how fucking amazing you are.
with some of your strength and mind returning, you rise just enough to kiss him again, finding a fleeting look of sheer adoration in his eye before he lifts your hips and pulls out of you, his rock hard, creamy cock slapping against his happy trail. he moves you onto your belly while he positions himself behind you, pulling your weak hips up until you’re presenting for him.
“is this okay?” he mutters, dragging his tip along your quivering slit.
eyes still closed, you nod weakly against the bed. “ye-yes…please, kaeya~”
with one hand on your lower back, he guides his cock inside you before hooking both his hands around your hips. he fucks you slowly, pulling almost all the way out before sinking himself fully inside your heat again. but it isn’t long before kaeya’s wet hips are slapping against your ass and he’s watching the creamy ring you’re leaving on his cock, mesmerized by how beautifully it contrasts with his darker skin. the thick vein on top of his cock is rolling under the pressure of your tight, sucking cunt - every time kaeya thrusts inside you. 
you’re whimpering again. “s-sir kaeyaaa~” you whine at him over your shoulder. 
“love it when you call me that…” he pants.
“i- hahh~ i know~” you say with a sly, exhausted smile. 
his balls are tightening again - rolling around in his sac as the muscles around them seek to force his seed out again, making him moan and exhale a long “ah, fuuuuuck~” behind you. “gonna cum…”
after a few more stuttered thrusts, kaeya buries himself deep inside you, his tightened balls pressed hard against your clit as he unloads himself. “i’m...nggh...i'm cumming~” he can’t help but moan loudly as he coats your walls with his hot, milky seed. a couple of thick globs leak from the rim of your hole, and drip down his tight, dark-skinned balls.
kaeya nearly collapses on top of you, but manages to land on the bed beside you, pulling you close to him. you’re facing each other but your eyes are still closed as you both kiss whatever part of the other’s body or face is closest, too exhausted to mutter a single word. 
dawn comes, bringing with it her harsh light. your eyes flutter open with a squint, turning away from it only to find an arm lying limply around you. 
oh. oh right. that happened. 
you smile weakly at the fresh memories of your drunken fuckfest with the cavalry captain of the knights of favonius.
the fact that your duties in mondstadt have been fulfilled and you’ll be leaving to return to your homeland give you a low, sinking feeling in your heart. after a few minutes of replaying the events of the previous night and considering your options, you gingerly move the cavalry captain’s arm off your body - slowly and carefully so as not to wake him. 
kaeya wakes with a groan, his eye blinking open to find himself alone in the hotel bed. he sits up and looks around, calling your name once but to no avail. he thinks ‘how predictable’ when he realizes you left without even saying goodbye. he tries to ignore the ache in his chest, reminding himself that he should be used to it by now. he throws the covers back to start getting dressed when from the corner of his eye he catches something flutter: a folded piece of parchment that had been resting on your pillow. a thread of hope dares to weave its way through his heart as he picks it up and begins to read:
“you looked so handsome and peaceful in the morning light, i didn’t want to wake you. thank you…for everything, but especially for the night before. i don’t want to call it “last” night because i truly hope it wasn’t our last. please reach out if you feel the same. i’d love for you to visit my homeland so i can be your tour guide and return the favor…i’d love to see you again, sir kaeya alberich…”
you’d signed it with your name and a simple, small heart before writing your address below your signature.
a couple of days later, you receive a letter inside an envelope with the seal of the knights of favonius. 
“of course i feel the same. our time together was far too delightful to have been so brief. i would love to visit you and experience all that your homeland has to offer. the acting grand master has been urging me to take some time off to relax anyway. so just tell me when and i’ll be there with bells on. we’ll paint the town red and enjoy as many more nights together as you please, my lady.”
— sir kaeya
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⊹✧˚。⋆ 18+ reblogs, likes, comments, and follows always appreciated !! i give you all kithkith !!
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sea-lanterns · 5 days
I thought of a peregrine falcon because that statue in Inazuma has wings. Plus, Ei is very powerful and peregrine falcons can dive at 240 miles per hour which makes them fastest bird and faster than a cheetah’s speed (80 mph) and Mexican free-tailed bat’s speed (100 mph) combined. Also, one of the peregrine falcons I work with as part of also being a falconer is named Shogun. Another thing, what if Cat! Lynette is a chartreux?
Wait, that’s an interesting reason for Ei to be a falcon! I can just imagine Crow! Sara being her closest companion like always, but she dwarfs in comparison to the absolute behemoth of a bird that Ei is 😭😭 (I actually don’t know how big Peregrine Falcons are but I imagine they’re huge compared to crows)
Crow! Sara is so loyal and stays right by Falcon! Ei’s side, but it’s always comical to see her being like half Ei’s size and unafraid that Ei could demolish her if she could. (Ei would never, she’s just a big, gentle baby <33) As for Lynette, I’ve actually never heard of a Chartruex cat before, but looking it up I squealed at how cute it is because THE FACE IS SO ROUND.
ROUND FACE LYNETTE. AWGWJDHE I just know that the Vet loves cupping her face and smooshing it in her hands, maybe massaging her chubby cheeks and making Lynette grouchy but not mad enough to pull away. It also says that Chartreux cats are from France and are used as a hunting breed which I think is perfect. Lynette is definitely a skilled hunter thanks to her breed —and being raised by Panther! Arlecchino— so the Vet will oftentimes find dead rodents at the doorstop of her clinic as food offerings since Lynette thinks the Vet can’t hunt for herself.
What a good girl Lynette! The goodest of good girls!!
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
The perfect date!
Prompt: Genshin men and women’s ultimate idea of a date by their standards!
Fem reader
Characters: Diluc, Shenhe, Jean, Cloud retainer, Arlecchino, Kujo Sara, Furina
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Jean ,despite her upbringing and high class education, isn’t very picky. What she values most is the effort and thought put in. To earn her heart is relatively easy. Just be a cute little thing and offer her gifts and flowers to cheer her up. Compliment her and overall just look at her with eye contact and a smile as she chats your ear off about the latest romance novel and how disappointing it was.
For you? Your best shot is to go out of your way to pick her favorite flowers, and dress yourself up enough to show you care then she wouldn’t mind where it was even if it was a picnic. In that scenario you would also have to show thought and care. You can’t just smack a blanket everywhere. You have to pick somewhere the knights are available or with a nice scenery. The tree at windrise is perfect as its already her safe spot. A picnic is actually perfect, Jean is a romantic but there’s nothing more romantic than seeing how you fret about every little detail, like a bird preparing the perfect nest for its mate, she is more flattered by effort than compliments. Even if the food you prepared isn’t the best she can see how you tried. Afterall with enough practice you could prepare it properly in the future. When she saw your effort she was starting to swoon. Keep up the effort and you’ll have her last name in no time.
As for how she’d set up the date? A casual lunch at Good Hunter and a stroll through city to Springvale because the scenery is beautiful and the wind is nice but not too cold. She’ll pay for the meal and you will make up for it by being her entertainment. But she’s also picked that route because the wind can pick uo and get a bit chilly with the lake right next to path, giving her the perfect opportunity to offer you her cloak, just like a true Gentlelady!
Oh he’s difficult! Not a romantic, not a small talker, not too expressive, not too friendly either. You basically court him the way you would earn the trust of a feral cat who’s never been pet before. Patience and lots of perseverance. The best way to earn his heart however is to be interesting. Go to the bar when nights are slow and tell him interesting stories. Some new fact you learned? Questions that make you stand out from any other bachelorette looking to score it with him. Like “whats your second favorite color? Whats your first memory? Does his hawk have a favorite color?” I should mention to not get too personal too quick. But overtime he maybe endeared by your odd conversations, you stand out in a pleasant way that has him contemplating those questions.
Now that you’ve finally got his trust you can ask him out! Very likely he will take the reins. Likely a typical restaurant date. He picks you up, pays, coat if your cold, walks you home. He isn’t the most creative.
As for you? Well you still won’t be able to spoil him because he will pay you back no matter what. He doesn’t have expensive tastes. You prepare a nice picnic meal? You want to go on a walk through town and lunch? Unfortunately he doesn’t really like the idea because he knows it will spark a huge rumor and end up with you probably glared at by many a lady looking for his hand. The picnic idea is however novel to him. Just be sure to pick a area clear of monsters. Not that he wouldn’t immediately leap into battle to defend you but that he might burn the grass to much. Then you would have to move. But he secretly adores how persistent you’ve been, trying to provide for him, trying to handle everything. He secretly likes that. Unfortunately he has a serious poker face so you don’t notice that until later.
Out of all of them i’d say she’d be the hardest to romance because she’d struggle to understand when she is inlove. She likes you yes. But is it different than how she likes being around Ganyu or sitting in the grass? Overtime it does become different but it isn’t until Cloud Retainer points out that she is obviously being courted that she recognizes your efforts. So she return them.
Easiest by far because she has no concept of romance or what is romantic like everyone else but rather just that: she likes you. She likes spending time with you. She doesn’t care if you don’t get her enough flowers or you don’t pick a good enough restaurant. What she likes is you and talking to you. You could pick a dingy street vendor for a date and she’d still love it. Really its cloud retainer who would disprove. To earn her approval you must work to prove you’re worthy and trustworthy too. She won’t give her blessing out freely. And what better way for Shenhe to learn about romance than by example? But truly, Shenhe would prefer a date on Jueyun karst. With fresh flowers and a gentle breeze in the warm sunlight. Just talking to you, alone. She doesn’t like restaurants unless its a slow or quiet day but she will put up with it for your sake.
Obviously she lives for the luxury. She knows time away from the children is scarce nowadays so she books a private booth secluded from the other guests, a luxury restaurant with the finest of tastes. She will ensure you don’t go away hungry or feel uncomfortable. The difficulty is the timing. The reason its best to leave her to schedule dates is because she will already have made time for such occasions. One date st least per month! Unless of course there’s complications or scheduling conflicts. Rest assured she will make it up to.
If you’re planning a date for her it would be best to follow her line and not surprise her with it because again, her schedule. The most she’ll let you do is probably make the reservation, she’ll pay for it simply because she likes to provide for you. Better to just let her because she isn’t going to let the mother of her children pay for dinner.
Cloud Retainer
Oh you want to romance a full blown adeptus? Good luck making it up that mountain alot. Your offerings do not go unnoticed by her, as she enjoys your gifts more than most mortals. She even clears out monster camps herself in preparation for your visits. As cloud retainer how ever she isn’t too emotionally available.
But as Xinyun she is far more open minded to the idea. Recognizing you as her favorite human she will humor your offer of lunch. She does prefer more traditional methods but not to a great extent. For instance, a decent restaurant with high quality food. Especially if it’s a date. You dont have to pick the most luxurious of restaurants but if you do it is a good impression to her. But putting effort into your appearance is also very important too. She doesn’t expect you to pay for her tab but she would appreciate. She will find some way to repay you.. perhaps a invention to help you in some aspect of your life? Or perhaps a kiss will do.
Little bit of a tsundere. It wasn’t actually that hard to win her heart, but she didn’t make it obvious until you asked her out. Just stick with the fancy stuff, flowers and sweets as offerings. She is very traditional in that regard. But oh Miss Furina is so lonely, the second she saw your gentle and loving smile she practically fell face first and head over heels for you.
Of course high end restaurants are her favorite. Especially for desserts. In fact you could just skip dinner and go to a bakery instead, that’s probably cheaper. If you offer to pay though do be prepared for it. She won’t spend too much since it is your money but the things she buys aren’t too cheap either. But overall the perfect date for her is mostly just.. having someone by her side. It may end up be her window shopping or shopping with you dragged along but she has a great time like. She has a great time with you by her side :> after that point the dates can be anything as long as you’re not taking her hiking through the mountains or something, she might like to go outside the city for a picnic though. Maybe even see the cute otters.
Kujo Sara
She was also not that hard to win over, but it was much harder to tell when she did. But her coworkers knew when they saw how she seemed to miss you when you left, or how you made her smile. But before you know it, she’s asking you out!
Kujo Sara will pick the best restaurant for your tastes, preferably a bit high end, and she will encourage you to eat as much as you like. Don’t eat like a pig though that is a bit off putting to her. She isn’t too great at conversing though, especiallt in non professional environments. Considering how nervous she actually is to be on a date with you too, its a bit hard to be confident in such a unfamiliar situation. Just be patient and sweet. Overtime she’ll get better and more open with you.
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