#good morning give it to me queenie guy and no one else
The nature of listening to The Juggernaut with headphones in is such that you will get randomly Jumpscared by a man screaming GIVE IT TO ME QUEENIE directly into your left ear. And that’s ok.
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marchtomydrums · 1 year
Lesson Learned
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Ally Mayfair x Reader (mother/ daughter)
“Come on y/n just do it!” Maddison shouts at you getting impatient.
“Chill Mads if she doesn't want to do it she doesn't have to,” Queenie says.
Zoe nods as she looks at you “Don't do it y/n those things are bad for you anyways.”
Maddison rolls her eyes “You guys are such babies. It's fine. All of the older girls smoke. “
“So you do what everyone else does?” Queenie snips back.
“I'm sorry who is the cool one in this group?” Maddison asked.
“Not you!” Queenie says.
The three girls go into a frenzy of arguing back and forth as you held the rolled-up cigarette in between your fingers. It couldn't be that bad you thought to yourself.
You placed the cigarette in between your lips and you lit the end watching the first clouds of smoke roll out.
It really was like a smoke signal making all of the girls go quiet and look toward you.
Maddison smirked “Finally someone with some balls. Now inhale.” she says.
You did as she said breathing in deeply feeling the smoke fill up your lungs and blowing it out quickly.
You choke on the smoke getting caught in your chest causing you to cough loudly.
“Jesus this is awful,” you said coughing in between your words.
“You’ll get used to it,” Madison shrugs as she inhales smoothly and blows out rings of smoke toward Zoe.
“Y/n Y/M/n what on earth are you doing?!” you hear a voice shout behind you.
“Oh shit,” Queenie whispers.
You slowly turned around finding brown eyes glaring at you.
“Do you know how dangerous these things are? What they can do to your health?” she asked snatching the cigarette from you and putting it out.
“Give it to me Madison and the rest of whatever you have,” she says holding her hand out.
“You're not my mother. “ the blonde chuckles.
“She's not. But I am your supreme and I'm telling you to hand it over. Now.” Cordelia says walking up behind you.
Madison rolls her eyes as she hands over the pack she got this morning.
“You guys are ridiculous,” she complained.
“Thank you. Now all of you go to your rooms.” Cordelia shouts.
The girls quickly move past the two women heading inside. You tried to hide in the middle of them hoping to escape when you feel a hand on your shoulder pulling you back.
“Not you,” Ally says pulling you towards her.
You sighed as you watched the girls escape to their rooms. It was times like these that you wished you weren't the daughter of the supreme.
“Y/n what were you thinking?” Cordelia asked.
“I'm sorry. Madison said it wasn't a big deal. I was just trying it.”
“You know better than to listen to Madison,” Ally says.
“I know.”
“And you know how I feel about smoking,” Cordelia adds.
“But you let the older girls...”
“The older girls are just that older. They're all old enough to buy them and old enough to make their own choices. It's not a choice that I like but I can't stop them. As long as they follow the rules about keeping it outside and cleaned up that's all I can ask of them.”
“Y/n it's not a habit you want. It's nasty for your health. It makes you smell and it's extremely addicting. “ Ally adds.
“I'm sorry,” you mumbled looking down.
“Honey I know it's hard growing up and you're going to want to try things. But some things aren't worth trying. I promise you aren't missing out when it comes to these.” Cordelia says shaking the box of cigarettes.
“I know. It tastes gross and it made me cough really bad. I won't do it again.”
Your mothers smile “Good!” they both say in unison.
“But... We still have to tell Momma and I don't think she's going to let you off so easily,” Cordelia says.
Your eyes grow wide as you shake your head. “No Mom, please. Please don't tell Momma. She will kill me and Madison.”
“You know we don't keep secrets from one another.”
“I know but...please,” you begged as tears pricked your eyes.
“ I’m sorry sweetheart but you know how this works. The three of us don't hide things from one another and we all make decisions together. We will talk to her and go from there.” Cordelia says as she kisses your forehead.
Cordelia walks back into the house leaving you and Ally outside.
“Well get a good look at me Al. I’ll be dead soon.” you cried.
Ally chuckles as she shakes her head pulling you into her arms for a hug.
“Oh sweets you're not going to die. She loves you too much to kill you. Now Madison on the other hand....”
She laughs “ I'm kidding. We will talk to her sweets okay? But please promise me you won't smoke again. I love you too much to lose you. “
“I promise Al. “
“Good. I love you, sweets,” she says with a smile.
“I love you too.”
“Y/n Y/M/n!!!” you hear your redhead mother scream from inside.
“Ahh man,” you whined.
Ally chuckles as she lops her arm in yours.
“Come on sweets.”
“I'm never listening to Madison again.” you groaned as Ally all but dragged you into the house.
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The Star Warrior Nutcracker Ch. 8: The Double-Cross Of A Rainbow Poinsettia
The fairy queen was awoken by a loud crash. Before was a tray of food. Not sweets, but a bag of sour-balls.
“Morning, My little ray of sunshine” daroach mockingly
The fairy queen rubbed her eyes and glanced out the window, seeing that it was still dark outside “have you been messing with the sun again or are you just waking me up real early? And what’s with the sour-balls?”
The squeak king shrugged “ oh, i thought you’d just like to have a little something to eat before your execution”
The Queen sat upright in shock “what?!”
“Of course, every prisoner is entitled to their last meal. I’m not completely heartless”
“But…but…” she gripped her neck “Execution?”
“Why so surprised? You said so yourself you would rather die than marry me”
“But…i didn’t think…”
“That I'd give up so soon, you thought wrong. You see queenie, once i have the nutcracker in my grasp, I’ll have no more use for you. And don’t think you can change my mind. You were right when you said I could have any girl in the land, I’ve found one who is not only a better candidate for queen, but surpasses your beauty by infinity”
The fairy queen blinked. “You’re marrying someone else?”
Daroach grinned toothily. “Jealous queenie? Well, had your last chance, but the ship has finally sailed off!” He went to the door. “Enjoy your meal, queenie. Did i mention it will be your last?”
The fairy queen narrowed her eyes “whoever this girl is, She’ll never love a monster like you!”
He shuts the door with a smirk “we’ll see about that”
On his way to the throne room, Daroach passed by an open room filled with cloth and sewing equipment, squeakers and cappies are working tiredly on an unfinished gown hanging on a dummy in the room’s center.
“Put your backs into it!” he shouted “my bride deserves only the best!”
“but, you’re majesty,” a cappy squeaked, “i’m not sure how fast we can…”
Daroach’s eyes flashed red “don’t you talk back to me!”
He shrunk back in fear “but we don’t have her measurements…”
“Yes, sir!”
As the cappy went back to the sewing machine, daroach turned to Doc who is standing guard
“Anything from spinni and elline yet?”
The old squeaker shook his head. “No your majesty, None Of us haven’t heard the whistle yet.
Daroach groan as he pulled out his pocket watch “It’s been ten hours what’s taking them so long?”
“You sure don’t need anything else?” susie asked the nutcracker
“No, thanks,” metaknight said, looking back at the heavy bag of sweets tiff was carrying “I think we’re settled”
“You know,” Tiff said, “you all be valuable assets for when we face daroach. You two have especially good aim?”
“We’ll catch up with you later,” I think we’ll convince the three mage sisters to come and help. They’re hiding out at the hidden temple”
Don’t worry,” metaknight said to susie and the twins. “We’ll get taranza back”
“Oh I can’t wait to see tarzana again!” Suise said
“Thank you so much,” adeleine said, “for everything”
“Aw, it was no problem!” lololo exclaimed
“Well,” spinni muttered with downcast eyes, “see ya”
Susie and the twins shout their goodbyes as their friends departed
“Bye!” susie called
“Good luck, guys” lololo waved
“Have fun storming the castle” lalala waved
“What a nice family,” ribbon declared
“Wish i had known about them earlier,” said tiff. The resistance could’ve really used them”
“We won’t need the resistance anymore after today,” metaknight claimed
Elline gazed up at the sky. “I thought we agreed we weren’t traveling by night. Why didn’t we stay with susie and the twins?”
“That’s what daroach want’s us to do: continue until morning, which he will never make come”
Then he’ll catch us in our sleep! Tiff finished “Or at least catch us off-guard!”
“Oh, they’re good” Elilne thought
It was just as well she hadn’t blown the whistle last night. She was going to. She had the whistle at her lips
The sound of tiff yawning had stopped her in mid-blow. Elilne had waited until the rebel had gone quiet before raising the whistle again
She didn’t know what it was that had made her tear the accursed thing off her neck. Maybe it had been the light snoring of the twins on the other side of the room, or the sound of adeleine turning on her side
Either way, she just couldn’t go through with it. She might have signed her sister’s death warrant, but she and spinni couldn’t betray there good people that had so far treated them like a friend. Who knows? Perhaps the mission would be successful and the squeak king would finally be defeated
“Spinni, Elilne!” A voice whispered
“Ho ho speak of the devil,” spinni thought as Elilne bit her lip and dark metaknight spoke nothing.
“Uh…guys?” spinni called to the others “we, uh, gotta go!”
Tiff turning back to them in exasperation “didn’t you go before we left?”
“Sorry! Ya can’t control these things! this’ll only take a minute, i swear?”
They quickly dove into the bushes. They raised their hands and was about to knock the side of their heads when doc’s saucer saved the trouble.
“Message for you” as the red saucer unveils a viewscreen, revealing the squeak king
“It’s been ten hours since i turned out the light,” he growled, “plenty of time for everyone to fall asleep, and the squeakers haven’t heard a single squeak!
“Spinni and Elilne sweating “we can explain…”
“My patience is wearing thin, you three!”
“No, you see the nutcracker was standing watch so the squeakers wouldn’t have been able to sneak…”
“Wait a minute!”
The saucer’s arm pulled on to the front of elline and examined her neck.
“Where’s your whistle?” he demanded
Elline gulped “i. Uh…”
“Spinni, elline, are you alright?” adeleine’s voice called
“Yeah!” spinni called “i’m fine, just…” he paused and wailed as if he were in pain. “Oh boy, is this a hard one to get out or what”
“Ok, then” said adeleine’s voice “But keep that information to yourself!”
Daroach lowered his voice. “Well, where is it?”
“I,um,” elline stammed, “lost it”
He scoffed. “What kind of fool do you take me for? I know what’s going on. You’re having second thoughts about this aren’t you? You’re growing attached to these people! Am i right?!”
“Well, uh…”
“Go ahead, brushead. Spit it out”
“I…” she paused And looked boldly up the squeak king. “I don’t think i can be a part of this anymore”
He sighed as the metal arm released her “i see. Shame. You were such a useful minion. Well, i can’t really blame you for your softness. You are no squeaker like spinni, after all. however , if you think this little betrayal isn’t going to go unpunished, then you’re wrong. Oh, you’ll get off scot-free. Your big sister, however…”
“Look! I’ll do anything you want! Just please, i don’t wanna hurt anybody”
He laughed “well, it’s a little late for that! Oh, and do you really think the nutcracker and his motley crew will actually be successful trying to defeat me!” He patted her head. “My little, naive elline, they can’t save your sister, if that’s what you think. They don’t stand a chance against me. Your choice, elline. Will it be the group of friends you just met yesterday or your dear sweet sister who’s counting on you to save her?”
Elline glanced back at the bush, as if she could see the others on the other side of it
“They won’t be hurt?” she asked weakly.
Daroach shrugged. “I can’t say much for the nutcracker, but i assure you, the worst the others will get is hard labor, as for our dear friend adeleine…” he smirked “well, you could say she’ll be treated like a queen”
Elline raised and eyebrow at this last statement but then nodded slowly
“What do you want us to do?”
“Well,” daroach said as he tapped his chin. “Since you ‘lost’ the whistle, we’ll have to try something different. My bell’s magic won’t work on her. Well i can’t teleport her to the castle, anyway yet somehow i was able to shrink her. Maybe …if we use a magic that the brooch won’t suspect, magic that doesn’t harm her in any way, magic that is not mine…”
Doc’s red saucer pulled out something in its claw. It was a single poinsettia of a very unusual color: rainbow
“Give this flower to her," he commanded as the saucer’s claw gently handed it to spinni. “Don’t inhale its scent”
“Because doing so will be put into a deep slumber, but only temporarily. Give this to adeleine, and she falls under its spell, take her back to the palace”
Elline glanced down at the flower “And after i do this…you…you will release claycia?”
Daroach grinned as he stooped down to her “Once i have the brooch, your precious little family will be together once more. Just bring her to me. And there better not be a scratch on her, or I’ll put an equal on you”
She nodded anxiously “understood!”
“Good. now go. And whatever you do, don’t get caught”
The viewscreen is put away as doc’s saucer zoomed off and the three spies was left with the deadly rainbow flower
“Spinni, elline?” called adeleine
Spinni tucked the poinsettia away and stepped out of the bushes with elline and dark metaknight. He looked around and saw adeleine was the only one there
“Where’s everybody else?”
“Tiff didn’t want to keep waiting” adeleine explained “so the others decided to scout ahead. I volunteered to wait for you”
Spinni blinked “Wow,um…thanks”
“Come on. We should be should be catching up with the others”
As They when they went through the forest, there came a large clearing
The robins and warblers sang in the trees of an ancient woodland while bees and butterflies fluttered through a field of flowers.
The flowers practically seemed to range through every color of the rainbow, with lovely shades of blue and pink being the most common. Combined, all the flowers put a sweet scent out into the gentle breeze as they swayed.The flowers were huge, and of the loveliest colors ever seen. There were flowers of every color, but of course baby pink and baby blue were the most common. A gentle breeze floated through the vast field, carrying what seemed to be the pleasant scent of perfumes.
The paintbrush fairy and the golden squeaker both said nothing as they unenthusiastically followed the young girl. Spinni withdrew the colorful poinsettia and gazed at it. Such an innocent-looking object: an appropriate seal to an innocent girl’s fate
Elline looked back up “hey adeleine?”
“Yes?” adeleine replied without looking back
“If your parents were in trouble, you would do anything to save them, right”
“Of course. Why do you ask?”
“Nothing, just…making sure you understand”
Adeleine stopped her tracks and turned to her “is this about your big sister?”
Elline bit her lip. “Kinda”
It was just now adeleine noticed the flower “Oh, my! I’ve never seen a rainbow flower before! Where’d you find it?”
“Uh…” spinni stammered. It’s in the field somewhere! Yeah, I saw it and, um…” he held it out to her “Do you want it”
“Oh, thank you!” adeleine exclaimed as she carefully took the poinsettia in her hands “oh, it’s so lovely!”
“Come on, give it a sniff. It smells, uh, really good”
Elline watched in agony as adeleine brought the flower to her face, closed her eyes and inhaled it deeply
“Oh, it’s so…”
Adeleine’s eyes began to feel heavy and felt lightheaded. Her heart began beating sleepy. her mind was melting away from her usual logical state and into a fuzzy and sleepy state of mind. she feels pretty dizzy and nearly lost her balance
“Goodness, I feel so dizzy…” She trailed off as she dropped the flower and her legs gave out beneath her. Dark metaknight caught her before she could hit the ground. She beautifully fell asleep peacefully.
“I’m sorry, addy,” elline whispered “I’m so, so, sorry”
I wonder where those guys and adeleine are,” ribbon said, looking back at the way she and the others had come
I’m telling you,” tiff said, “they maybe just ran off and left adeleine waiting for nothing!”
“I’m sure they’re fine,” metaknight said “still, it’s been a while. I’ll go back and she if they’re alright”
“I don’t think that’ll be necessary,” ribbon said, pointing up to the sky.
Everyone looked up and gasped when they saw dark metaknight zooming past, carrying the unconscious adeleine in his hands. Right behind him is elline with spinni in her hands as well.
“Hey!” tiff hollered. “What are you doing?!”
“Adeleine!” metaknight called, attempting to run after them “What’s going on?!”
But alas the spies were too fast for them and was soon out of sight
“Where are they going?” ribbon questioned “what are they doing with adeleine?”
“What do you think they’re doing?!” tiff snapped “their taking adeleine to Daroach! I told you their spies! I told you those guys couldn’t be trusted!”
“But…” the young fairy sniffed “their are our friends…”
“They lied!”
“No!” metaknight cried, collapsing to his knees “this is all my fault! I should’ve stayed with her! I swore to protect her! First the fairy queen and now adeleine!”
“Don’t worry,” said ribbon laying a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll rescue her, just like we’ll rescue everybody else”
The nutcracker sighed “But now he’ll be expecting us for sure. Not only will spinni and elline will tell him we’re coming, but now he has adeleine as bait”
“Not to mention the fairy queen and tiff’s brother and a whole lot of cappies,” ribbon added “but i still can’t believe that elline, spinni, and dark metaknight would…”
“Forget them!” tiff exclaimed “what matters now is stopping daroach once and for all, so we can get adeleine, the fairy queen, tuff, and everybody back!”
Metaknight’s eyes narrowed in determination as he stood up. You’re right we need to do this” he drew his sword and raised it above his head “For the fairy queen!”
“And adeleine!” ribbon exclaimed
“And tuff!” tiff shouted
“Poyo!” Kirby cheered
“Now let’s go bring that monster down!” Metaknight commanded.
0 notes
its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Damiano David
words // 1468
warnings // clearly smut
pairing // Damiano x Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. sorry if this feels rushed but i want to escape the heat and the laptop brings too much of it
request // yes, through a reblog i cant find
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like Damiano is pretty good at taking care of you after but a lot of the time he is the one to require the aftercare. He gets kind of insecure after sex, like I don’t know… He will require some kind of confirmation that he did well, that he did not hurt you, that you loved him. Generally he needs reassurance sometimes.
His hands were now wrapped around you, after everything that went down, all the spanking and the harsh words, he needed to feel you close, to let you know that he didn’t mean all that.
“Are you ok, mi amore?” His voice was soft, tone ever so gentle, his fingers rubbing small circles on your arm.
“Exhausted, but yes, I am perfect.” The little smile you gave him was all the reassurance he needed.
Suddenly he became a little more confident, small ‘I love you’s escaping his lips as he tucked you under his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I feel like Damiano’s favorite part of himself would most likely be his face. Honestly it might sound a little weird for me to say this but I feel like that's it, ok. Like, he can convey all his feelings through his face, he can lure you in so wonderfully with his facial expression and oh well he’d love it if you sat on his face or simply used his face to get off, regardless the position.
Now as for his favorite part of you i feel like it would probably be your thighs. No matter gender, he would find your thighs to be such a turn on, any time and anywhere.
(this will refer to pussy-bearing reader lol so yeah, sorry for that, I can’t think of a gn scenario with thighs)
He was being driven insane all night. He knew it was a bad idea to take you out after that stunt you pulled that morning with the ‘accidental’ not-wearing-underwear-under-his-shirt incident. He had not given you what you wanted then so you were planning on getting it now.
Your thighs were adorned with thigh high stockings, garters and all accompanying them. You knew his weakness and you’d play with it till the end.
For the whole night, Damiano tried to not react. He did not want to seem like he’s possessive or overbearing or whatever else, so he let it be for a while, but after one point it had gotten too much, he could not take it anymore.
“Amore, I think it’s time to leave,” he said, loudly enough for your friends to hear as well.
“Oh, but why Damiano, I want to stay a little longer,” you whined, receiving a little spank on the back of your thigh, thankfully the music could cover it up.
“If you want a chance to ride my face, you’ll come with me, or else you can wait to have an orgasm for another week.” this time his words were quite enough for your ears only, the idea of what he’d do later was not something he wanted your friends to have.
“Yeah, now that you said it, I’m getting a bit tired. Ooof my feet hurt from dancing. Goodnight.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s pretty big on seeing him cum on you. I think I said something similar for Ethan but Damiano is full on messy cum. He does not care where you are, what you’re wearing, whatever, he will cum on you. On your face, your shirt, your underwear. It does not matter. He’s like the type of guy that goes like “oh you want it, amore? You want my cum? Tell me where you want it,” and then will come where you direct him to.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He kind of wants to see you get fucked by somebody else while he watches… He is kind of scared to express that, not knowing how you’d feel
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I’d say a good medium. He’s experienced, he’s surely not new to this, but i don’t think he has had that many sexual partners. He feels like the guy that needs a connection before he can have sex, at least most of the times. So he is experienced enough.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I feel like he’d enjoy mostly well you riding his face, your legs up his shoulders as he fucks into you or kind of entangled, your right leg over his right hip and your left between both of his (its called ‘pretzel dip ffs)
he want to be able to feel your thighs all over him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He some times is goofy when he is close to cumming and he starts the whole “where do you want it”. Some times he would crack jokes.
Generally i feel like he is goofy in bed
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He does not care to much but he could possibly trim it down if its too bothersome when you suck his dick.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be very romantic if you want him to but most times he’s kind of goofy as i mentioned. The very intimate moments are very specific. After a romantic date, on an anniversary, your or his birthday and so on and so forth
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates a lot, cause he thinks about you a lot. Some times he’ll see old photos of you two before he left on tour and he gets turned on by your thighs
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
well as i said he thinks of you being fucked by someone else and him seeing you, so id say a bit of voyeurism and cuckolding. He’s a switch so he’s only dominant when there is no one else to be dominant, so the idea of someone fucking you and shaming him while doing so is kind of a hot idea some times.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will go anywhere you guys are if he can’t stop it. Seriously quickies at club bathrooms are too common for you two
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
As I already mentioned: thighs. If you are wearing thigh high anything, short tight dresses, short shorts that are tight around your thighs, garters, tight jeans, tight dress pants… Anything with your thighs kills him
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving it. Like yeah, he loves it when you give him oral but he seems like the type of man that for example eats pussy for his own pleasure. I can seriously imagine him coming home from working at the studio and he’s stressed as fuck and (after getting your consent of course) he’d lay between your thighs and start giving you oral.
“But Dami I’m reading a book.”
“So? Continue. This is not about you. I’m stressed, it’s about me.” You’d simply just laugh, knowing very well you won't be able to concentrate on your book.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he is usually quite fast. he doesn’t exactly love the slower pace. the slower pace is for when you guys are extremely intimate, as i talked about before, or if he is teasing you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is down to experiment with most things. He is very comfortable with his sexuality so he does not mind most things, except some few ones that he finds a bit disgusting (no offence)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I feel like he would buy you a toy that he can control from far away and he’d get one for him that you’d control so you kind of mutually jack off each other while he’s on tour or either of you is away for days.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Enough to show you punishment but also enough to receive one at times
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s pretty big. Not too much (overwhelmingly much like Ethan) but big enough to be considered big. Above average
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He gets horny pretty easily ig. With all the adrenaline from shows the moment he sees you he’s ready to jump your bones.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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natromanxoff · 3 years
20 - Rockin' in Rio
Greetings one and all A quick return from the Bondi Bard. Last weekend there was a surprise party for Gerry and Sylvia in San Francisco, and judging from the email I got from Ratty a good time was had by all, and a few of our old mob were there. I would loved to have been there but I was committed to go to the wedding of a good buddy of mine. James and his new wife Suze got married on the original Manly ferry, which has been converted into an amazing houseboat and is moored at Balmain. The ceremony was at 7pm, just as the sun was setting to the left of us, and the Harbour Bridge to the right, very picturesque. An Aussie band called Leonardo's Bride sang their top five hit to the couple (of course I can't remember the name of it) and the girl singer has an incredible voice, and is also gorgeous and a very charming lady, who is shacked up with a DJ mate of mine. Lucky bastard. The booze was good, the food even better and a fun night was had. I can hear that question again, "Whats this got to do with Queen?" Well I shall tell you. James worked as an engineer at Metropolis Studios in London, along with the lovely Heidi, where the Queenies did a lot of recording, he also did some work with the band, but did a lot on BM's first solo outing. The next link is even weaker. I spent a good part of the evening chatting with Rob Hirst, who is the drummer with Midnight Oil, and is also a fabbo chappie. And being a typical drummer, while the Oils are not working he is recording his own solo album, as a singer/guitarist.......sound familiar. We had a couple of drinks and swapped a few stories, and as his wife was with us we managed to keep them all clean.
Staying on the subject of drummers I had an email, via Jacky, from a drummer who didn't seem that amused by the joke I told in my last ramblings, they might hit things but they are really quite sensitive deep down. So I suppose I should say I'm sorry, well I'm not. But here's another little jest to piss him off some more. Q: Whats the most asked question to a person with an IQ of 2? A: What sticks do you use?
Onto Sonia's request for some info on our trips to Brazil. What can I say about Rio except that it is a fun city and we all had a great time there, maybe that's why we went back a second time. On the first venture there I was still looking after the kit, and on one night myself and a few of the crew hit the town and got very drunk on the local drink, I think it was made from sugar, which I can pronounce but I've no idea how to spell it. (Help me out Sonia) We were in a bar getting louder and louder when a Welsh Rugby team came in, and they were big boys, and they are also on the tipsy side.
I'm 6ft, Jim Devenney makes me look small and Bob Bickleman made him look small, and the rugby players are of equal size, so we now have a contest on our hands as to which team can sing the loudest and dirtiest rugby songs. To start with the Welsh were winning because they had a couple of good looking women with them, and even though it was loud it was also in good fun. Devenney then comes up with the great statement that rugby is a girls game, the Welsh reply that at least they don't need padding when they play, unlike Gridiron, to which our team say, "OK, lets have a game on the beach tomorrow morning." This to me sounds like a really daft idea as I hate Gridiron, Rugby and Soccer, so one of the lighting guys and myself decided to leave, which means the Queen crew won by default cause neither team turned up on the beach to play, and as the two of us were leaving the bar we took their gorgeous ladies with us. Sorry Wales.
Our second visit to Brazil, when I was traveling with the band, was for the first Rock in Rio which was a two week festival with a host of big names on, each playing two nights. We did the opening night with three Brazilian acts, then Whitesnake who had Cozy as drummer, then Iron Maiden and then us. The second show was at the end and our opening acts were the B52's and the Go Go's. After the show I ended up in my room with a couple of Go Go girls, and boy were they party hounds. Apart from the bands I've mentioned there were other big names like Rod Stewart, AC/DC, Yes, George Benson and more. It was fun because we got to see old friends of the road, but it was also a nightmare cause we were almost prisoners of the hotel, due to the fact there were far to many fans outside the hotel, so we hung around the pool most of the time. The press were paying guests with poolside views so they could use the room and snap rockstars by the pool, which, of course, put an end to that.
The only thing left to do between shows was to get out of Rio and Roger and I heard of a great place called Buzios (Hope I spelt that correctly) which I suppose is about 100 miles away. Deaky and Wally decided to come as well, and being wimps they took a limo, unlike us drum type people, we don't eat quiche, we're gonna drive. The locals were all driving around in beach buggies, they look like fun, thats us, lets go. A buggy is basically a VW beetle with a different body, and our gleaming white buggy turns out to be the biggest pile of crap ever allowed on a road.
I take the wheel and we're not too far into our journey when 1st gear goes on the missing list, I don't care, I'm a good driver, I can start in 2nd. The gearstick decides to loosen on us, so trying to get it in gear was like stirring soup, who cares, onwards and by now our buggy decides to dump the clutch, so when it came to pulling away I just pushed the stick, and whatever gear it went in was the one we drove in. At least we can see the funny side of it all. What else can God give us to make this mission harder, how about torrential rain, which is great fun to drive in when you don't have a roof on the car. Needless to say the buggy rapidly filled up with water. Five minutes of this downpour and we get our next treat, the wipers pack up, so RT has to stand up and lean over the top and wipe the windshield so I can see where I'm going. By this time we look like a couple of soaking wet tramps, but we are killing ourselves laughing as we watch the red mud flow down the hillsides into the river we are trying to drive through. As we go round a bend we both screamed out "OH F***" at the same time. A huge truck was heading in the opposite direction to us, and as it passed at high speed a tidal wave of red water engulfed us and our crappy little car. I have to be honest here, that did wipe out a bit of the humour. We got to our destination, found the hotel and as the drowned rats walked in, the wimps were sitting in the bar, very dry with very cold beers. Next time, I'm with you Deaky. You would think the first thing I would want was a shower, nope, top of the list was a nice quiet chat with the company that rented us our friendly little buggy, and after a couple of well placed words they didn't charge us. Once there we had a good time. Oh, I nearly forgot, we did a couple of great shows as well.
Loads of the usual stuff
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Damsels, Chapter Thirteen: You Changed My Life
By SisterSpooky1013 / Rated E
Read previous chapters here / Tagging @today-in-fic
Adult content immediately after the jump.
The trill of a cell phone pulls her from her dreamless slumber, and Mulder rolls out of bed with a hmph to retrieve it from the kitchen counter. Feigning sleep, she watches him as he traverses the room naked. The soft curve of his ass and then the rigid mast of his morning erection flood her with memories of what it had felt like when buried inside her, and she bites back a smile
“Mulder,” he says sleepily, searching for his underwear. “Good morning, Agent Wiley,” he continues as he slips on his shorts and then sits on the edge of the bed, leaning over to place a quiet kiss on her temple.
She opens her eyes, as though for the first time.
“Yes, she’s here, one second.”
He sets the phone on the bedside table and turns to kiss her again, on the mouth this time. Mulder kissing her awake is something she could definitely get used to. He stands and goes into the bathroom while she takes the call.
“Good morning, Agent Wiley,” she greets, not even caring if the other agent had heard them kissing.
“Morning, Agent Scully. Sorry to track you down on your partner’s phone, the one we assigned you was still off.”
“Sorry about that, it didn’t even cross my mind to turn it on last night.”
Mulder pops his head out of the bathroom with her toothbrush in his mouth and wags his eyebrows suggestively. She shoots him a look, but it’s discredited by the smile on her lips.
“Not a problem. I just wanted to share some updates with you. We spent quite a bit of time questioning Ricky Dean last night and while we still have some loose ends to tie up, it’s looking like we’ll be able to close this case pretty quickly.”
“Really?” she asks with surprise. She had figured the search for Mila would continue, and that Ricky might even be arrested. She’s relieved to hear that’s not the case.
“Mr. Dean had some additional documentation indicating that Mila was there of her own free will,” continues agent Wiley, “and it’s pretty compelling stuff. He also said that she left about a month before you got there, but he hadn’t yet updated the file. That, in conjunction with the documents you found, make us confident that things are as they seem, which is that Mila chose to cut ties with her parents. You were right, by the way, about Mr. Dean running a kind of witness protection program. The gentleman you had mentioned, Roger Keane, was acting as a benefactor of sorts, funding the women’s expenses until they had a steady income from the club.”
She’s quiet for a beat while this information sinks in. “What about Lexie, and her husband?”
“Mr. Hall is in custody and will likely be charged with attempted murder, on top of assaulting a federal officer. Jennifer is doing well. She’s awake, doped to the gills on painkillers, but expected to fully recover. She was able to get back in contact with her mother, who is caring for little Aubrey.”
“That’s a relief,” Scully says with a sigh. “Do you need me to come down to the station?”
“No rush, you can stop by this afternoon. I’ll be here.”
“Thank you, I’ll see you later,” she replies, ending the call as Mulder returns from the bathroom.
“What’s the latest?” He asks, slipping back beneath the sheets and pulling her into his arms. She hides her morning breath against his neck.
“They’re closing the case,” she says plainly.
“Must be pretty frustrating, knowing she was gone before you even got there,” he says, brushing his fingers over the small of her back.
“She was there, Mulder,” she lifts her head to look at him. “I lied.”
He gives her an incredulous expression and she rolls out of bed and steps into the bathroom. Switching the shower on, she brushes her own teeth with an already-wet toothbrush.
“I’m going to take a shower, I’ll tell you about it over breakfast,” she says before closing the door.
Twenty minutes later she has washed away the evidence of their activities the night before and they sit at her small dining room table, drinking coffee and eating the scrambled eggs and toast Mulder prepared as she tells him about Mila. She decides to leave out the part about their conversation on the couch; that’s something she will keep just for herself.
“I can see why you did what you did, Scully. It was a tough position to be in,” he says as he touches her arm reassuringly.
“I know it was the right thing to do, but it still feels bizarre to lie on an official case report,” she replies. “I hope she’s okay, wherever she is. She was a good friend to me when I really needed one.”
Three soft raps on the door interrupt them, and they look at each other in confusion.
“Are you expecting someone?” he asks, and she shakes her head.
“No one knows I live here,” she says as she creeps towards the door and looks through the peephole.
When she sees who’s on the other side, she gasps and makes quick work of the lock, pulling it open and ushering Mila inside with a relieved hug.
“Oh my god, I was so worried,” she muses, and Mila sinks into her, threading her arms around Scully’s waist.
“Queenie told me what happened,” Mila replies, tucking her face into Scully’s neck, “she said you lied and told them I was never there. I’m so sorry for what I said to you yesterday, Desi.”
“It’s okay, I understand,” Scully reassures her, pulling back to look at her face.
Mulder clears his throat and Mila looks at him nervously, not having realized anyone else was here.
“This is my partner, Fox Mulder,” Scully introduces, and Mila nods at him, then narrows her eyes and looks back to Scully with a smirk.
“That’s the guy, huh?” she says playfully, and Scully blushes. “Look, Desi, I just came to say goodbye. I’m getting out of town. I just don’t feel safe here anymore. I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do next, but I know my parents won’t stop looking for me.”
“We know some people,” Mulder interjects, “some friends, who can set you up with a new identity. For real this time, with a new social security number and everything.”
Mila’s expression brightens. “Really?”
Mulder nods. “Let me give them a call, you should be able to pick the documents up in DC this afternoon, if you can make it down there.”
He steps out of the apartment, heading to his car so he can contact The Gunmen, leaving Scully and Mila alone.
“So, I guess Desi isn’t really your name, huh? Or Diane?”
Scully smiles warmly. “My name is Dana. But you can still call me Desi if you want.”
Mila takes both Scully’s hands in hers, looking at them as she talks. “I don’t think I can ever thank you enough for what you did. I’m sure you could get in a lot of trouble if anyone found out.”
“It was the least I could do,” Scully replies. “I was there to help you, it just turns out the kind of help you needed was different than I thought. And you...Mila you changed my life.”
Mila looks up at her with wet eyes. “I did?”
“Yes,” Scully says, her own eyes pooling with tears though her mouth is smiling. “You helped me see myself. It’s the greatest gift anyone has ever given me.”
They look at each other for a moment, and it feels charged, like it did on the couch the other night. This time Scully breaks away, walking to her closet.
“I want you to have something,” she says, pulling down a lock box. “The code is two two three. There’s about fifteen thousand here.” She hands it to Mila, who looks at her with a stunned expression but takes it.
“I can’t take this, Desi. That’s insane.”
Scully shakes her head. “It’s all my tips. I don’t need it, nor do I want it. Please, use it to start over somewhere else. It would make me really happy.”
Mila nods, a soft smile on her lips. “Okay, thank you.”
Mulder returns just then, holding a receipt with notes scribbled on the back. “Okay, Mila, you’ll need to meet someone at the Lincoln memorial at 4:30 this afternoon. They’ll have everything you need and I promise, no one will find you this time.”
“Thank you,” she replies, then turns back to Scully. “I better go.”
Scully walks her to the door and they stand in its open frame, looking at each other for the last time. Scully pulls her into a hug and they linger there, rocking gently. When she pulls back, she doesn’t think, just presses her lips to Mila’s and kisses her twice before hugging her again. “Good luck,” she whispers into her ear, and then Mila is gone. Angel is gone.
Scully pushes the door closed, sniffing hard against her tearing eyes. Mulder is looking at her curiously, a thousand questions in his eyes that he has the good sense not to ask.
“Let’s go back to bed,” she says finally, and he turns his cell phone off this time.
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Being A Stark (5)- Peter Parker x Stark!femReader
Word Count: 2153
Warning: None I think
Author’s Note: I had a completely shitty T1D day yesterday and wasn’t able to get this up. However, here it is and hopefully you enjoy!
Becoming A Stark Chapter One | Being A Stark Chapter One | Master List
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When Happy pulls up in front of MSST, your heart is pounding in your chest. Everyone else stepped back into the world over a week ago and you’re facing it alone. “You going to be alright kid?” Happy asks, looking at you through the rearview mirror.
“Yeah. Fine.” You mutter before grabbing your backpack and lunch. It felt like deja vu, apart from the fact that you weren’t about to panic when you started ninth grade the last time.
“If you don’t feel ready, say the word and we can head back to the cabin.”
“I’m not a chicken. I can do this.” 
“Never said you were.” Happy smiles at you. Part of you wishes that your mom or dad had come with you, but your dad is still healing and Pepper had to take Morgan to her school near where you live now, so it meant that Happy was your ride. “You’ve got this kid. But if at any point, it gets to be too much, I’m a call away. I’ll just be at SI.” You nod, before opening the car door. From across the street you can hear the paparazzi calling your name, trying to get a look at Tony’s daughter that disappeared. But you’re distracted the moment you hear a familiar voice.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” You look up to see Peter’s hand reaching for yours as you climb out of the car. You can’t help but smile finally seeing him again. Was it your fault you hadn’t seen him since after the battle? Yes. But now he’s here and that’s the only thing you can think about. 
“Hey Parker.” You say, wanting it to feel like old times to try and calm yourself. “Since when are you fine with the paps just seeing you waiting?” When the paparazzi were here, Peter usually walked next to you until you were inside the building.
“Lost each other for five years. I think that deserves not caring about the paparazzi any more.” He shrugs as you two walk towards the front doors of the school, your hand wrapped in his. “You ready?” He asks as he opens the door for you.
“No, but let's do this.” You answer honestly as you walk inside. You expect everything to look different, but it looks… normal. There are posters hanging on the wall about clubs and events. There’s a banner hanging reminding people about homecoming coming up in a few weeks. It was like nothing had changed. Peter’s arm moves to wrap around your shoulder, pulling you into him.
“So ninth grade all over again?” He teases.
“Going to fail chemistry this time. I feel it in my bones.” You say already dreading your third period.
“Won’t let it happen babe. Between your dad and I, we’ll make sure you pass.” Peter smiles as he walks with you towards the lockers. You had already sent him pictures of your new schedule and your locker number last week when everyone who Blipped got their’s. You have three classes with Betty, unsurprising since they’re trying to fit all the Blippers into similar classes. Your English class is only Blipped students according to Betty, because there wasn’t enough space without creating a new class. “Come on, let’s go dump your stuff in your locker.” He stops the two of you in front of your locker. You spin your locker combination and open the door, expecting to find an empty locker, but instead there’s a cup of coffee waiting for you.
“What is this?” You pick it up to find that it’s still warm.
“Thought you might need something to make your day a little better.” Peter shrugs, the tips of his ears going a bit pink. “I went to your favorite shop and got your usual.” You look at the cup in your hand and then back at him. “Almond milk latte, sugar free hazelnut syrup, two Equal.” He recites. Next thing you know, your lips are pressed to his, not knowing how to say what you want to to him. 
“I love you.” You mumble against his lips.
“All I had to do was bring you coffee?” Peter asks as he pulls back slightly, still keeping you in his arms. You had said it to him during your call in the middle of the battle, but hadn’t mentioned it again since then. Peter was sure you had been putting space the past week between the two of you. So hearing it again was music.
“All you had to do was be you.” You shrug, taking a sip of the coffee.
“I love you too.” He adds, realizing he hadn’t said it back. “I should have said it when you did, but I do-” You smirk before cutting him off with your lips. You love his rambling, but right now, you’d rather just kiss him.
“There’s probably an empty classroom if you two want some privacy.” Betty teases from behind you. Peter starts to pull back, but you lean forward to place one more kiss on his lips.
“Make fun all you want Betty, but I just happen to have the best boyfriend.” Your hand pulls Peter’s into your hold as you turn to face your friend who already has her books. 
“You two are in love, the world gets it. However if we’re late to English, Mr. Briggs will not have it.” You place your lunch and your backpack in your locker, before taking the binders and books you need for your first few classes. Peter holds your coffee as you rummage through your bag grabbing what you need. You throw a bag of extra pump supplies into your locker and take some low snacks to throw in your pencil bag. As you do this, Betty peppers you with questions about what school work you reused and what you actually redid to get ready to come back to school. After you slam your locker shut, you turn back to Peter and take your coffee back. 
“Thanks.” You smile, saying both for holding it and for getting it.
“Anytime.” Moving the cup so it sits in your hand that holds your binders, books, and your laptop, you reach with your other hand for Peter’s hand. You and Betty will literally need to pass Peter’s locker to get to your class so you have more time with him. This moment of talking with one of your best friends while walking down the hallway with your boyfriend, it almost makes it feel like the Blip never happened. Peter walks you all the way to your English class.
“You’re going to be late if you don’t get going.” You say, not letting go of his hand. 
“So I get detention. It’s not the worst thing that could happen.” Peter shrugs.
“Until you want to do stuff after school and you can’t because of detention. Go. I’ll see you at lunch.” You kiss his cheek, but as you start to pull away, he turns your face ever so slightly to kiss your lips. “Go.” You laugh as you push him away. Walking into class you take the empty seat behind in front of Betty. 
“You too are too cute, you know that right.”
“Yeah, I lucked out.” You say as you set the stuff in your arms down, while your phone buzzes in your pocket. Glancing at the screen you can’t help but roll your eyes. Peter just left you, why is he already texting you?
PP: You know, I could get used to the taste of coffee if it’s always from kissing you.
Y: You’re ridiculous you know that.
PP: You love it.
Y: That I do.
“Miss Stark, I understand it’s your first day back, however the bell has rung, so phones away.” Mr. Briggs' voice comes from the front of the classroom. 
“Sorry!” You put your phone into your pocket. Betty taps your shoulder and whispers six words to you.
“Peter’s already getting you in trouble.”
“Shut up.” You mumble.
“Now let’s get into our discussion on A Brave New World. We only have today and tomorrow to finish with it, so let's jump right in.” You pull out a notebook and a pen to make notes on your favorite class. Having it first thing in the morning will make taking ninth grade all over again more fun. 
The morning passes with a relative ease. You had to talk to each of your teachers about your diabetes, which is nothing new with a new school year, but seeing as half of them had you before the Blip, there wasn’t as much info dumping for them. By the time you got to lunch though, you’re ready to just curl into Peter’s arms, and honestly, you could go for a nap. You swing by your locker to switch out your books as well as grab your lunch. 
“How’d the first half go?” Peter’s voice is next to you and you’re almost surprised to hear him, until you remember that his Mechanical Energies class is right across from your locker.
“It went fine. Calc 1 is awful already since I missed a few weeks of catch up. But English and German were good.”
“And Chemistry?” He asks, noting the class you skipped talking about.
“Kill me already.” You say as you slam your locker shut and take his hand.
“And have Tony Stark after me? I don’t think so.”
“He wouldn’t hurt you.”
“If I hurt you, he’ll make an exception.” Peter looks at you, seeing you don’t believe him. “Baby, your dad made time travel to bring you back. He would do anything to keep you safe. I’m not risking it.” Peter explains as you walk to the table your friends sit at. “Guys, tell Y/N I’m right. Her dad would definitely kill me if I killed her because Chemistry isn’t her subject.”
“Your dad would probably use the excuse of Peter accidentally tripping you as enough of a reason.” Betty says as she pulls the contents of her lunch out. 
“See, point made.” Peter says as he places his own sack lunch on the table. “Therefore, you’ll just have to make it through Chemistry with some help. I hear you and I have pretty good chemistry anyway.” His eyebrows move up and down at you.
“You’re ridiculous. I already said that once today.” You work on pulling your lunch out.
“And you also said you love me because of it.”
“Because of it or in spite of it?” You tease, adding up the numbers written across your lunch so you can put it in Queenie.
“Both.” Peter says before kissing your cheek.
“Some of us are trying to eat here. Don’t be gross.” MJ teases.
“Honestly, it’s all Peter’s fault.” You shrug as you type the numbers into Queenie to get your bolus started. 
“Fine, I’ll keep that in mind the next time you want a kiss.” Peter teases, making a face like he wouldn’t give you anything you asked for.
“Play for both teams and you always win.” You wink at him as his face falls. “I have other options.”
“What?” Peter’s voice goes up an octave.
Betty rolls her eyes. “Like she actually would.” You know Betty’s right, but you shrug and smirk at Peter.
“Fine, fine, I’ll be the gross one, but I’m not sharing you.” He says wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into him. “Only one person should be kissing those lips.” 
“Yeah? You’re right. Only kissing Spider-Man from here on out.” MJ, Ned, and Betty laugh as you kiss Peter’s cheek. 
“If that’s how you feel, maybe I need to go have a talk with Spider-Man and see what his intentions are.” Peter says, not letting go of the arm around your waist.
“Probably nothing good.” You smirk as you raise an apple slice to your lips.
“That sounds about right.” Peter says trying to peel his orange with one hand and failing, but not willing to let go of you. You take the fruit from his hand and peel it apart easily before handing it back to him.
“You can use your other hand, you know?”
“I could, but it’s fairly happy where it is.” His thumb moves up and down along your side. You roll your eyes at him as your friends fall back into talking about things that have happened in the past week. Mentions of new memes and stories that happened fill the space as you listen. Your head falls to Peter’s shoulder as you keep eating. The blue sweater he’s wearing is soft against your cheek, but more importantly being where you are, your nose is filled with the smell of Peter. Mainly a citrus note entwined with something earthy. And it calms you immensely. Your dad was right about leaning on him instead of pushing him away. It’s making today easier.
Permanent tag list: @wormonastringonastick
...A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway  @iamaunicorn4704  @furiouspockettoad  @daughter-of-stark  @eternalharry  @huntective-kyeo @riiis-stuff @sunnyoongles @cosmicqueenieb @sovereignparker @bbarnestan @teenwishes08 @iamthescarlettwitch @skyfallstilinski @cutie1365 @a-mnd @youarethereasonimsmiling @thefemalestorywriter @krazykendraisnotinsane @cathy8taffy @letssee2468 @babyreads @riyanna @theatregeek @bubblebunbun @curls-freckles-books
strike won’t let me tag
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drawlfoy · 4 years
The Wonders of Ohio P.5
masterlist (check here for parts 1-4!) request guidelines
pairing: draco x reader
request: from 14 year old me babey
warnings: cringe, mentions of drug use, mentions of sex, language, and just bad writing
summary: y/n is in her senior year of high school when she is asked to take on an exchange student from britain that’s a little...different. this is NOT a nonmagic AU. draco is still a wizard and this will become and integral part of the story shortly.
a/n: heyyyy everyone. i graduated from high school this week and i’m posting this as my happy-one-year-to-me. as some of you may know, i posted my very first fic on this day a year ago. i’m really happy to see how i’ve grown since and i’m so lucky to have shared this with all of you. anyways, nittygritty--
this part is really the last slow exposition chapter. chapters 6 on will be a whole whirlwind beginning with homecoming and i hope that you guys are willing to stick around. i promise itll be worth the wait. y/n is going to get the story arc of a lifetime and also please do not hate heather she is just going through it ok 
tags tags tags  @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural
word count: 4.6k (;))
song recs: 
strawberry blonde -- mitski 
in your neighbors garden -- mimi bay
wishes -- beach house
ode to artifice -- samia 
pink in the night -- mitski
enjoy <3
The seatbelt buckle scorched the side of Y/N’s exposed neck as she turned to face the disheveled blonde in the passenger seat.
“Do I need to teach you to set an alarm?” 
Draco let out a huff. “Stop. Do you have a….a comb, or a brush, or something here?” His hands looked abnormally fidgety. Their actions were shaky, varying from patting his pockets to running through his hair. He seemed more and more frustrated each time his hands left his pockets empty. 
How curious Y/N thought as she racked her brain for any remembrance of putting a brush in her car. It was always a mess, and she honestly couldn’t blame Draco for assuming that anything could be in there.
“I don’t think there’s one here,” said Y/N, trying to sound at least a little sympathetic despite the fact that his tardiness had them 10 minutes late. “You can look around if you want, king.”
“What’d you call me?” His voice was suddenly sharp and awake.
Y/N rolled her eyes so hard that she thought they’d get stuck in the back of her head. “You don’t--ok. It’s a joke. You can call guys here that.”
“And it means that I’m…?”
“It means I’m acknowledging that you exist, I guess. It’s not like it has a strict negative or positive connotation. Like, I can say ‘Ok king’ to any man telling me something and it can either be sarcastic, or it can be because I don’t know what else to say and just want to let him know I heard him.”
Draco’s eyes looked a tad glazed over when Y/N dared a glance in his direction.
“I know it’s confusing. I’m sorry. I’ll try and ease you into the world of American slang.” 
He granted her a little “uh-huh” before opening up the glovebox with great difficulty and rummaging through the mess. Y/N would’ve felt more embarrassed about the tampon that fell on the ground in the process if he seemed like he actually knew what it was. 
Her attention turned back to the road as Draco continued to sift through things. Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if there was anything embarrassing hidden away in the corners of her car--after all, it hadn’t been organized since the beginning of summer--and decided that it was better to pretend it wasn’t happening.
It wasn’t the eerie silence that eventually prompted her to turn to look his direction--no, it was the weird energy in the car, like the feeling right before a thunderstorm. All the hair raised on her arms, and she shivered...but it was stifling hot in the car.
“Oh, did you find a brush?” she asked. His hair laid as perfectly as always, but his hands were lying shaking in his lap, palms to the sky. No hairbrush was in sight.
“Er... “ He was paler than usual, which was quite the feat for someone who looked like a ream of paper. “No. Just remembered a trick my father taught me.”
She tensed at the mention of his father--the very first time Draco had done so. “Oh. Okay. Glad you got it figured out, king.”
Her voice lightened on the last word, hoping she could coax a little smile out of him. 
“Don’t call me that.”
 There were many things Y/N thought she understood, but Draco Malfoy being in her Physics C class was not one of them. She took pity and sat next to him as he fumbled his way through the first lecture. His notes, while neat, were littered with crossed out portions and question marks. 
You do know there’s an eraser on your pencil, right? she jotted on a note that she sent his way. His brow furrowed and he seemed to tap at the end of the eraser for just a few moments before deciding otherwise and xing out another practice problem he’d done incorrectly. Symbols that she’d never seen before were scattered all throughout his notes. 
Maybe the UK kids just learn stuff differently.
By the time that Physics came to an end, Y/N was eager to get away from the storm cloud that was brewing over Draco’s perfectly smoothed and infuriatingly pretty moonbeam colored hair. The amount of attention he was getting from all the other girls made Y/N want to jump off a cliff--suddenly everyone was her “best friend” “just wanting to check up on what happened over summer”. She was grateful to see the face of Lizzy, grinning and looking mischievous during their break period.
“You must be Draco,” said the redhead, a glint in her eyes. He looked a little scared.
“Mind giving us some privacy? Y/N and I have some urgent matters to discuss,” she continued, looking him up and down. Y/N attempted to ignore the twist in her gut as she watched him swallow and nod, turning away to go brood elsewhere. Once he was out of sight, Lizzy grabbed her arm and yanked her into the girl’s bathroom.
“It’s so funny how he’s following you around like a lost puppy,” Lizzy said. “Also, he’s gorgeous. If you don’t at least try to get some of that, then I’m never trusting your judgement again.”
“But, Li-”
“The boy’s a fucking walking Wattpad story cover. Dark, tragic past, unbelievably sharp jawline, rich parents, exotic accent....honestly, Y/N, I don’t know what else you could want.” 
“Mom literally called him my host brother,” said Y/N. The bathroom was starting to smell suspiciously like cotton candy. “That’s wrong. On so many levels.” 
“But you’re not related!”
“But it’s gross! And predatory! The kid doesn’t even know how to do basic algebra! I’m all he has!” 
Lizzy’s eyebrow found its new home in the middle of her forehead. “You’ve gone absolutely batty if you think that every girl cursed with attraction to men in Cincinnati wouldn’t jump his skin at the chance. Use your head, queenie. He’s not alone. Shoot your shot.”
Y/N opened her mouth to serve back a retort--that was definitely there, thank you very much--but decided against it once she realized that the bathroom had become dead silent. “Um...maybe we can go over this later.” She flickered her eyes over to the line behind them that was now intently hanging on their every word. “I forgot I had to talk to the counselor.”
Lizzy was smirking as they exited the bathroom and began the search for Draco. It didn’t take long--the circle comprised of Heather and her friends was more than enough of a giveaway that he was about. 
“Draco, sorry to make you wait,” Y/N called out. It took all her effort to abstain from cringing as her voice rang out across the group. Heather turned to send her a big smile.
“Hey Y/N! You didn’t tell me that Draco was from London!” 
“He’s not,” she responded. “He’s from Wiltshire.” 
“Wiltshire. Of course. That’s what I meant.”
Draco’s smile was tense as he looked down at Heather--who stood roughly 4 inches below him--but he was smiling, and that wasn’t something that Y/N was on the receiving end of frequently. She didn’t know whether to be offended or relieved.
“I’m sure. Break’s almost over, Draco. I can show you where the English department is before the time is up.” 
 He paused, looking down at the blonde grinning up at him. “Er, actually, Heather already offered to show me around for the rest of the day.”
“Yeah, for sure. I’ll see you in French.”
Y/N was shocked at the sheer amount of jealousy that rose up in her throat as she turned away and made her way to Art History---the only class Y/N and Draco didn’t share. The walk was strange. Being in solitude after having a gloomy British boy attached to her hip was understandably eerie. Because that’s all it was. Adjustment. Nothing else.
She settled in at a table full of her friends, namely Sylvia. The tall girl was always a bit whimsical, but Y/N found that she was a breath of fresh air compared to everyone else. It made sense that Sylvia would take Art History--her dark academic inspired aura and the perpetually hot mug of black coffee just screamed history nut. 
“How’s your new brother?” she asked after the teacher had taken attendance. “I say that because I haven’t heard his name yet.”
“Ick, it’s gross to think of him as my brother,” Y/N responded. “And I know! We need to catch up. I’m sorry about not talking to you for a bit. The time difference was a bit weird during your trip.”
“It’s ok, I get it. I was away on family business, anyways. I didn’t expect you to spend your days staying up until the wee hours of the night to tell me all about your exchange student. Anyways. His name?”
“You’re gonna scream when you hear it, Vie,” she said. “Draco Malfoy. It’s so posh. You have no idea. It definitely suits him, though. He’s very...You good?” 
Sylvia’s olive toned face looked a bit paler than usual. “Yeah. Yeah, I just remembered that I forgot to take the trash out this morning. I’ll have to text my mom about it.” She adjusted the wool cardigan that hung around her shoulders and came up looking composed. “Draco, huh? His parents must hate him.”
“At the very least! He’s so rude. And uptight. I can’t tell if it’s just a Brit thing or if it’s because he’s an asshole.” 
Sylvia laughed. “I mean, when I was there over the summer, it was a different culture for sure. We’re by far louder. But I didn’t meet many mean ones. You must’ve just got a bad apple, then.”
“I guess so. He is pret--”
“Ladies, is there something you’d like to share with the rest of the class?”
“No, Mrs. Jensen,” Sylvia and Y/N said in unison. 
“Thoughts, king?” 
“I told you not to call me that.” Draco glared at her as he tried to open the passenger side door to find that it was locked tight. “Unlock? Please?”
“And I told you not to get cozy with ASB kids, yet here we are,” said Y/N as she slotted the key into the lock and turned. 
“What’s it to you?”
“Nothing. I’m just looking out for you.” She slammed the door shut and threw her bag in the bag. The line of traffic to get out of the school was long and stuffy, and she was eager to just get it over with.
The wait was so hot that Draco peeled off his stupid formalish jacket that was on thin ice of being called a blazer and probably worth more than her car. Y/N tried to look away as his hair became slightly ruffled, but she couldn’t pry her eyes away. It was endearing, almost, how someone who could look so posh and serious could have ruffly hair--and hair that naturally light, too. She had asked him one night if it was dyed, and he scowled at her and told her the grammatically correct term was dead, and that his hair was alive, just like the rest of him, thank you very much. She dropped it. 
Y/N finally rolled down her window after the AC simply refused to satisfy her, and the wind was a nice reminder to keep in her own lane. Draco was beautiful. There was no other way to put it. He had a feel of power to him, like he was capable of anything but just held it back. But he was just as inaccessible as he was pretty, and there was nothing she could do about that.
“Y/N?” He asked after a few moments of sitting in silence. “What’s Homecoming?” 
“Who told you about that?” 
“Heather. She asked if I had a date. Is that like a ball here?”
“She asked you if you had a date on the first day?”
“Fuck. ASB kids never do sleep, huh.” 
“Homecoming isn’t a ball. It’s like a...an…” Y/N paused as she saw Draco raise his eyebrows. “It’s, like, uh….Well I guess it is like a ball. An American one, though. Way less extravagant. It’s an excuse to get dressed up and run around the city. There technically is a dance, and all the ASB kids have to go, but literally no one else does but the underclassmen. Normally I go out with my friends and a date to somewhere fun and take pictures. And then get trashed afterwards.”
“Classy,” said Draco. “I think you can go now.”
A honk behind her emphasized his point as the space in between her and the car in front widened substantially. 
“Thanks. Anyways, it’s not really a big deal. I’d suggest not going with Heather so you can skip out on the dance portion. Or if you want to go with her, get her to come with us into Cincinnati because I am not going to spend my last homecoming watching a grind circle.” 
“A...what circle? And I don’t want to go with her.”
The relief Y/N felt was embarrassing. “Um...better if you don’t worry about it. You have a long time to figure it out anyways.”
He seemed satisfied with that answer, propping his elbow up on the center console. The pristine button up he was wearing had ridden up, exposing the pale skin and the bottom of the tattoo she had seen a hint of earlier. “Do you have a date?”
“Um. No, not yet. I don’t think anyone except for couples do yet. We have until the end of this month to figure it out, so I’m not too worried about it.”
He nodded as Y/N’s car finally left the school parking lot and began picking up speed. 
“I’m assuming you had balls? At your posh boarding school?” 
“Er…” Draco ran his hand through his hair, ruffling it further. “We only had one. It was when I was 14. We called it the Yule Ball.”
“Why only one?”
“It was for a special occasion. We had two other schools join us as well. It was quite a good time.”
“So every student only has one ball in their lifetime?”
“Of course not. Some of us--the ones from old families--have events like that regularly.”
“I’m sorry if this is overstepping my bounds,” began Y/N, noticing how he tensed up, “So you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. But, I’m just wondering, what is your family like?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like are they nice?”
“Oh.” The line in his forehead relaxed. “No. They wouldn’t like you.”
“Glad to hear it,” she said. “Do you like them?”
She heard the breath hitch in his throat. “I don’t know anymore.”
“I’m sure it’s hard to think about it when you feel like they’ve just shipped you off without anyone,” she added. “I’m really sorry, Draco. I know I’ve been a bit mean to you. I know that I’ll never be able to understand what you’re going through right now.”
The slight smile that spread across his face would’ve knocked her to her knees if she wasn’t already sitting down. “It’s okay. I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”
The silence that awaited them for the rest of the journey was comfortable.
School began to pick up the pace after the first few days. Y/N got into the swing of homework and her extracurricular workload. Draco was having a bit more difficulty, she presumed, but he’d never admit to it. She took pity one evening and gave him her laptop opened to a Khan Academy tab for Physics and was pleased to see that he showed up to class the next day with completed homework. He asked to borrow her laptop on a much more frequent basis after that. 
The routine they settled into had her heart leaping into her chest almost constantly--they’d eat breakfast together at the table, Y/N would try to ignore how pretty he looked across the table as they shared a pot of black tea (earl grey, which Y/N was thrilled to learn was his favorite as well), they’d get in the car, she’d write him notes in physics to help him (even though he never asked, he always smile and give a little shake of his head before unfolding them and intently staring at her writing), they’d drive home together and bitch about their French teacher, he’d retire to his room and do whatever pretty blonde Brits do in the afternoon, they’d meet unexpectedly at the same time in the late evening to have a final cup of tea, and then they’d go to bed and do it all over again. 
It was difficult for her to admit, but Y/N was falling very quickly for Draco. It was gross, and wrong, and manipulative, and completely against the code of conduct for exchange families, but she couldn’t help but spend her days fantasizing about how his gold-spun hair would feel as she ran her fingers through it or how gently she’d trace her fingers around the tattoo on the soft flesh of his forearm…
But Y/N knew those thoughts weren’t right. And they would go away. Eventually. 
“How’s it going?” Sylvia asked, effectively snapping her out of her thoughts. The Art History sub told them to go into independent study, whatever that meant. Y/N was not very good at either of those words.
“Pretty good. I can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks already,” she said. “It’s gonna be Halloween before we know it.”
“I can’t fucking waitttt,” said Sylvia. “I’m gonna be Wednesday Addams.”
“What else would I be? I get a new high collared black dress every year. It’d be a shame if it were going to go to waste. What are you gonna be?”
“One of the thousands of students finishing their UChicago ED app hours before the deadline.”
“You’re kidding. Can’t you just finish it the day before?”
“Where’s the fun in that? And, plus, I don’t have an idea as cool as Wednesday.”
Sylvia smirked as she opened up her planner and began to jot down something. “How’s Draco doing? I haven’t seen much of him lately. It seems like he never hangs out with us at break anymore.”
“Yeah, I ended up getting him connected with the Physics teacher. He’s getting tutored now. He thinks it’s all bullshit, but I don’t want to be the reason he doesn’t get into a good school.”
“Is that all you care about?” She smiled at Y/N. “Lizzy was telling me that you’re interested in him.”
“First of all, keep your voice down. Second of all, I’m not supposed to be, so I’m not.” Y/N hoped that the edge in her voice was convincing enough.
Her friend raised her eyebrows so dramatically that her glasses nearly slipped off her nose. “Y/N, who’s gonna hear about it. You guys are both going away at the end of the year anyways, and I’m sure he’s not going to be writing to his dear mum about his love life. If it’s consensual, there’s nothing wrong with it. I think it’d be good for both of you.”
“I see that, but let’s put me in his shoes right now.” Y/N shuffled in her seat and clasped her hands. “I’m rich. I’m British. I’m very hot. My parents throw extravagant balls for me and I kiss pretty girls that say water like ‘wota’. I’ve spent my life in silk and I only drink the finest teas. My family is so important that I had to be shipped off halfway across the world just to be safe. And now my incredibly expensive life has reached a peak because I’m sleeping with a random girl in Ohio that has run approximately 4 stop signs since I’ve met her.”
“You’re sleeping with Draco?” 
Y/N turned to see Lauren, a wide-eyed, obnoxious, but well meaning girl staring at her. She heard Sylvia stifle a laugh behind her. “No. I was kidding.” The smile that she followed with was awkward and showed way too many teeth. 
“Oh, okay,” said Lauren. “Do you know if he likes anyone?”
Sylvia’s smirk widened.
“No, actually, he’s a pretty private guy.” Y/N sent her another tense smile, and Lauren finally turned away.
“Jealous, huh?”
“Shut up, Vie. You know I wouldn’t go for him. Even if I had the chance.”
She just raised an eyebrow and smiled. 
The afternoon brought its own set of struggles. Their French teacher had blown up at another student who had been caught cheating on their last test, and it was all Y/N could do but hold back her snickers until they were out in the parking lot.
“I can’t believe they still managed to conjugate their cheat sheet wrong.” Y/N was gasping for breath as she unlocked the car door and threw her stuff inside. Draco was watching from the passenger seat, his lips in a soft upturn. “Can you imagine? Oh my god.”
He just shook his head and turned to look out the window, but she could see the smile slowly stretching across his face. “Ridiculous. You could totally tell Monsieur enjoyed it, too. I bet he gets off on making kids like Joey cry.”
“I had a teacher like that,” he started. “He was a Poti-a chemistry teacher.”
“Oh? Did he ever attack you?”
“No. He liked me. Family friends and all.”
“Ah. I almost forgot that your family was rich and influential. Thanks for the reminder.” She reached across and lightly punched his shoulder. His smile, though still remaining, seemed to shrink. “Hey, what’s that in your bag?” 
Y/N motioned to the cardstock peeking out of his nondescript black backpack that always seemed to fit more than it was meant to. She could make out a few words written in what looked like a bright red sharpie--something that did not exactly scream Draco Malfoy aesthetic.
He froze up. “Er. It’s from Heather. I think she called it a Homecoming ask?”
Y/N’s throat dried up to the point that no words would willingly make the climb from her diaphragm to her tongue; instead, she settled for giving him a little nod and what she hoped was a convincing smile.
“I told her I’d think about it,” he continued. “I remember you saying that the school dances sucked. So I let her know that I wasn’t sure yet.”
She nodded again. “Super cool. You can do whatever you want, though. You can come with my group if you’d like, but you’re welcome to go with Heather’s.”
“What? So you aren’t coming with me if I go with Heather?”
“Fuck no, dude. I don’t hate her, but I would way prefer to spend a night with my friends than some girl from my French class that only talks to me because she thinks you’re hot.” 
The expression Draco made reminded Y/N that he would never get comfortable with American girls calling him hot. “Ok. Have you found a date yet?”
“Chad from Econ asked me yesterday.”
“Is that why my seat was covered in glitter?”
“Are you going with him?” Draco’s hand was clenched tight in a fist in his lap.
“I think so,” said Y/N, steeling herself and deciding to just go for it. “But, of course, if you asked me I would say no to Chad. Just out of principle. I am supposed to be your tour guide, after all.”
The only parts of him moving were the few stray wisps of his hair being pushed around by the AC going. 
“But that’d be weird. I’d only expect you to take that up if you really didn’t want to go to the dance itself.” She swallowed and pulled out onto the main street, putting distance between them and the school. He was silent for a few moments. The quiet, normally comfortable between them, was stifling and strange. She pretended to ignore the way he was fiddling with his cuffs. 
“Yeah, it could be,” was all he said before slumping against the window and closing his eyes.
Mrs. Y/L/N was sitting at the head of the coffee table when the two arrived home, carding between a stack of letters in front of her. The mug of something--probably that new decaf blend she hadn’t stopped raving about--was sitting lopsided on a coaster, just barely about to topple off the edge. She looked like she hadn’t moved for hours, the novel she had been previously reading sat face down to preserve the spot next to her no doubt lukewarm drink.
“Hey Mom,” Y/N said as she set her keys down. “Anything good?”
She looked up, her expression morphing from startled to happy. “Other than the college brochures? Nothing, except...hm, what’s this?”
Her well manicured hand pulled at a crimson envelope, with sloping writing that seemed to shimmer in the light. 
To the Y/L/N Family, it read. The loopiness of the writing looked like it wiggled at the ends, but that had to be a trick of the light. It was dim in the kitchen during afternoons, after all. 
“It looks cool, open it u--”
Draco’s voice had never sounded so loud as it did then as he lunged across the kitchen, snatching it out of her mother’s hand and clutching it to his chest. “Er, it’s for me. I recognize the handwriting.”
 “Cool, see you later,” said Y/N. She was up the stairs and slamming her door before either of her housemates could say another word. After the horrible embarrassment that was technically Draco’s rejection, she needed to be alone. 
Even burying her face into her pillow and squeezing her eyes shut didn’t keep the scenes from their car ride at bay. She had been so stupid, so stupid. Why did she even think he wanted that? He was her brother, after all. Oh god, does he think we’re all from Alabama or something?
She wallowed for a few more mournful minutes before deciding that she had to pick herself up and handle it like an adult. After all, she was going to be 18 in just a few months. There was no excuse for her to act like a child anymore. And, plus, it wasn’t like she couldn’t just play this off as a pity invite. Yes,that’s what she’d frame this as if he ever asked her about it again. She felt bad for him was all it was. 
Once satisfied with her internal dialogue, she rolled out of bed and made for the foyer where her bag was still on the table. She’d first walk on Legos barefoot before she had to let a stupid boy--especially one that didn’t know how to turn on their shower and had to ask for her help every time--come between her and her 4.0. Never.
Her thoughts were cut short, however, when she heard a new sound from his side of the hallway. She froze, listening closely. 
Draco was crying.
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stillchaoticlogic · 4 years
Stumbling: Chapter 12
Pairing: Raihan X Reader X Leon
Your life hadn’t gone exactly as you planned…
This is why when an old rival walks into the coffee shop you work at he gives you an offer you just can’t refuse. Finally, a chance at the League. Suddenly you are thrust into the spotlight and a world you thought you had left behind. Dreams aren’t always what they are cracked up to be though, especially when you find yourself the tangled up with the champion and a certain gym leader.
Has all your dreams come true?
Or is this your worst nightmare?
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Chapter 12: Invisible Chains
You heave a sigh as you roll over in bed, your arm coming to rest on your forehead before you run your hand down your face. Your eyes are swollen from crying and feel dry and scratchy. You feel stuffy and sniffle a few times before you cough trying to clear your throat of the congestion. Letting out a groan you roll over once again and pull the pillow towards your face and bury yourself into the softness. Maybe, if you hide long enough the world will forget that you exist. 
You blink into the morning light a few times and you feel yourself slipping farther away and you fight it, you really do. The darkness that you feel and for a moment you are surprised at how fragile you are. How one experience can break you into pieces once again. You heave another sigh as you sit up in bed, the sheets pooling around your waist and you lean forward. Your head is in your hands and you feel heavy. The kind of heavy that comes with too much crying and not enough sleep. The kind of heavy that comes with feelings that are a little too much sometimes. You rub your eyes and blink away exhaustion the best that you can and slowly drag yourself out of bed. 
“I’m going to need better glue this time…” you mutter as you head for the shower. 
After you’ve gotten ready for the day you stumble out of your room and gaze around the living area. Both Leon and Raihan are there and stop talking the minute you open the door. 
“How are you feeling?” questions Leon as he walks over to you. His large hands are on your arms and he’s gently rubbing up and down as he attempts to comfort you. You give him a hesitant smile and nod, not really ready to talk about anything yet. 
“You want coffee? Breakfast?” questions Raihan from his place on the sofa, he gets up a moment later, “What do you want? I’ll grab it for you.”
“I’m okay…” you mutter as you avoid his eyes. 
“Hey… please talk to us…” Leon pleads.
“What do you need, princess?” 
“I don’t really know…” you say with a shake of your head. You gaze out the window to the blue sky outside. It’s going to be a beautiful day. 
You shake off Leon’s hands and ignore the hurt on his face as you cross your arms and lean against the counter in the small kitchenette. 
“I want to try to get some training done today…”
“Someone needs to go with you,” Leon says before you can even finish your thoughts. 
“I know… I just… would rather it not be either of… you…”
You look away to avoid the looks of surprise and hurt on their faces.
“Look we get that you need your space right now, but I would really feel better if we came with you,” Raihan says slowly, carefully choosing his words. 
You hug yourself tighter, you don’t want them to see you like this.
“I would just-”
“We’re coming with you. Those bastards have gotten to you twice and I don’t trust anyone else to watch out for you. I went to the Board yesterday to talk to them about this situation and we’re going to be working closely with the police. You’re a confirmed target and the only reason you haven’t talked to the police yet is because I know you don’t want to right now. If you need some time that’s fine, but we will always be within earshot, okay? You can’t be alone right now,” Leon asserts.
You just nod, you know he’s right and to argue with him would be fruitless especially after what happened yesterday. You could practically feel the eggshells the guys are walking on around you. You don’t want to be delicate. You don’t want to be someone that has to be taken care of. You don’t want to be broken anymore…
“Alright, let’s get breakfast and head out. You can shoot some footage for your fans today while you train.”
“Is that really important Raihan?” Leon asks in exasperation. 
“If she’s going to be one of the top trainers in the League then it sure is! Plus the more of a following she has the more people there are around her and the fewer chances these assholes have of getting her alone.”
“I hadn’t thought of that…”
Raihan taps his head with a smirk as he wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you against him. 
“Come on, princess. We’ve got to make you invincible.”
You smile a little as he leads you outside. You release your current team and the guys gasp as they see the changes that befell them yesterday. 
“Whoa! Half your team evolved!” exclaims Raihan as Leon smiles brightly at you. 
“You’re getting stronger mate! I’m going to have to watch out!” Leon says a smirk as he glances over at you, before going back to studying your team. 
“Yeah… they all did amazing yesterday…” you say softly a small smile on your face as you regard your team. They all perk up at the compliment. 
You get to work training your team and thankfully it takes your mind off of yesterday’s events. You rotate out your team in order to train some of your other pokemon as well. Queenie, your Vespiquen, and Zuko, your Charmander, along with Bastet your Eevee.
The day ends with the guys setting up a picnic on the hill overlooking the ocean. The sun is setting and you gratefully take the food the guys got for you as you sit on a blanket. 
Bastet and Nile are frolicking a little ways away, Arum, Serenity, and Queenie are chatting among themselves as they watch over Zuko and Axel as the duo tumbles around in the grass. Hades and Davine are lazing next to one another under the setting sun. Davine having warmed up to the well-meaning dragon after his heroics yesterday. You assume she has forgiven him for biting her nose.   
“You know… If you caught a Ralts, Gothita, and Snorunt, you could have a pretty cool team of kick-ass ladies.” Raihan says out of nowhere. 
“Maybe I will…” you say as you watch your team. 
“You’ve got a pretty good lineup so far… plus the training you did today seemed to do a lot of good!”
“It’s not enough…” you say as you glare into the sunset. 
The guys glance over at you in worry and surprise, “You really shouldn’t-” 
You cut Leon off, “I have to be hard on myself Lee… if I’m not how am I ever going to get stronger? You guys can’t protect me forever.”
Leon looks away as he gazes out at the ocean and grits his teeth. You can feel the anger coursing off of him. A cloud of gloom has enveloped the three of you as you watch the sunset. What should be a relaxing time is ruined by your foul mood and you feel guilt eat you up. You’re lost in thought when you feel a force hit you from behind and send you flying forward, face-first into the soft grass. The guys land next to you with angry and indignant cries. You all turn around to see Serenity glaring at you all. You blink at her for a moment before a laugh escapes. You glance over at Raihan to see his beanie almost over his eyes with grass stuck in his dreads and Leon’s hat tilted at an odd angle with a leaf stuck to his face, and you laugh some more. The guys look to one another then back to you before they join in. A squeal of delight can be heard over the hills as Queenie rushes up to Leon and grabs his hat off his head before flying off. 
“Hey!” he laughs before he climbs to his feet and chases after the bee pokemon. 
Hades rushes up to Raihan and tackles the Dragon Tamer to the ground and the two begin to play wrestle. Serenity bounds up to you and gazes up at you with happy eyes as you laugh at the antics around you. 
“I’m okay… I used stronger glue this time…” you say as you pull her towards you. She happily snuggles against you before Davines rushes up to you both and leaps onto your back and chirps happily as you greet her. The rest of your pokemon soon join in either dogpiling Raihan or chasing after Leon and Queenie. Eventually though, they all drift over to you and you feel them one by one curl up as close as they can to you and drift off to sleep. As you gaze around your team and your friends you realize that you aren’t alone this time and that makes all the difference in the world. 
A sudden jolt from your bag has you glancing down at it. Your eyes widen as you take the egg out of your bag and place it into your lap. Nile and Bastet have their paws on your thighs as they gaze intently at the egg as it rolls and wiggles around. Suddenly the top of the Egg cracks. 
“It’s hatching!!” Yells Raihan as he commands his phone to video the whole thing. 
The top of the egg suddenly pops off and gazing up at you with big brown eyes is a tiny Eevee baby. Bastet and Nile are nuzzling the baby happily as they all crawl into your lap. They begin to lick the baby happily, cleaning her and grooming her. You gently lift her from the shell and allow it to fall to the blanket. 
“Aren’t you two proud?” you ask them happily. They chirp up at you before going back to grooming their baby. 
A ping alerts you to a notification on your phone. You see where Raihan sent you the video and you smile up at him. The guys are leaning over your shoulder gazing happily down at the tiny family. 
“She’s going to be the luckiest Eevee in the world,” chuckles Leon. Your other pokemon gather around to greet the newest addition. 
“Looks like you have another Eevee to evolve,” Raihan murmurs as he stands up and crosses his arms. 
“She just hatched, it’s a little early for that don’t you think?”
You all stay a little longer, until the chill of the night gets a little too much for you and the guys are arguing over whose jacket you are wearing back to the Inn. You ignore them and give Charmander a piggy back ride which keeps you warm enough.
“You know you look good with a Charmander, love…” Leon says, a heat to his gaze that wasn’t there before as he watches you carry the fire lizard back to the Inn. You blush as you glance over your shoulder at him.
“You think so?”
“I do…” he says with a nod and a content smile. 
Raihan frowns at the realization that you are training Leon’s signature Pokemon. 
“You know you could always train a Trapinch…. I could get you one…” Raihan supplies while he crosses his arms behind his head. You know he’s trying to be nonchalant about it, but you can hear the slight tones of jealousy in his voice. 
“Don’t you think I have enough dragons to train Rai?” you ask as you glance back at him. 
“Char!” Zuko agrees from your back as he snuggles closer to you. 
Raihan scoffs, “You can never have too many dragons to train.” 
“Raihan…” you mutter with exhaustion, “I’m good, but thank you. Maybe I’ll train one later after I feel good about my current team. 
“But Trapinch is a Ground type! You could use a good ground type!”
You roll your eyes, “That evolves into a dragon/ground type.”
“What, you aren’t… jealous… that she’s training a Charmander are you?” Leon asks slyly a look of amusement on his features. 
“Of course not!”
“Sounds like you are…”
You glance over your shoulder to see the tables turned for once. Leon has a smirk on his face and he looks like he’s enjoying the scowl on Raihan’s. You’ve now been traveling with the duo long enough to realize when Raihan is hurt though. The man is cocky and prideful, so you know his incessant losses to Leon grate on him, even if he doesn’t show it. You can see in the slump of his shoulders that your refusal to train his signature pokemon hurt his feelings. 
With a sigh you turn back to the front, “I’ll consider training a Trapinch Rai…”
“You will?!”
“If we can find one…”
“Oh I can find one alright!”
You shake your head as you glance back at him once again. This time there is a grin on his face and when he catches your eye he winks at you. 
“You know, if she trains too many dragons she just might take your gym, Raihan,” laughs Leon as he smirks at his friend and rival. 
“She can have my gym when I take your title. What do you think all of this is for?” Raihan smirks back. 
“Oh boy…” you mutter to Zuko, “Here they go again…”
“How long have you been trying to take my title? Six years now?”
The fire lizard nods sympathetically at you. The two of you ignore the duo and continue down the lane until you get back to the Inn. You are pleased the day turned out how it did. The storm clouds might still be in your mind, but you are coping better with them. You know it has a lot to do with your team and support you have from Leon and Raihan. Shutting yourself off like you did before isn’t going to help you.  
“I think I really want to open a rescue…” you say softly as you stop and gaze up at the moon that’s hanging low in the sky. The two men behind you abruptly stop arguing at your statement and turn to face you. “Maybe I could be a gym leader too… You guys house abused and abandoned pokemon right?”
You glance over your shoulder at Raihan and regard him curiously. 
“Uhh yeah, we do a lot of rehabilitation and rehoming in the off season especially,” Raihan says as he scratches the back of his head. 
“Hmm…” you hum as you gaze back up at the stars, “Yes… that sounds like a good idea…” 
You nod to yourself as if to show that your mind's made up before you head into the Inn, the duo following close behind you. 
When you get to the room you post the video of your newly hatched Eevee and watch in amusement as the comments are flooded with fans cooing in awe over the baby pokemon. You thought about posting some photos of your newly evolved pokemon but think better of it. You don’t want future competition to know your team too early. 
A pair of arms wrap around you and you lean back into a strong chest. 
“You did good today, Princess.”
“Thanks, Rai,” you say as you feel his arms give you a gentle squeeze. 
He hums in your ear as the two of you settle against one another, his presence giving you a sense of peace. The sound of steady breathing and his heartbeat soothes your turbulent mind. There is still so much going on in your head that it’s hard to focus on one thing. 
“What are you thinking about?” he softly asks, his fingers running through your hair. .
“So many things…” you murmur with a sigh.
“Like what?”
“Like…” you pause in thought trying to gather your words, “Like how I need to be stronger, not just my team but me. I let the pressure get to me too much. I need to be stronger menatally and emotionally for them and for myself. What’s going to happen with you and Lee… Will it destroy my friendship with one of you, will it destroy your friendship with each other? What is going to happen with the League? What does my future hold? Can I really do this? How do I deal with the organization? Will they steal my team? Will they hurt my friends or family just to get to me? How far will they go? Why me?”
By the end of your rant tears have welled up in your eyes as they threaten to fall. You feel Raihan gently turn your face to his. He wipes your cheek gently with his thumb and you feel your heart race. 
“I can’t promise that nothing is going to happen or that your fears aren’t unfounded, but I can promise you I will do everything in my power to make sure that nothing happens to you. Those assholes aren’t getting anywhere near you while I’m around. And to take at least a little bit off your mind. Even if we don’t work out, I wouldn’t stop being your friend. I can’t say it wouldn’t be hard, because we’re going to be great together,” he says with a wink as you giggle, “but I won’t let that get in the way of our friendship. I meant what I said when I told you I would be there for you. As for Lee and me… don’t even worry about it. We’ve already talked and we respect your decision regardless of what it is and it’s not going to affect our friendship.”  
“I’m glad… I was afraid that regardless of what happens in the future that I would lose one of you… or both of you…”
“Not gonna happen.”
You turn and bury your face in his chest and just inhale his scent. He smells like pine mixed with his cologne, a clean yet spicy scent. Your arms wrap around his chest and you allow yourself to just be for a moment. 
“You know you’re getting stronger everyday, just be patient…” He murmurs against your hair.
“I don’t have time to be patient Rai… What if something happens? What if next time I’m not so lucky?”
“You weren’t lucky this time. You’re a great trainer, you’re skilled and your team loves you. They would do anything for you.”
“It still feels lucky Rai… Like at any moment I could have been defeated and then I would have lost Davine or one of my other Pokemon. I was almost helpless.”
“You know he wants you to doubt yourself right? Because if you’re confident in yourself and your abilities then you don’t need him. He needs you to need him. That’s the only way this is going to work.”
He pulls you against him and presses a soft kiss to your forehead as you close your eyes as you nod against him. 
“I’ll be okay…” you whisper.
“I know you will.”
You feel yourself relax against him and slowly drift off to sleep. 
Yes… things are definitely different this time.
Over the next few days you continue your training and watch happily as your team improves. When you are finally sure that your Pokemon are ready to face Kabu the three of you leave Hulbruy. Nessa and Sonia happily see you off stating they will see you soon and you wave with a bittersweet smile on your face. 
You end up heading through the caves in order to get back to Motostoke. 
Raihan shivers as he regards the dark and damp surroundings. 
“I don’t like this place…” he winces as a droplet of water assaults his head and he brings his hand up to rub in annoyance at the wet spot before putting his hood up. He crosses his arms against the chill in the air and you giggle as you watch him pout.
“Isn’t this the cave you fell into the water in?” asks Leon after a pause, laughing as he does so. 
Raihan whips his head around to face his friend, “What are you laughing about?! The only reason I fell in was because I was looking for your lost ass! How did you even manage to get on the other side of the pond?”
“What?” you questions looking between the two men in confusion.
“Leon was calling out for help because he got lost in here and I heard him so I went looking for him. It’s dark so I didn’t see the water when I found him, so I walked right into the pond and tripped. I was soaked and there Leon was just dandy as he laughed at me after I went to go find him!”
Leon laughs at the memory as Raihan swipes at him, “Not funny bro!” But there is a smile on his face as he does so. You shake your head at their antics as you make your way through the cave. You accidentally step on one of those weird looking pokemon, scaring you half to death and battling it.
“I hate those things!” you say skirting around another one. 
Leon casually wraps his arm around you as he guides you away from another one. You shudder as you lean closer to his form and he presses you happily against him. He leaves his arm around you as the three of you continue to the end of the cave casually batting the inhabitants of the cave but not really seeking out battles. You giggle as a Noibat swoops down around your head and you bat it away. 
“You don’t want to catch one?” Leon asks glancing up at the tiny bat like pokemon. 
It swoops down again and ruffles your hair as you duck. You chuckle as you glance up at the playful pokemon. 
“No way!” exclaims Raihan suddenly, “No more dragons until you get a Trapinch!”
“They’re so cute though!” you exclaim looking up with a giggle at the purple bats flying around. 
You don’t notice the way both men’s gazes soften as they watch you hold out your hand a Noibat smaller than the others lands on your arm. The tiny bat chirps up at you with big eyes before it jumps up into your hair. 
“Oh!” you exclaim as the pokemon makes himself or herself comfortable on your head and looks around in wonder at the others flying around. 
“I swear you’re the pokemon whisperer… “ Leon says as he regards the creature on your head with wide eyed wonder.
“They know she’s meant to be a Dragon Tamer, only certain people are you know…” Says Raihan pride dripping from his voice as he can’t help but chuckle at the tiny pokemon on your head. 
“Is that true Rai?” you ask curiously.
“Sure is Princess, there is this old legend that dragons can sense the heart of trainers. You don’t just train a dragon they have to choose you. They say that back before Pokeballs were even thought of that those training dragons were revered because they so rarely choose a trainer, but when they did the trainers were said to be extraordinary.”
You blink in wonder at the story, “They choose you?”
“Of course, didn’t both Davine and Hades choose you?”
You blink at the man before you. Did they? You recall your meeting with both dragons before your thoughts are interrupted as a Noibat dives down and nips at the one on your head. You duck and let out an annoyed ‘Hey!’ but you can sense the tension in the tiny bat like pokemon now nestled in your hair trembling slightly. As another one drives down to assault the tiny Noibat, you realize that it’s a runt and they are picking on him. Your arms go up defensively to shield it from its attackers as you glower at the pokemon in the vicinity. 
“They are attacking it?!” Leon shouts in surprise, swatting another one that dove down almost knocking into him. 
“Oh absolutely not,” you murmur as you pull out a pokeball from your hip. Axel is out in a moment the cocky tilt of his head showing his confidence in himself. Perhaps it wasn’t fair of you to sic your amped up Toxtricity on the Noibat in the area, but they were being mean!
You know that this little guy will be coming with you, you couldn’t just leave him here! You order Axel to attack the group picking on the tiny creature perched on your head. After letting out a shock you watch as several of the Noibats fall out of the sky with cries of pain. 
You humph as you cross your arms, “Maybe next time they won’t be so mean…” 
Your triumph is interrupted by the sound of beating wings against the cave walls and the next thing you know a swarm of Noibat swoops down on you all. With cries of panic you all start to run away from the swarm due to the amount of pokemon filling the cave you can hardly see anything. A hand clamps around your wrist and you are led through the cave swatting and squealing at the pokemon surrounding you. When the pokemon finally calm down and you are able to stop running you look up and see Leon next to you. You glance around and see no sign of Raihan. 
“Where’s Raihan?” you ask looking around the cave.
“I don’t know… I thought he was following us…”
“Where even are we?” you ask looking around the dim and damp cave. 
That is the moment you realize your mistake. Leon is awful with directions even when he can see let alone when he can’t. 
“We’re lost aren’t we?” you ask looking around with a monotone voice. 
“I’m sure we can find our way back!”
“That’s… not what I asked…” you say as you slump your shoulders feeling quite deflated. There is a tiny squeak that comes from the top of your head and your hand flies up to gently stroke the tiny pokemon still perched there. 
“I forgot you were there!” you exclaim as you stroke the soft fur under your fingers. 
“Hey! Do you think he will help us get out? He must know his way around the cave!”
The Noibat gets up and flutters before the two of you before sinking to the floor and holding a tiny claw up to his small chin. He looks around before starting off down a tunnel and the two of you follow along behind him. In the meantime you take out your phone and send Raihan a text. When he doesn’t answer after a few minutes you try calling him. 
“What are you doing?” Leon asks as you pout as Raihan’s voicemail picks up. 
“Trying to call Rai… He’s not answering my texts…” you murmur furrowing your brows as you regard your phone. 
“Raihan!” calls out Leon his voice bouncing off the walls in the cave. You frown when you don’t hear an answer. 
“You think he’s okay?” you ask as you grow more worried by the minute. 
“Of course he is! Raihan is a great trainer, I’m sure he’s fine!” Leon reassures you with a hand on your shoulder. You nod as you look away from him. 
“I’m just worried… what if something happened to him?”
“Like what?”
“What if when he was running from the Noibat he tripped on a rock and fell and now he’s bleeding! Or he’s unconscious and he fell into the water and he’s drowning!” you say in horror.
“Well uhh… That got dark really quickly…”
“I’m sure he’s fine! You know him, he probably just got lost,” Leon says as he adjusts his cap nervously. 
“Lee… Sweetie… that’s you… you’re the one who gets lost…” you say in a delicate tone. 
“I’m not the only person in the world who can get lost!” he says defensively. 
“I know that I’m just saying that between the two of you… the more likely to get lost is… you.”
Leon looks ahead with a sour look on his handsome face. It isn’t long until you’re back where you started from with no sign of Raihan. 
“Maybe he’s at the end of the cave. He probably figured he would just meet us on the other side…” He murmurs but you can hear the concern in his voice. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right…” you crossing your arms.
The two of you nod to one another as you make your way to the end of the cave. When you make it out to the other side there is still no sign of Raihan. 
“It’s still daylight…” you say in wonder looking up at the bright sky. 
“Yeah I couldn’t tell what time of day it was in there, I thought it was way later…” 
“We should go back and look for Raihan,” you say, turning towards Leon with a slight fear in your eyes. 
He just nods his agreement and the two of you turn around and head back the way you came. The tiny Noibat jumps back onto your head he seems far happier riding with you than flying or walking, but you don’t mind. He’s too cute for you to say no to. You search the cave for hours with no sign of Raihan and with a defeated sigh you suggest setting up camp for the night, worry eating away at you from the inside out. 
The two of you are unusually quiet as you set up a makeshift camp since Raihan has the tent you all usually share. You make a small fire with Zuko’s help, the small fire lizard happily trailing along behind Lee’s Charizard everywhere he went after his job was done. You notice that Chaizard seems happy to have another of his kind and spends the evening showing the tiny lizard new moves and the correct way to breath fire. After Leon finishes setting up your sleeping bags he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist as you cook dinner. He presses his face into your neck and tightens his grip when you lean back into him. 
“How are you holding up?” Leon asks softly, his lips tickling your neck. 
You shiver in his grasp before you nod softly, “I’m okay… my thoughts ran away with me earlier..”
“I figured they did…” he murmurs as he presses a soft kiss to your hair.
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be… You’re worried and you have every right to be. This is also on top of everything else that’s happened in the past few days,” he murmurs against your hair as his hands run up and down your arms. You like his hands. You didn’t know it was possible to like another human’s hands so much but you love his. You love how safe they make you feel.
“Arceus… I freaked out about that too…” you grumble in embarrassment. 
“Hey…” he says softly, “It’s okay… you don’t always have to be the strongest person in the room you know?”
You hang your head and vaguely wonder when Leon figured you out. 
“It feels like I do…”
“You don’t… it’s okay for you to rely on someone else every once in a while,” his voice is soothing as he holds you close. 
“I’ve just… been on my own for so long that… it’s hard… It’s hard for me to let you and Raihan do things for me. It’s hard for me to let you guys protect me. I’m used to it only being me. I’m used to being the only person I can rely on…” you look to the side avoiding his gaze. 
He buries his face in your neck again, “But you're not alone anymore. You have me… You’ve always had me, even when you didn’t know you did.”
“Lee…” you murmur with tears in your eyes. You turn in his arms and wrap your arms around his middle burying your face into his chest. He hugs you close to him and the two of you gently rock back and forth. 
Dinner that evening is a quiet affair even the Pokémon aren’t their usual rambunctious selves. You know you all feel the void that Raihan’s presence fills. Leaning into Leon you rest your head on his shoulder as he pulls you close to him. 
“I’m worried about Raihan,” he says, interrupting the silence, “but I’m glad I get you to myself tonight.”
You giggle as you glance up at him through your lashes.
“Oh really?” You challenge, “What are you going to do now that you do?”
He leans in until his face is inches from yours. You can feel his breath fanning over your face, but you are too lost in the golden hue of his eyes to notice. 
“This…” he whispers as he inches closer to you. 
“There you two are!” Exclaims a familiar voice.
You both jerk away from one another like you had been caught doing something wrong. A moment later you both leap to your feet and rush towards the figure making his way towards you in the dark. Raihan’s arms are behind his head as he casually walks up to the two of you.
“Where have you been!? We were so worried!” You exclaim as you wrap your arms around him. 
“Yeah… you looked really worried…” he says his eyes catching Leon’s, a hard edge to his gaze. 
“Rai! We spent all day looking for you! What happened!?”
“Ughhh… my phone broke… so I went to go get a new one…”
“And you didn’t think to find us or tell us… or call us when you got your new phone?” You ask anger tinting your voice.
“I did try to call! I tried to let you guys know I was already in Motostoke, but there must not have been a signal where you were because it kept going to voicemail. So I came back to find you guys.”
“Raihan I thought something terrible happened to you! Like you were seriously hurt! Or dying!”
“Hey now I-“
“No. You should have found us, we could have gone together to get a new phone for you, instead we spent all day wandering the caves looking for you thinking the worst. We were really worried and scared and you literally left us here with no indication that you were fine. I honestly can’t believe you right now.” 
Raihan looks away from you with shame on his face, “you’re right… that was really thoughtless of me… I’m sorry.” 
You sigh as you run your fingers through your already disheveled hair, “It’s fine… let get some sleep…”
You turn and head towards your sleeping bag as the two men exchange concerned looks. Neither of them have really seen you mad and they vaguely wonder what that means for tomorrow.
Notes: Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It’s sooo long! I didn’t mean for it to be this long! Expect updates on my other works soooon! Also, if you’re a Reno lover from FF7 check out my new story with him! Also (x2), @peachdevilart​ did a coool drawing up Aaron that you should totally check out! Drop some love and tell me what you think!
Taglist: @shinsvu-talks @eeveesjourney @cherryrocks505 @exoticxchicken8 @spilltheearlgrey @marydragneell @quincymaru @zebrabaker @ct9ner@Ichigokage @pinktowne @marina-and-the-memes @ssskeletonsoffun @secretly-a-weeb @duizhangdeluxe @swiftly-heart @invaderbekk @crowkie @narees17 @skinklady @nerdyeldritchhorror @wthyuta @serendipityseoul @crescentrax @ninjarose23 @chiizwiz @cherryrocks505 @just-a-dregular @bonniestreet @theofficialkanekibarbie @maryry24 @zea-is-amazing @loch-monsta @artisticchihuahua @hadeselegy @rociomz @emeraldluna
166 notes · View notes
elefics · 4 years
torment / chapter 4
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word count: 3.4k
The week after the ball, I heard nothing from Michael. Not seeing him tied my stomach in knots.
It took me a while to realise this was what missing him felt like. It was more intense than anything else I’d felt for a boy before.
I’d had boyfriends, if you could call them that. In high school, I’d had two brief flings with two boys who didn’t know how to be boyfriends (not that I was very good at any of it either, but I knew they weren’t doing it right). It felt funny to put Michael in the same train of thought as high school boyfriends. We’d spoken a handful of times, but the connection I felt to him was different. It was a pull in my core, like my soul was reaching out of my body. I knew there was more to him. I knew I’d barely scratched the surface.
One morning, Cordelia stopped me by the stairs. There was an urgency in her eyes.
“Lyla,” she grabbed my arm tight in her grip. “I need to ask you something, and I need you to answer truthfully.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat, nodding slowly.
“That boy you were with, the warlock, at breakfast. What do you think of him?” She asked.
The wind was knocked out of me. I focused on breathing evenly and keeping myself upright as my hands shook against the banister. I brought all my energy to my core, envisioning blue, calm light there. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I was totally serene. Cordelia blinked, waiting for me to answer.
“He seems nice. A little quiet, reserved. Why? What’s wrong?” I asked measuredly.
She twisted her lips. “I can’t place it. That morning, I had a vision. Something bad – something evil, overwhelmingly so, is coming. I felt it when I looked at him.” Her voice shook. I saw a flicker of fear in our matriarch, and it was only then that I felt something might be…off about Michael.  
“What did you see?” I asked.
“Death. Decay. So much terror and heartache and darkness. I can’t explain it. I didn’t know where else to turn…” Cordelia trailed off.
“What do you mean by that? Cordelia, what happened?” I urged.
“You must be Lyla. I’ve heard a lot about you, and this boy Michael.” An old voice rang out from the top of the stairs.
I recognised the flaming red hair first. Myrtle Snow.
She was meant to be dead. I’d only ever seen her in paintings and pictures. According to Cordelia, she was one of the best women the Academy had ever seen. She was kind, strong, intelligent. Cordelia often teared up by the fireplace when she recounted stories about Myrtle. Seeing her here, in the flesh, with Cordelia trembling beside me, I knew something was wrong. Cordelia would never have brought her back if she wasn’t at her wit’s end. How had I not known? How had we all missed this?
“Myrtle Snow.” Her red glove extended towards me. I shook her hand and smiled weakly.
“Cordelia, dear, I believe we have an appointment.” Myrtle said, looping her arm through our Supreme’s.
Today, Cordelia was off to visit the warlocks, along with Zoe and Myrtle. She had been busier in the last two weeks than she had all year – diplomacy was her priority right now. I could tell she still had her reservations; over dinner, she’d stare into her wine glass for minutes without blinking, churning over the events of the day. She often went off to meetings and wouldn’t be back until after dark. She was up to something, or maybe she suspected someone else was.
I couldn’t stop thinking about Michael, and Cordelia’s questions about him. He was a boy. A warlock, and apparently a powerful one, but as far as I’d seen, he was just…a boy. What could they want with him?
“Girls! Come down here, immediately!” Cordelia yelled. I jumped from my chair, taking the steps two at a time to see what was wrong.
Two new faces stood beside Cordelia. I recognised them immediately, just like I had Myrtle. I’d seen them in photo albums around the house, but had never met them myself – Madison and Queenie.
“My girls. My beautiful, beautiful girls. Your sisters are home.” Cordelia cried. Myrtle squeezed her hand reassuringly.
A few other girls had congregated at the bottom of the stairs. It was like seeing a ghost. One thought ricocheted around the room like a bullet: How?
“Someone make some tea. We have much to discuss.” Myrtle commanded.
That day, over half empty cups, Cordelia told us everything.
That beautiful boy, the one I’d danced with all night at the ball and who’d adorned my neck with diamonds, was more powerful than he let on. My very first thought was, I should have taken what Jerome said on board. Was it a warning? A message?
“Michael brought our girls back. While grateful, I simply can’t see how he could be the next Supreme. Warlocks have never, ever claimed this title. As far as anybody knows, it’s impossible.” Cordelia mused. Several witches nodded enthusiastically.
“He gives me the creeps. Something about him isn’t right.” Olivia, a witch a few years younger than me, said. Her nose wrinkled in disgust. I clenched my jaw defensively.
“I just can’t see it. I went to the ball with him. He seems so…normal.” I spoke up, surprising even myself.
Every pair of eyes in the room swivelled to face me.
“What’s he like, then?” Olivia sneered.
“Quiet. That’s all.” I said, looking into the bottom of my cup.
“He doesn’t seem so bad. He was at our table, seemed like a decent guy…and he saved our sisters.” Penny spoke up.
I was flooded with gratitude, which I’m sure she felt, as she shot a smile my way. At least I didn’t look crazy on my own.
“That may be so. Regardless, I want you all to be more alert. Because tonight, we’re going to the Hawthorne school. Michael is to perform the seven wonders.”
A gasp ripped through the girls.
“I haven’t even had a chance yet! That’s not fair!” Olivia whined.
Cordelia smiled tightly, “This title is a burden, Olivia. You should be glad you’re not in the spotlight tonight,” She sighed. “I am not happy about it. But if this boy is as powerful as the warlocks say he is, I cannot stand in the way of the coven.” She squeezed both the returned witches’ knees affectionately.
“Be ready by dark. Look presentable.” Myrtle ordered finally.
The day, and all its confusing revelations, exhausted me. I fell asleep in my clothes at three in the afternoon. I dreamt of Michael, as usual. This time, he was grabbing my hand, pulling me further and further into the rolling green fields beside the Academy, running – I couldn’t tell if it was away from or towards something.
“Lyla. Lyla, wake up. Lyla-”
Sweat slicked my forehead when I jolted awake. My room was empty and drenched in golden light. I sighed heavily, squeezing my eyes shut and open again.
Like a mirage, Michael stood in the yard outside my window. I blinked to make sure I wasn’t still dreaming. He smiled, and without a word exchanged between us I was hurrying down the stairs. Most girls were too busy with study to notice. I slipped out the back door like a ghost.
“Hi.” He greeted me, reaching out for my hand. My skin buzzed at his touch. He immediately led me away from the house, into the field like in my dream. He smiled, but kept his gaze fixed on the horizon.
I wasn’t used to this kind of contact with Michael – his thumb drawing soft, unconscious lines across the back of my hand. He seemed completely at ease.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“Somewhere quiet. Away from them.” He cast his eyes back towards the looming shadows of the Academy.
I kept quiet the rest of the way. Instead of talking, I drank him in. I felt like an addict, clinging to any scrap of Michael available to me. His black combat boots crunched against the dry grass. He donned faded black jeans and a black tee shirt, a departure from the more formal attire I’d seen him in. I admired the smooth golden skin of his upper arms, and the freckle near his elbow. The chain I loved so much was hanging across his chest. I bit my lip and tried to keep my thoughts quiet, locking them tightly in a box inside me. I hoped it was enough to stop him overhearing.
Eventually, we came to a tall tree with just enough shade for the two of us. Michael sat down cross-legged and waited for me to do the same. Our knees touched, and neither of us moved away.
“What’s with all the secrecy?” I whispered.
“First of all, I heard you earlier. You called me normal.” He fake pouted.
“Well, they certainly don’t seem to think so,” I sighed. “Why?”
“It’s complicated.” He picked at the grass, scattering blades in the breeze.
“Everything’s complicated with you, huh.” I looked at up him. Every time I thought I was starting to get to know him, another wall went up between us.
He smiled, taking my hand into his. He played with my fingertips gently, traced the lines across my knuckles. “You have no idea.”
“So, the seven wonders test. Everyone’s losing their minds in there.” I laughed. Personally, I didn’t give a shit if the Supreme was a witch or a warlock. But I hated the idea of losing Cordelia…and I didn’t want to fathom that that might be the cost of Michael’s success.
“Will you be there?” He asked softly, looking up at me. His baby blue eyes looked so vulnerable, so innocent. He needed me, whether he’d admit it or not.
My heart swelled in my chest as I nodded. “Of course.”
He leaned closer, our noses half an inch away from each other. “Can I kiss you?” He breathed.
“You’ve never asked before.” I whispered. My heart was in my throat.
“This is different. For good luck. Can I kiss you?” He repeated.
I kissed him before he could ask again. This was different to his kisses at the ball – before it was lust, now it was…something else. He kissed me like I was air, like he needed me to survive. His lips fought mine hungrily, moving closer until my back was against the solid tree. His hand cradled the side of my face, tangling into the base of my ponytail. Pinned there, tight against his body, Michael made me forget anything existed at all.
The sun was setting by the time I slipped back into the house. Leaning against the front door, my head spun like a coin. I was dizzy with bliss – kissing Michael was how it was supposed to feel, I was certain.
He’d had gone a different route, avoiding the house all together. While the witches were on high alert, we had to keep things quiet. He peppered my face with kisses on that last corner, before he turned right and I continued. I still felt their warmth.
“Where have you been?” Zoe asked, eyeing me suspiciously.
“For a walk.” I’d never been good at lying, but I shocked myself at how easily it rolled off my tongue. I had a feeling spending time with Michael was going to make me a very, very good liar.
“Car’s ready.” She shrugged, leaving the front door open for the remaining girls.
The Hawthorne School didn’t look as nice as Robichaux’s from the outside, but the inside was dark and lush. Wine-red lounges sat on cool cement floors, and every wall was lined with old books. Cordelia and Myrtle sniffed with disdain, claiming the air reeked of unwashed teenage boys. I tried to hide my eye rolls. The witches filtered in, and the cement doors slid shut. We milled around the common area, chatting idly with the warlocks, but the air crackled with anticipation. I hadn’t seen Michael yet.
Ariel and his men stood by the hallway, muttering under their breath to one another. John Henry lit up another cigarette, tapping his foot impatiently.
I made my way to the edges of the room, wanting to melt into the walls. If Michael wasn’t here, I had no desire to be here either. As I inched around the outskirts of the room, I felt a warm pair of hands around my waist. He pulled me backwards into the pitch-black hallway and I didn’t flinch.
“I missed you.” He whispered against my lips. The jeans and tee shirt I’d seen earlier were discarded – tonight, Michael was in a full black suit, with a small silver pendant close to this collar. I laughed softly. It had been a few hours, tops. I had this kid in the palm of my hand. Michael didn’t seem happy to overhear this; he bit down on my lip, then wedged his knee between my thighs. Rocking it there, the friction was unbearable. A moan rose in my throat, but Michael clapped his hand over my mouth before it surfaced. I ran my tongue against his thumb and his eyes darkened, even in the low light. He kissed me again, deeply.
“Tonight, doing all this, know that all I want is to be here with you.” His eyes smouldered with intensity. I believed him.
He pushed me into the room softly, smirking in the darkness. He didn’t come out until he was called.
Ariel’s hand rested on Michael’s shoulder like a proud father.
“Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, is a momentous occasion. The first warlock to ever attempt the seven wonders. Michael Langdon.” Ariel said his name like a prayer.
“No need for theatrics. The first task is telekinesis.” Cordelia said shortly.
Michael summoned the fire poker from the fireplace across the room, landing in his hand with ease. My heart soared with pride, then guilt. How could I be happy for him, and be a witch? Weren’t the two at odds with each other?
“Vitalum vitalis.” Cordelia declared.
A small, brown mouse lay dead on the tabletop. Michael gathered its tiny body into his hands, closed his eyes, and in seconds the animal was alive, sprightly.
Zoe and Madison’s bodies were pushed together by invisible forces, and they danced an awkward waltz. This all seemed to come so easily to Michael – he was the real deal.
“Divination,” Cordelia said, scattering a handful of stones across the table. “The locket hidden somewhere in this building-”
Michael immediately rose to his feet and strode to a small cabinet. I hadn’t even noticed it when we’d arrived. But somehow, he knew. The golden locket hung between his fingers delicately. The smugness emanating off Ariel was palpable.
“Transmutation.” Cordelia spoke. There was a smile in her tone – clearly, she thought this would be Michael’s downfall. She was searching for a chink in his armour.
Michael stood in the centre of the room. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. When I blinked, he’d moved twenty feet, to stand beside the warlocks. The boys’ cheers filled the room. Again, with a small puff of smoke, he appeared beside me, across the room. I longed to touch him, but quickly remembered where we were. He smiled softly. I ignored the witches’ sounds of disgust.
“Pyrokinesis.” Cordelia’s voice shook a little now.
Ariel handed Michael the short blade. Without a second guess, Michael sliced his palm open, letting the blood drip into the flame of a candle. The light was brighter than anything I’d ever seen – nuclear, incredible.
“The final task, descensum. Today, I am not asking you to perform this wonder. I am asking you to conquer it. You must retrieve Misty Day.” Cordelia said. My gut twisted – I was torn in half. One part of me knew Cordelia was grasping at straws, desperate for a rule change this late in the game to dethrone any potential Michael had at being our leader. The other part of me knew something about this boy wasn’t magic at all, it was something more.
Ariel asked for a word alone with Cordelia. The room burst into chatter the second they left.
Michael stood beside me, hands behind his back. His confidence radiated like flames.
“Are you nervous?” I whispered, keeping my gaze ahead of me.
“No. I have you.” He whispered back.
After some heated debate, and Cordelia appearing especially flustered, Michael laid on the floor, reciting incantations. Six minutes. That’s all it took. Six minutes for him to descend into Hell, Misty’s own personal suffering, and bring her back to life. He barely broke a sweat.
After standing up and straightening his jacket, Michael glowed with pride. He avoided looking at me, knowing better than to draw attention to us, but glanced my way a few times. I tried to make my thought as loud as possible – I am so proud of you. You’ve done so well. Thank you for bringing our friend back.
“Cordelia.” Myrtle spoke, eyes wide with worry. Our Supreme’s nose had begun dripping with blood, and she quickly stumbled.
“What’s happening?” I asked, rushing to Cordelia’s side. I felt her arms quivering weakly.
“What always happens when a new Supreme rises: the old one fades away. We demand what’s ours.” Ariel spoke, his face hard with determination. The other warlocks nodded in agreement.
“You are a pathetic pompous ass!” Myrtle yelled. It seemed to be directed at all the warlocks, not any one in particular.
“I did everything you asked. I descended into Hell, and I did what you couldn’t. I brought her back. I passed the seven wonders. Unless you want to add another one.” Michael’s said calmy, with a pinch of sass. His expression scorched under the surface.
“No. There can be no doubt. You are the next Supreme.” Cordelia managed, before falling to the floor.
“Cordelia!” I yelled, reaching out for her. Among the chaos, Michael smiled.
Later, in a room off the main corridor, Cordelia sat wrapped in a blanket. I hid just outside the door, listening. I had to know what was going on, what they were planning.
Misty brought in a cup of tea, and I ducked into the shadows.
“I knew you for such a short time, but I missed you forever.” Cordelia said softly, looking at Misty in awe.
“You should have left me where I was. That man you sent to fetch me – he gives me the heebie-jeebies. There is something wrong with him.” Misty whispered.
No. I can’t accept that.
“When he came to get me, he was…talking to somebody. Something. I could hear their gibberish, all around the classroom. Evil was speaking to him.” Misty recounted.
“Delia, what have we done? We’ve anointed that boy the next Supreme.” Myrtle lamented.
“He will never be the Supreme. I needed to know how strong he was. I knew there was something…dangerous about him, something dark. I had to keep him close, so we’d be ready. Something is coming. I can feel it. Michael Langdon has already given us an advantage – I have all my girls back with me.” Cordelia smiled.
My heart was by my feet and my arms were covered in goosebumps. There was no way Michael was as bad as everyone said he was. I knew in his core, there was good. I just had to bring it to light.
The women stood to leave.
I quickly snuck away, watching where I stepped so as to not let them know I’d been eavesdropping. Taking a few steps down the corridor, I hid I the shadows like a creep until they’d moved back into the common area.
“How long have you been hiding, angel?” A familiar deep voice asked behind me. I yelped, and Michael grabbed my hand to let me know it was him.
“You scared me!” I whispered, smacking his chest lightly.
He smirked, chuckling to himself. “Listening in on gossip?” He teased.
My stomach churned. “Something like that. They’re worried about Cordelia.” I lied. I focused on that blue light inside me, hoping Michael wouldn’t sense my heart racing. I knew in my heart I couldn’t tell him what I’d overheard, not yet. I had to understand it for myself first.
“How are you feeling, boy wonder?” I asked lightly, tracing the outline of his tie.
“Tired, and seen – I’m sick of everyone staring at me.” He growled, flicking his eyes at the warm light of the common room. He brought my hand up to him mouth, brushing his lips against my knuckles. I shuddered.
“I need coffee. I know a place.” He smiled, taking my hand.
 taglist: @theneverendinghunger @outpostmichael @angelicmichael  @leatherduncan 
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wonderful-writer · 4 years
18 - The Loss of a Loved One
Summary: The group prepares to protect Finn against the grounders at all costs, while the grounders wait at the gates for him to be turned over. Y/n re-lives some painful memories, and The 100 lose another. 
Word Count: 4.81k
Based off: 02x08, “Spacewalker”
Feedback is always highly appreciated!
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You spent most of the day guarding the gate and watching to see if Clarke was coming back into camp, but by the time she did, Bellamy had been with you for a few hours and she was accompanied by two grounders on horses. 
“Hold your fire!” You shouted. “She’s back!” 
Everyone went into their positions and opened the gate for the blonde to enter. You lowered your gun and Finn ran to her in the split of the crowd of guards, asking if she was okay. 
“Shut the gate,” She said to the closest guard. She then turned to Finn. “You can’t be out here,” 
You followed after her as she pulled Finn further into camp by his sleeve, reaching her mother and pulling her in for a hug.
“What did she say?” Abby asked her daughter. “Is there a chance for a truce?”
You watched Clarke as she looked at her mother. Something seemed very different about her, like she had lost all hope. Like she was empty. And you could only assume that meant that her answer was no. 
 “Yes.” Clarke nodded, and you sighed of relief. 
“What’s wrong?” Finn asked.
“They want you,” And there it was. The sacrifice that no one wants to make; the exception that turns everything around and makes living just a little worse. “If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?” Raven asked. 
“That’s their offer.” Clarke shook her head. 
“That’s not an offer,” Raven countered.
“It’s punishment.” Finn realized. “For what happened at the village. Blood for blood.” 
“That’s insane,” Bellamy interjected. 
“And if we refuse?” You asked, stepping up beside the blonde. 
“If we refuse…” She breathed. “They attack.” 
The crowd began to close in, shouting at the group to give him to the grounders in response to what would happen if he wasn’t handed over to them. One of the men stepped into the circle and Raven pushed him back, causing Bellamy to hold the man back while you and Clarke restrained Raven. 
“Raven! Raven. Listen to me.” Clarke looked the woman in the eye. “Nothing is going to happen to him. I promise. Okay?” 
“I’m not dying for him.” Another man walked up to the three of you. “Spacewalker burned 3 months of oxygen on the Ark. He should have floated a long time ago.” 
Raven pushed the guy as he made his way over to Finn, causing Major Byrne to step in. Out of rage, Raven punched the guard and two more interfered and restrained her, dragging her away. The crowd dispersed not long after that and you helped Clarke, Bellamy, and Abby decide how to better protect the camp.
After that, you all left Abby in the council room to notify Finn about the changes.
“Hey,” Bellamy greeted. “We’re reinforcing all defenses. Doubles on the perimeter. No one’s getting past that wire.” 
Finn stood. “I’ll see where they’re thin.” 
“No,” You interjected. “You should head inside. B corridor will be easier to defend; if it comes to that.” 
“I’m not gonna hide.” Finn defied.
“Right now, we have to think about keeping you safe.” Clarke said. “I’m gonna talk to Lincoln.” 
Finn followed Bellamy and Clarke walked away, leaving you alone with Murphy, who stood up with a rifle. 
“Hey! Any orders for me, Queenie?” 
“Yeah. Stay away from me.”
“Just trying to be helpful,” He sighed. 
“I’ve got a pretty huge bone to pick with you, Murphy.” You huffed. “I mean, you killed my friend, tried to hang me, and you were there with Finn, at the village.” 
“Look, I didn’t kill Charlotte, she threw herself off of a cliff. Hanging you, that was just for personal revenge, and I tried to stop Finn, okay?”
“Not hard enough.” You turned and walked away, but stopped again when Murphy spoke up.
“You wanna start blaming people, Y/n? Start with your friend, Clarke. He was out there looking for her.” 
You continued with your walk to the medbay, ignoring Murphy’s words. You greeted Jackson, who was helping out a woman who seemed to have cut her leg, making your way to the back, where Lincoln was, already talking to Clarke.
They briefly noticed you and you squeezed in beside Clarke and Octavia.
“Did she leave riders?”
“Two, just outside the gate,” Abby responded.
“They’re waiting for Finn,” Lincoln told you. “You don’t have much time to decide.”
“She can’t expect us to just hand over one of our own people,” Octavia said, coming to stand beside Lincoln. “Would she do that?” 
“She wouldn’t let the rest of her people die to protect a murderer.” Lincoln countered. “If you don’t do this, she will kill everyone in this camp.” 
“There has to be something else we can offer,” You pleaded. 
“Finn took 18 lives,” Lincoln emphasized. “The Commander’s offering to take just one in return. Take the deal.” 
“How can you say that?” Clarke gasped. “Finn was the first person to come to you to offer peace. He’s your friend.” 
“He massacred my village,” Lincoln argued. “Some of the dead were my friends, too.”
“But that wasn’t Finn,” Clarke said in a pleading voice. “You know that’s not who he is.” 
“It is now.” Lincoln countered. “We’ve all got a monster inside of us, Clarke. And we’re all responsible for what it does when we let it out.”
“What will they do to him?” Abby asked the grounder.
“Fire.” He answered. “Because he killed the innocent, it starts with fire.”
“Starts?” Clarke asked. 
“They’ll take his hands,” Lincoln continued. “His tongue, his eyes. And anyone who grieves will have a turn with the knife. At sunrise, the Commander will end it with her sword, but, I’ve never known anyone to survive until the sword.” 
“He killed 18, he will suffer the pain of 18 deaths,” Lincoln stated. “Then we can have peace.” 
Abby left the room and you looked at Clarke, unsure of exactly what to do. She was going to lose Finn even if the grounders attacked the camp, but if she did what was necessary, even if it wasn’t what she wanted to do, it would save a lot of lives. 
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That morning, you went with Clarke to find Bellamy, although for different reasons. She was looking for Finn, and you were supposed to help guard with him. Once Clarke left for what had used to be the medbay, you grabbed the other rifle that Bellamy was holding and slung it over your shoulder, gripping it but keeping your finger off of the trigger. 
About five minutes later, the army started chanting something in their native language, Trigedasleng. Clarke and Abby came to inspect what was happening and where the noise was coming from (although you knew that they could tell it was grounders).
“They’re trying to scare us,” Bellamy affirmed.
“Yeah, well, I think they’re doing a pretty good job.” You muttered. 
Abby moved from the entrance of Alpha station and Clarke trailed behind, prompting you and Bellamy to follow. Abby shouted to have the gate opened and faced the two men on horseback. 
“We’re not giving him up,” Abby stated in response to the grounders’ question. “We’re ready to fight. If that’s what it comes to.”
As soon as she finished her sentence, a loud horn blew and the grounders in front of the camp retreated quickly, alarming you and Bellamy, who started shouting commands.
“Watch the woods! Watch for movement!” 
You aimed your rifle, looking through the scope at the woods for any movement, finger now lightly placed on the trigger. Clarke whispered yours and Bellamy’s names, pointing to some rustling in the woods. You followed with your scoped and saw trees rustling and moving. You thought it was a grounder but your father burst through the treeline, shouting not to shoot.
You lowered your gun immediately, letting it hang from your strap as you moved forward hesitantly, letting him and Abby have their conversation. He looked around and spotted you, just a few steps ahead of Bellamy and Clarke, who were already walking forward.
“You can’t be out in the open,” Bellamy said. “We need to get you somewhere safe.”
“It’s safe… for the moment.” Kane assured him. “Come on, we need to talk. I’ve managed to buy us a bit of time.”
You followed them inside but they stopped you and the others at the doors and forced you to wait for a painstakingly long time for them to finish their conversation and come to a conclusion. As soon as the doors opened, Raven and Bellamy were beside Abby, questioning her about what went on inside, to which she only responded with, “There was a lot to talk about.” 
“Hey,” Bellamy put a hand on the Chancellor’s shoulder, ceasing her movements. “We are not turning him over to the grounders.”
“Step aside, now.” The woman commanded, and Bellamy did so.
“We’re all trying to find a way out of this,” She assured the three of you, although she was looking at Raven, and walking away.
“They’re gonna give him up,” You realized. 
You and Bellamy raced over to Finn and Clarke to tell him.
“You need to get out of here,” Bellamy urged.
“Where would he go?” Clarke asked the dark-haired man. 
“The dropship.” You finalized, leading the pair out of the hallway with Bellamy.
“No!” Clarke protested. “You know that this is the safest place for him right now.”
“It isn’t if they’re turning on him,” Bellamy responded. “We can protect him at the dropship until we figure this thing out.”
People who had lined the corridors moved out of your way as you hastily walked down the halls, rushing to get out of camp. 
“Grab your gear and meet at Raven’s gate in 5.” You instructed the pair. “She’s already working on cutting the power to the fence.” 
“Okay, but nobody’s coming with me.” Finn decided, stopping in his tracks
Bellamy turned and looked at Finn as he deadpanned. “That isn’t up for discussion.”
“We are surrounded by grounders,” Clarke reminded the group.
“If we split up, we take the low ground, we’ll make it through.” Bellamy promised. “We’ll meet at the dropship.”
Just as Bellamy finished his sentence, the man the Raven punched for attacking Finn yesterday started towards you.
“There he is,” He stomped towards you, pointing a pipe at Finn. “You’re gonna get us all killed.”
You rolled your eyes and before he could take any more steps, you slipped your gun off your shoulder and swiftly rammed the butt of it into the man's abdomen, hearing his pipe clatter to the floor as he groaned in pain, falling along with his pipe. 
“Anyone else?” You asked, anger evident in your tone and stature. 
“They’re right. We have to go.” Clarke told Finn, walking away with him. Bellamy grabbed you by the elbow and pulled you along with him, following after the pair.
Once there was no one around and you calmed down, you pulled your elbow out of Bellamy’s grip. “Why did you drag me away like that? I think I can find my way out of here by myself.”
“Well I don’t think it would have been good if you decided to attack anyone else today, princess. We’ve got a lot to deal with already, and you being in lockup wouldn’t have made it any better.” 
You rolled your eyes and continued your walk in silence, meeting up with Raven after grabbing your gear from your room and separately leaving camp, taking different directions to get to the dropship. Because the first one out, you were the first one there, Bellamy and Raven coming in not long after that.
You expected Clarke and Finn to show up, too, but they didn’t. Raven walked back into the room with a disappointed expression just as you set your pack down. “I checked again. Still no sign of them.”
“Where are they?” Bellamy asked the room. 
“We shouldn’t have split up,” Raven told him. 
You heard heavy footsteps outside and grabbed your rifle. “Someone’s coming,”
“Woah, hey, hey.” Murphy put his hands up in surrender, while you and Bellamy lowered your weapons out of surprise. 
“Murphy.” Bellamy greeted. “What are you doing here?” 
“I believe I was invited.” He chuckled
“I thought we could use an extra gun,” Raven explained, looking at the two of you.
“Might be a good idea,” Bellamy agreed. 
“Finn should’ve been right behind you.” Raven told him.
He scoffed and crossed the room. “Don’t worry. Spacewalker’s gonna be fine.”
You waited impatiently for Finn and Clarke to arrive, pacing the room and playing with your locket. You sat down next to Raven as you kept spinning the locket and she turned towards you, pointing at it.
“What’s that?”
“Oh,” You looked down at the piece of jewelry. “It was a gift, from my grandmother when I was 10. It has pictures of my mother and father in it.”
“Can I- Can I see them?” You nodded at her question and took off the locket and handed it to Raven, letting her open it herself. She admired the pictures, smiling to herself. You looked over her shoulder and smiled, too. You always felt happier when you looked at the photos. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kane smile, so thank you for that,” She chuckled, and you laughed along with her.
“And your mom,” She looked up at you. “I used to see her everywhere when I was younger. She was one of the primary engineers, right?”
You nodded. “Yeah, she was. Well, she was until one of the trainees screwed up and she got hurt on the job. They sacked her after Abby said she couldn’t work anymore.” 
Raven saddened at the story. “I heard about that, too. You know, you look a lot like her.”
“I’ve been told.” You smiled and raven gave you the locket back. You clipped it back around your neck and went to your pack to eat some of the food that you packed, the journey and wait making you hungry. 
You put the wrappings back in your bag and stood back up just as Finn entered the dropship, carrying an unconscious Clarke. You rushed over to the blonde and frantically asked what happened. 
“A grounder  hit her on the head.” Finn responded, putting her on the ground where Murphy had instructed.
“Someone get me a bandage and a wet rag. They’re in my pack. Hurry!” You stayed at her head as Murphy handed you a bandage while Bellamy went to get the rag. You told Murphy to hold her head and took the cloth that Bellamy came back with, cleaning off the blood.
“Clarke, can you hear me?” You asked as you wiped the rest of the blood off. You began to put the bandage on and you noticed her regaining some consciousness as she moaned. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. You just need some rest.” 
Finn stormed out of the dropship and Raven followed, leaving you, Murphy, and Bellamy to look at one another, having heard the conversation. 
Once Raven came back inside to keep an eye on Clarke, you three went out to monitor the area and keep guard. You crouched behind a large burnt piece of tree, Bellamy situated on the other side. It didn’t take very long for you to spot something. 
“We’ve got company! Get out here!” Bellamy shouted to Clarke and Finn, as Raven joined you not even a minute ago.
You looked behind you as the pair walked out of the dropship. “Get down. Grounders.”
They got their cover beside Raven and you looked through your scope, seeing armoured grounders passing through the holes in the wall. Clarke panted and came to a startling revelation. “We’re surrounded.”
You all moved back inside the dropship and waited, hoping the grounders would go away, although that was unlikely, as you all knew from past experiences. Bellamy and Murphy stayed near the parachute flap to look out every few minutes.
“They’re not moving any closer,” Murphy noted. 
“Staying out of range.” Bellamy stated, covering the hole he peeked out of angrily. “Probably waiting until it’s dark.”
“If we hit them now, at least we’ll take them by surprise.” Murphy suggested. 
“We don’t even know how many of them are out there,” You countered. “Could be 10, could be 100.”
“Well I’m not hearing any better ideas, Queenie.” Murphy smirked sarcastically. 
“Jesus, will you give it up with the nickname already?” You groaned.
“We’ll give them something,” Raven cut in, stopping her thoughtful pacing. 
“All they want is Finn,” Bellamy reminded them.
“But Finn wasn’t the only one at the village,” Raven said, keeping her gaze on the floor. 
“What are you talking about?” Clarke asked the woman. You could already tell what Raven was going to say, and although you weren’t completely against it, it was wrong.
“Raven, hold on.” Bellamy asked the brunette. 
“Woah, woah, woah,” Murphy stepped in. “Raven, I came here to protect him. You were the one who wanted me to come. You--”
He stopped himself as he realized why Raven actually asked him to come along. Her face was hard and her expression cold as she looked at the delinquent.
“That’s why you asked me to come along.”
“Enough grounders saw him at the village. They’d believe he was the shooter.” She defended herself.
“Raven, you don’t mean this,” Clarke pleaded. 
“You know what they do to people.” Bellamy reminded her. 
“They want a murderer? We’ll give them one.” She defended, cocking her rifle and aiming it at Murphy. “Drop your gun!”
You watched with wide eyes as Murphy walked up to the barrel of Raven's gun and told her to go to hell with a straight face. 
“Raven, put it down.” You negotiated. “Like it or not, he’s one of us.”
“I said drop it.” She pushed her gun to Murphy's chest until Finn yelled for her to stop and pushed the gun down, stepping in front of Murphy.
“We’re not doing this.” He decided. “They’ve got us surrounded. The only thing we can do is stay, and defend this place.
“I’m with you,” Bellamy affirmed, and Finn watched as you nodded at him.
“Murphy, go upstairs and watch the rear.” He instructed. “Y/n and I will take the lower level. You three, take the front gate.” 
“That’s the plan. Alright?” He asked the group and everyone nodded and moved into their positions, Bellamy squeezing your shoulder reassuringly before he left and Raven assuring Finn that they had a handle on things before following Bellamy. 
You followed him down the hatch after Clarke left, staying silent for the most part, until Finn spoke up. “I didn’t mean to do it, you know.”
When he saw your confused face, he clarified. “I didn’t mean to shoot them. I was just so upset, and I blacked out. My anger got the better of me and I just… shot at them. I knew he was just a kid and that he wanted to get away but all I saw was white and then there were bodies everywhere.”
You saddened at his confession, but nodded anyway. “I know, Finn. How do you think I got here?”
“When I was little, around 10, my mom lost her job because one of the new guys screwed up and she hurt her leg. After that, they said she wasn’t fit to work anymore. Which meant she had no way of getting me food. So, she did what any mother would do, and stole food just so she could keep me alive.”
You cleared your throat while you looked at the ground and continued. “Someone caught her one day and she got floated within the week. My dad watched her and so did I, but I thought he would take me with him when he left. Instead I was lumped with a drunken guard and after two years, I just snapped.”
“Him and his friends were laughing at me as they threw bottles at my feet, and then all I saw was white. When I came to, his friends were unconscious and bleeding on the ground, and he was crawling towards the front door.” 
Finn nodded understandingly, and you could see something flash in his eyes. You couldn’t recognize what emotion it was, since he was partially facing away from you. Then he turned towards you, looking apologetic.
“Tell Clarke I said ‘goodbye.’” He said, then muttering an apology towards you.
You opened your mouth to question him, but he was quick, smashing the butt of his rifle into the side of your head. The pain throbbed throughout your face and brain, a small cut forming on your hairline, near your ear. You fell to the ground as you heard his echoed footsteps receding, darkness consuming you. 
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When you woke up, you were moving. Swaying, actually. You tried to get out and stand on your feet, but whoever held you kept their grip. 
“Well, it looks like princess finally decided to wake up.” Bellamy commented as the movement stopped. He let you out of his arms and you faced two angry women and Murphy.
“What the hell happened?” Raven demanded an answer.
“I-I don’t know. One minute I’m telling him how I got here and the next he’s hitting me on the head with his rifle! He ran out right before I passed out.” You explained. “I didn’t let him do it, that’s for sure.”
“Well thank God you’re awake, Bellamy wouldn’t stop worrying about you.” Murphy rolled his eyes and continued walking with Raven. You eyed Bellamy, who looked away from you. You noticed the pink tainting his olive cheeks and decided not to speak about it, instead following him and walking with Clarke.
You spent the day walking back to camp, and the sun was just falling over the hills when you arrived. You helped out with guard duty, put everyone put their guns away as soon as the grounders had torches set up and they beat on their drums.
Standing between Marcus and Bellamy, you watched the fire-lit field intently, as did the rest of Camp Jaha. They were setting up a pole in the middle of the field, easily visible to everyone on the other side of the fence and to you. 
“We’re gonna get him,” Bellamy affirmed hopelessly. “We’ll get in close and we’ll hit them hard.” You watched his tearful eyes look at your father. 
“Son…” He said. “There’s thousands of them. Even if we could kill hundreds, they’d still wipe out this camp and your friend would still die.”
You sucked in a breath at your father's words and looked from him to Bellamy as he pushed to try. Raven begged Abby to do something and her voice alone almost broke you. Your hands worked faster than your brain could comprehend and your hand was clutching Bellamy’s before you could process it. 
You squeezed your eyes shut as you tried to block the memories of your mother from replaying for the thousandth time since it happened, but closing your eyes was the worst thing you could have done. 
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“PLEASE! PLEASE LET ME SEE HER!” You struggled against one of the guards grip on you as you fought to get to her. You kicked and punched until he let go, while she was released willingly by the guard that held her. 
She bent down as your body crashed into her, your arms wrapping around her neck. Tears already flowed like rivers down your cheeks, and you could tell she was crying, too, because of the drops you felt on your shoulder.
“My little ladybug,” She said with a teary smile, pushing the hair from your face as she released you from her grip. “I love you… so so much. Don’t you ever forget that, okay? I love you with everything I have. Your dad’s gonna take good care of you, I promise.”
“Mom, please don’t leave. I don’t want you to leave!” You wailed. You paid no attention to your father, who just walked into the room. 
“In peace, may you leave this shore.” Your mother began, holding both your hands.
“In love, may you find the next.” Her voice wavered as she continued. “Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground.”
You sniffled and looked into your mother’s eyes for the last time, finishing the prayer with her. “May we meet again.”
She smiled and placed a kiss to your temple, letting go of your hands as the guards hauled her back to her feet. They dragged her to the airlock and you attempted to follow, but your father took your place at the glass. He put his hand on it and your mother did the same. You heard him whisper something and she said something, then the airlock opened and your mother disappeared. 
“MOM!” You screamed, running for the airlock. Your father caught you before you could reach the glass. You punched against his arm and he motioned for a guard to bring you away. 
“Dad?! Dad! Come back!” You reached out for your father as he left the area. You saw something glisten on his cheek, but he was gone before you could get an explanation. Once he was gone, you stopped.
Your body was completely numb. No one was there for you; not anyone you knew, at least. You allowed the guards to take you back to your home and pack up everything, one of them taking the box of your mother's things away forever and you bringing yours to your new home, which you would find out quickly that it would be anything but.
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When you opened your eyes again, a tear trailed down your face and you were back on Earth. Bellamy looked at Clarke and she looked back, and before you knew it you were at the back of the crowd with Clarke and Raven, talking in hushed voices. 
“Take this,” She shoved her gun into Bellamy’s hand.
“What are you doing?” Bellamy questioned the woman. 
“I’m gonna talk to the commander.” She stated.
“What else do you have to say?” He asked.
“I don’t know!” Was her frustrated reply.
“Give me your hand.” Raven said, causing Clarke to turn and face her.
The brunette took Clarke's wrist and slipped a small blade into her sleeve. “If she won’t let him go, kill her.”
“Things’ll go crazy, and we’ll grab you and Finn.” She explained her plan. “Clarke, you have to help him. I owe him my life.”
You empathized with Raven, feeling her loss. It wasn’t hard, you’ve lost a lot in your life, too. Bellamy let go of your hand and opened the door for Clarke to go through and then stood on Raven’s other side at the fence, watching in anticipation of if she would pull it off. 
“What is she doing?” Raven asked.
“I don’t know,” You replied honestly. You saw her talking to the commander, then the grounders began to shout.
They dragged Finn out and into your sight, tying him to the pole. Not long after that, she ran to Finn and kissed him, standing in front of him. You watched as she hugged him, confused on what she was doing. It wasn’t until she pulled away and Finn didn’t raise his head that you knew. 
She turned to face you and your heart dropped. The blade Raven gave her was in her blood-covered hand, and Finn’s abdomen, along with her shirt, were soaked in blood. She killed Finn so he wouldn’t have to endure the pain of a grounder punishment.
Raven cried out beside you, falling to the floor. You wrapped your arms around her, as did Bellamy, and you kissed her shoulder in comfort, although you were sure it didn’t do anything to help. You cradled Raven in your arms, the way that anyone should after the loss of a loved one. She cried into your shirt and Bellamy let go of her, kneeling on the floor.
You rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head, praying that she wouldn’t have to deal with half of the pain that you went through. The loss of a loved one is the worst pain imaginable, so you made a promise to yourself in that moment that Raven wouldn’t deal with it alone. She would not have to wake up with no one to greet her, no one to ask how her day was.
You would help her if she needed it, and back off if she asked. But as you looked out to where Clarke stood, covered in the blood of the man she loved, you wondered how things were going to be with the grounders, and if you were truly at war with them now.
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Chasing Jessi”:  A Sirius Black Story: Plus Size OC: Chapter 11: “Truths Revealed”
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Sirius Black Imagine Turned Story
Re-Written and Edit of an old story of mine I had on Mibba that deserved some more love and attention, lol.
Sirius Black x Jess Scamander (OC, OFC, PLUS SIZE OC, PLUS SIZE OFC)
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Remus Lupin was a tad shocked to find a certain zany brunette sitting on his bed when he came back from the library.
Even more so, a rather pouty Sirius residing in his bunk.
"Er, hello Jessi." Remus said cautiously as he unceremoniously dumped his books at the end of his bunk and took a seat beside her.
"Hello, Friend." she grinned at him mischievously.
"Errr...." Remus began cautiously as she leaned back and crossed her legs in his lap. 
An impish grin on her face as she wiggled her toes in the rainbow colored toe socks. 
"She's thinks the two of you need to have a little date today." Sirius grumbled angrily from his bunk.
Defined arms crossed over his muscular chest.
He was the picture of anger in that moment.
"A date?!" Remus gasped. "But I thought you and - well, I mean- you and sirius are- padfoot, you can't be-"
Jess rolled her jade eyes dramatically, "It's not a 'date' per se. He's just being dramatic. Alls I want is to ask you if you want to go to a chocolate tasting with me. Sirius is more of a toffee guy. James is vanilla. And Peter -” 
"I am not!" James’ boisterous interrupted her from his bunk. "I just-"
"Oh shut it!" she chastised him. "I wasn't talking to you!"
She huffed angrily at the Quidditch captain before turning back to Remus, "AnyWAY, I know you really like chocolate and I really like chocolate so I thought it would be a fun little adventure between friends. What do ya say?"
"Oh, um- well, I- " Remus began to stutter before glancing at Sirius. "I mean, if Padfoot really isn't comfortable with it."
"Oh, come on!" she huffed. "He doesn't even care because he knows better. He's just mad at me because I won't snog his face off. But that's not important. What IS important is that there is chocolate to be had, Remus. Loads of chocolate. Hot chocolate. Chocolate syrup. Chocolate cupcakes. Chocolate with candy. Chocolate with filling. The possibilities are endless, Remus! And it's free! All it'll cost you is your honest opinions!"
"Well, I guess I could- ooomph!" he began only to be knocked backwards by the wild girl who tackled him on his bed.
"Yay!" she cheered. "Chocoholics forever!"
"Hey, hey, hey!" Sirius grumbled shooting out of bed and pulling his girlfriend off one of his best friends. "I am not cool with you pressing your little self all over Moony."
"Sirius." she asked in a sugary sweet tone.
"Yes, angel?" he smirked, immediately caving to her.
Like he always did. 
Sirius turned to goo for Jess within seconds.
Every time. 
She’d bat an eyelash at him and the poor boy was helpless. 
"If you don't behave then I'm withholding kisses for a week." she said in that same tone.
His smirk fell and he glowered at her, "You wouldn't."
"Try me." she challenged.
"Ok, firstly, you wouldn't do it anyway." he said and her eyes widened at the challenge.
"And secondly, you think I can't live without your kisses for a week?" he asked. "YOU try ME."
"It's ON!" she said jumping at him and shoving him backwards onto his bed.
"Starting right now, you are not my snookums!" she grumbled, her competitive nature flaring. "Remus is my snookums!"
"Hey, whoa, I was just in this for the chocolate..." he laughed nervously.
"Come on, snookums." Jess grumbled as she shoved her feet into the fuzzy purple boots before proceeding to grab Remus’ hand and burst from the dorm. "We've got chocolate to eat."
Sirius watched them go.
Jess's determined face and Remus' nervous one.
They'd been in somewhat of a funk all day long.
They kept arguing.
Every little thing turned into a fight.
It was really putting a damper on his mood.
He didn't know what the problem was and in reality...maybe he'd let things get a bit too far.
Perhaps, it was because Christmas was drawing nearer every day and it put him in a bad mood.
He wouldn't be going home this year, not that it was ever good anyway.
And he wouldn't be going to the Potters since they were going on a little vacation.
And he was fairly certain that Jess WAS going home.
He just....he felt confused and he was taking it out on her.
Though he'd probably eat his own tongue before he'd admit that.
Poor Remus on the other hand, was being dragged behind this girl with surprisingly considerable strength.
"Oi, slow down, Jess." he chuckled nervously. "Where the fire?"
"In my belly!" she grumbled. "Sirius is being impossible! He just...he just- well he burns my biscuits today!"
"Burns your biscuits?" Remus tried not to laugh.
"It's something Aunt Queenie used to say..." she waved him off.
"Well, what's wrong?" Remus asked.
"I don't know!" she moaned. "It started this morning when I asked him what his plans were for Christmas."
"Ah." Remus said knowingly.
"Ah?" Jess questioned. "Ah, what?"
"Better let him tell you." Remus said with a shrug.
"Aw, Remus!" she whined. "Don't do this to me!"
"It's not my secret to tell." Remus said with another shrug.
"And you'd know all about secrets." she said off handedly.
"What?" Remus came to a stop and looked at her.
She halted and lifted an eyebrow at him.
She walked forward and hugged him around the middle.
"Remus, I know about your little furball transformation once a month." she said into his chest and patted his back when she felt him tense. "And I don't care. I mean, I care about YOU but it doesn't change my perception of you. I just thought you should know that."
He stared at her disbelief.
"What do you- how did you-Did Lily tell-no,she wouldn't- how long?" he stammered.
"Since first year." she said with a shrug making the iridescent rainbow scale jumper slide off her shoulder. 
Remus' eyes bulged out of his head, "What do you mean since first year? Jess, we're in seventh year now! How could you have - ?!"
She stared at him oddly from his little outburst before lifting her eyebrow and plopping a hand on her hip.
"Honestly, Remus.  I'm obsessed with magical creatures. Did you honestly think in the seven years that we've known each other that I wouldn't have read about werewolves and picked up a few things?" she said in almost disbelief.
Poor Remus was flabbergasted.
He straightened and looked at her with a little twinkle in his eye.
"You are a lot more clever than people give you credit for." he said a smile tugging at his lips as he pulled her jumper back up on her shoulder for her. 
She smirked evilly and said, "And let's keep it that way."
"Why?" he questioned.
She lolled her head to the side, "It plays to my advantage, Dear Remus. If they think I'm stupid, they never see my calculations. I know most people think I've gone mad. In the same sense as Xeno. But we just see things differently than others. Now are we gonna stand her jabbering for the rest of the day or are we gonna dive face first into a chocolate fountain? Because I'm fully prepared to die that way!"
Remus took in the wide jade eyes, the messy brown hair and flushed cheeks....and fell in love.
Not romantically.
Not sexually.
But in that moment, Remus loved Jess and she changed for him.
She became more than just Sirius' girlfriend and Lily's friend.
She became family to him and the poor boy was overcome with it all.
He wound his arms around her and pulled her in for a tight hug.
One of his lanky arms wrapped around her soft middle and the other along her back and shoulders. 
His long fingers threaded into her messy brown hair. 
He didn't have to say anything for her to understand.
She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tight and hard...like she was trying to convince him that she'd never leave him.
Eventually the two of them parted and she linked her arm with his before dragging him off towards the Hufflepuff common rooms.
However, neither of them noticed the Gryffindor hiding beneath James' invisibility cloak.
Sirius had long since slid down the wall watching one of his best friends and his girlfriend.
In that moment, Sirius realized something.
Jess was what he wanted in life.
Other things would come and go but she was his constant.
Everything else could be changed around as long as he had her.
He'd never realized just how pure of heart she was.
Sure she had her faults.
Everyone did.
Hell, he had plenty of them.
Chapter 10
Chapter 12 
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Hello my little chocolate chips and banana muffins! 
So we have some development! A wee bit of a lover’s quarrel and a deepening friendship with Jess and Remmypoo!
How is everyone feeling about it so far?  I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to comment, reblog with your thoughts and/or smash the ask box! Hearing from you makes my day!
All my love darlings!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
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@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
This felt appropriate 
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thorne93 · 4 years
The Softest Fire (Part 11)
Prompt: Rosaline Vaughan had it all: fame, money, power, glory, a high status job. Until, one day, she woke up, and realized something was missing from her life.
Word Count: 2433
Warnings: Fight, violence, anger, manipulation, angst, talk of killing
Notes: First Fantastic Beast fic! I could NOT have done this at all without @arrow-guy​​​​. They have created a counterpart to this fic, writing it from Nora Vaughan’s perspective (Rosaline’s cousin/adopted sister). Fic aesthetic done by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​.
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“Do you really mean it?” I gushed, sitting next to him in the parlor. 
“I do, my darling.”
He was grinning at me, a ring box displayed between two hands, with the most stunning and clear diamond I’d ever seen. 
“This is too much,” I lightly objected. 
“For everything you’ve done for me, the moon itself would be understated.” He leaned forward and kissed me quickly. “So, what do you say? Will you marry me?” 
I nodded fervently, smiling ear to ear. “Yes.” 
He slipped the ring on my finger before pulling me into an embrace and kissing me again. Joy overtook me. Since finding out I loved Newt, this was all I had wanted. A soul, a partner to share my life with, and Gellert was giving that to me. He trusted me, let me make decisions, I was his partner, not his assistant. What riches he got, he shared with me. He didn’t fear me, yet he knew my full value, my full potential. 
To be loved, finally, by someone I loved felt…. Good. To no longer be chained by the yearn for a man’s love that would never come, I finally felt free. I didn’t know this is what I had been missing my whole life. This feeling of being complete.  
“How was your meeting with Hellerfoot and Croitusus?” he wondered casually, leaning towards his tea cup.
“Good. They’re on our side,” I assured. I had met with some of the final members of the Ministry today to try and secure their allegiance to seek out a new Minister. 
“You are working wonders,” he complimented. 
“Thank you,” I replied, grinning at him. 
He glanced at the clock on the mantle. “Oh! I must be off. I’m meeting someone.”
“Of course, dear,” I said, standing to see him off. He nodded at me, before giving me a wink, and in two seconds, he apparated out of there. I went to find Vinda to chat for a bit. 
It was much later that evening when Gellert showed up for dinner. I excused myself to freshen up, leaving him with Vinda.
I was barely out the door when I heard her say, “Yes, but why must you marry her?” 
“You forget how powerful she is. That’s why I have that spell working on her twenty-four-seven. If she were even to suspect for a moment she isn’t on our side or in love with me, then I would hate to think of what could happen. She rejected the fire in Paris, even though Queenie told me later she had no intent of letting me leave there alive. If she realizes what spell she is under….  She is a much more useful tool our side, than not. Against us, she could destroy us.” 
“Yes, I know, but why marriage? She’s already under your every whim…” 
“To show loyalty, unity, solidarity. The bond of matrimony is sacred, I want to remind people where their bonds and ties lie,” he remarked. 
I walked away, still effortlessly happy, even though something deep within me stirred, and it felt unpleasant. I crushed the feeling with a smile and continued down the hallway. 
“Gellert?” I said as we lied beneath the covers. 
“Hmm?” he hummed. 
“I’m curious.”
“That’s new,” he commented with a laugh. 
I smiled at the sound, wanting to make the sound again, but more serious matters were on my mind. “What made you want to start this revolution?” 
“You know that, darling. I don’t want to hide any more.”
I nodded. “I know that. But… something must have made you decide you wanted to change that. I changed my mind about becoming a Minister when I felt I wasn’t doing all that I could in this world. Did something like that happen for you? Did a muggle make you feel bad for your power or…?” 
He turned and kissed my head before throwing over the covers and getting out of bed to get dressed. “That’s enough for today, dove.” 
I leaned up on my elbow, my golden hair falling around me, the brown and red covers a stark contrast to my cream skin. “But you haven’t answered my question,” I slightly whined, pouting. 
“Why don’t we talk later? We both have a busy day ahead of us.” He had just gotten his pants on, his shirt open wide before he leaned down for another kiss. “Hmm?” 
I sighed. “As you wish.” 
“That’s my girl.” 
I begrudgingly got out of our large four poster bed and put on my own outfit and got ready for the day. It took a bit to brush out my hair to get it presentable for the public. There was a meeting of the closest followers, to discuss the next step in Gellert’s strategy. He had something he had to attend to though, so he left it to me. It would be the first time I conducted one of these meetings, but I was confident I could do it. It would be no different than the meetings or campaigns I had to host while at the Ministry.
“I will see you later tonight, alright? Tell me how the meeting goes, my dear.”
“Yes, my love.” 
He apparated away and I sucked in a breath before apparating myself to the hideaway the meeting was being held at. Vinda was standing outside the large doors to a conference room. 
“You ready for this?” she asked curiously, eyeing me. 
I nodded, one eyebrow raised. She bowed slightly and we opened the doors to behold around thirty members. 
“Good morning everyone. Thank you all for being here,” I greeted, walking in towards the head of the table. 
“Where is Grindelwald?” Credence asked. I’d seen him a handful of times around the castle but he and I never interacted other than acknowledging each other’s existence. 
“He’s indisposed at the moment,” I answered. “I’m here, speaking on his behalf.”
“And who gave you the authority?” he challenged from where he sat. 
“Gellert did,” I coolly answered. “Now, if that will be all--”
“I’m not sure it will be. I don’t see why we should listen to you. Who knows if you share the same vision?” 
Murmurs of agreement flowed throughout the crowd. My eyes slowly scanned the people who joined us.  
“Yeah!” a man said, standing up a few chairs down from you. “I want Grindelwald here.”
“You heard him, Rosaline. The people want Grindelwald--” Credence leaned forward, his elbows on the table as he smirked “--not his whore.”
My eyes flashed before I drew my wand faster than he could blink. “Incarcerous.” Ropes from thin air wrapped around Credence’s body. A few ropes entangled his torso and legs, and finally his neck. He fell to the floor, writing, barely gasping for air. Those around the table watched on in nervous glances. 
“Gellert Grindelwald and I share the same vision and same beliefs. I will uphold any decision he has made and speak on his behalf. If you don’t like it, Credence, you’re free to leave and free to tell Gellert how you defied me. I’m sure with how busy he is, he’ll be pleased to know you didn’t want to be a part of his important meeting.” 
I released the spell and Credence was gasping for air again, glaring at me. 
“Now, is everyone satisfied that I’m here for Gellert?” I questioned, my eyes going around the room. 
Everyone nodded. 
“Alright, now, who has the last number of those who have converted?” 
“Me,” a young man in a gray suit said. He looked like someone who worked on Wall Street. “Uh, we’re up to 324 who have pledged their allegiance.”
“Which pure blood families do we still need to get? Have the Malfoy’s given their stance yet?” 
Another man spoke up. “No, but we are working on it.”
“Work harder, they have money and influence,” I ordered. “Alright, does anyone have this week’s figures?” 
A third man came up, I believe I’d met him before as his name was Randall. “Right here, ma’am. Here’s what we made and here’s what we need to be bringing in.” 
I nodded and the rest of the meeting went off without a hitch. Vinda and I went back to the castle where she and I made a light dinner then sat drinking tea before Gellert walked into the dining room.
“Hello, Grindelwald,” Vinda said. 
“Hi,” he responded abruptly before turning to me.
“Oh, hello, darling,” I greeted, sitting my cup down and jumping up to embrace him. 
He stopped me though when he asked, “Did you attack Credence today?” 
I frowned. “I wouldn’t say I attacked him.”
“Rosaline!” he snapped. “Don’t lie to me. Did you attack him?”
“He provoked me! He called me your whore. He was insinuating I was unfit to lead the meeting.” 
Gellert took his hand and drug it down his face as he shook his head. “My dove… You can’t do things like that.”
“Why not? I needed to put him in his place.” 
Gellert clenched his jaw. “We do not do that, we do not attack our kind. Our comrades.” 
“Who even told you I did it?” 
“The entire following is talking of it. I can not have you behave this way, Rosaline. Too much is at stake. If you can’t control yourself…” He took a deep breath. “I will remove you from the rest of the meetings. Do you understand?” 
I looked up at him with pain in my eyes. “Yes.” 
“Good. Now, I need to reassure everyone that my betrothed isn’t insane. So if you’ll excuse me…” 
He left the dining room and I glanced to Vinda. “He did this,” I growled.
“Who? Credence?”
“Of course Credence. Who else?” 
I began to walk out and Vinda stood, following me. 
“Rosaline, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” 
“Who does he think he is?” I asked, ignoring her remark.
“Grindelwald is already upset,” she continued, jogging to keep up with me storming the ornate halls. 
“Let him be. I had every right to bind Credence this morning.”
“Whether you did or didn't isn’t the question,” she stressed, making me stop in the hall to face her as she grabbed above my elbow. “Grindelwald loves you, but he won’t let you ruin everything he’s worked for. Don’t make him any more furious by attacking Credence again.”
“He needs to figure out where his loyalties lie,” I responded, about to wrench out of her grasp.
“Whose?” a sudden voice asked in the dark hallway. 
My head snapped to the direction. “You!” I accused, turning to walk towards him. He stayed upright and confident even as I approached, my finger in his face. “Had to run and tell Gellert you couldn’t handle yourself at today’s meeting, hmm?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about but if you’re referring to the uncalled for attack, then I hope he punishes you greatly.
“Rosaline, let’s leave!” Vinda encouraged from behind me. 
“Not until this weak excuse for a wizard apologizes to me,” I replied venomously, staring him down. 
“I think you should listen to Vinda, Rosaline. I wouldn’t want to hurt you.” 
My eyes narrowed as I got even closer, his breath was hot on my face. 
“You don’t possess the power to even dream of hurting me,” I challenged. 
“You take the first shot,” Credence offered. “Go on. I’ll let you have the first one for free.” 
I reached for my wand, ready to lay Credence flat on his back before I stopped. Vinda was right, Gellert didn’t want this. I took a deep breath and left my wand in my pocket. 
“Looks like you got away unscathed this time.”
“I’m glad I can spare you,” he replied. “I wouldn’t want to see Grindelwald hurt.” He smirked and turned to walk away and Vinda grabbed my arms in response.
“Leave it, leave it,” she coaxed, getting me to calm down. 
I took another deep breath and followed her back to our wing of the castle, getting ready for bed, awaiting Gellert. 
The door opened and entered a weary looking Gellert. He glanced to the bed, where I was sitting up.
“Oh, you’re still up.”
“Yes,” I said softly, a trill of hope and worry in my voice. Worried that I had somehow upset him again.
“I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“You didn’t. You aren’t…” 
He nodded slowly. “Ah, good.” With that, he walked over to his side of the bed and sat on the edge, pulling his boots off. He stood, to begin disrobing.
“May we talk?” I requested gently.
“About what?” he responded equally kind. 
“This morning… I wanted to know why you started the revolution. You said we would talk tonight.”
“Rosaline,” he sighed, irritation in his voice. “It’s late.”
“I know but just a few words on why--”
“No, Rosaline! Not after what you did today.” He spun and faced me, his face a calm rage. “I don’t particularly feel like talking anymore. I have talked till I’m blue in the face to try and correct your mistakes. You do not deserve your answer, not tonight. I’m still nearly furious with you for attacking Credence.”
I shrunk away from him, looking at my hands in my lap. 
“I’m sorry. I--I thought I was doing what you would want, what you would do. Credence was being so unkind. I don’t like being called your whore…. Is that all I am? Is that why you’re angry with me for retaliating?” 
He sighed, this time sorrow filled his voice as he crawled across the bed and put a hand on my cheek. I leaned into it, cherishing the feeling. “No, my jewel. You are not my whore. You’re my betrothed. What Credence said was wrong. However, if we can not show unity in our own ranks, how can we convince anyone to join us?” he asked, peering at me. “He should not have called you that, but you shouldn’t have spelled a fellow member of the ranks. Hmm?”
I nodded. “Yes, you’re right. I’m sorry. I will apologize to Credence tomorrow.” 
With a smile and shake of his head, he said, “Only if you truly want to, my dear. I’m sorry for getting upset with you, and I’m sorry for Credence’s words. I will speak with him and he will know that you and I are a team and he should never challenge it again.”
I beamed with pride. “Thank you, my darling.”
“Promise me you’ll keep your temper in check?” he requested lightly. 
“I promise.” 
“Good girl.” With that, he kissed me, pushing me back against the pillow.
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love-fireflysong · 4 years
Until Dawn’s Fifth Birthday
Welp, congrats Until Dawn, you’re officially old enough to start kindergarten. You’re off to learn to read, tie your shoes, recite yous ABC’s, and learn to count to 100. Your such a big kid now, and I’m proud of you for making it this far.
I know I have done literal jack shit for the entire month, but I have been immensely enjoying the things that everyone’s been putting out for this month. So I’m gonna make this text post, not just because of it’s the five year anniversary, but because it’s actually a post I’ve been wanting to make for a while.
So here it goes:
I first learned of Until Dawn when it first came out hilariously enough. My roommate at the time had boughten it for her ps4 and I had been seeing it all over my dashboard on tumblr at the time. I didn’t play it myself though until close to a year later, when I finally had my own ps4 and I bought the game used for like $20 or something from my local game rental store. And I was hooked.
I remember jumping the first time the UD logo pulls that jump scare on the title screen. And laughing because I’m normally pretty good with jump scares, but that one managed to get me because I hadn’t been expecting one before I even started the game. (The one thing in the game that manages to make me jump every time is the mine cart you stop as Mike. For whatever reason it doesn’t matter how dark my room is when I play the game or how many times I’ve played it, I can never see the mine cart until its literally on top of Mike and the QTE is almost up and I squeak in surprise every fucking time.)  
Of course I didn’t manage to save everyone during my first playthrough, I definitely lost Matt to the hook and Ash to the trapdoor (RIP darlings), and for the life of me I can’t recall how the lodge scene at the end went. I’m one of those players though that try to make choices that the characters I’m playing as would, I throw my feelings by the wayside. For example, being in the shed when the game’s making me choose Ash or Josh, and I was debating on whether or not Chris would save the girl he’s had a major crush on for a while at least, or his best friend for the last ten years. I distinctly remember wincing and sucking in air through my teeth and going “Sorry Ash, bros before hoes” and choosing Josh. And then being confused and convinced that I misunderstood the instructions? I mean I wasn’t complaining, just really, really confused. I definitely choose Ash to live at the gun one though, like there was no hesitation. I watched the whole ‘only thing I’ve ever wanted to do with my time’ scene and talk and the moment control was given back to me, the gun was under Chris’s jaw and I fired.
I’m also one of the players that didn’t know that Josh had been behind everything until the reveal either. I had gotten Sam captured so I never got any of those clues and I managed to miss the other clues that hinted at it being a set up (like the bundle of newspapers). So until the reveal I was still convinced that someone was out there killing all of them. Listen, I like mystery games but I’m not very good at connecting the dots okay.
I think I stuck around for a couple of months, gorging myself of fanfiction (all ff.net stuff by the way, I can’t remember if I knew about ao3 at that point or not) but like all interests do with me, the obsession eventually faded (helped in a large part by the rampant Ashley hate going around at the time) and I moved on.
Until February of this year. I was trying to kill time till the end of March when Persona 5: Royal released and I decided to try and see how many games I could platinum until that point. I had made it through the ps3 tomb raider games, Prince of Persia 2008, and decided on replaying the Uncharted games because the ps4 collection didn’t have multiplayer trophies. I hadn’t even thought of replaying Until Dawn. I mean, I had looked at the case and I remembered the game fondly, but that was it. There was no urge or want. 
I was halfway through Among Thieves when I was bored and chilling time on Youtube. And because I had been watching a couple of videos for the treasure locations in Uncharted, one of the recommended videos for me was a game sins for the series. I decided sure why not, and watched it. And watched a few of his other ones as well, Until Dawn included.
That’s right, what got me back into the series wasn’t fond nostalgia for the characters or story. It was a fucking Game Sins video. I’m so sorry.
I was devouring UD content again. I spent like 2 or 3 weeks reading everything Chrashley (with the hyper-fixation for the game back came the ship, what can I say) based on ao3 that I could get my hands on. I was back into the tag on tumblr, going through art I remembered seeing way back when and looking at usernames that didn’t mean a thing then, but mean the world to me now. And then near the end of February, when the obsession was once again starting to flag, I decided to hell with it, and clicked on the The (Almost)s.
I’m not going to expunge all my praises for the story, everyone else has done that better then I ever could. But guys, it was so good. So so good. I was hooked back into the series once again, just as I was starting to flag. And when I saw that @queenofbaws had mentioned that she was tumblr... I didn’t do anything right away. Too scared really, figured she might find it creepy, so I didn’t do anything for like a week. And then I decided fuck it, sent a message about Chris giving Ash his sweater, and following her.
And that was it. I figured I would stick around to see the story completed and just dip. Not even make a splash, just enjoy the content from the sidelines and no one would know that I was here in the first place. Same old, same old. But that was also when I started turning around the kernel in my mind that Baby It’s Cold Outside (so hold me tight in your arms and don’t let go). I didn’t even intend to write it, it was just going to be the fanfic that lived in my mind for me to stew on before bed every night. But I couldn’t sleep one night, my brain was too on and the words just weren’t stopping, so I pulled out my computer and wrote the first part from Chris standing in the snow outside to him reaching the lodge at like 3 in the morning. 
I started becoming more involved in the fandom when queenie started her wip wednesdays and asked to be tagged. Hilariously enough, those days are what started me cross-stitching again too, I hadn’t touched the pattern in months at that point. So I started posting snippets of my writing, and that one day a week was the only thing pushing me to continue writing. By that point, I had stopped hanging around the edges, now trying to push myself closer into this little fandom circle. 
The day I posted the story, I was fucking terrified. It wasn’t my first story, not by a long shot, but I had always considered my writing to be shit. I thought I had good ideas, but I never felt that I was able to truly bring them to life. English and grammar had never been my best subject, I was always more of a math and physics person growing up. But then that first comment from @elliepollie came in and I almost burst into tears. I couldn’t believe that someone out there liked it so much, that they were willing to leave me a review in the first place. I’m still so blown away that she was willing to recommend it as a Chrashley story for other people to read. I think that was the point I stopped hesitantly pushing my way through, and I just kicked down the doors and just yelled ‘Hey fuckers! I’m here now and you are going to fucking deal with it!’.
That was the event that opened the floodgates for me. Suddenly I was talking to people, I had friends online with the same interests as me. I’ve written more in the last six months then I’ve done in the last ten years! I’m feeling inspired to create again. I actually went out to do the first commission I’ve ever requested (speaking of which, please please please go commisson @fudgeroach. I cannot wait until he can post and show you guys the stuff he drew for me. It was worth every fucking penny let me tell you.)
I’m going to be honest, Until Dawn isn’t my favourite game. Sure it has some of my fav lines (it had been years since I played the game, and the moment Jess started her rant outside the guest cabin I was screaming it along with her) and great characters, as horrible people as they all are, but it’s never been my favourite game and likely never will be. But Until Dawn has the best fandom I’ve ever been in and I’m so, so happy to have met and known every single person here. I seriously love every single person here so, so much. You all make my life better and I’m so happy to have all of you in it. Just to quote Chris because I can: “Every second I spend with you is all I ever wanted to do with my time.” This is how I feel. This is how I feel every goddamn day now.
So yeah, I got back into this fandom from a stupid Game Sins video. But by god if it wasn’t the best choice I’ve ever made.
(PS: for those wondering, I never did finish Uncharted 2. Maybe one day...) 
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Best Years // Thomas Raggi // Playlist
words // 1109
warnings // angst as hell, why am i writing so much angst? I dont know
pairing // Thomas Raggi x GN!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. sorry I did not post yesterday, i was not feeling really inspired at all so yeah, but thankfully that's changed today so here. WHO LET ME WRITE SO MUCH ANGST SOMEONE STOP ME OMG. Unless you like the angst, then don't stop me 😉 Also please forgive me for making Thomas the bad guy on this fic, i literally randomly picked the songs for these fics at first without thinking of the lyrics so now I'm stuck with the consequences of angst
request // nope
summary // Thomas and reader have been having an on and off relationship. One moment they are together, the next they are entertaining other people; but in the end they only ever think of each other.
Tumblr media
“Don’t you just feel great, here, like that, with me holding you?” The man was lying on the bed of his hotel room, his partner in his arms, simply basking in the afterglow of what went down a few minutes ago.
Y/N just smiled at him, eyes closed and head resting on his shoulder. “Mhm,” they simply mumbled, drifting off to sleep.
By the time morning came around Thomas had already gotten up, leaving his partner alone in the bed before abandoning the room heading for the dinning area for breakfast. When he got to it his bandmates were already there, sitting at a table and eating, only giving him a disappointed look.
“You didn’t tell them. Again.” Victoria glared at her friend while poking her eggs with her fork maybe a little to violently
“There is nothing to say Vic. We are together again, what happened when we were not does not concern them.”
“Thomas! This has already happened so many times. You break up, you go with someone else, you get back together and act like nothing happened!” He was their friend, that is for sure, but Thomas’ bandmates pride themselves in their honesty and in their effort to be respectful. It did not seem to be the case for the younger man.
He wasn’t a bad person, no, but his mind was clouded by the options, the excitement of the moment, that rush. He loved Y/N - not that he knew that - but he had a terribly difficult time being consistent. He was young, spontaneous, had not had much time to explore his options, and while it was entirely wrong, he did so now at the expense of his lover. The words he heard put him in deep thought, and at this time deep thought ment deep drinking for him.
As the night rolled around Thomas found himself occupying the hotel bar. Considering emotions, problems and choices is a hard thing and though he had to do so he was not even remotely ready for that. The comfort of the drink and the existence of beautiful women was enough for a journey of the mind and a mistake of the body. By the time he was done he found himself sitting outside of his hotel room, where Y/N was just inside.
His back was on the wall and his eyes were closed, almost falling asleep right there, so he failed to hear them open the door. “Thomas, dio mio, I was just coming to look for you! Are you okay?” They were concerned to say the least, an obvious observation really. Their eyebrows were furrowed, lips separated and hand on their chest, holding the little pendant Thomas had given them - it was a thing they tended to do whenever they were nervous, hold the charm of the pendant, take a deep breath and it helped calm them down.
“No need, amore, as you can see I’m right here,” he slurred, stumbling across words, missing letters… He was very far gone and anyone could see that.
Y/N simply took a deep breath, bracing themselves for the upcoming night and morning. It was always the same cycle. He did something he should not, he would drink, do more things he should not and come back to Y/N. It was never fun but they did not have the heart to just leave him there.
“Come on, Thom, help me a little bit! You need to get up.” The man groaned but did as told before getting inside the room with his… partner.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as Y/N sat him in the bathtub, trying to rid him of his drunken state even a little bit.
“I know you are.”
“No, no, no, you don’t understand! I really am sorry. I want to change…”
How many times? Just how many times has he said the same things, same excuses and same empty promises. It never changed and it had certainly gotten tiring. That was precisely the reason they could not believe that Thomas this time would be different, he had given them a million reasons to hesitate.
Maybe it was the on and off that became tiring, both parties figuring out different excuses that simply did not make sense, but always being enough to cause the temporary break ups. A lot of the time, especially if on tour, Thomas would find someone to ‘comfort’ him for a few nights, wasting his time with people that simply were not his. They never were Y/N, no matter how hard he tried to not think about that, he’d wake up the next morning with an unfamiliar person but a familiar discomfort in his stomach.
“It will not be the same, amore, I promise,” he said this time, “you’ll see! I’m willing to try.”
To be completely honest, Y/N did not seem to believe much of the man’s words. They had heard them time and time again, it had become difficult to put trust in them again. “I am not sure, Thomas,” they said, leaning behind them on the counter, “how can I possibly say that it’s ok, how can we be together, again?” The exasperation was obvious, not being able to be contained, after all the pain and the strain in their heart.
“I know, I know. I’ve been terrible… But I really am willing to change. Make it up for all the times I screwed up. I’ll make up for all of your tears.”
Y/N stayed quiet. They did not want to continue this conversation, especially while Thomas was drunk, this state making it even harder to believe him.
“I did not do it,” he breathed out after the silence had gotten too much, “I didn’t do it this time…”
“What didn’t you do?” asked Y/N, curiosity lacing their voice, puzzled at his words.
“I didn’t go with anyone. Not when we were apart this time, not while I got drunk. Everyone thinks I did so I let them believe it, but I didn’t,” he explained looking down, “I couldn’t.”
“Why?” They knew it was not the question they should be asking but before thinking the word had already come out.
“Because I realized something,” he responded, putting his palm on Y/N’s face after they came back to the side of the tub.
The only hummed back at him, prompting him to continue. “I want to be with you, for good. No more fighting, no more drinking, no more tears, baby. Nothing. I want to be full on this, please. I’ll give you the best years and nothing else will matter anymore.”
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11
playlist tag list: @cheese-toastie-11
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ezm-imagines · 6 years
Breaking the Ice - Newt Scamander x Reader
Summary: Newt x reader ice skating fic <3
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: normal angst and F L U F F
A/N: requested!!! and, per usual, i went way farther with the request than bargained for. i also included like every single cliche in the books so sue me i guess :)
also, back to back publishing, look at me go! ive been working a lot since I got on break so hopefully i can keep this schedule up for yall :)
You shuffled your feet back and forth on the ice, using the slight momentum to slide forward an inch every few minutes.
“I don’t quite believe that’s how it’s done,” a soft voice chuckled from behind you.
You moved to turn around, and slipped on the ice, your feet falling out from under you.
You braced for a fall, but instead found yourself being caught and lifted back up.
You grabbed back onto the arms, helping push yourself up, until you looked up to find your friend Newt, smiling at you gently.
“Hi,” you smiled, freezing as you caught his eye.
“Hi,” he replied, blushing slightly at the attention.
You two didn’t know each other two well. Sure, you were in the same friend group, but somehow he was always at the other end. You were best friends with Thesius and Leta, and whenever the three of you would decide to go do something, Thesius would always invite his brother, and his brother would bring Tina and Queeney and Jacob. But for all these outtings and dinners and parties, Newt would always be busy with his side of the friend group, and you would be busy with yours. In fact, for the past half hour, you’d been stealing glances of him skating with Tina, wishing that could be you.
“Thank you,” you laughed as he steadied you on your feet, “I guess I’m not very good at this.”
“Nonsense, you just need practice,” he suggested. “You simply use each foot to push off the other. Like this.”
You watched as he effortlessly skated forward, before spinning around and facing you again.
“How are you so good at that,” you huffed.
He only smiled again, “Thesius loves ice skating. I’m afraid this isn’t the first time he’s brought me along for it. Now, come on, your turn.”
You only looked at him.
He chuckled and held out his hand, “Here, we’ll do it together.”
You looked back and forth between him and his outstretched hand, surprised, but quickly cleared your throat and took it so he wouldn’t notice.
You’d never mentioned it to anyone, only here and there telling people that you wished you were closer friends with him, but you might’ve... had... have... a small crush on the guy. Maybe.
“Okay, like this,” he moved to be beside you, and motioned how to kick off with his back foot to push forward.
You watched him do the motion a couple times, before you did it yourself.
“Brilliant! Now the other foot... yes! See, you’ve got it.”
You were a clumsy mess and you were sure you looked nothing like the grace he had just been skating with, but you were indeed moving forward, and that did mean something, you supposed.
You were just gaining enough traction to get around the rink once when Thesius skated up to you two.
You squealed as he did that ice-spray-ey thing with his hockey skates as he came to a stop.
“Care for a race, Newt?” He beamed at his brother, as Leta skated up next to him, “Five laps around the place, like old times?”
“Not particularly,” he shrugged off.
“Oh, why, ‘cuz you think you’re gonna lose?” He grinned.
“But, I’m helping Y/N...”
“Newt, you literally spent half the morning telling me about how you wanted to do an axel when you reached the finish line of our race. Come on.”
“Yeah, but...” he looked to you.
“Oh, don’t worry about me,” you smiled, “Go have fun with Thesius, I’ll be fine. I can skate with Leta ‘til you get back.” Leta smiled at you.
“You heard the lady,” Thesius said, spinning behind Newt and taking him by the shoulders and pushing him forward, “Let’s go.”
You waved and smiled as he left, trying to encourage him to go have fun. While you loved him helping you and holding your hand, you knew he wasn’t having fun going negative 15 miles per hour. It was the least you could do to give him time with his brother.
“You two seemed pretty cozy,” Leta told you, linking arms with you and pulling you along.
“Who, me and Newt?”
“No, you and the ice, what do you think I mean?” She teased.
“He was just helping me skate,” you explained, not giving much attention to what she way saying as you watched the two brothers begin the race.
Newt wasn’t ever one for competition, and you could tell he wasn’t as much racing his brother as just skating as fast as he could, but you were enamoured nonetheless. He gracefully lapped the rink over and over, gliding faster than his brother with every circle. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
“‘Just helping you skate,’ huh?” She laughed, picking the conversation back up.
But you could barely hear her. The boys were ending their last lap, and you smiled as Newt crossed their agreed-upon finish line first. Before you knew it, you watched as he jumped into the air and spun around before landing on one foot. You gasped.
Leta rolled her eyes beside you, “God, both of you are so gone.”
You didn’t have time to ask her what she meant by that before the boys, breathless and laughing, skating up to you two.
“Good job, Newt,” Leta greeted, “Thes needs someone to kick his ass every now and again.”
“As if that isn’t already your job, Leta,” Thesius chuckled, taking her hand and beginning to skate away. Leta laughed and gladly followed, and you watched as she skated away with all the grace that you wish you had.
“You did... amazing,” you told Newt.
He looked away, bashfully, his ears turning even redder than they already were in the cold. “I don’t even know how you skate, let alone do something like that.”
“I told you,” he replied, his eyes sliding to eventually meet yours, “Practice.”
“Hot chocolate at ours!” Thesius announced to the group as you all walked out into the snowy parking lot.
“Shit, but we walked here,” Tina frowned, “We didn’t bring our cars.”
“Ah, alright, we’ll all squeeze into my car, then. It should be big enough.”
“Shot gun!” Leta declared, racing toward the van with Thesius in tow.
“Tina and I get carsick, so we call the seats in the second row!” Queenie shouted after them. “Oh, wait, Jacob too!”
“Guess that leaves us in the back,” you said to Newt, looking at him from the corners of your eyes.
“I suppose it does.”
As you reached the car, the group was abuzz with chatter, filling up all the seats.
“Oh, shit, wait, where are we gonna put our duffle?”
Newt, Thesius, and Leta all owned their own skates, and with all the seats being taken up, they couldn’t just put it wherever like they usually did.
“There’s still a third seat in the back; only Newt and Y/N are back there,” Jacob said.
“Ah, perfect,” Leta handed the duffle back to Jacob who set it on the left seat.
Your heart clenched at the fact that the duffle taking up the left spot meant that you and Newt would have to sit in the already-too-small back seats, pressed up against each other.
Oh, for the love of God...
You’d finally acknowledged that you might have a teensy crush on the guy, and the whole universe conspires to force you two together at every opportunity.
Newt slid wordlessly into the middle back seat and you followed suit, attempting to press yourself as much against the wall as possible. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by touching him, but you weren’t having much of a choice. His legs were so long and there was so little space, so the two of you were touching almost everywhere possible.
You kept your gaze outside the window, not sure where else to look, as conversation in the car roared from one subject to another. You and Newt stayed silent for the most part. Though that wasn’t so abnormal from him.
“Oh, fuck, wait,” Thesius cursed, before the car made a massive U-turn. You fell over to your left as the car lurched, landing you directly into Newt’s lap.
End me now.
“Agh, I’m so sorry,” you apologized, wildly attempting to pull yourself out of his lap, touching Certain Areas on accident in your panic.
Both of you looked away, blushing madly and praying for the car ride to just be over already. Jesus Christ, everything was going all over the place and you just wanted to return to him holding your hand as you slowly and poorly slid across the ice.
“-ing, obviously, don’t you agree, Y/N?” someone was saying.
The conversation halted as people looked to you for your response.
“I’m sorry, what?” You sputtered, looking around to attempt to get some kind of idea what they were talking of.
Leta elaborated, “We were talking about how Thes practically grew up on the ice. Newt, too. Isn’t it insane what they can do? I mean, I had my fair share of skate rink birthday parties as a kid, but I never would’ve done as much as them. Their talents know no bounds.”
“Yeah, it was pretty impressive,” you agreed, quietly, avoiding looking at Newt completely.
You wanted the car to just open up and swallow you whole.
“‘Pretty impressive?’ Bitch, you totally gasped when he landed his axel, don’t even with me. You were watching him like a hawk during that race...”
Stellar. You gave a fake laugh and looked out the window, trying to do the math for how far you were from the Scamamder house according to the streets you were passing.
Luckily, Leta carried on with conversation, changing the subject to many various things that didn’t involve you or your horridly embarrassing feelings.
Unluckily, according to the stoplight you just passed, you still had a few more streets to go.
“Were you really watching me during the race?” Newt asked you quietly, once the car was wholly focused on a different subject.
“Well, you were winning, so yeah.”
You could almost hear his heart sink. “But, really,” you continued, looking him in the eyes, “your axel was incredibly impressive. I didn’t know you were that amazing.”
“Thanks,” he mumbled, tilting his head down like he always did.
“Niffles!” Queenie shouted. You looked up to see the car pulling into the driveway, the Scamander dog Niffles awaiting the van’s arrival by the door.
Everyone poured out of the car and headed inside the shabby little house, alighting it with life and loudness.
Thesius immediately set out to go get a fire started in the fireplace while Leta began pulling out mugs. You joined Leta as the rest of the group moved to the fireplace room.
“Long drive, huh?” Leta asked, turning on the stove.
“Just as long as every other time we’ve driven here,” you lied.
“Mhmm...” she raised her eyebrow.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You two were practically on top of each other back there.”
“Not by choice!”
“Doesn’t mean you didn’t enjoy it.”
“I most certainly did not,” You huffed. It was true; it had been hell back there.
Leta just shook her head and continued making the hot chocolate silently, “Why don’t you go check on the group? I got this covered.”
You shrugged and followed directions, slipping into the living room.
“Ah, Y/N, we were just thinking: you down for a movie tonight?” Thesius asked, looking up at you from where he was crouched at the fireplace. Newt took the poker from his hand and began adjusting the fire logs as his brother talked, and you ignored how annoyed it made you that he was refusing to look at you. But, then, why should he? You two were barely even friends; you’d hardly talked before today. “You’re still staying the night here anyway, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” you answered, shaking yourself from your thoughts about Newt.
“So, I guess it doesn’t quite matter to you if we watch a movie.”
“We were thinking holiday rom-com!” Queenie beamed, as you moved to sit on the couch beside Tina.
“Correction, you were thinking that,” Thesius interrupted. “I was thinking—”
“If you say Die Hard...” Newt warned quietly.
You smiled at his small joke.
“Then what do you suggest, Newt? The rom-com? You trying to be Romeo tonight?”
Newt gave Thesius a look you didn’t understand, not that you even understood what Thesius was talking about.
“I think a rom-com sounds great,” Leta announced, walking in with the tray of mugs. You quickly stole one for yourself and for Tina sitting beside you.
“Traitor,” Thesius narrowed his eyes at his fiancée.
“Let me finish,” she hushed, handing him and Newt mugs, “I suggest we watch a bad rom-com that we can all make fun of the whole time. Does that save your fragile manhood, babe?”
“Shut up,” he rolled his eyes playfully, as he passed the tray back to Jacob and Queenie, sharing the armchair.
“I think that’s his way of saying we have a deal,” Leta grinned, taking the last mug for herself and setting the tray on the table at the back of the room. She took the remote and plopped on the couch, pulling up Netflix and beginning the search for the worst movie she could find.
Thesius dusted off his hands before joining her on the couch, too.
You bit your lip, realizing there was only one seat left in the room, and it was on the couch next to you.
For fuck’s sake, you couldn’t catch a break with this group, huh?
Newt eventually decided the fireplace was satisfactorily kept, and stood up to find a seat— only to realize the exact same thing.
You ignored the way it stung when he hesitated.
“Newt, sit the hell down, it’s starting!” Leta yelled at him, the Netflix “bum-bum” pounding to signify the movie’s beginning.
He gulped and sat down next to you, not knowing what else to do.
You all watched on, playing a pretend drinking game with your hot chocolates where you drank every time the movie held a cliché (and you’d all finished your drinks after only ten minutes in, prompting Leta to make another round).
Between the warmth of the fire, the slowness of the movie, and your fatigue from skating all day, you could feel your eyes drooping by only halfway through the movie. But you were insistent on staying awake.
This was fun, and you enjoyed having the whole group bond instead of splitting in half.
But during your third cup of hot chocolate, you felt yourself slipping...
But you could s...
You nuzzled deeper into your pillow, barely registering the unfamiliar fabric or the soft mahogany scent it now carried.
You wondered how long until your alarm would go off, and began attempting to calculate when you had fallen asleep last night. You couldn’t quite remember going to bed, only the movi—
You awoke with a start at the realization. You rubbed at your eyes as you sat up, wondering how much of the movie you’d missed from falling asleep. Hopefully you could still catch whatever dramatic ending was going to—
Oh, fuck.
You opened your eyes to find no one else in the room. Well, no one except...
“Mornin’,” Newt’s soft voice greeted.
Looking over at him, you realized that he had been the pillow you had just been using. Oh, oh god. Oh no...
“Shit, I’m so so sorry, I didn’t realize—”
“Don’t be sorry,” he shook his head with a small smile, “It’s quite alright.”
You weren’t quite sure how to respond to that, instead changing the subject, “Where are all your friends?”
“Thesius started driving them back a bit ago.”
“And you didn’t go with them?”
“I don’t believe you gave me much of a choice to.”
“You could’ve just pushed me off, ya know, I wouldn’t have blamed you for it...”
He shrugged with one shoulder, “Maybe I didn’t really want to go.”
You furrowed a brow, “What?”
He shrugged again, “I dunno... it was kinda... nice... watching the movie with you against me...”
You looked up at him from under your eyelashes, “Really?”
He kept your gaze for a long moment before looking away with a cough, “Well, yeah, I mean, I don’t know, it was... you were... and they... well, I—”
You leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his lips. He melted against you instantly, as if he’d been waiting for this a long time.
Hell, you had, too.
You brought one hand up to cup his jaw, your fingers delicately tracing his skin.
He tentatively slid his arms to wrap around you and hold you closer.
After a long time, you pulled away and buried your face in his shoulder, attempting to suppress your blinding smile.
“How long have you been... wanting to do that?” He asked, and you could hear the happiness and surprise in his voice.
“A long time,” you replied into his shirt.
He huffed slightly, still amazed at what had just happened, “Ditto.”
A/n: Please please PLEASE like/comment/share! And let me know if you want to be added to either my ~~brand new~~ permanent fic tag, or if you’d like me to tag you for Newt fics specifically!!! <3
Tag list: @your-gay-fangirl  @kaitlynpcallmebeepme  @coal000
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