#good notes indeed
thatsitso · 14 days
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So I finished orv
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nattikay · 6 months
so I started playing the new Frontiers of Pandora game last night, and was pleasantly surprised that not only did the opening cutscene feature a few lines of spoken Na'vi dialogue, but said dialogue was actually pretty accurate!! Good job game!!
Here’s the lines transcribed as far as I can tell:
Aha'ri: Plltxe po nìtsleng! He speaks falsely/he lies! Player: Ma tsmuke, ftang! Sister, stop!
Aha'ri: Ma Nor? Ma Nor, tìtxen si. Awnga ngahu, tam. Nor? Nor, wake up. We [are] with you, it’s ok. Nor: Tsat oel uniltsola nìmun…tsatxon a fol awngat kämolunge. I dreamed about it again…that night they took us.
Aha'ri: Awnga kä ne kelku! We go home! Player: Za'u, ma Teylan. Oeng kivä ne kelku. Come, Teylan. We [may] go home.
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jimlingss · 1 year
two years!! :D it’s been two years since my final curtain call and seven years since Jimlingss began! Seven years!!! Now that’s a crazy yet meaningful number!
Hello to everyone reading this message :D hopefully you remember me (it’s ok if you don’t) and for those who care, hopefully this is a treat! just a quick update on my life — I successfully completed my first year of law school and what a whirlwind it’s been. 
I’ve had so many ups and downs in the past year and I honestly feel like I’ve changed a lot. like evolved from pichu to pikachu. It was my first time moving away from home, away from my parents, and making so many friends. it’s been 20% bitter and 80% sweet. overall, I feel like I’ve learnt so much about myself and became a lot more stable in who I am.
school is hard but completely manageable. luckily, I don’t think my choice was wrong. there are days I quite enjoy what I’m learning. I got 2 years left in the game. soon (hopefully) I’ll be making the big bucks $$$ and I’ll be able to fund my sugar baby dreams (except I’ll also be my own sugar mommy). Although my dating life is as stale as always with 0 movement, I’ve become close with a handful of folks that I hold dearly to my heart. guess I’m in my friendship arc hahahaha
funny enough, I actually came back to this blog out of my own volition 2 weeks ago and re-read some of my stories. I feel so nostalgic. some of my stories really slap ngl. anyway, I really miss creative writing so much. Fortunately, there’s a few extracurriculars at school that allow me to write creatively so it’s somewhat of an outlet for me. it’s not fully satisfying but it’s something!!
I regularly come back to tumblr to check messages and do plagiarism checks lol. Speaking of which, I’ll take this time to answer some messages in my inbox.
unfortunately, i don’t have any socials that anyone can follow me on. my socials are pretty private and only the people who i’m close to, I follow and vice versa. but no worries because I will always come back to this blog to do a yearly update so you’ll hear from me! I will satiate your curiosity if you’re every curious about what I’m up to!!
for anyone who ever messages me compliments to my stories and/or missing my presence, no worries, I read them all :) your messages and feedback is never lost! it’s very sweet and always warms my heart.
if you can’t reach my masterlist, it’s here lol
I’ve kind of fallen off my fic reading game so if you ask me if I know a specific fic, I won’t be much of help unfortunately ://
if my fics ever help you through hard times, then I’m super glad!!! life can undoubtably be downright terrible. life can really really suck (understatement). but I think it’s comforting to know that everyone at some point thinks the same. it’s a universal sentiment - and in that, you’re not alone.
anyway, that’s it for now! you’ll hear from me again!
I’ll be back! And I hope you will too! :>
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grison-in-space · 15 days
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The face of a little dog very Concerned that I am missing bedtime and torn between accepting small "snooze" bribes to let me finish my episode and bullying me into going to bed and COMPLETING the ROUTINE
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I like how occasionally toshiros fast and loose w his morals its fun
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I have just been reminded of the time when I, a 12 year old, was getting weird feelings about gender so I wanted to buy a packer and all the websites at the time said to just use a dildo but I, being 12, didn’t have one so I went to Spencer’s in the mall with a friend and bought a dick shaped lolly and she gave me a condom to put it in so I stuck it down my pants. A mistake, I believe, what with the equatorial temperatures and extreme humidity. My dick literally melted
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songofwizardry · 7 months
had about half of the most recent critical role episode left, decided to watch some to calm down before sleep.
that was two hours ago bc holy shit was i uh. not expecting the whole last hour. holy fucking shit, did ashton ever push that damn red button. we got the perches. we got sam hiding in the hood. we got the book-on-the-head. we got the yelling. we got what i am now referring to as matt's 'molly face' every time he rolled. i have not been this tense since the otohan fight and... this felt like a different kind of tense? also it's been a while since then i hadn't realised!
what an absolutely fucking wild series of events and rolls and i cannot believe that worked.
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Gabriel and Beelzebub singing a duet as they disappear together vs. Crowley alone at the end, turning off the radio and driving, for the first time ever, in total silence
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gingerbreadmonsters · 3 months
6k in and my head is about to explode. STILL not allowed to say what i want :(
#this fic is going to get negative notes i can already tell lmao#the scope of appeal is so stupidly narrow#but That Does Not Matter#i have to believe that#its for ME#its what i want to see and its what makes me happy#i will never put this in a real post because i would be immediately dragged into the square and burned for hypocrisy#but i think its worth saying#this is rasmr specific i dont know about any other fandoms so dont take this as a universal rule#if you go into your favourite tag variant (e.g. 'redacted [x character name]' or 'redacted [genre]')#and sort by 'top' rather than 'latest'#i would like you to scroll down until you find fic#by which i specifically mean PROSE - not bulletpoints or hcs or matchups or those sorts of things#(this is not to say that those things aren't good or worthy of respect - they ARE - but that's not what i'm talking about here)#i would like you to just think about how long it takes you to find a fic in there#because surprise! it's almost certainly longer than you would hope or indeed expect#now........ i wonder why that is?#i don't mean to sound egotistical or selfish or self-aggrandising through all this#but.... you know. fic writers - during their one life on this earth - put in an AWFUL lot of their real time and energy and love into this#into writing things for other people who they will never know or meet to enjoy for FREE on the internet#i don't think you can be surprised that it's a bit disheartening to do all that and then be met with basically silence#it's like cooking for people yk?#some fics are more complex/longer/time-intensive than others - in the way that making a five-course meal is more work than making a sandwic#but if someone made that food for you - whether it was a cookie or an entire christmas dinner - you'd still say thank you...... right?#you wouldn't just take it from them and leave the room - then eat it in total silence where they can't see - and then not say anything...?#if you liked it - or even if you didn't! - wouldn't you still say thank you? wouldn't you tell them that it was nice and you enjoyed it?#that you liked the ingredients they chose or the way they cooked it or the toppings they chose to put on it?#for the sake of everyone whose ever cooked you a meal i hope you would#because i'll tell you something for free - you will be scrolling on that tag for an uncomfortably long time. why is that?#because reblogs/comments/kudos/likes are to fic writers what 'thank you' is to a cook
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mariocki · 1 year
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Simon Templar meets his match in the shape of Roger Delgado, as Peruvian police chief Captain Rodriguez in The Saint: Locate and Destroy (5.12, ITC, 1966)
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leopardom · 7 months
posting my gifs these days and seeing how they look and how they’re doing statistically-wise makes me think about ✨that anon✨ from a few days ago who said that my content doesn’t deserve any engagement
what if they were right in the end?
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anaalnathrakhs · 2 months
btw my mom said it. she said it to me looking me in the eyes. i told her about how difficult it was for me to get through those family reunions, and she admitted it was very important to her, important enough that she was just going to do it anyway.
#i know there are compromises out there#and i'm not going to live w them my whole life so i'll be out fairly soon all things considered#and i'm trying to be understanding when people's priorities aren't the same as mine#but i uh. would be lying if i said it doesn't hurt a little wittle bit.#i'm gonna keep handling it because i've been an asshole to my parents for long enough#i largely owe them that. cooperating and spending time with them and engaging in what matters to them.#but then she's says things like ''but whenever you move out you'll still be part of the family and invited if you want uwu''#it's just ?????? okay thanks ???? perhaps you could also try seeing things from my point of view perhaps????#it's all circling back to that. they have a very weird way to ''help'' me#throwback to them trying to cure my depression with amusement parks#when i would have liked a little less of that and a little more help and understanding#it feels like they're trying to put bandaids on a cancer#''you don't ask for help'' okay no help is coming. i am not being helped.#the system can't help me cause there's no damn beds no damn professionals no damn time to help everyone#the people around me can't help me because it's not their job or within their wheelhouse to help me#and they've got their own shit to deal with#on that note#i was discussing stuff with my mom#and i mentionned it was indeed pretty difficult to manage your time when you had to deal with school and friends and your parents#and she was like ''deal with your parents???? what do you have to deal with????''#oh i don't KNOW maybe that i'm officially an associate of my dad and i have to help out w events and some accounting#or maybe i have to pay back the fucking years i spent being an ungrateful child now i do everything you expect me to and it's exhausting#maybe that you constantly remind me i am living in YOUR house by touching my shit instead of letting me deal with shit at my own pace#maybe the fact that despite everything i care about you and i want us to have a good relationship and that takes WORK and i'm exhausted#maybe the fact that you keep giving me advice that is unproductive misguided misunderstanding etc etc#and cold comfort after you did something you knew to be difficult for me#how you keep encouraging shit that i don't want and am unhappy with because it's the ''normal'' way#how you raised me from childhood to be an empty shell in a family of empty shells#broadcasting my misery#vent
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ereborne · 5 months
Song of the Day: January 14
"Diva's Lament (Whatever Happened to My Part)" from Monty Python's Spamalot
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(thought about this. made something)
aziraphale is the thing you need but cant catch. humans thought he didn't exist, didn't know he was there until they went poking around, but he's been here the whole time. he is the gentle breeze tickling your neck on a cold day, the force keeping you on this earth and said earth from spiraling, the gales from the mountaintops and the hand who delivered the apple from newton's tree (only for knowledge, only for them, for Good, only for Good). you need to keep him, you need the air to stay clean so your children can breathe without oxygen tanks and respirators, but without even knowing he's been pulled down, down, down to you. polluted by the factories, life, and retrograde. it's slow damage. will he ever go too far? will he ever let the earth fall? no. it's never been considered. (not if he can help it.) whatever damage he has to take, it's worth it. the humans just have to keep living, and he will have succeeded. it would be fixed. they would fix it. (that's all there is to it, really.)
crowley is the thing you need but you can't keep right. the one you can see, the one you can't see without, and there needn't be a discovery to find him. (he already knows. he just needed to ask the right questions.) he is the ocean's current, the flickering bulb hung in your parents' basement, the needles in the sky and the sweat running down your back. you see him, you bask in him, but you can't keep him. the sun is always meant to fall in the distance, even on the longest of summer days. it can't follow you forever, it wants to follow you forever, but your figure is shouded in shadow and that is the one place it cannot touch. when you're sitting there, brooding in a moonless night that you wrought (you couldn't help it, you had to ask him), you long for the morning. you can't stop and neither can he, but you can't take him for granted until it's gone. you always did, though. not meant, never meant, but there you are.
can you imagine a world without rain? without wine? wood? clouds? words? no, not at all. preposterous, that is, there's never been an earth without the pair of you, never been a chance to learn. the world is you, and the world is him. you can't imagine a place without him--there would be no sight. he can see a life without you (he can't help it) but it is dreary, empty and weightless.
you would expect the rays to follow you, yeah? when you head up to the attic to read, or trudge down to the london underground for a ride, you would think that the warmth would spread. set in your bones, like a stubborn chill. you brace for it, looking for the nearest window Above or Below--but it is just out of reach. silly, you think, to expect the light to defy it's power just for you. it's done it before, mirrors and smoke, but not today. you left, and it remained.
and that's the problem. there is only sulfur in hell, and there are no windows in heaven. you can't ask the sun to rise--he will come when he is ready. he is that sun, and you are the core of the earth. he threatens to get close, step far out of line, but you fall back and continue your dangerous orbit knowing damned well what would happen if you deviate. it's worth the risk--you can't comprehend a life any other way.
you watch, from afar.
you bask, at a distance.
you duel, with invisible swords and imaginary flintlocks.
and you will dance, fingers threatening to lock and millions of miles set in between.
(this has no substance and no rereads. but my feelings are out so it's okay)
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laufxsons · 10 months
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Finally a WIP that made it out of development hell. In honour of late Good Omens Eve have a study/redraw of our favourite snazzy snake.
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sleepy-vix · 8 months
Can bsd fans just STOP complaining about bones studio?? Unless you're going to put in the effort and write an actual reason as to why you think the latest episode was bad (eg: you believed it was too rushed and u state reasons for that etc) then just STFU honestly.
I'm sorry but "the new episode didnt even make sense" is so flimsy and pathetic like what about it didn't make sense? if you're talking abt the unanswered questions then OF COURSE there was going to be unanswered questions, that's how series keep their viewers on their toes.
Also, simply stating "it was too rushed" without giving reasons as to why you thought so is so damn annoying because although i myself believed it was indeed rushed, i'm grateful because honestly that episode was amazing, so either give actual reasons or dont say anything at all. It's not like animes are easy to animate 💀 they had literally only 23(?) minutes to wrap up the whole series and i'm sure they tried their best so just chill out.
Also, for those of you that are skeptical about the episode being canon, i share the very same anxieties, trust me, but it isn't even confirmed so i think shitting on bones studio on the basis that "this new episode may or may not be canon, we dont even know, and our only reason for doubting it's canon is that bones has a history of making their own ending" is immature and extremely unfair. if it is confirmed that bones studio made up their own ending, then by all means, rage and cry and scream. i will gladly join you. but for now, can y'all just be grateful?
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