#good titles that I don't have a CLUE what they're for
natewriteslol · 2 months
Delicious In Dungeon Having a Crush on You HC's!
Summary: Just like the title says, how they would act if they had a crush on you including how you find out!
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-I'm not going to lie it is going to take a fat minute for him to fess up his feelings for you let alone for people to notice because it is the little things that stand out.
-Senshi is really good at keeping secrets and is a really private person and fights for his peace
-So what if he may slip a little bit more food onto your plate, make your favorite dishes only for you if the ingredients for it just so happens to be in his bag, is always the first person to get you out of a dangerous situation? It's all out of convenience and being kind
-But his lack of casualty is also really telling like when giving out compliments he sometimes has a tinge of shyness to his voice, "You look...very nice y-yes"
-The way you find out he has a crush on you is because he eventually comes to a realization that he cannot keep running away from his problems because that has never ended in anything good and confesses his feelings for you
-It happened whilst everyone was asleep and it was just you two alone by the fire, the embers were crackling and you always enjoyed watching it ablaze while talking with Senshi. Eventually he piped up after staying silent for so long and having you take the lead in talking,
"I don't mean to corner you, nor do I expect you to feel the same but...I have feelings for you, genuinely Y/N. And, meeting you in this party means the world to me as in a way you all are unique treasures but you. I couldn't imagine just walking away without letting you know how much you mean to me."
-Honestly, Senshi is one of the least in denial about this predicament with his feelings and will come to you sooner
-A person who completely avoids her feelings for you like the plague and will deny like her life depends on it
-She swears to others that it's just because you're an amazing friend!
-She brings you your favorite sweet treats, offers to cast magic for your slightest inconveniences, she just so happens to bring books that are about the things you mentioned one off or are a specific interest you love
-The contrast of how she treats others vs. You is so jarring and it's really obvious that she has a crush on you. She is really protective and a bit possessive (not in a weird way) over you and she does not really care about the other people in her party like that
-Anytime she's afraid of something, she holds onto you, Marcille is VERY touchy with her crush
-The blonde blushes pretty consistently and is really shy when it comes to you and tries to appear nonchalant but fails miserably
-It's honestly so bad that even Laios caught on after Senshi threw him a clue and one time when it was just him asked her, which resulted in her coming clean and being VERY distressed as if she committed a crime
-The way you find out she has a crush on you is when you're on a mission in a dungeon. She was near a weeping willow exerting mana, rumored to grant wishes to anyone who asks.
-She held a piece of paper and was on her knees, looking up at the grand tree on the soft blades of grass. She began speaking to the tree once you silently walked in through the cave hole to check on her and the half-elf was completely unknowing of your intrusion,
-"Please they're the love of my life, and I'm not asking to force them but maybe...show me a sign if they like me back. They make me feel like no other and I am just so confused and I need guidance, Ancient Willow."
-Deny. Deny. Deny. Deny.
-Oh, and did I say deny
-He absolutely hates being the person caught with egg on his face and being in the wrong, so the fact that he himself Mr. 'No Party Romances' violated his own rules?
-He wants to fall into a hole right on the spot
-While he is a grown ass man and doesn't want to be a coward, Chilchuck doesn't want to face this problem head on surprisingly (sarcasm)
-He shows his love for you by trying to keep you the safe the most out of everyone in the party, scolds you HEAVILY when you mess up that could've cost you your life
-Some may say that it's just Chilchuck's explosive nature, Senshi was actually the first to see through it and grow suspicion over his behavior but honestly didn't have enough evidence for his theory and was shot down by Laios and Marcille
-It's not extremely obvious his slight shift in treatment until you had been kidnapped by the Chain Devil to protect Chilchuck from it's clutches
-And multiple times have members of the party have been kidnapped and although shaken he was able to keep his cool...but this time it was heavily different
-He let out a horrified scream that they had never heard from the Half-Foot before. He scrambled to his feet after watching you getting pulled into the darkness, his eyes were glassy and full of panic as he asked the rest on what they should do
-When they get you back, you were too tired to really stand so you laid in the sleeping bag as everyone else slept as well, but the brown haired man never left your side and watched as you slept
-...or so he thought
-You find out about his true feelings as you laid in your sleeping bag. As you were drifting in and out consciousness but felt light weight on the side of your body and Chilchuck began to talk to you, asking if you were awake
-"Good, you're fast asleep...I hope you know that I'm not hard on you because I don't like you that's...not even close to the truth.
I love you, so much and...I get so damn scared for you."
-Constant. Monster. Facts.
-One of the things that makes Laios so attracted to you is that you listen and like when he nerds out so please be prepared. You're a safe space to spew out knowledge and it means the world to him
-Consistently gives you small little gifts, but then sometimes gifts to the others so it doesn't look suspicious. Maybe it was something with the light but, the look in his eye as he gave you the bracelet and put it on you was so different.
-Usually doesn't care about other people being in a towels or shirtless, but when it's you he feels like a victorian man seeing an ankle for the first time. When he sees your collar bones and he tries to keep it very lokwey, but is highkey blushing
-Gives you some sketches of your favorite creatures, always "accidentally" makes your favorite dish for dinner nights, pouts a little when you need to be gone without him for a little
-If you're ever feeling insecure he might open his gob a little too much, "I get maybe why you'd feel that way but, if you ask me I think it's pretty hot" he says with a blank, enthusiastic smile on his face not at all understanding how that could come off
-You find out that the knight has a crush on you the first time he gets absolutely hammered with Senshi, Chilchuck as he was convinced by the two to get drunk
-The bar was packed in one of the "safe spaces" in town and you and Marcille were kinda the designated sober people within your party, and whilst the half elf was in the bathroom you decided to get some fresh air and got up from the stool seat
-"Whatcha' doing party is jus' getting started?" Laios asks
-You shot him a look over the shoulder and responded softly, "I need some fresh air hun, I'll be right back."
-And there went his inner dialogue. Out his mouth.
-"Woah, how sexy. Being in love really sucks sometimes since I'd really do tricks like a dog to be with them good god."
-The look you sobered him almost completely, and if that wasn't enough Marcille was right behind him and heard every word
-Love is cringe but he is free I guess.
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sanguineterrain · 4 months
Hello! I recently found your blog and bruh I'M SMITTEN by your works.
Would it be alright if I requested Jason Todd x gn reader (also vigilante but only works on small cases and in safer places... Jason wouldn't let them anywhere else after a heavy injury they sustained in the past)...
Maybe they're searching for clues in one of the alleys and reader finds a baby there and takes it home (or maybe they fall upon a tired-looking woman throwing her baby over the bridge, reader manages to catch it but when they get back up the woman is gone)? Just overall how would Jason react to his partner finding a kid and bringing it home and what would happen after.
I made myself laugh bc I thought Jason would be like "good thing you went home and not to a bat cave, can't handle another sibling, the last one is already a living hell.
And I wanted to ask if it would be alright if I requested more than just one thing? Completely fine if not.
This is a super cute prompt!! Thanks for sending it in. And yes feel free to send more than one request 💓
Jason Todd x gn!reader. Abandoned baby, established relationship, Jason being a cutie patootie.
You find the baby in a grocery store basket stuffed with blankets behind a Walmart.
She's a tiny thing, with fat cheeks and a permanent wrinkle between her brow. She's frighteningly quiet.
You take her home.
Home has become synonymous with Jason's apartment. At some point, it just made more sense for you to move in long-term. Jason had gingerly brought it up to you one night and kissed you hard when you'd said yes.
You pick up some formula on the way home and a few other things. The baby starts to cry after a bit, to your relief, and after feeding and changing her, you sway her until she falls asleep.
You're content to hold her until you get a crib. You fully intend to do so.
You hear the first lock turn, then the second, then the third. There's no worry that Jason will wake the baby; he always enters a building like he's casing it.
You have the TV turned down low, channel switched to some late-night sitcom. Jason comes in and closes the door with his foot. He takes off his helmet, revealing his messy curls. You smile.
"Hey, Jaybird," you say.
Jason glances at you as he walks to the bedroom, unzipping his vest as he goes. He grins tiredly.
"Hey, sweetheart. Hello, baby."
You watch him disappear into the bedroom. The baby is still fast asleep. You adjust your legs to get more comfortable in the chair.
Jason backs out of the room a moment later, gear still on. His vest is half-unzipped.
"That's a baby," he says.
You nod. "Yep."
Jason pulls a face like he's doing calculus in his head. "Did—do we have a... did I...?"
"How would that even work, Jason?"
"Look, there's many ways that can happen! Y'know how many freakin' clones are in this city? My freakazoid brother could get you a genetically engineered baby in twelve hours."
"She is an organically produced baby not related to either of us. Okay?"
"Oh. Sure, yeah." Jason starts to turn, then comes back. "Wait, no, I still have questions. Why do you have a baby?"
"I found her."
Jason squints at you, then at the baby. "You found her."
"I don't think that'll hold up in court, sweets."
"Relax, Jason. I'm ninety-nine percent sure she was abandoned. I found her behind a Walmart. I know I could've dropped her at the hospital, but I just..." You look down at her sleeping face. "She's just so little. And she needs human contact. Nurses are already overworked as it is. What harm is in taking her home?"
"Yeah, y'know what that is? A siren song. Pretty soon, you'll be fitting her for a domino mask and dressing her like a traffic light."
You roll your eyes. "Don't be silly. I wouldn't dare try to take Damian's title. Plus, traffic light color palettes are so outdated."
Jason pouts. "Are not."
You carefully stand, baby in your arms, and walk over to peck Jason on his cheek.
"Are too. Wanna hold her?"
Jason looks at her like she's a bomb. "I dunno. I might... what if I... hurt her?"
You frown. "You wouldn't hurt her, Jaybird."
"I might hold her wrong or make her cry, and then I'll have to throw myself off the roof."
"You are such a drama king. She's sleeping like a log. You won't wake her unless you scream in her ear."
Before Jason can reply, you're unloading her into his arms. He jumps into action, arms and hands awkward but trying. You smile gently.
"Put her head in the crook of your elbow. Yeah, good. Support her butt. Both arms. Yeah, good! Good job, honey."
You pat his arm. Jason looks spooked for a second, then seems to relax when she doesn't stir. She's cradled in his arms like she was made to fit there.
"Isn't she so cute?" you whisper.
"She is really cute. So small. God." He watches her for a moment, mouth downturned. "I was a small baby too."
"I bet you were a cute baby," you say, tucking a curl behind Jason's ear.
"Oh, sure. People came from all over the world to have a gander at the cutest baby on the planet. Looks like she's taken my title."
Jason starts to sway lightly, holding her like she's gold. You feel your face soften.
He must feel your eyes on him, because he looks up after a moment like he's expecting you to correct his posture. "What?"
You shake your head. "Nothing. Just... I'm just really in love with you, Jay."
Jason's cheeks turn pink. He bites the inside of his cheek.
"Oh. I'm, uh, really in love with you too."
You kiss him properly for that, and Jason hums into your mouth, then pulls back slightly.
"We can't keep the baby. Y'know that, right? I gotta marry you properly first," Jason says against your lips.
"This is the twenty-first century, buddy. People keep babies all the time, unwed or not."
"Yeah, I know. Still wanna marry you first."
You look down at the baby and give her an air kiss. Then you look up at Jason, putting on the saddest face you can muster. He sighs.
"Well," he says, gently touching her fingers. "Maybe we can keep her for a little while."
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beaniegaebie · 7 months
i don't really have any solid conclusions about this yet but i noticed A Thing in a rewatch and i haven't found it mentioned elsewhere yet so here we go
(apologies for the appalling image quality you're about to see, i can't screenshot easily rn pls bear with)
OKAY so in the scene where crowley confronts gabriel about "shut up and die", something about the arrangement of book stacks caught my eye a little
the majority of the books are angled so that we mostly just see the page edges and not the spines clearly, EXCEPT for a particularly shiny and familiar colour combo right here-
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but nothing too weird going on there, i thought, crowley coloured books in a bookshop so what? right up until i registered crowley's line when we get a closer look-
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hhhhmmmmMMmmmm yes yes "everything just the way you wanted" huh, very interesting considering that we know how much thought goes into props huh
and for most of the shots we get of crowley in this position those freaking books are just quietly nestled right there in the corner-
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look at that god damn framing i fuckin see you, you glorious bastards
so i paused to see if i could figure out what the hell was up with those fuckers and this is when i absolutely lost my mind, your honour
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A and C you say?? in crowley colours???? framed like this?????? localised entirely within your kitchen???
anyway long story short they're two books from an Agatha Christie Crime Collection set (24 volumes, three stories per volume) and guess whats on the mfing front covers I'm-
(its a rant for another post but when paired with this other set of initials spotted in s2 i want to scream actually)
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ANYWAY back to the books, through an absolutely unhinged comparison of the formatting of gold text blobs i reckon the two we have here are:
(on top) The Pale Horse; The Big Four, The Secret Adversary
(on bottom) 4:50 From Paddington, Lord Edgeware Dies, Murder in Mesopotamia
(I'm fairly confident but if anyone has a better image to confirm/correct this pls do)
now here is where I'll need a bunch of help from some Christie-heads out there bc I haven't read any of these and I've only seen the tv adaptation of one of them, so i dont know for sure if these are like A Clue, or A Cool Thing, or if I've just fully brainrotted myself into a fun lil corner here? wa-hoo
but here's some initial stuff that jumped out at me after skimming the basics:
(some of) the titles: Pale Horse/Big Four - death's horse ofc, the four horsemen mayb? the them+adam?? ; Mesopotamia is a very biblical choice bbz ; 4:50 From Paddington- azi likes trains i guess? idk that one's tenuous lmao ; honestly no idea with the other two but Secret Adversary feels a tad ominous
iirc Big Four just has kind of an unusual history, it was initially twelve short stories that she later compiled into one, and it was published fairly soon after christie's mysterious disappearance/reappearance
in Big Four, poirot fakes his death at one point and doesnt even let hastings in on it and I'm hoping sure its totally irrelevant to the ineffable bois
part of the Pale Horse story is a group of assassins that basically try to pass off all their murders as being actually caused by like ✨satanic powers✨ which is interesting
christie knew a fUCkton about poisonings thats why she wrote so many into her work and, while i don't believe the poison coffee theory myself, it sure is an interesting link with how cyanide is associated with almond smell/flavour and that metatron chooses almond syrup in particular
(ALSO random side note that is mostly meaningless but I've worked in a good few uk coffee shops and have never worked anywhere that stocks almond syrup; almond milk yes, hazelnut syrup yes, but never almond syrup...? prob just the places i worked though lmao)
EDIT forgotten point: I've seen some speculation that the bently's plate reading "CURTAIN" could be a reference to poirot's last story, along side that alternate scene of crowley ordering the sherry for "miss marple", its just one too many agatha christie references for my melted brain to handle and I'm SUS
so this is where i run out of idea steam and hand it over to you lot because i have no clue what this could mean, if it even means anything other than a cool set feature
is there something here actually or am i yelling into the void just for fun?
who knows, who cares!
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nicoline1998enilocin · 8 months
The beginning of the end...?
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Pairing ⇒ Boyfriend!Steve Rogers x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader x Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes
Word count ⇒ 5.6K
Summary ⇒ Steve and Bucky are planning on proposing, but as they're doing this, they don't realize the two of them are giving you the feeling you're not worthy of them. As soon as they find out, their behavior completely changes, and before you know it, you have two super soldiers down on their knees, asking you to marry them.
Rating ⇒ Explicit (E)
Warnings ⇒ Polyamorous relationship, use of nicknames (Princess, Printsessa),
Angst ⇒ Hurt/comfort, references to anxiety and insecurity.
Smut ⇒ MMF threesome, D/S undertones, sensory play/deprivation (blindfold), discussion of safewords, size kink, dirty talk, oral (F receiving), nipple play, fingering (anal/vaginal), double penetration, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), creampie, implied aftercare
Request ⇒ Anon I don’t know if you write this but could you maybe write a story about bucky x Steve x y/n or reader what you prefer. That they are in a relationship but reader feels left out because Steve and bucky go way back together so she thinks they wanne break up while the boys are planning to propose. So reader distance herself more and more while the boys have no clue. In the end they propose to her but I want a good angsty/ fluff story
A/n -> Thank you so much for this beautiful request, sweet Nonnie! I want to thank @buckys-wintersoldier for helping me develop the title, and I want to say thank you to @late-to-the-party-81 for helping me whilst writing this, as well as for your feedback while proofreading. You helped me bring this fic to the next level, and I deeply appreciate it! ❤️
A/n 2.0 ⇒ My requests are open again! Please consider that I only have 24 hours in my day, so it might take a while to get the new requests posted, but I expect to post them around February/March. I'll be looking forward to what you will all come up with, and I can't wait to start writing requests again ❤️
Events Masterlist ⇒ @buckybarnesevents ⇒ BaBB061: December ⇒ Sensory Play/ Deprivation Masterlist ⇒ @stuckybingo ⇒ Kink: Size kink Masterlist ⇒ @lgbtqbingo ⇒ Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers Masterlist ⇒ @marvel-smash-bingo ⇒ ''I love to see you lying there like that.''
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies ⇒ Divider: @firefly-graphics ⇒ Photo: Source
Main Masterlist ⇒ Stucky Masterlist
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Something between the three of you has shifted. You don't know how, why, or when, but it has. And with that, your anxiety has gone through the roof as well. Steve and Bucky have been spending more time with each other than with you lately, which is strange since they usually can't keep their hands off of you, or each other for that matter. Even though all three of you still sleep in the same bed at night, it doesn't feel the same and you're starting to feel like a third wheel in your relationship. After all, they've known each other for almost a century.
You're watching a movie with only Steve because Bucky is on an undercover mission and is unreachable for at least a week. However, even though you have chosen the movie, you're not watching it. Your eyes look at the TV, but your brain doesn't register what's happening as you're so lost in your thoughts.
"Is everything okay, Princess?" Steve asks when he notices you've been zoned out for a while.
"Yeah, just tired," you say and fake a yawn, getting up to go to bed despite still being early in the evening. Steve looks at you with worry when you stand, but he leaves it be for now; he figures that if something's wrong, you'll come to him.
"Okay, sleep well, Princess," he says in a soft, defeated voice, and your heart aches at the sound, but you will your legs to walk to the bedroom and curl into the comforter on your bed. Not long after, you feel the mattress dip beside you, and Steve cuddles up to you under the heavy comforter. You let out a small sigh as you feel his muscular chest press against your back. Steve places a few soft kisses on your shoulder before he whispers something to you, under the impression you're asleep.
"I love you, Princess. I'm sorry we have to do it this way, but it'll be for the best," he says. With those words, he lays his head down, and you're fighting against your tears. This confirms it for you. He's just being nice to you now because Bucky's not here, waiting for him to return so they can break up with you together. It'll always be them against the world, and they don't have a place inside that world for you.
To save yourself from most of the pain, you decide to spend more time with others or alone in your room instead of with Steve, and while you notice the sad look on his face, he also doesn’t come to you.
"Princess, can we talk for a minute?" Steve asks as you walk into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. He's leaning against the counter in tight sweatpants and an even tighter shirt. You feel a wave of arousal course through your veins and between your legs, as you look him up and down, admiring his physique. You don’t let it distract you from the matter as you prepare for the talk he’s about to have with you.
"Sure, Steve," you say with a slight smile, hoping it looks sincere.
When you have your breakfast ready, he leads you to your bedroom, where you sit on your couch. He takes his place next to you, almost taking up half the sofa with the broad shoulders you love so much -where you scrape your nails when he's fucking your brains out. But that's not what you're thinking of right now, no. Right now, you're bracing yourself for what's to come; the inevitable is here, you think.
"As you know, Bucky is coming home from the mission tomorrow, and I was thinking of surprising him with a relaxing evening with the three of us. A nice home-cooked dinner, a relaxing bath, maybe even a blanket fort and a movie," he says as he looks at you expectantly.
"I- I think I have plans tomorrow night, sorry," you say, and you look at your food, unable to look Steve in the eye right now because if you do, you're sure he'd see that you're not telling the truth.
"Princess, can you please look at me?" Steve asks in a soft voice, and that's what pushes you over the edge, the tears streaming down your face while you sob uncontrollably. Steve reaches for you and pulls you into his lap, whispering soothing words and kissing you again on your temple.
"It's okay, Princess, I've got you," he says, and you can't help but feel incredibly guilty that he's doing this.
"C'mon, let's get a little more comfortable on the bed," he says as he lifts you up and carries you there before sitting with you in his lap. The two of you stay like that until you calm down and surrender to his warmth, feeling safe in his strong arms.
"I'm sorry…" you croak out, and it's a good thing he has super soldier hearing otherwise, you doubt he would hear you.
"There's nothing to be sorry for, Princess," he says as he wipes your tears, and after a little while, you agree to welcome Bucky home tomorrow night, just like you always do when one or both of them come home from a mission.
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Bucky is coming home today, and you feel both happy and anxious. What if he doesn't greet you the same way he always does? Or what if he only wants to see Steve? Your mind is going into overdrive the closer he gets to finally being home, but you're trying to keep yourself together, not wanting to breakdown like you did with Steve yesterday. When the Quinjet is on approach, you shoot Steve a quick text to see if he's coming, but he says he's wrapped up in a meeting for a while and that you can go alone, so you do.
As you walk to the hangar, you ball your fists up by your sides to relieve some of the anxiety you're feeling, but all you do is break the skin and leave crescent moons in the palms of your hands. You hope Bucky won't see them. When the Quinjet lands and Bucky walks out, you see him searching for both you and Steve. If he's disappointed only to be greeted by you, he doesn't show it. He runs over to you with a slight jog and a smile on his face before picking you up and hugging you tightly.
"Hi, Printsessa! I can't believe how much I've missed you these past few weeks, and I'm sorry I couldn't contact you sooner," he says as he puts you down and grabs your face softly with his big, calloused hands.
"I love you so much, and I can't wait for our blanket fort tonight," he continues before capturing your lips in a soft kiss, which quickly turns passionate as you let yourself melt into Bucky's touch. When he pulls away, you’re smiling too. You're happy he's home because seeing Bucky somehow makes you forget all your anxieties for just a moment or two.However, as you walk back to the Compound, and Bucky tries to hold your hand, you pull away and he stops dead in his tracks, looking at you with a raised brow. Shit.
"What's going on, Printsessa? Did you hurt your hand or something?" he asks and with a small tear rolling down your face, you unfold the palms of your hands, showing him the damage you've done to them. You don't know how or why, but Bucky seems to catch onto things a lot faster than Steve did, as he immediately figures out it's because they have been spending less time with you lately.
"Is- Is this because of us? Because Steve and I are busier with work lately?" he asks softly. He told Steve this was likely to happen and now that it has he feels worse than ever. With a slight nod, you wordlessly answer his question, and his heart feels like it is shattering as he clutches you to his chest. He holds you as close as he can and repeatedly says the word ‘sorry’.
"I-It's okay," you croak out, still crying into his chest. Suddenly, you feel a powerful, broad chest against your back and one more pair of warm hands rubbing your sides to calm you down. Although you don’t see it, Bucky shoots Steve a look of ’I told you so!’ over your shoulder. They're both feeling sorry, even though this was the only way to organize the extraordinary thing they have planned for you.
"Shall we go inside, and take a bath together, Printsessa? After that, we can build the blanket fort, watch a movie, and cuddle," Bucky offers. You nod into his chest, but you're not letting him go, so he picks you up with no effort and carries you inside.
Bathtime with your two super soldiers is always lovely, especially since you have a custom bathtub  that fits all three of you perfectly. Steve lets the water run and puts some of your favorite scented bubbles in while Bucky undresses you with kisses on each piece of skin that he reveals.
"God, I can't believe I've missed out on this for so long, Printsessa," he says, and you can't help but preen because of his words. As his lips find your pulse point, sucking softly but still hard enough to leave a bruise, you let out a small moan.
His hands are squeezing the flesh of your butt and spreading them at the same time, giving Steve a little show as he undresses you. Both of them are incredibly hard and when you feel both their dicks press against your body, you can't help but throw your head back against Steve's shoulder.
"Please," you beg softly, although you’re unsure what you're actually begging for. Both men decide not to make you wait any longer, so Steve pulls you close to his chest while Bucky sinks to his knees in front of you. At the sight of Bucky ready to worship you, you clench around nothing, and Steve's warm breath by your ear makes goosebumps appear across your neck. His arms are hooked under yours, cupping both your breasts as Bucky lifts your leg, hooking it over his shoulder before diving into your dripping pussy. You moan loudly.
"Look at that, Princess, look at how perfect he looks between these delicious thighs of yours," Steve growls in your ear, and it all only serves to arouse you even further, bringing you closer to your orgasm. His fingers find your pebbled nipples, rolling and tugging them, drawing soft whines from your lips. Bucky has both of your thighs in a grip that's sure to leave bruises, but the slight discomfort only leaves you wanting more. More of him. More of Steve. More of everything.
"God, you're just such an easy little slut for us, aren't you? We get you naked, and suddenly, you're like a lost puppy who doesn't know what to do," Steve drawls with a slight smirk. At the same time, Bucky lets his tongue alternate between dipping into your entrance and stimulating your clit, until you're right on the edge. That's when he pulls away without any warning.
"You didn't think we'd let you cum that easy, did you?" Bucky teases, and you can feel the disappointment washing over you. However, it doesn't last long because Steve's lips find their way onto your neck as his hands wander to your waist before turning you around to face him.
"Don't worry, Princess, we'll make up for it in the bath, but you'll have to trust us, alright? We’ll make you feel like you're flying. We’ll make love to you until all you can think about is Bucky and me giving you more pleasure than you ever thought you could feel," he tells you, his bright blue eyes sparkling at the thought of what's to come. However, just as you think he's about to lead you into the bath, he reaches for something on the counter that you didn't see earlier: a blindfold.
"If you're okay with it, I'm going to blindfold you when we're in the bath. We’ll be constantly with you, and make sure nothing happens that you're not okay with, Princess. We’re going to use the traffic light system for this. Can you explain what it means?" he asks patiently, and you nod in response.
"Green means that I'm good, that you can continue what you're doing, and that I'm enjoying it. Yellow means that I might be getting uncomfortable with something, so we stop and have a check-in to see what we can do differently before continuing. Red means I have reached a limit and that I want to stop with what we're doing. This will end the entire scene for everyone, and we’ll move on to aftercare," you tell him, just like you have done so many times before.
Despite this, Steve and Bucky want you to say it to them, whether you're just with one of them or all three of you are together. They’re always mindful of your well-being, both physical and emotional, and they keep an extra eye out for you during moments like these.
''Good girl,'' Bucky tells you and with that all three of you get into the bath. They let you get used to the warmth of the water and softness of the bubbles first, the blindfold still lying on the small table next to the large tub.You're leaning against Steve's chest with your legs stretched out and Bucky gently massages your feet to relax you. They want all your anxiety gone, your mind eased.
Steve joins in, his skilled hands slowly massaging your thighs and a groan falls from your lips when he finds a rather sensitive spot, making him smirk. After they massage your limbs for another ten to fifteen minutes, the two super soldiers share a look,Steve immediately knowing what Bucky is thinking. Bucky leans forward, happily pulling you into his lap and getting you settled as he peppers your neck and jaw with kisses and love bites.
''Are you ready, Printsessa? Steve is going to blindfold you when you're ready, and we're hoping you can take both of us today at the same time. How do you feel about that?'' Bucky explains to you as he looks at you, happy when he doesn’t find any sign of discomfort on your face.
''I feel good about it, Bucky; I want to feel both of you inside me,'' you reply, and immediately after, you're blindfolded, the world around you entirely dark. You can hear the soft background music that Steve turned on, and you can feel two sets of hands roaming over your body. Bucky's metal hand is a stark contrast to his flesh one, even in the water as they roam over your thighs before slipping between them, finding your clit effortlessly.
You gasp at the feeling of the metal on your sensitive nub, and you arch your back, pressing your bare breasts against his chest; your butt is now presented beautifully for Steve, who has both of his hands kneading the flesh as he enjoys the sight in front of him. Your hole is on display, but before he moves to work you open, he needs to hear your consent first.
''Color?'' he asks, and you reply with an immediate green. He reaches to the side of the tub and retrieves a small bottle of silicone-based lube. He flips the top open with his thumb, and you softly gasp at the click. Steve squirts some onto his fingers, ready to start opening you up. He moves his hand to your rim with a soft hum, massaging it with his fingertips until it is relaxed enough to push the tip of his index finger in, working you open slowly. Bucky moves his hand from your clit to your entrance, pushing in two fingers at once. The pleasure you were already feeling heightens immensely.
''Look at you, Printsessa, you're doing so good for us,'' Bucky tells you as he keeps visually checking in with Steve. They know you can handle it but don't want to overwhelm you, so they're extra careful with you. They're both big and they don't want to hurt you accidentally, so caution is necessary. When Steve manages to slip a second lubed finger into you, you wince, and both men immediately stop everything they're doing.
''Color?'' Steve asks. 
''Yellow,'' you breathe out. You're having to adjust to him being inside you, but the blindfold over your eyes is making everything more intense.
''I-I need to adjust a little, with the blindfold- I'm just a little more nervous than usual,'' you tell them, and they understand. You take a few deep breaths, giving your body time to get used to what your boyfriends are doing. As you relax, you tell them you’re ‘green,’ and they carefully pick up where they left off. More pleasure blooms through your abdomen as Bucky works a third finger into your pussy, and a loud moan escapes from you as your nails dig into his shoulders.
''Fuck! You both feel so good inside of me,'' you tell them with a broad smile, and you even begin to rock yourself back and forth now that the nerves have disappeared and your confidence has increased. While you were still a little on edge at first, you've now found your footing, and you can feel your orgasm building once more.
''Yeah? Just imagine how you feel when we're both buried deep inside of you, Printsessa, both of our cocks splitting you open as you fall apart on them. Thrusting in and out before we fill you up until both of your holes are dripping with our cum,'' Bucky tells you, and you moan at his words, wanting nothing more than to be filled by them.
''Are you going to cum for us, Princess? Are you cumming on our fingers?'' Steve growls behind you, and with a scream of their names you do, your boyfriends working you through your orgasm with expert precision. They praise you endlessly and prepare you for what's to come. When you come down from your high and are ready for what’s next, Bucky slides down into the bath until the water reaches his shoulders.You straddle him, finding the perfect position so that Steve can also slide in.
''How's this, Printsessa? Are you comfortable?'' Bucky asks, your hands resting on his chest for balance. It's not uncomfortable, but the shift requires you to adjust slightly to avoid falling over onto Bucky.
''Perfect,'' you tell him, and he leans up to kiss you softly. As he does, you hear a soft growl coming from Steve behind you. Your ass has lifted slightly, now only just beneath the surface, as he's admiring where he's about to slide into in a few moments.
''I love to see you lying there like that,'' Steve tells you, and you smile into the kiss with Bucky. When you pull away and sit down, you can feel his length between your thighs, now grown to total hardness. Steve reaches into the water to find Bucky's cock and lube it up; they don’t want to hurt you, after all. Bucky lets out a loud moan as Steve strokes his hand up and down a few times before lining Bucky’s cock up with your pussy. The sensation of his tip against your clit makes you moan as well. Your head falls back as you sink down onto Bucky's length, feeling it stretch you inch by inch.
''Color?'' Steve asks as you sink to the hilt, Bucky's tip hitting your sweet spot.It makes you see stars and your nails scratch his chest in an attempt to ground yourself.
''So fucking green,'' you bite out as you start to grind down on Bucky, whose hands are on your hips to guide your movements. With every thrust back in, you can feel Bucky everywhere, and the fact you can't see makes the experience ten times better. Steve is enjoying the sight in front of him as he generously spreads the lube over his cock. He has ensured you’re adequately prepped, but it will still be a stretch, and he wants it to be pleasurable for you both. After a few minutes of slow grinding on Bucky’s cock, you feel Steve's hands stopping you. He lines himself up to your other hole, which welcomes him in with little resistance.
A loud groan leaves Steve's lips as he carefully thrusts into you, keeping a close eye on your reactions as your body gets used to him. Bucky's eyes are trained on your face as well and he gently tucks some of your hair behind your ear. Your chest heaves up and down at the feeling of both men filling you, but the pleasure only intensifies with every passing second. When Steve slides all the way in with a groan, both men still for a moment, letting you adjust again.
''What's your color?'' Bucky asks you. The blindfold is slightly damp from the sweat dripping off your forehead, but you wouldn't change this moment for the world. Your mouth is slack as you get used to the feeling of fullness; being taken like this by your boyfriends isn't something to take lightly, after all.
''Green,'' you tell them eventually, and with that, Steve sets a slow pace that has all three of you moaning loudly as pleasure courses through your bodies. It doesn't take long for you to fall over the edge of another orgasm; your body was already near the edge from the time Bucky had slid in. With a long, broken moan, you work yourself over their cocks, trying to be the one to set the pace even though you barely have the strength to hold yourself up. 
''Let us do the work, Printsessa; you relax. Just enjoy how we make you feel,'' Bucky says, and you nod. You let yourself sink against him, and Steve slides out to change positions, too, so he can be the one to do most of the work right now. He doesn't mind, and as he slides back in with ease, he almost immediately sets a pace that makes both you and Bucky moan loudly.
''Look at you, Princess, your tight holes are welcoming us so beautifully.You look so perfect between us as we fuck you into oblivion,'' Steve says. You’re so small that your body is now completely covered by both men. Steve can feel himself throb inside you, his orgasm nearing fast now and a glance at Bucky lets him know the other man feels the same. It doesn't take long for them to cum inside you, filling you with every last drop of their cum. Once their breathing returns to normal, they carefully pull out, one after the other.
They shift you so that your back is against Steve's chest at the side of the tub, and Bucky kneels in front of you. His long, skilled fingers untie the knot behind your head with ease, and when the blindfold falls away, you look into his eyes, which are filled with love.
''Welcome back, Printsessa,'' he says before kissing your lips gently. 
After your bath, all three of you step out of the tub, and your boyfriends dry you off before seeing to themselves. Bucky picks you up, towel and all, and carries you to the bed for much-needed cuddles. When he puts you down, he dresses you in a pair of panties and one of his henleys. He grabs a pair of sweatpants for himself while Steve gets the blanket fort ready to celebrate another successful mission.
''We're fortunate to have you as our girlfriend, you know that?'' Bucky says, peppering your face with kisses as you sit sideways on his lap, your fingers tracing the intricate patterns on his Vibranium arm. You're about to say something in return, but Steve walks back in, and you can't help but glance at his abs, his sweatpants hanging below them.
''Who's ready for some blanket fort cuddles?'' Steve asks, and you jump off Bucky's lap, racing toward it. They always allow you to go in first so you can find the most comfortable spot, but they follow you quickly, ready to watch a movie and unwind together. Not a single worry plagues your mind, and the anxieties you felt over the last few weeks have all melted away. They didn't want to get rid of you, after all.
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"Printsessa?" Bucky says as you're curled up in the big armchair in the living room, your Kindle lying on your lap as you read the latest Stephen King novel. You look up at him with a soft smile, which he returns and then walks your way. He crouches in front of you, his metal hand rubbing your knee soothingly and he looks into your eyes with his beautiful blue ones. A wave of warmth runs through your body as you look back at him.
"I want to treat you to a spa day to thank you for everything you do for us. From keeping us safe during missions to being the best, sweetest, caring, and most beautiful girlfriend we could wish for. We're lucky to call you ours, and you deserve a day to relax and let yourself be taken care of," he tells you.
"A-Are you sure? You don't have to do that," you tell him, your hand going to his cheek, your fingers gliding over the stubble. The caress earns you a soft groan as Bucky’s eyes close, allowing the feeling of your fingers to quiet his mind a little bit. He's still feeling bad about how they made you feel, and even though they're trying to do better, they still have a few more things to organize, which is Bucky's ulterior motive for sending you on the spa day.
"I know, but you deserve it, Printsessa. How about this: You make a girls' day of it with Nat and Wanda, and then we'll go out for dinner afterward. Nothing over the top, but we can make it a date night with you, me, and Steve," he offers. You nod in response. It does sound like a good idea.
"Alright, I'll go ask if they have time for a spa day soon," you tell Bucky before getting up, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and standing on your tiptoes to reach his mouth for a kiss. As soon as you feel his soft, plush lips on yours, warmth spreads through your veins, and his hands pull you against his body as he deepens the kiss.
His tongue swipes over your upper lip, asking for entrance, which you happily grant before feeling it against yours, moving in unison in a slow, passionate dance. A soft whine escapes your lips as he pulls away, as you don't want this moment to be over yet.
"I think there's someone who would like some attention as well, Printsessa," he whispers in your ear before you see Steve leaning against the doorframe, blocking the way into the living room where you and Bucky are still standing by the armchair, your Kindle long forgotten on the armrest.
You beckon Steve over, and he happily complies. You place your hands on his cheeks, pulling him down to meet you halfway for a kiss in which you're more than happy to take the lead. He follows your motions effortlessly, and when you finally pull away, you have a little difficulty catching your breath as you look into his eyes.
"I love you both so much, but now I'm going to find Nat and Wanda because I have a spa day to plan!" you say before giving each of them a peck on their lips and heading out the living room, on your way to meet your two fellow Avengers. As you turn around to say goodbye, you see that both super soldiers have found their place in the large armchair, having their own moment, and you look at them with adoration, wondering how you got so lucky to have these two super soldiers as your boyfriends.
You're at the nail salon with Natasha and Wanda a week later, deciding what design to put on your nails. Bucky and Steve have told you to get them done however you want, no matter the price, and you decide to go with a set of blue chrome nails. Wanda opts for a red set to match Vision, and Nat goes for sharp, black nails to suit her aesthetic.
When you’re all done, the three of you head to the shops for some clothes.Luckily, you don't have to go far to find the perfect dress to wear to dinner with your boyfriends. In a store window, you see a beautiful black velvet dress that immediately draws your attention, and you decide to go and try it on.
''It fits like a glove!'' you tell both girls as you walk out of the dressing rooms, and their jaws hit the floor as they look at you. You walk out of the store shortly after, not only with the dress but also with a pair of simple black heels to go with it. You're very excited to show Steve and Bucky your new outfit, but they’ll have to wait until just before going to dinner.
''I'm sure you won't make it out of the Compound looking like that. At least you wouldn't if I were your partner,'' Natasha says, giving you a massive boost of confidence. By the time the three of you are heading back to the Avengers Compound, where Bucky and Steve are making the last changes to the proposal, it’s almost 4 pm.
''How're my two favorite super soldiers doing?'' you ask as you walk into the bedroom. They’ve just finished the last necessary arrangements and are sitting on the bed watching an action movie. Steve is between Bucky's legs with Bucky's arms around his waist. His own hands are on Bucky's knees and they melt into each other's embrace. They both look up at you with expressions of adoration as you walk into the bedroom.
''We're doing perfectly now that you're back, Printsessa,'' Bucky says, and Steve nods in agreement. You tell them you're going to get ready for dinner straight away because you want to take your time and make everything perfect. From a dark make-up look to an elegant bun, you pull out all the stops. You finish the outfit with a simple silver necklace, and when it's time to leave for dinner, you meet Steve and Bucky in the living room, where they are waiting for you.
''So, how do I look?'' you ask them as you twirl around, and they practically drool at the sight of you. With a shared look, their plans change; they don't want to wait any longer to ask you to become their wife. They’ll propose to you now, and dinner will be to celebrate getting engaged.
''Princess?'' Steve stretches out his hand, which you take before he pulls you into the living room. Bucky turns on some soft background music on his phone and he fiddles with the ring in his pocket, the other half to the one Steve has in his. They chose matching, stackable rings that fit perfectly together so they could go down on one knee with a ring together.
''Printsessa, Steve, and I are so very fortunate to have you in our lives. We were happy before you met us, but we had never felt this amazing until we met you and you joined our relationship. Our days are brighter because of you, and our missions are less of a burden since we know we will come home to you every single time. Knowing that you're waiting for us is just one more reason for us to fight even harder because we don't want to be away from you any longer than we have to,'' Bucky tells you, and Steve stands beside him.
''I'm going to be honest: both Bucky and myself have done countless stupid things, but asking you to be a part of our lives isn't one of them. I love the traditions we've built together, from the blanket forts after each mission to our weekly dinner dates; we wouldn't change it for the world. We found our soulmate in you, and because of that, we want to ask you something important,'' Steve says.
Both men sink on their knees as you take a small step back, and the small ring boxes open in unison. Disbelief courses through your body at first, but it's true. They are asking you to marry you, and you can't wait for that day to arrive.
''Will you make us the happiest men in the universe and marry us?'' they ask in unison, and a loud laugh escapes you as you nod.
''Yes, of course, I'll marry you guys!'' you say, and they stand up to slide both rings on your finger. They each give you a deep, passionate kiss and then turn to share one with each other. Happiness radiates off all three of you.
''I love you both so much, though if you ever plan anything again, please don't make me feel like you're going to break up with me!'' you told them, and they agree. From here on out, they will do anything to include you whenever possible, and you have never felt more loved in your entire life.
''We love you too, Princess, more than you know,'' Bucky tells you before all three head off to dinner, celebrating the start of the rest of your lives.
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theaceace · 9 months
Another old fic idea that stalled somewhere between my brain and my docs, in which Hob puts centuries of life experience to use by writing an anonymous advice column (it's probably Jo's fault somehow) and recently he's been getting some... Odd submissions
My brother has recently left a very stifling living situation and is drowning himself in work. I know his pride won't let him come to me for help, but I want to let him know I'm still there for him, what do you suggest? - Endless Family Drama
It can be difficult to watch the people we love most refuse to accept our help, especially when we can see that they're hurting. The best advice I can offer you is don't push him too hard – the last thing you want to do is scare him away! Spend time with him doing something you both enjoy or rediscovering common ground, and let him come to you when he's ready. Encourage him to find the person he was before all of this, and start learning how that fits with who he is now; reconnect with old friends or pick up a hobby he hasn't tried for a while. Clearly you love your brother a great deal, and whether he's ready to admit it or not, he's lucky to have you in his corner.
Chin up, and best of luck to you both!
And what do you know, that afternoon Death happens to go find her brother feeding the pigeons.
Matthew (with Rose's help, typing is really hard when you're a bird, turns out) after a conversation with Lucienne and later a complain-and-smoke-sesh with Constantine, writes in (not knowing he's writing to the boss's friend) like
I've just started a new job, and my boss is literally a nightmare when he's in a bad mood, he drags me to hell and back, spends all his time moping and fighting with my other boss, and won't listen to any of my advice, how do I let him know I think he's being unreasonable - struggling to keep my beak shut
Eventually Dream - who is both spending much more time in the waking world and also much more inclined to listen to Matthew's advice recently, for some reason - decides to write in to ask the opinion of a human on how to. Well. How one might go about courting one of their oldest friends having just reconnected after a huge fight and period of separation.
So naturally, Hob's reply is somewhat wistful and based entirely on the way he would love to court/be courted by his old stranger (Dream! Morpheus! He's been given so many names and titles to use now, he's practically spoilt!)
Neither of them figure out what's going on for an embarrassingly long time
(Desire writes to ask how you get your brother to stop ignoring you after you've tricked him into prison ('captivity' is the word used, but Hob can read between the lines) and almost made him kill one of their relatives. Hob starts to question if this side career is a good idea)
Also, the tagline for his column would absolutely be something like I keep making the same mistakes so you don't have to! Somehow this does not clue Dream in in the slightest
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fataldrum · 2 years
Who's Afraid of Bad Attempts at Journalism?
Some of you may have seen a callout post on Medium about Rusty Quill. The author claims to have spoken with a number of people who worked with RQ. The allegations are worth considering, but they should be taken with a heavy grain of salt.
I have trouble taking the callout post seriously for a number of reasons.
The author is head of marketing for Fable & Folly. They initially failed to mention this, but later added this incredibly defensive note: "Editor’s Note: [name] is currently the Marketing Director for Fable & Folly Network, but has worked as an independent creator and journalist for longer." That's a huge conflict of interest.
2. I'm not seeing any evidence that this person is a "journalist." They don't list it on the resume on their website. If they are a journalist, they're not doing it on Medium with (as of this writing) 47 followers.
3. The article title is pure clickbait. It suggests Alex J. Newall is someone to be afraid of and makes vague allegations of RQ showing "aggression," but he's barely mentioned in the article at all. It's an unnecessarily inflammatory title, but that's what they seem to want: to stir drama.
4. The article uses TMA character names as pseudonyms. This was extremely distracting and gave the whole post a weird, cartoonish vibe. As was the decision to use the phrase, "Make your statement, face your fear" to link the post.
5. The article depends entirely on anonymous sources. While anonymous sources are necessary sometimes, the problem is that no one can independently verify what they said. They claim the sources asked to be anonymous because they were afraid RQ would retaliate and ruin their careers, or the fandom would attack them. That may be true. Or it may be because they signed NDAs, which would make it illegal to publicly discuss what happened. An NDA would be a good reason not to come forward, but unfortunately, we can't ask them about it, because they're anonymous.
6. They claim RQ has threatened to sue multiple people--okay, what were the circumstances? It literally never comes back up. Were these NDA violations? Breach of contract? No clue, they don't bother to elaborate.
7. They talk about salaries in different currencies without converting, in the same paragraph. Then they bring up the rates for freelance audio engineers, as if freelancers don't generally get higher rates than in-house staff.
8. The author is finding posts on Twitter and blocking anyone who disagrees with them. I've never interacted with the author, but they found my post and blocked me and others on the thread for daring to criticize the article. That alone speaks volumes about their professionalism. (And also explains why I didn't find any critical comments when I first looked: they're probably all banned).
There are doubtlessly far more issues with the post, but those are just the ones that were immediately apparent.
None of this is to say I think RQ is a well-run company. The dismissive treatment of their server mods alone tells me they have serious problems. But we should all think carefully when we read the allegations in the post, and consider the credibility and motivations of the author.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
I've been thinking about this for a while. May I request Kerian battling a "snow on Mt. Silver" Reader? Reader was the strongest trainer at Blueberry academy and champion of the BB league until they willingly handed off the title to Drayton and climbed to the highest point in the polar biome to wait for a strong challenger. Kerian, upon becoming champion, gets wind of them and decides to battle them. Things go bad quickly as reader is a ghost/corpse. Kerian does get rescued but is traumatized.
Oh this is a GOOD concept,,,give him that near-death trauma waaaaay before he even learns about terapagos
Also ik the weather conditions in the terarium are all simulated, but let's just say it malfunctioned and resulted in an actual blizzard at the very peak of the polar biome that killed reader + their Pokémon off (yet no one knows this)
"Have you heard from [y/n] lately, Drayton?"
"Nope. Last time I checked, they're still chilling at the Polar Biome peak, waiting for a "worthy challenger"."
"Was that pun intended?"
"...maybe, haha. But y'know, I kinda miss seeing their face around campus. I mean..they were our club's first champion, and to this day I still don't know why they handed the title over to me and bailed on-"
"Hold on, there was a champion before you and...you didn't even fight them for the title? No wonder I was able to beat you so easily."
"Oh great, just the person I hoped to see." With a dry chuckle, Drayton turned his head only slightly upon seeing Kieran approaching the clubroom's table with a deep scowl, eyes bleak.
Of course, the new champion of BB Academy believed he had every right to barge into the Elite Four's conversations--given he was having a bit of a "power trip" ever since gaining the title yesterday.
But the dragon trainer elected to ignore him, instead turning back to the others. "Anyways..I'm sure [y/n]'s already moved onto better things. No way could they still be up there after all that weird stuff happened with the weather."
"You mean..the time there was an actual blizzard in the terarium??" Lacey gasped, before shaking her head and making an "x" pose. "Bzzzt. Nope. Impossible. They sent a search and rescue team in case anyone in the outdoor classroom got stranded up there. And they didn't find a soul!"
"Yeah!" Crispin nodded in agreement. "I get they were the strongest trainer in this entire school, but why would they risk-?"
"I'm sorry, they're the strongest? Why am I only hearing about this [y/n] now?"
With a small yelp, he turned to the purple-haired boy. "Wah!! I-I totally forgot you were here, sorry.." He mumbled, slightly cowering under his harsh gaze. "Obviously you're the strongest! [Y/n]'s not important..d-don't worry about them. They're history-"
"But you all seem pretty convinced they're still here." Kieran's eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the group. "And you just told me where I might find them." He clenched his fists, already shaking with anticipation.
"Easy there, champ.." Drayton huffed in annoyance. "It's only a rumor that they're still hanging around. They weren't much of a talker, so we have no clue where they are. Could be in another region for all we know."
"Don't tell me....you're thinking about charging up that mountain all by yourself to see if they're there, are you? That's suicide."
"I have to agree with Drayton." Amarys nodded. "The staff is still trying to determine the cause of the anomalous weather patterns. We aren't banned from venturing up there, but until they can find a solution, it's ill-advised."
"Exactly!" Lacey joined in. "I heard one of the rescue team members had to get treated for frostbite. And it wasn't from some ice-type Pokémon, but the blizzard itself. This is serious, Kieran!"
"....I'll be fine. Your scare tactics won't work on me."
"Huh?! But we're not-"
"Enough. I'm gonna go find them myself, seeing as you're all too cowardly to do so." The champion sneered. "If a worthy challenger is what they're after, then I'll give them one. I'll let them know there's a new champion in town..and that he's the strongest trainer in this academy. Not them."
With that, he turned on his heel and left the room, mumbling under his breath things that made the four feel uneasy.
"How pathetic. The Elite Four..scared of a little snow and ice? Whatever. I'll show them. I'll show [y/n]. I'll show them ALL..."
After the doors slammed shut behind him, they felt the tension still lingering in the air--as did every other club member who was hanging out on the sofas and by the BP computer.
"Man." Drayton broke the silence, sitting up to stretch his arms. "That kid catches wind of some random stranger who's just a little stronger than him, and boom. He's obsessed. Hope he doesn't get himself killed up there."
"Should one of us go after him?" Lacey muttered in concern, her gaze not leaving the doors.
"I-I think that would make him angrier.." Crispin shook his head. "He's got an Incineroar, so maybe it'll keep him toasty."
"That is true. He could also either confirm or deny [y/n]'s presence atop that mountain." Amarys spoke up. "I only hope he properly prepares himself for the long journey..and that no other weather anomalies arise.."
"They weren't kidding..i-it's freezing...but we're doing this, Incineroar."
"Cinn.." Huffing, the Heel Pokémon remained beside its trainer as the two made their ascension towards the summit. They couldn't see any rest spots nor healing centers below them due to the snowfall being so heavy.
Even the teraglobe was barely visible.
Yet Kieran was persistent as ever in his goal, keeping his jacket zipped up and Incineroar close to him. He didn't care about the fact his hands were already growing numb, nor the cold biting at his legs leaving them weak.
He was the new champion. He had to let everyone in this school know and defeat whoever could threaten the position he worked so hard to achieve.
If not [Florian/Juliana]..then it was you.
You're someone he's never even met, but knowing you were the very first BB League champion and had a big-enough ego to come up here and wait for a strong challenger...was something he couldn't turn a blind eye to.
Not if he wanted to be the best in this entire school and eliminate any competition.
Absolutely nothing was gonna stop him.
Not even the fact that his Incineroar's flames were struggling to stay alive, gradually exhausting the feline as it struggled to keep up. It began having chills itself, although it knew better than to disobey its trainer when he demanded to keep the fire going.
Surely it can tough it out for him, right?
After what seemed like an eternity, Kieran finally reached the top of the mountain and saw you: the lone figure waiting for them both. Much of the snowfall had already cleared up allowing him to see you in a cap that concealed your eyes and a BB Academy uniform.
You were looking at something up in the sky, until you heard the sounds of shuffling and turned around, looking down with surprise at the challenger.
This kid...came up all this way to see you? Impressive.
His Incineroar looked a little worse for wear, the flames around its belt dying out, yet it stuck close to its trainer's side as he stared at you with a cold hard gaze.
"Are you [y/n], former BB League Champion?" He questioned.
"Not much of a talker, huh? Guess they were right. I'm Kieran, or better yet..Champion Kieran."
Although you barely gave a response aside from a slight tilt of your head, he just smirked. "Yeah, you heard me. I'm the new champion and president of the League Club, not that dumb dragon tamer. Because unlike him, I worked hard to earn this title. I don't wait around for things to be handed to me on a silver platter."
"You think being champion is a joke? Something you can just pawn off to somebody when you get bored of it?"
"I thought so. That means you never deserved the title to begin with.." He scoffed, irritated by your silence. "Anyway, they said you were the strongest, but I'm here to change that!" Pointing up at you, he shouted over the wind. "You wanted a worthy opponent..well HERE I AM!!! Incineroar, Porygon-Z...show them the power of a true BB League Champion!!"
He took out his Virutal Pokémon's pokeball, ready to send it into battle.
But it didn't come out after he tossed it to the ground.
"...huh?" Confused, Kieran picked up the pokeball, wondering why it wasn't opening. Then he noticed frost coating the button, practically icing it over entirely. "No, no, no.....what is this?!"
For some reason it was jammed, and he discovered that all the other pokeballs in his bag were like that, too, rendering them inaccessible.
But how?
It shouldn't be possible for all of them to freeze simultaneously...their insulation should be top-tier.
Brushing off his worries, he glared at you. "Whatever. I can win a single-battle, too! I've developed strategies for this. Incineroar, it's all up to you now"
Nodding, the Heel Pokémon cracked its knuckles and stepped forward. But as it looked at you, it began shivering all of the sudden, feeling a drastic drop in temperature as the flames on its belt struggled still.
It wasn't just the weather giving it chills..but you.
Something about you just seemed...off, but it couldn't exactly tell its trainer what that was. Nor would he probably care.
Whether it liked it or not, it had to win this battle.
Wordlessly, you stepped down so you could fight on equal ground and took out a single pokeball. It was covered in frost, with much of the red paint faded, and it looked awfully damaged--especially the button.
Yet somehow it was functional as you sent out your first Pokémon.
And the sight of it was so grisly, Kieran felt genuinely nauseated, unable to do anything except stare in shock.
"Wh...What the..."
It appeared as a sickly frostbit creature, with its colors dull and empty sockets in place of its eyes. Not to mention the heavy wounds littering its body, which seemed fresh. It's like you ran out of healing items and never bothered to look for any more.
And its cry was pained.
Considering how much Kieran himself loved and treasured Pokémon, he was gravely concerned and had second thoughts about fighting one in such a horrible state...
But that little voice in his head told him that refusing to fight your team would make him look weak. You'd probably think he was weak for backing down.
And he refused to do that.
Why was he suddenly so afraid? You were only trying to scare him, just like everybody else...and he was fed up with that.
He came this far. He had to finish this.
"You...think your Pokémon can battle in that condition? Looks like they can barely stand." His eyebrows furrowed. "No matter. Once I beat you, I'll take them off your ha-"
A hoarse whisper escaped your lips, stunning him as he realized you could actually speak. But then your Pokémon suddenly threw itself at Incineroar, attacking and taking a good deal of recoil damage as it fainted soon afterwards.
Or rather...
It simply dropped to the ground and ceased all motions, with you making no move to recall them. Instead you just sent out your next party member.
Kieran tried not to think about why they did that, and just scoffed at your strategy. "Really? This is what the "strongest" trainer is capable of? I expected better..I'll beat you in no time at all."
Yet you didn't seem fazed by anything he said, as you commanded your Pokémon to use Struggle, too.....and every other one after that did the same thing.
What frustrated him the most was how they all managed to outspeed Incineroar, forcing it to endure every hit without getting a chance to retaliate. It felt so unfair, and he couldn't do anything except sit and watch, feeling his blood boiling more with each passing second.
He didn't know why you exhausted all of your team's moves, why you wouldn't give him a chance to strike back....or why you're even up here at all and allowed them to get this bad.
But he knew one thing.
He wanted to get off this mountain soon.
The snowfall was growing heavier again, the howling wind picking up as the temperature kept dropping.
"Stop! Just stop for a second!!" He snapped as you readied your final pokeball. All you did was pause and stare at him. "You haven't given me a chance to attack yet! And I'm locked out my pokeballs...this isn't fair! You're cheating!!"
"..it's almost over."
He tensed, wondering why you spoke those words so ominously. But he took that as an insult and scowled. "For me? No...it's almost over for you. You're down to your last Pokémon..and I still have all of mine. I'm putting an end to this pathetic "struggle strategy" of yours right now."
"What a joke this was. Everyone says you were the strongest trainer..but you're just another obstacle in my way."
Hearing that saddened you a little, almost making you regret what you're about to subject this hapless champion to next...but you will end this one way or another.
You couldn't tolerate his arrogance any longer.
Your final Pokémon's appearance completely wiped the smug look on Kieran's face, as his eyes widened upon seeing a Pikachu in the most horrific condition--one that didn't look anything like the others on your team.
Its fur was totally white with a layer of frost coating it; and it was missing a leg, ear, and part of its tail...as though something had torn and chewed at various sections of its body. And its wounds exposed its muscle and bones, yet somehow it was still able to stand on its own.
But the most terrifying thing was its lack of a cutesy smile typical to its species. Instead there was this creepy grin stretching from ear-to-nonexistent-ear. And it just stared at him with those pitch black eyes, giggling.
His hands shook with genuine fear, before he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.
Yet both of you were still there when he looked, ready for battle.
Suddenly he didn't feel so high and mighty right now. His heart pounded and his throat felt dry, eyes stinging from the cold.
He felt as though he wasn't supposed to be here.
He shouldn't be here.
He didn't want to do this anymore.
He wanted to go home.
It was so cold...
But he needed to finish this.
"I-Incineroar, use-"
"Pain Split."
'Wait...Pikachu can learn that?!' His eyes widened in shock, but at the same time he was relieved you finally did something new-
Only for your Pikachu to screech and attack his Pokémon with that move, biting into its arm and causing the latter to roar in agony. He could only watch, horrified as blood splattered all across the snow.
By the time he managed to recall Incineroar, it had already fainted from the attack.
However your Pikachu did, too, laying among the other bodies of your Pokémon...who he now realized were in fact deceased. He could barely see them since the snow covered most of them.
But the morbid images would never leave his head.
He still didn't understand.
What have you become?
What are you?
"It's over."
Looking up, Kieran screamed upon seeing your uniform now covered in blood, the frostbite having eaten away at most of your flesh. You looked like some zombie, with exposed bones and hollowed eyes much like your Pokémon--gazing at him with that same sadness they held.
Now it finally hit him.
All this time, he wasn't battling some BB League ex-champion. He was battling the victim of that weather malfunction the four were talking about.
The one who never made it down this mountain alive.
You were already dead...and wanted him to suffer the same fate as you.
He blinked, and you were suddenly in front of him, grabbing the front of his jacket with two hands and staring at him. And all he could do was stare back in terror, unable to look away.
"Destiny B-"
"NO!! NO!! STOP!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" Screaming as loud as he could, he lost all composure as he tried pushing you off of him, hitting your jaw and dislocating the bone.
You dropped him to the ground, and he sobbed, wrapping his arms over his head as he begged you to leave him be.
"L-Let me go home, please pleasepleaseplease-"
With a sharp gasp, he looked up to hear the voice of Lacey, before seeing her, Carmine, and the other Elite Four members rushing towards him. They were all bundled-up, with Crispin's Magmortar and Heat Rotom keeping them warm.
"It's [y/n]!!" He shouted, pointing to where you stood. "Th-They..they're right there!!"
The group stopped, appearing confused as they looked all around, seeing nothing but snow.
"Wh-Why are you all standing around?!"
"Kieran..there's no one here except us." Crispin muttered.
".....huh?" Blinking, he looked back and realized you have disappeared entirely, not leaving behind a single trace of your presence. There weren't any blood or footprints in the snow, nor any frozen bodies of Pokémon lying in it.
It's like he was battling a hallucination all along.
But it felt so real..
"But I....I-I..."
"Only you would be insane enough to risk your life coming up here," Carmine huffed, kneeling down. But as soon as she saw the true terror in her little brother's eyes, her heart sank..wondering what he witnessed. "Kiki..?"
"...i-it was them...[y/n]..." He mumbled shakily, his arm still stuck in a pointing position. Tears streaked down his face, the cold wind making his cheeks sting like hell. "Th-They were right here..and...and they...they tried to-"
"Listen, I get you really wanted to meet them and battle them...but they're not here. They're long gone. Now c'mon. We need to get you off this stupid mountain." Picking him up was no problem for Carmine, given how he was light as a feather. He just clung to her, allowing himself to be carried on her back.
The four were astonished that he actually made the journey up here, with Drayton wondering if he was really that desperate to battle you that he came up here, realized you weren't around, and just...made up a scenario in which he wins anyways.
Instead, the poor kid seemed traumatized by whatever he saw...or believed he saw.
After making it safely down the mountain and getting treated--alongside his Incineroar--Kieran's detailed account of what happened led to another rescue team heading up the summit, just in case they may have missed something.
They had fire types and ground type tirelessly shoveling through the snow, digging in the exact spot where he battled you, but there were no signs of you anywhere.
Even so..he refused to believe it, and still had reoccurring nightmares of that encounter and how it might've ended if the others didn't show up in time.
Soon enough he got back on-track to training his Pokémon and becoming stronger everyday, but other trainers noticed how carefully he treaded throughout the Polar Biome..
And how he avoided going anywhere near the tallest mountain in that zone.
For he believed you were still up there, waiting for him.
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Steven Universe told from the perspective of other characters
Garnet: A story of gay empowerment from start to finish. As a book it would be titled either Made of Love or Stronger Than You and feature Garnet's gauntlets with her wedding rings on them as cover art.
Amethyst: A seemingly wacky coming of age story that drops the most heartfelt moments when your guard is down. The cover resembles kids' detective stories, the kind where the whole gang is looking around for clues to the mystery.
Pearl: Everything up to Rose's death is an ancient literary classic titled The Ballad of Rose Quartz, illustrated with intricate inkbrush paintings. Steven Universe season one to three is the kind of introspective life after tragedy novel you pick up to look sophisticated reading. It's probably titled Without Her or something similiar. I don't have a title for season four and onwards, but the blurb is "it's not easy to manage twenty girlfriends, two life partners, a son and a dark past at the same time!" It's much more lighthearted than the previous two, but still prone to punching you in the emotions with little warning.
Connie: A magical adventure series just like the Unfamiliar Familiar! It centers Steven the magical boy with his best friend and eventual love interest Connie as the female lead. The tone gets a little darker after the first book/season, but less so than the original Steven Universe (let alone Steven Universe Future).
Greg: First a coming of age story, but unlike Amethyst this one is about breaking away from toxic people in your life. This story gets its happy ending when Greg finally finds someone he can be himself with in Rose. The time until Rose's death is a romantic comedy titled My Girlfriend, her Girlfriend and Me and conists mostly of shenanigans. After Rose's death and Steven's birth, it turns into something more bittersweet centering Greg's worries about being an adequate father to his magical son.
Peridot: It's titled How I learned to stop worrying and join the Rebellion and is easily the most lighthearted installment here. Our dorky protagonist is very obviously a somewhat unreliable narrator, but in a funny way. She encounters a few struggles, but they are quickly overcome with the power of friendship.
Lapis: This is just multiple whump fics. They're in a collection titled Bad Things Happen Roulette. Steven Universe the Movie is a pretty standard fantasy adventure with a group of powerful heroes though, and Steven Universe Future is the fluff fic with a smidge of angst you'd read as a pick me up after Bad Things Happen Roulette.
Bismuth: The war is a good vs evil sci-fi story with lots of social commentary. The Diamonds are definitely irredeemable here. I don't know what to do with the few episodes of the original Steven Universe she was in, but the movie is an empowerment narrative against systemic oppression titled Still Standing, or something in that style. Steven Universe Future however is a romantic comedy.
Rose: This is just a straight (well, bi) up tragedy. Our protagonist desperately tries to recover from her childhood trauma and be a good person, but is ultimately unable to escape the prison of her own mind. The book wins several literature prizes, but very few people actually read it because it's just too depressing.
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sprintingowl · 4 months
Tales Of Crystals
Hey in the early 90s Hasbro put out a tabletop roleplaying larp for tween girls called Tales Of The Crystals, and there's a lot going on here, so I want to talk about it.
First, I want to give credit to @riseupcomus on twitter for doing a thread on it first. Riseup's thread is linked at the bottom, right after hasbro's pdf of Tales Of Crystals.
Now, what is Tales Of Crystals? Well, it's a journaling game. And it's an indie TTRPG. And it's a larp kit. And it's an audio game. And it's a cryptography kit.
It comes with its own map, rulebook, a cassette tape with multiple scenarios, a non-dice-based resolution system, four player roles, and a ruleset that's split up so that each of the four players is in charge of a different part.
If feels like a high concept, big swing indie title from 2024, but it's got thirty years worth of jump on the modern scene.
The basic premise is that the players are crystal bearers in the court of a fantasy kingdom, and there's an evil nation in the goblin swamp next door, and they have to guard the nation against treachery and ensorcellment and whatnot. It's not super duper fresh, but with how many things the game is juggling it's extremely reasonable that the plot's a little plain.
Each player's crystal comes with a power, and the powers are asymmetrical. The Leader gets the Crystal Of Shimmering Ice, which lets you oneshot enemies (nonlethally, by freezing them for a minute.) The Protector gets the Crystal Of True Sight, and can see through all lies and enchantments and mind control enemies for a minute (tbh this one is just better). There's a healing crystal and an invisibility crystal as well---and interestingly the invisibility crystal is given to the role responsible for journaling everybody's adventures. The game recognizes that at least one player of a fantasy larp for tween girls in the 90s is probably going to be a wallflower writer, and deliberately enshrines that role.
Tales Of Crystals has a solid core loop, with a deck of cards for prompts and a cassette tape for scenarios and a little circle with YES and NO marked on it that you can scatter your gems onto to get oracle answers to questions during play. It also has a LOT of gimmicks.
There's a tube of powder you can sprinkle on things to disenchant them. There's a mirror you need to read script that's been written backwards. There's three cryptographic cyphers at the back of the book. There's a box specifically for confining the evil Spider Crystal (after you've sprinkled it with powder to neutralize it.) This is a game of dozens of components, and it's a miracle the design is so tight that they all loop together so well.
Now, I don't have sales data (riseup might,) but I suspect maybe this thing didn't sell amazingly. It requires you to set up six or so distinct locations around your yard, pretty much needs a group of exactly four friends to play it, requires you to give clue elements to your parents---you'd have to be cool with it, your friends would have to be cool with it, your parents would have to be cool with it, and you'd have to have a big suburban yard in order to get a proper intended game experience. That said, its larp design is really stable, its gameplay is carefully thought out, and it includes a section at the start to encourage you to play safely and a section at the end to talk about your game together, journal your experiences, and to clean up the game components as a group when you're done.
This is good tech! And it even specifically recommends having a snack and relaxing afterward.
Tales Of Crystals doesn't use terms like bleed and session zero, but it's a good ways ahead of the curve on larp and ttrpg safety.
I didn't find the designer's name (they're listed as uncredit on BoardGameGeek, not mentioned in the PDF, and missing from the wiki page,) but they knocked this one out of the park. There's stuff in here that modern indie ttrpg designers could learn from---myself very much included.
So if you like ttrpgs, 90s magic, and stuff like Tamora Pierce and Sailor Moon, give riseup's original thread a look, and definitely check out the PDF link.
I'm thrilled this thing exists, and I hope more designers get to look at it.
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weemssapphic · 1 year
Hello🌺 i'm just here to say that we need more of your accidental voyeurism fics, they are soooo good, please can you write another one?🥺
Maybe Larissa has a huge crush on y/n (y/n feels the same) but she doesn't want to let it show so she act like she can't stand her by always fighting with her about everything and never agreeing with her on anything. And when they fight, there is always a lot of sexual tension between them, of course they don't talk about it. So now they're fighting about another stupid thing and y/n get out of Larissa's office slamming the door shut. Then Larissa is alone and she never felt so aroused before and she "can't" do nothing about it. But for whatever reason, y/n comes back and in her angry state, she forgets to knock and then she sees something she never thought she would see?
You don't have to use this idea, or if you use it, you can change or add whatever you want. Use all the kinks you want, i don't mind that at all💋
A/N: thank you for the request! I combined it a little with another request that I had for accidental voyeurism as well. It ended up not getting very kinky or anything because I felt like it didn't feel very natural otherwise, but I do hope you enjoy it <3
Larissa Weems x f!reader
Words: ~4.1k | ao3 link in title
Content/warnings: unhealthy power dynamic, hurt/comfort, nsfw (smut) - accidental voyeurism, masturbation, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering (Larissa receiving) * MINORS DNI
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“Why are you constantly undermining me?” Your voice echoed off the walls of Larissa’s office as it slowly rose in volume. Arguments between you and Larissa were commonplace since you’d gotten hired - you didn’t know why, but the principal seemed to have it out for you since day one, so much so that you often asked yourself why she’d even hired you in the first place. The arguments were only getting worse as time went on, and today was no different.
“I haven’t the faintest clue what you’re referring to,” Larissa replied coolly. She was able to keep her voice level, but her face showed every bit of the annoyance she was feeling. 
“You know damn well what I’m talking about! I haven’t heard about you going into any other teacher’s classroom and belittling them in front of their students.”
“I haven’t belittled you. However, if I see something I disagree with, I have to voice my concerns. And that goes for all of my staff.” Larissa raised an eyebrow in challenge.
You sighed in frustration, pinching the bridge of your nose. You had to collect yourself, lest you say something that could cost you your job. Despite constantly being in Larissa’s line of fire, you did love your job. You were also in love with Larissa - even though it seemed she couldn’t stand you. But there was something about her that drew you in, like a moth to a flame - a certain energy about her that you just couldn’t resist, no matter how heated the arguments between the two of you got.
“So you think the best opportunity to ‘voice your concerns’ is in the middle of my lesson?” you replied, your voice shaking with anger.
“Are you challenging my authority, Ms. Y/L/N?” Larissa took a step closer to you - she was practically towering over you now, using her height to her advantage. Something about the way she loomed over you turned you on immensely, and that made you even angrier - mostly with yourself.
Larissa’s lip twitched as she glared down at you. You could have sworn her gaze had briefly landed on your lips, but you weren’t sure - now, she was staring daggers into your eyes instead. Her own eyes were so piercing, so blue, that you had to look away. You could feel your arousal growing as her hot breath washed over your face - a blush began to form on your cheeks, and you didn’t know how much longer you could stand to be in her presence before you would lean in to kiss her senseless.
“You know what, forget it. Do whatever you want - you’re the boss, after all! I have better things to do than argue with you.” You turned on your heel and stormed out of Larissa’s office before she could get another word in, slamming the door behind you with as much force as you could muster.
Larissa stood at the center of her office, her heart racing and her underwear drenched - arguments with you always managed to leave her flustered and aroused. Her stomach clenched a bit as you slammed the door - she hated that you seemed to despise her so much, but it was her own fault, really.
She’d realized her attraction to you soon after she’d hired you - the way she would get butterflies in her stomach and her heart would flutter madly whenever she’d interact with you, the way she seemed unable to keep her eyes off of you whenever you were in the room. 
At first, she tried to befriend you, to treat you as family as she did the rest of her staff - but her heart would ache whenever she interacted with you and she realized she couldn’t have you. She couldn’t risk ruining your professional relationship, not when you were one of the best teachers she’d ever hired. So she had to reign in her emotions, be professional, perhaps a little cold - and, perhaps, she’d taken it a bit too far. 
With a frustrated groan, Larissa stalked back to her desk and sat down, shifting uncomfortably as her damp panties rubbed against the inside of her thigh. You just looked so hot when you argued with her - you were usually more on the gentle, soft-spoken side when interacting with colleagues and particularly students, but seeing you become aggressive and dominant was something that turned Larissa on more than she cared to admit.
She frequently imagined you bringing that rough energy to the bedroom, fucking her senseless, telling her what a filthy slut she was as you pounded into her until she was no longer able to speak properly. Even now, she pictured you pushing her roughly into the desk, your mouth claiming hers, your nails digging into her skin…
With her workday over and more sexual frustration than she knew what to do with, Larissa didn’t bother to go back to her quarters as she hiked up her skirt until it bunched at her hips, cupping her sex over her underwear. A soft groan escaped her lips when she bucked up into her palm, her eyes fluttering closed as she began to grind her pussy into her hand.
She could feel her panties grow even damper as her wetness soaked through the thin cotton, and she slowly pulled them to the side in order to tease her folds with the tip of her finger, smearing her arousal across her clit and letting out a guttural moan. Slowly, she slipped a finger inside of herself, imagining it was yours, that you were above her, watching her as she lost herself in pleasure - so lost that she didn’t hear the creak of her office door opening again.
“Principal Weems?”
Larissa felt her heart drop into her stomach.
There was a nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach as you stormed out of Larissa’s office and back to your quarters. Your fights with Larissa were only getting more intense - and more trivial - as time went on, and it was starting to weigh on you.
You were halfway back to your quarters when you decided you were going to turn around and face her again - and this time, you wouldn’t back down. You’d get your answers - you’d find out why she hated you so much, once and for all.
Larissa was sitting behind her desk when you entered her office - you didn’t bother knocking, intending to catch her off guard and start interrogating her, but something about her expression made you pause. Her eyes were closed and there was a little crease between her brows, but there was a distinct rosy tinge to her cheeks and her lips were parted. Your gaze wandered lower and you felt your heart begin to hammer in your chest - you couldn’t see what was going on beneath her desk, but the way Larissa’s arm moved, the way she slumped down in her seat… Then she let out a loud moan and you realized exactly what you’d walked into.
It was a mesmerizing sight, the tall blonde fucking herself at her desk. You could see her start to pick up her pace, and you clenched your thighs together when she tilted her head back a bit, baring more of her throat towards you. At once, the anger drained from your body, replaced by pure lust.
You knew you should have turned around and left, but your mouth worked faster than your legs and you found yourself calling out her name, watching her eyes fly open and her face turn red as a tomato as her gaze locked onto yours.
She seemed speechless for a moment, frozen in time, before she pulled her hand out from between her legs and rushed to smooth her skirt. She was obviously flustered, her eyes darting about the room as she tried to subtly wipe her fingers - fingers that had been buried knuckle-deep in her cunt seconds prior - on the leather seat of her chair.
“Is there a reason you decided to barge into my office without knocking?” she asked coldly, though her voice was much more gravelly than usual, and her cheeks were still blazing. 
“Larissa, I…” You were, truly, at a loss for words. Before you knew what you were doing, your feet were carrying you towards Larissa’s desk. Her eyes widened as you approached and she swallowed visibly when you stopped next to her.
You swiveled her chair around to face you and placed your hands on the armrests, boxing her in as your face stopped inches away from hers. Glancing down, you could see that her skirt was still bunched up a bit around her thighs, that her fingers - which she twisted nervously in her lap - were still glistening slightly. She pressed her thighs together and you smirked, looking up into her eyes.
“Am I correct in assuming our little argument made you just as wet as it made me?” you teased, watching Larissa’s pupils dilate. She didn’t answer - she seemed to be holding her breath. “Oh, so now we’re speechless, hmm?”
The thought of your boss, who never seemed to be at a loss for words and usually had no shortage of clever quips to throw at you, being a speechless mess for you had started an almost painful throbbing between your legs. You leaned in closer, your gaze honed in on plump, pillowy red lips - Larissa’s eyes wildly searched your face, nearly going cross-eyed as you came closer and closer.
“Do you want this?” you murmured, your breath washing over Larissa’s lips and sending a visible shiver down her spine. “Do you want me?” 
Larissa let out a shaky breath, her voice hoarse as she tried to reply. “I… I don’t know if we…”
“Oh, Larissa, don’t get all flustered now, as if you didn’t just have your hand up your skirt because of me.”
Larissa bit her lip, a strangled whimper clawing its way out of her throat at the sound of her first name dripping from your lips like honey. “That… was very unprofessional of me, I-I’m sorry,” she whispered, unable to look you in the eyes.
You hooked a finger under her chin, guiding her to meet your gaze. The action caused her breath to hitch audibly in her chest and you grinned in response. “I didn’t ask if it was professional… I asked if you wanted it.”
Seconds felt like minutes as Larissa’s gaze penetrated yours, clearly waging an internal war. When she finally replied, her voice was barely above a hoarse whisper - if you hadn’t been staring intently at her lips, you might have missed it entirely. “Yes…”
You crashed your lips into Larissa’s with unmatched ferocity as an insatiable hunger was set loose within you. Larissa hesitated at first, but soon she was melting into your kiss, allowing you to lick into her mouth and swirl your tongue around hers. Your hands came up to cup Larissa’s face, sliding into her hair and completely dislodging her pristine updo - Larissa groaned into your mouth as you pulled out some of the pins and scratched at her scalp.
Pulling back, you couldn’t help but grin at the messy sight before you - Larissa’s lipstick was smudged over her chin and nose, half of her platinum curls fell in a tangled mess onto her shoulders. Her breathing was labored and her cheeks were flushed, and she watched you with blown pupils as you cleared off her desk.
“I want you to take your skirt off and hop up on your desk for me.”
You half expected Larissa to argue with you - that’s what she always seemed to do, after all. Instead, she complied - and rather quickly at that, tugging her skirt over her hips and allowing it to pool at her feet before sitting gingerly on the edge of her desk.
“Good girl,” you purred, directly into her ear - your breath washed over the side of her neck and left a trail of goosebumps on the pale skin. Your words had the desired effect - out of the corner of your eye, you saw Larissa clench her thighs together and shift her hips slightly.
Placing your hands on her knees, you spread her legs, your eyes dropping to the wet patch at the center of her underwear. You knelt down in front of her, licking Larissa’s cunt over the panties and pausing to place a kiss to her covered clit. She let out a whimper and you could feel her thighs tremble on either side of your head.
“I need you to tell me what you want.” Your voice was low as your fingers toyed with the waistband of her underwear, looking up at her through your lashes. Her eyes darted between your own, her lips parted to let out shallow breaths. As if in shame, she closed her eyes.
“I want you to fuck me,” she breathed out.
“There, that wasn’t so hard.”
You grinned as you tugged the panties down over her hips, pulling them slowly down mile-long legs and pressing soft kisses down one leg until reaching her ankle, then switching to the other leg and kissing up the inside of her calf, her knee, her thigh.
Larissa squirmed impatiently beneath you when you reached her inner thigh, hissing in pain as you bit down on the soft, pale flesh. You spread her open even further by hooking her leg over your shoulder - the tip of her heel dug into your back, but the pain was nothing compared to the arousal you felt as her scent filled your nostrils.
Larissa’s cunt looked absolutely delectable, spread open for you - soft, pink folds glistening. Part of you wanted to dive in and devour her, feast on her as if she were your last meal. But the part of you that won out was the part that wanted to savor every second, every bit of herself that Larissa was willing to share, not knowing if you would ever get this opportunity again. 
You flicked your tongue over Larissa’s sex, taking your time to explore her folds and reveling in the soft, breathy moans you were able to produce from the principal. Your first taste of her essence was enough to make your own clit throb with desire - she tasted even better than you’d imagined she would (and you’d certainly spent many a night imagining Larissa coming undone in your mouth).
Your groan vibrated against Larissa’s center and she bucked her hips against your face in desperation.
“Stop teasing,” she groaned, settling her hands on the back of your head and pushing you forcefully into her cunt.
Your tongue then drew a slow path up her slit, collecting her wetness, until it reached her clit - you pressed it firmly down on the sensitive bundle of nerves and a strangled groan escaped her lips, her fingers tightening in your hair.
Wrapping your lips around her clit, you began to suck, flicking your tongue over the bud. Then your tongue traveled downwards again, worshiping her folds before finding her entrance and dipping into it, just enough to feel Larissa’s walls flutter around your tongue.
You could tell that she wasn’t going to last long - her breathing was heavy above you, her thighs trembling and tensing around your head, her fingers tugging at your hair.
Glancing up at the blonde, you felt your own wetness grow - Larissa’s free hand was fondling her breast, squeezing it roughly over the fabric of her blouse.
“Take it off.”
Larissa paused in her movements, looking down at you in confusion.
“Your top, take it off.”
A deep blush tinted Larissa’s cheeks as she opened the buttons of the blouse with shaky hands and slid it over her shoulders, dropping it to the floor. 
“The bra, too,” you teased.
Larissa reached around her back, unhooking her bra and allowing it to fall away from her chest, exposing small, pale mounds of flesh and rosy nipples.
You couldn’t help how your breath hitched in your throat as you took in the sight of Larissa’s bare torso - the soft swell of her stomach, pert nipples that were hardened by the chill in the air, the little freckles littering her shoulders.
It almost made you feel sad - in another world, where she didn’t hate you so much, perhaps you could have even meant something to one another. Perhaps this would be a sight you’d see more often, something you would wake up to in the morning - perhaps you’d make love to her every night, able to admire her freely and tell her how much you love her. 
Burying your face back in her cunt so she wouldn’t be able to see the flash of emotion cross your face, you sucked her clit with renewed fervor, trying to lose yourself in her taste, her scent, the feeling of her slick coating your chin.
“Darling,” Larissa warned, “I’m g-gonna-”
Darling. She’d never called you darling before - well, once, during your first week at Nevermore, before she’d decided that she hated you. Back then, it had made your heart flutter pleasantly - now, it made your stomach churn.
Larissa cried out in protest as you pulled back from her pussy and stood before her. Her cheeks were gorgeously flushed, her eyes dark with desire.
“I changed my mind. I want you on your stomach,” you growled. Larissa’s eyes widened - she whimpered as your hands gripped her hips, urging her to turn around. With a little help from the principal, you flipped her onto her stomach, her cheek pressed against the hard surface of her desk.
Slipping a knee between her legs, you forced them apart again and wasted no time in reaching out and running your fingers through her folds - finding her even wetter than she’d been seconds prior. With a smirk, you gripped her hips, fingernails digging into the sensitive flesh as you leaned over her back. You trailed your lips up her spine, stopping when you reached her ear.
“Do you like it when I’m rough with you?” One of your hands slid slowly from her hip over her ass, down to her dripping hole - reveling in the feeling of Larissa’s soft skin under your palm. Your fingers circled her entrance and Larissa shimmied her hips, pushing her ass into the air in an attempt to get closer. “Does it turn you on?”
Larissa’s heavy breathing was the only answer you got in return - but you wanted to hear her say it.
“Answer me.”
“I-it t-turns-” Larissa’s reply was cut off by a guttural moan as you plunged two fingers into her without warning, stretching her out. Her walls clenched around you, drawing you in.
“Oh, look what a good girl you are - taking me so well,” you purred as you began to pump your fingers in and out of her, quickly finding a good pace.
While your fingers thrust into Larissa from behind, your lips began their assault on her back, littering her smooth skin with hickeys and bite marks which you then soothed over with your tongue. Her skin was salty with sweat and you groaned at the taste, feeling Larissa squirm underneath your lips.
“P-please,” Larissa whimpered softly, her slick walls clenching needily around your fingers.
“What was that?” Your breath was hot on Larissa’s neck and she moaned.
“Please - oh-”
You added a third finger as your other hand reached between her legs, your fingers firmly circling her clit and causing her legs to begin spasming. Larissa’s fingers twitched against the desk, her mouth dropping open as her eyes rolled back into her head. 
With a final curl of your fingers, Larissa’s thighs slammed shut around your hand, trapping it between her legs. A deep groan left her chest and she squeezed her eyes shut, shifting her hips and rubbing her thighs together until she finally went limp, releasing your hand.
You slipped your fingers slowly out of her, immediately missing the warmth of her cunt.
The office that had been filled with soft moans and the obscenely wet noises of Larissa being fucked just seconds prior, was now eerily silent. You looked down at the principal, whose mouth hung open to let out labored breaths and whose eyes were shut tightly, and you felt a pang of guilt. You couldn’t just leave her there on the hard, cold desk, but you hadn’t exchanged a pleasant word or caring touch with her since your first week at Nevermore, months ago - you weren’t sure you knew how.
“Larissa?” you whispered, gently placing a hand on her lower back. Her eyes fluttered open and she craned her neck to look blearily up at you.
Her gaze was intense, even through her exhaustion, and you felt your mouth go dry, words dying in your throat.
Slowly, Larissa pushed herself off of the desk and turned to face you, wobbling a bit before straightening to her full height - once again towering over you. Her expression was unreadable as she searched your face, her upper lip twitching slightly. A wave of insecurity washed over you under her scrutinizing gaze. When you finally spoke, you hated how unsure you sounded.
“Do you get off on hating me - is that why? Is arguing with me some sort of foreplay to you?” You meant to sound hard and accusing but instead you just sounded insecure and a little sad. You felt pathetic, to love someone so desperately who clearly saw your emotions as just a game, who saw you as a toy to play with.
To your surprise, a little crease appeared between Larissa’s eyebrows and she frowned.
“That’s not… I don’t hate you.” Larissa spoke slowly and with great care, but her words made absolutely no sense to you. A bitter laugh bubbled forth from your chest before you could stop it.
“Sure you do. You’re constantly complimenting the other teachers, but you haven’t said one nice thing to me since I started working here.”
A look of deep sadness flashed across Larissa’s face, and she crossed her arms self-consciously over her bare chest. “I’m sorry for that.” She looked genuinely remorseful, and you stared at her in confusion. “I never meant to make you think I dislike you. It’s quite the opposite in fact - you’re a brilliant teacher, possibly the best I’ve ever hired. You have a unique way of engaging with your students and fostering an open, caring environment with the other staff that I greatly admire.”
Your heart fluttered at the compliments, but they left you even more baffled than you were a minute ago - if Larissa was being honest, then it made no sense why she was constantly undermining you.
“If you think I’m so brilliant, then why have you been treating me like shit?”
Larissa hesitated, before sucking in a deep breath. “I like you.”
You furrowed your brow, opening your mouth to argue, but Larissa cut you off.
“I didn’t want my attraction to you to affect our working relationship and… well, I was afraid my affection for you would show and would drive away not only one of the best educators I have had the pleasure of employing, but also one of the kindest, most open people I have ever met. I… am afraid I may have been a bit too harsh on you as a result…” Larissa swallowed visibly, her gaze faltering, dropping to the floor as her cheeks turned pink.
“You… like me? You really like me?” You tried not to let the little seed of hope that Larissa had planted in your chest grow roots, but it was too late - it was already in full bloom, causing a swarm of butterflies to make a home in your stomach.
Larissa closed her eyes, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth. “I do.”
“I like you, too,” you whispered breathlessly, stepping forward and cupping Larissa’s cheek. Her eyes fluttered open, searching your own. “A lot, actually.” You smiled sheepishly, and from one second to the next, the worry on Larissa’s face turned into hope and joy.
You closed the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips to Larissa’s in a soft, languid kiss as your heart thundered wildly against your ribcage. As the kiss progressed, you could feel her hands slide up your hips, slipping under your shirt to rest against your belly. The tips of her fingers began to tease at the lace of your bra, and you smiled into the kiss.
“Do you think I could return the favor?” Larissa purred against your lips.
“What, without taking me out first?” you teased, grinning widely as Larissa’s face flushed.
“Would you want to go out with me this weekend?” she whispered - she started to laugh when you nodded enthusiastically and pulled your own shirt over your head, pushing yourself flush against her.
“Yeah.” You captured Larissa’s lips in another kiss, which you deepened ferociously as Larissa’s hands began to caress your bare skin. It was a feeling you could quickly become addicted to, you realized. And maybe, just maybe, that could be okay.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 4 months
TMAGP 19 Thoughts: Bad Scientist
Another really strong episode, and one with a lot to get into. Probably the densest episode yet in terms of historical context, lore content, and mystery clues. So a lot to get into and no point in any more preamble.
Spoilers for episode 19 below the cut.
Sam and Celia's chat is somewhat interesting. She's now looking into alchemy. It looks like she's looking into the exact stuff Sam was, because she's also looking into the Magnus Institute now. Darrien 2 did a world hop and the Magnus Institute scooped him up so that lead makes sense to follow. Although it's curious that she hadn't done that yet. She's continuing to push Sam to keep up that research too. Celia is pretty much always trying to pull people's strings like that. It being such a consistent character trait does bring into question how sincere any of her actions really are with the rest of the office.
Before I get into the incident proper, this is going to be a bit of a weird one. There is a lot of historical context and alchemic terminology in this one. As such I'll be quoting the show more than usual to explain and explaining who people are, what they're doing, why it's relevant, etc. Like I said, it's very dense. There are also a couple of points of interesting grammar to mention as well which would be missed without the transcripts.
The incident's format is a letter from Robert Hook to Robert Boyle who are both Fellows of the Royal Society. Which is a lot of context off the bat. So, Robert Hook was a 17th century polymath who's most well know these days for his work in microscopy with a microscope of his own design, and for his work in helping rebuild London after the Great Fire (which we'll get to). He also did a lot of work on gravity and planetary rotations which ended up being quite foundational to Newton's law of universal gravitation. He wasn't, however, an alchemist. Boyle on the other hand very much was. Widely regarded as the first modern chemist and he's most famous for The Sceptical Chymist, a work that would be hard to overstate the importance of for the field. Hook, Boyle, and Newton all overlapped a lot in a lot of ways outside of these things too, especially in fields like optics and colour theory.
They were all also Fellows of the Royal Society at this stage too. Which to give it its full name is The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge. It's general goal is to promote science, offer support to scientists, and helping shape policy. It was only founded in 1660 and so hasn't been around for a very long time at the time of this incident. The Royal Society is also what's being referred to with the numerous mentions of "Good Science". In short, it's about using science for the public good and to aid in further the endeavours of other scientists to that end. So the Royal Society is probably not up to anything nefarious here. Despite the fact that Newton ends up becoming its president later in life.
Another big thing mentioned here and repeated throughout is the "Protocol". Capital P in the transcripts. So, yes, they said the thing. It's not the first time it's come up but both times it's come up it has been standalone. I don't know if I mentioned it in last time but I have a feeling that the "Magnus Protocol" isn't really a thing. There is just the Protocol and it was used against the Magnus Institute. For its full title to be the "Magnus Protocol" it'd likely have to be named after Albertus Magnus, who is a noted alchemist himself, but I think it's more likely that the Magnus Institute is named after him than the Protocol itself. The most interesting detail we get about it though is that whatever the Protocol is it was enacted against London to burn out a plague. Which would mean in this setting the Great Fire of London was deliberately set to combat the Great Plague of London.
So now we're at Newton himself. The gravity guy. But also the laws of motion guy, the calculus guy, the optics guy, and a lot of other guys guy. Of note here is that Newton was a very noted alchemist and theologian. Both fields were large parts of his full body of works. I think Newton is well known enough that I don't need to get into that though. Besides it's not the first time I've talked about him. As a quick reminder of that though Newton was Warden and Master of the Royal Mint. At the time he served in those roles the Royal Mint had moved out of the Tower of London to Royal Mint Court. Which is where the OIAR is currently located.
Okay for our first quote we have this:
It was only through the Protocol that we were spared from that Dread emission and I fear that such an act is once again required
The capitalisation there is how it appears in the transcript. Protocol we've talked about but "Dread emission" is very interesting. The capital implies that it's the name of something. Which I would wager is either one of, or the whole of, forces Lena mentioned that need to be kept in check.
Then we get to Newton's work proper with this:
he had finally perfected the work of Wilhelm Homberg to produce what he termed the Arbor Philosophorum Perfecta.
Which is very interesting for a number of reasons. Arbor Philosophorum, the Philosopher's Tree, or Diana's tree is a real thing. It's a dendritic amalgam of silver and mercury. Basically meaning it's a metal who's crystalline structure grows to resemble a tree. Wilhelm Homberg is German natural philosopher that wrote a fairly simple recipe for this process and while it's not known if Newton ever attempted it we do know he had a recipe for this. Although it's actually George Starkey's recipe which is a gold mercury amalgam instead. What's more important is that Diana's tree was thought to be a precursor to the philosopher's stone itself. So Newton has basically perfected something of similar nature to it. With some fairly fucked up results, as we'll see.
Out next quote is Latin:
de ligno autem scientiae boni et mali ne comedas in quocumque enim die comederis ex eo morte morieris
Which is Genesis 2:17, and in English (NET) it reads:
but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will surely die.
Because, as noted, Newton was a theologian too. People probably think of him as a rational scientist atheist type but back then there wasn't as much conflict between the two. He was a devout, if not exactly orthodox, Christian.
Christian or not he's playing God a little. We get to see what the fruit of his labours are and it's not looking like good science at all.
such a creature must by all natural law lack that essential and ephemeral anima that is required for such awful knowledge I tell you here Robert, it saw me and it knew me.
So this is an interesting thing to say. Anima in this context isn't the Jungian syzygy but something more akin to "spirit". The anima has a lot of overlap with the tria prima. Which I've spoken about a fair bit before but is an alchemical concept that sulfur, mercury, and salt embody three fundamental principals, but also defined human personality. Mercury is spirit and is related to concepts like morality, imagination, but most importantly for us higher reasoning. A lot of emphasis is placed on the dog's knowledge and Diana's tree, the catalyst for this transformation, is a silver mercury amalgam. So it looks like Newton found a way impart spirit onto something.
There is also this:
I propose that we enact the Protocol but limit it only to his laboratory, destroying his research and correspondence
Fun fact: the dog Newton is experimenting on is likely Diamond. Diamond has a lot of stories about him. The most important one is that he burned about 20 years worth of Newton's manuscripts.
And that's that. Quite a lot to break down as I said. But we're not quite done.
Sam talks to Alice about the computers listening to them. Which isn't the first time he's had that thought but it's nice to see him bringing it up. Alice is very Alice about it but Sam is at least trying to figure things out.
Lena and Gwen have a Lena and Gwen conversation about Lena sending Gwen to her probable doom. But Starkwall is mention again. Nothing too interesting to say on it though.
We finally get more of Colin. It's been too long. He obviously know's Freddy is listening in at this stage but what I want to focus on is the last two sentences here:
No, what I need is to not be seen. He sees too much already. Doing mummy and daddy Stasi proud, I’m sure. Not that anyone cares as long as it all balances, right? Not too much mercury or the world ends, not too much sulfur or we all go mad…
So as I was just talking about the tria prima, here it is again. Sulfur is the soul which is emotions and desires. Which lines up fairly well with how Colin describes what too much of it would do. But this whole thing seems to tie into Lena's talk about balancing forces. Which makes a great deal of sense as the alchemical symbols for the tria prima, along with the philosopher's stone, all appear in the OIAR's logo. How Newton ties into that remains to be seen but there is a very large link there. The mention of the Stasi is also sort of interesting here. For those that don't know the Stasi are the East German secret police. Germany has come up a few times before with Freddy having German source code, Klaus being a German, and most relevant to this in the ARG the largest body of text was a usenet group about people leaving East Germany. Which then ties back into Colin as one of its member hacked the OIAR, and also seemed to be helping out jmj.
Okay, all done. Now it's time for more of the same but nerdier and unhinged.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 1137 is very reasonable. Just a Weird thing that was very weird and had a little bit of mental manipulation to it which looks to be Helplessness' purview. It's also more weight on my idea that 1 is the floor with 0 being the ceiling and counting as 10. There was nothing in the supernatural element of this one that had any strong resonance with Death or Pain as concepts or themes. If 0 was the floor I'd expect to see it for this one.
CAT# Theory: CAT13 is a great a CAT#. It's exactly the sort of thing I was talking about in the essay on why it's not Person/Place/Object. The supernatural "person" here is either Newton performing the magic, or the dog that's the subject of the magic. The object is the crystal that induces the transformation. Which is a virtually identical setup to the tattoo incidents but those aren't CAT13. They're CAT3, CAT23, and CAT1. It's continuing that trend of data that you can explain in isolation but becomes incongruous when taken as a whole.
Anyone that's read most of these rambles will have heard me mention the notion of CAT# being related to the tria prima. It's something I talked about when the first couple of eps came out. Colin mentioning sulfur and mercury is a fairly overt reference to it, and Diana's tree is a silver mercury amalgam. In relation to CAT# it's always been something that felt right. What tria prima describes and how CAT# works would go hand in hand for this sort of thing. Now, I'd be a hypocrite if I clung to the idea just because it felt good. So I quickly discarded it because episodes didn't line up will with it pretty early on but it might warrant a fresh look. I might have been right but with too little data to see the pattern.
The way Colin talks about it also ties in with another idea I've floated that CAT# is about the domains of either three entities, a triple deity, three purviews multiple entities share, or that each combination is an entity that's a portion of a whole. Lena's comment about the OIAR balancing forces would obviously tie into that notion too.
R# Theory: Rank BC is about what I expected on this one. It's not something you'd think happened but it's at least backed up by a historical account of someone well known. So more weight behind it than a letter about a mass hysteria event, but still in the realms of "yeah, nah".
Header talk: Transformation (canine) -/- growth (Crystalline) is bonkers. Transformation (Canine) you would think is a Transformation that is somehow canine in nature. Transformation (Eyes) isn't just your eyes. So, if this is correctly filed, dogs have their own subsection that encompasses all of transformations that occur to dogs. Any transformation, regardless of what it does, so long as it transforms a dog would be Transformation (Canine)? Growth is fine. It grew root-like things/Diana's tree is grown. So it makes sense. Although I'm not sure it's the most compelling crosslink when it was doing the whole "know the nature of you" thing. Crystalline on the other hand is madness. Sure, Diana's tree is a crystal but it's formatted like the subsection of a crosslink. Or a sub-crosslink, I suppose. Which hasn't been implied to be possible thus far and if it is possible why don't they all include it? Surely this helps with the problem in specificity that was mentioned in the very first episode? This one feels the most like a misfile so far. No format again either.
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fractualized · 11 months
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Alright. Let's break down this "oh" of an ending. NEGATIVE NANCY, COMING THROUGH
Spoilers, ho!
Ending a story is hard, if they're long or short. Whether you wrap up key threads or leave them open, you want some kind of takeaway that puts a period on things. Even in comics, where we know these characters will go on and on, ideally a story will end in a way that just... fits. Even amateur fic writers have loads of WIPs just sitting there because exactly how to end this damn thing eludes them.
I don't know if Rosenberg had an ending in mind when he started The Man Who Stopped Laughing. I don't know if he decided he'd figure it out by the end of it's year-long run. I don't know if DC Editorial lets people do that; it sounds insane, but if you've been paying attention to their current level of editorial "oversight," which I imagine is supposed to make concurrent titles mesh together reasonably well, I wouldn't be shocked if they let people wing it. Or, more likely, perhaps DC Editorial swooped in and made Rosenberg change the ending he had planned and that's why the result falls flat.
In any case, after 11 issues of enjoying myself, I'm left feeling deflated.
But let's start where #12 does, with the Joker who's been told he's John Keyser, a toxin'd henchmen that the real Joker made into a doppelganger for funsies. He approaches a hotdog vendor.
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I'm stuck on "Hello. I've been looking for you"?? I didn't catch that on my first read. Joker has a favorite hotdog vendor? lol
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Shut up, Waffles!! All we have is your word for it!!
In any case, hey, Keyser Joker has already been Jokering this long, so yeah, why not keep going? And why not with help from poor woobie Jason, fresh from nearly getting himself killed in Gotham War?
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Bruce did not fix Jason at the end of Gotham War, so his adrenaline is still triggering fear in his brain. But Keyser Joker has a solution for that!
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It's a tiny dose of Joker toxin to take the edge off of Bruce's programming. Joker makes a point of saying that the effects are only temporary, though. (And like, I assume this is just the quick-fix solution Rosenberg came up with to pull off his own ending when told Bruce's plans for Jason over in the other titles.) Jason is skeptical of this "help," naturally, but Keyser Joker brings up their matching interest: getting rid of the other Joker.
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Jason, why you gotta ruin Albert's good time? 🙄
Cut to Red Hood dragging a clown henchman through the streets of Gotham.
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But "his" face being blacked out and some of the dialogue clue the reader in: things aren't what they seem.
DERAIL TIME: what is up with this batmobile?
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Like from some other angles, it looks sportier, but in most of the panels it looks like an old Buick? lol ANYWAY.
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With the flaily way this person jumps off the bike and runs, I was sure that this was Keyser Joker and we might see Batman interact with him. Alas.
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It's Ravager, who survived last issue's explosion. She's helping Jason 1) distract Batman and 2) get Albert out of harm's way, far from Keyser Joker's plan.
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Naturally Keyser Joker is planning something more destructive than he's led Jason to believe. Also like…
The idea that Keyser Joker really is this John guy, not the real deal, is still not sitting fucking right with me. Seeing him here in another costume, with a goofy death train with mismatched eyes just like his, it feels like a signal that he actually is Joker and Waffles is either lying or mistaken somehow. Like compared to the other Joker, who we haven't seen in a costume? Who left Gotham for weird reasons? I really thought there was going to be a reverse reveal.
And since it doesn't come, I guess it's a good time to mention that! There is no reverse reveal of who the real Joker is. Things get a little muddy later, but…. hrm. HRM.
That said, the other Joker does something pretty dang Jokery: he shows up in a dirigible with his face on it.
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Killer Moth and a bunch of clown goons (that aren't supposed to be available because of Gotham War but WHATEVER) attach the dirigible to the train and it's pretty chaotic!
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I love when villains are like, "Look I may kill people, but an endangered gorilla?! Get outta here!" 😂
Jason also arrives in style.
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I guess he was observing Ravager's distraction?? Which feels like it defeats part of the purpose of having her do the distraction. But then he couldn't have this cool entrance in which he bludgeons people with a motorcycle. Trade offs!
Meanwhile, Real Joker makes it to the front of the train to confront Keyser Joker. One of Real's goons offers to shoot Keyser, but Real Joker wants to make this personal and kills the poor hench so he can do it himself.
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Jason coming in like YEEEEEAAAAHHHHH 😎
Then he gets the bad news.
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Keyser is as casually suicidal as your average Joker! Also "Real" Joker never acknowledges Red Hood's identity, afaik. It's always Keyser Joker. Details like this got me thinking that reverse reveal was coming, AND YET.
That aside, next comes a fun comedy beat.
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Real Joker going right for the hair!
Jason isn't going to let this be the end of it, of course, and once again Killer Moth must suffer at his hands.
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Jason shoots so many clowns. Just never the one he wants. 😞
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Waaaaaaaaaaaaaait wait wait. You're telling me that Bruce knew about the imminent TWO JOKERS situation. But he decided to prioritize a report of Red Hood dragging a clown through the streets. When in the same breath he's saying there are other people coming to the scene with him, so he obviously could've sent someone else? On the same day Batman #139 is like "oooh Bruce is totally onto Joker now"? This is what you're telling me?? Augh.
Well, we can't rely on Batman right now, clearly, so it's up to Jason.
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Meanwhile, Keyser Joker has told the other one that he actually does have a secret way off the runaway train safely. After they fight some more, the tune starts to change.
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Alright so, this "deal," which would sort of start them back at square one, doesn't bother me because obviously it's on shaky-ass ground and one of them is definitely killing the other before this issue is over. What does bug me is the "franchising" line, for two reasons:
1) Is this supposed to imply that Real Joker is the one who was behind Joker Incorporated in the Batman Incorporated issues, not a third one?
2) I was just SO SURE it was another indication we were getting a reverse reveal. Joker absolutely does not love the franchising idea. That's kind of been the point of this whole series. The genuine Joker in Keyser Joker's hallucination/memory said that having two Jokers around is stupid. HRRRRMMM.
Anyhow, they leave the train together, though the escape plan is literally just jumping off, which has more issues than they bargained for.
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So do you think, assuming the Gotham War writers actually communicated at least a little, that Zdarsky asked Rosenberg what he needed Jason for at the end of TMWSL, and Rosenberg was like, "oh I need him to heroically crash a toxic blimp and almost die?" And then Zdarsky was like, "er, I need him to heroically fly a plane into a magic meteor and almost die?" And then they just shrugged and closed the Zoom?
But yeah, the blimp crashes, and I'm sort of confused because I thought that earlier Bruce was saying that even if the toxin gets into the water, it'll still make it's way to the city. So for one thing, it's still exploding in the air and it's still gonna drift. And the parts that dissolve in water are still gonna drift. There's a part to the equation missing here.
But these two are just thrilled at the excitement.
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Until the sudden yet inevitable betrayal.
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Shortly after this, Ravager shows up with Manhunter, who also survived last issue's explosion. (It just doesn't come up at all. Like it doesn't have to, I guess, but it's just weird that there's not a word or wound about it.) Ravager dives into the water looking for Jason, because she instinctually knows he did something grand and dumb. She finds him among the clown bodies and brings him to shore.
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Nothing can kill this man! He came back from the dead with nine lives! And also maybe that Lazarus resin from TFZ is still helping, I dunno.
Elsewhere along the shore, what's left of both Jokers' crews find themselves waiting in the same spot for the Joker they expect to be triumphant.
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You know what. I'm soured on Waffles now. Leave him.
And then, from the water…
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And that's it. That's how it ends. With a sort of snide cop-out?
Like, it's Joker's POV, so yeah, you could say the dickish tone is just him. But following this story for a year, and then seeing it end with simply the old "you'll never know which Joker prevailed," it doesn't feel clever or whatever this is going for. It just feels obnoxious.
Honestly, it feels like the same takeaway as freaking Three Jokers. 😐 That it doesn't matter who Joker is. All the lead-up to this, where maybe we get a tiny bit of depth and development, even if just in this story, eh. Doesn't matter! We're ending this with blah payoff.
On the other hand, the part of about about there being more questions, about this ending not being tidy, makes me think that this is leaving open the possibility that Keyser Joker actually was the real one. After all, we don't get a flashback to the actual events. The events we see are part of a hallucination, and Keyser never said he had clear memories of being the real or the fake one. He just went from assuming he was the real one to taking Waffles' word for it that he was the henchman.
Also, Keyser Joker was always the Joker giving narration. And the narration boxes for the Final Joker at the end remain in his style. So it seems like we actually have a huge indication of which Joker prevailed-- unless we're meant to assume that if the other Joker prevailed, he merely took over the narration.
I mean, this is what we have. So if I can just choose what I want to believe, I'm going to believe both that Keyser was actually the real guy and that he won. But it puts a real sour taste in my mouth to be super engaged with a story and wanting an ending that says something about Joker's character… and the ending is just that one murders the other and you don't know who, neener neener. It's anticlimactic. It's a predictable direction that I thought SURELY Rosenberg wouldn't go in. It feels like a dick move.
And... what else is there to say? So ends my year of consistently buying a comic, I guess. Nothing else has really grabbed me like TMWSL did, though City of Madness looks promising. After the multiverse and Gotham War stuff, I'm not about to start picking up Zdarsky's Batman. #139 had plenty I should enjoy, but it's soured by Zdarsky deciding to bring a canonical take to the three Jokers concept for some ungodly reason.
A new three Jokers take feels extra stupid after a year of a story about two Jokers. And the second Joker in TMWSL isn't even taken into account in Zdarsky's story. Based off that #135 scene, it really looks like he's going to say that Darwin Halliday accidentally copied TKJ Joker somehow. lmao Why. Why do we have to do this. Why can't this just be one of the things that gets retconned away. I just want my murderclown to be fun.
I need to get back to my list of unread older comics. Or read One Operation Joker! I didn't think I was interested, but I think a random goofy premise is actually just what I need.
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bugs1nmybrain · 5 months
Bipolar!Shigaraki Tomura Headcanons
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I'm writing it. Because I CAN
Before I start, I am writing these headcanons as someone who has been diagnosed with Bipolar Type 1 for almost three years now. I frankly could not care less if people don't think he has Bipolar Disorder, I'm writing this for my comfort and that of others who either have Bipolar disorder or just resonate with the idea that Tomura does.
and I'm also very aware of Bipolar Disorder being stigmatized as something that affects "bad" people. I'm not trying to suggest this, but that Tomura is someone who is neglected of treatment.
Warning: Bipolar disorder as title suggests (Tomura's symptoms relate to type 1 more), talks of depression, mania, psychosis, suicidality, etc, angst?
Tomura has never been given a formal diagnosis and likely has no clue that he has bipolar disorder himself. He doesn't know much about it, either, other then the stereotype that people with general mood swings are "so bipolar."
The doctor knows, AFO does too, but for them, they see it as more ammo for their arsenal to make sure Tomura's life is nothing but agony. He's never been treated with medications or therapy. Nothing.
Because he isn't medicated, his episodes are pretty strong. His manic episodes sort of blend in with his everyday behavior to a lot of people.
It's during this time that he finds himself planning out grand operations against the heroes. Some of his ideas seem unrealistic and not well thought out. They're more just ideas thrown around, and he jumps to gather people and means to carry out his goal before actually having a calculated plan.
He's up all night doing this. But if he's not, he's likely gaming. He huddles up in his room with multiple cans of energy drinks (as if he didn't already have way too much energy).
(semi-canon) will text his comrades at godforsaken hours either asking, demanding, or just rambling about stuff. If he gets an answer, the recipient often finds themself confused because Tomura just talks and talks and talks, and when he's in the heat of some plan or project he doesn't really stop to compose his sentences or even take a damn breath.
He impulsively buys things, like copious amounts of in-game purchases. Or DoorDash. If he's feeling reeeaaal bold he'll go for a whole-ass gaming console if he can, even if his current one is perfectly fine. Or assembling as many thugs as he can and feeling generous enough to overpay them when they definitely don't need the amount of money he's giving them.
You can see how when AFO was arrested, his lifestyle shifted in this regard.
Tomura is already an irritable guy, and so his mania can make it worse. He gets very overstimulated with all of his sensations that little things, like accidentally stubbing his toe, can make him mad as fuck for a good thirty minutes.
He also gets very paranoid about others. When he talks to people, he's already convinced that they are tricking him somehow and he'll read every cue he can to confirm it, even if the proof isn't even there.
Even when he's out in public and by himself, he thinks everyone is mocking, judging, and looking at him. That also comes with being the most wanted villain around, but that's beside the point.
When something finally goes his way, he is HAPPY. Sometimes the League will catch Tomura smiling his face off for no apparent reason (odd for him), and will ask what's up, only for Tomura to CACKLE back with, "ehehAHAH NOTHING!! THAT's just IT!"
They look at each other like, but just let him go about his day. They'll later hear him giggling to himself in his room, and sometimes talking to himself. He'll deny and just tell them he was on chat (his devices are not open and he is standing in the middle of his room).
Because he's not medicated, his mania can trickle into psychotic symptoms. Especially if he's going through more stress than typical. He hears voices that tell him mean things. Sometimes they're the voices of his dead family.
And because he doesn't sleep much, he sees detailed shadows and things moving that aren't. It disturbs him, but he accepts it and tries to just push on. But sometimes if he hears voices more than he'd like, he gets sad and has to grip his head and whisper "shut up shut up shut up" to negate them.
He's delusional, too. AFO's grooming and constant monitoring of his whole life have definitely emphasized his distrust of everything around him. Sometimes he'll think that the people he's gaming with online are secret hero spies trying to get him to reveal himself. He also has a fear that someone is watching him in every location, and he'll think that even the silliest things are cameras or microphones, or that those around him are also spies. Later on, it becomes paranoia that his master is everywhere.
Then comes the doom of depression
For Tomura, he's technically always depressed. But when he goes into a depressive episode, he's pretty lifeless.
He's complacent about his goals. Sometimes he'll get a tiny idea that makes his brain go !, but then he thinks of all the planning behind it and immediately slouches down on any nearby furniture
He'll lay in bed for a long period of time doing nothing. Sometimes he'll try to play a game on his phone but he gets bored quick.
Tends to eat more during this time because it's the only joy he can get. And he gets bored. He is SO BORED
Anhedonia is a bitch
His brain dwells and rambles, yet his thoughts don't make sense to him? He's constantly thinking about how fucked up his life is, how better other villains are, and how much he hates All Might and heroes altogether. He tells himself that if it wasn't for all of that he wouldn't feel this way (relating to the depressive episode).
It overwhelms him and he tries to sleep it off, but he's somehow so depressed that he's UNCOMFORTABLE. His itching gets bad.
He is very suicidal during this time and hurts himself to try and subside it. If you asked him his reason for living, he'd tell you "to see this world crumble." But he's too busy crumbling in his bed.
Psychotic symptoms can occur during his depression, too. Especially if he hasn't slept.
His lack of medication usually causes him to swap back to mania somewhat soon (2 months or so). He definitely has rapid cycles.
Because his condition isn't managed, his brain is sort of in an in-an-out stance when it comes to his literal sanity. He has moments where he can definitely be level-headed (he gets rrly confident when he notices it) but when his anger and stress fuel him more than usual, he spirals and quite literally sees red. Sometimes he can't even tell if he's dreaming or not. Often mistakes the date and day of the week.
I might write a fic of the reader comforting bipolar tomura. I don't think I've ever seen a fic like that for any character.
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
Can i request a Rhea x fem imagine, where the R’s personality is like original alexa bliss NXT debut, like girly/fairy all that. She’s also part of the bloodline and has a secret relationship with Rhea, cause the judgement day and bloodline are in a feud. Then hints about their relationship drops to both groups, then after a huge win Rhea congratulates her exposing their relationship. It causes both groups to majorly buttheads about it, making like slick remarks. It just ends in fluff, and has angst and all that. Lol thank you so much!💛💛
blood is thicker than water
a/n: pls i hope i did this idea justice
tags: fem!reader, poc!reader, wlw, little cousin!reader w/ the uso's/roman reigns, brief mention of the judgement day, SFW
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There was something so fun about sneaking around behind your cousins' backs. None of them needed to know about your relationship with Rhea because it was truly none of their business, but they also wanted nothing more than to keep you away from them. The Judgement Day was the same way with Rhea, but she was more assertive when it came to standing up for herself in comparison to you.
You and Rhea apparently weren't as sneaky as you originally thought though, as someone had begun to drop hints to not only your cousins and Paul and to The Judgement Day as well. You didn't even know until your older cousins sat with you looking incredibly pissed.
"You better be honest with us, Y/N." Jey said. Jimmy was pacing around the room, and Paul was watching you very closely to see what your answer would be. But you just rolled your eyes and pretended like nothing happened. "You guys just really have zero faith in me, don't you?" You asked them; that alone unleashed a whole argument. Of course you loved your family, but they couldn't just let you be yourself and it was incredibly frustrating.
The Judgement Day had been pestering Rhea about it just as much. "So now you're sneaking around with The Bloodline?" Damian would ask. Finn would chime in and provide his two sense, Dominik being too confused and upset to even say anything. But Rhea just shook her head and ignored them as well. "If you're gonna believe some sneak who has no clue what they're talking about then you're no better than them." She would say.
After having those conversations though, you and Rhea had your usual secret meet-up in a tech closet backstage. You sat in her lap, Rhea's fingers drawing gentle patterns on your arms as you talked about the conversations each group was having. "I don't get it's even an issue." You mumbled to her, and Rhea sighed in frustration along with you.
"It doesn't," she assured you. "They're all too controlling for their own good." Rhea titled your face up to look at you sadly. "This doesn't change anything for me though, okay?" She assured you. "I'm not going anywhere."
You nodded at her words, your foreheads leaning together as you sat in comfortable silence. After some time though, Rhea giggled at you and you stared at her in confusion. "I'm glad our pain is funny." You mumbled, making her laugh again.
Rhea lifted your face and held your cheeks as she smirked. "I have an idea." She told you.
--- ---
Originally you thought Rhea was insane; was she truly going to just...expose your relationship? After The Bloodline and The Judgement Day were already butting heads? The thought made you just slightly nauseous but you had to trust her. Rhea already had a plan, and you just needed to sit back and let it happen.
You had a huge match that night against Bayley, and it was going to determine whether you were going to get the championship match you'd been dying for. Not only were you itching for that opportunity but your cousins had been down your throat about it.
Nothing about that match was easy; not only were you fighting Bayley, but Io and Dakota were trying to make everything that much difficult. They kept interfering, distracting you, doing anything they could to give Bayley the upper hand. It didn't work though, and you came out on top in arguably one of the biggest matches of your career so far. Not only that, but you did it without your cousin. You proved that you don't need them, and you hoped they could finally realize that.
As you stood in the ring celebrating your big win, Rhea's music hit and she was slowly making her way down the ramp. With both of you still in character, she stared at you with the same shit-eating grin she always had on her face and you watched at her with the intense stare you'd mastered from watching your cousins. Rhea took her time getting up into the ring and she stood across from you. She slowly inched closer and you tried to hide the smirk tugging at the corner of your lips but it was nearly impossible.
Before you knew it, her hands were on your hips and she was pulling you into a passionate kiss. The audience went wild, and you know both your cousins and Rhea's partners were backstage going absolutely mad. But you didn't care; all you needed in this moment was Rhea, and for the first time in a long time things felt...okay. All because you didn't need to hide anymore.
--- ---
"Y/N, what the hell do you think this is? A game?" Jimmy asked you. As soon as you got backstage with Rhea, your cousins led you into your locker room while The Judgement Day began pestering Rhea. You sat on the couch as your cousins and Paul stood in front of you; your family watched you in anger, while the Wise Man was in disbelief.
You crossed your arms before answering Jimmy. "I never said this was a game." You said. "I don't get why this is such a big deal! We wouldn't have this issue if you guys would just let us do what we wanted to do!"
Paul moved to sit across from you. He was someone who always tried to butter you up and appeal to your senses, but he wasn't going to win this. "It's not that we don't want you to." He said softly. "Your cousins want you to be happy. The Tribal Chief wants you to be happy." You rolled her eyes and looked away from Paul. "But being happy is not always what's best for your tribe."
Paul's words made your blood boil. "Well sometimes the tribe doesn't always need to come first." You said, standing up and grabbing your bag. "We'll talk about this later. But just so you guys know, I'm not giving up on Rhea just because you guys can't get along with The Judgement Day." Before anyone else could say anything, you left the room and walked to the parking lot where Rhea was waiting for you at her rental.
She looked up from where she leaned against the side of the car, and she immediately wrapped her arms around you in a hug. "The boys finished your tongue lashing?" Rhea teased softly.
You chuckled against her neck and breathed in her scent. "More like I cut it short." You mumbled, pulling back to give her a kiss. "I take it your boys weren't thrilled either?"
Rhea hummed and gave you another kiss. "They'll survive." She chuckled. "I'm done talking about them though. Tonight's about us." She opened the car door for you, and for the first time since being with Rhea you felt like things were normal...even if your respective factions were anything but thrilled.
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david-talks-sw · 6 months
No, George Lucas is not a "traitor"
You may have seen angry tweets and thumbnails such as these, in the last few days.
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Context - Disney is going through a proxy battle, and George Lucas sent out a statement that read as follows:
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So immediately, all the grifting influencers who based their entire platform around the narrative that "Kathleen Kennedy & Disney betrayed Lucas' legacy" banded together and agreed that the new line was:
"Fuck George Lucas, he betrayed us and betrayed himself. Lucas sided with his own abusers!"
Here's why this line of thought is absolutely childish and uninformed.
1- Get real, he's a shareholder, of course he'll say this.
I don't need to expand on this, do I?
He owns stock. Someone threatens your money, you defend the money. The question becomes: why does he think that sticking with Disney CEO Bob Iger will result in more profit than siding with?
Variety theorizes that it may be because Nelson Peltz has admitted that he has no media experience. 
And if that's the case? I'm not surprised at all, because...
2- George has always hated amateur studio execs
The following is me simplifying a lot... but George's relationship with studios has never been a good one.
When he was working at American Zoetrope, with Francis Ford Coppola, they were commissioned to adapt George's short film into a feature, THX-1138. The studio execs didn't like it and forced Francis to refund them the money (which is why he agreed to direct The Godfather, to get out of debt).
Moving on to American Graffiti (1973). When George writes Graffiti, he shops it around to studios and they all essentially told him to go fuck himself.
"American Graffiti went around to every single studio twice and they all said, "It's not a movie, there's no story, and there are no movie stars in it." And Star Wars— it was, "What in the world is this? Wookiees and robots? I don't get it." [...] It'd be hard to make a movie [like American Graffiti or Star Wars] today in the system because all these middle management people get in there and interfere in the process. I think that's much worse for filmmakers than it's ever been in the past." - Star Wars Insider #43, 1999
Except Universal. But throughout the process they're being irritants.
They object to the title because they don't know what it means.
The president is convinced it's a bad movie to a point where when he sees audiences cheer for it in test screenings, he argues they're paid actors.
They force Lucas to trim 5 minutes out of the film. Why? Just because.
This approach the studio execs were taking comes from the fact that none of them were artists. At this point in time, studios had been and were being bought by corporations who thought they could make a quick buck in the movie business.
Eg: Warner Bros wasn't run by the Warner brothers anymore. Paramount was now a subsidiary of Gulf+Western.
So when he's receiving notes, they're coming from - you guessed it - amateurs who think they know what they're talking about, but in reality have no clue. They did market research and think they know everything.
This subject is covered in The Offer (2022), a series about the making of The Godfather (reeeeally good show, I watched it twice).
In this scene, for example, you have a studio exec with no artistic sense whatsoever trying to tell Coppola which poster he should go with, and you get the idea of what I mean.
(Fun fact, a young George Lucas even makes a cameo in the pilot episode, in Coppola's office.)
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George also went into this subject during his 2015 interview with Charlie Rose.
It's a 4-minute clip, so here's the relevant bit:
"[Big corporations are] known for being risk averse. And movies are not risk averse. Every single movie is a risk, a big risk, like... The movie business is exactly like professional gambling... except you hire the gambler. You use some crazy kid with long hair, you give him $100 million and you say "go to the tables and come back with $500 million." That is a risk! Now, the studios have been going to think of it that way, they say: "well, maybe if we told him that he couldn't bet on red, maybe if we told him because we did market research and we've realized that red wasn't" -- so they tried minimize their risk. [...] They're basically corporate types. They think-- some of the worst things happens when they think they know how to do it, then they start making decisions that ensure it's not going to work. " - Charlie Rose, CBS This Morning, 2015
Now, ironically, this is the same interview in which he compared Disney to "white slavers", but clearly he was still smarting from his own ideas for the Sequels having been ignored.
But considering how little a fuck he gave about those Star Wars films once they came out and how often he visits the now visits sets of like Ahsoka and The Mandalorian, I think he's over it.
Again, this doesn't align with some Star Wars influencers' narrative that "he's fuming, he hates these movies, he feels betrayed and angry!" But if you ask me, he likely couldn't care less, and dubbing Disney his "abusers" is giving them waaay too much credit.
He made his movies, told the story he needed to tell and is now probably just enjoying his retirement, raising his daughter and putting together his museum, part of which is possible because of the money Disney keeps generating for him, as an investor.
So it doesn't surprise me one bit that George Lucas, of all people, to side with the Devil he knows rather than the amateur exec, because the latter is a painful road he knows all too well.
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kaythefloppa · 7 months
Wild Kratts: Our Blue and Green World Trailer.
Underneath the cut for those who consider it to be spoilery, but we have a trailer for the one-hour special, Our Blue and Green World, airing April 1st, 2024.
The Kratt brothers disagree on what's better; blue oceans or green forests. Aviva takes on the role of referee to demonstrate how oceans and forests work together to make our living planet, just like Martin and Chris need to keep working together. It's up to the gang to get Martin and Chris back in sync in time to save planet Earth from Zach and Paisley's villainous plans.
This special was first mentioned back in May of 2023 during an interview with Martin Kratt heralding the show's premiere of its 7th season. The original title was Blue and Green: The Living Earth before it was chaned to our Blue and Green World. The episode will feature climates and habitats corresponding with the Kratt's "blue and green." With it, will come the introduction of new Creature Power Suits: The ones we have seen thus far in the trailer are Indri Power, Green Anaconda Power, and Blue Whale Power.
My thoughts:
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*calms down.*
Ok but I'm starting to see a weird pattern in the PowerSuits in this season. For some strange reason, they have to retrofit the wearer's mouths to match the ACTUAL anatomy of the animal the suit is based off of. They did it with the Wild Pony and the Mountain Goat Power Suit and both of them were.... ugh. Now they did it with the Blue Whale Suit and to be fair, while I hate that particular feature, it's not enough to make me hate the suit. In fact, I kinda like it more because of how silly it looks (Martin is the perfect person to wear this suit tbh). Still though, I wish they designed it like the Crocodile, Hippo, or Puffin Suit where the giant mouth is simply an attachment that doesn't move while the wearer speaks.
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For those who don't know, Indris are the largest species of lemur in the world (alongside Diademed Sifakas). They are the only animals besides humans that can find and use rhythm using "wailing songs" to communicate. They're also critically endangered due to slash and burn of their habitats and poaching for their flesh as delicacies (yeah, very odd that Gourmand isn't here, but I digress). There's an estimate to be less than 10,000 left in the wild and are expected to have a population net decrease by 80% within the next 30 years... yeah, considering that they're endemic to Madagascar, not a very good sign. I didn't even know what an Indri was until reading the article, and if I'm not the only one who had no clue about these guys, it's probably definitely a good sign that they're getting some spotlight in this show.
The Indri Power Suit looks so goofy, but again, something about how silly it looks just makes me appreciate it all the more. I... weirdly expected it to be way bigger like the Puffin Suit, but again that's just me.
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I am a huge fan of how they designed the snake-inspired Creature Power Suits in the show. But the Anaconda Creature Power Suit... holy shit.
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Look at the markings! Look at the green! Look at the patterns, and the color schemes! Chris FINALLY got a green Creature Power Suit to activate! Our boi won! It's also a pretty clever callback to the Amazon special where Chris met the Anaconda (I really hope the Power Disc for this suit is green because god that would be so aesthetically pleasing).
Ngl, if the old flash games were still on the website, and this was one of the Power Suits I could earn for my character, I'd play it in a heart-beat.
I'm really interested to see the Zach/Paisley team up. This season already started to utilize her better by giving her another solo appearance, and now we're seeing a 1 on 1 team up with her and another villain. I was always gunning for a Paisley/Donita teamup but this works too. They're both very similar characters that can bounce off each other in similar, yet different ways (I actually headcanon that they're related - second cousins to be exact - because of those similarities). The final battle is gonna be kickass.
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If you were to tell me without any context at all that this was a screencap from the upcoming WK feature film (that this episode is often mistaken for), I would believe you. Because HOLY SHIT! The linework, the lighting, the hues, AND the shading! I am becoming more and more grateful for the 2-year long hiatus - the animators needed time to cook and they fucking COOKED. For an extended TV episode, this is pretty damn impressive.
People don't talk enough about this, but fun-fact: A lot of the animators of this show had experience working for Disney. Erika Worthylake was one of the artists on this show, doing several beta designs for animals such as wild ponies and salmon sharks. In 2019, she was the lead designer for Anga, one of the new characters in Disney's The Lion Guard (which, much like Wild Kratts, was animated in Toon Boom). Ben Balistreri had collaberated with the Kratt Brothers and Luc Chamberland in 2007 to work on the show's pilot episode, creating several different designs for the animated characters. Ten years later, he became the executive co-producer of Tangled: The Series. Kendal Brouet, who animated A Creature Christmas, worked on The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder in 2022. Just to name a few. It's just a fun little thing that comes up in the back of my mind whenever the topic of WK animation comes up, and this instance of animation is so fucking good that I HAVE to talk about it, because I have MAJOR respect for these guys, and if there were ever moments in the show that remind me "Oh, this slaps," I just remember what these talented artists worked on through the years and it clicks together nicely in my brain.
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According to Whrokids, this episode is gonna have a runtime of 58 minutes. I found this screenshot of someone who did far more searching and sleuthing for new episode content (they were the ones who found this trailer actually). I'm not sure how valid this particular screenshot is, but if this is the case, then this will be the longest episode of Wild Kratts in history, and will be the closest thing we get to a Wild Kratts movie (until the actual WK movie is released in theaters).
Fucking. Hyped.
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