#goodberry grove
thebeardlyben · 9 months
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Oh hey! I did something for Decembugbear after all!
This is a commission for @bullybeast, with Gregurr and Gaur paying a visit to my bugbear druid Jerry in the dankest, chillest druid grove only a Goodberry could call home.
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pigeonliker420 · 1 year
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autistichalsin · 8 months
I wonder if you have thoughts on like.... the other members of his grove? and halsin relating to them? bc apart from rath and maybe two more, they all seem very dicky to me 🤔 and ya, halsin said it's been a burden, and being a kind-hearted dude like him leading a bunch of bastards that think so highly of themselves could definitely contribute to the stress. I guess i don't get it? the one at the steps by the bear is like 'hold on give them a chance' @ the bear when we come in but then in the same breath is like 'no step further or i show you my claws' and seems like has to be talked down from being hostile by third druid; then later when we stop the ritual she's like 'we stopped the chanting but that doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful to this place' and some rando other druid went something along the lines of 'you're overstaying your welcome' - im just thinking how horrible halsin's life must have been surrounded by pricks like that 😔
Short version: yeah, everyone but Rath, Nettie, and Apikusis suck lol
Long version: everyone but Rath, Nettie, and Apikusis suck, BUT you can see several who are having doubts about what they're doing, and many of them come back to themselves once Halsin returns.
There were, I think, multiple things going on here:
By his own admission, Halsin wasn't a very strong leader. He never had leadership skills taught or modeled for him before becoming Archdruid, and further, his promotion was under incredibly traumatic circumstances. The survivor guilt, the admiration he had towards the previous Archdruid, likely left him not wanting to fully engage with the role out of fear of replacing him or at least seeming to do so.
The refugee situation was noted to be causing stress at the Grove as supplies were dwindling (I guess we're supposed to forget Goodberry is a spell ANY Druid can do, lol). This would have not only sown resentment against Halsin and the refugees for putting them in this situation, but crucially, it would have given an outsider enemy for the Grove. Cults (like the Shadow Druids) operate at their strongest when they have a threat, or appearance of one, to unite members and potential members under. "We are the only ones who can keep you safe from these outsiders who may be from hell itself, who are using all your supplies and contributing nothing, who are the reason you're being attacked by goblins every other day." And Halsin, as much as I love him, showed poor judgment in going with the goblins at that precise moment, and with little explanation to the others. It shows where his heart and priorities are- always with the Shadow-Cursed Lands first- but that would not be an endearing things for his stressed Druids.
Kagha not only fell in with this cult, but unfortunately, she had a lot of what Halsin was lacking as a leader- she just chose to use this skills for evil. She was persuasive (something Halsin admits he wasn't so good at), she presented herself as being concerned with the group's welfare in a way Halsin wasn't quite able to do (since his heart was elsewhere), and her zealotry seemed preferable to the other Druids in contrast to Halsin's mixed attention.
This cannot be understated: the Grove was deliberately targeted by Ketheric Thorm. He knew from experience that the Grove posed a significant threat, and he ordered his underlings to make contact with the Shadow Druids and send them to the Emerald Grove, to either persuade them to carry out the Rite of Thorns or at least cause so much division that the social bonds collapsed entirely and the Grove was left too divided to be able to accomplish anything. Ketheric and the Shadow Druids were able to find all of the above weaknesses and exploit them effortlessly.
So then it became a game of scapegoating, which is a favored recruitment technique of cults. "We're here because of the Other, and because our leader was too weak to fix the problem before it got this bad. We need a new leader; a leader who cares only for us and isn't afraid to tell the truth about these immigrants refugees who want to destroy America our Grove by leading gangsters and drug lords goblins right to us! Build the Wall Perform the Rite of Thorns!"
No one is immune to propaganda and everyone is a potential target for cults. It very well could be that all of the Druids, even Kagha, were once genuinely kind people who were manipulated by the cult into believing their kindnesses would get the Grove destroyed; they took on the "it's us or them" mentality.
For the timeframe to work, it either would have had to be happening in secret before Halsin left, or Halsin would have had to be gone for a while; since we know it wasn't TOO terribly long but hadn't JUST happened either, my guess is that Kagha had been spreading Shadow Druid doctrine in secret for some time, and had been planning to usurp Halsin's position even if he hadn't been kidnapped. That just made it easier once it happened. (There is a formal process within the Druids to challenge an Archdruid for their position; I don't know if Halsin even would have fought Kagha that hard if she kept her true intentions a secret. He had faith in her at this point after all, and didn't want the leadership position. That's a terrifying thought.)
So, then, Halsin comes back, and sees evil ideas spreading in all his Druids, starting with Kagha. Depending on the player's actions, he may or may not know it goes deeper than her. He can also see that his reputation has been severely damaged, if not ruined, in his absence; almost none of the Druids have any respect for him anymore. So he makes the wise decision to bring in Francesca, who they have no choice but to respect, and backs away himself. At this point, he intends to return someday when the Druids have been deprogrammed, but of course, later he decides it's not worth it anyway.
So back to: how bad must his life have been surrounded by that? Well, as mentioned, my headcanon is he wasn't surrounded by it very long, if at all. He thought everything was just normal, until he got back from being kidnapped and quickly found it very much wasn't. Whether that's better or worse, though, is up to interpretation. What's worse- seeing those you love fall victim to a cult, or thinking everything is completely fine, and then one day discovering they've been sucked in deep and there's nothing you can do to persuade them anymore since they've come to see you as The Enemy?
In any case, Halsin deserved much better, and I like to think he keeps in touch with Nettie, Rath, and Apikusis after the epilogue, even if he keeps his distance from the Grove itself.
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headshaker · 3 months
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This is normally where I’d put stats such as class, but Huaisang is neither a companion nor a combatant. Rather he’s an NPC the tadcrew can interact with from a distance throughout Acts 1 + 2, then meet face-to-face in Act 3. Further detail is below; the basic gist is he’s a human noble in Baldur’s Gate working against the Cult of the Absolute.
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Huaisang is head of one of Baldur’s Gate’s most prominent patriar families, but he never should’ve been. When his older brother met a tragic end a little over a decade prior, he was thrust into the position. He has not handled it well. Although he’s managed to hold a place in the Parliament of Peers, he is generally considered incompetent, and is known throughout the city as the Headshaker.
This has all been pretense, however. He’s played the fool while secretly gathering resources and constructing an extensive information network. This led him to the beginnings of the Cult of the Absolute and a subsequent alliance with Jaheira’s Harpers. He has been careful to keep his identity hidden even from them, but he has been no less steadfast an ally for it.
Most recently, he’s disappeared from public life entirely. Around the same time Jaheria’s Harpers left for the Shadow-Cursed Lands, he faked a terrible illness before the Parliament of Peers. He has sequestered himself inside his estate to “recover”. He has thus eluded being infected with an ilithid tadpole, but it is only a matter of time. He is being watched.
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As part of his commitment to the Harpers, Huaisang has sent an agent to the Grove in search of allies. The two groups took down Moonrise Towers a century ago; perhaps they might again. Unfortunately, his agent was slain by Shadow Druids in the wetlands. They’d been sent on a secondary mission to acquire a reagent from Auntie Ethel, but ran afoul of the Shadow Druids before they could. The tadcrew can loot a sending stone from their body.
The tadcrew may choose to use the sending stone or simply hold onto it. If they use it, Huaisang will respond through the other stone — but will not reveal his identity. If they don’t use it, he will be the first to speak after the next long rest — but again, he will not reveal his identity. The tadcrew may choose to take a gamble and ally with him. They keep him apprised of their adventures, at least what pertains to the Cult of the Absolute, and he directs his agents to leave caches of supplies for them. He will also pass on any pertinent information he acquires. They may ask him to look into specific topics, although he emphasizes that he is being watched and must tread carefully.
He will also extend a simple side quest. He intimates that he’s been recently poisoned. He’s fighting its effects, but without an antidote, he’ll die before all this is over. Unfortunately, the ingredients are rare, and with the state of things, he can’t go out looking for them. Even sending agents is, clearly, unreliable. He asks you to keep an eye out for Heart of Stone (looted from Auntie Ethel’s lair in Act 1), Dead Man’s Brew (looted from Thisobald Thorm), and four goodberries (can be created by a druid or ranger).
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Once the party enters Rivington, if they accepted Huaisang’s offer of alliance in previous acts, a bard (one of his agents) will approach on his behalf. They offer a pass into the city and an invitation to meet him at his estate. His willingness to not only reveal his identity but meet them in person is proof of how dire circumstances are. He will continue to offer them resources and intel. He will even cover their stay at the Elfsong Tavern and handle the matter with the Baldur’s Mouth Gazette if they bring it up.
If they collected the ingredients he asked for, his physician will use them to craft an antidote for him, and he will reward the party handsomely. If questioned, he sheepishly explains that he drank the poison willingly. He had to make his “illness” convincing to the Parliament of Peers. He had an antidote prepared, but carelessness shattered it. He’s rather embarrassed to admit he would likely have died without the party’s help.
If he is cured, he will be counted during the Gather Your Allies questline. He will be present when all gather before the final fight, and all his forces stand behind this effort — a not inconsiderable boon. In terms of game mechanics, the player will be able to summon three melee fighters sworn to him.
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mystra--ryl · 8 months
Why was the Emerald Grove complaining about the refugees being too much of a drain on resources when they're all fucking druids and fuckin Goodberry is a level 1 spell
Like if every druid can create up to 10 goodberries with a single level 1 spell slot then just get 10 people together and you can feed like up to 100 people
What are these fuckers doing that's so important that a handful of them can't spare a single spell slot per day
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oakfathers-embrace · 10 months
Tav looks at Halsin and laughs a bit before coughing.
"Halsin don't worry, I'm not even that sick."
"And if you're well taken care of, then hopefully you'll stay that way!" He says, finding a pitcher of water and pouring a glass for Tav.
"Now, stay here and I'll be right back." Halsin demands as he hands the water over, his voice leaves as much room for arguing as a stern mothers does.
It's actually quite a while before Halsin returns, taking around half an hour. You'd heard some shuffling about from outside the tent, but before you could go investigate, Halsin finally enters holding a small pouch and a teacup.
"You didn't have any tea nor honey, so I had to go forage some myself- the bees in this area are not as friendly as the grove." He mumbles, setting the teacup down beside Tav.
"A herbal blend, with honey mixed in for your throat." He says, handing over the pouch as well.
"Goodberries. Full of nutrients and they promote healing." He adds, once again checking Tavs temperature and sighing in relief when he finds its not raised too much.
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cagemasterfantasy · 3 months
Druid Spells (5e)
Cantrips: Control Flames, Create Bonfire, Druidcraft, Frostbite, Guidance, Gust, Infestation, Magic Stone, Mending, Mold Earth, Poison Spray, Primal Savagery, Produce Flame, Resistance, Shape Water, Shillelagh, Thorn Whip, Thunderclap
1st level spells: Absorb Elements, Animal Friendship, Beast Bond, Charm Person, Create or Destroy Water, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison and Disease, Earth Tremor, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Fog Cloud, Goodberry, Healing Word, Ice Knife, Jump, Longstrider, Protection from Good and Evil, Purify Food and Drink, Snare, Speak with Animals
2nd level spells: Air Bubble, Animal Messenger, Augury, Barkskin, Beast Sense, Continual Flame, Darkvision, Dust Devil, Earthbind, Enhance Ability, Enlarge/Reduce, Find Traps, Flame Blade, Flaming Sphere, Gust of Wind, Healing Spirit, Heat Metal, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Locate Animals or Plants, Locate Object, Moonbeam, Pass without Trace, Protection from Poison, Skywrite, Spike Growth, Summon Beast, Warding Wind, Wither and Bloom
3rd level spells: Aura of Vitality, Call Lightning, Conjure Animals, Daylight, Dispel Magic, Elemental Weapon, Erupting Earth, Feign Death, Flame Arrows, Meld into Stone, Plant Growth, Protection from Energy, Revivify, Sleet Storm, Speak with Plants, Summon Fey, Tidal Wave, Wall of Water, Water Breathing, Water Walk, Wind Wall
4th level spells: Blight, Charm Monster, Confusion, Conjure Minor Elementals, Conjure Woodland Beings, Control Water, Divination, Dominate Beast, Elemental Bane, Fire Shield, Freedom of Movement, Giant Insect, Grasping Vine, Guardian of Nature, Hallucinatory Terrain, Ice Storm, Locate Creature, Polymorph, Stone Shape, Stoneskin, Summon Elemental, Wall of Fire, Watery Sphere
5th level spells: Antilife Shell, Awaken, Commune with Nature, Cone of Cold, Conjure Elemental, Contagion, Control Winds, Geas, Greater Restoration, Insect Plague, Maelstrom, Mass Cure Wounds, Planar Binding, Reincarnate, Scrying, Summon Draconic Spirit, Transmute Rock, Tree Stride, Wall of Stone, Wrath of Nature
6th level spells: Bones of the Earth, Conjure Fey, Druid Grove, Find the Path, Flesh to Stone, Heal, Heroes Feast, Investiture of Flame, Investiture of Ice, Investiture of Stone, Investiture of Wind, Move Earth, Primordial Wind, Sunbeam, Transport via Plants, Wall of Thorns, Wind Walk
7th level spells: Draconic Transformation, Fire Storm, Mirage Arcane, Plane Shift, Regenerate, Reverse Gravity, Symbol, Whirlwind
8th level spells: Animal Shapes, Antipathy/Sympathy, Control Weather, Earthquake, Feeblemind, Incendiary Cloud, Sunburst, Tsunami
9th level spells: Foresight, Shapechange, Storm of Vengeance, True Resurrection
@doodl3 Dungeon
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bergdg · 3 years
Strixhaven Students: Witherbloom
In this five-part series, I’ll be creating a brand new Dungeons and Dragons character who would call one of the colleges of Strixhaven home. Each character will be built using content released in either published books or in Unearthed Arcana (UA) documents, such as the recently released Mages of Strixhaven UA.
Today, I’d like to introduce you to Aidlyn Liadon, Greenkeeper Apprentice.
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Bloom Tender, art by Chippy
Aidlyn grew up in the forests of Doradur, an area on the western coast of Orrithia. Along with her adoptive mothers and her three siblings, she helped care for a grove of the rare Brithinan tree, which are prized for their golden and lush fruit that grew ripe in the waning days of summer. From a young age, she learned through the loving guidance of her mother Ashari how to nurture young saplings: fertilizing them with earth mixed with Cervin dung and ground-up Horntop mushrooms. She also learned how to carefully prune the older trees from her mother Atrisa, coaxing the trees into shapes that allowed each tree in the grove enough room to grow and have enough sunlight. And it was in the family grove that Aidlyn first grew into her magical powers as a druid, a conduit between the natural world and those fortunate to walk amongst it.
People from across Orrithia, including many who called Strixhaven their home, would come to share in the delicious fruit that grew on their trees. Aidlyn tended to shy away from these interactions, finding comfort in the farther reaches of the grove. However, one late-spring day she had an experience that changed her life forever. A woman, who called herself Professor Oynx, came to visit. The Brithinan trees were still in bloom, so there were few other visitors on this particular day. As the woman walked among the trees and sampled the blossoms, she came across Aidlyn, who was weaving a spell of growth into a sapling that was having a particularly hard time growing. Impressed with the young elf’s magery, the woman invited Aidlyn to attend the far-off school, indicating that the lessons there could help with the work in the grove.
After discussing with her family, Aidlyn decided she would try to attend. While she was a little apprehensive about leaving her home, she hoped the knowledge she would gain at the school would be of help for the nurture of the grove when she returned. She was accepted, and, while there, the opportunities presented helped her to blossom in her own way.
Starting Stats (using the Standard Array)
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 8
Through her early years, Aidlyn learned much under the tutelage of her mothers. She excelled at being attentive of her surroundings; as a nature mage, her wisdom is what guides her and her magic. Living so close to the wilds, she also has high natural health, and finds it easy to move through the grove, even when roots would make the ground uneven or when debris would litter the ground after a heavy storm.
Race: Wood Elf
Aidlyn is an elf, and one that grew up far away from many in society, so a wood elf feels appropriate for her. Using her Keen Senses and Darkvision, she keeps watch over her family grove, both in protecting it and in caring for it. She also has the Mask of the Wild, letting her blend in amongst the leaves and branches as she typically avoids most other people.
Background: Hermit
Growing up in a grove with just her family, they became very self-sufficient. Aidlyn is also naturally more introverted, often preferring to work in the far reaches of the grove. But she learns much from nature, and is almost as skilled as her parents in caring for the Brithinan Tree by the time she leaves to go to school.
Proficiencies: Nature and Woodcarver’s Tools
Level 1: Druid (Level 1)
Prior to her meeting Professor Oynx, Aidlyn and her family had a brush with danger in the grove. A few people dressed in dark robes and wearing masks had come to the grove, demanding they be given some of the Brithinan saplings. When her parents first refused, these agents of the Oriq cast a spell that started to cause decay in the trees. Furious, Aidlyn and her mothers drew on the mana present in the grove and fought the agents off. However, some of the blight remained. Through great care, they managed to purge most of the blight from the trees. But some of the saplings still struggled.
Starting Class Proficiencies: Medicine, Nature
Cantrips: Druidcraft, Shillelagh
Leveled Spells: Detect Poison and Disease, Entangle, Goodberry, Purify Food and Drink
Level 2: Druid (Level 2)
A month after the attack on the grove, Professor Oynx came to the grove and interacted with Aidlyn for the first time. The professor could sense the residual blight magic that still persisted, and was impressed with Aidlyn’s skills at keeping it at bay. So, she told Aidlyn about Stirxhaven, and how its archives held countless volumes on different aspects of magic, perhaps even something about a cure for the blight. After the professor left, Aidlyn discussed this possibility with her family.
Growing in her skills as a druid, Aidlyn would have reached her second level at this point. She doesn’t seem like the type to Wild Shape herself, but there was a neat option published in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Wild Companion. In place of using Wild Shape, you can summon a familiar to help you. For Aidlyn, her parents teach her to summon a fey squirrel, as a reminder of the many squirrels who made their homes amongst the branches of the grove. Aidlyn names this fey creature Brith.
Druid Circle: Circle of the Land - Forest
Circle of the Land Cantrip: Thorn Whip
Leveled Spells: Beast Bond
Level 3: Druid (Level 3)
At first, Aidlyn has a difficult time finding her place. There are many more people around than she is used to, and it overwhelms her many days. However, when she finds the greenhouse on Witherbloom’s campus, she feels at home. Even though most of the campus is marshier than the grove at home, the natural aura that emanated from its surroundings helped her feel at balance once more. She soon found herself spending more and more time amongst the exotic plants found within the greenhouse, and she knew that she would be Witherbloom.
Leveled Spells: Protection from Poison
Level 4: Druid (Level 4)
After her first year of general studies, Aidlyn’s aptitude towards the care of nature was quickly evident to Dean Lisette of Witherbloom College. Lisette personally invited Aidlyn to become a member of the college, which Aidlyn gratefully accepted. Much to her surprise, Professor Oynx was a member of her Board of Approval. As they met again, the professor smiled and winked, indicating she had known since they first met that Aidlyn would feel like she had a place here.
Ability Score Improvement: Intelligence x2
Druid Circle (CHANGE): Mage of Witherbloom
Cantrips: Thorn Whip *Previously known from Circle of Land*
Subclass Spells: Lesser Restoration, Ray of Enfeeblement
Leveled Spells: Healing Spirit
Level 5: Druid (Level 5)
Soon after joining Witherbloom college, Aidlyn applied to be an assistant to the dryad Professor Root, who was the caretaker of the Greenhouse. Professor Root had already observed Aidlyn’s caring nature in the year previous, and gratefully accepted her application. After a little training, Aidlyn was assigned to the care of a collection of exotic plants belonging to one Ms. Vess. As Aidlyn cared for and studied these plants, she came to realize that many of these plants weren’t native to any known areas of Arcavios. Intrigued by this mystery, Aidlyn studied extensively to uncover what hidden secrets these plants contained, hoping to find answers that could truly cure the blight left on her family’s grove.
Subclass Spells: Revivify, Vampiric Touch
Leveled Spells: Speak with Plants
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Concept Art for Witherbloom Campus
After level five, I would continue to build Aidlyn as a druid. She might possibly dip into levels as a Wizard as she continues to learn at Strixhaven, which is why I enhanced her Intelligence above 13. Overall, I found it fun to create a Mage of Witherbloom who wanted to focus primarily on the life part of the life and death cycle.
Now, I will turn it over to you. If you were to play a character from Witherbloom College, what type of character would you build?
Next, we’ll be meeting a character from Prismari.
Fellow creator tags: @flavoracle @kor-artificer @askkrenko @vorthosjay @wizardsmagic
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rarestereocats · 5 years
With all of the guards dead and their horses left behind,  we figure it's a better idea to use them to escape rather than go on foot.  While me and Amelia have no trouble getting up on the horses,  everybody else struggles to befriend them enough to hitch a ride.  TT is immediately bucked off of hers and decides to ride with me instead,  Inami laughs her ass off at that before getting kicked away by her horse,  and Owk's refuses to even look at him.  There's not enough time to deal with this,  so Amelia uses her magic to suffocate his horse and raise it as a zombie.  He's thoroughly disgusted,  but doesn't have much of a choice but to use it,  carrying along her guard zombie too.  Off we go with me using my own magic to cover our tracks until the trail of the jewel thieves leads us into a small town.
It's a quiet town and doesn't appear to have much going on,  so we head over to the inn to question the locals.  A little exchange of gold has the innkeeper telling us what we need to know and it appears Thomas and Jim have holed themselves up here for the time being.  We get their room key,  head upstairs,  and as we open the door to send Cayde in to maul them to death in their sleep;  there stand the jewel thieves.  They were fully expecting a fight already,  but calm down when they see me...up until I mention that the guards mistook us for them.  They panic now because this means that we know all about their treasure,  so Thomas attacks us while Jim dives behind his bed to grab his gear.
It's a short-lived fight as we knock Thomas unconscious and he ends up falling from the window.  Owkbanok grabs Jim before he can do anything,  demanding he tell us where the jewels are,  and after we get our information;  he kills him.  Amelia raises them both from the dead,  leaving them as a little surprise for the guards when they inevitably catch up.  We then leave for the outskirts of town,  off to the barn Jim told us of.  It's guarded by two dogs,  but with Cayde's help in distracting them,  we slip onto the property easily.  We dig up the treasure and immediately leave town,  camping away from the main roads to avoid any suspicion.  Come morning,  we get back on the trail for the big treasure and the map leads us to the heavily guarded city of Merrine.
The map tells us to go around it,  but seeing as how we need some supplies,  we make the mistake of heading inside.  The guards are already suspicious and state that Amelia seems familiar,  but they let us pass.  It's then we come across the bounty board...all of our wanted posters plastered to it for the world to see.  We make quick work of tearing them down and when an oblivious bounty hunter approaches and asks to team up,  Owkbanok secretly threatens him via magic and sends him on his way.  We all poke fun at each other's posters,  Owk's being an incredibly awful caricature of himself,  Amelia's being heavily outdated,  and mine being from a time where I actually knew what a shower was.  I try to hide it,  but Amelia gets a hold of it and the party is left s h o o k at the pretty boy on the paper.
They try and prod me to figure out how I spiraled so far,  but I keep my secrets one day longer and they finally give up.  We decide strolling about this city might not be a good idea for any of us,  so off we go,  following the map's directions and heading around.  Eventually the cliffside gives way to a valley decorated with tribal banners.  Amelia knows enough to know that they're probably not friendly to outsiders and warns us that we might get ambushed.  Her and TT fall into a heated debate about fantasy racism and as I joke that we should trade them for safe passage,  a volley of arrows lands before us.  In order to be granted safe passage through their territory,  the gnolls want us to hand over our weapons,  which they'll return once we're through.  We're not fond of that though and out of nowhere,  Owkbanok cracks a joke,  stating he's fed up with door to door salesmen.
We're all confused at first,  but once the gnolls laugh,  we all jump in on the joke.  We paint a picture of Owkbanok being an impulsive spender with a bit of a gambling problem and cue even more laughter.  The tribe doesn't believe any of this bullshit for a second,  but it's hilarious nonetheless.  Their leader steps forward,  allowing us safe passage so long as Owk hands over a shiny necklace.  He does so with much reluctance,  so we bid the tribe farewell,  trekking up another cliffside before camping out.  Inami decides that it's the perfect night for drugs and drinks,  so once the booze is flowing,  we swap stories of our pasts.  Finally,  everyone gets to learn what happened to the pretty boy on my wanted poster,  we get to learn that Inami died once due to gang violence,  and Owkbanok regales us with the story of how he burned down a village and got a dragon thrown into the mix.
We also tell stories of dear darling Morthos,  who was lost too soon.  The next day,  a halfling trade caravan passes by so we all do a little shopping.  We still have at least a week of travel ahead of us,  so off we go,  encountering enemy territory in the form of a child's treehouse and spotting a white fox.  Doesn't seem that odd for a fox to be in such a place,  but she purposefully boops her snoot into us and runs off,  always checking to see if we're going to follow.  Everybody falls in love with her,  TT even giving her a name.  Elsa,  as we call her now;  leads us to a magical grove full of goodberries and insists we have some.  While everyone was suspicious of her intentions at first,  TT eats a berry and it's then we realize that Elsa isn't an enemy at all.  She's a simple guardian wandering about and taking care of travelers.
I'm sure you're expecting us to do something evil upon learning that,  but we don't.  We leave Elsa to her duties and carry on.  The next road we encounter looks plowed through several different ways,  but it clearly isn't man-made.  I explain to everyone what it could be and we send our zombie horse ahead in case of sinkholes.  It isn't long before the ground gives way beneath it and we watch in horror as the thing drops and out crawls a giant,  disgusting bug-like creature.  A few more crawl out as we fight,  but we manage to kill them all.  We carefully step around the newly formed sinkholes,  all of us on edge and expecting even more of a fight.
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thebeardlyben · 2 years
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Enter Jerry's underground druid grove, a place where all manner of creatures are welcome to experience the chillest vibes and dankest weed only a Goodberry can provide
A really fun commission for @huttser_coyote I did last year.
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280 D&D Characters on Twitter
This is the dumbest thing i have ever undertaken. Here are the first 28 of what should someday be 280 D&D character concepts.
I'm going to try and devise 280 D&D characters and post them in a thread. Here we go!
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 9, 2017
PENNY BYTTERTONGUE Copper-Dragonborn Sorcerer, Entertainer background. Favored attack: Acid Splash Personality: I have an acid-tongue; I say exactly what's on my mind, and I'm tough enough to back it up (proficient in Intimidation skill)#280DnDCharacters 1/280 pic.twitter.com/sSli2w8R15
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 9, 2017
STUART "THE TANK" TONSON Human Bard, College of Valor. Specialty: Vicious Mockery and tumbling. Stuart is an imposing, muscular fellow with high charisma, but no fighting skills. He can perform flashy fake moves to intimidate or impress enemies. #280DnDCharacters 3/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 9, 2017
MICKY WIDDERSHINS Forest Gnome Arcane Trickster Background: Outfitter Specialty: Unusual items When you expect him least but need him most, Micky will appear wearing his comically oversized haversack of goods. Rumors say he's a fey being of great mischief#280DnDCharacters 5/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 9, 2017
KIPPER FASTSPAR Kobold Tunnel Fighter Background: Sailor Specialty: Close-quarters combat Pressganged into a Hobgoblin pirate crew, Kipper stowed-away on a passing merchant vessel after a supernatural storm shipwrecked his captors. He has a prized whistle.#280DnDCharacters 7/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 9, 2017
UUMBOO T'HONGO Drow Barbarian Background: Feral child Main Attack: Stalactite Greatclub Raised by a colony of telepathic Myconids, Uumboo has no grasp of spoken language and is easily frustrated. She carries pouches of fungi spores to confuse enemies with.#280DnDCharacters 9/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 10, 2017
HORVAHM DEL Moon Elf Warlock of the Archfey Background: Pariah Main Attack: Eldritch blast Horvahm entered the Feywild while exploring a forbidden grove. They entered a pact with a shapeshifting Fey lord, and were gifted/cursed with wererabbit lycanthropy#280DnDCharacters 11/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 10, 2017
DENDRELL TINROOT Wood Elf Druid Background: Hermit Specialty: Goodberry Dendrell knows that somewhere in the deep wood there is a perfect acorn, and he is going to find it. He is dying, and plans to be reborn as the oak dryad that will grow from his grave#280DnDCharacters 12/280 pic.twitter.com/PjclOpLSuq
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 14, 2017
BREYLON XAVIAN Human Paladin, Oath of Devotion Background: Acolyte Specialty: Long sword, "The Straight Edge" Breylon got into the Extreme Teen paladin scene at age 13, and made his oath by 16, disappointing his necromancer parents. He is lawful obnoxious#280DnDCharacters 14/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 14, 2017
TAERTHAL ARROWFELL High Elf Fighter/Rogue Background: Folk Hero Specialty: Broadsword Duellist Taerthall is a living legend; a pivotal figure in revolutions, lost-causes, and underdog victories. But his storied life has robbed him of countless loved ones #280DnDCharacters 16/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 15, 2017
PSUDA NIGHTINGALE Human Cleric of Tymora Background: Fortune Teller Specialty: The Lucky Shot sling Psuda can see the future, but she doesn't believe in fate. The blessings of Lady Luck let her dance through fate's grasp; her divinations give her the beat#280DnDCharacters 18/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 18, 2017
DARON "DARN" KNOLLCUTTER Hill Dwarf Monk Background: Hermit Darn abandoned civilization to live among Stone Giant ruins, to learn their ancient ways of stone craft and dreamwalking. He is vexed by villagers salvaging stones from the ruins for settlements.#280DnDCharacters 20/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 20, 2017
KERREL TUWHOO Aarakokra Druid Background: Sky Warden Specialty: Gust Kerrel patrols the High Forest that surrounds the Star Mounts, looking for any approaching her secluded home. The trees spell out messages to her, only legible from 1000 feet in the air.#280DnDCharacters 22/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 20, 2017
GARMOUTH SKRUSK Lizardfolk Ranger Background: swamp-goat rancher Specialty: Giant snapping turtle companion Garmouth is one of the few Lizardfolk who'll venture outside the tribe's borders; this is unfortunate, as he is a terrible ambassador for his kind.#280DnDCharacters 24/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 28, 2017
JUSTITIA CULDAVER Human Rogue Inquisitive Background: Noble Specialty: Swordcane Madam Culdaver is regarded as an eccentric but formidable aristocrat by Waterdhavian elite. The less-fortunate know her as a steely hero; crimelords regard her as a nuisance.#280DnDCharacters 26/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 28, 2017
SCYLLA NIGHTSHADE Bard, College of Whispers Background: Spy Specialty: Mislead Scylla appeared in Waterdeep two years ago, infiltrating and climbing the ranks of the Lord's spy corps. She has no past; any who investigate her suffer unspeakable accidents.#280DnDCharacters 28/280
— Social Justice Wizards D&D (@SJWizBlogDnD) November 28, 2017
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whatsanartpocalae · 7 years
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Visions of Forgotten Groves: Legendary (sentient) magic item. Has an urge, and the ability to grow plants whenever it wishes, as long as it is touching organic material. If unattuned, it will grow whatever it likes without regard for friends or foes. All plants that stem from it die within minutes of it being plucked from organic material. When attuned, what grows is based off of the players alignment: 
lawful good= manticore grass (used as an antidote for many poisons)
neutral good= helianis (grows goodberries)
chaotic good= harmless but gripping vines that grapple on a failed DC13 STR save
lawful neutral= hamermort (a sweet but putrid in aftertaste fungus that, if eaten, equals one days rations)
true neutral= smolaple tree (fruit is small and bitter but removes 1 level of exhaustion)
chaotic neutral= carrowheat (a mild but substantial intoxicant with minor carryover effects
lawful evil= anviliron (a thick climbing vine that grows into a wall that can be broken [AC12, HP12]
pure evil= bittersbite (a clawing vine that pricks for 1d4 damage)
chaotic evil= morsenwort (a small flower that, when ground makes a poison dealing 1d6 damage when consumed)
If the Visions of Forgotten Groves likes the person who is attuned to it (let’s it grow in nicer soil, speaks to it, shows it the sites, travels in forests) it will grow faster and give more of itself to the cause, attacking enemies more often, bearing more fruit, growing in directions that aid the parties goal. If it does not like who it is attuned to (isnt allowed to grow often, kept in some kind of container, used for personal gain, user is cruel to forests) it will grow more slowly, there’s a small chance that it will deal friendly fire, the fruit will be more bitter and have a higher chance of growing rotten, and it will grow where it feels safe, not traveling outwards. 
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