missjanjie · 1 year
44 any ship
fun fact! i also did not know what ship to pick so i used a random number generator to pick one from the rdg list, and that's how we got goodesport, but i think it was cute
44. “You little brat.”
Gigi looked around the living room as Jan finished putting up decorations. “You know, I thought you were being hella extra at first, but everything seems to have come together nicely,” she observed before turning to grab a bottle of sparkling water from the fridge. “So, when’s the ankle biter getting here, again?”
Jan scoffed. “First of all, she's turning twelve, not two. Secondly, she has a name. And you should know it – she might be your sister-in-law one day.” 
“Relax, I’m just fucking with you,” she chuckled. “Marcia’s a good kid, fuck knows where she got it from,” she teased.
She gasped in mock offense. “You little brat,” she huffed, tossing one of the still rolled-up streamers at her. “You’re horrible, I don’t know how I put up with you,” she said with no malice, her smile making it clear that she meant the complete opposite. 
“Says the girl soft-launching a marriage talk,” Gigi smirked, setting the bottle down in favor of wrapping her arms around Jan’s waist from behind. “You love me so much, it makes you look stupid,” she cooed as she playfully nipped along the shell of her ear. “I can’t blame you for having good taste. You know, I think I would make a fantastic in-law.”
“What the fuck did I miss?” Rosé asked as she walked back inside with Denali in tow, both of them carrying food for the party. 
“Nothing, Rosie,” Jan hummed airily. “We’re just about finished. Marsh should be here by two, right?”
The other couple nodded, then Denali piped up with, “y’all have to keep an eye on that friend she’s glued to. I know a baby gay with her first crush when I see one, and I’m sensing a little puppy love between them.”
“The girl that moved from Nevada?” Gigi asked. “That's cute.” 
“Ah, so there is still a soul in you,” Jan chided, tilting her head back to kiss her cheek. “Maybe sister-in-law is still in the cards.”
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petitmonde · 2 years
goodesport 😎 and “well, someone's grouchy”
"Well, someone's grouchy," Jan's hyper voice and her poking Gigi's cheek only made the latter's scowl even deeper.
"Do you want me to bite your hand off?" Gigi snipped. "Seriously Jan, not today."
Jan pulled her hand back. She hadn't counted on Gigi's foul mood being this bad. Usually the redhead would snap back with a witty retort, then sit back to keep her smile in check. Whatever it was, Jan would be there for her.
Gigi picked up the pencil she had dropped, scribbling in rapid motions into her notebook. It seemed she was done with the conversation, her body language signaling that it was time to leave.
Jan didn't even dare look at what she was so furiously drawing with the pencil.
"Well, I'll leave you be then," Jan said, shifting in her seat to get up. Only she could feel a hand tugging on the hem of her shirt to get her to sit back down.
Gigi still didn't look at her, too enraptured by the notebook.
"Okay, I get it. I'll stay."
Gigi's lips curled up slightly. Jan had made the right choice, sitting by Gigi's side until she was ready to talk.
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thecollectionsof · 2 years
"I didn't even know we had a room like this"
so, funny story. i wrote the whole prompt and was just about to post it until i realized this said goodesport and not sportsdoll so i had to redo it. but!! here it is, i hope you like it <3
(under a cut because it got a bit longer than i expected)
“I… didn’t even know we had a room like this here,” Jan says, eyes wide. Gigi turns from where she was standing just ahead of her, the excited smile on her face making Jan grin in return, “How did you find it?”
Gigi gestures to the entrance they came through, the door that was made to perfectly resemble the wall of the closet in her room. “I don’t even know! I was putting away my clothes and then suddenly the wall moved, and when I went through it there was a whole room back here!” 
Jan lets out a disbelieving laugh, looking around again. “Honestly, when you invited just me back to your room instead of all of the girls, I expected… I wasn’t expecting this. This is amazing!”
And it was. The room was a small little nook, with a plush couch and some bookshelves lining the walls, a few lamps bathing the room in a golden light. It fit perfectly with the aesthetics of the house they were renting with their friends on the beach, except this room was probably the only one without a window. It was a small space, just enough to comfortably fit the two of them, or maybe three people if they squeezed in.
“Are you going to tell everyone else?” Jan questions, turning back to Gigi. Gigi’s close to her, closer than she was before, but that makes sense, with the secret room being so small and all. 
“We could let this be our little secret,” Gigi offers nonchalantly, but the way a hand came to play with her hair betrays her nerves. “Y’know, a place to go when we need a moment to ourselves.” 
Jan’s eyebrow quirks at being included in this, sensing that there’s another reason. “Won’t people get suspicious? If the two of us keep disappearing together, I mean.”
Gigi’s lips quirk up into a grin. “Is there something for them to be suspicious about, Jan?” she says, a mischievous look in her eyes. Jan narrows her eyes at her coy behavior, though she can’t stop the way her heart rate picks up.
“I don’t know, maybe the way you were kissing me against the door to my room yesterday? Or how about when we made out at that club a week ago, or—”
She’s cut off by Gigi sauntering closer, entering her space. She can feel her breath on her lips, feel Gigi’s arms come to rest on her shoulders. “Or, I can push you down onto this couch right now and you can make all of your pretty little noises for me. Think about it, baby.”
Jan feels intoxicated, her breath hitching as she makes eye contact with Gigi. Gigi’s smiling, as if she already knows the answer, but she’s waiting for the confirmation anyway. “Please,” Jan breathes, then pushes herself up to capture her lips in a needy kiss, showing Gigi just how much she likes the idea. A secret room perfect for their secret, almost as if it was just made for the two of them.
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biblewaterzzz · 3 years
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
if you want a s12 ship, how about 🌸 for sakuradoll or goodesport?
Imma do Goodesport, considering that’s one of my comfort ships
🌸 Kissing headcanons Goodesport edition!
To start off, it took both of them months to be comfortable with affection because of how over-analytical Gigi is and how anxious Jan gets
But they do work around it and are able to express their love for each other eventually
Jans favorite kisses are definitely forehead kisses or pecks on the cheek
There’s just something so domestic about it that warms Jans lil heart
Like when Gigi comes home from work and Jans there waiting for her they just hug each other and Gigi kisses her forehead and Jan just melts
Cuz one time Jan came home kinda frustrated from a bad audition and she just flopped down on top of Gigi distraught
So Gigi kissed Jans forehead and like that Jan was all better
Now they both refer to forehead kisses as ‘magic kisses’
And every morning before she leaves, Gigi kisses Jans cheek and says I love you which makes her so soft
Now Ms Goode on the other hand likes hand and neck kisses
Since it took Gigi longer to get used to PDA and stuff, they would just hold hands and then Jan would kiss her hand to test the waters so they hold a special place in Gigis heart
Like the first time Jan kissed her hand, they were walking down the street and even tho Gigis lived in the city for a while, she still gets nervous in crowds and is scared she might lost or something of the sorts
And Jan noticed this so she kissed Gigis hand to calm her down and she was shook like 😮 and then 🥰
Now neck kisses….
When Gigi got used to affection, she went in hard dude
Like first time Jan gave her a hickey she was obsessed because it shows she’s loved and desired by someone
And she’s so proud of them too
She’s never once covered them up which makes Jan kinda embarrassed but secretly really happy
One time Gigi went to a work function with Jan and one of her coworkers made some throw away comment about a faded hickey and how she could leave a better one
And it was like a switch flipped in Jan and she just became like the most possessive and jealous person ever (which Gigi adored and loved)
So she snuck them into the bathroom and left even more hickeys, making sure they were darker and very obvious
That shut up the girl real quick
But if both had to pick one, they’d probably pick morning kisses
Cuz there both still tired but they love the feel is still perfectly translated into that kiss
With the warm sun coming in, the sheets so perfectly wrapped around them, a kiss is the perfect cherry on top for a morning
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alittlebitgoofy · 4 years
94 and 93 with goodesport!! ilyyy thankies honey :D here’s a gyu this time!:
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thanks for the gif babes, hhhh i guess i can still write s12 lol sorry this is short i tried my best okay 93.”No backsies”  94. “You’re an idiot. I married an idiot” “Come on Geege,” The whine in Jan’s voice combined with her begging eyes made a tough combo to beat. Gigi felt her defense weaking, giving in with a sigh. The loss of dignity was worth it for the look of happiness on the blonde's face. No matter how many years passed, Jan would always make Gigi’s stomach flutter with her excited eyes and adorable expressions, even if she lacked the ability to explain exactly what it was the smaller girl did to make her feel that way every time. 
“Alright fine, but you owe me for this,” Gigi replied, exhausted by the constant back and forth. When did she have any dignity anyway? Dressing in lingerie wasn’t something she was uncomfortable with, far from it. But the idea of entering a bad costume contest with her wife dressed up a pole was mortifying. Jan was so elated at how bad the idea was she begged to run with it. Constantly bringing up how they had to beat ketchup and fancy mustard, the idea of not being something so painfully stupid was one Jan refused to accept, resigning Gigi to her fate.
“All right! No backsies! We’re going to be a stripper and a pole!” Jan enthusiastically jumped as she spoke, reminiscent of a child whose mother finally agreed to get them mcdonalds. 
“You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.” Gigi muttered, deadpan in her delivery. It didn’t dampen the blonde’s spirits, but did get a laugh out of her. 
“We’re both idiots Geege, I love my idiot and you love your idiot. We dumb people need to stick together.” With a giggle, Jan pressed a kiss to her wife’s cheek. Gigi only hummed in agreement. Jan was right about their lack of intelligence but she didn’t want to dignify it with much of a response past acknowledging she agreed. 
“Oh and also, the reason I was so adamant about this costume was because i’d love to go to a costume party and see your cute ass in very little clothing. Love you, Geege.” Jan pulled the taller girl in for another, longer kiss that left them both breathless. Her words hung in the air as she jumped away somewhere, leaving behind Gigi with a lot of mixed emotions and trying to process everything that had just happened, Suddenly it all made sense, maybe the costume wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
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37 goodesport
Hi, Alexy.
did you say... stripper!Jan and straight!Gigi? 
“Could he make you feel as good as I do?”
Gigi wanted to leave.
She had been there half an hour already, plenty of time in her humble opinion, and she wanted to leave. Unfortunately, she was the only one. She should have known that making exclusively gay girl friends in college was a bad idea.
It was Nicky’s bachelorette party. And, as the French are fond of doing, they had gone to a strip club to celebrate.
Normally Gigi would be fine with the whole affair. It was harmless fun going and tipping pretty girls with crusty dollar bills from the bottom of her purse. It didn’t threaten her heterosexuality in any meaningful way. Only Gigi had made eye contact early in the night with a very cute, very blonde woman who seemed to miss every signal Gigi threw her way.
She had been dancing on stage, turning her body this way and that, rocking to the beat of the music. She was a good dancer. 
Objectively speaking. 
Gigi knew classic training when she saw it. If they were anywhere else she might have even struck up a friendly conversation over their shared dance pasts. 
But as it was, the blonde stripper was making eyes at her for the umpteenth time that night and Gigi really better leave soon, the attention making her neck prickle unfamiliarly. 
She made her way through the crowd that was circling the stage to do just that, but as she pushed through in an attempt to find Nicky, she felt the spotlight suddenly fall on her and the mass of people part accordingly.
The blonde girl on stage was wearing a smirk and little else as she confidently strode over to Gigi, dripping in charisma, oozing sex appeal. Her attention so focused, so lasered in on Gigi, the younger girl felt herself flush under the attention.
“You want that dance now or should I find you later?”
The blonde’s voice was liquid sin, pitched low and breathy, her eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks. She knew exactly what she was doing.
Gigi’s brain spaced out as soon as she had opened her mouth. 
The woman smiled, a bit of the cocky confidence leaving her posture as she gestured to the spotlight shining brightly above them “Every Saturday we offer a free dance to someone. It’s your lucky night, princess.”
“Oh, I’m not-”
The woman cut her off again, tone conversational. “You don’t have to like it, but my manager is gonna beat my ass if I don’t at least take you to the back room.” The smile on her face made the nerves in Gigi’s stomach settle a bit. “I’ve avoided these for the past month.”
Gigi let herself laugh. It bubbled up and out of her throat like she didn’t mean for it to. In truth, she hadn’t.
The girl took that as a yes, and suddenly the sultry facade was back, obscuring the previously soft features. She took Gigi by the hand and led her to the back of the club, rows of red curtains drawn over stalls. 
Gigi blinked one second, and the next she was sitting in a plush leather chair, the fabric sticking to her suddenly very sweaty skin.
“I’m Jan.” The stripper said offhandedly as she scrolled through the music library to the side of the door.
“That’s cute,” Jan husked, still not looking at her.
Gigi felt strange under the non-attention. She felt fidgety in her own skin, not knowing what to expect.
“Relax,” Jan called. “I can hear you thinking too loud.”
“Sorry, I’m just-”
“Nervous?” Jan asked, finally turning around to focus her attention on Gigi
Suddenly, a thrumming base filled the small space between the two women. It was light but powerful and Gigi could feel it in her bones if she concentrated too hard.
Jan began swaying her hips a bit, casually almost. “Relax, baby.” She smiled, leaning close to whisper against Gigi’s ear. “You might even enjoy it.”
Jan continued dancing, this time running her hands over her own body, one reaching up to roughly palm her tit, the other teasingly pressing against the seam of her underwear.
She gasped out at the contact and Gigi wasn’t sure if it was for show, but the way her own body heated up at the action was definitely not for show.  
Gigi couldn’t think, let alone have a weird crisis over the fact that this person, this woman was making her feel things.
It was like the minute Jan got her alone, all Gigi’s higher thinking skills went offline. She was left to stare at Jan as she inched closer to Gigi, hips grinding sinfully.
Gigi found herself transfixed by the movement. 
As Jan went to place her hands on Gigi’s shoulders, Gigi panicked.
“I have a boyfriend.” she blurted out.
Jan chuckled darkly, not letting up and moving so she was giving Gigi a proper lap dance now. “Could he make you feel as good as I do?”
Gigi didn’t know how to answer that. Didn’t know how to do much of anything really with Jan’s hips grinding down on the air in front of her, hands never once leaving Gigi's shoulders. 
She was stuck in place, helpless to stop the rush of arousal to her head and between her thighs.
She blamed it on not having sex in a while.
“Let me make you feel good,” Jan whispered against the shell of her ear. “Wanna see the face you make when you come, princess.”
Gigi nodded before she could think better of it.
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imposterzoe · 4 years
34+35 goodesport please!!
Done! I've never written Jan before so beware 😈🙈
Tw: Character death
34.) “Will you miss me at all?”
35.) “Can I have one last kiss?”
Jan was sleeping finally. She breathed easier when she slept.
Gigi stroked her hair. She hated hospitals. She always hated hospitals.
Her whole life being in a hospital meant one thing.
Someone she loved was going to die. And she was gonna watch them.
She started to cry and just like that Jan was awake.
Her hand rose to Gigi's face, wiping away her tears like any other day.
But on any other day Jan's hands weren't skin and bone.
They weren't cold as ice.
There wasn't an IV in her arm.
On any other day, Gigi didn't know that Jan had a week to live.
"I don't want to lose you." Gigi whispered.
"I know." Jan gave a small smile. "But you're going to. And I need you to accept that."
She slid over and Gigi slowly laid at her side, trying not to bump the million wires that were protruding from her girlfriend.
Jan stared at her and stroked her hair. “Will you miss me at all?”
Gigi was startled. "What? Of course!"
Jan stroked her hair. "Promise me something?"
"Anything." Gigi breathed.
Jan's voice shook as she whispers her request. "Move on. Don't spend the rest of your life missing me so much you don't live. Promise me."
"Jan I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. I'm never going to be able to replace you." Gigi grabbed her hand. "And who knows? Maybe they'll figure out..."
"No more maybe Gigi." Jan snapped. She coughed. Gigi held her.
"I'm dying babe. And I wish I wasn't but I am." She gave a weak laugh. "And I'm not making it through the night."
Gigi shook her head. "They said a week."
"I know what they said. And I know me. I'm not waking up. I can feel it."
Gigi felt her stomach drop. "No. Not yet."
"Yet." Jan whispered and Gigi knew in her heart she was right.
They held each other, crying into the other's body.
"I'm not ready for you to go." Gigi cried.
"I'm not ready to leave you." Jan whimpered back.
They were silent for a little while longer.
"I'm tired." Jan breathed. Her eyes were drooping.
“Can I have one last kiss?” Gigi asked.
Slowly, Jan pressed her lips to Gigi's, hand going to her face.
And in that second, Gigi imagined it was the first one.
Jan's lips were still full.
Her hands were still warm.
Her skin was still rosy and meat was still on her bones.
Gigi still didn't know that she was going to lose her.
But oh, if the spark wasn't still there.
They pulled apart.
"I love you." Jan said.
"I love you too." She said back. A final tear slid down her cheek. "Goodbye Jan."
Jan fell against her chest.
Every monitor around them started to scream and by the time the room was swarmed with people screaming medical jargon, Gigi knew she was gone.
"Goodbye Jan."
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dawningofdrag · 4 years
1 + 5 goodesport? 👀
I know you probably wanted something smexy and 18+ but i saw the angst potental so i had to do it! ilu möther, have some friends with benefits but Gigi likes Jan confrontation scene thing akskaksksks
1 - “We’re not dating.”
5 - “You’re either gonna have to fuck me or kill me, because I can’t take this anymore.”
“We’re not dating, Gigi.”
The tension in the winter air that surrounded Jan’s front porch was thick, and it sat heavy on Gigi's shoulders, but maybe it was because of the wool coat she wore that was currently soaked in melted snow. Either way, it made no difference.
“But it feels like we are, and that’s the fucking problem.” The brunette spat out, trying her very best to hide the chatter of her pearly white teeth and the nervousness hiding behind the bloodshot eyes that held back her tears. It was stupid for her to to do this, confront Jan about their fucked up situation at three in the morning, but it was better than another restless night staring at her popcorn ceiling, thinking about nothing but Jan’s blonde locks and her infectious bright smile.
“Do you love me, Jan?“ The question left her pale chapped lips before she had the chance to hold it back. She watched as Jan’s eyes trailed down to her feet, unable to conjure up a proper response.
“You’re either gonna have to fuck me or kill me, because I can’t fucking take this anymore.” The tears she tried so hard to hold back finally fell, unable to hold back the crack in her voice as the silence rang in her ears.
“So go ahead, kill me.” The brunette whispered through her cries, diverting her gaze as she wiped the tears that streamed down her face with the back of her pale hand. “Say no and I’ll leave.”
Jan finally looked up, her regretful gaze meeting Gigi’s.
“I’m so sorry.”
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purplejan · 2 years
Thoughts on rarepairs?
(Hint: they're great)
ayy i think they're really fun!!💕 especially cause it's like reading something completely knew and it's so fun to see the author's characterization of the queens and the relationships they're in.
i may be biased, but i looove any rare pair with jan in it, be it sportskura, goodesports or something else. and on that note, bloosport?? has all my heart after that video i have to say 😌
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missjanjie · 2 years
Goodesport + "I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what's wrong."
Gigi huffed and pouted – her unwillingness to talk about her feelings was only matched by Jan’s stubbornness. She realized she had no choice but to relent. “I’m sad I didn’t get that internship I wanted, it would’ve been really good for me.”
Jan hid her smile of satisfaction behind her genuine concern, pulling her girlfriend into her arms. “I’m sorry you didn’t get it. It sucks and I understand why you’re disappointed. But you’re so incredibly talented, I’m sure you’ll get an even better one.”
Despite the unpleasant feelings that bubbled up with vulnerability, she melted into her arms. “You’re right… thanks, most people would’ve just told me to get over it.”
“I thought you knew by now that I’m not most people.”
Gigi cracked a smile and shook her head. “No, Jan, you’re truly one of a kind.”
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petitmonde · 2 years
what are your favorite ships to write?
Damn, I have way too many, I think? In general I tend to gravitate towards the less popular ships. I've no idea why but it's a trend.
For s12 it's gotta be Goodesport, it's the ship that brought me back to Tumblr. I love their one sided rivalry, it's fun.
For s14, it's Jasya hands down. Enemies to lovers is everything to me, if you couldn't already tell. But also how sweet the both of them can be when they aren't bickering.
S15, I'd say Roura, closely followed by any configuration of Robin, Aura, and Anetra. Aura and Robin are so fkin gay for eachother it's not even funny. Robin driving two hours just to see Aura, Robin staying a week at Aura's place after she got eliminated, Aura pestering Robin to join her lives even when she's naked.
Curveball season is DRPH. Divine Divas are also everything. IYKYK. Brinty is also wonderfully spicy.
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thecollectionsof · 2 years
masterpost :)
wanna see me be annoying? go to @giupdatecorner for more and also worse posts :) wanna see me blog about things that make me happy? go to @gihappyblog for some of that <3
i'd love to chat with people and hear your ideas!! my ask box is always open, feel free to come say hi or chat with me at any time <3
feel free to send in ships, prompts, or anything you want to see!! if you have something you want to see more of let me know and i'll most likely write for it !!!
oh also i should probably link my ao3 oops: here it is !!
favorite ships to write:
i mostly write crygi (here's why), but i also write dayasco, sakurasport, sakuradoll, goodesport, sportsdoll, halldoll, lemyanka, gigisco, and gigi/daya ? whatever it's called?
also: i don’t write smut, sorry !! it’s not my thing </3 so if you send in a prompt for it you probably won’t see smut, but i’m definitely cool to write flirting and such, unless the prompt is too explicit for me to write it in a way i’m comfy with
(some) fics i've posted on ao3
love through the seasons (crygi—series of standalone oneshots)
In Their Tree (crygi)
Disclaimer (jankie)
Footprints (crygi)
Mint Chocolate Chip in a Cup (crygi)
My Cat Has a Crush On You (crygi)
Constant State of Saturdays (dayasco, background crygi)
am i loved? (crygi)
It Takes a Genius (crygi)
something so delicate can hurt so much (crygi hanahaki au)
and more! i didn’t wanna make this too long <3
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zwritestuff · 4 years
every jan ship you've seen/read, whats your ranking?
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alittlebitgoofy · 2 years
guys i miss s12 and also can we discuss the fact rock/crystal has a fucking ton of merit as a ship, like i love sportkura and crygi but like....them??? and goodesport??? 
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14 + 21 goodesport? 👀👀👀
I’m shocked that you requested goodesport. Totally shocked.
“Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.” and “First one to make a noise loses.”
“Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.” Jan waggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Their group of friends groaned at the implication.
“Y’all are nasty,” Heidi called as Jan and Gigi giggled as they ran hand in hand down the hall to the closet.
Seven minutes in heaven.
It was silly. Stupid and silly and they were all grown adults by now. 
Still. It was nice to have that silly childhood rush again. Even if they were a bit taller now.
Gigi didn’t wait for the closet door to close before she pounced, pressing their lips together in a familiar dance by now. The kiss was hot and wet and messy in all the best ways, but Gigi, ever the experimentalist, wasn’t content.
“You wanna up the ante?” She grinned wickedly.
Jan just raised a wary eyebrow at her girlfriend. 
Gigi smirked wider and leaned in to whisper against Jan’s lips. “First one to make a noise loses.”
Jan chuckled. “Are you sure you wanna play that way, baby?”
Gigi looked up at Jan through hooded lashes, confusion etched into the lines on her face.
“Cause you never can keep quiet with my tongue inside you,” Jan smirked.
“Fuck-” Gigi exhaled.
“Ah ah,” Jan shook her finger in front of the younger girl’s face. “Can’t make noise.”
“Jan I-”
Gigi was cut off by Jan sinking to her knees, seemingly unbothered by the rough carpet of the closet. She pushed Gigi’s skirt up around her hips and leaned in close, breathing hotly on the damp material of Gigi’s panties.
The younger girl bit back a whine as Jan licked a stripe up the already soaked lace.
Gigi hadn’t calculated for this. She had planned to stroke and grind and wind her girlfriend up to high heaven, but she hadn’t accounted for this.
It was proving to be much harder than she anticipated.
“Help me out here, baby,” Jan said, motioning to the skirt that was falling around her face. Gigi nodded and held it up, wincing a bit at the cool air now flowing under her skirt. She didn’t have time to adjust before Jan was pulling down her underwear and burying her face in Gigi’s slick folds.
Jan didn’t waste what little time they had left, she dove in, pistoning her tongue in and out of Gigi’s hole, taking breaks to circle her clit with the tip of her tongue. 
Gigi was only human, and after a minute of this she couldn’t hold back anymore. A whimper escaped her lips before she could stop it.
Gigi rolled her eyes as she could feel Jan smirk against her pussy.
Jan pulled back and smiled triumphantly up at her. “Winner winner, you for dinner,” she sang.
“Jan oh my god that was horrible-”
Gigi was cut off once again by Jan’s mouth.
She decided that if this was the result, she didn’t mind losing so much. 
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