#goofy ass gays
sereinartemishan · 2 years
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if my wedding is not exactly like this then what's the point?
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 years
when robin came out to steve, he said “but she’s a girl” when robin was talking about her crush, like he literally didn’t even know that was an option.
this is why my brain has convinced me that bi steve harrington 100% possible bc now he realizes that dating someone of the same gender is a possibility.
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cometblaster2070 · 18 days
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I love this scene so much, ruby really did NOT hesitate in immediately taking that missile down. she really said oh you can TRY to hurt my partner just watch this.
like i love her expression in this, the way this goes from being just annoyed or upset; this girl is genuinely pissed with cordovin, because for one, she's being completely unreasonable about this matter, and secondly, i mean, she tried to shoot at weiss and maria.
(also ruby appreciation here; this girl sniped a moving missile out of the air like????)
and because i am whiterose trash, here is bonus ruby and weiss after weiss safely gets off the ship and is on ground with ruby.
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look at this dork i love her sm. the second she's reunited with weiss and knows that weiss is safe; look at that smile.
(also pls don't mind weiss's expression)
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ravioligobbler9000 · 9 months
Good omens completely ruined my Queen listening experience, i cannot listen to Queen without thinking of these two idiots
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sparkdoesart · 6 months
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Rymin to cope rymin to cope
I did make them slugcats tho because its quicker to draw than their actual human designs
Guh drawing ryan always helps<333 hes literally me fr
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acompstranger · 10 months
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silly v1 sketch before work.
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klayfruit · 1 year
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3! 2! 1! DO IT!!!!!!!
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techutones · 4 months
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The artist I heavily referenced for the art style was Vinnie draws stuff, go support em,, DO IT NOW 🔫🔫
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cinnimon-beetle · 10 months
I liked nimona a surprising amount, a lot of it was goofy kids stuff but also that is really fun. Cool gay men but I wish the dudes were beefier, every dude was a twink and it made me really sad, the main guy deserved to be beefier fr. The ending line caught me off guard but overall very fun I hope every 12 year old who’s egg hasn’t cracked yet really enjoys this movie, it feels like it was for them the most.
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pillowparamedic · 4 months
ppl who hate black doom/black arms and shadow 2005 in general r so lame. shadow having guns and cussing r so cool and i hope he dual wields 2 pump action automatics and says more cuss words such as "crap" and "piss" in sonadow generations ❤
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yuckymuckyy · 6 months
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another anime re-draw bc their canon lack of personal space makes me hehehahahahe :3 kicking my feet <3 also i rlly wanted to draw zoro with luscious green lashes…for personal reasons…… | colored pencil on (dotted) paper (again)
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yakketymax · 1 year
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BIG Eugene post because guess who got a redesign! Complete with a new full body ref, his alternate hairstyles/puppets, his relationship dynamics with everyone, and his own voice claim video!
Under the cut is more information on him and his new role 'n character.
Template by @airinssweater
Eugene's lessons are very Tom Lehrer like, all of them done as songs to make them more fun and memorable since it was figured that kids wouldn't want to sit through another boring teacher telling them how to do things. All the songs were disco/funk, filled with claps and simple dance instructions to have fun while you learned! Despite this, no recordings of Eugene's songs could be discovered; there's an ongoing search for a vinyl record of Eugene's songs, "Dr. Igneous' In-Gene-ious Lessons!"
Song List
A Side
• 123, Let's Jive!
• Lab Safety, Baby!
• Rock Ballad
• Walk It Out
• Chemi-Mix!
The B-Side of the vinyl was said to be the same songs, but with a break of Eugene giving dance instructions in the middle of each one.
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You'll compile the evidence??????!
Aaaaaaaa 🛐🛐🛐
Gay/bi idk either this mf isn't straight
Here's said evidence:
1. Entering man hole as previously stated here
2. Bringing up Fring's boyfriend to Fring
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Idk felt very "I know what you are"
I feel like there's an urban dictionary word for when gay people are trying to subtly show other gay people they're gay
2.5. Bringing up Fring's boyfriend to Balsa
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Babe you're fixated and overcompensating, move on!
Funny how almost everyone else that obviously knows just doesn't bring it up, except LALO
3. Keeps pretty boys around
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Camp ass gay ass bitch
4. Speaking of: nacho varga
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I feel like expanding upon that is redundant just look with your eyes
All of this just screeeeeams straight
5. The deleted scene lol
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6. He definitely fucked his body double we can all agree on that I think
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The way this is framed too. Bit of something on your chin there pal. Ugh...Sorry for disrespecting the dead.
7. The blue shoes 👟
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I actually won't be expanding upon that
Extra stuff if you think he's specifically gay:
1. He could tell kim was a catch but when he expressed it there was no weird lust or anything there. It was just to let Jimmy know he knew her.
2. Completely missed that girl hitting on him in eladio's place cause he was too busy looking at nacho varga
3. The absolute lack of fucks he expressed about not getting to fuck mrs. Ziegler. Idk one could say that was the plan to begin with...idk...
And finally
4. You're telling me you look like THAT in your 40s and you don't even have a girl for show?? Gtfo. Gay he's gay.
Anyway right about here I should point out that lalo is not a real person but a character so if he's bi or gay or whatever to you it's as valid as the day is long. Death of the author blah blah something something. He never was explicitly said to be anything either. Have fun with your evil blorbos people that's what they're for.
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apologetic-artist · 2 months
DigitalTime typa stuff, idk, I can't get those stupid objects out of me mind
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Here's all the "mini" sketches of them if you want lol
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Also, bonus Colin drawing I forgot to post lol
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They are so love
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smallturtlebomb · 2 months
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I hate but love this doodle. I was so bored that in HAD to make it b/c I couldn’t get it out of my head. God ML ur so fucking gay
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