#goomy speaks
birth-stories · 9 months
Closing the ask box for a short while to try to process through odd emotions about my writing style. Will re open once I feel like I can provide better work to people.
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kairyudee · 6 months
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pokemon canvases that have gone to new homes!!! thanks everyone who bought one!
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hollysoda · 6 months
THE PLUSHIE POST PT.1 (the big ones)
It’s finally time to introduce you to my gang. My bed hoggers. My plushies. Let’s go. Sorry the photos are shit the lighting in my room isn’t great
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Zelda - Jelly Cat Snow Dragon (Medium)
Bought with my birthday money on my actual birthday 7/7/23. Guess who she’s named after go on guess (I love the Light Dragon). She’s actually my favourite but don’t tell the others. I carry her around like a cat and give her little kisses on her nose
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Splooshy - Comfy Friends Vaporeon
Bought Jan 2023. Probably my second favourite plush and the best to cuddle because she’s big and fluffy!!! The No.1 mental breakdown healer. Kinda sad she’s not been in stock since like May 23 so other people can’t enjoy her softness :(
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Lemondrop - BAB 25th Anniversary Pikachu (Female)
Bought September 2022, one day before my local Build a Bear closed. She has sparkly fur and is the perfect balance of squishy and firmness. She does make me sad though, I miss my local BAB so much, especially with all the new bears that have been released since its closure
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Cookie Dough
Given to my by a friend on my 18th birthday. Although most of my plushies stay on my bed, Cookie Dough is the one I actually cuddle with hence why she’s a lil dirty and misshapen. She’s the perfect length and squishiness to sleep with
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Goomer - Mochiricchi Goomy
Bought around April 2022. I feel very lucky to own this fella as I know he’s not even on Pokemon Centre anymore a listing and sells for like £100 on eBay 😭. He’s so squishy, but I don’t cuddle with him that much because I don’t want him to get misshapen. He was the first large plush I bought and started all of my problems/j
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spoonhead · 3 months
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finished my artfight sheet thingy 👍
check out my artfight here
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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very sadded that no one shares my delight at chair deoxys :(
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asktheisle · 2 years
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lil fanart friday for Destino from @ask-the-royal-absol​ !!!
I am predictable, one of my favorite character types is the magnificent bastard and well, here they are-
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unicorndearest · 2 years
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Fidget Pokétoys! Fidget Pokétoys!
6 stickers to wiggle their ways into your heart 🖤
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moglim · 2 years
i wanna start a sideblog for those “pokemon are real” type blogs
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cloudraker · 2 years
Do you have any photos of the goomy?
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A before and after the melting!! I used the sprite from iirc gen 8 as reference :) it was my first time using melting beads in yeeaaarrs so I wasn’t sure how it was gonna turn about but I’m so happy with the results <33
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We've seen how Goodra fares, but what about my boy Goomy?
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A goomy would make a good pet for those who are cool with lots and lots of sticky goo. I personally am not, but some people are!
Goomies are small and don’t have a need for a lot of space to thrive. That being said, they do require a special kind of space in order to stay healthy. Goomies’ bodies are mostly water, and they will die of suffocation if their bodies dry out too much (Sun, Ultra Moon). Additionally, in the wild, goomies need to remain moist for self defense: the slimy mucous membrane that coats their bodies protect them from attackers (Y). In order to maintain their moisture, wild goomies make their homes in damp, shady places (X). In order to keep your goomy happy and healthy, you will need to provide them with such a space to rest in during the day. If you see your goomy sticking their horns out of their squishy place, as I’ll call it, don’t touch them: goomies use these sensitive horns to check on their surrounding, and touching them will send them into shock (Ultra Sun).
Speaking of touching a goomy, you’re going to need to be prepared to do a lot of cleaning. Goomies’ slime get’s all over everything! The pokédex itself warns that “anyone who touches [a goomy] needs some thorough hand-washing” (Moon). Goomies are also quite slippery, as this membrane has evolved to make attacks slide right off of their bodies (Y). All that is to say that goomies are a little tricky to handle.
What really brings up goomies’ rank is the combination of a lack of aggression and a lack of danger. When you look at goomies’ move pool, there are some moves that should raise eyebrows. Moves like Dragon Breath and Dragon Pulse should, in most cases, be concerning given their power and reputation from their use by other dragon-type pokémon. Goomies, however, are said to be exceptionally weak. In fact, they are described as the weakest dragon-type pokémon of all (X, Omega Ruby). Therefore, we can assume that, even when using these moves, goomies aren’t much of a threat.
Listen, if you’re adopting a goomy, you’re braver than me. I don’t like messes or slimy things. But, all things considered, goomies would make pretty good pets: they’re small, docile, and not very dangerous.
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knine-nights-loves-ac · 6 months
This started as an ask I was gonna send to @teecupangel but then it got like seven paragraphs long and I decided fuck it I’m just gonna make it a post and @ teecup. So here goes!
Another Pokémon!Desmond idea (ps: this got long, tldr; shiny Goomy uncatchable Des)
So to set the stage, AC universe happens as normal but, in the AC universe, pokemon as a franchise doesn’t exist. Just not a thing at all. So, starting off Desmond (who doesn’t know what Pokémon is) dies because of the Eye and poofs into a new universe as he does every other Tuesday.
Now, flash to a Pokémon region. I’m biased so I’ll say Kalos. But most work. Desmond appears on one of the earlier routes as a shiny Pokémon. Because I’m still biased, let’s say a shiny Goomy even though Goomies shouldn’t spawn there.
Desmond, newly goopified, doesn’t know what the fuck is going on. He’s a glob now. And the animals around him are fucking weird. And seemingly only live in the tall grass.
He can’t figure out how to use any of his “moves” outside of basically tackle and scratch and other similarly basic things. So he’s pretty dam weak, probably relatively low level, only thing he has going for him is that he’s fast and, relatively, smart. He’s still got human level intelligence which is enough to outsmart the vast majority of Pokémon.
He spends some time on this route, getting used to things, using his Eagle Vision (which he still has) to find berries, avoiding fights, and just enjoying his forced retirement to another universe. It’s Desmond, unless properly motivated, I think he’d be willing to settle in and chill.
But uh oh, trouble is afoot. In the form of! A CHILD no
This little kid toddles down the path with a belt full of pokeballs. Desmond, who is still new to this world, sees the kid and decides to approach. Why? Idk man, the brain cell got burned by the Eye.
The kid is like “OH MY GOD SHINY GOOMY!” And immediately initiates a Pokémon battle.
How does this feel to Desmond? Im not sure. But he definitely can tell somethings up when the kid starts screaming in another language, sounds like French? (If you get why, you get a cookie), and throws a ball that somehow summons another creature. Let’s say a Caterpie.
The Caterpie is low level, about as intelligent as a real caterpillar, and big. (Fun fact apparently Goomy and Caterpie are the same height). Now Desmond is concerned, especially when the kid yells a command and the huge ass bug attacks him. Caterpie only knows like three moves so it probably just tackles. Desmond, not being an idiot or actually a real Pokémon, dodges. The kid looks surprised but yells again and the Caterpie attacks again. After a few times, Desmond decides “Fuck this shit, I’m out.” and nopes on out of there. The kid is absolutely shocked that the shiny Goomy just ran from the battle and also that it dodged everything.
Desmond meanwhile, hidden now, checks on the kid and sees that they’re blue in Eagle Vision. He’s not sure whether to be surprised or not. On the one hand, he’s never seen a kid that was red, but on the other hand, this kid attacked him.
He metaphorically shrugs it off and continues foraging for berries, he’s trying out new combinations.
Meanwhile, this child runs back to wherever they came from, and eagerly spreads the news about the wild shiny Goomy they saw. Most people don’t believe them, but a couple other kids are curious enough to go looking later.
Another day begins and Desmond stumbles upon a group of kids this time. The original kid among them. They’re speaking quickly, yeah he’s pretty sure it’s French, too bad that’s one of the languages he barely gets (I don’t care if he’d know some via Ezio, he’d know 15th century French, not modern day Pokémon world French). They’re gesturing wildly and some of them are looking accusatorially at the original kid. Desmond tries to get a little closer and, just his luck, stumbles into view of the group. Uh oh.
Several minutes later, the kids are confused as hell, several Caterpies are furiously working their hamster wheel brains to understand what’s happening, and Desmond is starting to question what’s up with the people in this universe.
But something special happened this time. At one point, one of the kids threw a red and white ball at him. It bounced off his head and rolled on the ground, doing nothing. Desmond was just annoyed. The kids were flabbergasted.
Rumors spread until actual researchers are tramping through the tall grass. Desmond is definitely avoiding them. Even if they’re white in Eagle Vision, those lab coats remind him a bit too much of Abstergo.
Eventually, after the human presence becomes a bit too much, Desmond decides to hit the road and moves out from his comfy little tall grass patch in the middle of the night. He settles down again somewhere else.
Repeat cycle a few times until the whole of Kalos has heard tell of this shiny Goomy who nobody can catch and seems to roam the whole region.
Idk what’s happening from there. Begin plot of Pokémon X/Y? Maybe Desmond meets AZ? Lots of options but idk.
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allysafantasy · 2 months
A swamp filled with Goomys.
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Astra was on her way to a nearby city to earn her second gym badge, but there was a problem. To get there, she had to go through a swamp, which she didn't realize would be a headache to get out. Lost in the swamp and growing frustrated that she couldn't find a way out. While wandering, she was startled by an Ampharos holding an Oran Berry. This Pokémon didn't belong in the swamp which grew Astra's fears of it attacking her, especially being the final evolution of Mareep. Ready to run away, knowing her Rowlet and Eevee couldn't defeat it, Astra caught a glimpse of a sparkle on its neck—a Mega Stone. This lessened her fears as Ampharos offered her the Oran Berry. "Aww, thank you, Ampharos!" As Astra said that, she thought its trainer might be nearby. She didn't like the thought of talking to another person but she sucked it up and asked Ampharos where their trainer was so she could find a way out of the swamp. Ampharos nodded and started to search for its trainer, with Astra following behind.
They arrived at a part of the swamp filled with Goomys and Sliggoos, and Astra was in awe of how many there were. Ampharos then led her to a guy playing with the Goomys. Ampharos made a happy "mehh" sound as it's red gems on its head and tail glowed. Astra smiled at Ampharos. She nervously approached him and said, "Hi." The guy looked up to see who was speaking to him. Astra panicked a bit as she recognized him—it was Beleth, an Elite Four Member. 
Astra was confused about why an Elite Four Member was there but then remembered that Beleth likes to wander around different places. However, she didn't expect to meet him in a place like this. Panicking, she thought of many ways this interaction could go wrong, but her thoughts were interrupted by Beleth's response.
"Oh! A new trainer! Hello, do you need anything?" Beleth smiled at her while petting a Goomy next to him.
"Y-yeah, umm, I really want to get out of the swamp, but I got lost. Can you help me?" Astra said, twiddling her thumbs nervously.
"Sure! I don't mind. This swamp is pretty big, you can easily get lost inside it, but I know this place pretty well! Since I usually come here to see the Goomys. They are all friendly with the trainers that visit." Beleth held and showed Astra the Goomy he was petting. The Goomy squeaked.
"Huh, why are there so many Goomys and Sliggoos in this place? I-I thought they lived deep within the swamp."
“Well… it’s a long story, but you don’t want to hear me ramble about that. Hey, look! A Goomy is coming up to you.” Beleth pointed at a Goomy that was emerging from the water and approaching Astra. It squeaks at her. “H-hello,” Astra said, still twiddling her thumbs. “Umm, do you want to see my Pokémon?” 
Goomy stretched its body up and down while it squeaked happily.
“Goomy seems to like that idea! You should bring out your Pokémon. Some Goomys really like seeing new Pokémon from outside the swamp,” Beleth responded happily.
Astra, starting to calm down a bit, brought out her starter, Rowlet, from its Pokéball. Rowlet let out a chirp. Goomy went to talk to Rowlet, and Rowlet talked back. Goomy stretched its body while Rowlet flapped his wings happily. Astra seemed to enjoy watching them chat and preferred to take a small break for a while despite wanting to get out of the swamp. Beleth seemed to enjoy just playing with the Goomy that came up to him.
================================================ If you wanna see more info about Beleth here although it has some old art -> Beleth and Miya This whole drawing took a long time and I don't know how I survived that long plus making a story that was pretty much accidental and is probably bad and grammatically bad. Anyway I made this for extra stuff. I thought it would be fun to do my ocs teams. (Also, I found the background from pokecharms.com, cause I can't be bothered to make my own) Here are Astra's and Beleth's Pokémon.
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Beleth likes to nickname all of his pokemon. The names of the Dreepy on Launcher's head are Blast and Rocket)
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photography-club-myst · 9 months
Hey, I’m Myst. Been a member of the photography club for… 4 years now? Only people that have been in the club longer are the president and vp. Anyway I take photos of wild Pokémon and occasionally my Pokémon. I’m 16, I use all pronouns and I don’t like being on the other side of the camera so all you will get is this picrew of my and my Pokémon
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Speaking of, my pokemon are:
Silk the chimecho
Dye the Goomy
Velvet the Comfey
Thimble the Mareanie
Ribbon the Primarina (shiny)
And Luna the Weird horse (the Pokédex called it a spectrier but idk if that’s a real Pokémon, I’ve only ever seen Luna and no others like it)
Pelipper Mail: On
Pelipper Malice: On
Ooc under cut
//Hihi! It’s Vera from blogs like @champion-class-hatsune-miku and @rotomblr-official-user-service ! Meet Myst, a member of the photography club at Blueberry academy! They will include Pokémon you can find at blueberry academy, including post game ones so there will be spoilers. There will also be an arc where they go into the crater. Anyway Poll for your troubles
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alolanrain · 3 months
I’ve been thinking about an SI OC trying to get a specific Hisuian Evolution. Some like Wyrdeer, Kleavor, the Hisuian Starter evos, Ursaluna, Hisuian Braviary (focused training on a Rufflet using Agility and maybe Zen Headbutt?), and maybe Basculegion are more feasible than the rest. If they have all or mostly gone extinct.
I don’t know how someone would try to raise a Hisuian Lilligant from a normal one. (Focusng on support based moves—Helping Hand, Encore, Entrainment?) Overquil would require specialized breeding, I imagine except it seems to simply need colder harsher waters. The main evolution my OC would focus on is Hisuian Goodra. Except wait. There’s the middle stage of Hisuian Sliggo to worry about too. The obvious answer would be to simply feed Goomy iron supplements (exposed to iron-rich water), but what if too much makes it ill?
There’s also the fact these Hisuian forms and evolutions fell out of possibility for a reason. I imagine the OC would have to cultivate a defense based mentality for their Goomy. In addition to moves that could possibly teach it Shellter—Acid Armor, Protect, Endure, somehow teach Goomy Iron Tail? It would have to be a combination of right mindset to unlock the evolution. At least, it would make sense why Hisuian forms haven’t been reintroduced so readily.
you, anon, speak more on this. I beg of you.
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noelledeltarune · 6 months
anyways. speaking of shinies
(with the intention of evolving them LOL)
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(Hi everyone! Mod Goomy here! So, 300 followers. That is absolutely wild to me. I know I still had my 200 follower event but I’m gonna be honest with you, I kinda ran outta steam on that one. I’m really sorry but it was just a lot for me to draw. I feel bad because when I first began it, I wanted to do it. I really did. But, things kept happening and that meant I couldn’t draw for it and I’ve just kinda lost interest. Sorry. I’m definitely not very good when it comes to big continuous events like that.
Anyway. 300 followers. Hi hello. That’s is a lot of followers. I’m genuinely just incredibly thankful that so many of you want to follow me. I'll go over just some bits on how I started this blog and some things I want to say.
This blog started out because I needed a creative outlet for my story telling. Especially with the stories I was listening to, there were some that were very character-driven and I loved all of their interactions and how they would react to the world around them. I used to run a dnd campaign and I was still missing doing that.
So, that’s when I started planning my own ask blog. The main event that inspired me to do it in this style was the giant event that @/askthetraveller did with their rayquaza and what @/asksavel did with fighting Dravol. I’d been following the traveller since the beginning of their blog and when savel was a gastly, before the mod decided to have a break in their story. Those events just seemed like so much fun. And I loved the fact that they brought the community together where everyone could join in and be a part of it.
It was wonderful to see and it inspired me to want to be a part of this community. This wonderful community filled with so many incredible and kind people. You all inspire me and encourage me to keep going. You all fill me with that excitement of wanting to continue. The reactions I have gotten to Destino have been so much fun.
The wild variation of relationships Destino has been able to build with some of your characters has been great. From being enemies with Snow and Galadriel hating Destino's guts, to Gizmo and Indigo playing along and sharing in the banter too. I love how each character has such a different reaction to Destino.
And my other characters too. Felix, Hope, Mistress Mirage, King Nox and Queen Karma, the Bisharp brothers Roy and Hershel. I have so much fun showing them all to you and how they interact with you all.
Speaking of that Absol, Destino was originally inspired by my dnd character Xave. Xave was a rich, stuck-up and egotistical bastard who only cared for himself. He was inspired by the bastard characters I'd seen and liked in media. So, I wanted another bastard character.
At first, Destino started as just an absol drawing. And then I drew them with more personality. And it began to fall in place. What was this character's name? Backstory? What adventure would I want them to go on? And then the cogs started turning. A story started being made with story beats being planned out. Other kingdoms stared to fall into place and suddenly I had this whole world where I knew I wanted to turn it into an ask blog. I was excited. I was talking to my partner about it and they were asking world-building questions I'd never think of.
This was in October last year. Destino character has definitely changed a bit since I first created them. Still an ass back then but was definitely a bit more friendly and a huge nerd. I'm glad I changed that because of how well you've taken Destino. I took a pause from my world and the creation of it until the end of December. I looked at it again and all of the stuff I had done for it and said to myself, "I wish I had turned this into an ask blog."
And then it clicked that I could still do that. What was stopping me? Anxiety. That was what. I asked my partner if they thought I should start it. And they said, "Yes. If that's what you want to do. I'll even push the button for you to make it if that's what will get you going." And then it was made. And I was busy drawing my very first post.
And it took off from there. I met loads of people, enjoyed the interactions I was having and started to really enjoy myself. It was nice just to be able to get my ideas down.
And I still am. I still am enjoying each and every moment. This is the longest I have consistently enjoyed a project like this. So, thank you all. Thank you to each and every one of you who like, reblog, comment, send an ask or even just look at my posts. I truly do appreciate you all.
And I truly appreciate the people I speak with in this community too. This community has definitely changed my life for the better. I'm so happy to be a part of it. I feel the community is in a really good place at the moment. I'm aware that in the past, it has had its troubles. But, as someone who's only joined this year, it has been a fantastic and kind place to be. And seeing apparent veterans of the community also coming back, this truly is a good year for ask blogging. I mean, you've all definitely been a good influence on myself as a newbie.
And with how this is going, I hope I can continue to be a part of it for years to come. I've got a huge story planned (three arcs (with arc one split into two parts) with stuff in between (kinda filler and kinda character development)) and hope I can take you on a fun (and perhaps sometimes emotional) journey with you all. You are all truly special to me. Thank you.)
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