#goosebumps james
This scene is so funny
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enby-calamity · 7 months
loving goosebumps so far, but why is james smiling like that in the poster?
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(sorry for bad image quality) like everyone else looks scared or atleast worried, but he's just... smiling creepily while looking at the camera.
any theories on that?
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✨💖James x male reader! 💖✨
After all that was said and done life was starting to get normal again for James until he met the new student in town And boy did it hit him like a bus
You had a lavender bag with pride pins with pride vans on you weren’t scared of what people thought of you, you were glowing with confidence it almost blinded him All he could do was smile while his face with flushed redder than a tomato
You waved giving a shy smile before placing a rainbow heart sticker on his shirt before heading off to class isaiah chuckled seeing his friend flabbergasted into a stuttering mess barely getting out a “ see you later but like if we have class together was that weird no it was fine right? “
But he didn’t realize you were facing your own issues not realizing the weird stuff in town didn’t actually end. You were in one of his later period classes when suddenly you were struggling to hold your pencil you couldn’t understand why maybe tired? No that wasn’t it you hand was translucent
Your first instinct was to freak out so you got up to tell the teacher but you immediately fall over to everyone it just seemed like you were unwell but James saw it. He saw your leg literally disappear he immediately got up yanking you up accidentally more forceful then intended making you squeak a bit
“ uh teacher their unwell! I’m gonna rush them to the nurse yeah? “ he didn’t even give time for a response nearly pushing you out the door “ so uh when did you become a magic trick? “ you blinked a few times before shrugging “ it just happened!! I don’t know?? “ you rubbed your head confused “ oh! Wait before I got to school I saw this magician guy who said these weird words at me! “ You clung to him for support trying to get a handle on standing again not noticing the blushing boy having a moment “ t..thanks by the way I’m y/n “ you blushed abit before giving a peck on his cheek before he nearly fell back himself before you grabbed his arm helping him in return letting out a giggle “ I have a good feeling we’ll fix this or die trying “ he said with a warm smile
( hope i did okay! If enough like it I’ll do a part 2 bare with me it’s my first try )
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blues-valentine · 4 months
I worry goosebumps won’t be renewed for season 2 :/ it’s been almost 3 months and nothing has been announced. btw, the actors playing margot and lucas are dating irl - she posted some pics on her ig and i was so surprised. it’s so cute.
Disney Plus usually takes its time to announce renewals or cancellations compared to Netflix. But as far as I’m aware the show did pretty good (X) and this considering it was during the strike and the actors couldn’t promote. I think it’s worth a Season 2, especially after that cliffhanger — which wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t think it could have another season.
The problem is that they need to announce it now and filming needs to start pretty quickly because Goosebumps suits a Halloween release since that’s their most marketable stage. That’s the only thing I could see becoming an issue. I really hope we get some news soon and it’s positive. This show has so much potential and there’s so much to tell.
(I still think they should’ve left Season 1 with how Episode 8 ended and tease the HorrorLand story line for Season 2 instead).
And yes I saw! I follow the cast on Instagram. I wasn’t really surprised since I am observant and they kinda were giving hints about it but glad they felt like making it official on there.
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hawkeyepiercekin · 5 months
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some more horror movie goosebumps covers
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dragonsareawesome123 · 8 months
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"What the-" "…hell is happening?"
Goosebumps (2023-), 1x03 - "Cuckoo Clock of Doom"
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count-horror-xx · 7 months
Somebody PLEASE 🙏 make x male reader fics about this fine man
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I NEED to give him kisses 🙏 I NEED to make out with him in his cat suit 🙏‼️‼️‼️
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marblearkz · 7 months
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my friends, the haunted housewives of port lawernce polycule has just dropped
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rebelcracker-s · 6 months
every iconic horror trio needs:
a pure homosexual who just wants to be loved
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a badass sapphic who takes no shit
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and a guy who fluctuates between actually being smart and having 0 brain cells
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still-nix-d-goffic · 8 months
Just have your evil gay bury themself.
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I feel like we really missed out on James and Isabella families, I know we got to see them during their certain episodes.
But then there's nothing and there’s still so much potential, like James Mom clearly has a drinking problem and James mentioned it here and there, and i lowkey assumed her drinking problem because of Slappy, I felt like the closure for them was empty.
Isabella and her mom don't really get along and it would have been nice to have a scene where they just talk to one another or something. What happened to her brother?
It's weird and lowkey refreshing not having to worry about a kid while all this stuff is happening but he legit just disappeared. There's no mention of him.
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reesiereads · 8 months
James and the Dupes (Goosebumps 2023 Analysis 3/5)
If you haven’t read the previous two parts of this analysis I highly recommend you do, however the jist is that I am attempting to show how each Biddle item is purposely symbolic of the kid it’s tied to.
I’ve already discussed Isaiah and Isabella so let’s talk about James.
(Spoilers below the cut, I seriously recommend watching the show first before reading, it’s definitely worth it)
James is the point of view for Goosebumps’ third episode The Cuckoo Clock of Doom, however James’ object is not the clock for which the episode is named. When listing the objects in Go Eat Worms Margot specifically says James’ object is the “dupes” aka the duplications of James that the clock created. I’ll be discussing the significance of this in a moment but keep this in mind.
The Cuckoo Clock of Doom starts once again the night of the Halloween party at the Biddle house and with James hitting his head for the first time on the cuckoo clock. James is disoriented and it’s implied he hit his head fairly hard but he decides to go through with the party anyway and it’s through his actions at the party this first go around that we see the most vital aspects of James’ character.
James goes throughout the party talking to just about everybody. He knows all their names, he’s personable and friendly, he’s a complete social butterfly. It’s very obvious though that he isn’t actually saying anything of substance; it’s all small talk. He knows everybody and everybody knows him but none of them are his actual friends. James’ demeanor through this scene is also very (for a lack of a better word) safe, it’s the sort of polite but casual tone you take when trying to make friendly small talk and it’s the sort of tone that while very forced very few people could take issue with.
When James stops to talk to Isaiah this very palatable tone fades but not completely, there’s still a very obvious amount of effort and energy being pushed into what James is saying. His words are casual but his body language and tone are practiced.
Essentially, James is a performer. His given description prior to the shows release labeled him as a “class clown” and this trope is a perfect encompassment of everything James embodies. He’s funny, he’s charming, just about everyone likes him but nobody actually knows him. He’s got a sort of casual confidence about him that is a complete act, but he’s so at arms-length with everyone around him that most don’t recognize his facade.
There are two relationships that perfectly show James’s true character: Sam and Isaiah.
Sam is the boy James likes but we aren’t given much of an indication why James like him other then that Sam is hot: this is deliberate.
See, Sam is the perfect vehicle to showing how James conducts most of his relationships. He approaches a person, he makes some small talk, he finds a topic the person likes and (whether he has any knowledge or interest in the subject) tries make himself palatable by discussing it. As a people-pleaser myself I can say with full confidence that this behavior is done with two goals in mind: to make the other person like him and to keep the conversation on the other person so he doesn’t have to talk about himself. This is the main reason Isaiah tells him he needs to stop trying so hard to be liked, because this people-pleasing behavior hinders James’ ability to form actual deep connections.
The reason James doesn’t take this advice is because that’s exactly what he wants. What the time loops reveal is that even when given the opportunity James will not be himself. He’s presented with the perfectly opportunity to try and be himself with Sam, being completely able to just reset the night once again if it goes wrong, and instead James abuses the time loop so that his lie about sharing interests with Sam will be more convincing.
This is further emphasized by the clones words to Sam. While yes, the clones are being purposely cruel to try and ruin James’ life, a majority of their words are rooted in some kind of truth. They are James and they are using the exact information and feelings James has to manipulate the people around them. When ruining James’ relationship with Sam the clone specifically states that Sam is “too clingy” and I believe this is the exact reason James was interested in Sam in the first place.
James went after Sam, a person he seemingly shared no interests with and only found attractive, because James assumed he could have a very (for a lack of a better word) shallow relationship with him. James was never looking for anything serious and his comment about “I don’t know anything about soccer but I don’t care because Sam is hot” emphasizes that. Why would James want a deep emotional connection with someone when he doesn’t even have a relationship like that with his best friend?
Isaiah is James’ best friend however his actual relationship with Isaiah seems to go roughly the same as his relationship with just about everyone else. Sure, they hang out a lot but most of their interactions seem to be James hearing Isaiah out about his issues and them talking about their crushes. Isaiah does question about James about how he’s doing but James either deflects or avoids the seriousness of the situation.
In The Cuckoo Clock of Doom Isaiah and James have a discussion after James’ botched attempt at talking with Sam. In this discussion Isaiah immediately knows James was not being himself when talking to Sam and encourages him just be himself rather then trying so hard to be liked. This, on it’s own, seems like reasonable advice however what’s interesting is James’ response: “that’s easy for you to say.”
Isaiah questions what he means by this and James, clearly uncomfortable, says nevermind and essentially forces the conversation to be dropped. Despite Isaiah being his best friend it’s very clear James is not comfortable being honest about his emotions with him.
The questions comes up again once James is found however and this time James is upset enough by the discovery that Isaiah, his best friend, doesn’t know him well enough to know if he’s a clone or not, that he elaborates. He states: “It is really hard to be 1 of 6 gay people in a town.”
The crux of James’ behavior, the reason he people-pleases and dances around serious topics is because he feels othered. He feels different from the people around him and he’s scared of the judgement that could come from that. A lot of his behavior reads as a sort of compensation, as if he’s trying to be as palatable as possible so people will like him despite the fact that he’s queer.
I imagine James also feels isolated the same way Isabella does, at least in an emotional sense. He keeps everyone at school at an arms-length and his relationship with his Mother is implied to be rather distant. She treats him more like a best friend then anything and paired with her alcoholism there is a very clear emotional wall between the two of them. There is no one James feels safe to confide in and I imagine it’s only worsened his feelings of otherness.
Now, finally, let’s discuss the Dupes:
The Biddle Clock and Dupes (roughly) work like this: When making contact with the clock a person is trapped into a time loop from the time of hitting the clock. The loop is restarted if the person attempts to leave the Biddle property. Every loop creates a duplicate of the person from an alternate timeline which Biddle is able to communicate with and who act as Biddle’s minions. The duplicates have all the information the original person had during the loop and, as their forms are goo of some kind, can likely change their appearance at will.
The duplicates take James’ place for roughly a week and during this time they set out to ruin James’ life as throughly as possible by destroying all his relationships. Sam is broken up with on ground of being “too clingy,” Isaiah’s relationship with Allison is worsened and his feelings for Margot are revealed which are things James likely knew a lot about as Isaiah’s friend not to mention the clone picking on Isaiah’s insecurities, and based on the comments about James’ mother James feels some resentment for his Mom’s behavior which the clone is more open about then James would be.
No one recognizes that the clones have taken James’ place despite them not acting very in-character. The people the clones strive to ruin James’ relationships with also all react very volatile to the clones’ behavior, showing how despite James’ efforts to be very likable his efforts haven’t fostered very strong relationships.
The message of the episode is fairly clear: If you keep everyone around you at arms-length and try too hard to be likable then you are inevitably going to be isolated as none of your relationships will have any kind of stable foundation.
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✨✨💖James GB part 2! ✨✨💖
You both headed back to his house to try to figure this whole thing out as you slowly began disappearing more before his eyes him freaking out would be a understatement he turned to face your headless body accidentally tossing a glass “ s..sorry James didn’t mean to make you a catapult with the glass “ you giggle slightly as James couldn’t help but pout “ I.. wasn’t scared just surprised also why aren’t you freaking out??” You pondered then shrugged “ it’s not painful but I guess I am worried about how am I gonna eat food I sneak from your snack zone like kitchen “ you giggled as you struggled to eat some popcorn obviously bumping into your nose
Some time passed as you sneaked one of his fancy sweaters as James brought in Isaiah talking about how your invisible but he had to do a double take “ he’s completely invis- is that my sweater why are you wearing it “ you couldn’t help but smile at his blushing face with wide eyes “ but it’s warm and so fluffy like your fluff ball hair scaredy cat! “ he covered his face from embarrassment “ I’m not fluffy or a scaredy cat okay we need to fix this because I straight up die from embarrassment “
Everyone chuckled at him being red in the face before he felt a peck on the cheek “ sorry James for teasing your just so adorable scaredy cat “ you grinned as he rubbed his cheek “ it’s fine y/n.. but pay back will come back to bite you remember that “ you stared in shock at him seeing him have the most mischievous smirk you’ve ever seen like a cat that’s about to knock your shit off the counter knowing well you don’t want that crap to shatter on the floor it made you bright red in the face and thank god no one can see it
( comment for a part three! Thanks for everyone loving it! And hope you all have the most fabulous day! )
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We supposed to pretend all that shit didn't happen?!
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autumnsaesthetics · 9 months
🍁 Non-Horror Films For Halloween 🍁
Part Five!
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(Row One) 🎃
Little Shop Of Horrors
The Witches Of Eastwick
(Row Two) 🎃
The Munsters
James And The Giant Peach
(Row Three) 🎃
Batman The Long Halloween
Happy Halloween Scooby Doo
The Addams Family
(Some movies I have on these lists may be considered scary to some and not to others, just take what you will from them. Everybody has different tastes and different levels of scary they can handle.)
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highwaylife · 5 months
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