merge-conflict · 8 months
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cyberpunk message generator
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corpocyborg · 1 month
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"Gonna see each other again?" "I believe we will." "So... see you." "Visit me in Kagawa - I will show you what is real food."
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pinkheywood · 1 year
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idk if I’ll finish this so
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easyaesthetics · 1 year
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The sillies
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tgirljoker · 5 months
woahhgg dude crazy. crazy this is crazy my most deeply caring friend who ive looked up to so much for years for being so caring and thoughtful of others who helps soooo many ppl with their problems just listened to me describe like 70% of my childhood shit with justtt my mom over like 6 1/2 hours (THERES MORE LEFT?) that i just never told to anyone and she just went like “wow. youve had it the worst out if anyone ive ever heard” and i spent like another 2 hours explaining how that couldnt be possible bc they shouldve cared for me by all means. they just werent good enough people to raise me in any capacity and so they just didnt. and now i just have to accept that i was like doomed from birth yk. wow. idk where im going im so chill i dont know how to be anything but chill and complacent but like. im good fr. just accepting they never truly loved me and i didnt just make it up for attention my whole life. my situation really wasnt normal and children dont typically repress their emotions and only know abject apathy and hopelessness with no prior memory or reference point of happiness or contentedness. it isnt normal for your only purpose is to be the only pawn in your insane shitty parents deranged fucking revenge game. im kind of just rambling cause ive been going full stream of consciousness for a bit and i didnt know where i was going to end up but um. im fear hes truly just like me fr
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djevilninja · 11 months
Eddie Horan - All Thru the Night
*precursor to George Benson's "Give Me the Night"
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qualityrain · 10 months
lmfao akechi and naoto losing grand finals in persona championships detective princes cant win frfr
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crowsynth · 1 year
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its so gorover
original post
closeup under the cut ◇
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fereldanwench · 4 months
I'm so curious so I have to ask.... fellow dragon age lover? Fereldan is in the name lol but it's definitely cyberpunk and GoroV for the win on your dash haha and I love those two too 💜🫶
My relationship status with Dragon Age is complicated, haha. I was very much a HUGE fan when I made this name back in 2013 or so, and there's still a lot about the series that I like. Namely DA2--It's my favorite of the trilogy. My name was inspired by my Cousland, although I think at this point I like to think of it more as an homage to Hawke.
But I prefer to maintain a very healthy distance from the fandom, and I don't care for the direction the series has gone since Inquisition. I'm very ambivalent about Dreadwolf--I want to be excited, I hope I enjoy it, but between the dev hell it's been in for the past decade and not being a fan of Solas, I can't say that I'm currently really hyped, lmao.
So, yeah. I guess I'm more of an old-school-era fan than a current one. I do still make art and GIFs and whatnot for it from time to time, but it's definitely not my main muse anymore.
I think even if I was still a huge fan, though, Goro x Valerie would still be dominating the dash, haha. They're on a whole other level for me. :3
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luvwich · 6 months
some questions for writers 🖋️
tagged by @orangekittyenergy 💖
Last book I read: good omens
Greatest literary inspirations:  nabokov, anais nin, john kennedy toole, octavia butler, tom robbins
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write
cyberpunk: many ships i enjoy reading but don't have the writing itch for (goroV, johnnyV, songV, and i'm fascinated by alexV of which there's basically none but i think @merge-conflict is cooking sumn up 👀). post-temperance endings. nomad themes/settings/lore
bg3: durgetash, love those crazy kids. modern aus. uh anything with karlach, love her but i'm too miserable of a person to write her
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: o brother the list goes on lol. i'll just say: regina jones in shanghai spinoff from hypercritical au
You can recognise my writing by: off-kilter metaphors, navel gazing, banter, occasional direct address from narrator, maximalist formatting decisions, the same 3-4 smut tropes, and some hacky plot devices that i won't name lest they be perceived!!
My most controversial take (current fandom): i think i'm not plugged in enough to know what is actually controversial? i exist in a tumblr bubble where everyone is p chill about everything. anyway i think a lot of the actual writing in cyberpunk 2077 is not very good and as a narrative it fails way more than it succeeds!
Top three favourite tropes: hurt/comfort, PINING / emotional slow burn, and uhh idk the name for it but "fucking instead of talking about feelings"
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): maybe a 4? i'm still in that post-longfic season of malaise / refractory period. i need to be essentially possessed by a demon in order to write and i have a handful of little ideas simmering, waiting to turn into demons
Share a random frustration: the lakers are fucked in the playoffs and have managed to waste a season of anthony davis in his prime and one of lebron's last shots at another championship before he retires :\
tagging @baublekute @butchsquatch @ghostoffuturespast @merge-conflict @m-arahuyo @rowanisawriter @shimmer-like-agirl @streetkid-named-desire @theviridianbunny @wanderingaldecaldo with no pressure~
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littlequeenies · 1 year
do you know what Demris wedding dress looked like? I've always been curious of her dress. Or why they never got married
According to David de Sola's book "Alice in Chains: The Untold Story", "Due to Demri’s health problem, the wedding was canceled, but she still made a point of choosing the wedding dress."
According to her friends...
Amber Ferrano: “I don’t know the first time Demri called and told me ... Fabiola knows because they went dress shopping ... When she told, I told her to come up to my mom’s wedding dress shop and pick something out (we had Jessica McClintock) which looked vintage but she wanted actual vintage which is what her and Fabiola shopped for. I ended up brining three dresses from the store and she picked one ... She tried one on after the other and he looked like a deer in headlights at first ... As Demri sat in the tub, I held the dresses as a final decision was made on the dress they liked the best. It wasn’t the perfect one, Demri would have to alter it and she did later taking the appliqué off and the bottom half of the dress, saving the beaded top part ... In May of 1994 Demri was in the hospital and Layne was on the phone talking to her. The plan was to do the European tour with Metallica and come home and do the Lollapalooza tour with a surprise wedding after one of the shows..."
Fabiola Gonzalez: “I remember talking with them about their wedding plans. Him in a top hat and tailed tuxedo, and her in a vintage dress, the head piece with draping pearls and pastel beads I was making for Dem to accent her beautiful crown of curls and face. Never finished...”
Her addiction and then the health problems related to that drug abuse (heart valve, lung operation, pancreatic attack ...) make her wedding impossible. Even though they broke their relationship, Layne and Demri stayed close and remained friends, and he never gorover her death.
I guess they cancelled the wedding because all the struggles, changing moods, etc of the addiction and ill health both had. Because they wanted to get married and have children, they wanted to get clean first. And although they tried several times, for whatever reason didn't work for any of them. Their story is very sad and tragic, but hopefully will prevent anyone to take drugs...
You can find more Demri's information and memories at the book we put together with Ana here.
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merge-conflict · 2 months
marked for death
(written for a weekly song prompt, just cleaned up today for shippy saturday. non-binary V/Goro)
Ten years ago an Arasaka bodyguard had died protecting the emperor of Japan. Beset by the slowly creeping threat of retirement, Goro had always hoped he would end his career the same way– but now his troubles are much bigger than young soldiers with fresh implants and endless ambition. Now he has lost everything and his only hope of redemption relies on the ebbing life of the thief he’s managed to drag into an AI-operated cab.
“Please keep all limbs inside the vehicle during operation,” the AI chirps brightly, and Goro clumsily leans across V to pull her right foot inside. In the enclosed space of the cab her height makes it difficult to maneuver her upright, and he ends up wedging one of her knees into the back of the seat in front of her before leaning back in his own side, keeping one hand clamped on his seeping wound.
“Thank you for your cooperation,” the AI says, and the doors on either side shut securely, with a faint whir. Goro exhales, allowing himself a moment of relief. “Please insert a personal jack to confirm all passengers.”
Ejecting the jack from V’s wrist takes Goro longer than it should, with hands are slippery with blood, shaking from the fading stim and physical shock. His implants are dulling the pain in his side, rerouting connections, reducing blood flow away from sliced veins– but the damage is extensive. Without medical attention he will eventually slip into unconsciousness and die. After much fumbling he finally coaxes her personal jack free, and inserts it into the waiting port, before doing the same for his own.
“Guest passenger confirmed,” the AI reports, the screen in front of Goro briefly pulsing green. “Primary passenger unconfirmed. Please try re-inserting the link.”
Goro does, a few times, without success. The longer they sit here the more danger they are in. “The personal link is damaged,” he says, with effort. He cannot take in a full breath– a blinking warning at the edge of his vision warns him of lung damage. “The bullet…damaged her implants.”
“All passengers must be confirmed before service,” the AI replies, and then pauses. “If you are unable to authenticate with the wrist jack, you may instead connect the diagnostic link directly to the port located near the right mastoid.” With a slight click, a cable springs free of the screen, and Goro picks it up, examining the sharp tip with a sinking feeling. “I’m afraid you will have to insert the link underneath the skin.”
“If I am not careful…she will die.”
“I suggest you proceed with caution.”
Goro lowers the cable to pull V closer and for the second time is astonished by her intense gray eyes, lit by some internal spark that is burning long after it should have been extinguished. She can’t pull herself upright, but she wraps her fingers around his wrist, where he has a firm hold on her collar. The expression on her face is serene, but it sends a burst of adrenaline through his system, and in response his implants steady his nerves in a cool rush of calm.
“Do not move,” he tells her, adjusting his vision so he can see the pulse of blood through the arteries in her throat, tipping her head back for a safer angle. Her fingers tighten on his wrist in alarm, but she does not struggle.
“Do it,” she hisses, when he hesitates.
Panic sets her heart beating frantically, the pulse in her throat jumping in time. Goro picks his angle, lines up the link and pushes it through the skin and tendon until it is nestled into the subdermal connector of her implanted interface. V’s back arches, her breathing panicked, forcing him to hold her still so she does not rip out the link or cause herself further damage. Blood spills down his fingers and over the back of his hand, soaking into the cuff of his shirt.
“Primary passenger confirmed,” the AI announces, before Goro can think of the right words to calm her. She tenses at the announcement but stops moving, except for the frantic pace of her breathing. “I advise you not to remove the link until we have reached our destination–“
A loud ringing in Goro’s ears prevents him from hearing the rest of the sentence. It’s all he can do to hold things steady as the car finally accelerates into motion, taking them further into the heart of a rotten city. V holds his gaze– both accusatory and forgiving with her blood oozing hot down the inside of his sleeve. Then between one street and the next, her eyes slide shut, and she slumps into his side.
The streets of Night City are as endless as they are ugly, and he cannot be certain if he orders the AI to drive faster or if he only dreams it. He grows weaker and weaker, with nothing but determination to keep him alive, to keep V alive– so long as she lives, there is hope of exposing Yorinobu. So long as she lives there is reason for him to live as well.
No sooner as he steels himself to stay awake then he finds himself jerked from unconsciousness as the cab comes to a rolling stop. Panic gives him the strength to open the door and crawl free from under V, limp but alive. A stranger is waiting– a man he can barely see in the end of his rapidly tunneling vision. On instinct he picks up V’s legs to help carry her, but after a moment he finds himself on the ground facing her body in careless repose. Death awaits them both in this filthy alley, within the shadow of Konpeki.
Before his eyes slip closed he is certain he sees a sliver of gray watching his weakness. Witnessing it.
When he finally wakes in the back room of the ripperdoc clinic, he can no longer escape the keen edge of despair– Arasaka-sama’s murder and the loss of everything, down to the cyberware implanted inside him. The emotion consumes him like the rising tide, inexorable and inescapable. He drowns in private grief, consumed with the contemplation of the bleak options before him, until he hears a low groan.
He’s not alone. On the other side of a narrow gap V lies on a makeshift cot the same as his own, connected to a portable set of monitors which display the vitals he can no longer see in the corner of his eye. She shifts in her sleep, making a strangled noise deep in her throat that mirrors the rage and agony in his own chest. Curiosity, or perhaps duty drives him to maneuver himself painfully out of bed.
The loss of stabilizing cyberware and too much blood make him clumsy, and he stumbles through his first step, crashing into her cot before he can grab the edge for balance. Her eyes snap open– desperate gunmetal gray once more arresting his attention.
She has ample reason to hate him– to resent and fear him for tracking her down and returning her to Arasaka for interrogation and execution. But when recognition flickers in her eyes, her bruised and battered face breaks into a soft smile that grabs him unexpectedly by the throat.
He is not alone.
Unsure of what to say he merely clasps her shoulder in acknowledgement, and sees relief flit over her face. She speaks, but her words are garbled and soft, and he’s lost his translation soft. He squeezes her shoulder in response, and with great effort she lifts her arm to rest her hand on his wrist. Her expression grows serene and remote, until her eyes close. He is not alone.
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corpocyborg · 9 months
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Tagged by @ghostoffuturespast (thank you!)
I'll share a bit from Before the Event Horizon, from a future chapter this time instead of the current chapter that I've been working on forever (it's been giving me trouble lol).
“I know you think I’m just some common thief, but my mentality now is the same as when I worked for Arasaka. I believe in doing my job well.” “There are no clean hands,” Goro said somberly. “But it is important how they become dirty. You dirty your hands for money. I, in the name of principles.” V stared at him in utter disbelief. “You’re seriously gonna claim you don’t care about money?” she said slowly. “News flash, Goro, it was money that pulled you out of Chiba-11 in the first place. And you miss it. All your favorite foods, your cyberware, none of it would have been yours without money.” “Those are not the things that I miss most.” His anger was more palpable now. “And I do not mean to imply that money is unimportant. Corporations need capital and resources to keep all in order. But any money I possessed was earned, through the proper channels. Not stolen. Not cheated.” V couldn’t help it. She laughed. “Are you forgetting I used to work for Arasaka? I know it’s never that simple. How did you survive at Arasaka if you think that way?” “I survive precisely because I think that way. Perhaps you were terminated because you do not.”   V inhaled sharply through her nose. She had to bite back her anger before she unleashed it on him. She still needed him. She fumed silently and wrapped her hands around her knees as the night grew colder around them.
Tagging @merge-conflict, @luvwich, & @another-corpo-rat!
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pinkheywood · 1 year
Headcanon; Johnny knows when V has a crush on someone, even before V does because Johnny can feel V's heart beating faster when he talks to that person.
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hematomes · 1 year
i think one of your urls was genshitposting
yeah that was the 2nd and most long lasting one afaik! back when i was making silly quotes...... and literally interacted with no one bc i was scared
i also remember gorovs, kvnikuzushi, angetm and childetm, ik i picked a french one once but it lasted 2s so i don't really count it. and then there's the current one
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totentnz · 1 year
rn im trying to figure out what goro x v is called takevura? gorov? i need a shipname
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