#gosh I just wanna end this guy's ability to ever talk to a woman again
jules-van-hering · 6 months
how the fuck do you calm yourself down from wanting to completely rip into those dudes on dating app who just saw the non-mono tag on your profile didn't read any further then texted you the most offensive shit and now you just wanna rip his head off
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weebsinstash · 1 year
No no you’re so right about the batfam thing, I thought I was the only one here. They’re all so mentally ill and have seen so much shit, this gray area of taking care of you (but at the same time never attempting to cure you) is so on brand.
Reader: ok so can I just go over this again. I was a grown adult woman with a job and an apartment and my own arguably shitty life and I was even a vigilante
Dick: yep sounds right so far
Reader: and I had a run in with a villain and maybe almost died and in the end i got turned back into a kid
Jason: yeah it was real scary, Damian totally cried
Reader: and after I was a kid again and i couldnt remember anything 'from the future', you gave me a new place to live, you fed me, you housed me, you even registered me in school and I literally went to high school with you guys
Barbara: yeah and the teachers love you ^^
Reader: i would have nightmares and PTSD and then one or even several of you would sleep in the same room as me, Alfred learned all my favorite dishes, we literally took family vacations overseas, you took me to all kinds of doctors whenever I was worried about my hair or my skin or wasn't feeling well to make sure I was literally in perfect health and wouldnt worry, some of you call me your sister completely unironically, and you guys did all of that, all of that for like FIVE YEARS--
Damian: well of course
Reader: and you NEVER attempted to talk to Dr Fate or Zatanna or Mr Terrific or like literally anyone about how to fix this and turn me back to normal literally NOT EVEN one single time? And what the fuck, are these ADOPTION PAPERS?
The dog:
Alfred, being as brutally honest as ever: it never came into consideration, no
Reader: man, fuck you guys, I'm gonna see what that "Earth-3" dimension is like, maybe THEIR Batman isn't a complete freak 😒
But gosh you wanna talk about morally gray, I was thinking of something when I was watching those Jason clips yesterday and you know, depending on the movie, people were discussing how he literally had head trauma that also could have altered his mental state and i began thinking: what if Reader got a concussion and it eventually spirals into the Batfam basically turning it into one big convenient excuse
Like imagine Reader is, you know a member or extended member of the fam, whether as is or attached to that age regression amnesia idea, and a villain just, REALLY gets a good move in, maybe the Joker himself brings his good friend the crowbar back and you take a good swing to the back of the head, and you have, like, CONFIRMED head trauma, definitely concussed, maybe you even need surgery or treatment for a fractured skull. Just the entire Batfam crowded around your bed comforting you as you lay there in bandages feeling just so weak and helpless and sad 🥺 and maybe not just the concussion but also the resulting months of bedrest until you recover directly result in you needing physical therapy so you're also physically weaker than before
And this goes from "oh gosh Reader is forgetting things more often and her ability to think and focus has obviously changed, what if this is permanent, we better make sure we support her and keep her company and try to help her and make things as accessible as possible" developing to "clearly you are only upset with us because your concussion scrambles you up sometimes and you're more emotional than you were before and you're not always in the right state of mind. what do you MEAN you want to move out and The Mission is stupid and none of us are actually fixing anything, youve never said stuff like this before, that's ridiculous, clearly you're just having another overstimulated meltdown but that's ok, we know you're struggling and you're still our family so we'll make sure you stay here and stay safe 🥰"
And you know, the Reader character is all emotional and stuff, but as the IRL Reader thats one of those situations where you kinda go "well shit, she DID have a traumatic head injury, from the Batfam's perspective you COULD legitimately just be suffering from a concussion and these 'aren't your real feelings'" and it's super morally gray because like yeah, you've been hurt real bad, and maybe you're still recovering, and maybe you do legitimately have a somewhat, er, slightly diminished mental ability now, but that's all manifesting in "you're literally having to break out of the house just to get some time to yourself because youre trapped or have a constant babysitter and Batman himself drags you back kicking and screaming while he's gently scolding how you shouldn't be out there by yourself and that you have to be more careful because what if you got hurt 🥺"
And even if Reader's emotions weren't being affected at all like, it brings THEM some sort of fucked up closure to believe that you're just a little unwell and not, like, you hating them because 'they couldn't protect you' and it is arguably their fault you even got brutalized in the first place. Bruce just internalizing the extreme guilt he feels until it manifests into you basically being treated even MORE like, like some kind of bubble baby, constantly kept safe in your perfectly handcrafted little prison of 'a peaceful life'.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
pragma - part sixteen
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x F!Reader
Warnings: none. its just a little cheesy
A/N: This is a pretty easygoing chapter. I can’t write anything too angsty especially with what’s going on. I just want happy stuff and this chapter is just that.
Summary: Frankie suggests going out and you end up meeting the last person you’d ever want to but he fixes things in his own Frankie fashion.
pragma masterlist
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For the first week he was back, you two hadn’t left the house. You spent the days in bed holding each other and making love or doing things around the house. He cooked dinner while you made dessert, you watched old movies, danced around the house, sang songs together (badly), and just enjoyed having each other back.
There was no separating you two, just like old times, but now that you both were older you seemed to appreciate this time together more. And you had never said the words ‘I love you' more. It was something you never got tired of hearing or saying.
You were happy. Frankie was happy. Today he decided to chase you around the house for taking one of his shirts. When he caught you, he only picked you up and kissed you and told you it looked better on you than it did on him anyway.
“Let’s go watch the sunset,” he suggested as you held him on the couch. His favorite thing was lying between your legs with his head resting on your stomach.
“Okay.” You both went upstairs and dressed quickly before walking out to the lake and sitting together.
“Did you look at the moon while I was away?” he asked.
“Every damn night,” you admitted. “Did you?”
“When I tore my eyes away from your picture long enough, yeah.” He looked back out over the lake and slowly moved his hand so your fingers would touch. It was almost exactly what happened the first time you two sat by the lake.
“I wasn’t gonna ask but…I noticed the scar on your cheek. Should I even ask what happened?” You played with his fingers, not sure if you really wanted to hear the answer.
“The helicopter I was flying crashed and--"
“What?!” Your voice carried out over the lake and echoed. “You crashed?” You were gripping his fingers now without noticing.
“Uh…yeah.” He seemed nervous about continuing.
“Well, what happened?”
“The cargo…it was too much and I couldn’t keep her in the air.”
“Jesus Christ,” you whispered, closing your eyes.
“But all I got was this little scar so…” He was trying to cheer you up but all you could think about was the crash.
You ran your thumb over the scar then kissed it. “Thank god you’re back safe. I dunno what I’d do if you--"
“Don’t finish that. I never want you to finish that sentence, you understand? I’m back and I’m never leaving again so you don’t have to worry about that.”
“Okay. I’m sorry.” You kissed his hand and he relaxed.
“No, I’m sorry. I…need to calm down.” He sighed and looked at the setting sun. “A fucking drink is what I need.”
“Wanna grab some beers from the fridge?” you asked.
“Let’s get a little wild and head to the bar. How about it?”
“Okay but let’s wait until the sun goes down.” You just wanted a nice, quiet moment with him. It’s not like you haven’t had any since he’s been home but you wanted another so you held his hand and watched the sun set.
The drive to the bar was fun. Frankie had the ability to make the simplest things fun for you. You sang badly and loudly together and laughed till you couldn’t breathe. When he finally pulled up to the bar, you both were in tears over a stupid joke he had made.
“Doesn’t look too busy tonight,” you pointed out.
“Probably because it’s Wednesday,” he said.
“It is?” you asked.
“Yeah. What day did you think it was?”
“I don’t know. My boyfriend kept me in bed so much that the days started blending together.” You kissed his cheek and got out of the car.
“Your boyfriend?” he whispered. “I think that’s the first time you called me that.”
Was it?
“Is that okay?” You nudged him as he walked beside you into the bar.
“Sure is…girlfriend.” He winked at you and walked to a table to pull a chair out for you. “Ma’am.”
“Thank you, sir.” You watched as he walked up to the bar to order your drinks then walked back, looking at you and immediately smiling. “Do you smile at every girl that way?” you teased.
“No other woman makes me smile this way so…no.”
“So, if we didn’t know each other and you saw me you’d look at me and just start smiling like that?” you asked.
“Yup. And you’d smile back and we’d fall in love. The end.” He nodded and sipped his beer.
“Happily ever after, huh?”
“Of course. Is there any other way to be when I’m with you?” He had such a charming way of saying things. It was that same boyish charm that pulled in years ago. You put your hand over his and smiled.
“I love you.”
“Oh, but I love you more so…” He winked at you as he lifted the glass to his lips. You stood and he put the glass down quickly. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Going to the ladies’ room.”
“Okay, well, hurry up. I kinda miss you already.”
“Gosh…you’re so fucking cute.” You weren’t one for a lot of PDA, but you lifted the bill of his cap so you could bend and give him a quick kiss. “Be right back.” You held his hand as long as you could while walking away.
In the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. You were ridiculously happy and in love and Frankie was back safe. Thinking back, you don’t think you’ve ever had so many reasons to be happy.
After washing your hands, you walked out, smile still on your face, but that changed when you saw the woman standing at your table talking to Frankie. She pulled on the bill of his cap and giggled loudly. You stumbled to a stop and took a deep breath before walking again and forcing yourself to smile. Frankie spotted you and stood so quickly his chair almost fell over.
“Frankie…” you started.
He moved to your side and pulled you close. “This is my girlfriend,” he said to the woman. She knew who you were now but you still had no idea who she was. Her eyes looked you up and down but not admirably. She made a face then gave you a fake smile.
“I’m Frankie’s ex-girlfriend. Yeah, we dated a while back.” She sipped on her drink and you felt Frankie tense beside you.
“Oh…that’s nice,” you lied, looking at Frankie who seemed to be avoiding both of your gazes. His face was hidden by his cap but his body language told you everything.
“It was very nice. Right Frankie?” She smiled sweetly in his direction. He kept his head down.
“Okay. It was nice meeting you.” You tried to give her a hint but she still stood there.
“Aren’t you gonna buy me a drink, Frankie? For old times’ sake,” she asked and if she wanted to get a rise out of you it was working.
“No. No, he’s not,” you responded for him. She had the nerve to look offended.
“Wow…,” she began.
“Please understand that I’m trying to be nice but if you say another word, I may not stay that way.” You felt Frankie move and you knew he was looking at you. “I’m trying to spend time with my boyfriend so if you don’t mind…”
The woman scoffed then walked away and you moved away from Frankie to sit. He sat quietly, staring at you. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“She’s pretty,” you said before finishing the rest of your beer.
“What?” He seemed to be in a daze.
“I said she’s pretty.” You put your hands on your lap so he wouldn’t see the way they shook.
Frankie shook his head and cursed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think--"
“How were you supposed to know she’d be here?” You looked down at your hands, trying to avoid the pang of jealousy that flowed through you. She really was beautiful.
“Look at me,” he said and you slowly lifted your head. A smile bloomed on his face slowly. A real smile. “You see? You’re the only one I smile that way for. You’re the only one who can make me smile this way.”
You smiled sadly. “Okay.”
He stood and held his hand up. “Gimme a second.” You watched as he walked over to the jukebox and scrolled through the list of songs. The opening chords to Still The One by Orleans began to play as he strutted over to you and held out his hand.
“Francisco…” You looked around shyly. “Everyone is gonna stare…”
“Let them. Come on, baby.” He pulled you to your feet and to the middle of the bar, holding you close and swaying with you. He sang along with the song, giving you little kisses between lines. “I never danced with anyone the way I dance with you.”
“I love dancing with you.”
“I never liked to sing with anyone…until you.” He kissed you. “I was never myself with anyone until I was with you. You let me be myself.”
“Why wouldn’t I? I fell in love with Francisco Morales. That’s you. I don’t want anyone else. I want you and all the stuff that comes along with you…good or bad.” You looked around and giggled. “We’re dancing kinda slow for this song, aren’t we?”
“Who cares?” He hummed along to the song a bit before speaking again. As John Hall sang ‘you’re still the one that makes me laugh…still the one that’s my better half…’ Frankie smiled and closed his eyes. “No one makes me laugh the way you do.”
“I mean…I do tickle you a lot so…” You shrugged and laughed when he made a face.
“Do you get what I’m trying to say?” he asked. “You’re the only one I have eyes for. You’re the one I love.”
“Don’t you dare make me cry in the middle of this bar, Francisco.” You sniffled quietly and hid your face but he dipped you as the song ended making you squeal. Some people applauded and whistled as he stood you up straight.
“Isn’t my girlfriend a great dancer, everyone?” Frankie asked loudly and you covered your face. You pulled him back over to the table and sat down.
“I can’t believe you did that,” you laughed.
“I’m spontaneous. Isn’t that good for relationships?” he asked, leaning in so you could hear him.
“Have you been reading my magazines?” you joked.
“Hey lovebirds!” a waitress called as she walked over to the table. “The nice guy over there bought you two a round.” You both turned to the man and raised your glasses to him. You both thanked her then looked at each other.
“Maybe we should come here every day and dance if it gets us free beers.”
“I would dance with you even if we didn’t get free beers…but it is a plus.” You raised your glass to him. “To us. Always and forever.”
“Like music to my ears. Always and forever.” He gently tapped his glass to yours and drank. “Wanna get outta here?” he asked.
“Yeah, let’s go. There’s a hot guy I wanna take to bed.”
“Oh really?” He stood and took your hand, walking out the door into the night air.
Suddenly, he picked you up and spun you around before kissing then nuzzling you. “I can’t let you miss out on that.”
“You really can’t.” You looked up at the moon and smiled. It was full. You thought back to the time he was away and remembered that there was no full moon. Even the moon knew you two were together again.
“Uh oh…full moon. You know what that means?” Frankie put you down.
“I might get a little…wild,” he warned.
“Wild how?”
“You’ll see. Let’s get out of here.”
As he pulled up to the house and parked, you turned to him. “Are you gonna show me this wild side now?” He got out of the car without a word and you followed.
Suddenly, he growled and held his hands up like claws…you guessed. You stood there and stared at him. “Uh…you’re supposed to run. I’m a werewolf. The growling. The claws.” He snarled and you scoffed.
“You’re not that scary.”
“I’ll give you a headstart,” he said then howled at the moon.
“That was actually pretty good.” You began backing away before breaking into a full run. “Still not scary though!” you yelled behind you.
“Ready or not, here I come?” he shouted and you screamed as you ran around the side of the house.
He chased you until you couldn’t run anymore, carefully pulling you to the ground with him.
“I didn’t know my boyfriend was a werewolf. That’s pretty cool,” you said breathlessly.
“Yeah, it is.”
You both rolled onto your backs and looked up at the stars, lacing your fingers together, the full moon shining down on you.
We’re still having fun and you’re still the one.
Tags: @cable-kenobi @saltywintersoldat @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @pedrosdoll @psychobillybunny @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @keeper0fthestars @mrsparknuts @thinemineours @huliabitch @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @lavenderl3mons @mrscrain-x7 @fioccodineveautunnale @gooddaykate @themilkface @tiffdawg @ms-dont-care @mus1caln0tes @awesomefandomsunited @seawhisperer @virtualxjournality @badassbaker @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ @lokiaddicted @forever-rogue @sloantravels @javier-djarin
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lolabangtan · 4 years
read at 4 AM | ksj
When you received a voice mail from your boss, you didn’t expect him to tell you how good had it been dreaming about you tying him down and fucking him senseless. What kind of face could you use to look at him the next morning, knowing he hasn’t realized he texted the wrong person?
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Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: nothing really just shy jinnie
# sub!Seokjin, CEO!Jin, spanking, embarrassing situations, semi-public sex, rope bunny!Jin, face riding, verbal humiliation, kinda choking kink?, power play, dom!reader
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You couldn’t sleep that night, for some reason. Something was bugging you, as if you were expectant. You were laying on your bed, checking your cell phone, scrolling through recent messages, when suddenly a voice mail popped up in your screen.
Mr. Kim, your boss, rarely texted you. He was a sweetheart, but also really shy and gentle. You often thought Seokjin never talked to you more than the necessary because he disliked you, but something in his behavior, in his manners whenever you two were close, told you that he was actually pretty shy.
But it was 4 am, why had he sent you a voice mail? You played the audio, unable to contain your curiosity, and listened carefully:
“Namjoon, I know it’s late as fuck, but… Dude I just had a dream, about Y/N, fucking me in my office. Like… I know you probably don’t wanna hear ‘bout it… The thing is, it was so fucking hot, like Namjoon, I never thought a woman could do that kind of things. She was… y’know, s-spaking me and she had tied me up, she was treating me like her fuck toy, and it felt so good? But how am I gonna look at her tomorrow? We have a meeting and it’s hard enough for me to talk to her on a daily basis…”
When the sound ended, you didn’t know what to say, or what to think. Seokjin had had a dream about you fucking him senseless? That was hot as fuck. Would he be touching himself, moaning your name and whining like a little baby? Gosh, if he was, you wanted to tell him not to touch himself without permission so hard. Then you thought about answering him, but that would just make him even more shy and reluctant, so maybe you had to take advantage of this new information. After saving the message, you went back to sleep, with a bug of excitement flying around your head.
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“Y/N, did you send me the invoice of the last DinNIM brand purchase?”
The chief officer of the Marketing department, Kim Namjoon, was another sweetheart and probably the person Seokjin’s voice mail was meant for.
“I did it yesterday. And Min Yoongi came this morning to talk to Mr. Kim,” you answered. “He said something about the Human Resources department, do you know anything?”
“Ah, kind of. I think Seokjin wants to make a new recruitment, you should talk to him.”
Watching him cocking his eyebrows, you sighed and remembered your boss’ voice mail.  Something warm made your spin shiver. You got up, your expression firm and confident, and gave Jimin a smirk.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I should be told these things as the CHRO, what a bad boy...”
You went straight to Seokjin’s office and opened the door, but the room was empty, so you sat on his chair and waited.
“Thank you, Mrs. Choi, I’ll tell you later.”
The man closed the door behind him before seeing you sitting in his chair. You looked so gorgeous, with than short pencil skirt around your thighs, and that white blouse that sculpted your chest so painfully well.
“Miss Y/L/N, what are you doing… here?” Seokjin murmured, eyes glued to your body.
“I wanted to talk to you before today’s meeting,” you said, “You should talk to me about this kind of things before telling someone else, you know?”
“W-what do you mean?”
Oh boy, his voice sounded so panicked.
“I’m talking about the HR project. Mr. Min is not the chief officer, I am… Mr. Kim.”
“I-it’s just that I didn’t want to bother you, you are busy enough with the DinNIM purchase,” he said back, nervous.
You giggled flirty, eyeing him with your best seducing abilities, and crossed your legs so he could see a hint of your inner thighs. He always looked so good, so goofy but sweet at the same time, Seokjin was the kind of guy you loved to wreck. With confident steps, you approached the blinds that hid them from the rest of the office and pulled, finally getting some privacy.
“I like your tie,” you said, “This color matches your skin tone.”
Seokjin took a deep breath. His body was shaking in excitement, unable to forget the vivid dream he had had last night. A quick glance to your cleavage and the man wasn’t able to hide his growing arousal anymore.
“Was it on the floor or over your desk?” you asked suddenly.
“E-excuse me?”
His nervousness made you smirk again.
“When I fucked you, in your dream,” you continued, “Where did it happen?”
You did not give him time to react: with hungry hands, you hurried and kissed him deeply, being quickly corresponded. Lips against his neck and hands loosening his tie, you could feel his breath getting heavier.
“How d-do you know…?” Seokjin tried to ask.
“You should be more careful with whom you send your messages, dirty boy.”
The man hurried to check his phone, but you got ahead of him and played the voice mail. “I never thought a woman could do that kind of things. She was… y’know, s-spaking me and she had tied me up, she was treating me like her fuck toy, and it felt so fucking good?” Seokjin kept staring at you, wondering and shivering.
“The desk,” he whispered.
You turned him over and pushed him to the wooden surface, checking him out with hungry eyes. Your fingers felt avid, you wanted to do all the things he had dreamed about.
“Do you wanna be my fuck toy?”
“Yes,” Jin said, “Yes, please.”
After locking the door, you moved back to him and got his blue silk tie. It was smooth, a perfect match for his golden skin.
“This,” you said, pointing at his jacket, “Off.”
When Seokjin obliged eagerly, he waited for your next command with his sweaty chest going up and down heavily. With expert fingers, you unbuttoned his shirt, making sure that he felt your nails over his skin. Then you sat on his chair right in front of him and crossed your legs.
“Did you touch yourself after having that dirty dream, Jinnie?” He shook his head, shivering at the way your lips purred that nickname, “Did you want to?”
You bit your lip, eyes going down his naked chest and bulge.
“Why didn’t you, then? It’s not that I would knew about it,” you insisted.
“Because you… wouldn’t have liked it,” he replied, “I don’t want to annoy you.”
You patted his head and smiled, and Seokjin leaned onto your hand.
“You’re such a sweetheart, Jin, such a good boy for me. You can touch yourself now,” you told him, a kind smile on your lips when you lowered his fly.
You were already wet before he started jerking off, all that foreplay was getting hot as fuck, but the moment Seokjin began teasing his wet tip the way he probably pictured you doing it in his dream, your core became a fucking waterfall. The man was so turned on that you could see perfectly the moment he was about to come, so you just watched him cum over his belly with a wrecked smile.
“Did I say you could come, Jinnie?”
Gosh, Seokjin loved that nickname so much.
“N-no… Sorry, I-I couldn’t help it...” the man whispered with puppy eyes.
“Sit on my lap.”
Then again, he obliged almost immediately. When his chest got over your left thigh, you could feel his dick, angry red, hardening again.
“You’re so nasty, Jin, cumming when you weren’t supposed to. Did you want to enjoy the closest contact I will ever have with that dirty, small cock of yours?” Before Seokjin replied, you spanked him in the ass, shutting him up, “Coming all over yourself like a slut. Did you like it, jerking off in your office, where everyone could hear you? Does that turn you on, Jinnie?”
With every slap, Seokjin found it harder to swallow his moans and grunts. Was he dreaming again? No, the feeling of your hand on his ass was too real to be a dream, his dick growing harder and harder against your thigh was too real to be a dream.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please,” he moaned, tears starting to form in his eyes.
“Please, what? I can’t let your hands free, you’re such a dirty boy you would touch yourself again, Jinnie…”
You lowered your other hand through the gap between your stomach and his back and found his cock. Using the precum to lube it, Seokjin moved his hips forward, seeking more contact, so you spanked him again.
“Behave yourself.”
“I’m sorry,” he moaned, loudly, “I’m so sorry, please, don’t stop!”
“Everybody outside the office is gonna hear you, bad boy.”
Seokjin shook his head once again, trying not to move his hips forward, ignoring his growing seek of friction.
“I’m a good boy, your good boy,” the man whispered.
You kissed his cheek.
“Yes you are, you’re doing so great...” you said, moving your hand up and down on his dick.
“C-can I…” he murmured, shyly, “Can I eat you out? Pretty please?”
His words made you remember the fact that you were so fucking wet, that your core sought for friction too. And god, the way he looked at you, how could you tell him he couldn't? Those puppy eyes, desperate to eat your pussy.
“I think you’ve earned it.”
His face suddenly got brighter and Seokjin got on his knees real quick, eager with his tongue already out. You decided to put on a little show for your good boy and unbuttoned your blouse, slowly enough to let him enjoy your smooth skin appearing in front of him.
“Have you ever wanted to fuck me, Jinnie?” you asked casually.
His throat sounded dry.
“Hands back, and don’t move.” You approached him from behind and finally tied his hands.
Poor Seokjin was shaking and sweating, his mind probably going from one thought to other. By the time you were finished, the man’s cock had already become angry red. After one last glance, he had opened his pretty mouth in a silent petition for having you sitting on him, and how could you not oblige.
His tongue, if not meticulous, was wet and welcoming. Seokjin, actually, had never eaten out a girl until her orgasm. He tried a few times, but apparently he wasn’t good enough, because the person he’d be with would only shake their thighs and tell him to stop.
“S-slow down a bit, Jinnie,” you told him, finding it a bit hard to talk, “Play some more with the labia before going to the clit.”
The man did something similar to nodding and licked your entrance eagerly, like a starved man, making you sigh. When a barely decent amount of time passed, you lost your patience and grabbed his hair to make him lick your clit, to which he obliged almost immediately. Then you tightened your thighs around his head, Jin’s tongue hitting on the exact places, until you came.
You heard him choking and moaning, happily on his knees with his mouth covered with your juices and his hands tied behind his back.
“Who’d say that one day you’d get fucked in your own office,” you murmured, fingers playing with his hair, “You sounded so shy in your voice mail, you didn’t even finished telling me about it. What else did I do to you?”
Seokjin took a deep breath, not having had his normal breathing back.
“You r-rode me...”
“Hmmm… So that’s what I did...” you purred, “And you want me to ride you, right?”
Seokjin sounded so enthusiastic about it that you couldn't help that little giggle that escaped your lips. Your fingertips caressed his naked shoulders, skin glowy and sweaty, and you pointed at his desk. He lied down and struggled finding a comfortable position for his tied arms, but when he did, you didn’t hesitate and unbuckled his belt. Then you showed him a plastic package.
“Look at this big boy here, Jinnie, I’m gonna have so much fun with you...”
When the condom was already on him, the man couldn't stop staring as you got rid of your bra. With a longing sigh, you also lowered your pencil skirt along with your underwear and jumped on him.
“P-please, Y/N, I need you so much,” Seokjin groaned.
You decided to take pity on him and lowered your hips, feeling a nice, warm thing inside you as Seokjin’s cock got deeper. He wasn’t actually that big, but shy guys like Jinnie needed a bit of encouragement.
“Oh, f-fuck! You’re so tight,” he whined.
“You feel just right, Jinnie...”
You started moving your hips and thighs, really enjoying how he felt inside you, riding him had started to be intoxicating, as if you could never have enough of the friction. Seokjin arched his back out of pleasure, he had been feeling at the edge for the entire morning and now he was fighting against coming like a teen virgin.
“I don’t know if I w-will… last long enough,” he said, “I want to cum, please, please...”
His broken voice made you smile. Caressing his broad shoulders, your hand touched the skin of his neck and put a light pressure on his throat.
“Mhmm, Jinnie, how can you feel this good?” you moaned, closing your eyes.
“Please, Y/N, I can’t… Please!”
Your hips started moving faster, they were burning and the friction between your skin and his was also overwhelming, but you couldn't stop, his cock felt so, so good. You sank your fingernails on his chest to prevent yourself from falling off of him, but that made Seokjin moan and his dick twitched inside you.
“Look, Jinnie, there’s only a few minutes until the meeting starts,” you purred, “Do you think you can make me cum on that pretty cock of yours?”
You were close, so fucking close, it wouldn’t take you long to get your orgasm, but you wanted to see Jin nervous, afraid of not being able to make you cum on his dick. Somehow he managed to raise his hips and get even deeper, and Jin tried to get rid of the tie around his wrists.
“I want to touch you, please,” he whined.
“Wait a bit longer Jinnie, I’m so close...”
You bent over to kiss him, a wet, deep contact. Both your bodies felt hot and sweaty, and you wished your coworkers couldn't actually hear you or you’d be in trouble. Seokjin tried to get closer, craving for your touch, and you took pity on him and kissed his neck. Feeling the knot in your stomach getting tighter, you fastened the moves of your hips and thighs.
“God Jinnie, I’m coming,” you whispered breathless, “Be a good boy and cum for me, Jinnie, will you?”
When your walls tightened around him, Jin had to swallow a huge moan as something cold burned his legs, but it also felt like warm water, shiver chills and the best orgasm of his life. With your mouth against his, Jin made you the only witness of his whines and gasps as you rode him with your last remnants of energy.
“Fuck,” Seokjin said, heavy breathing and a rush of spit under his full lips.
“You’re such a good boy, Jinnie,” you purred, petting his head, not wanting to get off of him yet. “My pretty, good boy.”
He leaned into your touch, leaving floppy kisses on your neck and chest, but then your phone alarm started ringing with a colorful ‘MEETING’ in the screen. When you got up to reach your blouse, Jin smiled in one of his attempts to look cool:
“There’s still one thing you have to take care of.”
Grinning, you approached him and caressed the tip of his dick with your thumb, making him gasp and raise his hips. The over-stimulation was delicious, indeed, but then he shook his hands before you and you realized you hadn’t untied him yet.
“But don’t stop,” Jin whined again.
As soon as he was free, the young man caressed his sore butt cheeks with a masochist, content feeling, and turned around to look at you buttoning your blouse and skirt. It felt real, but also like a dream, so strange.
“Let’s go to the meeting,” you said before leaving the room, but waited for him at the entrance after seeing he wasn’t following you, “C’mon Jinnie, sadly we can’t stay here the whole morning, we must go to the meeting, Be a good boy.”
“I’m your pretty boy, I deserve a reward after this,” Seokjin pouted.
“Yeah but put on your pants first.”
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angelkurenai · 5 years
Imagine Steve wanting to introduce you, his fiance, to his friends for a long time  but hesitating because he hasn’t told them something about your past and how you met. You were once his student.
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“And then I tell him that if he wants 'em, he can come and have 'em since he knows my place. Simple as that. In what way, shape or form is that considered insulting? Pepper didn't let me hear the end of it!” Tony was sitting in the white couch, as expected, waved his hands animatedly; effectively earning everyone's attention in the room. More than one carefully eyeing the cup of coffee in his one hand, one of whom being the owner of the office and therefore said white couch.
“Tony” was however the only warning he got this time because, luckily for him, said owner was busy between his files and a chaos going on through his mind and heart. Mind due to work, mostly, and heart due to more personal issues both for good and less good reasons.
“And you think she's without reason?” Natasha raised an eyebrow at her friend.
“I think she's without reason to be so overdramatic. She's fussing over everything these days and I don't even want to think about the way she'll react when I tell her about the party. With all the guests and the preparations, and f course drinks I'll be the one to choose because Stark Industries owes this much to friends and colleagues, but I'm-” he paused, as if being striked by an idea – how not surprising – in the middle of his rambling. This time it was to look, or more specifically, glare at his friend wo didn't notice something was up until silence had set into the room.
“Rogers!” he nearly exclaimed, not a second after they'd made eye-contact, not tat it lasted long because Steve couldn't help but glance at his phone – you hadn't texted him all day and he wasn't clingy but that wasn't how it was between you two – much as he wanted to not look away from Tony because who knows what would be said his way or thrown.
“You're Rogers? Why, Tony, you are the fiance after all?” Clint joked, toying with a pencil as if it were a drumstick “And you got married without telling us too? Oh wow.”
“Oh I'd be a handful for him, trust me. We already argue too much for that but-” he jumped up from his seat as he stalked his friend's desk, eyes narrowed at him “That was exactly what I had in mind: Steve's wonderful fiance who has oh-so-accidentally missed every single party I've housed for the past year and a half. Now, I don't know how suspicious that makes you, because it certainly makes me very suspicious for good-boy Rogers here and I think that before any explanations, which you'll definitely have to give, is an answer to this-” he drew in a long breath “Will we be meeting future Mrs Rogers this time, Captain, or have you come up with another excuse to avoid this?”
“Alright-” Steve cleared his throat, subtly but certainly very uncomfortably shifting in his place “First of all, I haven't been coming up with any excuses. Those were real reasons and I have by no means been trying to avoid it. Timing wasn't right and it's not like you always warn me in advance for me to plan ahead of time, as if anyone could keep up with you. Not that he is anywhere near less busy herself, Tony.” he shrugged, not making eye-contact, as he placed back all of the folders in their respective drawers “Maybe next time you should plan ahead of time, maybe next time you should just make a phone call since you know I'm not that good with messages or emails or anything else. Maybe, just maybe, you should even reconsider altogether, this and every other time, since we've all got work to do and it would be better if we didn't have that too. I'm just-”
“Incredible.” Tony breathed out, loud enough to cut his friend off “Simply incredible. Does-” he turned to Natasha, pointing at Steve “Does Fury do that? Do new teachers, like, train on how to be spies? History teacher by morning, secret Agent by night. And hey, Captain America can be far from just your nickname now, Steve!” Tony exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air “No, I mean it-” tony continued when he noticed the look he got from his friend “That was simply so masterful, so skillful. Changing the subject so easily and not giving an answer to mine either, yet again, is incredible on a whole new level.”
“I didn't- I'm-” Steve blinked, losing any and every ability to form a proper sentence because truth be told he had expected to get away with that much once more and it seemed like every worry he'd had for the ast couple days – ever since Tony casually brought up that he needed to do another gathering after all this time – seemed to resurface and slowly make his worst nightmares seem all the more likely to happen in real life.
“There are no excuses, guys, I'm being honest. It simply has not come up yet, that's all. I assure you, she'd very much love to meet you too.” he said but for one reason or another he still couldn't meet anyone's eyes. Those weren't lies, he knew, but hiding the truth – the entire truth that he couldn't bear to be out with yet – wasn't by any means easier in any way.
“And that's why we're not blaming you for anything, nobody is. Right Tony? Right?” Bruce asked with a pointed look at the man who rolled his eyes and dramatically flopped back in his previous seat “We'd just like to, to put it in simple words, meet the newest member of the family. Or the member-to-be. You clearly love that woman and, based on what you say, she does too. We'd just... like to know her, welcome her properly no matter what.”
Steve couldn't say it out loud, not yet, but he would admit it to himself that those last three words gave him more hope than anything else. No matter what. He wished so bad they'd think the same, all of them, both now and especially after meeting you. It wasn't that he wasn't proud of you. He was the happiest man on Earth to be by your side, to have you say yes to a marriage with him was something out of his wildest dreams and yet it was happening, and he was certainly the most proud fiance already for everything you'd achieved. And nobody could even dare to question if he was in love with you because it was written all over his face, in the way he smiled and he brightened up when he spoke about you, that showed how much in love with you he was.
But none of it was enough to shake his worries away. Not the support he already had from is family, not the acceptance he always found in them and not even, sadly, how much of a catch you already were. All that paled in comparison to-
“Ah speak for yourself, Bruce. I'm gonna be showing up at your doorstep to drag the both of you out if I have to. So you-” Tony spoke up, and breaking Steve's trail of thoughts he pointed a finger at him “Prepare for everything. I'm going to find out more about her soon and yes, that means I expect to see you both at the party although you gave me no answer yet. You tell her or I'll send a personal invitation.”
“Well-” he cleared his throat, turning to face his friends “To be quiet honest, I have more pressing matters in my mind right now than your party Tony, I'm sorry for that.” only half a lie, because all of his problems lately had to do with said parties and meetings – which in reality stemmed from one issue: the way he'd introduce you to his friends and only family “And- Weren't we talking about a different topic here? I liked that one better than what my day and night activities are.”
“Oh I certainly am not interested to know about the nightly ones. Keeping your fiance satisfied is your business alone, Steve.” Natasha chuckled, speaking up at last “The beard speaks enough for itself.” that earned more than a few chuckles and a look from Steve “But even I have to side with Tony here on the fact that it's been really too long. When are we going to meet her at last?”
“I'm sorry, did you just agree with me? I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around that. What is the date? Barton, not that down, quick!”
“Tony” Bruce chastised his friend who raised his hands in surrender once more.
“I never said that I didn't want you to meet her.” Steve said with a sigh “Nor that you are not going to meet her. You will, at some point, and no Tony I don't mean the wedding. You'll meet her sooner.”
“I bet you could avoid that too by not inviting me to it.” Tony snorted and despite everything, it earned a chuckle from everyone.
“Don't give me any ideas. Well-” he sighed again softly, relaxing more “It's only... it's more complicated than it and though I wish I could explain it all, I feel like I don't even know where to start sometimes. It's hard. It's not bad or sad or anything like that, I'm just-” he paused, eyebrows furrowed deeply “It's a mess, in my head. All of it. Then again, I think it has always been, I won't lie. But I will sort it out, sooner than later, I promise that. And you'll get to meet her. Right now is just- it's not the time.”
His words earned him warm smiles and nods, just like a soft hum. A moment of silence, content and understanding amongst longtime friends, even though he had mostly avoided giving a direct answer or dealing with the issue at hand, followed until-
“But what if... she's in prison?” Tony's eyes were trained on the floor but his words effectively earned a few groans and ended the peace that had settled “Was in prison? No, no, think about it. Maybe she's a serial killer and Steve here doesn't want us to know? Maybe, he helped her escape? Maybe he helped in the crime too!”
“Oh gosh, Tony.” Steve rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but laugh.
“Hey, you're not directly denying it. And you're avoiding eye-contact. Did I hit a nerve? I hit a nerve!” Tony pointed at him but Steve only shook his head “Now I really wanna meet her.”
“Says the man who called the actual president of the United States “sweetheart” because that's why Pepper didn't let you hear the end of it. You said “If you want 'em, you can come and have 'em since you know my place, sweetheart.” loud and clear.” Steve pointed out.
“Hey, they're my inventions, ok, I'm not about to hand them over. So you know what? I had every right to! What would you do capsicle?”
“Don't know what Steve would do, but I know what I will do now. And that's stop waiting.” Clint got up from his own seat, stretching “I have three kids and little time as you all know. When will Sam be done?”
“I think he only had five minutes left. I still don't know why they keep gym for the last class of the day.” Steve admitted with a sigh “But I do think that if he started heading for the door now, we'd find him there. Save him the trip to my office and then call Rhodey to tell the guys to get ready.”
“Sounds like a plan to me! Let's get started, this place is huge as it is, we'll probably meet him halfway.” Tony was the first one to copy his movement before they were all soon out of the office, no less in silence though at least for long “Speaking of which, you thought about that offer yet? It's no small thing being wanted by such a big university, can't compare to a high school. No matter how big or state-of-the-art it may be. Besides, hey, you could finally feel at home with all those 90-year-olds there.”
“While that would sound lovely, seeing as none of them would tease me about my lack of knowledge on technology like someone I know-” he gave his friend a side look, despite the smile on his lips “But still, no, I think there is something about SHIELD that I won't be able to find there. I have the Phds, I should be fine, but this school was helped build by your father, by my aunt for something great and that means a lot more. So for now, I think I'll stay.”
“Your choice. Can't say I blame you either.” Tony shrugged, hands in his pockets “I know we'd all miss you if you had to move to somewhere else, me included. Oh just thinking about it- Lots of manful tears.”
Steve's lips parted, ready to reply, only for his words to get caught in his lips. And it wasn't just the big lump in his throat that prevented him from breathing, it wasn't just his lungs burning with lack of oxygen or his dry mouth that made him feel sick. Sick with worry, he had gotten used over time. Sick with realization that this was it, having been caught unprepared at that, he didn't know if he could accept. If his body could ever comprehend it to begin with, because right now all it felt like was as if every organ was failing one by one and every cell in his body had frozen up; as he took the image of you at the other end of the hallway.
“(Y/n)?” he breathed out in horror, like he never had done before in his life. Possibly in his dreams, worst nightmares actually – hard as it would be to believe it when it came to you being in them. It wasn't you, nor because of you, but the rest of the situation. It was those exact gasps he heard that were responsible.
“That's (Y/n)?” it sounded as shocked as he had expected.
“You gotta be kidding me. Rogers' got that? I need to know what his secret is now!” another whisper.
“Ah, there he is!” Sam, who only now Steve realized you had been talking to, exclaimed.
For the second time in only a matter of second, Steve felt his body freeze in its place only for this time, only half a second later, to spring into action. When you turned to fully face him and he spotted the bandaged hand, the scratches on your forehead and the small drops of blood on your shirt, all of his worries turned into actual fear but for entirely different reasons. He actually exclaimed this time, eyes wide “(Y/n)!”
“I know, I know.” you sighed, approaching him with an apologetic smile “I didn't call and didn't give you a single warning about this. I'm really so sorry about this. If it was up to me I- I wouldn't be here but-”
“Wha- No, honey, no!” he breathed out hastily cupping your face in both his hands, trying to take in every little detail that was there and that was not ever since he last saw you in the morning “I'm not- I would never- This is blood, (Y/n), what happened?!”
“Oh oh! No, don't worry.” you placed your hands on his “It's- it's nothing major, just a scratch here and there, probably because I wasn't driving. Paul is fine too, though they took him to a hospital just to be sure. Honestly, the car's in a far worse condition than any of us, the accident wasn't that bad in itself but-”
“Accident?” he gasped “You were in a car crash? Sweetheart-” he paused for a moment, doing another check over with his eyes, lips parted as if he was ready to bombard you with questions about your state, advice on your well-being and so many things that he should do but you knew he was holding himself back only because you weren't alone. He could be as over protective as he wanted but truth was there didn't seem to be a real reason the more he looked at you. He took in a shaky breath and nodded his head slowly Are you sure? Maybe you should have gone with him too, get a couple of check ups just in case-”
“Steve, no, I swear I'm fine, darling. Believe me please.” you whispered, emphasizing on the words, as you fixed your fiance with a look that made him let out a small sigh before he nodded his head and kissed your forehead, moving to your cheek and then briefly your lips.
“Are you sure there is not something I can do though?” he dared whisper “Maybe you should have-”
“No. Steve, no.” you shook your head, giving him one final look as if to warn him that you weren't going to take any of it now “Now-” you let a soft breath, smiling up at him “I hope we established that I don't need any pampering, not at the moment at least. See, I wouldn't have come here if I hadn't forgotten my keys, though. My phone is definitely in pieces so I couldn't really let you know and I thought I'd stop by to get your keys before, well-” you stopped, looking over his shoulder before giving him a tight-lipped and certainly very apologetic smile “You know. But- yeah. Seems like my timing's just too shitty today.”
Your words did earn a laugh from your fiance, and he could see it in your eyes just how much you appreciated the sight of him relaxing, not that he had the chance to tell you so before Tony spoke up.
“Uh pretty sure doesn't like that kinda language!” he came closer, nowhere nearly subtly pushing his friend away to extend his hand towards you “I mean, he's all but an old man so it shouldn't be surprising. One would beg to wonder: Is dirty talking involved in it, or not? Tony Stark, by the way, and since you're here I think we'd finally get the question answered after all! So you are the fiance wow! (Y/n) (Y/l/n), what a pleasure to finally meet you! I've been coming up with all sorts of pictures of you in my head but let me tell you reality far exceeds every expectations! No wonder Rogers has been hiding you all along.”
“I-” you couldn't help but laugh a bit out of breath at his words, blinking in surprise at his rambling all in one breath “Well, let me tell you, you certainly live up to the image I had of you in my head, Mr Stark, and definitely all of Steve's descriptions.” you laughed, taking his hand “It's such a pleasure to finally meet you!”
“Please, Tony. Weird-” he glanced at Steve “I don't think I shared my performance in bed with Rogers.”
“Tony” Steve warned although you couldn't hold back your own laughter once more.
“What?” he asked in return “I'm just letting the woman know what's out there on the market in case she decides she needs to dump the capsicle and be a little more adventurous in life.” he added winking at you.
“Thank you, Tony, but-” you chuckled, noticed the way your fiance rolled his eyes, though there was too much playfulness in both of their demeanor to make it real or serious “I think after all these years, despite his quirks and habits that can drive me crazy, there's something called love. So I'll stick with him.”
“Oh he sure is a handful. But who am I to judge, some like them old.” he shrugged casually.
“But you're older than me!” Steve couldn't help but protest, almost sounding like a little child about to throw a tantrum. While it would have sounded funny, you couldn't help but notice the small crease in his brows that was always there when the topic came up. He was uncomfortable and even more self-consious about it, despite how much you'd always tried to reassure him that the age gap was never an issue for you.
“Alright, are you two quiet done or are we gonna have to witness you get at measuring it too?” Natasha spoke up there was a hint of exasperation in her voice that you couldn't help but understand if not completely relate to “Hi, name's Natasha and it's good to finally meet the woman that's got this guy with all those pounds of muscle wrapped around her little finger. It's quiet a show to watch, let me tell you. One way or another.” she grinned and you chuckled “Oh and here we have Bruce and Clint. Sam you've met.”
“Kind of a tough feat but I'm confident I'm doing well.” you smiled, nodding your head “It's great to meet you too Natasha, Bruce and Clint. You guys- I've heard so many stories with you, you have no idea how happy I am to finally be able to talk to you in person and get to know you. Though I hoped it was under different circumstances, I apologize for this.”
“Oh no, you don't have to apologize in the least bit. So long as you are alright, well, we're just glad to finally meet you too.” Bruce said with a gentle smile “We've been looking forward to knowing the woman that makes Steve so happy, even if it took some time. Which we can't understand because you're lovely.”
“Yeah, I uh- I know and I feel bad about that because-” you glanced at Steve who had put an arm around your waist, his breathing labor if not somewhat withheld, and you almost noticed his body had stiffened up as if he prepared himself for the worst “Well, I'm partially responsible. Work is taking up so much of my time and the few free hours I have, I try to spend with Steve and plan ahead of time. I've been told you've wanted us to both come to your parties-” you looked at Tony “And while the thought of beating Steve's ass at pool and sharing every detail, pardon, embarrassing detail of our first dates with you guys had been very tempting, I sadly had not been able to make it yet. Much as I'd love to get to know... the family.”
“Trust me, once you really get to know this family, you wish you hadn't. But you're just too sweet and innocent yet, so I won't ruin it for you.” Natasha chuckled “For now Steve's lucky. On every aspect.”
“I mean, hey, at least it is a better explanation than ex-serial-killer on the loose that Tony suggested. Not busy with prison either, I assume?” Clint shrugged as Tony exclaimed “Hey, it was a solid explanation.”
All you did was laugh “I'm not a serial killer, Tony, unless we consider my attempt at lasagna a murder. Come to think of it, the kitchen always ends up looking like a crime scene so who knows? But I haven't been in prison, either, not that I remember of at least. Right now being head of the museum is enough.”
“Smart, funny, sweet and incredibly beautiful- Rogers what is she even doing with you?” Tony teased.
His words earned a laugh from you and everyone else, managing to ease the tension. Or at least the tension that had set on Steve, because everybody else had been incredibly relaxed from the beginning including you, as much as it surprised him. Just some. He was not all that surprised to realize that they already adored you from the first five minutes of knowing you. He had had no doubt about it from the beginning. He was sure that charming them with a smile andmesmerizing them with your sweetness would be a piece of cake for you like everybody else you met, they loved you. Besides, he couldn't lie, that whatever the situation (car crash or not – even though he hated to think like that) were always radiant and as beautiful as ever and he'd always thank his luck for gracing him with a woman as stunning as you inside and outside. But taking pride in your wits and beauty that easily made his family adore you he couldn't really allow himself to fully accept it and relax. The small voice in the back of his head, even now as it saw that things were going so well – only one joke about the age difference, if any at all so far – he felt worry and fear. For what?
“And here I thought that the real kids would have left by now. Am I going to have to ask you all to enroll at some point or what? I can't seem to shake you guys off no matter wha-”
The voice was familiar somehow but your brain was slow at processing it, given everything that had and was happening, but the second your eyes fell on the man, well, there was no mistaking the face or the memories the came with it. Realization dawned on the man as well, obvious on his face as he trailed off.
“Mr Fury!” you breathed out with a smile and a laugh of disbelief at how little he had changed.
“Well, I will be damned.” he grinned, as much as he ever would at least “Miss (Y/l/n), if this isn't a surprise!” you happily reached for his hand and shook it with a firm grip, a trait which he always appreciated in you “Came back to see if the building's still standing? As you can tell, much as our students have tried and would wish, both the walls and I are well standing. Again much to everyone's dismay. The arts class is right where you left it if you want to go check it, by the way.”
“Oh Mr Fury don't be like that. You're the best headmaster this place could get and, let's be honest, the only one who could handle the kind of kids in here without going insane.” you shrugged and he hummed in agreement nodding his head “Besides, you always had faith in everyone, whether you admitted it or not.”
He scoffed a laugh “Glad that at least in some cases I wasn't proven wrong.”
“Wait- you-” Tony blinked, raising a hand as to stop the conversation “I'm getting it all mixed up here. Fury, you know (Y/n)?”
You wouldn't even have realised if the sharp intake was real or not, much less coming from your fiance, if you weren't standing so close to him. You had naturally found your way back to his side and his hand had fallen on your waist, and when you felt a squeeze so fast and quiet intense, you understood that it was all him. And more than that, you saw the way he had stiffened up next to you, how he was holding his breath and his chest was puffed out. His eyes weren't nearly as wide but you could see an unspoken kind of fear in them that made your heart ache. This wasn't how you wanted it to go by any means, not on your first meeting of his family. Everything was going so well, you had gotten so exited and carried away that you had almost not realized it what it could mean to have Fury in front of you. Not until now. You didn't want it to be ruined for Steve but what could you do anymore? Stand and watch just like him, feeling more helpless was the only possible thing aside from hoping.
“Do I know her? I don't know Stark, there are some people I'd rather see once a month or even year because one can only take so much and forgetting them wouldn't sound so bad- If you know what I mean.” he gave him a look and for a moment you held your own breath. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, maybe- “But, forgetting the brightest student to walk these halls ain't possible. And speaking of that, what brings you back after all this time (Y/n)?”
“Student?” it sounded like Natasha but you couldn't be sure over the sound of your own heart drumming.
“I uhm-” you cleared your throat, deciding to look as confident as possible for the sake of your fiance who as standing frozen in his place if not terrified “Yes, yes I was-” a soft laugh which you could proudly say sounded genuine “I was a student here almost six or seven years ago. Small world.” the came out as a whisper “And uh I was here because I had to see Mr Rog- Steve. I needed an uhm favor, of sorts. I'm sorry to disappoint but I won't be staying long, it's already been a long day for me and I need to head home.”
“Of coure.” he said but sadly for you that wasn't that, and feeling the tension in the room not only from Fury who studied the way you were so close but from the rest of Steve's friends who stood frozen in their place, faces blank but tha probably the worst kind of expression they could have on “But uh I didn't know you two kept in touch. What- what is Mr Rogers exactly to you?”
There is no mistaking the look the headmaster is giving you, the way his eyes narrow a bit, just like there is no mistaking the bit of knowing look in his eyes. Steve however, still very tense, chokes out in a lightly small and hoarse voice “Fiance.” he cleared his throat “(Y/n)'s my fiance.”
Fury's eyebrows rose but not with as much surprise as you'd have expected, not even that of having his current thought being verified. Maybe they weren't any current thought at all? Maybe the suspicion had not sparked this very moment to begin with.
“Well, then, what else can I say but congratulations!” he gave you a smile which you tried to return. Key word: tried. Steve was even more stiff next to you, unable to even try himself.
Before you get the chance to speak, it's another female voice this time that you also recognise “Fury, I have some stats I need you to see now befo- Oh, (Y/n)!” Maria smiled at you and you couldn't help but return it, until it almost froze in your lips because of her next words “What a pleasant surprise to see you here, you haven't changed at all! Not were it counts at least. Look at you, from high school girl to badass business woman. That's a glow up.”
She had always been friendly with you, the playfulness was to be expected, and her words were always what could make your day but at this very moment it felt like the exact opposite. You forced a smile nonetheless “Thank you Maria, it's great to see you too!”
“Right.” Fury cleared his throat, smirk evident on his lips “Well, as you can tell, work never ends for this old man. It's great to see you again (Y/n) and of course, congratulations once more.”
You were sure you murmured a soft “Thank you” but maybe it was only your lips moving as a reflex. You saw Maria give him a questioning look but what caught even more the attention was the grin he could barely hide as he turned to her and started speaking in a hushed tone.
Not that much registered anyway. The silence that followed, even for a couple seconds, felt deafening. Your heart seemed to be stuck in your throat as you simply waiting for something, anything.
“Honey.” it was Steve that spoke up, drawing your attention as he placed the keys in your palm “You're tired and you've been through enough for today. Go home and I promise I'll be there shortly afterwards. I'll say a quick hello and then I'll be with you, no more than an hour.”
“Steve” you protested in a low voice, looking up to meet his eyes. You weren't protesting at him cutting his day out with his friends short, although you definitely wanted to fight him about that because you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. You were protesting at him taking it all upon himself, doing the explanation and what not. You felt like you had to be there to, that you needed to stand by his side and defend your relationship, even in front of his friends.
“No” he shook his head, clearly reading the meaning behind your words “Go. I'll be fine.” he whispered in your ear before kissing your temple “Go”
You tried to fight him a bit longer, silently at least, but his pursed lips and firm eyes told you that he's not having it. With a heavy sigh you nodded your head and he let go of your face. You put on a smile and turned to his friends “It was... great meeting you guys. I hope I'll see you again soon in... better circumstances. That we could get to talk more.”
“Anytime.” Natasha says with a warm smile that's almost friendly and accepting and you wish to believe it.
Sharing goodbyes with the rest of the group, you reluctantly walk away despite the urge to linger close if only to at least hear what they're going to say. Not... that you'd have to.
“Steve, you absolute little sneaky shit!” Tony exclaims, not even trying to keep quiet as he laughs “Alright, alright, now you seriously have to teach me how you do that! Your secret- Tell us your secret, there has to be one! My, I never thought I'd say this to freaking Cap of all people but I need your tips now!”
His words were followed by more laughter, easy and calm as Natasha spoke up again “Really, Steve, that's the reason whyyou didn't want us to meet her?” she raised an eyebrow and Steve tried to stutter out words but nothing coherent was said, not as he stared dumbfounded at his friends “You realize that there is nothing you should feel ashamed about, right? She was your student, alright, but as long as you both leg- Wait, you both were, right?”
Steve's eyes widened “No, Nat- It's not-” he blinked before shaking his head “When any of it happened she was very much legally an adult. Nothing could have ever happened if she was not. I would never-”
“Lies!” Tony gave him a look “That's absolute bullshit, Rogers. Nobody believes it. Come on, teacher- student relationship is already out there, start admitting the rest of it!”
“That's the truth, Tony.”Steve rolled his eyes “I'm not hiding anything else besides-”
“Not the one I chose to believe, no. Doesn't have as much spice as I'd like and we've already established that you have dirty secrets, I'm set on discovering it all if I have to. In fact-” he got his phone out “How much do you think a lie detector takes to build up from scratch? I could always order but-”
“Maybe... you were right to want to hide it after all.”
“Not all of us could have a mature reaction when some of us are not even close to... mental adolescence.”
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every1studio · 5 years
REQUESTED: “someone’s hero” [ateez: hongjoong]
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genre: ANGST + slight fluff + MENTIONS OF AN END 
ficstyle: bulletpoints
request: “ Hi!!! Can I get an angsty hananki disease au for hongjoong?? “ + “ Ur robbing us of a spiderman hongjoong😔💜🥺♥️♥️ “ 
note: trying to kill 2 birds with one stone here
"Hongjoong! you were almost late for class!” you smacked the arm of your best friend as he collapsed on his desk
Hongjoong was almost late because he was just doing small acts of good deeds 
you know, the usual
helping an elderly woman cross the crosswalk
picking up after people as they litter
saving a bank from a band of robbers
the usual
Hongjoong lived another life outside of being your typical high school student and helping others 
back in middle school, he got bit by a radioactive spider; giving him the abilities of a spider 
he honed his skills for the greater good and perform heroic deeds to help the neighborhood
but he knew he couldn’t juggle being a normal high school
so the only people that knew of his hidden identity are his parents 
you nudge at Hongjoong’s elbow as you show him your phone
“our friendly neighborhood hero strikes again. I really wanna know who this guy is..”
Hongjoong smirks at you as he rests his chin on his arm, “what would you say if you got a chance to talk to him?” 
you sat up a little straighter, “I would thank him for his services and..”
“and~?” Hongjoong’s ears perked up 
“I would ask to see his face.. I mean what if he’s this insanely good looking guy?!”
“he could be insanely ugly too..” he jeered 
you slapped him on the arm, “don’t talk about him like that! with that selfless heart and toned body? there’s no way that he’s ugly!”
Hongjoong blushed at your words but you couldn’t know his true identity, nobody could 
he ruffles the back of his head before clearing his throat, “so um.. are you gonna go to homecoming?”
you shrugged as you got out your physics textbook, “I don’t know... you know it’s not my thing...”
he dramatically hung his head down as he pouted at you, “it’s our senior year though...”
“I’ll let you know if I change my mind,” you said as you rolled your eyes
Hongjoong didn’t have the courage to ask you out; he was suppose to ask you out a long time ago 
it was easier was you two were younger 
but the older you two got, the harder it was for him to tell you all the feelings he had pent up inside for you
you could say he’s been in love with you when you two were 5 and finding ladybugs until the sunset
he made a daisy ring for you and announced that when you two are old enough, he’ll buy you a real shiny ring 
up until today, he doesn’t know if you liked him back or not 
but that fact that you didn’t push him away gave him hope 
Hongjoong was a pretty good student so he only had 3 classes; which were all the classes that you had with him 
it gave him enough time to spend with you AND go do his heroic deeds 
“do you want anything from Starbucks?” Hongjoong gets up to leave for the day 
you gave him a smile that he fell in love with, “the usual please~”
“with extra cinnamon on top?” he asked with a smile
“just the way I like it~”
Hongjoong was so giddy he didn’t notice Yunho walking passed him, with a bouquet of flowers behind his back
it was a long day for Hongjoong, he got caught up with a bunch of little hooligans but he made it back to school in time for your last class of the day
everyone was teasing and nudging at you and Yunho 
Hongjoong had a bad feeling about it 
he stopped someone who was recording the two of you, “what’s going on?”
“oh Yunho asked Y/N out to homecoming in the CUTEST way; they’ve got to hook up!” the girl squealed as she posted the video on her social media 
Hongjoong felt like it was hard to breath all of a sudden; he tried clearing his throat but the feeling didn’t go away 
he was going to turn away until-
“Joongie!!” it belong to your voice and upon hearing it, it made his chest hurt
“here’s your Starbucks..” he managed to choke up
you took the drink and placed it down
you moved his face so that he was only going to focus on your face, “Joongie... are you okay? what’s wrong?”
Hongjoong pushed through the excruciating pain with a smile, “I’m okay.. I’m just tired, I don’t think I can take you home today..”
you were genuinely concerned for him; he’s always taken care of you, just as you have with him 
but you thought maybe some space would be good for him 
“please call me when you get the chance...” you looked at him with worried eyes 
he pats your hair like he always did but he doesn’t say anything 
he made eye contact with Yunho and walked away 
there was nothing to hate about Yunho; he was tall, handsome, caring, and just a genuinely good person
would you have changed your mind if he asked you first?
would you have gone with homecoming with him?
would he have had a chance with you?
but was he ready for you to know the truth about him?
all these thoughts made his chest hurts 
he laid in bed, coughing and hacking up petals
daisy petals, to be exact; which took him back to his proposal to you back when you were kids 
homecoming was suppose to be the end of the week 
it was announced on the news that their neighborhood hero was nowhere to be seen 
Hongjoong’s condition made it hard for him to use any of abilities 
he thought that this was a passing sickness that will go away; he did his research on his condition
Hanakaki Disease: where the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from an one-sided love. when the person the victim loves returns the feelings, the condition will be lifted. or can be removed surgically but the feelings the victim has for the beloved will disappear
Hongjoong slouched in his chair when he read articles upon articles about this condition
he couldn’t go through with the surgery; he wanted to love you until the day he died
every time he thinks about you, he coughs up a bouquet of daisy petals 
the most he can do with his spidery abilities is use it to clean up the petals in his room 
despite of living so close, you two loved to exchange handwritten letter; he kept every single on that you wrote to him and would read it until he fell asleep 
he got excused from school for a week; which was probably for the best 
he wouldn’t have to seen you with Yunho 
he answered your texts and calls but other than that, he wouldn’t let you visit him
told you that he was scared that you would catch what he has 
this went on until the night of homecoming 
Hongjoong was getting ready for homecoming; it was his senior year after all 
you invited him to go with your group; he was your childhood friend and your best friend after all
“you look beautiful..” he murmurs into your ear after you all get into venue 
“you don’t look too bad yourself, Hongjoong~” you smirked
but your joking demeanor changed as you grabbed the sleeve of his tuxedo, “I missed you.. I know you were only gone for a week but it felt like more...” 
Hongjoong’s chest didn’t feel as heavy as it’s been for the whole week he was at home, “I missed you too..”
“Y/N! you ready?” Yunho put his arm out for you to take, “oh hey Hongjoong, you feeling better?”
Hongjoong had the urge to cough but he held it back, “better than ever”
you slipped away from Hongjoong and linked arms with Yunho 
when you walked away with Yunho, Hongjoong excused him to cough
he coughed up petals until he couldn’t breathe and asked himself was it worth it to even go to this dance
everyone in the group danced to the music but Hongjoong couldn’t help but watch the lights dancing off of your face 
you looked so beautiful, he could cry 
suddenly, the ground started to shake 
everyone was stumbling and falling 
the earthquake alarms came on 
everyone ran to the safety zones
Hongjoong knew that in a case of this kind of panic; he was needed the most
he slipped out of his tuxedo and started to help out anywhere that he could
there was still chaos even though the earthquake subsided
it seemed like only the building that the dance took place at was the only unstable building so evacuating everyone was a better idea than having them hide in the safety zone until authorities came
Hongjoong thought he got everyone out until Yunho came back into the building
“hey man.. I was with my date and I can’t seem to find them.. you gotta go find them! please...”
“you gotta get back outside.. I’ll look for them...” 
Hongjoong sprinted, swung at the speed of light trying to find you
he found you trapped in between two slabs of concrete; you were safe but you were unable to get out of it
he shot out webs that moved the slabs out of the way 
“oh my gosh... I’m a big fan of yours...” you were in awe that you were standing right in front of the neighborhood hero 
“look we gotta go.. it’s not safe here..” he tried to get you out to safety 
“wait look this is probably the only time I’ll even get to talk to you like this.. how can I thank you?” you fidgeted; the adrenaline was running in your veins, “could I kiss you?”
Hongjoong wasn’t able to say anything but he lifted his mask off
“surprise~ and I insanely handsome like you thought I was” he announced with a sense of sarcastically glum manner 
you grabbed his face and kissed him 
he was so shock and in that moment, he didn’t know he could breathe so clearly
he wrapped his arm around your waist
it was like time stopped for the two of you, “Joongie, I have sooo many questions..”
“let’s get out of here first..“ he reeled back into reality, “gotta get you back to Yunho..”
you couldn’t say anything to that
he dropped you off at the entrance
there was a moment of blissful silence until the entrance way was crumbling
he pushed you as hard as he could into Yunho’s arm and tried to keep the pillars up
but even at the extraordinary limits of his abilities, Hongjoong couldn’t keep them up
in front of your face, you saw them collapse onto him 
your eyes welt up with tears, you tried to run to him as you called his name but Yunho held you back
the authorities came too late
Hongjoong didn’t make it to the hospital 
his death was a tragedy; he was known as the infamous neighborhood hero
but he was your childhood friend
and your best friend 
and your first love
his mother let you into his room one last time before they were going to move away
the death of their son was too much for them to stay in the same house that they raised him in 
the TV was on in his room; there was a bed made of daisy petals 
“Kim Hongjoong, senior at KQ High School, died as our friendly neighborhood, hero. he was also known as Spider-Man. the hospital also diagnosed that he was suffering with Hanakaki disease. our hero died with an one-sided love disease..”
you switched off the TV and clenched your heart 
you convinced yourself that you didn’t have anything to do with his Hanakaki disease 
his mother knocked on the door before entering, “hey there sweetie... Hongjoong told me to give this to you if anything happened to him..”
she gave you a peck on the forehead, “let me know if you need anything..”
the letter was sealed with a spider web
Y/N.. hey.. remember all the letters we wrote each other? I have them all saved up still. I read them when I’m bored.. or when I miss you. if you’re getting this letter, something probably happened to me. and if you’re getting this letter, I probably haven’t told you everything about me. I’m Spider-Man. big surprise! but that’s not the main point of this letter. I was able to make this neighborhood safe but I wasn’t able to confess to you. the scariest thing was, knowing that another guy could make you happier than I could. and all of my efforts would just be a nuisance to you. I just want you to know if that no matter what, I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t keep my promise of proposing to you when we were kids.. childish I know, but that’s what keeps me going everyday. I want you to be the best version of yourself and be the happiest person in the world. Yunho is a great guy and I know that he’s going to treat you well. even if I’m not your hero, I hope someone out there will be..
your tears trickled over the letter
he wasn’t just someone’s hero
he was yours
you loved every part of him; he was your hero before he was anyone else’s hero 
but you convinced yourself that you were never going to be good enough for him 
but like the wishes he had for you in his letter
your brain convinced your heart that you were going to continue loving Yunho so that you wouldn’t have the Hanakaki disease 
you wished that there was more time for him to confess to you
you wished that there was more time for you to confess to him
and now you lost your childhood friend
your best friend
and your first, true love 
[ masterlist + guidelines ]
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kinktae · 4 years
hi babe !!! i’m starting on my journey through the whole bitchin’ series today !!! and i just wanted to say that it really reminds me of that 70’s show (even if i know urs is set in the 80’s lmao) !!! and i want to congratulate u on the job well done !!!
All the bitchin’ asks I didn’t get to answer in time uwu. Spoilers ahead:
prince-jjk said: just read your beyond the story for bitchin’ and i literally cried twice 🥺 especially in the 10yrs later when, for the wedding gift, jk gives y/n the contract they wrote all the way back when they barely knew eachother, that part just made me be like skfkskckskfkd on the inside, that was adorable.
Anonymous said: bitchin is so soft 🥺 it was love at first chapter for me, i loved watching y/n and jk grow throughout the story both together and on their own and i love all the soft lil moments and reading every chapter warmed my heart so damn much 🥺 thank you 💕
Anonymous said: okay so i finally read bitchin’ all in one day and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 they are both idiots i love them sm,, thank u for writing such an incredible story!!💕💗💕💘💗
Anonymous said: I LOVED WHAT YOU POSTED FOR BITCHIN OMGGG i actually LOVE seeing behind the scenes of writing so i really enjoyed reading about the details of bitchin. nOT TO MENTION HOW CUTE THE EPILOGUE WAS PLEASE I DONT THINK ILL EVER GET OVER THEM but overall i really liked it and thank you so so so so so so so much for this
Anonymous said: i swear Yara and Taehyung do be the cutest couple :(
beifong-bitch said: So im new around here and just started reading bitchin and oh god- I KEEP IMAGINING TAES VOICE SOUNDING LIKE THAT ONE SURFER DUDE FROM TOTAL DRAMA.
Anonymous said: beyond the story: bitchin’ got me so emotional like??? i think i can’t live without them:( thank you for this beautiful story🤧 you’re so talented
sapphireprinces5 said: can I just say that the fact you called it Behind The Story as BTS is so genius and the best chef’s kiss of the century. reading this made me tear up like I miss the two so much and to see them happy forever was just 🤧 it was so cool to see how the stories developed and your thoughts as you wrote them. thank you for giving this to us - probably one of the best gifts i’ve ever received as a reader. amazing, you’re amazing
mochiieberry said: JUST READ THE UPDATE FOR BITCHIN AND FINALLY I CAN START MY DAY(ignore the fact it’s 3 am :) ). But honestly after reading BITCHIN I questioned what happened afterwards and thank you for writing the behind the scenes and giving us 10 year update!!
ggukcangetit said: oh my gosh i was missing bitchin' and you posted the most incredible companion piece. also love how its called beyond the story (BTS) so sneaky rose (¬‿¬) you really spoilt us with the connect i am sad and happy so thanks for that. lastly, just wanna appreciate how much effort, hard work, and care you devote to your stories, characters, and readers. since you are a LOT younger than me imma go ahead and say this- uWu rose is the best liddol bean in the world. okay bye.
Anonymous said: I just wanted to say thank you for the extra bitchin' content! It's one of my favorite fics ever (mainly bc I am a woman in stem who takes shit from no man and I hardcore identify with yn) and to see how much you love the fic and genuinely get excited about the little details you slip in to make it more enjoyable for you to write just makes my heart !!! bc i love nothing more than hearing writers talk about their works with pride. love you lots and thank you for always putting out great content!
Anonymous said: Yara refusing to put a label on her relationship after 10 years sends me. For one thing, as an independent woman who is terrified of commitment, I can 100% relate lol. The titles she gives him instead killed me as well. Her outrage at the crustaceans was also so something I’d do. Like “no ma’am my best friend ain’t sign up for this and as far as I’m concerned she’s gonna get exactly what she wants”. Yara is my spirit animal.
Anonymous said: I have a lot of questions. #1- How dare you? Bitch I am sobbing. I love those Bitchin fools and I ain’t ever gonna stop loving them!
lee-u-ne12 said: I may have giggled one too many times during my "beyond the story: bitchin'" reading. Dammit it's just so cute! I found it charming how instead of just giving us an update on the characters you included some commentery on each chapter! Ngl i was rlly sad earlier but this made me smile :)
Anonymous said: I definitely noticed the sock thing and thought it was stupidly cute (like this entire fic tbh) and djjdjdjdjjd I wish I had commented on it when I first read it! I loved the behind the stuff and loved all the reasoning as to why you didn't want y/n to be a 'popular guy gave me confidence' type of character 👏 honestly loved it all thank you!!!!
cheeky-kookie said: ROSE, I am so happy this is the best birthday present wowza ily thank you bitchin' update I cry
Anonymous said: oh my gosh yara and tae are gonna get married someday and she's still gonna be like what? husband? you meaN my matChing riGg wEareR.
Anonymous said: Just wanted to let you know, I just read BITCHIN' AND IT'S THE BEST STORY I'VE READ IN A WHILE AND NOW ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITES. I would totally read it again in the future . Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us and you're awesome!
Anonymous said: Bitchin' was amazing. I cried. Thank you for writing it 🖤
Anonymous said: I think I've read bitchin like 3 times now but in never fails to put a smile on my face. The 80s slang kills me every time. Just wanted to say it's one of my favourite fics I've ever read :)
Anonymous said: i just finished bitchin’ AND IT WAS SO GOOD i cried at the end when it came full circle about the paper 😭❤️
Anonymous said: Hi I just binge read bitchin I’ve always ran into it but I hesitate Bc I knew it wasn’t completed I’m the worst but,,, ow. Ow. My heart physically melted you developed two characters so well and there’s no way I’m not going to reread again and again because of how good and genuine their relationship was. Uhh that’s it sorry I just wanted to let you know I’ll need money Bc my heart is unfunctional because of how full it is
Anonymous said: i just wanted to tell you that you made me feel so 🥺🥺🥺🥺!!!! with bitchin', that it is one of my favorite stories ever and that it's just so amazing and well written i just- don't stop doing what you're doing please !!!!!
Anonymous said: hi sorry this is random but im a huge fan of your work! i havent checked in with tumblr too much lately but last night i binge read camellia, groovy, and bitchin and oh my goodness i was so enthralled !! you have such a wonderful ability to engage readers with such relatable and dynamic characters! like wowowow i cant wait to read more of your writing! thanks so much for putting in the time and effort you do to create your work, its great and im glad you get to share it with the world! 🌟
Anonymous said: hi so i may or may not have read all of bitchin in one night BUT I LOVED IT AND IM AMAZED BY YOU 🥺♥️
Anonymous said: hiii! bitchin’ has been the best thing i have ever read and im so sad that its over, but im so happy you wrote it! u are an incredible writer❤️❤️❤️
emdancing said: Hi! I’d just like to say I binged bitchin and i absolutely loved it! It just might be my favorite koo fic 💕 your writing is awesome and so are you!!
Anonymous said: i binge read bitchin this weekend and i don’t even like fanfics but kept seeing it get recommended so decided to check it out and i loved it 😭 jungkook in that fic is so perfect and cute (except for his mess up with kiri) and that note at the end got me emotional 🥺 your story and writing was too too good, i skipped all the smut but still loved it 💗 thank you for sharing one of the most heartwarming and lovely stories i have ever read! 🤧
lowlifeoeuvre said: Hi i just read bitchin and i only have one thing to say about it... A WHOLE MASTERPIECE MAN!! literally almost cried and actually made a very inhuman happy noise at the end. I will for sure be reading anything else you write or have written.
babeewiththepowerr said: I just finished reading Bitchin and now I’m crying 😢 it was soooo pretty and well written 💜
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Had a lil idea for @technicallyflamey oc Amelia Makas. I may or may not have also added in a few of my own characters whoops
Amelia sighed as she watched her ticking bomb of a daughter running around the house with her father chasing after her.
“Yuukei! Get over here and put on your dress!” Bakugou yelled. He reached forward to grab onto the little girl’s shoulder, but she dashed away just as he was about to vice grip her.
Bakugou leaned forward onto his knees and hulffed. “Fucking hell, when did she get so goddamn fast?”
Amelia chuckled. “Ever since she learned to walk.” Standing up, Amelia walked over to Yuukei, who was hiding behind a chair. Bending down to her level, Amelia smiled at the redhead.
“Sweetie, you need to get dressed so we can go see our friends.” Amelia explained in a soft tone.
Yuukei pouted her lips and crossed her arms. With a huff she sat down on the ground. “I don’t want to get dressed in that thing! Why can’t I go in what I’m wearing now?” The 10 year old motioned toward the shorts and T-shirt that she wore.
Amelia laughed. “As much as I would like to go in something that comfortable too, we can’t. The Iida family invited us to a very nice place so we have to look very nice too.”
Yuukei huffed again, but didn’t outright protest. Picking up her daughter, Amelia walked towards the little girl’s room. As she passed Bakugou, who was looking at his wife as if she grew a second head, she said, “You go take care of Himari.”
After struggling with her rowdy daughter, Amelia was finally back in the living room with an annoyed Yuukei holding her hand. The little girl was dressed in a black and red dress, where the bottom flared out and was decorated with glitter. It only reached her knees, giving the girl the ability to run around, which is what she wanted to be able to do.
Amelia, however, wore a sleek dress that ran all the way to the floor. It was also red, similar to her daughter’s, but instead had white accents, such as the stripe at the cinched waistline. A slit ran up her right leg, revealing two equally red heels. It was the best dress she had, and she wanted to give a good impression to her old friends, some of whom she hadn’t seen since high school due to busy schedules.
“Katsuki! Hurry up!” Amelia exclaimed, glancing at her phone once again. If they wanted to get to the party on time they’d have to leave in the next 15 minutes.
“I’m comin’ I’m comin!” Bakugou yelled, his footsteps growing louder as he made his way to the living room. Walking around the corner, the blond was seen carrying their one-year-old daughter on his hip as he struggled with his tie.
Himari was dressed in a blue and white dress with a frilly bottom that gave her room to run around with her big sister, if she could keep up. The bright blue of the dress seemed to match to blue hues of Himari’s eyes perfectly.
Bakugou was dressed up in a stereotypical black suit and white undershirt; however, his tied was a bright red that matched his eyes and just so happened to match Amelia’s dress.
Thank god she went shopping earlier that week or else she wouldn’t have seen the tie and bought it for tonight.
Letting go of Yuukei’s hand, Amelia walked up to her husband. She smacked his hands away playfully and fixed his tie in place for him. She could feel his eyes roaming her body up and down. Looking back up to him, Amelia smiled at him with a joking grin.
“You look so handsome.” She complimented, giving him a small peck on the lips.
Bakugou smirked down at her before grabbing her butt with a tight grip. “And I see you’re looking just as sexy.”
Amelia couldn’t help the blush that coated her cheeks at Bakugou’s bluntness, but before she could speak again, the yelling from their daughter caught their attention.
“EW! Daddy don’t do that in front of me and Himari!” Yuukei exclaimed, shielding her eyes from the couple.
Amelia let out an embarrassed chuckle while Bakugou just rolled his eyes. “She’s right. Plus we have to get going.”
Walking out the door, Amelia couldn’t help but blush harder when she heard her husband mutter, “As much as I love the kids, now I can’t take you wherever the fuck I want.”
Moving as fast as she could Amelia buckled in Yuukei before sliding herself into the passenger’s seat, careful not to tear her dress. Bakugou slid into the driver’s seat after having buckled in Himari, who had yet to make a sound.
Amelia leaned back and tickled Himari’s foot, making the young girl giggle. Although the little girl came from such a loud family, she always seemed to be more of an observer than a participator.
Amelia faced back forward as the car engine started and the family of four was on their way.
Least to say when Amelia walked into the large doors of the Iida home, she did not expect to get tackled with a giant hug from a familiar girl. Mina stepped back from Amelia, a wide smile on her face.
“Amy-chan!” She exclaimed. “Gosh it’s been forever since I’ve seen you! And oh my goodness it looks like you’ve got another mini-you!” She bent down slightly to tickle Himari’s nose, who was holding onto Amelia’s dress with a tight grip, Mina’s loud greeting scaring her a bit.
Amelia smiled down at her daughter. “Say hello Himari.” She urged.
Himari looked between her mom and the pink woman with wide and questioning eyes for a moment before raising one of her hands in greeting.
Mina gasped. “Look at her! She’s so smart isn’t she?”
Amelia nodded. “She picks up stuff very quickly. She’s even started running after her sister!”
“Oh that’s so amazing!”
“Of course it is. She’s my daughter.” Bakugou walked up next to Amelia, wrapping his arm around her waist. Yuukei walked up next to him, her red eyes scanning around the room for something- or someone.
Mina bent down to Yuukei’s level. “Hey there Yuu-chan! You’re so big aren’t you?”
Yuukei smirked and placed her hands on her hips in confidence. “Of course! I train everyday with daddy!”
“Oh wow! Does that mean you want to be a hero too?” Mina exclaimed with extra surprise.
Yuukei nodded quickly, but didn’t say anything because of a loud voice calling her name.
“YUU-CHAN!” A small flash of green ran into the redhead, nearly causing the two children to topple over.
Bakugou sighed in annoyance. “Yo Deku! Learn to control your kid!” He exclaimed as he helped his daughter and her friend balance on their feet again.
The number one hero chuckled nervously as he jogged up the to group. “Sorry about that guys. Toshi was so excited to see Yuukei tonight that he ran off the moment he saw her.”
“They just had a playdate two days ago!”
Toshi grabbed onto Yuukei’s hand. “Come on! Masahiko and Misaki are playing in the play room already!” The two children were quick to run off, leaving the adults alone.
Himari began to wiggle in Amelia’s grip. “You wanna go play too sweetheart?”
Himari didn’t answer, instead kept wiggling. Amelia brought the one-year-old to the floor where she could stumble and waddle after her sister.
“Is that okay?” Mina asked as she watched the one-year-old go off on her own.
Amelia nodded. “Of course. She’s really smart. Plus Yuukei is very protective of Himari so she’ll watch over her.” As if on cue, Yuukei ran around the corner where she grabbed onto Himari’s hand and slowly lead her to the playroom. Bakugou smiled in pride of his amazing children, proud of them.
The party continued on, more people from Bakugou and Amelia’s class joining the party. Amelia couldn’t help herself from smiling so much that her cheeks hurt. It was nice to see everyone from UA and hear about their lives. At one point all the girls got together and started talking about their kids.
“The twins are doing absolutely amazing in their training with their father. Yoko especially is very excited for the entrance exam for UA.” Momo explained, her red win swishing around in the glass she held.
Kyoka nodded along. “Yeah, even though Himura is only 10, he already has his eyes set on UA.”
Ochako laughed. “Who didn’t have the dream of being a hero when they were young?”
Amelia raised her hand jokingly. “You say this with an ex-villain in the room.”
The girls laughed with Amelia, although Amelia’s laughter was a bit softer than the rest. A green tinted hand laid itself on Amelia’s shoulder, stopping her laughter. Amemori, Iida’s wife, look at her with her gentle green orbs.
“You know we no longer think of you that way right? You’re a hero right now and right here. That’s what’s important.”
Amelia gave her a small smile. Even though Amemori wasn’t a classmate from UA, she was someone who accepted her despite her past. She was always a reminder that Amelia was a good person, even if Amelia didn’t think she was all the time. Amelia glanced around the group of women, her eyes scanning over each and every individual face. Her blue hues then glanced over to the group her husband was in, a familiar red head and electric blond annoying him to no end.
A bigger smile spread across Amelia’s features as she looked back at Amemori.
          “Thank you.”
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ririthedevil · 6 years
Okay so I thought this best to post as a singular post! I personally don't watch much fantasy and romance, but I can recommend you things I have watched which go along with those genres as sub-genres! (skip to the bottom for a less detailed list).  I think you’d like Sword Arts Online - romance and fantasy! It’s very popular and set within a virtual reality gaming realm called SAO, which is just a normal avatar medieval-esque game where they can fight, earn objects and coins, and be whatever they want etc! One day however the owner of the game decides to create the ultimate challenge after the beta tests and the official release of the game. The characters get stuck within it due to this challenge and if they die within the game they die in real life - and if anything irl tries to take their VR headsets off they can die too! To survive the game, they have to win it by reaching the top level and defeating the bosses as they go. (Don’t wanna give more than that away but give it a check)! It’s on Netflix I think!
Also I have to super recommend a new anime I just finished called Erased! It’s a crime one. It’s about a guy who randomly can set back time to a point in his life where something went wrong in the future but he can fix it (i.e. a truck driver almost hits a child after he has a heart attack while driving and the main character goes back and stops it from happening). One day however he gets set back by over a decade and is back in school (he turns the same age physically as he was back then but has the same mind of a 29 year old) and has the chance to stop the murder of children from his school. It’s like 12 episodes long and is super great!
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is another favourite of mine - it’s fantasy and action (about 64 episodes long too). Also on Netflix! It’s within a world of a science called Alchemy, where you can create things on the principles of equal exchange. Yet there are taboo subjects such as you can’t bring back people from the dead. It’s about two brothers who try to get their mother back who passed away but because they never followed the rules one brother loses his arm and leg and the other his entire body except for his spirit which his older brother puts inside of a metal armour (which can walk and talk). So the overarching plot is that they try to find a way to get the younger brothers body back and become a part of the military to get access to materials which could help them discover a way. HOWEVER this is just one of the many motivates of the whole show, which is based in a time parallel almost to that of World War 2 (where there is a military state, war and a genocide). I want to explain so much more but don’t want to give anything away! It’s sometimes funny, sometimes heart breaking but super breath taking! No Game No Life I have just started watching, and is about two siblings who are well known within the gaming world for being undefeated. They see the real world in lousy terms and something of a game until they get a weird email challenging them to a match and once they accept they get taken into this fantasy world. The world however is one where conflicts (from small arguments to the fate of countries) are made not through war but through high stake games, and each person in the game has to contribute a wager equal to that of other players. 
Zero No Tsukaima
action, fantasy and romance
- it was also one of the very first anime I ever watched and has three seasons (though honestly i just recommend the first two). It’s a class based anime almost, where elite Nobles within high class academies perform magic and within a certain year can summon a ‘familiar’ which they can train to do whatever they want (mostly fight in this case and protect them). The main girl of this anime, called Louise (nicknamed Louise the Zero because she’s super bad at magic) summons however not a usual beast but instead a human boy Saito who she basically makes somewhat a save as she perceives him to be lesser than that of other familiars. Over time however with each others encouragements, Louise gets better at magic and Saito becomes a wonderful fighter. I think I sold this one a bit poorly because honestly I can’t remember a lot of it as it’s been like 6 years if not more since I last watched it! But I always think of this anime when I think romance! 
Clannad also is a true romance and a true heart breaker, centred on the love story of two individuals since they met in school and the problems and lovely moments they have experienced along the way. It’s incredibly bitter sweet and made me cry on multiple occasions! 
Someone recommend Fate Stay Night to be once which goes along the fantasy, romance genre and is meant to be a bit bittersweet. I think though more recently I am going on to more action packed anime shows and off of romance. So I found the first few episodes a bit more talkative thus got a bit bored. However it is one a lot of people recommend so maybe it’s just not my cup of tea but could be urs! 
CODE GEASS is my pride and joy and I cannot recommend it enough - it is action and mecha with hints of romance throughout it though its never over exaggerated! It’s my absolute all time favourite anime about a highly intelligent 17 year old boy named Lelouch who is Britannian ex-Prince who is in hiding and his sister Nunnaly (who is blind and cannot walk) and one day wants to take on the throne to stop the injustices he sees in the world. The world itself is based on a time of intense colonialism (yet is set in the future, funnily enough 2017 is the year) where Britannians rule a third of the world and Japan becomes instead a country called Area 11 under their rule and it’s people are called Elevens who are seen as lesser beings. This is just one injustice Lelouch wants to wipe away and one day when he is about to be killed by a soldier after trying to save a woman he is given a power called Geass which allows him to command an individual to do whatever he says (but he cannot use it more than once on the same person)! Using this power and by leading a rebel force which is trying to take back Japan, he uses his power and amazing intellectual gifts to take on Britannia's elite- all within his disguise of a mask and cloak in which he calls himself Zero. Throughout the time you find interlinkages of plots with both much hated and much loved characters, and find yourself questioning who the real villains and heroes are all the time! I CAN’T EVEN WITH THIS ANIME IT’S SO AMAZING AND SO FAR 50 EPISODES LONG UGH! It’s sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes mind boggling and absolutely brilliant. It takes on political notions and racism, while still balancing out with light hearted episodes which make you realise these characters are just kids at the end of the day! 
I’ll stop here not because I feel like it’s too much info now and maybe I should have just created a list and have u find what u think looks best just by name at first glance. 
Other animes are:
Howl’s Moving Castle - fantasy, romance movie (cute af)
Wolf Children - another romance and fantasy of a young lady who falls in love with a man who can turn into a wolf and they end up having two children together who can also turn into wolves. Bittersweet but it’s love story for both the couple and between that of a family, as well as a coming of age story too! 
Kaze no Stigma - this is incomplete though because the person who wrote the novels it is based on passed away before he could finish 
Cowboy Bebop - action and crime and is AMAZING AF OMG 
Kill La Kill - action but beyond weird but in a super satisfying ‘i can’t keep my eyes off of this and need to know what happens’ kind of way. The plot twist in it made me go bonkers! 
Ouran High School Host Club - a comedy and romance which is also an absolute classic for those starting anime 
Soul Eater - also super fab and another classic - action and fantasy based within a school in the United States where humans can transform into weapons and have friends who can wield them. It’s a super fun anime where you easily fall in love with all the characters. 
Yuri on Ice! - romance between two male figure skaters, with one who is world famous and a champions who becomes a coach and another who has lost his confidence after losing in a World Championship and wants to find inspiration again. 12 episodes and just another anime you call in love with every character.
Boku No Hero Academia - still ongoing within a world where like 80% of people in the world have super powers (called Quirks) and a rare 20% do not. The main character is one of these poor individuals, despite desperately wanting to become hero like his idol All Might. One fateful meeting however comes about when meeting his hero for the first time, who sees potential within him as someone with a brave and honest heart. Therefore he entrusts him with the ability of One for All, where one has incredible strength and speed which in turn allows him to go study to become a hero at the Hero Academy.  Yet there are troubles ahead, with the Villain League coming out of the realm hoping to destroy such heroes and students of the Academy being trusted to deal with the events to come. 
Your Name - a time travelling, mind swapping romance movie which is OUT OF THIS WORLD STUNNING OH MY GOSH! The animation is crisp and the plot line exceedingly good which makes you almost weep! About a girl and boy who switch bodies and go on a quest to find one another to change back. They communicate by leaving notes to one another - either on notepads or on their phones. It’s a bit complicated to explain the time travelling aspect throughout it but YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. 
OKAY NOW I’LL STOP OR I’LL COMBUST from wanting to rewatch all of these. 
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
2.13: Father, is that Michael? (Sam points vaguely in Dean’s direction)
aka: It’s not an angel but holy crap that’s uncanny... and what is “God’s Will?”
TELEVANGELIST: You don't have to suffer, you don't have to be lost. The lord is talking to you right now; he's saying, you are my child and you have a purpose! You think God forgot about you? I tell you no! All you got to do is listen! Can't you just hear those angels singing? Isn't it beautiful? It's time. It's time to receive the message he's sending. It's time to listen to the Word of God! Do you hear the glory? I said, can you hear it? I said, can you just hear the glory?
So we start out with Dean having lost his identity, and his ability to hunt effectively, because of the lie Sam told in 2.12. He’s bored and grumpy, obviously. (Magic fingers to the rescue?)
GOOD VS EVIL, and what is “good” and what is “evil.”
Sam, struggling with the fear that he himself is going to “turn evil” under the influence of the demon, is so desperate to believe in something good here. God, angels... anything that might be able to redeem him from what he fears is his destiny.
Dean, meanwhile, fights him every step of the way on the existence of angels, or even God. We learn that Sam has always prayed, while angels are one of the few creatures Dean’s always had on his “bullshit list.”
SAM: And you've got angels on the bullcrap list. DEAN: Yep. SAM: Why? DEAN: Because I've never seen one. SAM: So what? DEAN: So I believe in what I can see. SAM: Dean! You and I have seen things that most people couldn't even dream about. DEAN: Exactly. With our own eyes. That's hard proof, okay? But in all this time I have never seen anything that looks like an angel. And don't you think that if they existed that we would have crossed paths with them? Or at least know someone that crossed paths with them? No. This is a, a demon or a spirit. You know, they find people a few fries short of a happy meal, and they trick them into killing these randoms.
Belief is a powerful thing, though. These people truly BELIEVED they’d been given instructions by an angel. And Dean keeps insisting it’s not an angel, while Sam tries desperately to believe.
(and Dean’s right, it’s not an angel it’s just the spirit of a priest who’d been murdered... but Sam’s also right that there might be some greater force in the universe...)
SAM: You know, we're just happy to be here now, Father. FR. REYNOLDS: And we're happy to have you, we could use some young blood around here. 
(oh gosh it’s a bloodline going back to Cain and Abel, culminating in Sam and Dean Winchester, the youngest of that bloodline... >.>)
FR. REYNOLDS: That's right. The archangel Michael, with the flaming sword. The fighter of demons. Holy force against evil. SAM: So they're not really the Hallmark card version that everybody thinks? They're fierce, right? Vigilant? FR. REYNOLDS: Well, I like to think of them as more loving than wrathful. But, uh, yes, a lot of Scripture paints angels as God's warriors. "An angel of the Lord appeared to them, the glory of the Lord shone down upon them, and they were terrified."
(it’s like the apocalypse encapsulated into its simplest notion right here in three lines)
They learn that Father Gregory had been murdered on the church steps two months ago, and Dean immediately latches on to Gregory as a potential vengeful spirit who could be responsible for these deaths. He would have the “insider information” on the victims from hearing their confessions. But Sam is still stuck on this notion that God could be intervening, because Father Reynolds started praying for God’s help right around that same time.
He just needs so desperately to believe in something greater, to feel like he’s not fighting this battle against “the evil inside himself” all alone. *spends five minutes crying for Sam*
Because he wants so badly to believe, Sam believes he has seen an angel while they were investigating Gregory’s grave. And what the “angel” told Sam when he asked what this person he’s supposed to kill has done wrong:
SAM: Actually I did, Dean. And the angel told me. He hasn't done anything. Yet. But he will.
(sort of like Sam hasn’t done anything wrong yet, he hasn’t gone “darkside”)
SAM: Dean, the angel hasn't been wrong yet! Someone's going to do something awful, and I can stop it! DEAN: You know, you're supposed to be bad too, maybe, maybe I should just stop you right now.
(and there it is, Sam’s biggest fear. Dean’s, too.)
SAM: Yes! Maybe we're hunting an angel here, and we should stop! Maybe this is God's will! DEAN: Okay, all right. You know what? I get it. You've got faith. That's — hey, good for you. I'm sure it makes things easier. I'll tell you who else had faith like that — Mom. She used to tell me when she tucked me in that angels were watching over us. In fact, that was the last thing she ever said to me. SAM: You never told me that. DEAN: Well, what's to tell? She was wrong. There was nothing protecting her. There's no higher power, there's no God. I mean, there's just chaos, and violence, and random unpredictable evil th-that comes out of nowhere, and rips you to shreds. You want me to believe in this stuff? I'm going to need to see some hard proof. You got any? Well, I do. Proof that we're dealing with a spirit.
And there’s the rub. Mary was the one who had faith, but she died. Her faith wasn’t enough to save her from evil. Sam was willing to just let this one go, but Dean wants concrete proof. “That's one of the perks of the job, Sam: we don't have to operate on faith. We can know for sure. Don't you wanna know for sure?”
So when Sam sees the “sign,” the person he’s supposed to stop, DEAN goes after the “evil” guy while Sam goes back to the church to summon Gregory’s spirit. Because Dean’s not operating under Sam’s “compulsion.” He can follow the evil guy without being forced to kill him against his will, like Sam may have been vulnerable to doing while he believed he was acting on some sort of Divine Orders.
Poor Sam has to try and explain to Father Reynolds why he’s performing a seance in the crypt. The stage directions here explain it perfectly:
As FR. REYNOLDS pulls SAM to the exit, a familiar bright glow builds behind them. They turn, FR. REYNOLDS in awe, SAM in disappointment. FR. REYNOLDS: Oh my god! Is that ... is that an angel? SAM: No, it's not. It's just Father Gregory.
Sam’s disappointed, because Dean was right. It’s not an angel. It was the spirit of Gregory all along.
SAM: Father, I'm sorry. But you're not an angel. FR. GREGORY: Of course I am. SAM: No. You're a man. You're a spirit. And you need to rest. FR. GREGORY: I was a man. But now I'm an angel. I was on the steps of the church. And I felt that bullet pierce right through me. But there was no pain. And suddenly I could see . . .everything. Father Reynolds, I saw you, praying and crying here. I came to help you.
He truly believed he was an angel, and was acting to answer prayers. He’d created a similar sort of metaphysical mathematics that Sam had been trying to make for himself, balancing out the “evil” inside himself by saving as many people as he possibly could. (which I mentioned in my 2.11 post)
Gregory truly did believe he was helping people, and doing it on God’s orders. And heck, maybe he was.
FR. REYNOLDS: How can you call this redemption? FR. GREGORY: You can't understand it now. But the rules of man and the rules of God are two very different things. SAM: Those people. They're locked up. FR. GREGORY: No, they're happy. They've found peace, beaten their demons. And I've given them the keys to Heaven.
(this strikes me as similar to the sort of “happiness” Sam thought Dean was experiencing in 12.11. Peace IS NOT happiness. Like this post postulates, heaven is about peace, not freedom. It’s not about “happiness,” which comes from free will-- at least in Dean’s mind it does. What these people experienced was the utter LOSS of their free will. Their “burdens” were taken from them and they’re just left to exist, just like the sort of memories that are conjured in Heaven. NOT happiness, but peace, at any cost.)
FR. REYNOLDS: No. No, this is vengeance, it's wrong. Thomas, this goes against everything you believed. You're lost, misguided. FR. GREGORY: Father. No, I'm not misguided. FR. REYNOLDS: You are not an angel, Thomas. Men cannot be angels. FR. GREGORY: But . . . but I, I don't understand. You prayed for me to come. FR. REYNOLDS: I prayed for God's help. Not this. What you're doing is not God's will. "Thou shalt not kill". That's the word of God.
Yeah, God says a lot of stuff that contradicts the other stuff >.>
While all this is going on, while Sam’s faith is breaking, Dean witnesses something he has no words for. He stops the man Sam had been given the sign to kill, about to rape a woman. The ensuing car chase ends in one of the most awesome things I have ever seen on this show. I totally get why Dean thought it might be an act of God’s will...
And then in 11.20 Chuck’s autobiography included chapters that pretty much explain this situation:
Chapter Ten – Why I Never Answer Prayers, and You Should Be Glad I Don't
Chapter Eleven – The Truth About Divine Intervention and Why I Avoid It At All Costs.
In s12, there’s still this element of doing things for the “greater good.” Preemptively killing people for their hidden “evil” intentions-- even if there’s pretty good evidence that they are actually going to carry out those evil intentions-- is a level of enacting “justice” that’s treading way too close to hubris.
Gregory used humans as weapons to target other humans, predicated on the belief that they were doing God’s will-- even extending to the murder of people who hadn’t yet even committed any crime.
Well, this is exactly like the BMoL killing all the monsters, whether or not they’d committed any crime. And yet again, Sam wants so desperately to believe in the righteousness of that mission, just for very different reasons this time around. He’s long since come to terms with whatever “evil” he believed he’d been tainted with, but now it’s finally about Mary, and in a strange, twisted way, restoring her “faith” that Sam lost long ago, finding redemption, finding peace.
Even if the premise that peace rests on is a misguided delusion like Father Gregory’s was.
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"I lost the baby." - Max x Reader
Pairing- Max x Reader
Prompt- “I lost the baby.“
Warnings: Max yelling, cussing
“I lost the baby.”
“I lost the baby!”
“How can you lose a sack of flour, (Y/N)!?”
“I’m sorry, Max! One minute she was there, the next she wasn’t!”
“Why are you giving it pronouns!?”
“Don’t yell! What would Ronda think!?
“Why’d you name it Ronda Creeps in the first place!?”
The campers had been paired up to take care of a ‘baby’, a sack of flour with a face. You and Max had been paired up, and you took a liking to the sack of flour, even going as far as to name it and give it female pronouns.
Now, Max was yelling at you because you had lost the ‘baby’. It wasn’t your fault, Nerris or Nikki probably thought it was theirs and took it.
“Because! I’m the mother of this child! And guess who the fucking father is!?”
You were in Max’s face as this point, poking his chest with each word.
“Me.” He grumbled, looking away from you.
“It’s you, Max! We’re supposed to be good parents! We can’t let our child run off like this! We! Must! Find! Ronda! Creeps!” You shook the boy’s shoulders, not noticing the blush on his face.
“Fine.” He drew out the ‘i’, taking your wrist in his hand and pulling you along to look for the bag with a number ‘3’ on the side of it. The partners and bags were assigned numbers, so that people knew who’s was who’s.
“Do we really need to do this? I mean, I could get Nikki and Niel and the four of us could try to esca-”
“Fine, fine. Whatever, let’s get this over this.”
The two of you looked around for at least 30 minutes before Max gave up, throwing himself onto the ground, landing on his back. You huffed and joined him on the grass, letting your arms cross a bit across your torso.
“What are we gonna do? We failed as parents.” You say, raising your arms then letting them drop back down.
“We could steal someone else’s child.”
“Max, we’re not gonna sack-nap someone else’s kid.”
“It was a good idea.”
“Max no.”
“Max yes.”
“Max. I’m serious.”
“Okayyy. Gosh.”
A moment of silence lasted between you two before someone spoke.
“I think I love you.”
“Max. Tell me what you just said.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“I will tie you to a chair and force Kool-Aid down your throat.”
“Please no. Anything BUT the Kool-Aid!”
“Then tell me what you just said.”
“I- I think we should keep looking for Ronda.“
“Oh. Okay, yeah. We should probably get to it.” You say, knowing he’s lying, but you don’t want to push it. You get up, then go to help Max up. He swats your hand away, instead opting to push himself up.
You take a tiny step back in fear he was angry, but he noticed, and had a slightly regretful expression before it morphed back to neutral.
“Let’s go find your child, shit head.” He growled and walked off, leaving you kind of hurt before you ran to catch up. You looked again before sunlight glinted off something shiny.
You wandered towards the light, after making sure Max wasn’t paying attention. Then again, would anyone? You entered the forest, and found the source of the light, which turned out to be a small blade-like piece of metal.
You bent down to pick it up before a voice stopped you.
”(Y/N)? What are you doing?“
You quickly stood up straight and brushed yourself off, making your way to Max.
“Nothing, Max. Just thought I saw something.”
“Okay. You sure you okay?”
“Yep. I’m fine and dandy!”
That was a complete lie. You didn’t feel fine and dandy, and you could tell Max sensed it.
“Are you sure? We could stop looking if-”
“I said I was fine, Max! Let’s just…. find the fucking flour sack.”
You never cussed, at least not out where David or any other campers could hear, so your sudden outburst shocked Max a bit, and he stopped talking.
After a bit, you put your hands to your head, sighing in frustration. The sun was blaring, and you felt like dying right then and there. Apparently your body agreed with that, and your vision faded to black, leaving you to fall to the ground.
Your eyes slowly opened, blinking a few times to clear your vision. As your surroundings became clear, so did a weight on your stomach. You looked down to see a blob of black and shades of blue on your torso. Max. you thought, letting your (e/c) orbs scan the room you guessed was the ‘infirmary’, a room with a single bed.
You lightly started petting Max’s hair until you heard the door creak open and close as Nikki and Niel walked in.
“He- hey, guys.” You said softly, not wanting to wake the sleeping grump bean.
“Hey, you alright? Max said you just, passed out. For like, no reason.” Nikki said, taking a seat in the other side of the bed.
“Hm. Probably just the heat getting to me.” You say, and the two nod. You felt Max move a bit and yawn as he woke up. You saw Nikki grab something from her pocket, a camera, and snap a picture, causing you to giggle.
Max however, didn’t find it funny, and as soon as he heard the ‘click’ of the camera, he bolted upright and tried to crawl over you to delete the pitcure. This caused you to grab onto Max and pull him close you, ceasing his ability to move.
“Goddammit, woman! Let me go!” He yelled, and you just giggled, holding the squirming boy closer.
Max eventually gave in, going limp in your arms.
“If I let you go, will you promise not to go after Nikki?”
“Yes.” He grumbled.
You slowly released your grip, only to tighten it as Max tried pouncing on Nikki.
“Fine, fine. But mark my words, Nikki. I will delete that photo. Mark. My. Words.”
You sighed, knowing that was the best you would get from him. You noticed he moved so he was sitting properly on your lap, his legs pulled up to his chest as he leaned against you.
Nikki suddenly spoke up.
“Hey, Niel! Wanna go see if Nerris wants to go on a quest?”
“Why? Do we not have anything bet-”
Nikki subtly kicked Niel’s leg, causing him to get whatever hint she was trying to make him understand.
“I mean, sure! Let’s go, hunt for trolls, or some shit like that!”
With that the two left, leaving you and Max alone.
“Er- Max, listen. I’m sorry for yelling earlier. I overreacted for no reason.”
“I’m sorry for being a little shit.”
“Okay, one: you’re not a little shit. And two: even if you are, you’re not sorry for it.”
“You’re right, I’m really not sorry for it.”
You chuckled a bit and lightly shook your head.
“You know you’re gonna have to get off of me if and when David comes in.”
“No I won’t.”
“Yeah you will.”
“Not if I become a neko.”
“I wouldn’t mind you being a neko.”
“That’s because you’re a weeaboo.”
“I’m not a weeaboo, Max. I just, happen to like anime and manga.”
“Isn’t that the definition of a weeaboo?”
“No, the definition of a weeaboo is someone of non-Japanese descent who calls themself Japanese, denounces their own culture, and wants everything to do with Japan.”
“Okay, then what does that make you?”
“An otaku, my friend.”
“The hell is that?”
“Someone obsessed with anime and manga, but not the whole Japanese culture.”
“Oh. Also I found Ronda.” Max said, pointing to the bedside table.
“Yaaay! We’re the best parents ever!” You said, hugging the boy.
“God, you’re beautiful.” Max muttered just so you couldn’t make out the words.
“What’d you say? Couldn’t hear you.” You asked, and Max went red, soon burying his face into the crook of your neck.
“I- Uh- You’re- Fuck, uhm….. you’re…. you’re beautiful. Like, really beautiful. Like ‘the stars can’t possibly compare to you’ kind of beautiful- Mmph!”
Max’s rant was cut off by your lips connecting to his. His face was red when you pulled away, and you smirked.
“Thanks, shit head. So, does this mean we’re…..?”
“Depends. Are the feelings mutual?”
“Then I guess so, babe.”
“God it’s weird hearing that from you. Wait. Does this mean…. I can call you ‘my little grump bean’?”
“How about, I won’t call you that if you cuddle with me?”
“Fine. Just, don’t tell anyone about this.”
“Deal. Love you, Maxers!”
“Love you too, (Y/N).
And with that, you two cuddled for the rest of the day, with the occasional peck on the lips or “I love you.”
The End.
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