#gosh i hope my maths is right my brain is not very good today
Happy New Year! Time for a yearly fic round-up/yearly can I still do stats.
Total Stories Written: 55 (/266- 20.7%; 12 fewer than last year
Total Words Written: 160,141 (/1,076,186- 14.9%; this is more than last year, by over 40,000 words so a fair amount more than I thought)
Average words per story [mean; rounded to nearest full digit]: 2,912 (4,046- 72%; this is over a thousand words more per fic and while the total average words per fic has gone down a couple of hundred, it's not changed much)
Shortest story: Promises (72 words, 0.45% of the total words)
Longest story: The Questing Flower (74,174 words, 46% of the total words, so a bit of a range)
Most common:
Fandom: Once again The Flash (TV 2014) at 32 works (58%), which is closely followed by the Flash (Comics) at 20 works (36%) so it's all Flash stuff again
Pairing: Barry Allen/Iris West; 8 works total (14.5%)
Category: Gen; 31 works total (56%)
From the past year, what was:
Most challenging to write: Fixed Point has beeen in my drafts for literally years with different directions and me not sure which way to take it, so that at least needs a mention here
Most fun to write: The Questing Flower, I know not all of it has been just this year, but playing with making up worlds and fairy-tales and place names (there was a lot of time spent on the generic forms of place names in Ireland and the United Kingdom Wikipedia article), making fictional libraries and also skeletons, it was just great fun
Biggest disappointment: Wound Back, I deleted a lot of my ffn fics a long time ago, mostly while having panic attacks, and I do actually regret it and had intended to never delete anything on AO3, but I got so close with this one
Favourite opening lines: "Hal was sure the whole world slowed down as Barry fell.
Eobard Thawne was cackling. Lightning crashed around them, Wally at the centre of the storm, his eyes glowing blue, and he gave chase, Jay hot on his heels, Thawne fleeing the chaos left in his wake." Fallen, not what I was expecting to say but actually I do quite like how this one turned out
Favourite closing lines: '“Enough focusing on the past,” Tess said. She offered Barry her hand. “Time to look to the future.”
Barry took her hand and smiled.' Team Flash, this was just a really satisfying way to end the series
Other favourite lines: "Home," Barry said. "Your lightning feels like home." Eleventh Hour, this is actually pretty much an end line too, but I have a soft spot, it's just Barry and Iris, in every universe that's their person, whether I'm writing it romantically or platonically, and since it's from The Flash & Hawkgirl honestly sometimes I do have a vague queerplatonic lean in my head
Goals from last year:
-Carried over from 2020, pass a million words on AO3 by the end of this year, yes, I did! I have written so many words!
-Also from 2020, finish either the Questing Flower or the Wally Fic, or come up with a title for the Wally Fic at least, I still don't have a title, but The Questing Flower is complete
-Finish the Tess Lives AU, also done
-Finish The Flash & Hawkgirl, well I finished the planned fic I had (Fortune's Told), but I do enjoy writing it and there's not a huge overarcing plot or anything to finish, so I might call it in limbo of the planned bits are done but I may drop snippets in still if inspiration strikes, it's a fun 'verse
-Continue the streak of gen being my highest category, also managed that one
Goals for next year:
-Let's stick with the keeping the gen up there, gen fic is great
-While the month long events like Writer's Month and Flufftober are really fun, I'm not convinced I can manage to do all of them, so instead I might say some of the prompts for Multiamory March looked intriguing, rather than picking one and going for it, I think I might aim to just write a couple of fics for all three and then maybe do all of one depending on what prompts there are and what time I have
-I think I'd like to do another experimenting kind of fic, I don't know if it's a goal because I don't really have a set idea, but something like trying a new genre or tense or style, something like that might be fun, I've had fun before with fics like Ghosting and The Lovers and the Dreamers playing around with things, so something new to play around with could be fun at some point
0 notes
purplerose244 · 3 years
Irrational - Chapter 3: Out of this world
Third day is here, with another piece for the @spacecampweek!
This one I really liked writing, it's honestly shameless fluff and romance so I hope you like that sort of thing 😂 In these the guys are adults, Seamus got his dream job and not only that! 😉😉
EDIT: I mentioned this in the AO3 chapter, but this story was inspired by this beautiful fanart made by @pastelideas! 🥰
Enjoy!! 💙
Summary: At last, it was finally here, the moment Seamus had been waiting for. A space suit secured onto him, the vastity of the universe outside the porthole, and the love of his life by his side. At last, he was making his dream come true.
Read it on the AO3
This was the most outstanding, most unbelievable moment of his life.
Everything was perfect, exactly like he had imagined… alright, not completely, but mostly because back in high school Seamus’ biggest aspiration was making it into college and finally leave that dang house with his dang father. It hadn’t turned out the way he had expected, the nostalgia had come out of nowhere while preparing his things to move to campus, his father’s tears had been out of this world – heh, the irony of now. All things considered, it had been a while since he dreamed about this moment, between one thing and the other.
Alas, it was a beautiful as it could get. It was dark and mysterious, completely different from what he was used to on Earth, but exactly for that absolutely intriguing. It was also light, luminous, in a way it was hard to described. It was everything he could had ever hoped for. Right there, only a porthole of distance. Right there, for him.
Krel’s laugh shook him from the trance, he was holding his helmet.
“Are you okay? It looks like you are having a core-attack.” His eyes were so soft today. It was a rare sight for someone that had gone through so much, even after years. Such a beautiful sight.
“I’m fine! Just… just nervous.” More than this prince could think. Seamus took a breath, tapping onto the pockets of his suit out of stress. “This is a pretty big moment for me.” Gosh he could feel his arms shaking underneath the cloth, this was so out of the blue. He had programmed this moment for so long, of course he did, but he didn’t doubt that something could go wrong. He hoped that at least, he could enjoy some, without immediately blaming the first error on himself. It was a really bad tendency of his, that hadn’t fully left him even after finishing college.
Unnatural blue eyes came into view, along with a grin. The blonde gulped, then he smiled when the prince pressed a quick kiss on his lips, before putting his helmet.
“Come on, astronaut, you’ve been waiting for this long enough!”
“This is the first time you’re calling me astronaut for a reason.”
“You do not get to say that after getting lost into your own thoughts once again, like a human floating in zero gravity.” He walked towards the exit of the ship. Seamus felt his stomach twitching. Every moment felt like a discovery. “Ready?”
Seamus patted his pants once again.
He breathed in and out, the sound echoing into the helmet. He nodded.
The way his horizon widened towards infinity stole his breath right away. It was night. It wasn’t of course, that was all space, yet it felt like an absolute, impossibly dark night. Gorgeous stellar world, where there was no bound, the limit put by Earth itself was completely broken. His eyes were fixed over the black sea above them, he couldn’t look away. Then he caught a mountain through his eyes and followed it to the ground. It was no cheese. He knew that, he had always known. Even so, he fact that he could actually go back on Earth and state one hundred percent that it wasn’t was filling him with a strange excitement mixed with tears. It was all gray and white. It was actually here. He would have been okay at looking at this forever, just to know that he had actually made it.
He heard another giggle behind his back, a whispered “Astronaut indeed”, so he forced himself to move a step, even though he was afraid to break such magic. No gravity. He actually laughed, feeling tears coming up. Like in the books, like in the simulation he had gone through, he was moving slowly without being pushed towards the ground. It was happening. He moved a second step. The same. He decided to jump, absolutely ecstatic.
Everything was possible. The moment he was detached from the ground he truly felt like everything was possible. His stomach was almost numb he was feeling this ecstatic. Then the descent happened, and he failed to calculate the timing, slowly landing over his butt. It didn’t hurt. It felt like he was trying to reach somewhere while in water.
Oh, Krel was having a blast at this. He couldn’t hear him, but his mouth was moving, and he was holding his stomach. Any other day Seamus would have rolled his eyes, trying to call him out on something else – “What are you laughing at, it takes half the time for you to get knocked out!” –, but today wasn’t one of these days. Today his boyfriend was simply glowing, immerse into his natural element, almost one with the infinite beauty of the moon and space all around them. He had never gone back to Akiridion-5, they had never visited, it was always Aja coming for him. It was the first time seeing him like this and it was a sight.
Better not say that to him though. He was already weak for him, especially today. Seamus pointed at his ear, the prince gulped and nodded, finally activating his communicator.
The blonde grinned, despite the embarrassment.
“Having fun over there, your majesty?”
“The most I have ever had ever since I taught that one math teacher how to deal with the third dimension.” He smirked, getting closer to him. Despite the extraterrestrial appearance, he seemed to move at his same speed. “What is up with you people and your will to test me, anyway?”
“First, it’s been eight years since the Math Duel. I was a jerk, I was still under my father’s wing, and you weren’t exactly making it easier by being all snarky about your votes.” Krel huffed. Again, better not say that that day had been the dealbreaker that had made the blonde realize just how much he wanted to know him – he was trying not to choke over here. “Second, that was a university teacher, you taught a university teacher how to do their job. That’s considered a little offensive.”
“Yeah, I have noticed. Humans are sensible.” He offered him a hand, pulling him up with two. “Clumsy too, I cannot believe your first mission is retrieving a broken rover. Bunch of globers.”
Seamus snickered, eyes down, getting pulled up.
“Again, eight years. Still calling everyone humans?”
“It is more of an endearing term at this point.” Krel smirked, pulling out his serrator. It was raised, projecting a map with a special location highlighted. It was a good thing his boyfriend liked to take charge. “Come on.” No way he could ever say no.
The moon was big. Of course it was, he had exhausted all of his local library with info about it, this wasn’t nothing new to him. Expect it was. It was nothing like the tales his mom used to read him before going to bed. It wasn’t like the magazines he used to sneak in the bathroom instead of doing his father’s math homework. It wasn’t like the posters of Arcadia’s planetarium, where he had been spending most of his time as a kid, and his very first date with Krel as a guy. It wasn’t the same because this time it was real, all around him. His mind was racing, every single thought was pulsing into the middle of his brain only to leave place for another, and another, and another, making him black out for a moment. When he realized that they were still walking, as fast as they could, and he was following Krel simply by instinct, he felt everything coming back to him.
This was real. This was beautifully real.
They walked near some kind of parking lot for spaceships – he had accepted he wasn’t going to find a lifeless desert on his first mission the moment he had asked an extraterrestrial to be his boyfriend –, where Krel was lingering with the eyes a little longer than normal. Seamus managed to catch up, noticing his vague stare. The place wasn’t familiar, that insecure look of him was. He let his hand touch one of his, asking permission and getting it as they were clenched together.
“Are you okay?” The prince sighed. He knew there was no point hiding anything from him, but he seemed reluctant at getting it out. “… is this from one of your adventures?”
“It is the Hunter’s Guild lunar outpost. It used to be an extremely menacing place, but after me, Aja and Varvatos defeated the Zeron Brotherhood years ago, now only a few unthreatening subjects frequent this place. Mostly foo-foo fighters, and they are in good terms with House Taron after helping defeating Morando.” Words flew out of his mouth rapidly, like he didn’t really care about them. “… it reminds me that… I am like them. An extraterrestrial, that is.” This is what he cared about. “I belong here, I know I do, so… sometimes I can’t help but wonder if I would have made a better choice if I had gone back to Akiridion-5 with Aja.” He breathed out. He wasn’t too keen at talking out his emotions, but he always felt better afterwards. It was a him thing.
Seamus laced an arm around his shoulders, bringing him closer to him. Wearing a suit in this place was still surreal and outstanding, but he still cursed it for not being able to feel him warm against him. Being close to this person didn’t stand the confrontation with the rest of the galaxy.
“We would’ve missed you. A lot.” Krel blinked and arched an eyebrow at him. “Okay, yeah, that’s a pretty standard encouragement. I’m just saying, you went through so much and then you decided yourself what to do with your life. That’s pretty amazing.” It went unsaid that it was something the both of them hadn’t been able to have for a long time, given their fathers. “You got through high school, colleges, part-time jobs, and how about your new lab?”
He got a smile out of him. Better, better.
“Someone had to make one, to teach you humans how to actually do engineering.”
“And I know it’s gonna be good for everyone. You even got that proposal to teach at university! You’re accomplishing so much here.” He hoped he wasn’t letting himself go too much. “Aja is an amazing queen, Varvatos visits all the time, and you’re living the life you want. Isn’t this good?” He swallowed, shrugging a little. “Isn’t it good… that I am in it, too?” Again, his body was shaking. He didn’t know if it was excitement still or something else. He got Krel to laugh some more, so it had to be good.
“That was also pretty standard to say.” Maybe not. “But… also pretty good. You are good.” Maybe yes. Anything to get even a bit of his smiles, even a bit of his good moods. “I do like my life. I would not have it any other way.” If Seamus was any worried, now he was no more.
If he had any doubt, now there was no space to.
… no pun intended.
It turned out that this really was a pretty fast trip, at least judging from the map. He would have thought the location would have given him more time to enjoy the moment and the company. Again, it was to be expected something going not according to plan, it was almost a characteristic from anyone who had ever spent even a single day in Arcadia. There was no time to sulk on that, not when he was getting over rocks and dunes all over, not when the moon was there, the most vivid of his dreams and the most concrete of realities. It was getting even more vivid inside of him, to the point his mind screamed stop and his heart shouted to keep going.
“-Gaylen 1, this is Houston, come in.-”
It all came crashing down into his mind as soon as the communicator broke his thoughts. Oh no. He tried to battle the shock and went to answer. Krel was faster. Kleb.
“Drop the codename Costas, it is just us.” The prince muttered under his breath, something about why humans were so obsessed with naming and formality for something as simple as space traveling. It would have been fun in any other situation. “What is the problem?”
“-Oh! Krel!-” That man was a much more respectable person than most, but he really didn’t know how to cover himself. It made him shudder in fear. “-I, huh, I didn’t expect you’d be the one answering…-” No no, don’t make it obvious. “-… any chance I could talk alone with your boyfriend instead? It’s a pretty urgent matter that involves only, uhm, certified astronauts. I hope you understand…-” What in the world, did he learn nothing in eight years of this Akiridion?
As predicted his boyfriend frowned, clearly not liking what he had just heard. He folded the lower pair of his arms, keeping two fingers of one upper over his communicator.
“Do I understand that I am being cut off the conversation even though I was the one that built the ship in the first place? Or do I understand that you and your superiors are not out of the target, considering all the trouble you had put my family and me in the past?” There was silence on the other line. If Costas wasn’t about to ruin his perfect day Seamus would have chuckled, especially with how shamelessly this extraterrestrial was addressing the government – his boyfriend just couldn’t help getting into a fight with the system every time. “If this is about the mission, I have every right to know. Unless you are actually hiding something from me…” Abort, abort!
He could almost feel Costas’ brain struggling to find a way to come up with whatever solution to whatever problem was happening. There was some whispering in the background, a few whispered curses most likely, and Krel’s scowl wasn’t getting any less intense.
“-Uhm… the mission requires some rock samples as well.-”
Was helmet-palm a thing? Seamus felt like making it a thing. His boyfriend gaped.
“… really?”
“-Yes, yes, absolutely! We don’t have that many samples anyway, especially from this area!-” An input was sent onto the map. “-Take your time, really, enjoy the view!-”
… ah. He needed to buy some time. Great.
Seamus took a breath, feeling the echo in the helmet again, going for the communicator.
“Copy that, we’ll follow the instruction. Gaylen 1, out.” He cut the communication quickly, in order not to give Krel the possibility to pose more questions and hoping Costas wasn’t that stupid to call back to make his point even further. “Alright, it’s not far, we can make it fast!” Which was the opposite of his plan. He didn’t know how much time it was needed, but he could gain some. Picking up rocks, not the most time spending activity, but it could work.
Probably. Again, nothing was certain when you came from Arcadia.
Krel looked taken aback, it was risky giving him time to think. Luckily, his pride was already taking over his curiosity, making him pout adorably while following him. Pretending everything was fine was easier when everything felt fine with him.
“Why do I get the feeling I am solely your assistant here?”
“You said it, not me. Maybe you’re intimidated by my leadership for this mission?”
A laugh. It was a beautiful sound, on Earth as much as on the moon.
“Wow, it is your first time stumbling in space and tripping onto a no gravity surface, and you already think of yourself as the expert.” Krel grinned back, because how could he not? “You humans truly need to learn some humbleness.” Said from him, pff, what a hypocrite. And a perceptive one, he seemed to read his thoughts, giggling.
Again, the most beautiful sound.
As it turned out, there was hardly any difference from the different areas on the moon, at least for his untrained eyes. Thinking that at some point he was going to be so knowledgeable to recognize every single zone like it was his old locker from school was beyond exciting. His suit had some compartments for small rocks, it was the best he could do without having brought along actual containers – Krel was calling out the unprofessional behavior, Seamus had simply nodded along. The gathering ended pretty quickly, there was little he could think of without giving everything away, especially with his brilliant boyfriend. He almost pondered if coming clean and wait for the rest was a better idea at this point.
Then, space came to the rescue. Or rather, Earth did. The sun was coming from behind it like a sunset, radiating orange light from afar. His world looked so little, so manageable, yet so precious at the same time. Seamus was starstruck, he couldn’t move. This was going beyond what he had hoped for, this was a completely different perspective. Everything was new and exciting, everything was a new birth coming out of what he already knew.
Before he could realize it, he was sitting down, admiring the view. Before he knew, Krel was by his side, holding his arm with his head resting onto his shoulder.
It was perfect. It was unexpected, and so very perfect. Seamus smiled.
“Hey.” The prince hummed next to him. “How about we forget the assistant part, and you get to be my date? This could be a date too.” Having a date on the moon with an alien, what a concept – his six years old self would have gone mad with happiness.
Krel snickered, snuggling closer.
“I guess it is better than nothing. I reclaim the duty of being the expert though.” He could let him have this one. Just this once. “… you know, I have seen something like this before.” His voice dropped a little, more vulnerable and intimate. “It was on the way to get to the Hunter’s Guild. The travel was uneventful, and so very long. Thank Seklos we did not use Stuart’s ship for this mission.” So this was why Krel had declined for him when the durian had proposed it – he had thought he was simply afraid of the stench on the ship… well, they were not mutually exclusive. “I have never spent so much time waiting before, it was exhausting, boring and unnerving. Then, the sunset had come out.” He smiled, eyes lightening up. “It was one of the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It made me forget how wrong everything was in my life, even for just a moment.” Their fingers intertwined.
Again, Seamus cursed his suit. He wanted to be much closer to him, he always did.
“Space is pretty great, huh?”
“It was not space. I have been travelling through planets before that time, it is not that big of a deal for me anymore.” Krel pointed at that planet, theirplanet, that was slowly revealing its shining star. “It was Earth. Raw, dirty, unexpected, unbelievable Earth. It was the moment I had first thought that despite being a dumb heap, there was just something about it.” He laughed a little, sighing happily. “I believe it was the time I had first fell in love with this planet.”
His voice. His words. His posture. His eyes. Everything, everything about Krel right now was unparalleled, vivid. Him, so absolutely, outstandingly him.
Seamus had to swallow, to not let his voice crack.
“I came second then? Too late, that’s kind of a bummer.”
“You soolian.” He took his hand, pressing it against his glowing cheek. Again the dang suit. The intention alone though, it was enough to make Seamus feel warm. “One of the main reasons why I love Earth, is because it’s the reason why I met you. You were just in time.”
This was right. This was absolutely right.
At the end it was less a matter of letting as much time pass as possible and more the fact that neither of them wanted to move away, not even after the sunset had occurred. At some point the goal area was highlighted over the map again, making them remember that they were currently in space for a certain mission right now. The walk was mostly silent, Krel was really focused whenever he wanted to finish something important. Even so, Seamus couldn’t even think about the quietness, not with all the thoughts going around in his head. They were getting there, it was happening.
His breath almost stopped when Krel did, deactivating the map and looking around. He was frowning, turning over and over to have a clear view of his surroundings.
“What… where is the rover? I do not see it?”
Seamus swallowed. Nothing was around. Come on Costas, did he really need more time??
“Huh, are you sure? Maybe it’s behind some rock?”
“It’s a rover, it is not little! And we are in the middle of a monochromatic land, I believe I would notice something this distinct.” The prince walked around, two hands over his waist. “Did Costas give us the right coordinates? If he dares make such a mistake after pushing me aside during the mission I… huh?” A good sound. A very good sound. Soon the very distinct noise of wheels manifested, and a very little device arrived. It was done. “… this is no rover, and in no way broken.” Krel leaned down to have a look. Seamus did the same, but not to check. “Wait a sekton, this is not even terrestrial! What is going on?” When he touched the top of the device, something opened revealing the inside. A little box. “What? Seamus, what is…?”
Krel turned. He had to look down to find him, because while distracted the blonde had found the time to get on his knee, even without gravity. The way his face changed, from confused, to shocked, to understanding and then absolutely amazed, his hand covering his mouth, found his way into his heart for a memory that was going to last forever.
Like now, right now. This was the right moment after all. Seamus smiled.
“Sorry I tricked you, although it wasn’t completely a lie. My first mission is actually only exploratory, and I’m still having an absolute blast.” He really wished he didn’t have the helmet on right now, just to take in all of the view. Of this place. Of him. “When I was little, going to space was the biggest dream of my life, the reason why I put up with so much. Then, in high school, you came along, and turned into just another dream of mine. I couldn’t help myself wanting to turn the both of them true, in the same place, you know I’m an overachiever.” The prince wasn’t moving, his eyes were getting lucid and if it wasn’t the most amazing view in the entire universe. Seamus took a breather, stood up, and went over the little machine.
The Akiridion engineers had done a pretty good job, the device was clean and had conserved the box perfectly. Aja had gone crazy after he had told him what he wanted to do – her hugs were closer to chockers at this point. He got the box, turned around, to find his boyfriend in the same position, shaking completely.
“S-Seamus…” The blonde smiled, kneeling again. He opened the box. It was a simple ring, silver like the color of his perfectly polished inventions, an azure gem as the color of his eyes.
Sharp, to the point, like him. Beautifully him.
“I love you, so much. You made me stand up against my dad, you made me go beyond how my mom left, you always encouraged me to do what I wanted to do. You were there through everything, my best and my worst, and you’re still here now that I’m at this point. You made me a better person.” He took a deep breath, looking down just for a moment, to hold onto this second a little longer. “You are the smartest person I know, and at the same time the most caring of all. I wanna take care of you the way you always did with me, officially.” He swallowed, and finally looked up, struck by the beauty in front of him. “Krel Tarron, will you marry me?”
Words came out. At last, it was real.
Krel was completely unmoving, stuck in his position. It was a long, terrifying minute, one that still didn’t make Seamus doubt, not this time, not when he could feel the two of them this connected. Right after tears were born onto the prince’s eyes, not flowing down because of the lack of gravity, stuck onto his cheeks and floating into space. Creating stars of his own.
“Y-you gloober… y-you absolute soolian of a human…” He rubbed his eyes, almost angrily, but his grin was so wide it came out from behind his hands. “H-how am I supposed to kiss you now when you cannot take off your suit??”
Seamus laughed, standing up, feeling his own eyes pinching as well.
“Is it a yes?” Krel looked at him, his lips trembling. Then he reached out for him, fighting the gravity in order to launch himself between his arms.
“It’s a yes.”
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multmilk · 4 years
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summary: just tae as a college student and plant mom on the side. also slow burn & sexy times :)
genre: smut & fluff !!
warnings: um dirty talk? bit of curse words? smut lol 
au/prompt: college!au, bestfriendtolovers!au
word count: 2818
not proofread, sorry!! wrote this in one seating hehehehe 
 i think Taehyung would be the kind of guy who’d wanna purse arts and/or fashion but he’d go for something a little more prAcTIcaL
introducing, Kim Taehyung of Daegu, 24, major in business
 he’d want his own business someday, just not quite sure what it’d be
 anyways, even being a sophomore at college, he’d have girls and boys feigning over him because he’s just famous for a lot things
 one of which is his looks
 another being the cute barista at your local café
and the one who sings at bars every weekend
he’s just very popular and everyone adored him
but he isn’t the f boy type of popular, though many people did want to sleep with him, he just politely declines them
not saying he doesn’t get action though noPE he’d have sex occasionally when his schedule allows him to
fast forward to monday, a day where college students doze off and attend class 6 hours late 
Taehyung was always punctual and early but today’s an exception
he fell asleep doing equations and maths on his table and well his classes start at 9 am but he woke up around noon
 Taehyung doesn’t even bother to change clothes nor brush his teeth, he just zoops out of his apartment and rushes toward campus
 he’s still sleep deprived from all the work load and late night shifts but his adrenaline’s too much that he reaches the campus in 10 minutes when it usually takes him a good 20 minutes
he just keeps on running and just as he was about to approach the door to 34A (where mr. jung teaches philosophy,, his minor) the door completely smacks him in the face
 he clutches his nose that was hit and was about to curse the person who accidentally hit him but when he sees who hit him
 his brain just goes @/$;2($:&sk;L3
hair blowing in the wind, light focusing on her figure, flowy dress lightly being blown by the wind and worry etched into her features
 “oh my gosh, i’m so so sorry !!” even her voice sounds like an angel
Taehyung says “it’s fine” then acts all cool and stuff and she smiles at him
AND WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO ASK FOR HER NAME SHE JUST WOOSHES AND he’s left there looking at her disappearing figure
aaaand that’s where you come in thought that the angel-like girl was you? haH
you see taehyung still clutching his nose and staring off to space so you smack his back and he yelps in pain
“TAEHYUNG !!!” you mimick but then you quickly apologize seeing that he was in a bad mood
you fix his hair and ask what happened
you two walk to the cafeteria as he tells you everything that happened
including the oh-so-beautiful girl that accidentally hit his face
“i wanna date her. she’s made my heart race so much. that’s very rare,”
you look at him like ????? like bro you’ve just met her and you’re IN L OV E
 what about me? you think. i’ve been with you all these years and you never even consider looking at me like that.
but you don’t say that. of course you don’t. that’s just too selfish.
so you hype him up and tell him you’d ask around for the girl’s name and Taehyung hopefully finds her to get her number
fast forward and you and Taehyung goes home. you two have no work today, just some lectures to catch up to
you set up the microwave to heat the fried chicken you bought home and Taehyung attend to his plants 
yes he is a plant mom™️ like he sings and hums classical tunes while he waters the plants and letting out little praises and encouragements 
he’s just overall a proud mom of his plants tbh
anyways you and Taehyung work on your school stuff until you felt your body growing tired and found yourself laying down on his lap
the view like this is ✨majestic✨his hair was loose and he had a headband to keep the bangs off of his face
his jaw was locked in concentration as he tries to make the numbers MAKE SENSE
 not to mention how your face is just millimeters away from his crotch akskakd
but you’re wholesome so you ignore the pool of arousal that’s in between your legs
“let’s go to sleep Taeee,” you whine but he pays you no mind
so you opt for straddling his lap so that he’d pay attention to you and it worked
“leave me alone please? you could sleep and i’ll wake you up later,” then he smiles at you
gaaaah his smile just aldksofkeoyn he’s soooo friggin’ warm and cuddly and when he smiles he just takes your heart then and there
but you stay perched on his lap and opt to nuzzle your head on the crook of his neck and mumble about sleeping there
he just chuckles and shifts a little bit to feel more comfortable
that night, Taehyung holds you dearly while he finishes his work. if you were awake, you’d probably see the slightest hint of adoration in his eyes whenever he’d stop working and look at you.
of course he loved you, way more than platonic. about half the population falls in love with their best friend anyways right?
but he wasn’t going to confess. he knew you deserve someone better
see, Taehyung, he sees himself as this messy and too emotionally damaged to even fucking function. much less start a relationship with you.
sure you were damaged like him, maybe even more, but he just can’t risk of hurting you and breaking you into pieces. you’ve already lost so much, he doesn’t want to add to that. so he opts for kissing you on the lips, just lightly. light enough so that it doesn’t stir you awake or anything of the like. he lays you down in his bed and bids you goodnight.
you and him started being friends back in the first year of college, you were both 4th year college students now. anyways, you used to visit the coffee shop he works at almost everyday. he’s seen you stress over your finals, seen you hang out with your friends there, also seen you cry when you boyfriend left you. 
you’ve always ordered something simple, choosing a black coffee instead of something creamy and milky.
until one day you decide to say, “surprise me,” to Taehyung and he just stares at you confused. then you tell him to give you something different, something he’d recommend to you.
alas Taehyung’s mocha latte was born !1!1!
 it was something simple and common as well but it held special meaning to him.
And so you started ordering his mocha latte while you stayed and studied at the coffee shop, eventually forming a friendship with Taehyung.
Anyway back to the present times
come Friday night and you were surprised to find out that Taehyung was going out on a date.
with Seo Soojin
the girl who hit him accidentally on the face
you were surprised with a lot things. first, knowing Taehyung was going out on a date. he wasn’t the type to date and settle down. I mean, of course he’d eventually settle down with a girl but not now. not while he’s in college.
Second, Soojin was actually pretty. In a goddess level, she might just be your girl crush lololol
And lastly, you thought that you had a chance with your gorgeous best friend. You knew he pecked you on the lips while he thought you were sleeping. You were sleeping at one point but you woke up when he lifted you up to place you on the bed. It took all of your willpower to not kiss him back but you were afraid of ruining things, despite the obvious actions he’s made.
But after days of convincing from your other friends, you decided to ask him out.
Yes, girls ask boys out now. it’s the twenty-fucking-first century after all
NOOO fate had to watch your best friend dress up in a nice tux and slick his hair back as he waited for Soojin to text him her address. You had to act all supportive while deep down you knew that him going out with Soojin was hurting you a lot more than you liked.
Now Taehyung,,,,,, he was more than surprised to feel his heart flutter at the appearance of Soojin. She really is pretty but he couldn’t help but think that you would look a lot better.
Their date surprisingly went well but he hoped that he just spent the night with you instead.
He came home to you watering his plants for him and he felt his heart flutter at the sight.
There you were, wearing his grey hoodie and god knows what else underneath
You had your earphones on while you tended to his cacti and various other plants 
If he were a murderer you’d be dead, no doubt bout that
So, he hugs you from behind and rest his chin on your shoulder
You ask him about his date, ignoring the pang in your heart when he talks about how good it was
Instead of breaking your heart over the details in their date, you focus on his warm voice that almost made you sleepy tbh
Taehyung didn’t know why he narrated their date with so much enthusiasm. Maybe he wanted to get out a reaction out of you
But you stayed calm and interested with what he was saying, not showing any signs of jealousy or hurt
He goes to take a shower and he was expecting to have a movie night with you but surprised to see that you’ve gone to bed and so he does to 
You two don’t sleep well that night
SATURDAAAAAAY and Saturdays mean parties
Meaning, Taehyung and you getting shit faced and the two of you could barely make it back to your apartment alive
But it was no doubt your favorite part of the week
You got dressed up wearing something seductive yet still conservative on the side paired with the comfiest pair of heels you have
When Taehyung saw you all dolled up, he was like :000 DAYUMMMM
But he felt a little overprotective when he thinks about the people who’ll look at your body and all that so he gives you his jacket
Though you tell him it’s too hot and that you could handle yourself if ever something happens
You’re already in the party and Taehyung swears to himself that he’ll keep an eye on you and that if something bad ever happens to you he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself 
He sees you out of your comfort zone, dancing around people and gathering attention from lots of people
You’re happy with the attention so you keep on partying
Taehyung was about to go to the bathroom, thinking that you’d be fine since you were just dancing, but then he sees a man talk to you
The man was fucking tall, very smug, very untrustworthy
His lips were too close on your ear and you seem very very uncomfortable
So Taehyung rushes to your side, grips your waist and says,
But the guy had the aUDACITY to ignore Taehyung and continues “so, will you spend the night with me sweetcheeks?”
You had to grip his arm and ask him to stop and not make a scene with the smallest voice you have
And just as you two were about to leave, the guy shouts “lucky you, you’ve got a fine piece of ass right there,” and that’s all it takes for Taehyung to throw his fist at the guy
Everyone stopped dancing and focused on the scene unravelling in front of them
Pulling Taehyung back you tell him “that’s enough,” and drag him out of the house
The whole walk home was quiet and the tension was thick
“It’s because of that damn outfit,” he says once you’ve entered your shared apartment
You scoff and bend down to take you heels off and say “It’s not my fault men can’t control their dicks,”
Taehyung looks at you with this animalistic glint in his eye and stalks toward you
“You should’ve been more careful, babygirl,”
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His lips attack your neck
You couldn’t move because you were shocked and aroused all at the same time
He sucks at the sweet spot on your neck and it just turned you into a moaning mess
You tug his hair, moan his name 
“Jump,” he commands and so you do
He kisses your lip and you kiss him back with more force
Tongues fighting for dominance, teeth clashing, little spills of moans and grunts here and there
“When I saw you in that article you call clothes,” he chuckles “all I could think about was ripping it off of you right there and then,” he kisses your collarbones
“It isn’t the first time too. All the nights you spend snuggled up to me wearing my shirt with no bra on and I could feel your breasts pushed up against me,” he unzips your clothing and lets it fall to floor
·“God fucking dammit Taehyung. Fuck me already,” you say and he looks up at you
A smirk on his lips and eyebrows raised in challenge
He grips your hip and you wrap your legs around him as he carries you to your bedroom
You were slightly expecting him to be just a tad bit gentle but clearly he was in a bad mood so he throws you into the bed and removes both of your clothes quickly
 “Suck,” he tells you and moans when your lips wrap around his digit
He brings his fingers to pump his cock a bit and pushes into your cunt without warning 
The force got you screeching and clawing at his back
“Fuck, harder,” you mewl and he obliges
He fucks you at an animalistic speed and his eyes bore into yours as he thrusts deeper into you 
It doesn’t take long for you to reach your climax and Taehyung’s thumb rubs your clit until you were coming
And he’s coming to and as much as you want him to finish inside of you, you knew that that wasn’t safe so he pulls out and cums on your tummy
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He helps you scoot over and lays beside you
“I’m in love with you and this is probably the worst timing ever but I just want to say that I loved you for a long time and even if you don’t like me back, I’ll keep on loving you and-“ he rambles
But you cut him off with a sweet and slow kiss
“I’m in love with you too, Tae. Have been for a long time,” and you look at him 
The moonlight from the window doing wonders to his face
His lips turn into a small smile and kisses you again
And again
And again
“Do you know why I made you a mocha latte on that day?” he quietly speaks as he tangles your bodies together
“Ooooh that’s a question I’ve been dying to ask for a long time. Tell me. tell me,” you pipe
He breathes before saying, “you know how you alternate ordering an americano on bad and normal days and plain milk on warm and good days?” You nod 
“Well, a mocha latte is a combination of both with just with added chocolate flavouring and sugar,”
“That’s how you made me feel,” he says and you look at him with question marks in your eyes
He laughs, “Before you, my life was just plain and dull. Kind of like an americano,”
“But then you started visiting the café shop more and everyday it brought me a whole new feeling,”
“Every time you’re sitting at alone, whether it be studying or just reading, it made me feel a lot of things. happiness, curiousity, the whole butterflies in my stomach thing,”
“So think of the sugar and chocolate to be my growing feelings for you and yeah,” he laughs again and this time you laugh with him 
“I love you, even though you’re so damn cheesy!”
“I love you too, Y/N. I love you,” and you both smile and hold each other
“I think I’m going to have a coffee shop as my business once I graduate,” he says and you nod
And you two live life happy and healthy 😊) (safe to say the universe’s on your side now)
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polar-stars · 4 years
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Greetings @wishingforatypewriter ! If I’m not mistaken...today’s your birthday right? At least you told the Birthday Bot in the SoRina discord server that it’s the 15th of February and today is the 15th of February! 
So, I drew you a little something for this occasion 🎉 You’re without a doubt one of my favorite writers within the SNS-community and I really enjoy your work and also connect some really fond & strong memories to a few particular ones. (Remember “Cherry Red and Green with Envy”? Yeah, I read that in a lovely summer night in Italy, on a balcony. And gosh, the sheer joy I felt that day. I send the thing to my best friend instantly and kept gushing about the work through multiple audios shdfhf And well, that’s just one examplel) Generally speaking, it’s always interesting to hear your headcanons or learn more about your characters!
By all means, if you ever publish that novel you occasionally mentioned...Please tell us the title of it. I will order it all the way from the US, shipping costs be damned!
Furthermore, I’m not the only one who drew you something. @takoyakitenchou also has a treat ready for you! She also brought up the idea to collaborate on a small fic as well & what it would be about. I’m going to post the first part of it right here and she will be posting the 2nd part a little later. 
All in all, I hope you’re going to have a really good day ahead of you ☺️ And now, after all of my rambling (I just had to get some stuff out shdh), here’s Pt. 1 of the tenchou & Lea adventures, a little fictional verse where there’s no pandemic and only good vibes:
誕生日おめでとう (part 1) 
in which tenchou has no regard for time zones but birthdays must still be celebrated
8:00 PM EST, February 13th (2 AM CET, February 14th) If the takoyaki store manager had had enough brain cells to promote Germany to the forefront of her nonexistent timezone awareness, she most likely would not have called Lea at two in the morning central European time. Lea picked up with a weary “Hallo?” and was all the more confused as she got an English reply back. She reached out a hand to the nightstand and the lamp that could be activated with just a touch, hoping that the light would bring more clarity to her tired mind. But instead, she just blinded herself. Completely oblivious to Lea’s predicament, the tenchou said cheerfully, “I got you a plane ticket.”
“Sorry?” “A plane ticket,” she repeated as if she were talking about the weather. “From Brandenburg Airport to JFK. It leaves in two hours. Unless I did the math wrong, you’ll be in New York by nine in the morning eastern on… the 14th. I hope.”  “Was zum Teufel?” Lea choked out. The tenchou paused for a split second. “Is this not a good time for you? I can call you back.” “Reina, it is two in the morning over here.” “I think you’ll live,” she replied, and Lea could clearly visualize the offhand wave on the other end of the line. “Three coffees should do the trick. You might wanna start packing, though.” Lea sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. It seemed she wasn’t getting out of this anytime soon. “You know how deranged you sound right now?” “I know, it’s crazy! I live in California but we’re meeting in New York.” Lea briefly debated telling the tenchou that her present location was not, in fact, the point, but she did not currently have the mental capacity to do so. She settled with a long sigh. “What’s this for?” A moment and a half later, the tenchou said, “You know whose birthday is coming up on the 15th?” “Yeah, of course.” “Do I need to explain further?” “Ohhh,” Lea said, finally understanding. “See you soon.” Reina grinned. “I sent the plane and hotel info via Discord. Have a safe flight.” Then she hung up. It was going to be an interesting weekend.
9:30 AM EST, February 14th By the time Lea arrived at JFK’s international terminal, Reina was waiting with a triumphant, very poorly spaced welcome to fuckin ny scrawled on a massive sign. It was pretty obvious that the tenchou was still slightly out of it from jello shots with her Juilliard homies the night prior, but there was business to be tended to. “What are we doing?” Lea asked as the tenchou took her carry-on. “I was thinking we’d collaborate on a gift.” “Art? Or… a fic?” “Either. Both. What if I started a takoyaki store in NYC and gave her exclusive access?” “That seems nice,” Lea said agreeably, noting not for the first time that the store manager was probably missing a few brain cells. “But maybe not a good idea.” “Oh, you’re right. I’d have to get a building and everything.” Reina gave a lopsided smile. “Maybe we’ll do that next year. So… art and a fic it is, then.”
10:00 AM EST, February 14th “You need a coffee,” Lea decided once they were sitting at a local cafe. “Let me buy,” Reina said quickly. “It’s the least I can do after dragging you here from Germany. What do you want?” Fair enough. Lea nodded as a sign of gratitude and replied, “Latte macchiato, please.” Five minutes later, Reina brought eleven coffees to the table. Lea gawked at the tenchou. “Are you…” she trailed off. “Insane? No. Caffeine dependent? Very.” She passed Lea the latte and organized the ten iced coffees in two neat rows in front of them. “I’ve been trying to lower my consumption this week. Normally I’d get a dozen double espressos, so this is actually pretty major progress for me.” “Subtracting two cups doesn’t seem like progress,” Lea said dryly. “These are all americanos,” Reina explained defensively, like that solved everything. Lea gave a doubtful eyebrow raise. “Oh? How many espresso shots in each?” Resenting the fact that she’d hit home so accurately, Reina muttered, “Three.” Lea decided not to press the matter further — the tenchou was pissy enough as is — and instead watched with mild concern as the tenchou proceeded to chug the first five coffees without so much as a breath in between. “Now that I’m partially functional, you wanna get started?” Reina asked. “You and I can both do an art piece and we’ll collaborate on a fic together.” “Hmhm.” Lea reflected on the offer in her head. For a short moment she considered asking if she could take just about 10 writing courses beforehand, half-joking and half-serious. But she decided against it. With a brief look at the clock and the knowledge that it once took her an entire year to update a two-part fanfiction, she knew that if they needed it done by tomorrow they’d have to get started soon. “Interesting idea,” she therefore said. “But what would the fic be about? I have the writing pace of a turtle, so it might be better if we come up with something real quick.” Reina finished her sixth cup of coffee before raising an eyebrow at Lea. “By the way, when are you gonna update—” “Not even God knows when I will update anything,” Lea sighed. “But I’ll give Tuesday or Wednesday a try. Right now, I have to focus on the collab instead. So, do you have any ideas already?” “So… Tuesday as in this coming Tuesday? Or next year Tuesday?” Lea politely declined to comment. “I wrote part of the fic while I was in line for the coffees,” Reina said, pulling out her laptop. “Want me to share a Google Doc or—” “Google Doc,” Lea cut in. She had heard many times of the tenchou’s wackass habit of writing all her fics in direct messages with fellow writers and then copy pasting them onto whatever platform was most accessible at the time. “Discord is more convenient,” Reina deadpanned, her mouth on the rim of her seventh americano. “But alright. Google Docs it is.”
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danyka-fendyr · 5 years
Absence of Good - 4
Chapter Four: Clowning Around
Okay, so, I know I said I probably wasn’t going to get this written this week but...surprise! I tried out this tip where you write it in comic sans and it’s supposed to make you more creative and uh...it did. It definitely works guys. Like maybe it’s just the placebo effect but this was a BREEZE to write. And for all of my stats people out there, yes, I am aware that z-scores aren’t actually done like this, but it’s a JOKE, okay, a JOKE. Anyway, I hope you guys also think this is good.
Taglist: @dreamwritesimagines @rhabakoli
AoG Taglist: @pancakefancake @prettyboyspenerrr
Wordcount: 2655
Warnings: Mentions of death and murder. Clowns.
“When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.”
-Jess C. Scott
“This one…isn’t real, right?”
You leaned over on your seat in the jet to whisper in Spencer’s ear. You just couldn’t believe this kind of thing could possibly happen. You had to be investigating some kind of prank show crap or something. Perhaps Netflix’s newest horror movie. Maybe Sara J. Maas wrote a new novel series that some LARPers got a little carried away with.
“Hotch never jokes,” Spencer whispered.
“Well yeah. I got that on day one. But maybe he’s like…wrong?”
“File it under Also Doesn’t Happen. The statistical probability of Hotch being wrong is so low that if you compared him to anyone else in his position the z-score you found wouldn’t even be statistically significant,” Spencer explained.
“I don’t remember what the words you just said mean but yes.”
“Well, a z-score is-“
“No no, don’t tell me. A little bit of mystery keeps things sexy.”
“You just don’t want to know because it’s math, huh?”
“Gosh, you know me so well.” You grinned at him.
“Yo, what are you two flirting about over there?” Derek’s smile was best described as a cocky, meddling grin typically worn by people who were sons of-
“Maybe it’s work. Maybe it’s Maybelline.” Spencer shrugged, and everyone on the plane stared at him.
“Spence…Y/N says that. Oh my gosh, they’re even starting to talk like each other,” JJ said, her face the same as Derek’s.
They were terrible people. Terrible, terrible people.
“You know, JJ makes a good point. You guys spend a lot of time together. What would you even do if we separated you?” Emily mused.
You stared at her, hating the idea already. Spencer was what you knew. He was who you worked best with. You were partners in…not crime. Even just the thought of getting up off the jet coach and sitting away from him was unpleasant. You two always sat on the couch, right next to each other. It was important. For brain storming sessions. Important for brainstorming sessions and your work, which you took very seriously.
“We work well together,” You defended your relationship.
“Well yeah, of course, but maybe you would work well with someone else. You haven’t really given it a chance though, have you?” Emily pointed out.
“Yeah. Lover boy over here is being selfish, won’t let you go for 5 minutes. The rest of us want a turn, you know,” Derek said.
“Well you can’t have one. Spencer is my partner. We’re maximizing efficiency, right Spence?”
You looked up at Spencer and he nodded, a serious frown on his face. It appeared that he also did not like the idea of you being ripped away from him, however adamant the team was that they get their turn. Children. Absolute children.
“But if we really wanted to maximize efficiency we would have to test the hypothesis that you and Spencer are the two members of the team who work best together,” JJ said, starting to get in on the fun now. “You know…Hotch, you haven’t given us our assignments yet and we land pretty soon…”
Hotch looked up, appearing completely unaffected by this conversation.
“Rossi and Prentiss, you two will be heading to the morgue. Derek and Reid, I want you exploring the latest crime scene. Y/L/N and JJ, I’d like you two to interview our witnesses.”
And just like that, all your dreams of a sweet, happy work day with Spencer were crushed. Not that your work days usually turned out sweet and happy, but Spence always made a bad situation better. Sometimes when you were having an off day you wanted to call him just to hear the sound of his voice giving you facts about Daniel Powter or something.
You sighed, slumping back into your seat and doing something that an uneducated outsider might call pouting. You, however, knew better. You did not pout. You only displayed disappointment on occasion.
“Witness interrogation?” You mumbled to Spencer. “How on earth am I supposed to interview some poor sap about a clown murderer?”
 “Okay, so it looks like our witness here is…let me see…Mandie Dawkins. 16, apparently saw the whole thing while sneaking out to meet her boyfriend, fled the scene then called 911.”
“They did do a tox screen on her, right? Like…I’m just making sure here.”
JJ’s face betrayed her own disbelief as she sucked in air between her teeth. “Yep. As hard as it is to believe, well…kids see the darndest things.”
You two entered the interrogation room to see a girl who was, frankly, terrified looking. You couldn’t blame her though. After all, she had witnessed a man dressed as a clown use a chainsaw to murder a guy. That left a mark that probably wouldn’t come out without a few good years of therapy. You definitely sensed a clown phobia developing here.
“Hi, Mandie. My name is Jennifer and this is my partner, Y/N. We’re just hear to ask you some questions about what you saw the other night.”
JJ spoke gently, and you were impressed by how soft her tone was. You had seen this side of her before, but only briefly. When she brought her kids into the office she was a completely different person.
“Hi,” Mandie said, sniffling slightly.
“Mandie, we know you already told the officers, but could you maybe just tell us again what exactly happened that night?” You asked, following Jennifer’s lead in speaking softly and slowly.
Mandie teared up as she recounted the events. “I…I thought it was just a joke, you know? Like, the whole clown apocalypse thing on the internet or whatever they’re calling it. Just like, a Halloween thing, you know? I didn’t think anyone was actually going out there and hurting people, or, or, or killing them.”
“It’s alright, Mandie. We’re going to catch whoever did this, okay? We’re going to need your help to do that though. I’d like to try something, if you’re alright with it. Can you close your eyes for me, Mandie?” Jennifer asked.
You watched closely. You knew what she was doing. A cognitive interview. You had never done one yourself, but you had been taught how to. They weren’t Spencer’s forte however, so you usually weren’t assigned to situations where that might be necessary.
“Alright, now I want you to imagine that you’re back there, walking to your boyfriend’s. I want you to tell me what you see. What’s the weather like?”
“It’s…it’s cold,” Mandie said. “And a little bit windy, too. There are goosebumps on my arms. I brought a jacket but it’s not heavy enough.”
“Alright. What else? Do you smell anything?”
Mandie thought for a moment. “No, not really. Just the rain from earlier and I guess gasoline.”
“Yeah. Or like, propane maybe. Some kind of fuel.”
“Alright, you’re doing great,” Jennifer said. “Now as you get closer to your boyfriend’s house, what do you see?”
“I’m almost there when I see him. This guy, dressed as a clown. You know, the whole bit too. The really big shoes, a red wig, even the nose. And he’s got this chainsaw, but not like, an old-fashioned one. It’s electric, and it’s really loud. I don’t know how I didn’t hear it before. Probably the wind. Anyway, he’s lifting it up, and it looks like it’s really heavy-“
“Hold on,” JJ instructed. “Let’s stop there for a minute. You said it looked heavy. What made you think that?”
“Well the way he’s lifting it. It’s like it’s really hard for him.”
“Okay. What next, Mandie?”
“Well there’s this guy, right? And he’s just walking down the street, and I think he’s a jogger or something because he’s got sports clothes on. So this clown comes right up behind him and he must have just turned the chainsaw on recently because the guy doesn’t hear him and turn around and he just starts…hacking into him.” Mandie is struggling to speak through her tears. “There’s so much blood. Just like…everywhere, there’s so much blood and screaming and I-“
“Okay Mandie. It’s okay. You’re safe now. You’re here, with us. Try to focus in on what’s happening. Does anything stand out to you?”
“I can see his mouth moving. I can’t tell what he’s saying, but he’s talking to the guy. Or maybe to nobody. I can’t really tell, but he’s definitely saying something.”
“Okay Mandie. Thank you so much for all of your help. You did great today, and you helped us out a lot. Why don’t you go get yourself something to drink, okay?”
You leaned forward in your chair, looking at Jennifer. “Wow. You’re really good at that.”
“I used to be press liaison for the BAU, so I dealt with a lot of families. I was doing stuff like this before I was ever profiling.”
You nodded. JJ’s history with the BAU had come up a few times before, but you had never realized how deeply it would impact her current work.
“Okay, so this guy can’t be that physically fit, right? If he’s having enough trouble lifting a chainsaw that Mandie can see it from how far away she was, then he must have really been struggling. Maybe he’s sick?” You suggested.
“It’s a possibility. Frankly, I’m more interested in the talking. Even though we don’t know what he’s saying, it gives us more insight into him as a killer. We know he’s killed before, because he’s too unmistakable not to be a serial killer. It could be that whatever he says to them is his version of a signature. Maybe he has to do it to get the right satisfaction from the kills,” JJ theorized.
“Yeah. I just feel like the more we find out the less we really know.” You frowned.
“Welcome to working with people who aren’t super geniuses.” JJ laughed.
“So far it’s been a little rough,” You joked.
JJ became more serious. “Do you miss him?”
You didn’t even have to think about it. The answer was instantaneous, screaming itself in your brain, aching somewhere in your chest. You liked the familiar rhythm you had with Spencer, and even though there was a lot you could learn from JJ, the steady work you were able to do with Spencer was what you preferred. Just you and him, thinking things through, applying logic until things made sense the way you needed them to. Still, you left a pause before you answered her.
“Yeah. I mean, he’s my partner, you know? Working with you is great, but it’s just not the same without him. He gets me.”
“Yeah. It’s always nice having someone who can understand you. But the challenge is important to, you know.”
“Oh, believe me, I know. Spencer never fails to challenge me. The mere existence of his IQ is a challenge.” You laughed.
“I can understand that. When Will and I met he was such an intimidatingly good detective that I felt challenged. Not afraid to break the rules either, and I was such a good girl back then…I never rocked the boat, if you can believe it.”
You couldn’t. JJ stood up for herself so much now that you couldn’t imagine a meek, shy version of her.
“But Will and I, we get each other. In a way other people wouldn’t be able to. When I finish a bad case, he just knows. I never have to say a word when I get home. He can always tell.”
You nodded. “Yeah. Spence has a weird gift for that too. You know as well as I do that every case affects all of us differently, but he can always tell the ones that hit me the hardest. I always think I’m doing a really good job of hiding it, then come to find out he knew I was struggling the whole time and he has biscotti and coffee.”
“I thought you were a tea drinker?”
“I am. Coffee is for when I’m sad or celebrating. Coffee is for closers.”
“Case closers,” JJ joked.
“Yep. Remind me to take you out for coffee some time after this. We can catch up, talk about your kids. It will be fun.”
“Yes! I’ve been dying for a little girl time. We should definitely do that.”
You met with the rest of the team, and as it turned out, they had discovered more than you. In fact, you were fairly certain you had discovered enough to lay down a profile. Not before you caught a relieved glimpse of Spencer though, sharing a quick smile before being dragged over to help give the profile.
You were looking for a white male in his mid-twenties to early thirties. He would come across as weak and submissive in his personal life, and may be looked down on by his peers. Probably works in a job where he is effectively invisible. The last guy you would notice in a room. He would let others control him in his real life, then exercise that control in his killings. It was also highly likely that he was insecure about his physical fitness since all of his victims so far had been joggers and seemed to be in good shape.
“Alright crime fighters, here’s what I’ve found on our victims so far. I think you’ll like this delicious little morsel. As it turns out, our victims all went to exactly the same gym. Not the same times, mind you, but they were in and out on the same days of the week,” Garcia said from where she was video calling in.
“Can you tell us who was working those days and times, Penelope?” Rossi asked.
“Way ahead of you sir. I’ve got three different names that worked every session that our victims worked out and I’ve got even better news coming your way, two of them either have solid alibis or don’t fit the profile. You know what that means…”
“Garcia, I’m going to need a name and an address,” Hotch said.
“Already sent to your personal communications devices! Ta ta!”
“Thanks baby girl, you’re the best,” Derek said before hanging up.
As it turned out, Garcia’s information was good. You caught the guy, 32 year old Randall Myers. He worked as a yoga instructor at the gym and had been killing the clientele of the gym because apparently he felt like they were all judging him. In his mind, he had fabricated a world where he was somehow a victim of them and their bullying. Personally you always felt a bit judged by everyone else at the gym, but not so much that you dressed up in a clown suit and chain-sawed them to death while screaming ‘Who’s the clown now?’ But hey, maybe you were just a little bit too well adjusted for your own good.
You settled into your usual seat next to Spencer on the jet, and you had never been happier to have him join you.
“That was just about exactly as weird as I thought it was going to be,” Spencer said, chuckling to himself.
“Yeah, you can say that again.”
You two sat in silence for a moment, letting your awkwardly separate day hang between you two. Were you supposed to talk about it? It didn’t matter if you were or not, because you did it anyway.
“I missed you.” You both said it at the same time, in near perfect sync.
“It…wasn’t the same without you,” Spencer confessed.
“I do add an unmistakable ambience to the dead bodies and the crime scenes.”
Spencer rolled his eyes tolerantly at your questionable sense of humor.
“You’re right though. I learned a lot from JJ, but I really just wanted to be with you. I guess you complete me, Doctor.”
“I guess I do.” He smiled at you.
You huffed a sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Such a weird day.”
“Such a weird day.”
“That’s how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can’t experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too.”
-Kaui Hart Hemmings
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stargazingcarol · 6 years
It's Fine. Everything's Going To Be Fine.
Pairings: Bucky x f!reader
Words: 2,025
Warnings: sad bucky!!!
Summary: Bucky is ready to pop the question to his girlfriend until she tells him she fell in love with someone else. And is up to the reader to help him feel better.
Notes: i might do a part 2????? Also wow i wrote this in like 2 hours lmao.
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The Hotel was deserted at this hour. Which was odd but you shrugged it off. As you leaned against the counter, your fingers thrumming against the computer in a rhythm you had made up in your mind. Sadly, the lobby was in remmodelation and the AC was broken so, the doors were wide open to anyone who wanted to enter Sea Grace Hotel. A fan was blowing at high speed to your face and you felt sticky with sweat under your uniform.
It was past six in the afternoon when a disheveled man came through the doors of the hotel, he looked around for a moment before his eyes settled on you. You raised an eyebrow and saw how he cleared his throat and composed himself. His hands on his blue tux, as he tucked it so no wrinkles could be visible.
“Hey, um, could you direct me to the Sea Grace Restaurant?” His voice sounded deep and his running from earlier was apparent on his voice and chest as he tried to breathe correctly.
Your fingers were on your cheek as you looked at him, your chin resting on your hand.
“To your left.” Your voice was slow and he looked to his left, which from where you were standing was your right.
Sea Grace Restaurant. Was written in bold letters in a sign above a set of doors that people rarely use. Easily, this man, could have entered the restaurant from outside. Not needing to enter the hotel at all.
“Oh.” He chuckled awkwardly, scratching his beard. You noticed his hair was tied up in a cute man bun and you got goosebumps all over your arms, this man was...handsome, now that you could take a good look at him. Who wore a tuxedo with a man bun? Who did he think he was? Surely being this cute was illegal somewhere. “I’m going to…” He stopped talking to reach for something in his pocket and when a black velvet box came into view you tried not to let your disappointment show. He is a stranger why are you getting disappointed for? Dumb.
You smiled at him and prayed it didn’t look weird, like an ‘I’m-constipated-kind-of-look’.
“...propose to her. My girlfriend. I have high expectations. I hope everything goes smoothly.” He had this dreamy look on your eyes that made you wish for a lover that thought of you like that, so lovingly. Just with that thought you didn’t feel weirded out anymore, and actually felt happy for whoever this man is.
“Well, I hope she says yes.” You said and he grinned.
“I should go, she’s waiting for me.” He pointed to the restaurant. And as he walked away you wished him the best internally.
It was maybe an hour later, you had been helping a family check in late. The family had looked exhausted and very sweaty. You gave them your best smile but it probably looked disgusted. They looked like they ran three marathons on mud. At least the hotel rooms had AC even if the lobby didn’t. At least the AC will be back on at the end of the week, your boss had stated.
You looked through the windows in the restaurant from time to time. The walls were all glass made, so whatever was happening at Sea Grace Restaurant could be seen from the reception/lobby.
The man from before was sat next to a wall, at the far end of the restaurant. A small candle in the middle of the table and a beautiful tall brunette in front of him.
Finally, he got down on one knee and you grinned. Noticing this beautiful moment from practically outside was a divine scene. The girl looked shocked at first as he talked. Everyone was looking at them, the whole restaurant. Even a couple who were walking through the lobby had stopped to see what was going on in the restaurant.
And then the worst thing that could happen, happened. She shook her head and said the words sorry, you couldn’t hear them but it was obvious. His shoulders slumped and his grin was replaced with a sad look. She said something else to him before she got up and left the restaurant.
You didn’t notice the moment you had gotten up from your actual comfy chair, and you watched with your heart in your throat as everyone started minding their business and whispering. Leaving a broken man in the restaurant, still on his knee.
He got up abruptly and walked through the rounded tables to the doors that led directly to the lobby. He stood there for a moment, every emotion seemed to passed through his face. And in a moment of weakness he looked up and his eyes caught yours, that were already staring at him with a shocked face. He sneered and walked into the hotel. You thought he would had wanted to get away from the hotel but he seemed to go the opposite way of the exit.
You grabbed the sign that said: Staff Will Be With You Shortly. Which you only used for when you were alone (like today) and had to go to the bathroom. But this was no bathroom break and you hesitated for a moment. You were never one to go against the rules but you felt deep in your conscious mind that this was worth it. Plus who was going to check in so late? Check in was normally at three pm. But yeah sure there was always a family or someone who checked in late for personal reasons. You did the math in your head and prayed that you were right and no one else was checking in. Unless some random ass person decided to come in late but whatever. Focus. The man from before needed someone and you thought you could help--oh shit, You didn’t even knew his name. Great. This was going great.
As you walked away from the lobby you couldn’t help yourself and look backwards a few times. Expecting someone to pop up asking for a room. But no one showed up so you kept walking. You went through the already opened doors and could already smell the oh-so-familiar ocean. Salty. The crickets were making a chorus all around you and the dim lightning of the lights illuminating your path was the only indication to where you were going. You walked and tried to spot a figure but nothing.
Finally, you reached the pool that was solitaire. You looked around but saw nothing, until a sniffle made you jump, and you turned to the sound on your left. In a beach chair sat the man from before, his legs under him and his hands on his face. You gulped and slowly approached him. The echo from your heels was loud and you knew he had to know there was someone near him. But he didn’t stop crying or sniffling and he didn’t look up either. You sat down on the chair with him, where his legs would be if he was sitting right but he wasn’t.
“Uh…” You didn’t know what to say. Gosh, you didn’t even know his name. “She’s an asshole.” He looked up then and on the dim lightning you could see his face was red and wet. He stared at you for a moment and your eyes slowly widened. He looked so broken. You scratched your knee, waiting for him to say something.
“You saw?” His voice was hoarse.
“Yes. Total uncool move on her to say no--”
“She said she fell in love with someone else while being with me. She promised me she didn’t cheat, that she didn’t support that. That this dinner, was actually an opportunity for her to tell me she was running off with whoever else she had fell in love and that she was breaking up with me. I just ruined it for her.” He chuckled but it didn’t held no laughter. “I proposed and ruined it for her.”
Once again you didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry.” you let your hand fall on his knee and he sighed. With his hands he cleaned his face from the tears.
“Thanks, uh…” He looked at you and then at your nametag and mustered the smallest of smiles. “[y/n].”
He got up from the chair and he seemed like he wanted to go away but you didn’t think your job with him was done here. So you let your mouth run before your brain as you spoke.
“You will find someone.” You started and he turned around, his hands in his pockets. “You will find someone that will cherish you for who you are and loves you unconditionally to the ends of the earth and way after that. So, don’t let this passing thing bring you down. Because someone is out there. You just need to keep looking. You’ll find them.” You smiled and he seemed like he didn’t want to show more of his emotions but he finally grinned and he laughed. But it wasn’t a mocking laugh. More like an ‘I’m-impressed-laugh’. And you hoped, you really hoped he was impressed.
“Thanks again, that...was something.” He seemed to hesitate before he walked over to you. “Do you write? That was totally something a writer would say.”
“I haven’t written anything in years.” You confessed. But you weren’t gonna tell him that all you ever seemed to write in your youth was fanfiction. He didn’t need to know that. Your cheeks flushed at the thought of him knowing that. Of anyone knowing that. Kind of embarrassing.
“Mhh. I’m Bucky.” He extended his hand and you shook it, loving the warmth of his hands on your cold ones.
“Bucky?” It was a weird name, was it even a name?
“Oh, that’s--Everyone calls me Bucky but my real name is James.” He looked embarrassed and you smiled.
“Okay… Bucky.”
“I should go, I kind of want to be alone. If you don’t mind…”
“No. God no, that’s okay.” And it was okay but you wanted more time with him. Conflicted. You felt conflicted.
He smiled one more time and you wanted to run after him, as he started to walk away. Offer him so coffee, even if you hated coffee. But that’s what people did. Offer interesting people a cup of coffee to get them talking about themselves, because they were interesting and one was a curious person.
He was almost into the doors that led to the lobby when you screamed after him. “Bucky, wait.” You ran after him, badly might you add, I mean you were in heels and let’s be honest you barely knew how to properly walk in them. Everyday you were surprised you hadn’t fallen face first in them.
When you reached him he seemed very interested in what you wanted to say.
“Uh, how about a free night. It’s on me. You can stay until tomorrow. I mean you can’t pass an opportunity like that right?” Desperate. You sounded desperate for his attention and you hated yourself for it. But you were just trying to be nice. He had a bad night and you just wanted to make it just a little bit better.
“Sure. It’s true. I can’t pass an opportunity like this. If it’s free, yeah.” He shrugged. “Even though I can pay for it…”
His hint: he had money. And of course he did with that outfit. But you shook your head. You wanted to be nice.
“Nope. It’s free. On me. No paying.” You smiled and he did the same. You were silently glad there was no tears trace on his face.
“Sure, [y/n].” And oh the way he said your name. It was magical.
And now you felt complete as he followed you back to the reception to check him in. Because you had done something good and had made someone who had been sad, happy. And someone laugh who really needed it. And it was fine. Everything was going to be fine.
tag(s): @areyoureadyforsomemeatballz
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huangfilms · 6 years
math crush monday?
summary: so i’m having ‘trouble’ with math but not really because i think you’re really cute so i asked you to help me out in a subject i’m pretty good at just so i could talk to you but you don’t need to know that || high school tutor!au
requested by: a sweet anon! i love you thank you for waiting patiently! <3 (to which i later found out was momma eve the demon ( @norenmin-enthusiast ) i am in shambles)
pairing: reader + mark lee
warnings/word count: fluff fluff fluff !!!!! / 1400 words
(A/N) to the anon who originally requested this for my challenge (back in freaking june), i hope you don’t mind that i still decided to write this for you! (at eve im still shaking and its been like a month LMAO) anyway i hope you enjoy i love you all So Much!
“Okay so what you want to do is divide this into- y/n? Are you listening?”
You jumped at the sound of your name and blushed. “Of course I am! I totally was not… doodling. Nope.”
Your tutor in front of you laughs, “well then what did I just say?”
You scoff jokingly, “pft, something about dividing something into whatever,” as your sentence went on, it got quieter and quieter. A knowing look flashes onto his face, “Okay! So I wasn’t listening! But we’ve been doing this for hours, Mark, can we finally call it a day?”
He gives you a smile and nods, you melt mentally and catch yourself staring at him.
You and Mark have been good friends for a long time, but recently you’ve asked him to tutor you in calculus. You aren’t bad, you’re actually pretty good at calculus. Mark doesn’t know that though.
A few weeks back, you found yourself feeling something for him. You catch yourself staring at him longer than you usually would. You found yourself thinking about his smile or the way his nose scrunches when he laughs really hard. You were in denial for a while, but then you dozed off a few times and figured you had a crush on him.
So, what do you do about this crush? You ask him to tutor you in the only class you two share, and not going to lie, you’re mediocre but you just needed an excuse to hang out with him more. Sure, you two hung out often, but that was rare these days. You both being busy with senior year and all.
But, you found this to be stupid after two tutoring sessions.
Maybe this wasn't such a great idea. You were tired of pretending to not know basic calculus, and although Mark was a great tutor, you didn’t need tutoring. You didn’t have the guts to tell him so naturally, you kept this up for a few weeks.
And then it became months.
Then suddenly it was mid-term season. You and Mark were studying in the library for your calculus exam and you couldn’t be bothered to actually well, study. In a sense you were studying. You were studying Mark’s facial features if that counted.
“Is there something on my face, y/n?” he then says. You shook your head shyly and looked down at your notes. ‘Way to go, y/n. Staring at him again,’ you thought to yourself.
If you were to ask anyone about Mark Lee, they would say that he was really attractive, and you agreed. Mark was smart, he was funny, he was everything that made your heart race. You just didn’t know how to tell him. Surely if you would just suck it up and tell him you had a crush on him, you would be out of this mess. But you just couldn’t.
“Hey, you okay? You’re spacing out,” you look up to find Mark with concern in his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m good. Midterms are just kicking my butt right now.” You laugh awkwardly with a redness on your cheeks and continue to ‘study’ for the rest of the time you’re in the library with him.
In the time span of three hours, you’ve gotten up to get snacks five times, messed with your papers without actually studying, and sighed a few hundred times. In that time Mark has only studied and gone up to go to the bathroom. How does he do it?
You really couldn’t focus so you told Mark that you would be going home, “Oh, let me walk you home then, y/n.”
“I-I, uh that’s not really-”
“Just let me pack up my stuff and I’ll meet you outside.” Then he smiles. You couldn’t argue with him so you just left and waited outside the doors. You sighed and sat on the bench and waited a few minutes before Mark comes out and stands in front of you.
“Ready to go?” you only nod with a smile and stand up.
There was a comfortable yet awkward silence that overtook the atmosphere, your shoulders and hands brushing from time to time. “How do you think you’ll do for the calculus exam?” you internally cringe, of course you would bring something up about stupid calculus.
Mark shrugs his shoulders before looking at you, “I’m not sure, I couldn’t really focus today in the library.”
You give Mark a confused glance, “you couldn’t focus? And why’s that?” Part of you really hoped that he couldn’t focus because he maybe likes you, too, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up and assumed that he just probably had his brain fried.
“Someone’s been on my mind a lot recently,” he says while rubbing his neck. Mark is currently looking to the floor with the tips of his ears tinted red, and you could feel your heart drop into your stomach.
‘Oh, he likes someone else. It’s okay,’ you tell yourself. “Oh, Mark’s got a crush! Who’s the lucky person?” you tease.
He only laughs before turning to you with a serious look on his face. By the time he’s looked at you, he’s stopped walking on the sidewalk. You curiously glance at him, and stopped right in front of him, “is there something wrong, Mark?”
He clears his throat, “I really need to talk to you, y/n.”
Your stomach twists and you feel your heart being lodged in your throat, that’s never a good way to start a conversation with someone. You motioned for him to continue anyway.
Then his eyes light up, “I think I like you, y/n.”
Your jaw drops and so does his smile, “it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way! I mean, I’ve only found out that I liked you recently, but I totally-” you tuned out his voice.
Your brain was still trying to comprehend everything, your eyes straying away from his and to the floor with an awestruck expression stuck onto your face. After a few seconds, you snap your head up, let your eyes meet his and cut off his rambling, “Mark I like you, too.”
“I think it’s pretty understandable of why you wouldn’t like me- what?” When you smile at him it’s like the stars have aligned and that the sun shined brighter, he felt warm knowing that you liked him, too.
“I like you, too! Gosh I’ve liked you for such a long time, funny story I only asked you to tutor me just so i could have an excuse to talk to you. I’m actually really good at calculus and honestly I don’t know how long it would’ve taken for me to snap and just blurt out that I really like you-”
“Now you’re rambling, y/n!” he laughs, “also, did you really only ask me to tutor you because you liked me? Honestly, I can’t even be mad because that’s a little funny. But you do know that you could’ve just asked me to hang out with you?”
You stare at him, “I’m brain dead from exams, please have mercy on me.” Mark giggles then puts his arm around your shoulder and start walking to your house since it was getting late.
When you guys get to your house, Mark walks you all the way to the door and he stops you before you walk into your home, “yes, Mark?” He grabs your arm and holds you close to him. Your faces extremely close to each other, feeling the intensity of his stare and suddenly feeling very small. He leans closer to you, your eyes fluttering closed, then he-
He quickly kisses your cheek and pulls away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, y/n!”
You’re left on the doorstep of your home with a pink tint to your cheeks and a dumbfounded look on your face. When you process what has happened, your hand goes up to shyly wave at him while he walks backwards until he gets to the sidewalk. He blows you a kiss and then smiles to himself while walking home.
You look to see if Mark is out of sight, then you step into your home with a shy grin on your face and shut the door slowly. You slide down the door with your face in your hands, a smile on your lips, and the tingle on your cheek still prominent. Tomorrow again, Mark.
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Nobody Likes You (E.D)
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DESCRIPTION: Ethan gets you put in detention and annoys you into agreeing to go on a date with him
WARNINGS: Arguing, slight swearing, and as always terrible writing
Whoever invented Maths deserved to be reanimated, just to be killed again, you decided. And as for whoever thought it'd be fun to add letters in with numbers? Well they deserved to be reanimated, forced to walk over Legos and then burnt at the stake.
Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you figure it won't do any good to wish harm on people who are already dead, and instead you try to focus on the impossible task on your desk. Algebra: AKA the bane of your existence.
You tap your pencil on your desk, fighting the urge to just walk out (because as much as you would love to look badass...you value your life too much to be murdered by your mom) and stare at the wall. That's when it begins.
It's so slight you almost wouldn't feel it if you weren't so accustomed to Ethan kicking your chair. His foot barely touches your back and you whip around, narrowing your eyes at him, almost daring him to do it again. And he does.
Groaning inwardly, you shake your head. Meet Ethan Dolan: AKA the other bane of your existence.
He's tall, popular, your typical class clown. You always remember when your friend had a crush on him and you had to ask if he was single. Ethan had looked so smug, until you snorted in disgust, explaining it wasn't for you. Ever since then, he'd had some kind of obsession with you. You supposed you'd bruised his ego and thought he'd get over it.
But alas, here you were, over a year later, and still, he was just as annoying.
Other girls would be flattered, a good looking guy chasing after them (because you'd be lying if you said he wasn't cute, and you weren't a liar...well not a good one anyways) but you just found the constant flirting and inappropriate innuendos irritating. All you wanted to do was get high school over with.
It wasn't that you hated school per say, but you certainly weren't the most intelligent student, and it was tiring learning things you would never need in the real world. Never the less, you got on with your studies, or at least as well as you could with a constant annoyance trailing after you.
He kicks again, and you can feel the familiar bubble of anger in the pit of your stomach. Why did he have to be such a douche?
"Stop it Ethan," you whisper, not taking your eyes off your work. You weren't supposed to be speaking, it was during a test but you couldn't stand him kicking your chair.
You feel his presence close to you as he leans forward in his chair, "Okay, I won't kick your chair again. Promise."
"Thank you." Sighing in relief, you get back to blankly staring at questions you don't know the answer to, when suddenly there's a sharp twang on your shoulder. Infuriated, you turn sharply, cheeks flushing, "Why do you have to be such a douche!?"
Your teacher Miss Green raises an eyebrow at your outburst, heels clicking against the floor furiously as she storms over to your table, "What is going on Y/N?"
Biting back a smirk, you answer truthfully, "Ethan has just twanged my bra strap, Miss."
"I see," Miss Green looks you straight in your eyes, "Well, both you and Ethan can join me in detention after school then."
Triumph fills your body, if only for a second until her words sink in. You furrow your brows, "What do you mean? Why am I in detention!?"
Miss drawls, "You said that Ethan twanged your bra strap, is that correct?"
You nod your head, still not getting what she was implying, "Yeah, he did."
"And that would mean that your bra straps were visible, is that correct?"
Finally, you're hit by realisation, and roll your eyes so far back you're sure you can see that tiny brain that you clearly don't use, "Yeah."
Miss Green looks extremely proud of herself as she finishes, "That is in violation of the dress code. So both of you will meet me at my room after school for thirty minutes detention."
Fury fills your chest as you huff angrily. Of course of all days to be a rebel and wear a vest it had to be today! You can faintly hear Ethan chuckling behind you and you curse to yourself. That bastard.
You would bet your life he probably planned this. You were going to have to spend thirty minutes with Ethan. Thirty whole minutes of your time that you could be spending binge watching Netflix! It was so unfair.
The day passes by so quickly that you almost forget you have detention (key word almost). But of course you couldn't forget, because while you are mid-conversation with your friend (who thankfully has gotten over her crush on Ethan) the devil himself grabs you by your am and pulls you away.
"What the hell are you doing Ethan!?" You ask, in a state of shock and disbelief at how actual rude he was being.
But Ethan simply grinned, "We're in detention. Remember."
Groaning, you shrug his hand off your arm and follow him to detention because of course he'd know where it was. The two of you take a seat and Miss Green leaves the room to phone someone's parents.
So naturally, you waste no time in giving Ethan your best death stare, the warmth from your usual cheery eyes gone faster than summer rain on tarmac, and he deserves it. You're furious with him. Fair enough, annoy you, kick your chair, twang your straps, that's fine. But what isn't fine is getting you sent to detention.
“Why are you glaring at me like that?” Ethan asks with a nervous laugh. As if he doesn't know!
There's no humour in your voice when you reply, “I’m hoping you’ll spontaneously combust.” Ethan rolls his eyes, smiling.
“Come on, you love me.”
You raise an eyebrow, “I hate you. Ethan nobody likes you.”
Ethan feigns hurt, dramatically placing a hand on his chest. “Why? I’m lovely.”
“Yeah, and I’m not failing English lit.”
“Why are you so mean Y/N?” the brown haired boy asks, scooting his chair closer to yours, humour laced in his caramel eyes.
Thinking for a second, you retort, “Dunno...guess it must just be my factory setting. Just like yours is to be annoying.”
Ethan doesn't even pause, instantly laughing, "That is very true."
You groan as he moves even closer to you, and try your best to ignore him, fiddling with your hands. There's only ten more minutes left, you remind yourself. Ten more minutes you have to spend with this dipstick, then you can watch all the Netflix you want. You can't watch Netflix in prison, so you attempt to hold off on murdering the annoyance beside you.
"Wanna make a bet?"
His voice is so childish, for someone who looks like such a man, and you huff at his immaturity, "Not particularly Ethan, no."
Ignoring you completely, he carries on, "I bet that by the end of detention, I can make you scream my name, and agree to go on a date with you."
Instantly, you feel your cheeks burn at his words and suggestive smirk. Sure, you hated his guts, but you couldn't deny he was extremely attractive. 'Shut up brain,' you tell yourself, taking a sip of your water in an attempt to cool down.
Finally, you reply with a forced laugh, "There's no way in hell Ethan."
So what does this immature weirdo do? He decides to copy you. Because that's going to get him a date(!)
"There's no way in hell Ethan," his voice is high pitched as he imitates you. But you only laugh at him, amused.
“Wow, that’s so mature(!)” You raise your eyebrows at him, pursing your lips as he repeats you again.
“Wow, that’s so mature(!)”
You know you should just find it funny, because it's comical the fact he believes copying you will annoy you. But you can't help beginning to get a little pissed off. Yes, it was annoying, but it was getting really irritating.
Looking right into his yes, you demand, “Stop copying me.”
“Stop copying me.”
You squeal in annoyance, “Ethan it’s actually getting annoying now.”
“Ethan it’s actually getting annoying now.”
Glaring at the boy who can only be compared to a homemade sweater (beautifully composed and quite attractive, but itchy and irritable) you give in and sigh, raising your voice, “Ethan stop it, oh my gosh.”
“Ethan stop it, oh my gosh.”
He laughs loudly as you finally give up, “Fine I’ll go on a date with you, jeez!”
Ethan grins ear to ear, leaning in close to whisper in your ear, “I win, you screamed my name, and agreed to go on a date with me.”
Ignoring the way your body shivers at the warmth of his minty breath on your neck, you mutter, “Jerk.”
“On a more serious note though, are you actually failing English lit?” He asks, looking, for once, genuinely interested.
Chuckling, you admit, “Yes, oh my god yes. I don’t think I know a single question that’s on the paper.”
“How is that great?” You squint your eyes at him, does he find you failing funny?
“That’s what we’ll do. English lit is the one subject I’m actually good at; we’ll have a study date.” The bell goes, and as Miss Green re-enters the room, Ethan adds, “I’ll pick you up around seven-ish on Saturday, you can come around mine.”
He turns as you're about to leave, smiling, “It’s a date then.”
Then, he walks off in the opposite direction, leaving you a little confused. He was actually being nice to you. Ethan Grant Dolan, the most annoying flirt in school, was going to help you with your studying. You fought back a small smile at the pride you felt swell at the fact that he actually cared enough to help you.
Maybe Ethan wasn't too bad. Maybe this study date would be more fun than you'd ever imagined.
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maevefiction · 6 years
Your Light in the Mist - Chapter 23
When we arrived at Estelle J Wilson, there wasn’t a parking spot to be had. Even those earmarked for funeral attendees were taken, and as we drove past the main entrance to head around the block in search of one for ourselves, there they were…news vans from local affiliate stations WWL, WDSU and WGNO. A few feet down I spotted the paparazzi, four or so as best I could tell, lurking and waiting.
I turned to Tom, smirking. “Weh-hel, THIS is going to be a lot more interesting that I anticipated. Apparently.”
He pulled into an open space two blocks down from the funeral home and put the car in park. His right arm rose, then settled on my shoulder, hand grasping the back of my neck, massaging gently. “You okay to do this?”
I shrugged, enjoying the way the fabric of my dress seemed to float around my arms. His massaging continued in spite of my movement. “I’d like to tell you to turn around and go back to the hotel, but somehow I don’t think me not showing up for my mother’s funeral would improve upon the situation. And I know I’ll have to talk, because, hey-o, I can’t even run past them. But, on the bright side, at least I had the sense to wear my yoga shorts underneath the dress so there’s no chance of a wardrobe malfunction during any of this.”
Tom laughed, lines appearing around his eyes, relaying the story of a man who enjoyed doing so and had for his entire life. “Thank god for small favors. If I happened to get a look under there at this point they’d all be in for far more of a show than they’re equipped to handle.”
“Dude. Was that supposed to help? Because…not helping.” I leaned over and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips, then opened my door. The ibuprofen I’d taken had helped immensely, and I was fully capable of walking without crutches, albeit slowly. Chances were that using them, though, might garner some sympathy from the press. Tom watched me pull them out of the car, eyebrows raised. “One, I can move faster if I use them. Two, I want everyone to feel sorry for me. Sorrier. Don’t ruin my moment, Hiddleston.”
“Perhaps I should carry you instead if it’s attention you’re seeking.”
“Not attention. SYMPATHY. If you carry me, people will feel LESS sorry for me. Not part of the plan. Plus, it’s like, two blocks and you’d fucking keel over. Also not part of the plan.”
He got out of the vehicle and came round to the passenger side, my messenger bag slung over his shoulder. “Thomas, you are a god among men, unashamedly carrying your woman’s purse.”
His eyes lit up, and he pointed at it. “This? This is NOT a purse, darling. THIS is a EUROPEAN CARRYALL.”
I raised my forearm up as far as the crutch would allow. “Nice. Second Seinfeld reference of the day. High-five.”
The palm of his hand connected with mine, tenderly, and our fingers twined together. “Remember, I’m going to be right there with you. And if you don’t wish to say anything, simply don’t say anything.”
“Um, I’m sorry…I’m supposed to be the one telling YOU that, yes?”
He grinned impishly. “Tables, Maude. Oh how they turn.”
As we reached the news vans, the noise began, seven people shouting out questions all at once, cameras and mics pointed in my direction. The cacophony caused my brain to shift into crisis management mode, and I stopped dead in my tracks. Tom stood at my side, transferring his weight from one foot to the other. My gaze moved from one reporter to the next, looking them straight in the eye. The noise died down, then out. I took a deep breath and began to speak.
“Hello there. How’s everyone doing today?” They turned to one another, shoulders shrugging, faces contorting into expressions of puzzlement, unsure as how to proceed. “Under normal circumstances, I’d be happy to give you all the time you need, but I’m running behind as it is and have in inkling that it would be just a wee bit disrespectful if I were to be late for my mother’s funeral service. That being said, I think I DO have enough time for one question from each of you.” I pointed to the young, dark-haired woman in the floral print dress holding a WWL microphone.
She cleared her throat, then motioned to her cameraman to begin recording. The other two crews followed suit, and I assumed the paps were recording as well. “Ms. Gallagher, do you have anything to say regarding your ex-husband’s arrest?”
I had plenty to say. So, so much to say…ninety-nine percent of it unsuitable for television. “First, allow me to mention that the Winchester family has been in my thoughts ever since I heard the news. I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like to have someone invade the sanctity of your home, where you’re supposed to feel safest. And someone armed…it must be terrifying. Mr. Bonaventura’s actions were deplorable, and I trust that the Louisiana justice system will dole out the appropriate punishment when the time comes. Next question, the gentleman from WDSU. And please, call me Maude.”
He was short, chubby and dressed in a tweed jacket that I was certain made him feel like he was in the ninth circle of hell. “Maude, is it true that he intended to break into your mother’s home but chose the wrong house in error?”
Suppressing the smile that fought to spread across my face was a daunting task. “That’s my understanding, yes.”
The reporter from WGNO didn’t wait his turn, and exceeded his inquiry limit within seconds. “Why would he need to break into her home? I’ve seen a copy of the will…it was to go to him, without question. Are you contesting it? Have you taken possession illegally? Did you lock him out? Is that why he did it?”
What a total douche canoe. I wanted to slap him, but stared him down instead as I prepared my reply. “Gosh, I think that was five questions, not one. I know, I know…math is hard, right? Anyway. My mother died intestate, which means the entire contents of her estate passes to me according to Louisiana law. The will that was in Mr. Bonaventura’s possession was revoked, and another was not created. You can contact her attorney, Bartholomew Stevens, if you have additional questions regarding the matter. As to why he did it, my guess is he came back to New Orleans expecting something, and when it turned out that something was actually nothing, he grew rather malcontented. Next question, you in the red T-shirt.”
He held out his phone to better capture our exchange, sun creating a halo around his blonde, curly hair. “Maude, is it true that Mr. Bonaventura cheated on you with your own mother, and that your father killed himself because of it?”
Tom muttered something under his breath, and I hoped I was the only one who’d heard. The inner calm I felt in the face of a question that would have caused a breakdown just days earlier made me feel damn near invincible. “Absolutely correct.” I pointed at the young Asian woman dressed in a bright purple track suit and pink Converse Hi-Tops. “You’re next, please.”
Her face was an expressionless mask. “According to Passages Hospice, you never visited your mother there prior to her death. Is that accurate, and if so, why?”
“Yes. That’s correct. As to why…my mother suffered from alcoholism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Though, in actuality, it was everyone close to her who did the majority of the suffering. Her cause of death was alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. The last time I saw her was in 1998, when I walked in on her and Mr. Bonaventura during an intimate encounter. No-contact is a widely accepted method for dealing with toxic people in order to facilitate recovery. I was contacted by the hospice when she passed as I’m the only next of kin. Gal in the tank top…your turn.”
The tank top was an old-school wife beater, paired with khaki shorts that reached her knees. Her white- blond hair was short on one side, long on the other, with pink tips. “My sources tell me that you’re an alcoholic too. True or false?”
My jaw tightened. They’d obviously been speaking with ‘mourners’ in spades, and it was no surprise that a good number of people here still thought of me as drunkard Mary’s drunkard daughter. “In September of 1996, my boyfriend was killed in a car accident. Shortly after his funeral, I discovered I was pregnant. Soon after THAT, I miscarried. I found myself unable to cope with such profound loss and used alcohol to self-medicate. Since I honestly can’t say whether I wasn’t capable of stopping or just chose not to during the time I was drinking, alcoholic is probably an applicable term. I’ve been sober for seventeen years, though. Last question, gentleman with the man bun.”
He laughed briefly, then frowned slightly, as if he was reconsidering asking what he’d planned to. “Hello, Maude. I spoke with Mr. Bonaventura’s current wife, Anna Beth, this morning via phone. When I asked her how she felt regarding his arrest, she expressed relief and indicated that he abused her verbally and physically. Is that something you experienced during your marriage to him?”
I gave a curt nod. “Yes. It was. Unfortunately, it was something I’d endured for years in my own home prior to marrying Mr. Bonaventura, so it didn’t seem abnormal to me until after I removed myself from the situation. If my sources are correct, Anna Beth was very young when she met and married him, as was I. It is my hope that this incident will allow her to move on with her life, heal and find the peace she deserves. Okay, folks. Apologies, but that’s all I have time for. Thanks so very much for your cooperation.”
Man bun raised his hand, then pointed to my walking boot. “Maude, I’m pretty sure we’re all wondering how that happened. Would you mind…”
My eyes rolled skyward. “Damn, and here I thought you wouldn’t notice.” Laughter rang out. “I wore heels to dinner last night, and they got the best of me. Right down on my ass in the middle of the Palm Court Café. It’s just a sprain, two weeks and I should be good. Seriously, though…gotta go. You all enjoy the rest of the day.”
They stepped back and to the side, allowing us to pass. Four crutch swings later Tom appeared in front of me, the admiration in his eyes flooring me completely and freezing me in place. Two steps brought him close enough to lean in to kiss me, admiration replaced by ardor and fire, grasping the back of my neck with one hand, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth so forcefully that I came. It was a tiny orgasm, over and done in two seconds, but an orgasm nevertheless. His grip on my neck tightened, and I knew he must have felt me shudder. He deepened the kiss, and as our tongues met I heard camera clicks, faint, as if they were down at the end of a tunnel, far away. A distant repetition of ‘Excuse me, Ms. Gallagher?’ grew ever louder, finally snapping me back to reality. I pulled back, looked past Tom to discern the source, and was mildly humiliated upon seeing Reverend Thompson standing there. His face was as red as a cherry tomato, the flush extending down his neck and, I assumed, beneath his clerical collar.
He cleared his throat, hands clasped behind his back. “Ms. Gallagher, we’re about to begin. Follow me, please.”
Tom remained in front of me, a look of astonishment on his face as he mouthed the words ‘Did you…?’ I plastered a polite smile on my countenance, nodding at him as I addressed the reverend.
“Apologies, Reverend Thompson. Thank you for your patience. Lead the way.”
As we walked toward the entrance Tom fell into step beside me, whispering in my ear. “An orgasm. From a kiss. MY kiss. Man alive, I feel like a fucking rock star right now.”
My head spun in his direction, ponytail swishing back and forth across my neck in its wake, eyes narrowed. His mouth dropped open, then closed again as he reached out to touch my bare shoulder.
“Maude, I’m sorry, that was a dreadfully self-centered thing to…”
I grinned and shook my head, speaking softly as he removed his hand. “I’m just screwing with you, Thomas. That lip thing…it…DID something to me. Anyway. Allow me to assure you that you are a fucking rock star. MY rock star. And as an added bonus, it would have REALLY pissed my mother off to know that I was making out with the sexiest man alive at her funeral.”
“That’s not a title People magazine has bestowed upon me as yet, Maude.”
“I’m well aware of their prior woefully inadequate choices. But I just did.”
“And that’s infinitely more meaningful, of course.”
“Nice save, Hiddleston. If they don’t put you on the cover soon, though, they’re going to be getting some…calls.”
We’d reached the front door, and Reverend Thompson held it open for us. The service was being held in the same room as the viewing, and as we approached I could see it was packed well beyond its limit. After pausing for a moment to prepare myself to walk the gauntlet, I opted to do so without the crutches, resting them against the wall to the right of the doorway. Reverend Thompson motioned for us to enter before him, and Tom offered his arm. I gratefully accepted, and as we crossed the threshold all heads turned, row by row, gazes fixed upon us. Tom’s face was expressionless, the dark blue of his button down shirt reflecting in his eyes, black trousers sitting low on his hips, black leather tie perfectly knotted at his neck. Even less graceful than normal due to the height difference of my walking boot and my black Birki, I kept myself in check by counting the number of steps it took to reach the front of the room where the closed casket rested, covered in a blanket of pink roses. Two seats were vacant in the front row, on the aisle and next to Anne. The whispers began when we were halfway there, fifteen steps in. My head remained high, jaw firmly set, as I passed by the throng of people who’d decided attending the funeral of someone they hadn’t given the remotest shit about in order to obtain a firsthand account of the event so they could later spread any juicy gossip they managed to gather was an ideal way to spend a summer afternoon.
Tom continued to hold my arm until I was comfortably seated next to Anne, then took his place at my side. Anne patted my knee as Reverend Thompson half-jogged to the front and began. I put my right hand over hers and squeezed, and Tom reached out to take my left one in his. After the introductory portion of the service, I zoned out, Reverend Thompson’s voice becoming very similar to that of the adults in a Charlie Brown cartoon. All I heard was ‘wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah’, and eventually even that faded away into nothing. Man bun’s words haunted me, and my thoughts turned to Anna Beth. I’d been strong enough to get away from Will on my own, but I’d actually had somewhere to get away TO, the funds to get there, AND enough to start over with. Those were luxuries she did not possess, and there were three children she’d need to support on her own going forward as well, another hurdle I hadn’t had to clear. Marrying at such a young age had more than likely put her in a position wherein she had little to no employment experience, and few marketable job skills…or none whatsoever. Though I’d intended to donate the proceeds of the estate sale to the Metropolitan Center for Women and Children, I found myself seriously considering sending them her way instead. It would have to be done anonymously, of course, and Barty already had a way to contact her. Part of me felt as if I’d be slighting the many to help the few, but in this instance it was personal. We had an ill-fated kinship, Anna Beth and I, born of lies emanating from a man who’d used us for his own nefarious purposes, violence and mental abuse his means of controlling us so we’d never dare to question a single blessed thing as he fulfilled his unscrupulous objectives.
The sound of the crowd around me rising to their feet derailed my train of thought, and I left my seat as fast as I possibly could, not wanting anyone to have the slightest indication that I hadn’t been paying any attention to the service. At all. Tom’s arm slipped around my waist, and we remained where we were until the rest of the room cleared. Anne offered to join us at the cemetery, asking to hitch a ride in our rental car as she’d taken a cab to the funeral. I was pleased to discover that the news trucks had departed, but the paps remained, photographing and filming Anne and I as we waited for Tom to bring the car round for us. At Greenwood it was just the three of us, the hearse driver, and the folks responsible for the interment procedures. I remained back at least fifteen feet from the crypt, silent the entire time, having already said my final goodbyes to the people who’d brought me into this world. We left for as soon as they began the closing process, and I looked back over my shoulder one last time as we made our way out of the garden, wanting this moment to be my last memory of my mother. Dead. Gone. Sealed inside a coffin, inside a mausoleum, never to speak new words that could hurt me ever again. And that was enough to shift the specter of the past from translucent to transparent…what used to only allow light to pass through while masking the details was now completely clear, entirely visible. The thing about the past is this…it’s always present. There’s no escape from it. You can run, you can hide, but it will inevitably find you. There is, of course, a better solution, one I’d finally been brave enough to attempt. Face it. Embrace it. Remember it. Learn from it. And, most importantly, try your best to not let it fuck your life up too badly along the way as you moved further and further beyond it.
Tom and I bid Anne adieu as we dropped her off at Café du Monde, then hurried back to the hotel so we’d have enough time to change, pack, check out, and arrive at the airport by four. Our flight was scheduled to leave Louis Armstrong International at five-thirty and arrive in New York at nine-thirty, and if the gods were feeling generous we’d be settled into my apartment an hour or so later. Or, I should say, our apartment. A foreign concept as far as I was concerned, but one that made me deliriously happy. And that was something I could totally get used to.
**************************************** The duration of our first-class flight was primarily spent sending each other naughty text messages, each one filthier than the last. Afterward there was much debate as to who started it, but I refused to confess even though I was guilty as sin. He was just sitting there, in his cargo shorts and white V-neck T-shirt, up against the window with the sun reflecting on his pretty fucking face, driving me insane.
The hollow at the base of your neck, right above your collarbones. My tongue needs to be there. Like, now. – M
Go ahead. No one will notice. We’re in the last row. – T
Hmm…is it me or did that make your nipples hard, Thomas? I can see them right through your shirt. Guess they’ll be the next stop for my tongue. – M
The first stop for MY tongue is going to be your mouth, Maude. Running it over your lips, your teeth, then thrusting it in and out over and over until your moaning alerts the passengers in front of us. –T
Back and forth we went, until the final exchange.
I’m going to work my cock into your ass, inch by inch, until I’m buried inside you. Then I’m going to slip three fingers into your pussy and fuck you with them as well, so I can feel my cock from the INSIDE through the oh-so-thin wall that gives both of us so much pleasure as I pound your ass relentlessly, my thumb massaging your clit until you want to scream…but since you can’t, I’ll be forced to cover your mouth with my hand in order to keep you quiet. – T
And just as you’re about to come, I’ll invite you to fuck my mouth. As soon as you pull out of me, I’m going to drop to my knees and suck your cock so hard you’ll see stars. I’ll sneak my index finger in my beside it at some point, get it nice and wet, then run it between your ass cheeks until I find that glorious pucker. My finger will keep moving round and round the rim as I keep licking at and sucking on your cock, loosening you up, stretching, until you’re ready…then in it goes. Then out, then in. Again and again. I’ll wait until I feel your rhythm start to falter, then I’ll press my finger down on that magical spot inside you and swallow you whole as your come shoots down my throat, hot and sticky. You’ll have bruises on your knuckles for a week from biting down on them so hard. – M
That broke him. He stood, put his hands in his pockets to hide his raging hard on as best he could, pushed past me and locked himself in the bathroom. When he returned he was smirking, and I’d thought I wouldn’t need to, but he kissed me, long and slow, and I found myself in the loo a few moments later, pants around my ankles as I attempted to rub one out so I could make it home without fucking him in the back of the car that would be waiting for us. Or on the plane. In front of everyone. My phone dinged, and I bent to pull it out of my pants pocket. He’d sent me a video he’d made during his turn, hand on his cock, jerking himself off, standing right in the same spot I was in now. That was all the inspiration I required, and then some. I deleted it as soon as I finished, then texted him to remind him to do the same. Even though his face wasn’t visible, it still wasn’t something that should be kept around. Despite the fact that I wanted to watch it a thousand more times.
As we circled LaGuardia, I began singing Frank Sinatra’s ‘New York, New York’. Quietly, I might add, until Tom joined in, then a good number of the other passengers in first class, turning it into an impromptu sing-along that grew loud enough as we reached the final chorus to warrant a shushing from the flight attendant. We disembarked, picked up our luggage, and found the driver holding a sign with GALLAGHER written on it. Tom had given the company my name in an attempt to avoid any unnecessary scrutiny, but it turned out to not make a difference as this was New York, where no one gave much of a fuck about how famous you were. I’d seen Madonna try to cut line at a bagel shop once, only to be rebuked none too gently by everyone already waiting, resulting in her taking her place at the back of the queue, laughing and saying she should have known better than to do such a thing on her home turf. There was not a single soul standing still as we followed the driver to the curb, everyone looking down and walking quickly as they sought to fulfill their own personal missions.
Forty-five minutes later we arrived at 250 Mercer Street in Greenwich Village/NoHo, a wide smile spreading across my face at the prospect of being home, growing ever wider when I turned to Tom and it hit me that for the first time since college, someone I loved was coming home with me.
He leaned over me, peering out my open window, craning his neck to see how high it went despite the fact that it was dark.
My hand found his thigh and settled there. “It’s 16 floors in some spots. Building was erected in 1888, renovated in 1979 and remained rental apartments until 1986 when it went co-op. My dad bought it in 1995, for exactly how much I don’t know. He signed it over to me for a dollar a few months later, and I didn’t pay any attention at all to the paperwork. Surprising, right? I’d have to pull the deed to find out the amount. Now it’s worth around eight hundred thousand or so, but I don’t care, because I am NEVER selling it. I’m on the 5th floor. And yes, there are elevators. Thank god.” I opened the door, stepping on my right foot gingerly. The pain was back, mainly because I was a fucking moron and not only forgot to take my ibuprofen but had packed it away in my suitcase instead of my carry on. The crutches were in the trunk, and the driver brought them around first for me, the followed with our luggage.
Tom came out on the curb side as well, stretching, arms up over his head, T-shirt riding up just enough to reveal his belly button and the start of his happy trail as he glanced around at the street signs and location. “The Village, yes?”  
“Technically it’s right on the border of Greenwich Village and NoHo. Best of both worlds and all that. Washington Square Park is right over that way…” I pointed in the correct direction, but it looked like I was pointing at air since it wasn’t visible. “You can totally see it from my window.”
Tom tipped the driver, who’d brought the luggage right to the door for us when he realized it was way too much for one person to carry. The glass door opened towards us, and out stepped Murray Goldberg, my favorite doorman. His uniform was black, with gold trim and buttons, exactly the same as it had been when I’d moved in, and, according to him, as it was when he started back in 1987. He was in his mid-sixties, not much taller than I was, with thinning white hair and gold-framed John Lennon glasses.
“Well, well, well…look what the cat dragged in. If it’s isn’t Miss Maude Gallagher. You were supposed to be back for the July 4th weekend…how I worried and worried!” He chuckled as I half-embraced him, crutches tucked to my side with my elbows.
“Oh please. You are so full of shit, old man. You didn’t even notice I was gone. And besides, look what I brought back with me!” I released him and gestured to Tom. “Murray, this is Tom Hiddleston. Tom, Murray Goldberg.”
Murray glanced at Tom, then rolled his eyes at me. “So THIS is why you went AWOL.” He held his hand out to Tom, who shook it vigorously. “Nice to meet you, Tom. Welcome to 250 Mercer.”
Tom grinned. “Thank you, Murray. Pleasure to meet you as well.”
Murray looked puzzled for a moment, and I knew it had dawned on him that Tom was an actor, but he shrugged it off and poked my arm, suddenly switching to a thick Brooklyn accent. “Englishman, eh? Whatsamatta, New York guys not good enough for ya anymore?”
I snorted. “Nice. Offend him before he even has a chance to see the place.” We all laughed, and I pointed to my walking boot. “I’m injured. I don’t suppose you can dig us up a luggage dolly from somewhere?”
He shook his head at Tom. “Been back less than five minutes and she’s already a giant pain in my ass. Wait here.”
They loaded the cart while I watched, and Murray wished us a good night as we headed for the elevator. Tom wheeled it inside and I punched the 5 button quickly, hoping to avoid company. My strategy was successful, and less than a minute later the stainless steel sliders opened, my white apartment door visible from where we stood. It turned out that crutches were useful for holding elevators, but I felt completely useless as I watched Tom struggling to drag the cart up over the lip and onto the grey carpet.
I pointed to the left. “C503. That’s us, right over there.” Grabbing my messenger bag off the pile of luggage, I fished out my keys, put the correct one in the deadbolt, then pushed down on the handle. The door swung inward, and I reached in and flipped the light switch. I turned around to see Tom, his eyes wide and slightly misty. I grinned, leaned my crutches against the sideboard and threw myself at him, arms wrapping around his waist. “Welcome home, Thomas.”
To the right of the door, behind the bathroom, was a metal staircase that led to the loft. Tom unloaded all the luggage there, then brought the cart back downstairs to Murray. I fumbled around in the sideboard drawers, looking for my spare apartment key. It was way in the back, buried under entirely too many takeout menus…all of which reminded me that I was starving. The stove clock said it was 10:55. Most of the Thai and Chinese places would be closing soon, but The Bagel Café/Ray’s Pizza was open, and they had a huge menu to choose from.
“New York, I have missed you so very much. Where else can I get breakfast delivered to my door in the middle of the night if I want? And cannolis. And cake. And…”
My musings were interrupted by a knock on the door. I opened it just a crack, peeking out and pretending to be wary. “Yes?”
Tom raised a brow and grinned.
I shook my head. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”
He feigned exasperation, arms crossed, frowning and tapping his foot.
“Oh, right. You’re that totally hot guy who followed me home from Hawaii.” I opened the door fully. “Well, come on in, I guess.”
Tom grabbed my waist, bending down to kiss my neck. “Totally hot guy wants to drag his totally hot woman to bed, but he’s suffering the effects of food deprivation and fears his performance will suffer unless calories are consumed forthwith.”
I passed him the extensive Ray’s menu, pulled my phone from my pocket and hefted myself onto one of the kitchen bar chairs, mentally noting that finding the ibuprofen should be next on my to do list. “Let me know what you want. I’m going to add my stuff to the order while you’re deciding.”
I ordered a Meat Lover’s Omelet with bacon, home fries and toast, an everything bagel with scallion cream cheese, a slice of strawberry cheesecake, a large orange juice and a large black tea with cream and sugar. Tom was still perusing the menu. I managed to be patient for a bit, but then leaned forward, putting my face between him and the paper.
He laughed. “Someone’s nearing hangry level orange.”
“Mmm, not quite yet but if you don’t make up your mind soon things may get ugly before the delivery guy gets here.”
“Well, no one wants that, do they? I’d like a large Irish Crème coffee, a cranberry scone, a Gone Bananas smoothie, a Greek salad and a deluxe cheeseburger with bacon, please.”
“Dude, your order is even weirder than mine. I’m impressed.” I entered his items and my credit card info, then pressed the submit order button. Forty minutes according to the website, which was unusually fast. I slid off the chair and stood on my left foot as I reached for the crutches. “It’ll probably be an hour before it gets here. There should be some water and soda in the fridge, though, in case you’re thirsty. I’m going to go scare up some ibuprofen so I can maybe walk upstairs at some point this evening.”
Tom shook his head. “No, stay. I’ll get it for you. Where is it?”
“In one of my suitcases. I think. All I really know is that I packed it.”
“Do you keep any here in the house?”
My mouth dropped open. “Well, shit. Yeah. The bathroom, cabinet under the sink. Wonder how long it would have taken me to come up with that? Oy. It’s the door behind you, on the right.”
He came back, shaking the bottle, then went around the corner into the kitchen, opening the stainless-steel refrigerator door and letting out a low whistle. “Soda, water, basic condiments and some whipped butter. Toss in some ancient moldy leftovers and a few bottles of beer and it would be identical to mine. Though mine’s just white. Not fancy and shiny like this one.”
He passed me a bottle of water across the counter, and I quickly swallowed two tiny red pills and stuck my tongue out at him. “It used to be much shittier, trust me. Back in 2011 everything was in such bad shape I said fuck it and decided to put the money into renovating it. Plus, I needed more storage options. For books. Want the official downstairs tour?”
“Indeed I do.”
I pointed at the kitchen. “Where you’re at…that’s the kitchen.” He smacked my hand gently and rolled his eyes. “Countertops are concrete, back splash is glass tile. Gas stove over yonder, mainly used for boiling water and reheating takeout food. Next to the fridge is a Fisher & Paykel DishDrawer. It’s a dishwasher, but it pulls out like a drawer and takes up a lot less space. We won’t talk about how much it cost. It’s embarrassing, and I didn’t really NEED it but damn, it’s really fucking cool. Don’t open it, though. I think I may have forgotten to do them before I left. After seeing my mother’s house I don’t like the cabinets as much as I used to, but at least they have stainless pulls instead of gold. Bathroom next.”
Tom rounded the corner and followed me the seven steps to the washroom. “You’ve already seen this. And you’ve looked in the cabinet under the sink. Hopefully there’s nothing too embarrassing in there, though I tend to keep most of that stuff in the loft. Floor is teeny tiny marble tiles, walls are subway tile, because, New York, and the shower is black glass tile. I love glass tile. I have no idea why, but I do. The overhead light in there is awesome…I abhor showering in low light. Can’t see shit. The fixture is a Grohe, and it’s got a rain head AND a massager. In retrospect, I would have gone with just the massager because the rain head gets water in my eyes constantly. And here we have a sink, and the excrement receptacle. Very exciting, no?”
He chuckled. “Excrement receptacle. I’m stealing that one, if you don’t mind.”
I waved my hand. “Sure, fine, why not. Now, let’s adjourn to the living area. To your left is the sideboard, where I keep all the crap I don’t have another place for. The mirror above is handy for making sure there are no boogers hanging from my nose before I leave the house AND for watching myself burn things in the kitchen. Up next are these very cool metal lockers that function as my coatroom and general storage. They all have a different combinations and I don’t know the two on the far end so please don’t turn the dials. To your right is a dining set that is not anywhere within the scope of my usual taste, but it was a gift from Anne when I first moved in and part of her parent’s estate so it remains. Recovering the seats in black leather made them more palatable. There’s a matching hutch on the wall behind it, which I use for books instead of dishes. The rug is from her, too. Sorry, am I rambling? Just let me know if you want me to shut up.”
He shook his head. “No, I’m enjoying this immensely. This…this is the place you call home. I want to know every detail, the how, the why, the significance of each and every thing and what it means to you.”
My eyebrows shot up. “Yeah, well, we’re only going to be here for three days and I did plan on leaving the house to do stuff so…anyway.” I gestured to the windows. “Those are eight feet high, the ceilings are twelve. There’s a remote on the coffee table that opens and closes the shades. Some people don’t mind parading around in the buff in front of the entire city, but I try to avoid it. Emphasis on TRY.” He laughed. “The bookshelves are custom…I designed them myself. Underneath are storage cabinets, which hold more books, my speakers, and some DVDs and CDs. The rug under the coffee table is also from Anne, and the white sofa…I have no explanation for it other than it had clean lines and metal feet. How it’s remained unscathed in light of my clumsiness is a mystery. The chaise part is pretty cool, though, and the TV’s on a swivel so I can turn it in that direction. Both pieces of art are things I found while traveling. The one by the windows was at an estate sale in Boston, and the big one is from a gallery in San Francisco.” I held my hands out to the side at shoulder level. “So, that’s it, I guess. If you turn around you’ll see the loft, and as soon as my meds kick in we can go up and unpack. Oh, wait. One more thing. Here’s your key.” I reached into my pocket, then held it out to him, allowing it to lay flat on my palm.
He lifted it slowly, the pads of his fingers brushing delicately against my hand, the connection creating a current of what felt like a thousand volts. It surged through me, and when I met his gaze he burst into tears. I wound my arms around him, crutches falling to the floor with a metallic whump, kissing each wet cheek in turn as my own eyes began streaming.
Wiping at his eyes with the back of one hand, his other arm around my waist, he smiled softly. “Wow. Sorry about that…I just…I…not even seven days ago I was certain I’d lost you forever and here we are, actually, finally in New York and you’ve welcomed me into your home…into your LIFE…and I’m just…I’m…so…so…GRATEFUL, Maude. And thankful. All that we’ve learned about each other, how much closer we’ve grown…which, honestly, I wouldn’t have believed to be possible, given how close we already were…I feel…unburdened. Lighter. Freer. I feel…ALIVE. So very much alive.”  
His mouth was on mine before I had a chance to speak, and when he did the lip thing again I lost my mind completely. One hand was up my shirt, caressing my breasts first over then under my bra, the other down my shorts, inside my underwear, two fingers abruptly thrust inside me, pumping in and out. I glanced at the stove clock as I undid his zipper and wrapped my hand around his throbbing cock. It read 11:25. At least fifteen more minutes before dinner arrived. Plenty of time.
He whimpered pitifully as I began stroking him, voice breaking when he managed to speak. “Oh…Maude…I wanted to wait and take my time but…ohhhhh, GOD…I’m afraid I’m more than a little desperate for you, my love. May I have you, please? Now?”
I walked him backward toward the coffee table, fumbled for the remote and hit the button to close the shades, then grabbed waist of his shorts and pushed them down over his hips until they fell unceremoniously to the floor. He did the same with mine, dragging my panties with them, pausing to allow me to lean on him as he lifted my right leg to pull them over the boot. Our mouths met again, mine open and waiting for his tongue. His kiss was at first gruff, then yielding, gasping as I sought to imitate the forcefulness he’d displayed when sucking on my lip, pulling his into my mouth with a ferocity I hadn’t known I possessed. I felt myself being lowered onto a surface, which I assumed was the chaise portion of the couch, but wouldn’t have cared if it was a bed of nails.  
Suddenly his weight was upon me, cock hard and leaking against my entrance. He broke the kiss to hold my head in his hands, our foreheads almost touching, gazes locked. “I love you, Maude. I will love you all of this life, and in each and every one that follows. I will love you as the world turns to ash around us. I will love you as the universe collapses into itself, and in the blackness of the eternity that awaits, I will remain, with you, at your side, holding your hand, never to let go. This love…it knows no bounds. It is forever. Two souls made one, together unto infinity. I love you. I love you.”  
He shifted his hips, pushing himself inside me, slowly, stilling when he hit bottom, and I wept against his shoulder, hands at his waist under his shirt and grasping his hips. He wrapped his arms around me, hands in my hair, his lips on my neck, kissing every spot over and over.
“I love you, Thomas. Never let me go. Please. Never let me go.”
We began moving together, all gentleness cast aside as we raced at breakneck speed to feel the completeness that resulted only when the physical and the spiritual combined. His hips slammed against mine so savagely I knew I’d wake tomorrow to bruises, and my hands moved further up and under his shirt, fingernails digging in, then raking down his back as the head of his cock nudged my cervix and I came, pleasure and pain intermingling, a chasm opening and suspending us in a single instance of time and space as I felt his cock pulsing in tempo with my walls, then erupting its liquid fire inside me, like a volcano buried deep in the ocean floor.
The only sound in the apartment was our breathing, both of us panting and gasping. Tom rose up on his elbows, conducting a visual inspection to determine if I’d incurred any damage.
“Fuck, Maude…I’m so sorry…that was positively barbarous of me…are you all right? And your ankle…I forgot about THAT altogether…”
I placed my palms on his chest. “Barbarous is a bit harsh, don’t you think? I’d go with delightfully uncivilized. Either way, it was electrifying. And I’m fine. How’s your back, though? Let me see.”
“My back? Why?” He whipped his shirt off and slipped it under me as he pulled out and turned around. Eight welts stretched from his shoulders to his waist, four of them bleeding in spots.
My hand flew to my mouth, dampening a loud gasp. “Now that there, THAT’S barbarous. You. Are. Bleeding.”  
He craned his neck to see behind him, then got up and went to look in the sideboard mirror. I got up, and hobbled over to stand next to him, clad only in my T-shirt.
“Tom…shit…I’m like…SO sorry. Yikes. I’ll go get some peroxide…”
He started at his reflection, head tilted, puzzled. “I didn’t feel that. At all.” As he turned around to face me, his hands reached for mine, grasping them. “What I DID feel was you. Us. I want you to know, Maude, I meant every word of what I said. Every word.”
“I know. Thank you. I…I…I’m not sure if I can formulate a reply that would convey my own feelings adequately…”
A kiss cut me off, his tongue forcing its way past my lips and teeth to reach mine, and when he pulled away he pointed at the couch. “You already did, my love.”
The blush began in my already flushed cheeks and spread all the way down to my breasts. My gaze shifted from his face to the floor. “Oh.”
Tom chuckled. “Suddenly modest, are we?”
I let go of his hands in order to cover my face. “Oh. My. GOD. Shut. UP.”
He roared with laughter, the sound echoing in the open space that surrounded us. I turned on my heel as quickly as my injury would allow and opened the bathroom door, looking back at him over my shoulder.
“I’m still going to get you some peroxide, in spite of the fact that you’re a complete and total asshole.”
The laughter continued as I searched the drawer, then abruptly ceased as someone knocked on the door and loudly announced ‘delivery for Gallagher’.
I took off my T-shirt and tossed it to Tom. “Here, put this on. And don’t forget your shorts. I’ll hide in here. There’s tip money in the dish on top of the sideboard.”
Figuring I might as well pee while I was in there, I giggled as I sat down on the seat. “Excrement receptacle. Damn, I’m fucking hilarious.” I could hear Tom thanking the delivery guy as I finished up and washed my hands, followed by the sound of the door closing. He was in the kitchen when I came out, removing the food from the bags and placing it on the counter, sorting it into two piles. I put my underwear back on and dug a T-shirt out of my luggage. There was no way to be sure whether it was clean or dirty, but it passed the sniff test so I deemed it wearable.
We ate at the dining table, him snatching half my bagel and a good sized chunk of my omelet. The cheesecake and the scone went in the fridge so we’d have something on hand that passed for breakfast, and as he loaded the silverware into the dishdrawer (which had been empty, thankfully) a yawn escaped him, so powerful he dropped the fork he’d been holding.
I bent to pick it up, remembering he’d been up hours before I had. It seemed a physical impossibility that the press encounter and funeral had occurred earlier that same day, and suddenly all I wanted to do was lie down with him snuggled against me. He closed the drawer and pushed the start button, and I reached for his hand.
“Come on, you. Time for sleep.”
He let go, shaking his head. “We haven’t unpacked, nor have we texted Luke and Simon to let them know we arrived safely and to find out if they have as well, and we still have to call Norman…”
I grabbed my phone from my shorts, which were still on the floor where he’d dropped them. “There. Luke and Simon texted. Where’s your phone? Let’s text Norman, too.” He passed it to me. I typed quickly.
Hey – just wanted to say thank you for reaching out, and no worries. The internet, as they say, is forever. Appreciate you noticing and providing clarity as to the source. Hope filming the rest of the season is going well. Best, Gallagher & Hiddleston
I turned the screen so Tom could read what I’d written.
He nodded. “That’s perfect. Thank you.”
I hit send, set my phone on the sideboard and turned off the downstairs lights. “Let’s go. Move that ass.”
He snorted and followed me up the stairs. It felt like it took forever with the stupid boot, and I dreaded having to pee during the night.  I turned back the covers, then stood by the dresser at the bottom of the bed and removed my shirt and panties, Tom’s arms winding around my waist from behind, holding me in place so I didn’t fall over as I wrangled the underwear over the boot.
His voice rumbled in my ear. “So, this is where the magic happens…”
“Ummm…if you’re referring to solo magic, yes. Lots of it. But other than that, no. Not in a long, long time, anyway.”
His grip loosened and he stepped back, silent until I turned around.
“Maude, I’d forgotten he lived here with you…I’m…”
I raised my hand to stop him. “Shush. There’s no longer room in my heart, or my head, for anything other than what’s right in front of me. What happened can’t be changed, nor would I want it to be. Life is meant to be experienced in the moment. If you dwell on the past or focus on the future, you miss everything in between. Trust me. I know. And I’m so very, very done with missing out. Now get those clothes off.” I held out my right arm, palm up, towards the platform that held a queen size mattress. “This way to my bed, sir.”
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jayflrt · 2 years
akka 😭😭😭 hello!! how are you?? naur it's been so long that i forgot about you :( i had my preboards the last two weeks with no breaks so i had to study a lot!! literally after week 👋🏻
so akka how much did you get in your finals? and how was the paper actually, was it easy, medium or hard?? my papers were easy only if i had studied for them lmao. i actually didn't study much and i got all of my preboard one marks — math : 16/40, science 19/40, social : 11/40 (fyi. the passing mark is 14, so technically i failed in social studies 🤡) english : 31 and half/40 (and that's the highest in my pre board one!!) computers : 23/25 (i actually didn't expect to score top marks in my class) and finally hindi : 20/40 (i tried but expected less than 20 lol)
and tomorrow will be my last preboard 2 exam which is math and i haven't prepared it 🥲🥲 and then my last preboard, which is the third revision tests, they'll start from april 11 and end on april 19 :) so that's a lot of studying to do.
today was the best day because my english teacher appreciated me alot because she didn't find any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors or strikings/cuttings in my paper and she was pretty surprised and so i was 😲 i'm hoping to do well in preboard 3 as well, so let's hope to get all 40's in my thrid preboard.
i didn't write my preboard one and two well, so i rlly need to get my ass off bed and just start studying and as for 2521 — idk wtf will happen this weekend and i'm freaking out cuz there's still 2 episodes left which will release this weekend and the fact that the drama genre changed from rom-com to melodrama (what is that?) i just can't wait to watch the last two episodes of 2521!!
and coming to my love — my brain is not functioning properly because idk whether he has feelings for me or just like me... but it's going pretty well because all we had was sneaking eye contacts and when i stood near him for the first time, like 15 cm away?? i guess?? i think his height is 178 cm to 180 cm, yup that's right!! according to my calculations :)
akka, by any chance you know hand cricket?? i sent him this video and texted him — you and who?? and he was like "the whole class" lol. that's true we all play hand cricket in class and get caught by our teachers and another conversation is that he type "hehe" which is so cute and i always tell that to my friends and they tease about it in snapchat — they go like "hehehehheheheh" and that's so damn hard to not to smile. tbh he's so cute 🥺✨ he's so precious :(
one more thing is that you rlly looked so pretty on your face reveal, i saw that!!! you were really pretty 🥰🥰🥰💛💛💛 like you looked like a tamilian lol. and did i ever say this to you that my man is also tamilian???? lmao...
so in conclusion, i just want you to answer. read this and then look away, so if you look away from your phone now and the first colour you see is the answer — see purple, that's a yes and if you see a blue it's a no and if you see a yellow, then it's a maybe. so akka — will we have a second chance...?
well i'm curious for the answer akka... so how was your weekend and how have you really been and btw how did you spend your time with you mom and sis?? drink lots of water and eat healthy food. ily and take care akka 🥰🥰
— 🦔
hihi 🦔 anon !! omg it has been a while, how have you been?? 🤧 i was wondering when you’d drop by but i realized that you were probably busy with exams !! 💗
i did pretty good !! i got As which is 90-100 here, but our scores are weighted based on the pluses and minuses so my A- (90-93) made my gpa go down a little 🤧 but i’m overall very very content bc i passed this writing requirement that i needed to graduate !! 🥰🌸 honestly a few of my classes were pretty hard but i think they would’ve been easier if i gave myself more time to prepare HAHAH i wrote like 5 essays that week and a lot of them were pretty long so it was just constant typing all day 😵‍💫 but oh my gosh congrats on your preboard scores !!! 🥳🥳 and you got the top score in your class for computers — that’s amazing !! 🤩
omg i’m assuming your math one is already done by the time i post this so how’d it go ?? :o and good luck in the next few weeks !! sounds rlly busy but you’ve got this 🥰💗 AND YES ALL 40S FOR YOUR NEXT PREBOARD !! 🤩🤩 english can be so tricky so that’s great that your teacher complimented you :’))
2125 changed to melodrama ?? :o omg i thought it would be lighthearted like weightlifting fairy HAHAH but basically it’s just rlly dramatic with its emotions rn ?? but i hope you like the next few episodes and its ending !! my friend and i are going to watch the penthouse together (although it’s going to be my third time watching it) 💖💖
oooh he’s been sneaking eye contact ?? 😌😌 maybe you can pick up on more signs and ask him if he feels anything in a month or so !! but omg that’s such a cute height difference 💕 also yesyes i know hand cricket !! HAHAH it’s always good when guys are fun texters 🥲 i told my friends this yesterday actually but i said it was ideal when a guy is interesting in person and isn’t a dry texter either
oh my goshhhh thank you so much 🥺🥺💖💖💖 i had no idea you saw it but thank you for such a sweet compliment !! 🤍🤍 also this is strange but that actually means a lot to hear that i look tamilian HAHAH and omgg he’s tamil LOLL 🤧
LMAODJJF THE FIRST COLOR I SAW WAS PINK but i suppose you can take it as purple bc it has purple stars on it 🥰🥰💜💜 but dw love you don’t need speculation, you got this on your own !!
but i’ve been well angel, tysm for asking !! ☺️💗 i had a great time at home with my family and got to eat a lot of good food :’)) and actually i have a little brother not sister !! ♡ but yesyes i got to unwind and spend a lot of time for myself and it was very relaxing 🌷🌷 i hope you’re taking time for yourself as well in the midst of your exams !! hope you’re doing well and take care 🥰🌸
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yanderr02 · 7 years
Tag You’re It
Tagged by: @ittybittyteapot @hey-heichou-suz @attack-on-stalking gosh I have to answer all 33 questions ><</p>
1. Always post the rules
2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. Tag 11 people
for @attack-on-stalking‘s question:
What is the first fandom that you were/ or are still in?
It was years ago and its so embarrassing>< I was part of the FNAF fandom and luckily now a part of the snk fandom
When was your tumblr created?
2 years ago… my good ol’ innocent days…
What is one thing that you’re proud of?
keeping my sanity up during tough times
Fruits or veggies?
prefer fruits but keeps on eating veggies more
Did you have an emo phase?
Not yet.
What is your fav fic trope or au?
Barista au, Mafia au,  BDSM au and Slut for arranged marriage and pining and shizz
Do you believe in astrology?
actually that’s what I want to study aside psychopathology. astrology is intersting for me Would you call yourself a pessimist, realist or optimist?
Simply a realist
If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be?
I would meet uhhh Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves
Are you planning, or have you ever posted some of your work? Being it fanart, fanfic, meta, etc
I started posting few doodles and probs start improving my vocabulary even more to post drabbles here. If I have enough time I’ll post some.
And last but not least, ereri or riren? *wink wink*
Both but head over heels over Er//eri. Imagine a cold ass midget turning beet red over a confessing brunette. I’ll be a different story 
Now for @ittybittyteapot ‘s question:
 If you could visit any place, where would it be?
Maybe at the Louvre and Akihabara
 Best soundtrack ever?
if its sawano’s, its the best
 Right brained or left brained or is that all bullshit?
Right brained cause they said that left handed are mostly controlled by their right brain more often 
 Happy or sad music?
depends on the mood of the day. but listens to sad musics more 
 If you could possess any talent, what would it be?
to be able to do anything without getting pressured
If you could possess all the knowledge of the universe, would you accept such power?
if I have to shoulder the world then no
Fanart or fanfiction?
both. You need a fanart to visualize and make a fic come to life and fanfic to understand the fanart better
 If you could have a super/magic power, what would it be (if any)?
Invisibility and mind reading powers for special purposes
 Which interests you more, the past or the future?
Future. Nobody knows what would happens next so you’ll just hope for the best
 Favorite character?
Straight up Levi Ackerman and Eren Jaeger *sparkles*
lastly @hey-heichou-suz‘s question:
Smut or fluff?
Fluff all the way
What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
Tried eating a green mango with Milo, not bad. 
 Do you have a bucket list (if yes, name one thing on it)
of course. one of my bucket list is to make and publish my own book
 Do you consider yourself to be more academic or artistic, or both?
Artistic. Who said that I like math?!
When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
UHHH probs a long time ago. 
What bad habits do you have?
gets arms crossed and tapping my foot loudly when I’m stressed and getting irritable over something people around me gets annoyed by that. And also scooping my foot that has been crossed to a person’s foot next to me when I’m extremely comfortable.
What was your most recent lie?
Told somebody that I’m okay even tho I’m limping like a pirate due to a broken ankle
 What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
Slept quite longer than last week 
What’s the funniest word in the English language?
Jamboree *snorts*
Your favourite fanart/fanfic?
Fanfic: this and this and this…
Fanart: all of these. All fanart is the best but these are def my fave especially the artist herself ><
What’s the best lesson you’ve learned from a work of fiction?
Trust yourself and the ability you have to do something you love.
*wipes sweat*
Have you experienced sleep paralysis? If so, how did you managed to handle it?
What is your ideal date place?
Do you prefer living with your parents or living alone?
Do you have any mental illness? Have you been to a therapist?
What to you do when you’re stressed out?
What are your comfort foods?
What is your favorite place to go when you want to be alone?
How do you confess to someone you know for a very long time?
What is your ideal job?
What do you do on your free time?
If you have a chance to own a exotic pet, what would it be? 
Now taggin’
@lifeistrash13 @icecat45 @theredstarassassin @falirma @morebeesthanyoucouldimagine @dallyingdivergent @deyanirasan @levi-daddy-yeager @00wonderwoman @eren--gayger @captain-cleanliness @sweetsoursugarcube @shinjekinootp @aho-e @injuredoutfit
Goodluck ;))))
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davidcdelreal · 7 years
How I Showed a 16-Year-Old How to Turn $500 Into $520,367
We’ve all had those fantasies of getting into a DeLorean and going back in time. We think about all the little changes that we’d make in our lives. If you’re like me and have investing on the brain, then maybe you wish you would have gone back in time and started investing earlier.
This is exactly what I was thinking when I had a chance to meet with the son of one of my friends. Her son had recently turned 16 but had been mowing lawns “since he was a kid.” Haha.
The son had talked to a cousin recently who had told him about how he needed to start investing. Intrigued, he told his mom to contact that investment guy that she had mentioned in the past. In case you’re not sure who he was referring to, that investment guy was me.
If you are ready to being your investing journey, make sure you check out our guides such as our Online Investing for Newbies for your reference!
There’s not many things that excite me more (with the exception of In-N-Out Burger) than seeing a young investor get started for the first time. The fact that this investor was the ripe age of 16 makes it that much more exciting.
With any new investor, I walk them through the process of explaining what a stock is, how that relates to a mutual fund (check out this post and video regarding mutual funds), and how easy it is to get started investing by buying mutual funds.
One tool that I use is Thomson Reuters which is a database of almost 30,000 different mutual funds that exist. One mutual fund that I use for hypothetical purposes is not the best mutual fund in the world.
In fact, it’s an average mutual fund and by average I mean that when you look at how it compares to other mutual funds in its peer group it’s been pretty middle-of-the-road. I like showing this mutual fund, for two reasons:
It gives us a good variety of market conditions since the fund was established in the late 60s.
By showing an average mutual fund, I’m not showing the best, I’m not showing the worst, I'm just showing a possible scenario of what it looks like to make money in the stock market.
In this hypothetical scenario, since the 16-year-old only has $500 that’s what we’ll use for this example. When looking at the illustration, you’ll notice charges. That’s because in this example we’re looking at A Share, otherwise known as load mutual funds.
Now you might be gasping and asking, “Oh my gosh, why is he showing a loaded mutual fund?” Please keep in mind that back then load mutual funds were very common.
Load or no-load aside, you should get a good sense of what the power of compounding interest looks like and how the impact of investing $500 means a lot – especially when starting at that early age.
The time machine is steaming, watch your head as you enter under the falcon wing doors, and let's take a trip back in time. Don't worry, I'll bring you back safely. You have enough plutonium, right?  
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In 1970, I show investing $500 with total upfront charges of $29. After a years’ time, the mutual fund averaged 5.15% for a total end-of-year value of $495 so after one year, after paying sales and commissions, he’s down $5.
Not too exciting, especially since he could have put it in the bank and made a lot more. Moving on to the next year.
After two years investing, we’ve averaged 5.15% and now 18.28% for a total value of $586. Not too shabby.
We experienced another year of good growth with 12.72%. Total value now is $661. Typically at this point, I try to remind any new investor that three years of growth at these amounts, 5.15%, 18.28%, and 12.72%, is outstanding.
We’ve averaged good returns but since we only made $161 it might not be that exciting.
Now the fun begins. Okay, not really that much fun, but we get our first true taste of a bear market. In 1973, the fund was down 33.75%, #ouch.
People hate losing money and now imagine you’ve been investing for four years and after seeing some modest growth you are now down $62. Most people agree that this is not what we hoped or expected from investing in the stock market. This is a big reason why most people don’t invest in the market because they have a very short-term perspective.
I explained to the investor that if they were concerned and came to me that I would suggest for them to stay the course and to stay invested and let the market do its thing. Let’s see what next year holds.
#doubleouch. We followed a 33.75% loss with another 28.87% loss, #thatsucks.
In 2008, the market was down 37% and many claimed that it was the worst market since the great depression.
While in 1973 the market was also down big – this fund was down 33% followed by 28%. That seems like a lot worse than what happened in the 2008 financial crisis.
Our initial $500 investment has grown to $661 at its high and now it’s down to $311 – so after five years of investing we’re down almost 40%.
If you decided to stay the course then kudos to you. You’ve done what most people can’t.
The stock market is one of the only few places that when things go on sale, nobody wants to buy; when there is a clearance sale, instead of flooding to the store people are running away in mad hordes.
This investor – who started with $500 saw it climb to $661 only to see it drop by over 50% in the next two years – would’ve seen almost a complete recovery back to their original investment amount if they held on just for another year. At the end of 1975, the total value is now $471.
The one thing I don’t want any of you to discount here is think about how long five years really is. Could you wait five years to see your investment basically go nowhere? Would you actually have confidence in the stock market? Would you have confidence in your financial advisor and their investment recommendations?
Based on prior experience, I would make an educated guess that 99.9% of you wouldn’t, and that’s why most people aren’t defensible investors.
Prior to revealing the 1975 return, this is where I like to ask the individual sitting across from me – which is the same thing I asked the 16-year-old – is what would you hope would be your total value after 10 years?
Essentially, what would you hope to have in 1979 – in 10 years of being vested in the stock market? Actually a majority of the time, most people would be happy to make their money back. Some like to see at least a $100 or $200 gain from their $500 investment.
For those who want to just get their money back, as I’ve already shown in 1975, we’re almost there. Now if we fast forward until 1979, exactly 10 years from when we started, you can see that the total value is $1302. We’ve almost tripled our original investment. Was it a roller coaster ride getting there? Absolutely. Once again, it just shows the importance of having time in the market, being patient, and letting the market do its thing.
Later Years + Total Return
If we keep playing this scenario out over the next 35+ years, we can see that the value grows from a starting point of $500 all the way to $68,684 for an average annual rate of return of 11.49%. Not too shabby for a $500 investment that you just let sit as a mutual fund.
In case you can’t do the math, that means that this 16-year-old would have roughly $70,000 by investing $500 and waiting until the age of 61. Okay, you’re probably wondering based on the title of this article where the $500,000 come from. Let me show you.
$500 + $25/month
This 16-year-old was ambitious and I could see him salivating over seeing his $500 grow to be a very large number in his eyes. Remember, this kid mowed lawns and did landscaping on the side. The next chart I showed him was taking that $500 and then adding $25 per month. By simply adding $300 per year over the exact same timeline, the amount grew from $68,000 all the way up to $520,000.
Another part that I use to help drive the point home is that the money that he actually invested was only $55,194. Everything else was dividend, interest, and capital gains. A $55,000 investment over the course of 45 years grew to an astronomical $520k.
Calling Out the Skeptics
I can hear many of you now thinking, “Okay Jeff, but the market doesn’t average 11.94% like it used to.” That’s a fair argument, but also keep in mind that the S&P 500 at the time of this writing has returned 7.71%. Well that’s considerably less than what this fund returned. At least it gives us some type of ballpark range to consider.
The final thing I like to point out to people is the $500,000 in this example is a lot of money. We very may well never get close to having those type of returns. That being said, what if I was half wrong meaning that instead of having $500,000 we only have $250,000? That’s still $250,000 from an initial investment of $500 plus $25 per month. That’s still huge and will set this kid apart from 98% of his peers.
The moral of the story is start investing, let the markets do their thing, and let time be on your side. If you haven’t started investing yet, check out great online platforms like Scottrade and Betterment.
Don't put off investing and kill your ability to watch compound interest work its wonders. Cut through the excuses, and start investing something – even if it's a small amount. Check out 16 Ways to Invest $100. Just about everyone can afford to invest 100 bucks, feeling adventurous, check out 7 Smart Ways to Invest $1,000!
Now you might also be thinking, “I'm not 16 years old, Jeff. I'm about 10 years from retirement.” I feel you. Instead of giving up, there's so much you can do to better your finances. Read 10 Years from Retirement at RetirementByJeff.com. I'll walk you through the problem of having a lack of time!
I encourage you to invest something – what you reasonably can – toward a better future. Who knows, maybe later today you'll meet your future self thanking you for being smart and investing more for the future.  
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This post originally appeared in Forbes.com.
The post How I Showed a 16-Year-Old How to Turn $500 Into $520,367 appeared first on Good Financial Cents.
from All About Insurance https://www.goodfinancialcents.com/how-i-showed-a-16-year-old-to-turn-500-into-520367/
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myfifatales · 7 years
The tale of... Madagascar
Have I become too good? That's also a concern I have sometimes. I think the worst thing that could happen to me is that I became the best at something. Well, not only the best, but the absolute best, beating everybody else with ease, making winning a routine. I'd obtain no more satisfaction, I wouldn't enjoy it anymore. It'd kill me inside. That's why sometimes I want to lose, to then win. Even if that loss will taste worse than any other defeat ever. Sometimes I *need* that defeat. Maybe that's why I love an underdog...
But why would I be thinking like this when I looked at defeat straight into the eyes in my last tale? I'm more motivated than ever. I want to set an amazing record of straight World Cup wins. I want to be ready for the ULTIMATE MYFIFATALES CHALLENGE. So let's move to our next destination in search for glory. Africa - it's back to you. This island hopper is here. What are my possibilities? Only Madagascar and Mauritius? But I already failed with those. Yes, a long time ago I failed to even qualify both Madagascar and Mauritius. How could that happen? Well, the wind of change hadn't blown my direction yet.
Now I'm stronger than ever. I feel it. I'm not unbeatable, but beating me is extremely difficult. Not even the worst-ever position of control pad buttons can stop me. They say that you shouldn't go back to the place you weren't happy. Or was it the other way round? Either way, I choose you Madagascar. I'm back on the big island. And this time, yes, to win the World Cup.
The tale of... Madagascar 🇲🇬
As I said before, there was a time in the past when I was even incapable of making it through the qualifying campaign with Madagascar. I was young and inexperienced, though, and many things have changed ever since. My determination and conviction are higher than ever now, and the players, a bunch of guys with long names starting with an R, could feel it too. So when I had to play the first round (a two-legged tie) against Zimbabwe, I knew that this time things were going to be completely different.
And I was strong. Very strong. In the end too strong, maybe even a bit too violent (it was retaliation though). Down to nine men, I still managed to add two more to my initial lead to obtain a 3-0 win. Rasoanaivo (did I spell it right? Ok, good) scored all three goals. My new star whose name I'd later forget. Anyway, no way they were going to come from that, and a 1-1 draw in the second leg was enough to get to the group stage. A group that would see me face Morocco, Zambia and Ivory Coast. Tough, if you ask me, considering winning is the only way to get to France.
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I might be biased, but not as much as this referee.
So I started the decisive part of the qualifying with a trip to North Africa... Which ended in a 0-1 win for me. Then I hosted Zambia... And I beat them 2-0. Then I went to Ivory Coast, who incidentally, were bottom of the group, but I could only draw (1-1). In any case, 7 points after three games were a pretty good gain. Zambia were my biggest threat following those three games, so after I beat Morocco again (3-0) with some quality football, I must say, my next game in Zambia could see me certify my presence in France 98.
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It’s show time with Madagascar!
A draw was enough to secure a qualification, that, otherwise, seemed pretty much wrapped-up. Everything started well, taking the lead in the first half, but then Zambia managed to equalize. For some reason, I wasn't happy with the draw and pushed for the win, and Mouhamad, who replaced one of the strikers with the long difficult names starting with an R, scored the winner to break Zambia's dreams. I'm such a bad person. I wanted to beat Zambia, and I did, and I wanted to beat bottom-placed Ivory Coast in the last game, but, in this case, I couldn't, and a 2-2 draw in this dead rubber was the final result prior to the World Cup.
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Guess who aren’t going to the World Cup.
The draw in this World Cup edition was again pretty tough (this time you'll agree with me right away) as I got three European UEFA teams: Israel, the Netherlands and Croatia. Okay, Israel is not that hard, and previous experiences proved this. I was lucky enough to face them in the first game (to gain confidence and all that, you know), and an easy 2-0 victory followed. What wasn't going to be easy was facing the Netherlands. Should I say they're my bogey team by now? I think I could, and even though I was looking good after taking the lead, some shoot from 367 yards managed to get through my keeper's legs and I had to settle for a 1-1 draw.
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Bad timing: GK tries to tie his shoelaces as out of nowhere someone kicks the ball in his direction.
So heading into the final match, Croatia were leading the group with 6 points. I followed with 4 and then the Netherlands had 1 and Israel 0. That meant that all I needed was a point to advance. A win would see me through as group winners (I know, you can do maths too, sorry). I was expecting another tough test. Let's remember how good Croatia were back in the day (even better than nowadays), but at half time I was leading 2-0 and that was the result at the end of the game. Top of the group, again, and being pretty solid, to be honest. I went to the knockout stage full of confidence. I didn't think I was unbeatable, but I was in a mood I expected to win everything.
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As you can see it was monsoon season in France.
My way to winning the cup in the knockout stage started with a tough opponent: Colombia. Colombia were one of the first teams I won the World Cup with. They have a great squad, one of the best in the game, so again I was alert. I went for it, I pushed and at half time I had a strong 2-0 lead. Everything was going well. Madagascar were on top, playing well and giving no option to their rivals. What could possibly go wrong?
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Look how Rainisolomananananana was dancing. Look at him!
Well, Colombia scored early in the second half from a set piece, but I answered right away with a great goal from Rainisolomanana (his second) and the order was reestablished. However, I conceded again from a set piece and they managed to make it 3-2, but anyway, I thought I could hold on since there were only a few 'minutes' left in the game. BUT, guess what happened? An infamous FIFA 98 goalkeeper howler? BINGO! Colombia drew in the final minute and in that moment I saw extra time approaching, or even worse, penalties. Imagine. I had the game in my hands and it was slipping away...
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A goalkeeper looking brain-damaged in FIFA 98: A non-rare view.
Did I mention my confidence was higher than ever? Well, I didn't just accept I had to play extra time. In addition I had arrived at my station and I was going to the supermarket, so an extra time was absolutely extra inconvenient at that moment. So I took the ball, I decided to run forward, I skipped past as many players as I came across and when I was inside the box... A Colombian defender tackled me and the ball went away... towards Rainisolomanana's feet, who, with all the conviction in the world, shot from outside the box and sent the ball into the top corner. Pandemonium. What a goal. What a moment. What a win. What a game. A proper MYFIFATALES classic. It was 4-3 in added time for Madagascar. Unforgettable. What a time to be alive. Only for this game, this tale was worth it. You could as well stop reading here. Nothing’s going to top this moment.
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When the world says ‘give up’, hope whispers ‘score a hat-trick like Rainisolomanana’.
Still there? Well, let's move on and continue with our quest for the fourth consecutive World Cup win. In the last 16 round, Bulgaria beat Croatia, so the once Eastern European powerhouse were the next obstacle in my way. It was a pretty even match, but a 1-0 win saw me advance to the semifinals, where Italy were awaiting me. Italy, those dirty motherf***ers. Yes, the Italians were dirty again, and also difficult to play against, but this time, I took the lead in the first half and that was enough to secure another 1-0 win. I was in the final again. I was looking pretty solid. And after the Colombia game, I knew momentum was absolutely with me.
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“You might kick me, but in return I will kick the ball into your goal” - Malagasy saying.
Surprisingly, my rival in the final were, well, Norway. Yes, it is as unimpressive as it sounds even if back in the day they weren't as poor as they are today. I dealt with this upcoming game knowing that the normal thing would be winning, but also somewhat wary because of what happened other times in the past (I once lost to Tunisia 😩 in the semifinals, even if it was long time ago). Look, I won't go around the bush. I won't try to make it eye candy for you. Rijaly scored a brace and I obtained a pretty comfortable 2-0 win in the final. I won the World Cup. With Madagascar.
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That f***ing menu was faster than I was. My only defeat in this tale.
The fourth in a row. Unbeaten again. Never trailing (including qualification, yes). A very successful campaign. I took this new record with simplicity and I focused on the next challenge. Because when you're thriving, you should go for more. The guys with the long names and the Rs trusted me a second time and it was worth the disappointment we went through in the past.
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Puerto Rico, Paraguay, Romania... Gosh, no wonder they reached the final.
Never be too afraid of trying again and don't let bad experiences get you down. If momentum is with you, you'll achieve anything, and if you don't feel like it is with you, go for it and get it. Madagascar failed and now they're world champions. And, as for me, I won't be happy with four. I want a fifth (in a row).
That was the tale of... Madagascar 🇲🇬
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