#gosh. they are all sexy and dorks and I hope they never change ever.
foxgloveinspace · 1 year
Ok but Vessel just lurking in the background of the button up iii and shirtless ii pics is sending me for some reason.
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Hi love, pretty sure you're requests are open (if not just ignore this) n e ways what about Inarizaki with manager who's like intimidating (i've been told i am intimidating lol) and very sarcastic, much Tsukishima Kei vibez cuz that's basically me😃
Just like how would our boys react, very curious and take your time btw don't have to rush it, do it whenever you feel like :D
Oh my gosh Nat, it's literally my honour to write this for you. You can request anything, anytime, and you'll be a top priority (ily<3)
Inarizaki with a tsukkishima-ish manager.
Specially dedicated to @sunasthing <3
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So first of all, if you think that's gonna stop the boys from simping over you, you've got it wrong 😖🖐️
The boys would literally take it as a challenge to get your softer nature out, especially Atsumu.
I GENUINELY think he'd find it really hot whenever you snap back at him, or tell him off. (maybe he's like Nishinoya and Tanaka in that sense 🙄)
Constantly pesters you, and although you don't give him a reply often (because he's annoying as fuck), if you ever acknowledge him slightly, he WILL flirt with you.
Beware tho, even if he comes off as flirty and charismatic, he's literally just a dorky small baby and genuinely wants your attention because he thinks you're the coolest person ever.
And if you're ever nice to him, you can best bet he'll replay that moment in his mind before sleeping EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
Y/n, earlier that day: don't get hurt. I don't want to have to deal with anyone on this team being injured
Atsumu at 3 a.m: s-she cares about me 🥺🥺
I think Osamu would vibe really well with you. He's not annoying, he's really really chill, and he has a pretty sharp tongue himself.
Judges people as an attempt to make you laugh, and he sees it as a personal victory if he can get you to crack a smile or smirk. He just doesn't make a big deal about it, unlike his twin xD
Osamu: y/n look at that guy. he's totally crushing on his brother's best friend, could he not be more obvious about it??
Y/n: *cracks a smirk* yeah, it does seem so.
Osamu, internally: ✨v i c t o r y i s s w e e t✨
He also cooks for you pretty often, and even if you protest against accepting it, you'll usually find a bento hidden in your locker or bag.
He knows you might not accept it straight, so he finds other ways to get it to you. Osamu actually thinks of you as a cooler sister that he says "he'd trade Atsumu for"
In general, the twins are the life of Inarizaki and although they're sometimes annoying, they mean well and it's plain to see that they love you.
Kita loves how smart and analytical you are. I've said this before, I'll say it again— Kita thinks brains are sexy 😤
Especially when you call the team to give your insights about their opponents, or give them ideas on how to improve their play, Kita is literally there like “I'm so glad she's ours”
Because you would be a dangerous asset to other teams, and Kita is the most thankful that you're with them.
He's also a really good leader and although the two of you don't have heart-to-hearts or conversations like the twins, you know he'll ALWAYS be there for you.
Like once, it was raining and practice was cancelled, so you decided to wait in school until the rain subsided (because you didn't want to get wet), and our sweet Kita searched for you in every single classroom until the finally found you and walked you home. That's just the dynamic you had with him
He also often checks up on you, even when it's unrelated to volleyball. Have you done your homework? have you ate breakfast this morning? although you're usually sarcastic with the twins and most of the other members of the team, you can't bring yourself to do so with Kita.
The respect you guys have for each other is unmatched and that's probably why you're such a golden duo in Inarizaki. The leader and the analytical manager.
And now Suna. I think Suna would be the member you have the deepest bond with. you truly allow him to see who you are inside, and he does the same. You guys really just click.
It started with him complaining about Atsumu, and slowly progressed into you letting Suna be the only member to have physical contact with you, but only when the others aren't looking.
Sometimes, if you guys are the only two people in the gym, he'll nap on your lap or lean on your shoulder.
If you didn't already know, like everyone else in Inarizaki, he has a crush on you 😖🖐️ like damn you thought Atsumu had it bad? nah, Suna has it the worst.
He literally asks his little sister to let him practice braiding her hair, just so he'll be perfect when he someday asks to do yours.
But he always chickens out because he's scared you'll say no 😭😭 he's internally very shy, okay? 🥺🥺
He's literally your best friend. You guys have study sessions together, anime nights, literally anything, he's right there with you. The rest of the team are literally not aware of how close the two of you are.
Until one day, Atsumu tries daring you to kiss Suna on the forehead, and instead of flat-out refusing (like you've done before when he's dared you to kiss him, or Akagi) you shrug and gently kiss Suna on the forehead, causing Suna to smile and ruffle your hair.
The rest of the team is just shocked.
Atsumu: what is this FUCKERY?? is y/n literally WILLINGLY touching someone ??¿¿
Y/n and Suna: *smirks*
Atsumu, close to tears: okay
But the rest of the team soon accept you and Suna have a pretty special bond, and that you're genuinely softer when it comes to him.
You don't snap at him much, and as they've noticed, Suna has started being more brave about leaning on your shoulder or sleeping on your lap.
Of course, the rest of the team (with the exception of Kita) is jealous. But hey, they just don't have Suna's charm, okay? xD
You make Suna want to try harder, and he's way more motivated to give it his all in every single game. Mostly because he wants you to be proud of him.
He definitely has a nickname for you, but he will only use it when he's sure you guys are alone. And in return, you call him "Rin" which makes his heart flutter 🥺🥺
Now onto Aran !! Aran is a softie who (like Kita) respects you a great deal. He'll fend Atsumu and Osamu off if he senses you aren't having a great day.
He's also pretty good at giving you your space but he checks up on you every once in a while if anyone is bothering you.
Although he's shy about it, Aran actually comes to you when he doesn't understand a homework question. You're super smart and he knows you won't make him feel bad about not knowing.
And it makes you feel happy to know he trusts you, so you help him as best as you can. It's a little secret of yours that the other members don't know about.
It especially lights your day up when he gets a good grade and whispers a silent "thank you" to you in class.
In return, will help you with anything you ask for. No questions asked.
And now, last but not least, sunshine Akagi!! I think he's a total Hinata Shoyo, so he might annoy you a bit at first because of his bright personality.
But deep down inside, you love how easily he gets people to smile and slowly find yourself warming up to him.
And Akagi is really determined to get you to smile (at least once a day) so he cracks the corniest jokes or makes puns.
It has become a thing between the two of you, where Akagi tells you a joke a day, and you rate it out of ten.
Gone are the days when you found him annoying. And now, even if you won't tell him outright— you really do think he's one of the brightest people in your life.
Additional headcanons
CHEERING YOU UP— whenever you feel quieter than usual, or a bit more sarcastic, the boys immediately know something is wrong and rush over to make you feel okay. Literally, it's almost like they've abandoned practice. And eventhough you tell them to get back to it, they refuse to leave until you're feeling better. Suna usually gives you a hug and kisses your forehead, whilst Akagi cracks jokes. Then, (and eventhough you protest) Atsumu lists off all the things you should love about yourself, whilst Osamu buys you ice cream (food is, after all, the best cure for anything). Aran is literally ready to HUNT the person who affected your mood down, and kill them, whilst Kita is literally just holding him back and making sure things don't go overboard. Even if you aren't fully cheered up by then, you'd have laughed a whole lot and know how much they care for you, so honestly... how could you stay sad?
REACTING TO YOU TELLING THEM OFF— Suna is literally just meh about it. He can't take you seriously because he's a dork who thinks he's not included in the list of "idiots" (but no Suna, u mf, you ARE included -_-). Atsumu thinks it's hot 👀 (as I mentioned above), Akagi is genuinely upset/ready to sob and vows to do better. Kita is proud of you for telling them off before he could do it (Kita is not included in the "idiots". How could he? he's PERFECT 🖐️). Osamu and Aran have similar reactions, because they end up apologizing and try to change tactics and do better.
HOW THEY'D ACT WHEN YOU START DATING SUNA— (because this is honestly inevitable, wbk 😭❤️). Atsumu would be jealous. Petty and would call Suna "pretty boy" every chance he gets. Leave him, im sure he'll get over it 🥺🥺 Osamu is pretty jealous too, but he'll never show it and focuses instead on your happiness. Kita approves, and honestly thinks you're a good influence on Suna. Aran is protective of you, and would literally gun Suna down if he ever hurt you (but he won't. Suna loves you, he'd literally jump down a cliff before ever hurting you 😤🖐️) and Akagi is cheerful as before, but extra glad because you seem to smile a bit more often (and Akagi loves your smile).
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I took a lot of effort on this <3 hope you like it, bae !! Taglist— @dai-tsukki-desu @sunasthing @k-sakusa-old @tilli-san
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
hello my love!!! I wondered if I could request something sexy and fun!! I was thinking of reader and Bucky being in a new relationship, they haven't had sex yet and he invites her to sleep over at the compound one night. Reader has like a boob sore so she can't wear a bra and sleeps in her tank top. morning after, Bucky wakes up first and sees her boob has fallen out of her top, he was trying to remain a gentleman but after seeing that he wants her? Hehe i love you and thank you for everything❤️
Morning Glory
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,412
Summary: Spending the night at Bucky’s for the first time has you very excited and a morning surprise really moves the relationship along...
Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting this love! I had fun writing it and hope it makes you happy! This is real life and happens to me all the time, even when I wear those CK bralette thingies. Never fails. Now if Bucky was in my bed....well. haha! Love you! Thank you all for reading and much love always! ❤❤❤
Warnings: sweet fluff, light teasing and flirting, lots of kissing, Steve and Sam being themselves, implied sexy times :) 
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Standing in your apartment you stare at your empty overnight bag, cursing your indecision. Bucky invited you to spend the night at his place, aka the Avengers compound, and you have no idea what to pack to wear for the night or bedtime or the next morning! You don’t normally sleep in a bra and you don’t want to just because you’re staying at his place. Rifling through your pajama drawer you find a cute blue tank top with matching boy shorts, deciding it works fine and will be comfy.
Stuffing it in the bag you search around for your toiletries, double checking you have everything you need before leaving. Bucky meets you outside and greets you with a searing kiss. It takes you a moment to catch your breath afterwards and you’re wondering how you’ll be able to control yourself when you share a bed tonight.
Bucky has been a gentleman from the moment you met and ever since you first starting dating, which wasn’t too long ago. It’s the first time you’ll be spending the whole night together and you’re feeling both excited and nervous. Of course, as soon as you’re in his presence you feel completely comfortable and happy.
The early part of your evening is spent cooking dinner together, Bucky suggesting you try to make a pizza. “Bucky, I’m not sure I can do the whole throw the dough in the air thing,” you say, staring down at the yeasty mixture. “Me neither but I’m gonna give it a try!” You giggle and step back watching as Bucky tries to pick up the sticky dough.
Once he has it in his hands, he gives you an apprehensive look before saying, “here goes nothin’!” He tries to throw it but fails when he doesn’t put enough force behind it. “Ok, here we really go,” he laughs. Bending his knees, he releases the dough. It flies just above his head, hovering for a split second before landing back on his hands and ripping.
Bucky stands in shocked silence and your hand flies over your mouth to stifle your laughter. He finally looks your way, his lips turning up into a smirk, “something you find funny, doll?” You can’t hold back any longer, bursting into a fit of giggles and pointing at him. “Oh my gosh, you should see your face!”
Bucky tries to wipe off his hands as best he can before he stalks over to you, caging you against the island with his arms. Your breath hitches at the closeness of his body and your hands instinctively reach out to smooth down his chest. “I wish I got that on camera,” you say, continuing to tease him, “and I think you have some dough in your hair.”
He leans his face close to yours, brushing the hair from your cheek, “hmmmm, I bet you do.” When his mouth meets yours you completely melt against him, a sigh falling from your lips as he parts them with his tongue. Running his thumb across your jaw he cradles your face in his hand, deepening the kiss just as a throat clears loudly behind you.
Bucky hesitantly pulls away, his eyes soft on you but then thunderous when they stare over your shoulder. “Rogers. You better have a good reason for interrupting us.” Steve raises his brows and chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest in a very Captain America way. “Hi y/n. Nice to see you again.” You give Steve a shy wave, “hi Steve, you too.”
“Actually, this time I do. I smelled something burning and figured I should check it out before the compound gets a shower.” Both you and Bucky spin to face the oven, the slight wisps of smoke starting to leak out the sides. “Oh shit,” Bucky shouts, quickly turning the oven off and alerting Friday that they have it under control. “THE COOKIES!” you yell in horror! “I can’t believe we forgot about them!”
Steve laughs first and you and Bucky can’t help but follow suit. “Well, if you didn’t have your tongues down each other throats you might have remembered,” Steve scolds before laughing again and walking off. “Ugh, I’m gonna kick him in his righteous ass,” Bucky mumbles.
Turning to you, he gathers you in his arms and says, “now, where were we,” pressing his lips to yours once again. You gently pull away just to ask, “what about dinner? And more importantly! Dessert!?” His nose scrunches as he smiles wide, “let’s just order a pizza and steal Sam’s Oreos. Yea?” You simply nod, leaning in to kiss him again.
“I heard you two were starting a fire in here!” Sam chimes from the doorway. Bucky groans, grabbing your hand and walking down the hallway without a word. “Hi y/n!” Sam says as he gives you his best smile. “Hey Sam! Good to see you!” you call out just before disappearing around the corner.
Bucky huffs as he shuts the door. “They can be such a pain in the ass sometimes!” You laugh and pull your phone from your pocket. “I’ll order the pizza; you snag the cookies and then we’ll have the rest of the night uninterrupted.” Bucky practically skips out the door when you start dialing for the pizza and only moments later you hear Sam yelling, “where the hell are you going with my Oreos?!?!”
Dinner is perfect and after eating a whole sleeve of Oreos dipped in milk you and Bucky settle in on the couch to watch a movie. Not even halfway through Bucky has you pinned to the couch, his lips devouring yours as his hands wander over your dips and curves. You moan into his mouth and he pulls away, breathing heavily when he speaks. “I want you so badly, but I want to do this the right way, you know.”
You’re barely able to manage the nod of your head, all your brain power gone with his strong body above you and his hands on your skin. You want to tell him you don’t care that you really like him and you’re ready to take the next step. But you don’t want to push him either, so you remain silent. He pulls you into his side, holding you close while you finish the movie.
It’s almost midnight and you stifle a yawn, snuggling closer into Bucky. “You ready for bed, doll?” You smile up at him, “yes, I think so.” You go into the bathroom to wash up and change. When you come out you watch as Bucky takes in your appearance, his jaw clenched tight and his eyes dark. “You’re not making this easy you know.” He plants a sweet kiss to your lips before he goes to change.
You get in bed and burrow under the covers, loving that you’re surrounded by his smell. He gets in soon after, pulling you against his chest and nuzzling his face into your neck. “I’m really glad you’re here baby girl. I love having you in my bed.” Throwing your leg over his you mumble into his chest, “me too, Buck.”
Morning arrives and you slowly wake up, the warmth of Bucky’s body still close as you stretch and yawn. You feel a slight chill at your chest, moving to pull the blanket further up your body but stopping short when you brush bare skin. Cracking open your eyes you look down and to your surprise see that your tank top did little to hold things in place while you were sleeping.
Bucky’s sharp intake of breath catches your attention and you look over to find him staring. “Morning beautiful,” he whispers, licking his lips. “Hi,” you say quietly, smirking at how hot and bothered he looks. “Sorry, I don’t usually wear a bra to sleep.” Bucky doesn’t say anything, he just keeps staring and you can see his internal struggle.
You slowly get up, fixing your shirt and running your hand over the hardness that is evident under his boxers. “Meet me in the shower in 2?” you ask sweetly, lightly brushing your lips to his. He practically falls out of the bed, the sheets tangled around his legs as he stumbles forward. “Fuck yes, doll. I can’t wait.”  You saunter to the bathroom, knowing full well half your ass cheek is hanging out of your boy shorts. Bucky’s low growl carries across the room, your smile triumphant just as you turn on the shower.  
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @azurika-writes @buckys-broody-muffin @book-dragon-13 @bugsbucky @bucky-on-my-mind @devynsdiary @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hawksmagnolia @hailmary-yramliah @imgaril-lindru @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @loricameback @jewels2876 @littleredstarfish @littledarlinhavefaithinme @mushyjellybeans @metal-armed-cuddly-dork  @marvelgirl7 @marvelandotherfandomimagines @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @sallycanwait68 @softpeachbarnes @scarletsoldierrr @the-wayward-robot @when-the-hell-is-bucky
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fromthewifecage · 5 years
Kombatants and a clumsy S/O (aka: Oh shit I just dropped my sandwich on the floor)
This idea for some headkanons came from a silly chat with @gojihime99, and I just had to write something. Also I’m suffering from pretty horrendous PMT this month and occasionally, amongst the anger and annoying fits of sobbing, I become even more clumsy that normal. I’ve almost fallen down the stairs so many times in the last 2 days that I have no idea how I haven’t seriously hurt myself. This includes Erron Black, Johnny Cage (mention of Younger!Johnny but focused on Dad!Johnny), Nightwolf, Bi-Han, Kenshi (yes @malicedragoness, I finally included him for you, sorry it’s not full on filth), Kabal and Kano (again Kano is last so if you don’t like him you can ignore the end). It’s aiming for humour and fluff, with a hint of smut. Hope you like :D It’s quite long so do keep reading after the cut! Erron Black: This man has the reflexes of a magician. He’ll be relaxing with you, an arm slung around your shoulders, one hand stroking through your hair, whilst his other hand will be dancing a coin across his knuckles. You’re not complaining, talented fingers are very useful after all, but it’s unfair that he never seems to drop anything or even have to concentrate on making sure he doesn’t spill his drink when he’s carrying it, your drink, a bowl of snacks, and some napkins because it’s inevitable that you’ll spill said drink at least once. “Noooooooooo!” Erron appears in the doorway, thumbs hooked into his belt, feet crossed nonchalantly and a massive smirk on his infuriatingly sexy lips. “What you dropped this time, darlin’?” “Sandwich.” He snorts and saunters away, spurs jingling, the noise only half covering his low rumbly laughter. Sexy bloody bastard. Well the floor is clean, he knows you drop stuff occasionally (all the time) and so he takes time to mop the floor, all so you can take advantage of the 5 second rule. And he mops topless because it means you’ll get all hot and red and then your clothes will fall off and you’ll both end up fucking on the kitchen worktops. “Noooooooooo!” This time it’s Erron yelling and you running into the bedroom. There you find Erron sprawled on the bed, his smirk even smirkier. “You ok?!” “Looks like I fell on the bed. Gosh darn it.” His smirk curls into a predatory grin that sends a deep aching pulse to your core. Ugh. Stupid sexy bastard. Then ‘oh nooooo’ you’ve fallen too. And your clothes soon fall to the floor. Gosh darn it. Keep reading for more idiocy after the cut...
Johnny Cage: Younger!Johnny has no time for clumsiness and will roll his eyes whenever you trip up the stairs (how is that even a thing? Surely gravity should stop that? Stupid science). He’s a bit of a twat, let’s be honest. It’s when baby Cassie comes along that he experiences his own clumsiness for the first time. Being woken countless times a night and surviving for months on little to no sleep turns the once smoothly graceful man into a stumbling mess. It also shows him how dangerous a home can be and after he’s tripped over a dropped baby bottle seemingly 100 times in one night that he calls in his PA and has the apartment (Penthouse) baby (and sleepy Dad) proofed. Dad!Johnny is a much more understanding and kind man. “Noooooooooo!” Johnny runs into the kitchen, hair wet from the shower and sticking up in every possible direction, towel flapping, fists held in front of him, his entire body radiating green light. “You ok, baby?” You’re speechless, scared and he’s now worried. It’s after a good few minutes of him searching the kitchen, spouting off threats of serious bodily harm that you find your voice. “I’m sorry, please don’t be angry with me I didn’t mean to I’m sorry please don’t Hulk-out!” He’s puzzled at first, and kinda worried you’re unwell. that’s when he notices the green glow lighting up the kitchen. His face flushes red and he’s so damn adorable that you can’t help but pull him into your arms, and when you finally get him to tell you about the ‘glow’ you just about die with happiness. You wake him up the next morning wearing all the green clothes you own. “You ‘Hulking-out’ now, sweetheart?” “It’s my way of glowing, you know, cos I love you too.” Maybe you didn’t need to dig out that ill fitting green shirt, because he has that off you in mere seconds, and everything else you’re wearing. Neither of you leave the bedroom until you really need a sandwich. And he offers to make it this time. Nightwolf: He’s not one to comment on any clumsiness, that would be mean and the last thing he’d ever want to do is make you feel uncomfortable or ashamed of something you can’t really control. If you repeatedly drop or squish things he’ll rearrange his home to make it easier for you to move without bashing your hip into the edge of the table, repeatedly. He’ll think about why you might be clumsy, are you not paying attention, or is the table possessed by an evil demon who likes to watch you hurt yourself on it’s sharp corners? Maybe you’re overly stressed by your job? He wants to help, he wants you to be happy and besides, if your hip is sore then that might get in the way of rolling about naked together in the forest and that is not ok. “Noooooooooo!” Nightwolf runs into the kitchen in the most heroic way, hair loose and majestic, an axe tightly held ready to vanquish whatever is making you shout. He finds you pouting at a happy Kiba licking at the floor. “Are you alright, my love?” When it comes out that you’re sad because you dropped your sandwich on the kitchen floor and Kiba snaffled it in one big bite, Nightwolf is stunned. He puts down the axe and pulls you into his arms, stroking your back and trying oh so very hard not to laugh. “I’ll make you a new one, and we can go outside and watch the sunset whilst you eat it.” Nightwolf is the best. Especially when he’s butt naked and howling with pleasure into the night as you ride him, sandwich forgotten and uneaten in the picnic basket he put together. Bi-Han: The man can move as silently as smoke and as fluidly as water, so honestly, your clumsiness does annoy him. But he does admire that you don’t make a big deal (usually), that you clean up any mess, and you don’t ask him to modify his home to suit you, rather you accept you’re going to bash your hips against the edge of the table, or hit your head when you open a cabinet when looking for his secret chocolate supply (he’ll deny he has one). If you’re living together or at least spending time together out of bed, then he has actual feelings for you, so accepts your clumsiness as part of you, and wouldn’t dream of asking or trying to get you to change. He loves you as you are, clumsy dork or not, and you love him just the way he is, a big scary (sexy) assassin. “Noooooooooo!” Bi-Han saunters into the kitchen. He’s an exceptionally skilled assassin, he can tell if there is someone else is in the house, and it’s just you, and from the sound of it, you’ve dropped your sandwich. He leans against the doorframe and watches you sulk. “You’re cute when you pout.” You have to stomp over to the fridge to hide the smile that tries to erase your pout. When you find you’ve had the last of the cheese you really do pout. Bi-Han just grins that infuriating gin of his and nods towards a bag on the table. Inside is cheese, crisp salad leaves and your favourite bread from your favourite bakery, all the way over the other side of town. He knew you were running low on supplies and didn’t want you to go hungry. You reward him with a long lingering kiss and don’t even mention the blood smear staining the bag. Best not to. Plus Bi-Han has his hands under your top and you’d really rather not distract him from that. Kenshi: He would never deliberately intrude upon your thoughts without your express permission, but sometimes, especially if you’re thinking hard or are emotional about something, your thoughts project too loudly to ignore. There are also times that Kenshi feels he has to read your thoughts, for example if you’re upset or he’s genuinely worried about you. Your clumsiness confused him at first, he’d hear shrieks or thuds, you’d wince if he pressed against a bruise as his hands explored your body, and it took him breaching his own rules on telepathy and reading your mind to see what really happened. So he was relieved to find that you were not in danger, no-one was hurting you or making you anxious enough to lose focus and hurt yourself; you just lost focus on your surroundings, weren’t spatially aware of your own body or were paying attention to something else enough to walk into the wall, again. “Noooooooooo!” Kenshi strolls into the kitchen as the sandwich levitates off the ground and back onto the plate you’re holding. “My hero!” You squeak and rush to hug him. He’s a fantastic hugger so you barely need an excuse to wrap your arms around his wiry frame. The sandwich starts sliding off the plate again so Kenshi calmly hovers them both onto the table to let you hug him tighter. “Was this just a ploy to get me in your arms?” You laugh and hug him tighter. “No, but would you object if I tried it in the future? Or we can just pretend I’ve dropped my sandwich and you can still be all handsome and heroic and save me from possessed food?” His laughter is silenced by your lips pressing to his own and hands that tug at his crisply pressed shirt. His smile is too beautiful not to kiss. Kabal: Not only is he a speed demon, but he’s graceful as well. Quite how he can zip around at speeds so fast Sonic would be jealous AND manage not to knock anything over and avoid pedestrians is frankly unfair. At the start of your relationship he’ll zoom around moving things out of your way, but after you explain it feels overly protective and nannying, he stops (unless you're in serious danger). He understands your need to feel free, to grab onto any small chunks of personal freedom that you can, and admires that you can accept your ‘flaws’. He does tease you about it if you bump into something, but gently and with a smile, and he knows you can’t resist his smiles, so it’s doubly good, right? “Noooooooooo!” He’s there before you finish groaning out your frustration. “You ok?” “Dropped my sandwich.” He can’t help but laugh. “And there was me thinking it was a monster. Kinda hoped it was a monster so I could show off and slice it into pepperoni so you’d swoon and offer me anything I wanted for being your saviour.” “Oh, is that how it is?” You grin and grab a hold of his shirt, tugging him to press against you. He raises an eyebrow and grins, eyes sparkling. “You want me to get on my knees and show you how grateful I am for you rescuing me from the big bad sandwich?” It’s after you both breathlessly get to your feet having rolled around on the kitchen floor, that you notice what happened to the sandwich. Kabal jokingly offers you the bum-flattened bread. You both end up on the floor again when you tell him you’d rather eat his ass. Kano: Drop his stuff and he’ll get pissed off, drop your own and he’ll laugh. And if you drop food then he’s fully into the 5 second (or minutes/hours) rule. Food is food, and when you grow up dirt poor then a little bit of floor on your sandwich isn’t enough to throw it away. If you’re in a casual/fuck buddy thing with him then he’s not going to see you enough to witness your clumsiness, but once he develops feelings for you and wants you around, he finds pretty much everything you do cute and lovable. “Noooooooooo!” Kano barrels into the kitchen like a sexy (sexier?) crocodile Dundee, knives out, tits out, red eye glowing menacingly. He’s used to all manner of fuck off deadly shit in Australia, and in Russia you may not have ‘death on eight legs’ or Jaws waiting mouth open in a puddle, but you do get bears, wolves, and angry bastards who’ve run out of vodka. “You ok, love?” You pout and point to the floor. Your meticulously made sandwich (and you’d been thinking about it all day) lay on the floor. “Well, whilst you’re down there, love?” His grin is filthy and despite the horrendous line, you laugh. “Oh no, think it’s my turn, don’t you?” “Don’t have to ask me twice.” For a man his size he is far faster than you’d imagine, and he has his tongue inside you before you can really catch your breath. He even gives you the bigger half of the sandwich afterwards. He’s a softy really.
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Rules were made.... Ch2
Summary: It had taken everything in her to walk away, but she did. She could ignore a lot but the last time was the last time. Bucky had cheated before but there was always a reason to justify it. As soon as she couldn’t find a reason why, no, another excuse to stay, she didn’t.
Words: 3600+
Warnings: Nothing much. Light female masturbation
Pairing: Mob!Bucky x Reader (who I call Maggie, Mags or Magdalene because I don’t like Y/N)
Previous Chapter
You said nothing in to car. A few hmm’s and uh huh’s to keep the conversation going as Oliver carried the load talking about how he had enjoyed the wedding and the people he had spoken to. Oliver was a doctor and he took every opportunity to network. You did a bit of the same thing but not for business. You were just social, you had never met a stranger in your life.  You treated every one and every conversation like a friend.  But he was sweet. He didn’t press you and took your words at face value when you said you didn’t feel well.
As you pulled into the parking garage he squeezed your hand. “Why don’t you go take a hot shower and I’ll make you some hot tea.” He pulled into the garage and put the car in park. He turned his body to face yours and brushed the back of his hand on your cheek and looked into your eyes. “Is there anything else you need?”
He was perfect.  He always said the right thing and did the right thing. He was 6’2” and muscular. Worked out more than anyone with his work schedule should allow. Dark blonde hair, chiseled biceps, and just the right amount of scruff. Like, all the time. Not too short, not too long.  It was almost Disney prince status perfection. He was witty, and kind. She should tell him to stay.  Maybe invite him into the shower. Wrap your body around him in the bed and make him stay all night.
“I would love soup. From that ramen place down on 3rd. I know it’s a little far. And I’m not even sure I’ll want it by the time You get back. I don’t know.” You hesitated as your voice trailed off and your eyes fell to look at the center console.
“At last you’re honest.” He smirked, and god was it sexy. “I don’t mind, really, even if you don’t eat it. Its less than 20 minutes away and I want to call and check on my mom. She hasn’t been feeling well the last day or two. I hope you’re not catching what she has. She hasn’t left the bed.” He leaned in and kissed your forehead. “Go take your shower and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
You smiled slightly and got out the car. Shutting the door you blow him a kiss through the window before walking over to the elevator. You let out a long breath after the doors closed. Why were you letting him affect you like this? He didn’t even speak to you. You left. You were in control and you walked away the way you wanted to, like a boss. But, god! the way he looked at you. Like he could taste you. Like every inappropriate though in the world was running through his head. At least half of those thought were provided by you and the nasty things you were thinking about him.
NO! Stop thinking about him. You unlocked the door to your loft and walked towards the bedroom starting to undress. Rules were made. Well Dua Lipa made rules which you played on repeat for months after you finally broke it off for good. You walked into the bathroom and turned on your iPod. It was childish you knew but it really had helped you stay strong when you left. I mean everyone had a break up song right? You remembered when you mom divorced your dad and she listened to Cher’s Life After Love on repeat all day every day for almost a year.  You turned the shower on and it misted up the bathroom.  There was a very high tech shower system in your apartment. Spa features, 4 shower heads, diffuser, a bench, it doubled as a sauna. You turned the setting to steam the room as you finished undressing and the music started.
You step in singing along. “One.  Don’t pick up the phone you know he’s only calling cause he’s drunk and alone. Two. Don’t let him in you’ll have to kick him out again. Three don’t be his friend….” Your mind started to wander. Trying not to think about him AND singing about him gave you zero results.
You rushed out the coffee shop with your tea, yoga mat under your arm, turning, trying to get out the door.  You got this. Fifteen minutes till your new yoga class started. You were new to this side of town but excited. You had moved out of your parents’ house and were on your own. Sure you let them pay for your new place but it was all yours on the other side of town. They had money. Crime money. It used to bother you when you were younger but the more you grew up and saw some of the good that could come from it, it didn’t bother you so much. You weren’t really a part of that world anyway. You had gone to school with other kids from the same types of families and they were in and out of the house from time to time. Other than that you were completely detached from all of it, except accepting the money of course.
You ran into a chair and when you looked up to put it back and apologize you saw a familiar face from high school.
“JAMES!” you practically squealed, you voice coming out much louder than you intended. “Oh my gosh. How have you been? I haven’t seen you in years. Well, 6 years to be exact. Maybe less, I think we saw each other a couple times after graduation.” Your smile was big. You always got more excited than you intended when things like this happened. Well really when anything happened that you liked. It was hard for you to keep it on the inside. It was one of the things you didn’t really like about yourself. You came on too strong and not everyone liked that.
He just stayed sitting at the table looking up at you and you just kept talking. He opened his mouth invite you to stay. “Do you want t-“
“Do you live over here? I just moved to this side of town. That’s so weird to find you here.” Your yoga mat unrolled under your arm. You looked down at it. “uh! I feel like such a klutz lately.” You laughed and set your drink down to roll you mat back up, that’s when you looked down at your watch.
“Crap. Hey I gotta go. I have a yoga class starting in like 5 minutes. It was so great seeing you. Text me and we can get together. I don’t have much going on since I’m new around here just yoga every Monday Wednesday and Friday, but I can’t wait to catch up. You leaned in and kissed his cheek as you rushed off.
You got set up and started in your yoga class and when you were letting your mind wander you thought about the conversation you just had. You had always thought James was cute in high school but damn growing up looked good on him. And you spazzed out. Of course you did. AND you told him to text you, as if he still had your number. Had he ever had your number? What. A. Dork.
You smiled at yourself. Pressed your hands on the tile and leaning in until your forehead touched the cool ceramic as the hot water ran over your body. The song had changed. Thank god. That song was torture at this point. You grabbed your loofa and added soap. You started rubbing it against your skin running it over your arms and down you breast stimulating your nipples. You closed your eyes and Bucky’s body flashed into your thoughts. His chest. You bit your lower lip and kept running the soap over your body, up and down your legs as his arms flashed into your brain. One flesh and toned and large; the other shaped the same but metal. A moan slipped out of your mouth as you dropped the loofa when fingers found your clit and you began rubbing in rhythmic stride. Your body fell back onto the wall and tensed arching your back when the cold tile hit flesh. Your free hand ran up the side of your body and groped your breast pulling at your nipple to make it hard again as you quickened you pace. Fuck you missed him. His arms around you, in your hair pulling it. The way he smiled into a kiss with you. Your ass ached to feel him smack it while he drove into you endlessly. The way his eyes bore into you when he was on top. The feel of his metal hand fingering you. Your orgasm tipped over the edge and your legs locked as you rode it out slowing your pace as you finished.
The shower was hot. Much hotter than it had been minutes ago. Almost all of the soap had been washed off your body. You turned the faucet cooler and started rinsing the conditioner out of your hair when Oliver stepped into the bathroom.
“Hey baby I’m back. Did you still want this soup or should I put it in the fridge?”
“Leave it out. I’m getting out now and I’m ravenous.” You stepped out of the shower and put a towel around you. Oliver’s arm found their way around your body too and he ran his hand up and down your back pulling you into him and kissing the top of your head.
“I was worried about you. You never get sick suddenly like that. You sure everything’s ok? Did the shower help?”
You kept your arms tucked to your chest and let him keep holding you without hugging back. You loved being held more than holding back. “Yeah baby. I think I’m a lot better now, just hungry.” You looked up, wrapped a hand behind his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
Bucky climbed into his car alone. He had come alone, why wouldn’t he leave alone. He had been alone for months now. He had gone to this wedding knowing, no hoping, you would be there too. When he agreed to help one of his “business partner’s” niece secure “the wedding venue she had dreamed of her whole life”. The name had rung bell and he hoped it was because she was friend or at least acquaintance of yours and that you would be there. It was thin, he knew, but he had stopped calling and texting when you hadn’t once responded that way. You quit your yoga class and didn’t go to your favorite coffee shop. With that he had run out of excuses to get himself in front of you. He used the excuse of a head count for the owner to get a look at the guest list. That’s when he found your name with a verified plus one after it.
He had stressed for over a week what to wear. He felt like a girl in a bad teen romcom. He asked the shop girl several times how he looked and insisted she bring three other sales women over to verify what she stated, that he had chosen the best one and it fit his body perfectly, (“and that he looked tasty enough to eat” one had whispered walking away with a giggle).
He showed up late so that you wouldn’t be able to see him before he was ready. He heard you laugh the second he walked in the room. He swallowed hard and it hurt moving down his throat but he put one foot in front of the other and moved toward you. He still couldn’t figure out what he was going to say to you once he closed in. Luckily someone was in the middle of a story so he seamlessly moved into the crowd of people listening, directly across from you. He stepped in the circle and saw all of you for the first time and his body forgot to keep breathing. When his body did catch up to his brain and start working correctly again it was just in time to answer some gushing fan. He was still at a loss of what to say to you when he turned to you but it didn’t matter you never gave him a chance to speak when you walked off wordlessly.
He excused himself quickly and moved at a steady pace trying to catch up to you without drawing attention to himself by running. By the time he got to the door you were already down the hall wrapping your arm into another man’s arm, whispering in his ear, and walking away. His stare pressed on, soaking up every second of you that he could put his eyes on. Then, you turned, locked eyes with him briefly, to make sure he was looking, then kept walking on. “Yes!” he mumbled under his breathe like a middle school boy and grinned as he turned to walk to his car.  It was still early in the night so he went to the one place he always went to when he wanted to escape these days, the coffee shop.
It was barely autumn and the weather hadn’t turned yet. He walked in and the girl behind the count smiled at his presence and simply asked, “Hot or cold tonight, Mr. Barnes?’
He leaned on the counter and looked outside at all the empty tables, let out a deep breathe, unclenched his lips and turned back to the girl. “Hot I guess, but I’ll sit inside. And I’ve told you to call me Bucky. And darling, that’s not an offer I extend to many people so you should feel privileged.” He added with a lighthearted grin and winked when she handed him his coffee, a vanilla single shot latte, because it was late. “Thanks doll, you know me so well.” he smiled again as he paid her with a fifty and walked over to the lounge chair in the corner, not looking back once. He was always such a flirt, especially when you were on his mind.
He pulled the paper back copy of The Once and Future King out of his back pocket, sat down, and stared at the pages, sipping his latte. He wanted to read, even though he had read this particular book more than a dozen time. He wanted to read because that had always been his escape. In school or when he could stand the things that went on in his house. When he was at war, and constantly in the hospital after he lost his arm in an explosion. And when his father had asked him, begged him, to take over the business when he got sick.
He did it the right way. His father really was a fair man. He had given him plenty of time to think it over. Given him options if he didn’t want to. Told him his desires but never forced them on him. No, in the end it had been Bucky’s decision to step up and be the head of it all. He stared out into the court yard in front the coffee shop and thought of that day.
His dad looked bad that morning. He called him into the office he had at the house mid-morning. When Bucky walked in he was in the middle of a coughing fit that had turned his face a reddish grey, but he waved Bucky in and gestured for him to sit down. He quickly stepped into the adjacent bathroom to wipe his mouth and was back out again.
“James.” He said but it sounded nothing like the voice that had been calling on him for over 20 years. He closed his eyes briefly and let out a long sigh. “I hate to bother you again and I know I said I would give you time but sitting behind this desk and dealing with all off these……things.” He waved his hands over the papers on his desk. “It tires me out more than I let on. I fought most of my life to get to the top and here I am, but I’m done and I’m tired and I need to know if it’s not going to be you, I need to figure out who.”
Bucky sank his head. If you had asked him growing up if he ever wanted to take up the head of the family he would not hesitate to tell you no. He was smart enough. He had a low enough moral compass to not be guilted by the deeds he would have to partake in. He was tough and after what he had seen and done overseas he had enough cruelty in him to withstand almost anything. What he didn’t have was a passion for it. For any of it, or anything really. That’s why he ran off and joined the war. He knew it was cliche but getting out was the only way of getting away from it. It had changed him though, in ways he hadn’t expected. Being a part of a team. Men he had never met before and trusting them with his life and theirs to him. It built in him the sense of family that his father had always gone on and on about and that he had never understood.
“Yes, sir. I understand.” He lifted his head to meet his father’s eyes. “Give me three more days. I will have an answer for you before Thursday.”
His father opened his mouth to answer but started coughing again. He held a handkerchief to his mouth and nodded his head as he used his hand to shoo Bucky out of the room. Bucky closed the door behind himself. He ran up to his room, grabbed a book and left the house.
He drove for a long while to the other side of town. He wanted to think, really think without any interruptions or anyone noticing him. He found a small coffee shop with some tables outside a few blocks off the main street with little foot traffic. He ordered a latte and went outside to read. He hadn’t been reading for ten minutes when a clumsy girl ran into the chair opposite of him.
By the time he looked up she was already apologizing and rambling on when he recognized her face the same time she did his. When he opened his mouth to answer one of her questions she just kept talking, somewhat louder than necessary. He remembered her from high school.  She was beautiful then but no words came to him that would do justice in discribing her beauty. In a word she was absolutely breath taking. Like literally. All he could think was it was a good thing she never shut up because he had no words in return. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she was right then. Maybe she would stay if he did. And if she stayed then he could keep her and look at her always and with perfect beauty next to him always he could never go down a dark path. “Say it stupid. But be a man about it. Smooth and confident.” He mind was working over time trying to listen to you and get his own brain to make words good and fix his face so that he looked handsome. He finally opened to mouth to let the words out when he heard you telling him to text him and kissed him on the cheek as you rushed away.
He sat there dumbfounded staring in your direction slightly heartbroken because he knew he didn’t have your phone number. Why would he? What were you thinking just walking away? He shook his head and laughed out loud a little. Only a creeper would have kept your number after 6 years.
His eyes burned when he finally blinked. How long had he kept them open? He looked over at the barista wiping off the table next to him.
“How’s your book?’ she asked with a smile.
“I’ve read it before, but good.”
“I know. Well, I know that you’ve read it before. Not if it’s good, I’ve never read it. Maybe you could read some to me some time.” She smiled deeply at him then bit her own lip, looking at him hopefully.
“Maybe some other time darlin’. But not tonight.” He stood up and walked past her brushing her arm. “Thanks again.” And he winked at her before he walked out the door. This was always how it started. Some young cute girl would flirt with him and he wouldn’t shut it down. Then they would try harder and he liked the attention. He was confident in who he was but something broken in him craved the attention of strangers. Then he would have a bad run with things at work or something would fall through and he would rush into whatever desperate girl he was stringing along at the time and fuck her loose then never return or see her again. It was sick and anonymous and somehow you always found out. But right now he was trying to get you back. He should walk right back into the shop and tell the girl it was never going to happen but he just kept walking to his car. Hard as a rock by the time he got there.
Next Chapter
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owlsshadows · 6 years
OiSuga Week Day 1 - aug 20th: after school / role swap
Convince Me (part 1)
When Oikawa suddenly appears at Karasuno after school to ask Sugawara out, the latter has one condition: Oikawa has to convince him of the sincerity of his feelings.
Read on AO3 or down below (Part 2 | Part 3)
“So because of a dispute you had with your ace, you came all over to Karasuno?” Sugawara asks, standing in the hallway connecting the gym to the school facilities.
On the surface he’s infuriated – deep down however he enjoys the panicked expression that spreads across Oikawa’s face. He could never beat the Grand King one-on-one, not in a face-off between setters. But standing outside the gym in the chilly late November afternoon, as two high school kids, Sugawara has the advantage, even if Oikawa is half a head taller. He had his fair share of dealing with troublesome idiots to master his strict, calculating voice that could render Asahi meek and Kageyama docile.
An off-court Oikawa Tooru, he could eat for breakfast.
“You could sum it up like this too, but…” Oikawa starts, losing his drive the moment his eyes meet with Sugawara’s.
“You’re asking me out in order to save face in front of your team, am I right?” Sugawara presses more, a victorious little grin threatening his composed act in the corner of his lips treacherously. “Let me ask you one thing, Oikawa. What do I seem to you?”
Oikawa winces, giving out an ever subtle squealing sound as he searches for reasons to save his argument. From the way he bites his lip in frustration, it is clear that he has realized just how arrogant his initial approach was. He walked in enemy territory like a king, haughtily asking for the audience of the setter of a rival team, only to claim that he was about to take Sugawara out on a date, as Iwaizumi would simply not believe that he had interest in Mr. Refreshing…
It was certainly a terrible idea, but somehow Oikawa left all of his tact back at Aoba Jousai this afternoon.
“I’m asking you out on a date,” he says, hands motioning vaguely between them.
“And? What’s in it for me?” Sugawara asks back sharply. “I get it you came up with some blatant lies in front of your team and now you need to save face, but why would I go along with your plan?”
“It’s not to save face,” Oikawa rebuts, walking up close to Sugawara. “I want for us to date for real.”
“Please don’t expect me to buy your story about your little interest in me. If you were really liking me somehow, you wouldn’t have started your confession with talking about that ace of yours.”
“True, okay, I give in,” Oikawa raises his hand in surrender. “Indeed, I’m only here because my team taunted me about how much of a chicken I’ve become since my last girlfriend dumped me. But!” he raises his voice. “It’s also true that I like you, Mr. Refreshing. And I’m not a coward, I just wanted to make sure that I’m not making a fool out of myself, after all you might have something going on with that pretty manager of yours…”
“Shimizu?” Sugawara asks, lifting a brow in surprise.
“I mean, she was holding your hand during the Shiratorizawa match and all,” Oikawa adds bashfully, and it’s not the November cold that tints his ears red as he continues. “I watched the match, you know, and I’ve been thoroughly impressed by your play in the fifth set.”
“Thanks,” Sugawara deadpans. He himself is not sure whether to smack Oikawa back to normalcy, or to pinch his own cheeks to check whether he’s dreaming. The Oikawa in front of him seems strange, if not surreal. Not that he would not enjoy this if it was a dream, he would even tease the Dream-Oikawa to see how far his subconscious dares to go…
But if this is reality, he is quite unsure how to proceed.
“I mean it!” Oikawa grabs his hands at this point, accidentally scratching Sugawara’s wrists along the way. The pain, though negligible, is real.
“Is that so?” Sugawara asks, shimmying out of the touch.
“Yeah,” Oikawa replies dumbly, hands frozen mid-air. “I find you interesting. Intriguing even.”
“And you think that’s enough to hop on a bus and come here, demanding a date from me just because your friends were teasing you a little?”
Ruthless, Sugawara is, but it wouldn’t be the first time someone pranked him, and he is not willing to believe in Oikawa’s words just yet; not when he remembers still so clear how dejected he got when Yoshida from the soccer club revealed that he only asked him out on a date to gain advantage over the volleyball club in the sports festival team relay.
Plus, he didn’t even particularly fancy Yoshida.
Not quite how he fancies Oikawa anyway.
It’s not only his pride, but his heart at stake. He’s not willing to give in to this surreal scene, not when it’s not a dream he could rewrite as many times as he wanted.
Not when the boy he has a crush on stands in front of him with a forlorn, lost expression, with his idiotic cowlicks framing his stupid pretty face.
“I’m sorry,” Oikawa says then, bowing deeply.
It’s the third time he manages to surprise Sugawara this day – starting with his first appearance, followed by his sudden confession, and now he bows so deep Sugawara could kick him in the face with his knee.
For a split second he actually considers it.
Then Oikawa opens his mouth again.
“Please, allow me to start again from the beginning.”
It’s not even the thing he says, or the tone he says it… it’s that vibrant red that started off his ears and now creeps down his neck. It’s adorable and Sugawara is weak.
“Alright,” he says, pulling his shoulders up in an exaggerated shrug. “But don’t think I will forget about how arrogant you were.”
Oikawa, still bowing, tilts his head, glancing up from between his fringe. His eyes glimmer with something akin joy, challenge, hope.
Sugawara needs to harden his defenses not to fall for the bastard on spot.
“Sugawara Koushi,” Oikawa starts, “I’ve taken a liking to you. Would you go out with me?”
“Not necessarily,” Sugawara squints. “I mean, would you believe if you were the average guy, and suddenly got confessed to by Oikawa Tooru?”
“I can hardly imagine confessing to myself,” Oikawa complains, inciting a hearty laugh from Sugawara.
“Even though you seem to love yourself more than anyone else…”
“I tend to have a misleading attitude,” he admits, motioning vaguely around himself. “I mean, yes, that’s me too, but it’s more like… my social persona? And then there’s me, failing big time in this confession now…”
“Indeed,” Sugawara nods, circling Oikawa with lazy steps, until he is backed against the corridor wall. Sugawara crosses his arms, tilting his head back just so to look straight into the eyes of the superstar setter. Oikawa gulps, looking amply bewildered. “You’re not very convincing.”
“Ugh,” Oikawa groans, scratching the wall beside him. He looks like some wild animal, cornered, eyes filled with something dangerous.
Oikawa Tooru, a boy childish enough to make a tug of war out of a simple situation where he reached for a ball at the same time as his fated kouhai… he’s not the one to give up or give in easily, certainly not when on the court, but possibly off court either. And Sugawara feels fired up by the shine in his eyes, fueled to go a bit further, provoke him a little more.
“Look, you don’t have to believe in me,” Oikawa starts.
“But I want to,” Sugawara cuts in. Hit it until it breaks, he remembers, smile spreading slowly across his face. “I want to believe you, Oikawa. It’s you who’s not trying very hard at making me believe. What gave you the impression that I will go along with your little plan, if you yourself didn’t have the resolve to try to convince me?”
“I…” Oikawa starts, embarrassment flushing across his face. “I’m not saying that I’m head over heels in love with you or anything. I just say that I find you to be a really interesting guy, and I would like to get to know you better…”
“But your feelings are wishy-washy, aren’t they?” Sugawara asks, inching closer, until his elbows dig into the sides of Oikawa. “You won’t get all heartbroken if I reject you now, will you?”
“Look,” Oikawa replies, this time clearly defensive, pushing his arms just against the elbows of Sugawara. His eyes narrow, his pretty face scrunches, tiny wrinkles appear across his nose and Sugawara makes a mental note to himself that they are adorable. “You caught my eye, but precisely because I couldn’t take my eyes off of you, I’ve seen your manager holding your hand, and because you could be in a relationship, I was trying my best to refrain from falling in love.”
“Respectable self-control,” Sugawara mocks him.
“So. Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“In a relationship.”
“With Shimizu?”
“With anyone!” Oikawa snaps, and when he catches Sugawara’s smile, he adds: “God, you’re infuriating!”
“Thanks,” Sugawara smirks. “And no. I’m not in a relationship.”
“Is it?”
“Oh, shut up.”
“No, I’m really interested now. Thanks to the teasing of your friends you are here after all, so why don’t you tell me how your feelings would change after getting to know that I’m sexy free and single?”
Sugawara somewhat expects Oikawa to recoil or at least cringe at the shady wink accompanies to his words – but never in his wildest dreams would’ve he fantasized about Oikawa visibly deflating and melting into the wall with a soft sigh, as he does in real life upon seeing that awkward wink of Sugawara’s.
“You’re so not cute,” Oikawa chuckles, eyes shining as he glances at Sugawara. “Dork,” he adds adoringly, and Sugawara’s defenses crumble as if they were thoroughly undermined.
“I thought I was refreshing?” he asks, tone mocking but heart in his throat, trying hard to regain his inner composure.
Oikawa replies with a laugh, lifting his hand to Sugawara’s face and brushing over his birth mark.
“Such a pretty dork,” he repeats. “I really like you.”
Sugawara takes a sharp inhale, unfolding his arms to shoo away Oikawa’s hand from his face.
He might have found Oikawa’s serving form beautiful. He might have even found his stupidly pretty face charming.
But gosh, no one could prepare him for a confession like this.
“Yeah. Great,” Sugawara says, blinking away his awe. “Prove it.”
“Will you go out with me then?” Oikawa asks with a renewed fire in his eyes that sends chills down Sugawara’s spine, chills that are not quite unpleasant.
“If you convince me.”
“I will.”
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anime-or-anigay · 6 years
So, I’m not sure whether the kpop au is still a thing, but if so: Do you ever wonder about a fancast on which kpop idols would be which member in HQ20? I’ve seen someone make a fancast of a different anime for kdrama, they chose different idols to play different characters. For your kpop au, which idols do you think could be which members of HQ20?
Ok so here we go, I’m finally going to start bringing the kpop AU back!! Thank you for your patience!! Gosh, I haven’t touched this AU in 64 years….. but in the next few weeks I swear I will get to answering the 6 or 7 kpop AU questions hiding in my inbox drowning amongst dirty anons… 
For those who haven’t seen my kpop au yet see here (for computers) and here (for mobile)
Thank you for your question, anon ^.^ (andsorry for taking so long to reply - I really want to answer all these questions properly!)
Now, to answering….
This is actually really hard… I mean I’ve thought about what teamswould be like what kpop groups but I’ve never compared them directly to idolsbefore? Also, I wasn’t sure if you were asking based on what they’d be like asan idol personality or what their singing/rapping style would be like, so I’mgoing to do a double fancast. The first is who I think they are like based onpersonality, and the second is who they would sound most like to get the rightsound of the group…. (although if you’re curious abouthow the VAs actually sound like singing, see this playlist here andprepare yourself to be shook)
This gets pretty long so I’ll put it under a cut, but there is a TL;DR at the bottom for those who are interested but don’t want to filter through all my bullsh*t…
SawamuraDaichi (DJ)
Personality: S.Coups(SVT)- The total Dad™ of the group- Seems really mature and serious- Actually a total dork and a big softie- Gets bullied by his 1000 children
Rap/Vocal Style: Bitto(UP10TION)- Deep and beautiful- asewhrftjtmv fjieaworgns- the voice that haunts my dreams- also really calm but you can feel the emotion??
SugawaraKoushi (Suga)
Personality: Taeyong(NCT) - could also very easily be SVT’s Jeonghan thanks to those mom vibes andhim being an actual angel but I tried to mix it up a bit - actual mom of the group- takes such good care of the other members and is considered their support andpillar - beautiful inside and out - clumsy and will accidentally hurt his children but never means to- also really talented dancer
Vocal Style: Ryeowook(Super Junior)- so so pure- please protect this voice- such a wonderfully calming voice- not to be underestimated because it can also be incredibly strong- everything about him is lovely, including his voice
OikawaTooru (Tune)
Personality: Wooshin(UP10TION)- nearly went for Ken (VIXX) but I triedto not have double Oikawa VIXX even though I love them, as I love Seijoh, so somuch- super charismatic- treats his fans absolutely perfectly - incredibly hard working  - such a beautiful group visual- and gets teased mercilessly for it by the other members 
Vocal Style: Leo(VIXX)- Gorgeous and soft- But also can be powerful af - always finds the perfect emotion through the music- enunciates every word perfectly- Icry 
IwaizumiHajime (Sooti)
Personality: D.O(EXO)- easily voted manliest in the group- likes things clean and organised and also likes cooking (totalhousewife) - has a tendency to death glare and look like he’s done with everyone’sshit (spoiler alert: he is)- but is actually a total sweetheart/kind of a dork- also master of singing/rapping in different languages
Rap/Vocal Style: Ravi(VIXX)- Raps with Power™ - Raps that change speed in the blink of an eye- Boy raps fast, boy raps slow but always p o w e r f u l - Feel this Energy - No relation to the fact that Oikawa isequated to Leo at all…
KurooTetsuro (Kurokat)
Personality: Jin(BTS)- adorable man child- makes terrible dad jokes constantly- massive nerd- still always looking out for the younger members- also need to mention that they bothhave a super dumb laugh
Rap/Vocal Style: Mino(Winner)- ok so, in the kpop au, Kuroois a vocalist who can rap, whereas Minois a rapper who can sing- but my point still stands- beautiful deep voice (both in singing and rap)- super chill and sexy - this voice saved my life
BokutoKoutaro (El-Bo)
Personality: Chen(EXO)- always honest with his emotions- LOUD BOY! (screams a lot)- always treats his fans incredibly sweetly- may come across like he makes a big fuss of nothing but is also known to takereally good care of the other members of the group, especially the maknaes- super sweet boy all round
Rap/Vocal Style: GDragon (BIGBANG)- higher voice than you expect- can sing and rap beautifully - can achieve so many different styles and emotions - 10/10 for talent
AkaashiKeiji (Kashi)
Personality: Suga(BTS)- deadly honesty (read: utterly savage)- 100% done = constant mood- but also really cares for the group and the music - and can be a literal ball of sunshine when he smiles just for the purpose ofcoming in and wrecking your bias - always ends up going along with all the group’s crazy antics in the end 
Vocal Style: Onew (SHINee)- deep and beautiful- incredibly powerful- vocal range for days- always hits theperfect note
HanamakiTakahiro (Makki)
Personality: Jun(SVT)- actually a living breathing meme- please protect this child- also a total troll though - lowkey extra, highkey crazy boy - best troublesome child there is 
Vocal Style: Ken(VIXX)- wtf happened to trying to mix it up abit…- riff king- like seriously - may not always get to sing the main part of the song, but that’s only becausethis boy is too busy majorly riffing behind the main vocals- also gorgeous voice all round. 10/10
MatsukawaIssei (Issei)
Personality: Lay(EXO)- says completely weird things with a deadpan expression- comes across as very innocent (but isn’t always)- adorably weird (don’t tell me you couldn’t see Mattsunwearing a christmas tree onsie and singing jingle bells) - also language issues and childactor thing are just like how I headcanon Mattsunin the kpop au so….
Rap/Vocal Style: Hongbin(VIXX)-could’ve also put Lay for this tbh but I’ve gotta keep this Seijoh/VIXX streakgoing now- both a singer and a rapper- soft rap style- lots of rap-singing - can change his voice to fit tone of song perfectly
AsahiAzumane (Asahi)
Personality: Zuho (SF9)- looks intimidating at first until you realise he’s a giant softy- a total sweetheart- like completely adorable- bless this giant scaredy cat
Vocal Style: D.O(EXO)- transitions from soft into powerful perfectly- can be beautifully quiet until it comes to hit that note™- has pure emotion behind it- pure, sweet and gorgeous just like him
YakuMorisuke (Yakkun)
Personality: Key(SHINee)- master of throwing shade- smile that lights up the room (when you get him to smile)- total sweetheart (and totally embarrassed by it) - but also 100% the nagging mom - and they both dance girl group danceslike an absolute queen 
Vocal Style: Suho(EXO)- such a range on this boy- can sing just about any genre and have it fit- sometimes soft, sometimes intense, but always amazing- perfect lead vocals 
KozumeKenma (Kenma)
Personality: Hongbin(VIXX)- actually allergic to the other group members- cannot handle all the cringy stuff he gets asked to do in the name of kpop- actually adorable without even trying- also lowkey savage when you aren’t expecting it
Rap/Vocal Style: Zico(Block B)- so calm but can actually spitfire- can rap super fast with minimal effort- can come across as calm but each rap has so much emotion- can also secretly sing 
TanakaRyunosuke (Ryu)
Personality: Jackson(GOT7)- acts very extra- so so extra- but is so determined and hard working- looks out for other members of the group- also amazing dancer 
Rap/Vocal Style: Also Jackson(GOT7)- we have consistency!- aggressive rap- but also somehow calming?- a lot of power- also has a really pretty singing voice
NishinoyaYu (Noya)
Personality: JHope (BTS)- actual guardian deity of the group- literal ball of energy- keeps the mood high and the craziness higher- always super supportive- 10/10 will be there when you need him to be 
Rap/Vocal Style: AlsoJ-Hope (BTS)- love the double consistency of thekarasuno bros for life- high energy- rap style range from mellow and serious to crazy energy - so good at building the rap (starting chill and getting more and more energyas the rap goes on)- seriously this boy is so talented 
HinataShoyo (Hina)
Personality: Baekhyun(EXO)- adorable sunshine child- most cheerful member of the group- incredibly social- loved by everyone - honestly just the cutest boy ever 
Vocal Style: Okso Hina is really hard to find vocal comparison because I imagine his voice tobe so unique, but I’m going to put in Chen (EXO) because- he also has a super unique voice- soft voice (almost feminine at times - butI mean that as a good thing)- takes the high notes like a god- all round incredibly talented vocalist- also secretly really good at rapping
KageyamaTobio (Tobiyo)
Personality: Leo(VIXX)- the irony that his personalitycomparison is the same as his beloved senpai, Oikawa-san’s voice comparison isnot lost on me- resting ‘done’ face- cannot smile on cue - only when made to laugh- a lot of people think he is scary/disinterested but actually he’s a sweetcinnamon roll really- just very shy (and will get embarrassed easily if you compliment him)- also hits people a lot 
Vocal Style: Youngjae(GOT7)- incredibly strong voice - absolute power behind those notes- sings from the very core of his being- just an all round amazing sound
TsukishimaKei (K)
Personality: Sehun(EXO)- evil maknae- doesn’t take shit from his senpais/hyungs- resting tsundere face - secretly cares a lot more than he lets on- is also lowkey shy and sweet when he isn’t being savage
Rap/Vocal Style: Taeyong(NCT)- super chill rapper- could pretty much do all his raps with a straight face - raps that give zero fucks- but also feel really powerful without him even trying - can rap all out but if he does you are dead
YamaguchiTadashi (Suta)
Personality: Mark(GOT7)- actual sunshine- doesn’t talk much in the group - lowkey fluent in english- has the most adorable laugh
Vocal Style: Jimin(BTS)- can hit those high note like damn- such a soothing voice - best voice to sing you to sleep, to be honest- pure and beautiful
HaibaLev (Revo)
Personality: V(BTS)- completely bizarre child- often has no idea what is happening- just a sweet ball of excitable energy- clumsy boy - also beautifully terrible english 
Vocal Style: Haechan(NCT)- very unique voice- high pitch (but not as high as Hinata)- seriously he has no trouble hitting that gorgeous high- he is both gifted and a gift to humanity
So,TL;DR, my final fancasts are as follows: 
*please bear in mind that this is allpersonal opinion and me basically projecting my biases onto my fav haikyuucharacters (although not all of my biases have made this list sadly), so pleasedon’t take offence if you don’t agree with my casting - I’m always open toother suggestions too and would love to hear other people’s fancasts too*
Based on the personality/energy thegroup give off:
S. Coups (SVT) - Daichi
Taeyong (NCT) - Suga
Wooshin (UP10TION) - Oikawa
D.O (EXO) - Iwaizumi
Jin (BTS) - Kuroo 
Chen (EXO) - Bokuto 
Suga (BTS) - Akaashi 
Jun (SVT) - Hanamaki
Lay (EXO) - Matsukawa
Zuho (SF9) - Asahi
Key (SHINee) - Yaku
Hongbin (VIXX) - Kenma
Jackson (GOT7) - Tanaka
J Hope (BTS) - Nishinoya
Baekhyun (EXO) - Hinata
Leo (VIXX) - Kageyama
Sehun (EXO) - Tsukishima
Mark (GOT7) - Yamaguchi
V (BTS) - Lev 
Based on group sound: 
Bitto (UP10TION) - Daichi
Ryeowook (Super Junior) - Suga 
Leo (VIXX) - Oikawa
Ravi (VIXX) - Iwaizumi
Mino (Winner) - Kuroo
G Dragon (BIGBANG) - Bokuto
Onew (SHINee) - Akaashi
Ken (VIXX) - Hanamaki 
Hongbin (VIXX) - Matsukawa
D.O (EXO) - Asahi
Suho (EXO) - Yaku
Zico (Block B) - Kenma
Jackson (GOT7) - Tanaka
J Hope (BTS) - Nishinoya
Chen (EXO) - Hinata
Youngjae (GOT7) - Kageyama
Taeyong (NCT) - Tsukishima 
Jimin (BTS) - Yamaguchi
Haechan (NCT) - Lev
Thnk you again for your question and your patience in waiting for an answer ^.^
Kpop AU
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