#got jealous over
darkdannydevito · 2 years
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mezucore · 3 months
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me and my mostly unwilling assistant <3
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spacedlexi · 5 months
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i thought we were gonna kiss up here are you still not over your dead girlfriend
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sophieeee0105 · 8 months
I love Tango and Skizz’s determination to form a polycule in this episode. Were BEST and TIES not enough for you two. Why do you need another one!??
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fiona-fififi · 2 months
Maddie: 🤨🤔 "mhmm, could be very much the point"..."wow"..."Eddie's friend??"..."I just think that maybe you're not sure of your own feelings, yet, and if there's something that you need to tell Eddie, you will. Just, in your own time."
Evan Buckley, your sister has your number and she is going to gloat SO hard when you finally get your shit together and lock Eddie down.
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ohshinytrinketsmine · 5 months
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Bonus: Just cuddly Phayatharn <333
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Phaya: No evil charred snakes near MY boyfriend slash soulmate, thank you.
The Sign, Ep 10
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saw @chez-cinnamon's absolutely BANGER butterfly!Howdy design and couldn't resist! two fluffy flutterbyes <3 solidarity
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Stealing her Thunder (dp x dc)
Sam really hadn't meant for the night to derail so much. She hadn't even meant to be out tonight, this was all Paulina's fault.
"This is the worst senior trip ever," mumbled Paulina from where she was sitting with her back against the wall, next to Star and Sam. Despite having been essentially kidnapped, she looked just as beautiful and perfect and put-together as she had when she'd come down from her hotel room. Oh, how Sam hated her.
"Maybe if you hadn't snuck into a club while underaged-" Sam hissed to her.
Paulina's shimmering green eyes flashed. "Oh I'm sorry, Susie Nobody, why were you in the club, then?"
"Trying to prevent something like this, you dimwitted, spoiled little princess!"
Paulina's shiny lips opened again to say something equally as inane, and Sam was gearing up to retort when Star elbowed her friend.
"Guys, stop!" Star whisper-shouted. "This is not the time to flirt."
"We're not flirting!" Both girls exclaimed at the same time.
They immediately shut their mouth as they realized they had been much too loud but by then it was too late. With an ominous creak the door to their temporary holding cell was pushed open, and a blond woman walked in as if she owned the place.
"Now, now, girls," she said as she strode towards the three bound girl. "It's not very polite to make a ruckus in someone's home."
Sam couldn't help her snort. The woman raised an eyebrow and Sam smirked.
"That is one ugly ass home," she said as she made a show of looking around the bare cement floor, dirty walls and heavy metal door.
"As much as I hate to agree with Loserville over there, she's right" Paulina sneered, somehow the expression making her look just as attractive as she always was. "This is the ugliest place I've ever been held hostage."
"Maybe if you added a skylight or like, a few prints-" Star added kind-heartedly.
"Enough," the woman said, though her smile had vanished. "I don't have time for this."
Then in just a few strides, she was face to face with Sam. She raised a hand just in front of the girl's face and gave her a smirk as her long silver nails started to lengthen more and more under their eyes.
"That is some free edge," Star mumbled, as her eyes widened.
"I have this fun ability," the woman ignored the blond girl, "where my blood," she looked at her ever elongating nails, "lets me bestow gifts on people."
"Yeah," Sam dragged out as the weird silvery trails started approaching her face. "Not interested."
"I don't even ask much in exchange," the woman said, as she leaned towards the goth teen. "Just a little obedience."
Sam was now struggling in earnest, doing her best to lean back in the restrained space, only just avoiding the weird silver things. "Get away!"
"Get your hands off her, you bottle blond bitch-" she heard Paulina's voice spit out when there was a large boom and a portion of the wall blew open.
The woman was blown back, the silver nails retreating back into herself as she turned to face the newly made hole. And from the hole walked in a woman dressed in a yellow and black reinforced suit.
"Step away from the children, Looker," the new arrival said.
"Thunder," their kidnapper answered with a sneer and that was all that was said before the newly-dubbed-Thunder descended on the woman with a kick, that was evaded.
Not so easily evaded however, was Thunder's punch to the kidnapper's solar plexus that sent her crashing right into the metal door, and falling through the half-opened doorway.
The black-and-yellow-decked woman turned towards the bound teens, and kneeling next to Sam, she ripped apart the girls' restraints as if they were spider's web
"You girls ok?" she said, looking into Sam's eyes.
And here, for the first time in her life, Sam found herself tongue tied. Feeling her cheeks grow warm, she quickly looked down before opening and closing her mouth a few times, until finally-
"A-okay," Sam squeaked out before immediately wishing the ground would swallow her up. A-okay?? Could she be anymore lame?
But Thunder only chuckled and Sam chanced a look up to see the woman smiling at her, and her lips pulled up, feeling shyer than ever.
"We're fine," Paulina's sharp voice cut through, "no thanks to you." Sam turned to see her lips were pulled back in a sneer.
"Paulie, she literally just saved our lives," Star said as she rolled her eyes, while massaging her wrists.
"Yeah, why don't you try being a little grateful?" Sam bit out.
Paulina just sniffed as she crossed her arms and lifted her nose higher. "I'll show you grateful," she mumbled under her breath.
"Ugh," Sam let out. When she turned back towards the hero(?) was looking from Paulina to Sam with a weird little smile on her face.
"What?" Paulina barked, having obviously also noticed it.
"Nothing," Thunder said, the smile still in place, as she got to her feet. "I'm glad you girls are alright. I have to go, but the police should be here soon ok? Just stay in here and you'll be safe"
Sam nodded and she could hear the other two make noises of assent, though Paulina's sounded more like a scoff than anything else. Thunder then clapped her hands together and the wall opposite to them crumbled down. With one last wave, she was off.
Sam watched her go with wide eyes as she heard Paulina grumble.
"What a poser."
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the-kings-jester · 8 months
John Doe will throw a jealous fit over his body sharing boyfriend not talking to him for 5 minutes while someone else is literally in the room and then proceed to be a huge bitch to talk to every time arthur tries. Thank you for the shithead representation Harlan I see it and I appreciate it.
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foileadeux · 9 months
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99bowl · 7 months
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Happy lone trail day
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chayannesegg · 7 months
I think Tallulah is lying to herself when she says she's scared of the new eggs. Not completely, I don't doubt they make her nervous, but I'd bet Sunny and Tubbo are the root of her fear and she doesn't want to admit it.
I'd bet Tallulah doesn't like that she doesn't like Sunny. She wants to like everyone, but she doesn't like Sunny. So it must be because the eggs are new, right? All the new eggs are scary. Because they came from that horrible island. Because we don't know what they want from us. She couldn't possibly dislike Sunny just because she's loud and brave and loved by someone who used to put her first.
We know Tallulah was overwhelmed the first time she met Sunny. Sunny came up and tried to say hello first thing and Tallulah got barely anytime between that introduction and discovering Sunny is Tubbo's kid.
She was overwhelmed that whole time through meeting Em and Sunny, but one of the only times we see her relax is when she's teasing Tubbo about relationships. Because she loves Tubbo; he always works to make her feel seen. Then he leaves immediately off with his daughter.
Then yesterday, we heard Tallulah's concerns re: the new eggs. She also expresses concern over Niki and Tubbo's reaction over her hesistance. Especially Tubbo. She brings up Tubbo the most. While she really loves Niki, they haven't spent that much time together. When Phil left, Niki was supposed to watch Tallulah but instead Tubbo cared for Chay and her by himself. That last week before they left, Tubbo spent the whole time making sure they stayed alive. He comforted her on that last day. He shooed the others away and brought them to uppies and sang Jort Storm!
And then on that island, he stayed by her the whole time in that awful room. Waving and dancing and keeping her attention even when things were confusing and her papi wasn't there and they were in danger.
But now he has a daughter. A daughter he's going to put first, the way he put her first. A daughter she saw with her own eyes who seems louder and cooler and braver than she's ever felt. Where does that leave her? Another person gone from her life? Left behind for something better?
Why would she want to know the egg that's taking someone else from her. An egg her papa says steals and takes and wants. An egg who stole and took and wanted Tubbo. An egg we don't know the background of.
Today I think showed proof of Tallulah's underlying insecurities with regards to Sunny and Tubbo. She was totally fine to ignore Pepito when he woke up. He didn't interact with her, but she stayed in the area. It could just be that he didn't interact with her so it was okay, but that's the point. Pepito isn't trying to take anything from her.
Sunny though? We saw Tallulah get upset and leave at the mere mention of Sunny when she asked about Tubbo's crown. Tubbo who's showing his daughter's ownership love of him at all times. She turned around and left immediately after he said that.
We haven't seen much interaction with Tallulah and the new eggs, for obvious reasons. That said, I bet when we do it'll become clearer that her concern is centred around one egg in particular! And it'll be GREAT angst because Tallulah doesn't want to dislike someone, but she does. What happens when she can't hide behind fear of the other eggs? Or her grounding? What does she do then?
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royalarchivist · 2 years
Eret: I did steal her from her sleep, so she's in sleepy mode. Very floppy.
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thinking of polin of the first two seasons... of the first time they appeared on screen in season one when colin invited pen to dance to make her feel better after she was sad because she was mocked by cressida and of how they kept dancing multiple times.. of how it was obvious pen loved him deeply since they were kids but how colin was blind, she was a friend, his little sister's best friend, of how pen had to see colin crushing on another woman and nearly marrying her.. of how colin said he would never dream to court her..
and then thinking of polin of the third season.. of pen deciding to marry and colin helping her to find a husband.. of pen asking colin a kiss when she is deeply sad because she is afraid she will never kiss anyone and how she wants to get over colin after that.. and colin on other hand that after that kiss started pining over her after she did over him for years... of how he dreams about her after he said in the past he would never court her... of how he is insanely jealous when she actually gets a suitor.. of how he is so crazy for her that he has a fucking breakdown at the thought she could get a proposal and lose her forever just after weeks realizing his feelings while she had to represses her for YEARS... of how he stopped her carriage got on his knees and confessed her his feelings while having tears on his eyes... of how she thought he wasn't serious because she was so used to being just a friend for him.. of how he looked heartbroken and devastated when for a moment thought she didn't love him.. of how they were so crazy for each other they started making out and he fucking fingered her in a carriage with the curtains open because they couldn't stop.. of how immediately after that he asked her to marry him...
wow... polin... oh polin what you are..
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mayasaura · 9 months
Actually. Looking at the chronology. The last time Gideon and Harrow talked alone before the pool scene, Gideon accused Harrow of being a jealous creep for telling her to stay away from Dulcinea.
A whole lot of stupifying things happened in between, but really, it wouldn't be surprising if her first panicked reaction to Harrow disrobing was to think Harrow was making a move on her. Relationship definitely hurtling toward something.
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rewritingcanon · 2 months
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coming out as an official HATER of this video
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