#gothy DIY
gothiccharmschool · 2 years
Goth DIY
It has become apparent that the gothy DIY knowledge of years past has not fluttered out to many folks. Here, let me give you some quick suggestions:
The Tights Thing: Get a pair of tights. (Which can often be found at dollar stores and thrift stores!) Cut out the crotch, and cut off the feet or make holes for your thumbs and fingers. Ta-da! A shirt!
Things To Do To Any Garment:
Safety pins: Get lots of safety pins (which can also be found at dollar stores), and use them to make designs on an item of clothing. (I've added safety pins in a line down seams on jackets.)
Paint pens: Draw on your clothes! Write song lyrics or quotes! (This also works with bleach pens.)
Appliques: You can sew or use safety pins to attach damn near anything you cut apart from another garment, a patch, or pieces of other fabric to something else.
Change the buttons. You can buy all sorts of interesting buttons from fabric stores, Amazon, eBay, Ali-Express ... you get the idea. Change the plain buttons on a shirt or jacket to interesting ones!
Add trim: Lace, ribbons, fringe, grommet tape ... hell, you can even sew chain onto things.
And finally, here's the Gothic Charm School post on Gothy DIY essentials! Go forth and alter your clothes!
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plastikletters · 4 months
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put em on my school bag :3 I’m excited to get it filled up it’s gonna be awesome
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useless-moss · 1 year
Since it's been a hot minute: Trans Hiccup Headcanons(with some bonus trans Astrid)
He started experimenting with more masculine clothes at around 4-5 years old and expressed an interest in using male pronouns shortly after
Stoick was always very happy and supportive of Hiccup, though this was mainly because he always wanted a son to begin with
The 'I think you brought me the wrong offspring' rant in httyd 1 was born of both the other insecurities Hiccup had about being a viking in general and also him feeling 'incorrect' and like he wasn't really a man (which, same bro)
He struggled with trying to be the perfect son for his dad for most of his life
Valka had a hunch from the minute Hiccup was born. She often made jokes about how Stoick already had a son, he'd just show himself a little later. When she saw Hiccup in httyd 2 she recognized his face and the scar and was very proud that he'd grown up to be who he is
Gobber was the one who taught Hiccup how to bind
Gobber would also physically fight any village kids and/or adults who tried to bully Hiccup for being trans, which was rare to begin with since most people were more concerned with Hiccup's lack of general viking-ness
Hicstrid t4t supremacy bitches
Speaking of Astrid, her family followed more traditional last name culture, which is why her last name is Hofferson. She high-key hates this fact but the name 'Astrid' draws attention away from it, and unless told people assume it's some classic irony that a woman would have a last name that essentially means 'Son of Hoffer'
Part of why Hiccup and Astrid get along so well is because they understand the self doubt and the internal and external struggles of being yourself while also trying to be who everyone expects you to be
Hiccup has tried to DIY his top surgery at least five or so times. He was usually stopped by Gobber, other times he managed only one small cut before backing out
Being accepted into 'the guy group' was one of the best days of his life
As mentioned in my first trans Hiccup post, Dagur got the news when they were kids and, even though he didn't fully understand, he started religiously calling Hiccup 'brother'
Dagur's tormenting was also a way to try and help Hiccup 'man up'. It didn't really work as intended, unsurprisingly
The only villains who would be mean about Hiccup being trans are Drago, Grimmel, and Johann. Johann in secret because, you know, undercover/traitor stuff yada yada 😒
Also Spitelout. Spitelout would be mean about it
Gothi knows how to make what is essentially HRT gel, which Hiccup is immensely grateful for
Okay, all I got for now. Will add more as my brain continues to just stew on this fandom.
BTW, I HC Hiccup as trans masc in the first place because I'm trans masc and he's a comfort character of mine so, like I do with all my comfort characters, I'm projecting. This includes but is not limited to the trans-ification.
It's pretty much the same thing with Astrid, but reversed
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cultrise · 10 months
Hobie and his really artsy gf like she's really into diy and makes Trinkets and stuff and she Paints murals and does commissions and totally doesn't vandalise and stuff and she dresses like Y2k mixed with sorta gothy? Like she loves to layer Necklaces and Wears hobies Arm bands etc
best believe you’re vandalising shit together. he takes you places at night to spray paint shit against the gov and if theres any danger around u guys he just swings you away. theres even a rumour in his dimension that spider man spray paints hate speech on buildings because of it😭 he doesn’t mind, he thinks its a great date idea.
he has pins made by you, accessories and little miscellaneous shit. like one time you made him a little spider man keychain after repainting an older one and he was so excited he started yelling like a little girl because he’s just that unserious😭😭
he’s absolutely crazy about your style too. the moment he sees you implement bits and pieces of him and his style into your daily fashion he goes nuts. whenever you’re getting ready for something he just shows up, hands full of his accessories for you to try out.
hobie would also love to show off your little creations “oh this? m’girl made it. ain’t she talented?” and would probably love to join you, so please teach him how to do what you do <3 but he’s generally so creative he gets the hang of it pretty quick.
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ciarancreature · 2 years
Hey! Since it seems like goth women's fashion is a lot easier to find examples of and information about, I've decided to create a short visual guide to a good, basic look you can do as a male or masc goth! Note that this is intended as a guide for more casual, everyday wear; for a fancier goth style, like a vampire or Victorian goth look, this might not be the right guide.
For a good, basic, every day casual goth look, here's what I like to do.
Let's start with shoes. I typically wear black Dr. Martens with platforms. They can be bought new or used, and I recommend real leather, as it's much longer lasting and more environmentally friendly. But Docs are expensive. If they're not in your budget, any similar black boot will do. You can also get creative and do a different kind of black boot, or, if you manage to get your hands on some, a pair of winklepickers (also known as goth pikes) are a classic look!
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The next thing to look at is pants. You'll probably want a nice, simple pair of black jeans. I would recommend skinny jeans, but if they're not comfortable or you don't like the look, a pair of straight or athletic jeans, or anything else should work! That being said, I'd stick to black (or something else that you feel looks gothy). Normal or ripped are both great!
After that, a completely optional step is a belt or several layered belts (black if possible). Not everyone wears them, but one or more edgy belts are another classic look with a deathrocker vibe. Some fun options are belts with chains and O rings, studs, or bullets. A wallet chain is also an option.
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Over that, a classic staple in any goth wardrobe is a black goth band shirt. This is a way to show you know the music, look cool, and support bands you love - many bands make the majority of their profits as musicians from merch!
One thing you can do, especially for a more tradgoth or deathrocker look, is to add either fishets or a layer or two of ripped tights as sleeves under the t-shirt. Not everyone does this, but it's a fun element for extra flair. If you go with fishnets, I recommend getting tights and simply ripping or cutting a hole in the crotch rather than buying a shirt, because it's much cheaper, and because the ripped look is cool.
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On top of that, you'll probably want a jacket. Some people wear trench coats. Some people wear a black denim vest or jacket with patches, studs, or spikes (again, this is more common among deathrockers). Some wear a black leather jacket; it could be new or vintage, real or pleather, and plain or covered in painted band logos/patches/spikes. Some even wear distressed sweaters. Most goths prefer black, regardless of what you go for, and if it's got spikes or patches, most goths DIY them rather than buying them like that. Patches are another way to show off your love and support for bands.
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You may also want to add jewelry. Some goths wear a lot of creepy rings. Many wear chokers or necklaces, and often layer them; some classic ones are rosaries, ankhs, and bats. Many goths of all genders and sexualities also wear black nail polish. If you choose to wear facial piercings, avoid tribal ones. They're culturally appropriative and will alienate marginalized people and lead to people getting upset with you.
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If you have hair, you have several options for styling it. Most goths choose to dye their hair black, but some may bleach it, keep it natural, or color it. Some may even choose to wear different wigs for different occasions. How you style it is up to you, but many choose to style it by backcombing/teasing it, applying a strong hairspray (got2be Glued is typically the most recommended), and using a hair dryer to make it stay in place (there are several tutorials for this on YouTube). Alternatively, you can simply leave it long (this is a less classic look, but many goths do it). Many, especially deathrockers like to style their hair in a deathhawk, which is a mohawk or crest hairstyle with backcombed hair. (There is some debate about whether this is culturally appropriative or not. I've met someone online who claimed to be from the Kanien'kehá:ka Tribe (the indigenous name for the tribe) who told me they don't consider it appropriative because the original hairstyle involves plucking, not shaving the hair, and involves a certain amount of ritual and spiritual significance; this person also said they don't think it should be called a Mohawk because it's not the same hairstyle as the one associated with the tribe. That being said, I'd never met them before and don't know if they were being honest with me. I've also met a white person who sent me an article by another white person who claimed to have asked members of the same tribe, who said they do consider it appropriative. If someone who is actually from the Kanien'kehá:ka culture would like to tell me what the consensus is, or if there even is one within the culture, I would appreciate it.). I've also see goths with any number of styles that involved shaving various parts of their heads, so you can also just go wild with the clippers and see what happens. A tower (a style in which the sides and back are shaved and the top is styled to stick up) is also an option. Just be aware that something that involves backcombing and hairspray is a lot of work to be doing on a daily basis and can damage your hair; using extensions instead may help protect it. If you have textured hair, many Black goths tease or comb it into various styles. The important thing with many looks is that it has body and sticks up, that it has shaved parts, that it's generally edgy, or some combination of those traits at play. When in doubt, look to goth icons like Robert Smith and Dave Vanian for inspiration, or simply try to look as much like a vampire as you can. Or, you can look at modern goth artists, like Twin Tribes, Male Tears, and She Past Away!
Most goths (even cis, straight men) wear some amount of makeup, although it's not necessary if you don't want to. A basic beginner look may just be black eyeliner and/or eyeshadow smudged around the eyes. If you'd like the get creative with it, some contouring, black or red lipstick, or more elaborate eye makeup may be in order. You can imitate women's looks or do something more elaborate; I'll make a separate post for that. Goth makeup often focuses on looking gaunt and pale, but this is not because goth has always been for skinny, white people (it's never been just for them); it's more that the goal when goth makeup became a thing was to look like a corpse. Being pale and being skinny are not requirements. Looking dark and edgy is the goal, not looking conventionally attractive.
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Doing all or most of these things will give you a good, basic goth look, and with just a few band shirts, you'll have a solid wardrobe to work with that doesn't have to be expensive. Remember, goth fashion has always been pretty androgynous, so don't be afraid to borrow ideas from goth women as well! If you're able to spend time around other goths or follow them on social media (Goth Dad is an influencer who has his own goth male fashion tutorials that are worth looking at, and others like Sweeney DeVille and James from the band Male Tears have good tutorials for things like hair and makeup), you'll pick up on more ideas, and can even get creative on your own!
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orangetubor · 9 months
Please tell me about all the OCs Birthdays, Their Music Tastes, Fashion Sense and clubs!! (and their fav desserts if they have any LMAO)
All of them!
Martha- born on the 25th of duober, 1072183 AD. she's in the football club! The music she likes is upbeat pop, and calming jazz and r&b. Artists like Emily king, hot freaks, melody gardot, stuff like that. Things that make her feel happy, nostalgic, and calm. She likes retro futurism, lots of short plastic dresses with weird shapes, arm cuff things, weird hairstyles, and little boots! That's only if she can be bothered though, most of the time she's in shorts or short skirts, camisoles, and her mother's jacket. If she's going somewhere really fancy she may wear something metallic Ritz, or this other thing I haven't named yet, or have but didn't write it down. In case of winter, she has a lot of sweaters. Doesn't stop wearing short though. Just longer socks.
Tammy- born December fifth, she's in band and the cheer squad, she likes HEAVY metal, all that electric stuff, rock, anything with a good drum beat or baseline. Stuff like baby metal, in flames, etc. As for her style, what do you get when you combine an ero-goth and a leather jacket wearer? Tammy! She does a lot of DIY, and wears shorts, band tees, weird fucked up shirt she cut a lot of holes in, training bras, flip flops, and a studded up leather jacket she's had since she was 11. She doesn't really wear trousers. Her and Martha bond over only wears shortsness. (She also has a rabbit hoodie, she goes to the roller rink in it so she and Martha can be 'the tortoise and the hare')
Jenny- born the seventh of duodecimber, she's in the technology club! She likes... I don't actually know how to explain it but gorillaz, geisha girls, TV girl, that kinda funky, down-beat stuff you'd expect to hear in a video game. For the apparel she has one pair of shoes and she doesn't wear others, she likes putting yarn in her hair, tight sweaters, tennis skirt, stretchy jeans and polos, if she has to get fancy, she and Thomas have matching red dresses. She also has a lot of shirts that are variations of 'women want me, fish fear me'
Thomas- 3rd of October, he's in the football and gardening clubs, eventually the football team. As for music I don't think I fully fleshed him out... but dance music like neneh cherry and gothy/electronica like mareux, he also canonically listens to the artist 'vallicent' who is, of course, made up. His favourite song is red sands. In terms of clothes, most of the time he'll wear like... very small crop tops. This specific juniper green shirt that like crosses over like... idk it would have to be visual. Small skirts, baggy trousers, cool jackets, (the reason he joined the football team) he also owns a lot of band shirts, his favourite is his Phobos and Deimos shirt bcs it's got a picture of mars and it's two moons, I think nearly everyone owns one of those. He also quite likes astral outback. If he's getting fancy he'll just wear the red dress he has that matches with Jenny.
James/genji- born the 11th of undeviginber. Weird month. He's in the football club, and he's not in the band but he does like weird instruments like theramins and stuff. Subsequently, he likes weird music that has theramins and stuff. Stuff like TV girl as well, and talking heads, and... Earthbound soundtrack? He also like classical music. As for what classical means to someone a million years in the future, idk. For clothes, he wears a lot of layers, baggy shirt, flannel, leather jacket, and then. Shorts. He wears cargo shorts. Jorts. 😔. He also had a wack ass mullet but Tammy fixed it.
Sahrah- born. I actually didn't write it down so. Idk I'm feelin an autumn birthday? Maybe the 17th of something? M. I also don't think I gave her any clubs. °\_( :/ )_/°. Maybe eventually. I feel like she'd be in the photography club or something. As for her music, also vallicent. And Xiro. More made up bands/artists. Goth stuff, synth wave, also she does enjoy some softer stuff, easier on the ears. For her clothes, what are you supposed to do when you have white hair and blue skin? Be a goth! There's no other option. It is, however, quite hard to find clothes that accomadate six arms, so unless she's going somewhere she'll just wear some baggy trousers and a bra. If it gets cold, she has a poncho. But when she is going somewhere she wears very little in the way of shirts, or at least she does now, and she has a nice tight maxi skirt. She also has 'slug boots' which are boots with two spikes, that she stuck little balls on so they look like antennae. She also wears a lot of veils, sporty the... well I haven't decided what it's called but it's likely gonna be under 'frill'. She owns a lot of off shoulder stuff cuz. Yknow. Arms.
Aled- born 17th tredecimber, he's in the football and poetry club. I don't think. I gave him any sense of music. Idk he listens to something °\_( :\ )_/° bound to. In terms of clothes he has a wool lined denim jacket that he constantly wears. And camp trousers. And like, vests. He wears vests. He also wears a little headband :)
Georgie- born vigiduober 10th, she's in the tennis club, the poetry club, and she's in band, plays the tuba! As for music she likes astruca pop, classical, and the upbeat kind of goth like strawberry switchblade. She wears mostly ripped baggy jeans and tiny shirts, I don't think I've drawn her enough times to get a full gauge on her style. There's a lot of black and cobwebs though.
Dane- born the 1st of quinquber, he's. Still not really fleshed out. Tennis club, gardening club, whatever. Music I... didn't flesh out. However I now know his last name is newton! Huzzah! I've drawn him like once, and he wears fancy nail polish and sweaters. That's. That's all I've got.
I've gotta update all my posts now don't I. Also this took like two days cuz I kept messing around while doing it
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voicestm · 3 months
alias / name : Punky, Bunny, P, Hey you birthday : August 8th zodiac sign : Proud Leo height : 5'8" hobbies : Collecting dolls { Most gothy ones at the moment }, writing, reading, photography, DIY/crafts. favourite colour : Black, Red, Purple and DEEP green. favourite book : Fuck me. Uhm. The Forbidden Game Series, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, The Mayfair Trilogy. last song : That unwanted animal by the amazing devil & Gansta by Rain Paris { Both have been on repeat } last film / show : Scream & Hazbin Hotel recent reads : A court of thorns and roses, Blood dowry, Lasher { I am reading all three at once with my boys } inspiration : I have many? If we're talking rp, it's the people I write with who give me the greatest inspiration and muse for what I do. If it's just writing.. Anne Rice. Cause she's a goddess and I love her. I write like a five year old compared to her but.. story behind url : Easy. Cause my muses are little voices in my head TM. fun fact about me : Let's see.. 1. I have a weird texture thing where I can't eat certain foods? That I think comes from the fact when I was around one or two.. They found me eating Christmas tree lights off the tree and had to force feed me mashed potatoes. I didn't eat them until I was around 12. Couldn't stand them. 2. I have two dents in my forehead in almost the exact locations on both sides on my head? And we only know where one comes from.
Tagged : @narratingastory
Tagging : @designedparadigm, @cruelprincae, @misfittcd, @fasciinating, @penniesxdimes & anyone else who wants to steal it.
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detectivehole · 1 year
hi i have a goth fashion question
i can't really wear boots for accessibility reasons and i don't like the look of those wednesday-ass soft-goth ankle platforms - what do about shoes?
i usually wear like, black sneakers, but i would really like gothy shoes...
it really depends on what kinda sub-style youre going for, and your own aesthetic preferences, on top of the greater specifics of your accessibility limitations, but you almost certainly do have a lot of options
first, i wanna say there are a lot of fun and easy ways you can customize your own shoes: adding bits of metal and beads to the laces, chains to the body of the shoe, spikes, buttons, patches, etc. i decorate my sneakers and skate shoes like that (there is plenty goth is a classic pair of black canvas shoes or whatever imo plain or decorated)
if you dont wanna risk ruining a shoe i suggest practicing stuff like adding spikes, bars, studs and whatnot to scrap fabric or even canvas shoes from the thrift store, but a lot of other mods like beads and chains or whatever aint permanent mods and can be done and undone easy.
also on the note of thrift shops, just go often and keep an eye out on the shoes, and think outside the box too. goth fashion isnt the absence of any color or individual items style as a rule or anything, so if you see something you like and think you could work into a look go for it
now diy and thrift aside: it sounds like you wanna avoid softer, overly fem fashions? as in not a fan of gothic lolita, pastel, or maybe the poofier side or romatic gothic? regardless id pay attention to the low... rise (is that the right word for shoes?) footwear of the mens side of victorian, romantic, gothabilly, and ig maybe hippy (is that what they still call it?) sub goth fashions, as those aint nearly as boot heavy as things like traditional, cyber, etc.
emo, punk, and metal fashion is worth paying attention too here as well since all of these subcultures overlap in fashion heavily and, again, those guys aint always as boot heavy. well they have their own share of boots but you get the idea
if you wanna get into more specific shoes, im personally a fan of the look of platform sneakers which are unisex in presentation and funny as hell in a very cool way imo. i have some Yosuke brand ones, and i find them to be quality. platform sneakers own, who doesnt want 4 inch tall gym shoes? also a lot come in fun patterns, colors, or with shiny metal bits already added
demonia creeper-600s (as in ones in the 600 line) may also be more your speed than other sets in the same creeper style. i think mens dress shoes are also a good source, particularly Delray, Hancock, and San Marco styles- but theyre all pretty good and im just biased. throwing in a kinda fancy lookin shoe to an otherwise casual goth-y look is always fun, and in my experience you can work them in effectively to basically all of the sub styles with just a little effort
if you really want the sorta... leg-coverage look a boot gives you could also get into legwarmers and i mean that. they come in lots of cool styles and colors or you can make or customize your own. i have some, its fun
i wish i could give better advise or help more, but i hope this is at least a rant full of google prompts that will help you in some way
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robinsnest2111 · 2 years
re: the goth fashion history post I just reblogged
from personal experience, as a kid who coveted all the cool romantigoth, victorian goth, mall goth and cyber fashions I saw in magazines, on tv or on the internet (mid-late 2000s, early 2010s) but could never ever afford to exclusively buy from specialty stores, being lowest of the middle class and living in a small town with virtually no way to leave on my own 90% of the time:
diy, regularly visiting fleamarkets/thrift stores, saving up and waiting for sales/gifts for holidays were (and still are) my go to ways to building up my gothy wardrobe!
I know, seeing all the goth online personalities with their hauls and brand deals always decked out in the most elaborate finery makes it seem like dressing goth is inherently expensive and only reserved for the richest of the rich.
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notrichbuteldritch · 1 year
Got the vaguest kin memory? Vague enough I'm hesitant to call it that but uh. Getting used to the scent of like dried roses and clove hanging around the Goth kids and occasionally having an impulse to stuff holes in my parka with like grocery aisle potpourri so i wouldn't reek of neglect so much but. 1) didn't want to get a bunch of shit from the guys smelling all flowery or gothy at school 2) can't have a noticeable smell clinging to Mysterion, jeopardizes the secret ID. It's ok to try and mix diy perfume for Karen (or Lady, if she had an excuse) though. Not very successful but didn't feel bad to try.
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dark-comforts · 1 year
Quick Desc
This is an aesthetic blog - well, mostly. I aim to share all the aspects of gothy, dark, alternative aesthetics and lifestyles that bring me joy, as well as occasional DIYs because there's nothing gothier than doing things your way.
Content warnings:
Fire (usually candles)
Religious imagery (such as churches, graveyards, crosses, deities and demons of various mythologies)
"goth is white" losers
transphobic bs (towards nonbinary people as well)
transmedicalists also
Johnny Rotten specifically
just basic dni criteria
fetishizing bastards
Feel free to message me if you have any suggestions or requests, whether it's for a specific aesthetic, DIY, or your own little alternative joy <3
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gothiccharmschool · 11 months
I have a 16 almost 17 year old who wants to start dressing goth/punk, and I'm all for it, I just don't...know...how...to help? I'm not a fashion person, my fashion is funny tee shirts and jeans, and I want to help but I don't know HOW. Do you have sort of a ...starter list of shops or types of clothes or anything? TL;dr -- tee shirt Mom needs help pls
Firstly, you are an AWESOME mom.
Ask your kid what style of goth they're interested in; ask them for images, links, anything. Goth/punk fashion is a vast umbrella for all sorts of different things. No matter what they show you, remember that goth/punk fashion doesn't have to be from "subculture" stores - avoid places like Killstar, Dolls Kill (ESPECIALLY AVOID THEM), Shein, etc. A lot of the basics are things you can find at any big-box mainstream store (or Amazon); for speciality items, shops like Foxblood, Lively Ghosts, and Die With Your Boots On are great. And don't forget resale sites! eBay, Poshmark, Depop, etc. However, some recommendations for goth/punk basics:
Oversized black shirts - tshirts, button ups, tunics, whatever. All of these can be customized by cutting off collars, sleeves, adding slashes, adding safety pins, adding lace or ribbons ... you get the idea.
Black leggings.
A black duster. Lace, satin, velvet, cotton, rayon, whatever. You can find some amazing ones by searching for "black beach cover up" on Amazon.
Fishnet tights - cut off the feet, cut out the crotch, and boom! Instant fishnet shirt to wear under other things.
Belts. No matter the gender presentation, wearing an interesting belt will make the outfit more striking. There are all sorts of faux corset belts out there (which are my personal preference), but layering a bunch of different belts is also a great look.
Boots! While there are a LOT of specialty gothy boots out there, black boots in a style like the original Dr. Marten's boots are a classic for a reason.
With those things as a foundation, your teen can start enhancing and customizing their look with accessories - necklaces, bracelets, pins, (this is where thrift stores and mainstream mall stores can be helpful - layer on all the necklaces you can find from Ross or TJ Maxx!), or shawls, scarves, plain blazers they customize, etc. Antimony and Lace has great project tutorials. This Gothic Charm School articles that may also be useful:
Gothy DIY Tools - the Essentials
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plastikletters · 4 months
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freehand patches from tonight :) I’m really happy w the cure one
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fizziigoth · 2 years
hi, I found you because of that one post with your diy/thrifted alt outfits and I adore your style! I'm still kinda getting into putting together fun gothy looks, so I was wondering if there's anywhere on the internet where you post more of your outfits, or maybe any profiles/websites you know where I could find some inspiration for diy-ing and styling. thanks!
So in terms of outfits, I have quite a few posted on my instagram (FizziGoth - same username), and I'm also slowly trying to curate sources and materials for reference and inspiration on my master's illustration blog @maked-artyshenanigans.
In terms of references for style.... I don't really know! Makeup I was heavily inspired by various peeps on TikTok and Instagram, but the outfits I do are usually just from me picking up items of clothing I like and going "yeah, that works" 😅 sorry I couldn't be more of a help on that front!!
TikTok is a massively helpful resource for learning how to DIY, especially when it's on goth/punk stuff, so definitely check out some of the peeps on there!! I follow quite a few cool punky gothy peeps on my TikTok if you want to have a look through my following list :)
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cadaverkelly · 3 years
Gothy Rountable - Episode 3 (D.I.Y. or Die featuring Skullgirdle RIP)
Click here to subscribe on YouTube
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erupan · 3 years
2021: going on a spooky quarantine journey
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