taviamoth · 13 days
Irish MP: 'I hope benjamin netanyahu burns in hell'
Irish Member of Parliament, Thomas Gould, became emotional over the death of children in Gaza following israel's attacks on Rafah last weekend. 'I hope [israeli Prime Minister] benjamin netanyahu burns in hell in the same way those children burned', he told Parliament.
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akavilin · 2 months
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markscherz · 10 days
Fun fact: before we understood inheritance, some academics literally thought it was some kind of vibrations picked up by the nervous system.
They literally thought evolution happened through vibes alone.
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appo777yon · 12 days
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fuck it, dialtown but if it was on the pc98
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bnmxfld · 5 months
You can hate a place with all your heart and soul and still be homesick for it.
Joseph Mitchell / Joe Gould's Secret
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 months
Neil talking about the responses to Good Omens Season 2 - from the Neil Gaiman interview with Brian Levine for The Gould Standard (x,x)
BL: The audience that you have built is a very passionately engaged audience. They, frankly, they love you. And one of the reasons they love you is that you fit into what I think of as one of two great divisions in art. There's, or in writing, um, there is: I'm entertained, I'm amused. I may be even enchanted; and then there's this hits me at a visceral level. You understand me as no one else does. You have touched something very central to my experience. And it seems to me that Much of your writing, maybe all of your writing, actually reaches your audience at that latter level. You know. I would say in the former category, sort of my quintessential and beloved example would be P. G. Woodhouse. He amuses me, but I don't feel like he's revealed my inner self at a very deep level. Um, were you aware that you were going to be able to achieve that? Um, that this is something... was it a startling thing when people began coming up to you, who'd read your work and said, this means so much to me?
Neil: Yeah. It was huge. And it wasn't expected. I... if I had a mountaintop I was heading towards, it was gonna be P. G. Woodhouse. Um, I wanted to be a proficient entertainer with a clear prose style who could tell stories. Um, it probably wasn't until Sandman that I found... I started to realize that in order for a story to work, I had to show too much. In order for a story to resonate, in order for a story to matter, I had to let it matter too much. And, and I remember the first people who would start coming up to me and saying, um, you, you know, your, your Sandman comics got me through the death of a loved one. Your death character got me through my child's death, through my parent's death, through my partner's death, through my friend's death. Um, and that left me kind of amazed. I'm like, well, I didn't write it to do that. I wrote it to feed my children. I wrote it to satisfy myself. I wrote it because nobody else had ever written it. And if I didn't write it, it wouldn't be written, but I don't think I wrote it to give you what you've taken from it. And I spent really about 20, 25 years feeling awkward about that. And then my father died, in March 2009, and never got to cry about it. Never... I, you know, I've, I've got on a plane and I went to the UK and dealt with the funeral stuff and organized all of that stuff and came back and go toff the plane and went and did Stephen Colbert's Colbert Report and wearing the funeral suit because and that was all I had with me and carried on. And then, somewhere in the middle of summer, I was reading a friend's script. They'd sent me a script and said, can you look this over? And I'm reading it, and on page 20, the lead character meets somebody, and on page 26 maybe, she's dead, and I burst into tears. And I'm bawling. I am sobbing. It is coming out of me in giant racking waves. And I realized that it's everything that I'd been, hadn't let myself feel, or hadn't been able, hadn't stopped enough to let myself feel, was suddenly being given permission to feel by the death of a fictional person who I'd met six pages earlier, ia script. And I thought that... and it was huge for me, and I thought, okay, that's that thing that people are talking about sometimes, when they come tome and they say, you, you did this. So right now, I'm in this weird, wonderful place where I think a lot of people in Good Omens Season 2 thought they were signing up for the P.G. Woodhouse, and didn't know that, no, no, no, you've, you've signed up for the whole thing. You've signed up for the feelings. You've signed up for the emotions. I... it is my job to make you care and to make you feel and to feel things you haven't felt before. And which meant that the first week or so after Good Omens came out, I was getting angry, furious, deeply upset messages on every possible social medium telling me that I had betrayed people, and it was awful, and they couldn't stop crying, and why would I do that to them, and did I hate them? And they hated me. And then a weird sort of phenomenon happened as people would watch the show again. And again. And now they started to know, okay, this is where it's gonna go, this is what's gonna happen, this is how it works. And they started realizing that they were actually feeling things, and that was good. And that they were caring about two people who don't exist. You know, I made them up, and then and Terry Pratchett made them up, and then, um, David Tennant and Michael Sheen gave them life, and then they get to walk around on a screen and you know they don't exist, but you can cry for them, you can love them, they can make you laugh, they can make you exult, and most important of all, they can make you care. And the number of people who are now writing to me, saying, 'This was so important to me. This has changed my life. This makes me feel like I belong. This makes me feel like I can cope. And it's let me sort of find myself. P. S. I hope you get to do Season Three.' is, is huge.
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sea-talk · 1 year
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"I called my manager in April 2011 and said 'Hello. Can I pretend to be a totally different person?' He said 'No. You cannot.'"
- Marina and The Diamonds a.k.a ♡ ELECTRA HEART ♡
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/ Gordon Parks, Pianist Glenn Gould soaks his Hands in the Sink to limber up his Fingers before performing, 1955
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radyoaktif-ghostt · 1 month
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Hi would it be okay if i asked you why you detest richard dawkins?? Cause i also hate him to pieces and would like to share some indulgent hatered of this fucking old ass shit man. Please go off
I mean, to go FULLY into it would require me to write an entire essay, and I just don't want to?
But the short version is
antitheism is cultural genocide and patently bullshit
focusing on genes rather than the whole organism in evolution is patently ridiculous when the minimum unit of evolution is the *population*, not the gene
in fact, when you realize the minimum unit is the population rather than the gene, you see that altruism and social behavior are very beneficial, even across species (see: symbiosis), and "selfishness" "red in tooth and claw" "law of the jungle" are just bullshit things some people made up to justify their crappy behavior (re: racism. their crappy behavior was racism.)
IQ and intelligence are smoke and mirrors we invented to convince ourselves we're more evolved than other animals (we're not, and every organisms has the intelligence it needs for its environment, adapted for its ecology, and that means that a diversity of intelligences is actually a good thing like diversity of anything is a good thing)
the man is a eugenecist and that speaks for itself
I hate him, and I hate that we live in a world where he is still alive and Stephen Jay Gould is dead, zichrono livracha
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loveisinthebat · 2 months
HUGE smile
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contact-guy · 5 months
I’m reading the Baring-Gould Annotated Sherlock Holmes, here are some gems:
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Caricature of Arthur Conan Doyle crying and chained to his fictional character because he hated writing Holmes stories SO MUCH
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Literally a drawing of me reading the Final Problem
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An incomplete list of parodies of Holmes’s and Watson’s names, tag yourself
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loumoonz · 2 months
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I can from experience say that german shepherds are indeed a nightmare. I wouldn't mind helping Jerry with em tho (JERRY PLS MARRY ME)
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theaestheticmodels · 3 months
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axeylotl · 4 months
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salad-006 · 4 months
This months sludge page for every one to enjoy
Ive posted a chunk of these elsewhere but now tumblr gets all of them
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No gore this time you're welcome
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