mutant-advice · 8 months
y hope youre doyng well wyd everydyng dats been goyng on as of late. yf yt makes you feel better, every possyble blood color on and outsyde of alternya wants her dead too
thank you & i appreciate the effort.
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queenmarytudor · 1 year
Celebrations following Mary’s proclamation in London, 19th July 1553
“The Lady Mary was proclaimed Queen of England amidst the greatest rejoicing it is possible to imagine: cries of “Long live the Queen!”, bonfires lit all over the city, and such a concourse of people as never was seen, who came forth as if they had been waiting to hear that my Lady's right was restored to her.”
- The Ambassadors in England to the Emperor, 19th July 1553
“The xix day of July was qwene Mare proclamyd qwene of England, France, and Yrland, and alle domy(ni)ons, [as the] syster of the late kyng Edward the vj. and doythur unto the nobull kyng Henry the viij [...] and ther was Te Deum Laudamus, with song, and the organes playhyng, and all the belles ryngyng thrugh London, and bone-fyres, and tabuls in evere strett, and wyne and bere and alle, and evere strett full of bonfyres, and ther was money cast a-way.” 
- Diary of Henry Machyn, 1553
“The xix. day of the same monyth, [which] was sent Margarettes evyne, at iiij. of clocke at after-none was proclamyd lady Ma[ry to] be qwene of Ynglond [...] and there the qwere sange Te Deum with the organs goynge, with the belles ryngynge, the most parte alle [London], and that same nyght had the [most] parte of London Te Deum, with bone-fyers in every strete in London, with good chere at every bone [fyer], the belles ryngynge in every parych cherch, and for the most parte alle nyght tyll the nexte daye to none.” 
- The Chronicle of the Grey Friars, 1553
[The proclamation] was so joyful news that all the people present who heard it wept [...] the people were so great assembled that the Lords could scarce pass by [...] when the trumpet blew, there was such shout of the people with casting up of caps and crying God Save Queen Mary, that the style of the proclamation could not be heard, the people were so joyful, both man, woman and child. The proclamation there ended the Lord Mayor and all the Council rode straight to Paul’s church and went up into the quire where Te Deum was solemnly sung with the organs going [...] all the people and citizens of the city of London for so joyful news made great and many fires through all the streets and lanes within the said city, with sitting tables in the streets and banqueting also, with all the bells ringing in every parish church in London until 10 at night, that the inestimable joys and rejoicing of the people cannot be reported.”
- Wriothesley’s Chronicle, 1553
“Great was the triumph heard at London; for my time I never saw the like, and by the report of others the like was never seen. The number of caps that were thrown up at the proclamation were not to be told. The earl of Pembroke threw away his cap full of angels. I saw myself money was thrown out of windows for joy. The bonfires were without number, and what with shouting and crying of the  people and the ringing of the bells there could no one hear almost what another said, besides banqueting and singing in the street for joy.” 
- Unnamed letter, 19th July 1553
“They caused the Lady Mary to be proclaimed Queen on the 19th of this month, after having called back to his former seat Paget, who had been expelled by the Duke. On that occasion the people showed unspeakable joy, both in public, in private and in the streets, shooting off salvoes of artillery and indulging in the accustomed sports and games.”
- The Ambassadors in England to Prince Philip, 20th July 1553
“The proclamation was made amidst such expressions of popular rejoicing, such a clamour and din and press of people in the streets, as not only you who were absent, but I who was present, can hardly find credible; and it was all the more marvellous for coming so unexpectedly.  Men ran hither and thither, bonnets flew into the air, shouts rose higher than the stars, fires were lit on all sides, and all the bells were set a-pealing, and from a distance the earth must have looked like a Mongibello (i.e. Mt. Etna). The people were mad with joy, feasting and singing, and the streets crowded all night long. I am unable to describe to you, nor would you believe, the exultation of all men. I will only tell you that, as not a soul imagined the possibility of such a thing, when the proclamation was first cried out the people started off, running in all directions and crying out: “The Lady Mary is proclaimed Queen!”
- Advices from an Italian in England, 20th July 1553
“ It would be impossible to imagine greater rejoicings than those indulged in because of the proclamation of Queen Mary. For two whole days the bells, which it had been decided to convert into artillery, were rung; and there have been bonfires, public banquets in the streets, and distributions of money.”
- The Ambassadors in England to the Emperor, 22nd July 1553
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
now I just have your prompts to write I'm excited. And one of them seems like it's goyng to be fairly long >:]
OOO i'm so exciteddd !!! i briefly remember the one i gave you so i'm hype to see what you do with it :D
and oh myyyy i am going to eat up every word---- >:3c
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cellar-whales · 23 days
GOyng so bonkers feral about ISAT. helb
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twintygres · 2 months
yve had a revpurrlatnyan nyand she ys goyng to sylence me for yt
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grafitti-translator · 5 months
For the ask gayme: pvrple. Y do not vnderstand what ys goyng on in yovr lyfe bvt yt ys qvyte entertaynyng.
🟣 Purple- What is something that you could not live without? What keeps you grounded in the worst of times?
7hank you very much! i live 7o en7er7ain, now abou7 your que27ion
Friend2? I 7hink, having o7her 7roll2 around me a7 lea27, i can7 be lef7 alone
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swathichinthapatla · 3 years
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fionamccall · 2 years
Norfolk churches - Attleborough
I visited Attleborough on Good Friday, coming in after the start of the 2.00 service, and staying to see the church’s magnificent rood screen, apparently the longest in East Anglia, and the delightful wall paintings above it. As one of the ladies in the congregation said, welcoming me as an interloper, you are spoiled for choice of beautiful churches in Norfolk.  It was a rich place during the middle ages when much of this church decoration was taking place, and this is one of the finest examples.
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The beautiful screen has this motto from Proverbs 3:8 running all the way across it:
Pvt thy trvst in God wyth all thyne hearte and leane not vnto thyne owne wytt in all thy ways have respect vnto hym and he shall order thy goynges
Be not wyse in thyne owne conceyte bvt feare the Lord and departe from evyle so shall thy navel be wholl and thy bones strong
The wall painting above it has these lovely angels, a different conception from the Victorian feminised variety, with their feathered legs as well as wings:
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What the painting would originally have looked like is explained by this delightful painting in the church:
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ask-the-jester-buds · 5 years
What about the dancestors? are they invited too?
[Of course not silly! They live in an DIFFERENT UNIVERSE They can’t go to the same party!
They are having their own….]
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Remynd me agayn… wHy are we goyng?
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B3cauS3 it’S a party F3li! All our fri3ndS ar3 going to b3 th3r3.
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But yt’s Polyma’s hyyyyyve…..
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H3y I know it mak3s you uncomfortabl3… but l3t’S try to hav3 a good tim3! I promiS3 that if it’S too much for you w3 will l3ave ok?
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… AlrygHt… tHank you Mazy.
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♛~ Felizt! Mazilo! Welcome to my hive!!
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✧✦✧… Felizt…✧✦✧
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♛~ Ooooh! Is that a pie?
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Yup, F3li bak3d it h3rS3lf, Sh3 is v3ry good at baking!
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♛~ Well let’s not stay here in the cold! come on in!
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intocleanness · 5 years
shut up keep scrolling
HELMUF, HOTEL GREEN ACTUAL GUNNER: hahahaha admits it already, youse. youse worships a god that'd be feedsing youse to her beast-creature of a guardian back in the day.
SZDEYC, HOTEL GREEN ACTUAL PILOT: I lyke you better when you're plugged ynto the stryke craft.
HELMUF: oh i likes me better then too. i sees all, i blows all up. hehehehe. explosions.
SZDEYC: One of these days Y'm goyng to plow us ynto a mountayn just to shut you up.
HELMUF: aheheheahahaha good good. more explosions.
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Beyond the Grave (wOW that prompt sounds fun)
> A highblood,somewhere on the cusp between blue and purple, arrives
“Iou should know, yf iou’re goyng to be ani kynd of quad wyth Heloda Mustel, Y was her mate once. She poysoned me, and Y dyed yn payn. So yf iou have ani questyons, now’s the tyme to ask.”
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culledtrolls · 5 years
Dark Side of the Moon fooooor Sharil? ;33
Dark Side: A side of the mun that normally isnt shown
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=>Sharil brought one of her friends out to get a makeover and is currently fwning over them
Oh MY Glooob babe You look so good we are goYng to make You the hottest pYece at thYs partY trolls wYll be talkYng about Yt for *absolute sweeps*
=>Sharil happily hums while applying a some finishing touches of eye make up to her friend before backing up and giving a big smile and a thumbs up
(Some people know this side of her but its very different from the bitchy judgement attitude she normally has :P)
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On this day in history, 6th July 1535, Henry VIII’s former friend and Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas More, was beheaded on Tower Hill as a traitor. He had been found guilty of high treason under the Treason Act of 1534 for denying the King’s supremacy and refusing to take the Oath of Succession.
Chronicler Charles Wriothesley recorded his death as follows:
“This yeare allso, the first day of Julie, beinge Thursdaye, Sir Thomas More, knight, sometyme Chauncellor of England, was arreigned at Westminster for highe treason and there condemned, and the Tuesday after, beinge the 6th of Julie, he was beheaded at the Tower Hill, and his bodie was buried within the chappell in the Tower of London, and his head was sett on London Bridge. The effect of his death was for the same causse that the Bishopp of Rochester died for.”
Chronicler Edward Hall wrote:
“Also the vi. day of Julye was sir Thomas More beheaded for the like treason before rehersed, which as you haue heard was for the deniyng of the kynges Maiesties supremitie. This manne was also coumpted learned, & as you haue heard before he was lorde Chauncelor of England, and in that tyme a great persecutor of suche as detested the supremacy of the bishop of Rome, whiche he himselfe so highly fauored that he stoode to it till he was brought to the Skaffolde on the Tower hill where on a blocke his head was striken from his shoulders and had no more harme.
I cannot tell whether I should call him a foolishe wyseman, or a wysefoolishman, for vndoubtedly he beside his learnyng, had a great witte, but it was so mingled with tauntyng and mockyng, that it semed to them that best knew him, that he thought nothing to be wel spoken except he had ministered some mocke in the communcacion insomuche as at is commyng to the Tower, one of the officers demanded his vpper garment for his fee, meanyng his goune, and he answered, he should haue it, and tooke him his cappe, saiyng ii was the vppermoste garment that he had. Lyke-wise, euen goyng to his death at the Tower gate, a poore woman called vnto him and besought him to declare that he had certain euidences of hers in the tyme that he was in office (which after he was appreheded she could not come by) and that he would intreate she might haue themagayn, or els she was vndone. He answered, good woman haue pacience a litle while, for the kyng is so good vnto me that euen within this halfe houre he will discharge me of all busynesses, and helpe thee himselfe. Also when he went vp the stayer on the Skaffolde, he desired one of the Shiriffes officers to geue him his hand to helpe him vp, and sayd, when I come doune againe, let me shift for my selfe aswell as I can. Also the bagman kneled doune to him askyng him forgiuenes of his death (as the maner is) to whom he sayd I forgeue thee, but I promise thee that thou shalt neuer haue honestie of the strykyng of my head, my necke is so short. Also euen when he shuld lay doune his head on the blocke, he hauyng a great gray beard, striked out his beard and sayd to the hangman, I pray you let me lay my beard ouer the blocke least ye should cut it, thus with a mocke he ended his life.”
A document in Letters and Papers gives the following information about More after his trial and about his execution:
“On his way to the Tower one of his daughters, named Margaret, pushed through the archers and guards, and held him in her embrace some time without being able to speak. Afterwards More, asking leave of the archers, bade her have patience, for it was God’s will, and she had long known the secret of his heart. After going 10 or 12 steps she returned and embraced him again, to which he said nothing, except to bid her pray to God for his soul; and this without tears or change of colour. On the Tuesday following he was beheaded in the open space in front of the Tower. A little before his death he asked those present to pray to God for him and he would do the same for them [in the other world.] He then besought them earnestly to pray to God to give the King good counsel, protesting that he died his faithful servant, but God’s first.
Such was the miserable end of More, who was formerly in great reputation, and much loved by the King, his master, and regarded by all as a good man, even to his death.”
Memorial plaque on Tower Hill
As Wriothesley says, his body was buried at the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, at the Tower of London, and his head put on a spike on London Bridge. Heads would eventually be thrown into the River Thames but More’s wasn’t. E E Reynolds, in the book Margaret Roper: Eldest Daughter of St Thomas More, quotes Thomas Stapleton, an early biographer of Thomas More:
“[The head] by order of the king, was placed upon a stake on London Bridge, where it remained for nearly a month, until it had to be taken down to make room for other heads … The head would have been thrown into the river had not Margaret Roper, who had been watching carefully and waiting for the opportunity, bribed the executioner, whose office it was to remove the heads, and obtained possession of the sacred relic. There was no possibility of mistake, for she, with the help of others, had kept careful watch, and, moreover, there were signs so certain that anyone who had known him in life would have been able now to identify the head.”
Reynolds then explains:
“After the death of Margaret Roper, the head was in the keeping of her eldest daughter, Elizabeth, Lady Bray, and it was probably at her death in 1558 that it was placed in the Roper vault under the Chapel of St. Nicholas in St. Dunstan’s, Canterbury.
It was seen there in 1835 when, by accident, the roof of the vault was broken; the head was enclosed in a leaden case with one side open; this stood in a niche protected by an iron grille. The vault was later sealed, but a tablet in the floor above bears the inscription:
Beneath this floor is the vault of the Roper family in which is interred the head of Sir Thomas More of illustrious memory, sometime Lord Chancellor of England, beheaded on Tower hill 6th July 1535. Ecclesia Anglicana libera sit.”
In an article “The scull [sic] of Sir Thomas More”, in The Gentleman’s Magazine of May 1837, there is the following quote about More’s head being seen in the vault in the 18th century, along with the drawing of the skull which you see at the top of this article: “Dr. [then Mr.] Rawlinson informed Hearne, that when the vault was opened in 1715, to enter into one of the Roper’s family, the box was seen enclosed in an iron grate.”
It must still be there.
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swathichinthapatla · 3 years
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pilgrimaage · 7 years
the Canturbaury Tales ys taykynge some tyme...Ich thot that Ich would be done by thys day and ayge 
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