faceeeeee · 3 months
I love your Syringeon redesign -
Like, he's so chubby ajqjwkajwjwna...
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Old man worm ❤️
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justgleekout · 4 years
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Took me a while (okay, a few months, but shhh), but I finally finished my GPBB art for @blurglesmurfklaine‘s fic “If Music Be”!! A wonderful story by an amazing author I was so lucky to be paired with!!! 
Love you Aly! Hope you like it!! <333 
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xbeautifulunseenx · 4 years
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Everything is Nothing with a Twist
by BeautifulUnseen
Rating: T
Word Count: ~19,000
Summary: The cuff on Kurt's wrist covers up a tiny number he was born with — just like everyone else he knows — a number that tells at what age he will die. Because of his number, Kurt keeps his heart locked away. But then Blaine enters his life. Does he hold the key to that lock?
Read now on AO3 or ff.net
This is my Glee Potluck Big Bang 2020 story. A million thanks to @darrenismydarcy for being the best beta and to @justgleekout for creating this amazing artwork. So much love to both of you!
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gleepotluckbigbang · 4 years
Glee Potluck Big Bang fics coming soon!
Yes, the official post date for the Glee Potluck Big Bang is still July 1st.  We moved it back to accommodate everyone who has had their lives turned upside down during this pandemic.  Authors and artists are working on some really great stuff and we are so excited to celebrate the official start on July 1st.
BUT some authors and artists are finished now!  In these dark times, some new fics sure would be great... so we are going ahead with the posting for some of the Glee Potluck Big Bang works that are already complete.
Stay tuned and follow the #GPBB tags for Glee fandom fics coming your way soon!
<3 the GPBB team
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buyinglines · 4 years
Prom King
Read on AO3 
Summary:  Kurt Hummel is the most popular boy at McKinley High. A wonderful girlfriend, a position as star kicker on the football team, and a stellar reputation; he has everything. Well, almost everything… There’s nothing like a minor head injury to shake things up.
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry, Mercedes Jones, Tina Cohen-Chang, Finn Hudson, Burt Hummel, Artie Abrams, Sam Evans, Noah Puckerman, Santana Lopez
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe, football player!kurt, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Glee Potluck Big Bang 2020
word count: 20k+ 
A/N: I’m really excited for everyone to read this fic I wrote for @gleepotluckbigbang ang​ and I hope you enjoy it! Art by the wonderful @miasswier​ coming soon and a huge thank you for dealing with my procrastination :)
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klaineadvent · 5 years
Klaine Advent 2019 - THANKS EVERYONE!
Just a quick bit to say thanks to everyone for participating in the 2019 Klaine Advent / Glee Pot Luck Big Bang Drabble December!!
I’m always so impressed by all the fic and art and creative output everyone displays during this event, and this year is no exception.
I’ll be doing a full wrap up post just after the holiday, but i want to thank a few people right now for all they do to keep the Advent running and this year for pulling together all of the great prompts and posts for the @gleepotluckbigbang December Drabble!!!
@nikkisrandomthingsfan @anomalyreads @klaineunite @lilyvandersteen @snarkyhag @spaceorphan18 @sunshineoptimismandangels @imrights @roxymusicandlayers
And if you haven’t finished all of the challenges yet (and I haven’t...) don’t fret! You can still finish on your own schedule, and everything will still get reblogged to the @todaydreambelieversfic blog.
Happy Holidays to everyone!!!
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musiclovingbitch · 5 years
Summary: Two weeks after confessing his feelings to his best friend, Blaine helps his brother throw a party. What will happen when his brother invites Kurt?
Written for the 2019 Klaine Advent prompt: part, and the sixteenth @gleepotluckbigbang​ prompt: mistletoe!
~1.2k words
on AO3
“Welp, I did my part!” Cooper said, before plopping on the couch.
Blaine looked down at his brother from the ladder he was standing on in order to hang up a garland. “What exactly did you do? The room is barely decorated.” Blaine said, frowning at him, eyebrow arching.
“I put up all the mistletoe, of course!” Cooper responded, grinning.
Blaine rolled his eyes and decided that this was a battle he wouldn’t be winning. He merely sighed and went back to trying to pin the garland in the perfect place so that the second swoop was as even as possible with the first one.
“How many people did you invite tonight?” he asked.
“Just some close friends.” Cooper responded, smiling.
“How many close friends?”
“Blaine, relax. Less than twenty, okay?”
“Yes, twenty.”
“You invited twenty strangers into our house and I'm just supposed to relax how?” Blaine said, voice rising in anger.
“Come on, Squirt, don’t worry about it. They’re all good people.” Cooper reassured.
“They may be good people, but I don’t know any of them!”
“That’s why I also invited Kurt!” Cooper exclaimed.
Blaine froze. “You what?”
“I invited Kurt!” Cooper repeated, his smile morphing into a knowing smirk. “You two can hang out and not drink together!”
Blaine scowled at him. “I’m turning twenty - one in less than three months, Cooper.”
“Which means you’re still a minor for the next ‘less than three months’.” Cooper said and shrugged.
Blaine’s nostrils flared.
“What’s the big deal?” Cooper asked.
“Nothing! There’s no deal, big or small.”
“Okay,” Cooper said, looking unconvinced.
Blaine shakes his head and goes back to the task of decorating the living room, trying to ignore the dread in his stomach.
A few hours later find him leaning against a doorway, holding a plastic cup filled with lemonade, watching as mostly strangers but also a few vaguely familiar faces interspersed between them danced in his living room.
He really wasn't in the mood, he wished he could just go up to his room and lock the door and shut out everybody else in the world. Well, maybe except--
His thoughts were interrupted by an all - too - familiar voice.
"Hey, Blaine."
Kurt's voice sounded wrong. Quiet and timid, painfully hesitant, the words lacking the usual excitedness. Blaine’s heart hurt.
He resolutely did not turn to look at him as he said “Hey,” careful to keep his voice cool.
“Can…” Kurt started, then swallowed and continued after a pause, “can we talk?”
Blaine didn’t respond right away.
“In private? Please?” Kurt asked.
Blaine gave up trying to say no to him years ago.
So Blaine got his wish, and barely a minute later he was closing the door to his room, shutting the music and everyone but Kurt out.
He leaned against the door and tried to cooly cross his arms in front of him. He wasn’t sure if it worked, since he was still holding the plastic cup full of lemonade.
“Well?” he asked, when the silence got to be too much for him, “what did you want to talk about?”
He watched as Kurt fiddled with the fabric at the end of his sweater. Kurt’s gaze was fixed on his clothes, refusing to meet Blaine’s.
“You know what.” was what he finally said.
Blaine swallowed heavily. “I’ve said all I wanted to say. I have nothing more to add. So, if anyone is going to talk, it’s gonna be you.” he said.
“Words don’t come as easily to me as they do to you, Blaine, I thought you knew that--”
“Oh, don’t give me that, Kurt! I’m not asking for an essay here, you’re not going to be graded.”
“Aren’t I?” Kurt murmured, so low that Blaine was sure he wasn’t meant to hear it, “I don’t know what to say to you! And you can’t fault me for that.”
“So let me get this straight,” Blaine started, kicking off the door, uncrossing his hands, and putting the cup on his desk, “I tell you I like you, I kiss you, you run away, don’t talk to me for two weeks, then show up at my house, ask me to go somewhere private to talk, all so that you can tell me you don’t know what to say to me?” Blaine asked. He kept turning the cup by the rim, if only to have something to do with his hands.
This whole time he’d been staring at the cup, but he turned to look at Kurt’s face, curious for his response.
Nothing came. Kurt didn’t speak, didn’t look at him, he didn’t evens top fidgeting with his sweater.
After deciding that too much time had passed, he groaned, and turned his back to Kurt again. He clenched his fists until he felt his nails dig into his palm. “Look, Kurt, you don’t need to say anything else, I got it, message received, you don’t feel the same way, and that’s perfectly fine, but I’m going to need some time to just… let this run its course and get it out of my system, okay? You had the right idea ignoring me for the past two weeks, how about we do that for a couple more months and see where we’re at, okay?” he said, not waiting to hear Kurt’s response before he turned the door knob and walked out of the room, and headed downstairs.
He was just about to begrudgingly enter the crowd of people when a hand grabbed his arm and spun him around.
Before he could realize what was happening, lips were on his. He inhaled sharply. Kurt’s cologne. Kurt’s lips. On his. Kurt’s lips were on his.
He let himself get caught up in it, brought his hands up to grasp Kurt’s biceps and pull him closer. He let his senses bathe in all things Kurt, his scent, the way his skin felt, the way his lips felt, the way he moved against Blaine, but after a few more seconds, he gathered all his willpower and pushed Kurt away.
“No, no, Kurt, I don’t want this if you don’t. We’re still going to be friends, you don’t have to do this.” he said and swallowed, reveled in the fact that his mouth tasted like Kurt.
“Oh, shut up you absolute idiot,” Kurt said, fisting the front of Blaine’s sweater and pulling him forward, “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for years.”
He leaned forward to kiss Blaine again, but Blaine leaned back.
“You - you have?” he asked, bewildered, hope rising within him.
“Yes, now will you please let me kiss you again before I pass out?” Kurt said, a smile starting to form on his lips.
Blaine grinned at him and brought his hands up to circle Kurt’s waist. He took a breath to steady himself and looked up. He froze. His smile widened and he turned his eyes back to Kurt. “Well, we are underneath mistletoe. We wouldn’t want to get stuck with bad luck.”
Kurt glanced up and a small, delighted laugh escaped his lips. It was the most wonderful sound Blaine had ever heard.
They looked at each other, both smiling like crazy, and finally leaned forward to seal their lips once more.
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prompt-a-klainefic · 5 years
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Today’s Trope is Chef/Baker AUs.
Because the best fics have tons of food descriptions and make your mouth water. Because the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach.
Send us all your prompts, or reblog stuff tagging us (@gleepotluckbigbang). Any prompt is welcome: fanvideos, drawings, manips, plot bunnies, trope prompt lists, old Glee Kink Meme prompts, etc.
Let’s give our writers as much inspiration as possible, shall we? Do join in!!
Are the tropes we are highlighting not your thing? Not to worry! ALL prompts are welcome!
Art by @lallagoglee and @roxymusicandlayers :-)
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Hi! I’ve always seen the Big Bang’s popped up but never participated so I was wondering if you could let me know how you go about getting involved?
Happy to read that you want to get involved. 
Sign up as an author. Typically, there is a minimum word count and a timetable. The moderators will help you through the process.
Sign up as an artist. This is not limited to original drawings. Art can include: manips, gif sets, photo sets, trailers, videos, playlists, fic headers, etc. 
Sign up as a beta. Most Big Bangs require the author to have a beta, a person who reads the fic in advance of the posting.
Help the moderators. They will always appreciate a message asking if they need help with anything. 
Read and promote the fics. The Big Bangs don’t work without people reading the fics. Make sure you leave kudos and a comment. If you enjoyed it, make sure you reblog the Tumblr post as a way to advertise it.
There are currently two Big Bangs in progress that I am aware of.
@blainebigbang - the sign ups are currently closed, and authors are writing their stories. The stories begin posting on 1 February 2020.
@gleepotluckbigbang - This is the perfect time to get involved! They are currently collecting prompts for fics. Any ideas would be useful for authors. HERE is the schedule for the bang. 
- HKVoyage
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lilyvandersteen · 5 years
More Coffee Shop AU Prompts
why the hell is this mall so big and the map so confusing?? Please help me I’ve been looking for a bathroom for twenty minutes au
“sir I can’t give you any more samples this is the third time you’ve come here today” au
Found in this list.
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hkvoyage · 5 years
Prompt for the GleePotLuckBang
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So, I’m thinking that the glee club has the body swap like they did in canon, only when everyone returns to normal, Blaine doesn’t swap back, and becomes a bad boy. Kurt figures out how to break the spell (after he takes advantage of bad boy!Blaine when everyone is out for the day).
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gleepotluckbigbang · 4 years
Glee Potluck Big Bang fics start posting next week!
Starting next week the creators will start posting their fics and art.  There will be a new fic each week for the rest of summer.  Yay!
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jayhawk-writes · 4 years
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Gift for: @nineofhearts4
Beta: @teddyshoney
Word Count: 5,729
Prompt: Meet online/ bartender - you show up in my bar several nights a week on a first date. It's been a month and I think I have a crush on you but I can't just ask you out after a failed date so I maybe downloaded the same dating app you use and I'm just swiping until I get you?
Story Summary:  The Jeffery, a cute, upscale bar is the perfect place for a first date. But, for Kurt Hummel, The Jeffery is the place where an adorable young bartender saves him from a series of disastrous first dates. Maybe he's just going out with the wrong person?
Read it on AO3.
Read it on Fanfiction.net
Thank you to the organizers of the @gleepotluckbigbang​ Fic Exchange for putting this all together! This story was a lot of fun for me to write!
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esperantoauthor · 4 years
The Funkification of Blaine Warbler
Gift for: @blurglesmurfklaine
Requested tropes: misunderstandings, obliviousness, comedy, and brotherly Furt.
Beta Reader: @lilyvandersteen
Summary: When Rachel spies on the Warblers to scope out their competition for Sectionals, she is alarmed to discover how talented they are. Determined to get the edge for Sectionals, the New Directions decide to take a page out of Vocal Adrenaline's playbook and pull off a "funkification" of their own that starts Kurt and Blaine off on entirely the wrong foot.
Rating: T
Word Count: 9,306
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Read it on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23468509
Thank you to everyone at @gleepotluckbigbang for organizing this fic exchange!
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musiclovingbitch · 5 years
Summary: Kurt and Blaine go ice skating. Only one of them particularly wants to be there.
Written for the 2019 Klaine Advent prompt: ground, and the seventh @gleepotluckbigbang prompt: traditions!
A/N: This stumped me a bit, so it's really short. I'll upload to AO3 tomorrow.
~400 words
Edit: AO3 link
Kurt's arms flailed in an effort to find something to grab onto and keep himself from face-planting to the ground. The icy, icy ground.
He caught hold of the railing of the rink and steadied himself just in time. He let out a relieved sigh, then turned around to scowl at Blaine, who was not even attempting to tone down his laughter.
"How can you be so bad at this after all these years?" Blaine questioned, still laughing.
"I don't know!" Kurt replied, shrugging helplessly. "Maybe it's because humans weren't meant to try and walk on ice with knives stuck to the bottom of their feet."
Blaine skated closer, and placed his hands on either side of Kurt's waist.
"Stop pouting like that, you're making me wanna do things to you that I can't do in public," he said.
"Well, what's stopping us from going back home and doing whatever's on your mind right now?" Kurt replied, eyes dark.
Blaine thought about it, but ultimately dismissed it. When Kurt leaned in, Blaine gave him a swift peck on the mouth before skating backwards away from him.
"No, Kurt, we've only been here for, like, half an hour!" 
"And you're worried about what the staff of this random ice rink will think?" Kurt asked.
"No," Blaine said, "well, actually, yes, but that's not why I don't want to leave."
"Then why can't we go home and spend the rest of the night naked?"
"Come on, Kurt, we do this every year! We go ice skating, get some hot chocolate and split a giant gingerbread cookie, and wrap up the evening by curling up on the couch, putting on a Hallmark movie and ignoring it while we make out insread."
"I know, but… can't we just skip it this year?" Kurt said, looking conflicted.
"We are not abandoning our Christmas tradition just because you're--," Blaine cut himself off before skating up to Kurt and whispering "just because you're horny."
"You're the one who mentioned doing things to me, this is all your fault."
"Kurt…" Blaine whined, taking Kurt's hands in his and shaking them up and down.
"Oh, fine. But once we get home, we're going to fuck at least twice." Kurt said.
"Deal." Blaine agreed, trying and failing spectacularly to subdue his smile.
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prompt-a-klainefic · 5 years
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Today’s trope is Royalty AUs.
Because, let’s face it, there can never be too many reimagined fairytales and happily-ever-afters.
Send us all your prompts, or reblog stuff tagging us (@gleepotluckbigbang). Any prompt is welcome: fanvideos, drawings, manips, plot bunnies, trope prompt lists, old Glee Kink Meme prompts, etc.
Let’s give our writers as much inspiration as possible, shall we? Do join in!!
Are the tropes we are highlighting not your thing? Not to worry! ALL prompts are welcome!
Art by @roxymusicandlayers and @lallagoglee :-)
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