sophiejacksonchase · 2 months
Della: My children's diet is entirely organic.
Grady: that's cool. When Sophie eats, which happens almost never, she eats candy only.
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clarissaweasley-10 · 7 days
Alright so l saw a few people on the internet saying that Sophie Foster is a pick me because she doesn't like make up ,gowns,or anything figuratively feminine.STOPP.I am on full fledged mamma bear mode.Because,pick me is a term used to describe someone,a girl in most cases (i think)who puts down other girls or claims that she is different, to get more attention(from guys.)And Sophie Foster is nothing like that.Sure she doesn't like to wear gowns because she doesn't feel comfortable in them.And come on if you have to wear a 3-5kg gown everyday,every hour of the day,then you would be uncomfortable too.The other elves in the series don't mind it that much because they have always lived like that,and those who feel uncomfortable switch to tunics like Sophie did,and there is nothing wrong with that.You should wear what you are comfortable in.About accessories and makeup,it's clearly stated that Sophie hates make up and fancy accessories(dramatic pause) because she doesn't want to stand out.Sophie has always been uncomfortable with attention (till the last two books)and just wants to blend in with the crowd.She doesn't like the attention that comes with dressing up, because she doesn't want to stand out.And another thing,Sophie never criticised other girls for dressing up.She never put them down to get attention.Like she doesn't think it's WRONG to dress up or attract the crowd.For example,Sophie has always admired Biana for her fashion sense and beauty tho they both have very different styles.Sophie respects Biana's fashion and doesn't judge her for being girly nor does she EVER compare herself to other girls in a narcissistic manner to prove how different she is from "other girls."She is NOT a pick me and DOES NOT give "l'm not like these other girls at all" vibes.Thank you.
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mallowmelt-down · 5 months
Follow the pretty bird across the sky…
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Jolie’s story was so tragic and I think she deserves more art.
I always swear that I’m done drawing fire but then I remember it’s KOTLC, which is filled with arson😅
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softmoonlightmelody · 3 months
kotlc, but with soulmates?
Everyone has a soulmate. Everyone.
Grady and Edaline found each other easily enough. That was that. They married, fell in love, and nothing bad happened.
Della and Alden found each other just before they thought that they weren't going to. Just as Alden was about to marry Alina. Their hasty marriage was for love, definitely not for the reason everyone else thinks, but doesn't say.
Kesler and Juline aren't soulmates, but they love each other anyway. Juline met her soulmate once, and he wasn't that great.
To become a Councilor, one must forsake their soulmate bond. Those who do are lauded - but only if it is to become a councilor. Never mind those they leave behind, of who are met with disappointment. (Their soulmate was a councilor becomes a code for aro and ace people, along with people who don't want to get married)
Gisela was especially... excited to find that her soulmate is an empath. Of all things, the best for her plans (Cassius married her for naught but that she was his soulmate)
Mai has always, deep down in her heart, known that she and Quan were an example of how soulmates don't always end up well.
Fitz doesn't know his soulmate yet, but Sophie and him thought they were each other's. It hurts more than you can imagine when Sophie informs him she doesn't have a soulmate bond at all.
Brant and Jolie were soulmates, but that changed nothing.
Stina's parents weren't, but they faked it anyway. Somehow, they got away with it. As a result, she is one of soulmate's biggest supporters.
Tam doesn't want a soulmate, but...
Everyone has soulmates. Everyone. (the pain of that statement stings Sophie in more ways than one)
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we know that keefe can feel Sophie's pain. So period days must be an absolute nightmare for him lol. It does not help at all that Sophie would get all moody on her period, so keefe would feel the impact 10xx worse, since he's an emapth. Her emotions + his own emotions + cramps? Yeah no. This is keefe's period, not hers lol.
I can imagine sophie getting hit with a cramp and keefe would dramatically double over and clutch his stomach, groaning "Fosterr!! Get me a heating pad aswell, your period, is my period" and would probably ask Edaline for mallowmelts when she gets them for Sophie. I mean hey. He deserves them too for dealing w the pain and moods that aren't even originally his, right? He and Sophie would be cuddling on the couch, dramatically sobbing into each other's shoulders.
Also, i can totally see them both bickering w eachother, since Sophie's super mad making keefe mad which makes both of them mad. Resulting in a yelling match. Yup. I can continue yapping all day.
Biana would come over at this point to take care of both of them.
Grady and Dex would find this all hilarious.
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winwin17 · 18 days
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rosenightmares · 19 days
I wish Jolie was Sophie's mom
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please reblog if you vote!
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thebookworm006 · 1 month
Kotlc characters as things i have actually said (this is me btw)
Sophie: insomnias a bitch
Keefe: im too hot to die?
Fitz: im gonna scream out my voicebox
Biana: fuck death
Dex: gotta love fourth wheeling this triangle. Oh would u look at that, my wheel fell off!
Marella: fire is hot asf. Thats y i have a lighter in my room
Stina: nah, i just dont like her for existing
Maruca: idek who tf i am
Wylie: im supposed to be the responsible one-
Tam: let me be depressed in peace
Linh: i want a puppyyyyy
Gisela: its pronounced ABOOSE
Alvar: im so fucking loyal, u shld bow to me
Grady: i will kill him, hide the body, and cry at his funeral so ppl feel bad for me
Edaline: it just poofed! I made it poof here!
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reinedeslys-central · 3 months
kotlc things that I keep thinking about that are never really addressed by canon
there is a complete replica of sophie's bedroom and perhaps countless other rooms just. somewhere in a building in mysterium that the councillors just know about.
alden and other telepaths were instructed to monitor the citizens' minds for signs of dissent around the time the prentice thing was going down
they regularly torture prisoners and dissenters into literal insanity that they can't come back from
they also have a super weird prison only accessible by quicksand (????) to house said prisoners
okay. how - how big is havenfield?
the entire thing with - is their name twix? the person dex was working with for something. why do we not get to see that more. why is dex the criminally underrated goated character and WE DON'T GET FLESHED OUT CHARACTER ARCS FOR EVERYONE
linh flooded. atlantis. linh song FLOODED ATLANTIS hello what do people think about that?????????? do they see her on the street and whisper? what's up with "The Girl Of Many Floods"? Where else did she flood?
What is up with the song family (tong? their name changed after their grandmother or smth got famous with their music right?) that both their children not only have two very powerful elemental abilities, but are also crazy skilled with said Talents.
why are music, art, and culture not a bigger thing? like yeah, plot, obviously, but that's just worldbuilding!!! I wanna see!!!! art hanging on the walls! Defying gravity! more sculptures! more music playing in the shopping centres!! If they have imparters why don't they have long distance radio? are there mandatory dance lessons? what's the etiquette like besides what we already know?
more animal husbandry at schools. speaking of schools: we KNOW foxfire and exilium aren't the only schools. are smaller schools more specialised? are their community colleges or academies dedicated to specific career paths? universities?
okay but the polyglot ability is SO COOL???? tell me about the archaic variants of the enlightened language. there's no way that's just the elves' one language and the other species picked it up due to their 'superiority' or wtv. the goblins have cities of gold and metal and the trolls age backwards, you're not convincing me of anything.
secret societies in the other species. that has to exist right?
.....is squall dex's mom or not? I genuinely can't remember.
anyway remember when she froze gethen's fingernails off, yeah that happened (I think)
so instead of rehabilitating teenagers who have dangerous abilities and not much control over their powers, we just do....whatever the council did with gethen, ruy, and linh ig
hey, um...are we just not going to talk about dex casually HACKING INTO A GOV DATABASE WITH SOME RANDOM BITS OF ROCK AND TWINE? he can just do that. okay. okay. that's - yeah, okay.
did he match a frequency or something? how does the signal network even work in kotlc when everyone is technically all over the world in unplottable locations and they get around by LIGHT LEAPING???
ON THAT NOTE. light leaping. yeah haha funny let's just teach our kids to casually break down their very particles and hold onto their consciousness to travel at the speed of light using quantum mechanics and crystals that are specifically cut to project light in such a way that'll take you only to a specific location nvm im not thinking more about it.
flickering? is apparently a skill you can learn even if you're not a vanisher? remember in book two when fitz got prissy at sophie for knowing how to do it apparently b4 we figured out that she's a teleporter
keefe is a fun loveable goofball and I've always been on the sokeefe train but now the more I think about it he's really um.... yeah, uh, sophie? darling, please just don't date any of these people. obv you can make your own decisions but at least not now, okay. take care of yourself hon
the fitz hate is kinda weird ngl. wdym you don't want your problematic traitor brother to move back in to living literally with your family after supposedly losing his memories and that's a bad thing? wdym your close friend/crush is hiding things from you when yall are supposed to be cognates and she's kinda gaslighting you since, forever? wdym your father's been shadily telling you to stalk this girl in the human world since you were a kid? yeah definitely he does pull some weird stints throughout the series. but the bigger things i see ppl hating on him for are. hmmmmm
the council themselves choose to lock away the government secrets and wipe them from their memories. hey, um - recordkeeping is great, obvious, but - wiping those secrets from your minds isn't gonna help you lead while accounting for those parts of history, is it? nevermind how dangerous it is when there are huge species-wide secrets that NO ONE remembers. society-threatening incident waiting to happen.
the concept of vociferators. that's just kinda funny lol even if it is weird
are their schoold for diff abilities?
what's the genetics of talent inheritance? why are 'stronger' abilities rarer? In my opinion, p much every talent is goated, I don't see why more characters aren't more creative about it.
banning talents is just a bad move. like. are you serious? how is that going to make it better? that's how you get brant. brant was a pyrokinetic, without getting into the primary issue of the whole talentless/talented discrimination discourse, the secondary issue is he wouldve been able to marry jolie as two talented elves. would he have cracked if his ability was just a bit better handled by society?
grady is a mesmer. how - that's a really powerful ability???? how do you even train to use that? what do you even use it for?
same with whatever that lady councillor is that tried to seduce alden during his own wedding. fun times, yall.
rainbow fire??? cool????
so we have the sanctuary, do we also have a gigantic library of alexandria-esque thing? a botanical garden?
according to jolie's wiki she died at twenty as a level 8 at foxfire. so... hang on a minute. okay, sure, numerically that could make sense since sophie, at 12, became a level one - but are you telling me she went through the whole matchmaking process and was planning to get married that young????
hey, here's an idea - in a relatively stable society where economy is great, trust funds exist, people work to have something to do with their lives, birth rate is generally low (now through prejudice as well as societal comfort and ease/cost of living), why are they marrying so young? WHY ARE THE KIDS STARTING THE MATCHMAKING PROCESS IN THEIR TEENS???? the elven society has p much every mark of a stage 5 developed country? help? middle-high school human geography??
if they apparently live so long, show me the funny messy family trees with couples having children generations apart.
so, trust funds of lusters??? lustres?? (which we barely ever see. why is there little-to-no use of money?) which equate to roughly one trillion USD (in value? are you. are you - um. are you....serious?) exist. but I guess inflation and relative currency value from mass money printing doesn't count in this world, as well as the fact that there's only one currency for all the elves.
I wanna see a divorced elven couple now. how does divorce law work??????
if there's such a low BR and low population and people are yet still encouraged to have less kids to 'not dilute the genes' (that's my next point btw), I'm guessing matchmaking is encouraged younger to make sure population stays stable/growing? obv you need it to ensure genetic diversity and no incest, but if it's heavily encouraged for elves to have children like this, are queer elves mandated to have children with a surrogate/other couple even if they have a same-sex marriage?
i'll probably edit this or reblog it to include more stuff (character limit lol) as i remember the books bc it's been a hot minute since i read them.
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nerdy-girlramblings · 3 months
I'm sure this has already been discussed to oblivion but I want to touch on Grady and Edaline dealing with grief and how Sophie impacts that in the first book.
We learn pretty quickly that grief is not a normal experience in the elvin world. The fact that Jolie died in a horrible way isolates the Ruwens from society. They then isolate themselves for 15 years until Sophie comes to live with them. This brings up a lot of memories related to Jolie and probably whatever healing the couple was able to go through together was shattered a bit with Sophie's presence.
But Sophie understands grief because she was raised by humans. She knows how hard it is and is empathic towards Grady and Edaline because of this. It's a really interesting dynamic to me because while Sophie brings up a lot of pain for Grady and Edaline, she also helps them heal.
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 8 months
people don’t realize how well Adoption is written in kotlc
normally in a story like kotlc sophie would be adopted by a nice elf family and would struggle with having a new family for one book tops. then it would be all happy and dandy and her birth family would never be mentioned again because she has her new elf family now and they don’t matter anymore, because they’re not elves.
Sophie lost the family she had her whole life, she chose for them to forget her existence, at twelve (12). and she was sent to live with grieving parents who where probably some of the only people in the lost cities who understand what it was like to lose someone.
Sophie was not only afraid that they would think she was trying to replace their dead daughter but was afraid of replacing for even forgetting her birth family. the Ruewen’s where afraid of getting attached to a another child because what if they lost her too, but they tried to give it a chance because they knew Sophie was hurting.
yes the Ruewens compared Sophie to Jolie and saw her when they looked at Sophie. because of course they did, grieving parents are going to see the child they lost in everything. especially in a little girl who looks so much like the daughter they lost that even she noticed it. it doesn't make them bad parents, it makes them realistic grieving parents.
and when they canceled Sophie’s adoption after she put her life in danger, around fire no less, it made sense. but so did sophie’s reaction, because she had thought these where the people who where going to care for her now, and instead they where sending her away because they where afraid.
The Ruewen’s didn’t realize how much they cared about her until they almost lost her, until they had to go through another planting, until they had to watch her almost fade away, that’s when they realized they loved her.
Keeper ends with Sophie’s adoption, and not only did she get to choose who adopted her but she got to keep her last name, she got to keep apart of her human life her birth family, and still be a Ruewen. that is something that is so important because not a lot of adopted kids get to keep parts of their birth names, it’s kinda uncommon and i love that it was added into Sophie’s adoption. it’s not just forgotten either, it’s brought up multiple times later in the series that she wants to keep her human last name.
but the thing is, they didn’t start acting like a family that had been together their whole lives by the next book, it’s not until Everblaze that they really act like a family. which is so realistic, you don’t start loving someone like your family because paper was signed it takes time to grow that attached to someone if you haven’t had them in your family your whole life.
and her birth family is never forgotten, it’s never considered less of her family now that she has the Ruewen’s, the Ruewen’s are not her human family’s replacement, they’re more people who love her, and that’s how it should be in her situation.
not only that but Sophie is still curious who her bio parents are, not because she doesn’t love the Ruewen’s or her brith family, but because she wants to know where she came from and who she’s related too. which is realistic, it’s something every adopted child does if they don’t remember their bio family.
the only books that i’ve read with adoption written this well, where books that focused on adoption like that was the entire plot, but kotlc has it in the background and it’s so important (and even then a lot of those SUCK). it’s so rare to have a realistic adoption story that that’s just a subplot, and i will never get over the fact that it’s in kotlc
and that’s just Sophie and the Ruewen’s, i haven’t even talked about Tiergan yet.
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mallowmelt-down · 24 days
I have always wanted to build the entire KOTLC world in Sims 4 and I finally have the time with school ending.
I started with Havenfield. I tried to match the book descriptions as best I could. It is placed in the Crumbling Isle neighborhood from Windenburg.
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Grady and Edaline’s offices:
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Jolie’s room:
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Sophie’s room(my favorite even though the petals took FOREVER. I made sure to include Ella):
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I might continue this as a series if I get the time.
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ruolair · 13 days
Could you draw Grady and Edaline?
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they fell asleep waiting for sophie to get back from almost dying for the 8192727th time this week /j
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It's so disappointing to me that there's not much background gossip that we get to witness. Where are the awkward family conversation topics. I want Sophie to be eating dinner and pouting about being unable to date anyone. I want Edaline, trying to be helpful, to say something like "I never thought I would be able to date anyone because I was in love with your father while he was dating Councillor Oralie." I want the silence to fall. I want Sophie to make the world's most ghastly face and simply leave the table. I want her to wreak havoc and stomp around until she mentions it to one of her friends, who respond with "You didn't know that??"
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heartstringgs · 23 days
I would love to see any ( special edition ?) book of kotlc with Keefe's sketches included at the end or something. It would be so cool to see what his art looks like and how he perceives the other characters, especially with his photographic memory. I've always longed to see what his drawings look like and this seems like the perfect way to do it.
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