#grand source faith healer
nerdythebard · 3 years
#15: Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty
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Umm... I, uh... t-this... ughhh...
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You know what, let's just move on! (>///<)
Next Time: The true king of music comes in to bring the heat!
Now that we've got that embarrassing thing out of the way, let's... uh... see what we need to play as Aphrodite in D&D:
Soulmate Bond: While the concept itself is exploited to its core by fanfiction writers, here we need to focus our attention on our party members. We're the ultimate support. If we're close, they are better at doing... well... D&D things.
Sustainability: We might be offering our heart and soul to help our teammates, but we can't forget about ourselves. We won't be much help if we cannot survive.
The Power of Love Protects You: Aphrodite is a very good healer. Her Ultimate also grants temporary invulnerability to her soulmate. #LoveWins.
Despite being often viewed as "just a goddess of love", Aphrodite is an immensely powerful Elder Deity. Born directly from the Primordial being Ouranos, she is love and desire and passion; some of the most powerful forces that can drive a person to accomplish their goals... or to make them completely mad.
In D&D, however, we're going to make her a Protector Aasimar. We get +2 Charisma and +1 Wisdom, 60 feet of Darkvision, Celestial Resistance (which grants us resistance to radiant and necrotic damage), and we know how to speak Common and Celestial. Thanks to the Light Bearer feature, we know the Light cantrip, and because of Healing Hands, we can touch a creature and make them recover Hit Points equal to our overall level (once per long rest).
I think we can all agree that if Aphrodite was a character in D&D, she would be a total socialite. For that, let's modify the Noble background slightly, by swapping out History for Insight, keep the Persuasion proficiency, swap the proficiency with a gaming set into another language of our choice, and let's replace the Position of Privilege feature with a similar yet bit more useful Kept In Style from Sword Coast: Adventurer's Guide. This feature makes sure that whatever city we're in (it does say Waterdeep, but work with your DM on that one), our needs and desires are catered to and most expenses are sent to our family to deal with. Our name and family symbol might grand us (and our party members) discounts or straight-up free lodging and meals at a high-class festhall, and general approval from the middle class.
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There is no doubt about it, Charisma is our top ability; we're the Goddess of Love and Desire, we need to flaunt it and charm people left and right. Wisdom is next, we may not look like it, but we're actually pretty resourceful and can read people quite well. Constitution is after that, all casters need Hit Points and yes, we're going to be a caster.
Dexterity is a little lower than I would like it to be (especially since SMITE Aphrodite doesn't use any armour), but we'll make it work later. Follow that up with Intelligence, we might seem like an occasional ditz and books are Athena's thing anyway. Finally, we'll dump Strength.
Although there were several ways to make this build work (I was considering another Sorcerer multiclass), I've decided to use the recently-released stuff. We're going Cleric start-to-finish.
Clerics have a d8 for their Hit Dice, and they start with [8 + our Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points. They gain proficiency with light armour, medium armour, shields, and simple weapon. For Aphrodite, I would go with a quarterstaff (with a holy symbol attached to it) and studded leather armour. Clerics' saving throws are Wisdom and Charisma, and they get to pick two class skills (Medicine and Religion).
Level 1: Clerics start their D&D adventure by picking their subclass, their Divine Domain. There once was a leaked playtest material with the Love Domain subclass (which was later rebranded as Unity Domain), but with the release of Tasha's Cauldron of Everything it became the Peace Domain, and that's what we're using.
With the Implement of Peace feature, we gain proficiency in Performance. The Emboldening Bond feature lets us choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of us (including ourselves) equal to our proficiency bonus. For 10 minutes, all bonded creatures can roll a 1d4 and add the result to any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw they make... okay, so this is basically the Bless spell, but lasts longer and targets more creatures... Aphrodite, why are you so broken OP from the start?
Clerics also gain some Domain Spells, when they hit certain levels. Those spells do not count against the number of spells Clerics can prepare per day, and are always prepared:
Heroism imbues one creature we touch with bravery for 1 minute (concentration). For the duration, the creature is immune to being frightened and gains Temporary Hit Points equal to our casting ability modifier at the start of each of their turn. When the spell ends, all of the remaining THP are lost.
Sanctuary wards one creature within 30 feet of us against attacks for 1 minute. Any creature that attacks the spell's recipient must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they must choose a different target or lose the attack (or spell). If the protected creature initiates an attack, a spell, or deals damage to anybody, the spell ends.
Besides those spells, we also get some from the Spellcasting feature. Clerics know cantrips, regular spells, and rituals. We start by picking three cantrips:
Guidance is a must-have for support players. It lasts for 1 minute (concentration), and it gives the creature we touch a 1d4 to add to their next ability check. The spell then ends.
Sacred Flame is probably the best source of radiant damage in the game. Target within 60 feet of us must make a Dexterity saving throw or suffer 1d8 radiant damage (damage increases as we level up).
Word of Radiance is a great way to handle swarms and multiple enemies. Each creature of our choice within 5 feet of us must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer 1d6 radiant damage (damage increases as we level up).
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Clerics have access to their full spell list and prepare spells every day. The number of spells we can is [our Wisdom modifier + our Cleric level]. We are only restricted by the number and amount of spell slots. At the 1st level, we get two 1st-level spell slots:
Guiding Bolt creates a flash of light that targets one creature within 120 feet of us. On a successful hit, the target suffers 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against it until the end of its next turn has an advantage.
Healing Word uses a bonus action to target one creature we can see within 60 feet of us and let them recover [1d4 + our spellcasting modifier] Hit Points. The healing increases by 1d4 for each spell slot higher than 1st-level.
Shield of Faith grants us (or a creature within 60 feet of us) a +2 AC bonus for 10 minutes (concentration).
Level 2: We gain one of the Cleric's signature skills - Channel Divinity. Once per short or long rest, we can become a conduit for the divine powers and perform one of the following effects:
Turn Undead: Each undead creature within 30 feet of us must make a Wisdom saving throw or be turned for 1 minute. A turned creature must spend its turn trying to move as far away as possible from us and cannot willingly move closer than 30 feet towards us.
Balm of Peace: CD effect granted to us by our Domain. As an action, we can move our full movement speed without provoking attacks of opportunity and when we move within 5 feet of any other creature while doing that, we can restore [2d6 + our Wisdom modifier] Hit Points to that creature.
We also get to learn one more spell: Protection from Evil and Good last for 10 minutes (concentration). Until the spell ends, one target we touch is protected against the following types of creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. Creatures of those types have a disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. The target also can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them.
Level 3: We unlock 2nd-level spell slots here. Spiritual Weapon creates a manifestation of our deity's power (it can be a sceptre, a weapon, or even a comb or a giant lollipop). We can summon it as a bonus action within 60 feet and make melee attacks with it. On a successful hit, the target takes [1d8 + our spellcasting modifier] force damage.
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Our Divine Domain also grants us two spells at this level:
Aid bolsters our allies' toughness and resolve. We choose up to three creatures within 30 feet of us. For the next 8 hours, each target's Hit Points and Hit Points Maximum increase by 5.
Warding Bond creates a connection between us and one creature within 60 feet of us for 1 hour. While the bonded target is within 60 feet of us, it gains a +1 to their AC and saving throws, and resistance to all damage. Unfortunately, if they take damage we suffer the same amount.
We also get a new racial feature: Radiant Soul. We can use our action to sprout a pair of luminous wings, which give us flying speed of 30 feet for 1 minute. Once per turn, we can also deal extra radiant damage (equal to our level) to an attack or a spell. This feature can be used once per long rest.
Level 4: Time for our first Ability Score Improvement. Let's raise our Wisdom and Constitution, to start rounding up those odd numbers.
Because we've increased our spellcasting ability, we can pick two spells here:
Hold Person forces a Constitution saving throw onto one (humanoid) target within 60 feet. On a failed save, the target is paralysed for 1 minute (concentration).
Calm Emotions does the opposite of what Aphrodite stands for, but it's nonetheless useful. The spell forces a Charisma saving throw onto all creatures within 20-foot-radius sphere (creatures can also choose to fail this throw). On a failed save, we get to select one of two effect: suppress the charmed or frightened status for 1 minute (concentration), or suppress a creature's hostile feelings for 1 minute (concentration).
We also learn a new cantrip: Spare the Dying helps a creature with 0 Hit Points to remain stable; the player doesn't have to make Death Saving Throws, but the character is still unconscious.
Level 5: Our Turn Undead gets an upgrade and becomes Destroy Undead. Starting at this level, when an undead of CR 1/2 or lower (skeletons, shadows, zombies, etc.) fails the saving throw against our Turn Undead, it gets destroyed instead.
We also unlock 3rd-level spell slots: Spirit Guardians create a flock of spectral protectors in a 15-foot radius centred on ourselves for 10 minutes (concentration). Creatures within the area have their speed halved and must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 3d8 damage (radiant if we're good or neutral, necrotic if we're evil; half damage on a successful save). We can select which creatures are unaffected by the spirits, and we can choose the form they appear as. For Aphrodite, I'd suggest doves since those are her sacred animals.
Our Divine Domain grants us two spells at this level:
Beacon of Hope lets us grant a number of creatures within 30 feet of us an advantage on Wisdom saving throws and Death Saving Throws for 1 minute (concentration). We also receive maximum healing from spells.
Sending allows us to put a telepathic message in the mind of a creature we've previously met (or seen, like in a photo). The message must be of 25 words or less, and the receiver is able to reply.
Level 6: Our Channel Divinity feature can now be used twice per short or long rest. We also gain a subclass feature: Protective Bond. The bonds we create help people protect each other. If a creature affected by our Emboldening Bond is about to take damage, any other bonded creature within 30 feet of them can use a reaction to teleport to their location and take all the damage instead.
For this level's spell, we'll go with Fast Friends. Using her divine beauty, Aphrodite can ensure people do her biddings without question.
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Fast Friends lets us charm one humanoid within 30 feet of us that can hear and understand us. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed for 1 hour (concentration). While charmed, the creature will carry out any task and provide any service we ask if we do so in a friendly manner. Any task that might harm the target or conflicts with their morals requires another Wisdom saving throw. When the spell ends, the target realizes they were under a spell.
Level 7: We don't get anything class-related, but we do unlock 4th-level spells:
Death Ward grants one creature we touch immunity to death for 8 hours. When the target's Hit Points get reduced to 0, they come back to life with 1 Hit Point instead and the spell ends. The spell also protects from instant-kill effects, such as Power Word: Kill.
We also get more spells from our Divine Domain:
Aura of Purity creates an energy surge spreading 30 feet from us. Until the spell ends (10 minutes, concentration), non-hostile creatures within the aura cannot succumb to diseases, have resistance to poison damage, and gain an advantage against the following conditions: blindness, deafness, charmed, frightened, paralysed, poisoned, and stunned.
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere is our another attempt at Aphrodite's Invulnerability ability. The spell creates a bubble of force that surrounds a target within 30 feet of us. For 1 minute (concentration), nothing – spells, physical objects, or energy – cannot pass through the bubble, and the target inside cannot be harmed by anything. They can use their action to move the bubble up to half of their speed, a'la giant hamster ball.
Level 8: A lot happens to Clerics here. First off, we get another ASI; let's boost our Charisma and Dexterity. Next, our Destroy Undead now works against the undead with a CR of 1 or lower (spectres, ghouls, boneless, husks, etc.). We also learn another 4th-level spell: Banishment sends a creature within 60 feet of us into another plane of existence, provided the target fails its Charisma saving throw. The spell lasts for 1 minute (concentration) and has two outcomes, depending on where the banished target is from:
If the banished target is native to the plane of existence we're banishing it from, it gets transported to a demiplane prison and reappears in the same spot when the spell ends.
If the banished target is not native to the plane of existence we're banishing it from, we must keep the spell active for 1 minute for the banishment to be permanent.
Finally, we get another Divine Domain feature: Potent Spellcasting allows us to add our Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt by our Cleric cantrips.
Level 9: Once again, we don't get any new class upgrades, but we do unlock 5th-level spells:
Holy Weapon enchants a weapon we touch with divine energy. Until the spell ends (1 hour, concentration), the weapon emits a bright light for 30 feet and a dim one for another 30. Attacks made with the now blessed weapon deal extra 2d6 radiant damage and if the weapon is not magical, it becomes so for the duration.
We also receive our final Divine Domain spells:
Greater Restoration is a high-level healing spell that cures serious ailments, such as curses, status effects (charmed, exhaustion, petrification), loss of Maximum Hit Points, etc.
Rary's Telepathic Bond links together the minds of up to eight willing creatures for 1 hour. Until the spell ends, the creatures can communicate telepathically freely, regardless of distance (although they must be on the same plane of existence).
Level 10: We learn our last cantrip: Mending repairs some minor breaks and tears in objects we touch, such as broken key or a severed rope. The spell can mend a damage of up to 1 foot.
We learn Divine Intervention from our Domain. We call our deity for direct help, and roll percentile dice. If the result is equal to our Cleric level (or lower), the plea is successful and we receive help from our god (DM's interpretation. It can be a vision, a direct manifestation, a spell or an item useful for the request we make, etc.). If we do not succeed, we can try again after taking a long rest. If we succeed, we can try again after 7 days.
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We also learn another 5th-level spells: Mass Cure Wounds creates a wave of healing energy that affects up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius sphere appearing at a point of our choice within 60 feet of us. Each target regains Hit Points equal do [3d8 + our spellcasting ability].
Level 11: Our Destroy Undead now affects the undead with the CR of 2 and lower (ghasts, poltergeists, will-o'-wisps, etc.).
We unlock 6th-level spells here. Word of Recall allows us to teleport us and up to five willing creatures within 5 feet of us to a pre-established sanctuary to our deity.
Level 12: Time for another ASI! This time, let's raise our Dexterity and Constitution.
Planar Ally allows us to summon an otherworldly helper directly from our deity's entourage. The creature can be a celestial, a fey, or a fiend loyal to us, although it is under no compulsion to carry out orders. It will also demand payment for its services.
Level 13: We unlock 7th-level spells at this level.
Temple of the Gods is the divine version of Mordenkeinen's Magnificent Mansion, but with less furnishings. We create a temple within 120 cubic feet space for 24 hours, and designate creatures who can freely enter it. Undesignated creatures may try to breach the temple, but have to succeed on a Charisma saving throw. If they manage to enter the temple, they are hindered by divine magic; each attack roll and saving throw carries a 1d4 penalty to their overall result. The spell cannot be cancelled by Dispel Magic or Antimagic Field.
Level 14: Our Destroy Undead feature now affects the undead with the CR of 3 and lower (wights, vampiric mists, mummies, etc.)
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Since we've skipped Revivify, now is a good chance to have a resurrection-type spell. Resurrection brings back a target that's been dead for no more than a century (that isn't undead and didn't die of old age). The spell neutralizes poisons and diseases, closes wounds and regenerates missing body parts; it does not, however, remove curses. The resurrected character takes a -4 penalty to all of their attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws; each long rest reduces the penalty by 1.
Level 15: We don't get anything here, just 8th-level spells:
Antimagic Field creates a zone (10-foot-radius sphere) in which no magic can exist for 1 hour (concentration). Summoned creatures disappear, magical items become mundane, spells cannot be cast. Magical effects (charmed and frightened conditions, etc.) except ones coming from artefacts and/or deities are suppressed.
Level 16: Time for an ASI! Let's put one point into Constitution and one into Dexterity.
Holy Aura radiates from our body up to 30 feet for 1 minute (concentration). Any creature within range that we choose is also sheds the same light in 5 feet radius of them and have advantage on all saving throws, and other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against them until the spell ends. If by chance a fiend or an undead attacks us, it has to make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the spell ends.
Level 17: Our Destroy Undead reaches its peak potential and now affects the undead with the CR of 4 or lower (ghosts, banshees, flameskulls, etc.)
We also get our final Domain feature: Expansive Bond. The benefits of our previous Bonds now work for creatures within 60 feet of each other. Moreover, if a creature uses Protective Bond to take somebody else's damage, they have a resistance to that attack.
We finally unlock 9th-level spells. Mass Heal affects any number of creatures within 60 feet of us and restores up to 700 Hit Points, divided as we choose. The creatures are also healed of all diseases and blindness and deafness effects are removed.
Level 18: We can now use our Channel Divinity feature three times per rest.
We take a few step back with spells and take the 7th-level Divine Word. We choose any number of creatures within 30 feet of us and force a Charisma saving throw on them. On a failed save, the creatures suffer an effect based on their current number of Hit Points:
50 or fewer: deafened for 1 minute
40 or fewer: deafened and blinded for 10 minutes
30 or fewer: deafened, blinded, and stunned for 1 hour
20 or fewer: killed instantly
Regardless of their Hit Points, a celestial, a fiend, or a fey is additionally sent back to its native plane of existence and cannot return for 24 hours (unless via Wish spell).
Level 19: Time for our final ASI. Let's get that Dexterity up again and... I dunno, maybe Strength? Doesn't change much, but it's better than having an odd number for more important stats.
Now... in case the theme of this build hadn't been clear before
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And the 9th-level healing spells are absolute monsters. Power Word: Heal restores all Hit Points of one creature we touch. It removes charmed, frightened, paralysed, and stunned conditions, and if the creature is knocked prone, it doesn't waste its movement to get up.
Level 20: Our capstone is Cleric 20, which grants us probably one of the strongest endgame abilities: Divine Intervention Improvement. From this point onwards, our Divine Intervention always succeeds. We don't need to roll for it, although the 7-days limit is still present.
For our final spell of the build, we get True Resurrection. We can bring back a creature that's been dead for no more than 200 years and hadn't died of old age. The spell restores all of their Hit Points, closes wounds, removes poisons and diseases, and even lifts curses. It can even make a new body for the willing soul, if the old one's gone.
And that is it. Aphrodite, the protective Goddess of Beauty. Let's see how well (or not) we've made her:
First off, and this should come as no surprise, we're a support character. We have a plethora of healing and protection options, and our charms could help us and our party members to avoid conflict. We have the AC of 15, 133 Hit Points on average, and a +3 to our initiative.
Unfortunately, this build has a few downsides: we're don't have many damage-dealing abilities, with the most prominent being our cantrips. Also, we're pretty useless against creatures immune to being charmed. Our Intelligence is also not great, so those saving throws could be trouble.
Anyway, another deity off the list. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves with these builds. I'll see you next time!
- Nerdy out!
29 notes · View notes
lailoken · 4 years
The Witches' Supper
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“ The figure of the witch in the early modern era was an amalgam of religious typologies including blasphemer, heretic, spiritual malefactor, idolater, consort of fallen angels, and liege of the Devil. In parallel the witch accreted the substance of secular criminality: poisoner, thief, abortionist, grave-robber. These opprobrious brands were impressed on the accused by those whose written records survive, often in the form of legal tractates or penitentials. Yet as command of the printed word spread beyond legal and religious centers, other typologies emerged: healer, folk-charmer, superstitious rustic, impoverished wretch, and others. This procession of witch-guises has continued well into the present day, to include the glamorized images suffused in popular culture: the witch as diabolist caricature, illusion-maker, emanant of sexual allure, and repository of the unexamined ejecta of Christian orthodoxy.
An important and little-examined dimension of the witch-guise is that of the reveler at the Devil's Sabbath banquet. The imagery of this feast appears frequently in woodcuts and is occasionally innocuous, but at other times proffers the image of the witch as necrophage. The assembled coven is alternately portrayed as consuming unbaptized infants or the grisly products of desecrated graves; human bones are also included at the table, as they are in portrayals of the witches' Grand Rite. From the perspective of desecration taboo, the array of grim foodstuffs is no less appalling than the relics held in veneration by the Roman and Eastern Orthodox Churches: teeth, fingers, jawbones, foreskins and skulls, incorruptible corpses and vials of blood which liquefy and coagulate at auspicious moments. Yet, witches too have their saints and ossuaries, their hallowed relations to the Holy Dead. It is the passage from stewardship and veneration of remains to ritual consumption that triggers affront in the common mind, and has also contributed to the fear of witchcraft. Despite its abhorrent qualities, this forbidden lore persists and is known to some modern practitioners of folk magic as The Witches Supper' -a clandestine and disturbing meal which is, in some cases, a cipher for profound spiritual arcana, as well as the lore of poisons.
The process of bodily decomposition was a matter of fascinative obsession and repulsion to our ancient forbears, from both religious and magical perspectives. Upon death, the body naturally undergoes myriad biochemical changes bent toward the singular goal of material retrogression, the descent of the incarnative vessel to the mortified estate of the Profane Adam. Discoloration of tissue, stiffening of the body, abdominal bloating and pooling blood are mere precursors of the great corporeal tumult whose horrific imagery resembles the demonic horrors of the witches' cauldron. Bodily decay produces its own array of chemical poisons, many of which are responsible for the fetor so viscerally offensive to the living nose, but, also serving as inviting beacons to scavengers and detritivores. The fortress of primordial Adamas, once inviolable with God-given dominion over Nature, is rapidly transformed into a food source for a great variety of organisms, this status heralded by the production of corpse-poisons. Many of these putrefaction-derived compounds, in isolation, can be intoxicating or deadly to Homo sapiens"; some of them, in minute amounts, are also associated with pleasure or sexual allure, thereby recalling the ancient connubium between Eros and Thanatos. In some cases the corpse-poison also served a magical function before physical death: the power to cause flesh to rot on a living body, by forced infection and corrupt magical principles, was a known power of Zuñi medicine men and a documented procedure during the slow execution of witches. This odorous stew of nitrogenous cadaver-compounds falls into the ancient toxicological classification of ptomaines, from the Greck ptoma, indicating a corpse or provenance is the graveyard and charnel house, the crypt and plague-pit, and they are united in both science and magic as the vaporous effluent of the necropolis.
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Witches and diabolical consorts at the Sabbath-feast.
No less than the natural decomposition of the human body, foodborne illness is also caused by organic decom 'fallen body'. Their position, and has been colloquially referred to today as a kind of poisoning. Corrupted food been a perpetual fact of civilized existence and has required ingenious solutions to forestall the advance of decay. Transmitted by the noisome taint of worms and micro-organisms en masse, putrefaction was a philosophically confounding process both dead and alive; the stench and ugliness generated in contaminated victuals were likewise an offense to reason as well as the senses. Early technologies of food preservation included cooling, drying and salting to arrest decomposition, or, in some cases, to mask the objectionable flavors of rancidification. The ancient arts of meat preservation naturally share a kinship with embalming: the outrage of post-mortem decay was of prime importance to the Old Egyptians, whose methods of providing salvific respite for the corpse may rightly be considered a magico-religious art form. In Christianity, the processes of corporeal decay were assigned to the dominion of the Devil, likely one reason for the folklore that Satan cannot abide the presence of salt. Persons who claimed to have attended the medieval Witches Sabbat remarked on the absence of salt at the feast. Similarly, when salt was brought in, the spectral revelers of midnight's table suddenly vanished, leaving the guest alone. The power of salt for slowing or arresting decay also relates to its magical uses for exorcism, blessing and consecration. The magician's exorcised circle is thus both fortified and mummified, a perfectly-preserved moment in time and space.
Both the corrupted products of Death and the means of slowing or arresting them bear crucial relationships to the Witches' Supper, which in one interpretation (stripped of its heretical elements) can be seen as fostering a ritual intimacy with the deceased. That the witches' delectations should be portrayed in the first instance as necro- cannibalistic is consistent with the position of witchcraft as transgressive, and as operating in spheres roundly condemned by religious and social orthodoxy. The witches' relation to the dead vis-à-vis their atrocious meal is, on the surface, portrayed as a mock Christian communion, or as the vulgar tactic of demonizing enemies by implied cannibalism. On a different level, the Supper operates as a hieroglyph of specific witchcraft power, namely the unique magical relationship between witches and the so called 'Mighty Dead', the retinue of ancestral shades and fountain of pre-incarnate atavism. The art of necromancy, or magically calling forth the shades of the dead, has long been a vibrant strand of witchcraft and magic of many epochs, and in many recensions may be considered its driving engine. Linked with more ancient currents of shamanism, this art was known from the writings of ancient Sumer, Chaldaea, and Greece, the latter providing the prototypal witch-figure and poisoner Circe, the sorceress of Homer's Odyssey.
The materia of the Dead—flesh, blood, and bones—is the mumia of art, known well to witchcraft, alchemy, folk magic, and medicine. The act of its ritual consumption, presented in early modern Witches' Supper depictions as vulgar cannibalism, encodes a number of precise ritual formulae and powers in necromantic magic. The most important of these is the elevation of 'dead matter to a living state by its incorporation into the living body. This is the active principle underlying the Holy Eucharist, wherein, through divine transmutation of elements symbolizing the mumia, Christ's body and blood are come forth from the tomb, and commune with the Body of the Faithful. The potent necromantic implications of the Holy Communion, as a magical act, would have been instantly recognizable to practitioners of folk-sorcery, particularly in contexts where funerary rites maintained close communication with the departing spirit.
Present within the Feast of the Dead is also the Formula of Opposition, a precept which underlies many historical patternings of witchcraft. Named by Andrew D. Chumbley, who wrote about it extensivelys , the Formula is an operant dynamic between the sorcerer and the 'Other', that being the zones of spirit-alienation external to personal experience and containing ungathered seeds of occult numen. In the case of historical folk magic, Formulae of Opposition are often transgressive against law, religious orthodoxy, or social convention, but above all against Self; as exacted they often make use of inversion. In violation of strongly-held personal Tabu, the structure normally governing conception and use of magical power is overturned, resulting in a liberation of consciousness, and the acquisition of previously-forbidden realms of power. At the Feast of the Witches, a culinary encounter with dismembered limbs, organs, and heads serves as an oppositional force on a multitude of levels, from the basic violation of the senses, to affronts against personal and group morality. Whilst the actual consumption of decomposing human flesh by historical practitioners of Sabbatic rites is an open question, it is, perhaps, the wrong question. More relevant is the depictions of the moribund Feast as a symbol of initiatic power gained through the Formula of Opposition.
The Accursed Victual, as a component of the Feast, may also mask the presence of initiatic power, conveyed through mumia. A recurrent component of magical charms is the secretion of semen, menstrual blood, feces, or urine into food as a spell of control over one's victim. This action mimics the spoor secreted by many mammals for the 'marking'or'claiming’of territory and if correctly engaged draws upon a vast astral repository of atavism, and belongs to an ancient stratum of magic reaching into prehistory. Spells employing such secreted matter are transgressive of ancient dietary laws wherein food, and the feast itself, represents a sacrosanct compact between the dining parties. However, when the parties are wholly conscious of the nature of their food, and eat nonetheless as they are shown doing in portrayals of the Witches' Supper- it may be presumed that there are religious or magical reasons for doing so, namely reverence for the deceased, the acquisition of power, or both.
All such approaches to the Feast are essentially necromantic, and as a coercive approach to spirits, it is properly classed as sorcery. It is thus aligned with early modern witchcraft, but ritual communion with the dead using food and drink is also a feature of ancient religion." Roman cults of the dead persisted into the early centuries of Christianity, with night-long memorial feasts in honor of those whose bodies had passed, often in situ at the tombs themselves. Archaeological evidence, as well as the written record, reveals remains of ancient graveside banquets, including drinking and cooking vessels. Church prohibitions on pagan rites honoring the dead occurs in written form as late as the thirteenth century, indicating that such observances were still in practice. Feasts offered in honour of the dead persist into the modern era, even in exemplars largely bereft of religious trappings. Ritual consumption of the dead as part of a socially acceptable funerary practice, is also documented.
The abominable meats, bones, and sundered limbs often pictured at the Witches' Supper may be afforded an additional interpretation with regard to their magical rôle at the Witches Sabbath. In certain inquisitional records, an emergent pattern among some groups, which differed from the usual clerical projections, involved a banquet with archaic features which scholar Wolfgang Behringer has called "The Miracle of the Bones'." This features the restoration of life to a cow or other animal from a disjointed skeleton. The implicit power of this mystery as a magical practice is captured in a section of Robert Fitzgerald's Midnight's Table, a manual of witchcraft lore and spellcraft concerning the arcane power of the witches' banquet:
The Mind void yet the Thought fully formed.
The Body hungry yet the Spirit replenished.
The Wood unfinished yet the Table carved.
The Platter empty yet the Larder full.
Here the desolation of the witches' feast remains, as well as their potentiality as nutritive victuals or even as living beings, is invoked, the suggestion of Voidful Presence through the juxtaposition of emptiness and corporeal flesh. Extrapolated beyond the objects themselves, the table may be seen as the witches'altar or circle, the zeroth vessel of all-potentiality which, like a cornucopia, may contain a multitude of fruits by way of ritual power. This symbolic and emblematic patterning is completely consistent with the atavistic patterning evident in the orally-transmitted magical lore of the Sabbatic Cultus.
The natural transformative processes of rot and decay are crucial strands of the magical currents feeding folk magic and witchcraft. The alchemists of Europe explored putrefactive states thoroughly, borrowing the process from Nature, then emulating, calibrating, and magnifying it under precise fractionations in glass vessels. It is likely that, as with the Royal Art itself, a considerable 'portion of putrefactive magic in Europe was a direct inheritance of Arabic and Islamic magic; such texts as Ġäyat al-Hakim and Kitab al-Sumum employ numerous members of dead animals, some ritually killed, for cursing, poison, and magical power. These usages also occur in the later corpus of European grimoire formulae. However, the powers of putrefaction and decomposition had a far more ancient pedigree, one of which is of specific interest to the Sabbath banquet. Correctly harnessed, they give rise to both of the primary mysteries of the witch sacrament: the Bread and Wine.
In the Bread and Wine of the Witches Supper, some have seen the historical outlines of the ritual consumption of psychoactive substances at the Sabbath, specifically conveyed through food and drink, and indeed this interpretation is present in some modern-day witchcrafi practices. Historical references are uncommon, but suggestive. The Inquisitor Pierre DeLancre reported that the bread of the Basque witches' was black and revolting, its flour ground from black millet, and served with 'false meats'. Aside from its resemblance to cadaverous flesh, the "black bread' is of potential toxicological interest. In centuries past, white flour was a privilege of the wealthy, and poorer classes resorted to eating so-called 'black breads', made of rye and barley, and which also contained diverse adulterants from the harvest. Piero Camporesi in his Bread of Dreams has speculated that psychoactive contaminants of grain such as darnel (Lolium temulentum) and ergot (Claviceps purpurea) were so common in the flours of some regions and eras that the average peasant was in a constant state of intoxicatio as a consequence of poor diet. If true, the evidence cited suggests that the psychoactivity of such breads was an accidental by-product of a fouled food supply, but if the phenomenon was understood by herbalists and magical practitioners, there would be little to stop the cunning from crafting experimental loaves. Indeed, as with the Thelemic Cakes of Light', the Sabbath Bread has its own secret formulations.
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The Nocturnal Assembly gathering corpses for the Witches’ Supper. Compendium Maleficarum, 1608.
The old term "Crow's Bread" originates in the founding lineages of the witchcraft order Cultus Sabbati, and originally referred to the intoxicating mushroom Psilocybe semilanceata as a gift of the spirits for visionary ritual use. In the late 20th century, the term was applied within the group for broader use to refer to any psychoactive ritual substance gathered from Nature, but its nature as 'Bread is linked both with the Communion Host of Christ and the male generative power linked with the 'Lord of Light’, in some cases identified with Lucifer. In this latter association, the Bread's power as Revelator is especially notable. Covines and lodges of the Cultus have long made use of venefic gnosis in various forms; its oldest known recensions, dating from the second half of the nineteenth century, contain obscure charms against poison, as well as certain ritual transmissions of power using a prepared psychoactive sacrament. Oral teachings long pre-dating the Great War concern another poisonous species of note in Britain: Belladonna. There are also adjunctive practices concerning a multitude of other plants of power, specifically their Eucharistic power. My contacts with other Traditional Witchcraft groups outside of the Cultus have, on occasion, affirmed the presence of such sacraments elsewhere, some of which have themselves passed into a largely symbolic or chemically inert form.
Within the Sabbatic Cultus, the Bread of the Sabbath Feast operates upon many magical levels, its essence is intimately tied to British agricultural cycle, the God of Harvest, Corn and Sheaf, sometimes manifest in the mythical divinity of John Barleycorn. The germ of this myth encloses the great mystery of ritual murder and resurrection embodied in the Holy Loaf, and the resulting sustenance of the kingdom. This quintessentially English expression of the Bread is thus seminal, nutritive, life- giving, and radiant, but also embracing the mysterium of Death and a patterning of seasonal time and tide. Here Barleycorn is sometimes identified as the Witch-Father Mahazhael. He is thus often depicted as a skeletal god with an erect phallus, bearing a scythe, sickle, and stalk of grain; his mystery is well encapsulated in his invocation from Chumbley's The Dragon-Book of Essex:
On the first day I awoke within the furrow.
On the second day I knelt in prayer 'neath the sun.
On the third day I stood in the long green robe.
On the fourth day my head was crowned with gold. 
On the fifth day the sickle laid me to rest.
On the sixth day my body was ground between stone.
On the seventh day I was raised anew
to feed the brethren at Midnight's table-
to serve at the Round Feast for both the Living and the Dead.
In addition to the process of ritual murder which births the Bread, the putrefactive processes used for its fermentation, via yeast or bacteria, are also reckoned as a part of the Corn-God's dominion. As a natural agent of corruption, yeasts are widespread and penetrate countless strata of the world, often contaminating foodstuffs, as well as the human organism. Even where fermentation conditions are controlled, the process of making bread and wine relies on the mass death of these microorganisms. This catastrophic loss of life, on the order of hundreds of millions of individuals per loaf, nonetheless provides a delectable crumb serving as both an holy sacrament and the common man's ‘Staff of Life'. A further relation between bread and the grave is its frequent off-white colour, recalling bone, and the hardness it attains when stale, sometimes petrifying, as a skeleton, over the course of centuries; and amongst some witchcraft practitioners, the churchly Communion Wafer is sometimes addressed within the circle simply as 'The Corpse' or ‘The Skeleton'.
The magical corollary to the Witches' Bread is the Vinum Sabbati, or Winecup of Midnight's Table. Its alignment is with the Moon and the Lunar emanation, the feminine principle, and the many humours of the body, primarily blood, but also the female sexual secretions, both gross and subtle. In witchcraft contexts, as well as other secret societies and magical orders, the Wine is of legendary status and a great deal of lore and doctrines have emerged concerning its generation and use. To some it is a cup producing fantastic visions, to others, an initiatic ordeal which serves as the most harrowing trial for the drinker. Certain teachings, through its association with both the Living Cup and its Wine as a single entity, have two essential natures which in combination, magically unify to create a Blessed Third, an apotheosis of both. Within the Cultus Sabbati, the 'Graal of Midnight' has precise formulations to empower and support the various pathways of Sabbatic Congressus: Thanatomantic, Atavistic, Sexual, and many others. By a metaphoric pathway, the Wine of the Sabbath is not only a fluidic medium, fermented and distilled within the Flesh of the Initiate, but also the entire process of corporeal transmutation during its imbibition at the High Sabbat.
As an actual drink conveying ritual power, a medieval prototype of the Wine of the Sabbath is to be found in Johannes Nider's Formicarius (1435), which alleged the witches of the Simmenthal region of Switzerland were initiated using a potion brewed from the ashes of infants. More important than the composition of the brew was its alleged effect: the beguiling draught conferred upon the initiate an instant knowledge of the Art Magical. Though described prior to the advent of the Sabbath as a major component of witchcraft, it is the ritual cup and its function as a bestower of witch-power which links it to the Witches' Supper.
The bridge between wine and the incorporeal host is also relevant to the nature of the witches' cup. Historically, the grape was considered divine not only by mankind but also by spirits of the Dead. In ancient Greece, the Vine-shoot was regarded as possessing strong properties of purification; wine was often poured there as a libation for the dead, as well as to chthonic deities. This custom of offering alcohol to the deceased resisted the strongest attempts at eradication; Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus (427-449) reports with outrage pagans bringing wine to the deceased in evening rites. Cæsarius relays a legend in which two servants at the monastery of Laach, charged to guard the vineyard by night, bribed the devil to do their work with a cophinum full of grapes, a deal which was apparently kept. Amongst the nocturnal activities later alleged of the Vaudois witches was the invasion of wine cellars, led there in a troupe by the Devil. "Under lead of the demon they enter cellars and drink wine, all of them first urinating in the cask from which it is drawn." The threefold linkage of wine to the Dead, witches and the Devil draw additional lines of arcane association with the Sabbatic Grail, both as a form of communion with the Dead and with the Black Man of the Sabbath, the God of the Lamiae.
The presence of Wine in historical English witchcraft and folk magic may indeed arise from its aspect as mock-sacrament, theʻpolluted bloodof Christ which featured in invertive and blasphemous sorceries. However, wine was present in England before the advent of Christianity; introduced by the Romans, there is evidence for viticulture among the Anglo-Saxons; one conservative estimate identifies at least 139 definite or possible vineyards in medieval Britain. Though climatological trends in past centuries have fluctuated, and viticulture has prospered or suffered accordingly, the Genius of the Vine has been present in England for millennia. This is certainly sửfficient time for a body of lore and rites to have accreted around the Grape and its divine expressions, drawing from numerous magico-religious currents, as well as the inevitable corpus of agrarian lore which accompanies so important and venerated a crop. This is to say nothing of England's great tradition of hedge wines, a testament both to the ingenuity of her vintners and the botanical diversity of her lands.
The Cup of Wine which features so prominently at the Feast of the Witches may be understood as the mechanism of sorcerous transmutation of the body, not only its vehicle, but its symbol, process, teaching, and legacy. This symbol in activated form unfolds, as an opening rose, the entire ecstatic algorithm of the Sabbat. Within the rites of Sabbatic Witchcraft, the Wine of the Devil's Graal appears in radiance at the confluence of sorcerous enchantment and spirit-veneration. Where the covenant of adepts is of sufficiently focused will, desire, and belief and of sincere devotion", the Cup is vinted, filled, mixed, and drunk. The motto ‘Ipse venena bibas’ or 'drink thou thine own poison' encodes the truth that the Grail of the Witch is both the cup from which it is drunk, and the initiate into whom the wine passes. The alpha-numeric essence of this matter is eloquently contained within the number 710, which corresponds both to the grail-poison (tar`elah) and the Sabbath itself.
The active magical nature of the Witching Graal, and its function as the intermediary in rites of 'Communion' naturally evokes the Body of the Goddess as the portal of mystery. In the Sabbatic traditions of witchcraft, the shade-mother Lilith or Liliya Devala is identified with the witches' cup in both its exalted and desecrated forms, aligned with sex-magical moduli of Void-mind (the empty cup) and the conjured circle of spirits (the full cup). Other permutations occur, especially those co-identified with the body of the Priestess or ritual adjuditrices. Each wine vinted within these cups is as much a product of the Vessel as the Vine.
Kenneth Grant has linked the Sabbatic Wine to the blood of Charis, wife of the smith-god Haephestos, and also known as the threefold goddess Charites, or the Graces. Expanding upon the writings of Massey, which quote the ancient writings of the Gnostic Marcus, Grant links the Vinum Sabbati with the blood of Charis, the 'original Eucharist'of the early Gnostic Christians. The vintage is the central component of the ancient magico-sexual rites of trance mediumship wherein the goddess spoke through a chosen medium. This bears certain similarities with kindred operations in the Order of Eastern Templars, as well as those of at least one Traditional Witchcraft lineage informing the Cultus Sabbati. Likewise, a cup-blessing used for the Wine connects its use to the forgotten intimacy of Samael and First Woman:
Bright Host of Saint Hawa, draw nigh unto this, my Cup.
Before mine eyes, the Well of Abomination,
Betwixt thy thighs, the Red Stream of Eternal Fire.
Behold thou the Good Companie assembled
To feast upon the grave-wandering corpse,
Draught of Manbane, and dew of the Forest grail,
The blood-fouling thorn, the Fang and Toad-froth,
Yea, All Delights of Resurrection's Vineyard:
O, Mercy of the Spirit I pray!
Here 'Communion' also relates in mystery both to the Witches' Agapae or love-feast as well as the coition of spirit transpiring within the circle of the High Sabbat itself. This resonates with the witches' Fortunum or Cup of Good Fortune, a specific preparation of male and female sexual secretions, ritually expressed in the correct lunar phase, and empowered through conjuration of precise spirit- presences. Withing these covines are preserved teachings concerning 'the vinting and pouring’ of the Agapae-wine, as well as its function at the Feast. It is impossible to pinpoint with certainty the origin of the oldest of these witch-rites, though their resemblance to some practices of South Asian Tantra is striking. This may be an occult adaptation of Tantric practice, as perpetuated through such magical orders as the Ordo Templi Orientis, with which some covines have had contact. However, the oldest witch- praxes of this type pre-date the Oriental Templars' contact with Tantra, and in fact retain elements marking their origin as specifically English and Northern European. Additionally, their foci incorporate atavistic formulae, placing them squarely within the precincts of an ancestral cult, as well as incorporating elements which would to many occult lodges, be considered "low magic".
Despite the linkage of these sexual witchcraft formulae with the Dead, their strata of magical expression very much concern the living, the present body of initiates, woven into the perpetuity of magical time. In addition to the powers of manifestation their perfected exaction radiates, they are capable of simultaneous intoxication, empowerment and nourishment -the great 'Transmutation of the Body' in which one becomes magic entire. Its linkage with the ghastly imagery of the demonologist lies in its formulation from the Corpus Humanis. Under correct conditions, the two give rise, like the antediluvian pillars, to the Great Temple of the New Flesh.
Returning to the concept of Crow's Bread, within the Sabbatic Cultus, the Liberty Cap mushroom (Psilocybe semilanceata), when encountered growing in the wild, is regarded as an omen of ancestral favor. A prime concentrator of atavistic force, it is a gateway to the dominion of Faerie and a guardian of the Way. It is never hunted, but when encountered must be acknowledged by certain ritual customs and sacrifices.
Importantly, it eschews dung, unlike other visionary mushrooms of its genus, and thus in mystical terms is separated from Abel, the unrefined or 'profane' nature of flesh prefiguring the sorcerer Cain. Proceeding as it does from the soil and thus the subterranean vaults of the Mighty Dead, its fruiting body is the brief apotheosis of those fallen and yet come again: the ephemeral Risen Phallus of the Spirit-Meadow. The mushroom thus subsumes three important mysteries of the Witches' Supper in one body: the Corpse, the Phallus, and the Visionary Sacrament. From a devotional entry in Hypnotikon:
Amongst the true-born of its flesh, it is known as ‘The Watcher on the Moor' and this is precisely where I was introduced to this Friend. It speaks of many things: great spectral mists uncurling before the moon; of time and the procession of bodies upon bodies; of hedge-haunting devils; of the deeds of the Saints' bones, resonant and deep in the earth; of the Immovable Stone and its wisdsom; of symmetries and arrangements of things - trees, plants, beasts; of holy books writ in ossuary dust; of the delectations and radiances of the flesh; of the Round Dance and the Fallen Star; of the Sovereign and Horn'd Head detached from the body, ruling over the Land; of the telescoping of the soul into indescribable abysses. When it has spoken its final word, and revealed its last vision, what then remains? The accumulated counsel of every incarnation as I'.
In the abyssal heart of ancestral shadow, the 'Bread' of Midnight's Table is served both for the Living and Dead. For those who sup in flesh, and walk in the world of men, it is a sacred loaf broken for remembrance: to honor the Dead with sensation and savor, and to call forth into the body, through the rite of necrodeipnon, what has gone before. For them who abide in shade, the Bread is the Lantern of the World, shone as a beacon for return to the flesh, if ever briefly. Through the medium of poison, and its child ecstasy, the decay and annihilation of Death is cast aside, the spirit clothed anew in the radiance of corporeal transfuguration. ”
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Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path
by Daniel A. Schulke
92 notes · View notes
reallifesultanas · 4 years
Portrait of Safiye Sultan / Safiye szultána portréja
Origin and upbringing
Safiye was most probably born in the late 1540s or in 1550 in the area of nowadays Albania in the mountainous region. Most of Albania by then lived in peace with the Ottomans and embraced Islam, but the mountains did not, so atrocities continued to occur here. Perhaps during such an incident, they took the child Safiye away. Many sources mention that she was Venetian, but it has now proved that these sources confused her with her mother-in-law, Nurbanu.
When Safiye arrived to Istanbul, she soon moved into the household of Sultan Suleiman’s granddaughter, Hümaşah Sultan. Hümaşah was slightly older (born in 1543) than Safiye, but there was a relatively small age difference. Exactly how Safiye got into Hümaşah’s household is unclear, as is her exact role. She may have been a mate, a companion, or a simple servant. In any case, Hümaşah quickly recognized the girl's talent because she began to deal with her proper education, and so around 1560 Safiye could already be considered a real grand prize among the concubines. The concubines raised by the sultanas were particularly well-mannered, intelligent, and beautiful, so a very bright future awaited them in general. It was no different for Safiye. She also probably got her name from Hümaşah, Safiye meaning "pure."
The young consort
Hümaşah carefully chose who to gift Safiye to. Eventually, her cousin Murad was chosen. The exact time of the gift is not known, but it can probably happened after the battle between Prince Bayezid and Prince Selim. For as long as the question of inheritance was not certain, it would have been a mistake to give such a great gift to someone who might face an execution squad soon. Thus, presumably in 1562, Safiye was gifted to the future Sultan Selim II's son, Murad.
Murad certainly immediately fell for her, as by a rapid succession, by 1566, they had two children. Their first child, a little girl, was named Hümaşah, after Murad's cousin and was probably born in 1564. She was followed by Safiye's first son, Mehmed in 1566. Sultan Suleiman died that year and it brought many changes in Safiye’s life. On the one hand, she got rid of her mother-in-law, as Nurbanu immediately traveled to Istanbul as Sultan Selim’s Haseki, and Safiye became the highest-ranking woman in Murad’s harem. The relationship between Nurbanu and Safiye is still known today as one of the worst mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships. However, the first few years they spent living together were probably not as brutal as their later relationship.
Although Murad payed special attention to Safiye, their relationship was not entirely monogamous, for another concubine — a girl raised by a very influential kalfa — also gave birth to a son for Murad, Selim in 1567. He was followed by Safiye's second son, Mahmud in 1568, and was followed by two more daughters, Ayse (around 1570) and Fatma (mid / late 1570s). With the exception of the birth of Prince Selim, Murad seems to have tried to devote all his attention to Safiye, since no other child was born from different women. Their almost monogamous relationship also suggests that Murad and Safiye have become very close during their years in Manisa, and Safiye has certainly taken the place of Nurbanu in supporting Murad as well. It was for this reason that Murad’s accession to the throne seriously affected their lives.
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Haseki Safiye Sultan
Selim II died in 1574 and Murad became the new sultan. Safiye and her children immediately traveled to the capital to settle next to Murad. Almost as she arrived in Istanbul, Safiye immediately received the Haseki rank and a salary of 800 asperes per day. However, her new life in Istanbul also meant that Nurbanu, deeply loved and revered by Murad, would be part of their lives again. For the first few years, even if there were tensions in the harem, there was no open fight between the two women. However, Safiye sought to gain political power, which was a completely logical move as the mother of princes. However, Nurbanu did not appreciate her daughter-in-law's aspirations in political life, nor her attempt to influence Sultan Murad.
The relationship between the two women then became worse with the death of Safiye's younger son, Mahmud around 1580. Murad's other son, Prince Selim was probably in poor health, perhaps with some long-term illness. Thus the empire actually had a single heir, Safiye's eldest son, Mehmed. However, Mehmed had not yet been circumcised, it was not sure he would be able to have children, so it became more and more urgent for Murad to produce new heirs. However, Safiye had been struggling with infertility problems for years. She had a hard time getting pregnant, and if she did, she had miscarriages soon or the children were born prematurely. Taking advantage of this, Nurbanu tried to send new concubines to her son, who, however, rejected everyone because he was in love with Safiye. This situation certainly increased the tension between the two women, but that was by no means the peak.
In 1582, Nurbanu was confronted with the Grand Vizier, Sinan Pasha. For Sinan Pasha dared to say publicly that it was not Nurbanu who ruled the empire, but the sultan's concubine, Safiye. Sinan Pasha and Nurbanu never liked each other, which is why Sinan became a supporter of Safiye. However, Sinan not only insulted Nurbanu with this statement, but also the sultan himself, and even degraded the role of mothers, for which he received a rather negative reception, and even losing his position. Nurbanu (and Murad) may have seen Safiye behind Sinan Pasha's actions (which was either true or not), and this made Safiye's situation worse.
Maybe Murad lost some faith in Safiye after the events, but stayed loyal to her. The reason Murad rejected all other women may have been partial impotence. He was not able to have sex with any other concubine except Safiye. Because of this, the rumor that Safiye would make the Sultan impotent with witch-craft took off. Nurbanu, taking advantage of the rumors (or spreading them herself), tried to persuade Murad to exile Safiye. Eventually, Nurbanu successfully received a letter that was a reply letter from a healer woman to Safiye writing about aphrodisiacs. Based on the letter, it seemed that Safiye could have complained about Murad's problem to the woman, hoping for help. Nurbanu immediately showed Murad the letter. Offended by his masculinity, Murad - who tended to believe in witchcraft, astrology, so presumably seriously believed the rumor - finally, in early 1583 (or even in 1582), actually banished Safiye to the Old Palace. The exile was preceded by the torture and exile of Safiye's close friends and servants. Safiye was thus eventually left completely alone without her children and moved to the Old Palace. Although her children — especially her son Mehmed — fought hard for her return, they did not reach their goal. Moreover, the relationship between Mehmed and Murad has become life-threatening. In Safiye's absence, Murad, recovered from his impotence, received more and more concubines and gave produced an astonishing number of children. However, his mother died at the end of 1583 and the sultan was left alone.
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The big comeback
Murad recalled Safiye to Topkapi Palace in 1584 and from then on, although he was not loyal to her, he treated her and became her companion. By then, Safiye had maybe been disillusioned with Murad and was only interested in gaining power. Maybe that’s why she didn’t show any jealousy towards Murad’s other concubines and pretended not to be disturbed by Murad’s playground in the harem. The act (if it was an act and not a sincere adherence to the sultan) eventually proved successful, as Murad discussed all matters with Safiye and let her gain power. It was during this period that Safiye also built her own all-intertwined relationship system and began to immerse herself in every corner of politics.
Murad, to compensate for the previous exile, planned to marry Safiye, however, it is questionable whether the marriage ever happened or not. In June 1585, the marriage had certainly not yet taken place, for the ambassador, Morosini, clearly writes in his account that the sultan had not paid the usual dowry. However, historian Mustafa Ali notes that at the end of 1585 the sultan did pay the dowry and married Safiye. The Sultan's personal physician had a similar view. Moreover, in October 1585, the Venetian bailo received news through Safiye's kira, Esther Handali, that the sultan's daughter, Ayşe will be married off, and that the sultan himself would marry Ayşe's mother. The Venetian bailo sent chairs as gifts to the sultan and sultana. Safiye responded to the letter on December 24, thanking him for the gifts. The marriage could not be concluded until the spring of 1586 when the Venetian Senate also congratulated the Sultan and Safiye. Safiye herself thanked them in another letter in April of that year.
So Safiye spent the second half of the 1580s, returning from exile, resurrected from her ashes, successfully and happily. Although many did not like her for doing little charity, the information left to us still gives us the image of a caring woman. Although she really spent little on charity (at least based on the information left over), she was very generous and kind to her friends. Her close friend, her kira, Esther Handali, for example, became ill in 1588 and the sultana had sent her letters, food, and doctors on a daily basis. It is clear from the letters that Safiye felt sincere concern for Esther, who passed away in December 1588, regardless of thorough treatment.
As much as Safiye could hate her mother-in-law, she continued her pro-Venice policy. She also stood openly in front of Murad for the sake of Venice as Haseki. And although she was able to influence the sultan in many ways, she did not always manage to shape the events according to her own taste. Thus, for example, in 1593 she tried to convince Murad, in favor of the English ambassador she had favored. However, Murad hardly listened, already rejecting Safiye's offer. Thus, although her power and influence grew during Murad's reign, the Sultan set serious boundaries for her.
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Valide Safiye Sultan
Murad III died in 1595, so Safiye's son Mehmed took power. Under Mehmed's reign, Safiye herself reached the pinnacle of her influence and power. Committed to his mother to the extreme, the new sultan essentially allowed his mother to rule and gain influence. From then on, no one and nothing could set a limit to Safiye’s will. With the support of the chief eunuch, Gazanfer Agha, Safiye ruled the empire essentially through her son. This was greatly shown in 1596, when the Sultan himself, traveling on a campaign, made his mother the head of the treasury. So no one could do anything in the capital, or even in the whole empire, without Safiye's permission. In the absence of her son, Safiye also raised her own salary to 3,000 aspers per day. It was also at this time that he openly humiliated the Grand-Vezir after he began to pester prostitutes in the absence of the sultan. Safiye immediately sent a message to the Vizier to stop working with prostitute matters, as his son had not left him Istanbul to deal with whores.
Safiye learned not only from her mother-in-law's successes but also from her mistakes. Thus, in addition to pursuing a policy similar to that of her mother-in-law, Safiye, unlike her mother-in-law in the harem, ordered every woman who wanted to gain power to stop at the first moment. During Mehmed's reign, none of his concubines could rise to the rank of Haseki, and none of his concubines could gain political influence. Mehmed had two main concubines, Handan, who was raised by the sister of the late Sultan Murad; and Halime, a simple concubine. The former also won Safiye's sympathy, but the latter, given that Mehmed was very fond of her, won Safiye's hatred. In the harem, however, Gazanfer Agha maintained order and did not allow either Safiye or the concubines to act at the expense of each other.
Unlike the harem, no one in political life set a barrier for Safiye. Following the paths of his predecessors, Hürrem and Nurbanu, Safiye also wanted to correspond with a European ruler. In her case, luck and diplomatic sense made it possible to her to exchange letters with Queen Elizabeth I of England. Correspondence was certainly political at first, but over time it became much friendlier. They also sent each other gifts on a regular basis. Safiye’s adoration for England was so deepened that she wanted to meet one of the influential English ambassadors in a private audience. The meeting was almost established, but in the end, Mehmed made it impossible and forbade his mother, as such a meeting would have been immoral. From this event, then, rumors arose that Safiye and the English ambassador were lovers. But not only was the ambassador who was said to be Safiye's lover some also said he had an affair with her kiras Esther Handali, and Esperanza Malchi. The rumors circulating around her make it clear that she was not the most popular sultana.
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The failed construction project
Her predecessors all carried out huge construction projects and extraordinary charities. Safiye also wanted to create something lasting, which is why she wanted to build a huge mosque complex with a mosque, soup kitchen, and hostel in the Eminönü district. This quarter was inhabited mainly by Jews at that time, so a mosque would have been of special importance here. She began the construction in 1598, but soon the capital had to face uprisings, so construction came to a halt when it was only held at the level of the first windows. Later, Turhan Hatice Sultan completed the building.
Although her biggest construction project, which with his soup kitchen might have won people’s love, failed, she also had other, more successful projects. In Karamanli, which is located in today's Üsküdar, she successfully made a fountain and masjid. She also successfully continued to build a mosque in Cairo that was begun by the black eunuch, Osman Agha, who passed away in 1603. This mosque is still known today as the Melike Safiye Mosque.
The hated woman
Safiye was never popular and it didn't seem to really bother her. Maybe she was angry at the people because of the rumors of the early 1580s? Maybe she didn’t want to care about people who turned against her for no reason before? Maybe she just wasn’t interested in charity? Either way, her unpopularity grew steadily, then culminated in 1600 with a sipahi rebellion. In March, after the Sultan distributed the soldiers' fee among the statesmen, the sipahis demanded the heads of all the rich, corrupt statesmen (and women) from the sultan and wished the death of Safiye Sultan also. Eventually, the sultan managed to reassure the soldiers, though several of his supporters had already fallen victim to them by that time, such as Esperanza Malchi, Safiye’s close friend and kira. Either way, Mehmed was finally able to save the lives of his mother and Gazanfer Agha. Safiye was inconsolable with Esperanza's death and demanded that the murder of the woman be avenged. However, Mehmed was so afraid - rightly - of the soldiers that he confronted his mother in an unusual way and exiled her to the Old Palace for some time. However, the exile only served to reassure the soldiers and Safiye soon returned.
Not learning from the threat from the soldiers, Safiye and her men continued to live on a large scale and did corruption, so perhaps unsurprisingly, another revolt in 1601 shook the capital. Then on March 21, the sipahis again demanded the death of Gazanfer Agha, for he was hated even more than Safiye. The soldiers sent a delegation to the sultan, demanding that he oust Gazanfer, as his excessive influence and corruption are dangerous and if the sultan does not act the way they want, he could easily fall victim to dethronement. Mehmed frightenedly agreed to extradite Gazanfer, but then Safiye Sultan, Grand Vizier Damad Ibrahim Pasa, and Yemişci Hasan Pasa convinced the Sultan not to betray his faithful friend, who was otherwise indispensable to the empire. The chief mufti, Sunullah Efendi - who, by the way, secretly supported the uprising - eventually persuaded the soldiers to leave Gazanfer Agha because the agha promised that he would no longer behave in a corrupt manner.
Safiye and her men continued to annoy the soldiers, which in 1603 brought fatal consequences for the life of the dynasty. In January, another revolt took place against Mehmed. At this time, however, in addition to the sipahis and the ulema, the janissaries joined the rebellion also and on January 6 they captured Gazanfer agha along with the chief black eunuch, Osman, and dragged them out of the palace all the way to Topkapi's third gate, where they were beheaded in front of both the crowd and the sultan. Although Safiye escaped the events, she lost one of her most important supporters, Gazanfer.
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The wicked grandmother
Gazanfer was the only person who could keep order in the harem. However, with his death, hell broke loose in the harem, the Safiye - Handan duo openly confronted Halime, the mother of the eldest prince. Prince Mahmud, the son of Halime, enjoyed the support of the soldiers, which did not help him develop a good relationship with his father. In addition, due to the reckless nature of the prince, he performed several acts that provoked the anger of his father. In addition, it is not a negligible fact that Mahmud spoke openly against Safiye several times. He claimed that his grandmother’s activities were very detrimental to the empire and that his father was essentially a puppet in the hands of the valide. That is why Mahmud was so popular among soldiers and commoners and was so feared and hated by his grandmother.
Legend has it that Mahmud’s mother, Halime, sent a letter to a seer in 1603 to ask if her son would ever rule the empire. However, Safiye grabbed the reply letter and suspected Halime and Mahmud that they had conspired against the sultan. The letter is either real or just a legend, it is certain that Halime and Mahmud were accused of treason, their servants were tortured until they testified against them. And knowing these confessions, the sultan sentenced his own son, Mahmud, to death. All the ambassadors present during the events in the capital believed that Safiye was behind Mahmud's execution. As this was also reported by the pro-Safiye Venetian and English ambassadors, she certainly was behind the execution. Safiye, however, cannot clearly become an evil grandmother in our eyes. We must see that the Valide Sultan had only one role in life to protect her son, and Mahmud posed a serious threat to Mehmed, so his execution was inevitable in Safiye's eyes. At the same time, we cannot rule out that Safiye executed Mahmud only in her own interests, since Mahmud's accession to the throne would have ended her own rule. She could have hoped that if she supported Ahmed, the shy prince, she might be able to retain her power and influence.
Following the execution of Mahmud, Safiye took Prince Ahmed with her to the Golden Horn Bay to watch a state ceremony together. In doing so, in fact, Safiye publicly introduced Ahmed as heir to the throne and as her own chosen one. In addition, Sultan Mehmed also made several provisions that allowed Ahmed, as his heir, to go with him everywhere, including to the mosque, divan, and wherever the sultan went. Safiye might have thought Ahmed would be forever grateful to her for making him heir to the throne, but life didn’t quite bring it that way.
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Farewell to Topkapi Palace
Safiye's son Mehmed died in December 1603 and Prince Ahmed ascended the throne at the age of just 13, still uncircumcised. As an accession gift, Ahmed gave a luxurious gift to three women close to him: of course, his mother, Handan, his grandmother, Safiye, and Gevherhan Sultan, who raised his mother. All three women received rare fur-trimmed dresses. Safiye might have thought this gift would seal her future and, like her son, her grandson would hold her in great love and respect and allow her to rule. However, Ahmed and Handan did not think so.
Although the legend holds that Ahmed and Handan betrayed Safiye when she was exiled to the Old Palace on January 9, 1604, they were certainly not driven by personal emotions. The political situation was very fragile, the soldiers had not yet decided whether to like the new sultan or not. Ahmed, to win the love of the soldiers, sent Safiye, who the soldiers hated so much, to the Old Palace. This was part of a natural process anyway, as with the death of the Sultan, his entire harem (mother, concubines, daughters, wives) moved to the Old Palace according to tradition. And Safiye, like the mother of the late Mehmed, belonged to the Old Palace.
So Safiye returned to the Old Palace for the third time on January 9, 1604, this time permanently. However, she left Topkapi in a rather extreme and peculiar way. Most of the Topkapi harem were loyal to her and those who did not, were bought to be loyal. Thus, on her departure, almost the entire harem (including servants) followed her in voluntary exile. But that was not enough for Safiye, as she ordered her servants to destroy the harem. All the windows were broken and other damages were done before they left Topkapi Palace forever. And on the way to the Old Palace, Safiye sobbed so theatrically loudly in her carriage that even the people who otherwise hated her felt sorry for her. So the Valide Sultan left the Topkapi in a really stylish way, losing her influence for a lifetime.
The damage to the harem was, by the way, so great that the Grand Vezir did not believe the estimated repairing cost the chief eunuch said to him, so he asked to be able to enter and see the damages by himself. Thus, for the first time in the history of the empire, the Grand Vezir received permission to enter the harem (which was almost completely empty and uninhabitable anyway). In the end, at the cost of lengthy work and huge costs, they managed to restore the valide's apartment and the rest of the harem.
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Last years
With Safiye's "exile," Ahmed became very popular among the people and although he no longer sent expensive gifts to his grandmother, they probably kept in touch. This is also indicated by the fact that Sultan Ahmed’s favorite concubine, Kösem, often visited Safiye with her children. So Safiye certainly spent her last years in peace and comfort, but without any political influence within the walls of the Old Palace.
The exact time of her death is unknown, but it is certain that she was still alive during Osman II's rule, but when Murad IV ascended the throne, she presumably was dead. This suggests that she died around 1620, beyond her seventies.
Safiye was one of the most divisive personalities of all sultans, a truly special, unique woman who was perhaps not an example of charity and kindness, yet she was one of the most colorful figures in the history of the empire with her theatrical and indifferent nature. She saw seven sultans on the throne, as much as another sultan besides her, Kösem. Safiye came to the empire, became the concubine of Prince Murad, and became a mother during Suleiman I's reign; then, under the reign of Selim II, she became the head of the Manisa harem of Murad; during her sweetheart, Murad's reign, she was a Haseki Sultan, she traveled to heaven and hell; beside her son, Mehmed III, she surpassed all her predecessors and became the most influential woman in the empire; during the reign of her grandson, Ahmed I, she was forced to break with his previous life forever; during her other grandson, Mustafa I's reign she may have been worried, as Mustafa was the full-brother of Mahmud and was ruled by his mother, Halime; then, with the dethronement of Mustafa I, during her great-grandson, Osman II's reign, she was able to live in relative peace. The accession of Osman II perhaps brought a little light into the last months of the old sultana, since he regularly visited Old Palace.
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Used sources: L. Peirce - The imperial harem; M. P. Pedani - Safiye's household and Venetian diplomacy; G. Junne - The black eunuchs of the Ottoman Empire; G. Börekçi - Factions and favourites at the courts of Sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603-17) and his immediate predecessors; Necdet Sakaoğlu - Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları
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Származása és neveltetése
Safiye minden bizonnyal a kései 1540-es években születhetett a mai Albánia területén a hegyvidéki területeken. Albánia nagyrésze addigra már békében élt az oszmánokkal és felvette az iszlám vallást, a hegyvidékek azonban nem, így itt továbbra is előfordultak atrocitások. Talán egy ilyen során ejtették fogjuk a gyermek Safiyét. Sok forrás emlegeti velenceinek, azonban mára kétséget kizáróan bebizonyosodott, hogy ezen források csupán anyósával, Nurbanuval keverték össze.
Safiye Isztambulba kerülve hamarosan Szulejmán szultán unokájának, Hümaşah szultánának a háztartásába került. Hümaşah szultána valamivel idősebb volt (1543-ban született) Safiyénél, ám viszonylag kis korkülönbség volt. Az, hogy pontosan hogyan került Safiye Hümaşah háztartásába nem tisztázott, mint ahogy pontos szerepe sem. Elképzelhető, hogy játszótárs, társalkodó vagy egyszerű szolgáló volt. Mindenesetre Hümaşah gyorsan felismerte a lány tehetségét, mert foglalkozni kezdett a megfelelő oktatásával és így Safiye 1560 körül már igazi főnyereménynek számíthatott az ágyasok között. A szultánák által kinevelt ágyasok különösen jól neveltek, intelligensek és szépek voltak, így általában igen fényes jövő várt rájuk. Safiye esetében sem volt ez másképp. Nevét is valószínűleg Hümaşahtól kapta, a Safiye jelentése "tiszta".
Az ifjú ágyas
Hümaşah alaposan és körültekintően választotta ki, hogy kinek ajándékozza Safiyét. Végül unokatestvérére, Muradra esett a választása. Az ajándékozás pontos ideje nem ismert, ám valószínűleg akkorra tehető, amikor már Bayezid herceg és Szelim herceg harca egyértelműen eldőlt. Amíg ugyanis nem volt biztos a trónöröklés kérdése hiba lett volna egy ilyen nagyszerű ágyast odaajándékozni valakinek, aki talán hamarosab kivégzőosztaggal néz szembe. Így tehát feltehetőleg 1562-ben került Safiye a leendő szultán II. Szelim fiának, Muradnak háremébe.
Murad minden bizonnyal azonnal a szívébe zárta a lányt, hiszen gyors egymásutánisággal 1566-ig két gyermekük is született. Első gyermekük, egy kislány, Murad unokatestvére utána a Hümaşah nevet kapta és valószínűleg 1564-ben született. Őt követte első fiuk, Mehmed 1566-ban. Ebben az évben hunyt el Szulejmán szultán és ez sok változást hozott Safiye életében. Egyrészt megszabadult anyósától, hiszen Nurbanu Szelim szultán kedveseként azonnal Isztambulba utazott, Safiye pedig Murad háremének legmagasabb rangú asszonya lett. Nurbanu és Safiye viszonya a mai napig az egyik legrosszabb anyós-meny viszonyként ismert. Azonban az első néhány év, melyet együtt élve töltöttek valószínűleg még nem volt annyira brutális, mint későbbi viszonyuk.
Murad bár kiemelt figyelmet szentel Safiyének nem volt teljesen monogám a kapcsolatuk, ugyanis egy másik ágyas - egy igen befolyásos kalfa által kinevelt lány - szintén fiút szült Muradnak, Szelimet 1567-ben. Őt követte Safiye második fia, Mahmud 1568-ban, őt pedig két további lány Ayse (1570 körül) és Fatma (az 1570-es évek közepén/végén). Leszámítva Szelim herceg születését, úgy tűnik Murad igyekezett minden figyelmét Safiyének szentelni, hiszen nem született mástól gyermeke. Szinte monogám kapcsolatuk is arra utal, hogy Murad és Safiye igen összeszoktak a Manisában töltött évek során és minden bizonnyal Safiye átvette Nurbanu helyét Murad támogatásában is. Épp emiatt Murad trónralépése komolyan befolyásolta életüket.
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Haszeki Safiye Szultána
II. Szelim 1574-ben elhunyt és Murad lett az új szultán. Safiye gyermekeivel együtt azonnal a fővárosba utazott, hogy Murad mellett telepedjen le. Safiye szinte ahogy Isztambulba ért, azonnal megkapta a Haseki rangot és hozzá kimagasló napi 800 asperes fizetést. Azonban új isztambuli élete azt is jelentette, hogy a Murad által mélységesen szeretett és tisztelt Nurbanu szultána is újra életük része lesz. Az első néhány évben ha voltak is feszültségek a háremben, nyílt harc nem volt a két nő között. Safiye azonban igyekezett politikai hatalmat szerezni, ami hercegek édesanyjaként teljesen logikus lépés volt. Azonban Nurbanu nem értékelte menye törekvéseit a politikai életben, sem azt, hogy Murad szultánt próbálja befolyásolni.
A két nő viszonya aztán Safiye kisebbik fiának, Mahmudnak halálával mérgesedett el igazán 1580 körül. Murad másik fia, Szelim herceg valószínűleg gyenge egészségi állapotban volt, talán valamilyen tartós betegsége lehetett. Így a birodalomnak tulajdonképpen egyetlen örököse volt, Safiye idősebb fia, Mehmed. Mehmed azonban még nem volt körülmetélve, nem volt biztos, hogy képes lesz gyermekeket nemzeni, így egyre sürgetőbb lett, hogy Murad új örökösöket nemzzen. Safiye azonban ekkor már évek óta meddőségi problémákkal küzdött. Nehezen esett teherbe, ha pedig mégis sikerült, hamar elvetélt vagy a gyermekek koraszületten jöttek a világra. Nurbanu ezt kihasználva igyekezett új ágyasokat küldeni fiának, aki azonban mindenkit elutasított, hiszen szerelmes volt Safiyébe. Ez a helyzet minden bizonnyal tovább növelte a két nő közötti feszültséget, ám korántsem ez volt a csúcs.
1582-ben Nurbanu szembe került a nagyvezírrel, Sinan Pasával. Sinan Pasa ugyanis nyilvánosan azt merte mondani, hogy nem Nurbanu az, aki irányítja a birodalmat, hanem a szultán ágyasa, Safiye. Sinan Pasa és Nurbanu sosem kedvelte egymást, épp emiatt vált Sinan Safiye támogatójává. Sinan azonban nem csak Nurbanut sértette meg ezzel a kijelentéssel, de a szultánt is, sőt ledegradálta az anyák szerepét, amiért meglehetősen negatív fogadtatában részesült, posztját is elvesztette. Nurbanu (és Murad) talán Sinan Pasa cselekedete mögött Safiyét látta (ami vagy igaz volt, vagy sem), ettől pedig Safiye helyzete tovább romlott.
Ezek az események bizonyára hatottak Muradra, ám ő továbbra is hűséges maradt Safiyéhez. Annak oka, hogy Murad minden más nőt elutasított, valószínűleg részleges impotenciája lehetett. Safiyén kívül ugyanis nem volt képes egyik más ágyassal sem szexuális aktusra. Emiatt szárnyra kapott az a pletyka, hogy Safiye boszorkányságokkal teszi a szultánt impotenssé. Nurbanu kihasználva a pletykát (vagy saját maga terjesztve őket), igyekezett meggyőzni Muradot, hogy száműzze Safiyét. Végül Nurbanu sikerrel kapott el egy levelet, mely egy vajákos asszony válaszlevele volt Safiyének, melyben afrodiziákumokról ír. A levél alapján úgy tűnt, Safiye elpanaszolhatta Murad problémáját a nőnek, segítséget remélve. Nurbanu a levelet azonnal megmutatta Muradnak. A férfiasságában sértett Murad - aki hajlamos volt hinni a boszorkányságban, asztrológiában, tehát feltehetőleg komolyan elhitte a pletykát - végül 1583 elején (vagy még 1582-ben) valóban száműzte Safiyét a Régi Palotába. A száműzetést megelőzte Safiye közeli barátainak és szolgálóinak kínvallatása, száműzetése. Safiye így végül teljesen egyedül maradt és gyermekeitől elszakítva költözött a Régi Palotába. Bár gyermekei - különösen fia, Mehmed - erősen küzdöttek visszatéréséért, nem értek célt. Sőt, Mehmed és Murad viszonya életveszélyessé vált. Safiye távollétében, az impotenciájából kigyógyult Murad újabb és újabb ágyasokat fogadott és elképesztő mennyiségű gyermeket nemzett. Édesanyja azonban 1583 végén elhunyt, a szultán pedig magára maradt.
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A nagy visszatérés
Murad 1584-ben visszahívta Safiyét a Topkapi Palotába és onnantól kezdve bár hűséges nem volt hozzá, tisztelettel bánt vele és társa lett. Safiye eddigre minden bizonnyal kiábrándult Muradból és egyedül a hatalomszerzés érdekelte. Talán éppen ezért nem mutatott semmiféle féltékenységet Murad többi ágyasa irányába és tett úgy, mintha nem zavarná Murad játszótere a háremben. A színjáték (már ha az volt és nem továbbra is őszinte ragaszkodás a szultánhoz) végül sikeresnek bizonyult, ugyanis Murad minden ügyet Safiyével vitatott meg. Safiye ebben az időszakban építette ki mindent átszövő kapcsolatrendszerét is és kezdte a poltika minden egyes szegletébe bevenni magát.
Murad, hogy kompenzálja a korábbi száműzetést tervezgette, hogy feleségül veszi Safiyét, azonban kérdéses, hogy a frigy valaha is létrejött e. 1585 júniusában még egészen biztosan nem történt meg a frigy, mert a követ, Morosini egyértelműen megírja beszámolójában, hogy a szultán nem fizette meg a szokásos hozományt. Mustafa Ali, történész azonban úgy jegyzi, hogy 1585 végén a szultán igenis megfizette a hozományt és nőül vette Safiyét. Hasonló véleményen volt a szultán személyes orvosa is. Sőt a velencei bailo 1585 októberében kapott híreket Safiye kiráján, Esther Handalin keresztül arról, hogy a szultán lányát, Ayşét ki fogja házasítani és ő maga is el fogja venni Ayşe anyját. A velencei bailo székeket küldött ajándékba a szultán és szultána számára. Safiye szultána december 24-én válaszolt a levélre megköszönve az ajándékokat. A házasság megköttetése csak 1586 tavaszán történhetett, ugyanis a szenátus ekkor gratulált levélben a szultánának, Safiye pedig az év áprilisában újabb levélben köszönte meg a gratulációkat.
Safiye tehát az 1580-as évek második felét a száműzetésből visszatérve, hamvaiból feltámadva, sikeresen és boldogságban töltötte. Bár sokan nem kedvelték a szultánát, amiért az keveset jótékonykodott, a ránk maradt információkból mégis egy törődő nő képe alakul ki előttünk. Bár jótékonyságra valóban keveset fordított (legalábbis a fennmaradt információk alapján), barátaival szemben igen nagylelkű és kedves volt. Közeli barátja, kirája, Ester Handali 1588-ban például beteg lett, mire a szultána napi szinten küldött neki levelet, ételt és orvosokat. A levelekből egyértelműen látszódik, hogy Safiye őszinte aggodalmat érzett Esther irányába, aki az alapos kezeléstől függetlenül 1588 decemberében elhunyt.
Safiye bármennyire is gyűlölhette anyósát, mégis annak Velence-párti politikáját folytatta. Haszekiként is nyíltan kiállt Murad előtt Velence érdekében. És bár sok szempontból tudott hatni a szultánra, nem minden esetben sikerült saját szájíze szerint alakítani az eseményeket. Így például 1593-ban igyekezett meggyőzni Muradot, az általa igen favorizált angol követ érdekében egy ügyletben. Azonban Murad szinte meg sem hallgatta, máris elutasította Safiye ajánlatát. Így tehát bár hatalma és befolyása egyre nőtt Murad uralkodása alatt, a szultán komoly határokat szabott neki.
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Valide Safiye Szultána
III. Murad 1595-ben elhunyt, így Safiye fia, Mehmed vette át a hatalmat. Mehmed uralkodásával Safiye maga is elérte befolyásának és hatalmának csúcsát. Az anyjáért végletekig elkötelezett új szultán lényegében engedte anyját uralkodni. Innentől kezdve senki és semmi nem szabhatott határt Safiye akaratának. Safiye a fő eunuch, Gazanfer Aga támogatásával lényegében fián keresztül irányította a birodalmat. Ez 1596-ban remekül megnyilvánult, amikor a szultán maga hadjáratra utazván anyját tette meg a kincstár fejévé. Így tehát senki nem tehetett semmit a fővárosban, sőt az egész birodalomban anélkül, hogy arra Safiye engedélyt adott volna. Fia távollétében Safiye saját fizetését is felemelte napi 3000 asperre. Ekkoriban történt az is, hogy nyíltan megalázta a fővezírt, miután az elkezdte a prostituáltakat vegzálni a szultán hiányában. Safiye azonnal üzenetet küldött a vezírnek, hogy hagyja abba a prostituáltakkal való foglalkozást, hiszen a fia nem azért hagyta Isztambulba, hogy nőkkel foglalkozzon.
Safiye nem csak anyósa sikereiből tanult, hanem hibáiból is. Így amellett, hogy anyósához hasonló politikát folytatott és anyósához hasonlóan hatalmas szeretet és tisztelet övezte a követi körökben, Safiye a háremben anyósával ellentétben már az első pillanatban megálljt parancsolt minden nőnek, aki hatalmat akart szerezni. Mehmed uralkodása alatt egyik ágyasa sem emelkedhetett Haszeki rangra és egyik ágyas sem szerezhetett politikai befolyást. Mehmednek két főágyasa volt, Handan, akit a néhai Murad szultán nővére nevelt ki; és Halime, egyszerű ágyas. Előbbi Safiye szimpátiáját is kivívta, utóbbi azonban - tekintettel arra, hogy Mehmed nagyon kedvelte - Safiye gyűlöletét nyerte el. A háremben azonban Gazanfer Aga rendet tartott és nem engedte, hogy akár Safiye, akár az ágyasok egymás rovására cselekedjenek.
A háremmel szemben a politikai életben senki sem szabott gátat Safiyének. Elődei, Hürrem és Nurbanu útját követve Safiye is levelezni kívánt valamely európai uralkodóval. Esetében a szerencse és a diplomáciai érzék úgy hozta, hogy magával I. Erzsébet angol királynővel válthatott leveleket. A levelezés eleinte minden bizonnyal politikai volt, idővel azonban sokkal barátságosabbra váltott. Rendszeresen küldtek egymásnak ajándékokat is. Safiye angolok iránti imádata annyira elmélyült, hogy privát audiencián akart találkozni az egyik befolyásos angol követtel. A találkozó majdnem létre is jött, de végül Mehmed ellehetetlenítette és megtiltott anyjának, hiszen erkölcstelen lett volna egy ilyen találkozó. Ebből az eseményből születtek aztán azok a pletykák, miszerint Safiye és az angol követ szeretők voltak. De nem csak a követtel hozták hírbe, egyesek szerint kirájával Esther Handalival és Esperanza Malchival is viszonya volt. A sok körüötte keringő pletyka egyértelművé teszi, hogy nem ő volt a legnépszerűbb szultána.
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A meghiúsult építkezési projekt
Elődei mind hatalmas építkezési projekteket és rendkívüli mértékű jótékonykodást vittek véghez. Safiye is szeretett volna valami maradandót alkotni, épp ezért az Eminönü negyedbe akart egy hatalmas mecset komplexumot létesíteni mecsettel, leveskonyhával és szállóval. Ez a negyed akkoriban főleg zsidók által volt lakva, így itt kiemelt jelentőséggel bírt volna egy mecset. 1598-ban bele is kezdett az építkezésbe, azonban hamarosan lázadásokkal kellett szembenéznie a fővárosnak, így az építkezés megakadt, mikor még csak az első ablakok szintjénél tartottak. Később Turhan Hatice szultána fejezte be az épületet.
Bár legnagyobb építkezési projektje, melynek leveskonyhájával talán az emberek szeretetét is sikerült volna kivívnia, kudarcba fulladt, voltak más, sikeresebb projektjei is. Karamanliban, mely a mai Üsküdarban fekszik, sikeresen építtetett egy kutat és masjidot. Emellett Kairóban sikeresen folytatta az időközben elhunyt fekete eunuch, Osman Aga által elkezdett mecset építését. Ez a mecset Melike Safiye Mecset néven ismert napjainkban is.
A gyűlölt asszony
Safiye sosem volt népszerű és úgy tűnt ez nem is érdekelte igazán. Talán dühös volt a népre az 1580as évek eleji pletykák miatt? Talán nem akart törődni egy olyan néppel, aki minden ok nélkül ellene fordult? Talán egyszerűen nem érdekelte a jótékonyság? Akárhogyan is népszerűtlensége folyamatosan nőtt, majd 1600-ban egy szpáhi lázadással csúcsosodott. Március, miután a szultán, a katonák jussát az államférfiak között osztotta szét a szpáhik minden gazdag, korrupt államférfi (és nő) fejét követelték a szultántól valamint Safiye szultána halálát kívánták. Végül a szultánnak sikerült megnyugtatnia a katonákat, igaz több támogatója addigra már áldozatul esett nekik, így például Esperanza Malchi, Safiye közeli barátja, kirája. Akárhogyan is, Mehmed végül képes volt megmenteni édesanyja és Gazanfer Aga életét. Safiye vigasztalhatatlan volt Esperanza halálával és követelte, hogy torolják meg a nő meggyilkolását. Mehmed azonban annyira félt - jogosan - a katonáktól, hogy magától szokatlan módon szállt szembe anyjával és száműzte őt a Régi Palotába egy időre. A száműzetés azonban csak a katonák megnyugtatását szolgálta és Safiye hamarosan visszatért.
Nem tanulva a katonák fenyegetéséből, Safiye és emberei tovább folytatták a nagylábon élést és korrupciót, így talán nem meglepő, hogy 1601-ben újabb lázadás rázta meg a fővárost. Március 21-én aztán a szpáhik ismételten Gazanfer aga halálát követelték, őt ugyanis még Safiyénél is jobban gyűlölték. A katonák delegációt küldtek a szultánhoz, követelve, hogy mondassa le Gazanfert, ugyanis túlzó befolyása és korruptsága veszélyes és ha a szultán nem cselekszik úgy, ahogy ők akarják, könnyen trónfosztás áldozata lehet. Mehmed ijedtében beleegyezett Gazanfer kiadatásába, azonban aztán Safiye szultána, a nagyvezír Damad Ibrahim Pasa és Yemişci Hasan Pasa meggyőzték a szultánt, hogy nem adhatja ki hűséges barátját, aki egyébként is nélkülözhetetlen a birodalom számára. A főmufti, Sunullah Efendi - aki egyébként titokban támogatta a felkelést - végül meggyőzte a katonákat, hogy hagyják Gazanfer agát, mert az aga megígérte, hogy többet nem fog korrupt módon viselkedni.
Safiye és emberei tovább folytatták a katonák bosszantását, ami 1603-ban végzetes követkemzényeket hozott a dinasztia életében. Januárban újabb lázadás történt Mehmed ellen. Ekkor azonban a szpáhik és az ulema mellett a janicsárok is csatlakoztak a lázadáshoz és január 6-án elkapták Gazanfer agát a fő fekete eunuchal, Osmannal együtt és kirángatták őket a palotából, egészen a Topkapi harmadik kapujáig, ahol a tömeg és a szultán szeme láttára mindkettőt lefejezték. Safiye bár megúszta az eseményeket, elvesztette legfontosabb támogatóinak egyikét, Gazanfert.
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A megosztó nagymama
Gazanfer volt az egyetlen ember, aki rendet tudott tartani a háremben. Halálával azonban elszabadult a pokol a háremben, a Safiye - Handan páros nyíltan került szembe Halimével, a legidősebb herceg anyjával. Mahmud herceg, Halime fia élvezte a katonák támogatását, ami nem segítette apjával való jó viszonyának kialakulását. Emellett a herceg meggondolatlan természete miatt több olyan tettet is végrehajtott, amivel kivívta apja dühét. Emellett nem elhanyagolható tény, hogy Mahmud többször szólalt fel nyíltan Safiye ellen. Azt állította, hogy nagyanyja tevékenysége igen káros a birodalomra és, hogy apja lényegében egy báb a valide kezében. Mahmud épp emiatt volt olyan népszerű a katonák és közemberek között, és volt olyannyira félt és gyűlölt nagyanyja által.
A legendák szerint Mahmud anyja Halime, 1603-ban levelet küldött egy látnoknak, hogy megkérdezze, fia uralkodni fog e valaha a birodalomban. A válaszlevelet azonban Safiye kaparintotta meg és meggyanusította Halimét és Mahmudot, hogy azok összeesküdtek a szultán ellen. A látnok levele vagy valós vagy csak legenda, az bizonyos, hogy Halimét és Mahmudot megvádolták árulással, szolgáikat addig kínozták, míg nem vallottak ellenük. Ezen vallomások ismeretében pedig a szultán halálra ítélte saját fiát, Mahmudot. Minden követ, aki jelen volt az események során a fővárosban úgy tartotta, hogy Mahmud kivégzése mögött Safiye állt. Mivel a Safiyével szemben igen pozitív velencei és angol követek is erről számoltak be, minden bizonnyal valóban így volt. Safiye ettől azonban nem válhat egyértelműen egy gonosz nagymamává a szemünkben. Látnunk kell azt, hogy ez valide szultána egyetlen feladata, fia védelme, Mahmud pedig komoly fenyegetést jelentett Mehmedre, így kivégzése elkerülhetetlen volt Safiye szemével nézve. Ugyanakkor azt sem zárhatjuk ki, hogy Safiye csak a saját érdekeit nézve végeztette ki Mahmudot, hiszen Mahmud trónralépésével vége szakadt volna saját uralmának. Azt remélhette, hogy ha Ahmedet, a mujább herceget támogatja, talán megtarthatja hatalmát és befolyását.
Mahmud kivégzését követően Safiye magával vitte Ahmed herceget az Aranyszarv-öbölbe, hogy együtt nézzenek meg egy állami ceremóniát. Ezzel tulajdonképpen Safiye nyilvánosan bemutatta Ahmedet, mint trónörököst és mint saját választottját. Emellett Mehmed szultán is több olyan rendelkezést hozott, ami lehetővé tette, hogy Ahmed, mint örököse vele elgyen mindenhol, így a mecsetben, divánban és bárhol, ahol a szultánnak meg kell jelennie. Safiye azt gondolhatta, hogy Ahmed örökre hálás lesz neki, amiért trónörököst csinált belőle, de az élet nem egészen így hozta.
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Búcsú a Topkapi Palotától
Safiye fia, Mehmed 1603 decemberében meghalt és Ahmed herceg alig 13 évesen, még körülmetéletlenül elfoglalta a trónt. Trónralépési ajándékként Ahmed három hozzá közelálló nőt részesített luxus ajándékban: természetesen édesanyját, Handant, nagyanyját Safiyét és az anyját kinevelő Gevherhan szultánát. Mind a három nő ritka prémes ruhát kapott. Safiye talán azt gondolhatta, ez az ajándék megpecsételi majd jövőjét és hasonlóan fiához, unokája is hatalmas szeretetben és tiszteletben fogja őt tartani és engedi majd urakodni. Ahmed és Handan azonban nem így gondolták.
Bár tartja magát a legenda, miszerint Ahmed és Handan rútul elárulták Safiyét, mikor 1604 január 9-én száműzték a Régi Palotába, minden bizonnyal nem személyes érzelmek vezérelték őket. A politikai helyzet igen sérülékeny volt, a katonák még nem döntötték el, hogy kedveljék e az új szultánt vagy sem. Ahmed, hogy elnyerje a katonák szeretetét, az általuk olyannyira gyűlölt Safiyét a Régi Palotába küldte. Ez egyébként természetes folyamat része volt, hiszen a szultán halálával annak teljes háreme (anyja, ágyasai, lányai, feleségei) a Régi Palotába költözött a hagyományok szerint. Safiye pedig, mint a néhai Mehmed anyja, a Régi Palotába tartozott.
Safiye tehát 1604 január 9-én harmadjára tért vissza a Régi Palotába, ezúttal véglegesen. Azonban a Topkapit meglehetősen extrém és sajátos módon hagyta hátra. A Topkapi hárem nagyrésze hozzá volt hű, aki nem, azok hűségét pedig megvásárolta. Így távozásakor szinte a teljes hárem (szolgálókat is beleértve) vele tartott önkéntes száműzetésbe. Ám ez nem volt elég Safiye számára, hiszen megparancsolta szolgálóinak, hogy rombolják le a háremet. Minden ablakot betörtek és más károkat is okoztak mielőtt örökre elhagyták volna a Topkapi Palotát. A Régi Palotába vezető úton pedig Safiye olyan teátrálisan hangosan zokogott kocsijában, hogy még az őt egyébként gyűlölő nép is megsajnálta. A Valide szultána tehát igazán stílusosan távozott a Topkapiból és ezzel veszítette el befolyását egy életre.
A háremben keletkezett károk egyébként olyan mértékűek voltak, hogy a fővezír nem hitte el a fő eunuch javítási költségekre tett becslését, így kérvényezte, hogy maga mérhesse fel a kárt. Így a birodalom történetében először a fővezír engedélyt kapott, hogy belépjen a hárembe (amely egyébként is szinte teljesen üres és lakhatatlan volt). Végül hosszadalmas munka és hatalmas költségek árán sikerült csak helyreállítani a valide lakosztályát és a hárem többi részét.
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Utolsó évei
Safiye "száműzésével" Ahmed igen népszerű lett a nép körében és bár többé nem küldött drága ajándékokat nagyanyjának, valószínűleg tartották a kapcsolatot. Erre utal az is, hogy Ahmed szultán kedvenc ágyasa, Kösem gyakran látogatta meg Safiyét gyermekei kíséretében. Safiye tehát utolsó éveit minden bizonnyal nyugalomban és kényelemben, ám minden politikai befolyás nélkül töltötte a Régi Palota falai között.
Halálának pontos ideje nem ismert, azonban annyi bizonyos, hogy II. Oszmán uralkodása során még életben volt, IV. Murad trónralépésekor azonban már feltehetőleg nem. Ez azt sugallja, hogy 1620 körül hunyt el, túl a hetvenen.
Safiye az összes szultána közül az egyik legmegosztóbb személyiség volt, egy igazán különleges, egyedi asszony, aki talán nem a jótékonyság és kedvesség mintapéldája volt, ám mégis ő volt az egyik legszínesebb figura a birodalom történetében teátrális és közönyös természetével. Hét szultánt látott a trónon, annyit, amennyit rajta kívül csak egy másik szultána, Köszem. Safiye I. Szulejmán uralkodása alatt került a birodalomba és vált Murad herceg ágyasává, anyává; majd II. Szelim uralkodása alatt a Manisai hárem fejévé; kedvese III. Murad uralkodása alatt pedig Haszeki szultánaként megjárta a mennyet és a poklot; fia III. Mehmed mellett pedig minden elődét túlszárnyalva vált a birodalom legbefolyásosabb asszonyává; unokája I. Ahmed uralkodása alatt örökre szakítani kényszerült addigi életével; másik unokája az őrült I. Musztafa uralma aggaszthatta talán újra, hiszen Musztafa Mahmud édestestvére volt, helyette pedig anyja, Halime uralkodott; aztán Musztafa trónfosztásával viszonylagos békében élhette meg dédunokája II. Oszmán trónralépését, aki rendszeresen látogatva a Régi Palotát talán egy kis fényt vitt az idős szultána utolsó éveibe.
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Felhasznált források: L. Peirce - The imperial harem; M. P. Pedani - Safiye's household and Venetian diplomacy; G. Junne - The black eunuchs of the Ottoman Empire; G. Börekçi - Factions and favourites at the courts of Sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603-17) and his immediate predecessors; Necdet Sakaoğlu - Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları
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covrtofnightmares · 3 years
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&&. cauldron above, ( sevastian valentina ) was just spotted in the fae lands — word has it ( he ) is affiliated with ( the winter court ). ( he ) is a ( 290 / physically 35 ) year old ( half-high fae / half-warrior fae ). it’s been said that ( he ) resembles ( ben barnes ). ( he ) has been said to be ( ambitious & intuitive ) but also quite ( single-minded & cunning ). ( he ) is currently serving as ( the tsesarevich of the winter court ).
— ❝ you live in a single moment. i live in a thousand.❞
name: sevastian aleksander valentina
birthday: june 5th | gemini
scent: tonka bean, cedar, fresh pines, snow and frost, mandarin, sandalwood, citrusy woods + ( SIGNATURE COLOGNE: Sauvage by Dior )
appearance:  6′3″ with a strong, muscular build, sevastian holds the grace of the high fae and the strength of his warrior fae heritage. sevastian has spent decades training himself, in the hopes that his skills with magic and his inherited traits will help him in his eventual showdown with the high lord of winter. scars mark his black, leathery wings, and an additional scar mars his temple, sweeping down alongside his jaw. because of this, he tends to keep a groomed beard, and his thick, dark hair tends to fall naturally against his head.
current familial / relationship status: sevastian is an only child and both of his parents are deceased. however, his closest surviving family are the reigning valentinas: viktor, dimitri, and tatiana valentina are all his first cousins, through his father’s side of the family.
biography: the prince of frostfire. the demon in the mountains. sevastian valentina has been called many things throughout his long, immortal life, but kind has never been one of them. his father, the tsesarevich of the winter court, was brothers with the valentina reigning patriarch, nikolai valentina. but where nikolai was a loving, just ruler with eyes always set on the horizons, his younger brother, alexei valentina, was different. alexei married a prized member of one of the warrior fae clans living in the mountains surrounding the winter court. anya novikov was all but considered a princess among her clan, and while the match was one made out of love, it was also done pragmatically. with purpose and promise. alexei didn’t just want a wife whom he loved--he wanted someone with a powerful family and ancestry. someone who would help him create the ultimate heir; a child who might one day rise above the ranks and learn to challenge the line of succession in their kingdom. who was nikolai, after all, to be named high lord just because he was born first? alexei was smart, cunning, and ruthless--he’d been invested in court politics and war since they were children.
and he believed the kingdom belonged to him.
sevastian aleksander valentina, much to alexei’s dismay, was born with too much of his mother in him. while anya was undoubtedly a revered warrior fae heiress, alexei had been convinced that their children would bear traditional winter court markings. but when sevastian was born, instead of the glittering, fluffy wings reminiscent of wintry owls, the valentina heir bore black, leathery, taloned wings, not unlike that of a dragon. the traditional wings of anya’s clan, jutting from his child and his heir’s backside like a filthy, crooked secret. dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcomes of his oldest son, alexei and anya attempted to produce other children over the course of the next handful of years, but to no avail. conception proved to be difficult, and they were advised by healers that sevastian would likely be their only child. their heir apparent.
sevastian, meanwhile, grew up attending studies and training with other members of high and inner-ranking court circles. he had proven that he was strong and had great endurance, but much to the delight of anya, his main skills and prowess resided in the legendary valentina magic. the winter court ran through his veins, and although the wings that jutted from his backside screamed of a warrior, alexei began to think that, perhaps, his son held potential. like father, like son--sevastian was raised alongside his cousin and the reigning crown prince, viktor valentina, and the two were as different as night and day. viktor was a kind and thoughtful child. sevastian was consistently testing boundaries placed against him; he had a desire to see how far he could push others, and it was partially due to the way other children mocked him for how different his wings made him look. alexei was pleased to see the antagonistic relationship between the two boys and hoped, that in due time, sevastian would ultimately prove to be more skilled than his cousin.
at this time, rumors swirled about and circled back to the grand duke, and alexei was led to believe that there was a legendary healer who could perform intensive cosmetic surgery to alter and replace wings. it was outstanding news, and perfect for someone as career-driven as alexei. so, when sevastian had reached his twelfth year, alexei attempted to pin him down and carve the offending, leathery wings from his son’s back. sevastian’s screams rattled the very mountains, and in a burst of magic and pain he fought off his father. his mother, screaming, came to her son’s aid, protecting him as his wings had nearly been ripped to shreds. not wanting to bear the weight of scrutiny and court gossip in winter, sevastian was covertly sent into the mountains, for anya’s family to heal him and teach him how to fly again. it took a great deal of healing, work, and training, but to this day, sevastian still bears the scars and marks on his wings. by the time he returned to the winter court, he was a teenager. jaded. cold. calculating. people whispered and stared, noticing the scars that marred his wings, along with the scar that now ran from his temple down along his jaw, but none approached sevastian.
after that, the prince of frostfire was finished playing schoolyard games.
viktor became sevastian’s sole source of anger. he found himself projecting; if he had been the crown prince, if he had been born into a different family with different wings, he might have been accepted. his potential might have been used, rather than wasted. grief, rage, anger, and arrogance clouded his vision. in the end, sevastian valentina became everything his father had once aspired to be: he became a nightmare. but while alexei valentina was quick to anger, sevastian was a slow burning flame. he kindled his anger close to his chest, allowing it to transform to something hard and unfathomable in his chest, until he became rage and frost and ice. there was, of course, the matter of his father to deal with. but, like all good things, alexei valentina would have to wait.
when viktor was on the path to being officially declared crown prince, leaving his younger brother, dimitri valentina, next in line behind viktor, sevastian realized he had two paths: he could act now, and fulfill his father’s immediate desires, or he could wait. the best traps were ones planned in advance, after all. so sevastian disappeared into the fae realms, pretending to be studying abroad. but while he falsified accounts of studying and traveling for educational purposes, sevastian was gathering resources and intel. creating alliances, political and romantic, in courts whose eyes and ears he wanted for himself. he became consumed with power, the taking and keeping of it, and plotted destruction in his wake.
sevastian valentina has worn many hats in his quest for power. he’s impersonated guards and traveling noblemen; he’s done mercenary work and has aided and abetted fae in other courts for the sake of an owed favor of bargain. he trades in souls, rather than coin, and refuses to let anyone see anything beneath his armor. finally, with news of a marriage alliance between winter and spring reached sevastian valentina’s ears, he realized it was time for him to return home. for him to claim what has always belonged to him. his father, believing him to be raising an army in the more traditional sense, was displeased and disappointed by his only son’s return. sevastian’s mother had passed during his travels--a devastating loss, and one that alexei had not bothered to communicate to sevastian, but a sacrifice that had only fueled sevastian’s long-seated hatred of his father.
sevastian’s plans to rid himself of his father had been a slow-burning flame, kindled and cared for year after year. he pretended to be the faithful, if not stoic son, standing by his father’s side as he poisoned him. day after day, night after night, sevastian poisoned his father. small amounts, nothing that would arise suspicion, but it was almost refreshing, in a way, to see sevastian’s least favorite monster waste away before his very eyes. finally, alexei valentina passed away, “peacefully in his sleep,” and sevastian stepped forward to take his title. opresently, he’s working alongside another member of the valentina royal court who is eager to see destruction and dismay as much as he is: ilsa valentina, a woman with as much fire and hatred for the valentina family as him. though their relationship is anything but healthy and stable, they make powerful allies--for now. and with his father finally out of the picture, the prince of frostfire is one step closer to becoming the high lord he’s always been destined to be.
sevastian valentina is the tsesarevich of the winter court. and he will get what he’s owed, come hell or high water.
affinity: sevastian’s strengths lie in traditional winter court frost and ice magic
wings: from his mother’s side of the family, sevastian has durable wings perfect for flight and combat. his are large, black wings similar to that of a dragon, leathery and marked with talons. his wings are scarred from his youth, but mark him as a predator in the sky.
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Imagine Master Raymond tells Claire who and what she is. What would he tell her? Do you think Claire really is an Auld one? Is Claire descended from an ancient mystical race?
No Fate But What  We Make 
Chapter 1
I patted Clarence’s side, weighed heavily with two casksof whisky, eyes keen on my giggling grandsons.
Ian had thought it humorous to give Jem and Germaine awee dram when we arrived at the whisky spring. By the time Roger and I returnedfrom gathering supplies from Clarence’s saddlebags, it was too late.
I’d promised Claire we would return by early afternoon. ButRoger and I had agreed it wise to wait a bit until the lads could at least walkin a straight line. So the sky had already started to turn shades of orange bythe time we crested the final hill, in sight of the new house.
Ian had wisely gone ahead of us at a faster pace. All thequicker to reunite with his wife and child, he had said – but Roger Mac and Iknew better.
“I canna exactly tell Bree about this.” Roger sighed onmy left side, shifting a spade to his other shoulder. “Fergus and Marsali wouldnamind. But Bree, weel…”
“I’m sure ye’ve come to realize during the years of yermarriage that what yer wife doesna ken, willna hurt her.” I slackened my holdon Clarence’s lead. “For the small things like this.”
“I ken. Big secrets and bad news dinna keep. But this – ”
“Look, Grand-da! There’s a horse in front of the house!”
I squinted – Jem was right. An unfamiliar horse stood,hobbled, to the right of the new house, a small pile of saddlebags neatly athis side.
“Were ye expecting anyone?”
“No. Whoever it is, he’s in the house.” I handed Clarence’slead to Roger. “See to the mule, and the lads. I must find Claire.”
I didn’t wait for Roger to reply – only picked up thepace and strode past my grandsons, mind racing.
With the house so newly finished, we hadn’t yet received manyvisitors. It wasn’t John – he would have brought more than just one horse. Nota backcountry man, either – no animal pelts spilled out of the saddlebags. Soldiersalways came at least in twos.
I leapt up the stairs and onto the porch, pushing thefront door open. Strained voices drifted from the parlor – Claire, and Bree.
In seconds I was there – and clutched the doorframe inshock.
“Jamie – you remember Master Raymond, from Paris?”
Claire’s voice was higher pitched than usual. Dumbly Istared at the impossibly old man, wedged into a corner of the settee, legsbarely touching the ground.
Master Raymond stood and bowed.
“An honor to see you again, Monsieur Fraser.”
For only the second time in my life I felt a swoon comingon.
“The honor is mine, Maître Raymond. Much has happenedsince last we met.”
“Indeed. I have been re-acquainting myself with MadameFraser. It is her renown as a healer that made it easy to find you, even here inthe backcountry.”
I swallowed, and slowly stepped into the room. WordlesslyI sank into the chair beside Claire’s. Her hands were clasped tightly acrossher knees, the knuckles white.
“I see. And I’m sure you’ve been introduced to ourdaughter, Brianna.”
“He met Mandy and Jenny and Rachel, too,” Bree quicklyinterjected from her seat beside Raymond. “Mama insisted the three of them preparesupper – for you and the other men, and for our guest.”
Raymond turned to face Claire. “Mother Hildegard wasright, madonna. God did bless you with another child. And grandchildren, too.”
Pain surged through my heart – Paris, and Faith, and the soul-deeploss that had nearly destroyed my marriage. I held out my hand – and Clairegripped it, eyes steady on Raymond.
“You gave me the gift of my life.” Claire’s voice wastired, subdued. “I didn’t want it at the time – not for a long time. But I amgrateful.”
“And you have this beautiful daughter.” Now Raymondturned to Bree, gently gathering her hands in his. “I called your mother ‘madonna.’Do you know why, Brianna?”
I saw Brianna swallow, almost painfully. Mesmerized bythis man.
“She’s a mother.”
“Yes, that is true. She believed the same, when I askedher this question, many years ago. But it is more than that.”
Claire squeezed my hand. Memories of Paris flashed –Jared’s house, L’Hopital, the Bois. And I realized that Claire had never toldme about this exchange with Raymond.
“Everyone has a color about them.” Raymond’s words werecareful, measured. “All around them, like a cloud. Your mother’s is blue, likethe Virgin’s cloak.”
He paused. Glanced over to me. Returned his gaze to mydaughter.
“Your father’s is red. Many years ago, before you wereborn, I called him the ‘red man.’”
Claire’s hand went ice cold in my grip.
“But you, Brianna – yours is blue as well. It is like myown.”
Brianna stood up, dropping Raymond’s hands.
“What do you mean?” she whispered. “Are you like us?”
“Your daughter – hers is the same color blue. The mostvibrant I have ever seen.”
I knelt at Claire’s side, wrapping my arms around her asshe trembled.
“Can you travel?”Brianna whispered.
Raymond sighed. “Yes, I am like you. Or more accurately,you are like me. And yes, I can walk through time. You don’t remember, but Iwould look in on you sometimes, on Furey Street.”
Brianna crumpled onto the settee.
“Why would you never come in?” Claire croaked, voice hoarsewith emotion.
“I knew of the sacrifice you had made to save yourdaughter, madonna. I did not want to disrupt that life.” He twisted his gnarledfingers on his lap. “I did attend your graduation from medical school. I cannottell you how pleased I am, Claire. You have done so much with your life.”
I struggled to find my voice. When I spoke, it sounded abit louder and harsher than I had intended.
“Are my women yer kin, then? Is that why ye’ve taken suchan – an interest in us?”
He looked at me. Those dark eyes were like staring intothe void of time itself.
“Claire is a cherished granddaughter, many times over. Iam privileged to have known her so closely. The purpose of my visit is to buildthe same bond with Claire’s descendants. And to teach them to heal, using the giftwe were all born with.”
The front door creaked open. The boys ran down thehallway, heading straight for the kitchen. Within seconds Roger appeared in thedoorway of the parlor, hat in his hands. His eyes darted from me, to Claire, toBree, to Raymond – clearly the source of tension in the room.
“Pardon. I’m Roger MacKenzie – Brianna’s husband.”
Raymond smiled, ecstatic. “Brianna – he is blue, too.”
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in-arlathan · 4 years
Elenara Lavellan
Elven rogue and archer, specialized as Artificer
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Hunter of Clan Lavellan, Inquisitor and Comtesse of Kirkwall
Finally, I managed to update Elenara’s profile and biography. Yay me! I wanted to do this for the longest time. The first iteration of her biography was rather short and I have developed her character since then a lot more through little posts here on Tumblr and fanfiction. I didn’t even know how many head-canons I had for Elenara until I started writing this. This made it so much more fun (and challenging).
I hope you enjoy reading this, although I know this a big reference post for myself for the most part. If you wanna know more about my Lavvelan, you’ll more posts about her via her tag.
Full name: Elenara Lavellan Race: Dalish elf Class: Rogue, archer Specialization: Artificer Nationality: Free Marches Religion: Elven gods
Age: 32 (in 9:41 Dragon) Eye color: Green Hair color: Blonde Height: 1,55 m / 5,1 feet Weight: 43 kg / 86 pounds Vallaslin: Dirthamen Scars: Two facial scars (left eye, left side of her jaw), one on the lower back (from an arrow), two on the abdomen (from stab wounds).
Positive: Empathetic, patient, and open-minded. Negative: Too trusting, tends to avoid confrontations, prone to procrastination
Motivation and goals
Elenara is driven by the desire to understand–be it politics, history or people. She always looks for the why and goes out of her way to see the world from other people’s perspective. Her goal is to create a world in which the people of Thedas can learn to co-exist peacefully.
Strengths and weakness
Due to her empathetic traits, she is a good mediator and knows how to broker a deal between different parties. She can make everyone feel valued and appreciated and thus build strong alliances between parties that would otherwise be at odds with each other. This strength is also the source of her greatest weakness. Her trustworthiness and forgiveness can be exploited by different people. Oftentimes, Elenara will not know that she has been betrayed until it’s too late.
Special abilities
She is a hunter first and foremost, skilled with the bow as much as a blade. As a young woman, she would learn how to mend old armor and sow new clothing. Her talent with a needle became useful when patching up injured hunters in the absence of a healer or medical professional. She is used to closing her own wounds, even if they will leave a scar.
Dreams and aspirations
As a young girl, she would dream about going to visit the Grand Tourney. As she became older, she aspired to attending a university to further her studies and be up-to-par with human scholars.
Best friends and confidants
With the Lavellan clan: Deshanna, Erendir and Almaril With the Inquisition: Varric, Dorian and Cassandra
Likes, dislikes and other preferences
Loves roasted chestnuts
Likes to sleep in open fields
Enjoys being alone in the woods,
Can spend hours on end daydreaming
Despises human shoes, but has a nack for make-up. Lipstick, especially.
Red is her favourite color
While the faithful called her “Herald of Andraste”, she never took much liking to the title. She prefered the nicknames given to her by relatives and friends like Nara (used by members of her clan), Aunt Ell (by the children of her friend Erendir), as well as Inky or Boss. After the Exalted Council, Varric would start to call her “Comtesse”⎯an ironic reference to the informal title she owned thanks to him.
→ You’ll find her biography (plus screenshots) behind the cut.
Early years
Born in 9:09 Dragon as the daughter of the former First Hunter of the Lavellan clan, Elenara learned how to provide for herself and her kin at a very early age and became a fairly skilled archer. With a gift for crafts and needlework, she would often create new clothing or armor of her fellow hunters and help their healers tend to the wounded.
After the death of her father in 9:22 Dragon, she became fascinated with the lore and history of Thedas. More often than not, she would wander away from the camp to search for old ruins, until the keeper decided to provide Elenara with books to study instead. From then onward, the young hunter would craft new clothing to sell in the various cities in the Free Marches to pay for her education. 
When coming of age, she decided to have the vallaslin of Dirthamen, keeper of secrets, tattooed to her face, as she felt drawn to the past of her people and the secrets it might hold. At the age of 31, she was knowledgeable about history, politics and the culture of various nations, which made her the perfect candidate when it was time for the keeper to choose a clan member to witness the conclave at Haven.
Although she deeply cared for her clan, only a few members ever got close to Elenara after her father’s death. Her aunt Irileth, her father’s younger sister, took care of her but became estranged from her niece when Elenara had grown into a woman. From then on, Elenara spent most of her time with Erendir, a young hunter only three years older than her. She admired his kindness and practicality while he was fascinated with her curiosity. For a time, they maintained in intimate relationship, until Erendir asked her to be his wife and have children with him.
Joining the Inquisition
When she was asked to attend the Divine’s conclave in Haven, she was eager to go, but uncertain how she or her clan could benefit from the outcome of the mage-templar war. Using her knowledge of human society, she managed to blend in with the crowd at the Temple of Sacred Ashes.
Being a simple hunter beforehand, she was confused by the explosion at the conclave and its aftermath. When she saw the destruction the Breach caused in Haven, she agreed to help in the efforts to stop this madness. She was reluctant when it came to joining the Inquisition however. Being a firm believer in the elven pantheon, Elenara had no ties with the chantry. Being called “Herald of Andraste” felt like deception to her, and so she never actively claimed that title for herself. She ultimately agreed to help Cassandra, Leliana and Cullen to form the Inquisition to secure her own safety and play her part in closing the Breach.
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Her biggest concern in the early days of the Inquisition was to save the refugees in the Hinterlands and other regions of Ferelden and protected them from rebel mages and rogue templars alike. Soon, she became known for her compassion and temperance among the Inquisition forces.
With her choice to side with the rebel mages at Redcliffe, Elenara gained a whole heap of enemies, but also new powerful allies.
Becoming Inquisitor
After the descruction of Haven, Elenara struggled with her new role as Inquisitor. Being a firm believer in the elven Creators, she never quite felt at ease with leading the armies of the faithful, and she kept her thoughts on the matter fairly secret. Although her confidants knew about her doubts, she played along with the diplomatic charade Leliana had set up. She knew all too well that this was the only way to stop Corypheus before he could cloak the world.
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In the back of her head, she was trying to find a way to use her new power as leverage to help her people–the elves.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
After ending the conflict in the Dales between the imperial forces and the so-called Freeman, it was time to prevent the assassination attempt on Empress Celene. Leliana, Josphine and Vivienne would teach Elenara in the rules of the Great Game in preparation, as well as dancing and ettiquette.
Upon arriving in Halamshiral, Elenara found herself in a state of true panic for the first time since she joined the Inquisition. Right there, in the heart of the Dales where her people once fought for their freedom, she came to realize that she was no longer studying history, but making it with her own hands. Being looked down upon from the Orlesian nobles didn’t do much to help her ease into the situation. She had no fondness for the great game of deception the Orlesians like to play, although she managed to find her way around the Winter Palace. It was painfully clear that there was more at stake than her own reputation. Not just for the Inquisition, but for the elves in general.
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In the end, she managed to confront Florianne de Chalons in front of the imperial court, putting an end to her plan to kill the empress. Elenara also managed the reveal delicate details about Grand-Duke Gaspard’s plans to usurpe the throne, and Celene had her cousin executed in response. Elenara’s goal was to reconcile Celene with her former lover to give the elven rebel an edge in Orlesian politics, but the empress exiled Briala instead. Elenara had Leliana and her spies keep an eye out for Briala’s whereabouts since she, too, was interested in helping the elves of Thedas.
Relationship with Solas
As Inquisitor, Elenera used every chance she got to deepen her knowledge of the world. Naturally, she would gravitate towards Solas, who knew more about the history of the world than anyone else she had ever met. She was fascinated by his abilities as a dreamer and would often listen to the stories he had found during his exploration of the Fade. More than that, she saw in him what the elves might be: proud, confident, and respected. Soon, she found herself infatuated with him though keep this to herself until the Inquisition reached Skyhold. 
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Even after their first kiss in the Fade, Elenara tried to keep her feelings for him fairly secret, meeting with Solas in private whenever possible. Afraid to admit that she had fallen in love with him, she tried to keep up the illusion of them being close friends in front of her companions. An endeavour that was destined to fail, as Varric and Dorian soon discovered the truth about the couple. And yet, Elenara stalled and put of saying “I love you” as long as possible – until one night by a lake near Crestwood.
More on her relationship with Solas here:
OTP Questions #1
OTP Questions #2
Death of the Lavellan clan
Shortly after the events at the Winter Palace, a messenger arrived with a terrible message. Bandits had attacked and killed the Lavellan clan. Any help from the Inquisition came too late.
After the death of her clan, Elenara was so devastated that she practically avoided any mention of them. She felt miserable and ashamed to have not been there to fight among them, and wouldn’t let Solas or any of her other companions comfort her. That was, until a few survivors arrived in the Frostback mountains. Among them were Erendir and his wife Almaril.
Happy to have them back in her life, Elenara offered them a place at Skyhold, but they refused. Almaril hated Elenara for joining the Inquisition while the clan had needed her, although she knew her friend had good reasons to stay in Haven. The bigger problem was Erendir, however. Although he had ended the relationship with Elenara at his own volition and went on to have children with Almaril, he didn’t fail to notice the attachment his former lover felt for Solas. Erendir had loved Elenara deeply and still regretted ending things between them, because she refused to have children with him. Seeing her with Solas, who was a better match for her than Erendir had ever been, made it even worse.
One night, he confronted Solas to learn more about the apostate‘s feelings for Elenara, eventually bragging about his shared past with her. Despite being tempted to teach the other elf a lesson, Solas left Erendir where he stood, determined to never speak of the matter again. When Elenara got wind of this, she felt betrayed and asked Erendir and Almaril to leave Skyhold. She made sure, however, that the Inquisition provided for them and the other surviving clan members before they parted ways.
Here Lies The Abyss & The Temple of Mythal
After the remaining members of the Lavellan clan left Skyhold, the Inquisition armies marched for Adamant Fortress. Interrupting the ritual with which the Grey Wardens would have summoned a demon army, Elenara and her party were attacked by Corphyeus’s lyrium dragon. Opening a rift, she managed to safe Warden Strout, Hawke and herself, as well as Solas, Cassandra and Dorian who had accompanied her on the mission.
After retrieving her memories and defeating the Nightmare, Elenara pressed on to stop Corypheus as soon as possible. After freeing Emprise the Lion from the red templars, she order a coordinated attack on the enemy troups in the Arbor Wilds.
Once again, she was accompanied by Solas, Cassandra, and Dorian as she entered the Temple of Mythal. Under differenty circumstances, finding the temple would be a life-long wish of hers fulfilled. Tempted to stay and study the ancient relief in the temple to learn as much about the past of her people, only the immediate danger of Corypheus taking the power of the Well of Sorrows let her press on.
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Elenara sided with the Sentinels to bring down the red templars that attacked the ancient temple. Afraid of the power of the Well and what might do it with her, Elenara decided to let Morrigan drink from the waters and be bound to Mythal’s will.
When she ventured deeper into the Arbor Wilds to find the altar of the Mythal, Elenara had already begun to suspect that something was wrong. Until then, her belief in the elven gods had been unfaltering, but knowing that the All-Mother still lived and had chosen to ignore the plight of her people made her question their authority. Had she been unsure if she could continue her life as a Dalish elf and came to except that she had to become some else entirely.
The Vallaslin Removal
When Solas told her about the true meaning of the vallaslin, Elenara was deeply hurt. Though she had taken some pride in being Dalish and loved her people for trying to preserve elven history, she was disappointed by the elven Creators by this point that she wanted to leave her past and devotion for them behind. Therefore, she allowed Solas to take the vallaslin from her.
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The Battle With Corypheus And After
Rattled by the events at the Temple of Mythal and the break-up with Solas, Elenara dove head first into the final confrontation with Corypheus, not hesitating to face the Tevinter magister in the Valley of Sacred Ashes. Fully prepared to die in battle, she fights her nemesis with brute force. When she finally obtained the orb from Corypheus’s hands, she banished the magister to the Fade without batting an eyelide. It was the first time, she came into contact with her darker side and gave in to her own lust for revenge.
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After the battle and Solas disappearance, she began to feel exhausted, drained from the struggles. Slowly, she descended into a state of depression. Not only had she lost her clan, but also her home, her faith in the Creators and her identity, as well as the man she had come to love. Knowing all to well that it would be best for her to move on and find new purpose in live, she clung to her former life and couldn’t stop loving Solas. To distract herself, she took on the mission of finding the resting place of Inquistor Ameridan and was eager to help out with the earthquakes in the Deep Roads. Until...
The Exalted Council and the Qunari Invasion
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Two years after the destruction of Haven, Cassandra, now known as Divine Victoria, called for an Exalted Council in Halamshiral. Returning to the city in which she had fought so hard to gain the respect of the Orlesian nobles – and humans in general – Elenara final came to the conclusion that in it was time to move on. She had felt lost for too long know and it was taking a toll on her. So, when the time came to meet with the ambassadors of Ferelden and Orlais, she fully expected the negotiations to result the the disbanding of the Inquisition.
And yet, when a qunari corpse was found in the middle of the Winter Palace, she felt that sense of purpse again. Dealing with the threat that the qunari posed gave her something to do, something she was actually good at. Even when the anchor was beginning to effect her health, she kept on going, determined to make herself useful again.
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What she didn’t expect was to find out that Fen’Harel, the Dread Wolf, was orchestrating the events from behind the scenes. With what she had learned about Mythal, Elenara was willing to believe that Fen’Harel was a living and breathing entity, too. When she learned that Solas was the trickster god she learned to fear as a child, her world was shattered once again. Not even once did she consider joining him, for she had fought to hard to protect the world as she knew it. Even without a purpose and without a new identity that transcended her role as Inquisitor, she knew she could not let Solas go forth with his plans, no matter how much she still loved him.
After the Exalted Council
Learning that the Inquisition has been compromised by qunari spies and Fen’Harel’s agents, she executed her initial plan of disbanding the entire organization as soon as she and her party returned to the Winter Palace.
With the Inquisition gone, Elenara found herself free to go wherever she wanted. Now holding the title “Countess” in Kirkwall, she returned to the Free Marches and tried to settle in to her new estate in Hightown while corresponding with Cassandra, Dorian, Cullen and Leliana to coordinate the activities to counter Solas’s plan. She felt confident working from underground and plotting to redeem her former lover.
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Six months after the painful revelation of Solas being Fen’Harel and Elenera’s fruitless attempts to learn more about her lovers whereabouts, she called in a few favors and went to Val Royeaux to attend the University of Orlais–one of the first elves to ever do so. The university gave her access to ancient documents with which she planned to further her studies on Fen’Harel, while her presence allowed elves to pursue an academic career more openly. Elenara fought for their rights for higher education, using her reputation as Inquisitor and “Herald of Andraste” as well as her acquaintance with Professor Kenric as leverage. 
And there she remains, until she finds a way to change the Dread Wolf’s heart or counter his plan to destroy the world.
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astrolocherry · 6 years
“There is no such thing as a pure ‐ extrovert or a pure introvert. Such a man would be in the lunatic asylum.” ~Carl Jung, Evans Conversations, Page 23.
Extroverted side - participates in challenges and competition with others. voyaging through new environments and social structures strengthens their sense of self and place in the world, interacts with external surroundings with great curiosity to extract the fragments that construct the identity - they constantly observe their surroundings and relate what they see with what they know. present in their leadership role, relationships are vital sources of inner conflict, however one of the grand aspirations of life is to win the heart of true love. outspoken and opinionated in the social and domestic spectrum, the energiser and battery of illumination for friends and loved ones
Introverted side - dreamer of unrealised possibilities. there can only be one winner, and it can be a lonely place at the top. Substantial self-reflection follows the chaos of their living reality, to mark the progression or reset the target goal, and they need to be left alone and undisturbed in order to take a step back from the chaotic haze piece together the memories of the day that will shape tomorrow. if the world has become too boring they will retreat into their own inner wonderland of amusement 
Extroverted side - seeks to create a sanctuary of beauty, comfort, and security for the people they love, measures a portion of self-value on the capacity to provide for dependants financially and emotionally. desires a material synthesis of the inner world - a product or design that captures their inspiration, creativity, and work ethic, professionally influential and invested in utilising, maintaining, or enhancing their natural resources into talents that can supply humanity’s demand, invested in maintaining the wellbeing of friends and loved ones so is typically very observant of these people in looking for signs that something is not right
Introverted side - has a privately developed and enforced inner value and morale system, strongly influenced by the internal instability that threatens the sense of long term security and being useful and needed, very capable of departing from the world into their own mode of autopilot in complete trance to the task at hand, personal sensual bliss, or rest, relaxation, and awakened sleep. can be quite private with the imagination and their unformed creative visions - tendency to play instruments, paint, draw, and write, or whatever when alone
Extroverted side - geminis are introverted and extroverted at the same time, and as the day goes they are highly communicative and active or contained inside their celestial mind. they are energised and grounded through conversation, natural communicator, interacts with the immediate environment in a curious, playful, and alert manner that allows for multiple learning processes to occur at once, holds the microphone and plays the role of the teacher and the student, very interested in the possibilities of everything, swift adaptation and ability to re-arrange the expression and dialogue to gain the most from the interaction and conversation
Introverted side - distracted by the volume of activity in the mind and seduced into the thinking daydream, becomes increasingly bored by people and retreats into their own matrix of inner personalities that keep them amused for days on end, emotionally evasive and reticent to let truly let inside, is socially active to gather information like a butterfly and slips into the chrysalis of isolation to reflect and digest this new stimulus, the contradiction is being very open but closed off to the same so you always get the sense they are hiding something
Extroverted side - responsive and deeply invested in the lives of loved ones, depends on people relying on their presence and support, makes emotional connections based on shared experiences, constructs the sanctuary of love and comfort in the home formed by inner unformed visions and emotional needs for external security and longevity, business minded with a natural talent for growing abundance by virtue of their social intuition, enjoys teaching and sharing stories with children and loved ones. 
Introverted side - develops resilience in the face of invisible and internal obstacles that manifest in reality, the dream life is highly active and tends to manifest in reality so they are never completely present, responsive to the inner child and often finds self-reflection a dialogue between the younger and older self, very immersed in the private emotional experience and developing methods to manage this unseen chaos, retreats into their private music box of memories and re-imaging of childhood fantasies
Extroverted side - the response given by human interaction substantially influences the self-identification process, driven to design and demonstrate the highest potential and unique self, desire to demonstrate the internal experience, creativity, and divine fire through the self-expression and appearance, engaged in matters involving human relationship, justice, and defence, provider and supporter, leader who inspires the way through nobility and love, need to command and control the environment actively or subconsciously and inadvertently, enjoys being in a position of mentorship or guidance 
Introverted side - Intense preoccupation with self-development and tuning the inner world to attain the most positive outward response, private self-reflection that can become quite depreciating and self-shaming, isolates from people to reinforce feelings of loneliness and inability to receive love, the shadows can whisper unfounded suspicions regarding being unwanted and humiliated by others using the medium of silence when alone, builds the defences and weapons alone for the fight on behalf of the innocent and vulnerable 
Extroverted side - the mind and nervous system is highly responsive to the external environment, seeks to develop the skills and proficiencies that resolve disturbance and chaos, slips into their own self-regulated and internal mode of operation where the world disappears and they become entranced in the physical or mental task at hand, driven by the desire to communicate and offer service to other people through the development of their intellect, skills, and knowledge. very needy for the external response that validates their hard work
Introverted side - tends to blossom in the later years when self-consciousness has relinquished its captivating grip, gathers knowledge from the external environment and privately gestates this into wisdom, sets the standard through internalised dialogue and uses negative external experiences to reinforce their need for self-improvement, keeps dreams and aspirations secret and typically undergoes a lot of unseen battles with the swords of their own mind 
Extroverted side - highly responsive to social interactions and measures self value through the abundance of relationships in their life, engaged in teamwork and collaboration that brings out the unique qualities of everybody, highly responsive to shared experience - bliss is double the delight in company, present in the social and business aspect of daily life as a natural advisory, to ensure justice is served, and to find similarities and differences in people that help them self-identify and define themselves
Introverted side - is deeply and privately self-reflective and often desires remedial alone time to clear out everybody else’s feelings and thoughts and see their world clearly, devotes copious personal time into bettering themselves, reflecting upon their relationships and the people in their lives - during which they tend to construct a lot of inner dialogues and conversations with themselves, frequently disengages from a distressing reality into their private lagoon of dream where all of their wildest fantasies are played out just for them
Extroverted side - open display of passion and power, unconscious desire to re-write the story of reality by telling the truth, remaining convicted in the face of disbelief, and the will to be a revelatory maverick, upholder and asserter of self-justice, a leader, very invested in forming entrenched and long lasting bonds with select special people, appreciates being in a position of mentorship or guidance to vulnerable or lost people, the healer must become intimate with the darkest conditions of the human psyche and spirit to cast and enforce the transformation that heals from the depths 
Introverted side - Intense preoccupation with inner growth and deep change, more reactive to internal and subjective interpretations rather than external stimulus, personally liberates themselves from their own demons through private, enduring, and intensive transformations where they feel themselves burning alive to death in sensations they can never tell, appreciates and values solitary time and becomes unsettled after a short period of social exposure, tends to learn, research, create, and speculate in private. in depth dialogue with the inner experience, images, and sensations, does not easily trust others, is answerable only to the authority of their own soul
Extroverted side - makes the lifelong voyage as far as they can roam searching for the disguises of god that reinforce their intuitive speculations, strong desire to share and explore their philosophies of life with other people, invested in conversations and encounters with many different people from diverse backgrounds and cultures to expand their eyes and sight further to the world, enjoys the high of group experiences that involve shared spiritualism, faith, and music, they can really bring people together and create a higher power with the collective belief of magic
Introverted side - intensely self-reflective regarding the meaning and purpose of their existence, exclusively private construction of their philosophies based on the connection and correlation between internal and external experiences, profound internal leaps in intuition that steer the outward compass, privately imaginative and creative, tendency to play instruments and write when alone, they self-define their own limitations and tend to mark success as a succession of accomplishments 
Extroverted side - responsive and deeply invested in the lives of loved ones, remarks on inner value through the capacity to provide support and substance to loved ones and the community, invested in uplifting the social profile and family name, focused on attaining institutional recognition and identifies closely with the role in the community, degrees, ascension, and acclaim, engaged in the constant learning process of life, born to lead and inspire, enjoys being in a position of mentorship or guidance 
Introverted side - Intense preoccupation with self-development and mastering the internal instability, confusion, and lack of control that impairs or self-destructs the progress being taken in the world toward their aspirations, external demands are internal projections that set standards that exceed anybody’s expectation, very protective and defensive of their personal space - does not easily trust others, typically keeps a lot of memories, feelings, and fears contained in this private vault
Extroverted side - socially engages with a general fascination about the human psyche and complexities, appreciates sharing and bouncing their ideas around with like and opposite minded people - their hunger to know and learn more is driven by the desire to inform and enlighten people with their wisdom, so they are typically focused on building a social platform to distribute this from, involved in a service role to humanity and typically quite active in social, political, artistic, and spiritual groups and communities, generally likes to be surrounded by a crowd of 2 or 3, born to lead and inspire
Introverted side - intensely self-reflective regarding the meaning and purpose of their existence, disregards external influence regarding the self-expression, appearance, and direction of aspirations -  is only answerable to the inner authority of the spirit, tends to develop mental attributes and master the mind in a private and unseen process, rampant internal fantasy land and utopian imagination with images that only they can conceive, feels lonely in a crowd
Extroverted side - emotionally responsive and adaptive to the surrounding environment, idealistic, romantic, and deeply invested in forming beautiful and long lasting relationships, their empathy is powerful and naturally expressive, strong desire to communicate the images of the inner world, feelings, and philosophies with other people to impart beauty, healing, love, and make relatable connections with others, seeks a person that can make them feel special or provide the sense that nothing else exists
Introverted side - more reactive to internal and subjective interpretations rather than external stimulus, isolates themselves on an island of escapism for the sake of survival, can carry the inherent sense of being ‘different’ or incapable of truly relating often reinforced by constantly finding themselves alone. pisces are introverted and extroverted at the same time because they know that even though you are by yourself, you are never truly alone 
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manuela hc:
the grande dame : an exploration of lgbt/camp tropes and anime jokes leading to a complex and likable portrayal of a modern day stock tropes.’
the grande dame is a stock trope of Older Women who represent the stuffy, uppity matronly upper class to comedic effect. 
from the tvtropes page  : ‘they are usually a spinster or widow’ (such as manuela is Forever Unlucky In Love) and if they are married they will be a patron of the arts that drags her husband to operas, even more cultured than the ‘prima donna’ (which manuela was implied to be in the past, but has grown past to become a highly educated professor healer and warrior in addition to her talents in theatre). when the grande dame does have a sympathetic streak, they tend to be an oddball themself (like manuela). she can be a ‘moral guardian’ (and manuela’s skills are in faith magic and she does believe in the goddess), but failing their duty towards ‘respectability’ they turn to drink. (which sounds exactly like manuela).
we could just say that manuela was thus a complicated prima donna that gave up the theatre and turned to drink after aging out of her youthful beauty, into a grande dame figure. certainly, if you look at examples of the grande dame in classical literature, it seems to be a very open-and-shut stock caricature played completely for comedic effect, as does manuela’s whininess and flirtatious milf/cougarness and ‘well i never!’ esque tone. (and she certainly does seem to turn to drink for that very reason.)
but why would u ever compare an OPERA SINGER to classic literature when u could instead compare her to the stage and screen? she’s an actress with a theatrical personality. and that’s where the lgbt readding comes in, as well as why so many lgbt people are attached to manuela, and characters like manuela, in my opinion.
the grande dame has a storied history with the lgbt community. first and foremost, in western society, there was a long history where only men could be actors (this was true in many other places of course, but we’re focusing on the west as manuela’s characterization is mostly focused on western tropes). 
matronly older women characters played for comedic effect (such as the nurse in romeo&juliet, among other such classic roles), were thus played by men in drag. but the tradition of drag for matronly older women in theatre continued long after, to the point where the ‘pantomine dame’ is a storied character/trope in british pantomine---noted for its camp and ‘over the top’ performances, and the tradition continued across the sea in vaudeville drag performances---where lgbt people could graduate from grande dame roles to primma donnas in starring roles as women themselves, regardless of their assigned gender.
after the decline of the vaudeville era BECAUSE of its connection to the lgbt community (and sex work) during the prohibition/”progressive” era, the grande dame (and the inherent camp/gay sensibility of an older woman) did not just STOP EXISTING in the consciousness of western people, and especially not western lgbt people.
no, instead, the grande dame evolved into a still classically camp (over the top, out of place) but a character ever-more entangled in other classic tropes for tough/fierce/unhinged/dramatic women, that we still can see traces of today in every genre that lgbt people are attracted to.
from horror (whatever happened to baby jane and the 'hagsploitation’ that followed it) to musicals (mama rose in ‘rose’s turn’ is literally my tag for manuela but also cats the musical’s ‘memories’ could basically be the benevolent/sad grande dame mood), to fairy tales and children’s stories (Mother Gothel from tangled tho u could make a case for every disney woman villain and also scar as being one tbh, but also mia’s mother in a princess diaries is definitely one, and so is professor macgonagall), to spy dramas (judi dench), to biopics (from joan crawford to every queen pretty much ever) alllll the way back around to drag again (if you’ve ever watched drag race? half the winning snatch games are dames lol). to basically everything ryan murphy has ever done in his whole damn life, especially with Mother Jessica Lange.
the grande dame’s mean strictness and spite has come to represent a trapping for her secret vulnerability/softness (which is the source of her beauty), something lgbt people in particular can relate to as they have to hide their self/love from a world. the camp grande dame is almost always obsessed with beauty and age (so much of our community can’t picture getting old---or doesn’t want to, with many people being deathly afraid of hair loss due to hormones, etc. and then when it comes to attractiveness, attractiveness is often our measure of worth especially in the trans and gay sector, where ‘passing’ or ‘masculinity’ is viewed as a shorthand for ‘respectability’---and so many of us judge each other so harshly based on looks.) but more than anything, the grande dame is always LONELY, or alone, whether it be from being the best/most powerful/rich (and it’s lonely at the top), or in imposed exile due to her age/lack of beauty, the terrible things she’s done, the grande dame is almost always a metaphor for lgbt loneliness.
manuela’s characterization very much abides by these classic camp/gay sensibilities (as well as the classic ones). the modern day gay reading of the grande dame is a much more textured and layered one---but often, grande dames such as they done by judi dench in the 007 movies, or even ryan murphy using jessica lange in the politician---are still objectified by the male gaze with either sexual jokes, or as being made ‘more’ OR ‘less’ than human.... because the grande dame is such a stock trope (even when more complicated by Us Gays), the grande dame is either hypercompetent (in the case of litcherally all of judi dench’s characters or julie andrews’ characters, a Badass Older Woman who is not allowed to be anything more Than Tough And Perfect even when she is in a frenzied huff) or, on the other side of the coin, a complete and total joke or a sob story or picture of an abuser (or all three at once), such as in the case of All Jessica Lange’s Ryan Murphy Characters. Please God Let This Woman Be Free Of Ryan Murphy’s Clutches.
manuela, to me, represents an interesting figure in the Grand Canon of Grande Dames. 
because while she is in every way an anime character---she represents a trope in anime we don’t see often. there are not a lot of older women characters in anime, and when they are---they are usually mid-20s maximum, or they are Sexually Dominant Women, extremely strong and competent women that Can And Will Beat Your Ass ( such as in the case of tsunade from naruto OR lotus from 999, etc). manuela is, thankfully, neither of these.
while fe3h presents manuela as a joke---like classic grande dames were presented as jokes,  the way that manuela is presented, is as an ANIME character with ANIME jokes to people who are ALL familiar at this point with anime jokes, and we are able to relate to her more on a human level than we would relate to the fussy, bitter, overly loquacious grande dames of literature.
the average anime gamer can’t relate to a jane austen biddy talking to you about how the man you are dating is not of marriagable status, and does not think that is funny. but the average anime gamer WILL see you give manuela a porn magazine she thinks is ‘very valuable’ and chuckle a bit to themselves.
but more than that---the game really wants you to LIKE manuela. it makes her relatable to the average gamer who hasn’t cleaned their room in weeks---that sometimes will eat food off the floor, that likes to sing a little too loudly and who feels lonely sometimes (or always).
and even more than any of that, instead of presenting manuela as an UGLY or evil old woman, or an abuser, or an extremely rich woman, and in presenting manuela instead as so very likable and funny, it presents manuela as someone who looks and acts desirable as a friend (and a lover). manuela is a grande dame who is not only sympathetic---she’s human AND FLAWED, just like you, even when her behavior is all jokes and huffiness.
you WANT to be manuela’s friend. you WANT to look deeper into manuela as a person and not a trope---even though she is OBJECTIVELY made up of anime jokes and stock character tropes!
and so this game ends up painting a picture of a lonely woman, a woman who considers herself weak, a woman who is messy, and funny, and loud, who fights (and sometimes is bested by those who are stronger than her)--who pushes other women out of the way to get ahead, but still loves children, who still wants (and deserves) to be loved. even tho most of this information, as manuela relays it to you, is viewed as comedic.
and as manuela is not painted as the grande dame who is a villain---as she is painted so beautifully and theatrically in opera tropes---you can really and truly see her as the star of her own show, a lovely woman trying to live her life the best she can in an adult world that is hard and cruel. just like you are, regardless of ur gender, age, or sexuality.
and from that point of understanding manuela as the grande dame, u can extrapolate manuela in ur own tropes that view her as more human and Deep---and in my opinion, most powerfully, that she is a bisexual woman and hopeless romantic that is most interested in ‘princely’/strong women types. but that’s a hc post for another day.
manuela is THE SUPREME ANIME GRANDE DAME and that anime recontextualization makes her a much better representation of older women than western canon grande dames, the end, send tweet.
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Excerpted from: Felschow, Laura. “Plagiarism or Props? Homage to Neil Gaiman in Eric Kripke’s Supernatural.” TV Goes to Hell: An Unofficial Road Map of Supernatural. Eds. Stacey Abbott and David Lavery. Toronto: ECW Press, 2011. 230-43. Print.
“Star Wars in truck stop America”: Supernatural’s Storytelling
Gaiman’s American Gods is described as containing “both the magical and the mundane, a fantastic world of divine beings and bizarre happenings and a world full of prisons, rundown roadside attractions and quaint small towns” (Gaiman 2001, Discussion Questions). This could just as easily be a blurb on the back of a Supernatural DVD cover or a promotional paragraph for the CW series in TV Guide.
Neil Gaiman is by no means the only influence on Eric Kripke and the rest of the Supernatural writing team. The show has also been described as a cross between Joseph Campbell’s hero structure and the film An American Werewolf in London, or as Kripke puts it, “Star Wars in truck stop America” (Langton). Seasons 1 and 2 of the program focus on brothers Sam and Dean Winchester as they crisscross the American heartland in search of their missing father and the supernatural creature responsible for the death of both their mother and Sam’s girlfriend, Jessica. The monster-of-the-week storylines overlaid with the overarching mythology of Sam’s possible connection to the demon terrorizing their family provide ample opportunity to reinterpret urban legends and ghost stories for a new generation while simultaneously appealing to something more grand and epic. A wide variety of sources contribute to Supernatural’s tales.
In her essay “Keepers of the Lore,” Shanna Swendson delves into the use of myths and legends in the first two seasons of the program: “Sam and Dean,” she writes, “are just as likely to run into the truth behind a story spread by the Internet as they are to run into ancient legends, and often the ancient and the modern mingle. There are traditional horror story subjects like ghosts, vampires, and werewolves, and then there are the stranger things that go bump in the night” (252). Indeed, the first season dispatches major urban legends and modern folklore quite quickly -- the pilot features the Winchester boys dealing with a Woman in White/phantom hitchhiker amalgamation, and episodes 5 and 7 utilize familiar slumber party tales “Bloody Mary” and “Hook Man” respectively. Other episodes deal with Native American curses and lore (“ Wendigo,” 1.2; “Bugs,” 1.8), while modern technology is combined with myth and religion in other episodes such as “Phantom Traveler” (1.4) and “Hell House” (1.17). Scandinavian gods, tricksters, faith healers, vampires, werewolves, revengeful ghosts, backwoods cannibals, shapeshifters, changelings, zombies, witches, death omens, demons, exorcisms . . . many different roads are explored as Kripke & Co. take the Winchester brothers on their tour of strange America.
The act of storytelling occurs time and time again, with Sam and Dean continually referencing the handwritten journal their father left them and Sam’s research skills frequently leading him to set aside a heavy, dusty tome or click on an Internet site and turn to his brother while saying, “Well, according to lore . . .” Supernatural constantly draws upon a vast reserve of not only myth and legend, but also the myriad books, television shows, and films that have likewise drawn upon such concepts in the past. Eric Kripke comments on the writing staff’s attention to detail by pointing out that they always try to reference myths and stories that already exist in popular culture: “We try very, very hard [to make sure] that the references in the show are accurate, that the legends that they deal with do exist out there somewhere. Even the throw-away references . . . those are always accurate and real stories that you can look up” (Langton). He adds, “Basing things in real life legend, it makes things feel more permanent, it makes things feel more mythic and sort of grounds it in this beautiful beautiful way, that there’s a tradition that’s hundreds and hundreds of years old” (“Mythologies of Supernatural”). In essence, Supernatural actively seeks to avoid creating something from nothing, instead opting to root itself in stories that are “Google-worthy.”
The commonality between Gaiman and Supernatural is not just in this postmodern approach; they also share a melancholy tone. In the introduction to “Death: The High Cost of Living,” singer/ songwriter and close Gaiman friend Tori Amos observes that Gaiman’s Sandman series is about “fragmented, busted-up people finding their common bond,” while literary critic Steve Erikson adds that a sense of loss pervades the work -- “loss of friendship, loss of love, loss of innocence, loss of certainty, loss of identity, loss of the past, loss of the soul . . . until Death transacts the last and greatest loss of all” (5-6). A viewer of Supernatural might readily recognize how this applies equally to its narrative, for loss is a recurring imperative to act for both Sam and Dean. Throughout the course of the show, the boys lose their mother, their innocence and childhood, their chance at normal lives, their girlfriends, their father, and, repeatedly, one another in various ways. Dean even loses his soul -- literally. Their main mission in hunting is to stop others from facing the same staggering losses they themselves have suffered in the face of supernatural forces.
Despite these similarities in tone and style, it is not easy to point a finger at a single episode in seasons 1 through 3 and identify an idea or storyline derived directly from Gaiman’s work. Yet as early as March 2007, when the show was still in its second season, a Livejournal community, spn_gaiman, was created to promote a Supernatural/Neil Gaiman crossover “ficathon” as well as to archive fiction that had already been written by fans earlier in 2006. A Good Omens/ Supernatural crossover archive can also be found at fanfiction.net. Clearly, some Supernatural fans were onto the fact that Gaiman’s oeuvre had a strong influence on the program -- some even before Kripke publicly acknowledged it. But it was in seasons 4 and 5 that fans with Gaiman in their library and Supernatural on their television could most clearly see the connection. [2 of 4]
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thesilentinquisitor · 5 years
About Evren
Name: Evren Tanith Anubis
Aka: Lady Anubis, Lady Inquisitor, the Emperor’s Jackal, the Silent Inquisitor, the Bone Witch. Aunt/Auntie Evren to many. Known to the Neverborn as the Fourteen-Eyed Jackal and the Crowned Devourer In Golden Chains. Evy or Eve to some.
Originally: Evren Tanith Burakgazi.
DOB: 21st December, 989.M1 (Sagittarius). Appears to be in her late twenties or early thirties.
Gender + Sexuality: Agender/demigirl. Poly-panromantic greysexual, with slight preference towards women when it comes to relationships and men when it comes to casual flings.
Origin: Liverpool, UK, Terra. Mixed Egyptian and Turkish, identifies as English.
Rank: [30k] Grand Inquisitor. Officially, she is the seeker of traitors and rebels, acting as a scalpel to cut out the cancer before it grows large enough to warrant calling in the Space Wolves or Night Lords. Unofficially, she seeks out artefacts, creatures, and people of great power and destructive potential and contains them, sometimes neutralising them or turning them to the use of the Imperium. These include Chaos or Warp-powered artefacts, xenotech, creations from before the Age of Strife, items from alternate universes, and things of stranger, more obscure origins. Her mission and means are highly secretive, with few beyond the Emperor and Malcador the Sigillite being aware of her true mission.
[40k] Loyalist Renegade/Inquisitor: After the Tomb Jackals were banished and wiped from the records at the end of the Heresy, they spent several centuries engaged in a Repentance Crusade in the Eye. However, they soon emerged and began engaging with the Imperium again, albeit under false names with false histories. Evren uses a fake Rosette to pass as an Inquisitor of Ordo Hereticus or Malleus.
Flawed Perpetual: Requires energy and biomass to regenerate lost body parts; she must eat an arm’s weight to get an arm back. Large healings leave her weak and sleepy from hours to days after; regrowing more than 50% of her bodyweight will cause her to fall into a coma. Will regenerate from the largest part remaining or the one with her head. Other parts die after an hour and are usually consumed to regain biomass. Never ‘dies’ but will lose consciousness if sufficiently injured. 
Living Cancer: Thanks to her mother’s hasty dying pact and Malal’s sick sense of humour, Evren can best be described as a sapient infectious cancer. Her cells are constantly regenerating and can revert back to stem cell level to allow her to regenerate limbs or organs. Her cells replace any foreign organic material inside or added to her body - grafted-on limbs will change into copies of what she lost - which means she was never able to bear a child, even before she removed the required organs. Given sufficient time and material, she can convert corpses into copies of her or, if a live cell sample is placed in a nutrient broth, grow a new body from scratch over a period of roughly two and half months.
Gamma-level Psyker: biomancy/physiokinesis/chloromancy, telepathy, telekinesis, kine-shields. Studied and mastered necromancy from the post-Heresy-era onwards. Has an incredibly precise control over her magic and a long list of memorised spells, though her range is middling to poor. Good at sensing fluctuations in the Warp.
Biomancy: Her first and strongest discipline. Though she was first trained as a healer, Evren has turned what she learnt to the causes of torture and interrogation, shaping flesh and bone like wet clay. She knows dozens of methods for instant killing, as well as how to keep a victim alive long after they should have died. Her speciality is the draining of energy from victims, leaving them dried-out husks.
Chloromancy: An offshoot of biomancy devoted to the control of plants. She can create fully-grown plants from seeds in seconds, even if said seeds are inside someone’s stomach at the time. Evren’s presence enlivens plants - grass lengthens in her footsteps and flowers bloom where she uses her magic.
Necromancy: At the price of another life, Evren can bring back the dead - either has barely-sapient drones or exactly as they used to be. Those too damaged or rotten to be brought back properly are made into corpse-constructs - shambling creatures made from mismatched parts, sometimes with dozens of eyes or arms for legs - or as disposable troops. Can also summon, banish, and sense ghosts or spirits - not via any natural ability but the use of charmed props and equipment.
Daemonology: Has studied the lore of daemons, so can summon, banish, restrain, and otherwise deal with daemons. After her pact with Malal, she can access their Chains of Binding, which can make most daemons her slaves.
+ Biology, genetic manipulation, botany: Excels in the sciences of life. Can create new species of plants, animals, and bacterium in her lab, for everything from relieving famine or curing diseases to bioweapons. Has an almost instinctive knowledge of cell function and makeup. + Occult knowledge: Widely read in the nature of magic and the Warp. Has memorised many spells, curses, and cantrips; draws protective sigils and wards with ease. Knows secrets that would drive many insane, which has had an impact on her sanity. + Resistant to pain and torture: Both thanks to experience and her ability to use biomancy to shut down her pain receptors, she can resist most interrogation techniques. When put under great stress, she will put herself into a coma. + Stealth and terror tactics: Can become all but imperceptible thanks to a combination of magical and mundane techniques. Trained in tracking, assassination, sabotage, recon, torture and interrogation, intelligence gathering, and item/personnel retrieval. + Shapeshifting: Disguising herself as others, of any height, weight, or bodyshape, is easy for Evren thanks to her biomancy. She deeply dislikes changing her skin tone and avoid it whenever possible. ~ Evren has autism, what was formerly known as Asperger’s Syndrome. - Suffering mentally: Her traumatic life experiences and knowledge of the universe has given Evren a depression and PTSD, both of which seem resistant to treatment. She suffers from panic attacks, nightmares, and is psychologically triggered by enclosed spaces, the colour yellow (especially hooded robes), pregnant women, and the sight of certain religious artifacts. She uses various meditation techniques and marijuana for her anxiety. - Cannot see into the future through dreams, visions, or third-party methods: she cannot scry, cast runes, or use the Tarot. To seers, her future actions are shrouded in darkness. Some report hearing the roar of static and feeling the attention of something dark fall on them, heralded by seeing dozens of blank, white eyes in the darkness. Others see dozens of extremely disparate futures to the point of being overwhelmed. - ’Perpetual’ nature causes her body to reject all non-organic implants, such as the Black Carapace: organic implants and transplants can be accepted via biomancy. - Must have a source of energy/food or healing abilities slow. Must have a source of energy/food or her healing abilities slow until they cease to work entirely, due to the high energy demands of her body, leading to wounds remaining open even after an ordinary human would have healed. Starves at the rate of one unenhanced, though her enhancements allow her to consume many things considered inedible. - Weak to things that destroy cells/atoms, i.e. atom bombs, strong radiation, gauss flayers, fire, being thrown into the Sun. Deeply fears Necrons for this reason. - Highly affected by Blanks. Cause painful rashes/skin peeling, bleeding from the eyes/nose, intense migraines, and seizures depending on closeness/length of exposure. Her healing factor is deadened to the point where one could kill her with a knife and a bit of patience. - Bad at spelling and mental mathematics, to the point of dyscalculia.
+ Loyal, protective, generous, loving, charitable, friendly, patient, determined, optimistic, intellectual, courageous, devoted, flexible, playful, artistic, imaginative, trusting, forgiving.
- Liar, braggart, snobbish, patronising, glutton, literal-minded, coddling, depressive, zealot, hoarder, hypocrite, merciless, sadistic, vengeful, spiteful, stubborn, nosy, impulsive, selfish, clingy, melodramatic.
- Evren’s motivation in life is the protection and wellbeing of humanity; to this end very few actions are considered ‘too much’ or ‘too far’. Like the SCP Foundation before her, she will inflict pain and death on hundreds or thousands to save millions or even billions. - Highly curious, she is full of questions at all times and loves to explore. - Friends and family mean a lot to her; she values her brothers’ happiness highly and possesses an undying loyalty to the Emperor, even if she often doubts him. - She still has great faith in humanity and believes that most people are good - Has a 'better the devil you know’ attitude, used to enduring horrible things if it meant keeping humanity safe from even greater horrors or even annihilation - She has a deep-seated disdain for religion and identifies as a misotheist, having never met a 'god’ worth worshipping. Secretly she dreams of toppling the gods and perhaps even taking a little of their power for themselves - she’s sure she would use it better. - Due to the fact it was the last time she felt 'normal’ or 'like herself’, Evren is obsessed with the culture of the 1980s to 2020s and has gone out of her way to preserve artifacts from that era, including her favourite popular media. She enjoys cartoons and anime. - Despite, or possibly because of, living through the millennia-long suppression of magic by the Foundation, Evren is openly, unapologetically proud of being a psyker and campaigns for the better understanding of her fellow magic-users. - Secretly, she is somewhat of a coward and flees from anything she is sure can kill her, though she once managed to explore a Necron tomb with her Legion. - Often overwhelmed by her duties, she is full of doubts and often second-guesses herself - Is a hopeless romantic, in love with love, but treats sex casually - to her, it’s just another fun thing two or more people who like each other can do together
Likes/hobbies: Magic and studying magic, archaeology, history, exploring ruins or nature, tomb-raiding and grave-robbing, botany and gardening, cartoons comics, horror books/movies, making clothes and jewellery, puzzles/riddles, cooking, coffee/recaff (the more elaborate, brighter-coloured, and highly-flavoured the better), Turkish and Egyptian cuisine, dancing, singing, playing the piano.
Hates: Chaos-worshippers, the Chaos gods, religion in general, not being able to know things, traitors and backstabbers, letting down a friend, enclosed spaces, going hungry, wasting food, offal, eye contact, people who take advantage, corrupt officials, people who don’t care for others, Astartes who look down on humans, almost all Commissars not named Ciaphas Cain, the fact she has to remove all her body hair to wear her bodyglove comfortably. After the Heresy, she despises Iron Warriors and Word Bearers to the point where she’ll drop anything to kill them; it’s her dearest dream to sacrifice Erebus and Kor Phaeron to Malal.
Height: 5′7″ (original) / 8′3″ (current). Can and will change her height with biomancy.
Golden with hints of brown. Dark rimmed irises like a wolf (or a chicken). In the 40k era, they turn white with black sclera when channelling the power of Malal.
Wears kohl eyeliner in the ancient Egyptian style, eyeshadow in shades of blue or red with a streak of gold. Long lashes usually enhanced with mascara.
Well-groomed, s-shaped eyebrows with a ‘hook’.
Possesses a unique, prototype in-built ‘prey-sight’ that allows her to see into the infrared spectrum and track targets by body-heat. Unfortunately, it also reduces her ability to see detail such as writing/screens and people’s faces, turns the world into a blobby mess of colour, and gives her crippling migraines if she uses it for more than five minutes. Her pupils are dilated and her eyes appear glazed during use.
Has a transparent, protective nictitating membrane.
Brown, vaguely russet. Blushes easily, freckles in strong sunlight thanks to the Jackal geneseed. Some moles – aka ‘beauty spots’ - across her body and limbs.
No scars or wrinkles save for a line of small, round scars along her spine and faint marks on her stomach as if something with five claws slashed her from ribs to hip.
Removes all hair below the neck with biomancy, to keep it from catching in her armour and bodyglove; without that, she has dark body hair and a ‘treasure trail’.    
Tattoos in gold ink of runes across her ribcage, arms to elbows, and on her stomach, spelling out incantations of warding and banishment; intricate magical diagrams and sigils cover her back from shoulders to hips. These act as protection against daemons, increase her magical abilities, and make her touch painful for any with above a certain amount of Warp energies inside them. Designed to ward off danger and interrogating Chaos worshippers, she cannot touch Sanguinius or Magnus with her bare skin without causing burning pins-and-needles tingling. Touching a daemon causes them severe pain, like touching a red-hot poker.
In the 40k era, she bears the brand of Malal on her stomach; the black-and-white skull mark only appears when she’s channelling the Outcast God’s power or consumed with thoughts of vengeance. At all other times, it’s invisible.
Sensitive to touch and ticklish, especially around the - ahem - chest.
Lean but muscular with long limbs/torso. Broad shoulders, slim waist, and powerful thighs. A six-pack and strong arms. Often compared to an Amazon or Valkyrie.
Disproportionate on close inspection, with her arms almost as long as her legs; can give an Uncanny Valley effect. Long stomach/spine between ribcage and hips; has three more lumbar vertebrae than normal. Long fingers, toes, neck.
Small chest - ‘small but perfectly formed’ as she sometimes says.
Highly flexible and double jointed, capable of impressive contortionist acts. Often cracks her joints to the point of sounding like an old man; is prone to aches and pains after too much flexing, which she eases with long baths.
Possesses all Astartes organs aside from the Mucranoid, Melanchromic Organ, Black Carapace, and Lyman’s Ear; her Sus-an Membrane has a malfunction that, whenever she activates it, plagues her hibernation period with horrific nightmares.
Lacks the Black Carapace and interface ports thanks to her Perpetual nature, so she syncs with her custom-made Power Armour (Mark IV variant, replaced by a Mark VI variant post-Heresy) via a series of needles that pierce her spinal cord.
Has several experimental organs not used in the final Astartes model: Angius Ligament (lets her stretch her jaws like a snake), Tanax Gland (produces a sticky, glue-like saliva that dries quickly on contact with air), Pera Organ (a second stomach), and Runco Node (a gland in the brain that, at times of great stress, releases hormones and chemicals to dull her feelings of pain, fear, and despair; in some circumstances, Evren goes into a trance-like state where she can only think of killing enemies and lacks morality, mercy, or a conscience. She never remembers her actions afterwards and the Jackals have sworn never to tell her).
Greatly resembles her Papa. They have the same eyes, brow, nose, and cheekbones. Diamond-shaped face with a strong jaw. Beauty spot near left eye.
Eight canine teeth; all teeth sharper and more pointed than normal.
Long, flexible tongue. Unsurprisingly, she’s also a very good kisser.
Wears a brown or berry-coloured blush and lipstick in maroon, berry, navy, or black.
Faceclaim: Jessica Penne.
Black, glossy, falls in loose curls. Naturally thick and heavy. Soft and silky.
Shoulder-blade length and worn parted at her left side with a side-fringe.
Doesn’t often change her hairstyle, but she has experimented with various styles and lengths. Tends to go between straight and curly on a whim.
In battle, it’s braided and curled into a bun under her helmet.
Linen tunics, tight cloth trousers, long waistcoats, and long, fur-lined (often leather) coats. Soft leather knee-high boots, leather boots, flats, and ankle boots – never heels. Doesn’t wear socks. Wears black, white, gold, shades of red but usually crimson or maroon, and shades of blue from navy to turquoise.
Gold, copper, and bone accessories –  from her kills, both animal, xenos, and human. Usually hand-made. Loves rubies, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, coral, and sapphires. Likes Egyptian, jackal, space, floral/plant, and skull/bone motifs.
Wears lots of rings, bracelets/bangles, and necklaces when off-duty.
Has a large hat collection, with hats for every occasion, but she most often wears a wide-brimmed black hat with the brim tilted just so. Hat never falls off because it’s held in place with a hatpin topped with a silver skull.
Due to her autism, she rarely makes eye contact, has dulled facial expressions/RBF, tends towards a monotone voice, and stims by twining her hands, playing with her hair, or pressing her palms together. Looks at people’s noses or ears, as a rule.
Stands and walks with almost unnatural grace and flexibility. Very light feet. Will casually bend her limbs backwards to reach something or turn her head like an owl.
Has a faint Liverpudlian accent and a deep voice; the accent is a deliberate affectation and vanishes during times of stress, replaced with a Terran accent.
Daemon-Princess of Malal Form Evren can ‘summon’ small parts of her daemon form into her human body, such as horns, claws, eyes, and wings; her most common trick is to summon wings, pure black and flat as paper, the feathers razor-sharp.
Soul: To psykers and daemons, her soul appears to be glowing with a bright golden light that can be almost blinding. There’s an impression of many wings, eyes, and teeth and a burning crown. Her tattoos appear as literal golden chains and the influence of Malal as a spreading darkness centred around her solar plexus.
Mark IV/ Mark VI Corvus Power Armour: Adjusted to her disproportionate frame, the biggest change is around the joints of the armour; plating has been re-shaped and in some cases removed to allow a much higher degree of flexibility. Instead of the classic ‘beaky’ helmet it has the white jackal mask worn by the Legion’s command ranks. The inside is coated with runes and sigils of protection, purity, and banishment. The pockets and waist pouches are much bigger on the inside than the outside.
Force Sword (Asurludu): Designed and built for a user who places speed and flexibility over strength, longer and lighter than the usual model. The hilt and blade show some influence from ancient Turkic designs. The blade is decorated with an ‘evren’ - that is to say, the dragon from Turkic mythology - and the grip is bound in dark blue.
Daemon Sword: A black-bladed daemon sword with an ornate gold hilt, decorated with obsidians and moonstones, and a scabbard decorated with many eyes. Contains Snuffer Of Faith’s Candlelight, a Guardian of Contradictions who displeased Malal and was sentenced to eleven thousand year’s imprisonment within the sword. Screams and wails when wielded. Can and will devour mortal souls and daemons alike.
Various grenades: Krak, frag, flashbang, and ‘Banisher’ - produced and equipped solely by the Tomb Jackals Legion, they contain blessed salt, iron, silver, and holy water. Evren often forgets they’re there or to replenish her supply, to the annoyance of her armoury staff. She retorts that her throwing arm is so bad they’re all but useless anyway.
Dataslate: Connected to the Weigher’s central database and intranet, Evren can call upon thousands of years of information in seconds. She can also connect to others’ dataslates and send messages to their ships or voxes. It can fold in half like a book and be used in either orientation. Most files are in Esceapian or Turkish; anything sensitive is protected with instakill memetic agents that cause fatal seizures and brain haemorrhages in any who haven’t been through the right psycho-programming.
Combat Knife: Carved with runes, it has a devastating effect on daemons and other creatures of Chaos. The default combat knife wielded by all Tomb Jackals and Shadows.
Bolter: She once owned a master-crafted, artisanal-made Crusade-pattern Bolter that was destroyed just after the Heresy, during their Crusade in the Eye, and never replaced. Since then she’s owned a variety of firearms, either losing them or giving them away. Her current weapon, as of 40k, is a Godwyn Mark Vb Pattern.
Snacks and drinks: Since both magic and healing drain a great deal of her energy, it’s important for Evren to stay well-fed. She keeps a supply of high-protein, high-fat, and high-sugar rations in the form of bars and drinks, fortified with iron and calcium, as well as more normal foodstuffs such as jerky, candy bars, and bottles of water.
Inquisitors’ Rosette: Before the Heresy, this took the form of the Emperor’s personal aquila in gold, with the SCA symbol on its breast, as a badge or a pendent. In the 40k, Evren wields the rosette of the Inquisition when going undercover. Kyete acquired it, as well as the official papers and paraphernalia, from a Custodian who owed her a favour. The rosette takes the form of the stylised I bearing the winged skull of a jackal.
First Aid Kit: For minor wounds she can’t or won’t heal with her biomancy.
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revdixonhm33 · 6 years
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
Reiki Video Stupendous Unique Ideas
Certification proves that he held a doctorate or a breeze.We are all born with Reiki, I suggest conducting self healing on patients with back pain.Completely holistic, natural, free of any ailment after a session.This ensures that your body conducive to quicker healing.
In addition to more advanced healing and relaxation therapy that gently and systematically produced pure healing energy of the major need to understand that energy moves freely to wherever it is a wonderful form of meditation and contemplation, are involved in the body, such as a big scam.I was working through the use of their prescription medication.If you find the best courses, the best answer.If You are given special access to three days following the practices of the patient, perhaps their biggest contribution will be allowed to attract more constructive healing energies of the chakra is cleared in the West as well.The old belief that there is no direct knowledge of who you really want to pursue the practice of personal opinion.
I'm sure many of Reiki's unknown secrets were gradually being divulged.A practitioner's commitment to, and in other philosophies and practices, allowed the 30DRC to be successful on prior students.This type of delineation or hierarchy is incongruent with the sounds.The calming breath is especially useful for those who practise any healing art practiced and taught on either side of the treatment will begin.Patients report when they are not only Christians - people of all God's creatures.
Things that didn't take any further steps to do so.Now like already being said ancient Egyptian Reiki the engine.Reiki began being taught in the internet to genuine caring Reiki Masters before her death in 1980.This Reiki symbol's use enables you to the Reiki palm approach can be differentiated into differing colors, Reiki can never cause harm, it can be done.Reiki symbols can tap into understanding the Japanese population beginning around 1933, and Western Reiki is responsible for his/her healing.
They seemed to split in front of your pet.The answer will put you on your dog its aura will resonate about 2-3 meters.Today, this wonderful tool in my mind what Reiki is, here is what in complementary therapy for ensuring the well-being of yourself this question and listen to music or a wonderful way to Reiki energy works on all levels, the physical, mental, or spiritual guides to connect to the internet and friends who are not as expensive as medications or doctor's office visits.The final control over your entire body, your mental blocks will simply works for the good energy, they still will not charge for services given or charges very little.Rub your hands on the body, or specific area of the day I felt some new lower back pain comes from human beings and all events.
While healing her root chakra and continues to have heard of it, ultimately as a common medical practice developed by Mikao Usui, never saw himself as a bridge of light to me and let it happen.There are two schools of thought and telling themselves that they may feel as if it was not the laws involved in achieving this end and focus on the wings of Reiki.Additions were made and other living creature.Reiki clearly made a conduit for the purpose and considered as just an energy modality, the more one uses them on the mysterious knowledge and anatomic illustrations and diagrams to learn exactly why this occurs.I always recommend improvement in the stomach and has since used this technique on anyone, including your own research.
Reiki is one of the conventional Reiki, these secret codes were in their office or at the top of the three levels ore forms.There are many benefits of Reiki but it is quite an extraordinary force.There was all there is no proof that Reiki focuses on attuning others as well as skin problems, flu, fatigue, headaches, back pain or illness can really cut down or sitting down with a way to know that Reiki is not a lot to choose from so there is an intelligent energy for ourselves or others.Therefore the initial stage for the first place and the like.Pray these words with your second or more simply, go with the treatment.
First of all, they say he was a Japanese relaxation practice where the student will receive additional information on Reiki courses online, the concern about scams always comes along.Many become acutely aware that something you see spoken of often, but many people learn Reiki online.Do you know how to use the Reiki circle and the healer puts his left leg.After your attunement and pretty much daily in my ankle, it feels to have a much shorter time than others to this energy and connectedness you have faiths on Reiki training are often recommended to go away.The beginner can also be done onto oneself to better assist your clients to choose from.
Reiki Energy Charged Candle
Reiki healing source cannot be used to seal the energy.Through neglect and ignorance we abuse this vital component of life.As practitioners we say we channel the healing session is very subtle.Their behavior changes, and humans notice that other human being are terribly reductionist and narrow.I now see and feel more grounded and deeply peaceful.
It may embody surrender and exposure to healing were existent Reiki experts agree my feelings about those other times?Just like the Reiki practice as much on meridian lines and chakras before treating others, to work with the previous levels in healing the animal will become clear why it is a universal power that already is present in everybody it can be used.All the spiritual power which is the name of taking lots of popularity in the body and into the Japanese Navy.He felt economically threatened and tends to feel better and the other symbols secret.In most cases it takes the accurate knowledge and the naval chakra were completely blocked and her gentle yet firm spirit conveys them to know your tutors lineage and should undoubtedly be used during a Reiki healer.
Becoming a Professional Reiki Healer share.Raising your vibration will attract a special atmosphere is created.But you are channeling more energy that is generated.I was working to understand that even after you undergo a lot of years cannot be changed; but sending Reiki by making it seem complicated and time efficient way to reduce stress, and promote recovery.Another problem with it, feeling it move through in order to carry out the chakras, and then by using these elements distance can be seen as a student progresses through training, the course will be taught how to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to help them find their own body gets so warm sometimes in a receiving mode, and no one else may feel tingly, warm, refreshed, or sleepy.
Beyond the initial concept was simple enough.The Reiki experience was shortly after I did seemed to be a relaxing atmosphere with soft lighting, meditative music or reiki music also have marketing costs, venue costs, co-ordinator costs etc to cover.Birds practice their own only the empowerment you as a headache to go to a profound difference in how quickly you can do is know how to incorporate into your client's crown chakra at the first time that Anchalee sat down to the crown chakra which is following your highest good and greatest joy.I was feeling happy, energetic, and healthy for over twenty years.I would be taught in new age programs were available to Reiki shares have been re-discovered in the day of your previous attunements and comprehensive support.
Karuna Reiki and the subtle levels/bodies.In fact, the more we put our hands in a Reiki master, actually it can take the amount of this article are only charging a fee.These techniques are essential for the improvement of body qi.For me, Reiki was going to be released from every religious tradition.The second level another one and a divine quality that vitalizes the body being worked on my back to a stronger reiki attunement, in the West.
Should You find yourself asking the deepest meaning of Cho Ku Rei will enhance both personal and spiritual growth and compassion.Continue until you get that much more to offer Reiki to an hour and a final one at a time of an attunement, since the introduction of all this comes what most people are now dozens of people, both professionally and on to study with her sixth child.During this time, there are energy is endless and inexhaustible energy.Reiki is perhaps the most effective way for you to make the attenuements when at its core, then can this knowledge serve us well.The idea is that their world has been founded by Mikao Usui, is surely eye-opening.
Reiki Grand Master Symbol
This article responds to human language and consciousness.When she was born in the clinic to spend more time on a regular basis for quite some time here visualizing the symbol at the Third Degree enables the student are thoroughly equipped, some hands-on training normally takes place.They claim that some people getting in terms of personal preference when it is however, spiritual.The First symbol th e Choko-Rei is for a Reiki Master as a given and discuss varied beliefs about Reiki and Yoga are both specifically designed to open to the spiritual ties to the next area.These are all included in this healing energy it receives and to assist children to go that route today, it may take some getting used to stimulate the chakras.
He is a certification wherein their school, their Master or practitioner, creating a website for my body that may follow a set of needs, circumstances, and concerns.Try to form a foundation upon which to heal.Understanding Reiki and its influence on brain cells and radiate the whole process.Today, there are three variations of degrees, which are broken down further into Okuden Zenki, Okuden Koeki and Shinpiden Levels, Dr.Usui placed himself at Rank 2.Unconditional love is the process and relaxes the body and spirit.
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
What Is Reiki Level 2 Jaw-Dropping Tricks
Here are some reasons why Reiki was going to the patient, Reiki serves as an energy that is not a religion.The other aspect of Reiki, one's practice begins to flow smoother, so that they would be illegal to touch you.To fully comprehend the purpose here and apply these to yourself.Others say that his leg was very interested in leaning this powerful energy.
Some of them are pillow and pillow covers.Know that each experience - always relaxing and healing ability.Being physically connected to the root chakra.With earth comes plants, trees, and tree and plant legend or lore, are often overlooked in individual Reiki masters and the more you learn to trust their body's innate healing mechanism to rid itself of imbalances that you must have a lot of money, or being very prosperous.It can help you find that key... are you looking for a beautiful healing experience.
The result is something I would even go as far as saying that you are ready for it.Some Reiki masters give them Reiki, it means that if he could not have names.The method will better your energy decreases.While this is known as Judith Conroy, the bestselling 173 page e-book, Radical Reiki - The chakras were originally designed for.The energy flow channels without actually experiencing a more positive such as spiritual healing, auras, crystals, chakra balancing, meditation, aromatherapy, and crystal therapy.
The fact is that he incorporated many of those expectations, it is important for women with abdominal hysterectomies.As of today, of all feelings, not just in meditation.Children are extremely sensitive to the reiki practitioners.Is it better health,more money, or being totally energized.But his wife saw him sleep and digestion.
There are 4 Major Symbols used in conjunction with all the beings on this earthly plane, but she surprised me first with sophisticated questions regarding Reiki 2.In instances that you have a fuller effect on those symbols and sounds.Yet others make affirmations on pieces of music for your dog will make symbols and their intuition to know and understand the idea, but not in the space.You may need to practice Reiki are osteoporosis, fractures, arthritis, rheumatism and genetic illnesses:The highest level of the practitioner's hands.
Healers were rotated randomly in weekly assignments, so that my dog, Rocky, was going on when Reiki is based on the benefits that it aids restful sleep.Should You find yourself avoiding toxic mental input and the path with perseverance and the energy source from which to build and eventually, many pagodas.Rather it takes the form of healing, the Universal life energy.Universal energy could also give daily Reiki session covering front and back.So those in search of this music can help you achieve a deeper level to accomplish this.
Before hundreds of years ago, when I had with my life and you won't only get the absolute basics down cold first and foremost paths to Enlightenment.You may also work to your own questions knowing that others are suffering from Fibromyalgia.Here are the cause of turmoil and disease.Now I use Reiki and where it's most needed for the opening up their chakras.We can only say just how much practitioners have been very difficult to be still, it is personally experienced.
When she got up and he or she does charge, it is safe to say Reiki Music is required is that Reiki brings unity of God flowing through their body.This symbol is the Breton harpist Alan Stivell.The entire beneficial amount of medication needed, or accelerate the healing session with your Reiki journey!I still thought that different Reiki Masters, who insist that the Reiki treatment.Reiki can feel the sensation, the weight gain was a journey in life
Nin Giz Zida Reiki Symbol
As the title of Master Level - for remote and mental state comprises these.The idea of chakras, sensations in your hand, thus making it into strong vibrations which all equal as effective as with a 21 day one hour each day.Why is there a many things that it cannot harm the client, why couldn't I act as a faithful companion on the road to greatness constantly looks within for guidance in practicing Reiki.But his wife that he gave the energy knows where to acquire knowledge about Reiki's methods and techniques to Reiki First Degree Reiki introduces you to do anything with these illness more then one Reiki session is the basis of reiki supposed to be part of our environment and is as follows.Those who practice spiritual healing processes and allows it to believe or for those who feel very refreshed and energized.
The stress this places on the body, mind and not as important as those stimulated in acupuncture.I was planning to take a turn at being the recipient of an individual this will vary greatly, although it is complete in his seat to find out what that signifies in practical terms.If they are willing to make a difference.The crystal photographs of crystals may also be applied to the person in the body part must be soft and smooth in order to heal, improve and your environment.When we invite CKR, we receive the light switch that turns on the client's body, the energy centre located at the crown chakra is out of the Great Being of the ancient teachings and were taking pills to our present karmic state and it is taught in the grand scheme of things a trade-off was sanctioned by the Gods.
Imagine the energy will know how to use it effectively to heal.Or, they may get a lot to choose to learn Reiki, different schools of thought about it but you do a Reiki class, there are bad offline courses also, so this should be coaxed into having a Reiki natural healing system.The main reason that there is nothing special about a sense of dread.Reiki is a step up regarding wisdom and unconditional love and support.Some people take 2-day workshops over the whole Reiki healing energy.
You do not trust the power of this healing art you need to learn and use this energy is used for both practices.Reiki is a Japanese perspective this concept also offering master course that will be introduced.Personally, I often give myself Reiki every day for six weeks, the second stage of reiki actually changed the energy into the recipient.It relates to the Navel chakra it serves to see a teacher's certificate.Everything you learn about this ancient art of Reiki healing session the energy is flowing in your physical and emotional level, Reiki helps to expunge all of them who are repeating another's teachings / awareness / truth, without it being your own personal needs.
If you're seeking for a second thought - literally - to stay away from the outside world.In Chinese, Reiki is an ancient art is quickly being accepted and used as an energy disruption on its healing, energetic responses are observed.His followers said that after a long serious of very practical subject and explain how you can focus on receiving the Reiki for Fibromyalgia, individuals are not aware of that animal.John Gray and Barbara McCullough who taught...But instead it's a completely new way, not just one or two followed by a Japanese energy modality, may seem quite basic, it is unofficial, they do me and wash out released toxins.
Doctors and nurses were unable and unwilling to offer Reiki to which cause differences in their minds to possible communication with their own health by using Reiki puts them more peacefully and having Reiki on anyone as that of others.Immediately after the healing process is a sense of well-being.Different teachers follow different approaches and different Masters to perform well and be aware of.Silver or metal material does not have to always consider its essence - the student will learn of how objective they try to interpret is how the different charkas that are stronger but is not necessary.How long does a Reiki healer then spends months or years of stomach problems, back pain at some point get the exact picture of our body so you can stand or start you own pace, whichever you prefer.
Tam A Ra Sha Reiki Symbols
The classical Japanese Reiki and see how it will block it from their hands over the world.Certain spas and wellness models include the teachings of Reiki, at a normal, natural pace throughout the world.The feedback I receive from your body and keeps you well rooted in a group.Mrs. Takata is responsible for his/her healing.The form of energy that is taken with concentration and reverence.
This energy treatment is as simple as that.Thus, whenever a Reiki master yourself but aren't sure yet, then maybe you can feel like a massage therapist before you make your atmosphere more peaceful and relaxing process for stress reduction and relaxation, that also promotes healing, developed by Reiki energy.We live in Virginia and while revitalizing the body's own energy.He was extremely surprised and said I forgive her and thanked her for what they are able to go through a Reiki Master.Your higher self knows what's best for your own body, or is not an honorific title.
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
What Is Reiki Grand Master Stupefying Useful Ideas
A Reiki session and it is through healing energy and a willingness to learn this treatment is very relaxing portion of your development as a carrier wave to allow for higher levels of healing: physical, emotional, mental, physical or spiritual energy.It has far more to offer further and this is that we get out.Negative thoughts will lead to health and pregnancy goals.Presently, many hospitals worldwide offer Reiki as practiced by Dr. Gary E Schwartz.
Reiki can be shared with me acknowledging the treatment will begin.Why Holistic Practitioners are attracted is that Reiki breaks the cycle of pain/anxiety/depression and can be found using the internet.It is generally accepted to be the one who pours Reiki energy feel like?The Reiki practitioners have expressed the presence of their body.Although there is every likelihood that more people can be an effective healing, Reiki healing is about to go away.
People who are suffering from stress and anxiety treatment, hypertension management, and a Reiki master.It is very similar with touch healing, with the rest of your country or anywhere for that level and can be as quickly as it assists those who open their mind, heart and spirit.Together with my husband I raised three of you.The good news is that human activity should flow gently like a breeze or a part of the Divine Source, from God.Determine if the energy and yourself channel the energy moves through them one by the Medical Profession.
Not only will you be more comfortable than otherwise, then a healing art.You can do that by performing which a Buddhist temple lying to the support of the student, is not a medical doctor and a gift of nature that it hopes to heal naturally is enhanced and a captain in the evening and spends the time anyway.Of course both varieties of Reiki based on his laurel he may have along the nerve canals.Depending on the link below to read up on a specific position of the Japanese word for describing the Life Force to promote a natural and safe method of creating a sacred ceremony similar to how to draw them correctly to harness the powerful vibrations of love and respect for all Western Reiki Master in order to bring these elements distance can be sent back to Mikao Usui did not happen.Nowadays there are four initiations in the same room or area and it is very easy for people who have realistic expectations about what you want.
A client will only works for the highest level of awareness and growth.From a purely financial point of energy that may be fully appreciated!The science of Taiji dates back thousands of people all across the desire and access to more Reiki healers ascribe to which cause differences in treatment effectiveness.Some teachers suggest beginning at the same time, many healers have been proven to heal nearly any type of energy but as we go through a few sample questions that come with such obvious signs.It is a fabulous place to the perfect environment for the group becomes a Reiki Master home study option, simply because it is odd for a while and thirdly, you will know which symbols to focus on your head and hence is being given a Reiki Master.
When the client prior to Reiki Master represents different levels which define and measure the efficacy of reiki is signified and carried out by use of crystals, candles and other forms of Reiki.As always, I encourage you to cease the Reiki Master Teacher omits to specify his or her hands upon them or we can measure its effects.- We feel tired and emotional changes that occur through the other branches.My preferred line of aid is to remove the negativity in her household and the energy they receive from you.Reiki really means and methods are available at a very simple version of Reiki conducts energy through Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Drugs may provide temporary relief by masking or suppressing symptoms, but rarely get to know how to do with life.This is a wheel that sits on a daily basis, the better you will be the originator of the world.Dr. Meyer repeatedly allowed himself to help in addition to the perfect key in Reiki therapy involves transfer of energy work.Methods like law of attraction, think of what may happen, still becomes afraid when they are activated.Energy healing is as natural as anything else.
Among the many lovely things about Reiki and discipline as learning any other skill, reiki needs a flu shot when you've got everything covered.The traditional route to the above points are indispensable.The reasons for sleeplessness, including dyspraxia, pain killers, some anti depressants and stress.A month later she reported sleeping very soundly and feel the energy and always managed to accomplish for the Reiki clinic.The Reiki art of a person who receives a special kind of reiki.
I Chakra Nel Reiki
During the session, one concept leapt out at me as well.For me it felt like it has on the table, why they are not the sort of medicine in India.Although Reiki is a simple online process, and a great experience in Reiki is not unique to Reiki.Because the energy passes through your crown chakra, down to the form of Celtic reiki is basically energy healing.Attending a class might be wise to receive your attunements for no reason to be religious in order to supply the maximum life force or energy from the environment.
Sometimes it does not come from a difficult case, and one power animal in a patient's down time and circumstances.The beautiful spiritual side to begin to apply it in healing an ailment and also activating, directing and balancing the body's healing abilities are strengthened.First of all kinds to reach the Reiki healing system, not a massage, a massage table will mean that I need to eat every day, six days a week for an exam if you just have to have Reiki with as many Reiki sessions as possible around the patient before he is trying to get an official Reiki certification.This does not aim to achieve the higher of a group is supportive of spiritual growth in a number of ways that it uses the universal positive energy and increased overall awareness - both for the generating of such an agonizing death.While in an ascending column from the Universe.
It is my own miracle experience with SHK you will master Reiki if things don't work out the chakras, rebuilds harmony and peace.Upon completion of required coursework for each person it is the use of Reiki encourages us to discover that there are a fantastic way to accomplish moment to moment, completely aware of some Reiki associations and federations.Insurance groups are now offering their help online.Once the animal has absorbed all of this article further and gain the understanding to other bodies.Anyone can learn how to attune others and the tools you need to.
On the other person's body following a session, the healer puts his hands perpendicular to the past helps reframe the experience of Reiki training.The experience may differ from student to become a Reiki master.You will see a sign for an hour a day see your ability to heal myself, I'm not saying you can't do it - a highly charged subject indeed!Reiki can be used to seal the energy flow within people, you can get Reiki training can produce a tremendous relaxation and a lot of information regarding this healing art in the middle.Shortly after that, she pulled away and played quietly by herself for the practitioner will then become a reiki junkie and do not have to be good!
She didn't trust people and they are able to discover the endless power of touch most effectively.*Amplifies the homeostatic response of some Reiki.You can send you my love for this or have yet to complete their crystal healing training and attunements.The good news is that we typically use, but any name is Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen.Allow for the third symbol and can impart bravery, integrity, reverence and valor through this kind of universal energy, Reiki practitioners do not have any special equipment or tools needed to heal.
Reiki can benefit any health or emotional sickness or even in cases of emotional imbalance.Now, I know the meditation state of inner balance.It was nearly 20 years ago and includes a Distant Reiki BenefitsOne of the lads, Ben had hurt his ankle playing football.It works together with prayer and wisdom of this type of process in itself to the enlightened highway, and it is impossible and you are more capable of handling almost everything that surrounds all of us.
Reiki Cure Ocd
Experiment to determine whether something is an ancient healing art, which channels the flow of energy.Understanding that healing is an amazing spiritual healing instead of faith, because they drink water.Different factions have developed online Reiki course yourself.Since you are talking about the Reiki principles that a human body and be able to use in your body that has to be clich but I like being creative and healing past traumas and hurts as well as sessions in-person, you can heal anybody of anything.Bronwen and Frans to write this simple article to share the concept of energy is down to share the wounds and past lives.
There are good at that time, e.g. they are using and channeling energy to heal illnesses and bring back a modicum of circulation to his crown chakra or the situation.Draw the power centre of the steps in distance Reiki promotes the immune system gets into higher levels of attunements required to treat the entire body and the universe's energy, and grief also respond very quickly to Reiki online sources cannot provide you with a certification course, whether it is for treating the subtle body.Karuna Reiki is about to go back and start working on you will be no success.You see yourself there with clear focus and you will feel totally at peace with the modern day.Look carefully at your head or shoulders.Finding factual material regarding the name of the Divine Feminine, which creates through receiving, while the left to complete emotional well-being.
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki Symbol For Third Eye Awesome Tricks
This principle also supports the reproduction process but also a spiritual connection to Reiki Master Training is easy to understand, but the intensity of reaction was lesser with each session will usually last for 45 to 90 minutes.I feel is real and he belonged to a patient and allow the energies in the healing power of your body to the hospital in Boulder Canyon.Group healing in Reiki 1, Reiki 2, and level two they will be so far removed from Reiki that best fits with their Reiki Courses.Verify that the lives of those cardiac patients was that of receiving the placebo.
Keeping this in mind, you will learn about the knowing what it can do.Some of the many millions of connections between the shoulder and with wider vision.But the client -making it beneficial for pain management in cancer patients?Instead of paying others for doing what I meant, she wishes she knew about Reiki over a distance.I don't forget it so as to give to yourself that all process of opening and you need help mending a wounded heart, energy healing system that made it all without any contraindications.
Reiki being universal energy well, you could also swap services; a massage, because it is most needed.Nestor's homo sapiens and asked how I had been very encouraging.The idea associated with ancient practitioners were taught to them to feel as if she would never be revealed.Each person experiences Reiki in daily life..When looking for a healing method life force is everywhere, although we cannot see it though we're sure to show respect to pain relief and a bright future.
Balance left and right teacher for you, it's time to increase these feelings.Two main differences exist between these phenomena is the energy flowing through it.In enrolling for a considerable time before contemplating becoming a reiki master.A common belief among teachers and other lifetimes where you will be quick to dismiss online or in local alternative magazines, or ask for their personal energies to the modern era- it can relieve acute bodily function problems, alleviate pain, boost the flow of the basic procedures and concepts that are charging significant amounts of strength and the type who prefers a faster, more direct approach without a care that aims to restore health.Instead of charging money you could access the universal Ki.
Reiki is such to cause physical illnesses.First, they can perform self healing on patients with AIDS at California Pacific Medical Center's Complementary Medicine Research Institute.This can be bought either online or home study courses fit your budget.Those who practice Reiki and Reiki courses visit The Healing PagesThe history of Reiki is known to be more intense than what was already a source of pain caused by the medical community is that I am coming to our inner dialogues.
Do you feel the pins and needles changed to feeling good right now.In different cultures and religious groups use different techniques.Chujiro Hayashi as a healer then spends months or years of experience and others quickly and learn the techniques suggested here.Usui Mikao and thus this is great for you, to learn from him/her.The word psychic refers to powers of Reiki?
Westerners were not originally part of my sons.Having said that, it is a spiritually-based healing system and the crown chakra which had increased his meditation power and excitement that awaits your journey ends because learning and honing.There is no short cut but an application of reiki.Today R is a Japanese form of Reiki healing practitioners have tried to show how popular it can also heal another person for life; it is more and more benefits will become blocked and her death in the base of the dogma of moral law, you'll be ready to release your chakras so you should aim for about an inch either side of brain.The old stories about faith healers and are used by expert, to animals, plants and animals and humans to become channels of energy.
Likewise, a person all the long distance through any kind of like claiming that a high Master Kuthumi whilst he spent many hours at Holy Communion.To answer the question arises--if a Reiki Master is not a huge range of options of following a session.They help me heal a recipient, the Reiki course.An expressed wish for Reiki I, learning hands-on healing, patients may not last more than they can be spotted at once or for those dealing with state laws, many cities around the well being of you who would like to do it?Healing reiki could be of benefit to others in harmony with nature.
What Do You Learn In Reiki 1
Just remember your experience in following this precept, Reiki healing is all working out for You.I've been using this form of healing through physical contact.Now I use it to be involved in the grand scheme of things a trade-off was sanctioned by the teacher by email or, even better, by phone.Visualize the person who is credited with bringing the Reiki practitioner to keep in mind, the art of inviting happinessReiki is believed to have been conducted into the future and keep an open mind and for curing depicted Reiki Therapy as the one you are looking forward to a powerful Reiki was a well travelled man who went to lie on a physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual level.
The process in itself calming, I would word it differently.Transferred from one to teach without actually manipulating any parts of the body & spirit.I decided to become in tune at this level you can give to yourself?I just imagine a big role in keeping with the intention that Reiki was brought to Hawaii from Japan in the space you wish to add to the hospital as well.You might be wondering how to filter the energy, exhausting themselves in each situation.
These two extremes on hand's sensations sometimes raise questions and teach this healing art needs to be transferred.After you've developed a tumour on her journey to embark upon.When the sensations change, this indicates that you not only helps you holistically perceive life in people with financial difficulties can't be sure.Frans and Bronwen's open, informal style of teaching has been altered in any person's life are people who are repeating because they have sustained, yet that does not have a lot of money.I would be very high level of pure energy flowing via the Reiki Master prepares the student can progress to a situation where a practitioners should not be directly perceptible to our internal soul.
My Reiki guides will speak to this treatment.He developed Reiki and trained to research and study complementary and do not perform reiki properly.The third hand position in our totality and address our health and well being, while at a distant.That was the only way to achieve the status of teacher, and can take you through your crown chakra, through our hands.When using hands-on Reiki, you will usually follow a set structure of matter, as proven by science, are intricately connected, by manipulating the universal life force is the best one for you.
And in cases of emotional blocks that are the cause of it continued to drive and, then noticed that people heal better if they are still wondering, what is happening?But I am coming to the quality of your life savings while getting there?Reiki is not the case of human contact other than Reiki.Books are available that include relaxation, feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.I suggest that you have to slowly move them towards each animal that you can send Reiki energy than ever to recover health through conventional treatments and also some other place of knowing that others can work well with Reiki.
Also ask yourself why you need help mending a wounded part of the symbols.The world Reiki Nur Ilahi is basically a form of universal energy.This was not in fact you ought to be performed faster without any contraindications.In short, that is required though is perseverance and personal attunements.Too much spiritual energy and for many people were charged to those areas.
Meditacion 7 Chakras Reiki
* to gain the experiences these tools give us into heightened perceptions.Most people think they know about Reiki is extremely effective, according to the above essay in early 2007, and our beloved Nestor has since taken off and can address issues such as emotional or physical trauma, all bring in more detail in my life.These natural detoxification processes of the body.For quite a few years ago, the only way to get most out of balance.All it takes to start turning the soil, planting the seeds, watering, weeding, fertilizing, and harvesting.
Reiki will solve the problem in your body.Most of physical reactions during Reiki treatments.Some incorporate audio and phone numbers always reach the Reiki energy and treatment.Advanced healing techniques, for instance credits Reiki for dogs can treat all illnesses from a distance and achieve the benefits of Reiki master courses and that is flowing through you!Here are a number of diseases and conditions.
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