#great gatsby rp meme
crownmemes · 4 months
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The Great Gatsby Sentences
(Sentences from The Great Gatsby (2013). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Back then, all of us drank too much."
"Hey! What say after dinner we go into town?"
"Would you like to hear a family secret?"
"Shh, don't talk! I want to hear what happens!"
"Your daughter, I suppose she talks and eats and everything?"
"All the bright, precious things fade so fast, and they don't come back."
"Do you want to sit on the sideline and watch, or do you want to play ball?"
"Neither of them can stand who they're married to."
"I don't know how I got home, but I had the distinctly uneasy feeling that somebody was watching me."
"Alone, and a little embarrassed, I decided to get roaringly drunk."
"I heard he killed a man once."
"This house and everything in it are all part of an elaborate disguise."
"I like large parties. They're so intimate."
"Rich girls don't marry poor boys."
"I'm afraid I haven't been a very good host."
"Young men don’t just drift coolly out of nowhere."
"What is your opinion of me anyhow?"
"I don't want you to get the wrong impression from all those bizarre accusations you must be hearing!"
"I don't want you to think I'm just some nobody."
"I’m going to make a very big request of you today."
"Looking at my tie pin? It's the finest species of human molar."
"The way he looked at her is the way all girls want to be looked at."
"Look here, you don't make much money do you?"
"Why did I have to come alone? Are you in love with me?"
"Did you ransack a greenhouse?"
"I'm certainly glad to see you again."
"You're acting like a little boy! You're being rude!"
"I wish I had done everything on earth with you."
"I wish that it could always be like this."
"I don’t think I recognise a single person here."
"Is all this made entirely from your own imagination?"
"I wish we could just run away."
"Remember how much fun we used to have? Why can’t we just have fun like that again?"
"You can't repeat the past? Why, of course you can!"
"I knew it was a great mistake for a man like me to fall in love."
"Now see here, if you're going to make personal remarks, then I won't stay a minute."
"Why, how could I love him, possibly?"
"You're nothing but a goddamn coward!"
"They're a rotten crowd! You're worth the whole damn bunch put together!"
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vincememes · 3 years
the great gatsby starters
feel free to change pronouns as needed.
❛   angry, and half in love with them, and tremendously sorry.  ❜  
❛   so we drove on toward death through the cooling twilight.    ❜  
❛   i like large parties. they’re so intimate. at small parties there isn’t any privacy.  ❜
❛   i was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled.  ❜  
❛   i couldn’t forgive him or like him.   ❜  
❛   it was all very careless and confused.  ❜  
❛   i wasn’t actually in love, but i felt a sort of tender curiosity. ❜  
❛   i usually find myself among strangers because i drift here and there. ❜  
❛   i drift here and there trying to forget the sad things that happened to me. ❜  
❛   reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope.  ❜  
❛   you can’t repeat the past.   ❜  
❛   why, of course you can!  ❜  
❛   there are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.  ❜  
❛   i felt a haunting loneliness sometimes.  ❜  
❛   they were careless people.  ❜  
❛   they smashed things up and then retreated into their money.  ❜  
❛    and they let others clean up the messes they had created.    ❜  
❛    i think everything’s terrible anyhow.  ❜  
❛    i’ve been everywhere and seen everything and done everything. ❜  
❛   sophisticated—   god, i’m sophisticated! ❜  
❛    i am still a little afraid of missing something. ❜  
❛   whenever you feel like criticizing someone...  ❜  
❛   just remember that people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had. ❜
❛   you make me feel uncivilized.  ❜  
❛   can’t you talk about crops or something?  ❜  
❛   we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.  ❜  
❛   all i kept thinking about, over and over.    ❜  
❛    you can’t live forever; you can’t live forever.  ❜  
❛    it takes two to make an accident. ❜  
❛   you looked at me the way everyone wants to be looked at.  ❜  
❛   i am one of the few honest people that i have ever known.  ❜  
❛   ...and for a moment i thought i loved you.  ❜  
❛   i am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires.  ❜
❛   do you ever wait for the longest day of the year and then miss it?  ❜  
❛   i’ve been drunk for about a week now.  ❜  
❛   you’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.  ❜  
❛   it’s a great advantage not to drink among hard drinking people.  ❜  
❛   his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it.  ❜  
❛   there was something gorgeous about him.   ❜  
❛   every one suspects themself of at least one of the cardinal virtues.  ❜  
❛   there is no confusion like the confusion of a simple mind… ❜  
❛   they must have looked up at an unfamiliar sky through frightening leaves.    ❜  
❛   their face was sad and lovely with bright things in it.  ❜  
❛   life is much more successfully looked at from a single window.  ❜  
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rp-grannies · 6 years
[Sentence Starters] The Great Gatsby (2013)
Feel free to add context, change pronouns, names, jobs, and anything else you need to change to make these work for you! Have fun! ^-^ 
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❝ I’m inclined to reserve all judgements.  ❞
❝ Back then, all of us drank too much. ❞ 
❝ Only one man was exempt from my disgust. ❞
❝ He was the single most hopeful person I have ever met... ❞
❝ Let's say, after dinner, you and I will go into town! ❞
❝ Life is something you dominate if you're any good. ❞
❝ Is that you, my lovely? ❞
❝ (Full Name). The golden girl. ❞
❝ I'm paralyzed with happiness. ❞
❝ She was the most frightening person I'd ever seen... but I enjoyed looking at her. ❞
❝ I've been lying on that sofa for as long as I can remember. ❞
❝ Oh, you must know (Name)? ❞
❝ You remind me of a rose, an absolute rose. ❞
❝ Its just, well, you see, I think everything’s terrible anyhow. ❞
❝ I've been everywhere, and seen everything, done everything. ❞
❝ I'm pretty cynical about everything. ❞
❝ That's the best thing a girl in this world can be: a beautiful little fool. ❞
❝ All the bright, precious things fade so fast. And they don't come back. ❞
❝ (Name)'s said to be very good looking, by people who oughta know. ❞
❝ Ain't we havin' a party? ❞    
❝ Alone, and a little embarrassed, I decided to get roaring drunk. ❞
❝ Small parties, there isn't any privacy. ❞
❝ May I have this dance? ❞
❝ You penniless pantywaist. ❞
❝ Rich girls don't marry poor boys. ❞
❝ His smile was one of those rare smiles that you may come across four or five times in life. ❞
❝ I've just heard the most shocking thing. ❞
❝ What is your opinion of me, anyhow? ❞
❝ I didn't want you to think I was just some nobody. ❞
❝ I'm going to make a very big request of you today. ❞
❝ Looking at my tiepin? Finest specimen of human molar. ❞
❝ The way he looked at her is the way all girls want to be looked at. ❞
❝ We could take a plunge in the swimming pool. I haven't made use of it all summer. ❞
❝ I bought cakes. ❞
❝ Did you ransack a greenhouse? ❞
❝ I'm certainly glad to see you again. ❞
❝ This was a mistake. This was a terrible, terrible mistake. ❞
❝ You must understand that I like all things that are modern. ❞
❝ Remarkable little camera, isn't it? Latest design. ❞
❝ I don't want to forget a single moment. ❞
❝ Music... And then we can dance all night! ❞ 
❝ I've never seen such beautiful shirts before. ❞
❝ We can't lose each other and let all this glorious love end in nothing. ❞
❝ Come home. I'll be here waiting, and hoping for every long dream of you to come true. ❞
❝ I wish I'd done everything on earth with you. ❞
❝ What the hell are you doing, old sport? ❞
❝ You can't repeat the past. ❞
❝ It was a great mistake for a man like me to fall in love. ❞
❝ If I could just get back to the start... ❞
❝ I could only climb if I climbed alone. ❞
❝ I knew that when I kissed this girl, that I would be forever wed to her. ❞
❝ I don't wanna go home. ❞
❝ My life has got to be like this. It's got to keep going up. ❞
❝ What'll we do this afternoon, or the day after that, or for the next thirty years? ❞
❝ Oh, don't be morbid. ❞
❝ You look so cool. You always look so cool. ❞
❝ You must think I'm pretty dumb, don't you? ❞
❝ He wears a pink suit for Christ's sake! ❞
❝ I'll make you a drink, (Name). Then you won't seem so stupid to yourself. ❞
❝ You see, we were born different. It's in our blood. ❞
❝ None of this has any consequence. ❞
❝ I just remembered... today's my birthday. ❞
❝ (Name), you should go home and get some rest. ❞
❝ I had a lot of things, but the truth is I'm empty. ❞
❝ I can't describe how surprised I was to find out that I loved her, and that she loved me too. ❞
❝ They're a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together. ❞
❝ It's perfect. From your perfect, irresistible imagination. ❞
❝ Wait up with me. ❞
❝ I became aware of (Name's) extraordinary gift for hope. A gift I have never found in any other person... and which it is not likely I shall ever find again. ❞
❝ So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. ❞
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historical-rp-memes · 7 years
{ Send ⛲ for our characters to meet at Jay Gatsby’s party  }
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fyrapartnersearch · 3 years
Creepy Complicated Romance! Yeehaw!
Hello I go by Del & I’m searching for new partners!  
I’m a 23 year old woman & prefer all my writing partners to be 18+, please. I love a lil OOC chat, face claims, memes, sending plot-related ideas and thoughts to one another, etc. 
(IF we’ve roleplayed in the past and things fizzled out, feel free to come poke me again. I just went through some major family deaths/huge shifts in my life and am slowly getting back on track.)
I RP prefer in 3rd person, past tense, multi-para format. Literate, lots of description, like a novel - all preferred. But if you’re not comfortable writing a lot, I am more than happy with 2 paragraphs or so! Just give me something to work with that equally shares action. 
I am looking for dramatic, dark, romantic, action-packed, horror, and/or intriguing plots!  l love smut and mature themes such as violence or drugs/alcohol within reason - below I will list my limits. I play female characters, and prefer not to do doubling - perfectly happy with splitting up side characters evenly (and for side characters I am happy to play any gender), but I prefer a main storyline to surround only two! (I can be flexible on this, if need be or if you have a great idea in mind.) I am looking for someone to play a male in a mxf story, please. Would be happy to do a love triangle of sorts, too. 
I love both fandom roleplays and original roleplays, and will list below my current cravings:
**************Hannibal (I have a Fullerverse! Clarice Starling I am dying to use more, as well as 2 OCs if you prefer that, please please please, this is my biggest craving)
-The Haunting of Bly Manor (give me a Peter Quint…)
-Dead by Daylight/most Horror Movies and Themes
-Marvel/Norse Myths - Very specifically I solely roleplay as Sigyn from the Marvel comics and Norse mythology - she is my main muse who I have been with for years, and information on her can be found on my Sigyn blog (@victoryandfidelity) or my Norse mythology/Logyn blog (@dancewiththewinterwind).  Happy to roleplay with any canon characters, heroes or villains, OCs, you name it. Also fine w pairing Sigyn with canon characters/OCs from other fandoms or just your own OCs :)
There are more fandoms- feel free to toss anything my way to discuss! Also I LOVE AUs so please hit me up with any and all AUs for these.
As for original RP themes/scenarios, I want to explore:
-1920’s Jazz Age (Gatsby, gangsters, Old Hollywood, Dust Bowl)
-1930’s-1940’s WWII tensions and scenarios (nurse and soldier, military head and administration assistant/translator, etc etc)
-Victorian Settings, Edwardian Settings
-Cults / Lovecraftian or Edgar Allan Poe-themed stuff (ESPECIALLY CRAVING THIS) 
-happy to dabble in some modern slice-of-life if we have some drama and intrigue happening! 
-Darker or more developed takes on Disney/fairytales
-Norse/Greek Mythology 
-Dark man melting for the innocent, wise woman; themes of defining good and evil, corruption and redemption, etc. 
-Wild West! (PLEASEEE)
-Supernatural/paranormal plots
-Arranged marriages, forbidden romances
-Anything Historical
-Stuff based on musicals
Literally anything vintage or gritty or fantasy or mystical, etc. 
Hard Limits include rape (fine if mentioned, don’t wanna act it out), incest, pedophilia, excessive abuse to women, etc. Happy with smut, preferences and the like can be provided upon request.
Please give me a message so we can chat, discuss plots and characters, and make some stories! Feel free to come with your own characters and ideas too. I’m happy to send a writing sample as well :)
[email protected] or victoryandfidelity#5877 on Discord! 
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gluttons · 5 years
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NAME OR ALIAS :   rose
GENDER + PRONOUNS :   cis female  ,   she  /  her 
ZODIAC SIGN :   virgo
RP EXPERIENCE :    5+ years
MOVIE :   predestination    /   kingsman    /   gravity    /  it   /   the conjuring   /  interstellar   /   the kings speech  /   railway man  /  imitation game  /  the danish girl .
TV SHOWS :   hannibal  ,   stranger things ,   sherlock bbc   ,    nikita .
ANIME :   bnha   /   detective conan   /   haikyuu  /   death note   /   snk   /   sao   ( a problematic fave of mine yikes )   /   orange   /   ame nochi hare   (  this is a manga but shh  )
BOOK :   the great gatsby ,  life of pi ,  perfume :  the story of a murderer ,  a thousand splendid suns ,  the lover  ( dumas ) ,  the bartimaeus triology ,  the dark room  ( seiffert ) ,  macbeth ,  the reluctant fundamentalist  ( mohsin )  ,   the old man  &  the sea .
POEM :   the mad girl’s love song  /  lady lazarus    ——   sylvia plath .
MUSIC ARTIST :   peach pit ,  (g) i-dle ,  kehlani ,  marinna  &  the diamonds ,  uverworld ,  frederic  ( フレデリック ) ,  ac/dc ,  bon jovi ,  florida georgia line ,  post malone ,  stromae ,  oh wonder ,  hippo campus  ...   (  too many )
COLOR :   red ,  black  .  for clothing ,  earth tones :  khaki ,  beige ,  tan ,  olive green .
NUMBER :   2
MOVIE WATCHED :   zodiac  ( 2007 )
TV SHOW WATCHED :   the witcher  ( 2019 )  ;  if this includes anime  ...  hq s4 !!
BOOK READ :   consent  ——  leo benedictus   /   justice   ——  michael sandel   ( the two books im reading atm ! )
THING GOOGLED :   italy  suicide  laws .
SONG LISTENED TO :   my oh my  ——  camilla cabello , ft. dababy
SONG STUCK IN HEAD :   wya  ——  carlie hanson
WHAT I’M WEARING :   grey sweater  +  bell pants  !
HOGWARTS HOUSE :   slytherin  /  ravenclaw
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP :   5 - 6  on average .
WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG :   july  2018 .
DO I GET ASKS REGULARLY :   sometimes ?  if my mains are active  /   if i reblogged inbox memes .
EXPLAIN YOUR URL :   meph reaps souls  &  eats them .  hence devour .  tm was just an rpc fad  ——  nothing much to explain , i dont think hsdkfjskdfa
its 2020 ,   why are there still writers that try to control other ppl’s content ?  let people write homophobic / sexist / racist / morally gray / insensitive characters if they want to. mun =/= muse .  are holocaust fiction writers who portray nazi characters nazis themselves ??? no ??? i still don’t understand what’s wrong with writing problematic characters .  they’re not self inserts .  if you personally don’t want to see that shit ,  no one is forcing you to come into contact with their content.    just block it ,  simple .   at the end of the day,  rp is a hobby for all of us  &  ppl on the internet come from diff backgrounds  /  cultures / circumstances .  no need to shove your own standard onto everyone ,  just approach every conversation w respect .
cancelling ppl / vaguing / making a huge deal of personal feuds on dash  &   getting third parties to take sides .  i understand that actual predators who endanger minors within the rpc may warrant a post of warning  (  note :  this does  not   constitute as callout culture bc shit like that is actually illegal !! ) ,  but stop magnifying every single piece of irrelevant drama.  i’ve actually had ppl contact me personally  &  vague  /  bad-mouth other mutuals that i’m close with  &  i hated every second.  fam ,  no one wants to get involved in the middle of your messes . grow the f up  &  sort the matter out privately between yourselves .
i’ve been on tons of forums during my years of rp  &  tumblr rpcs are genuinely like no other !!    tumblr centralises multiple plotlines around a single character  &  aims to explore character psychology  /  depth  as opposed to focusing more on plot than character development ,  which i highly ,  highly appreciate  /  prefer !    also ,   people in rpcs are generally super friendly  &  willing to interact ,  &  the quality of blogs on tumble are just absolutely fab .   not only the writing but the amount of thought  /  planning put behind the backstories ,  hcs ,  verses  ——  it’s so heartwarming to see how much people care abt their characters  +  worldbuilding  ——  it makes me more invested in interacting w the muses around me  &  developing my own in tandem !!
i’m genuinely so thankful for everyone who’s shown interest in my character or even just enjoyed plotting  /  chatting w me !!   i’ve made some good ,  long - lasting friends in rpcs   (  like , i’m still in contact w mutuals i had in 2016 , goodness ... )  +  even met some of them irl !!  soo i’ve been super grateful that the rpc has allowed me to connect w so many wonderful ppl  &  make some wonderful memories    ♡
TAGGED   BY :  @gctita​   (  ty  !!!  (∩´∀`)∩  )
TAGGING :   anyone who’s interested !
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sin-emberstalker · 5 years
Get To Know Me.
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better.
1. Dogs or Cats?
Dogs, cat’s love me more actually I think it’s because I am 1000% indifferent to them and that pisses them off that I can out game them. 
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
None, don’t elevate people to some special station as they can’t ever be the thing in your head. It’s not fair to them and it has done a lot of harm to the general discourse of progress. 
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
Cyprus, it is in my opinion the closest thing to what I gather most people think heaven is like. The progress the country has made to unite peacefully is inspiring. 
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4. Disney or DreamWorks?
Disney as Dreamworks is a studio built out of pure spite, but I respect the grift. 
5. Favorite childhood TV show?
Pirates of Darkwater, TMNT(classic), Ghostbusters, Gargoyles, Batman the animated series and batman beyond.
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
I just can’t muster enthusiasm for movies lately, but it does mean I get surprised by some new stuff when it really impresses. 
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
The only books I have read this year are all RPG manuals and Linux guides. I feel bad but I just don’t have time to read like literature in a while. But I do make sure to read every night with the kids unless Niv is doing it. 
8. Marvel or DC?
Marvel movies/ DC comics
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?
Marvel - Gambit/Ultimate Colossus (his story is just so god damn cute). 
DC - Constantine/ Hal Jordan 
10. Night or Day?
Night, i love to be awake when the rest of the world is sleeping (at least in my time zone)
11. Favorite Pokemon?
Honestly it’s Evee and all the variations, they are just all so god damn cute. 
12. Top 5 bands:
Pink Floyd, Deftones, Wu Tang Clan, Coheed and Cambria, Tool
13. Top 10 books.
Invisible Man -  Ralph Ellison
East of Eden - Steinbeck
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
The Great Gatsby -  F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Waste Land  - T.S. Eliot
Ring World - Larry Niven
Neuromancer Trilogy - William Gibson
Dune - Frank Herbet 
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath 
The Foundation Trilogy - Issac Asimov 
The Trial - Franz Kafka (Bonus addition)
14. Top 4 movies
The Big Labowski. Hellraiser I and II, A Clockwork Orange, The Wild Bunch 
15. America or Europe?
I’ve spent enough time in both to know that the only way a place is valuable is the people we form bonds with and the spaces we share moments in.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Both but I don’t post a lot on twitter, but some of the freshest memes come from twitter. Tumblr is like a second home at times. 
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
18. Favourite YouTuber?
Noah Caldwell-Gervias - Best in depth game critique you will find, I even find all the early audio issues endearing. 
19. Favorite author ?
T.S Eliot and Kafka are the two that changed my life and I mean that I was going to be a priest before I started to you know, question.
20. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee to amp and tea to chill. 
21. OTP ?
Sinivaeh oh and @karidakdellanir​ @centoridellanir​ for life!
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
I used to play guitar and bass but I am so out of practice but I think a few minutes on the drop D I will find my space again.
tagged by @monster-of-master​
tagging @prolificpoisons @crowsaerie-rp​ @fel-temptation​ @covexalexanderkingsley​  @valishoneybee​ @zaennicus​ @amorthonblackwood​ @waroftwowolves​ @aredhelvaltieri​ @seilune​ and anyone else!
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greatearth · 5 years
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can be used for RP  &&  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen
1. FIRST NAME  : sey or cassy, either works fine! 2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF  : not quite sure what would be considered strange about me since i’m pretty normal so i’ll come back to this ( if you’ve come back to this then yeah, i can’t think of anything. i’m just too normal... ) 3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  :  good personal hygiene, i can’t really think of anything else that readily comes to mind. 4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF  : pizza! just had some today actually. the simple pepperoni and cheese is fine and sometimes i like to spice it up with black olives when i’m in the mood. 5. A FOOD YOU HATE  : beef is gross, no offense. 6. GUILTY PLEASURE  : watching really old, bad anime amvs. i just love watching them. some of them have aged well, actually. 7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  :  sweats and a shirt, nothing too special. 8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  : why ya’ll asking this on a meme actually i have questions about this. anywho, serious relationships? i guess? why ya’ll asking this 9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE  ,  WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE  : without getting too personal, i’d just have liked to be more social during school. yes. 10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON  :  depends on the person i’m showing the affection to. in general though i guess i’d say no? i’m not mean or anything but i don’t just jump on people or shower them with praise. 11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  :  the great gatsby ( 2013 one bc i’m that person. ) 12. FAVORITE BOOK  :  those still exist? kidding, fahrenheit 451! 13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE  : a ferret probably 14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS   (  IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG  ,  YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL  )  : excluding the very many crossover ships i like and come up with, i’ll just do different in-canon ships for this. mitsuri / kyoujurou ( kimetsu no yaiba ), anastasia / kadoc ( fate ), camilla / niles ( fire emblem ), prompto / noctis !?!? ( ffxv ), shamelessly putting tsuru ( my wol ) / crystal exarch ( final fantasy xiv ) here LOL 15. PIE OR CAKE  : i don’t lean strongly towards either, not much of a sweets person. 16. FAVORITE SCENT  :  as far as foods go fresh pizza or spaghetti probably unless you meant something else then i have this perfume i really that smells like citrus that i like? 17. CELEBRITY CRUSH  :  bold of you to assume i know any celebrities by name 18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  : anywhere outside of the united states for obvious reasons 19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  :  introvert, mega introvert. so introverted that i have to take a nap after most big social interactions 20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  : god yes and this isn’t an invitation to scare me 21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  : android, easily. 22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  : who doesn’t? usually it’s ffxiv for me :))) 23. DREAM JOB  : oh boy 24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  :  do a bunch of adult stuff while also flipping everyone off when they ask me for some. oh and then buy a bunch of video games. i’m a simple person.  25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  : i don’t like putting stuff like this out in the open! i never want anyone to feel bad if they like the characters i don’t, so i’ll pass on this. 26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  : tokyo ghoul. i just...nah. which is a shame because i really liked it when it was at it’s peak.
tagged by  :  stoooolen. tagging  : feel free to take it as well!
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redxluna · 5 years
Author Meme
Tagged by @tristinai being a dang sweetheart!
Author Name: redluna
Fandoms You Write For: A lot, quite honestly! Right now, though, the top ones I’ve been writing for are Dragon Age, Far Cry, Mass Effect, and Critical Role. Honestly, though, whenever I start indulging in something, old or new, I wind up getting inspired and the chances of writing something for it increase.
Where You Post: A03, tumblr (for smaller prompts). There’s probably some older work of mine floating around on ff.net, lj, and dw too.
Most Popular One-Shot: The Winner Takes It All; I’m always baffled as to how my Great Gatsby fan fics are so popular, but it does amuse me that my one with smut in it gets the most attention.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: set to rise aka---Bakery AU! It’s been around from the height of the Cullrian fandom to the lag and then renewal of it, which just feels right. Although, to be honest, I still have a hard time remembering that it has been around that long.
Favorite Story You Wrote: I’m not sure? I’m rather fond of quite a few of them for different reasons.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: I’m always nervous when writing for new fandoms or with tropes I know not all will like, but I think I’m gonna go with two traditions for the price of one for this. It was in the peak of my love for Jupiter Ascending (now on Netflix for me to love all over again, cheers!) and I had signed up for a secret Santa because I love those kinds of things. But, as I think anyone who has worked with me can tell you, my procrastination is the downfall of any scheduled project.
So, cut to me, in the height of my busy period at work, hammering this all out in a single sitting/night. I’m still so damn glad that I person I wrote for (who’s writing I adore) liked it so much! 
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Sometimes I’m lucky enough to have a title that springs to mind from the theme of the piece. Other times, you’re going to catch me scanning through the lyrics of whatever songs helped me while writing.
Do You Outline: ...In theory? I rarely sit down with a practical outline, but, more often than not, I’ll sit down with friends to discuss certain details and always have running inspiration pages going where you can catch me screaming ideas into the tags from time to time.
Complete: I have a lot of finished prompts on here, so, to save time, I’m going to go with those that I have on A03. Roughly 60 or so are completed there--with two of them being Supernatural rps that @some-radical-notion and I converted into big bang fics!
In-Progress: 10! There are a few WIPs in there that need me to go back and properly edit them (an Inception one I love but went off the rails plot wise, for example) and some TDKR ones that I need to rediscover inspiration for.
Coming Soon: Hm...I’m not sure actually! Wrapping up Bakery AU means I’ll probably try to churn out more work for Heart Trick or bdsm verse. It kind of wound up being my counterpoint big Mass Effect project against Bakery AU as my big Dragon Age one. Other than that I’ll just have to see!
Do You Accept Prompts: Always and forever! If you follow me you’ve seen me reblogging prompt lists in the dead of night and probably rolled your eyes a bit haha. But, honestly, I love filling prompts and discussing fic or fandom creations in general with people.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’ll probably be working on bdsm and wrapping up Kinktober and Inception bingo!
Tagging @some-radical-notion, @stillarobyn, @every-angel-is-terrifyingg, @itbepansam, @momomomma2, and anyone else who wants to have fun with this!
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21 questions meme.
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TAGGED BY @warrioroflondonbelow
TAGGING: @adsagsona, @aspernamentum, @angus-gus-edison @blue-eyed-devils, @blueliiner, @dxspereaux, @destructiveempathy, @deprcvity, @drunkbutbrilliant, @daggermechanic, @exanimax, @fridge-o-mancer, @hcze, @iinxsearchofxisolde, @idiosynchronics, @lostinthemusings, @mortuam, @murdersanctum, @notquiteahitman, @oddyssea, @photogrvphed
Rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people
Nickname: just Sarah Zodiac: The goat - which is typical really Height: 5′4″ Last movie: The Great Gatsby (for about the millionth time) Last thing googled: US coin nicknames Favourite music artist:  Ludovico Einaudi Song stuck in my head: 'You say’ by Lauren Daigle Other blogs: poppyjacksonsworld which is Kit’s daughters rp blog. And a personal blog that I haven’t logged nto for about three years now Followers: 310 Following: 55 Language: English Amount of sleep: Well I’m really old, so I’e slept lots. But if you mean per night, then 4-5 hours Lucky numbers: 7 Current outfit: I’m in my pyjamas at 12pm and I don’t care! Favourite food: Literally anything Italian! Instrument: I dunno.....kazoo?????? Favourite song: ‘Fastlove’ by George Michael - always and forever x Random fact: I’m going abroad on holiday in July, for the first time in nine years. As such, I am EXCITE!
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club-sugar · 6 years
4 people I’d like to get to know better
Tagged by: @thekaraokemachine  (WHAA.  THANK YOU??)
ONE ( NAME / ALIAS ): Elizabeth / Liz
TWO ( BIRTHDAY ): April 22nd
FOUR ( HEIGHT ): 5′3.75″
FIVE ( HOBBIES ): Reading, writing, roleplaying (!!!), drawing
SIX ( FAVOURITE COLOUR(S) ): Pastel colors and cool colors!
SEVEN ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ): THE SHERLOCK HOLMES SERIES -- “Of Mice and Men”, by John Steinbeck -- “The Great Gatsby”, by F. Scott Fitzgerald -- Everything by O’Henry -- “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn -- Everything by Naoki Urasawa -- “Watchmen”, by Alan Moore. 
EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ): “The Resurrection Stone”, by Alexandre Desplat. 
TEN ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ): Interesting!  So at the time I started this blog, I didn’t actually have any feelings about Jimmy.  I was a longtime player of WarioWare, & after Gold the fandom exploded.  I had a friend get into the WW RP scene and encouraged me to join it, and since no one else was playing him and my friend was a Wario, I figured I would be Jimmy. :)  Also Orbulon, my personal favorite, was already taken multiple times, and all by EXTREMELY talented people.  Now that Jimothy’s been in my head for a bit, though, I have had so much fun with him, and I hope to keep playing him long into the future.
ELEVEN ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ):  To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understajksdKfjKODSLDKHFDH
tagging: @askorbulon, @juzhuu, @assisttrxphy, @panickypeachboy, and anyone else who would like to do this meme!
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lokadottr · 4 years
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@piraticalwit​ spoke: 10,12,18 and 19! ( writing meme / / accepting )
10. ) How many muses do you have and which do you relate to most? Why?
right now i have three active muses, torvi, sigyn ( sigvinr ) and narvi ( lokascn ) and one inactive muse: frigga ( i don’t remember her url ) but i guess out of all of them probably sigyn? i don’t know, she’s been around the longest and she’s a muse that’s grown with me as i’ve gotten older and really evolved with me so i guess that’s why
12.) Is there a quote from a piece of literature that holds great value to you? What is it and why is it important to you?
oh my gosh there’s so many BUT i think the one i’ve loved the longest is probably doesn’t count as literature but then, if you read the book of the dead as a book maybe, idk but...."My love is unique - no one can rival her...Just by passing, she has stolen away my heart." it’s the inscription rameses ii had written on his wife nefertari’s tomb and, i don’t know, their lovestory and the fact that thousands of years later there’s still evidence that he loved her is just so beautiful. we don’t know much about her but we do know how much he loved her. idk, it really speaks to the importance of written word if something from 1200 BC can convey such emotion.
18.) What made you want to join the roleplaying community?
someone i frequently talked to on DA got me into it over there and then i stumbled across tumblr rp one night and liked the formatting so so much better i switched over here.
19.) What one piece of literature has been most inspirational/life changing for you? Why?
i sat here and thought about this for a good while before i started replying, it’s by no means something everyone has read or with like, great literary weight like gatsby or hamlet but, n*fertiti, the heretic queen and cl*opatra’s daughter by m*chelle moran. they are the books i read over and over again when i feel creatively stumped. when i feel like nothing can get my muse up. she just has this way of crafting worlds that has influenced my writing so much and personally? i’ve loved the books since i was in high school and i don’t ever see myself growing tired of them. 
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potterlyjames · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO  //  answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST.  don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE? : Obviously, the OTP for James has to be Jily because I just love their relationship. But I also hardcore ship some crackships. Obviously, the most famous example is Jamcissa with @ofskydust which really opened my eyes to all kinds of ships available to James. Also, since this is a multi verse blog I can play around with canon a bit! 
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING? : I’ll pretty much rp everything? But with certain topics I will be selective as to who I plot with. For example, I do have a Jamcissa Borgia inspired plot but first of all they were pure blood siblings...where they regularly marry cousins. So, if you have a dark, twisty and angsty plot TELL ME and I’ll let you know if I’m uncomfortable with it. 
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?depends on his age, his younger age when he was in Hogwarts I would say 3-4? In his older verses where he grows up to become a professor I’m uncomfortable with age gaps with a minor, but I do have ships where the girl was a former student but now legal. 
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? : eh kind of?  I lowkey ship a lot of things including crackships so not really unless I don’t feel like the muses have chemistry :(. 
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW? : honestly, I change it up every time? NGL I often remember to put NSFW after I see my partner do so. I’m trying to get better about tagging though! 
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH? : Haha, well I would love to explore James/Dorcas more with @ddorcasmeadowes and jamcissa great gatsby verse which I’ve been talking about for ages yet. And I’m sure I’ll end up plotting with someone next week a ship will be born. I AM AN UNASHAMED SHIP LOVER. 
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? :  not really, while it would be nice to squeal about the ship together and how cute they are you don’t necessary have to ASK me. 
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP? : Haha, I’m an unashamed ship lover but I ALSO really love frenemies, siblings, best friends plots so don’t think I’m only looking for ships lol. 
ARE YOU MULTISHIP? : yes!! Although I do try and let ships to be a little different so I won’t do the same EXACT plot with more than one muse at one time unless it’s canon or something I really want to do badly. 
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS? : I’m gonna say that I’m not only here for ships as I literally am obsessed with the marauder’s friendships with each other(platonic only) but when I do get ships I get too excited honestly. 
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM? : Well obviously, a sentimental favorite is Jily. But some of my other favorite ships is Jamcissa, Dorcas/James that I’m doing. And then also some crack ships that I’ve seen on my dash like @t0mriddle-jr @caediteos bella/tom and then Sirius/ Bella. I really love crack ships so I get so much joy from seeing them on my dash. 
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? : message me, send me memes, plot with me, squeal to me whatever works really. 
tagged by : @beensobrave
tagging : @moonytheprofessor, @stainsofdishonor @marlenebmckinnon and anyone else who wants to do it! 
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
It's You, It's Me, It's Us
Hello I go by Del & I’m searching for new partners!  I’m a 22 year old woman & prefer all my writing partners to be 18+, please. I love a lil OOC chat, face claims, memes, sending plot-related ideas and thoughts to one another, etc. 
I prefer RP in 3rd person, past tense, multi - paragraph format. Literate, lots of description, like a novel - all preferred. But if you’re not comfortable writing a lot, I am more than happy with 2 paragraphs or so! Just give me something to work with that equally shares action. 
I am looking for dramatic, dark, romantic, angsty, action-packed, and/or intriguing plots!  l love smut and mature themes such as violence or drugs/alcohol within reason - below I will list my limits. I play female characters, and prefer not to do doubling - perfectly happy with splitting up side characters evenly (and for side characters I am happy to play any gender), but I prefer a main storyline to surround only two! I am looking for someone to play a male in a mxf story, please. 
I love both fandom roleplays and original roleplays, and will list below my current cravings:
-Hannibal (!!!!PLEASE give me a Hannibal or Chilton for my OC!)
-The Haunting of Bly Manor (give me a Peter Quint…)
-Dead by Daylight/most Horror Movies and Themes
-Pride and Prejudice 
-Fallout Universe
-Marvel - Very specifically I solely roleplay as Sigyn from the Marvel comics and Norse mythology - she is my main muse who I have been with for years, and information on her can be found on my Sigyn blog (@victoryandfidelity) or my Norse mythology/Logyn blog (@dancewiththewinterwind).  Happy to roleplay with any canon characters, heroes or villains, OCs, you name it. Also fine w pairing Sigyn with canon characters/OCs from other fandoms. This is my biggest biggest wish, just someone to play with Sigyn!!! Also high-key searching for a Loki, Doctor Strange or Steve Rogers currently but I'll take anyone for Sig. (also would love a Gerald of Rivia for her…)
There are more fandoms- feel free to toss anything my way to discuss! Also I LOVE AUs so please hit me up with any and all AUs for these.
As for original RP themes/scenarios, I want to explore:
-1920’s Jazz Age (Gatsby, gangsters, Old Hollywood, Dust Bowl)
-Royalty plots (as well as uprisings, coups, hidden affairs, you name it)
-1930’s-1940’s WWII tensions and scenarios (nurse and soldier, military head and administration assistant/translator, etc etc)
-Victorian Settings, Edwardian Settings
-Cults / Lovecraftian or Edgar Allan Poe-themed stuff
-Darker or more developed takes on Disney/fairytales
-Norse/Greek Mythology 
-Dark man melting for the innocent, wise woman
-Old West stuff
-Modern day settings welcome too, so long as they’re not just slice of life 
-Supernatural/paranormal plots
-Arranged marriages, forbidden romances
-Anything Historical
-Stuff based on musicals (Great Comet, Hadestown, Death Takes a Holiday, Phantom of the Opera, etc) 
Literally anything vintage or gritty or fantasy or mystical, etc. 
Hard Limits include rape, incest, pedophilia, excessive abuse to women, etc. For smut, preferences and the like can be provided upon request.
Please give me a message so we can chat, discuss plots and characters, and make some stories! Feel free to come with your own characters and plot ideas that you're dying to use, too. I’m happy to send a writing sample as well :)
[email protected] or victoryandfidelity#5877 on Discord! 
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nastoychivost · 7 years
Name: no don’t Nickname: mittens Zodiac sign: scorpio Height: 5′4″ or something but I cheat with my GIANT WEDGE FLIP FLOPS Orientation: panromantic asexual Ethnicity:  if we’re getting specific my family mostly came from germany and luxembourg. so... white. Favorite fruit: every fruit just wishes it had been lucky enough to have been a clementine Favorite season: weather that is not hot Favorite books: anything by orwell tbh I loved 1984 and animal farm too much although i tried reading homage to catalonia and that was. uh. something. i also adored the great gatsby, and it’s not really fiction but if you’re into death and gory american civil war stuff this republic of suffering by drew gilpin faust was a++++ Favorite flower: it’s kind of a tossup between columbines or irises but i lean towards the former Favorite scent: LISTEN..,, I LOVE CHERRY BLOSSOM SO MUCH IT’S MY SHAMPOO AND MY DEODORANT AND MY LOTION AND BUBBLE BATH IT’S JUST. SO GOOD Favorite animal: everything i do i do for cats Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa? tea probably but tbh i usually just drink water and i like to pretend it’s because it’s ~healthy~ but i’m just that fucking lazy Average hours of sleep: it can be four or it can be twelve it depends on how many assignments i’m putting off Cats or dogs? everything i do i do for cats (but dogs are cool too i guess) Favorite fictional character: ivan isn’t really aph russia anymore but i still like aph russia, i also love malachite from su she deserved a better end Dream trip: literally anywhere in russia i don’t care where just anywhere at all When was your blog created? original was in 2013, i remade in 2014 What do you post about? vaguely interesting content relevant to russia and rps every other five months if you squint lmao i’m sorry @ my followers  Do you get asks on a regular basis? when i’m actually active yeah kind of Aesthetic: soviet propaganda poster-chic Favorite band/artist? mumford and sons <3 Fictional characters I’d date: i... have no idea. i don’t really care Hogwarts house: i never read or watched harry potter, so
Countries I’ve lived in: usa Favorite fandom: not actually a big fandom person if i’m being honest Languages you speak: english, i also took three years of spanish and french, and i guess i know enough russian to get around moscow without crying, probably Favorite film of 2016: does it have to made in 2016? because i don’t have one in that case but i watched 1776 in 2016 and i loved that Last article you read: something about mileva maric i think it was? Shuffle your music library and put your first three songs here:  oh death- noah gunderson, age old blue- alela diane, run boy run- woodkid Last thing you bought online: a t-14 armata model tank kit ;> How would your enemies describe you? “does she do anything but cry” Who would you take a bullet for? my friends 
Tagged by: @annuitcoeptis nice meme toma thank u ;* Tagging: @hailcolumbia @pannazsinihkvetak @marching-man @atobylotak @t3485 @raindrops-on-summerday if u guys want idk
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♛ ( ;) )
this is a meme || this is an askbox || @blindedscholar
my opinion on;
character in general: Reuven. My tiny, ferocious baby. Okay, let me tell you, when I read The Chosen a month ago, I thought it was going to be one of the slowest/uninteresting books I had ever read. I WAS SO WRONG !! Chaim Potok’s characters are so so so so sympathetic, in-depth and relatable, and Reuven is no exception !! He’s by far one of my favorite literary characters, and I know I could never do him justice, which brings me to the next question. how they play them: SO. WELL. I cannot articulate the capacity in which mun captures Reuven’s emotional/behavioral disposition !!! Whenever I read one of her replies, I feel like I’m reading from Potok himself. He is such a tricky character to master, but mun portrays him absolutely flawlessly. She balances his personality so perfectly and never undermines any of his traits, and have I mentioned how nicely the dialogue is done? In love. A++++ Never change. the mun: I haven’t talked to her personally, but I would love to sometime! Very kind. She also likes Gatsby, which is always good in my book. ;) 
do i;
follow them: Yesrp with them: Yeswant to rp with them: Duh ship their character with mine: *cough* who doesn’t *cough* ( yes so much ) 
what is my;
overall opinion: SO GREAT GO FOLLOW RN. For real, one of the best writers I’ve rp’d with and she does Reuven the justice he deserves. Again A+++ !! 
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