#great indian asmr shorts
brightindianasmr · 11 months
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talewrites · 5 months
okay so first of all-
I couldn't find you in my following list so I searched up your url and this came up
Tumblr media
Yes, it really was.
ANYWAY how old are your characters? heights? builds? basically what do they look like? how long does it take to warm up to each other? Is Ava taller than DeAngelo bc (and I don't want you to change the storyline in anyway just letting my mind run) if she is taller than him I think the part about him annoying her while following her home would include questions like "so like, whatdya eat? to get so tall I mean" "Man wish I was that tall, dya wear tall shoes or sum?" "How good exactly are your genetics?"
I might just draw this-
Are their personalities like; Ava takes a while to warm up to people but is really sassy and funny when you get to know her? DeAngelo really fuckin annoying when you first meet him (in kinda like a cocky way but not if that makes sense? like he seems like he's cocky but he's just annoyingly stupid?) but he's really sensitive and can get serious (like braydin bridges from Swolemates if yk it?)
How long have you been working on your book? where are you hoping to get it published? I hope it sells really well (not saying it wont i think it'll be a really good read) so it sells fast in Australia (i live here :cry:) and i can get me hands on it :)
Aw that’s so kind of you!!! Thank you!
I’m actually working on drawing character sheets for Ava and DeAngelo! But for now I can give you their appearance descriptions!
DeAngelo Martinelli
Age: 23
Hair color: Curly brown short hair
Eye color: hazel eyes (yellow and brown)
Body Type: 5”7, wide build, a little on the heavier side
Race: Italian/Mexican
Skin Tone: light brown/slightly tan
Glasses: none
Style: dark brown bomber jacket, mustard yellow shirt, dark wash blue jeans and white sneakers
Freckles/Moles/Scars: a mole under right eye
Predominant Feature: vibrant eyes, thick eyebrows
Health: average, exercises weekly
Likes: sport mechs, attention, asmr videos, sleep
Dislikes: bugs, swimming, sitting still
Color: mustard yellow
Food: energy drinks, fries
Hobbies: drag racing, vr gaming, and astrology horoscopes
Ava Patel
Age: 23
Hair color: short bob messy brown hair with blonde highlights
Eye color: greenish brown
Body Type: thin, with strong legs
Race: indian, white, african american
Skin Tone: dark tan
Glasses: no
Style: big baggy t-shirts (her mom’s) cargo pants/shorts
Freckles/Moles/Scars: lots of little moles all over, mostly on arms and chest
Predominant Feature: she’s short (5”1)
Health: very healthy, exercises every day all day and eats a lot of fruit and veggies
Likes: vegetables from her dad’s garden, the sun, power tools
Dislikes: green peppers, rude and entitled people, sand
Color: cerulean blue
Food: loves raw carrots, celery, red sweet peppers, hummus
Hobbies: pickling, cooking, electronics and mechanical repair, Spanish soap operas
I’ve been working on my book since the beginning of this year. I use writing fan fiction as a writing warm up and practice to improve my own writing! It’s a great exercise. My goal is to finish the draft by the end of summer. Hopefully I can post pictures of their designs soon!!
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Snow or sand? I love the beach, but hate the sand. It literally gets everywhere. I love the snow, though. I wish it snowed where I live. I’ll have to go with snow.
Do you like sour candy? No. I don’t like the sourness and it irritates my mouth. 
If anyone, who did you sit with at lunch today? It’s only 5AM. I’m also not in school nor do I have a job, so I just have lunch at home either by myself in my room or with my mom in the living room or her room. That’s if I have lunch at all. 
What is the last letter of your favorite song? I couldn’t choose just one favorite song ya’ll know this.
Have you gotten any injuries lately? If so, what & how? No.
Are you a clumsy person? I bang my hand and elbow a lot.
How about disorganized? My room is a bit disorganized. I never used to let it get like that, but it’s a reflection of how I feel and have felt for the past few years. I’m a mess.
Have you ever thought about being a pirate? No.
If you text, who were the last three people you texted? My dad, mom, and brother. 
Does today’s date mean anything to you? Nope.
How are you currently feeling? Tired and kinda cold. 
Last male you talked to in person? My brother.
Have you ever had a sunburn? Yeah, many times. I got them a lot as a kid cause I actually used to play outside and spent a lot of time out there. Shocking, I know. I get them when I go to the beach as well. I’ve had some really painful ones. However, they always end up turning into a tan so that’s nice. 
Do you use Firefox or Internet Explorer? Neither, I use Chrome.
Are you thinking about asking anyone out? No.
Pink lemonade or regular lemonade? I’m not a fan of lemonade.
Chocolate or strawberry milk? Strawberry.
Does it annoy you when people answer surveys with “idk”? I know I say “I don’t know” a lot. I try to answer the questions and in more detail, but sometimes I really just don’t know.
What is the current time? 5:08AM.
Should you be doing something other than this? Probably try to go to sleep, but that just wouldn’t be me now would it.
When is the last time you did laundry? My laundry just got gone last night.
What volume is the ringer on your phone? It’s all the way up. 
Have you ever won a contest on the radio? No.
What shirt did you wear to bed last night? It was my Mario Bros shirt.
Where did you get that shirt? I got it from Hot Topic a couple years ago.
Do you hear any music right now? No, but I hear the ASMR video I’m watching. 
Are you a fan of the band Gym Class Heroes? I like some of their songs.
Overall, how was your day today? Like I said, it’s only 5 in the morning so it’s too soon to say.
Silver or gold jewelry? I like both.
In one word, how would you describe your best friend? Fabulous.
Is there a song that reminds you of your best friend? There’s many.
Do you have an alarm clock? Yeah, on my phone.
What was the weather like today? It’s supposed to rain today. We haven’t had much rain this winter, in fact it’s been awhile, so I hope it does. Do you often write on yourself? I don’t do that anymore, but I did when I was younger. For some reason that was like a thing a lot of people did to themselves in middle and high school. *shrug*
Is there writing on the shirt you are currently wearing? Yes. It’s a shirt from a place I vacationed at.
Would you rather be cold or hot? Cold, most definitely. I love wrapping up in a blanket, wearing a sweatshirt or hoodie, drinking hot coffee, or sitting by the fireplace. I love the coziness. Being hot is just absolutely miserable, there’s nothing I enjoy about that.
Frosted flakes or frosted mini wheats? I like both.
Do mushrooms really add flavor to food? I don’t eat mushrooms. 
What about onions? Yeah. I don’t mind if there’s some chopped up pieces in some foods and I like onion rings, but I don’t like onions on my burgers or in my burritos or anything like that.
Are you a fan of Thai food? I’ve never had it.
How about Indian food? I had chicken curry once, which I did like. I couldn’t have it now though cause I can’t eat spicy food anymore. :/
Have you ever tried sushi? Yes, and it was absolutely disgusting. I feel like everyone loves sushi but me.
What is the weirdest food you have eaten? I’m super picky, so I don’t think I’ve had anything all that weird. I’m so particular about my food.
Do you know who LL Cool J is? Yes.
You have a pocket full of change - what do you do with it? Put it in my bag.
Guitarists or lead singers? Lead singers.
What does your mom say about the pictures on your Facebook? She’ll like them and leave a nice comment. 
Where are you? In my room on my chair.
do you know your mother’s birthday? Of course.
do you like texting? Over talking on the phone, yeah. I don’t do much texting, though.
would you run down the street naked if it meant earning $15,000? Could it be pitch black and not a single soul in sight??
how do you feel about the person who texted you last? I love him, he’s my dad.
do you own a pair of skinny jeans? All my jeans are skinny jeans. 
what do the majority of people in your life call you? Steph or Sis.
will your next kiss be a mistake? I hope not? Who knows when my next kiss will even be or who it will be with. 
has a book ever made you cry? Yes.
do you like to cuddle? Sure. I don’t have much cuddling experience, though.
do you automatically check your phone when you wake up? I check the time on it.
are your parents still together? Yes.
Are you missing anyone? I’ll always miss my loved ones who have passed away.
What do you currently hear? An ASMR video.
Plans for tomorrow? No. I’m so sick of this question, it’s like in every survey and my answer is always the same. My life is very routine. I spend all my time at home doing the same things, especially since the pandemic. My plans now just consist of my once a month doctor appointment that I have to go to in order to get my prescription refills. 
What did you eat for lunch today? Like I mentioned a couple times now it’s only 5 in the morning.
Sex ruins relationships, right? No? It can, but that’s not a general statement. 
Where do you want to live when you’re older? My dream would be to live near the beach.
Is your life falling apart or coming together? It’s been falling apart for the past few years.
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night? No, I didn’t even go to bed until like 6ish.
What color is your hair? It’s dark brown naturally, but I dye it red. Currently, it is a lot of my natural hair cause my roots are quite overgrown as it’s been almost a year since I last got it done. Sigh.
Are you spending the weekend with the last person you texted? Yeah, we live together.
Do you trip a lot? No.
If someone paid you $100 would you dance in the middle of times square? No.
Do you have anyone you fully trust? Yes.
What kind of pants did you wear today? I live in leggings, that’s all I wear.
How old is your television? About two years old.
Do you have a laptop or desktop? I have a laptop.
When did you last talk on the phone with someone? A couple days ago.
Are you currently sleepy? Yes.
Have you ever deleted Facebook friends for a significant other? No. I’ve never even been in the situation where a significant other asked or wanted me to do that.
Have you ever had bad trust issues with someone? Yes.
What accent do you think is the most attractive? British and southern accents.
Are you hot or cold natured? Hot, unfortunately. 
Do you own any television series box sets? I have I Love Lucy and The Dick Van Dyke Show boxsets.
Have you ever been in a fight with your best friend? Yes.
When did you last receive a hug and who was it from? A couple days ago from my mom.
Do you take any advanced classes? I’m done with school.
What is your lucky number? I don’t believe in luck, but my favorite number is 8.
Do you own a book bag? If so, what color is it? No.
Was the last movie you watched a horror film? Nope.
Do you own a lot of tee shirts? Yes. My wardrobe consists of a shit ton of graphic tees.
Do you plan your outfits ahead of time? No.
Have you ever spent the night in jail? No.
Are you a colorful person or quite bland? Bland. Well, except for my hair that I dye like a cherry red. 
List one word to describe your significant other? Nonexistent.
Have you ever been so nervous you threw up? No, but definitely felt nauseous and sick and like I could throw up.
Do you remember the first survey you took? Uh, definitely not. I’ve been taking surveys since like 2004/2005.
How many friends do you have on Facebook? 100 and something. *shrug*
Have you ever watched fight videos for amusement? No. I don’t find stuff like that amusing or entertaining at all.
In high school, were you in trouble a lot? I was never in trouble in school.
Do you enjoy your hairstyle? No. I don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything with it besides throw it up in a messy bun all the time.
Do you have long hair or short hair? My hair is long, it goes past my butt. Such a waste that I do nothing with it.
How much make up do you wear on a daily basis? None anymore. I haven’t worn makeup in almost 4 years.
What is your favorite television show? I have many.
Do you have a leather jacket? *Pleather, but yes.
Do you think anyone dislikes you for no reason? They probably have reason.
Do you have any children? Nooo.
Have you ever been interviewed on television before? No.
Do you have weak upper body strength? I used to have really great upper body strength as a paraplegic who only had upper body mobility and uses a manual wheelchair. When I was in school and had a social life, I was active. I didn’t spend all day, everyday in bed or at home all day doing nothing. I had toned arms before. I lost my muscle mass and now I’m weak cause I’m not active at all anymore.
What is the worst insult someone can call you? I don’t know. I say mean, hurtful things to myself all the damn time. My brain plays ‘em on a loop. 
Are you good at sketching? No. I don’t have any artistic abilities, sadly.
Do you think hugs are awkward? Yeah, they can be.
Do you think facial hair is gross? No. I’m not a big fan of a lot of facial hair, though.
Would you ever dye your hair an unnatural color? I dye it red?
What color was the last cup you drank from? It’s a clear glass.
Ever play Angry Birds? Nah, I never got into that.
Did you think it was annoying, like I did? It just didn’t look like my kind of game.
Have you ever been to the zoo before? Yeah, many times.
What instruments do you know how to play? None anymore, but I used to play some piano back in the day. I wish I took it more seriously back then. I wish I had practiced more and kept up with it because I did enjoy it.
How late did you stay up last night? I went to bed around 6ish. And that’s AM if you’re new here.
How late do you plan on staying up tonight? Well, it’s 5:46AM now...
Whose wall did you post on last?  I share stuff to my mom’s wall sometimes.
Have you ever done hard drugs before? No. All I’ve done is weed.
Has anyone ever been weirdly obsessed with you? No.
Do you own a Snuggie? I do. 
What is your favorite band of all time? Linkin Park will always be one of them.
Would you consider getting a tattoo any time soon? Nah.
Are you afraid someone might steal your identity someday? It’s not something I’ve actively thought or worried about.
Are there any paintings on your wall? Yeah, a few giraffe ones and a couple beach ones.
Speaking of which, what color are your walls painted? White.
Do you have any talents that come naturally? No. :( I’m lame.
Do you have any piercings? Just my earlobes.
What is your favorite piece of jewelry? The ones I have with my birthstone on it.
Is there a place you'd rather live right now? Somewhere with colder weather.
Do you change your bed sheets often? Usually just like twice a month.
Do you go out often? lol.
Have you ever had plastic surgery before? No. 
Are you afraid of airplane rides? I get super anxious beforehand, but once up in the air I start to relax a bit and I’m okay. Well, unless there’s a lot of turbulence. 
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? At least once a day.
Do you consider yourself a sensitive person? Very.
What's the best Valentine's Day gift you've gotten? My mom is so sweet and has always gotten me something like candy and a stuffed animal or something, but I’ve never received anything from a guy. 
If you're reading a book, what page are you currently on? I don’t feel like checking.
Do you think people are intimidated by you? Uh, no. I can’t imagine anyone being intimidated by me.
Do you have a job you like? I don’t have a job.
Do you know how to do your own laundry? I have to have help with that. 
Have you ever lived with a roommate before? No.
Do you like candles? There’s a lot of nice smelling ones, but I’m just not a candle person. Give me a room spray instead.
Would you prefer internet or television? Internet.
What is something you lose often? Patience.
Do you have any classes with friends? I’m done with school.
Do you enter a lot of sweepstakes? No. I haven’t entered any kind of contest in a really long time.
What is your favorite possession in your room? I couldn’t possibly choose one thing. I love all my stuff. What will you be doing in the next ten minutes? Finishing this survey, maybe start another, and listen to ASMR.
How old is your oldest sibling? 37.
Do you consider yourself physically active? Not at all. I explained all that in another question.
How many scarves do you own, if any at all? Zero.
Do you have any cuts or scratches as of now? Not that I know of.
Where did you last sleep? My bed, like I always do.
Do you have Netflix? Yep. 
Are you colorblind? No.
Do you know anyone personally who is colorblind? Yeah, my high school chem teacher.
Favorite salad dressing? Ranch. Unless I’m eating a Caesar salad, of course. A vinaigrette is good, too.
Do you enjoy dancing? I don’t do much dancing.
Have you ever considered writing a novel? I actually have thought about it before.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
What's your favorite snack? I love anything deep-fried, honestly. Corndogs, mozzarella sticks, onion rings...I could eat platters of those. Pigs-in-a-blanket is an easy dish to make so I admittedly eat those a lot. What's your favorite ethnic food? Indian, Indonesian, and Thai. I have yet to try Ethiopian and Middle Eastern cuisine (other than shawarma) but I bet they’re just as bomb. I like banh mi and spring rolls, but that’s all I like from Vietnamese cuisine. What country would you like to visit most? Right now, Thailand! It’s got so much culture and spirit and history (and food) and I don’t know why I still haven’t gone there so far. Soon :) What color hair does your mom have? It’s been black for a while, but back in her old positions she had had to have blondish highlights or something. I thought it made her look cool. When did you last go to a theater to see a movie? Gabie and I watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire last Monday. If I didn’t read the synopsis before watching, I probably would have cried as hard as she did.
What is the last movie you watched? ^ Well, that. It was a movie first screened at Cannes, and then it has a limited release here for a month as part of a local film festival. What's the last thing you cooked? LMAO I don’t cook. I last microwaved leftover bangus from last night though. Whose birthday is closest to today's date? (someone you know) Gab’s little sister’s birthday is today...but other than that, idk probably Ara? It was her birthday last Monday or Tuesday. What's your favorite number? I don’t have favorites but 4 is always my go-to. Have you ever been in love? Sure. Do you believe in ghosts? They’re fun to believe in but at the end of the day I still like being critical about what they call ~alleged sightings~ Have you ever been to a haunted house? Nope. I’ve stayed across one, but I didn’t go in. Is your house haunted? I’m sure it isn’t, because we only had it built a decade ago. There’s been a few times my dad’s car started on its own though, so that was weird. What's your favorite chocolate bar? It’s not a bar because it’s round-shaped, but I’ll always love Reese’s. What kind of tissues do you prefer? The thicker kind, I guess. What color hair did you have when you were in 9th grade? Black.
Do you have a cat? My sister does. But she lives in a dorm so my mom and I are in charge of caring for her while she’s gone. Do you know anyone in another country? I used to be friends with a lot of wrestling fans in Europe and the US. I knew people from Philadelphia, California, Florida, Maine, New York, Scotland, London, Ireland, UK, etc but there’s probably more places I’ve left out. I have family living all over America too. How old are you? I am 21. How many US states have you been to? I have been to a grand total of zero. How many Australian states have you been to? Also zero. Have you ever been to the Great Lakes Mall? Nope. What face wash do you use? Water. Do you have long or short hair? It’s so long now, I hate it. I’m gonna chop everything off really soon. What's your favorite book? I don’t really have any. Do you drink more water or pop? Water. I don’t drink ‘pop.’ What's your favorite flavor of kool-aid? I don’t drink any Kool-Aid either. Do you watch Survivor Man? Nope. Have you ever wanted to be on a game show? Sure, when I was a kid. It would get frustrating if it’s a trivia show and I know the answer to a question, but I see them struggling or picking the wrong answer lmao. Do you know who Ben Bailey is? Nope. What's your myspace URL? Lol Do you eat organic food? Very rarely. There’s a vegan food stall in school and I get to eat organic stuff there, but I go there probably like once every six months only. Are you an insomniac? Nope, I sleep soundly these days. Do you provoke people? I hope I don’t lmao Do you watch wrestling? :D :D :D Do you wear glasses? Yep, I’m wearing them right now.
Side note: Some girl stepped on my glasses (I set them on the floor earlier for PE, because they tend to fall off when I do my workouts) and they kinda bent a little bit :( I was able to fix it back and the girl was super apologetic though, so it’s all good in the hood. How many candles were on your last birthday cake? I didn’t blow any, but there would have been 21. What kind of music do you listen to? Punk, pop, top 40, jazz, rock, pop rock, hip hop, and whatever genre Joji is. Do you wear matching socks? Yeah, I get very uncomfortable when I wear different individual socks. How many pairs of jeans do you have? Like 10-15 maybe. Idk though, I don’t wear a bunch of them. Where will you go tomorrow? I’m staying home and I can’t wait. Do you make fun of people you don't know? If they’re arrogant shits who did something stupid, then yes. Do you reject Satan? Wow idk how to answer this question lmao Are you violent? After moving out from my violent childhood home, I gradually phased out the violence. But yes, I used to be. It was all I ever saw. Do you like ginger ale? No, I’ve never tried it. It sounds nasty though. Do you eat fast food a lot? Not a lot, but enough for it to be unhealthy for me. Have you ever gotten in a fist-fight? Nah. Did you play pokemans as a kid? POKEMANS LMAO  Do you believe taking a picture of someone is taking a piece of their soul? No. Would you rather be hot or cold? Cold. Do you use wikipedia? Sure. It was one of the first websites I ever used since discovering the Internet. Do you spend a lot of time on YouTube? Yessssss I love YouTube. There’s always something for someone to watch, and for me it’s ASMR mukbang videos and Mario Kart 8 playthroughs. Do you use google search or yahoo? Google. I haven’t used Yahoo in a hot minute. Have you ever been locked up? No. Was your step mother terrible? I don’t have one. Can you eat in the dark? No. I could try, but I’d just be bugged because I wouldn’t want to get messy. Do you know anyone who doesn't care about anything but themselves? Sure. Are you mean to people you don't know? No, unless they were mean to me first. Are you trustworthy? Sure. Have you ever been hospitalized? Just once.
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woodenwedges · 6 years
1 through 100. Let's go! Answer em aaaalll!
Omg Kate you’re absolute mad!!! Thanks tho’ I love answering these things ❤️😁Hoo boy here we go!1. What is you middle name?Don’t have one! Neither does my brother.2. How old are you?203. When is your birthday?The 15th of may 🌸4. What is your zodiac sign?Taurus ♉️🐃5. What is your favorite color?Baby pink! 6. What’s your lucky number?Dunno about lucky number but my favorite number is 77. Do you have any pets?Yep! Two dogs.One sweet, blonde girl named Emsi (based on the danish word Emsig meaning officious)And a neurotic chihuahua named Henry. We got them both cause their owners no longer could take care of them and I love them to the moon and back ❤️8. Where are you from?Hirtshals in Denmark! I love my town to death9. How tall are you?Uuuh around like 1,65 m10. What shoe size are you?3911. How many pairs of shoes do you own?Too many.... we get a lot of free stuff so I have a lot. Probably around 10 pairs?12. What was your last dream about?The only thing I remember from my last dream was that I got a pimple on my forehead lol13. What talents do you have?I’m good at art, dancing and just performing in general and I’m getting pretty good with makeup!14. Are you psychic in any way?Nope15. Favorite song?Right now it’s brain damage and eclipse from The Dark Side of The Moonby Pink Floyd. They remind me of my mom ❤️16. Favorite movie?Don’t actually have one! But the last film I think I saw was carol and I absolutely loved it.17. Who would be your ideal partner?Just someone who’s intelligent and kind I guess! And has a similar sense of humor18. Do you want children?I do, but I’m probably never gonna birth any cause I have an illness I don’t want to risk transferring and also might be going on T soon!!19. Do you want a church wedding?I don’t really care20. Are you religious?Nah. I’m a spiritual atheist21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Only as a visitor. I’ve gone to the emergency room but I’ve never been admitted.22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Nope23. Have you ever met any celebrities?My cousins a model who’s dating one of the Danish x-factor judges so yea.24. Baths or showers?BATHS25. What color socks are you wearing?White. I prefer just plain whites rn, but there’s was a time in my life where I always wore fun, colorful socks and never matching them26. Have you ever been famous?Lol no but a stranger did come up to me last week and told me she’s a huge fan of my work ❤️ a lot of the locals like my watercolor portraits27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?Honestly yea I do fantasize a lot about it 28. What type of music do you like?Music is a huge part of my life! My main Spotify playlist is 161 hours now and it’s all extremely diverse!The only music I don’t particularly like is blues and trap cause i find it boring. Right now I’m really into old grungy rock, punk, experimental stuff, rap and disco 💃🏼 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?Sure have! I did it countless times this summer at the beach. There’s nothing more freeing than swimming naked in the ocean 💙30. How many pillows do you sleep with?Just one, but it’s a really good one. Oh and sometimes and extra one just to cuddle 31. What position do you usually sleep in?Fetus position is my fav but I’m trying not to do that cause it’s bad for your back32. How big is your house?Pretty big. Two stories plus a garage where my friends and I hang out. And also a two bedroom annex33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Toast or oatmeal with nuts and berries34. Have you ever fired a gun?No35. Have you ever tried archery?I tried it a couple of weeks ago and it was really fun! 36. Favorite clean word?I like words like clean and crystal and chemical 37. Favorite swear word?Fuck.38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?Don’t remember. Pretty long. But I’ve started to be very careful with sleep cause my mental health REALLY depends on it39. Do you have any scars?Lots. Anything from self-harm to getting burned by a marshmallow lmao40. Have you ever had a secret ?Bitch my whole personality used to be a secret. So yea a lot41. Are you a good liar?Yup. I’m very creative and anxious so if I feel like I’ve done something I shouldn’t I immediately have a good lie ready. Also I’ve had some problems with compulsive lying whoops42. Are you a good judge of character?Nooo not really cause I always feel bad for disliking ppl so I force myself to keep an open mind. But I’ve learned to just follow my instincts a bit more43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?I’m pretty good at like southern American accents and also an American accent In Danish is so fun and cute. 44. Do you have a strong accent?It’s pretty strong. I used to fake a British accent out of embarrassment but then I started feeling pretentious so I let it go45. What is your favorite accent?I love a Colombian accent and French ofc. Also Indian and Chinese. Oh and a lot of African ones too, especially the ppl from Congo! But I love accents in general. They’re literally my go to ASMR trigger46. What is your personality type?INFP47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?My winter jacket... my mom wanted to buy me one that was new and when we finally found one that didn’t give me dysphoria I was so excited I forgot to look at the price tag... and she just bought it for me anyway.48. Can you curl your tongue?Yea and I can stick it between my tooth gap49. Are you an innie or an outie?Outie all the way50. Left or right handed?Right51. Are you scared of spiders?No, I used to have pretty severe arachnophobia but i worked through it and now I actually really love them! Also I don’t care how scared you are of them, don’t you dare kill them in front of me! That makes me so uncomfortable. Just let me know there’s a spider and I’ll get it safely outside for you 52. Favorite food?Love sushi with crab meat or fried shrimp!53. Favorite foreign food?Well probably sushi? Lol. Or anything Italian!54. Are you a clean or messy person?Super messy but I’m trying my best!55. Most used phrased?“Bid I det sure æble”. Basically “bite the bullet” in English 56. Most used word?Probably bitch. I use it in an affectionate manner towards friends lmao57. How long does it take for you to get ready?Very, very long58. Do you have much of an ego?Yea I think so59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Suck60. Do you talk to yourself?Nope. 61. Do you sing to yourself?Yes!62. Are you a good singer?I’m decent. Think I could get good if I got a vocal coach63. Biggest Fear?Getting ridiculed, being misunderstood and being unwanted 64. Are you a gossip?I love gossip...65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?I don’t really know sry!66. Do you like long or short hair?Love all hair. I love running my fingers through long hair. I prefer short hair for me tho67. Can you name all 50 states of America?LOL NO68. Favorite school subject?I really liked art and foreign language classes69. Extrovert or Introvert?HUGE introvert!70. Have you ever been scuba diving?No but I’d love to try it!71. What makes you nervous?Public embarrassment is a big one. But racism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny will also make me very, very nervous.72. Are you scared of the dark?Not at all73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Depends on the mistakes? Never on like grammar and stuff like that.74. Are you ticklish?Very. I can tickle myself. But then again I am schizophrenic lol75. Have you ever started a rumor?Once in high school my friends and I started a rumor that I was “a hermaphrodite” and we kept it going for years. At first it was just to fuck with people but then I started getting like a kick from it. For some reason I loved the idea of people thinking I was intersex. Aaaand that was the start of me getting gender identity issues lol76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?I used to teach dancing lessons for kids at a local church lol does that count?77. Have you ever drank underage?Only a couple of beers. But the drinking age is here is 15 so that’s not a huge problem 78. Have you ever done drugs?a couple of times. Done ecstasy and Valium once which was really fun. And I’ve tried speed a couple of times but it has no effect on me. I also love weed if you consider that a drug 79. Who was your first real crush?Had a huge crush on a guy at my boarding school. And also a girl at the school... they became a couple and I remember wanting to die asdgsa80. How many piercings do you have?None! Had a septum once, but I never had my ears pierced as a child or anything 81. Can you roll your Rs?“Yea82. How fast can you type?Pretty fast!83. How fast can you run?I’m not a great runner but I’m getting better84. What color is your hair?Blonde85. What color is your eyes?Green86. What are you allergic to?Nothing. Tho I do get allergic reactions to extreme swifts in temperature 87. Do you keep a journal?Yup!88. What do your parents do?Both retired now but my dad used to be a fisherman and my mom ran a daycare and later worked with elderly people who suffered from dementia. 89. Do you like your age?Yea?90. What makes you angry?It takes a lot to get me angry but unnecessary hate and harassment usually gets me to tick91. Do you like your own name?I really like it actually! 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I have but I don’t remember them... think I repressed those daydreams when I decided never to bear children :(93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Idc94. What are you strengths?Intellectuality, kindness, curiosity, creativity and bravery. Also I get a lot of praise for being so open and aware of my mental illnesses and for fighting so fiercely to get healthy. 95. What are your weaknesses?Bad self criticism, naïvety, laziness and having trouble asking for help and taking initiative 96. How did you get your name?My brother decided it.97. Were your ancestors royalty?Pff highly doubt it98. Do you have any scars?Already answered this99. Color of your bedspread?That really popular, white IKEA one with flowers100. Color of your room?White, although I cover them up with posters, drawings and sometimes literal trash when i get psychotic cause white walls make me hallucinate like crazyThis was a fucking blast!!! Thanks Kate 😚❤️
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twistednuns · 6 years
October 2018
Being so busy that I can hardly keep up with these lists anymore.
A fat, fluffy red cat keeping up with a running girl on the other side of the fence.
Working with clay.
Applying for an international education programme in Canada.
The evening at Oktoberfest with my colleagues. Dancing in front of Hexenschaukel as usual, right before going home.
An incredibly soft, bright red pencil. Japanese brush pens from Arket. Drawing. I never know that I miss it until I start scribbling again.
Spending the evening with Manu, Martin and Indian food. Playing SingStar. Laughing way more than we should about a set of 400 Chuck Norris jokes. Falling asleep with my head resting on Manu's shoulder. A weird half-conscious flashback, different places and childhood memories accompanied by calm, happy piano music.
Rosie Leizrowice: „When I find myself overwhelmed or in a stressful situation, I try to imagine myself from above, then pan backwards until I see the whole street, the city, the county, the country, Europe, this blue planet — then let it fade into darkness (this is also a meditation technique.) It works every time. Because once you visualise yourself as an insignificant speck, you realise how inconsequential just about everything is. And although that can be paralysing, it can also be liberating.”
Jonah Hill's role as the Icelander Snorri in episode 9 of Maniac's first season. But Emma Stone as a drunk elf is hilarious as well!
The fact that Google Maps now shows Earth as an actual globe. Makes exploring feel much more real!
A visit from Bibi on a Sunday evening. Looking for mushrooms in the forest, walking over the fields, petting a cat, visiting Tom at work. Perfect against Sunday blues.
KARAOKE!! Especially performing Tenacious D's Fuck Her Gently on stage with Manu.
Spending a lot of time with Doris during the preparations for the school anniversary. We're on really good terms at the moment. / Climbing onto the school's roof with Mr L. so we could apply the banner from above. Great view. / Founding a choir.
Going to bed on a Friday afternoon after the anniversary party. Finally I didn't have to stress anymore and spent the whole weekend in bed (because I got sick, yeehaa).
Meeting Franzi for drinks at Gärtnerplatz. She's going to be a mum next year, at the same time as Meghan Markle! I'm happy for her.
Satin headbands (hello, Blair Waldorf!) / dainty gold rings / huge, soft scarves / matte nail polish, still / dyke couture (lumberjack shirt)
Attending a workshop on English literature where a director from Residenztheater's youth department showed us how to teach Hamlet to our students. I had a lot of fun with the different kinds of games and acting in our own scenes. My favourite part was playing Hamlet's thoughts. Yep, that's a role, too.
Singing along to songs from Once More With Feeling, the best Buffy episode ever made. Finding out that Manu knows most of the lyrics by heart was fantastic, I didn't know that episode had more than one die-hard fan (=me).
Jumping on the trampolines at Maxx Arena with my class. Beating everyone at American Gladiator (boxing them off the beam into the foam cubes). Jumping down from a trapeze. Scary and my muscles were very sore the next day but it was a lot of fun.
Benedict Wells' reading his own short stories in Munich. He still has a very Southern German rolling r-sound going on. Charming!
My brother gave me Michael Greger's book How Not to Die and even though I started out very sceptic it gave me the last push I needed to go back to vegetarianism / semi-veganism. I'm probably not going to stop eating a little bit of yoghurt and cheese any time soon but meat, fish and eggs absolutely have to go. Yuck. I always have unsweetened almond milk at home - the perfect substitute for milk. And I love apple slices and a few almonds as a sweet snack.
Kurt Vile's Jesus Fever live in concert. Drifting off during the show, thinking about possible outcomes of my trip to Scotland. Meeting Ralf! / Related: Kurt Vile in conversation.
Realising that I can actually spend up to a third of a year travelling. Apparently the universe knew better then me when it created all those coincidences that made me become a teacher.
Doing sun salutations at home. Just because I had some extra energy that Friday evening.
Reading English magazine articles out loud to myself, in a posh voice. Feeling like a literary ASMR-tist.
Especially reading something about Australia which often seems like a forgotten country to me - that is the reason why stories about Australia, for example The Sunburnt Country in Believer Magazine, sometimes take on a fairytale-like character for me.
This is 18 - through photographs girls show what it is like to turn 18 in the year 2018.
I'm grateful for people who let me join their family occasionally. It's always both strange and nice since I'm not used to a family dynamic at all. Especially experiencing the presence of a father is so unfamiliar for me. Markus let me harvest honey with his parents in the summer and Manu asked his father to teach us woodcarving at his workshop. We ended up staying with his family until very late, drinking liqueur and playing board games.
Marzipan and buttered soft pretzels. Geez, I'm addicted.
Waking up from a very real nightmare in which I suddenly had a cat and a baby who I both neglected. Scary.
Colouring (IKEA's 'city overrun by monsters' drawing sheet).
Crystal encrusted hoop earrings from &otherstories.
A Star Is Born - this movie made me fall in love with Bradley Cooper AND Lady Gaga. Also, I'm obsessed with the song Shallow and the red leather boots Ally is wearing on the motorcycle.
Compliments from my art students - they compared my respect level to that of our principal. Woah.
Going to Scotland for the first time! Things I liked in no particular order: staying at Erika and Brendon's apartment - she is a lovely Bolivian and he is a co-author of the Rough Guide to Scotland; he told me about his favourite book by Sebald, a German author, and urged me to read it / Gatuso, the fluffiest cat / early mornings in the empty backyard, watching Gatuso strolling through the sunshine, seeing the white frost on the plants / Waitrose supermarkets / the Scottish accent / doing a walking tour with Stefanie, she was quite entertaining / trying 16-year-old smokey Scotch whiskey / going out with Rasmus and his friends, drinking at Banshee Labyrinth (the most haunted pub in Scotland apparently), admiring the costumes at the gay bar / a free impro comedy show on a lazy Sunday / old libraries / Banoffee Pie at Stockbridge Market / Greyfriar's kirkyard - the most beautiful graveyard with a very nostalgic, gothic atmosphere; maybe because you can see the grey buildings of the old town surrounding it and because of all the spooky stories / speaking of stories: there is so much folklore... about Maggie Dickson, Greyfriar's Bobby, the places that inspired the Harry Potter novels. Love it. / Blackwell's bookstore / my tour through the Highlands - gorgeous weather and autumn colours, such a spectacular landscape / rainbows over Edinburgh / My magic brings Voldemort to the yard and damn right it's hurting my scar / The old town, the quirky old-timey store fronts, the dark walls, architecture, little alleys. / the entrance hall of the National Scottish Portrait Gallery //
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brightindianasmr · 11 months
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brightindianasmr · 11 months
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brightindianasmr · 11 months
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brightindianasmr · 11 months
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brightindianasmr · 11 months
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brightindianasmr · 11 months
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brightindianasmr · 11 months
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Has anyone ever stolen your survey questions before, if you make surveys? I don’t make ‘em. Leggings with denim shorts; yes or no? I’ve done that when I was younger. Do you like to burn candles? I have like 4 candles, but I never light them for some reason. Are Yankee Candles really all that? There’s a lot of great smelling ones, sure, but they’re too expensive. Do you think any bands/artists are trashy? Uhhh.
Have you ever broken into a public place, like a high school, after it was late and  And what?  Have you ever gone to the movies and hopped from movie to movie all day? No. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie? Yes, a few times. I wish they still had those around here, it was cool. Would you be interested in going scuba-diving? Nooo. Have you ever heard of the band “Indian Jewelry”? Nope. Do you go to church? Not at this time, but I do listen to sermons online from a local church and I do Bible Study online. Have you ever had sex with someone you didn’t love? I’ve never had sex at all. Have you ever been in a cave? No. Do you anyone who’s painfully socially awkward? Me. Do you actually know anyone named ‘Bill’ or 'Bob’? No. I instantly just thought of Bill from It, though. lol.  Have you ever scared yourself when you sneezed? No. My dad sneezes obnoxiously loud and they make me jump, though. >:[ Do you tend to sneeze a certain number of times in a row? Usually twice. Sometimes a few more times. My dad also has crazy sneezing fits and sneezes like 20 times in a row. Have you ever had to attend therapy? I should. So, what about Billy Ray Cyrus talking about how Hannah Montana ruined his life? I haven’t heard him say that. I’ve heard Miley say that, though. Who were you last in a hot tub with? I went in one once with a friend yearsss ago.  What’s your favorite liquid coffee creamer flavor? I usually get either caramel macchiato, caramel latte, vanilla caramel, or white chocolate mocha, but I like getting “fun” flavors sometimes, too, like s’mores or some seasonal one like peppermint mocha. Last year around Easter they came out with a Peeps one that I loved. A few days ago I found a red velvet flavored one that is really good. I also found a toasted marshmallow one, but I haven’t tried it, yet. I liked the Reese’s one, too.  Can you knit? Nope. Can you do the splits? Nope. Are you wearing any rings? No. Have you ever sold anything to a pawn shop? No. Have you ever traveled outside of your home country? Once. Would you be satisfied growing up to be like your parents? I may be 30 years old, but I definitely still have a lot of growing up to do and I’d love to one day be as hardworking, strong willed, driven, caring, giving, selfless, and smart as my mom. Is there anything other than clothes in your dresser? No. How long does it take you to clean your room? It’s not messy. I do need to get rid of some things; though, and that would take me quite awhile to go through everything. What’s in your closet? o.O Apart from clothes and shoes, it’s full of medical supplies. How many pictures do you take of yourself in a week? I very rarely take photos of myself. Do you use iTunes, or do you unlawfully download music? I use Spotify. Has anyone ever sent you flowers? No. Have you ever had a water balloon war? Yeah. My cousins and I did that as kids all the time. Do you have to buy something at every store you go in? No. I do always feel weird leaving without buying something, though. I always try and leave when the employees don’t notice haha. Do you know anyone who always looks stoned all the time, whether they are or not? lol no. Have you ever seen the movie Ghost World??? Nope. The most expensive clothing item you own; how much did it cost? My really nice peacoat I got as a gift was over $100. How many towels do you go through in a week? Like 4. Have you ever found a member of the same sex attractive? Yeah. There’s a lot of pretty/beautiful women. I’m not sexually attracted to them, though. Are you good at relaxing? What’s that? Do you count calories? No. Would you rather try Blueberry and Hazelnut Pringles, or Grilled Shrimp? Blueberry and hazelnut Pringles. I hate seafood. Do you wear a bra to bed? No. What position do you normally sleep in? I sleep on my left side. Did you know that sleeping on your stomach can stretch your boobs out??? Sounds fake. What kind of videos do you usually watch on YouTube? ASMR, vlogs, and lifestyle.  Do you still wish on stars? No. Have you ever seen an eclipse? Yeah. Have you ever been in any kind of an abusive relationship? No. What kind of parent do you think you’ll be? I don’t plan on being a parent at all. What kind of parents do you have? Loving, encouraging, supportive, caring, nurturing, amazing parents. I’m very blessed.  What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you? I don’t know what I’d say was the most exciting, but I’ve experienced a lot of exciting things throughout my life.  Have you ever had a Nutella and marshmallow fluff sandwich? I don’t like Nutella. I’ve never tried fluff for some reason, but I think a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich sounds good. I knew a girl in elementary school who always had one and it sounded good, but for some reason I never tried one myself. Still haven’t all these years later, ha. Where’s your favorite place to eat breakfast at? This local place has the best country gravy. I get the eggs, biscuits, and country gravy from there. What keeps you up at night? My body and my mind.
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