#Great Indian Asmr
brightindianasmr · 11 months
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rissi-chan · 8 months
OC Name Meanings
I wasn't tagged, but I saw this come across my dash and I really want to do it ( I have OC mania/brainrot, and I am not sorry)
Rules: Google and post the meaning of your OC’s name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too
Tagging: Literally ANYONE that wants to do it - everyone deserves a chance to rant (I know it's less of a "game" that way, but we all deserve some fun!) I WILL directly call out @rishamonkey and @apriltastic tho <3
Neri (Dekarios, after she marries Gale): Pronounced nair-ee, rhymes with Mary. (Hebrew: נֵרִי) (lit. "my candle/lamp") is a unisex given name mainly used in Israel. It's derived from "Ner" which means candle in Hebrew. It is a variant form of "Neriya",[1] meaning "Yah (יהו/יה) is my candle (נֵרִי)".
I actually didn't know this meaning (I came across the name one day when I was researching for work and I loved it), but it fits SO WELL for her character both in Curse of Strahd and BG3. Like, if I didn't know that I HADN'T planned that, that would feel VERY planned.
Dighnilah Khayali: Pronounced deny-la kai-yah-lee. Dighnilah I made up. I've always been a language lover/linguist at heart, and language learning and foreign languages were my focus of study in college. It's one of the few things I'm naturally good with, and I also experience ASMR, so the way words sound hold special meaning on their own for me. That's how I came up with Dighnilah - purely by sound. I liked how it sounded and felt in my mouth (lol). If I were to make up a definition/meaning it would be something like "Unbridled elegance."
Khayali: Originating from Indian and Bengali languages, Khayali is a lovely girl’s name that means “a woman lost in her own wonderland.”
Riza (no known surname): Pronounced ree-zah. As an Indonesian and Albanian name, Riza comes from the Arabic name Ridha (رضا), which means 'satisfaction' or 'contentment.' I didn't choose this name based on meaning, either, but once again by sound. However, since I didn't make this one up and it is a real name, I had to look up the meaning. And, hey, it also really works for her character! Am I . . . intuitive about name meanings based on sound? (jk, I wish I were that powerful).
Leone Trevelyan: Pronounced lee-own. Meaning "lion." Leone is a gender-neutral name of Latin origin. I didn't choose based on meaning (I'm clearly bad at that, huh?) but rather it is the name of a sibling of one of my grandpas (great aunt?) that I always loved the sound of. Plus the one time I visited her she made me pie and pie is my favorite, so fond memories all around. I also liked how it flowed with the default "Trevelyan" name of a human MC in DAI.
However, considering she romances Cullen, the whole "lion" thing, once again, fits XD
Margu Amell: Pronounced mar-goo. Meaning "name of a goddess." Derived from Hindu (though there are MANY cultures and languaged that use this name). Although this is my DAO mage warden's name, I actually most recently (and in the first place) used it for the Touchstarved demo, in which MC has no known surname. And given that THAT character has the "Fallen Oracle" background the name is once again incredibly suited!
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talewrites · 5 months
okay so first of all-
I couldn't find you in my following list so I searched up your url and this came up
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Yes, it really was.
ANYWAY how old are your characters? heights? builds? basically what do they look like? how long does it take to warm up to each other? Is Ava taller than DeAngelo bc (and I don't want you to change the storyline in anyway just letting my mind run) if she is taller than him I think the part about him annoying her while following her home would include questions like "so like, whatdya eat? to get so tall I mean" "Man wish I was that tall, dya wear tall shoes or sum?" "How good exactly are your genetics?"
I might just draw this-
Are their personalities like; Ava takes a while to warm up to people but is really sassy and funny when you get to know her? DeAngelo really fuckin annoying when you first meet him (in kinda like a cocky way but not if that makes sense? like he seems like he's cocky but he's just annoyingly stupid?) but he's really sensitive and can get serious (like braydin bridges from Swolemates if yk it?)
How long have you been working on your book? where are you hoping to get it published? I hope it sells really well (not saying it wont i think it'll be a really good read) so it sells fast in Australia (i live here :cry:) and i can get me hands on it :)
Aw that’s so kind of you!!! Thank you!
I’m actually working on drawing character sheets for Ava and DeAngelo! But for now I can give you their appearance descriptions!
DeAngelo Martinelli
Age: 23
Hair color: Curly brown short hair
Eye color: hazel eyes (yellow and brown)
Body Type: 5”7, wide build, a little on the heavier side
Race: Italian/Mexican
Skin Tone: light brown/slightly tan
Glasses: none
Style: dark brown bomber jacket, mustard yellow shirt, dark wash blue jeans and white sneakers
Freckles/Moles/Scars: a mole under right eye
Predominant Feature: vibrant eyes, thick eyebrows
Health: average, exercises weekly
Likes: sport mechs, attention, asmr videos, sleep
Dislikes: bugs, swimming, sitting still
Color: mustard yellow
Food: energy drinks, fries
Hobbies: drag racing, vr gaming, and astrology horoscopes
Ava Patel
Age: 23
Hair color: short bob messy brown hair with blonde highlights
Eye color: greenish brown
Body Type: thin, with strong legs
Race: indian, white, african american
Skin Tone: dark tan
Glasses: no
Style: big baggy t-shirts (her mom’s) cargo pants/shorts
Freckles/Moles/Scars: lots of little moles all over, mostly on arms and chest
Predominant Feature: she’s short (5”1)
Health: very healthy, exercises every day all day and eats a lot of fruit and veggies
Likes: vegetables from her dad’s garden, the sun, power tools
Dislikes: green peppers, rude and entitled people, sand
Color: cerulean blue
Food: loves raw carrots, celery, red sweet peppers, hummus
Hobbies: pickling, cooking, electronics and mechanical repair, Spanish soap operas
I’ve been working on my book since the beginning of this year. I use writing fan fiction as a writing warm up and practice to improve my own writing! It’s a great exercise. My goal is to finish the draft by the end of summer. Hopefully I can post pictures of their designs soon!!
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asmrsparrow · 4 years
Indian ASMR | Indian spa & facial cleanup | extremely tingly layered sounds to make you fall asleep
By IndianGirl ASMR
 Loved the balance of sounds here, how the mixture of audio elements and her voice really add to the role play. Full of great personal attention touches.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Snow or sand? I love the beach, but hate the sand. It literally gets everywhere. I love the snow, though. I wish it snowed where I live. I’ll have to go with snow.
Do you like sour candy? No. I don’t like the sourness and it irritates my mouth. 
If anyone, who did you sit with at lunch today? It’s only 5AM. I’m also not in school nor do I have a job, so I just have lunch at home either by myself in my room or with my mom in the living room or her room. That’s if I have lunch at all. 
What is the last letter of your favorite song? I couldn’t choose just one favorite song ya’ll know this.
Have you gotten any injuries lately? If so, what & how? No.
Are you a clumsy person? I bang my hand and elbow a lot.
How about disorganized? My room is a bit disorganized. I never used to let it get like that, but it’s a reflection of how I feel and have felt for the past few years. I’m a mess.
Have you ever thought about being a pirate? No.
If you text, who were the last three people you texted? My dad, mom, and brother. 
Does today’s date mean anything to you? Nope.
How are you currently feeling? Tired and kinda cold. 
Last male you talked to in person? My brother.
Have you ever had a sunburn? Yeah, many times. I got them a lot as a kid cause I actually used to play outside and spent a lot of time out there. Shocking, I know. I get them when I go to the beach as well. I’ve had some really painful ones. However, they always end up turning into a tan so that’s nice. 
Do you use Firefox or Internet Explorer? Neither, I use Chrome.
Are you thinking about asking anyone out? No.
Pink lemonade or regular lemonade? I’m not a fan of lemonade.
Chocolate or strawberry milk? Strawberry.
Does it annoy you when people answer surveys with “idk”? I know I say “I don’t know” a lot. I try to answer the questions and in more detail, but sometimes I really just don’t know.
What is the current time? 5:08AM.
Should you be doing something other than this? Probably try to go to sleep, but that just wouldn’t be me now would it.
When is the last time you did laundry? My laundry just got gone last night.
What volume is the ringer on your phone? It’s all the way up. 
Have you ever won a contest on the radio? No.
What shirt did you wear to bed last night? It was my Mario Bros shirt.
Where did you get that shirt? I got it from Hot Topic a couple years ago.
Do you hear any music right now? No, but I hear the ASMR video I’m watching. 
Are you a fan of the band Gym Class Heroes? I like some of their songs.
Overall, how was your day today? Like I said, it’s only 5 in the morning so it’s too soon to say.
Silver or gold jewelry? I like both.
In one word, how would you describe your best friend? Fabulous.
Is there a song that reminds you of your best friend? There’s many.
Do you have an alarm clock? Yeah, on my phone.
What was the weather like today? It’s supposed to rain today. We haven’t had much rain this winter, in fact it’s been awhile, so I hope it does. Do you often write on yourself? I don’t do that anymore, but I did when I was younger. For some reason that was like a thing a lot of people did to themselves in middle and high school. *shrug*
Is there writing on the shirt you are currently wearing? Yes. It’s a shirt from a place I vacationed at.
Would you rather be cold or hot? Cold, most definitely. I love wrapping up in a blanket, wearing a sweatshirt or hoodie, drinking hot coffee, or sitting by the fireplace. I love the coziness. Being hot is just absolutely miserable, there’s nothing I enjoy about that.
Frosted flakes or frosted mini wheats? I like both.
Do mushrooms really add flavor to food? I don’t eat mushrooms. 
What about onions? Yeah. I don’t mind if there’s some chopped up pieces in some foods and I like onion rings, but I don’t like onions on my burgers or in my burritos or anything like that.
Are you a fan of Thai food? I’ve never had it.
How about Indian food? I had chicken curry once, which I did like. I couldn’t have it now though cause I can’t eat spicy food anymore. :/
Have you ever tried sushi? Yes, and it was absolutely disgusting. I feel like everyone loves sushi but me.
What is the weirdest food you have eaten? I’m super picky, so I don’t think I’ve had anything all that weird. I’m so particular about my food.
Do you know who LL Cool J is? Yes.
You have a pocket full of change - what do you do with it? Put it in my bag.
Guitarists or lead singers? Lead singers.
What does your mom say about the pictures on your Facebook? She’ll like them and leave a nice comment. 
Where are you? In my room on my chair.
do you know your mother’s birthday? Of course.
do you like texting? Over talking on the phone, yeah. I don’t do much texting, though.
would you run down the street naked if it meant earning $15,000? Could it be pitch black and not a single soul in sight??
how do you feel about the person who texted you last? I love him, he’s my dad.
do you own a pair of skinny jeans? All my jeans are skinny jeans. 
what do the majority of people in your life call you? Steph or Sis.
will your next kiss be a mistake? I hope not? Who knows when my next kiss will even be or who it will be with. 
has a book ever made you cry? Yes.
do you like to cuddle? Sure. I don’t have much cuddling experience, though.
do you automatically check your phone when you wake up? I check the time on it.
are your parents still together? Yes.
Are you missing anyone? I’ll always miss my loved ones who have passed away.
What do you currently hear? An ASMR video.
Plans for tomorrow? No. I’m so sick of this question, it’s like in every survey and my answer is always the same. My life is very routine. I spend all my time at home doing the same things, especially since the pandemic. My plans now just consist of my once a month doctor appointment that I have to go to in order to get my prescription refills. 
What did you eat for lunch today? Like I mentioned a couple times now it’s only 5 in the morning.
Sex ruins relationships, right? No? It can, but that’s not a general statement. 
Where do you want to live when you’re older? My dream would be to live near the beach.
Is your life falling apart or coming together? It’s been falling apart for the past few years.
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night? No, I didn’t even go to bed until like 6ish.
What color is your hair? It’s dark brown naturally, but I dye it red. Currently, it is a lot of my natural hair cause my roots are quite overgrown as it’s been almost a year since I last got it done. Sigh.
Are you spending the weekend with the last person you texted? Yeah, we live together.
Do you trip a lot? No.
If someone paid you $100 would you dance in the middle of times square? No.
Do you have anyone you fully trust? Yes.
What kind of pants did you wear today? I live in leggings, that’s all I wear.
How old is your television? About two years old.
Do you have a laptop or desktop? I have a laptop.
When did you last talk on the phone with someone? A couple days ago.
Are you currently sleepy? Yes.
Have you ever deleted Facebook friends for a significant other? No. I’ve never even been in the situation where a significant other asked or wanted me to do that.
Have you ever had bad trust issues with someone? Yes.
What accent do you think is the most attractive? British and southern accents.
Are you hot or cold natured? Hot, unfortunately. 
Do you own any television series box sets? I have I Love Lucy and The Dick Van Dyke Show boxsets.
Have you ever been in a fight with your best friend? Yes.
When did you last receive a hug and who was it from? A couple days ago from my mom.
Do you take any advanced classes? I’m done with school.
What is your lucky number? I don’t believe in luck, but my favorite number is 8.
Do you own a book bag? If so, what color is it? No.
Was the last movie you watched a horror film? Nope.
Do you own a lot of tee shirts? Yes. My wardrobe consists of a shit ton of graphic tees.
Do you plan your outfits ahead of time? No.
Have you ever spent the night in jail? No.
Are you a colorful person or quite bland? Bland. Well, except for my hair that I dye like a cherry red. 
List one word to describe your significant other? Nonexistent.
Have you ever been so nervous you threw up? No, but definitely felt nauseous and sick and like I could throw up.
Do you remember the first survey you took? Uh, definitely not. I’ve been taking surveys since like 2004/2005.
How many friends do you have on Facebook? 100 and something. *shrug*
Have you ever watched fight videos for amusement? No. I don’t find stuff like that amusing or entertaining at all.
In high school, were you in trouble a lot? I was never in trouble in school.
Do you enjoy your hairstyle? No. I don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything with it besides throw it up in a messy bun all the time.
Do you have long hair or short hair? My hair is long, it goes past my butt. Such a waste that I do nothing with it.
How much make up do you wear on a daily basis? None anymore. I haven’t worn makeup in almost 4 years.
What is your favorite television show? I have many.
Do you have a leather jacket? *Pleather, but yes.
Do you think anyone dislikes you for no reason? They probably have reason.
Do you have any children? Nooo.
Have you ever been interviewed on television before? No.
Do you have weak upper body strength? I used to have really great upper body strength as a paraplegic who only had upper body mobility and uses a manual wheelchair. When I was in school and had a social life, I was active. I didn’t spend all day, everyday in bed or at home all day doing nothing. I had toned arms before. I lost my muscle mass and now I’m weak cause I’m not active at all anymore.
What is the worst insult someone can call you? I don’t know. I say mean, hurtful things to myself all the damn time. My brain plays ‘em on a loop. 
Are you good at sketching? No. I don’t have any artistic abilities, sadly.
Do you think hugs are awkward? Yeah, they can be.
Do you think facial hair is gross? No. I’m not a big fan of a lot of facial hair, though.
Would you ever dye your hair an unnatural color? I dye it red?
What color was the last cup you drank from? It’s a clear glass.
Ever play Angry Birds? Nah, I never got into that.
Did you think it was annoying, like I did? It just didn’t look like my kind of game.
Have you ever been to the zoo before? Yeah, many times.
What instruments do you know how to play? None anymore, but I used to play some piano back in the day. I wish I took it more seriously back then. I wish I had practiced more and kept up with it because I did enjoy it.
How late did you stay up last night? I went to bed around 6ish. And that’s AM if you’re new here.
How late do you plan on staying up tonight? Well, it’s 5:46AM now...
Whose wall did you post on last?  I share stuff to my mom’s wall sometimes.
Have you ever done hard drugs before? No. All I’ve done is weed.
Has anyone ever been weirdly obsessed with you? No.
Do you own a Snuggie? I do. 
What is your favorite band of all time? Linkin Park will always be one of them.
Would you consider getting a tattoo any time soon? Nah.
Are you afraid someone might steal your identity someday? It’s not something I’ve actively thought or worried about.
Are there any paintings on your wall? Yeah, a few giraffe ones and a couple beach ones.
Speaking of which, what color are your walls painted? White.
Do you have any talents that come naturally? No. :( I’m lame.
Do you have any piercings? Just my earlobes.
What is your favorite piece of jewelry? The ones I have with my birthstone on it.
Is there a place you'd rather live right now? Somewhere with colder weather.
Do you change your bed sheets often? Usually just like twice a month.
Do you go out often? lol.
Have you ever had plastic surgery before? No. 
Are you afraid of airplane rides? I get super anxious beforehand, but once up in the air I start to relax a bit and I’m okay. Well, unless there’s a lot of turbulence. 
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? At least once a day.
Do you consider yourself a sensitive person? Very.
What's the best Valentine's Day gift you've gotten? My mom is so sweet and has always gotten me something like candy and a stuffed animal or something, but I’ve never received anything from a guy. 
If you're reading a book, what page are you currently on? I don’t feel like checking.
Do you think people are intimidated by you? Uh, no. I can’t imagine anyone being intimidated by me.
Do you have a job you like? I don’t have a job.
Do you know how to do your own laundry? I have to have help with that. 
Have you ever lived with a roommate before? No.
Do you like candles? There’s a lot of nice smelling ones, but I’m just not a candle person. Give me a room spray instead.
Would you prefer internet or television? Internet.
What is something you lose often? Patience.
Do you have any classes with friends? I’m done with school.
Do you enter a lot of sweepstakes? No. I haven’t entered any kind of contest in a really long time.
What is your favorite possession in your room? I couldn’t possibly choose one thing. I love all my stuff. What will you be doing in the next ten minutes? Finishing this survey, maybe start another, and listen to ASMR.
How old is your oldest sibling? 37.
Do you consider yourself physically active? Not at all. I explained all that in another question.
How many scarves do you own, if any at all? Zero.
Do you have any cuts or scratches as of now? Not that I know of.
Where did you last sleep? My bed, like I always do.
Do you have Netflix? Yep. 
Are you colorblind? No.
Do you know anyone personally who is colorblind? Yeah, my high school chem teacher.
Favorite salad dressing? Ranch. Unless I’m eating a Caesar salad, of course. A vinaigrette is good, too.
Do you enjoy dancing? I don’t do much dancing.
Have you ever considered writing a novel? I actually have thought about it before.
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Me avoiding work :))))
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
I am a sucker for both; I usually miss sunrises though :(
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
I live in TX so its pretty dang hot most of the year, but I do love them A LOT
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
Oh man, I am really working on this. On average I’d say 30 min-hour lol thats awful to admit out loud. But I want to be able to just get up and jet!
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
BRUH I am sure there is sooo much out there - especially like Asian or Carribean or Indian cuisines.
6: What does your umbrella look like?
Don’t have one 
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
Yeah lmao I have a whole ass playlist on Youtube
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
I appreciate the fuck out of both <3 
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
Just about everything lol but off the top of my head - the smell of freshly made coffee. 
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
Lately, its been that sandy, dusty pink or nude - goes really well with all the plants I have lol 
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
Depends of course
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
Mines pretty neutral but it don’t really matter to me
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
Lol toooo many - I believe there is no such thing as enough candles. The one in front of me is Floral Serenity
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
Yeeee haw I’m from TX bitch
15: Do you have glasses?
sunglasses ya, and those blue-light ones from amazon lol 
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
I’m pretty knowledgable in Spanish, but I’d like to be 100% fluent - also ASL
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
FUCK! Hard one - but I guess Fall and October/November; I just love the cold and October has some nice ass weather in TX/
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
Not really lol I wear this crew cut white pair a lot lately tho
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie?
Hmmmm I’m not sure - maybe Lion King
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
Don’t care
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
Growing up it was always those Junior Mints lol
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
Hmm good question - I really like Richard Linklater (he’s from H town) and he does a lot of films in TX and his projects are really interesting, so maybe his movies lol as for video games and shows idk
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
bitch you guessed it!
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
ganjaaaaa lol but in all honesty, this is a haarrrddd question. Any plant that I can eat or has medicinal values - which is a fuckton of them lol
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
nah, I appreciate all forms of art.
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
blush and thank them
27: Do you like nicknames?
yeah I suppose - lol I feel like as humans we all appreciate or enjoy any form of thoughtfulness or something that makes us feel exclusive/individual 
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
Yeah lowkey I put on shit like Planet Earth, Fresh Prince, Spongebob, That 70s show, etc in the background sometimes if I can’t sleep or am feeling anxious at night to fall asleep to
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
LOL I think the best one I did was Baby spice from the Spice Girls - I thrifted the entire outfit and got a shit ton of compliments 
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
eh lol in my head mostly 
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
yeah honestly 
33:  Cookies or brownies?
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
we’ve all done that I’m sure
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
no for the most part
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
yeah fasho
37:  How often do you doodle?
not enough anymore
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
when I chew gum?
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
i bite the fck out of them :/
41: Any birthmarks?
42: Thoughts on freckles?
I don’t have any thoughts, they are what they are - but I do like how the artsy/imaginative side of me likes to believe that they are little stars on our bodies and we’re all made up of the same matter in the universe type shit lol 
43: First video game you ever played?
Sonic the Hedgehog - Sega or Super Mario Bros on the Gameboy
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
some type of songbird
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
I used to a lot more lol 
46: Thoughts on spring?
LUV U<3333
47: Ideal temperature outside?
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
A lot since I live like 15 min away from the airport, I get to watch em take off from my window
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
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smokingtomas · 5 years
Shokugeki no Soma: The Next Gen (PART 1)
Part 2 // (Disclaimer: pictures are made with Picrew)
Yukihira Soma - Nakiri Erina
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Yukihira Jin ♂
Taking all Joichiro’s features-- brownish hair, hazel eyes. Though his hair is shorter and messier like Soma’s.
Would describe his cooking specialty as “comfortably modern Japanese cuisine”. He does a lot of food-hybriding too.
May look brash and haphazard, but he surprises people with his dedication to being delicate for desserts.
To him, having Erina’s God Tongue is a blessing and a curse because he can taste even the very minor flavor like when a Périgord truffle “has too much taste of dirt”.
Jin even tried smoking once like his dad to dullen his palate, which made Erina furious, but after Jin explained how depressed it makes him, Erina can sort of relate and let him vape once a week, as Soma suggested.
Since then, he has been cooking happily, and is known as 'Spawn of Asura'.
Hayama Akira - Arato Hisako
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Hayama Kana ♀
A friend of the animals. Decided to go vegetarian for both cooking and eating at the age of 12.
Her feminine aura charms everyone around her. Even her cooking specialty is feminine with a lot of gentle colors and flavor profiles.
Also takes a liking to wildflowers especially the edible ones, which greatly inspires her cooking.
Friendly, warm, but doesn’t talk much when it’s not necessary.
Akira taught her about Indian spices, which is now her comfort food.
Hisako also got her into tea and scented candle obsession.
The only girl Jin has eyes on, but she hasn’t taken any liking towards him.
Takumi Aldini - Tadokoro Megumi
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Julius Ren Aldini ♂
May look like your typical ladies man-- all Don Juan vibe, gorgeous blonde hair that drops to his shoulder, oceanic blue eyes, but is actually a softie and feels awkward when talking to girls.
Has his dad’s charm. At least half of the female population at Totsuki is crazy about him, but the only girl knotting his stomach is Hayama Kana… whom he only gazes at.
Very close to Megumi. Tohoku is probably his favorite place in the entire world since it inspires his Japanese home cooking specialty. Also does really great bentos.
Not as inventive as his brother in terms of Italian cooking, though he speaks the language quite fluently.
He and his twin brother, Marco, hang out regularly with Yukihira Jin-- only natural for them since their mom is best friends with his dad.
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Marco Rei Aldini ♂
The twin brother who is always so extra in everything he does. The competitive, overachiever one. HATES to lose.
Obviously has that infamous Aldini temper he got from Takumi.
Naples is his favorite city. He loves going on an art tour, which his brother would happily tag along, but the only Italian he knows are the curse words.
His Italian cooking specialty is inventive, adventurous, and he tries to be as original as possible. Is not afraid to break the strict Italian cooking rules in order to reach greater heights (possibly to smear it all over Yukihira Jin’s face).
Lowkey attracted to Jin, though would never admit it to anyone’s face.
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Valeria Ran Aldini ♀
Though three years younger than her brothers, she’s always been the mediator whenever Julius and Marco disagree on things, which is a lot.
Aldini temper #2.
“When will you both shut up? Marc, you’re an ass. Jul, you’re a wimp.” Is her go-to line. Megumi chokes on her tea every time when Takumi face-palmed himself.
But if a jerk at school dares to mess with her, she can always rely on her brothers to be her personal bodyguards.
She has a more mature side that her brothers don’t have, though. She always seems to have a way to solve problems and could be an excellent listener.
Currently having fun trying different cuisine and cooking style.
Kurokiba Ryo - Nakiri Alice
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Nakiri Alicia ♀
Alicia is what people nowadays called an "influencer".
A few hundred thousand followers on Instagram earned her the most popular status at Totsuki. The queen bee.
She follows food trends and will try anything as long as it's in season, no matter how outrageous it might sound. Sushi donuts, cough syrup-flavored boba, name it.
Other than a certified foodie, Alicia also posts ASMR cooking, which of course, aesthetically pleasing and easy enough to follow.
But in Shokugekis, Alicia has so many French molecular gastronomy tricks up her sleeves and is an undefeatable beast to others. Thanks to Mommy Alice.
Of course, cousin Jin is giving her a run for her money, but they are pretty much each other's equal.
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Kurokiba Athena ♀
Earned the nickname 'Dark Horse' after a successful Shokugeki with the current 4th seat as a middle school student.
Our EdgeLord™.
Like her big sister, Athena was born with white hair but later decided to split-dye her hair black to embody the similar vibe she has with Ryo.
Her favorite ingredient is charcoal. She cooks any of her specialty with charcoal. And is the only food trend she's happily participated in.
Athena is also familiar with seafood since Ryo always takes her fishing. She even learned how to fillet a salmon with her eyes closed.
Has an infamous rivalry with Hayama Kana. Their iconic, 6-hour long Shokugeki was so popular that some people had to sit outside and watch through the screen.
Eventually, Ryo would inherit his red bandana to her.
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twistednuns · 5 years
February 2020
I managed to use my iPad as a second monitor for my computer. So tech savvy. Yay me!
Joking about developing a sex-based cardio programme with Manu. Powerfucking! Might help against aggression as well.
A late night phone call with Tom. Not saying much.
Making a huge pot of my grandmother’s signature veggie stew.
More Bon Appétit test kitchen videos. Chris recreating tacos. Claire making Ben&Jerry’s. Priya making her mum’s Indian curries.
Writing a letter to Lena. Drawing upside down bats (which makes them look like they’re having a wicked dance-off). Just the act of writing. I thoroughly enjoy looking at my handwriting.
Using the Salted Coconut handscrub by Lush. Especially now that I wash my hands so often when we’re working with clay at school. I feel like the peeling triggers some pressure points on my palms.
That Saturday productivity high. Cooking and preparing heaps of stuff, cleaning the windows, doing laundry.
Painting my nails like an expressionist artist.
Some portrait studies. Accidentally drawing Sirius Black.
Being really motivated to improve my Spanish. Working with Lorena, the Duolingo app and even starting my own grammar/vocabulary book.
This ultra quirky ASMR video. Also: watching videos with Erin an her boyfriend Chris. It’s amazing how well they work together. How you can almost feel their connection, how similar they are.
Carrot cake oats.
Seeing the The Darkness live again, this time with Margit. Justin’s outfit and personality, singing along, especially to Time of my Life, the band’s traditional first song after the show.
Meeting Chris. Having a Bramblette cocktail at Pusser’s. I like that place. Feels very old-timey with a rowing boat right under the ceiling. We made out in front of a tiger slide in a toy store window on our way to the next bar.
Peeling fresh carrots.
Pickling onions and making kimchi. My fermentation game is strong these days!
Looking through Dominik’s sketchbook. I loved the tree whose bark resembled a mole burrow with its underground tunnel system.
The flu. Yes, really. Fewer pupils at school. Quiet times. I’m actually surprisingly healthy. I’d guess my probiotics must play a role here… Who knows.
More sourdough experiments. Writing about it (DELICACY - a haiku. Oven-warm sourdough / salted butter, alpine cheese / and a strawberry).
Finding a really interesting list of SanFran hippie era book recommendations at the end of Robin Sloan’s Ajax Penumbra: 1969. In the mood to read Maya Angelou, Tom Wolfe, Jack Kerouac, Richard Brautigan.
Even more beautiful books: I really enjoyed Die weiße Stadt by Karolina Ramqvist, a feminist author from Sweden, and the graphic novel version of To Kill a Mockingbird. But two books that literally (well, figuratively obviously) blew my mind were Circe by Madeline Miller (mythology, loneliness, animals and plants, magic and monsters, some desperate kind of feminism, independence and strength) and Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo (magical realms, university setting, psychological depth, unexpected twists and turns). I haven’t read anything comparable in a very long time and I desperately hope that there’s more to come from these authors.
A beach collecting all the world’s single socks in The Magicians. Oh and of course seeing them break the moon. What a sight. The show is super confusing, obnoxious and absolutely fabulous at the same time. Best example: the Freaky Friday szene in which Margo and Eliot switch bodies. I love how the actors took on each other’s speech patterns and behaviour.
A new addition to my colour vocabular: celadon (a greyish green; there is a type of ceramics you’ll only see in this colour which is not surprising since the shade provides such an interesting contrast to the the earthy, rusty orange of burnt clay.)
Manu telling me that he had rarely seen people with more joy in their eyes than me (“Ich habe schon Freude in deinen Augen gesehen! So ein Leuchten kann man nicht simulieren.”) after complaining about being bored and lifeless. / Making curry with or, well, for him the other night. Drinking Liqueur 43 with cinnamon and milk. Playing the Jackbox party games for which you can use your phone as a controller.
Finding myself in a well-known sitation from the past. Lying in Frank’s bed in the early morning hours, not that tired yet, when he starts talking about his life and his depression. In English, obviously, because that’s our emotional filter. Relating, since I feel quite similar. Coming up with a suggestion for a reciprocal support system. Let’s see what we can do for each other.
Looking at travel photographs. The sea, the cenotes. Longing to go back to Mexico or Australia. Diving. Taking it all in.
Dreaming of my grandmother talking about her biggest regrets in life. Weirdly she was in a little bundle under a coffee table, much like Voldemort in the last Harry Potter movie.
My weird, weird brain. How both pleasure and pain enhance my sense of smell and increase my brain activity, almost causing hallucinations and fixations on ideas. Like geometric shapes in gloomy off-colours and a beige silicon-like surface the other night. All I could think of was a benchscraper.
Blue eyeliner.
Brainstorming three-letter-words with Frank since I’m thinking of getting personalised Nike Blazers. Sad cat. Yes but. Dat ass. Why tho.
Flying squirrels. Watching them wobble through the air. How they look like cute exhibitionist when they’re extending their limbs and thus stretching their, well, let’s just call it wings.
The fact that red cabbage has an intricate pattern like brain convolutions when you cut it open.
Talking to Sonja for the first time in over two years. What a strange person. Interesting, too. At least in homeopathic doses.
Ripe strawberries and nectarines. Oh my god. I love fruit.
Meeting Eve at Pub Quiz. She identifies as female, loves swing dance, used to be an animator and I love her style. Also, I realised that really like Betty. And Dennis wasn’t mean to me for once. I love my nerd friends <3 And I learned that Starbucks was named after the first mate in Moby Dick! Also, coincidentally they asked a question about the city where To Kill a Mockingbird takes place (Maycombe, Alabama) after I had read it the week before.
Inviting Lorena to the Botanical Gardens. I always feel very happy and very much myself when I’m there. I sometimes wish I was a gardener. Lorena was late so I walked along the Spring Path outside and it might have been the first time I’ve seen a brussels sprouts plant. Inside I learned lots of Spanish words and marveled at the incredible butterflies. The huge yellow one right behind the entrance was my favourite. Its delicate feelers were fascinating.
Washing my hands at the Keg’s bathroom. Looking into the mirror. Suddenly thinking of the perfect karaoke song… Rescue Me by Bell Book and Candle! I kept singing it for days on repeat. My neighbour must hate me (nothing new here) especially since my voice is too low for the chorus.
It isn’t hard to see how such attachment patterns can undermine mental health. Both anxious and avoidant coping have been linked to a heightened risk of anxiety, depression, loneliness, eating and conduct disorders, alcohol dependence, substance abuse and hostility. The way to treat these problems, say attachment theorists, is in and through a new relationship. On this view, the good therapist becomes a temporary attachment figure, assuming the functions of a nurturing mother, repairing lost trust, restoring security, and instilling two of the key skills engendered by a normal childhood: the regulation of emotions and a healthy intimacy. // An interesting article on attachment styles and why theraphy works; it makes me want to learn more about attachment theory. This School of Life video is a nice addition as well.
That dream. About a book shop modeled after my picture of Penumbra’s 24-hour bookstore. There was an old man in a very narrow but high-ceilinged room full of books. There was no light source except for moonlight or some street lights. There were loads of stairs, very steep, leading to the back of the house. Upstairs the man would set out cat food and on the rooftop there was an old sailing boat. One day the man decided to open the door to the roof and let visitors see the ship, much like a museum; perhaps to attract customers. However, in the next night a cat-shaped ghost appeared who reminded me quite a lot of Kot Behemoth character in Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita. The ghost was not amused about the old man’s decision and took away his key, a big golden one adorned with a red ribbon.
Toasted sesame makes pretty much every dish so much better.
Watching High Fidelity with gorgeous Zoe Kravitz (I adore her effortless style and her outfits), getting in the mood for making a playlist and listening to more music in general. There are all these great songs out there I forgot about.
Remembering the xkcd storm chaser comics.
Making a wicked good batch of Pho for Tom.
Spending a nice evening with Alex at Shamrock. Singing along to American Boy by Estelle. Confirming the hypothesis that the nerdy, quiet ones usually have a freak streak. That moment in the morning. Eye contact and kegel exercises.
Karaoke with Margit and Betty. Meeting Manu’s doppelganger. Same type, looks, voice. Eerie.
Making a BA Gourmet Makes meme for Steffen after he had passed his law examps. Strangely Gaby kinda looked like him after I was done with it.
Saturday morning in bed. Reading comics and graphic novels. Fresh bedclothes, surrounded by books. Since it was February 29 I thought about leap years and asked a few friends what their inner seven-year-old would have done that day (based on the thought experiment that your birthday was on February 29 and you’d age in 4-year-steps which would divide your age by 4 obviously).      
I came up with: visiting grandma / eating Cini-Minis / falling asleep with my face buried in a cat / beating my neighbour Anna at Memory / drawing while listening to a Bibi Blocksberg cassette.
Alex said he’d have been outside all day, building a snow igloo. Not noticing his mum telling him to come to dinner. If the weather had been bad he would have played with his dinosaur collection. His inner 7-year-old was a hopeless dreamer who got agitated whenever his parents had a fight. Who came home late from school every day because he forgot about time when he was talking to his friend next to a hedge with thorns that looked like tiny airplanes.
Lena said she would have been outside all day long, playing in the mud with the neighbours’ kids. Of course.
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brightindianasmr · 8 months
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purplesurveys · 5 years
What's your favorite snack? I love anything deep-fried, honestly. Corndogs, mozzarella sticks, onion rings...I could eat platters of those. Pigs-in-a-blanket is an easy dish to make so I admittedly eat those a lot. What's your favorite ethnic food? Indian, Indonesian, and Thai. I have yet to try Ethiopian and Middle Eastern cuisine (other than shawarma) but I bet they’re just as bomb. I like banh mi and spring rolls, but that’s all I like from Vietnamese cuisine. What country would you like to visit most? Right now, Thailand! It’s got so much culture and spirit and history (and food) and I don’t know why I still haven’t gone there so far. Soon :) What color hair does your mom have? It’s been black for a while, but back in her old positions she had had to have blondish highlights or something. I thought it made her look cool. When did you last go to a theater to see a movie? Gabie and I watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire last Monday. If I didn’t read the synopsis before watching, I probably would have cried as hard as she did.
What is the last movie you watched? ^ Well, that. It was a movie first screened at Cannes, and then it has a limited release here for a month as part of a local film festival. What's the last thing you cooked? LMAO I don’t cook. I last microwaved leftover bangus from last night though. Whose birthday is closest to today's date? (someone you know) Gab’s little sister’s birthday is today...but other than that, idk probably Ara? It was her birthday last Monday or Tuesday. What's your favorite number? I don’t have favorites but 4 is always my go-to. Have you ever been in love? Sure. Do you believe in ghosts? They’re fun to believe in but at the end of the day I still like being critical about what they call ~alleged sightings~ Have you ever been to a haunted house? Nope. I’ve stayed across one, but I didn’t go in. Is your house haunted? I’m sure it isn’t, because we only had it built a decade ago. There’s been a few times my dad’s car started on its own though, so that was weird. What's your favorite chocolate bar? It’s not a bar because it’s round-shaped, but I’ll always love Reese’s. What kind of tissues do you prefer? The thicker kind, I guess. What color hair did you have when you were in 9th grade? Black.
Do you have a cat? My sister does. But she lives in a dorm so my mom and I are in charge of caring for her while she’s gone. Do you know anyone in another country? I used to be friends with a lot of wrestling fans in Europe and the US. I knew people from Philadelphia, California, Florida, Maine, New York, Scotland, London, Ireland, UK, etc but there’s probably more places I’ve left out. I have family living all over America too. How old are you? I am 21. How many US states have you been to? I have been to a grand total of zero. How many Australian states have you been to? Also zero. Have you ever been to the Great Lakes Mall? Nope. What face wash do you use? Water. Do you have long or short hair? It’s so long now, I hate it. I’m gonna chop everything off really soon. What's your favorite book? I don’t really have any. Do you drink more water or pop? Water. I don’t drink ‘pop.’ What's your favorite flavor of kool-aid? I don’t drink any Kool-Aid either. Do you watch Survivor Man? Nope. Have you ever wanted to be on a game show? Sure, when I was a kid. It would get frustrating if it’s a trivia show and I know the answer to a question, but I see them struggling or picking the wrong answer lmao. Do you know who Ben Bailey is? Nope. What's your myspace URL? Lol Do you eat organic food? Very rarely. There’s a vegan food stall in school and I get to eat organic stuff there, but I go there probably like once every six months only. Are you an insomniac? Nope, I sleep soundly these days. Do you provoke people? I hope I don’t lmao Do you watch wrestling? :D :D :D Do you wear glasses? Yep, I’m wearing them right now.
Side note: Some girl stepped on my glasses (I set them on the floor earlier for PE, because they tend to fall off when I do my workouts) and they kinda bent a little bit :( I was able to fix it back and the girl was super apologetic though, so it’s all good in the hood. How many candles were on your last birthday cake? I didn’t blow any, but there would have been 21. What kind of music do you listen to? Punk, pop, top 40, jazz, rock, pop rock, hip hop, and whatever genre Joji is. Do you wear matching socks? Yeah, I get very uncomfortable when I wear different individual socks. How many pairs of jeans do you have? Like 10-15 maybe. Idk though, I don’t wear a bunch of them. Where will you go tomorrow? I’m staying home and I can’t wait. Do you make fun of people you don't know? If they’re arrogant shits who did something stupid, then yes. Do you reject Satan? Wow idk how to answer this question lmao Are you violent? After moving out from my violent childhood home, I gradually phased out the violence. But yes, I used to be. It was all I ever saw. Do you like ginger ale? No, I’ve never tried it. It sounds nasty though. Do you eat fast food a lot? Not a lot, but enough for it to be unhealthy for me. Have you ever gotten in a fist-fight? Nah. Did you play pokemans as a kid? POKEMANS LMAO  Do you believe taking a picture of someone is taking a piece of their soul? No. Would you rather be hot or cold? Cold. Do you use wikipedia? Sure. It was one of the first websites I ever used since discovering the Internet. Do you spend a lot of time on YouTube? Yessssss I love YouTube. There’s always something for someone to watch, and for me it’s ASMR mukbang videos and Mario Kart 8 playthroughs. Do you use google search or yahoo? Google. I haven’t used Yahoo in a hot minute. Have you ever been locked up? No. Was your step mother terrible? I don’t have one. Can you eat in the dark? No. I could try, but I’d just be bugged because I wouldn’t want to get messy. Do you know anyone who doesn't care about anything but themselves? Sure. Are you mean to people you don't know? No, unless they were mean to me first. Are you trustworthy? Sure. Have you ever been hospitalized? Just once.
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studious-kiddo · 5 years
A List of Asian music artists/bands (but mostly Asian American)
Just organizing my notes on my phone and thought I’d share! Includes commentary/notes that no one asked for! Feel free to add! (But I’m excluding The Big Three (Japanese Breakfast, Mitski, Jay Som), 88rising and k-pop in general):
I haven’t been keeping up-to-date, but shout out to Boston talent:
-Really From: jazz/math rock/punk/pop? sound, includes vocalist/keyboardist Michi Tassey (half-Japanese) & vocalist/guitarist Chris Lee-Rodriguez (half Chinese, half Puerto Rican). Signed to Topshelf so you know they’re good :~)
-Paper Citizen: indie rock project of vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Claire Gohst (Singaporean), who is also part of the lgbt community! And works w/ Lysten Agency, and all the agency’s artists are gr8 soOo
-Honey Cutt: dreamy surf rock three piece band. They’re passing by the city so gotta go see them but I got finals!! ah! Features Chris Chew on the drums & he has a great aesthetic; he’s a graphic designer too and has his own solo project that’s v pink.
-Mint Green: four? piece pop punk band; saw them live at the Great Scott and was the highlight of my otherwise v boring summer tbh. Includes Daniel Huang on the drums; he wore a Paramore shirt at the concert i went to which was Cool 
-Magic Man: ??? do they still exist? But shout out to Sam Lee!
Indie pop & rock cause I don’t know the difference lmao:
-No Vacation: Bedroom pop? Also signed to Topshelf lol. Includes front woman/guitarist Sab Mai (her voice is smooth like butter), bassist Marisa Saunders, and keyboardist Nat Lee. Nat signed a poster for me and her signature has a panda bear doodle in it. Love!
-Ginger Root: Indie pop, kinda funky, very summery. Led by Cameron Lew!! 
-Hana Vu: Singer-songwriter-producer all-around Cool gal (Korean & Vietnamese). Indie rock/pop? i think.
-Mellow Fellow: very mellow lmao! Synths, chill. Solo-project of Polo Reyes (Filipino).
-SALES: Indie pop, light & breezy. A duo that includes Jordan Shih on the guitar/programming! 
-Crumb: Jazzy, indie rock. Fronted by Lila Ramani (Indian-American). Four piece band went to Tufts soOooooooo Boston-based at one point? :~)
-i///u: “neo-soul”. Features drummer Billy Wu and keyboardist Jason Chan.
-Phum Viphurit: neo-soul & indie rock! Thai singer-songwriter.
-Strawberry Generation: indie diy? pop. Features vocalist/guitarist Luk Yean (Singaporean) and vocalist/keyboardist Valerie Zhu.
-Art School Jocks: “existential basement pop.”  Their website is down so I’ll update later ig, but I know that two members are Asian, just forget which ones yike
-Sobs: indie pop! Singaporean band.
-Superorganism: Fun Internet pop band. The lead vocalist Orono Noguchi (Japanese) likes Goodnight Moon ASMR so yes. Also includes backing vocalist/choreographer Soul/Earl Ho (Korean).
-Tangerine: Indie rock three piece band! Featuring sisters Marika and Miro Justad (half-Korean).
-Kero Kero Bonito: fronted by Sarah Midori Perry (half-Japanese). Pop! But now a little more rock with her newer stuff? Anthony Fantano gave her albums good ratings if that means anything lmao
-beabadoobee: indie, acoustic-y, kinda soft and sad lol. Project of Bea Regner (Filipino).
-Sunset Rollercoaster 落日飛車 : Taiwanese band. Soul, chill.
-Ruru: Solo project of Denice Quimbo (Filipino). Bedroom/dream pop but also jazzy-ish.
-SASAMI: dream pop, lo-fi, indie rock, all that cool stuff. Project of Sasami Ashworth (half-Korean). She was in Cherry Glazerr at some point too!
-corner club: indie duo, jazzy but also folksy, cute songs? Acoustic guitar. Everyone needs to listen to ‘em!!!!
-Say Sue Me: South Korean indie surf-rock band.
-Miya Folick: Indie pop! Half-Japanese singer-songwriter.
-Haley Heyndrickx: Indie folk singer-songwriter (Filipino-American). Lots of guitar.
-Lucite Tokki: Korean duo. Indie/synth pop. 
-Dama Scout: Indie rock trio fronted by Eva Liu (vocals & guitar). 
-CHAI: Japanese indie pop band. Super catchy!
-Raveena Aurora: Indian-American singer-songwriter. Voice is smooooth & she is a Queen.
-SATICA: Project of singer-songwriter April Nhem (Cambodian-American).
-cehryl: One-woman show (Chinese). V chill.
-RINI: Filipino-Australian singer-songwriter.
-Sam Rui: Singaporean singer-songwriter. Some soul too!
-Joy Crookes: Half-Bengali singer-songwriter. Amy Winehouse 2.0!?!??!
-Joyce Wrice: Half-Japanese singer-songwriter.
-Jeff Bernat: Filipino-American singer-songwriter. Sometimes raps!
-Alextbh: Queer Malaysian pop and r&b artist. Him and Sam Rui collabed on a song! V chill.
-Rina Sawayama: Japanese-British singer-songwriter, Dancing Queen & Icon!
-Yuna: R&B sometimes too! Malaysian singer-songwriter and guitarist.
-Sophia Black: pop and r&b! Half-Japanese singer-songwriter.
-Lexie Liu: Mandopop & rap/r&b. Cool stuff!
-Sundial: pop duo featuring Dorothy Chan (Chinese) and Jisu Kim (Korean).  Cute stuff! They do some really nice YouTube covers and they both went to Berklee so they were Boston-based for a bit :~)
-khai dreams: idk his name, but khai dreams (half-Vietnamese) is a one-man show! Soundcloud vibes, like the lo-fi, Anime Study Beats side of it. I went up to him after one of his shows to be like “when’re you coming thru NY again?” and he misheard me and was like “i don’t work here” and i just walked away because anxiety yikes
-ÊMIA: Anh Le’s project! Idk when i’ll post this, but she just released a new song and it’s on my morning commute playlist lol.
-Manila Killa: V electronic. Project of producer Chris Gavino (Filipino). I first saw him in an interview with sidewalk talk (Asian-led interview series! And a really good one; def check it out!) and he seems like a really cool guy!
-Yaeji: Not really pop ig lol. Korean-American electronic musician.
Math Rock:
-Elephant Gym: Taiwanese band. Also kinda funky/jazzy! And also signed to Topshelf lmao. A fave right now; i have their audiotree live session on repeat as study music!
-Covet: Fronted by Yvette Young, who plays guitar and holy crap! So talented!
-Tricot: Japanese all-girl band signed to Topshelf :~) 
YouTube talent:
-Conan Gray: half-Japanese singer-songwriter. Indie pop, a King.
-mxmtoon: half-Chinese singer-songwriter, ukuleleist. Cute tunes.
-Louie Zong: his tunes! are so cute! and funky! Also went to tufts so…boston?!?!?
-Mabel Ye: love! her! ah! She collabed with Louie so that was like a better crossover than infinity war ever was.
Non-ballad sounding Chinese groups that I’m hoping will help me learn the Mother Tongue:
-Frande: Indie rock? Idk! But they sing slow enough that my brain can sometimes process their words lmao
-Astro Bunny: borderline ballad LOL.
- 老王樂隊: upbeat indie folk? Idk!
-my little airport: cute! But my canto is even worse than my mando :~(
-Xiu Xiu: the fave! Includes Angela Seo.
-Boys Age: kind of like Richie Woods.
-Ian Chang: he’s a drummer!
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mill3nniumforc3 · 5 years
200: My crush’s name is: Russell :) 199: I was born in: April 1994 198: I am really: energetic 197: My cellphone company is: Verizon 196: My eye color is: hazel 195: My shoe size is: 7.5-8.5, depending on the shoe 194: My ring size is: 7.5 193: My height is: 5′5″ 192: I am allergic to: penicillin, cats, pollen, and strong scents 191: My 1st car was: I’ve never owned my own car. 190: My 1st job was: babysitting. First real job was a desk job at my university 189: Last book you read: I don’t remember. I don’t have time to read for leisure. 188: My bed is: comfy 187: My pet: Seamus the miniature schnauzer and Sugar the Aussie-mo 186: My best friend: Ashlyn 185: My favorite shampoo is: Dove 184: Xbox or ps3: neither 183: Piggy banks are: for kids and rainy days 182: In my pockets: nothing 181: On my calendar: going river tubing on Saturday, party next Saturday, trip for T’s birthday weekend, and possibly going to Kennywood and Kings Island sometime in August. 180: Marriage is: something for my future self 179: Spongebob can: do anything 178: My mom: is the bestest 177: The last three songs I bought were?: who buys music anymore? 176: Last YouTube video watched: probably an ASMR video 175: How many cousins do you have?: too many to count 174: Do you have any siblings?: three sisters 173: Are your parents divorced?: no 172: Are you taller than your mom?: yep 171: Do you play an instrument?: piano, drums, bells, and I know three chords of the guitar 170: What did you do yesterday?: sleep [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: sure 168: Luck: yes 167: Fate: maybe? 166: Yourself: depends on the day 165: Aliens: not really... 164: Heaven: yes 163: Hell: Do I believe in it? Yes, because God is just. Do I believe people are damned there? No, because God is loving. 162: God: yes 161: Horoscopes: no. It’s funny to see “horoscope” posts and see if they apply to me, but it’s a bunch of b.s. A bunch of Aries aren’t going to have the same day/month/year. That’s ridiculous. 160: Soul mates: I’m not sure if I do or don’t, but I do believe in love. 159: Ghosts: no 158: Gay Marriage: of course! 157: War: it’s an unfortunate and unnecessary part of life 156: Orbs: no 155: Magic: yes [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: both 153: Drunk or High: drunk 152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: no comment 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 149: Hot or cold: hot 148: Summer or winter: summer 147: Autumn or Spring: spring 146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: straight 142: McDonalds or Burger King: McD’s (though I’m probably biased because I work there) 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: both 140: Mac or PC: PC 139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 137: Coke or Pepsi: neither 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: I want to be cremated and have my ashes buried with a seed and grow into a tree 134: Singing or Dancing: dancing 133: Coach or Chanel: neither 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Kat 131: Small town or Big city: small town 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben 128: Manicure or Pedicure: mani 127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas. My birthday stopped being special after I turned 19. I get good food every year on Christmas. 125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: Six Flags 123: Yankees or Red Sox: Indians [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. 121: George Bush: he had some good policies. Better than Trump, that’s for damn sure. 120: Gay Marriage: should never be illegal again. 119: The presidential election: #FuckTrump #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #ImpeachTheMF 118: Abortion: all my life, I was told to be pro-life. These days, I don’t know anymore, but I think my beliefs are closer to pro-choice than pro-life. 117: MySpace: it’s not 2008 anymore. 116: Reality TV: glad it’s not my life 115: Parents: they’re doing their best. I’m not looking to be one anytime soon though. 114: Back stabbers: bye! 113: Ebay: Amazon is better. 112: Facebook: these days, I use it to get laughs and memes. I don’t interact with people I know IRL much. 111: Work: good for the money. Not good for my mental health. 110: My Neighbors: they’re ok. 109: Gas Prices: #ThanksTrump 108: Designer Clothes: I can get good clothes at Target. The only “splurge” I do for clothes is at Spencer’s or Kohl’s. 107: College: I plan to go back soon. 106: Sports: entertaining. 105: My family: family is life. 104: The future: anything can happen [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: Tuesday. 102: Last time you ate: a couple hours ago (chik’n patties and cheese) 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: last week. I saw a manager I hadn’t worked with in like a month. 100: Cried in front of someone: Monday 99: Went to a movie theater: July 2nd 98: Took a vacation: June 97: Swam in a pool: back in February 96: Changed a diaper: I don’t remember 95: Got my nails done: way too long ago 94: Went to a wedding: in April 93: Broke a bone: 2017 (broke my toe) 92: Got a piercing: 2006 91: Broke the law: never. I’m a good person. 90: Texted: three hours ago [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: Russell 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dog 87: The last movie I saw: in theatres, Toy Story 4. At home, Adventures in Babysitting. 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: being off on Saturday 85: The thing im not looking forward to: working tomorrow 84: People call me: Vonnie, Vonn, Bonbon, Sophia, and “the girl” 83: The most difficult thing to do is: not cry while watching Grey’s Anatomy 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: Aries 80: The first person i talked to today was: my sister 79: First time you had a crush: kindergarten. His name was Wally, and we were “boyfriend and girlfriend” til about third grade, and we remained friends til we graduated 8th grade. Haven’t talked to him much since. 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Russell 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Sunday 76: Right now I am talking to: nobody because it’s 3:30am 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I hope to be teaching English education 74: I have/will get a job: I currently work at McDonald’s, but within the next 6-12 months, I’ll be moving out of state, so who knows where I’ll work.  73: Tomorrow: work 72: Today: work 71: Next Summer: I’ll be in a whole new state, so that means new amusement parks to visit and rollies to ride. 70: Next Weekend: party. Oh, and next Saturday makes officially 18 months with me and Russell, so go us! 69: I have these pets: two dogs 68: The worst sound in the world: the beeping in the headset when I work back cash. It haunts my nightmares 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Heather because she sends me to back cash all the time 66: People that make you happy: Russell, my mom, my dogs, Ashlyn, and Aunt Dolly because she sends me lives on Candy Crush 65: Last time I cried: Monday 64: My friends are: Ashlyn, Mikayla, Jon, Rilee, Lamar, Tae, Alexus, Clare, Katie, Mario, and Kel 63: My computer is: all mine because I bought it with my own money 62: My School: not in school  61: My Car: don’t have one 60: I lose all respect for people who: lie 59: The movie I cried at was: Avengers: Endgame 58: Your hair color is: natural 57: TV shows you watch: Grey’s Anatomy, Once Upon a Time, House, The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers, and... I don’t really watch TV because I don’t have cable. 56: Favorite web site: YouTube 55: Your dream vacation: Just a big coaster trip 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: my period this month. I had cramps for days leading up to my period that were so bad that, the day my period actually came, I couldn’t stand straight. 53: How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t eat steak 52: My room is: a mess, like my life 51: My favorite celebrity is: NPH 50: Where would you like to be: with my boyfriend 49: Do you want children: someday, but not today 48: Ever been in love: ohhh yes. 47: Who’s your best friend: not answering again 46: More guy friends or girl friends: i think i have a fair amount of both 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: this is tmi, but sex with my bf. 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Russell 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: yes 41: Have you pre-named your children: I don’t have any definitive names, but I’m thinking MaryGrace Linda for a girl, and James Sebastian for a boy 40: Last person I got mad at: Anna because she put me on back cash 39: I would like to move to: someplace south 38: I wish I was a professional: dancer.... no, writer.... no, why not both? [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: peanut butter cups 36: Vehicle: Jeep 35: President: FDR 34: State visited: North Carolina (not just saying that because I lived there for two months) 33: Cellphone provider: Verizon 32: Athlete: Trevor Bauer 31: Actor: Justin Chambers 30: Actress: Amy Poehler 29: Singer: Chester Bennington 28: Band: Linkin Park 27: Clothing store: Kohl’s 26: Grocery store: Marc’s 25: TV show: Grey’s Anatomy 24: Movie: 13 Going on 30 23: Website: Pogo 22: Animal: seal 21: Theme park: Cedar Point 20: Holiday: Christmas 19: Sport to watch: baseball 18: Sport to play: softball 17: Magazine: I only read magazines at the dentist office, and I’ll read whichever has an interesting cover story 16: Book: A Series of Unfortunate Events 15: Day of the week: Saturday, as long as I’m not at work. If I’m working, then Mondays, I guess... 14: Beach: Huntington 13: Concert attended: Winter Jam, because I got to see Skillet play, and I met Matthew West. 12: Thing to cook: desserts 11: Food: eggplant parm 10: Restaurant: Olive Garden 9: Radio station: Star 102 8: Yankee candle scent: vanilla 7: Perfume: I don’t wear perfume 6: Flower: Daisies 5: Color: pink 4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres 3: Comedian: Steve Rannazzisi 2: Dog breed: I really like terriers lol 1: did you answer all these truthfully ?: For me to know and you to find out :)
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aquadonia · 2 years
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For some bizarre reason, Blogger keeps un-publishing today’s Album Month post claiming it violates community guidelines without telling me how. It’s just like all of my other album posts, and I even took out all of the photos (even the cover) just in case it was copyright, so I am VERY confused. Thus, I shall post it in its entirety here.
10: Björk - Utopia
(2017 – One Little Indian)
Iconic Women Week continues here in Album Month - August 2022! Day 03 (Day 10 overall) belongs to the absolutely wonderful and creative force that is Icelandic goddess Björk, and her 2017 piece of lovely, Utopia.
Once again going back to when I was a tween/teen, one Sunday night I was watching MTV's 120 Minutes here in the US when I was supposed to be sleeping. Taking in the post punk/post rock, college and modern rock, the alternapop/alternarock, I was introduced to an Icelandic band called the Sugarcubes. It was the first single of what would become their last new album as a band, and I was immediately interested when the music began. The song was "Hit", and the moment she started singing, I was hit with awe by the voice of the woman on the screen. I learned her name was Björk. When she went solo, and "Human Behavior" came out, I was transfixed and completely hooked. I bought Debut and she, along with other female artists I discovered then, would become an integral piece of my musical landscape, my musical DNA. (I will use similar phrasing yet again tomorrow, just so you know. When the words fit and work, then you use them. lol)
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I’d been holding out forever to listen to today’s album because I had wanted my first listen to be via a physical copy of the album. In that complicated thing I have with music these days (I will write about that eventually), that copy never happened. Thus, I had only heard a song or two via promotional videos. I had a strong feeling this would be like a continuation of Vespertine, but years later after many chapters have passed. I finally decided that, physical copy or not, I needed to finally hear Utopia, and that I did.
Right out of the gate, Utopia pulls me into a dreamy world, like growing, billowing pale pink clouds expanding in the sky with "Arisen My Senses". The single, "Blissing Me", is easily the most accessible song (and one of my favorites) on the album, but that doesn't mean it fits among the radio fare. It continues the dreamy, otherworldly feel that just gets more dreamy and otherworldly as the album progresses. This isn't music you drive or do your dishes to. This is music you sit or lay and let surround you. It's easily a headphones or good sound system kind of album (surround, if you can).
Another favorite on the album, "The Gate", was and is an ASMR surprise for me in my scalp and back as I listened. It's such a lovely vocal, and there are so many sound surprises and layers… this song…this whole album is a layered, ethereal masterpiece. The big stand out track is the unique "Body Memory". I find it goes through so many dimensions lyrically, like the trajectory of revisiting romantic relationships after a long absence from them and what it evokes within this soul. (I have not read up on it as I didn't want to be totally spoiled, so I don't know any specifics as to what the song really is.) It has these amazing choral backings, and the flow of the soundscapes move well with the trajectory, shifting flawlessly from moment to moment. Its length is simply the reality that great journeys often take time.
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Is Utopia a continuation of Vespertine? I don't know if I would say that exactly, but I do feel they share some similar energy in different aspects, and I do think   it would fit well played right after Vespertine. They are definitely close relatives, just not fraternal twins.
With this album, Björk creates and weaves a beautiful heaven of woodwinds, choirs, and odd electronic landscapes made to hold you in angel's wings and drift you along a river of songs into a meadow of introspection and possibility. I would say that, yes, in this album, she has created a Utopia for your senses. And I am happy to get lost in it and never come back.
Discover Utopia and all that is Björk's incredible musical trajectory (and buy an album or two) at the links below.
Official Site | Bandcamp | Amazon | Spotify | Tidal | Apple Music
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woodenwedges · 6 years
1 through 100. Let's go! Answer em aaaalll!
Omg Kate you’re absolute mad!!! Thanks tho’ I love answering these things ❤️😁Hoo boy here we go!1. What is you middle name?Don’t have one! Neither does my brother.2. How old are you?203. When is your birthday?The 15th of may 🌸4. What is your zodiac sign?Taurus ♉️🐃5. What is your favorite color?Baby pink! 6. What’s your lucky number?Dunno about lucky number but my favorite number is 77. Do you have any pets?Yep! Two dogs.One sweet, blonde girl named Emsi (based on the danish word Emsig meaning officious)And a neurotic chihuahua named Henry. We got them both cause their owners no longer could take care of them and I love them to the moon and back ❤️8. Where are you from?Hirtshals in Denmark! I love my town to death9. How tall are you?Uuuh around like 1,65 m10. What shoe size are you?3911. How many pairs of shoes do you own?Too many.... we get a lot of free stuff so I have a lot. Probably around 10 pairs?12. What was your last dream about?The only thing I remember from my last dream was that I got a pimple on my forehead lol13. What talents do you have?I’m good at art, dancing and just performing in general and I’m getting pretty good with makeup!14. Are you psychic in any way?Nope15. Favorite song?Right now it’s brain damage and eclipse from The Dark Side of The Moonby Pink Floyd. They remind me of my mom ❤️16. Favorite movie?Don’t actually have one! But the last film I think I saw was carol and I absolutely loved it.17. Who would be your ideal partner?Just someone who’s intelligent and kind I guess! And has a similar sense of humor18. Do you want children?I do, but I’m probably never gonna birth any cause I have an illness I don’t want to risk transferring and also might be going on T soon!!19. Do you want a church wedding?I don’t really care20. Are you religious?Nah. I’m a spiritual atheist21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Only as a visitor. I’ve gone to the emergency room but I’ve never been admitted.22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Nope23. Have you ever met any celebrities?My cousins a model who’s dating one of the Danish x-factor judges so yea.24. Baths or showers?BATHS25. What color socks are you wearing?White. I prefer just plain whites rn, but there’s was a time in my life where I always wore fun, colorful socks and never matching them26. Have you ever been famous?Lol no but a stranger did come up to me last week and told me she’s a huge fan of my work ❤️ a lot of the locals like my watercolor portraits27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?Honestly yea I do fantasize a lot about it 28. What type of music do you like?Music is a huge part of my life! My main Spotify playlist is 161 hours now and it’s all extremely diverse!The only music I don’t particularly like is blues and trap cause i find it boring. Right now I’m really into old grungy rock, punk, experimental stuff, rap and disco 💃🏼 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?Sure have! I did it countless times this summer at the beach. There’s nothing more freeing than swimming naked in the ocean 💙30. How many pillows do you sleep with?Just one, but it’s a really good one. Oh and sometimes and extra one just to cuddle 31. What position do you usually sleep in?Fetus position is my fav but I’m trying not to do that cause it’s bad for your back32. How big is your house?Pretty big. Two stories plus a garage where my friends and I hang out. And also a two bedroom annex33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Toast or oatmeal with nuts and berries34. Have you ever fired a gun?No35. Have you ever tried archery?I tried it a couple of weeks ago and it was really fun! 36. Favorite clean word?I like words like clean and crystal and chemical 37. Favorite swear word?Fuck.38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?Don’t remember. Pretty long. But I’ve started to be very careful with sleep cause my mental health REALLY depends on it39. Do you have any scars?Lots. Anything from self-harm to getting burned by a marshmallow lmao40. Have you ever had a secret ?Bitch my whole personality used to be a secret. So yea a lot41. Are you a good liar?Yup. I’m very creative and anxious so if I feel like I’ve done something I shouldn’t I immediately have a good lie ready. Also I’ve had some problems with compulsive lying whoops42. Are you a good judge of character?Nooo not really cause I always feel bad for disliking ppl so I force myself to keep an open mind. But I’ve learned to just follow my instincts a bit more43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?I’m pretty good at like southern American accents and also an American accent In Danish is so fun and cute. 44. Do you have a strong accent?It’s pretty strong. I used to fake a British accent out of embarrassment but then I started feeling pretentious so I let it go45. What is your favorite accent?I love a Colombian accent and French ofc. Also Indian and Chinese. Oh and a lot of African ones too, especially the ppl from Congo! But I love accents in general. They’re literally my go to ASMR trigger46. What is your personality type?INFP47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?My winter jacket... my mom wanted to buy me one that was new and when we finally found one that didn’t give me dysphoria I was so excited I forgot to look at the price tag... and she just bought it for me anyway.48. Can you curl your tongue?Yea and I can stick it between my tooth gap49. Are you an innie or an outie?Outie all the way50. Left or right handed?Right51. Are you scared of spiders?No, I used to have pretty severe arachnophobia but i worked through it and now I actually really love them! Also I don’t care how scared you are of them, don’t you dare kill them in front of me! That makes me so uncomfortable. Just let me know there’s a spider and I’ll get it safely outside for you 52. Favorite food?Love sushi with crab meat or fried shrimp!53. Favorite foreign food?Well probably sushi? Lol. Or anything Italian!54. Are you a clean or messy person?Super messy but I’m trying my best!55. Most used phrased?“Bid I det sure æble”. Basically “bite the bullet” in English 56. Most used word?Probably bitch. I use it in an affectionate manner towards friends lmao57. How long does it take for you to get ready?Very, very long58. Do you have much of an ego?Yea I think so59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Suck60. Do you talk to yourself?Nope. 61. Do you sing to yourself?Yes!62. Are you a good singer?I’m decent. Think I could get good if I got a vocal coach63. Biggest Fear?Getting ridiculed, being misunderstood and being unwanted 64. Are you a gossip?I love gossip...65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?I don’t really know sry!66. Do you like long or short hair?Love all hair. I love running my fingers through long hair. I prefer short hair for me tho67. Can you name all 50 states of America?LOL NO68. Favorite school subject?I really liked art and foreign language classes69. Extrovert or Introvert?HUGE introvert!70. Have you ever been scuba diving?No but I’d love to try it!71. What makes you nervous?Public embarrassment is a big one. But racism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny will also make me very, very nervous.72. Are you scared of the dark?Not at all73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Depends on the mistakes? Never on like grammar and stuff like that.74. Are you ticklish?Very. I can tickle myself. But then again I am schizophrenic lol75. Have you ever started a rumor?Once in high school my friends and I started a rumor that I was “a hermaphrodite” and we kept it going for years. At first it was just to fuck with people but then I started getting like a kick from it. For some reason I loved the idea of people thinking I was intersex. Aaaand that was the start of me getting gender identity issues lol76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?I used to teach dancing lessons for kids at a local church lol does that count?77. Have you ever drank underage?Only a couple of beers. But the drinking age is here is 15 so that’s not a huge problem 78. Have you ever done drugs?a couple of times. Done ecstasy and Valium once which was really fun. And I’ve tried speed a couple of times but it has no effect on me. I also love weed if you consider that a drug 79. Who was your first real crush?Had a huge crush on a guy at my boarding school. And also a girl at the school... they became a couple and I remember wanting to die asdgsa80. How many piercings do you have?None! Had a septum once, but I never had my ears pierced as a child or anything 81. Can you roll your Rs?“Yea82. How fast can you type?Pretty fast!83. How fast can you run?I’m not a great runner but I’m getting better84. What color is your hair?Blonde85. What color is your eyes?Green86. What are you allergic to?Nothing. Tho I do get allergic reactions to extreme swifts in temperature 87. Do you keep a journal?Yup!88. What do your parents do?Both retired now but my dad used to be a fisherman and my mom ran a daycare and later worked with elderly people who suffered from dementia. 89. Do you like your age?Yea?90. What makes you angry?It takes a lot to get me angry but unnecessary hate and harassment usually gets me to tick91. Do you like your own name?I really like it actually! 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I have but I don’t remember them... think I repressed those daydreams when I decided never to bear children :(93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Idc94. What are you strengths?Intellectuality, kindness, curiosity, creativity and bravery. Also I get a lot of praise for being so open and aware of my mental illnesses and for fighting so fiercely to get healthy. 95. What are your weaknesses?Bad self criticism, naïvety, laziness and having trouble asking for help and taking initiative 96. How did you get your name?My brother decided it.97. Were your ancestors royalty?Pff highly doubt it98. Do you have any scars?Already answered this99. Color of your bedspread?That really popular, white IKEA one with flowers100. Color of your room?White, although I cover them up with posters, drawings and sometimes literal trash when i get psychotic cause white walls make me hallucinate like crazyThis was a fucking blast!!! Thanks Kate 😚❤️
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cookingsos · 3 years
What I Eat In A Day Indian (Veg) – Intermittent Fasting (ASMR) – Healthy Meal Ideas For Weight Loss
How to “Cook” Ramen Noodles With No Heat
The majority of people assume that you require warm water to prepare Ramen noodles. For several years currently, I have consumed Ramen noodles on outdoor camping journeys, auto trips, as well as many various other times when I have been away from a warm source.
How to Cook the Best Chicken
Poultry is one of the most loved dinner foods about, and is extremely versatile. With many various ways to prepare it, you may be wondering exactly how to cook the most effective chicken ever before. Here are a couple of tips to making this basic dish a real cooking masterpiece.
How to Cook the Best Salmon
Food is among the most standard needs of a male. A lot of the moment we are forced to consume whatever is provided, which may or might not be to our liking. Food preparation our very own food can be healthy and balanced as well as fun. You can prepare your favored food by following the checked recipes …
Easy Steps on How to Freeze Okra
Okras can be iced up to ensure that it can have a much longer life span. The first point you have to do is to make sure the okras do not have places as well as openings in them.
Small Food Processors Can Make Cooking Easier
For numerous people, food preparation is something that they only have time for on weekend breaks as well as a few leisurely weeknights. As a solitary moms and dad I find it very hard to locate the moment to prepare a quick dish. When I do locate the moment the majority of it is taken up by prep work-meaning the cutting and also chopping. That’s why I think a tiny mixer is a good time saver as well as a great method to get people back into the cooking area.
source https://cookingsos.com/what-i-eat-in-a-day-indian-veg-intermittent-fasting-asmr-healthy-meal-ideas-for-weight-loss/
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
how would your parents react if you got pregnant (or got someone pregnant)?  I can’t get or get someone else pregnant.
when you were little, what did you really want to be? I wanted to be a teacher.
if you could be with anyone right now, who would you pick? I’m good right now.
how much would someone have to pay you to live alone in a haunted house? Nahhh, I’m good. 
what do you think about when you fall asleep? My mind loves going to some deep, random, and sometimes dark places right before.
has Facebook ruined your life?  No?
have you ever had a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend’s mom or dad? I’m single, but no that has never happened.
are you afraid of frogs? I wouldn’t want to touch or hold one and if it started hopping towards me I’d quickly back away lol but I could be in the presence of one, I think. I just would’t want to be close to it.
what would your dream job be?  I don’t know. :/
how would you react if a complete stranger complimented you? I just say smile and say “thank you.”
would you lie to someone just to make them happy? I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make someone upset, so I might tell a little white lie. Not if it’s something important; though, or beneficial for them to know. 
what is your greatest fear? Losing loved ones, never getting better/getting worse, never doing anything with my life and just waste it all away... I’m off to a great start on that...
who was the last person to make you cry? Something on TikTok made me tear up last night.             
what are you doing today? When I get up later on I’ll have my coffee and do my Bible study, and then after that I’ll do the same ol’ things I do everyday. 
what makes you happy? My doggo. And the fact that it’s fall soon and then the holidays are coming up. 
would you rather stand on a block of ice or walk on hot coals? Ice.
would you rather have a private yacht or a private jet? Private jet.
Do you have Facebook? Yeah.
Have you dated someone of another race? No, but that’s not because I wouldn’t. It just so happens that the two guys I dated were white and Mexican and so am I. 
How would you react if you found out your crush had a terminal disease? I don’t have a crush currently, but I know I would be devastated to say the least. 
Can you tell when someone who was your friend, doesn’t like you anymore? I’ve felt that a lot, but I don’t know if that was true or just my brain telling me that cause I think everyone tires and gets bored of me. Pretty sure I was right in some cases, though.
How about when a guy or crush doesn’t like you anymore, can you tell? I’ve definitely felt that as well and I think I was right. 
Do you eat applesauce? I like it, but I couldn’t even tell you the last time I had any. Probably some time when I was a teenager.
What was the last thing you made from scratch? I don’t do that.
What was the last pill you took for? Hydrocodone. Hooray for pain meds. <<< Same.
What are you doing right now? Besides the obvious, I’m listening to an ASMR video.
When was the last time you took a nap? A few days ago.
Does your family have family reunions? We haven’t had one in years.
Do you know any foreign languages? Just some Spanish.
How often do you get stomachaches? I have stomach issues often.
Are you in the hospital a lot? I’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals. It’s been 8 years since my last stay, though. 
What is your dentist’s first name, if you know it? I go to a practice, and whoever is available to clean my teeth, does it. <<<
Do you watch sports on television? I don’t watch sports at all.
Have you ever walked on the beach at night? No.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom.
Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn’t want to date? Yes.
How many cousins have you got? Too many to count. Ever had a manicure? Once. It was for my 8th grade promotion haha so it’s been quite awhile.
Do you think you’ll have a nice day tomorrow? *shrug*
Did you have a nice day today? It’s only 6AM.
Are you double jointed in any way? My thumbs are.
Does your mother have any sisters? Yeah, she has 2.
When was the last time you sat behind a desk? Back in 2015 when I was still in school.
Are there many stars in the sky tonight/last night? I haven’t been outside and I can’t see from my window.
Are you tired at all? Yes.
Where were you born? In a hospital. <<< No way, me too! Haha.
Are you thinking about anyone right now? Maybe.
Do you have any makeup on? If so what? Nope.
Do you have many photo albums? Yes.
Do you know what hyperbole means? I do.
Do you like sugar with your tea? Yeah.
Ever bought shoelaces? I don’t think so.
Would you call shopping a therapy? Buying stuff I like can bring me some joy. It can also be stressful and I start to have buyer’s remorse.
Do you read poetry/make it? No.
Have you ever had braces? Yes, but not for my teeth.
Do you live in the same town as the place you were born? Yes.
How many years have you been breathing for? 31.
If you had the chance to go to the moon would you? Nooooo. That sounds terrifying.
Do you prefer Chinese, Indian, Mexican or Italian food best? Mexican or Italian, for sure. <<<
When’s the last time you rode a bike? Never.
What’s the last thing you scratched? My neck.
What did you do for your 10th birthday? Had a party with family (immediate and extended), close family friends, and my neighbor friends.
Do you own a double breasted coat? Yes.
Do you own a sketchbook? What’s the last thing you drew in it? Nope.
Do you own any red shoes? I do.
Do you have a picture of you throwing up the peace sign? From when I was a kid and teenager.
Do you know what your next injection will be? Nope.
Are you jealous of anyone at the moment? No.
Your parents split; Would you want to live with your Mom or Dad? My mom. Even though I’m an adult, I do still live at home, so.
Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else? Well, I was a homebody even as a teenager, so I didn’t have a social life outside of school to be honest. I had some friends, but we just hung out at school and after school events or just talked on the phone. I wasn’t the teenager that went to parties and snuck out of the house. If I did have a social life back then, I wouldn’t have had to lie about it cause I wouldn’t have been doing anything shady lol I was such a goody-good. Anyway, after high school I started to have a social life and hung out with friends and even though I was an adult, my family and I keep each other informed. That’s just how we are. Like, my mom lets me know if she’s running late or going to the store or something, my brother lets us know he’s hanging out with friends and what they might do (not a detailed play-by-play, just a general idea i.e going out to eat) and a text to check in if it’s late just to let us know he’s okay, and when I had a social life I did the same.
Are you gonna get high later? I don’t get high.
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? Nooo.
Do you smoke? Nope.
What are you planning on doing after this? Possibly another survey.
Do you think somebody’s in love with you? Nope.
Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship? Yeah, but it wasn’t anything serious, just little crushes I had in school. They weren’t anything I was going to pursue. Hell, they didn’t even know I liked them and probably didn’t know I even existed lol.
Do you believe that everyone has a soul mate? I don’t know.
What’s your current problem? I’m in pain, but what’s new.
How many kids do you want to have? Zero. Have you kissed the last person you text messaged? No.
Where’s your phone right now? Near me on the bed.
Do you have any plans for the weekend? No.
Has someone ever made you a promise and broke it? Yeah, it happens. It’s not always intentional.
Last movie/DVD watched? Monsters University.
What do you always take with you? A mask and my bag with my wallet, phone, hand sanitizer, and medicine 
What happened at 10am? I hope to be asleep by then.
Is there someone you will never forget? Of course. There’s several.
Does anything hurt on your body? Yes. 
What was the best thing that happened today? Not much has happened so far.
What is something you currently want right now? My back pain to lessen up. I still have an hour until I can take anything for it.
What was the first thing you did when you woke up? I always check the time first.
Would you like to put last night on repeat, and live it forever? No.
How are you? Blah.
Is anything bothering you? Yes.
Are you excited for next year I’m scared.
What are your plans for tomorrow? Same stuff, different day.
Is your room clean? Yeah.
Do you wear eyeliner? When I wear makeup, yes. I haven’t worn any makeup in like 3 years now, though.
Does anyone annoy you? Yeah. People can do annoying things that annoy me or I’m just in a mood where everything is annoying. I get that way often.
Is life good? Uh.
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