#great taste in men!
aethersea · 21 days
I do think Blazing Saddles handled its one depiction of native americans very poorly, and the full extent of its representation of chinese workers on the railroad is they were literally just there. not even one single speaking line. unclear if this is worse or better than the redface.
it's fucking phenomenal at lampooning antiblack racism though. extremely blatant, extremely funny satire, which is constantly and loudly saying "racism is the philosophy of the terminally stupid at best and morally depraved at worst, and we should all be pointing and laughing at them 24/7"
plus the main character is a heroic black man who has to navigate a whole lot of bullshit but is constantly smirking at the extraordinarily stupid racists and inviting the audience into the joke. the one heroic white character is a guy who was suicidally depressed until he met the protagonist and they just instantly became buds, and he's firmly in a supporting role the whole time and happy to be there. the protagonist saves the day with the help of his black friends from the railroad, and uses the position of power he was given to uplift not only those friends, but all the railroad workers of other minorities too, in an explicit show of solidarity.
anyone saying "Blazing Saddles is racist" had better be talking about its treatment of non-black minorities. it had better not be such superficial takes as "oh but they say the n-word all the time" or "they have nazis and the kkk in there!" because goddamn if that's the full extent of your critique I very seriously suggest you read up on media analysis. there is too much going over your head, you need to learn to recognize satire.
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catsharky · 2 months
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This is for the 5 other people on here who also have Watch Dogs 2 brainworms and are 👀😳 about Wrench.
Got back on a WD2 kick recently and did some art for a fic I've been picking at since march. Mainly just drew it to embed in a chapter but it came out nice enough that I wanted to put it somewhere.
(Side note on something I noticed while drawing this: I'm not fully convinced that all of Wrench's tattoos are real tattoos. A lot of them definitely are, but a bunch of them actually look like they're drawn on with sharpie, especially the ones on his torso. It would be very in character for him to have doodled all over himself before Swelter Skelter so I'm choosing to believe it, lmao)
Also this is cropped to hell so Tumblr doesn't execute me via firing squad but if you wanna see the full version (he's fully clothed, but he's 'going camping' if you catch my drift), you may find it helpful to know that my Ao3 username is also catsharky 😏 (it's at the very end of ch 3 I love you pls don't judge my writing too harshly goodbye)
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dollypopup · 4 months
"Penelope should have chosen Debling!"
My sister in Christ. . .he literally dumped her???
Like just before Colin Bridgerton was on his knees after outrunning her carriage to profess how he can't stop thinking about her in his love me, choose me, I'm yours speech, Debling did the Regency equivalent of calling her a floozy who would undoubtedly cheat on him when he abandoned her for several years to chase his passions (because she would never be one of said passions since she asked outright if he could ever come to care for her and he went 'hmmmm seems unlikely! good thing you have solitary hobbies to occupy you instead!') when he has been given 0 evidence of such other than realizing she liked to look out the window because she had a crush on the boy across the street. I was ready to challenge that man to a duel for Pen's honor
His feelings for her were middling at best, I mean Christ on a Pogostick, after he asked her mum for permission to propose he isn't even happy when he opens the door and Pen is there? She's looking like a snack- nay, a whole ass MEAL, and he can't even smile? He just nods at her and dips the fuck out? You don't think it would kill Penelope to know that both her sisters have husbands who absolutely adore them and she's out here with an absent dude who likely won't even write to her?
Portia's 'Love is make believe!' speech is so transparently full of shit when you realize that we've got Dankworth who is so obsessed with Prudence that he makes heart eyes at her every waking moment and considers her his little bonbon and Albion who loves Phillipa so much that he was waiting for her to consent to sex (not realizing she didn't know what it was) for two entire years because he would never pressure her and so he was content with finishing in his pants when he kissed her to make sure she was comfortable. And you want Penelope to settle for a life of loneliness? When Colin is so besotted with her that he dreams of her and breaks every societal expectation in the book as a notorious People Pleaser to run after her and cannot even wait for the morning after being intimate with her to introduce her as his wife to his family in the middle of the night? You want her to turn down Mr "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible" Bridgerton? For LORD PENGUIN?
Be so serious right now
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pactw · 11 months
this means that mariana's chosen emotional support animal for meeting new people is a half-naked slime hybrid who is covered in mud and blood, howling through a gas mask, half a foot shorter than him, is technically still his husband, and lives in "a hole" <3
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sk4rlette8008 · 10 months
final part i think…
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laurapetrie · 4 months
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So much jewellery was flung at her in the opening months of her queenship that she may have struggled to keep up with it all. Her clasps were capped off by emeralds, her buttons were set with diamonds, and for her brooches rubies were crafted into the shape of flowers, then trimmed with diamond and pearl petals. There were earrings and French hoods trimmed with gold. She had seven diamond-and-gold rings. The ladies of the privy chamber circled Catherine’s little waist with golden girdles or double rows of pearls routinely interrupted by rubies.
[Later, during] the great purgatorial wait for a horrible finale, Catherine was once again ‘taking great care of her person’. Like a candle flaring before it went out, she had apparently never been more beautiful than she was during that winter at Syon. Staring death in the face in a mood of hubristic hedonism, she became as preoccupied with her toilette as she had been at Hampton Court. She made the most of her denuded wardrobe, dressing and coiffing herself, donning her few remaining jewels. Preening in her loveliness, Catherine kept her pulse beating at Syon with the appearance of someone who might live for ever; but in her more sombre moments, when no amount of make-believe could distract her, Chapuys heard from her servants that ‘her only prayer is that the execution be secret, and not in public’. - Gareth Russell, Young and Damned and Fair
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tswwwit · 3 months
Bless that trophy wife anon because they’re right. There’s no way mindscape citizens see whatever dipper does in the real world as a real career and he has no job in bill’s realm either, whether he likes it or not he’s entwined with bill’s world and his people and he can’t blame them for thinking his job is being bill’s husband.
That’s what pisses him off, the fact that they’re right.
No matter how Dipper protests that yes, he DOES have a job, the beings in the Fearamid don't believe it's 'real', or worse - humor him, then give Knowing Looks to the other demons in the room.
Meanwhile, Bill knows it's real - but sometimes he plays along like it isn't just to piss Dipper off.
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repressedqueen · 6 months
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okay, our boy has impeccable taste in men....
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homoeroticgrappling · 2 months
Brief compilation of this match being kinky (and Danhausen being cute)
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falldogbombsthemoon · 12 days
Just watched beetlejuice beetlejuice.
If Lydia won't marry betelgeuse, i will. That man's a romantic.
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chloepleasestopdying · 3 months
I gotta remind myself that Tumblr is NOT a confessional booth with a priest on the other side
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maddymoreau · 5 months
Why is everyone in Fallout 3 extremely hot
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leavingautumn13 · 10 months
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a little doodle to celebrate 21 years of these two idiots (affectionate)
[i have commissions open now]
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 years
One time my brother (asshole) decided that because we have native ancestry (questionable, pretty sure grandma was lying) he wanted to try eating more foods off the land (what). To this end he started eating unidentified seedpods and nuts (do you want to be poisoned??) he found on the ground (in a parking lot) near the auto shop where he worked downtown (fully in a city). He made himself wretchedly ill (duh, it’s fucking random plant shit) but only stopped because they all tasted bad (NONE OF IT WAS EDIBLE).
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gonnahaveabigtalklater · 11 months
kim kitsuragi is the most character of all time. he's smart and gentle and talented and SUPER cool. but also he's decided to base his entire emotional wellbeing on the opinion of a deranged guy he found in an arbys dumpster last week.
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balsee · 4 months
magneto is hot i can't even apologize for it.
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