leejafythe · 11 months
Dancer and the Lightwardens: Chapter 12
The Qitana Ravel - Originally posted here
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Y’shtola read out yet another riddle and asked Leeja to find he correct statue to feed aether into. When she pointed out the owl statue, Y’shtola cast her aether into it and a shortly after, a click and a thunk was heard behind them. “You really do have a talent for these things.” Y’shtola smiled at Leeja, who just grinned before grimacing as her head began to throb painfully. “Leeja, are you alright?” She asked as the dancer squeezed her eyes shut and stumbled a little. “Easy, I’ve got you. What seems to be the problem?” “Migraine… It’s gotten worse after Il Mheg” Leeja murmured. Y’shtola pressed her fingers to her temples gently, easing the pain to help her focus. “The way should be clear now. Come, let us─” Almet began. Both she and Leeja looked up at someone approached. Leeja freed her chakrams from her waist and linked them to her hands. “Sister! Sister!” Cymet stopped and panted.  “Cymet? What are you doing here? What has happened?”  “Eulmoran soldiers. They have entered Yx'Maja!” Cymet told them. Both miqo’tes looked at each other.  “Eulmoran soldiers!? And what of the Blessed?” Y’shtola asked, worried.  “Nothing specific, but it seems the Eulmorans had little interest in Slitherbough or its people. According to our scouts, their general and his men made all haste for the gate to Yx'Maja upon finding it. Together with Thancred, Uimet and some few others have engaged them at the border.” Almet sent Cymet back to assist. “Well, out time crunch is running out. Let’s go” Leeja said quickly as she headed up toward where she heard a door open. 
Y’shtola and Almet joined Leeja who had found her way into a chamber. “I swear, if the Eulmorans harm so much as a hair on the heads of the Blessed…” Y’shtola hissed. Leeja looked at her. “Trust me, I’ll join you with burning them to the ground.” Leeja muttered.  “The switch should be through these doors, in the Confessional of Toupasa the Elder. But why is it not open?” Almet wondered, Y’shtola looked at the wall, as if following a path with her eyes. “What are you seeing, Shtola?” Leeja asked her.  “Magick appears to be flowing through the walls, but it's being obstructed as it approaches the door. ...Hmmm. Is it not strange that only one of these pedestals bears an owl statue?” She murmured. Almet and Leeja looked at each other. “Scavenger hunt for the owl then it seems!” They split up and began to look through the various chambers before meeting back up toward the back. Leeja found the statue and got ready to carry it through the hall.  “We need but return it to the other altar, no?” Almet said as Y’shtola looked at it. “One might assume so, but nothing about these ruins has ever been quite so simple. I sensed a strange energy emanating from the eyes of the statues in the corridors of this place. Should this figure be moved, it would not surprise me for them to suddenly stir to life.” “Sooo, it’s a trap then?” Leeja asked, sighing softly. “One day, something will go swimmingly and we won’t fall into anymore traps.” Leeja headed back to the main chamber, managing to avoid various traps and critters that had made it inside. She placed it down on the pedestal by the door and Y’shtola confirmed that the magick flowed from the statue to the door as it rumbled open.
Before they entered, Almet told them all about the dangers of the temple. When she finished with the explanation, she handed Leeja and Y’shtola whisperweeds, the linkpearls of the First, it seemed. They were able to be clipped to their ears and they began to make their way through quickly and carefully, trying to avoid traps, being attacked by giant golems that were distracted by copies and let them run through the chamber. They were chased by boulders going downhill, making them dip and dive into small areas that kept them alive. At te end, they jumped down. The landed in a channel of water that waited for them, and they heard the whisperweeds come to life. “ Sister! They have reached the temple! I fear they are too fast for us. ” “It is unheard of for anyone to outpace the Viis. What is this man who comes after you?” Almet asked. “Probably Ran’jit. We’re running out of time, especially if he’s here. We need to go” Leeja panted softly and they began to run once more. They were cut off by one more set of doors. “Another door. Wonderful... I can but imagine what awaits us inside.” Y’shtola grumbled. 
As the doors in front of them opened, the doors at the far end of the corridor opened as well. “There you are!” “Shite, time’s up!” Leeja growled. She grabbed her chakrams and tethered them to her hands. “Go, I’ve got him!” She began to throw her attacks, only for the rest of the viis and Y’shtola to help fight. Until they were told to go into the final chamber. Both Leeja and Y’shtola cast their aether before pushing the heavy stone doors open. At the far end of the chamber, they found their prize. Y’shtola distracted the two golems inside keeping guard and Leeja ran onto the end quickly. 
Ran’jit launched himself toward Leeja. Only to be stopped by Y’shtola and her barrier. The Eulmoran Adjutant ran into the chamber, stepping on a button that blended into the ground and began to glow orange. It was a trap, and the floor began to crumble away under them, leaving a giant gap between the back chamber and the door. “Well done, moron! Now we’re trapped” Leeja hissed, pressing a heavy boot onto his fingers and pressing down ever so slightly. She wouldn’t break his fingers, of course, but it was enough to get the message across. 
“How was I supposed to known that was going to happen!? It looked like any other part of the floor! …Might now be an opportune time to strike a bargain? We poisoned a number of villagers in Slitherbough with a toxin brewed for us by the Children. This is the antidote. I daresay you know how potent their concoctions are ─ and the futility of trying to counteract their effects. Now, now. Try anything here and we're all likely to fall. Eventually, someone will come to our rescue. Or yours. Promise us safe passage and we'll give you the antidote! Do we have a deal?” The man practically begged as he stood up slowly and carefully. Leeja wanted to kick him down the hole, make him suffer, but she was a lot nicer than that. Because Ran’jit did it in her stead. “We do not negotiate with the enemy. The villagers' lives are forfeit. As is yours…” As the Adjutant fell, the cure for the poison left his hands. Y’shtola left forward and grabbed it quickly, tossing it to Leeja. “Do not fail” was all she said, a smile on her face and a sudden gust of wind that came from nowhere. “Y’SHTOLA!” “How noble. And pointless.” Ran’jit muttered.
Leeja wanted to scream at him. Call him all the names under the sun but she (barely) kept her calm. “Is everyone alright?” Minfilia ran around the corner. “Stop! The floor has fallen away and its still crumbling!” Leeja shouted at her, watching the young woman stop. Behind her, Thancred and Urianger followed closely. “Urianger!” Thancred began to sprint as Urianger manifested a long, golden rope that wound itself around Ran’jit and pulled him backward into the pit. Thancred launched himself off the edge, cutting the tether. Ran’jit fell into the pit as Thancred dug his gunblade into the wall, leaving him hanging there. “Thancred!?”  “I’m alright!” Leeja peered over the gap as a wave of nausea hit her. She held out a hand that he barely managed to grab. As he pulled his weapon free, Leeja used all her strength to pull him up, stumbling backward and laying on the ground, panting hard. “Wait, where’s Y’shtola?” Minfilia asked suddenly. “Oh, we have a lot to discuss but first, this is the cure for the poison” Leeja said, holding the bottle up. “Hold onto it tight then. Now, how in the hells are we getting out of here?” 
Leeja attuned to her gunbreaker stone quickly and checked her ammo. “Hm… Can I steal a cartridge? I’ve got an idea” she turned and looked at Thancred as he handed her one. She slotted it into the barrel and moved back against the wall. She took a deep breath, said a silent prayer to Althyk and lept across the whole, giving her an extra force as she triggered the single cartridge. As she landed, and barely at that, Urianger grabbed her quickly, pulling her back and helped her down to the ground. “Than…cred” she wheezed, squeezing her eyes closed as she heard the exact same sunt she pulled. Minfilia knelt down next to Leeja.  “Are you alright?” She asked, worrying slightly. “Give her some space, Minfilia.” Thancred pulled her away gently. “Heights and Leeja do not go well together. He knelt down in front of Leeja. “Deep breaths, darling. Squeeze my hand when you’re ready” he spoke calmly. When she was ready, she squeezed his hand and stood up slowly.  “Thanks” she whispered quietly and brushed herself down with very shaky hands. “Let’s get out of here…” She walked slowly until she got her bearings again and they met up with the viis outside, and she told them everything that happened in the chamber. 
“Why would she do such a thing?” Minfilia asked, stunned. Leeja groaned softly at the migraine that burst behind her eyes.  “She did it to save the Night’s Blessed. Had she not have done it, the antidote would be lost at the bottom of the cave.” Leeja murmured.  “What ails you, my friend?” Urianger noticed the pain Leeja was in. “Migraine. Started just after we left Il Mheg and it’s getting worse” Urianger hummed for a moment and did his best to settle the pain. “Thank you, Urianger. That feels better now” she gave him a tired smile. Thancred spoke with the viis to see if it was possible to survive the fall, but got nowhere. They were alerted to the fact that the Eulmorans and the Children had fled Yx'Maja and Slitherbough, but a lot were poisoned. “Then we must act quickly. If you've a spare vial, Minfilia and I can deliver it to the Blessed at Slitherbough.” Leeja threw it carefully to Thancred. “What about Y’shtola?” Minfilia asked, looking at all of them.  “I know it seems callous of us to leave, but she leapt into that hole for a reason.” “He’s right, Minfilia. Go, help the Blessed and meet us at Fanow when you’re done.” She hesitated before following Thancred as Leeja and Urianger made their way to Fanow.
As the pair ran toward where the stricken Blessed was, Leeja’s eyes widened. “Oh gods, Runar!” “'Twas he who forestalled the Eulmorans' procession. And in so doing, afforded thee time to lay low the Lightwarden. Quickly, the antidote.” Leeja nodded and carefully poured the antidote into his mouth and waited. Her hands trembled and she sat down on a bed next to Runar’s and waited. After a few tense moments, Runar groaned, making Leeja and Urianger breathe a sigh of relief. “Thank the twelve.” “It would appear the worst hath passed, though his wounds yet want for mending. I shall minister to him forthwith.”  “Do you need a hand? I’m happy to help” she offered. Urianger shook his head and gave her a soft smile. “Rest, Leeja, I prithee. I shall attend to Runar's ministrations.” She nodded and stayed sat on the bed, watching quietly. 
A short while later, Leeja heard Minfilia and Thancred approach. “Runar’s okay. What about those at Slitherbough?”
“We delivered the antidote to Slitherbough, and from what we could gather on the way here, the Eulmorans have had the good manners to withdraw. Thank the gods they did, or we would never have made it here in time. I'm told we have Runar and his comrades to thank for keeping the soldiers occupied prior to their retreat. They were preparing to come for you and Y'shtola, it seems, when Runar rallied the villagers and pursued them out of Slitherbough.” Thancred explained. When Runar opened his eyes, he sat up and looked around, confused. They explained what happened, and when Leeja told him of Y’shtola’s fate. Even if he didn’t accept it.  “We must begin the search immediately! I will come with you! She is alive. She is alive , damn you!” “Runar she–” they were interrupted by Almet who was followed by Emet-Selch.  “Oh look who it is” Thancred said sarcastically.  “Well...this is embarrassing. In my defence, they are surprisingly tenacious. So ─ what trouble have you gotten yourselves into this time?” Leeja gave him a brief overview of what had transpired. “My condolences, by the way. 'Tis never easy to lose the ones we love. Well, she is dead, isn't she? Wishing it were otherwise will not make it so.” Leeja’s hands balled into fists as Thancred snapped back a response. Minfilia looked at Leeja, who appeared lost in thought.
“You have something on your mind. What is it?” Everyone looked at Leeja. She looked at Thancred. “I’m beginning to wonder what really happened when she fell…”  “Pray recount to us again that which thou witnessed in the ruins, omitting not the slightest detail.” With a brief nod, she went through everything that happened.  “Flow…” Thancred said, realisation dawning on him at the wind from nowhere. “The teleportation magick she used to spirit us away from Ul'dah after the bloody banquet! I recall a similar gale in the tunnel before it took effect.” He explained. Emet explained that he felt a blip in the lifestream and even offered to bring her back. With hesitation, Leeja took the aetherial lamp he gave her and went to find a location that worked, being accompanied by Minfilia and Thancred. 
“Though I am loath to trust him, I suppose we have no choice. For now, at least.” Thancred said quietly.
“I know, but if he can indeed bring Y’shtola back, then that’s all that matters” Leeja held up the lamp up, watching it glow brighter and brighter. When it was blinding, Leeja whistled loudly, alerting everyone to their location. As Emet stepped forward, Leeja move back to give the space he oh so needed. As he peered into the lifestream, he found Y’shtola’s soul and with a snap of his fingers, pulled her free from it and back into the physical world once more. Another snap of his fingers and he returned her clothes to her once more. Thancred and Minfilia ran over to her quickly as Urianger followed behind them.. “Y’shtola? Are you alright?”
“Yes... Though I cannot imagine how. What happened?” She asked, looking around.  “Thou didst invoke the power of Flow, which thence did usher thy soul unto the Lifestream.” For a moment, there was no sound.  “I wanted to save the antidote, and after that…” she said, beginning to recall the memory, making her laugh. “I did something exceedingly reckless. For which you will just have to forgive me.” She looked back toward Leeja, who gave her a brief nod. Runar ran between them and picked up Y’shtola, surprising her as he span slowly. “Master Matoya! Thank Oh, thank the heavens you're all right! I had nearly given up hope.” “Please, Runar, dry your tears. What would the others think if they saw you like this? Come now ─ did you really think I would go gently into that dark night with so much left undone? So many mysteries left unsolved?” She gave the hrothgar a warm, smile as he put her down. The sound of Emet clearing his throat made them look at him. “Ahem. Is there aught you wish to say to me? A word of thanks , perhaps?” “Emet-Selch, the Ascian of whom I spoke. 'Twas he who plucked thee from the Lifestream.” Y’shtola thanked him. “I see. Thank you. Differences notwithstanding, you saved my life, and for that I am grateful. But let us turn our attention to more important matters, such as the Qitana Ravel. You had better not have explored its depths without me.” She grinned a Leeja who just shook her head. “Well. Almet and the others should be pleased to see you in such uncharacteristically high spirits. Let us return to Fanow, then, and discuss the coming expedition.” Thancred seemed much more relaxed, having Y’shtola back and they all made their way back.
All except for Leeja and Emet-Selch. Leeja watched her friends disappear in the distance and she just folded her arms instead, sighing a little. “What a touching reunion that was. It fair brought a tear to the eye. But as we both know, such tender moments are nothing if not momentary . Before long, they will remember their many differences, and return to squabbling.” Emet spoke. Leeja didn’t answer, just letting him talk instead. “Well, you seem in a particularly dour mood.” “It doesn’t matter.” “Clearly. We mustn't keep your friends waiting. Of you go” he urged. Leeja nodded a little, making her way back to Fanow in silence. 
As she approached everyone, they were already in deep conversation about the next Lightwarden in the Qitana Ravel. “Ah, there you are. When you weren’t behind us, I nearly came looking for you” Thancred looked at her. She responded with a small smile and leaned against one of the posts, listening silently to the conversation. Y’shtola looked at Leeja, wanting to know what happened to the Eulmorans and Leeja pointed toward Thancred.  “Ask them” was all she said. She raised an eyebrow before conversation returned back to talking about the Qitana Ravel and their next move. Leeja remained quiet and just listened.  “Though you see it as but another obstacle to be navigated, the Qitana Ravel is the oldest and most sacred of our temples. The accumulated knowledge of the empire is said to reside within. Knowledge which is rightly yours as allies of Ronka. You are welcome to explore.” Almet smiled. She directed them to the location they need to go and the Scions left, wanting to get the job done.
As they walked, Thancred fell back to walk with Leeja. “Migraine?” She gave him a small, confirming hum. “Nothing helping?” “No. I don’t know why either” she sighed. “I’ll be fine. I’ll just have to try and sleep it off when I get the chance” she mumbled.  “That’s not the only thing on your mind though” he said quietly. “I’m fine. I promise. Just the migraine.” Thancred hooked his pinky finger with hers and looked at her. “We can talk later” she said quietly. He nodded and they separated when they reached the doors. Leeja cast her aether into the door and heard it unlock as it shuddered opened.  “Right then. Shall we?” Y’shtola looked at them as they each nodded and headed inside.
As they ran through the temple, they noticed the engravings and carvings on the walls. Leeja and Y’shtola couldn’t help but look around in awe. In the middle of each chamber, they came across a Dreamer. Leeja tethered herself and Minfilia together and began her standard steps, and joined in the fight, throwing her chakrams and hiding behind the wall as the Dreamer controlled the owls on the walls, making them shoot out beams of light. The Dreamers fell and they moved onto the next chamber - full of Ronkan Idols and Ronkan Vessels. They didn’t put up much of a challenge and fell quickly. 
In the distance, they saw a set of doors and something standing between them and their route out. “What the hells is that?” Leeja murmured as they approached the Lozatl. As usual, Leeja called out points that were dangerous and that every needed to avoid. Once Lozatle fell, they continued on. 
As they ran through a cave, they were greeted by bats, lizards and anything else that called the Ravel home. From bats, to bees to even crocodiles that lived in the water ways. In the next chamber a giant batsquach floated in the middle, but that didn’t draw Leeja’s eye. The paintings on the walls did. “Zodiark… and Hydaelyn? What?” She stopped walking and just stared. She vaguely heard someone saying her name to get her attention. “Uh huh…” was all she responded with. “Leeja, darling, we’re here for the Lightwarden” Thancred blocked her view as she blushed. “Sorry…” Leeja began her technical steps and, once everyone felt the effects, they began the fight all over again. It slammed itself into the ground repeatedly, making pieces of the rock ceiling above them fall to the ground. “Lookout!” Leeja cried out as a rock fell onto her back as she pulled Minfilia out the way. “Are you hurt?” “No, I’m okay” Minfilia said, voice shaky. “Are you?” “I’ll be fine” she grimaced. They were a lot more careful, managing to keep an eye on everything that fell until the Batsquatch was no more.
They followed the flowing water until the found the outside. “Well, I think we’ve found Rak’tika Falls” Leeja looked down and immediately felt nauseous. “Oh, that’s high…” Thancred chuckled.  “Hold on to me and close your eyes. I promise you’re getting down safe.” Leeja grumbled and did as asked. True to his word, Thancred jumped down and despite slipping on a wet rock, neither of them got hurt as the rest of their party jumped down. As they looked around, they noticed the creatures that once dwelled here had become sin eaters. They fough their way through, avoiding having things thrown at them.
When they reached the Lightwarden, the reports were indeed correct. Three heads and ferocious. Steps made, the burst of strength hit and the fight began. Eros didn’t hold back its attacks, lashing out at all of them, breathing in deep enough to drag them all forward and blow them away into the waiting poison pockets. Thankfully, they managed to avoid getting caught in them. With the final blows, Eros fell and Leeja stepped forward to absorb the remaining aether and as it vanished into her body to join what as there, Leeja shuddered and sank to the ground, panting softly. 
Thancred knelt down next to her quickly. “Hey, are you alright?” He sounded worried, and she gave him a small smile. “Just… Just tired… That all it is…” She lied. He didn’t push it, but he frowned at her.  “We should head back, let you get some rest” he murmured, gently scritching between her ears. Behind her, Leeja’s ears caught the sound of Urianger and Y’shtola talking about her condition as Thancred helped her to her feet. “Her condition yet troubleth thee?” “It does. Though she shows no immediate signs of corruption, the danger remains. She must be told.” Y’shtola sighed and walked over to her. “Well fought. Let us return home” she gave her a reassuring smile. 
They walked back through the caves, Emet-Selch telling them all about the murals on the walls and informing them that Zodiark and Hydaelyn were summoned. “The eldest and most powerful...of primals.” He said. It stunned them all into silence. They agreed to leave, to dwell on Emet’s words and really let them sink in. If they were truly primals, did that make all those with the Echo, Leeja included, tempered? Just to be thralls and do Hydaelyn’s will? Leeja shook her head and jogged on to catch up with everyone as they returned to Slitherbough. 
With the night sky returned, the Night’s Blessed threw a feast to celebrate. Whilst the Blessed and the Scions celebrated, Leeja snuck away, sitting herself up on a tree branch to watch over everyone celebrating. It was too loud for her, too much for her to cope with and, by removing herself from the area, it meant she couldn’t be dragged into anything. “And here I thought you’d be celebrating with everyone. Seems I’ve overestimated you, hero.” The dancer sighed and shook her head.” “What do you want, Emet?” “Well now, it seems that gunblade toting fellow you are rather keen on has an impact on your views. There’s no need to snap your teeth at me. I’m simply curious as to why you are brooding in a tree.”  “I’m not in the mood to party. I’m not feeling great and I just needed some alone time. Satisfied?” Leeja didn’t mean to get snippy with him, though in fairness he deserved it. “I’ve got a migraine that’s remained since Il Mheg and nothing I do gets rid of it or dulls it. And…”” “Aaand?” “And I’m certain it’s getting worse with every Light Warden I bring down. So if you–” With a snap of his fingers, her migraine faded. “Better?” She blinked rapidly and sighed happily. “Much. Thank you for that. And I genuinely mean it as well.” She smiled softly at him. “But, if you don’t mind me asking, why would you help me?” “As I’ve mentioned several times now, hero, my only interest is to see what you can do. I’ve no reason to interfere.” Emet sat down next to her. “Though I’ve noticed the mage in black refuses to look at you. Whatever have you done to earn her ire?”
She just shook her head and leaned back on the branch behind her. “Her name is Y’shtola, to start with, and a few things have made her stop looking at me directly, given that she’s using aether to see.” “Such as?” “When she first came to us when we entered the forest, just after you left us, she didn’t recognise me. Then I overheard her speaking with Urianger about the fact that I’m not dispersing th aether and I’m just absorbing it with nowhere to go and after defeating the Light Warden here she just refuses to look at me. I don’t feel welcome and she’s not the friend that left me behind on the Source. I get that three years here make a difference to a person but still…” Emet listened and waited for her to stop. “I take it talking to her has made little difference?” He sounded genuinely concerned, yet Leeja continued to tell him how she was feeling. She found it odd that she could be open around him.  “I’ve tried and she just changes the subject. I’ve hardly said a word since being here because I open my mouth and I constantly fear saying something to either upset Y’shtola or Thancred or both of them. It’s infuriating and I don’t know what to do anymore” she sighed and shook her head. “I suppose I’ll just keep my mouth shut from now on.” “Oh? Does this mean we’ll never hear your lovely voice ever again?” Both of them froze. It was too late for Emet to take it back. Leeja cleared her throat quickly.  “Uh… I-I guess you won’t…” She was quiet with her answer. “A shame. Truly.” He stood. “I’ll leave you to brood. Farewell, hero.” “Thank you for listening, Emet-Selch.” “...You’re welcome, Leeja.” He left through a portal and Leeja went back to watching the celebrations below with a small smile, slightly shocked he used her actual name instead of ‘hero.’
Leeja watched them all quietly. She didn’t want to take part, tiredness and aching all over her body meant she needed to rest, and up in the trees, she could watch everyone enjoying themselves. It made her smile, seeing how happy everyone was to behold the sunless sea. Every time they brought back the night, seeing everyone’s happiness made it worth it for her.  “So, this is were you’re hiding, is it?” She looked up at Thancred, giving him a sleepy smile as he sat down next to her. She immediately shifted to cuddle with him.  “Aye. A lot of noise and my migraine is bad.”  “Oh, my darling. Let’s get you to bed, everyone will understand.” He chuckled as Leeja purred softly, nuzzling under his chin gently. “I can’t carry you down from here, Leeja.” She huffed and climbed down a short distance before jumping the rest of the way. Thancred joined her soon after and they laced their fingers together, heading toward the sleeping quarters that had been organised for them. 
Leeja sat down on the bed and tugged off her boots, her scarf and jacket and slipped off her trousers, leaving her in her underclothes. She crawled into bed, sighing in relief as she no longer had to stand. “Have you got any pain, aside from the migraine?” Thancred asked.  “Just aches. My back is stiff from getting hit by that stone as well.” “Lay on your front, let me see. If it’s bad, I will be getting Urianger to come and take a look.” Leeja groaned as she rolled onto her front, lifting her vest up. Thancred knelt on the bed, looking at the ugly black bruise that had formed.  “I’m getting Urianger. I do not like the look of this.” Leeja turned her head to look at him tiredly. When he left, Leeja began dozing off, falling into some very much needed sleep.
When she woke up the following morning, her back hurt like hell. Thancred was sleeping next to her peacefully and she closed her eyes. What’s a couple more bells for sleep?
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reignroofing · 2 years
What do I do if the Insurance Company denies my Roof Claim in Texas?
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amymja · 8 months
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Y'shtola Rhul
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dietnoods · 11 months
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Fishing in FFXIV is its own adventure. Especially the Greater Serpent of Ronka. Man... that triple-mooch 5 minute window is brutal. Glad I brought the Great Serpent of Ronka with me for emotional support.
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ladymariayuri · 11 months
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This was not worth it
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i-am-spark · 2 years
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Final Fantasy XIV: The Qitana Ravel - Rak’tika Falls
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wretched-ihcobob · 5 months
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FromSoft just has the best trees. 🖤
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maxelvingart · 1 year
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"Curse-Rotted Greatwood"
Dark Souls 3 fanart from 2022. Found this boss to be very cool even if the fight itself wasn't the best.
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avampyone · 8 months
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A night walk in the Rak'tika Greatwood-
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finalfantabee · 7 months
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Magical world.
I grinded out the Rak'tika fates solely for this minion (and maybe the Lahee orchestrion roll).
Also, this haircut isn't forever, but I just fancied a change! Stunning mashup by Griff.
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aethernoise · 11 months
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sirensongsea · 6 months
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[0:44]The ⮊ pair of Yoshimitsu Ultima is added to your inventory.
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umbralaether · 1 year
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kannedia · 4 months
comfortable - for the single word drabble prompt!
"My, my how curious."
Asel stops, eyes narrowing as she stifles a sigh.
"Oh? Have you not noticed, dear hero?" Emet-selch continues, a grin beginning to curl his lips as the young woman flinches before him. "Ah. There it is. How intriguing that you should react that way to such a word, is it not Hero? One would think that it made you uncomfortable."
Asel turns to him and for a moment the two make eye contact. An act she immediately regrets.
"But why would that be, I wonder? The mighty warrior of light! Slayer of my people! Bane of Eikons everywhere! Stealer of pants or so I've heard-"
She doesn't hold the sigh back this time. Asel scowls as she crosses her arms across her chest. She does not want to talk about that last one. How in the hells had the sod even heard of it.
"Oi. Would you knock it off." Emet-selch's grin only widdens. There is something to his expression that she can not put her finger on. Were it that easy.
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